#i gotta get ready for school at 5:30am tomorrow do we’ll see what happens
general-marzipan · 7 months
Gotta love tf2 enjoyers who wait until the last minute to somehow scrounge up a tf2 cosplay (its me im tf2 enjoyers)
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david tennant’s obsession
a david tennant x reader
(you are the newest companion of the tenth doctor,david tennant develops feelings for you and is willing to do anything to make you his,when you fall for a guy on set David gets a serious case of the green eyed monster)
your on breakfast tv giving an interview about your first ever tv role
interviewer: so y/n hows it feel to be the newest doctor who companion?
y/n: it’s really exciting to be the tenth doctors companion i’m really forward to working with david tennant.
interviewer: is it true you’ve never acted before?
y/n: yes unless school plays count,i won the part in a magazine competition.
after the interview was over you headed to your trailer not long after sitting down to rest your feet as you’d been interviewed on various tv shows all day,you got a knock on your trailer door.
david: Hi it’s nice to finally meet my new co star,i bought you some chocolate as a welcome gift.I can’t wait to work with you tomorrow.
y/n: thank you that’s very kind of you David.
david: you have such a nice accent where are you from?
y/n: (where you live)
david: do you have a boyfriend back home?
y/n: no,why do you ask?
david: just making conversation,you have such a beautiful smile.I better go i have some interviews to do.
you decided to go to bed as you had to be up at 6am,at 5:30am there was a knock on your door you opened the door to find a massive plush bear holding a heart saying “i love you” you looked for a card to find the sender but couldn’t find one.
You put the bear on your bed and went to get ready for your first day of filming.
y/n: doctor be careful there could be daleks in there
doctor: don’t worry i’ll be fine just stay in the tardis.
director: and cut great job y/n and david you’ve earned a tea break
you sat at a table with david a cute guy handed you a cup of tea.
tea guy: is it to your liking? i can get you some sugar.
y/n: it’s fine what your name?
simon: my name is simon
y/n: well Simon thank you for the tea.
david glared at simon as he walked away.
david: i was thinking of taking you out for dinner tonight to celebrate your first day.
y/n: that’s very sweet of you david.
simon was listening to his ipod you heard your favourite song.
y/n: wow i love that band there my favourite
simon: there my favourite too,i actually have a spare ticket for a gig tonight as one of my friends dropped out last minute maybe you’d like to go with me?
y/n: you sure,those tickets are so hard to get hold of,okay it’s a date.Sorry david i can’t do dinner tonight maybe another time.
david: sure,it’s fine
simon went to his trailer to get changed on his wall written in red where the words “i’m watching you”
simon: seriously guys nice joke.
suddenly a hooded figure with a crowbar attacked simon leaving him with a broken leg.you heard simon’s scream and ran to his aid David appeared not soon after.
David: we should call an ambulance,what happened?
simon: some hooded guy attacked me with a crowbar
y/n: your gonna be okay
simon: why would someone wanna hurt me?
an ambulance drove simon away david put his arm round you to comfort you.
david: he left the tickets maybe you and me can go together?
y/n: who would write something like this,i got given a bear from some unknown sender.
david: you know what doctor who fans are like.
y/n: what if it was sinister like this incident here
david: whoever sent it has nothing but love for you.
you went to the gig with david,as you where walking home david took your hand and smiled.
y/n: i had fun with you today.
david: me too.
the next day filming resumed,the director was in a grumpy mood so he shouted at you.
director: why did we hire you y/n? remind me? your acting in that scene was shit.
you felt hurt by the directors words,david looked at the director in anger.The director went to his trailer for a time out.
david: dam i’ve gotta make an important call back in 5
the director poured himself a drink a hooded man appeared in his doorway holding a knife.you heard a scream and ran towards the trailer.on the wall written in blood was the words “you hurt her/him i hurt you”.
the director was bleeding from his stomach david took off his jacket to slow down the bleeding.You rang an ambulance.
producer: okay where taking a week from filming while police investigate this.
y/n: i’d go back to my london flat but how things are currently i’m too scared to be alone.
david: you can stay with me if you like.
david put your case in his spare bedroom,you unpacked your stuff while david made you both dinner.
y/n you made pasta i love pasta,david this is the start of a beautiful relationship
david: really you think so.
after dinner david and you watched tv,david slid his arm round your shoulders.You felt kinda uncomfortable so made an excuse to leave to go to bed.You took you drink with you.
y/n i’m tired i’m off to bed goodnight
david: if you get scared you can always sleep in with me
you laughed but didn’t really know if he was joking or not,you got changed for bed then got in and read a book for while till you fell asleep.David watched you sleep he took a pair of scissors and took some of your hair he smelt it and crept back to his room.You woke after a few hours so reached for your drink you accidentally knocked it on the white duvet cover so thought you better put it in the washing machine.You checked there wasn’t anything coloured already in the washer first,you found a grey hoody with blood on it.You looked in horror not knowing what to do you put it back in and went back to your room.
david: you okay?
y/n: i’m fine just put my empty glass in the sink.
david stroked your forehead and kissed you goodnight,when he was back in his room you snuck the front door to leave but it was locked.
david: not going anywhere are you?
y/n: i thought umm i’d go just for a little walk.
david: it’s 1am it’s dangerous out there,your much safer here with me.You’ve spilt drink on your bed you better take my bed.
y/n: yes thank you but where well you sleep?
david: next to you of course,it’s the safest place for you right now.
david grabbed your wrist and dragged you to his bedroom.
y/n: please don’t hurt me
david: why would i hurt you,i love you.i’d do anything to protect you.
y/n: even try to kill people? i saw the hoody with blood on it
david: it’s fake blood it was for a role,you think i’m the dangerous man on the set of doctor who? you also think i sent the i love you bear?
y/n: i never told you it said “i love you” how would you know that?.
david: okay the bear was me,the bad things where not me.
y/n fine i believe you i’m gonna go see simon tomorrow in hospital.
you lay on david’s bed,david lay next to you keeping his side of the bed.When you where fast asleep david put his arms around you.
david whispered “i did it all for you my precious y/n”
the next day you went to the hospital to see simon the police where with him.
police: so you say you heard him say “dam it” in a Scottish accent before you where found?
y/n: excuse me i think i found some crucial evidence towards the case it’s david tennant’s hoodie i found it in his washer.
police: thank you we’ll get it tested.
simon: how did you get hold of that?
y/n: i’m staying with him,i have to go back if i don’t david well know the police are on to him and run.I’ll make some excuse for the hoodie.
david: your home,how was he?
y/n: he’s out soon why are you wearing a black suit and tie?
david: for our wedding of course,i’ve sorted your outfit in the bedroom go put it on the ceremony shall start soon.
y/n: david your scaring me now.
david: it’s just a game go put it on.
david took you to his bedroom,you saw laid on his bed your wedding outfit.
y/n:i don’t wanna wear that
david: you shall do as you are told!!! aww baby i didn’t mean to shout.come here.
david held you tight in his arms you tried to pull away from him but his grip grew tighter you kicked him between the legs and ran towards the front door david grabbed you and pushed your back against the wall and kissed you on the lips.Suddenly you hear police sirens.
david: why are there police cars outside?
the police burst through davids door and arrested him,you where told to give a statement to a detective you waited in an interview room.In walked a familiar looking man
Alec Hardy: hello i’m alec hardy
you screamed,you awoke to find it was all a nightmare.David was laid beside you.
David: nightmare again? i’ve warned you about eating bloody cheese before bed.Oh can you wash my grey hoody tomorrow.
so it was all a bad dream or was it?.....yes it was.
the end
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