#i had a thought and it wouldn't go away
sunlightdances · 5 months
Stay (Dean Winchester x OFC)
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Original Female Character Rating: PG-13 for swearing and mentions of sex. Summary: Dean and Avery have a two-night stand, and after that weekend, they go their separate ways. They never expected to see each other again, but the universe has other plans. A/N: Guys, where do I even begin? It’s been ages. I miss you. I see your messages, your likes, your reblogs. Thank you. Here’s this. I wrote a lot of it on my phone, so bear with me if there are typos.
It just goes like this, doesn't it?
One night where the both of them could let go of expectations, of being who the universe was making them be. One night.
But just like they knew they didn't have a choice but to be who the universe wanted them to be, they should have known the universe would pull the absolute worst April Fool's Day prank of all time.
They gape at each other, minds racing as images of tangled sheets, open mouths, and moonlit smiles come flooding back.
The task at hand doesn't let them linger too long.
She's firing with military precision, and he's right there with her, sweat dripping down his jaw as he reloads round after round, wondering if the universe put them both here to die together.
But then Sam shows up, like he always does. He saves them both, and the three of them save the day.
It takes longer for Dean to work up the courage to look her in her eyes. He feels-- he feels ashamed somehow, that he let her go that rainy Sunday morning.
There was never an argument or anything. They both just knew it was time. She had said she had to catch a flight and get back to work, and he lied and told her he had to do the same thing.
They had two nights of connection, of passion, but also of affection. He told her things he never told anyone. They spent a Saturday night fully clothed, eating take out straight from the containers in a hotel's king-sized bed. He felt comfortable with her like he hadn't felt with anyone in years.
And yeah, it sucked when she left. He sort of hoped there'd be a knock on the door saying she missed her flight, but he wasn't sad. They both knew what they were signing up for when they met at the bar that Friday night, eyes only for each other.
Still, he thinks he's remembered her kiss every day since.
He still thinks no one has ever touched him like she did.
So, yeah, he's a little angry and flustered when he sees her here, because she said she worked in marketing or some bullshit, and while he didn't expect her to be totally truthful with a stranger, this is a little too coincidental to be believed.
She bats his hands away when he offers to help her bandage a big scrape on her leg, and he tries not to make a face at the rejection. He's very aware of Sam watching him closely, but he has no idea what to say.
There's no point in lying about knowing her. He told Sam that he had spent a weekend with a woman the day he came home from his impromptu trip, but that it was nothing special, nothing but some no strings attached fun.
Turns out Dean might be the one who had a few strings.
Her face feels like it's on fire. Her game plan so far is just to refuse to speak to him, but that feels a bit stupid given the situation they just found themselves in.
Jesus Christ, but he couldn't have said he was Dean Winchester when they met? To be fair - she didn't give a lot of details about herself either. They didn't even really talk about work except when she said there was no way she could stretch her trip into one more day. She had to work.
(She lied about work just like he did, but that's neither here nor there)
She just never thought she'd still be thinking about him months later, much less seeing him in person. In the middle of a hunt.
She did have a real job. She wasn't lying about that. Her work for the FBI is very, very, VERY top secret. Fringe Division has been practically dead for years, but ever since the almost-apocalypse (she supposes she has Dean to thank for that, too), their work is more important than ever.
She was just supposed to be doing field work. Recon. She was never supposed to get involved, but here she is, trying to put a bandage on herself in the middle of the woods.
She can’t stop herself from watching his hands, remembering when they traced every inch of her skin and made her gasp and writhe and the way in the next breath they’d find a ticklish spot and make her laugh.
It’s just all so unbelievable.
Sam is the one to break the ice, which feels inevitable. “So. Anyone want to explain this?” He gestures between her and Dean.
Dean’s jaw clenches. For a moment she feels frustrated because why is he angry? They parted mutually. They both told lies and half truths and let themselves escape in high thread count sheets and each other.
She thrusts out her hand. The one not currently covered in blood. “Avery Harper.”
“Avery.” Sam repeats.
“Technically it’s Special Agent Avery Harper, but I won’t tell if you won’t.”
Dean chokes out a laugh, but it’s a little bitter. Avery’s smile doesn’t meet her eyes.
“I think we have a lot of catching up to do,” she suggests. “Food?”
She turns and heads toward her car before anyone says anything else. She hears a whispered argument, an exasperated sigh, and then finally the sound of footsteps on the crushed gravel. A hand grabs her elbow a moment later, then releases her like she’s on fire.
“We look like shit.” Dean’s voice is gruff. “Pizza at our place instead.”
The drive to their place is pleasant, at least. She struggles to keep up with Dean’s car, but she suspects he’s doing it on purpose so she lets him. He’s never truly out of her sight. She uses the time to try to work her way out of this, but decides there’s no point.
The only thing she needs to do is make them understand she’s not trying to take over their turf and that she has no interest in arresting them, and hope that they hear her out.
She follows along a long dirt driveway. The building looks rundown from the outside, but she trusts them. Trusts Dean.
Inside, she’s not ashamed of the way her mouth falls open as she takes in the gleaming tiles and smooth wood. The place is incredible.
“The inner sanctum?”
“Something like that.” Dean mutters, brushing past her. They both pause at the contact.
“I’m going to…. order pizza”. Sam says, quickly making himself scarce.
She and Dean stand there in the fading sunlight streaming in through a nearby window, and the light catches on his eyes. He’s hurt. She can see that, and she does feel guilty. Even though they were both doing the same thing, she’s realizing now that he probably would have loved to know he was completely understood.
That night, even though she didn’t know who he was, she felt a connection that was deeper than attraction. Now she knows why.
“I didn’t know who you were.” She says, hands tightening at her sides.
“How is that possible?”
“Not every agent is out to get you.”
He smirks. “Most of my interactions with the feds say the opposite.”
She exhales.
He rubs a hand over his face. The sound of his stubble scratching against weathered palms takes her back to a warm bed, a feeling of being so cocooned with someone else she couldn’t tell where he ended and she began.
“Is Avery even your real name?” He asks, voice rough.
A beat. “Marketing?”
She can’t help but laugh. “I didn’t know what to say!”
“You could have bragged about having a badass job.”
She’s surprised, but tries not to show it. “So could you.”
He shrugs. “Wanted to… shed it.”
“Me too.” She admits softly.
This time when he meets her eyes, his are vulnerable, a dark green that leaves goosebumps on her arms. “I—“ he stops himself. She wishes he wouldn’t. He changes tactics. “Let me take a look at that arm.”
“It’s alright-“
“Ave. Let me.”
A shortened version of her name hits her right in the gut. It’s familiar, intimate in a way she hadn’t been expecting. “Okay.” She relents.
He can’t take his eyes off her.
He was angry for a minute, he felt off guard, off kilter, but now that she’s in front of him he can’t bring himself to hold a grudge. He’s just happy to see her.
The FBI.
What a fucking day.
She doesn’t tell him much about why she was hunting, how she knew about the fight he and Sam were in on, how she showed up right when they did and where any of her intel came from.
They’ve always known that someone somewhere in the feds had an inside track, and it always bothered him. But because it’s her, he can’t find it in himself to be angry.
He thinks of the way she didn’t hesitate, just set up shoulder to shoulder with him and aimed her weapon like she’d be damned if anyone or anything tried to get close to the Winchesters.
He’s pretty amazed by her, he’s got to admit. She’s everything he’s ever wanted wrapped up in the most beautiful package, and that’s what makes him pause. Because he’s never allowed to have good things for long.
In his bathroom he inspects her wounds, uses the excuse to crowd her a little bit, inhales the familiar scent of citrus and vanilla that follows her like a cloud.
If she notices she doesn’t say anything and he’s grateful.
Her hand fits just so in his.
“Thank you.” She says eventually.
“You don’t have to thank me.”
He looks up, sees her eyes uncertain, a little wild.
She kisses him before he can take his next breath. It sends heat sizzling up his spine, electricity crackling in the space between them.
It’s exactly how he remembers it, and somehow more. More because they’re truly themselves now, no secrets between them.
His hands are in her hair. Hers are tight on his hips, digging in, a desperation in her touch that he's relieved to feel, proof that he isn't the only one feeling this way.
When the need for air is too much, they wrench apart, gasping. Her mouth goes to his neck, and his lips find her forehead, and he can't do this again. He can't pretend.
"Wait. Avery, wait."
Her eyes are unfocused when she looks at him. "Sorry--"
He shakes his head. "Don't be. I-- god, I wanted that. I just... it's too much. I can't."
"I've thought about this for months." She admits, and his eyes slide shut.
"Don't tell me that."
"It's the truth." When he opens his eyes again, her smile is sad, but there's a bit of hope there too, and it makes his heart pick up speed. "I didn't want to go, that morning. I wanted to give you my number, I wanted to see you again."
"I did too. I wanted you to come back."
"It feels cursed, Dean." She says quietly. "This-- this is all too much of a coincidence."
He nods. "I know. But-- is that so bad?" He leans close, lips at her temple. Can't stop touching her. "Can't we just give ourselves something to be happy about?"
"We do have a lot to fill each other in about." She agrees, words sounding more like a moan in the quiet room.
"Stay." His voice is hoarse. "Stay with me. We'll figure it all out after."
He's tired of denying himself things he wants, things that make him happy. And if all the decisions he's made over the last few months, every thought and every choice have lead him right back here to her, then who is he to question it?
She stays.
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gen-toon · 6 months
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...Do we actually know for sure that Arthur can swim?
The one episode of "Merlin" where I remember seeing him in the lake, he'd been nearly drowned by an enchantress, but we've never really see him swim.
I bring this up because the common headcanon I've seen is that when Arthur "rises again", he'll come out of the lake where Merlin laid his body to rest (Viking funeral-style).
But just imagine...Old Merlin comes to the lakeside (again) one morning, and he sees Arthur in the middle of the lake.
But Arthur is flailing around because he can't swim.
So if there are any onlookers around, they just see this really old man furiously swimming out to the middle of a lake to save a Ren-Fair participant
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Time to Relax
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WC: 1.5k
Knowing he hasn't been feeling his best, Hyunjin decides to help Seungmin to relax.
Just a fluffy, sweet afternoon with Seungjin.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ✧ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
“This is a great idea, mate.” Felix ushers Hyunjin in with a smile. “He really needs it.”
“And you know he won’t do it for himself,” Hyunjin agrees. He’s got a tote full of candles, shampoo, conditioner, and a nice bubble bath. They make their way to Seungmin’s bathroom, chatting about Stay’s reactions to the performances they’d worked so hard on following their return to Korea. They’d had no real time to rest, and all the members were feeling it in one way or another. For some reason, Seungmin had more trouble than usual adjusting to the time zone changes, and along with the jet lag, he’s been dealing with some neck pain - not that he’d really tell them how bad it is. 
Hyunjin began placing the candles around the bathroom, lighting them one by one. Felix assured Hyunjin that he’d get the water just right so that it’ll be the perfect temperature when Seungmin gets home. He dug into the bag for the bubble bath. “What scent did you bring?”
“I figured he wouldn’t want anything too strong, so I had to test a bunch to find the right one. It's French vanilla.” Felix gave him an approving look as he took the bottle to add to the quickly filling tub. “The candles all match it pretty well. Vanilla, jasmine, ah and smell this cherry almond one.”
“Oh, it’s so good,” Felix sighs out. “Kinda strong, though.”
“Yeah, that’s why I only got one.” Hyunjin has it all planned out. He glances at the time. It’s getting close. “I think he’ll like it. Looks like he should be back soon. Can you shoot him a message to check?”
“Of course.” Felix smiles and places a hand on his shoulder. “He’s gonna love this, Hyun. You don’t need to be nervous.”
Hyunjin laughs and gives himself a small shake. “I don’t know why I am. I guess it’s just ‘cause it’s something I’ve never done before?”
The two of them head to the living room. When Seungmin texts back saying he’s on his way up now, Hyunjin snags a beer from the fridge and scurries off to the bathroom to wait in the candlelight. Moments later he hears Felix greet his roommate and encourage him to go relax in his room for a while, that he’ll handle dinner.
Seungmin drops his bag in his desk chair and nearly collapses onto his bed before he notices the light coming from his bathroom. Confused, he makes his way over, and the scent of the candles reaches him. He pushes the door the rest of the way open and is met with a beautiful sight: Hyunjin is bathed in candlelight, smiling shyly. 
“Welcome home.” He gestures to the slightly steaming tub topped with a light layer of bubbles. “I thought you might need a little something extra to help you unwind… What do you think?”
“This is really nice, Jinnie.” Seungmin smiles as he takes a couple steps into the room, grabbing one of Hyunjin’s hands in his own. “You didn’t have to do all this.”
“I know.” Hyunjin gives Seungmin’s hands a brief squeeze before moving to push the jacket off of his shoulders. “But I wanted to. And you deserve to be pampered every now and then.”
Seungmin goes to remove his belt, only to receive a light slap on his hands. He fixes Hyunjin with an exaggerated glare before allowing himself to be undressed. With each article of clothing, Hyunjin dropped a kiss - on a shoulder, a hip, a calf. He encourages Seungmin to hop in to take a quick body shower, so that he’ll feel nice and clean climbing into the tub, and turns on some soft music. As Seungmin settles into the warm water, Hyunjin hands him his beer and sits on the ledge just behind his right shoulder. 
“Is your neck still bothering you, Minnie?” Hyunjin doesn’t wait for an answer, immediately dipping his hands in the water to bring a bit up to the back of Seungmin’s neck. He starts kneading into the tense muscle. 
“You really don’t have to do all this,” Seungmin sighs. Even as he says it, he hopes that Hyunjin will disregard him again. His hands are like magic, and Seungmin can already feel himself falling into a more relaxed state than he’s been in in over a month. With the soft, sweet fragrance in the air and the warmth around him, he’s ready to turn into jello. Hyunjin works his hands up into Seungmin’s hair. Seungmin sighs again and whispers, “thank you.” 
“Close your eyes, jagiya.” Hyunjin grabs the cup he’d set aside and guides Seungmin to tip his head back so the water won’t run down his face. He takes his time lathering his favorite shampoo into Seungmin’s hair, rinsing, then massaging in the conditioner. “I kinda wish I’d done this before you cut your hair so I could compare the experiences. It’s weirdly soothing.”
“Mmm,” Seungmin murmurs. “You’re telling me. I never wanna wash my own hair again.”
They both laugh then settle back into a comfortable silence. When Love Poem by IU begins to play in the background, a smile lights Seungmin’s face. Seungmin has a lot of smiles that he shares with the world, but nothing beats when he has that look of pure, private enjoyment on his face. Hyunjin pauses in his to simply revel in its beauty. 
Seungmin cracks an eye open after about 15 seconds. “You done up there?”
“Oh!” Hyunjin giggles at himself a bit. “Sorry, got distracted. One more rinse.”
Once he finishes up with Seungmin’s hair, Hyunjin tucks a rolled towel under his head then moves to the other end of the tub and tries to convince Seungmin to lift a foot out so that he can continue his massaging. Seungmin isn’t having it, though. He takes another sip of his beer and tells him, “Jinnie, you’re doing so much. Why don’t you go get a drink for yourself and when you get back, I’ll sing for you a little bit.”
Hyunjin fake pouts, but makes his way out to the kitchen. When he returns, Seungmin’s eyes are closed again, that faint smile on his lips. As much as he loves to hear Seungmin sing, Hyunjin decides to linger by the door for a few minutes, allowing Seungmin to just sit and relax. It speaks to his need for just that when he doesn’t seem to notice how long it takes Hyunjin to return.
After a while, Hyunjin dips his hand into the water to check the temperature. Not too cool, but it’s getting there. He leaves again, grabbing the towel Felix was kind enough to throw into the dryer for him. “About ready to get out, Min?”
Seungmin had been on the verge of dozing off. He blinks up at him a few times and nods. After downing the rest of his beer, he trades the bottle for the warm, fluffy towel. He sees that while he was soaking Hyunjin added some candles to his bedroom as well, maintaining the spa-like ambiance. His favorite t-shirt is laid out on his bed with fresh briefs and shorts. He realizes that Hyunjin must’ve put them in the dryer as well when he feels their warmth. He really thought of everything. Seungmin’s gotten so tired that all he wants to do is crawl into bed, but he can’t do that when Hyunjin’s just done such a nice thing for him. 
“How about I treat you to dinner?” He turns to face Hyunjin with a smile. He gets one in return, but the other man is shaking his head. 
“Nope.” Hyunjin moves to put his arms around Seungmin. “It’s time to get cozy. Plus, Felix said he’d take care of dinner, remember?”
“Well, I have to do something for you, jagi.” But even as he says it, his tired body allows Hyunjin to press him back to sit on the bed. “You’re staying for dinner with Lix at least, right?”
Seungmin slides under the covers, and Hyunjin slides in right after him. “Of course. I just figured it’d be nice to cuddle for a bit first.” He knows Seungmin is ready to sleep. He’s just resisting because he doesn’t want Hyunjin to feel like he’s blowing him off.
“Just for a little while then.” Seungmin turns onto his side so that Hyunjin can take the big spoon position. He twists back for a brief kiss before snuggling into his pillow. With Hyunjin wrapped around him, he lets his mind replay his little spa day. He could really feel how much Hyunjin cares for him; he almost can’t believe that he put so much effort into this afternoon, except he can, because it’s Hyunjin. He’ll need to plan something special for him, too. He needs him to know how much he cares as well. Seungmin drifts closer and closer to sleep, going over different ideas until he’s just left with the thought… “I love you, Hyunjin.”
Nuzzled in behind him, his thumb absently drifting back and forth over Seungmin’s, Hyunjin stills. Did he just…? “Minnie? Are you still awake?”
There’s no response. Seungmin’s finally drifted off to sleep, unaware of the confession that’s got Hyunjin’s heart hammering in his chest. Maybe when he wakes, he’ll feel brave enough to say it again. Until then, Hyunjin presses a soft kiss to his shoulder and whispers, “I think I love you, too.”
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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9x01 | A New Beginning
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chimerafeathers · 3 months
there's an essay jumbled up in my brain about dunmeshi's beginning and how clever and deceptive it is as a sleight-of-hand trick that distracts the audience from the depth and scope of the worldbuilding and foreshadowing that's being set up the entire time by dangling zany characters and wacky dishes and biology fun facts in front of us, and how that serves to catch invested viewers off guard when those elements come to the forefront, but also how it works against it with other viewers wanting "more" and not seeing it because the plot bait isn't laid out up front
how people getting frustrated with the characters "not taking things seriously" is mirrored and refuted in the confrontation between Laios and Shuro. how the characters' attitudes aren't just a result of shallow low-stakes "comedy rules" where nothing matters, but are an extension of their personalities (Laios's nonstandard expression of emotions being offputting even to people he knows) and the world and social environment (adventurers being desensitized to death and injury because resurrection magic is commonplace). the way the party refers to "saving Falin" instead of "retrieving Falin's corpse," indicating that they still see her with full personhood, and how that phrasing leads to some readers/viewers believing that Falin is alive in the dragon's stomach, conscious of being slowly digested while the party carelessly fucks around "wasting time." how the weird tonal dissonance makes sense in-universe and yet is deliberately challenged more and more the deeper the party goes
all the character building and pieces of lore slowly weaving together the shape of the larger world, laying the groundwork for the major themes that will surface later. so much is right there in the "low-stakes" early episodes if you know what you're looking for (or pass the perception checks).
it can be so satisfying to see new viewers/readers pick up on the clues even in the earliest "simple" episodes, or notice new things and make connections yourself....and it can also be frustrating to see people dismiss oddities and dissonance as shallow or bad writing because they don't expect a "cooking anime" to have depth like that. why try to question and understand and peel back the layers when you don't expect there to be any layers?
why can't laios take things seriously for once?
#mypost#i'm majorly out of practice for doing any real critical cohesive writing lol#trying to put this into coherent words has been such a mess so here's a vague gesture at my thought process about it#it's both my favorite and the most frustrating thing to see#because i've seen SO MANY people say they dropped the show after a couple eps thinking they know what it's about and where it's going#a cute but ultimately unsustainable gimmick#people for whom the characters and the food/biology infodumping weren't enough of a hook#but i wouldn't change anything about the structure to put a more obvious plot hook in the beginning#because it would give the game away TOO much#i LOVE how the audience has to acclimate to the characters' attitudes about death#only for our assumption that it's all normal and fine in this world to be thrown back in our faces#how we're left to notice the winged lion appearing in statues and carvings and coins and armor in the background#long long before it's ever brought up as a real entity by the plot#the history of the kingdom laid out in plain view but nevermind that. magic painting food!#i've seen the language around falin and her resurrection cause so much confusion#but of COURSE the characters involved wouldn't directly say 'we need to get her corpse to revive it'#bc pragmatically they already understand that as their goal. it doesn't need to be stated out loud; it's just how this process works.#but also they don't SEE her as an object. a dead body.#they need to 'save her before she's digested.' 'the spell couldn't reach her in the dragon's stomach.' 'hang in there falin'#death isn't real to them. not really. and so it doesn't quite feel real to the audience either#not until they find her skull and that realization slams home#like......i keep comparing it to gravity falls#which is episodic and goofy in the beginning but also has a much more obvious plot hook to keep people interested#(a main character entering a secret bunker indicating that he's lying about his ignorance of the town's mysteries)#the main characters in gravity falls are AWARE that there is a mystery to be solved and are trying to find more information#but i don't think that approach would work as well for dm!#laios's goals were never that lofty. not until they HAD to be because the situation demanded it of him#it's the characters trying to solve one personal problem and finding themselves entrenched in something vast and dramatic#that they weren't even fully AWARE of when they set out. and we the audience are on that journey with them!#it's SUCH a good structure i wouldn't trade it for anything. but also. tragic to see people give up and dismiss it so fast.
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gendercriticalthinking · 11 months
A Thought
If homophobia was eradicated, same-sex-attracted people would have happier, healthier, overall better lives. Any distress gay and bi people experience regarding their sexuality is only because they are targets of prejudice regarding it. Homosexuality is not innately hateful or harmful.
But even if transphobia was eradicated, trans-identified people would still experience distress. To identify as trans or non-binary inherently requires one to hate your body and, by extension, yourself. Trans identity hinges on self-hatred as well as (mental and/or physical) self-harm.
A Thought: Part 2
If sexism was eradicated, this would also benefit same-sex-attracted people as much of homophobia and heteronormativity, concepts that harm gay and bi people, are both based in misogynistic ideas.
But if sexism was eradicated, this would hinder trans-identified people. Our misogynistic concept of gender (or "gender stereotypes" if you prefer) is, """at best,""" a useful tool for trans-identified people to communicate their gender identity to others, or, at worst, a motivator and encourager for people to identify as trans. Either way sexism ends up being reinforced by trans identity because gender itself, a concept that harms women and girls, is based in misogynistic ideas.
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theladyfae · 5 days
i think human nature/family of blood is a really good two parter in how it manages to show how full of shit ten is 🫶
#look . i LOVE ten . esp whatevers going on w him in s3 he's horrible and i like that#but just !! martha :(#its so incredibly unfair to martha he doesnt unleash his wrath on the Family he chooses to hide instead and okay yeah fair#and sure u can say the tardis chose the setting and time period for them to hide in but like#did that not filter in to his calculations he went through all that turned himself human put his friendship with martha to the test in#the worst way possible. knowing she wouldn't let herself leave him even if he was Abhorrent towards her (and he was) because#of her duty to the universe and beyond and whatever . to blend in and keep the Family off their tails#and she's put in a demeaning position and degraded and even he doesn't seem to care much for her but she still hangs on#and then in the end its like its all for naught. all that pain and suffering martha went through being the only one w her wits about her#he had the capacity to deal w the threat the whole time he had the ability to dole out a horrible punishment he could definitely#have dealt with them a different way than that too .#and instead in his quest to be the bigger person he ends up putting martha through the horrors and then#does the same with the Family anyway ! i dont think he can ever tell her how harshly he dealt with them#surely this isnt an original thought im just thinking Way too much about blue moon by niki#he Does care more about being good than being good to her specifically !! and its so upsetting theyre so volatile i miss them#its more complicated than that sure but at the same time. it sort of isnt .#anyway martha jones my love my life u deserved at least a billion apologies alongside the thanks like god . whats wrong w him#oh and also he wants to move on without properly talking about it . act as if it never happened#like girl be fucking considerate for ONCE she just went through a personal hell for you !!! how insanely lonely she must of been#i dont believe martha ever let him just brush past it w no acknowledgement like yes i think she definitely didnt want to discuss the#accidental confession but i Do think she would sit him down to finally get him to Accept he cant just take her wherever in the past#if he's not ready to look out for her . its a vital conversation i think they need to have otherwise martha would just walk out there#not even love could make her stay through that its been established already she has the strength to try walk away#and also to try and but through his bullshit and demand answers . and here more than ever she deserves his acknowledgement and he Knows it
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aggressionbread · 3 months
Hey tumblr, I got my gallbladder removed last night?? So that's what's up with me
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taegularities · 1 month
just thinking thoughts
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amelikos · 3 months
Thinking about how Onyx and Sango's first scene together had Sango complaining that he had to tag along with her when Hamber told them both to accompany him to the castle back in HZ024.
Yet they are both pretty much constantly shown attached at the hip. Hanging out together, being together during and outside work, oddly being the most domestic in their group (they know each other's quirks and habits and call each other out on them), implied to get food together (not shown but still, Horizons has a theme of sharing food with those you care about and food as a means of connection). Basically, both of them staying together even when they don't really have to.
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laesas · 1 year
did you ever make a post about pete not liking tankhun ? i know you mentioned it a few times in your tags but i don't remember seeing a post. (i share your opin ions.)
I definitely toyed with the idea of meta or a gifset but I didn't ever make a full post! I love unrequited love and I ESPECIALLY love the extremely rare platonic version which Tankhun and Pete absolutely nail in my opinion!
There are loads of moments where Pete's smile drops around Tankhun very quickly, or he insults Tankhun behind his back. Instead of laughing things off like Arm and Pol, he almost has a wincing fear-response to Tankhun, which we don't really see at all from the other bodyguards.
I think that Tankhun likes to think of himself as being close friends with his bodyguards, and he does genuinely show a lot of open affection for Pete and eventually concern for his safety. But I think ultimately for Pete, Tankhun is just a part of Pete's job, and over time resentment has built up until he thinks of Tankhun as one of the *worst* parts of it. I definitely don't think he resents Tankhun enough to hurt or endanger him, but that's about as far as it goes, there's certainly very little love there.
Something about that dynamic is just particularly brilliant, especially when combined with Pete's eventual defection from Tankhun's side to Vegas'. He chooses a man who has beaten and tortured him over a man who showers him in affection and throws parties on his return.
I utterly adore Tankhun but I think as a character that's grown up in a gilded cage, he doesn't really understand that what Pete needs is a sense of his own autonomy rather than being dragged to "fun" "lets cheer up Pete" parties that Tankhun has demanded on his behalf. At least with Vegas he *chose* to go back, he handed Vegas the ropes, let him lock him back up again. Even before he develops feelings for Vegas, Pete has clearly felt like a subhuman pet for Tankhun and the main family for a long, long time and I think ironically Vegas acknowledging Pete's humanity is the tipping point for him.
I think even without their nascent romantic love as a factor, Pete would always choose Vegas. Because despite the threat of suffering, he offers a sense of freedom that Tankhun's gilded cage does not. It all makes for an incredibly interesting betrayal, and makes Pete choosing Vegas over Tankhun all the more pointed. By choosing to be Vegas' pet, he chooses to be human.
#I have had this gifset concept rattling round my brain since before I even learned to make gifs#if I didn't have so many complicated feelings about Pete after the whole Build situation I'd make it in a heartbeat tbh#my worry is that it would either be taken as a ''hating on Pete'' set and I'd get mad shit for it in my inbox#(despite it being one of my fave facets of his character)#or it would be interpreted as a ''Build's acting appreciation!'' post which tbf it kinda would be.#theres no getting away from the fact that he shaped Pete into a very interesting and nuanced character#but you wouldn't catch me dead making a ''Captain Jack Sparrow appreciation'' set even if I loved POTC as much as KPTS yknow?#like theres only so much distance I can split the character from the actor. which sucks bc Pete as a character was one of my favourites#idk. probably not the ideal answer lol#my first instict was to just make the set since it was all planned out from like december#but since January my love for Pete as a character has mostly been in a little box on a high shelf that I do not ever touch. which is sad#but it is what it is ig#anyway lol 👀#tankhun theerapanyakul#pete kp#tankhun kp#kp meta#ask#anon#watch me deliberately not putting that shit in the pete tag out of fear#anyway back on the high shelf you go little pete feelings. lets go back to simply not acknowledging u once more lol 🥲✨#goddamn I deliberately hadnt thought about him in months but now I kinda miss Pete... :( I love this ask though thank u for sending it! 🦔✨#damn rereading this its like girl. do you have an unrequited love for commas?? fucking use them?? :) anywaY#kpts
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found--family · 1 year
they couldn't let cesar and jesse return bc they would've taken one look at dean and cas interacting and known they had it bad for each other
#and sam is just like. oblivious. bc i think that's funnier 😂#meanwhile dean and cas are pining away for each other like the beautiful dumbasses they are..#cesar says to cas all easy and patient and knowing: so how long have you been in love with dean?#and cas is surprised and scared and tries to deny it but overcompensates by saying he loves all of humanity#meanwhile jesse is talking to dean like: what do you mean you're not in love with him dude i have eyes. dean: ??!!#cas @ cesar: i love dean bc i love humanity i love them for all their faults and quirks and beauty.. *thinking about freckles + bowlegs*#dean @ jesse: you don't know what you're talkin bout man! jesse: oh so now you're going to get angry and defensive like that isn't#overcompensating and an obvious tell that i speak the truth. dean: yo-.. shutup!!#cas @ cesar: .. humanity really is quite remarkable and so worthy of love when you think about it. and affection. and praise..#dean @ jesse: --swayze always gets a pass!! jesse: oh so he's on your celebrity exception list? dean: yeh man of course he is.#jesse: mhm. even though he's a guy? dean: ... who HASN'T had gay thoughts!?!#cas @ cesar: humanity should really eat more vegetables and drink less alcohol and sleep more. but this life can be difficult#and habits are hard to change and i will be there to help in any way i can like making coffee just the way humanity secretly likes it..#dean: *frazzled and exhausted as jesse hands him a beer* --i prefer the classics: Say Anything. When Harry Met Sally. Princess Bride..#jesse: *nodding along as they chat about chick fliks* cas @ cesar: i help with humanity's laundry. i once found a pair of jeans#in humanity's room with the legs torn off. i thought something awful had happened during a hunt but humanity wouldn't be able to#regrow his legs without my angelic assistance.. unless humanity met another angel.. *white knuckles the chair in possessive jealousy*#dean: *getting teary as he talks about dory's story* sam: *walking in on cas cracking the chair + dean sobbing into his beer#but taking no notice bc his eyes are on the ipad in his hands* so get this--#destiel#crack#thoughts#😂😂😂😂😂
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wat-zu · 5 months
Absolutely love your art. I want to nom it.
Also, Hollow Heads Siblings my beloveds,,,
Theyre the doomed siblings ever its not even funny
#Oouugh i have thoughts abt the hollowhead siblings. How theyre so intricately tied to eachother since their birth but they'd be#Eachother'd downfall. Esp when it's Dark and his relationship with the others#Dark would never understand what chosen went through. Mainly bc i think chosen is used to fighting his internal battles on his own#While he was in captive as an ad blocker. He loves Dark. He's grateful for Dark bc without him he wouldn't be free#But Dark isnt exactly someone reliable enough for Chosen to get the necessary healing he wants and needs#But that won't stop Dark from trying to fix him. Creates the virus for revenge. As chosen watches his brother spiral and spiral#As he watches him drift further away. Unable to get him back without a shouting match. As he watches with his heart heavy and cracked at-#Their stiffed interactions and strained relationship. He can't remember a time where they shared geniune laughs.#Then tsc coming came and changed everything.#Because this is someone who went through Chosen's pain albeit a lil differently. Someone who knows. Someone who /understands/. And this-#Someone is so much more younger than them and had to go through that pain in such a short amount of time since their birth#He sees himself in them. And he's rather walk up to alan demanding to get his hands cuffed than let tsc fester in that pain.#So tsc became chosen's priority. Healed eachother in many ways than one and are at echother's beck and call if need be.#As for Dark. I think he'd manipulate tsc into using him for his revenge. After stalking out his code and finding out about his potential#And TSC cant help but fall for his manipulations. Since this person is very very important to Chosen and they want so badly to impress-#Them both. They agreed and overtime grew to love eachother. And overtime Dark shifted his goals just a tad bit. Getting TSC more and more-#Involved. Since hey if Chosen doesn't like touching alan with a 10 ft pole why not let this kid do. And TCS agrees to this thinking that-#This is it. This is can finally heal them completely. Finally out of sight and out of mind. Finally can't live without the pain lingering#And chosen watches them with a sense of deja vu. At loss at what to do and so so afraid to lose two of his lil siblings#Then shit hits the brick UBSJDBSJSN#They make me so ill im not even kidding when i said theyre so so very very doomed!!!!!!!!!#This is abt the au btw BAHHAHAHABHA
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vraska-theunseen · 7 days
aughhhh. aughhhhhjhhhh
#everhoneignore this post classic rant post i don't have real problems everyone can move along#truly have had such a bad couple of days here and i am not even close to finishing the assignments i need to finish in welding being in#clsss makes me want to quit and die i don't know why i'm so slow i don't know why everyone else can intuit this stuff and improve and#understand how to do it and im always always falling behind if i could try harder wouldn't i be able to do that ive got no drive to push#myself at all i guess i like the english and i can do the physics i thought i at least liked drafting and metals fabrication but i feel so#stupid everything i do makes me feel so stupid and my teacher talks to me like i'm always doing everything wrong when i do some classroom#ettiquette breaches that everyone else does too and i can't get myself to go to sleep on time can't get myself to go in early i have hours#and hours and hours and i blink and it's gone and i've done nothing i should've welded today and gone in early to draft but i didn't because#im stupid and im slow and i can't do anything right i have always been able to square away a little bit of pride on being precise on doing#things well because people are always telling me that i am but i am below average here i just can't do things right and i feel like everyone#hates me and thinks i'm obnoxious and i don't know how to interface with my class or my teacher or how to improve or how to be less anxious#and i feel even stupider for that because i am so stuck up not being able to deal with even a little bit of failure or issue or hardship#and everyone around me is sick all my classmates and people in my dorm are sick im sure it's covid they haven't said it's covid but none of#them would test and i've been wearing a mask again but im certainly been exposed to it already and no one else is wearing a mask anyway so#what difference does it even make and i can hear them coughing in my dorm and in the classroom and when i go to get food and i miss seeing#my friends from philly and everuthing will be terrible forever and ever#alex talks
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starry-bi-sky · 15 days
back on my bullshit
and by bullshit i mean "rewatch MCD for the millionth time in a row and resist the urge to make an MCD OC"
i have yet to succeed in my bullshit.
#minecraft diaries#*makes another MCD Oc for the nth time and pairs them up with garroth*#he's my special baby boy#latest MCD oc is Skyen. they have a fantasy version of permanent photokeratitis and is the one who discovered Garroth outside of PD back#when he first ran away. and they were ✨Roommates✨. smth smth Garroth never shows his face to anyone but Sky and yet Sky is the only one#who can never see him. their blindness concept is admittedly ripped straight out of an old SkyArmy deviantart comic i read way back when.#they can technically 'see' except thats relative because they can barely see past their nose IF they hold their hand up to their face and#block out the light. they wear a bandana around their eyes and unlike AARON has an actual REASOn for it bc if they dont they get really bad#headaches and their eyes hurt due to being really sensitive to the light. they were taken in by an old man who lived in PD and taught them#how to deal with their blindness and essentially daredevilled their ass (also ripped off the SkyArmy Comic). they're still blind as fuck th#so while the heightened senses and training helped. they still like. need help with stuff they normally wouldn't if they had their sight.#they left PD to go traveling after the Old Man died when he and garroth were 18-19 and returned sometime after Aphmau became lord.#WHEN that is. i have not decided. there are a lot of options available for their return but im leaning towards 'before Donna's wedding but#AFTER garroth gets shot'#Skyen refers to Garroth as 'my friend' affectionately and Garroth does the same. they return to living with one another after skyen returns#and one of the first things they do is sit down with garroth and trace his face to feel if anything changed. which there has.#Skyen 🤝 Laurance: Blind Buddies!#Skyen helps Laurance adjust to blindness and lends him one of their bandanas to cover his eyes. Laurance jokes its because nobody wants to#see his eyes. Skyen dryly tells him that when he inevitably gets sand in his face he'll be thankful there was something to protect#his eyes against it. can you tell that i've thought a lot about this
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