thepixelelf · 6 months
95% of kpop men are forced to do aegyo for content but the select few that are naturally cute are so precious to me anyways this post is about kim wonpil but you can rb with your kpop cute boy in the tags if you want
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thepixelelf-too · 2 years
Yeah so I said I was going on a short hiatus and I guess tumblr took that personally... anyways this is Casey thepixelelf and I'm camping in this account while I try to get my old account un-terminated :')
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thepixelelf · 7 months
ik I write smaus but I could never be a "bf texts with [guy] <3" writer because they would be. stupid.
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thepixelelf · 11 days
you ever see seventeen all lined up in a row and think that's too many fuckign guys
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thepixelelf · 1 year
Soonyoung going "who did this to you" in a deep, growly voice and softly holding your face in his two hands, but you can't help bursting out in laughter because your face is covered in kiss-shaped lipstick stains he planted on you literally a minute ago
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thepixelelf · 9 months
Jun healing soulmate au (your soulmate's touch heals wounds) where he's a mixed martial artist who met you when both of you already had partners (it's pretty rare in this universe to find one's soulmate, so dating/marrying non soulmates is commonplace) and so you both agreed to not pursue anything. Then, a while after Jun's broken up with his previous partner, he starts showing up at your place with little bumps n bruises, sometimes scrapes. You don't really understand why he needs you for these, and you tell him as much, but he just shrugs you off and stays relatively quiet until he leaves before your partner comes back from wherever they are. After that, the injuries start becoming more serious (he's scared you'll turn him away if you think he doesn't need you but you don't know that), and you're starting to get a little concerned about his job, but he still doesn't talk much during his visits, so you have to fill the empty space. It turns out that your current partner has slowly started to become abusive, though you don't call it that when you complain about them. Since it's not physical (it's mostly emotional and financial) and this is your first experience with a partner like this, you don't recognize the signs right away. Neither does Jun, but he still gets angry internally hearing about all the shitty things you tell him your partner is doing. At some point, you get acquainted with Jun's manager, who sometimes drops Jun off at your door when he's real beat up. One such time, they stick around while you heal a sleeping Jun, who normally tries to stay conscious while you heal him, but was just too exhausted to stay awake. You ask them a little bit about the MMA world, and they don't tell you that much, but eventually you say something about how if Jun's losing so much, why does he keep doing this at all— to which his manager quirks a brow. He's not losing, they tell you. He's their prize fighter. You're shocked, of course; you thought for sure Jun was losing almost every match, which would explain why he would need your healing so often. Apparently his manager has noticed that Jun's been letting a lot more hits land on him than usual, when (before a couple weeks ago) he'd normally dodge/block them with ease. And despite receiving a lot more damage, he still always comes out on top. You don't really know what to do with this information; the next time Jun returns for more healing, you don't fill the silence with mindless babble or more complaints about your partner, you just let the quiet permeate. Jun notices this, and he doesn't know why you've suddenly drawn back, but after the first day of that, he starts to speak up. He asks you about your life— not just the things you want to vent about, but your interests, your hobbies, the little things that make you happy. Eventually you start to look forward to his visits, gruesome and bloody as they are, simply because you like talking to Jun. It works. It just fits. One night, though, Jun comes to you and finds your cheekbone bleeding, a little cut just beneath your eye. From your partner's ring, you explain, wincing under Jun's touch because of the bruise forming there. Jun almost storms off then and there, wants to find your partner at whatever seedy bar they've gone to after hurting you and teach them a lesson, but you put your arms around him, and the healing sensation mixed with your warmth is enough to calm him down. Mostly. "Don't," you beg Jun. "Please don't. I don't want to make a mess, I just want to—" You look around your apartment "—I just want to go. Please, let's just go." And Jun helps you pack up everything, then escapes with you leading the way, riding the high of that "let's" all the way home.
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thepixelelf · 1 year
I had an idea for a woozi smau but it's literally 2 messages
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thepixelelf · 21 days
If the doremi line were Alvin and the chipmunks then Seungkwan would be Simon Vernon would be Theodore and Dino would be Alvin send post
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thepixelelf · 9 months
Oh my gosh an oby spin-off titled What's Wrong With Secretary Hong
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thepixelelf · 11 months
You guys don't even know about the one-sided enemies to lovers catboy uji bodyswap au where you and Jihoon are both music producers at an entertainment company but Jihoon is kind of dismissive of you because he thinks you're a nepo baby (your mom is the ceo) and one day he just wakes up in the body of a black cat (he thinks it's a dream) that turns out to be your black cat and he's like huh okay weird but just spends his time in the "dream" lazing around in your apartment and letting the dream version of you take care of him because whatever right? but then he goes to work the next day and everyone is like where were you man we tried calling you like a billion times and he checks his phone and an entire day has passed that he doesn't remember (well, as a human anyways) and he's like. wtf. and the next day he wakes up as your cat again and he's like holy shit this is real and oh god he let you pet him and kiss his little cat forehead the other day he is soooooo embarrassed so he avoids you the entire day and you get kinda lonely about it but he doesn't really care because he needs to find out what the hell is going on except there's not much he can do as a cat. at some point you let him outside (I'm against outdoor cats but let's ignore that for a second) and he realizes you actually live really close to each other, so he tries to get into his own house but can't because he's a cat. he has no idea what to do when he's human either tbh he tries googling literally everything about the situation and even seeks out a witch online who turns out to be a hoax but on like the fourth or fifth day that he's a cat (at this point he's slowly letting you pet him again because okay, fine, it feels really fucking nice) there's a knock on your door, and when you open it, it's Jihoon. But, not Jihoon, because Jihoon is currently your cat. Human Jihoon immediately hugs you and you're just frozen in place like uhhhhhhhh and Jihoon who is a cat is like !!!!! Oh my god your cat has taken over his body and now it's embarrassing him to an unbelievable degree!!!! Anyways cue adventures of cat Jihoon trying so hard to not let your cat in his body completely destroy his reputation while also learning that you're a good person (and that the ceo is actually not your mom and there's family history that has her hating you which means you got your position through hard work and talent) and you being super confused as to why Jihoon's personality keeps flip-flopping from day to day because sometimes he's cold and ignores you (he's too embarrassed to face you) and sometimes he's completely mute but almost overly affectionate (your cat in his body) and you both fall in looooooooove
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thepixelelf · 3 months
Guys I did my nails and I'm sooooooo happy with them but sooooo bad at taking pictures :(
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thepixelelf · 8 days
gonna be honest enlistments don't really affect me bc like. that guy is gonna be in my life exactly as much as he was before lol
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thepixelelf · 2 months
How not to talk to writers btw
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thepixelelf · 27 days
Holy shit I'm seeing dkb in like an hour and a half
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thepixelelf · 23 days
Allex @hannie-dul-set is making me want to write reverse harem trope so bad but the group I mainly write for rn is svt and yeah maybe I could justify 5-7 guys falling in love with one mc but THIRTEEN bffr 😭😭😭😭
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thepixelelf · 9 months
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january 🍓❤️
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