#i guess the reason i can't get into the joker is mainly due to the fact that the media chose to hypercomplexify him
bruciemilf · 1 year
I'm so sorry
But in the alternate timeline where Bruce dies in the alley, Martha becomes the joker and Thomas becomes Batman... what if the joker-ication process of Martha is a slow thing. They all mourn the loss of Bruce in their own ways while blaming themselves. Alfred blaming himself for not being there to fight the dude off before anything happens to anyone. Thomas blaming himself for taking Bruce to the theatre. Martha blaming herself for suggesting a nice walk home.
Overtime Martha gets more confrontational towards the two, "THIS IS YOUR FAULT FOR TAKING US TO THE STUPID SHOW! YOU LAZED ABOUT WHILE MY BABY WAS DYING!"
The words getting more harsh until Alfred confronts her in the kitchen saying it's no one's fault and they should work on comforting each other instead of tearing each other apart.
Martha laughs and slowly the laugh gets more psychotic before she takes the knife she was using and stabs him with it.
Thomas finds Martha laughing over Alfred's body, his blood smeared over her face in the shape of a bloody smile and he screams.
They're both broken.
Hi!! Thank you for the ask, first of all. Sadly, everything that has to do with the joker in a story-focused way (aka where I have to put a lot of energy into) Is a bore hazard for me.
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brucewaynehater101 · 20 days
Hiii!!!! Continuation on that Necromancer Tim au, what if in order to revive Jason, a life had to be exchanged for it? And this is gonna tie into that one undying joker au, but what if Tim decided to use joker for the ritual? He kills joker for Jason, which brings Jason back to life, but due to joker being undying his soul wasn't properly exchanged which is why despite the fact that Jason was revived, he was catatonic until he was dipped in the Evil Mountain Dew.
As for why Tim revived him, I feel like it would be partially revenge because Batman doesn't kill, but that doesn't mean Tim can't. He isn't Robin yet, so he cares less about killing. It could also be because Jason was taken too early. I heavily headcanon that Tim's favourite Robin was Jason (no hate on Dick's Robin, but Tim was a fan of the flying Graysons and Dick himself.) Maybe he got attached. Maybe it's some other reasons. But mainly, maybe he killed Joker for the ritual because maybe then Joker can actually be good for something for once in his life.
Bruce, of course, doesn't find out because undying Joker was revived again and just went back to business as usual. Your choice if Joker Junior still happens in this au, but if it does, It would be as some sort of twisted revenge from Joker, I guess? You loved Jason enough to try and kill me, so now you'll become like me, or smth like that. Additional angst if Jason finds out about that.
Moreover, this could be seen as Tim taking the burden of killing from Bruce (cuz he doesn't know about the whole undying thing yet), because (if I remember correctly, please correct me if I'm wrong) Jason was seriously against killing too back when he was still alive, and even tried to stop Bruce from killing someone. So, in order to keep Jason's perception of Bruce once he's back and alive positive, Tim takes on the burden on killing so that Jason will only be mad at him, not Bruce.
Hello again!! 👋
Alright! Let's tie those two AUs together (Tim revives Jason via magic with a price, and Joker is undying combined with JJ)! It sounds like fun ^^
Let's do a timeline
10 year old Tim Drake gets captured by Joker
Jason goes with Dick to hang with the Titans
Bruce finds Tim with the Joker. Tim kills Joker. They assume he's forever dead.
Bruce brings Tim back to the cave only for the kid to sneak out. Bruce never finds out his identity nor tells Jason/Dick about JJ
Joker comes back to life. Bruce and Tim assume that they just didn't check his pulse well enough (Batman left the body there for GCPD to deal with the traumatized child)
Tim spends the next two or so years reading mental health books to heal himself. Maybe he gets an anonymous therapist or something
Jason dies
Tim blames himself for not ensuring Joker was dead. He figures he might as well guarantee it sticks. What better way than to bargain his soul for Jason's?
The ritual goes wrong cause immortal Joker sucks
Tim is convinced Jason didn't revive at all and leaves the graveyard.
Jason catonically boogies his way into LoA's grasp
Tim becomes Robin cause what else is he supposed to do with Sir Beats-a-Lot?
Tim keeps on killing as Robin behind Bruce's back very very occasionally so as to not get caught. He figures he tried to kill Joker twice and killed Jason (by fucking up the ritual). With his thirteen year old logic, that means he's a killer forever. Might as well lean into it.
I love the other bits you've added about what Tim's mindset was like during these times. I'd so like to see what both Jason and Tim are thinking/feeling as they learn what the other went through
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