#i had work from 7a-4p
knifvd · 7 months
a little annoyed w real live friends , i'll be working on some drabbles from THIS ask meme & lurking on discord . also a funny lil ask meme HERE .
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anerdyfeminist · 4 years
I’m really really grateful I stumbled into a field and job and a boss that allows A TON of flexibility and autonomy. I’m very lucky, I don’t take it for granted. I would be fucked if I had to be expected to adhere to strict bullshit like a morning heavy schedule or working set hours each day. I’m allowed to work (w/in reasonable guidelines) any schedule I need in order to best do my job.
That allows me to work and be “productive” when my brain is best actually in its natural production mode. The result is FAR better for all involved. I am happier and healthier and I can tend to personal needs as they arise (again, within reasonable guidelines) and my workplace benefits from my “producing” way more than I would if they made me work like 7a-4p every day or whatever. I’m understood as a full person and I’m expected to treat everyone in my department as an individual full person, and we’re evaluated by the goals we reach and how we conduct ourselves as professional adults and NOT nit picky, restrictive structures.
It’s amazing..........it’s like: treat employees as humans and with trust and you?? get?? good results?? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 How novel.
(Disclaimer: I realize some jobs require set schedules and some people LOVE set schedules and that’s all great, just talking about my personal opinion here that jobs which don’t require them shouldn’t impose them on employees.)
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simon-snows-pitch · 4 years
Lads and babes, I have bad news ☹️
My computer is broken, so I had to send it for repairs today and it won’t be back for 3-6 weeks 😭
I was planning on surprising you all with 60 straight days of writing for this fandom! First, doing a one shot every day with inktober prompts for October. And second, I’m planning a huge fic that I was going to do for NanoWrimo.
Now.... I don’t knowing that’s going to happen. My roommate works from home on a set schedule (7a-4p). I can use his computer for work — you know, my job as a writer? but I’ll have to do it in his off hours.
And tragically his computer has GIANT monitors (he’s a programmer) and is set in one spot that’s in our “open-concept” dining/living/kitchen area. So there wouldn’t be any, ahem, privacy while writing fan fiction. You know???????
It doesn’t mean I won’t do it, but that also means there’s an 8-hour chunk of the day where I’m usually awake but won’t be able to write.
Who’s doing creative things for the month of October???
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tekka-dan · 5 years
Part of recovering from depression is the rebuilding process of becoming “average” again
You spent so long feeling your worst that the effort into decency becomes really lack luster and unfulfilling
My depression started when I realized the job I have is busy / grunt work and my salary isn’t enough to even sustain myself on. I’m not happy, I’ve gained weight and I’ve developed crippling insecurity and self doubt that I never possessed before
Pin pointing my depression and where it escalated as severely as it had was crucial - I needed to know where things became..serious.
Once I traced it back to my job, simply leaving wasn’t an option. As someone who struggles with change (being autistic) it’s hard to just “start over” for us. The only reason I went for this job is because I was determined for a career change / to work in an office setting.
This whole year has been a whirlwind of ups and downs but I have to admit I’ve learned the most from my journey this far.
So that’s why me finally coming out of this funk I’ve been in for months has truly brought me back to life because I started doing little things to help ease this process
Became productive. Working 8-5 is taxing...and that’s coming from someone who was 6a-9p m-f and 7a-12p/4p-8p on sat and sun. So when I didn’t wanna do nothing after work I didn’t wanna do nothing.
But I started small. I haven’t taken a bath in months because they made me think about all the shit that made me depressed, too much time to think about things I didn’t wanna. But today I took a bath and I got out and sat in the mirror and put lotion on for almost an hour
I’ve never put lotion on to that extent, I’ve never been “good” with taking care of my hygiene because I had lazy habits but I did today and it was refreshing that I hate I didn’t get into this sooner..
I have braids but I washed my hair with a natural product that brought my scalp to life and girl let me tell you I was in heaven from how soothing it felt. 🤤
Went for an early walk, something I couldn’t have done months back cause once again it made me think about things I didn’t wanna think about..but I did it and it was rewarding. I felt awake and alive.
I went out with friends, real friends, this weekend and enjoyed myself. I drank for the first time and didn’t get sick as a dog.
I relaxed at home and did nothing without feeling bad.
I’m slowly defeating depression. It’s hard to get yourself up every day and make the first move to having a good day but you have to tell yourself every morning three important things: I love you (to yourself in the mirror), have a GOOD day and good morning sunshine 🌞
I’m proud of myself and I want every day to be easier than the last...I am the source of my pain but also the source of my happiness. Through me I have all the power to make it in this world and make the most of my days
So depression won’t eat me alive. This queen has other plans 😇
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theadventurek9 · 5 years
So the sun is up from about 7a-5p
I typically work from 6a-4p
So I get about an hour at the end of the day to play with aayla outside before it gets too cold for me. Then I probably spend another 30-60 minutes playing with her inside after I shower and eat.
She hasn’t been thrilled and has become quite restless the past month because of this. Tonight she is poking at the frisbee bag and crying at me. Or she is laying her head on my lap and crying. I mean this is her right now and I’m ignoring her.
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Today I got off a bit early so we did a four mile walk, which she was off lead the entire time. She ate half her meal in a puzzle feeder and the other half she got while playing ‘find it’ where I hide a toy and she gets some kibble once she find it and returns it to my hand.
I know she really needs more mental enchriment but god damn we’ve never had this problem before. She is literally crying to train with me but I am too mentally tired and my patience level is very low. I also kind of feel like she has gotten into a habit of when I come home we play, train, and exercise until it’s late and then we sleep. There is no relaxing together. Now that the sun is down so dang early there isn’t much outside time and the inside training and games don’t help us out much. I’m thinking about saving some kibble from her meals and rewarding her settling down in the room. Meh. It’s annoying and frustrating.
And of course just as I finished writing this she settles...but it honestly took her about 35 minutes while I’m sitting in bed. Before she was an instant settler. I’m going to have to work harder on rewarding her settle and work on more training and exercise I guess. I can’t wait where the daylight is long enough I can walk her in the morning and for a longer time in the evening.
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realisfiction16 · 3 years
Several months ago, I was asked to change my schedule from 8a-5p to 7a-4p to help triage calls for the outpatient team between 7a and 8a. I was assured on multiple occasions that this was only a temporary change, and that when they hired another outpatient assistant, that would be taken off my plate. That was probably nine months ago. They've since hired a new assistant (they actually hired her like 3 weeks after I changed my schedule), but I'm still coming in at 7a and expected to triage calls for another department. Why? I don't know, but I suspect that the new girl bitched about having to change her schedule.
If I had known this was the direction this whole situation was going to go in, I would have said "absolutely fucking not," but I hadn't known, and I had wanted to be helpful. The truth is, I don't mind working 7a-4p so much, but I don't want to do triage for another department anymore. I think it's bullshit.
I bitched to HR a few months back about each department reevaluating who's doing their work and ensuring if their department can pick up the work that others are doing for them, that they do it. Admissions has now done that (thank God). It's time for outpatient to fucking follow suit.
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fuck-customers · 7 years
Mart of Walls here again
Tl;dr pettiness made my manager act right. So after the $1.35 story submitted earlier I thought I’d share another wonder detail of working in automotive. We had our own ASM and Department manager. This place is open inside of Walmart 7a-7p and usual shifts range from 7a-4p and 11a-8p. We had the department manger almost every day, myself and an elderly lady who couldn’t pick up batteries or tires or well, anything. So I come in working two jobs and then I finally got fed up with Bros Dress for Less that I quit and I kid you not the day I quit my ASM signed me on to being full time in auto. So I’m like “sweet more hours for me” and let me fucking tell you the day I signed the full time paper is the day my personal hell began. So there’s three people inside including myself which means if my Department manager is off I’m the next best thing which meant I had to do price changes, inventory, stock, put over stock back in the back room, load batteries into the shelves above my head, straighten everything, run the counter, as well as helping customers find filters WHEN THERES A MACHINE THAT DOES IT FOR YOU LITERALLY RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE FILTERS. So I got fairly good at juggling these things with the help of the Department manager from sporting goods. The problem is that I was doing the Department manager’s job better than he ever did and we’ll call him Dan. Dan was a real prick. We’re supposed to load batteries in from the back so we don’t have months of old batteries, helps us look good helps get customers good batteries good deal. Well Dan is considerably stronger than me, obviously and he never loaded batteries correctly. I had extra hand one day so I tore out all 50+ car batteries and put them in correctly the oldest dating back to March of 15 which is stupid for a car battery so I let my ASM know. Well he never talked to Dan and I saw him loading batteries incorrectly the same week I’d fixed it so when I told him he was doing it wrong he informed me that “if I wanted it done differently I could do it my damn self”. So I took matters into my own hands. I started fucking up inventory in the back, putting shit in the wrong place and even going outside to do the technician job of changing batteries and oil and such. He didn’t understand what was going wrong. So he asked me if I knew where something was a few months into this petty thing I’d done and I looked at him and said “I’m not sure where it is Dan. Maybe if you want shit organized you should do it your damn self.” And he started doing his job correctly after that. #pettyforthebetter
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revolutionyoga · 5 years
The energy of the day by Amanda DiGiovanna-Leventhal
There is a concept in Ayurveda and yoga called ritucharya- which means daily rhythm or daily ritual. Especially during this time of year there is a settling energy to creating a nourishing daily ritual and sticking to it. We have so many aspirations in life and goals that are manifested through clarity in our core values. To get clear it’s helpful to write down a list of what brings the deepest meaning to your life. Things that on the daily can be revisited. After realizing your core values setting aside time in the daily ritual to achieve them (eventually) gets everything done. It’s better to inch towards your goals 15 minutes a day than getting overwhelmed in meaningless tasks and not doing anything at all right? It makes me recall the tightly packed school schedule in elementary, high school and college. How much information I could learn and activities I could accomplish when there was a systematic time set aside for each thing. For myself having a child meant in order to care for her and everything else it was important we established rituals. I had to prioritize my values to be able to carve out time for them. Family, my purposeful work in this world, eating healthy organic freshly prepared foods, my sadhana (spiritual practice) which can include asana, time in nature, keeping a clean and tidy home, and creative endeavors. Take a moment to think of this for yourself and write down what’s truly important in your life. And from that create a daily ritual. Include when work is, family time, meditation practice, food prep, gardening, house work, meal time, wake time, and bed time. Check out below a worksheet to fill out for yourself using the different energy of the hours of the day to your advantage according to Ayurveda. Many don’t realize that yoga is a full life enhancement. While it’s ok to stray off your ritual once you make it getting clear will surely bring you closer to a sense of stability which your body, organs, endocrine, nervous and digestive system will all thank you for. Sometimes all we need is a gentle reminder to ground ourselves!
Below is a loose guide. Please realize time values change with daylight savings you should start to become aware of the energy change of the day to see when the next cycle comes. Below are guestimates.
Hours of the Day:
2a to right before the sunrise around 6:30a: VATA CYCLE- AIR AND ETHER
Now is a time when we are often sleeping and the body takes its times to detoxify the organs and glands associated with Vata Dosha (air and ether). The yogis say to wake at this divine hour before the sunrise around 4:30a to 5:30a to take advantage of the energy of the day. It is a sattvic time which is balanced and in the mode of goodness. It is easier to meditate at this time taking advantage of it’s peaceful energy. Washing up (showering, washing teeth and mouth), oil massage and pulling followed by pranayama and meditation practices are a wonderful start to your day. The time you wake is the energy you pull with you through the day. The energy of vata is light, moving and buoyant. 
6:30a-10:30a right before the zenith of the sun hits its highest point: KAPHA CYLCE- EARTH AND WATER
This is a time when the energy is more grounded or heavy. Often if we wake at this time we need to have some kind of kickstart to get our day going with the energy we need to get things done! Because of this grounding quality this is a great time to get some sweaty exercise in or anything where you can take advantage of the supportive more cohesive energy. House chores, running around for errands at work, sweaty garden work. Breakfast should be a medium size (eat like a princess or price)  at this time since digestion is governed by fire we want our largest meal when digestion is strongest later on in pitta hour. Save this time for being protected against injury and being physical. 
10:30p-2p The highest point of the sun. PITTA CYCLE: FIRE AND WATER
 Eating a nice big lunch at this time is advised. (Eat like a Queen or King) Also using the incisive and organizing/ transformative energy of PITTA helps us to get organized. Now is the time to make lists and plow through them. Get organized in your home, in your work, in your life at this time while you have the focus to do so. If you didn’t sleep during pitta evening time this is also a great time to have a nap if you have that available in your schedule (night workers, etc.) 
This is often when we start to loose focus in our day as the airy nature of vata takes hold. VATA governs creativity and now is a wonderful time to brainstorm and get creative at work. Or if you’re not working at this time to create art, or dance, or write. For children unstructured play time works best. Any kind of rigid focus is tougher at this time so take advantage of your natural creativity rising now! We should have a very light dinner as the digestive fire is compromised once the next cycle of Kapha hits. Dinner between 5-7:30p. The later you eat the harder it is to digest your food so time heavier dinners for earlier and they will be digested better. 
Now is a time to take advantage of the heavy energy of kapha and winding down your day. If you didn’t get your work out in in the previous kapha cycle getting to a sweaty yoga class at this time works great to get you to wind down for your bedtime. Bedtime should be before 10 as you will lose the energy of kapha cycle. Post class take a nice bath, read a book in bed, have your golden milk or tea, get as cozy as possible to lull yourself into a wonderful restful sleep. Try to avoid stimulating or agitating activity as you’re trying to fall asleep. Dim lights, put away screens, do some breathing exercises really take it slow and calm at this time and it wont be difficult to get your needed sleep. 
If we didn’t go to sleep yet this is when the notorious second wind kicks in. All of a sudden we have all this energy! We can’t fall asleep until 2a.  We stay up trolling the internet or doing work around the house or stressing as our minds get super active. Something else happens here. We are supposed to be digesting the going ons of our day and their effects on our body. So in the mind we digest through our dreams and in our bodies the body will detoxify and renew the pitta organs (digestion, skin-beauty sleep is a real thing, kidneys, liver). If you’re not using energy towards these things you will suddenly get the midnight munchies and want to eat again! This food turns into ama undigested waste product so its best to either control yourself and not eat or make sure you are actually asleep at this time. Just establishing a rhythm like this will help the body to boost the immune system and circumvent disease and all kinds of imbalances. Sleep is incredibly important and we have to make sure we get enough of it to stay well. 
Now that you know about the hours of the day fill out the chart below to create your own daily rhythm! 
Your Planned Activities
Self Care, Meditate, 
Work/ Organize/Plan
Work/ Organize/Plan
Work/ Organize/Plan
Work/ Organize/Plan
Creative Endeavors
Creative Endeavors
Tie Up Loose Ends of Day
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woolieeemammoth · 6 years
A  G I A N T  Congratulations to Two of My Favorite People
Kick starting our Euro trip was a quick 27 hours in Vegas for Bears’ proposal to Wenders. Jase upgraded us to First Class on our bright and early 7a Alaska flight, which meant we were up at 4:45a for it, and we so, so wished this was for our LAS to EWR flight instead because we know we’re going to be screwed from the lack of sleep, but we don’t have any more Alaska/Virgin flights on the rest of our itinerary, so it was what it was and I am still grateful.  After landing in LAS, we picked up our rental van, and popped by Egg Works for some breakfast + for a quick work sesh. We tapped out at noon and headed to the Airbnb for a catnap before RiSE Festival. We started making our way out to Jean Dry Lake for RiSE around 4p, and from arrival to proposal, the time flew. When everyone’s (except Bear’s & Wenders’, as intended) lanterns have successfully floated off into the night sky, and as Wenders was trying to capture a video of the stunning sight, Bear walked her down memory lane before getting down on one knee and asking the question. From a shocked-silly Wenders: “Are you f*cking kidding me right now..” is the appropriate and acceptable reaction/response. Following RiSE, we headed back to the Airbnb for a quick a regroup before heading to Hash House A Go Go for a late night bite. And as we made our way out of the venue, the parking lot was a shit show - I accidentally drove in the oncoming traffic lane, and Wenders & I got to go over what had just happened (the proposal, not the traffic). In the years that I’ve known this darling gem, I have never, ever seen or heard her happier, and that makes me full of warm and fuzzy feelings, grinning silly head-to-toe. All the thought and planning Bear put into the proposal, everything leading up to the big moment, and the proposal itself was so precious, I had tears throughout - I find it extremely romantic that they had met in Vegas and they agreed to be each other’s for life in Vegas. It’s a full circle to the start of a new chapter in their lives. And Jason & I made it to Hash House’s parking lot, but decided then that we should probably head to our hotel for a good night’s rest before the official start to our Euro trip, aka a 5hr flight to NY + a 6hr layover + the actual flight into Spain. Goodnight for now.
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I have been a technologist (officially with tech pay for three days) for a few weeks now. The only thing that has changed from school is that I am working way more. I think I am less tired than I was when I was in school. I’m having fewer migraines, but I am working a hell of a lot more. Like 55 hours a week more. Today I checked my paystub for Friday and it is my first paycheck with a comma in it. It was nice to see but it’s definitely going to feel better once I have a paycheck with tech pay. I went from $13 an hour as a Rad Assistant to $20.50 as a technologist. That’s a really impressive increase and I can’t wait to see that. My schedule is pretty much doubles until September. Mid-September I’ll start to slow down and be working a more normal schedule. It really stresses me out thinking about it. The huge con is my family. I won’t see much of Carson and Nick. The positive is the money. My checks are going to be great. I get paid bi-weekly at each job so it’s like having a paycheck every week. Nick is not working right now. Right after I graduated he decided that he had enough of Safe Auto treating him like shit. They changed his schedule from 3p-12a Tuesday-Saturday. Literally went from the perfect 7a-4p schedule M-F to that. Go fuck yourself dude. With me working seconds for sure and picking up all these first shift schedules we would have no one to watch Carson. So he quit. He needs to be happy that’s for sure but I feel that much of the working full-time stressors have now been put on my shoulders. I feel obligated to work this much to ensure that we have our bills paid and we have extra money to do things now. I also want to start saving for my own car. We sold my last car right before graduation because Nick got a Jeep for trade of a shot gun. Dieting hasn’t been great. I have lost and gained 5 lbs for about 3 weeks.
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woefullyhopeful · 7 years
Today was an ok day. Had a good conversation with an older guy that I thought I liked. Until he randomly sent me a dick pic, blamed me for being offended, and proceeded to block me. Eating wise it was an ok day. I went a little overboard with my morning snack. I was feeling very anxious after discussing antidepressants that cause weightloss with a friend. At work, that inner voice kept telling me to binge out on sweets bc I wasnt able to fully start my new eating plan until I went grocery shopping. Instead of listening to that idiotic bullshit. I said hell no and kept it moving. Now that I am thinking about it felt good. After work I went and got some fatty foods from a restaurant. Not the best choice, but a choice that I decided to make. Tomorrow is a new day. For breakfast I plan to either eat oatmeal or a protein shake before leaving for work. Or sausage and eggs at work. For lunch, I plan to try and get a subway salad or something from the cafeteria. For dinner I am not sure what I will eat left I do still have a serving of meat loaf. Maybe I will have that. For snacks at work I will have PB, for snacks at home I will go for oatmeal, popcorn, or grapes. I will aim for the eating times of 7a, 10a, 1p, 4p, 7p, 10p. I will not get up at 3 in the morning to eat something else! #Mantra: Don't be a little bitch! No bitchassness! Mind over matter!
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lapyslazuly · 7 years
So I had a bad day last friday. I had a bad day again working yesterday. I'm off today and I have an awful waste of a day. I'm off tomorrow and I'll be wasting it just the same
My car stalled on the main road yesterday. Just once. It was fine after that all the way home. When I went to pick Shane up from work around 10p last night, whenever it'd rev to get to the next gear, it'd make a terrible rattling sound. So Shane called his dad and he said it should just need oil (the oil light had come on), we go to walmart, put oil and this other stuff in there to make the oil last longer and work better, and the way home it's fine. Driving him to work this morning was fine. On my way home, it stalled about 8 times and rattled when I was at a stop, rattled when I was moving regardless of whether it was shifting gears or not, and barely made it to 30 without stalling out each time. I barely barely barely made it to my neighborhood and far enough around the corner that anyone coming in wouldn't rear end me, about 5 houses down from my house, I could see my mailbox, and it just. stops. won't make a sound to even try and start up
My dad comes and all the oil we put in it last night is gone. We put another quart in, he tries to jump it- Nothing. The engine was overheating too. So he uses his car to literally bumper-to-bumper push my car back into my driveway (btw it's pouring down rain throughout all of this. i was soaked). He goes and gets more oil, puts that in, puts water in the radiator, the engine's cooled down- Nothing. He calls my brother in PA who builds and races his own cars for a living and my brother says the engine seized up, which basically mean the car is done for. He says if someone can get in there by the belt with a wrench and try turning a bolt down there, if it turns, it might loosen everything up and fix everything, but if it doesn't, then we're screwed. So Shane and his dad came home and his dad did that. Nothing. Didn't budge.
So. We're down 1 out of 1 car.
Shane has school tonight from 6-8:30p/9p. He and his dad got to eat dinner beforehand; I didn't because I was eating something else and gonna make it once Shane left, but his dad was being a huge baby about wanting to go to bed because god forbid he worked from like 7a-3/4p today (which is basically my exact scheduled work day every time I work. plus on saturdays i get up at 3:45a to work from 5a-12p. so he can suck it tf up), so I had to take Shane. Because his dad's truck's plates are expired from 2013. because you know. that's apparently not a big enough financial priority even though he'd go to jail if he got pulled over for it because he's been warned about it before and is in the system and stuff
In other words, worst case scenario Shane drives it: truck gets taken, he goes to jail for driving without a license and expired plates, there's a helluva lot more money involved and more jail time than he's already dealing with for getting pulled over a few weeks ago, and it's a whole ordeal. I get pulled over: truck gets taken, I get a ticket, I pay the ticket. i wouldn't go to jail because i have no marks on my license, not in the system for any reason, and tbh I could just say "oh it's my bf's dad's truck and I didn't know"
So I'm wasting the night of my day off after an awful morning/afternoon sitting here for 2 1/2 hours starving. I'm off tomorrow. Shane has school in a further town, Stuart, tomorrow morning, so I have to drive him there, sit and wait, drive him back. Then the same campus at night. Drive him there, sit and wait, drive him back. Waste my second day off.
On friday, my dad's wife, Karen, said she can take me to work. Only, she goes in at 7a and I'm scheduled for 8a. So I have to get up earlier and sit around for an hour or work for an extra hour. Not to mention, I'm scheduled to 3p and she's probably scheduled to 5 or 6. So i have to stay till she's done. Saturday we both go in at 5a, but I'm scheduled to noon, and I'm hoping to the stars she's not scheduled later than that or I'm going to absolutely lose it
My brother, Ronnie, gave my dad his van to do whatever he wants with it. Keep it. First, a while ago, my dad said when he fixes some issues with it, it's mine. Then, a few days ago he starts saying Ronnie called and wants it back bc my niece is coming home from college and wants her to have it to drive around (probably for the summer). Then my dad says yesterday that he's thinking of telling Ronnie no and just keeping the van for himself because "I wanted to do this whole cool paint job on it and it's better than driving my truck because it takes less gas" etc etc and I'm sitting there like "uh? remember me?" Not to mention? Ronnie's an upper-middle-class school teacher with a master's degree in math and money coming in from when he was in the military, with a wife who gets a good sum of money from her dad having been in the military and her also have a good solid job. They live in suburban communities with nice, slick 2 story houses. They got money. Me? Shane? We got no money. We need this van. They can afford another car.
And today, even after all the crap with my car, my dad still has the selfish dickish nerve to say that he still wants to keep the van. Finally, I told him a few minutes ago that uh yeah the car is official dead for good, and he said he'd talk to Ronnie. I swear to god if they act like selfish dicks about this I don't know what I'm gonna do. My dad saying crap like "I'll help you out in any way I can with whatever you need." but the one time I need his help the most he wants to be a selfish ahole
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