#a little fucking annoying that my friends knew i had work all this weekend at least a week before hand because i couldnt get the day off
knifvd · 7 months
a little annoyed w real live friends , i'll be working on some drabbles from THIS ask meme & lurking on discord . also a funny lil ask meme HERE .
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dontexpectmuch · 17 days
Jude with a mechanical engineering student, and she's working on f1 and is a good friend of the drivers and jude gets jealous and hard launches at a race? She works for redbull and is friends with the real Madrid guys, ty, God bless
jude is aware of how much attention he gets, no matter where he goes or whom he talks to. so many people shy away from talking to him due to all the eyes that were on him, yet he tries to stay positive and look at the bright side of the picture. as a rising star, it can be hard to meet someone that would willingly hide their relationship from the world, though when he got to know you, he felt like his prayers have had finally been answered.
it was the miami grand prix he had been invited to, ferrari have shown their interest about his appearance multiple times and when his other friends finally had the time to come along, he immediately went to the race and enjoyed his time there.
it was also the place where he met the cute engineering student that was walking out of the rivals garage, cute cap with the official team shirt on, baggy pants and a book in hand. he sneaked away from the group and followed you to the water fountain in the middle of the two garages, desperately trying to look cool yet uninterested.
so when you two fall into a conversation [slight argument] about the team and who would win the race, jude knew that he had to keep in touch with you, exactly what he did.
now, two years later, the two of you have been in a private and secret relationship, something both of you enjoyed at the beginning. the relationship blossomed quietly, only his most trusted friends knew about it, same with you. having an intelligent partner who works for one of the best sports team ever is something that jude is incredibly proud [and turned on] of, it’s like a match made in heaven. no one could disturb your little bubble of happiness and peace, and you would like to keep it that way as long as you can.
but these days, jude really wants to post about his relationship, just to mark his territory. just to let all of those sneaky, weird, [and attractive, fuck] drivers know that their ‘friend’ slash engineer was off the market.
especially now, when all you talk about is the garage and the people you work with.
“well, and then i told max to-“
you immediately stop talking when you hear jude let out an annoyed sigh, eyes wide as you look at your boyfriend.
the atmosphere around you is quite comfortable, you’d say, or at least it is to you. it has been quite some since you were able to sit down and have a nice, home cooked meal together. normally your schedules clash during the week, and weekends were spent outside the house, exploring new places and trying new things.
and normally, jude would love to hear you talk about your week, about the new stuff you learned that he definitely did not understand, but the sparkle inside your eyes made it all worth it. he didn’t know why he is so annoyed about you talking about the person you literally work with, more likely work for, but just hearing the name drop from your lips makes him want to go and shoot a ball at all of their heads.
“uh, you okay, my love?” your concern for him makes jude melt, and he wishes that he could just ignore this negative feeling growing inside of him, yet he simply can’t.
he shrugs, corners if his lips turning slightly down, “don’t know, why don’t you ask your little friend max. that’s what you always do, right?”
he knew that this was the moment he royally fucked up, no turning back now.
when you frown and look at him with those confused eyes, jude gets even more worked up than he should.
as if you don’t know what he is talking about.
“i beg your pardon, jude?”
you called him ‘jude’, meaning you were also getting worked up about the situation, well, his behavior.
he scoffs again, getting up from the table to put his empty plate away.
it was delicious, he would say, but right now he just wants to be pissed about this whole situation [that he started].
you copy his movements, actually quite sad that your usual chat time after eating is interrupted by this petty argument.
“hey, ‘m talkin’ to you.” your confusion does not seem to go away, no matter how you try to look at the situation. jude simply takes your plate from your hands and places it inside the dishwasher, before he dries his hands to continue the conversation [discussion].
“all ‘m sayin’ is that you love to be seen with your little racer buddies instead of with me.” he moves out of the kitchen back to the dining table to pick up the other dishes and the drinks.
“what the fuck?” is all you can say about his statement as you take the drinks from his hands to put them into the fridge, “what do you mean i ‘love to be seen’ with them? i work with those people and actually get along with them, just like you do with your teammates.”
the tension [not the hot one] between you rises by the second and jude is once again walking around the apartment, “that’s not the same.”
“the fuck you mean it’s not the same? it literally is?”
a few minutes ago jude would have [maybe, probably not] admitted that he might have gone too far with what he had said to you, but now seeing you getting so offensive about something that bothers him, he no longer feels like he should back off. instead he wants to win this, he wants you to understand that he is right and that you being seen with others could be, no it is, disrespectful to your relationship.
“you are my girlfriend, why would you want to be seen with other guys?!” raising his voice was something he rarely did whenever you guys argued. he preferred to keep calm in order to avoid hurting you in any way. but right now, his voice was getting louder with each argument he made, heating up the whole conversation even more.
you genuinely did not understand why he would come up with this argument all of a sudden, it is not the first time that you are seen at max’ side at races or maybe even next to others. you had a healthy relationship with most drivers and pleasant conversations with them in between races and breaks. everyone knew that you are the intern who will soon work for the redbull racing team, and jude actually was the one to be the proudest of you. it is literally how and where you guys met.
“the reason why i am seen with them is because, one; i work with them. we have to talk a lot because of the development of the car and i still have to learn a lot from the other engineers. two, i get along with them, you know, like normal co workers do, because, fuck, why not? you know all of this.” you feel your throat straining with how much and how loud you are talking, but the rage inside of you somehow numbs the pain.
“so people thinking that you are dating one of them also comes with the job, yeah?”
jude now stands tall in front if you, nostrils flared and eyes wide. he isn’t mad at you entirely, he knows it, but more like at the situation and the people that dare to pair you with someone that is not him.
but you cannot know that he isn’t mad at you, because in your eyes it seems like he is blaming you for the stuff the media puts into the news. your heart beats faster than ever and this whole situation makes your head spin.
“i don’t control what the media says? like, it’s not in my hands? to them i am a single woman who is successfully working for a motorsport team, rumors are bound to happen?”
“well, there is always some truth behind rumors, right?”
something inside you snapped, “what about you, huh?!”
jude almost flinched when you suddenly raised your voice at him, a sight he has never seen before.
“you also get paired up with a new woman every fucking day, jude. do you see me complain about it? no! because i trust you.” right now, you really wished to cry. was it that hard to understand?
the comfortable atmosphere from a few minutes ago vanished entirely, coldness and a bitter feeling on your tongue seem to have replaced it. during the two years you and jude havr spent together, you never had such an argument to this extent.
“but i am never pictured next to those people! i never even talked to them ever in my life!”
suddenly still, your eyes widened, mouth dry as you speak up, “are you accusing me of cheating on you?”
jude looks at you with his mouth open, feeling like a deer caught in headlights.
“no, never…” the stark contrast between your voices now compared to just a second ago is almost cinematic, as if you had practiced this scene multiple times already. silently looking at one another, eyes dancing around the others faces in order to understand what just had happened.
“do you also think that way when i talk to aurelien and eduardo?” your voice breaks as you speak up, a defeated feeling replaces the rage inside, “do you actually think like this of me?”
judes shoulders sack down as he listens to you speak, this is absolutely not something he ever thought of, nor would he ever dare to accuse you of such thing.
he wants to speak up, yet you quickly cut him off, “just for your information, to the media and the rest to the world, we both are single individuals who don’t even know each other. and all the guys on the grid know that i am a taken person, they would never do such thing.”
you scoff as you shake your head, turning around to go to the front door.
jude panics as he watches your fast steps, immediately following you, “what- uh, where are you going?”
you quickly put on your shoes and put your bag on your shoulders, not in the mood to continue any of this, “wanna go home.”
“but this is home-“
your head snaps to his direction, eyes cold, “apparently not. at least not now.”
jude closes his hand around your wirst, not wanting you to go away when the situation between you is so heated.
“let’s find a solution, babe, c’mon.” he begs, voice husky and desperate. he did not know that it would escalate like this, but now he regrets to even bring up this topic.
you sigh, all of this arguing took a toll on you and now you want to do nothing more but lay in your bed and not to think of anything anymore.
inhaling deeply, you look at jude, his big brown eyes never left yours anyway, and he truly does look like he wants to fix this, which you do too.
“listen,” you begin, taking one last deep breath, “you cannot accuse me of such thing and then expect me to do nothing about it-“
“i don’t want you to do anything, just, let’s stop arguing.”
scoffing, you tighten the grip on your bag, “you started all if this because apparently, you do not trust me, jude.”
“it’s babe-“
“it’s jude right now, don’t test me.” you threaten him, not in the mood for his little jokes.
shaking your head, an almost mocking laugh leaves your lips, “we decided to keep our relationship a secret. you, by the way, wanted to do it this way the most. i would have launched our relationship ages ago, because i trust you and i trust our bond. y’know, communicating and stuff.”
judes voice cracks slightly as he speaks up, deep sigh leaving his body as he tries to hold your hand, a sign that he is getting desperate, “i trust you, too, babe. ‘t’s just- i don’t know, like, rumors and shit and i don’t want you to have reporters on your neck at all times, y’know.”
you frown at his words, “but that does not explain why you literally sprung at me for mentioning max, or the others. when we first started dating, i already knew what would come along with being with you, and i would take it all, jude, everything.”
jude smiles at your words, now looking down at your hands, so you continue, “all those annoying rumors about me, people following me and what not, i genuinely will take it all, because i love you. not max, not lando nor charles or whomever you’re jealous of.”
“i ain’t jealous.” he rolls his eyes, slowly stepping closer to you.
“don’t lie to me, belli.” you smirk at him.
jude chuckles, his thumb dancing across your knuckles help you to be at ease.
“sooo?” you look at him confused, waiting for him to continue.
“do we just post a picture together? or like, do a sex tap-“
“shut it.” you pinch his waist, chuckling as he squirms away from your touch, “we will do a, hm, maybe a soft launch? yeah, something like that.”
jude groans, throwing his head back, “that takes way too long.”
“well,” you shrug, “ that’s what you get for literally yelling at me for doing my job.”
“and i’m sorry, love.” judes hand now caresses your cheek softly, head tilted down as his bog brown eyes apologetically look at yours, “next time, i will calmly ask you about something that bothers me, okay?”
“okay.” you smile at him, leaning into his touch.
“you have a race this weekend, no?”
“yeah, in belgium this time, why?”
“just because.”
“still trouble in paradise?” you hear landos [annoying] kind voice from behind you, making you draw your eyebrows together.
turning around, you tilt your head in question, “wait, how do you know?”
lando innocently smiles at you, shrugging his shoulders, “max and i are somewhat besties, y’know.”
“max.” you grumble, already planning on how to get your revenge from him.
“so? everything okay now?” lando questions again, this time in a slightly more serious manner than before.
“it’s always okay between us, just rocky at times.” you tell him, not stopping yourself from smiling when you think of your boyfriend.
lando nods his head at something behind you, “seems like goal-machine over there still wants to rip off my head, though.”
“goal-machine-?” you turn around and are immediately met with the sight of jude leaning against some tires in the garage.
he looks good, you must admit. sunglasses on too of his nose, oversized shirt with the first few buttons undone, night dress pants and matching shoes, a real snack.
a snack that should not be here, or well, a snack you did not know that would be here. so, you bid your goodbyes to lando and walk closer to jude, coming to halt a fee steps in front of him.
“eh, hi?” you greet him, confused but happy.
he smiles down at you, taking off his glasses to get a better look at you, “hey there, sexy lady.”
you scoff, rolling your eyes as you cross your arms in front of your chest, “not now, i am working, y’know.”
“chatting it up with little lad over there is quite some work, huh?” jude points at lando with his head, who still, you don’t know why, is standing inside the redbull garage, subtly [nit really] glancing at your direction every now and then.
“lando just likes to annoy me, nothing more.” you explain, smiling as you watch jude stand up straight.
“well, let’s annoy him back.” he smirks down at you.
jude cuts you off by placing his soft lips on top of yours as his muscular arm sneaks around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest. at first you feel like resisting, but the more he deepened the kiss, the more you could not get enough of it. tilting your head to gain better control, you feel up his chest before you place your hands at the back of his next, enjoying this public display of affection more than ever. maybe because it is the first time you’ve ever done something like this in a place like the garage-
you immediately push jude away, eyes wide open, “jude! there are cameras everywhere!”
he just smiles down at you, that little tease, before taking your hand into his, “you wanted to go public anyway.”
“i wanted a soft launch, though! i always wanted to soft launch a relationship.” you whine, moving closer to out your forehead against his chest in defeat.
“you can still soft launch it, love.”
you shake your head, still against his chest while you feel his hand move up and down your back, “no, let me grieve in peace, please.”
“love you too, babe.”
“shut it, you ruined my dreams.”
“you’re welcome.”
enjoy 🥰
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nickfowlerrr · 7 months
Would you rather:
Walk in on dbf!Lee pleasuring himself to your pictures or have Bucky go into Winter Soldier mode while he’s fucking you 💞
it's no secret
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pairing: dbf!lee bodecker x curvy!reader
warnings: 18+ only. reader is at minimum 25 but there's still an age gap. male masturbation. unprotected smut. lee being referred to as "daddy". honestly not as nasty as i was originally imagining this to be, and not as forbidden as most dbf tropes should probably be lol sorry.
words: 3.7k
notes: i was gonna say bucky, i really was, but then i got to thinking, and suddenly my fingers got to typing, and now here we are lol. pls enjoy.
thank you in advance for reading! comments and reblogs are always welcome and so appreciated.
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You were essentially blackmailed into coming along on this weekend trip to the family cabin by your dad. A promise that he wouldn't tell your mom about your holiday plans, and how they didn't involve you coming home this year, in exchange for your presence on this "family" trip. 
Unfortunately, your father failed to mention the last minute change of plans that included a few more people than you were prepared for staying at the cabin with you. 
Your room was yours, but all the other ones were now taken by family friends; some you knew, and some you'd only just met. As annoyed as you were at the number of people around, the presence of one in particular kept you from loading up your car and faking a work emergency to head back to your apartment in the city.
Lee Bodecker was a relatively new friend of your dad's, but his impression was lasting to say the least.
He was tall and thick, had a strong jaw and sharp cheekbones, gorgeous blue eyes and the beginnings of crow's feet around them that only added to his attractiveness; you couldn’t deny that his age and respectability were part of what held your attention. His chestnut hair was dark with gray that shone through around his hairline and the badge he wore on his belt caught your eye, too. A sheriff. Hm. He had this air about him, this unspoken confidence and a powerful, authoritative presence that had you just a little more than interested in the man.
You had met a few weeks back at your dad's birthday party. He had caught you staring at him from across the room as he spoke to a group of people crowded around him, while you were sitting on the couch alone, nursing your soda and watching the party go on around you.
You hadn’t meant to stare, didn't even realize you were, until his sapphire eyes met yours. The twitch of a smirk playing on his lips as he returned your gaze sent a thrill up your spine, but you simply looked away, taking a sip from your drink as you crossed your legs and got more comfortable on the sofa.
You felt his eyes on you for a moment longer before the heavy weight of his gaze fell away. It wasn't long after that that a heavy weight soon fell next to you on the loveseat. 
Most of the guests, and your parents, were drunk as the party continued all around you, no one paying much of any attention to you or Lee as you sat right up against one another.
You set your drink on the side table before you turned slightly with a raised brow to your unexpected company.
“Hope you don’t mind me comin over, darlin’,” he began easily, “you looked a little lonely sittin here by yourself.”
His arm moved to stretch across the back of the couch, inviting you in closer to him than you already were.
“Did I?” you questioned. “Well, I appreciate you tearing yourself away from your enraptured audience just to offer me some company.”
You and Lee spoke for a long while, his charm effortless, his hand wandering, and that damn lopsided smirk never faltering as he flirted and teased you with fleeting touches… his big, warm palm sliding up your exposed thigh, under the tight material of your dress in a game of chicken until he was reluctantly pulled away from you by the badgering of your dad and his drunken friends, needing Lee to recount the story you were sure they’d all hear a million times by now. 
You had had enough yourself for one night, so adjusted the hem of your dress that would have been riding up your thick thighs regardless, and grabbed your purse and keys.
“Maybe I’ll see you around,” you said as you moved past him to get to your dad first, needing to say your goodbyes to your parents before you left.
“You will,” Lee rumbled in his reply, his voice a little deeper now than it had been earlier as he watched you walk in front of him, the view leaving him licking his lips as he fought to keep his hands to himself.
And he was right. 
You weren’t expecting him to be here this weekend, but you definitely weren’t complaining. 
All day had been spent with you both stealing glances at one another and trying repeatedly to get close, only for someone to come by and ruin any chance you had to even speak. 
It wasn’t until that night that you finally had some alone time with Lee.
Your parents were leading a hike up the mountain to see the stars that everyone wanted to join in on. Everyone but you two.
Lee had said goodnight to the group as they started getting ready to take off while you hung back, making sure everyone had everything they’d need. You helped spray your mom’s friend’s kids with bug repellent and double checked the flashlight batteries on the bigger lights before giving your portable phone charger to your dad, just in case, before the group of them left for their hike.
You were surprisingly giddy as you watched them all take off down the path. You waited a few minutes, making sure no one was gonna change their minds about the long night hike and turn around. You did a quick look around the cabin to ensure it really was just you and Lee and when you were satisfied, you went to your room to change into something more…easily accessible. 
You fussed over your hair needlessly for a minute in the bathroom before adjusting the straps of your night slip.
As you padded down the hallway from your room to the one Lee was staying in, you slowed when you heard noise coming from his direction.
The closer you got, the more the anticipation built as you realized what it was you were hearing.
Lee’s grunts and moans filled the empty hallway and had your pussy fluttering as your heart pounded. You squeezed your thighs together in an attempt to ease the growing desire but it did little to satisfy you as his voice only rose. 
When you were at the door, you realized that it wasn’t completely closed. He’d left it ajar.
You saw the glow of his phone from over his shoulder as he sat on the opposite side of the bed, facing away from the door.
You didn’t have to guess to know what it was he was doing, his fist moving tortuously over his thick cock as he pumped himself. It did surprise you, though, when you made out what it was he was looking at; more aptly, who he was looking at.
You recognized your picture from your private instagram account, the one you kept family off of. It was for your sexier pictures, the ones you didn’t always feel comfortable posting on your main. You’d followed Lee from that account the day after you’d met, your mom had posted a picture from the party and tagged him, among others, in the group pictures, and you took the opportunity as it was presented to you.
You’d messaged each other when you got the spare chance, exchanged numbers, and talked more these past weeks. So much so, you had even told him you were going to be out of town for this trip this weekend. 
The cocky smile he wore when he saw you this afternoon let you know why he hadn’t decided to share that he’d be here too. The look of surprise on your face was exactly what he wanted to see.
He’d tried to set up a time to see you in the time between your meeting and now, but you were always busy when he was free and vice versa. Honestly, a part of him was worried if you knew he’d be here, you would’ve found a way out. 
God, was he wrong. 
You’d been desperate for this man since the night you met him.
As you pushed the door further open, you couldn’t help but admire his form. He was naked as he sat on the edge of the bed, the muscles in his solid back flexing as his strong arm moved up and down while he stroked himself.
You didn’t even realize you were breathing heavier as you inched closer, his moans the only thing you could focus on now.
Lee could sense you coming up behind him, he heard you when you pushed the door open, and now he was really putting on a show for you. He wanted you to know exactly what you did to him, with just a goddamn photo. He wanted you to hear how fucking good you make him feel without even having to have his hands on you. 
You aren’t thinking as you climb onto the bed, crawling closer to him until you're against him entirely. You take a second before you allow your hands to touch him, slipping them up his back, over his shoulders and down his chest as he purrs, leaning back into you.
You’re mesmerized by his movements, his fist pumping over his leaking cock as he keeps his eyes on his phone, your photo taking up the screen as his mind runs wild with all the things he wants to do to you. 
“As good of a picture as that is,” you speak headily in his ear, causing goosebumps to break out over his skin, “I’m sure I can do more for you in person.” You smile as he licks his pink lips, taking his phone from him before gently tossing it up the bed.
“‘Bout damn time,” he responds gruffly, turning to capture your lips in his as he lets go of his cock. He holds your head with one hand as he threatens to consume you with his kiss alone.
He then reaches his arm down and takes you by the waist as he moves to lay down on the bed in the same moment, everything much more hurried now as he urges you to move on top of him.
Lee is completely naked as you straddle him, your night slip raised over your hips to allow the position. 
“Fuck I’ve been picturing you like this since the night of your dad’s party,” he said as his hands moved from your thighs, up your hips, and under the slip to push it up your body further.
“Let’s not talk about my dad right now,” you rasped before you allowed him to raise the slip higher, finally pulling it over your head and tossing it to the side.
“How pissed do you think he’d be if he knew his precious daughter was seconds away from riding his friend’s cock in his own cabin, huh?”
“Lee, please,” you moan with a pout.
He chuckles as he reaches a hand up from your hip to your breasts, pinching a nipple meanly as you whine, moving your hips over his to no avail. He keeps you exactly where he wants you.
“You made me wait, it’s only fair, darlin’,” he smirks, clearly enjoying himself.
“You’re gonna be left waiting even longer if they get back soon,” you try to argue.
“You think I won’t still fuck you if your parents are here?” he asks as he takes hold of his cock again. You move your hips, trying to make it easier for him to position himself as he moves his dripping cockhead up and down your slit. You moan helplessly as he rubs against your clit, leaning over him as you urge him to just put it in already. His tauntings aren’t doing anything to help, either.
You can feel his tip at your entrance as you feel his lips against your ear, 
“Let your dad hear you screamin’ daddy,” he growls as he thrusts into you at last, a wanton moan escaping you as your hands find purchase on his shoulders. 
He growls again as your walls grip his length. He holds you there for a long moment as you adjust to his intrusion, his fingers digging into your fleshy hips.
“God, you feel so good,” you whimper before you begin to move atop him, his hands leading your movements.
Your head falls back in pleasure as you ride him, the way he fills you up, a delight you don’t think you’ve ever experienced. 
Lee watches you with heavy lids, his blue eyes dark with unrestrained lust. He lets you take control as you move your hips over his, chasing your own pleasure as each move stimulates your clit.
He can’t stop himself though, eventually his hips jerk up into you, causing you to clench around him, your hold on him tightening when he begins fucking up into you with abandon.
You fall onto him with a cry as he grips your ass almost painfully.
The first slap he lands is sharp and stings but has your walls gripping his shaft even tighter.
“You like that, baby?” he snickers through a moan as you babble mindlessly, his cock still thrusting into you as his hips never slow.
The second slap burns more than the first but Lee quickly follows it up with his palm massaging the sting gently as you moan meekly.
“Daddy asked you a question, darlin’,” he taunts as his pace slows. The drag of his cock is still long and deep, though. He ensures you feel every inch of him as he slides in and out of your cunt. 
“Yes,” you answer as you pick your hips up and down, wanting it harder.
Another slap has you gasping as you peer up at Lee. Your mouth goes dry at the look in his eyes as his hips stop moving entirely.
“Yes, daddy,” you murmur as you hold his stare.
A growl ripes from his throat at your words as he holds your waist tightly, flipping you so you’re on your back as he hovers above you.
The sight of Lee between your legs sends a new wave of slickness to your pussy as you relax into the bed with a pleasured sigh.
He positions himself at your entrance and slides right in, pulling you closer by your hips as he thrusts into your wet heat.
He groans as he leans over you, looking down at your exposed body.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, you know that?”
You’re stunned at his words. You knew he was attracted to you, duh, but there was something so genuine about the way he said it. It sent a flutter to your belly as you couldn’t do anything but stare back up at him with doe eyes as he fucked you so perfectly.
You reached up and pulled him down to you, crashing your lips into his as your response. He licked into your mouth and you let him dominate the kiss as you followed his lead.
He finally broke it when you were both nearly out of breath. 
“Goddamn perfect,” he husked as he leaned back up, rolling his hips into yours, his cock sliding right against the spot you most wanted to feel him. He groped your breasts, kneading them with his large hand, playing with your nipples as he growled and groaned, his touch and filthy sounds only spurning you on further.
“Lee,” you whimpered, grabbing at him as your walls tightened, that coil in your belly tightening more and more with his every thrust.
“‘M right there, baby. Right there with you,” he huffed, “just a little more.”
“Please,” you breathed, your eyes squeezing tightly as you tried to hold off your orgasm just a little longer, “please, Lee.”
He grunted, hands gripping your hips tight enough to bruise as he fucked your harder, stretching you delightfully. 
“Please come with me, Daddy, please,” you begged, earning a deep thrust and a symphony of sinful noises and curses from the man pounding into you. Another harsh thrust had you nearly squealing as you finally came around his thick length, the hot pleasure shooting through you before crashing down wave after euphoric wave as your body tensed and shook.
Cries of pleasure and his name like a prayer left your lips as your walls milked his cock, his come filling you up as he let himself burst inside of you. The hot, thick ropes of his release hitting your walls had you squeezing him tighter as you whimpered beneath him.
As you began to come down and tried to regulate your breathing, his hand on your face had you opening your eyes before they closed once more as he pressed his swollen lips to yours. The kiss was slow and deep as his hips slowed and stilled against yours while your hands found his face in return, holding him to you. His cock softened and slipped out of you, causing you to murmur into the kiss at the loss of him. He smirked against your lips before he ended it, pressing his forehead to yours instead as you breathed each other in. 
You peered into his eyes as he stared down at you.
There was a softness in his gaze that you swear could’ve had you melting into the mattress right then and there.
He smiled at you and you couldn’t help but return it as you smiled demurely back.
Your thumb mindlessly stroked his cheek before he nuzzled into your touch. Lee let his body lay down next to you on the mattress, holding your hand against his face and pulling your body closer to his with his free hand.
He sighed contentedly as you turned into him. 
“Was the wait worth it?” you asked softly.
He looked to you, squeezing you just a bit tighter, “Well worth it.”
You laughed, “Good. I’m glad. We’ll have to do this again sometime,” you simpered, pushing off of him, turning back to get off the bed.
“Where do you think you’re goin’ sweetheart?” he said, stopping you from leaving.
“What, I can’t stay in here. My mom’ll realize I’m not in my room and freak out. She’s paranoid about me being taken by some mystery monster up here, has been since I was a kid,” you reminisced. 
“Darlin’,” he drawled, rolling over you once again, “I think she already knows you’ve been taken by the monster,”
You laughed as he attacked your neck with kisses, holding you close to him. 
“Oh, and you, Sheriff, you’re the monster?”
“Mhm. Prepared to take her daughter away to his lair. Keep her all to himself,” he murmured against your skin.
“Well, for what it’s worth,” you said, running your fingers through his short hair, “I don’t foresee her putting up much of a fight.”
You could feel his smirk before he pulled away to look you in the eyes once again. 
“I am serious, darlin’. I think she already knows we may be up to something.”
“How would she possibly know that?”
He sighed, turned and layed down next to you again, “I asked your dad for his permission before I tried to ask you out the other week.”
“What? You did?” you asked in disbelief, “and he said yes?”
“I was as shocked as you are,” he smiled. “He asked me the other day at work how it went and when I told him we hadn’t been able to set anything up, he invited me here this weekend.”
“Ah,” all the pieces were connecting now as you let out a breathless chuckle. “Hm.”
“There a problem with that?”
“No,” you shook your head, “no, I just. I don’t normally tell my parents about the people I see until things are, uhm…serious, I guess?... And I mean, this was great, I would absolutely love to do it again,” you smiled, “but, uh, what exactly are we doing? Just so we’re on the same page, so we know where we stand.”
“Sex is great,” he agreed, “but I’d be lyin’ if I said I wasn’t hoping for more.”
“More as in, like, dating?”
He turned to be face to face with you before he spoke, “That was my intention.”
You nodded then, fighting a bigger smile from breaking out across your face. 
“Okay,” as you spoke, you could hear the front door downstairs open. Your eyes went wide as your head shot to the still open door of the room, “Shit. Well for now, I’d prefer my parents not know I desecrated their beloved cabin by getting creampied by their friend in the bed that they paid for,” you whisper ranted as you clamored off the bed and pulled your night slip back on. You were about to rush to the door, trying to beat them up the stairs as Lee sat up and leaned against the headboard, watching you, quite entertained by your frantic state before you stopped in your tracks, turned around and padded back over to him, “I’ll leave my door open, but you’ll have to wait until my parents shut their light off if you want round two,” you whispered, kissing him gently before slipping away just as fast, shutting his door behind you. All he could do was smile, still basking in the afterglow and the idea of what was still to come.
It was an hour later, after your mom had checked in on you - a habit from the past twenty something years since they’d bought the cabin - and their lights went out across the hall, that your bed dipped as Lee quietly crawled in beside you.
His arms wrapped around you, his lips pressed against your ear,
“You said somethin’ bout round two. Much as I loved hearin’ you moan for me, let’s see how quiet you can be for Daddy.”
You whimpered almost inaudibly, but Lee heard it anyway, his large hand coming up to your throat, instantly causing you to get even more wet for him as he squeezed ever so slightly.
“You gonna be a good girl for me, baby?” he prompted, a wicked smirk on his lips as he pressed his boxer cover erection against your bare ass.
Your voice was a pathetic whisper as you pressed back against him,
“Yes, Daddy.”
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mysteria157 · 2 months
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Chapter One
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Pairing: Black Fem!Reader x Hitman Toji Fushiguro
CW: Profanity, Hints of Explicit Sexual Content, Fluff, Comfort
Word Count: Don't worry about it.
“I’m only going to say this one more time, Toji. I don’t do situationships. I don’t do friends with benefits or the occasional hookup. You want more? I want you to try. Earn me.”
His hands are so bloody, that if you ever knew the source, you would'nt want someone like him to try. He shouldn't be here, taking up so much of your time, asking for more. But he's selfish.
-or; Toji, a notorious hitman, moves to America for more money and a better life for his son. He didnt expect to sleep with you, let alone want more. When his dangerous life catches up to him, he takes on one final lucrative hit, but realizes this target has unseen connections hitting closer to home. Now he must navigate a perilous job while desperately keeping his criminal double life hidden from you.
Authors Notes: Hello! I hope you all enjoy this first chapter. As stated in the masterlist, this fic is a continuation from Maneater, so reading that will definitely help set the tone for this fic. I plan to dig deep with this story and really find my voice writing a different genre.
As always, reblogs, comments, and likes are always appreciated! Enjoy and thank you for your support!
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Dividers: @royallaesthetics @eloquentmoon | Header: created by myself (fanart from Pinterest)
©mysteria157, all rights reserved. DO NOT copy, plagiarize, reupload, modify, or translate (without permission) my work to other accounts and platforms.
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…women like you drown oceans -Rupi Kaur
*** You ***
The sharp sound of gum expanding and then exploding causes you to flinch, your eyeliner pen frozen just above your lid. Through the mirror’s reflection, you shoot a glare at the open closet door, where your cousin rummages through your clothes.
She’s in her own little world. If this were any other circumstance, she would have been scolded for her habit of popping gum—a top offender on the list of annoying behaviors ingrained in both of you since childhood. You detest the sound, and if you were closer, you would have punched her in the stomach by now.
You and your cousin typically get along well, but she enjoys testing your limits to coax you out of your shell. The only way to shut her up is by letting her tire herself out during her talkative rampages or swinging at her when you’ve had enough.
Every day with her is a gamble of which will come first.
Your eyeliner is still hovering by your upper lid, suspended in place as you watch another sundress get haphazardly thrown against the closet wall instead of being put back on a hanger where it fucking belongs.
You can’t bother with trying to get violent with her, you’re way too preoccupied with other thoughts. More incessant thoughts like how to play it cool on a date. It’s not that hard, right? Be yourself, get a gauge of the man trying to impress you, entertain a few hours of your day and then back home to relax.
If it were anyone else but Toji, then it would be easy.
You had buried yourself in double shifts and extended hours in the lab just to distract yourself from today. Anything to keep you busy and keep your mind off the fact that someone you are sort of interested in…wants to see you. And he reminds you every day when you look down at your phone.
Despite his admission of being a lazy texter, Toji is surprisingly consistent. But the messages take on a blunt form wrapped around a small pearl of care.
Toji: Eat breakfast. What good are you in a hospital if you pass out?
Toji: Stop taking on more shifts, its stupid. Go home and rest.
Toji: You better not be tired this weekend. 
No matter how hard you try to force your face to stay immobile, each text makes your lips twitch into a small smile. He masks his words in harsh deliveries, but the intention is obvious. The satisfying jolt that shoots up your spine when your phone buzzes with a notification from him should be embarrassing. It should be.
But you love it.
It’s absurd, really. Only two weeks have passed since you met him, hardly enough time to form any meaningful connection. Yet, that night at your uncle’s was unexpectedly delightful. Toji was, against your better judgment, charming and attentive, almost to the point of clinginess. And, undeniably, he’s attractive. And a fucking fantastic lay.
So, despite your instinct to ignore a man and the way they flaunt their feathers for your attention, you want Toji to bring that same energy as last time.
You lean your elbows back into the shiny wood of your vanity, focusing your attention on your eye as you lower the eyeliner to your skin.
The sound makes you jump, disrupting your focus and smearing the eyeliner across your temple.
“Rene!” you bark, slamming your eyeliner down on the vanity top with a force that makes your hand sting, and you yank a drawer open in search of a makeup wipe. “Stop popping your gum before I come over there and beat the shit out of you.” As you wipe off the smudged makeup, you catch the reflection of your cousin emerging from your closet.
She embodies a beauty that’s almost blinding, matched only by her lively personality. So naturally, heads turn when she enters a room, her chocolate skin seemingly radiant wherever she goes. With her thick, kinky hair always in a protective style and her unshakeable confidence in her intelligence and appearance, Rene caught Shiu’s attention immediately, and he’s been captivated ever since.
She is one of very few in your family who truly gets you, who sees the world with clarity and understands its nuances and how to navigate through it without compromising her ideals. Since childhood, you’ve stuck to each other like glue. She understands you and your guarded demeanor, you understand her and her loud personality. She’s one of your best friends.
But at this moment, as she stands before you in booty shorts and a tank top that accentuates her curves, her twist out cascading from a pineapple updo, and an outfit draped over one arm, she is pissing you off as she pops her gum againwith a cheeky expression.
“I like your makeup.” A sly grin stretches on her face, enhancing her soft features. You ignore her, feeling your defenses rise as she effortlessly peels back your layers. The liquid eyeliner glides against the smooth brown of your skin, forming a subtle cat-eye as you pretend not to notice her approaching you from behind.
She gracefully settles onto your vanity top, ignoring your lipstick casing that teeters over and rolls across the shiny surface. You shoot her another glare before moving to your other eye. “You should put on some mascara too. When you give him head later today, I’m sure he’ll love to see it run down your cheeks and—”
You swing at her not even a second later, landing a solid smack on the side of her thigh. “UM Ow?!”
“Um?? Shut the fuck up,” you growl, sneering at her with a leveling scowl that you hope cuts through her.
It doesn’t.
Rene snorts, shrugging off the vanity and moving to your bed to change her clothes. As she pulls your dark jeans over her thick thighs, you can’t help but wonder if you should dress more…sexy?  Your jean shorts reveal enough skin, and the jersey fits snugly around your torso. You’re no stranger to dressing to the nines and making heads turn just like her, but you value practicality more than appeal. It’s a football game, after all, and you love football. Why bother looking overly sexy when you’ll be screaming and stuffing hotdogs and pretzels in your mouth?
Despite the logic, a hand of insecurity tightens around your throat.
Rene, like the annoyingly clairvoyant bitch she is, tastes the shift in the air and rolls her eyes at you through the mirror’s reflection. “You look fucking amazing. Toji asked you out—frequently, I might add.”
The memories of his persistence flash through your mind in a rush. Heated touches in the backseat of your truck, sweaty skin sliding against each other, and your mouth dripping with moans of satisfaction were constantly interrupted by his repeated question.
“Let me take you out.”
As if he couldn’t get enough. As if he wanted more. As if he wouldn’t leave your uncle’s house that night until you flat-out told him to leave you alone.
You haven’t entertained a man since your cheating ex, so your defenses remain high and guarded, fortified with brick and mortar, armed to fend off anyone who comes too close.
But in such a short time, Toji managed to advance further than others with hard skin resilient to your attacks, and a constant insistence to be by your side. He’s spoken to you in ways that would have landed others in the ER, yet his words were always laced with harsh care to make you confront your own overreactions instead of hiding.
“Stop acting up and let me be nice to you.”
“You’re not mean to men; you just don’t do bullshit.”
“It’s okay to be a little excited about this,” Rene interjects, slicing through the thick current of your anxiety.
And you are, excited and a little nervous, though you don’t respond to her, simply reaching for your clear lip gloss to finish your makeup.
By the time there is a knock on your door thirty minutes later, you and Rene are ready to go. Your curls are piled high on your head, tendrils falling to frame your face and your hairline slicked with curled edges. There’s a subtle shake in your hands wrapped around the handle of your front door, betraying the calm façade you wear.  As you open it, expecting Toji’s familiar face, you’re met with Shiu, a toothpick in his mouth and a gentle smile playing on his lips.
You greet him warmly with a hug, letting him inside. He can only hug you for a second before rushing past you and toward the direction of your room, anxious to see his fiancé. “Don’t fuck on my bed!” you yell after him, loud enough for your cousin to hear.
It’s only a minute later when there’s a knock at the door that makes you jump, shocking you into reality again as you realize that you haven’t moved since inviting Shiu inside. In your stupidity, you look through the peephole and swallow the gasp at Toji’s distorted form.
“I can see your feet. Open the door,” his deep voice cuts, familiar and commanding.
Your fingers curl against the wooden surface of your door, nails scratching lightly along the veneer as you wrestle with the innate temptation to be stubborn. Besides Nanami Kento—another close friend and coworker—Toji is the only man you’ve let talk to you like this. He’s a little bit of an asshole, but beneath his rough exterior lies a tender core that beckons you to peel back the layers like an onion, eager to feel just how soft the bulb is in the center. You’re drawn to him in a way you can’t explain, and it’s a longing that ignites a hunger that you haven’t experienced in a very long time.
With a resigned sigh, you swing the door open to be welcomed by the sight of him, a picture that leaves you momentarily breathless. You swallow the drool that pools instantly in the back of your throat, curl your toes in your sneakers to resist the urge to spring forward and slant your lips against his, and bite the inside of your lip so the twitching on the sides does not turn into a gentle smirk.
“You look good, baby,” his words roll off his tongue effortlessly, his gaze sweeping over you with a knowing intensity. It feels as though he’s studying a heavily guarded masterpiece that he finally has his hands on to steal. He notices every stroke of paint, every blotch that makes you who you are and it’s with a concentration that leaves you dizzy enough to grip the door tighter in your hands.
Though only a week has passed since you last saw him, his presence still grips you with a force that borders on intoxicating. Clad in a black shirt that accentuates his commanding presence, his broad shoulders exude a magnetic strength that summons you, stirring a primal desire to dig your fingernails into him like you did that night in your truck. One of his hands is tucked in a jeaned pocket, the other is behind his back, and jet-black locks brush his cheeks as he chuckles, undoubtedly amused by the dumbfounded stare that you’re still shooting his way. His scar cradles the side of his lips in a seductive curl as he smirks.
God, he’s so—he’s so—
His presence seems to fill the entire room, a tangible force even without crossing the threshold of your home. An urgent ache surges within you, craving the warmth of his embrace, the security of his strength.
“You gonna let me in or just keep your mouth open for the flies?” His voice breaks the reverie in your mind, a well-known blend of annoyance that fills your chest immediately. You’re reminded of how effortlessly irritating he can be, yet there’s a strange allure in his confidence.
At this point, you don’t have a quip loaded up quick enough to shoot back at him. So, you step aside and hold your breath as his large body crosses the threshold of your home.
The last time he was at your door, he barged inside with a barely contained fury and pulled you into an argument that stemmed from your unwillingness to be vulnerable and his lack of expertise in expressing himself. It was a weird song and dance that marked the beginning of something you still don’t fully understand. Now, he’s here with a slightly different demeanor, calm and self-assured as he plants a firm kiss on your cheek as if he’s a hardworking husband returning home just in time for dinner.
You gape at his nonchalance, watching in disbelief as he kicks off his shoes and pulls his hand from behind his back, presenting you a bouquet of flowers in a manner that feels both rushed and sincere. You look down at the flowers, wide-eyed and blinking to make sure the reality you are currently in isn’t actually a simulation.
Not the cheap, wilted blooms you kind of expected from him, but fresh, vibrant flowers. Their white petals gleam softly, each grain of pollen in the yellow center visible in the light of your kitchen. The stems are freshly cut, wrapped in a simple red bow and your chest is fluttering with a severity that unsettles you.
“I didn’t know what kind you liked. And I don’t trust Shiu with an honest answer so…” His words trail off, leaving unspoken sentiments lingering in the air.
 Your lips curl around words that won’t form, and you mentally sort through your book of tricks. It’s a book you’ve spent years filling after countless experiences. Men will do just about anything for pussy. There’s no reason to be shocked at why they do the things they do—they’re all the same.
But even from that first day you met, you have already shuffled through your book when it comes to Toji. Every time you look up whatever trick he tries to pull, you come up with an empty page. There’s never a solution or a pre-written response that you can use. You have no choice but to figure this out on your own and fill in the pages later.
“If you don’t like them, you don’t have to take them,” he cuts into your thoughts, words edged with a trace of embarrassment that he’s trying to cover up with frustration. “Just give them back—” He reaches for the flowers, and you reflexively pull your arms away, much to your own shock at the way your body moves on its own.
“I like them,” you blurt out, your voice not as strong as you want it to be but thankfully steady as the words leave your lips. “They’re very nice, Toji. Thank you.”
He drops his hand, shoves it deep into the pocket of his jeans before clearing his throat and giving you a sharp nod. His eyes take in your face for only a second before they flit away to focus on a random spot in your living room, a hint of blush on his cheeks that makes the fluttering in your chest pick up in speed. It’s a weird feeling that will consume you if you don’t stay in control.
So, you push it down, swallow the pool of saliva in your mouth so it can help the glide, all the way down to the pit of your belly to extinguish the embers that threaten to lick to life. You shuffle past him and into the kitchen to fetch a vase, your mind sorting through the symptoms of various pulmonary diseases to distract yourself from the giddiness of him getting you flowers.
A normal thing. The bare minimum for a man. But it makes you feel great all the same. They aren’t your favorite, not even close, but it’s a gesture that shatters your preconceived notions about Toji that probably shouldn’t be there in the first place.
“What are they?” he asks, face still pink below his eyes that linger on the countertop instead of at you. You untie the bow at the stems and slide the daisies into an antique vase with crystalline ridges, shooting him a questioning raised eyebrow in response. One of his hands gestures wildly to the vase you are filling with water. “Your favorite flowers.”
“Snapdragons.” Toji throws you a quizzical look, his eyebrows pinched together in a clear display of confusion that makes you chuckle. You push the now full vase of flowers to the center of your kitchen countertop, the sight warming your stomach no matter how much you try to stop it. “They aren’t in season, but there’s a vendor here that sells them in the Spring and Fall. Growing up, we lived right next to a river where they would grow. My father would pick them every year and bring them to my mother as a gift. Whenever they wilted, he picked more and replaced them…over and over until they weren’t in season anymore.”
You dig your teeth into the wet flesh of your cheek to stop yourself from rambling, the need to talk more about yourself is at the tip of your tongue. He’s quiet as he takes in your response, eyebrows twitching with fleeting emotion before they smooth out into their usual calm expression. Maybe it’s your eyes playing tricks, but he looks as if he’s locked away your little nugget of information and is ready to move on to the next thing.
More of you.
That gaze is now free of shyness and taking you in, sharp and cutting and rough around the edges, his green irises sliding down to the exposed skin of your thighs, and they must beckon him because he makes his way towards you with a dominating presence that tightens your throat. He walks around the countertop, avoiding the sharp edge from biting into his side and now he’s standing in front of you, looming and dwarfing you without even trying. You catch a whiff of his cheap cologne—a different scent from what you smelled before—but still rich with bergamot undertones that make you more curious than bothered at his frugal mentality.
“Can I kiss you? Or you gonna smack me instead?”
Even though he’s teasing, he displays the growing knowledge of your boundaries and the lengths you will go to protect yourself.
“What, you want to get smacked, Toji?” you retort, lifting an eyebrow at him, your neck tingling from the strain of looking up due to his height. God, he’s such a big man. Big and burly and just enough to overwhelm you in a way that you crave so, so much.
“Nah. I want a kiss,” he confidently responds, blowing away the cloud of lust from around your head.
He’s too close and yet not close enough. He smells too good, looks too good with a voice that’s too deep and melodic for you to ride on logic for a full day, but you need him closer, so much closer and—
Your back brushes against the edge of the kitchen sink, making you tense at the realization that he’s backed you up against it and is looking down at you with that nasty smirk you entertain more than you should.
“You…” you begin, trailing off when one of his muscular arms reaches past you to rest onto the counter on one side, still giving you an escape route even though you’ll take being trapped against him any time of the day. “You already kissed me on the cheek when you walked in without asking me. Don’t be stingy.”
Toji clicks his tongue in disappointment, the sound pushing a rush of electricity down your spine that’s generating too much energy between your legs. He shrugs, broad shoulders pulling up and down, stretching his shirt in the most delicious way. “That’s not enough.”
Although lust is darkening your thoughts slowly despite your resolve, you still have enough common sense to remember the kind of woman you are. You’re someone unwilling to tolerate fuckboy behavior and would rather humiliate a man than give in to temptation that would only embarrass you in the future. You have to stay in control. Just for the rest of the day to measure his intentions with a level head. Even though you feel heavy with lidded eyes, you slip into that second skin of yourself with ease.
“Ask nicely,” you whisper.
He takes the bait—like they always do—and slinks further into your space, his broad and muscular form brushes against your softer one. Your gaze remains indifferent as he asks to kiss you in a sing-song voice that’s borderline annoying and teasing, threatening to make you laugh despite your resistance.
You take in his question with a noncommittal hum and slide a hand up the soft fabric of his chest. The muscles underneath flex and twitch beneath your palm, echoing memories of that unforgettable night when you could slide your fingers on the sweat of his abs as you rode him for all he was worth.
Your hand rests against his cheek, watching as he slowly falls for your trap, inhaling deeply with his lips a mere breath away from yours before you speak calmly and softly.
You stroke his cheek in a soothing manner before patting it a little too hard that’s close to a smack, yanking a grunt of frustration from him as he pulls away with an bothered growl. You relish in the sigh of his scar twisting when his face curls with annoyance, his eyes rolling and his arms folding across his chest like a child being denied dessert. You can’t help the laugh that bubbles from your lips, growing in intensity as his eyes narrow at you.
“You’re so damn annoying,” he pouts, and the fact that he truly looks put off for not getting a kiss only makes you laugh harder.
The sight and sound of cheering fans excite you, filling you with childhood memories of games with your father. As the four of you make your way through the large parking lot and in the direction of the stadium, you take in the display of emotions that cross Toji’s face as he is immersed in a part of culture unfamiliar to him. The intricacies of American sports are puzzling to Toji, you realize. While you wave excitedly to the fans who are tailgating and grilling food and playing cornhole, he looks on in disbelief. When you explain the concept of tailgating to him, his expression deepens even more. He doesn’t like the hecklers that litter right outside the entrance and try to sell nosebleed tickets twelve times the market price. He thinks porta-pottys are foul as he takes in the long line of people who wait along the side of the large parking lot. You can tell he’s a little overwhelmed, and aggravated by the new things he learns. But he doesn’t complain, content to listen to the three of you as he watches his surroundings.
Despite the array of emotions that engulf him, he keeps you by his side without a second thought. The closer you get to the stadium, the thicker the crowd gets. When you make it through security and begin the long journey up the stone circular walkway of the stadium, Toji wraps a muscular arm around you and rests his hand on your hip in a grip that conveys a protective strength that shoots fluctuating reactions through you.
At first, you think he just wants his hands on you, and you’re prepared to smack his touch away. But then your perception shifts; a random man bumps into you with a sharp elbow into your arm and he turns around with an angry expression ready to yell. The glare that Toji levels at him leaves the man sputtering and apologizing before he slinks back into the crowd.
Normally, you don’t thrive off blatant displays of masculinity, but the sight of the man running away from Toji’s imposing stare makes your stomach fill with a deep-seated lust that surprises you. Like you’re a cavewoman, watching her caveman beat at his chest when another caveman gets too close to you. Toji grumbles to himself about the sheer number of people, his voice tinged with frustration even though his reassuring touch is gentle as he guides you through the throng of people toward your seats.
Thankfully, they aren’t nosebleeds, and they give you a good view of the field, with players already warming up. There is a large group of kids who hang off the rails, squealing in delight as their favorite players come and say hello and sign their jerseys and footballs. The speakers boom with music and commercial ads, the warm air carries the smell of popcorn up your nose, and your blood pumps in excitement.
It has been a while since you attended a football game, distant memories of sitting on your father’s shoulders as you both cheered in the stands. Since his death, you haven’t had the drive nor the time to attend another. So, to be in this position again with a man you are still trying to understand, it’s odd. But it’s not unwelcome and you’re going to enjoy every minute of it. When you watch football at home with your family, you’re a different person. You are loud and unashamed to express your feelings when you watch the games unfold. You stand up and sneer and bark at the officiant who can’t even hear you. You argue with your family about plays and players who will never know you. You love every emotion that the game brings out in you, and you’re unashamed to hide it. Toji is going to see a side of you that will either push him away or make him slink closer for more.
So, when the game begins with the kickoff, you join in the collective screams of the crowd, waving a towel in the air adorned with the yellow and black of your favorite team that is playing.
To your surprise once more, Toji did his homework. He effortlessly explains the rules as you both watch the first quarter together, looking to you for approval to make sure he’s correct. His attentive nature transforms into active participation as he cheers alongside you, his voice deep and booming compared to your screeching.
In the second quarter, there’s an injury on the field and the clash of pads ceases for long enough that fans leave their seats for food and to stretch their legs. Shiu and Rene disappear to get themselves a drink and it’s just you and Toji in the middle of empty seats.
“You’re a screamer,” he teases, his voice low and appreciative as he leans on his thigh with a cheek resting on his fist. His hair flows in the warm air before settling on pale cheeks.
“Too loud for you?” you retort, even if mildly curious about what he thinks of this side of yourself.
Toji purses his lips as he regards you with relaxed eyes. “It didn’t take me long to realize you’re not a dainty little thing. And besides,” A smile stretches across his face, white teeth glinting with a sinister disposition before his lips load with a remark you know will be salacious. “I like my women loud.”
You can be loud if he wants you to be. Preferably in another place besides your car where he can thrust like a man mad between your legs and dig those gleaming white teeth into the skin of your neck—
For fuck’s sake. 
Your blood simmers in your veins at the suggestion in his words. His eyes watch your throat when you swallow a thick pool of spit and that smile grows impossibly larger, a Cheshire cat looking at you with nasty intent. He’s too aware of the effect he has on women, and you have to look away from him to resist succumbing to the seductive charm that he wields naturally.
You steer the conversation back into your hands. “You were so curious about me when we first met but I don’t know much about you. Are you here in America for a reason? What do you do for work?”
In your own line of work, observation is key; every subtle cue from your patients holds significance, revealing layers of truths that they usually try to conceal. So, when you notice the tension in Toji’s jaw at your question, the way his features contort subtly, it’s a detail you slot into a drawer of curiosity that takes part of the file cabinet of Toji in your mind.
“I’m a private investigator,” he confesses harshly, catching you off guard. It’s a revelation you don’t anticipate. His imposing features give you the impression of a firefighter or maybe even a cop. Not someone watching others in his car, bugging houses and apartments, and gathering evidence. A PI? You open that drawer of curiosity again and slot away this information as well. He shrugs away the awkwardness that your silence brings, nonchalant and dismissive, avoiding your gaze. “It pays the bills. The hours suck sometimes but…the work is easy.”
“So…naturally I can’t really ask about the things you do?” you don’t hide the inquisitiveness that coats your words.
“It’s nothing glamorous enough to talk about.” And that’s all he offers you in response.
You have a myriad of questions swirling in your mind, each vying for attention from a man who is as tight-lipped as you. How did he even get into this kind of work? Who are his clients? Cheaters, embezzlers…or criminals?
That and so much more brew in your mind, tumbling over the other but ultimately dissipating when you sense his reluctance, evident from his still-averted gaze and tense shoulders.
“What about family? You asked me about mine, but I never got to hear about yours.”
Granted, you only told him about the members of your family who danced in your backyard when you both were wrapped in one another two weeks ago. He doesn’t know about the more intimate parts of your family life. He doesn’t know about your father’s death, or the estrangement of your stepfamily. But that can come later. Toji hasn’t given you enough of himself.
Toji’s features now morph into disdain, souring the air between you. The bright emerald of his eyes dims with a grayish overcast, the liquid of the irises hardening like cooling lava.
His response is terse, laced with palpable displeasure that intensifies the acrid taste in the air. “There isn’t much to tell. I don’t get along with them, and they do their best to not get along with me either.” The timbre of his voice is lower, menacing enough to let you know it’s a subject he won’t entertain. At least for right now.
You open your mouth to speak again, to maybe apologize for making him uncomfortable, to reassure him that you wouldn’t judge him over something like this. He shifts in his seat, clasps his hands together and absentmindedly picks at a callous on the side of his thumb. The pink flush on his cheeks is not one of bashfulness, but of frustration and embarrassment. From the sliver of his eyes you can see, there is something simmering beneath the surface that might take you a while to unveil.
 “I do have a son, though.” The sentence shoots into the air and down your spine with a chilling clarity, breaking the flow of your thoughts as you blink in astonishment.
Considering he’s a grown man a few years older than you, it’s understandable. But the notion of him being a father never crossed your mind. The concept of children isn’t foreign to you; you see and take care of them every day. It’s the concept of children coming from him that’s a new development you have to consider.
While you believe you can handle a relationship with a single father, you’re upset at being told now, rather than before.
“You were with me all day two weeks ago and you never took the time to mention you have a son?”
You don’t hide your irritation. Once your trust is lost, it’s almost impossible to regain. Why would you give away sacred pieces of yourself to a man you wouldn’t trust to hold those pieces with care?
Despite your frustration, you rationalize.
Maybe Toji was nervous to bring it up? Some people may like to ease into such topics. This relationship, or whatever this is, is brand new and smooth. There haven’t been any cracks caused by arguments or behavior that is damaging.
But this isn’t about having a job that he’s not proud of or admitting that he is not financially responsible. This is about an entire child, a facet of his life that he cannot hide away. How long would he have waited to tell you if the topic of family hadn’t come up so soon? Would he have told you? Would he hide his son away and push him off to a babysitter on date nights so you are never aware? Would he sleep over at your house, so you can’t see the room that’s decorated for a child or the toys scattered about the floor?
As you wrestle with the growing anxiety that crawls across your skin, Toji fumbles for something in his pocket, his face a satisfying beet red as you watch him hand you his open phone. Bright from the illumination of the screen, you take in a picture of a young boy who bears a striking resemblance to Toji. His raven locks spiky and disheveled, his green eyes sharp and ethereal, and he wears a bored and calm expression just like his father. The chubbiness of his cheeks and innocence in his eyes tug at something in your chest; he can’t be any older than six years old. The sight of the boy makes you think of the many kids you take care of every day, and some of the frustration subsides within you.
“His name is Megumi,” he informs you, shy despite his rough exterior. He picks at the callous on the side of his thumb again, and one of his legs begins to shake in place.
The frustration dies down more. It’s a beautiful name, and as you look at the picture, a small smile tugs at your lips. You wonder what kind of a boy he is.
“Fuck listen—just I-I’m shit at this.”
You look up at him and take in the apprehension on his face. His lips are downturned in a gentle frown, the scar on the side of his face warped along with the muscles of his mouth. There’s a sense of shame in his gaze, and it somehow makes you feel relieved to know that he can feel just how upset you are.
“I don’t date women…I fuck them and stay around until they want me gone.” He doesn’t bother to sugarcoat his words. They shoot out of his mouth, piercing your skin with their directness. It’s a little painful, and you struggle to absorb his blatant honesty, feeling flashes of anger and indignation fill your chest as your lips part, ready to respond with directness of your own. “But you’re the first woman in a long fucking time that’s made me want more. So just…” he trails off, stuttering over what to say before ultimately growling low in his throat into silence.
You hesitate, lips flinching and syllables of fury dissipating in the small space between your top and bottom lip. “You gonna let me meet him?” you snap because you’re still mildly irritated as you give him his phone and pinch the muscle of his bicep with a harshness that reflects your fading anger and your desire to see him squirm for his actions.
He swats your hand away as if you’re a pest, moving his arm from you with a sneer that holds no malice. “No let me just lock him in my closet every time I want to see you—of course, I’ll fucking let you meet him.”
You throw him a withering glare, ignoring his sarcasm, and the smirk that slides onto his lips only makes you want to either smack or kiss him. The fact that you can’t decide on which only annoys you more.
*** Toji ***
“Gimme two hot dogs and a pretzel,” Toji mutters to the concession stand attendant. It’s halftime, and the walkways behind the stands are crowded with fans hurrying to go to the bathroom, or for more food and alcohol. You stand close to him, a welcome warmth that he wants more of but refuses to ask for on the off chance you deny him. He doesn’t feel like pouting for the rest of the day.
“And what’ll it be for the lady?” the attendant asks with a level of humor that is off-putting, a smile on his face that Toji knows you itch to smack off.
“It is for the lady,” you correct, a hint of condescension falling from plush lips that you still won’t let him taste. The attendant sputters, his face red as a tomato as he takes the rest of Toji’s order, doing his best to ignore the deadly glare you shoot him as he counts Toji’s money. A snort rattles from Toji’s chest as he watches you. He’s known from the beginning that you’re fiery, but seeing it firsthand fascinates and arouses him at the same time.
This environment is different for him, odd in every way, and a foreign ground that he’s unsteady on. The celebratory atmosphere reminds him of the loud laughter and fireworks from festivals that he could hear outside the Zenin compound throughout the year. He thinks of the Tanabata festivals he never got to experience or the years of Hanami that he was forbidden to enjoy. He could only take a small bit of pleasure in cherry blossoms in the Zenin gardens, blooming and scattering their petals on the well-kept grass to mark the beginning of the season. As a child, he was never allowed much. He was seen as ‘inferior trash’ that was insignificant and unworthy to be looked at let alone talked to unless it was to yell or belittle. Naturally, his family didn’t want others to see where said trash came from if they could help it.
He can’t think about it right now—he won’t. The thought of his family brings a tight coil of pain and anger in his chest, a coil he had used as fuel to cope with his dangerous decisions.
There’s so much more that he needs to focus on, like the fact that you’ve already taken a big bite out of one of your hot dogs. Half of it has disappeared from your hand, and there’s ketchup on the edge of your mouth as you chew. He notices the way you shift your hips from side to side in your seat, and the satisfied hum that escapes your throat. You’re satisfied, and while you eat with manners, you don’t hide your boisterous enjoyment, finishing one hot dog and moving on to the next, your pretzel wedged between the meat of your seductive thighs.
He’s been trying to be respectful all day ever since you denied him a kiss in the kitchen, but you’re tempting him. When you answered the door earlier in the afternoon, the hand that was in his pocket pinched the side of his thigh until the shameless thoughts could fade away.
You’ve graced his presence with shorts and a jersey, a yellow and black number that lays against your chocolate skin in a way that still seems to make you glow in the setting sun. No braids this time, your natural curls have fallen from your bun after screaming so much, framing your face and causing your gold hoops to wink at him. You didn’t wear makeup that night when he met you, so the sight of eyeliner on you today, and the way it accentuates the curve of your eye and the heaviness of your long lashes, it makes him shift in his seat.
He’s had to clench his jaw and bear the pain of his teeth grinding against each other to stop himself from ogling at the mouth-watering canvas of your legs. You’re all curves with dimples at the bottom of your thighs when you sit, and his gums ache to sink into the flesh so you can squeal and beg for him to touch you where you want it most. It’s been weeks since that night and he’s feigning for more. When you smile at him or shoot him a glare, it reminds him of that commanding aura you had in the backseat of your truck, and the back of his neck prickles with sweat.
While the thought of you skinning him alive if he decides to be a Neanderthal turns him on, he wants to be civil. In your kitchen earlier today, you allowed him to get close enough to feel the heat radiating from your skin, to catch the scent of coconut from your curls, tantalizing his senses until your firm ‘no’ sobered him up immediately. It was a stark reminder of who you are, and how little you tolerate.
He'll behave.
His eyes catch you guzzling down five heaping gulps of your beer, the foam coating your upper lip. You wipe it away with your finger, sucking the digit into your mouth, and popping it out completely oblivious to how sinful you look and Toji’s catapulted into that day when you sucked your own cum off his fingers.
He has to behave.
The vibration of his phone in his pocket sours his mood immediately, turning his gaze from your form as he digs into his pocket. It’s the third time it’s buzzed today, and he knows who it is. No matter how hard he tries to ignore it, he can only put off his job for so long.
Unknown: Good job on the assignment last week. 
Unknown: Your pay should be in your account by tonight.
Unknown: There’s another contract for you if you’re interested. Message me back and I’ll send you details.
“Everything okay?” Your voice pulls him from his phone, and he meets your curious gaze, one of your elegant eyebrows lifting in question as you assess him. “Something with work?”
“Yea,” he replies and regrets it immediately.
Lie #1
It’s not a complete lie—it is work—but the details…
Toji takes a long swig of his beer, attempting to soothe the shame that washes over him.
You really are a screamer.
Toji sits back in his seat, watching you with a wicked smile as you unleash a torrent of colorful language that makes his cock twitch. Even though you roar with the crowd, your voice rises higher.
“That’s a fucking flag! I should come down there and officiate for you instead you stupid piece of shit!”
Your curls brush the skin of your cheeks that puff in your frustration, your arms folding across your chest as you cock your hip and growl beneath your breath. You’re easily the loudest one in this section of the stands. Rene revels in it, egging you on by rooting for the opposite team and giggling when you bark at her. Shiu is content to watch the display, a fresh toothpick in his mouth and an arm over Rene’s shoulders as he idly twirls a lock of hair at her nape. You’re all yelling and sputtering indignation as you watch the game unfold, your team losing by what Toji has learned is a touchdown.
He knew this side of you was there. He could tell in the weight of your gaze that night. It's a side of you that he did not expect to see so soon. He soaks it in. He takes in the way you cuss out the man three rows down who won’t stop glaring at you. He absorbs how high-pitched the screech of your voice makes his eardrums shake, and he revels in the smile that forms on your lips when your team scores the game-winning touchdown.
When there are lulls in the game, you tell him about your career. You’re a pulmonary pediatric fellow at a hospital here in town that’s only a year and a half from completing your fellowship. You smile when you talk about the kids you take care of and your associates at work. You’re proud of your research and of how far you’ve come.
All of it, every part of you that you show him, is comforting. Warm despite how cold you appear. It’s a comfort he didn’t imagine having…ever in his life—especially a dreary life like his. But he soaks up this—you—as much as he can.
When the game is over, you’re elated and giggling, tucked into his side as he guides you through the drunken crowd. The moon is high in the sky, and it bathes your skin and makes you stand out in the crowd. You look up at him, smiling softly with a buzzed gaze that’s two beers deep.
“Did you have fun? Not bad for your first American game?”
“You screamed the entire time,” he teases, chuckling at the way you gape up at him and then sneer before turning away. He throws his arm around your shoulders, using the touch as a safe territory to keep his hands to himself, and pulls you closer.
You demand cotton candy which he indulges in as well before you both part ways with Rene and Shiu. The journey back to your apartment is a quiet one. As Toji drives, the warm July air fills the car, mingling with the faint strains of classic rock playing on the radio. Toji watches with flickering glances as you hum along, your eyes closed and the breeze wafting through your curls loose around your shoulders.
Something inside of him rattles. Whatever it is, it’s long-forgotten and buried deep within him, surrounded by cobwebs and dust that have accumulated over time since that dark day years ago.
*** You ***
From the short journey of his car to inside of your apartment, you repeat to yourself that you have to take this slow, for your own peace of mind.
You keep the most intimate parts of yourself locked away and only those who are worthy of you have a copy of the key. But somehow, and in such a short time, Toji has stolen a copy for himself and slotted the key into the door. But thankfully, the door is caught against the wall, hinges rusted over and ungiving.
You have to know more about him before you let him in to look at those parts of you. If you jump the gun and give him more so soon and end up hurt, it will throw you into a depth of pain that you promised yourself to never touch again if you could help it.
“You have a good time?”
Toji’s voice breaks the silence, his arms folding tightly across his chest, betraying the restlessness in his hands. His messy black locks, tousled by the late July humidity, partially hide his emerald gaze, which flickers briefly to meet your own before darting away.
Your socked feet pad across the hardwood floor, closing the space between you, and your head slowly tilts to look at him. Despite his façade of composure, his scar curves against his lips in a slight twist, twitching as he tries not to frown. Thin eyebrows pitch down in frustration, and you catch the way his fingertips drum against the skin of his biceps. He’s fidgety—nervous. Is he upset with himself? Ashamed that he couldn’t take you out on a proper date with dinner and a movie like everyone else expects?
Hopefully, he will learn that you go against the grain of proper in so many ways.
“I had a great time,” you confess softly, noticing the subtle relaxation in his stance at your words. The thrumming of his fingers stop, the tension in his shoulder fades. “You wanted to take me out and I let you. That all you want from me?”
He’s such an expressive man.
His face twists, perturbed by your bluntness and the prospect of delving into emotional territory. “I told you already that I want more.”
His declaration sends a fluttering through your heart that is reminiscent of the feeling you had when he surprised you with a slice of yellow cake. It’s comforting, and you want to lean into it. But it’s not enough to overwhelm you. You’re still in your right mind and still aware of your expectations even though he captivates you.
You press your finger into the firmness of his chest, hard so that the muscle pillows around your digit. The gaze you shoot up at him is unyielding, serious, and menacing enough that he straightens his spine just a little.
“Listen to me, because I’m only going to say this one more time. I don’t do situationships. I don’t do friends with benefits or the occasional hookup. I’m not saying things need to be serious with us but…you need to show me that you mean it.”
As you speak, you assess Toji, who shows no signs of amusement or ignorance. His posture is rigid, his back ramrod straight, and his deep green gaze locked onto yours.
“That night we had was great. I won’t deny that but…I won’t compromise my expectations and I don’t tolerate bullshit. I’m not going to let you fuck me just because we did it before. You want more? I want you to try. Earn me.”
You relish in the way his eyes widen, contemplating your words and the severity beneath them before his face smooths back into its usual cool demeanor. He unfolds his arms from his chest, and you curse inwardly at the way you immediately watch his shirt stretch across defined pectorals.
“You know you’re a feisty little thing.”
Heat from the way he speaks and annoyance at his lack of attention flare within you like wildfire. You open your mouth to yell, to bark at him to be serious, but the sound of his laughter extinguishes that fire inside of you instantly.
He doesn’t offer an apology for his comment and you don’t need one. You know you’re feisty and steadfast. It’s the only way you can function around men to survive, to stay afloat and still have a grasp of who you are. And if Toji couldn’t handle it, you definitely wouldn’t have slept with him or entertained a date that you thoroughly enjoyed.
“I’ll try,” he finally offers, voice soft but filled with conviction. Normally the small remark would offend you, but surprisingly coming from Toji, it’s enough.
Observing his behavior today and a little bit two weeks ago, you note his acceptance of your quirks and individuality—at least the bits you allow him to see. He marveled at the amount of food you ate and joined alongside you. He let you babble to him about every single player on your favorite team and how many championships they had won. He let you display your strength in your voice and personality, didn’t try to control or overshadow you like so many other past experiences you’ve had before learning how to rule the men in your life.
He let you be yourself.
And that thought makes you finally open your mouth to give him something he had asked for earlier, something you had previously denied despite your own desires.
“You can have your kiss,” you offer with a shrug, feigning nonchalance even though your heart picks up in speed as the implication registers on his face. “So you better do it right.”
It’s an invitation that he snatches away from your imaginary hands and tears open with thick fingers, greedy and growling with finality.
His sharp gaze traces the contours of your body, unabashed in its appraisal, leering at the pieces of skin visible to him. You know he’s been looking at you all day, but his observation now is intense, heavy and without reservation and you’re fumbling from the sudden rush of longing that pumps hot through your veins.
Toji inches closer, your hands instinctively find their way to his chest, his towering presence overwhelming your small stature. His height ignites an evolutionary desire in you that makes your mouth water, makes your cunt pulse with need beckoning for him to fill the mold he left inside two weeks ago. You’re still not used to climbing up the summit of him, so the air is thin once more, pulling the oxygen from your lungs and stuttering in your chest when a large hand cups the side of your neck and tilts your face up to him like an offering.
When his lips slide against yours, your fingers in his shirt tighten. His touch singes the ends of your nerves, boils the blood in your veins that pump fast throughout your body. Your skin is burning, searing when muscular arms hoist you up and wrap your legs around his thick waist before your ass is sliding on the cold marble of your kitchen counter, your lips still sealed against his.
There’s so much of this that feels like that night at your uncle’s. So much and yet not enough.
He drowns you with his touch, digs his fingers into the plump flesh of your thighs before yanking you, hard and with unforgiving impatience, closer to his body. The fabric of your jeans rubs too harsh against your wet panties, digs against the sensitivity of your clit and you repress the insatiable yearning to roll your hips against his.
Toji’s large hands slide up your body, traversing the mesh of your jersey that hugs you before cupping each side of your face again to tilt you sharper in the way he wants. Blue raspberry from the cotton candy you both indulged in after the game coats his tongue that licks your bottom lip in a silent request for entrance, and you grant him access, surrendering a whimper into his mouth as his tongue slides sinfully against yours. Tastebuds kiss your own, slide against them with whispered promise of satisfaction if you just relax and melt further into him. Just a little.
But you can’t, god you can’t.
You’re losing control and you have to stay strong. You have to stay above the waters of logical thinking even though you’re sinking with every stroke of his tongue, with every sweet, hot breath into your mouth, with every inch of flesh that your fingers dig into his chest because you need more. More than a kiss, more than what he’s offering, and you know he can give it to you. Toji can pull you into the inferno he’s raging inside of your body until your clothes are scorched off and his skin is sliding against yours sweaty, sticky, and undulating with every roll of his hips.
But he doesn’t give you more. He doesn’t pull you further into that fire.
The intensity of his kiss dies down slowly, his lips pulling away from yours with a wet smack as you pant along with him. Toji kisses your lips once, then twice, nips your bottom lip to seal everything he’s given before smirking down at you. Too devilish and arrogant and you don’t have a working brain cell in your head right now to correct him. His hands that cradle your cheeks slide down to your upper arms, giving them a gentle squeeze before he speaks.
“You still gonna let me be nice to you?”
His words are an echo of that night, his own way of telling you that he’s here. That he wants more—that he wants to give you more. You just have to let him.
With your head still swimming and the pulsing between your legs refusing to calm, you want him to be more than nice right now. But remembering the boundaries you have set, you nod instead and sigh into him when he kisses you one last time, sweeping his blue raspberry-flavored tongue against yours before pulling away, acting as though it’s nothing, as though you’re not sweaty at the small of your back and trembling with desire.
“Lock the door for me,” he commands, words devoid of a questioning tone, but filled with a sense of security and protection that you lean into.
“O-okay,” you manage to breathe, your heart slowing back into sinus rhythm, only to jump again as he places one final kiss on your lips, then your nose. You frantically bat him away before you lose consciousness, because any more and you’ll drag him into your room and disregard everything you said five minutes ago.
 You watch him saunter away, pull his keys from his pocket, and twirl them in his hand before winking. “I’ll text you.”
It sounds so ridiculous coming from his lips, from a grown man who looks as if he doesn’t even know what a cellphone is, let alone a text message.
But it still makes your heart jump all the same.
You can only nod in response because your throat is too dry and heavy in the back of your throat with each swallow you take. You follow him to the door and roll your eyes at his annoying smirk before he closes the door behind him, casting your apartment into silence.
Your fingers wobble as they turn the locks of your door into place. You’re lightheaded, brain flitting through salacious memories of what you both did weeks ago and what you could easily be doing now.
You throw your back against the door and sag to the floor with an annoyed sigh.
*** Toji ***
Unknown: There’s another contract for you if you’re interested. Message me back and I’ll send you details.
Toji: I’m interested. Send me what you have.
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victoryverse · 5 months
Köíng being an bully and loves to tease you the richest girl in the college and also the brat queen of all,
He just loved seeing you get angry at him,but would never say that you.He know you have an liking about his hand by the way you look at it for more then 10 minutes.
Just because you can flirty with other guy (to köíng those guys are just boys 🙄😒) Doesn't mean he doesn't flirt back with some dirty comments,loving the way your brows narrow down and how your face turns red.
But one thing is for sure is that your attitude needs an lesson to learn.
Tumblr media
warnings: 18+, smut, cursing, sex on a bench, unprotected sex.
words: 2k
(p. s. the image made me go feral, ngl. now, imagine them naked, looking down at you like you're a fucking meal they can't wait to eat. I WOULD DIE)
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Köíng was the self-proclaimed king of the college, and he made sure everyone knew it. He was the popular jock, the one who had all the girls swooning over him. But there was one girl who seemed to be immune to his charms - the richest girl in the college and the self-proclaimed brat queen, (Y/N).
He loved teasing her, making her angry and seeing her fiery personality come to life. It was like a game to him, and he enjoyed every moment of it. The way her face would turn red, and her brows would narrow, scratched an itch in him. And the way she would roll her eyes at his teasing, it made him wish she was doing that around his cock.
Despite his constant teasing, he couldn't deny the fact that he was attracted to her, especially the way she looked at his hands. She had a thing for Köíng's hands, and he knew it. Every time he caught her staring at them for more than 10 minutes, he couldn't help but feel a little flattered. They were huge, considering how much he worked out, and almost every girl stared at them. But, he didn't care about others, he only cared about the way she looked at them.
But he would never admit it. To him, she was just another spoiled rich girl who needed to be put in her place.
He loved pushing her buttons, especially when it came to other guys. (Y/N) was known for her flirty nature, and Köíng couldn't resist flirting back with some dirty comments, just to see her reaction.
Y/N sat at the center of a group of girls, her perfectly styled hair cascading over her shoulders and her designer clothes hugging her curves. She was the epitome of a spoiled brat, always getting what she wanted and never afraid to throw a tantrum if things didn't go her way.
But Konig was not intimidated by her reputation. In fact, he found it to be a challenge. As he sauntered over to her table, he couldn't help but smirk at the thought of how much fun it would be to tease her.
'Hey there, Y/N,' Konig said, flashing his signature charming smile.
Y/N rolled her eyes and gave him a look of disgust. 'Ugh, not you again. What do you want?'
Konig chuckled. 'Just wanted to say hello to the most beautiful girl in school.'
Y/N scoffed. 'Save your cheesy lines for someone who actually cares.'
Konig leaned against the table, his eyes never leaving Y/N's. 'Oh, I think you care. You wouldn't be talking to me if you didn't.'
Y/N raised an eyebrow. 'Please, I'm only talking to you because you're blocking my view of my friends. Move.'
Konig laughed, causing a few heads to turn in their direction. 'Feisty, I like that.'
Y/N's face turned red with anger. 'I am not 'feisty', I am a queen. And you will address me as such.'
Konig's smirk widened. 'Oh, my apologies, Your Highness. I didn't realize I was in the presence of royalty.'
Y/N huffed and turned to her friends, clearly annoyed with Konig's presence. But he wasn't finished with her yet.
'So, Y/N, what do you have planned for this weekend? A shopping spree? A spa day?'
Y/N rolled her eyes again. 'Do you honestly think I would waste my time with someone like you?'
Konig's smile never faltered. 'I don't know, I think we could have some fun together. You know what they say, opposites attract.'
Y/N's patience was wearing thin. 'Just because we're opposites, doesn't mean we attract. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do than entertain your childish attempts at flirting.'
Konig's smile turned into a smirk once again. 'Oh, but Y/N, I do love a challenge. And you seem like the ultimate challenge.'
Y/N scoffed and stood up from her seat. 'I have no time for your games, Konig. Leave me alone.'
But Konig wasn't about to give up that easily. 'Come on, just one date. I promise it will be the most fun you've ever had.'
Y/N's eyes narrowed. 'I highly doubt that.'
Konig leaned in closer to her, his voice lowering to a seductive tone. 'Oh, I can assure you, Y/N. I know all the best places to take a girl like you.'
Y/N's cheeks flushed with anger and she pushed him away. 'I am not a 'girl like me'. I am my own person, and I don't need you or anyone else to show me a good time.'
Konig's smile faded and he straightened up, his tone becoming serious. 'You know what, Y/N? You're right. I was wrong to think that you would be worth my time. You're just a spoiled brat who thinks she's better than everyone else.'
Y/N's eyes widened in shock, not used to being spoken to in such a manner. 'Excuse me? How dare you talk to me like that!'
Konig shrugged. 'I'm just being honest. You may be popular and have everything handed to you, but that doesn't make you a better person. In fact, it just makes you shallow and materialistic.' 'You know what? Fuck you' she groaned, and he smirked.
'I'm counting on it'
He loved the way her brows would furrow and her face would turn red with anger. It was like a challenge to him, and he loved every moment of it.
But deep down, he knew that (Y/N) wasn't just a spoiled brat. She had a fire in her that he couldn't help but admire. And he also knew that her attitude needed a lesson to learn. He couldn't stand how she looked down on others, especially those who didn't have the same privileges as her.
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'What you doing, big guy?'
Simon was in the locker room, changing his vests before going for a shower. And there she was, standing in her cheerleader outfit in the boys' locker room.
'What are you doing here?'
'I heard you hit a guy pretty hard back there'
He exhaled, his face full of anger and frustration. It was an accident, and he was already facing the consequences.
'I heard you got a C on your last math test,' he called out, smirking as he watched her face shift, the smugness washing off.
Y/N's eyes narrowed, 'And I heard you got suspended for hitting that boy. What's your point, Konig?'
Simon's smile faltered, but he quickly recovered. 'My point is, maybe you should focus less on being popular and more on your studies. You don't want to end up working at McDonald's for the rest of your life, do you?'
Y/N's jaw clenched as she fought to keep her composure. 'I'll have you know, I'm perfectly capable of juggling my social life and my academics. Unlike you, I actually have a future that doesn't involve being a washed-up high school football star. A stupid footballer who doesn't even know how to use his hands'
Simon's eyes narrowed as his fists clenched at his sides. 'You know nothing about me, Y/N. And don't act like you're so perfect, with your designer clothes and expensive car. That just shows how shallow and materialistic you really are.'
Y/N's eyes flashed with anger as she stepped closer to him. 'At least I have something to show for myself. What have you accomplished besides being a delinquent?'
With that, something snapped in him. Before she could process it, he was striding towards her. He grabbed (Y/N)'s wrists and pinned her against one of the benches, his face inches from hers.
'I've had enough of your teasing and your bratty behavior,' he growled, his breath hot against her skin. 'I think it's time I taught you a lesson.'
She was taken aback by his sudden aggression, but a thrill ran through her body. She couldn't help but feel aroused by his demeanor.
Before she could even respond, Konig had already pulled down her skirt and panties, revealing her wet and ready core. He wasted no time, thrusting his huge cock into her with a force that made her gasp.
She moaned loudly, her hands gripping the bench as Konig began to pound into her. She was continuously creaming all over him, her arousal dripping down his pubes and cock. A ring of cream had formed on the base of his cock, and the sight of his cock getting wetter and wetter with each thrust into her needy cunt made him groan.
He couldn't resist the sight of her, her body writhing under his touch. He reached around and covered her mouth with his hand, his fingers slipping into her mouth to silence her moans.
But every time she muffled a moan, Konig could feel his cock twitch with pleasure. He couldn't help but let out a low groan, the sensation of her tight walls gripping him driving him wild. Her warm cunt was taking his cock so well, her walls clamping down on him with each thrust.
(Y/N) was in a state of pure ecstasy, her body quivering with pleasure as Konig brought her closer and closer to the edge. She was putty in his hands, completely at his mercy. Her legs gave out completely beneath her, his strong thighs keeping her up. She knew he was holding back too, because judging by his size, he could have easily broken the bench in a few thrusts.
Loud sounds of skin slapping against skin filled the locker, and he was thankful that the match was ongoing, otherwise the boys would've barged in. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, his cock pushing itself all the way into her pussy. His balls smacked against her ass repeatedly, and she knew her thighs would be bruised tomorrow.
'Fuck, I'm-I'm close' she whimpered, and he slowed down his thrusts. He pushed his cock all the way in, holding it in there for a few moments before pulling back. He was the biggest she had ever had, and it was making her go feral.
He resumed his pace again, her toes curling in her shoes as she bit on his fingers. He grabbed her ass cheeks, spreading them apart as he watched himself disappear inside her.
'Come, then. Come around my cock. Show me you're a good girl'
As she reached their climax, Konig couldn't hold back any longer. He let out a loud groan as he emptied himself inside of her, his body shaking with pleasure.
They both collapsed onto the bench, panting and trying to catch their breath. (Y/N) couldn't believe what had just happened, but she couldn't deny the toe-curling pleasure she had experienced.
Konig smirked and leaned in close to her ear. 'You're lucky I have a thing for brats,' he whispered before planting a kiss on her lips.
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strawberryblue-blog · 5 months
neighbors in trouble —Pablo Gavi.
summary: Being Pablo Gavi's neighbor had never been so difficult.
warning: YES. +18. smut.
word count: +2.5k.
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The papers lay on the desk in your room as you tried to summarize the contents on them. Your mind was very distracted and you were beginning to feel very uncomfortable. It had been at least two hours since your neighbor had decided to play the music too loud while having a party next door and while you understood that it was his right, you were starting to get annoyed at how much it was bothering you.
You snorted as you stretched your body in the chair, stirring as you threw everything near you. It wasn't fair, the music was too loud and it seemed like he had no intention of turning it off every time you felt squeals and people talking on the other side.
Who knew having a celebrity as a neighbor would be so hard like that? You'd be lying if you didn't say you weren't attracted to your neighbor at all. He was fucking hot. But he's also an asshole.
Your neighbor, Pablo, came to your building at the end of the previous year and since then, you had been getting along from bad to worse. You tried to ignore the fact that he was a star, one of the most important players in Spain and that everyone was dying for him. But living next to him was hell. He had parties every weekend, invited his friends until late at night and too many girls that you ended up running into them the next morning. You had to admit that he was good looking and you were attracted to him but Gavi was a jerk. Although you didn't have a constant relationship with him, in fact, you saw him very little due to your studies and his work. The occasional word in the mornings or at night but you never let him get close. It wasn't like anything important, he was just your neighbor. Just like any other.
You always had to lock yourself in your room to be able to study, which was difficult to do when your neighbor put all the obstacles in your way. You were putting up with it and telling yourself that one day it would all end, but you were fed up with his immature person.
So you decided to do something or you would kill him if he didn't stop.
You knocked on the door of his apartment and hugged the hoodie that covered your body, it was the first time you came to face him and you were nervous but even more you were upset. You knocked again when nobody answered, it was clear that they didn't listen, so you made sure they could hear you. After a while, the landlord opened the door, smiling amused when he saw you.
"Hi babe" he said flirtatiously and your urge to punch him in the face was immense.
You ignored the fact that he called you that. He always did it when he saw you in the elevator or in the lobby and you began to doubt whether he did it out of politeness (since you weren't sure if he knew your name) or to play with you. But neither one mattered much to you.
"Could you turn down the music? I'm trying to study and I can't do that if you have a party next to my room" you said without even saying hello. You were someone of manners and even if you would have greeted him before speaking, you preferred not to give him the right.
He tilts his head with a smile.
"Maybe you should join in and study later" he commented raising an eyebrow and licking his lip. You clenched your fists trying to hide your desire to hit him.
"I don't want to join, i have to study and it's two o'clock in the morning" you replied seriously. "Some people need silence" you spat.
"There are people who need a party too" he scoffed crossing his hands at the door. You shook in disbelief. Your body trembled as he took a step forward but you didn't move.
"Just turn the music down, please, Pablo" you asked tiredly. He smiled when he heard you. Especially since your body betrayed you and you gasped his name, even you yourself were surprised.
"It's my house, it's my right" he argued as you turned around. Oh no, he wasn't going to talk about right with you.
"Your right ends when you exceed it and surpass mine" you spat straight ahead.
You didn't mince words, much less when you studied law and knew perfectly well a person's rights. You also knew perfectly well that you could call the police and make them turn down the music for that measure of force but you weren't looking for trouble, just to be heard and respected.
"Maybe you want me to overstep your rights" he takes another step and stands in front of you.
Gavi smiled wryly again. He was playing with you. Damn him. Fuck him. You snorted tired of the situation.
You sighed and turned to walk out of his door. You were angry and if you were still there you might commit a crime. You feel a hand on yours and when you pull away, he stops you. You turn your face and see him close to you, too close. But you don't let him intimidate you.
"I think you're a little stressed" he whispers leaning in, reaching your ear and a shiver runs down your back. "I could help you destress, babe" he says again so close to your skin that your hairs stand on end.
Your palms sweat from nerves and your thoughts scatter when his hand runs dangerously down your arm, caressing your skin with his warm fingers.
You want to push him away and punch him in the face but you are frozen, you can only see his dark eyes mocking you, how his proud smile widens when he notices the effect his actions had on you. He walks away and enters his apartment again and you stand frozen in the hallway for a few moments. As you walk back home, you hear the music come to a screeching halt and the shrieking stops completely. Before you close the door of your house, you smile. You don't know if you're smiling because he just turned the music down or because of his proposal.
Had Gavi invited you to...? No. It was not possible.
You bite your lip when you think of his closeness again. You lean against the door of your house when you close it, his thick voice repeats in your ear and his touch still burns your body. Damn it. You just got turned on by your idiot neighbor.
How dare he! You weren't stressed, you were tired. You just wanted silence and to be able to pass your subjects but he was just an idiot.
He was trying to have sex with you? Idiot! How could he suggest that to you? You didn't know him at all, you didn't even know if you could trust him.
You listened as the murmurs died down completely and the elevator announced that he was on the floor. His friends had left? You peeked through the peephole as you watched them get on the elevator and closed your eyes. You were mad. Why would you want to see if their friends had left? You had to go back to stusy right now.
You were mad at Gavi. But he was turning you on.
The few hours of sleep were making you feel things you shouldn't feel. You felt tired, your eyes were burning and your head was in denial. And you didn't want to admit it but if you were stressed, how could you not be stressed with someone like him? You couldn't think straight. Not when you had just felt Pablo Gavi so close to you suggesting you have sex with him. Not when you were needy and hadn't fucked in months because of college.
Damn it. You gasped opening your door, in long strides you walked to her door and knocked on it. Your body was buzzing and you were anxious. You didn't know this part of you or at least you had never accepted it before.
The door opened so quickly you wondered if he was waiting for you. The typical smile appeared on his lips and you wanted to kiss him so badly you didn't let him say a word. You threw yourself at him without waiting, catching his lips in a fleeting and wild kiss. Gavi lifted your hips making you entwine your legs to his body so he could enter with you and close the door. He slammed you against the door and you gasped as you felt his tongue in your mouth, your fingers played with the growth of his hair and you let yourself go in the feeling of pleasure.
It wasn't the first time you had slept with a stranger but it was the first time you had dared this, come to a footballer's house and let him touch you. You were really driving yourself crazy.
He lowered you back to the floor and helped you out of the hoodie you were wearing, leaving you in just your pajamas. He looked at you with a smile when he saw the teddy pajamas and you rolled your eyes. His hand slipped into your shorts and you swallowed a moan when he reached your mons pubis.
"Shhh" he said bringing his lips close to yours. "I have a neighbor who hates loud noises" he teased and you gasped when his fingers found your wetness. "If she hears you scream she'll come begging for quiet in her sexy teddy bear pajamas and ruin all the fun."
You wanted to complain but his fingers penetrated you and you screamed as you felt them inside you. Gavi kissed you and you released yourself to him. You let the moment flow as you moaned and came on his fingers, enjoying the pleasure of orgasm. You definitely needed this and you hated that it was Gavi who made you feel this way.
His eyes watched you peak and when you stilled your gasps, you again claimed his lips. You needed him, he was so sweet and addictive, you were begging for his lips again. Pablo would reach in and grab your clothed breasts as your hands shot to his pants to unbutton them. You wanted to feel him, you needed his cock and he knew it. He lifted you off the floor again, entangling you in his body to drag you into the bedroom as you kissed and panted in rhythm. You were thankful that there were only two apartments on the floor because I was sure that with how thin the walls were, anyone could have heard your moans and Gavi's grunts.
When you reached the bedroom, he threw you on the bed and began to undress watching as you yourself also removed your clothes biting your lip at the sight of his abdomen. Fuck. Your cheeks were red, red from temptation and a little from embarrassment. You felt a little shy but you thought it was the right thing to come. He had invited you himself. And you were enjoying it. You were really stressed because this level of craziness was not explainable.
His lips kissed your chest, playing with the bottom of your bra listening to your needy moans. His hands caressed your sensitive belly from the previous orgasm and just with his touch you could feel the heat between your legs. You were submissive to him and you could just see him there on top of you, kissing your body with his smile, he was hating you so much now.
"Do you really want this, baby?" he asked as his fingers slipped into your panties. He was going to pull them off and when he did, there was no turning back.
"Yes," you whispered. Gavi licked your lower belly, you swallowed a scream.
"What did you say?" he said again with some pride and his hands went around the fabric of your panties.
"Yes, damn it, do it" you pleaded before his eyes and he did it. He slid the garment down your legs gently and when you were exposed to him you bit your lip nervously.
"You are beautiful" he whispered coming back to your face. You smiled denying.
"You're not into that" you joked. "Better not say anything."
Pablo rolled his eyes. He wasn't into that character. It was clear this was sex and you wanted to keep it there. Just you enjoying yourselves.
You gripped his shoulders tightly and helped yourself enough to get around him and turned him until you had him against the mattress. His complicit gaze greeted you and with a smile your hands pulled down his last article of clothing. He was completely naked and you swallowed saliva as you felt the cravings sting. You wanted to feel it and you wanted to be in control, he'd had it so far and it was your turn.
"No fair" he said as your center pressed against his belly. He was referring to your bra and when his fingers tugged at the straps, you ran them, you were going to remove it yourself. And so you did, detaching it and lifting it up to show him what was right.
You and him, Pablo Gavi. Naked. Excited. Hot. Ready for this.
"Condom" you mentioned and he nodded, reaching into the drawer of his medicine cabinet. He pulled one out and opened it, putting it on when you gave him room to do so. You were nervous, anxious, needy and embarrassed. How the fuck had you ended up in this situation? Damn it, all because of your intervention.
"Ready, baby?" he asked as he helped you back on top of him, you were surprised he let you take control but you liked it.
Slowly you took his cock until you brought it to your wetness, you played a little with his wet tip and when you couldn't take any more, you sank down on it. Oh my god. A gasp escaped your lips as you felt his cock inside you, you felt so full all of a sudden that you couldn't hide a sob. Maybe right now you didn't want him to see you like this but it had been at least three or four months since you had fucked and it had had an effect on you.
"You're too tight" he groaned as you got up to sit on him again, trying to get used to your size.
"I'm sorry" you said not too sure. "I've spent a while without..."
"It's okay, you don't have to explain" he shushed you sitting up to help you move. The movement made you both gasp with pleasure, now your face was very close to yours and the temptation to kiss him didn't keep you waiting.
You hated that he made you feel this way, you hated that Gavi was right. You were stressed and in need of cock. His cock. Maybe this was the reason for everything and the loud music was just an excuse to watch him.
"Are you okay?" he insisted as his fingers caressed your ass, you nodded ready. You sighed deeply before you began to move on top of him, moving up and down on his cock as moans and gasps filled you.
"Shit" you squealed jumping on top of Gavi. He held your lower back helping you ride him as his lips kissed your breasts, collarbones and neck. Pleasure was seeping out of every pore of your bodies, they are plunged between you, you felt it so deep inside you that just thinking about it made you more aroused.
Your worries were gone for a second. There were no notes, exams or classes to think about. You were just here. Riding his cock like a crazy madwoman while he screamed your name and you heard your name between grunts. You couldn't take it anymore, you were in ecstasy.
"Do you want to come, baby?" he asked when your eyes found yours.
You weren't one for many words in sex. Gavi had noticed but he needed to hear you, he needed to see you gooey with it, he needed to hear your voice begging.
"Yes, Pablo" you asked. His name came out exactly the same as you had called him a few hours ago when you came earlier. "Damn it, yes please" you begged as the pressure in your belly increased.
"Good girl" he murmured with a smile, directing his lips to your nipple and bit it so hard you cried out in pleasure as you felt your orgasm hit you.
It felt like a pleasurable and magical release. The way your body arched against his and your feet anchored to his hips. The shriek was so loud you knew more than one person had heard you. Gavi gasped holding you up to help him and despite feeling your body numb and sensitive, you continued to fuck him. Your fingers caressed his face, groping the wet locks on his forehead and you kissed him as his roars began to sound louder.
"Shit, Y/n" he gasped and his fingers pressed your waist so hard you'd have marks for sure tomorrow.
"You drive me crazy" he said one last time before moaning as he reached his orgasm.
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seren1tyhaze · 1 year
sunflower dreams
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PAIRING: haechan x afab reader
SUMMARY: you have a new roommate who spends most of his time teasing you during the hours of games you play together online with your friends, but when it comes time to pick a new bed for your room, a sunflower shaped one seems like the perfect way to crack through his bratty exterior.
THANK YOU: A very belated happy birthday to our hyuckie and all my haechan smut lovers out there <3 Once I saw this photo on twitter I knew exactly what I would write for his birthday and I sincerely hope you all enjoy this brief drabble. @strwbrysunday as always, you know what I want to say to you. I'm so glad you enjoyed this <3
WARNINGS: explicit smut, angst, weed smoking, vaping, breakup flashbacks
PLAYLIST: Sunflower, Vol. 6 by Harry Styles - Stronger by NCT Dream - Sunflower (P.E.L) by Choi Yoojung - Sunflower by Vampire Weekend
“What the HELL is in here?!” your roommate nearly screeched as he struggled to drag the heavy object in front of him over the door frame of your apartment.
“It’s for my room, I just need help getting it in there and then you can go back to your lame solo queuing and getting your ass kicked by 12 year olds,” you shouted back over the large cardboard box, tucking an annoying strand of hair back into your ponytail.
Hyuck huffed and tossed his phone onto the couch so he could pull the box easier. You could see his forehead over the top of the box as you pushed, sweat gathering at his brow under long, black bangs.
To be fair, the box was way bigger than you had thought it would be. The listing had said “minimal assembly” which you thought meant it would somehow not be huge - but it turned out to be the opposite. You felt slightly guilty that you had had to get Hyuck to help you come drag the box upstairs and inside.
You smirked deviously, hoping Hyuck’s annoyance would soon be replaced with excitement when he found out what you had ordered for your bedroom. The two of you had recently become roommates after you had ended things with your toxic ex and his roommate had taken a new job in another city.
“You’re letting a girl move in?!” Mark had exclaimed over the steaming hot pot, nearly choking on the clear glass noodles dangling from his lips.
“Mark, chill,” Hyuck had replied, rolling his eyes before dipping a thin piece of beef into the spicy broth in between them. “She’s cool and you know she’s better than half our friends at Valo and on the court.”
Hyuck wasn’t wrong, Mark had watched you pull through as the match MVP quite a few times and was always first picked whenever they played pick up games on the weekends at the gym.
Similarly, Johnny had almost blown a gasket when you had shared the news in a final screaming match the day you were supposed to be meeting your landlord for final checks of your unit. It started with him complaining that you hadn’t cleaned the kitchen well enough before he started asking about where you had moved to.
“Lee Donghyuck? That little twerp?” he had spat at you, looking you up and down, making you suddenly self conscious in the thin tank and sweats you had thrown on for the early morning appointment.
“Leave him alone, Johnny, he’s very nice to let me sublet the extra room at his place. Plus it’s all the way across town which means you don’t have to run into me,” you had rolled your eyes, glancing down at your phone to check the time, wondering how long you were going to have to talk to this asshole.
“I always knew he was desperate to fuck you,” Johnny mumbled. Jealousy and hatred laced his tone, and before you could ask for clarification, your landlord appeared in the doorway.
The two of you finally managed to drag the huge box down the hallway and you immediately grabbed your box cutter, desperate to get to work and get rid of all the extra packaging.
“I’ll leave you to it?” he commented, his statement coming out more as a question as he watched you begin to tackle the large box.
“Yeah yeah, I promise, I’m good! I’ll text you if I need help,” you added, pulling out a copious amount of bubble wrap and tossing it behind him.
“Please don’t,” he quipped back, turning on his heel and closing his door behind him.
Soon you could hear him yelling at Jeno to stop running ahead, knowing they had to be back grinding Fortnite ranks together and failing miserably. The two of them were awful at working together in duos and the only time they were even remotely successful at clearing out teams quickly was when you and Jaemin played with them in squads.
You laughed lightly, rolling your eyes and finally placing your hand on a dark green, velvety pillow. Ripping the plastic bag open, you placed the pillow on your desk, beginning to unpack other pieces of soft, yellow cushions.
You had been scrolling through Pinterest one afternoon at work, hoping to find some ideas to decorate your new room. While you were able to take most of your furniture from your shared apartment with Johnny, the bed had been his, so you desperately needed to find a new one. You had been sleeping on a thin air mattress for the last couple weeks and Hyuck was tired of hearing you complain about your back.
The minute you had laid your eyes on the piece of furniture housed in the giant box you had just hauled in, you knew you had to get it. It matched your style perfectly and was also perfect in so many other ways.
The parts were awkward to fit together without a second set of hands, but it didn’t take too long to assemble. Once you stuffed all the packaging back into the box and pushed it back out into the living room, you stood sweaty but proud in front of your new, giant sunflower bed.
It was round, so it was hard to say if it was King sized, but it seemed pretty close based on the dimensions. The center was dark brown and fuzzy, with giant yellow petals spanning across the frame. You had already had your best friend crochet you some smaller sunflower and leaf decorative pillows that she had dropped off earlier that week. She had also shown up with a small panda plushie with a matching leaf on its head, giving you a long hug in your doorway and reminding you of how strong you were for finally dumping Johnny’s stupid ass.
Grabbing your towel, you headed to the bathroom to shower, letting the hot water cascade over your aching shoulders and scrubbing your body and hair quickly, desperate to take a nap in your new bed. When you passed Hyuck’s room again, you heard him still yelling at Jeno, but based on his call out it sounded like they were playing League and you decided against disturbing him. He would see your new furniture eventually and the growing pit in your stomach was preventing you from showing him anyways, nervous for his reaction.
Once back in your room, you dimmed the lights and put on your chill playlist. You lit some candles on your desk, followed by a blunt, letting the haze flow through the afternoon light streaming through your blinds. As soon as you had ordered the bed, you had found other matching decor for your room, hanging some lighted vines from your ceiling, cascading down the corner near the bed, blending into pale pink and green sheer curtains covering the window. A small mushroom side table held crystals, an ashtray, and your phone charger next to your bed. You smiled, looking around your new space that felt safe and unique to you.
During your relationship with Johnny, you felt like you had lost parts of yourself that had previously brought you so much confidence. He hated when you gamed with the guys, complaining that they were all flirting with you and in the midst of heated comms he would often unplug the router, blaming it on a power surge.
Whenever Jungwoo would come over for face masks and binging the latest season of Single’s Inferno, Johnny would watch with a chilly gaze from the kitchen, sharpening his chef’s knife before slicing up an apple. His possessiveness broke your relationship apart and while you still missed him, you would never miss that disease that plagued your time together.
After you slipped into a soft set of sleep shorts and a cropped tank, you finally let yourself fall onto the center of the large flower. The mattress was as comfortable as all the reviews had said, maybe even more. Taking a long, final drag of the blunt, you extinguished it in the ashtray and curled up into the pillows, smiling as you moved the small bear to your bedside table.
The soothing music, weed, and scent of your favorite candles made your eyes heavy, watching as the hazy smoke flowed through the rays of light across your ceiling, sun warming your bare legs. You don't know when exactly you drifted off to sleep but before you knew it you were stirred awake by a soft knock at the door.
“Hey…did you need any…” came Hyuck’s voice as the door swung open, barely giving you a chance to adjust your shirt that had ridden high up your side, exposing the underside of your breast. The waistband of your shorts had also ridden up your waist in your sleep, exposing much of your thigh.
“Oh…I uh, sorry I didn’t know you were sleeping,” he stuttered, moving to blow out the two candles on your desk, nervously avoiding eye contact with you.
“It’s okay, I should have said something but didn’t want to interrupt your game,” you replied groggily, lifting a heavy hand up to your eyes to rub at them.
“Wait…is that…”Hyuck trailed off, finally noticing the bed design. He looked adorable in the afternoon light, hood pulled up over messy hair, small sections of pink peeking through the black locks.
“A sunflower, yeah,” you replied with a smile, sitting up and leaning back on your arms, neglecting to adjust your shirt, chest pushed out at your new position. You dragged your legs up lightly, digging your feet into the fuzzy brown center of the bed and swaying your knees lighty as you spoke.
“A sunflower,” Hyuck repeated, unable to keep his eyes from dragging up and down your half naked body and damp hair. You looked ethereal in the golden hour sunlight and he let out a sigh before pulling his lime vape pen to his lips for a long drag. He kept eye contact with you through the cloud of smoke, a small smile breaking out onto his lips.
The bed was “perfect in many other ways” due to Hyuck’s gamer tag, SunnyFlowerz, one he had made years ago but had stuck. He had accumulated some sunflower related items over the years, including some stickers on his pc, a bright neon light that hung on the wall behind him and always visible on call, and the small crochet holder he kept his vape in. Some of the guys teased him about it but he always had new facts about the resilient flower to share, including how they track the sun and can self-pollinate.
You knew all these things because even before you had started dating Johnny you had always been intrigued by Donghyuck, the loud, whiny friend who sometimes had hot pink hair and laughed at all your stupid jokes when getting high in the park. You had thought about him late at night or as you touched yourself in the shower more times than you cared to admit. The first thing you had thought of when you saw the sunflower bed was how getting fucked by him in the middle of it would be the sweetest revenge you could ever imagine.
But now in the moment, with your legs inching open wider under Hyuck’s tense gaze, you knew it was more than revenge. You wanted to fall apart underneath him and the way he was looking at you right now confirmed he wanted it too.
Pulling one hand back over his shoulder, Hyuck pulled his hoodie off in a swift motion, dropping it to the floor as he stepped close to the bed, pausing at the edge as his shins touched the soft yellow petals.
“Is this for me?” he asked, dragging the back of his hand lightly against your bare calf.
“Maybe…” you trailed off, shivering slightly at his touch and pulling your chin up, silently begging him to come closer.
Dropping his knees to the bed one by one, he crawled between your legs, caging you in as he crowded over you, tight abs tensing as he leaned over you. His hair was dangling in his eyes, darkened with lust.
Your breath caught in your throat as he brought a hand up to your chest, playing with the thin strap of your shirt, pushing it down to expose your collar bone.
“A pretty flower, all opened up for me,” he murmured, dipping down to nip lightly at the skin of your neck, already on fire from the gentle touch of his fingers.
You felt your core tighten and breath pick up, desperate for him to touch you. Leaning your head back, you opened up more of your neck for him to mouth at, letting out a light moan as he dragged his lips up and down the column of your throat, laving his tongue over a particularly sensitive spot.
“I’ve wanted this for so long,” you can’t help yourself from mumbling and you swear you can feel him smile against your skin.
“You hid it so well, PandaBare,” he hissed out mockingly, using your own gamer tag, causing you to flush.
“Maybe I have something to show you too,” he added, standing up on his knees to pull at the waistband of his loose gray sweats.
You sat up further on your elbows, gulping and eyes widening. You watched as he first pulled down the sweats and then moved achingly slow to slip his thumbs under the band of his black boxers.
“If you’re about to try to impress me with your massive cock, Lee Donghyuck, you should remember that I used to date the Johnny Suh,” you replied, rolling your eyes at him, even as your heart picked up speed in your chest.
He merely chuckled, ripping down his boxers suddenly, half hard cock springing out and demanding your attention. 
Your eyes widened, not at the sight of his arousal, but at the black ink on his hip bone, suddenly visible to you for the first time. You had been to the pool with the boys a few times, but never seen this far below his shorts. 
“Is that…” you croaked out, equally as speechless as he had been in your doorway earlier.
“A panda bear? Yeah, it is,” he smiled, running his thumb over the small line art before moving over you again.
“Guess we both weren’t fake flirting on vc then…” you sighed as everything flooded into place in your mind.
Hyuck had been the first to offer you a place to stay and none of the boys had dared say anything in opposition. Even your best friend had encouraged you to move in.
He was always the first one to ream out a sexist team mate on voice chat when they complained about a female voice in the lobby. He always sent you a game off your wishlist on Steam for your birthday, saying he did it for everyone, even if you knew he hadn’t gotten Mark a gift in years. And if Johnny’s reaction had told you anything, it seemed like everyone had been picking up on the vibes for a long time.
“We’re both idiots,” he laughed out, dipping down to finally capture your lips with his, pressing warmly against your mouth.
Your hands flew immediately into his long hair as he yanked down your shorts, grinding his bare crotch against yours. You moaned loudly into his mouth at the feeling of him against your core, wrapping your legs around him tightly, drawing him closer to you.
“Wait,” you gasped into his mouth, reaching your hand over to fumble for your phone.
“Important Twitter update to post?” he asked, cocking a brow as he lifted up, toying with the edge of your top and letting his fingertips brush across your nipples that were peeking out under the neon green fabric.
“No, I have something better,” you said slyly, opening your camera and pulling Hyuck back down on top of you by the back of his neck. Holding the phone out, you snapped a slightly blurry photo that clearly showed Hyuck’s muscular and bare back with you spread out underneath him on the sunflower bed.
You tapped into a phone conversation you hadn’t messaged in in a month, sending off the photo without a caption before letting your phone fall back to the bed.
“Oh you’re evil,” Hyuck laughed maniacally, crashing his lips against yours and snaking a hand between your bodies to drag a finger through your dripping folds.
“Hold on, send him another one like this,” Hyuck murmured against your mouth, kissing down your throat before pulling his face between your thighs and smiling up at you.
You grabbed your phone eagerly, arching your back and tugging your bottom lip between your teeth in ecstasy as you snapped a few photos and videos. A loud moan escaped your throat, causing you to drop the phone and focus back on Hyuck and the long night that seemed to be ahead of you as he pulled his tongue slowly up to your clit, moaning into you in pleasure.
Yes, the sunflower bed was for Hyuck. But also the perfect fuck you to the man who had broken your heart and spent so much time gaslighting and manipulating you.
Across town, a loud string of curses rang out in a tiny apartment, causing Taeyong to rip his headphones off in concern and push open Johnny’s bedroom door. Without replying to his friend, Johnny glanced down at the small sunflower tattoo on his arm and threw his phone violently across the room, knowing the screen most likely shattered as it bounced off the wall.
His angry, jealous comments he had made when he last saw you had been right. Hyuck had always wanted to fuck you and while this was the first time, it looked like this wasn’t going to be the last.
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aoioozora · 13 days
Part 10
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9
Character: Simon Riley / Ghost Content: Biker! Ghost x Fem! Reader, strangers to lovers, fluff, civilian au
Note: Took me too long just to get down the first draft but editing it was pleasant. Please enjoy my hard work :')
“Last man left, you broken hearted, let me treat you right…  Shorty if you need me, I could pull up any night.  You just say the words, girl, I don't need a reason…  Give me something more than just a lover on the weekend…”
Johnny's soft singing filled the quietness of the afternoon as he, Gaz, and Simon sat together on the dock, fishing rods in their hands, staring at the distant, hazy hills and the rippling water of the lake. The ladies were left to nap in the tent, while the men had their ‘boys time’, and what better way to spend it than fishing.
“Johnny,” Gaz called, shifting ever so slightly in his picnic chair so as to not disturb the movement of his fishing rod.
“Stop singing, you'll scare the fish away.” 
“Nonsense. Am no’ even singin’ tha’ loud.” 
“Yeah, but you will get louder as you go on, so shut up.” 
Johnny groaned and stopped singing. The three sat in silence again, waiting for a fish to take bait. Johnny and Gaz were relatively comfortable sitting still, as they knew that when it came to fishing, patience was the highest virtue. But Simon was antsy, and his knee bounced like a low dribbled basketball on steroids. 
This was visible in Johnny’s periphery, and he grew increasingly annoyed at how it distracted him from enjoying the slower pace of the lazy afternoon. Having enough, he delivered a hard slap to Simon’s knee, and the victim let out a bellow of surprise.
“What the fuck, Johnny?!” Simon snapped, nearly getting out of his seat, ready to throw hands.
Johnny shushed him. “Stop shaking so much, ye absolute lemon,” he chided under his breath, “Whit's oan yer mind?”
“Nothing,” Simon looked sideways as he muttered quietly, now sitting back down. 
Johnny and Gaz looked at each other and then rolled their eyes. Gaz quipped, “I don't know if you know, but when you shake your knee like that, it means that something’s bothering you.”
“Aye, he's right. I've seen it too,” Johnny agreed with a nod, “So, whit is it?” 
Simon hesitated. 
“C'mon, mate,” Gaz tried to encourage Simon, “No secrets, remember?” 
Simon let out a sound that was half a sigh and half a groan. He turned to Johnny, “Fine! Johnny, do you like Lindsey?” 
“Aye, I do?” Johnny answered immediately, raising his eyebrows at the question, “I thought I made it obvious?”
Simon narrowed his eyes. “I mean, for real? Do you really like her or are you just messing around like you always do?” 
“Why do ye want tae ken?” Johnny’s voice now grew a little quieter.
“____ asked,” Simon answered, sitting back and sighing. He glanced at his friend, who was looking back at him. “She wants to know if you're serious about her. And from the looks of it, she won't take kindly to you playing around.” 
Johnny's lips pursed into a thin line when he heard this, and he too sat back in his chair, now silent and thoughtful. Gaz and Simon stared at him, waiting for an answer. 
“I do like her, she's bonny,” he answered quietly with a shrug, the look on his face a little distant and dreamy. 
“You say that to every woman you talk to,” Simon retorted, though he was a little surprised by the rare look on his friend's face, a look he'd seen only once. 
“No, no. Wait,” Gaz hushed Simon, “He's not done.” 
Johnny shifted in his seat and continued, now a little solemn, “Am serious. I like her… a lot. She's bonny, and cute… she has nice hair and,” he smiled a little, “a face like a mouse. Squeaks a lot like one too.”
Simon glanced at Gaz, who looked back at him with a smirk on his face. They waited for him to elaborate.
“That's all ye will get,” Johnny huffed, sitting back on his chair. In reality, the attraction he felt for Lindsey couldn't be put into words. Something about her bashfulness, her feistiness, her cute pouts and frowns, and particularly her glowing, gorgeous green eyes that reminded him of the rolling Highlands tickled a spot in his heart that he had long closed away. 
Gaz began teasing Johnny, giving him light and playful pushes and shoves. Johnny, a little embarrassed, swatted his friend’s hands away while laughing and trying to counter Gaz’s teasing. Simon watched their banter, particularly looking at Johnny. He found his best friend’s behaviour peculiar, something he’s never personally seen before. 
He knew Johnny to be a smooth talker, a man who knew just the right words to say to make a woman fall head over heels for him. Johnny’s normal behaviour with a casual crush or fling was to talk incessantly and excitedly about them as if to overcompensate for the shallow feelings, but when it came to Lindsey, it was almost surprising to see him so solemn, so quiet, so thoughtful, even dreamy. 
Simon was more-or-less now convinced that his best friend really did like Lindsey and let out a sigh of relief on behalf of ____ as he turned his focus on the still waters. 
When the Gaz-Johnny banter died down, Johnny then turned to Simon to ask, “Whit about ye?”
“What about me?” Simon returned, confused. 
“With ____, ye lemon. How’s it going with her?”
He paused, sitting back on the picnic chair and tucking an arm under his head as he shrugged. “It’s going.”
Johnny and Gaz looked at eachother. “Whit ye mean?” Johnny raised a brow, “Stop bein’ so vague.”
“I think she likes someone else,” he mumbled, staring ahead across the lake with a blank, expressionless look, trying to sound like he wasn’t bothered.
The two looked at each other again, incredulous of what he claimed and unconvinced by his tone of voice. “Impossible,” Gaz quipped, “Have you seen her? The way she looks at you tells me she wants you to eat her whole or something.”
Johnny snorted at that and then backed Gaz up with his own observations. “Did ye ken I sent her tae help ye out with the wood? Ye should’ve seen her face. She flew aff.” It was a bit of an exaggeration, but Johnny needed to get his point across.
Simon turned to Johnny, raising a brow and shaking his head. “No way. You’re just saying.”
“No mate, I’m serious,” Johnny answered, now getting a little impatient as he stared at Simon, annoyed by his best friend’s obstinance. “Ye never dae this, Simon, but if ye want somethin’, ye gotta ask, ye ken?” 
“Ask what?”
Johnny groaned loudly. “Ye fuckin’ doughnut, ask her if she likes ye.” 
“You’re off your head,” Simon retorted, “I’m not so daft to take a risk that big.”
“Then ask her if she likes that bloke,” he reasoned, only to see Simon giving him the side-eye. Johnny, finally losing his patience, gave his friend a slap on the back of his head. “Just fuckin’ ask her. Don’t be such a pussy. Imagine the endless possibilities, Simon, imagine! If ye weren’t such a fuckin’ pussy.”
“Alright, fine!” Simon relented as he rubbed the back of his head, having enough of being called a pussy so many times for one day.
Johnny looked at Gaz and shook his head like a disappointed parent, making Gaz smile and shrug. The Scotsman turned back to Simon and gave him one long look, saying with a sigh, “I havnae seen ye like this before, mate. Yer usually fearless.”
Simon rubbed his cheek, particularly the scarred one. “No experience in this department,” he admitted.
“Hm,” Johnny exhaled, allowing his eye to linger on the long scar on his friend’s cheek, the reason for his inexperience.
When the last rays of the sun set behind the hills, the men ended their fishing, sadly returning with only a small handful in their bucket. Simon was sent to the tent to check on the ladies while Johnny and Gaz decided to head to the cabin to gut the fish and prepare a marinade so that they could grill them over the fire later.
“____? Lindsey?” called Simon as he entered the tent and moved towards the room they occupied. There was no answer.
He took hold of the zipper to open the entrance, but hesitated, not wanting to possibly catch them in a vulnerable position somehow. He cursed his upbringing, that he never had any sisters he could barge in on to annoy; unzipping this entrance would be a lot easier otherwise. 
He called once again. No answer. He didn’t want to be called a pussy again, so he slowly unzipped the entrance a little and peered in. 
In the dim darkness, he could vaguely see the two ladies fast asleep, cuddled like a litter of kittens. He shook his head, thinking to himself, “Women can do the gayest things and nobody bats an eyelid.” But that was the least of his concern at the moment, for when his eyes adjusted to the dimness, he noticed that ____ cuddled Little Simon to her chest.
Bigger Simon immediately zipped the entrance close and stood there in a daze, unable to stop himself from imagining replacing Little Simon, having the privilege of his arms around her waist, her arms around his neck, and his face nestled in her chest, no space between their bodies, cuddled and breathing each other in. His dirty little mind took it a step further and imagined him and her naked, but he caught himself and shook his head, feeling his cheeks start to burn. 
“Get a hold of yourself, Simon,” he reminded himself, “You can’t think of her like that.” 
He took out his phone and decided to wake the ladies up in the worst way possible: using the jarring sound of the alarm. They woke up immediately; as expected, Lindsey did not appreciate being woken up and mumbled some curses at Simon, while ____ was a little disoriented from the heavy sleep, even asking what year it was.
Before long, the five were soon seated on the wooden benches in front of the blazing fire pit under the now darkening sky, watching the fish grill over the open flames. Johnny and Gaz passed the time singing as he usually did, while Lindsey, though not a singer herself, tried to join. 
Johnny eventually did not want to sit still, so he snatched Lindsey by the hand and coaxed her to dance with him. 
“No!” she exclaimed with flaming cheeks as she saw the three others looking at her with teasing grins.
“C’mon Jolene, yer no’ dancin’ alone! Am here too!” He noticed that she was trying to pry her hand out of his grip, which made him hold on tighter.
“Have some fun for once, Linny!” encouraged ____, smiling widely.
“Ye heard her,” Johnny grinned and pulled Lindsey to her feet. “We’ll dae it ceilidh style!” 
Before she said another word, he already wrapped an arm around her waist and started hopping around with her and twirling her around while singing ‘Highland Girl’. Though she had been and danced in enough ceilidhs before, she still scrambled to hold on to Johnny’s shoulder and manage to keep up with his quick pace and tempo of the song. Though she stumbled occasionally, he kept her from falling, and her constant slip ups didn’t keep him from losing his patience or energy. 
“I didn’t know that I fell in love, in love with my Highland girl,” he sang, and he just had to gaze at her with those big blue eyes of his into her green ones. Time slowed for the both of them as he pulled her closer to himself and grinned out of sheer joy at the way her freckled cheeks flushed red both out of shyness and exertion, and at how the fire cast a warm glow over her face and her fiery red hair that swayed as they danced. 
He felt his chest swell as he looked at her, really and genuinely feeling like he was falling in love with this Highland girl in front of him. Lindsey felt no less. Their friends watched on, cheering, teasing, and encouraging them to keep dancing, happy to see the two so close to each other.
____ watched fondly, her eyes softening at how Lindsey eventually smiled and laughed as she danced with Johnny. Simon, who was sitting close next to her, saw the warm look on her face and smiled to himself.
“So,” he began, now leaning close to her so he could whisper, “I asked Johnny.”
“Mmhm,” she nodded eagerly, smiling. Simon noted the twinkle in her eye and could already tell that she knew what the answer would be.
“He does like her,” he confirmed, watching her closely for her reaction.
Her face broke into a bigger smile and she turned to the dancing pair, a fonder and warmer look in her eyes. “I can see it,” she answered, voice light with relief.
Simon couldn’t help but stare at her smile and at how the fire brightened up her eyes. His own dark eyes softened and his shoulders relaxed slightly as he watched her.
By this time, Lindsey needed a break and Johnny let her have one, though he wanted to dance some more. He danced with Gaz next, who was happy to oblige. 
As Simon and ____ watched them and laughed, he discreetly lifted his arm and put it on the back rest right behind her, though he was itching to put it around her shoulders and pull her closer to him. She noticed this, and instinctively moved closer to him. He gulped harshly, feeling his entire body go stiff. 
Wanting to make some small talk, he asked, flashing a boyish smirk at her, “You sleep alright, darling?”
“Yeah, like a log until you came in with your wonderful alarm,” she nudged his side with her elbow, feigning annoyance. 
He chuckled. “You're welcome.” 
There was a pause and he saw her take out her phone. His attention was turned back to his dancing friends until it returned to the lady next to him when he heard her giggle. Wondering if she too was watching the dancing, turned to her to make a comment about it, but instead found her giggling at her phone. A quick glance told him that she was texting someone, and a slightly longer, nosier glance told him that it was Alejandro. 
He drew in a sharp breath, clenching his fists slightly. His earlier anger shot up again, and he pulled his arm off the back rest, and crossed it over his chest, now deciding that watching the fish grill was more interesting. When she was done texting, he asked, 
“How's Alejandro doing, by the way?” Not that he cared. 
“He's alright. He was texting me just now. Said he didn't see me come out of my place this weekend to go out so I told him I was out camping.” she explained. 
Simon's arms crossed tighter. “What a fucking stalker,” he thought. 
“He said he wanted to join us next time.” she added. 
Simon's brow furrowed. He regretted even asking about that man. “I see,” he said through his teeth, appalled by his audacity, especially when he wasn't a close friend of hers. 
Now was his chance to ask her about what she thought of him, and he took it immediately. “I'm curious about one thing, darling,” began Simon. She looked at him attentively. “Do you… like him?”
She looked at him with surprise and then exclaimed, laughing, “No! Goodness, no, Simon. I don't.” 
Simon couldn't hold back a sigh of relief. “You don't?” he asked, hiding his excitement, “I thought you did. He seems cool.”
She looked at him, an eyebrow raised. “You think he's cool? I thought you didn't like him. Especially after how nicely you greeted him when you first met him.” 
He shook his head, chuckling. “I said I would be the “protective boyfriend”, so that's what I was doing.” He felt his face turn hot, a little afraid of how observant she was. “Either way,” he decided to steer the conversation in a slightly different direction, “I was thinking you liked him, and so I thought that if you did, I could stop pretending to be your boyfriend and get out of your way. And you wouldn’t have to come with me to my family reunion.” His face started turning hotter again as he felt like his words were coming out all jumbled up. 
She chuckled again. “Oh, no. It's nothing like that. He's just a neighbour to me, just a friend.” 
He smiled. “Alright then.” Simon exhaled slowly; he was tired of how volatile his feelings had been in the course of that single day, soaring high only to dive down deep and then to soar again. 
The fish was soon grilled and everyone feasted on them. After that, the marshmallows came out, which they put on skewers and toasted over the fire. 
Johnny announced, “We should play ‘Simon Says’!” which earned the chuckles of everyone except Simon. 
“Not this again,” Simon rolled his eyes as he sandwiched the gooey marshmallow and a piece of chocolate between two biscuits to make a smore.
“Come oan!” Johnny coaxed, “Yer no fun!”
Simon relented, “Alright, alright,” 
Johnny grinned and the others sat ready looking at Simon, ready for his orders. 
Simon cleared his throat and said, “Simon says… stop playing Simon says.”
Everyone collectively groaned and protested, making Simon chuckle uncontrollably. 
“Och, sod off, mate! I’ll make Gaz Simon,” Johnny declared, shaking his head at Simon, who was more than happy to oblige.
Gaz took the place of Simon and ordered everyone to do the most outrageous actions, even a whole dance routine that the ladies completely butchered, until everyone’s sides started to hurt from laughing too much. Johnny had to take over soon enough to end Gaz’s reign of “terror”, and everyone had their turn as well.
After a few more games and marshmallows eaten, Johnny decided he'd sing one last song before they'd extinguish the fire and head off to bed because he “wanted to sing ye all tae sleep”.
Over the silent air, the fire over the crackling wood danced with the gently blowing breeze whilst the chirp of insects filled the relaxing silence. The four, tired from playing and laughing, sat still, waiting to hear Johnny. 
He began softly and sweetly to sing,
“Oh, my love said to me, “will you meet me by the sea?”  You can kiss me underneath the misty moon…”
He stole a cheeky glance at Lindsey, who frowned at him and shyly looked away. He continued, still looking at her, 
“She is stunnin’, she is pretty, she's as warm as amber whisky,  And as bonny as a heather on the hill.”
____ smiled and giggled at his openly flirtatious display. She was so focused on them that she didn't see how Simon stared at her. 
“When I was a young boy, my mother said to me,  “Find yourself a pretty lass, don't take her love for free” From the fields of Aberfeldy to the shores of Loch Maree I know that she's the only one for me.”
His arm went over the backrest of the bench again, right behind her, and when she leaned against him just a tad, he felt the irresistible urge to put his arm around her shoulders and hug her, this stunning, pretty woman, who was warm as amber whisky and more bonny than a thousand heathers on a thousand hills.
The singing made everyone slouch in their seats out of relaxation, and Simon sat back with a sigh, letting his itchy arm lightly graze against her shoulder. The lady next to him was highly aware of his closeness, and again, she thought of the moment at the arcade. She looked up at him, only to find him staring right at her with his lips slightly parted. She met his eye, feeling a flutter tickle her stomach.
“Simon?” she called softly, lightly tapping his thigh. 
He blinked, realising he was staring. “Yeah?” he asked, turning his head away slightly, embarrassed to have been caught.
“You’re staring,” she teased, echoing his own remark to her when they went out before. 
He chuckled. “Sorry darling, I was just…” he met her eye, “thinking of something,” he said, giving her a fond smile.
“Was it me?” she wondered, but instead smiled. 
They listened to the rest of Johnny’s song, and by the time he ended, nearly everyone was sleepy and yawning. Johnny thanked his audience for listening to his constant singing, pretending to be a famous singer ending a concert, even exaggeratedly bowing to them and earning chuckles and soft applause from his friends. They extinguished the fire and took their plates back to the cabin to wash and gathered their snacks to seal and keep them away.
Just as they gathered in the tent to retire for the night, Johnny announced, “Remember lads, we’re hiking tae see the sunrise tomorrow, so ye all better be ready! We ride at the asscrack of dawn!”
“Alright, that’s enough screaming now. Let’s sleep.” Gaz caught Johnny in a chokehold and pulled him into one of the two rooms in the tent. 
“Make sure tae kiss the homies good night!” Johnny called out laughingly from the room. He even blew a good night kiss to Lindsey, but she just rolled her eyes and went inside the other room in the tent, huffing and blushing. 
The men and ladies exchanged their good-nights and tucked into their sleeping bags. From all the noise in the other room, the ladies could tell that Johnny still hadn’t settled down. Eventually, Simon and Gaz had to scold him, and he soon quieted, making the ladies in the other room giggle to themselves.
Lindsey didn’t take too long to fall asleep, but ____ was wide awake thanks to her very heavy afternoon nap. It was past eleven-thirty when she took out her phone to work on the novel and jot down chapter outlines and her notes and observations of Simon, which would eventually be twisted and bent into a shape fitting for Frederick. Sleep still didn’t come to her, even much past midnight. 
Tired of staring at her phone in the darkness, she closed her aching, strained eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. Sleep would not come anytime soon so, “I suppose a walk would help,” she figured.
Tucking Little Simon under her arm, she carefully slipped past her sleeping best friend and out of the tent without a sound and walked over the damp grass towards the lake and stood at the dock, watching the water ripple under the moonlight and the faraway hills bathed in it. Basked in the gentle light, she looked up at the distant stars, twinkling without a care, and inhaled the cool air of the night. She walked by the pebbled banks for a while, enjoying their soft clatter as she stepped over them, until a soft breeze brought in the clouds, making a light rain descend. 
Not yet wanting to go back to the tent, she made her way to the cabin to sit on the porch to watch the world and the rain go by. In the dim darkness, she saw a large shadow sitting on the wooden bench. 
“Hey, you can’t sleep either?” asked the familiar rough, gravelly voice of the shadow.
End of Part 10.
Part 11 coming soon :)
Simon lore in the next chapter! Leave a comment if you want to be tagged for the next part :) Thank you for reading <3
@cmbghost @gluttonybiscuits @paintlavillered @eatingtheworldsoffanfiction @keiraslayz
@xoxobooksstuff @suhmie @whenyouwannafindlove @dontyouworrydaddy @0chemicalwaste0
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enkas-illusion · 4 months
The Night Is Still Young
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Fandom / Pairing: Jujutsu Kaisen / Nanami x f!reader
Genre/Theme: One-night stand; non-sorcery au
Content warning: fluff, drinking, flirting, Nanami got rizz, suggestive, no smut.
Summary: You are exhausted from working the entire month and you need some stress relief. What's better than finding a gentleman at the club and things take a turn for good.
Author's Note: This was supposed to contain smut but I really hit writer's block. So here's a quick drabble with my husband Nanami. Thank you for reading, hope you enjoy it!
~ Nanami's Munchkin
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“Shots! Shots! Shots!”
You shoot down the 6th shot of the night, the bitter liquid no longer tastes so bad anymore but the buzz keeps getting stronger.
It’s another Saturday and your plan was to stay home, sulking for the weekend but your friends had other plans.
You had just submitted your assignments and were exhausted beyond repair. Your friends were kind enough to give you an option (not really) between staying home and drinking your exhaustion away only to feel worse the next day – of course, you had to choose the latter.
“You know what would have been better than getting shitfaced tonight?” you asked your friends. Your friends roll their eyes, already knowing you are gonna bitch about being here again for the nth time but what you say next surprises them.
“If a man would fuck me so good that I see God,” you say in all seriousness.
“Damn she’s drunk drunk” your friends laugh at your confession.
You were neck deep into assignments for the past month. You didn’t leave your house except for going to the library to get shit done. So naturally, this also meant that you were frustrated mentally and sexually, needing nothing more than to melt your stress away. 
So what could be a better way than coming to the club to find someone who can help you with it? For your friends, it might mostly be the alcohol talking, but you knew the motivating factor that really convinced you to step out tonight was yet to be met.
“So you’re here to find a guy to hook up with... but all you’ve done is cry about being here. Make it make sense?” your friend Mila counters.
“It’s cause there aren’t any hot guys in here!” you cry out loud. “You need to help me find someone. Please—“
You go quiet as your eyes land on the group of guys that enter the club. Your gaze is fixated on this tall buff guy with blonde hair. He has a tired look on his face that rivals your own and he is oh so handsome.
The thing that catches your interest is his outfit. He’s wearing a black dress shirt with tan pants. His shirt hugs his muscles so tightly that it might rip open any moment. He stood out amongst the crowd of boys who wore T shirts and cargos and called it a fit. 
Your friends have already caught on to him with the way you were shamelessly checking him out. “Go talk to him,” your other friend Dia suggests.
“Oh God! He’s hot isn’t he!?” you whine. 
“Girl, you have a type. And it’s always the stoic, uninterested men.” Mila interjects.
“You forgot the hot dilf body.” Dia chimes in.
You don’t realize that you haven’t taken your eyes off him until you see him catch you staring. You revert back to your friends with a groan.
“Oh shit.”
“Why are you still here? Go talk to him.”
“Urghh… he doesn’t look like a guy who would be interested, you know? I mean look at him. He looks like he was forced to be here,” You say, sneaking looks at him.
“Oh my! You always do this. You thirst over men but never make a move. This ain’t window-shopping! Stop acting like a bitch for once,” Mila states clearly annoyed.
“Don’t you get started, Mila. Why don’t you go ask out the guy at the coffee shop. Harry, was it? You even made me ask for his name! So stop calling me a bitch.” You snapped at her.
“You know what? Let’s make a deal, go dance with that man and I’ll ask Harry out.” Mila replies, her lips twisting in half a smile.
“Deal,” you say, shaking hands with her.
“But I need a little bit more of that liquid luck.”
You head to the bar, ordering two shots of tequila and instead of drinking it, you walk up to the mystery man.
“Hey there, handsome. Care to join me for a drink?” You say almost screaming over the loud music blaring in the background. You were so fixated on him that you didn’t notice his whole group was staring at you.
“Oh he won’t drink, he's a buzzkill, you know. But I can take you up on that offer, pretty girl,” a guy with white hair butts in and you give him an annoyed look.
“Leave her alone Gojo,” the blonde says, pushing the snow haired guy away. “Don’t mind him, he’s annoying that way. Sure I’d like that drink.”
He takes the shot glass from your hand and you click it before shooting it down together.
You move closer to him to introduce yourself so as to not scream in front of others.
He holds his hand out and says, “Nanami Kento, nice to meet you.” When you go to shake his hands, he gently lifts it to leave a small peck on the back of your hand and you feel chills run through your body. 
“I didn’t know you got game, Nanamin,” the Gojo guy shouts. Nanami rolls his eyes and looks at you. 
“Do you wanna—“ you both say at once which makes you laugh. “Go ahead,” he responds.
“I was gonna ask if you want to dance with me?” you ask, suddenly shy.
He nods, holding his hand out for you and leads you to the dance floor. “Hmm… didn’t know you were such a gentleman. You don’t look like the guy who goes clubbing on the weekends,” you tease him.
“Trust me I’m not. I was forced to join them. Need to keep them out of trouble,” he says with a sly smile while his hands move around your hips and you both sway around to the music.
“So, you are the daddy of the group, huh?” you ask, which comes out more seductive than you intended and you cringe slightly.
He spins you around so that your back is touching his chest and you take this opportunity to grind back on him.
He leans closer to your ear and says, “Umhmm… is that the reason you were undressing me with your eyes ever since I entered? Need daddy to take care of you, too?” 
You turn around to face him and snake your hands around his neck. You have to stand on your tiptoes even with your heels on to reach him.
“So what if I do?” you look at him with dark eyes.
He pulls you into a messy kiss and you melt into it letting him take control. You don’t remember how long you’ve been making out in the middle of the dance floor. 
You hear your friends hoot which makes you self aware about your surroundings. You pull away from the kiss breathlessly to look at your friends and give Mila a look to which she mumbles ‘okay, okay’ with a shrug while Dia gives you a thumbs up.
You look back at Nanami who witnessed the whole interaction. “What was that about?” he asks with a quizzical look.
“Argh… nothing. Just a stupid bet between friends.”
“Is that what I am? A stupid bet?” He asks feigning hurt which makes you chuckle, “So what was the bet? Get a kiss?”
“Well I could tell you the truth that it was just to dance with you or I could just lie and say that it was to get you to sleep with me,” You reply with your hands running over his biceps suggestively.
“Hmmm… the lie sounds much more convincing to me,” he says lowly in your ears.
“So Nanami-san, you gonna help me win the bet or not?” your hands move up to play with his undercut.
“How can I resist when you ask so nicely.”
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heyhihellosworld · 1 year
𝗛𝗶𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀
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Trent Alexander-Arnold x reader
Word count: 1.7k
Summary: Trent isn't very good at keeping your relationship a secret, especially not around his noisy teammates.
Warnings: Just fluff and a small hint of angst but not really
Notes: Trent is literally my favorite person to write for x
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The training was finally done and all Trent wanted to do now was go home and snuggle up to you. He was tired and wet, the cloudy day not lifting his mood in any way.
He threw his phone down on the bench not caring that it went past his bag before going to the showers.
He was the quickest getting ready, throwing his clothes down and drying off his hair before lacing his shoes, ready to go when Henderson stopped him.
"Hey, don't forget your ph-" he cut himself off as the screen lit up "Hey who is this?" he questioned, turning the phone up to study it for real. Andy who was next to Henderson leaned over to look for himself while Trent stood frozen.
"Hey let me see" Virgil cut in, and soon everybody was passing the phone around, everyone staring at Trent who looked around the room, his tongue poking out from the side.
"Wait, is that-is that y/n?!" Virgil exclaimed as he got the phone again, studying it really close causing Henderson and Ox to throw themselves over the phone again to study the picture closer "It is! Trent you have some explaining to do!" Henderson called.
"Okay, fuck just give me my phone back you idiots" Trent groaned, snatching it back and turning it off. Closing the picture he had as a background. He had just switched it yesterday, the picture taken of the two of you at Trent's parents house last weekend, you were sitting on the couch together, smiling at each other as he is kissing your temple. He loved that photo and thought it was a cute background but now he remembered why he had a simple background before, you kept your relationship low-key.
Trent threw the phone down in the bag, wanting to leave but there was no reason to even try with the way everyone looked at him.
Everybody knew who you were as you were friends with many of the team, you knew Klopp and was therefore often watching training and matches. Sometimes assisting the trainers out and just being around.
That was how you'd met Trent. After a late training he had stayed a bit longer on the pitch where you had been, the two of you had begun talking and then he'd driven you home with the promise of meeting you again. He had kept his promise and after that you'd met up frequently, slowly fallen in love with the right-back defender.
After you became official you decided to keep it on the low, both for media and for everyone in the team, just wanting to be you for a little while.
"Explain!" Virgil demanded, sitting relaxed on the bench, legs wide spread and a small smirk on his face.
"Well.. we're dating okay!" Trent explained, groaning at the collective gasps from his teammates "Since when! And why haven't you told us?!"
"Since two months back and because we decided not to, at least not yet"
"You've hid your relationship for two months, what!" Ox close to gasped which made Trent groan out a chuckle "Come on guys, it's no big deal, we wanted to keep it easy and not pressure it before we knew anything for real"
"Man, you've gotta take her to guys night soon" Ox grinned, cutting the tension slightly "Yeah yeah, maybe, anyway can I go now?" he asked sarcastically making the guys boo at him "Sure" Robby grinned, Trent rolled his eyes annoyed by them and their stupid grins.
"Have you fucked her yet?" "Are you married?" "Do you have secret kids?"
"Shut up and don't talk about her like that" Trent grunted before exiting the changing room feeling even more bitter than before.
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You were laying on the couch when Trent entered the apartment. You had been working from home, sorting all types of documents and numbers for your boss and now you were just finishing up in front of the tv.
"Hey love" you grinned as you saw his face in the door opening. "Hey" he muttered back, making you frown as he flopped down on the couch, face in your lap
"Hey, what's wrong" you asked softly, scratching his neck gently. "The boys found out about the two of us" he muttered after a second, not wanting to meet your eyes "What" you huffed, making him look up at you with a worried look.
"They saw my phone-background and put one and one together, everybody knows" You sat quite for a little while, processing the news but you didn't notice it made Trent anxious as he waited for you to say something, anything.
"Are you mad?" he said lowly meeting your eyes carefully "What, no no no, I were just-...thinking about what we will do, who we will be open to and if we should become official" you hummed, slowly threading your fingers through his hair to reassure him it was fine.
You were not mad, not at all. You both knew you wouldn't be able to keep it hidden forever and it was never really about hiding it either but more about being just you, getting to know each other and your relationship. But now multiple months had passed and you knew him and your relationship well by now and it felt like your relationship could survive the publicity.
Plus it was only his teammates, the guys you knew well and were sure they wouldn't tell it to the media. It was actually pretty nice that they knew so you would no longer have to hide and sneak around them with your relationship.
"Do you want to become official?" Trent asked, his eyes holding a little shocked glance. "I don't know" you hummed sweetly, kissing his forehead. "I think it would be possible to go official" you thought out loud "What do you mean?" "Like, the reason why we kept it to us where because we wanted to be sure and do it in our time but now I guess or relationship is strong enough to hold that kinda thing and we've already figured us out and I don't think it would destroy us as it could've before." Trent hummed, nodding a little "that's true but do you want that? Do you want to deal with all the media?" his voice was cold and almost dismissive, like what you said was stupid.
You frowned slightly, retreating your hands from his head which made him react, looking at you with an equal frown.
"Do you not want to be official with me?" you asked, slightly offended and hurt.
When he didn't answer you scoffed, pushing his head from you and standing up, ignoring his call of your name as you walked to the kitchen, roughly taking out a coffee mug from the cupboard.
"Babe" Trent sighed, wrapping his arms around your waist but you shrugged him off, really annoyed. "Babe I didn't mean it like that don't be sour" he pleaded but you already where. Pouring up the coffee you'd made earlier and slamming it into the microwave.
"I just.. I've just been thinking" he said carefully, not wanting to upset you anymore. "What" you barked "what the fuck have you been thinking off"
"I just.. can we please just sit down and talk about this" he sighed
"Sure" you huffed, taking out your cup and walking back into the living room, sitting down in the love-seat this time.
Trent sighed, knowing he had talked to fast.
He squatted down in front of you, not liking the annoyed look you had. "I didn't mean it like that"
"I-I guess- I'm just scared to be official" he finally spit. "I really love what we have and I don't want that to be messed up. I think you're right that we could survive it but I can't even think about it not working out. What if all the publicity makes you want to back out or if it causes trouble for us. I couldn't stand it" he sighed out, making your tense body soften and relax.
"It's not that I don't want to be official with you it's just that I don't want to loose you, I don't wanna loose what we have. I feel fine with the boys and all but I'm scared of social media"
He sighed out the words like it had been a hard burden for a long time making you feel slightly bad. Your hand made it's way to his face again, stroking his chin before you lean down to kiss him, sweetly and lovingly.
"I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions and I get what you mean" you said softly, loving the small sweet smile that tilted the corner of his mouth upwards.
"I'm sorry too, I didn't word it correctly and it came out wrong"
You nodded smiling at him before beginning your pondering again.
"I get what you mean, I do but we really only have one choice now and that's either we go out with our relationship publicly by ourself or we wait until we are exposed"
You said the words easily, simply just stating facts and Trent knew that you would never pressure him, it was the reality of things right now.
"You're right" he sighed, resting his forehead against your thigh. "What do you think?"
You bent down and dragged him up from the floor, settling in the couch instead so you could both sit.
"I don't know" you hummed
"Me neither" Trent sighed, drawing you into his side.
"What if we just let it be for a second, process it and keep it on the low, adjust to be us in front of the boys and then we will talk about it in a couple of weeks?"
Trent didn't answer, he just took a hold of your chin and kissed you needily. "I love that idea and I love you"
You giggled against his lips before letting them melt together again. "Then that's what we do"
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peachdues · 5 months
This shit is annoying asfk.You have all ur followers sitting here waiting on netherwood and all u keep doing is pushing back,I get you have a life and all but if u really don’t have time for it to be done then tell us that instead of doing things like “going to try to have it done this weekend”or the week after that.i understand u may have a life and things outside tumblr but u can’t blame people when u literally created a mini fic that people are waiting for,if u knew there was going to be multiple parts you should have saved them in ur drafts and then published them once they were all finished instead of leading us on with mini little parts that u post of things in the story..
And instead of trying to start new fics..maybe finish the ones people are waiting on?Like why are u posting ur written fics about other characters and starting on new fics when people are sitting here with their notifications on for netherwood because u said it may be dropping soon.
If u don’t have motivation to finish something,then don’t lead people on with ur little mini spoilers.
You know, I went through a range of emotions while reading this. Annoyance. Upset. Anger. I thought of a plethora of replies that ranged from whiny to downright hostile.
And then it clicked.
You’re not a follower of mine and you’re not someone who enjoys my writing.
You don’t want me to finish Netherwood at all.
You want me to quit and leave tumblr.
That has to be it — because any true supporter of mine wouldn’t send this shit. Any true supporter or friend I’ve made on here would know and understand that I have a life and beyond that, that the writing process is not linear. There are fics I have teased since July that are still WIPs — why? Because writing takes time. I don’t write things from start to finish (so your insipid little suggestion to ‘save in drafts and post in installments’ is as useless as you are).
My followers — my friends, mutuals or not — know this and respect this. They have been so supportive of me since I first debuted on here. They were here cheering me on while I studied for and took the Bar exam. They celebrated my becoming an attorney. They ask about my writing and my personal life because they are sweet and kind and successful in every way you aren’t, you miserable quim.
Your lack of reading comprehension makes me question the school system in whatever country is unfortunate enough to bear your existence. Because I’ve never said I’d lost motivation to finish Netherwood (no matter how much it is clear you hope I do). It is my top priority among any of my works; that I work on other fics has no bearing on that and is frankly none of your pathetic concern. I have never asked anyone to turn on their notifs — turn them off and fuck off if it bothers you so much. No one is forcing you to be here.
As much as it’s clear you want me to give up and leave, I’m afraid I’ll have to disappoint you once more — I’m not going anywhere. I will finish Netherwood on my time and on my terms and if that means you lose interest, then so fucking be it. It’s not for you, anyways. If you had a modicum of creativity, you’d understand that, but your brain, much like your life, is so devoid of any true substance that I feel sorry for you. You pathetic, miserable little speck of wasted dirt.
On behalf of writers everywhere that have to deal with this shit, and as disrespectfully as possible, fuck off, you wart. 🤍🤍🤍
And next time, at least put your name on your ask so I know who to block 🤍 at least you can’t send this bullshit on anon anymore. Now you have the freedom to say it with your whole chest 🤍
PS — you’re likely lonely and single and ugly as sin, and your ask is precisely the reason why 😘
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heyybaejjk · 3 months
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pairing; teen miguel o'hara x fem samoan oc
summary; Manaia hates the weekend.
warnings/notes; manaia getting walked in on, CREEPY UNCLE WE ALL HATE EM YK. a little junior x manaia sibling moment 🥹 this was indeed proofread poorly. HA.
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series masterlist | prev chap | next chap
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Manaia had spent her Saturdays either working, cleaning or babysitting. Often, it was all three in that exact order. She'd wake up at 6 am and get ready for her job that paid absolute shit, and return home to a filthy house. Of course, her mother was no use. Her uncle that just moved in was no use. However, they'd complain about anything and everything not looking the way they wanted it to. Her other siblings who liked to be in and out of the house were also no use. And Junior, well, he is still a clueless child who's barely explored the world, let alone school. To Manaia, she'd admit babysitting was the worst of them all. Her mother and uncle were out, leaving an underaged child to look after another underaged child.
Now, if there was one thing more annoying than a Saturday full of deep cleaning, then there wasn't much to be excited about on a Sunday morning. At all.
For it to only be 6 am, it was too early for it to be this loud. Manaia groaned into her pillow, blocking her ears as she heard her mother's loud voice echoing through the walls. Her younger brother was hugging her arm trying to dwell more in dreamland, but they both found it useless as they were unable to fall back into slumber.
"Get up! Get ready for loku! [church]" the elder's voice rung through every corner of their small house.
"Mhh," Manaia got up, scratching her head in anger as the yelling turned into chants of her name repeatedly. "Okay, I'm up," she says to herself as a response.
She finds herself laughing as she watches her younger brother, Junior, consumed by all three thick blankets. So that explains why she was cold throughout the whole night, "Wake up, baby, we have to get ready."
"But I'm tired," the boy gets up and rubs his eyes, Manaia wraps an arm around his shoulder while smiling, "I know, but you'll see your friends at church the faster you get ready, yeah?" She tries to sway her brother.
He smiles immediately at the thought, "You're right."
"I always am, now go wake up Pele before mum starts yelling again," She laughs as her brother sulks at the thought.
Manaia had spent her sweet time looking around for the perfect dress to go with the sei Miguel had gifted her, but every dress she had was either too dark or too light to suit the colours she had. She dug further into her cupboards, squealing with excitement as she found the perfect puletasi.
Changing immediately, she sat on her bed and took off her top. Midway of changing without a single warning, the door swung open. Manaia yelped in surprise, wrapping her front with her blanket.
"Sorry, your mum told me to tell you to hurry up." A deep voice informed, a hint of smug in their tone.
She looks at the door and there stood a relative of hers. One she never liked. He was cocky, prideful, as well as a fucking creep. Manaia knew well to keep her distance.
Frightened to respond, she nods her head and mutters a small thank you.
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"Where's my ofu loku? I gave it to you to iron."
"No, you didn't. You said put it in the wash."
"YOU- Kiuga, don't fuck with me right now."
Both latter's shut their mouth as a shout runs through the walls of the small house, "Kiuga! Siana and her kids are coming over so we can go loku together, did you puga the kipoki!?" [ boil the kettle? ]
Kiuga groans in annoyance looking over at David, "I thought I told you to- nevermind," he sighs, yet think nonetheless that standing and doing nothing about his problem would do anything, "Okay, find me a white button up and a black ie at least? I'm going to clean before Nai comes," he leaves the room.
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Manaia could feel herself growing a migraine. She was stuck between a guy who seemed to be scared of using deodorant - who also had the choice to sit in the empty front seat - and a kid who did nothing but cry because his mother yelled at him and sent him death glares through the rearview mirror. It didn't seem to help when her phone was on 7% and her headphones were forgotten at home.
Her hopes of a good morning are high when their car is parked outside Kiuga's house. She wishes to run out the car and knock on the door, but is crushed when her mother demands she help Junior fix his outfit as it's stained with snot and tears. He would not have been crying if her mother had learnt not to be so aggressive in the morning. Or in general.
Her mother and uncle leave the car.
She sighs, her heart breaks at the sight of her brother looking up at her with teary eyes. Gently wiping his snotty face, she cupped his cheeks and gave him a comforting smile, "Are you okay, my honey?"
Junior shakes his head, hiccuping back a cough. His breathing slows down.
"It's okay not to feel okay, baby. Would you like a hug?"
Without an answer, he wraps his arms around Manaia's waist.
"Mum's a meanie," Junior whispers with a pout on his face.
"Mum's just getting old. She can be very impatient, she doesn't mean to hurt other people's feelings," she runs a calming hand up and down his back.
"Are you going to be mean to me when you're old?"
"No, Jay. I can never be mean to you," she sighs.
Manaia looks out the window, just as Kiuga rushes to the door of the car and opens it with a wide smile, "Manaia!"
He looks over to Junior who's engulfed by his friend's arms, "Hey, Jay," he says softly, he takes a seat beside Manaia. Placing an arm on her shoulder as he smiles at the small boy.
"You're a strong boy, you'll be fine," he ruffles his hair. Junior smiles through his tears.
"Where's David?"
"Right here!"
The three look over at the opened car door, the feeling of being squished together in a small car was no problem at this point in their life, this wasn't their first time doing so. David pushes Kiuga over, forcing his big form into the car.
Since young, Manaia wasn't fond of finding friends. Places like school, family gatherings, and drink-ups her mother would host were insanely too much. It was crowded and full of people. Church of all things were the worst. Something about teaching people how to live "right", don't do this, don't do that, would be drilled into their ass, only for sin to be penetrated right into their minds right after a sermon. Hypocritical kids who would make fun of her for having a mother who drank and drank, who all unknowingly had fathers that were long gone because of the same sitch her mother was in. Her older siblings were no help to her problem either. They only made things worse for her at home.
She had her baby brother. He was enough. He was everything.
Until two beaming families had joined. There, she was introduced to Kiuga and David. Two cousins who lived a few houses down from each other, but shared the bond of two siblings. Just like Manaia and Junior.
They hung out at church. They hung out at Bible studies. They moved to her school and grew even closer. And that was where they all met Sione. Her now, best friend.
Speaking of which, Manaia's phone dings.
Sione <3: Naia, can you bring those white chips you gave me last time? 😞😞 I'll come early to school if you do i swear
"You're only use your messaging app? Did you delete your socials again?" Kiuga asks upon seeing seeing Sione's contact name.
Manaia nods her head, "Only for a while so I can study properly without my mum complaining. Do not Disturb barely works on me because I end up going on my phone anyway."
buzz buzz
(bololicker) M.Ohara_99 has sent a message to pussy eatersssss
M.Ohara_99: Good morning, everyone. I hope you have a good service today at church. Blessings to the three of you.
A smile creeps onto David's face.
"Is that the girl you've been texting for a few months now?" Kiuga asks beside him. He shakes his head.
"Nah, just Mig being Mig," he whispers, hoping the mention of Manaia's small crush doesn't get her all flustered.
"You know.. she's wearing the sei he got her," David raises a brow, "I think you should show him."
The two whisper to each other, Manaia looks over to them in concern, "Are you okay?"
They nod their head and smile at her.
David intervenes in their moment of silence, "Oh Naia, can I take a photo of you wearing your sei? I just want to make sure I get the right one for my mum when I go shopping next week," he winks slyly at Kiuga, who which he rolls his eyes at.
Manaia agrees blindly, "Get Junior and I in it! Come closer, baby," she wraps her arms around his head and he's forcefully squished between her arms and stomach, nonetheless the boy giggles.
"And.. there! Thanks, Nai."
David hits send and grins evily at Manaia.
"What is it?" She asks.
"Nah, nah, nothing."
buzz buzz
David chuckles to himself at Miguel's reaction.
M.Ohara_99 has replayed your photo!
M.Ohara_99 has taken a screenshot of your photo!
M.Ohara_99 is typing...
M.Ohara_99: She's effortlessly beautiful.
bololicker: you should come and tell her that yourself miggs 😼
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"Ew! Get off, you're drooling on me!" Manaia squeals moving her shoulder as Kiuga groans at the interruption of his slumber.
"Sorry, what did I miss?"
"Nothing much," David whispers, "Pastor just mentioned another funeral we have to save money up for."
"Nothing much? Another funeral? David, that's so mean. That's so much to miss!" Manaia growls both the boys off for their behaviour.
"Who the hell died this time?"
Their voices were hushed down to a whisper as they sat at the back of everyone.
"It's so cold, why do they always blast the AC in here?" Kiuga comments.
"Cause everyone's too broke to have an aircon at home so they use it as much as they can-"
The three big AC's on the walls turn off.
"It's hot now, thanks a lot, Kiuga," Manaia says.
"How is it my fault!?" Kiuga bursts out as David and Manaia shake their head disapprovingly at him.
"I don't know, maybe God got sick of your complaining and turned the AC off for you to shut the fuck up."
"David, we're in church!"
"Ugh, it's so hot!" He leans back into his chair.
"If it's hot here, then imagine the heat in Samoa."
"Imagine the heat in Hell! If you three don't quiet down, I'll make sure you'll quiet down there!" An old lady that was sat right in front of them turned around, sick of their banter.
"Sorry, aunty," Manaia apologises, giving a toothy smile.
David groans, "Why couldn't it be her funeral we're going to?" He sneakily whispers to his close friends.
"David, don't be mean."
"I'm just saying."
"Manaia, I'm going to look so fucking good at this funeral. My chains and rings, all that shit."
"Kiuga, stop talking about it like it's a party. Someone died."
"Well everyone cries, then eats at the big ass table of food right after the service like it was nothing."
"Yeah," David chimes in, "Why go somewhere with a big feed and not look good?"
"...You're both right."
"When are we not?"
She shoves Kiuga in the side as he laughs.
Looking across the other side of the hall, she tries to spot her younger brother sitting with his friends. Smiling happily at the sight of Junior listening attentively to the sermon. She internally cringes at the sight of her uncle looking back at her.
Awkwardly looking anywhere but at him, Manaia focuses her attention back to the front.
"The hell is your uncle doing here? I thought he got deported." An annoyed Kiuga says.
"I thought he got deported twice back to Sa," David comments.
"My mum is letting him stay with us, don't know how long for."
"Speaking of your mum, where's Pele?"
"Home," Manaia says quickly, "She got into an argument with my mum this morning-"
"Are we going to ignore your creepy uncle just looking at you?"
"I rather just ignore him, stop looking his way-"
"If you three do NOT be quiet-"
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prev chap | next chap
@zdawg14 hi :>
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jo-harrington · 1 year
Standard Operating Procedures 1.02 (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: You get to meet Eddie's friends.
Previous Part: Standard Operating Procedures 1.01
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. Fluffy, silly, mutual pining, slowish burnish. Allusions to more of Eddie's trauma/shitty people being shitty that will probably come up later. Some silly, goofy "boys will be boys" moments with Corroded Coffin.
Note: I keep introducing new characters and I'm sorry. (I mean it's only 2 at this point...3? I't doesn't matter. It's my party and I will have a million side characters if I want to.) But Welcome to SOP 1.02, the second of what will be many nights out with Eddie and Store Manager.
I know I'm posting this one after Corrective Action, but it technically comes before it. I'm working on writing chronologically...it is just taking a hot minute. I'm like a Time Lord, my brain doesn't work that way. One day we will catch up to Closing Time and then it doesn't have to be mutual pining and cute friendship/early relationship stuff, it can be love and fluff and probably some more angstier angst and filthy smut.
Besides I just love their goofy little date nights. And I needed to write something fluffy and lighthearted since this weekend seems to be angsty chapter fest elsewhere in the fic world. (iykyk. I love it, I just need some silliness.)
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager and all of my other random Eddie Headcanons.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
“What time are you off tonight?”
“Uhhh,” you looked up at Eddie as he jogged into the store, partially out of breath. You were halfway through a piercing, but couldn’t possibly be annoyed at his appearance; he was quickly becoming one of your favorite people, after all.
Besides, it was another long, busy day; you and your ASM had both been doing back-to-back piercings for at least two hours, and there was a practically endless line at the cash wrap. With the (unexpected) success of the store, you were allowed to hire some new associates, one of whom was currently training on the register.
You welcomed the distraction that Eddie brought.
“The regular time? Why?" you asked, then paused for a second. "And sorry, but did you run up here?”
“Escalator is out of order,” he shrugged, still panting. Then under his breath “fuck, I shouldn’t skip out on gym so much.”
“The smoking is probably not doing you any favors either,” you tutted in a stage whisper and he rolled his eyes. "Give me like...a few minutes to finish up and then we can chat? And I swear to god, just wait in here please and not near the door; my conversion really sucks today."
He held up his hands innocently before shuffling off to the side to browse. You watched him for another second--admired how handsome goofy he looked--and then you turned back to the preteen in your chair. 
“Ok…you ready? Just one more time. One…two…” The girl winced a little bit as the needle punctured her ear. “I know it hurt but it wasn't too bad right? And you'll look so cool!” 
The soft “pretty” that came from her when you presented the mirror to show her the finished product a few minutes later was enough to make you smile brightly. After a quick "thank you" she skipped to the checkout line to proudly show her new earrings to her father--a man who clearly watched too much Magnum PI if the mustache and Hawaiian shirt were any indicator.
Once the station was cleaned up and you checked in with the rest of your team, you turned your attention to your visitor. You grabbed some random accessory off of one of the fixtures as you approached him.
"Excuse me sir, I think I found exactly what you need to complete your look today," you said in the entirely too bubbly way you usually spoke to customers. The one that you knew, after Eddie confessed during lunch the other day, made his skin crawl a little.
"It's a customer service voice."
"It's creepy."
"Oh yeah? And what's that?" he asked, eyebrows raised as he turned to you. From behind your back, you revealed a dressup headband that had fluffy red hearts wobbling on springs on either side of the head. You stood on your toes and jammed it onto his head, unable to contain your laughter as he leaned back to catch a glimpse of himself in a nearby mirror. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, but I think this really works."
He turned back to you and fluffed his hair a little. Then he held his hands below his chin while fluttering his eyelashes prettily.
“So what’s up?” You asked once he took the headband off. “I thought you were off on Fridays.”
“I am,” he nodded. “For Hellfire. But...it's a special circumstance. There's an early screening of this new movie--Day of the Dead? Did you ever see Night of the Living Dead? Of course you have, it's a classic."
"This ones, like, the last one of the trilogy." He had admitted to you last week that Return of the Jedi was his (secret) favorite of the Star Wars trilogy and that the last movies in trilogies were, in his opinions, the best. "Anyway it's gotta be good."
"It does sound cool." You agreed.
"Well I'm glad you think so, because I asked Jeff to get an extra ticket..." he paused and you could see the nerves settle in. "I figured...you might want to join us? If you're free after work?” 
He rambled on about his friends and how “Gareth got his license, finally, which is why we're really going out” and “Dave always screams at jump scares but it's hilarious.” Trying to convince you that they were good and cool, but you could guess what he was trying to say underneath it all.
They’re cool guys and I’m a cool guy. We're going to see a cool movie, so please don’t say no. 
After two Sunday afternoons and a handful of lunches spent together, it was still baffling to see how bashful he could become. How he still tripped up on his words and gave you every single opportunity to turn him down. To turn him away.
He told you some people were shitty to him for repeating senior year. And he worried about you finding out about some reputation he had. But even if you hadn't witnessed it yourself yet, it wasn't hard to put two and two together that, overall, people weren't very nice to him.
You knew you had been lucky; the only people to really bully you were related to you. But you still couldn't understand how people could be so cruel, especially to the absolute sweetheart in front of you who was currently rocking on his toes, and fidgeting with his rings, and avoiding your eyes as he just kept talking.
Eddie was funny, witty, cute, thoughtful, and probably hopped up on too much sugar all the time.
"...and I know it probably doesn't sound fun to go to the movies with a bunch of high school guys but--"
"No it sounds like a great time," you agreed.
"Really?" He had that deer-in-the-headlights look that you were secretly starting to enjoy. "It's not stupid?"
"No," you shook your head. "And I want to meet your friends. You kind of talk about them a lot. So it'd be nice to put faces to names."
"They might bully you for listening to Duran Duran," he warned.
Was he trying to get you to turn him down?
"Then don't tell them about that!"
"I might need to be bribed," he hummed cheekily, clearly unable to keep a smile off of his face.
"Gosh, you ask me to go to the movies with you, and now you're blackmailing me," you sighed. "Fine...I'll get you any sour candy you want. But you can't put it in the popcorn!"
He held out his hand to shake on it and you rolled your eyes as you slapped your hand into his.
He grinned and whooped in excitement, then ran out of the store. Before you could even blink, he was back and, in a move that made your heart beat a little harder in your chest, he leaned down and gave the back of your hand a very light kiss.
"I'll leave you to your sparkly kingdom, your Highness," he announced with an over exaggerated, grandiose voice as he returned to his full height. "See you at 7." He then winked and ran back out.
"My conversion Eddie!" You called after him once you got back to your senses.
The loud crack of his laughter echoing though the mall was just enough to make you forgive him.
“Ok so is this a date?” your ASM asked softly as she counted your register down before you left. "The last time it wasn't a date, but is it a date now? Movies? Sharing popcorn?"
"His friends are gonna be there. It's just...hanging out."
"Oooh, meeting some of his friends. Are you gonna sit next to him? Dark movie theater, perfect for smooching."
"Shut up. No it isn't perfect for smooching.”
"But you’re gonna sit next to him. You're avoiding eye contact, you’re nervous," she sing-songed and you groaned. "This is a date!"
Mindy was a former stay-at-home mom who got bored of being at home now that the kids were all in school. It should have been weird, managing someone almost a decade older than you, and you both voiced your concern during the interview that one would treat the other like some dumb kid. You because you were younger and didn't have as much life experience, and Mindy because she didn't have much retail experience and would be working with a bunch of teenagers. But you both agreed not to let that influence your treatment of one another.
There was mutual respect and trust.
There was also relentless teasing. On Mindy's part, at least.
"Ok, listen, I told you that he's great but he said this thing the first time we hung out."
"What thing? Why is this the first time I'm hearing about this thing?" she put her dollar-clenching hands on her hips and stared at you in a way that only a mother could.
You explained how he mentioned, specifically, that your first night out wasn't a date. How disappointed you were. How embarrassed you were that you would even entertain that idea and were now doing everything in your power not to think of him as cute and stomp all the hopes and dreams of your own mall romance into the dirt.
All of your insecurities about your non-existent love life laid out for her--and everyone else in the busy store--to hear.
And Mindy just snorted in your face.
"I don't think I'm that old, but you kids really need to stop overthinking things," she laughed and slammed the cash drawer shut. "Alright you're all set. Go have fun on your not-date."
"I really hate you," you deadpanned and turned to leave.
You were about halfway through the trek across the mall to the multiplex when you did exactly what Mindy told you to stop doing: overthink.
Eddie was worried you might not like his friends...what if his friends didn't like you?
They were younger, still in high school. (You were blatantly ignoring that you could say the same thing about Eddie.) And you had a younger brother who was still in high school. When you were still at home his friends thought you were stupid and old and gross, as kids do.
You drove your grandpa's old car--handed down when his doctor told him he couldn't drive anymore--you didn't listen to whatever new bands they were obsessing over, you didn't know all the cool young slang.
You'd think, working with a bunch of teenagers, that you would pick something up, but for as long as you had been given keys at your old store, you tried to keep a little bit of distance with the younger associates. It helped get them to see you in an authoritative light, to trust your leadership.
And it absolutely stunted your social ability.
And your brother and his friends could smell it like sharks smelling blood in the water.
It had never bothered you--they were little twerps anyway who you'd threatened to beat up when they got too annoying anyway--until now.
What is it that Eddie's friends would find cool?
You knew about the band, and obviously you both had been bickering over discussing music. He also told you about his Hellfire Club, which conveniently consisted of the same group. And while you couldn't really wrap your head around the mechanics of the game from the description--he had offered to lend you some of his books to help you understand--you did think some of the creatures and characters he described were intriguing.
And hell, you might not know a whole lot about fantasy, but you sure as hell knew about escapism. Maybe they all were looking for a way out of their realities too.
But that was probably too heavy a topic to talk about with a bunch of teen boys at the movies.
"There she is, late," Eddie's voice broke through your thoughts as you approached the mall entrance to the theater. You looked up to find the small group of boys leaning against the wall beside the box office.
You could do this.
Or pretend to, at least.
Besides, it was just Eddie. You could be cool for him.
"You said 7?" you argued. "I clocked out at 6:45!"
"Well we're gonna miss the previews," one of the boys grumbled good-naturedly, before breaking into a small smile. "Hey, I'm Gareth."
"The drum prodigy!" You exclaimed and his smile got a little bashful.
"Shut up," he muttered. "You haven't even heard us play yet!"
You quickly introduced yourself and Eddie clapped his hands on each of his friends' shoulders as he introduced them and gave you a little fact about each of them in a way only Eddie could.
"We have Gareth, obviously, the man of the hour with a real, legitimate drivers license," Eddie sniffled and wiped a fake tear from his eye. "Can't believe he's all grown up. But let the record show that I taught him how to parallel park."
"Dave, who, I have recently learned, can fully recite Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven from memory. Iambic pentameter and all that shit, right? Guess you only look dumb, huh, Davey."
"And Jeff, Jeffrey, Jefferson, my right hand man. Not just the peanut butter to my jelly, but both slices of bread too. Where in the world would I ever be without him? Actually, maybe I would have graduated by now."
They all smiled and greeted you; it was clear that they adored Eddie and enjoyed the attention of their fearless leader, even while swatting at him as he embarrassed them.
All except Jeff, who had given you a tight, cordial smile--a strained flash of braces--and then urged everyone to follow him in.
The three younger boys bickered about snacks while you all waited in line, Gareth and Dave turning to ask you your preferences every now and again.
Whenever they couldn't decide on something--jalapeños on the nachos or no, extra butter or extra salt on the popcorn, wait should we get the hot dog combo--Eddie would swoop in with a sharp "shut up" and play mediator, then turn back to you with the biggest, fondest grin and an eye roll.
It was cute.
He was cute.
It was heartwarming to see him with his friends. You hadn't been hanging out with him for very long at all, but it was nice that he liked you enough to share this, share his friends, with you.
Once you all had your treats, including the sour candy you had promised Eddie, you made your way into the theater, only for the boys to bicker, once again, about who was sitting where. They each had their preferences and argued over the pros and cons of each. Dave like the aisle but so did Jeff, and Gareth--a self-proclaimed movie theater expert--said the center of the theater had the best viewing and sound experience. Eddie just preferred the back.
"Because if the movie is shit, you can just throw popcorn at the people further up who are making out."
"Or just watch them and--hey!"
"Not in front of a lady, dingus!"
You just hung back and enjoyed the show while apologizing to the other moviegoers for blocking their way to picking their own seats.
"Well where do you want to sit?" Eddie abruptly turned to you.
"Uh, well." You didn't think you really had a choice in this; you were just invited last-minute. This was their outing. "I'm just a guest. Whatever you guys pick is fine with me."
"Do you even like going to the movies?" Jeff laughed, but there was a slightly annoyed undertone that you wondered momentarily if you were just imagining. "Or watching scary movies?"
"I mean, yeah, who doesn't like movies," you shrugged, figuring it wasn't really the time or place to be discussing your preferences in movies either. "And horror...well, my dad always said it was cursed or something, but it's fun, they're funny."
The lights started to dim in the theater and you swore you saw Jeff roll his eyes.
What was his deal?
"Yeah, when something scares you and then you jump and it makes you laugh. Especially when it's lame and cheesy. And...it's like when you ride a rollercoaster, it makes your stomach go...funny."
They all muttered in understanding, but you still felt uncertain.
"That's an interesting way of looking at it, sweetheart. I guess we all just like to get scared shitless," Eddie grinned. He clapped his hand on Gareth's shoulder. "Alright, since we're here to celebrate Gareth the Great's accomplishments, he gets to choose."
About a half hour in, you needed to go to the bathroom and you shimmied past the boys, doing everything in your power not to get flustered when Eddie put his hand on your hip to steady you, with a soft "careful" so you wouldn't fall over onto the next row of people.
Not that he would be able to see in the dark theater anyway.
But you felt like...somehow, he would know.
You took a deep, calming breath of relief when you got out to the lobby of the theater and joined the line for the bathroom.
The movie was good, suspenseful.
Eddie didn't lie when he said Dave screamed at jumpscares. He also conveniently forgot to mention that he liked talking during movies. People nearby kept turning their heads to shush him when he got too loud, too excited, gushing over one thing or another to someone in the group.
"Guys did you see that?"
"That was really fucked up."
"Wait what happened? I couldn't hear what they said."
It was also just not helping any of your efforts to bury your attraction for Eddie when you shared an armrest and a bucket of popcorn. Your fingers would brush his when he offered to share his candy with you. Your breath would hitch during scary moments and he would knock his knuckles with yours and give you a shit-eating grin.
“Funny my ass.”
“Shut up, you’re the worst.”
You did everything in your power to ignore the electric tingles along your skin.
“Quiet I can’t hear.”
Then there was Jeff sitting on Eddie’s other side, who would make comments like that every now and again.
It’s not like you had enough time to get a good read on Jeff; Eddie had said he was working on his confidence on-stage, maybe he also needed it off-stage? Maybe he had a hard time meeting new people? Or...or maybe he was just a stand-off-ish kind of guy, broody?
Or maybe...
Or maybe he just didn’t like you.
You really hoped that wasn't the case, but it sure seemed like it.
You knew how it felt when there was one friend in the group that just didn't like you as much as they liked the others, how they went out of their way to make you feel just a little bit unwelcome. How everyone else would just shake it off, because you'd all been hanging out for years, and it was just good natured anyway.
But this wasn't that.
This wasn't your friend group; these were Eddie's friends, and you really hadn't given them a reason to dislike you. You wanted them to like you; you wanted them to...tell Eddie he wasn't wasting his time being your friend.
The other guys seemed nice enough.
And you really wanted to try, especially with Jeff, who Eddie spoke of fondest.
Of course, he spoke of all the boys fondly…but whatever happened that caused Corroded Coffin to break up—something Eddie seemed incredibly hesitant to talk about—Jeff had been there to build it back up again. And you could tell how proud Eddie was of his friend, how grateful he was to have him.
You didn't want Eddie's closest friend to have a problem with you, his newest.
You went about your business in the bathroom, staring at your reflection for an extra long second, practicing your smile so it wouldn't seem too customer-service-y or artificial--your well-practiced mask that had always gotten you ahead at work--in case that was why Jeff had a problem. Did he think you were fake?
You just wanted to know the truth.
And you didn't have to wait long to find out, because on your way out of the bathroom, you saw Jeff waiting by the entrance of the theater. His arms were folded across his chest and he tapped his foot impatiently.
"Everything...ok?" you asked hesitantly.
"Yeah," he replied, with that same strained smile he gave you earlier. "I just wanted to talk really quick."
"Oh...kay," you agreed. "Listen, if I did anything wrong, or to offend you, I'm sorry. I know I can be too much someti--"
"Why are you hanging out with Eddie?" he interjected, cutting right to the chase. You frowned and cocked your head to the side in question. "Why are you being nice to him?"
"Why shouldn't I?" you asked in return. "He's a nice guy. He asked me to come to the movies with you guys. I’m sorry if it was just supposed to be your time together—”
"Not just now," Jeff looked around nervously, as if he was afraid to make eye contact. "He came to practice the other week excited that you agreed to go out with him and that you were cool and he was nervous and he hasn't shut up about you ever since."
Your heart got stuck in your throat. Obviously he had to tell his friends about you if he invited you to go to the movies, but...he hadn't shut up about you?
"But he's been through a lot and he doesn't deserve whatever...whatever scheme you have planned by hanging out with him. S-so this is your chance to let him down now, before you really hurt him."
You were quickly brought back to reality.
Jeff was staring at you now, expectantly. All traces of nervousness gone.
"Why would I have a scheme? Why would I hurt him?" you questioned.
"Because you're not the first pretty, popular girl to hang around with him, only to make him feel like shit afterwards once they get what they want."
Oh no.
"If you're trying to score some cheap weed or something--"
"I'm not."
"--Or like...get some sort of laugh at his expense with those girls you work with--"
"Just know that it really hurt him last time," he concluded. "Like really broke him down, on top of everything else, and it took everything I had to get him back. He's my best friend; the closest thing I have to an older brother. And he's the best guy I know. I can't stand to see him get that way again because someone else was too selfish to consider his feelings."
Your head was spinning, trying to put all of the pieces together.
And it was only making you incredibly sad for your friend.
"So..." Jeff took a breath and straightened his shoulders, as if he would step in your path to block you from entering the theater if you didn't give him the answer he wanted. "Tell me the truth. What do you want with Eddie?"
What did you want?
What didn't you want?
"I want to be his friend," you began. "I don't have that many people here, Jeff. I left home for the first time ever, and I'm kind of alone and it's scary. I don't really hang out with the people I work with because I have boundaries. And Eddie has been one of the only people I've met outside of work, technically, and he's been one of the most welcoming people so far.
"I want to eat junk food with him, and listen to his corny jokes, and get to see his favorite places in Hawkins, even though he swears up and down that it's a shit hole. And hurting him is the very last thing I want to do. But pain is just a part of life, and as much as we want to, we can't just...stop him from getting hurt at every step of the way.
"It's really admirable that you came out here to try and protect him, Jeff. I'm glad he has a friend like you. And hopefully now, since we'll have an understanding, we can be friends too," you finished with a smile.
Jeff hesitated then relaxed, the need to be Eddie's protector pretty much vanished. He wrung his hands together for a moment before sighing.
"Yeah," he agreed slowly. "I think we can be friends… Even though you're old." He grinned mischievously.
Low blow.
"Ouch! Thanks, I'm not that much older than you guys.”
"I mean, you're old enough to buy alcohol, right?" he asked expectantly.
"I'm not buying beers for you guys," you deadpanned.
"That makes you old."
"...still not buying you beer."
"Well, shit, you're not only old, you're lame too," Jeff laughed. "So...let's go back in? Before Eddie sends a search party."
"Hey, does he tell you guys not to fall into the toilet when you go to the bathroom too?"
Once you got back to your seats, Eddie hemmed and hawed about how the two of you missed the "best part," which he theatrically reenacted for you with Gareth and Dave after the show was over and you headed back into the mall.
He also couldn't shut up about it as he walked you back to your car in the employee lot. The other guys left, Gareth proudly showing off his new license by driving the other guys home in his mom's station wagon.
"The blood, the flesh," Eddie gushed, creepily running his fingers over your neck and shoulders, giving you the chills as you swatted at him. "It was so gross!!!"
"I'm sorry I missed it. Guess we're just gonna have to go see it again."
"We should do a group zombie costume for Halloween; it would be so cool. We could go trick or treating; the people around here don't really care how old you are. Scare all of the kids with some blood and guts. What do you think?"
"Sounds fun, I think you guys would look great!" You agreed.
"No, I meant you too," he insisted and then immediately backtracked. "Shit...unless you don't want to. Or you had another costume planned. I mean Halloween is months away but..." He continues rambling and you shake your head and stop him.
"Hey, I just figured it was something you'd want to do with the guys," you explained. "Not...me. Who am I? Not part of the band, not in Hellfire Club."
"Why wouldn't I want you there," he smiled, a little bashfully. Not the full, world-moving smile that changed the topography of his face, but a quiet one, one that made him look deceptively innocent. One that you hoped deep down, a little, was just for you. "With me--with us?!"
You couldn't get your hopes up.
You really couldn't.
“I-I mean, the guys all really liked you,” he continued. “I’m sure they’d want you there too.”
"I really liked them all too," you began. "They were cool...so if the guys are ok with it...and we don't do some stupid costume contest at work--they do things like that you know? Corporate sends out a stupid contest for a pizza party and...
"A-anyway, yeah I'd like to be part of your zombie group costume."
"Really?" he asked, similarly to earlier when he asked you to the movies.
"I mean...I might need to be bribed."
Eddie fell to his knees theatrically as you reached your car and you giggled, earning weird stares as people walked by on their way to their cars.
"Oh Queen of Glitter Kingdom," he began, one hand grabbing yours and the other over his heart. "I, your faithful servant, do promise to provide you with whatever sour candy you desire, as much as you please, from the collective treat buckets of the Hellfire Club if you deign to grace us with your presence during Trick or Treating this All Hallows Eve.
"Too much?" he asked after a short pause.
"Maybe," you tilted your head back and forth in consideration. Maybe too much, but that was part of what made him...him. "But I accept your most tempting offer."
He kissed your hand again before jumping to his feet with an excited yelp.
And once again, that thought returned:
How could anyone purposefully hurt a sweet nerd like Eddie?
"See you Sunday sweetheart?" he asked, wet eyes glistening happily.
"Yeah," you agreed. "See you Sunday."
Next Part: Standard Operating Procedures 1.03
Sales Associates (AKA the tag list): @gaysludge @storiesbyrhi @tayhar811 @spookybabey @word-wytch @maidenofartemis @dreamlandcreations @wickedbelle @blue-eyed-lion @aysheashea @blue-mossbird @abibliophobiaa
If you weren't given hours this week (if I forgot to tag you), I'm really sorry, we're just tight on payroll. I'll make sure you get a shift next time. ;)
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future installations of the Store Manager Verse.
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glittter-vamp · 11 months
Ohio Is For Lovers | J.B
Joe Burrow x Reader.
Warnings:18+ MDNI. Mention of Pregnancy. Angsty. Mention of Miscarriage. Alcohol. Raunchy jokes.
Word count: 4.7k
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6 Months Later:
Getting your luggage at baggage claim in the sea of people at this busy airport, you make your way outside. The freezing cold winter weather smacks you in the face waking you up and sending shivers down your body. You had just flown into Cincinnati from Providence for the holidays. After what happened 6 months ago you got your shit together as quick as you could, stayed at your parents for a few weeks before you left to Providence and left your old life behind. You never found out who set fire to your apartment because the apartments surveillance system wasn't functioning properly and you also never found out who was behind the hit and run but you wanted to move on from that and you did, focusing on your new life in Rhode Island. Things had been going really well for, you loved your new Job, loved the new city and have met some pretty cool and nice people along the way.
You wait for a bit outside in the freezing cold weather, the crazy traffic and honking overstimulating you a bit but you finally spot the familiar car. "Hey bitch!!" Peyton yells and honks not caring about being annoying to those around you as he pulls up with Sasha riding shotgun. They both hop out of the car and hug you tight. "Oh I've missed you so much!!" Sasha says. "Me too bitch! Spending thanksgiving alone this year fucking sucked, I missed out wine and Chinese take out." Peyton says. "I missed you guys too and I told your ass I'd send you a ticket to come to me for that weekend!" You say to Peyton as you guys hop into the warm car, Peyton taking your luggage and putting it in the trunk. "Here, we got you some hot cocoa!" Sasha says passing it to you in the back. "You guys are the best, thanks." You smile taking a sip of the delicious chocolate and milk. "So, how was the plane ride?" Peyton asks as he gets us out of the crazy airport. "It was fine, lots of crying kids on board but thankfully I had my headphones." You nod.
"I hope your mom and dad aren't too upset you didn't go with them to Paris and decided to spend the holidays with us." Sasha says sipping on her own hot beverage. "Nah, my sister and her little family went, so they're enjoying that and have forgotten all about me by now." You shake your head. Your parents were yet another trip for the holidays, this time they invited you but you really didn't feel like traveling far for the holidays and skipped out on it, plus you were spending a lot of money on your new place. "Are you hungry? There's this new Mexican place in downtown where that Thai place was." Peyton asks. "I'm so down for some food, I haven't ate anything since last night." You agree. You guys talk about what you had been up to the last few days and end up at the Mexican restaurant sooner than you'd thought you'd be, which you knew was courtesy of Peyton's speeding. Walking into the restaurant it wasn't too busy, few people every other table. 
After you guys get seated and given menu's Sasha speaks up. "So...meet anyone new?" She wiggles her eyebrows at you. "No, you know I told you I don't want to date anyone for a while." You sigh. "Okay well maybe not date but have you hooked up with anyone? What are the guys like over there?" Peyton grins. "I haven't hooked up with anyone but I have gone to a few gay bars over there and the guys are cute! You're going to have a great time when you go." You smile nodding. "You're hanging out with other gays out there!? Oh, I should of let your ass walk here, how dare you replace me." Peyton scoffs making you and Sasha laugh.
"What about you guys? Anyone you guys are hiding from me?" You ask looking at your two best friends, Peyton shaking is head no. "I've been out with this guy a few times from work...his name is Jason." Sasha smiles. "Oh yeah you mentioned him to me a couple weeks ago, you guys hooked up yet?" You ask and she blushes. "Yeahhhh!" You and Peyton laugh making her blush even more. "Okay... okay! Hush there's people around!" Sasha says getting embarrassed. You guys enjoy your dinner and then head over to their apartment. Sasha and Peyton had moved in together since the whole weird note situation and my place getting burned down. They thought it would be safer for the both of them since they both lived alone. The place was super cute, spacious and just outside of the downtown area with good security.
"So, what do you guys want to do tomorrow?" Sasha asks Peyton and I after we all shower and change into our pajamas. "Wellll, I kind of promised Tee and Ja'Marr I'd hang out with them before they leave for the holidays." You bite your lip. "Wait...you still talk to them?!" Peyton asks as he makes us some drinks from the bar they had near a window. "Yeah...they text me all the time before games and keep tabs on me. We have a group chat & they are always asking when I'm coming to a home game so I thought we can go to one tomorrow if that's okay with you guys."  You say, your friends looking at you weird.
"You're not scared that they're telling Joe about what you're up to and how you're doing?" Peyton asks. "I don't... really care, What are they gonna tell him? That I'm doing good and I'm happy?" You shrug. "What about running into him tomorrow or having to see him?" Sasha asks. "I watch him every week on my tv and I have no issue ignoring him if I have too." You shrug. "Does he know his friends and teammates still talk to you?" Peyton asks. "Probably, Tee posted us on his story, it was a picture from when we volunteered last year, I don't really think they care much for Joe's opinion on this. After I basically told Joe to get out my life...the guys reached out and we had drinks one night before I left Ohio and they heard my point of view of things. They supported my decision, they knew Joe and I weren't compatible no matter how much we all wanted . " You shake you head taking the drink Peyton was making for you out of his hands.
"Do you... like either of them or something? Did you hook up with his teammates?" Sasha asks and you snort rolling your eyes. " Oh bitch, please tell me you did!" Peyton grins. "No! First off, one of them literally dated Mariana... no fucking thanks. Second, I am never ever getting involved with another professional athlete much less another football player that still plays with Joe and are really good friends with him. That's weird." You shake your head. "I mean, you could do the funniest thing ever and hook up with his teammates and kick Joe while he's been down, you know I like supporting women's rights but I also loveeeee supporting women's wrongs." Peyton smirks making Sasha laugh and you roll your eyes at him.
"Like I said, I'm not putting myself through that shit again. Once is enough." You shake your head taking a sip of the drink. "Can I ask you a question? You don't have to answer but I'm pretty intrigued to know." Sasha speaks up and you nod. "Do you miss Joe at all?" Sasha asks and Peyton rolls his eyes as her question. "Oh girl c'mon on, let's not ruin Y/N's night here." Peyton scoffs. "What?! It's a valid question! She almost had a baby with the guy! ad everything happened so quick!" Sasha defends herself making you laugh as you sit on their couch.
"I'll be honest, even though he did bring unnecessary drama in my life for a while and things were never perfect between, he was still a very comforting person for me so I miss that, I think that's why I stuck it out so long with him, things felt at ease when  was around him...and maybe I miss the sex." You bite your lip making your friends chuckle. "That makes me sad that you guys ended the way you did and felt like this about him." Sasha pouts. "It is what it is, I'm sure he's moved on plenty since us." You shrug. "I heard he was dating a swimsuit model now, seems like he can't fathom being alone." Sasha snorts. "Can straight men ever?" Peyton laughs. "Good luck to her." You breathe shaking your head. You guys talk a bit more and enjoy your drinks while watching a Christmas movie before you all go to bed, you sleeping in their guest bedroom which was super cute and cozy.
In the morning Peyton made you guys a delicious breakfast with French toast, eggs & bacon and you texted the group chat with the guys letting them know you were in town and if it was possible to get three tickets for tonight's game. Tee almost immediately texting back that he would get back to you as as he could about them.
"I say we go ice skating tomorrow." Sasha says as we sit around enjoying our breakfast. "I'm not that type of gay." Peyton says making you and Sasha laugh. "Oh come on! It'll be fun, maybe you can fall into the arms of a big strong guy." Sasha wiggles her eyebrows. "Girl, I'm 6 foot 5, I am the strong the guy?!" Peyton shakes his head making us laugh. We finish our food and as Sasha and I cleaned up since Peyton made breakfast, your phone dings. Drying your hands quickly on a towel nearby, you pick up the phone and see it was the guys, they had gotten tickets for you and your friends for tonight's game.
"The guys got the tickets." You say to your friends as you respond to the guys and thanking them for pulling some strings so last minute. "You know its supposed to be cold as shit tonight right guys?" Peyton says. "That's why whiskey exists!" You smile and he rolls his eyes. "Hey, you don't have to come if you don't want grandpa." Sasha says to Peyton. "Oh, I'm going!  You bitches aren't leaving me behind." Peyton says leaving us in the kitchen in the sassiest manner making you laugh. "You need to have your revenge dress moment tonight." Sasha says to you as you start the dish washer. "What are you talking about?" You chuckle looking at her weird. "In case you run into Joe! Which I'm sure might happen, you need to look good to see what he could of had if he wasn't such a dumbass ad respected you." Sasha nods. "Girl, it's going to be like 15 degree's tonight. I'm gonna be warm, I really don't care about making Joe feel some type of way." You shake your head. "Ugh, have some fun will you!" Sasha scoffs making you laugh.
It was afternoon now and you guys had just finished getting ready for the game. As always, you just wore whatever you wanted not really caring too much about team colors. You just wore mostly black layers, cozy boots and some thermal blue jeans wanting to stay as warm as you could tonight. "The uber is here!" Sasha says walking into the living room from her room. We all head out into the cold air and make our way to the car the SUV that was waiting for us. "Do you know who they're playing today?" Sasha asks me as we ride in the back of the car. "Not a damn clue." You shake your head. "Go sports!" Peyton says making you guys laugh. You guys make it to the stadium, happy that you guys left when you did because the place was super packed with people making it hard to find your seats after you got through security.
"I'm getting us drinks!" Peyton says to Sasha and I. You guys not and Peyton leaves to the concession stand which wasn't that far away. "This is exciting!" Sasha smiles. "Last time I was here, it was with Mariana and then Joe and I had fight in the locker room." You snort shaking your head. "Crazy how time flies." Sasha shakes her head. Soon Peyton returns with some strong drinks for everyone and you take a picture of you three posting it on your story. After a bit, the game eventually starts and pretty much you three just cheer when everyone else cheered. It was a bit a weird for you to see Joe playing on the field right now, you guys hadn't talked since the day at the hospital when you lost the baby. 
You remember going out for those drinks with Ja'Marr and Tee and them trying to convince you to at least talk to Joe but you knew if you did in that moment, you probably wouldn't have left to Rhode Island and be where you are now. Part of you felt guilty for a bit after that, but it was really the only way for you to get out of every situation that had you unhappy plus, getting threatening notes and your apartment set on fire just wasn't something you wanted to stick around and play with to just attempt to be with Joe.
"I really... don't understand this fucking game, I'mmmm getting us more drinks." Peyton says making you laugh. "Get me vodka this time please!" Sasha says to him before he leaves us. "I don't know much about football but it seems like no one is having a good time out there, people keep getting hurt and they look so cold." Sasha says. "We are so undeserving of these tickets." You laugh shaking your head. All of a sudden you guys then spot Tee and Ja'Marr getting into it with some players of the opposing team on the field after a dirty hit on the field.
"What the hell is going on out there?" Peyton asks handing us drinks. " The other team is playing dirty and the guys aren't having it." You shrug. Taking a sip of the new drink, the game continues until half time. "We should get sushi after this!" Peyton says over the loud music that was playing, Sasha and I nodding in agreement.
You guys talk amongst yourselves and take plenty of pictures during halftime and before you knew it the guys were back on the field. They were pretty much neck in neck with the other team so this game could really still go either way. You spot Joe running on the field getting into position and instead of throwing the ball to one of his teammates he makes a run for it with the ball. "He's really... not that fast. Reminds me the rat from Ice Age with the acorn" Peyton says making your snort. "That's a squirrel not a rat!" You laugh as Joe runs with the ball almost making it to the end zone but out of no where this huge player from the other team tackles him, hard. The hit looked painful and it wasn't long before everyone spotted Joe holding his elbow in pain. "Oh fuck." You stand up feeling your heart sinking in your chest. "That doesn't look good." Sasha shakes her head standing next to you. "Are you fucking kidding me?! That was a baby hit!" You hear some guy behind you angrily yell to which you rolled your eyes at, as did many other fans around him.
Soon you heard the sea of people becoming disappointed and worried over Joe, the medics soon were on the field checking him out and every time they attempted to move his arm Joe would immediately wince in pain. "Oh baby... he's out. There's no way he's gonna keep playing." Peyton shakes his head. They get Joe up from the ground and he walks towards the tunnel looking extremely upset and in pain. The crowd cheers for him but even behind the cheers you could tell they were as upset as he was.
The energy in the stadium after that had did a complete 180. Luckily Joe's injury didn't cost them the game but people were still sad over what happened. As we were leaving two security guards approach us and you already knew the drill. " Y/N Y/L/N?" One of them asks me, Peyton already looking at them weird and getting defensive. "Yeah, let me guess. I gotta follow you." You raise an eyebrow at the man and he nods. "C'mon guys." You tell Sasha and Peyton who look at you weird. "It's the guys sending for us, we're not in trouble." You tell them and they nod still suspicious of this but still following you guys to the golf carts.
"This makes me feel like Beyoncé when she's backstage." Sasha says making you and Peyton look at each other and start laughing. "Humble yourself honey." Peyton snorts, Sasha flicking him off. You guys get taken the room you haven't seen since you had basically hated Joes guts. You all thank the guys and they let you know the drill with snacks and drinks. There was a few women in there probably waiting on their husband or boyfriend but you guys find a spot somewhere and sit down. "This is pretty cool." Sasha looks around. "They said anything was for grabs right?" Peyton says eyeing the snacks. "Go crazy." You chuckle as he gets up and heads over to the snack table.
"You think Joe is okay?" Sasha asks you. "Probably not." You shake your head. After a little while you hear two familiar voices call your name. Smiling you get up from your seat turning around seeing Tee and Ja'Marr. "Hey guys!!" You smile at them giving them each a hug. Sasha and Peyton greet them as well and you guys sit down at an empty table. "So how have you guys been?" Ja'Marr asks us. "Pretty good... Thanks for the tickets, that was quite the game." Sasha smiles. "No problem and yeah, this one's a tough one. Critical timing too since the play offs start very soon." Tee shakes his head. "At least you guys won though! Something good came out of it." You smile trying to lighten their mood. "Yeah but Joes out the rest of the season, he tore his UCL so if we were to make it to the Super Bowl... he can't even play. That's gonna fuck us up so much." Ja'Marr shakes his head. You couldn't help but to feel horrible for everyone especially Joe.
You all catch up for a bit, them asking you a billion questions about Rhode Island and asking if you'd ever return here to Ohio. Ja'Marr had asked you about Mariana, specifically if you've heard anything from her and you'd tell him no which was the truth. You didn't know exactly why he was asking but you didn't really want to ask. That was his business and you weren't getting into anything that had to do with her ever again. "I need to pee." Sasha says to you, Peyton nodding in agreement. "Bathrooms are over there to your right." Tee points. They thank him and they walk off leaving just you, Ja'Marr and Tee.
"So... have you talked to Joe at all?" Ja'Marr asks, both men looking at you for an answer. "No, I debated on reaching out a few times but I heard he was dating someone and I'm not getting into that type of drama again like that. Hell no." You shake your head. The guys look at each other for a moment and then bust out laughing which had you confused. "Dating who?! Dudes only focus has been football and stalking you on social media all these months." Tee laughs. "It was all over social media that he was dating some model & why or how would he be stalking my social media?" You ask confused since it was private. "That was just a stupid rumor started by some dumb gossip website and we've caught him on your Instagram a bunch of times. I think he has a fake profile which we've told him how weird that shit was by the way and his excuse was that he just wanted to make sure you were happy and safe." Ja'Marr shakes his head rolling his eyes.
"Did he leave already?" You ask. "Nah, he's in a medical room dealing with his emotions and shit. He doesn't wanna see anyone, he's going through it." Tee shakes his head with a disappointed look on his face. "Although... maybe he wouldn't mind seeing you." Ja'Marr smirks and your eyes open wide. "Hell no, no way." You shake your head. "No way what?" Sasha asks coming back to us, Peyton following her. "They want me to go talk to Joe." You shake your head. "Oh?" Peyton looks at you and you shake your head no. "He's down this hall to your left. C'mon guys, let's get some snacks and talk about how much Rhode Island sucks." Tee says to your friends and you scoff. "What? Guys! No—assholes." You mutter annoyed at them as they all ignore you and leave you standing out in the hall like an idiot.
Sighing you make your way to the door where Joe was behind, taking a deep breath before knocking and opening the door. Immediately you heard his voice. "Get out." He says in a very monotone way. You peek your head in and see he was laying down on a stretcher facing up in a dimly lit room with his good arm draped over his face. "I guess I deserve that attitude." You nod closing the door behind you. Your stomach flip flopping from nervousness. Joe freezes and peeks under his arm towards you.
"Wh-what are you doing here?" Joe asks slowly sitting up. His injured arm in a sling. "I'm in town for the holidays and the guys gave me tickets to the game tonight." You awkwardly say stuffing you hands in your back pockets. He looked like he had been crying. "Of course they did." Joe scoffs. "I know I'm the last person you wanna see right now or ever but I just wanted to check up on you." You bite your lip awkwardly. "Yeah right, like you give a shit about what happens to me." He scoffs, it sucked hearing those words come from his mouth but you couldn't blame him, you weren't the nicest to him the last time you saw him. Plus, he was upset cause of his injury which is understandable.
 "I know I shouldn't have bothered you but I just wanted to apologize on how I left things... and your injury tonight...but I'll uh, leave you be." You nod reaching for the door again awkwardly. "Wait!" You hear Joe say before you could even touch the door. "I...shouldn't have snapped at you like that, I'm sorry. I'm...I'm not even mad at you." He shakes his head as he sits looking down at his dangling feet. He was still in half of his uniform and even though he was a grown ass man well over 6 foot, he looked so small to you in this moment. "You don't have to lie, I know the way I handled things was beyond fucked up." You sigh leaning against the door. "Honestly, you had every right. I was being a stupid jackass, my parents knocked some sense into me after I came clean with everything. You put up with too much shit with me and I was worried too much about myself and not enough about you. I'm surprised you didn't come fined me and ran me over with your car" Joe admits. "Well...to be fair I didn't have one at the time so, maybe that worked in your favor." You tease making him chuckle. 
"Maybe it was just a classic case of right people, wrong time." You shrug. "You really think we could of been right for each other if things weren't so fucked up around us and I wouldn't have fucked up most of it?" Joe asks. "I'd like to think so, we pretty much ignored every red flag between and around us Joe... I think that ultimately fucked everything up because we choose to ignore and ignore." You say, Joe nodding. "How's Rhode Island?" Joe asks and you snort. "You should know...the guys told me about your Instagram stalking." You tease seeing Joe's freeze and his face turn a light shade of pink. "Fucking assholes." Joe mutters shaking his head making you chuckle. "I didn't mean to be weird, I just still feel paranoid about your safety with everything that happened. M=Ja'marr thinks Mariana was behind everything, he found some weird folder with information about us two...I think she was going to try and blackmail us if news hit about the affair she was having on Ja'Marr. She's disappeared. We think she left Ohio." Joe fills you in and you scoff. "That fucking crazy bitch." You shake your head. 
"Things are pretty good, I like the city, co workers are pretty cool." You nod changing the subject. "I'm really happy to hear that." Joe says giving you a small smile. Before you could reply there was a knock on the door followed by the voice of a man you didn't recognize. "Burrow, your parents are looking for you dude, pack it up, get some rest." The guy says. "I should... get back to everyone, I'm sure they're hungry and waiting on me." You say to Joe and he nods looking sad. "I'm really sorry I couldn't be the man you deserved Y/N, I kill myself over it everyday." Joe says somberly. "People aren't perfect Joe, don't beat yourself up over it, but I really do hope you recover as quickly and good as possible. I would tell you to not be too hard on yourself while you recover but I might as well talk to a brick wall for that." You joke making Joe chuckle. "Take care of yourself and you should come to more games, helps motivate the guys." Joe says glossy eyes which almost triggered your own emotions that you were pushing down. " I will take it under consideration, take care of yourself." You smile at him before leaving the room and letting out a deep breath trying to control your emotions before you meet everyone up again. 
A month later:
The holidays came and went. You spent time with your best friends and you were now back in Rhode Island in your home. Winter had officially struck the north east as it was snowing today. Cuddled up on your couch with the fire place on and a glass of wine in your hand you were on facetime with your friends. "So, when are you coming back?" Peyton asks you. "Uh! no Sir, it's time you guys come to me. We can do something this summer...I just finished the guest bedrooms and we can hit all the bars out here, maybe even drive to Boston for a weekend." You suggest. "I'm down for some Boston cheeks." Peyton smirks making Sasha roll her eyes and you laugh. "Did you spend the homegoods gift card we got you for Christmas?" Sasha asks changing the subject. "I did! I got stuff for the guest bathroom and a few holiday clearance stuff for next Christmas." You nod. You talk more with your friends about what you guys had planned for the next few weeks until your doorbell rang. It was 7PM on a snowy Friday night and you weren't expecting anyone over. "Uh oh booty call! We'll let you go so you can have your fun." Peyton winks. "It's probably my neighbors stupid doordash again, she keeps putting my door number for some reason, but I'll talk to you guys later." You sigh getting up. You hang up your phone tossing it on the couch and setting down your wine glass on your side table. You go to your door opening just a bit expecting some poor delivery driver in this snow but you almost choke on your own spit when you saw who it was. "Wh-what are you doing here?" You stand there frozen in place. 
"I'm... done ignoring." Joe responds. 
A/N: I know I said this last chapter was coming Sunday but I couldn't wait that long lol Ohio Is For Lovers has officially wrapped up and I just want to thank you guys sosososososo much for reading and supporting this series. I haven't written a series in years and the love and support you guys have shown me has meant soooo much! If you haven't checked it out already I have been working on a new Joe Burrow series called Cherry Waves, so check that out if you'd like and if it's not for you I plan on doing a small holiday series in November. Thanks again for the support 🖤🖤🖤
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mr2swap · 1 year
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-Jackson But what the fuck are you doing, young man? You've lost your mind? Go straight to your room and no internet or video games - I can't believe how irresponsible my son is, he and I switched bodies just a couple of days ago, and he's already breaking the rules, he knew that "wish" his grandfather gave him for his birthday. He'd get us in trouble. I never thought he'd want to trade places.
-Listen, dad, It's very hot, and I had a very heavy day at work, Of course, you don't know what that is now, So you better shut your mouth before I shut you because I'm not in the mood to your sermons- I was speechless listening to my little 8-year-old son with such rude vocabulary I approached him a little and to my surprise, he stank of beer, I looked up looking at my ancient and hairy body of almost 2 meters, The smell of beer was unmistakable. But besides that smell Jackson was stinking up, the smell of a working man fills my little nostrils, making me wince a little.
-JACKSON SMITH, ARE YOU DRUNK?! - For a moment Jackson stopped drinking his beer and looked down at me, frowned and put on a serious and somewhat annoyed face, then continued drinking the beer bottle until it was completely empty. He left it on the kitchen table, making a noise that made me jump in fright.
- yes "dad" Do you have a problem with that?, before returning home I went with my new friends to the bar that is near the construction company, and you know what? I'm going out with the boys again on the weekend, So I'm going to leave you with “your” mother So that you ask her stupid questions and not me-
-But what's wrong with you? Young man, I order you to open your wish right now if you don't want me to… - before I could finish the sentence, Jackson used his long legs to stand in front of me, put his hands on his hips, and smile at me.
-What are you going to do? Punish me? Take away my Nintendo? Or leave me without dinner? I think you still don't understand Who the boss is But don't worry "son" I'm going to solve it right now-Without giving myself a second to run I grab my armpits and in one movement I get up and walk towards his room while I screamed, and I hit his chest to try to get him to put me down it was so humiliating to be carried like a toy or a child….
He opened the door to his own room and laid me on the small bed Decorated with the Superman logo that to me was now huge. -Listen well son because I'm only going to repeat this once, Now I'm the father, so you have to obey me Like a good son, Or you'll know what it feels like to be grounded for the rest of your young life-
I was trembling with fear for the first time in my life his voice was serious, and he had more than enough self-confidence, and on the other hand, I almost peed in my shorts knowing that I had lost all control of my son and my own house, I nodded silently trying to avoid his penetrating and intimidating gaze that seemed to enjoy every minute of this.
-very good! Now that we clear this up Finish your homework and if you're good the rest of the day we'll order Pizza for dinner- He put his huge, heavy and calloused hand on my head and caressed my hair and messed it up at the same time, he turned around and walked out of the room closing it before leaving.
I just hope that this situation is reversed before my son becomes a complete monster, now I better finish my math homework I don't want my new "dad" to be upset that he's drunk.
Hey! You can support me to continue creating stories, see similar stories on my patreon, you can also join my discord if you are interested in role-playing about bodyswap, possession and transformation, m2m!
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mxlktxa · 8 months
𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘴 — ‘𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱𝘦𝘳’
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𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘮𝘴 𝘹 𝘧!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘮𝘴, 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳, 𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘢 (𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘥), 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘧𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 (𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘥), 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 (𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘥), 𝘳𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘺 (𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘥), 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦 (𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥, 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘥), 𝘫𝘰𝘦𝘭 (𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘥)
𝘤𝘸; 𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘨𝘦, 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘴/𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘴𝘶𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦, 𝘴𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦/𝘴𝘦𝘹𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴, 𝘪𝘮 𝘰𝘣𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘭𝘺 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘢 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘪𝘴𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘪 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘢 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘺 𝘴𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘴𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘚𝘜𝘗𝘌𝘙 𝘣𝘢𝘥𝘭𝘺, 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥 (𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘴), 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴/𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘚𝘈 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴
𝘸𝘤; 1.7𝘬, 9.6𝘬 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴
𝘤𝘩𝘱 1 — 𝘤𝘩𝘱 2…
𝘵𝘭𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘭𝘢𝘸𝘴 — 𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
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Ellie licked her lips as she sat across from you, watching you cross your legs and hum while you wrote in your little notebook. She couldn't even concentrate as much with how proper yet suggestive you looked and this session had only just started. Fuck, she wished she had canceled today.
“Okay, Ellie,” you smiled at the girl and she was immediately relaxed, yet ready to pounce on you, “I feel like I haven’t seen you in so long. How’ve you been?” you questioned Ellie with the same, boring introduction question, just using a sweet tone this time, “And please, be honest. I can’t help you if you lie to me.”
You also can’t help me by making me wanna fuck into you so ruthlessly, “I, ah… I don’t know. The same, I guess,” she shrugged at you while she answered, picking at her fingers, “Frustrated, annoyed,” horny, “The usual.”
“Mm, I see,” your legs uncrossed, “Have you done anything interesting this week? Tried the little activity I asked you to do.”
“No. I didn’t,” you nodded as Ellie leaned back on the couch, shaking her head, “What if the activity doesn’t help me, hm? Then what?”
“If it doesn’t work, I can provide you with more things to do,” the answer seemed a bit rude to Ellie but she knew that this tone you gave her was just to front as disappointed rather than not surprised, “You’re into art, yes?”
“Then try this, for me, okay?” oh, this girl would do anything for you, every time you said that stupid ‘for me’ line it made Ellie wanna burn the world down and set you up on a whole different planet, worshipping you, “After today's session, I want you to paint me something. Or draw, form something with clay, anything you want.”
“That’s it? What should I—,”
“That, Ellie, is all in your hands. You can whip up whatever you like, just put all your emotions into it, communicate with me through your art piece,” your voice sounded so inviting like you were providing the struggling girl with a nice, warm home so she would be safe for eternity, “I want you to bring it in for me next session so we can talk about it, okay?”
You wrote in the stupid notebook Ellie couldn’t stand, but how she loved how professional you looked. Oh, you looked so stunning and she admired you for it. You were oblivious to how Ellie looked at you and what her looks meant which was odd seeing as you were her therapist after all. You were supposed to understand body language too, right? Maybe you were more focused on her feelings rather than actions. Who knows.
“I did go out this weekend,” Ellie spoke without really thinking, a little happy to have you hear her little story, “My friend, Dina, took me to see a movie. It was that new horror movie, Saw X?”
“Oh, yeah?”
Fuck me, yes, “Yeah. It was pretty good. I haven’t seen the other Saw movies so I wasn’t fully understanding everything but I enjoyed it.”
“Don’t spoil anything for me, I need to see it soon, too. I was supposed to see it earlier this week but I canceled on my friend, Maddie, because I went to see my mother instead,” you wiggled happily in your seat, nodding to Ellie before your notebook.
“Yeah? Is she okay?” you had told Ellie in a previous session about your mother since she liked to take breaks from trying to understand and better herself and you gladly granted her those breaks, talking about yourself and/or family while still beating around the bush with Ellie, tricking her into talking about herself.
“Oh, yes, of course. She’s getting much better, actually. She’s beginning to be the same old goofy woman she is,” you giggled at your choice of words, Ellie was happy to know your mother was much better than what she heard last time, nodding in approval.
“I haven’t spoke to… Him, still,” Ellie strangely enough thought of Joel, someone you’ve known Ellie to be very distant from yet yearned to be around. You lost your smile, ready and worried to hear what Ellie had to say, “I don’t know what to say. I feel like a complete fucking asshole but I can’t bring myself to even be in the same area as him.”
You hummed, moving from your seat in front of Ellie to the space next to her on the couch, “Ellie,” you started, hand resting on her back now, “The more you distance yourself or hold off from speaking with Joel could only create more problems. Take your time, but do not keep brushing it off,” you whispered as Ellie covered her face, holding back tears, “You’ll feel better after doing so. Believe me.”
Believe me.
You thought on how you were in the same position as Ellie once. Upset with your father for something that could’ve been easily talked about. You held back from speaking with him and/or about him for far too long. So long that when you were ready to talk to him it was unfortunately too late for you to get some closure, to rebuild your relationship and get back to being your fathers best friend. He couldn’t stand his little girl not speaking to him and with all other stressful things being thrown at him, he’d ended up taking his own life. You’d hate to see Ellie go through the same thing, hate to see her lose somebody she loved so dearly over something that could immediately be fixed.
Ellie glanced to your half smile, half pouted lips before looking into your tear filled eyes. You didn’t exactly like to get emotional in front of clients, as you saw it as unprofessional, so you cleared your throat and gave a full smile before scooting away from Ellie and whispering an ‘okie-dokie’.
“Did you and Dina do anything else that day?”
“She took me out to eat, yeah. Some fancy little coffee shop not entirely too far from here. I didn’t eat much of what I ordered but it was pretty good actually.”
“Oh, that sounds amazing. I’m proud of you Ellie, good job,” that damned smile was glued to Ellie’s memory, not sure if you were truly smiling or not, “Have you been eating more than what you told me last time?”
“Sort of, yeah. Sleeping better, too. I don’t know what changed that but I’m happy both of those things happened,” the freckled girl now smiled at you, your heart doing backflips when she did so as you rarely see her crack one, “Maybe it was those exercises you made me do.”
“Oh, so you’ve been doing some of them?” your voice came out in a playful tone, doing a little dance that made Ellie chuckle, “I told you you’d feel a little better, and you called me silly. I love that you’re trying a few things, Ellie, seriously. You’re coming along very well and I love seeing that from you.”
Another heartfelt moment. Ellie could just kiss you right now, say fuck it to your license and just fucking kiss you right now. But she knew if she did say ‘fuck your license’ then she would probably never see you again, as you worked way too hard to get to where you are now. So there you both sat, staring at each other’s smile. After a few seconds, you sighed once more, crossing your arms.
“Can I ask you something personal, Ellie?”
No, “Yeah.”
“Ellie,” you became stern, raising a brow, “Can I ask you something personal?”
She stared at you, huffing softly, “No,” she paused, thinking a bit, “About what?”
“Your past. I think you may have told me just one thing and that was about a fight you had with an old friend. If you would like to, I want to hear more.”
Riley. You were talking about Riley and how they had argued and never patched their relationship. Quite frankly, Ellie didn’t care to. But thinking of other events, her stomach churned and she shut her eyes, hanging her head. You but your lip, afraid that you were pushing Ellie, “You don’t need to, Ellie, it’s okay. It’s all up to you, it’s on your time, not mine. Don’t let me persuade you,” you reassured the troubled girl, leaning forward just a bit to meet her green eyes.
“I’ll stick to my original answer.”
“Good,” you relaxed, nodding softly, “It’s up to you, Ellie. Never me. Never anyone else. Only you, just you. I appreciate your honesty and your willingness.”
Say something like that to me again and I’m gonna go fucking nuts, “Yeah,” yeah? Just yeah?
Checking the time, you glanced to your client and hummed, “Are you okay to finish the rest of the session or would you like to end it here. It hasn’t been too long but I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable after this.”
“Can we end it here?” Ellie rubbed her sweaty hands on her jeans, looking to your worried expression. You only nodded, standing up and brushing yourself off, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, I understand. If anyone should be sorry it’s me,” you insisted, sitting back down again, “Therefore, I’m sorry to make you think about any negative events and push you to share. It wasn’t my intention.”
“No, it’s… It’s whatever.”
A light sigh was released from your body, Ellie sharing such a quick smile. You stood, walking to the calendar, looking for a good day to pick back up with Ellie.
“How’s your schedule for next week? We can pick it back up then or in two weeks. It’s a nice little change you might like, to have some time and space for yourself,” you smiled at the girl softly. If only you knew that Ellie would die in two weeks all because she couldn’t see you and figure out her own emotions.
“Can we shoot for Wednesday again? I wanna do that art activity. I bought more paint recently and I needed an excuse to open them up.”
“Oh, have you now?” you gasped in excitement, “Then yes, Wednesday. Morning? Afternoon?”
“Morning, this time. I’ve started waking up early in the mornings too. It’s a weird but nice change,” Ellie watched as you nodded to her, “Uhm, Eleven-thirty?”
“Sure thing,” Ellie grinned awkwardly at your response, rubbing her hands in her jeans again before standing up, “Keep up the good work, Williams. I wanna see you at your peak, okay?”
“Ah, yeah… Sure thing,” Ellie felt her heart nearly jump from her chest, “See you next week,” Ellie waved off. You waved back with a little smile.
“All the best, Ellie, take care.”
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