#i had to erase Some Things so now he looks a lil gummy. ignore that <3
bonetrousledbones · 5 months
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wasabi-duck · 7 years
enemies to lovers yoongi
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wanna say this one goes out to my mom aka @warmau who inspired me to start my writing blogs so please check her out and send her love because she is my absolute favorite author on this site
but this au seems wild and im wildin today and blowing money on cherry bomb photocards so why not
you and yoongi both work in the food court of your local mall, but at different restaurants
he works at the pizza place and you work at the chinese restaurant
ever since you got the job, yoongi most definitely caught your eye from across the way
his dark, black hair that hangs in his sleepy eyes…
his pretty, pouty lips, that are forever in a permanent scowl...
his resting bitch face as he tries to convince people to waste their hard earned money on a combo meal…
yoongi is really the whole package
half of your work shift is spent just staring at him and hoping to the good lord above you don’t get caught
you have a few times but that is beside the point
you just stare wistfully and imagine what would happen if you crossed the food court and ran into his arms-
but alas, you cannot do that because if you’re in the restaurant business, you can’t just spend time with the enemy
even if you’re craving pizza, it is forbidden by restsurant law to even give your thoughts to the competition, so you’ve never actually talked to yoongi
but that is a okay because your spot as cashier is the perfect viewing place to glance over at yoongi when you have a free moment
yoongi totally knows you’re checking him out at all seconds of the day, but he’s too shy to ever go over and say something to you, even when he’s not working, so he pretends that you don’t exist
besides, he has lyrics to write on the back of used receipts, melodies to tap out with spoons and knives
customers to swindle
but hoseok, who works at the pizza place too, totally realizes you two have the hots for each other so he’s always like “oh yoongi i think we should get chinese for lunch today, im really craving it”
“it’s not even our lunch break??”
“okay well go get me a snack then, some lomein sounds amazing right now”
“hoseok, no, i know what you’re trying to do”
“oh come on yoongi, all you ever do is stare at them all dreamy!!”
and then hoseok clasps his hands over his heart and wails, “oh young, forbidden love, is there anything more romantic than that?!”
the whole food court has stopped to stare at him, including you, and yoongi is redder than the tomato sauce on the pizzas so he just ducks down behind the counter and doesn’t come up for like the next ten minutes
since you two never actually interact, you think all is lost but then
one day it’s particularly slow in the mall
it’s summer so you have a full day of work ahead of you, and you’ve gotten maybe ten customers in the four hours you’ve been working, and you still got like six hours to go
yoongi is in the same predicament, if not worse, because his dearest hoseok has off today and yoongi doesn’t really interact with his coworkers unless they’re hoseok so um…
the two of you are lazing around, stealing the additional glance at each other
when your boss comes over and is all “hey, we really are doing poorly today, we need to change our tactic to get some customers in”
he hands you a tray with little food samples on it and shoves you outside the safety from behind the counter, then says, “go out near the entrance to the food court and try to convince some people to get over here and eat our food”
“isn’t that a little i dunno… pushy.”
“do you like your paycheck or not”
so with some huffing and puffing and grumbling you take the tray and shuffle over towards the food court entrance, trying to pretend you aren’t embarrassed
but the pizza place is not having that, oh no, they also are under target today for sales and they won’t just have prospective customers snatched away like that
“alright yoongo, time to go win us over some customers!!”
“actually my name is yo-”
“use that charm of yours on the ladies, alright?”
“as long as i can use it on the dudes as well”
“sure sure whatever, just get out there and win us over some customers”
they hand yoongi a tray with some little pizza bites in little cups in it and he starts walking to the middle of the food court but his boss shouts, “no no, you need to be right over there with that chinese food! SHOW THEM THE SUPERIOR CUISINE”
if youre wondering, chinese food is better than pizza #facts
yoongi is a little freaked out by his boss’ enthusiasm for making sales but he does what’s asked of him because the only other place hiring right now is gamestop and he doesn’t wanna be stuck with jungkook every two seconds he weebs out over overwatch and persona so like… this job is pretty important
but then yoongi realizes you’re the one who’s also trying to sell food and now he’s all flustered and embarrassed and he doesn’t know what to do so he just kind of stands there and gapes for a few seconds
but then he gets on his #customerserviceface and traipses over to you, smiling that cute lil gummy smile of his face
“i’m gonna take you down” his smile only grows bigger and you’ve never been so attracted yet so afraid of someone in your life
“oh it is SO on dough boy”
“shut up you noodle brat”
“pepperoni person”
“you really don’t have anything better than that, you piece of kung pao shrimp”
“like that was any better pineapple pizza”
“you take that one baCK”
“mAke mE”
you two are so busy squabbling that you kind of ignore would be customers for like the first fifteen minutes
but then you remember what you’re supposed to be doing and with one final glare at yoongi, you snap “i was here first anyhow”
“it’s a mall, not your backyard” yoongi rolls his eyes “i can be wherever i want”
“except on top because i bet i can give out all my samples before you can!”
yoongi laughs and nods “you’re on. first one out of food officially has the best food in the food court”
the two of you spend the next hour trying to shove people down shoppers throats, and most of them end up at the mcdonalds, but you and yoongi are so damn absorbed in your competition that you don’t even care that you’re not actually doing your respective businesses any good
but it’s fun?? you’re having fun??
you don’t think you’ve laughed harder in a work shift ever before, especially when yoongi starts trying to do some god awful italian accent to try and win some customers over about it being authentic pizza
and he can’t help but smile fondly when you try to explain to customers for the millionth time that no, you can’t make szechuan chicken mild when it’s already premade with the szechuan sauce on it already
and when there aren’t any shoppers around, you and yoongi just kinda.. talk
he tells you about his dream to get to college to work with music production and how he doesn’t have the money right now, which is why he’s working at the freaking food court right now
and you tell him about yourself, and your reason for getting the job, and your hopes and dreams for the future as well
he tells you about his friends, about hoseok, the loud one who’s always screaming when there’s a flame in the oven because it’s scary
and about jungkook, who has the audacity to order dominos instead of visiting yoongi
and jin, who hogs the blankets all the damn time but washes yoongi’s uniform so him so it’s even
you talk about your friends too, but none of them seem as interesting as the people that yoongi hangs out with and you kind of hope that one day maybe yoongi will introduce you to them…
but then you realize that means hanging out with yoongi… as like friends or something…
and now you’re blushing
things have gotten pretty quiet now, and you think that maybe you should head back to actual work…
“wait, we both still have one left”
he shrugs and points to your little cup
your brows furrow and you frown slightly, then start to scan around the food court for anyone who someone to take your food so you can end this battle once and for all
but there’s a sudden weight on the tray, and you spin back around, and there’s yoongi, holding the cup up to his lips
and then he just chugs the freaking lomein like that, he just goes for it, finishes up your last sample
your eyes go wide and you smile softly
“well i guess you win” he says cooly, but there’s a noodle hanging from his lip and you point
he gets all red and quickly wipes it away
you take a deep breath, then reach over and grab his last pizza bite, then pop it into your mouth
“hey, this is actually pretty good” you nod
“the best food this damn place has to offer” he says with a wink
“hey wait a second-”
now you’re both laughing again
but your bosses are tired of you guys flirting instead of erasing the competition so they both call you back over so you can man the cash registers
but you and yoongi were having fun, a good time, and you don’t really want that to end?? so uh now you’re both waving over at each other dumbly from behind your counters and smiling and mouthing things to each other that you can’t really understand but hey, it’s the thought that counts right?
and as it comes to the end of your shift, you feel kinda upset because it’s been fun goofing off with yoongi??
like you’re so overwhelmed with butterflies that you actually spoke to yoongi?? like not only did you like introduce yourself?? but you had a real, actual conversation?? amazing??
you hope that tomorrow will be even better…
your clocking out right
the mall is shutting down for the night
the lights are all turning off
you’ve done all your side jobs, cleaned up for the night, restocked the sauces, cleaned all the machines and what not
you grab your jacket from the back, but when you come back out yoongi is standing there, hands in his pockets, looking all shy and cute
you blush and smile and give a lil wave
he smiles and waves back
“so…” you both say in unison
you both laugh and now you’re both tomato red
“today was fun” yoongi says slowly “so i was uh… i was wondering if you wanted to um…”
he starts to fumble over his words
“wanted to get some ice cream maybe?’ you suggest
yoongi’s eyes light up and he nods excitedly
you usually take the bus home, but yoongi drives, so you go with him to the ice cream parlor and you two share a banana split and maybe even a cute kiss too
the end
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