#i got to thinking about elrond's line of knowing thror and went off on a tangent
"Treat" for Elrond, please? 🥺👉👈
Sure thing! How about Elrond and children?
The life of an elf may be everlasting, but youth was truly fleeting. Elrond had few memories of his own children in their pre-adolescent state if only because he had a handful of decades with them as so compared to the centuries he’s spent with them as adults. Which has indeed been an honor and a privilege to know them as individuals in control of their own minds and bodies. After all, why glorify the journey to self-discovery when the end result is beautiful in its fruition? 
He just sometimes forgets this is not an opinion shared by the mortals around him. They see the start of life as something pure and invigorating, and upon occasion choose to press their joy upon him. As if his many years upon this earth make him an ideal minder, and when dealing with royal mortals, it’s an unnecessary headache if he does manage to offend. Which is how he found himself in a staring match with the dwarvish child in his arms.
The little prince tilted his head, gurgling something as his chubby fingers reached out for something he could not reach.
“And what is he trying to communicate with me?” Elrond asked, not taking his eyes from the curious child.
Thror smirked as he relieved Elrond of his burden.
“He’s a baby, Master Elf. He’s just making noise.”
Elrond cocked an eyebrow which had the young Prince Thrain squealing, his face stretched into a smile. Something about his stand-off had his father barking in laughter.
“Your face looks as if you plan to be facing orcs and wargs any moment.”
“Forgive me.” Elrond bowed his head. “It’s been…awhile since I’ve interacted with someone so young.”
“Aye, I figured. You should have been here last week. Thrain latched onto a handful of Thranduil’s hair, and the poncy git looked as if he were trying to decipher if the attack was intentional.”
Elrond had to hide a smirk behind his fist in order to save face. Thranduil had a long memory after all, and he would hate for it to get back to the self-proclaimed “King of the Woodland Realm”. Seeing the twinkle in Thror’s bright blue eyes though, he could tell he wasn’t successful. The father set to tickling his son under his hairless chin which had Thrain screaming in glee and latching onto one of the large rings to decorate the king’s finger.
“You know, my advisors think me mad already. ‘Introduce your son to the elves? What good could come from trusting those…’ and you’ll have to forgive me, they used some rather creative insults at this point.”
“Of course.” Elrond mused in a dry tone.
“But, I remember what my father said, Mahal rest his soul, about good friends. We’re not close enough to be ‘good friends’, I’m unfortunately stuck with Thranduil on that front. But I have heard of the impartiality of the Lord of Imladris. I hope that perhaps that means we can be good…acquaintances.”
Elrond hesitated. He’s thrown his loyalty, his friendship, to so many mortals over the years only for it to backfire. There is a reason Rivendell served as a Sanctuary and not a Kingdom. However, looking at the care Thror used attending to his son, it brought a smile to his face. 
“Should Erebor need help, they need only turn to the Last Homely House.”
Trick or treat my inbox.
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berjhawn · 7 years
Elastic Heart - Part 2 - The Beginning
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Warnings: None really
Pairings: LOTR X OFC; Hobbit X OFC; Thranduil x OFC; Fili X OFC
Part 1 - An Unexpected Journey
The next morning I hear the sound of the Dwarves getting around and I take a deep breath. I had been alone for centuries and that was my choice. I didn’t trust anyone and now I would be leading a group of Dwarves through the countryside to Mirkwood. My stomach clenches at the memory of the last time I was surrounded by men and I instantly swallow my despair and stand up. I see the fair haired dwarf walking out of the door and I smirk as I jump down behind him causing him to draw his sword and attempt to strike me with it, but I swiftly bring Ithildin up to block his swing.
I smile as I say, “You’ll have to be quicker than that to harm me.”
He stares at me for a moment clearly trying to read me before he says, “I’ll remember that.”
I watch as he pulls his sword away and quickly sheathes it and I follow suit. “I’m called Randír, what do they call you?” I ask trying to be polite.
“Fili,” He says giving me a slight bow that I respectfully return before I say, “If you don’t mind me asking, where are you off to?”
“I’m off to find some ponies for our journey.” He says as he gently lays his hand on the hilt of his sword. I smile softly as I say, “Do you mind some company?” He smirks and I find that he has a nice smile, “Why not, you could help me bring them back.”
I nod before I glance at all his knives and daggers and say, “So, you like swords and daggers?”
He lets out a laugh as he says, “I do,”
I give a genuine smile as I say, “I do to, my father used to make some of the finest swords in middle earth; Men, elves, and dwarves used to come from miles around to claim a sword made by him.” My heart tinges at his memory but it’s a soft tinge.
“Really?” He says curiosity and interest in his voice and I instantly feel like I have said too much. ‘Dammit Randír, you don’t have a father; Melethril does.’ I quickly change the subject as I say, “It was a long time ago. Nowadays I just roam the countryside killing Orcs, trolls, and bandits.” As I say the word Orc I put as much disgust in my voice as I can muster. He suddenly stops in his tracks and his eyes find mine as he says with shock full in his voice, “That was you? I thought the mysterious masked bandit was a man.”
I roll my eyes as I say, “That’s very misogynistic of you master dwarf.”
“I did not mean anything bad by it, I was just shocked that a woman could be capable of that, a human woman at that.” As he says the words human I feel it hit me like a rock. The dwarves think I’m human. That was a hurdle I would have to come to later but I guess the sight of my shortened hair helped me with my lie.
“There are reasons we become the things we are.” I say as I stare off ahead of us not wanting to see the curiosity in his icy blue eyes. I knew that he wanted to know more and I let out a sigh of relief as he decides against it. The two of use quickly make it to a nearby farm and after purchasing his entire stock walk back to the hobbit hole chatting just like old friends. It was nice to have someone to talk to again. I didn’t know why but it was easy to talk to him.
After we get back and the dwarves quickly climb into their saddles we head out on our journey. Kili asked me why I wasn’t riding a pony and I smile as I said, “I like to walk.” A few minutes after we left Bilbo joins us. I smile as coin pouches go flying through the air. As the wind starts to blow I pull my hood over my head to conceal my ears as we quickly make our way through the countryside.
One night when we are camped near the edge of a cliff I find myself sitting on its edge looking out over the moonlight scenery. Most of the dwarves are asleep; Gandalf, Bilbo, Fili, and Kili are awake. I glance to the side to see Bilbo walk over to his pony and gives her an apple, after checking to see that no one is looking.
“Hello, girl. That’s a good girl. It’s our little secret, Myrtle; you must tell no one. sh, sh” He says to her and I smile but my smile instantly fades as I hear a scream in the night air and instantly know what it is. My hand instinctively goes to Ithildin’s hilt. I hear Bilbo’s feet as he runs over to Fili and Kili and asks, “What was that?”
“Orcs.” Kili says as another scream is heard.
“Orcs?” Bilbo says again and I sense the fear thinkin his voice.
“Throat cutters. There’ll be dozens of them out there. The lowlands are crawling with them.” Fili says and I feel my throat clench up making it hard for me to breathe.
“They strike in the wee small hours, when everyone’s asleep. Quick and quiet; no screams, just lots of blood.” Kili says and I know they are messing with Bilbo but I feel my anger rise in my chest. I hear Fili and Kili laugh to themselves and I clench my fists so tight my fingernails stab into my palms.
“You think that’s funny? You think a night raid by orcs is a joke?” I hear Thorin say and I turn to see his face full of anger and disgust.
“We didn’t mean anything by it.” Kili says instantly regretting his little joke.
“No, you didn’t. You know nothing of the world.” Thorin says as he walks up beside me and looks out over the valley. I follow his gaze and silently pray that the Orcs don’t come our way.
“Don’t mind him, laddie. Thorin has more cause than most to hate Orcs. After the dragon took the Lonely Mountain, King Thror tried to reclaim the ancient dwarf kingdom of Moria. But our enemy had gotten there first.” I hear Balin say and I slowly turn away from Thorin and to Balin as I listen to his story.
“Moria had been taken by legions of Orcs lead by the most vile of all their race: Azog, the Defiler. The giant Gundabad Orc had sworn to wipe out the line of Durin. He began by beheading the King.” My heart clenches as my father’s impaled form crawls into focus. I quickly shake my head ridding my mind of the scene as Balin continues, “Thrain, Thorin’s father, was driven mad by grief. He went missing, taken prisoner or killed, we did not know. We were leaderless. Defeat and death were upon us. That is when I saw him: a young dwarf prince facing down the Pale Orc.”
I look over at Thorin and find myself envisioning him face a Pale Orc. “He stood alone against this terrible foe, his armor rent…wielding nothing but an oaken branch as a shield. Azog, the Defiler, learned that day that the line of Durin would not be so easily broken. Our forces rallied and drove the Orcs back. Our enemy had been defeated. But there was no feast, no song that night, for our dead were beyond the count of grief. We few had survived. And I thought to myself then, there is one who I could follow. There is one I could call King.”
I turn back to Balin to see that now the entire Company is awake and standing in awe, staring at Thorin. Thorin walks between them toward the fire. “But the pale Orc? What happened to him?” Bilbo asks and I find myself honestly curious myself. 
“He slunk back into the hole whence he came. That filth died of his wounds long ago.” Thorin says and I don’t know why but I have a sudden feeling that he is wrong. I want to tell them that I have my own history with Orcs but I remain quite. I didn’t want to talk about that, not just yet.
I feel a warm liquid fall from my hands and upon pulling them up to my face I open them to see that I had drawn blood. I let out a heavy sigh as I rip a clothe form the hem of my jacket and tie my hands stopping the bleeding. After they are bandaged I turn my gaze back out over the scenery as I take the first shift of night watch.
The days pass until we arrive at an old, abandoned farmhouse that is in ruins. My heart drops as I look around the ruins that just months before held a farmer and his family. I had know them very well. I look around for signs of what happened when I hear Gandalf say, “I think it would be wiser to move on. We could make for the Hidden Valley.” My heart clenches at its mention.
“I have told you already, I will not go near that place.” Thorin says and I instantly feel my body relax.
“Why not? The elves could help us. We could get food, rest, advice.”Gandalf says and I start to feel myself hyperventilate.
“I do not need their advice.”
“We have a map that we cannot read. Lord Elrond could help us.”
“Help? A dragon attacks Erebor, what help came from the Elves? Orcs plunder Moria, desecrate our sacred halls, the Elves looked on and did nothing. You ask me to seek out the very people who betrayed my grandfather and betrayed my father.” My eyes widen, I didn’t know that he had that kind of history with elves.
“You are neither of them. I did not give you that map and key for you to hold on to the past.”
“I did not know that they were yours to keep.” Suddenly Gandalf stomps off angrily, leaving the Company.
“Everything alright? Gandalf, where are you going?” I hear Bilbo ask as Gandalf storms past him.
“To seek the company of the only one around here who’s got any sense.”
“Who’s that?”
“Myself, Mr. Baggins! I’ve had enough of dwarves for one day.” I contemplate following him but decide against it. I let out a sigh of relief before I once again start rummaging for some sort of clue as to what happened to the last remnants of this now demolished house.
Will Continue in - Trolls
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