#i guess this means i gotta draw tor
getvalentined · 1 year
Okay but in all seriousness, when I say I want a remake or remaster of The Darkest Faerie, I'm not kidding. Give it to me, Neopets. I'll buy it.
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Chapter 3: The Calvary
More of the fic with multiple special guests! Say hi to the rest of the cast!
Rating: T for strong language
*Trix and I send each member of our group the same message to make things easier and more efficient, only changing the name for each send.  The text is accompanied by Trix’s video of Stephen.*
The message:  Hey, _____.  Something came up and we have a serious problem.  We need your help.  I know this sounds completely insane or like a joke, but it’s not.  However, you HAVE to keep it secret.  Nobody outside of the group can know about this.  Doctor Strange is real and he got trapped in our universe during a fight.  He has to get back home.  Here’s a video from Trix as proof:  *The video is there.*  Please get back in contact.  We need help via research, resources, and possibly alternative places for him to stay in case more trouble happens.
Laer: *Within a couple of minutes, Trix and Steward get a text message.* What the _fuck_ did I just see? What the fuck? _What the fuck?_ How the hell am I supposed to get back to work now? I'm booking a hotel near you because I've gotta see this in person. And I dunno—I guess I'm gonna learn how to use the Tor browser cuz if the multiverse is real (what the _fuck_) there's no way that info's gonna be on the normal web.
Steward:  Okay.  Be safe coming over.  Tor is fairly straightforward.  Should be fine.  If needed, ask me.  Thanks for the response.  Seriously…This is a lot and we’ll need all of the help we can get.
Trix: Honestly, it’s absolutely worth it to come over just to see Cloak.
Fox: *My answer is also pretty fast, in a series of messages as I re-read the first text.* asldkjalkdja WHAT?? I mean, sounds about right for Stephen, losing the sling ring and all, but what the actual fuck
Was that what I saw through the window? The Cloak of Levitation??
Draw your curtains btw I only saw some shadow but. y’know. 
Is this a “the cops are coming, act natural” or a “house might be leveled by an eldritch monster” kinda trouble. House is open either way but some warning would be nice
I’m coming over now
Steward:  Crap!  On it!  As for trouble, either one is possible.  For now, we’re keeping things contained, but neither of us knows how this could escalate.  We’ll all need to be careful.  Knock 4 times so I know it’s you.
Trix: I would not be surprised to see the government roll up if more weird stuff happens. We could always buy some crystals and pass him off as being super into astrology
Fox: [answering Steward] Well that is not comforting at all! To be fair, if an eldritch monster does come here the whole neighborhood is fucked, so. Not much we can do about that
Fox: [answering Trix] ugh, I hope not. Though I'm sure Stephen is going to love playing the part of the passionate astrologist lmao
Trix: He can be grumbly all he wants.  Our primary goal is keeping him away from the weirdos who would study him.
Hana: *Replies in an hour or so cuz I am a really shitty texter.* What the fuCk. This is not real. I… am coming over.
*A few minutes later*
Does he really like Crème Brûlée? I can bring some.
Steward:  Okay…Knock 4 times so I know it’s you.  By the way, I’ll have to ask him…Apparently, it’s a yes.  Heh.  Okay.
Trix: Absolutely bring creme brûlée if only for us to laugh and cry
Tear: *A few minutes after receiving the text, I record and send a voice message in reply.* Heeeey Steward, apologies for the noise, I gotta keep an eye on the croissants in the oven. I watched the video you sent, and it looks like you and Trix are having a fun time, I guess? Are we sure the dude’s not just one hell of a cosplayer? I’ve seen the puppet Cloaks before.  They’re cool.  Anyway, I gotta do inventory here at the bakery after closing time if you guys wanna come over to work on that research you mentioned. Tell your new friend that he can have a free drink if he brings his Cloak, and if he’s really Stephen then he doesn’t even have to worry about the money. He cannot go around saving the multiverse on an empty stomach now, can he? Just let me know so that I leave the door unlocked for you. Toodles!
Steward:  Ooh!  Croissants!  Anyway, we’ll see if we can take you up on the offer, but it depends on how the situation develops.  As for cosplay…no.  It really isn’t.  He says “Thank you”, by the way.  Hope to see you soon.
Trix: -doesn’t have anything to add here-
Alexis: *Sends a message in a few minutes.* What the fuck. I NEED to come over to your house right now to see if it’s really real. I’m also gonna cook some delicious soup and porridge to bring over. They’re not bland, I promise.
*Sends a second message a few minutes later.* I’m also bringing my precious weighted blanket. If Stephen really is in our universe, he can have it.
Steward:  Aww, thanks!  Sounds good!  Yeah…In the chaos, I forgot to do anything.  The food is appreciated.  Knock 4 times so I know it’s you.  Need to fix the guest room due to an accident.  Also, how sweet!  Stephen says it’s a kind offer, but he wants you to keep it.  Your own mental health is important too.  
Trix: We will absolutely not turn down snacks. 
Alexis: Oh. I have snacks. I will also bring da snacks.
Trix: Hell yeah.
Tua (watching the video): Oh, that’s a really cool cosplay. I wonder how they made the Cloak float so realistically?
*The words catch up to them.*
Oh, what the hell. This can’t be real. This must be a pyramid scheme of some kind… but I really hope it’s real? I mean, it’s worth checking out. Maybe if I ask some questions…
*Sends a message after a few minutes.*: Sorry, I can’t do anything in-person, but I do have some questions. Why does he look so close to his MCU version - same coloured beard and all - but slightly different in facial structure? Do you know what's happened to him before and exactly how he got here? If he knows America this would be a lot simpler, but if he doesn't then we could have a variant. Good luck, and I'll try to help with research as much as I can!
Steward:  It’s real.  As crazy as it looks and sounds, it’s real.  As for that…I assume it’s because it’s really Stephen and not an actor?  Otherwise, since the multiverse seems to be a real thing, maybe it’s because he’s a variant.  Apparently, he was fighting Shuma-Gorath and he shoved Stephen through the portal and took his Sling Ring.  Not sure if he knows America yet.  Laer has a list of questions for him so we can ask without messing with his timeline too much.  It’s okay that you can’t be here in-person. We didn’t expect any of this to happen anyway.  Thanks for the research aid!  We need all of the help we can get!
Trix: We’ll send you everything we find out!
Weevil: Oh my god you guys I was standing in line for rush tickets to Rogers the musical with a friend and i didn’t see this until just now and I should probably put a . in here somewhere because I’m doing speech to text and
Weevil: Ok… going to actually type. We didn’t get tickets, but I have to ditch my friend because I can’t think straight and WHAT THE HELL!!!! I mean, wtf am I even seeing in this video and is this for real??!
Weevil: Ok. Yeah. Going to, um, go home, and… clean. Like, everything. And maybe borrow some pillows. And bake. Because… I’m guessing you’re coming here? Like… soon? Um. Right. Totally not freaking out right now.
Steward:  Sorry!  Also, yes.  As crazy as this looks and sounds, it’s real.  As for coming there, we’ll have to see how the situation develops.  Right now, making sure the chaos is contained, this stays a secret within our group, and determining whether or not any other complications might emerge.  Hope to see you soon!  Seriously, though.  Nobody outside the group can know about this.
Trix: -no comments to add-
*After the messages are sent and subsequently replied to, I quickly close the curtains so the Cloak can’t be seen from the street anymore.  Then, I go to fix the guest room so Stephen has a place to stay.  Stephen, meanwhile, is with Trix.  The three of us listen for anyone arriving at the house.*  
**To be continued**
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undertalethingies · 4 years
Judge and Jury
Set after a pacifist neutral ending. (Only Asgore is dead)
Not long after the queen returned, she called a meeting of all Asgore’s old employees. It made sense to, right? Gotta figure out who’s assigned to do what and who’s got tasks they weren’t supposed to chat about and all that jazz.
Sans very nearly didn’t come. But Tori knew he worked as a sentry, so if he didn’t show, she’d notice, and he really didn’t want them finally actually meeting to be marred by her disappointment at his work ethic.
...Or that was what he’d tell other people, if they asked. Truth was, Sans’ sense of duty ran a lot deeper than he let most people pick up on. He’d always cared deeply about the kingdom and the people in it. It was why he’d been chosen as Judge, actually. Because he had both the compassion to choose mercy when it was right and the resolve to fight when necessary.
He still didn’t know whether he’d made the right decision with the human, even though he knew both Asgore and Toriel would approve, if he explained.
Not that he could explain anything to Asgore, now. 
...Dammit, he missed the big guy. And the human would still have kept going even if Sans had fought them, sure. They had too much DT to do otherwise, but it didn’t stop him from feeling like even more of a useless shit than usual.
Anyway, the meeting. He went.
Looking around, he could see that not everyone had. Two of the Hotland guards had skipped, along with the Temmies. The latter might be for the best, in all honesty. Even Sans, who was probably the most informed monster in the Underground even before Asgore kicked it, had never been made aware what exactly the Tems did. The few cryptic hints they’d given him over the years had only made him want to know less.
The attendees included all of the Snowdin Guard (including him and Papyrus, the sentries), Undyne, two guards from hotland who he didn’t know all that well, Alphys, and a couple monsters from New home who served in administrative capacities.
Toriel made a speech about how, while she would be dismantling the Royal Guard, she had plans to keep many of them on the payroll as a police force, which shouldn’t be too big a change from their previous duties. (While the Royal Guard ostensibly existed to capture humans, they fell far too rarely for an entire force dedicated solely to capturing them to make sense, so they also acted as a disciplinary force)
Sans made plans to talk with Undyne about letting Papyrus into the new force, since he doubted she’d realize that this removed any reason to keep him off. (Papyrus was pretty much the ideal cop, in Sans’ opinion. Hard to be a criminal when he was so freakin’ nice)
Undyne would be remaining the Captain, apparently. Despite her actions in attempting to capture the human, she’d been acting for the good of her people, and so long as she didn’t let “the ends justify the means” act as an excuse for cruelty again, Tori had no issue with her.
Or that’s what she said, at least. Sans suspected that it was more because Tori didn’t know anyone well enough to appoint a captain who’d be better than Undyne, so she just didn’t bother.
Then she went through the administrators, having them explain their roles and their duties. She didn’t immediately change much there, probably wanting to get a feel for how the kingdom had changed in her absence first, which seemed reasonable.
She had a brief discussion with Alphys as well, and he got the sense that there was definitely more of that to come later. Toriel seemed like the type to expect regular reports from her Royal Scientist, and Sans wondered how long she’d be able to keep the DT experiments a secret with actual oversight.
Then came the part he’d been dreading, where Toriel turned to him.
“Forgive me, old friend, but I do not actually know all of the jobs you worked for Asgore?” There was nothing but polite curiosity in her tone, and he knew she probably wasn’t expecting him to say much more than “sentry”. He’d hinted a few times that his real role is a bit more than that, which was probably the only reason she was asking at all, but he knew she’d probably never guess his real role in her wildest dreams.
“eh, fair. i kinda do a lot,” he was being deliberately vague, unable to resist delaying this revelation for just a few extra moments. Alphys met his gaze, and he could tell she understood.
“Yes, but what, precisely?” Toriel asked, getting that glint in her eye he recognized from every parent he’d ever spoken to. Say what you will about people with kids, but they knew when you dodged a question. 
“well, i’m a sentry in snowdin, waterfall, and hotland,” He was, indeed, a sentry in all of those places. It wasn’t like he was lying, just… omitting a detail. Next to him, Papyrus narrowed his eyes slightly, because Papyrus could smell Sans fudging the truth from miles away at this point. He didn’t say anything, though, since he knew it was rude to talk out of turn in a meeting like this. (Sans had briefed him, beforehand, on the social niceties that would be involved)
Toriel just looked mildly startled, presumably thinking of the commute between regions, since he’d never really talked to her about his shortcuts. (He’d never really talked to anyone about his shortcuts, just used them and let them draw their own conclusions)
“You manned three stations? That seems like quite a lot,” Heh, she had no idea. 
“eh, i manage,” He could see from Tori’s face that she doubted that, but she was polite and didn't say so. 
“S-Sans,” Oh, great. Alphys was glaring at him the way she did when he was being an idiot, and he supposed that he kinda deserved it. No way Tori wasn’t gonna ask who the Judge was at some point, y’know? It wasn’t really a role the kingdom could do without.
“I-if. If you d-don’t tell her, she’ll, she’ll find it in the r-records and then it’ll b-be awkward,” Sans looked to the side.
“i mean, bold of you to assume i wouldn’t just doctor ‘em if i wanted it to be a secret,” Several people in the room looked mildly alarmed, and he wasn’t sure why. He was only implying he had the means to easily edit some of the most highly secured documents in the kingdom, after all. Lol. 
“Sans,” Alphys hissed. He knew she was being serious because she didn’t stutter on his name at all, and she only tended to forget to when she was totally pissed. Apparently this actually mattered to her, then. Or maybe she just didn’t want him to get caught in a lie the way she had been, which was a nice sentiment, if misplaced.
“yeah, ok. so i’m not just a sentry,” He admitted. Toriel’s eyebrows drew together into a slightly concerned expression.
“Sans, exactly how many jobs do you work?”
“well, if the sentries are all separate, that’s three. then there’s the semi illegal hotdog stand, but i do that at the hotland station, so i’m not really sure if it counts as its own thing. i also do comedy gigs at mettaton’s hotel sometimes, and then there’s, uh, the one alph was talking about,” His expression slid into something vaguely sheepish and he rubbed at the back of his skull with a gloved hand. He really didn’t want to talk about this, necessary as it may be.
“And what job would that be, Sans?” Toriel asked politely. She was being nice about it, but he could tell she was getting a bit annoyed at his evasion.
Sans placed his hands in his lap, looking her straight in the eye with a serious expression. He kept his tone serious, too, so she’d know he was telling the truth.
“I’m the Judge.” He ended his sentence with a period, even though he knew it wasn’t strictly proper. He’d always liked the finalty a period conveys.
Toriel’s eyes widened, along with Undyne’s. Sans had been pretty surprised when Asgore had said he didn’t want to disclose Sans’ identity to the Captain, but the late King had explained that, while he trusted her unconditionally, he knew Sans wanted to keep his role on the downlow, and Undyne wasn’t exactly chosen for her skills at subtlety.
Sans didn’t see even a speck of surprise in his brother’s expression, which filled him with pride. He’d never outright told Pap about his job, but he’d always been more perceptive than he let on, and Sans had been pretty sure he’d known. This basically confirmed it.
“You never mentioned that,” Says Tori, looking like she felt a bit betrayed but was trying to hide it.
“nothing personal, tor. i just, uh, strongly dislike talking about it,” Sans said, attempting to reassure her. It was the truth. Sans had always loathed people who used high status positions like Judge to get extra privileges or whatever, and he disliked the fear the Judge was regarded with even more. (He’d known the old Judge, and he’d seen the way the guy got treated by those around him. It wasn’t anything he wanted for himself)
Toriel looked mollified by his admission, meanwhile Undyne was still gaping like a fish because she knew both his stats and the things he’d done during his tenure as Judge, and was probably having difficulty reconciling the two seemingly conflicting accounts in her mind.
“I see. Well, we will certainly need to discuss this later, but perhaps it might be better to do so in private,” Wonderful. At least then he’d only be revealing the extremely personal information that had to do with his job to one person, rather than literally everyone employed by Asgore.
On that note, he was pretty sure that the news of him being the Judge would be all over the underground within hours of this meeting’s conclusion, so that was fun.
Man could he not wait for the reset.
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