#i guess goth but its not coloured in goth colours. im dumb
wereyouthere · 5 months
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also my pretty boy lucifer
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thepixelelf · 2 years
Oh my god! Wait! Oh my god!!
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nathanrnackinnon · 6 years
a-z tag game
i was tagged by @benjchilwell thanks bb lov u
A: age - 19
B: birthplace - vancouver bc
C: current time - 14:49
D: drink you last had - vita lemon tea....a gift from the gods
E: easiest person to talk to - @jamesrodriguezs (ur tagged for this challenge binch)
F: favourite song(s) currently - this albanian song kat showed me called mike
G: grossest memory - honestly idek i think ive had too many 
H: horror yes or no - NO i am a PUSSY
I: in love - no thank u
J: jealous of people - duh
K: kids - the miracle of childbirth is more of a catastrphoe
L: love at first sight or walk by again - walk by again !!!
M: middle name - alkdfjdskf its my chinese name its so ugli i’ll spare u the details
N: number of siblings - none i wouldve killed them by accident or smth anyway salkjdfasdf
O: one wish - hhhhh infinite wishes...... or ! i get to go on constant vacations and never have to deal w uni again
P: person you last called - my mom when i needed her to saw me out of a skirt while we were thrifting aslkdfjd
Q: question you always get asked - are u korean (im not)
R: random fact about you - i was stuck in a skirt at a thrift store yesterday and i had to get my mom to knife me out of it
S: song you last sang - i would never willingly let anyone hear the ugliness of my voice to spare them but i think i sang to X by nicky jam and some other spanish song that i knew all the words to ????? at the club aklsjdf i am so sry
T: time you woke up - 12 pm
U: underwear colour - black im a goth
V: vacation destination - anywhere not in canada pls i am tired of this place i want the SUN
W: worst habit - procrastination
X: x-ray - like the dentist ones?? i guess? also one time when i was a kid i made a scene in hong kong about my foot and the entire street was wathcing me cry so they had to call the ambulance and when they took the xray at the hospital nothing was wrong i was just a dumb kid
Y: your favourite food - rice...i guess
Z: zodiac sign - TAURUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
people i’m tagging: @davidalabafc @ericdiers @fergrizi @lsane19 @stxnesy @flyingnacho
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archer3-13 · 6 years
Fire Emblem Heroes Book III,Initial Trailer First Impression: Spooky Scary Skeletons are 4 edgy 8 me
the long and short of it is that im pensively optimistic about what’s in store, especially from a story angle, but that theme song can go suck a donkey’s tit.
anyways, book III and it seems were gonna be doing the tango with spooky scary Victorian skeleton warriors and a scary lady with a big ass scythe. Fuck Yeah!
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so ignoring the theme song since it’s just... fuckin awful or at the very least unfitting, lets get into this by first talking about
So I gotta admit, i enjoyed this one a lot more then book II right off the bat.
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opening on some flowers, we immediately know that shits gonna get fucked but my story telling instincts are telling me that this might possibly, probably, definitely, be a metaphor for this characters happy childhood in her kingdom when it was not fucked however
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shit got fucked, unsurprisingly. instead of the villain looming ominously overhead like fucking doctor claw or no-heart however, we get a shot of our new hero twirling into the villains strangely comforting embrace by accident which does get me curios since it might imply, heaven forefend, that she willingly sold out her kingdom or home or whatever to the devil here and now has to fight to get it back and correct her own mistake in some sort of possible and interesting character arc here? just my take on it anyways.
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moving on, we get these idiots in the woods as the fuglyness of them gives me whiplash from the actually pretty rad looking duo earlier. I kid but seriously if lokis a 0-2, alfonse a 3-5, then the hero and villain of book 3 are at an 8-10 each. my point being, there is quite the contrast in my opinion. anyways, alfonse is looking sad lost and afraid and loki’s pouting since she probably gonna be barely relevant yet fucking intrusive again.
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also sharenas there in a similar state to her brother.
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also veronicas just kind of there, and im getting a bit worried since we just got lokis douche smirk a few seconds ago and veronica just seems to kinda be there again.
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the promotional shot, so shits about to get real again!
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we get a nice shot of these two new lovely faces, doing the naruto run for a bit when the leading runner decides to pull out his fancy sword with an intense close up, definitely indicating that hes probably gonna be a blood knight of some sort. anyways he and alfonse begin to fight with blood knight pushing alfonse back and red energizer lady decides to fight
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alfonse as well. man it is not alfonses day here is it? anyways, psychidelic drugs kickin at this point and the floor dissapears under alfonse as he starts to sink into sticky black goo well reaching out to sharena as-
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oh! well, sharenas dead now and alfonse just can’t take the death of such a... memorable sister... and so he crys well the black goo decides to try and eat him if hes not gonna sink himself. this transitions us nicely to
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our new hero looking into her dagger to see sad alfonse, and then she begins crying on a battlefield of weapons, with the heroes trios main weapons clearly in the fucking foreground implying they all died horrible deaths. quick, happy flashbacks to imply she, or you, or someone is thinking of all the good times!
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there we go.
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i did not kill her it’s not true, it’s bullshit, i did noooot
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oh hi mark
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we get this nice panning shot of a battlefield littered with weapons, implying corpses, as the hero and villain of book III stare each other down with the villain being a smug fuckin asshole and the hero clearly ready to cut a skeleton bitch.
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our hero does a slight turn of the knife, and looks determinedly ahead as the trailer cuts out.
so, aside from the theme song being kinda out of place in my opinion (like, i guess it works for being unsettling but it really does feel like some marketing exec being 8 edgy 16 me cause he thought the kiddies would like it) i rather enjoyed the trailer. it set up a lot more and teases a lot more interesting story elements and ideas then book II did, its grim oppressive atmosphere is nicely out of place in comparison to feh’s other stories, it’s just better shot and paced as a trailer, and the characters look like they have an interesting history going on. speaking of looks...
cause i was not expecting to be digging the look as much as I do. well the fiber glass looking stuff, that i feel was intended to be spoopy etheral light, on the villians looks a bit cheap and silly and hides the skeleton bones a bit much requiring a second closer viewing to catch that they are spoopy skeletons, the overall look im really liking. 
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the sword general especially has a get up that reminds me of a reanimated suit of armour and if they had leaned into that by giving him a helmet i think it would have been even better, but for what it is he looks pretty good and threatening. the other major complaint i have aside from them not leaning into him being a reanimated suit of armour by giving him a helmet is that his face looks to much like alfonse’s which annoys me. mind you, it could be leading into some sort of plot twist later on so if it is, all i can say is i hope it’s a good one.
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the lady general looks the weakest of the three in terms of visual design, but thats not as bad as it could be since she still looks a hell of a lot better then anything book II produced. still, the red stuff hiding her skeleton bits looks the most like plexi glass. Although thats about the only thing i outright dislike on her, aside from not leaning into spoopy skeleton territory more, it really does hold her design back in my opinion. i mean, fucks sake make it look more like ethereal light, add some armour here and there if need be, and boom it would be another winner of a design.
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hel here, the big bad, has no such problems however. I love every bit of this lady, and i dont even care that if the glowy bits of her were actual skin she would have a design that’d comfortably fit in with kill la kill. she’s a lady villain, which isnt a requirement but something im damn well happy with especially if she ends up being well written, and she has many things i love in villains and characters in general. grim reaper theme, Victorian goth aesthetic, a black, white, and purple colour scheme, tattered flowing cloths, long wavy hair, a threatening appearance and most importantly shes a spooky scarcy skeleton. a purple spooky, scary, skeleton. I will cherish you forever, and i am crossing my fingers and praying to you that your well written and entertaining. plz be good, plz be good, plz be good...
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oh right, and the mandatory good guy/gal of the book. well that bit sounds dismissive, i honestly gotta say that im digging her a lot as well. shes not a spooky scary skeleton sadly, but the victorian gothic elements of her design work really well, and shes nicely distinct from the heroes trio this time unlike fjorm who was basically sharena 2.0. im gonna hope shes well written as well, so that i can seriously grow attached to the new hero this time cause from her design alone.
so yeah, looks wise im digging this a lot more and though the artist for this is clearly Yusuke Kozaki, an artist ive vocally disliked in relation to fire emblem for a while now, i feel ike his style works to much better effect here with the ridiculous bdsm Victorian gothic style and the darker colours.
nothing particularly interesting to note, mythic heroes definitely sounds like a dumb cash grab and i dont feel the aether arena quite has the pull in terms of gameplay to justify hinging a new summoning type gimmick on.
on a much more important note though...
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beast units, huzzah!!  and tibarn and nailiah seem to be some of the first ones up which is even better! not sure what the gameplay video is implying on how their gonna play though, since it seems a bit gimmicky and raises the question of how that gimmick might effect manateke units, but they are here so thats cool. bird pirate king is ready to roll!!!
all in all, from the look and what the trailer hints at alone, i am optimistic, but the caution comes with what sounds like very lukewarm gameplay deals which might not keep people hooked for very long. idk, im looking foreward to it but im not gonna be heartbroken if its third verse same as the first.
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