#i gotta go finish my homework 😔
deeznuttelasandwiches · 2 months
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I don't really have time to finish this 😭
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queenofallimagines · 3 years
hiii! i was wondering if there was any way you could do tsukishima, iwaizumi, akaashi, & ushijima with an s/o that had adhd? it’s perfectly fine if not though :3
Oof 4 month hiatus(working 50 hours a week sucks DONT do it) and we back at it again with the adhd headcanons😔👌🏿 I’m like 90% sure I did tsuki but I’ll do him again bc I got more to say
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- Ard so boom
- He likes organization
- So he’s very what to help you do the same
- Quickly realizes lists are pointless at helping and makes something else
- Helps with homework
- Like you go through each subject at a time instead of trying to do everything at once
- Tried to help you keep focus
- He always has stim toys on him for you too
- A chewy volleyball necklace
- Spinning ring with his jersey number
- Gives you a spare jersey bc good touch
- Makes fun games for tasks
- Like you have a bracelet that makes a list clacking noise and when you complete a task you can take off one of the bands
- Will also help you keep track of your spoons(if you are a spoonie)
- “You used about 5 this morning try and take it easy for a few hours”
- Just a good bf
- Will exercise with you to help you stay active
- Is the calmest when pulling you out of hyper focus
- “It’s been 3 hours. You can finish your animal crossing island tomorrow night.”
- Won’t get frustrated and always keeps his cool
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- oh I been waiting for this one!!
- He deals with bokuto 24/7
- The poster boy for combination adhd
- So he is well equipped
- Before you can even blink he has your sensory needs taken care of
- Let’s you fidget with his fingers
- Play with his hair
- Will fight anyone who got something to say + bokuto
- Like they are your #one fans
- “Kindly keep your ableism to yourself”
- I literally will never get angry at you he is patience in human form
- If you get frustrated he will do everything he can to calm you down
- Rejection sensitive dysphoria fucking sucks so he will be very aware of how he talks to you
- Listens to you infodump
- You: super excited about random thing
- Him,watching with heart eyes: go on love tell me more
- Like he’s so in love???? Thinks everything about you is cute
- Teaches you to play volleyball
- Bc I mean what’s more serotonin then smacking a ball down on the floor???
- Forehead kisses before and after every game
- “Idk I just feel like I’m a burden”
- *trap card activated *
- Will actually go on an hour long rant about how amazing you are
- Like damn catch your breath
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- I love him your honor
- He is trying his very best believe him
- He won’t get frustrated at you but for you
- “Why the FUCK did the teacher use this font?? It’s difficult to read???”
- (That was more dyslexia then adhd but I got both so rip)
- He will be so soft with his aggressive ass lmao
- “Go drink water bitch...... love you.”
- You will get the oikawa treatment I’m sorry LMAO
- Like he will bully you lovingly
- Not as hard as toru but he will talk shit
- Makes sure you know he is joking
- Seeing you fidget nervously?
- “Here chew on this, it will help you calm down.”
- Has so much chew jewelry bc of this
- If he sees you masking it’s ON SIGHT
- he lives you just the way you are and doesn’t want you to pretend (and hurt yourself doing so) to please other people
- “Let yourself flap your hands >:0”
- Gets really happy when he sees you happy
- Running
- Like sometimes you just gotta move your body rly fast to get all the happy out and he will race you
- Mans will sprint around the school with you if it will help
- He is so helpful and sweet
- Beats himself up HARD if he accidentally hurts you
- Like you gotta console him bc he doesn’t want to hurt you ever
- Gathers the rest of seijoh as the protection squad
- Like even mad dog will cut a bitch for you
- They see how happy you make him and how cute you guys are and it’s over
- 1000/10
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- this dinosaur built bitch
- I love him but my god do I want to beat his ass
- He will jokingly make fun of you it’s just how he is
- Will affirm that you’re doing write and will praise you but he will joke on you
- Will never pick at your insecurities or your intelligence
- If anyone does he’s roasting them to a crisp
- Almost fought your aunt at a family dinner
- “It would do you better to mind your fucking business and keep your mouth shut if you don’t know what your talking about. There’s nothing wrong with them.”
- He will NOT hold back at all
- He’s very soft with you
- Sensory issues who?
- Always on top of making sure you’re comfortable and okay
- Has an emergency bag I swear to god
- Soft weighted blankets
- Like 5 fidget cubes
- Squishiest and squishmallows
- Chew jewelry
- Noise canceling headphones
- He has it all no joke
- Has secret spots around school to take you when it’s too much
- Always answers his phone
- Like he can sense when you’re not okay and will text back before you can even pull up your keyboard
- Will only show his soft side to you
- Like he will hum you cute nursery rhymes to calm you down or to help you sleep
- Like he’s just so good at keeping track of things??
- Any laps in your memory he’s got you
- “What was I doing????”
- “You came into the kitchen to make a sandwich”
- “Thanks!”
- Like he acts like he doesn’t care at all but he’s very observant and watches more closely than usual
- Nobody really believes you if you tell them he’s soft lmao
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terracyte · 3 years
Cannot choose a favorite character. i think it’s either fushiguro, itadori, or nanami right now… i love they… i think i might be leaning towards fushiguro idk the vibes i just feel it in my chest that it’s He bUT MY FRIEND MADE ME WORRY ABOUT HIM and now i’m worried about nanami too… after that post y’all reblogged… and like you always gotta be worried about itadori tbh
hate that principal dude with the guitar or whatever Not a fan he’s mean will fight him
i love kugaski too she’s so iconic and like in the baseball episode when she got mad and they were all like “oh no she’s angry” akdbdkbdjd please i love a mean she / they lesbian
and i love maki and inumaki and i gotta get used to panda still lol idk man talking animals get me every time aidbjdbdb
this is how i described my feelings for todo to grace: “also you’ll hate todo but also think he’s funny but also you’ll groan whenever he’s on screen but also you’ll love him”
i wish fushiguro was a cat person but that’s just because i love him and am scared of dogs lol
gojo is iconic and i love the new outro, it’s so cute, but i miss gojo dancing at the end sir please you’re so good at dancing ???
and geto’s voice is deeper than i thought it would be because for some reason i thought gojo would have the deeper voice ??? i also was Not expecting both gojo and geto to be like. fun loving funny let’s go~ people akdbkdbdjd that came as a surprise and i’m here for it tho i’m sure part of it is a facade to cover up trauma, just quirky things ya know
and i love ijichi he’s trying his best good for him what a king
but no yeah nanami 👌🏼 hE CARES SO MUCH AND LIKE HE WAS LIKE “itadori you are a child. please stop almost dying. literally i am an adult and you are Not” and it gives me the vibes of me being like “[my sister] you literally just turned eighteen at the end of july ma’am please chill” and her being like “oH so you don’t think i can handle myself i see” oh my gosh… my sister is basically kugasaki if she were straight and cis…
also idk if you’ve seen sds / nnt but gojo has ban vibes and itadori has meliodas vibes solely because of the way they both act when people try to kill them
okay i should do homework now UGH i have work at six am tomorrow and it’s ten pm and then i drive three hours home after work so i actually Need sleep tonight lol wanna finish jjk tho…
and corey how is it that every opinion you have is SO Correct- fuck principal guitar all my homies hate him </3
and yesssS mean lesbian kugisaki and the second years!! theyre all very beloved and im sure youll warm up to panda <33 and heLP the way you described todo thats exactly it he's the 'bESTO FRIENDO" guy-
the entire part about geto and gojo having the ~let's go~ vibes for trauma reasons- yeah. yEAh 🧍‍♂️
and ichiji is just trying his best 😔 appreciation for ichiji whEN
nanami beloved he really is the only adult to ever you're right, he's such a good character ❣
and i haven't seen that show but i will take your word for it!! we love making those literary connections <33
but ahHH good luck with your work and with work!! jjk will always be here for you to scream w/ us about so please take care of yourself first!! 🥰
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astrxealis · 3 years
u best be doing ur homework 🤨🤨🤨🤨
ANYWAY i hope ur doing goood,,, do u have any fun things planned for christmas?? if u celebrate heh
we just put up our christmas tree yesterday arvo and she is mighty beautiful 😮‍💨💪💪
HWHAJSJOSA HI SERENITYYY to put it simply, today (and tomorrow) school is *!;+&÷;(×,¥×,@(@,@*!*+¥*¥ <////3 🤕💔 but after the nxt few days it's going to be <333 WHAJBDJWJ just gotta hold on,,, TuT
nw i think when you sent this. i was either sleeping or up w/ my sister talking WHAHJDBSA but dw yes i finished 1 hw last night twas exhausting but im still here yes yes 👋🙆‍♀️ watch me finish all my hw 2day so i can play ffxiv ;< /hj
but HI i hope ur doin well too !! <3 yh i celebrate christmas but. HJQBSKSN we don't rlly have special preparations here? but christmas lights!! <333 n im vv looking forward to the food hehe >:D oho usually we play video games w/ my extended family ! but Pandemic Sucks so idk if we'll be able to :") KAJDKSJ but in any case im looking forward to the holiday season so baddd and HECK YEAH your christmas tree bet it's so beautiful gwarsh no doubt it's absolutely lovely 😔✊💖 and ILYTTT you better do the same i'll srsly try my best to 😩👊👊 <333
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slaughterbf · 2 years
hah its fine as long as you got the message
but im glad to hear that
thats good,its always hard to get used to new schedules
oh? lilac? interesting choice
my day has been okay, not as tired as normal which is a plus
but thats probably cuz i just passed out around 7..
was it good for my body? yea probably
was it good for me at the moment? no, did not finish my math and english homework
but this kid in my computer science class is gonna make me snap one day and its going to be ugly af let me tell you
he would not leave this damn laser pointer alone kept pointing it in my eyes
honestly been on my nerves since the start of the year but they have just gotten worse as the year goes on
i got this cute photo of ponyo snuggling with my neighbors cat in my patio
just two little fluff balls
wow...i typed alot ..oops?
-hitoshi 💜
my only problem is the fact that i have to choose to get up..like no one is forcing me to get up but myself and even though i’d much rather rot in bed i gotta force myself to gtfu 😔 at least i can pick and choose my hours though. you needed that sleep! nothing wrong with that, you should always put your health first, even if a couple assignments are in the way. maybe he wants to be friends with you? even though that sounds really fucking annoying, and definitely isn’t the way to go about it 💀
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