fallenrazziel · 12 hours
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Seasons in Mirkwood #6 [ai]
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
For the requests: Steve has a good relationship with his parents & when they come back from wherever & someone (Nancy/Robin) tells them about the UD & his parents react by calling out every single adult involved. Maybe he got badly hurt, & they were called in & upon finding out they call out Joyce, Hop, Owens & Murray for the way no adult inthese kids lives had any clue about what their kids were going through. Nor were their parents given notice esp bc having underaged kids sign NDAs is not legal nor legally binfing (Maybe all the parents of the party kids are there and get all the info just like the Harrington's)
MY DARLING! LIGHT OF MY LIFE! HONESTLY this one hit different. You know how much I love making Steve suffer and when he has good parents, a lot of his suffering disappears. But it was nice to branch out a bit. Also finally some common sense! KIDS SHOULD NEVER BE SIGNING AN NDA THEMS THE FACTS! Steve's parents are here to fight for everyone so WELCOME TO THE CHAOS OF STEVE'S OVERPROTECTIVE LAWYER PARENTS! - Mickala ❤️
Steve Harrington had managed to avoid the hospital for years. Not because he shouldn’t have gone, but because he refused to go.
But this time, he was unconscious, which means he didn’t have a choice.
And now, staring at his parents’ shocked and appalled faces next to his bed, he realized he wished he’d just died, actually.
“This happens…often?” Anne Harrington asked Dr. Owens, who looked like he wished he was also dead.
“It does happen more often than we like. But it appears to be fixed now! Steven has been a wonderful asset to us, which is why we want to make sure he is comfortable and all his medical expenses are paid.”
He handled that well, Steve thought.
“And this is the first time anyone has bothered to call us?” Richard Harrington asked much too quietly.
That was his ‘I’m about to lose my shit’ voice and Steve didn’t have the energy to deal with it.
“I do apologize, we had to deal with enough NDAs as it is,” Dr. Owens replied, not realizing that he was speaking to two lawyers who were about to ruin his life.
Steve let his head rest against the pillow of the hospital bed, sighing.
“At what age did Steve sign his first NDA?”
“I believe he was 16.”
“And did he have a lawyer present?” Anne didn’t wait for a response before continuing. “I can tell you he didn’t. We’re his lawyers and we were not even called. Are you the one in charge of this shitshow?”
It wasn’t often Anne Harrington said a curse word. Steve only ever heard it a handful of times, usually after hanging up with a client who would lose their case.
“I am one of the people who is tasked with this, yes. But if you don’t mind, I need to check in with a few people before I can truly devote time to this conversation.”
“Oh, please. Continue on with your day. Don’t mind us sitting next to our son in the hospital.”
Dr. Owens sighed, knowing this fight was barely even starting, and left the room.
Steve’s parents turned to him.
“How many concussions have you had?”
“Why didn’t you call us?”
“Who else knows about this?”
“Will this happen again?”
The questions were too much, and Steve’s head was pounding. He couldn’t do this right now.
“Jim Hopper? I thought he died.”
Admittedly, his parents had been out of town for a while. They didn’t know Hopper was back as of a few months ago, and probably didn’t realize he’d taken over as chief again.
“He didn’t. He’s around here somewhere.”
“He knew about all this?”
“Mom, I love you, but my head is splitting down the middle. I need to stop talking.”
Anne slowly brushed her hand through his hair, planting a kiss on his forehead.
“Of course, honey. We’ll be back soon. Do not sign anything without us here, okay?”
His dad briefly touched his shoulder before they both left the room.
Finally, some peace and quiet.
Until he was woken up by yelling.
Not just any yelling. Richard Harrington yelling.
If he wasn’t chained to the bed by an IV and blood transfusion bag, he would be up and in the hallway.
Apparently, he didn’t need to worry, though.
His mom came into the room, leaving the door open to the hallway so he could hear everything.
“I’m glad you’re awake, honey. We have a lot to talk about.”
“Who is he yelling at?”
“Every adult who didn’t bother to take care of you the way they should. Not just you, but all of these kids,” she said, tone more annoyed by the second.
“I don’t understand.”
“Honey, you’ve been protecting these kids in ways you never should have had to. All these adults who were involved never told any of us what was going on. They let you keep standing in the line of fire, getting hurt, seeing things you shouldn’t have to and never even bothered to call us. You signed NDAs with the government without parents or lawyers present. That alone is illegal, do you understand that?”
“So I’m in trouble?”
“Oh, honey, no. You’re not in trouble. Your dad’s having a few words with the chief and Dr. Owens.”
Steve tuned in to what was being said in the hall.
“I cannot fathom what you’ve done. Expecting these children to save this town, the world, and not even have their own parents know? Who are they supposed to turn to? You? And what have you done to help them? As far as I’m concerned, you should be arrested and imprisoned. If I have anything to say about it, you will!”
“Mom, can you please get him to stop? I know he’s upset, but Hop really protected us a lot, okay? And Dr. Owens was just doing his job.”
“A lot of people have just been doing their jobs instead of considering that maybe children shouldn’t be responsible for defeating actual monsters.”
Well. Yeah, she did have a point there.
“Where is everyone?”
Anne sat on the edge of his bed, holding his hand, running her thumb along the back of it.
“The Munson boy is in the room next door, he’ll be okay. Robin is home with her parents. Most of the kids are now with their parents, but that Sinclair boy is still being watched for concussion symptoms.”
Steve sighed with relief.
No one was lost. Everyone had pretty minor injuries. Maybe he was able to protect everyone.
“That Dustin boy is relentless,” Anne said with a smile. “He really looks up to you.”
“Yeah, he’s like a brother to me.”
“His mom didn’t know about any of this either, did she?”
Steve thought about it.
Honestly, she probably had some idea. Maybe not of the real details, but she had to know Dustin was involved in something he couldn’t talk about. Same with most of the parents.
But Steve’s parents were gone a lot. Their main office was in Boston, and they would often have to travel around the country for their clients. He was used to not seeing them, only getting to talk to them on the phone once or twice a week.
It’s easy to hide shit over the phone, and when they did manage to make it home, the Upside Down monsters were safely tucked away underground.
They had no way of knowing anything was wrong. He did it on purpose, just like all of the kids did.
Even without signing the NDAs, he’s pretty sure they wouldn’t have told their parents.
“I think we just thought we were protecting you guys.”
“Honey, it’s not your job to protect us. It’s our job to protect you.”
She looked so sad.
Steve didn’t want her to be sad.
“Mom, you couldn’t have done anything. And we’re all safe.”
His dad walked in the room, face red. He closed the door behind him and ran his hand over his face.
“Doctor said Steve can go when the nurse comes to disconnect him from everything soon,” he said, coming to sit in the chair by his bed.
“That’s good news. We’ll get you home and settled. We canceled our flight out so we can stick around for a while and make sure you’re okay,” Anne said with a smile.
“You guys don’t have to cancel your trip. Your clients need you.”
“Not as much as you need us, son,” Richard said, giving him a soft smile.
“I’ve handled it before, though.”
“And you shouldn’t have. Trust me, this town, the government, they’ve got a shit storm coming and I’m leading it,” his dad huffed.
A knock interrupted Steve’s response, the door opening slightly before they answered.
“Steve? You okay?”
Steve’s parents looked at the door, then back at Steve, who was doing his best to hide the fond smile on his face.
It wasn’t working though, not when he saw the way Eddie was trying to take inventory of his injuries from across the room.
“You can come in, Eds.”
“Who’s this, honey?” Anne asked.
“This is Eddie.”
“Oh! You poor thing. I heard all about what you’ve been through. Let me just say, if we had caught wind of it earlier and knew you were Steve’s friend, we would’ve been representing you in court,” Anne rushed to say, her hands fluttering over Eddie’s when he got next to the bed.
Eddie’s wide eyes would have been amusing if Steve didn’t worry that he might run for the hills at the care his parents showed.
“Uh. Thank you?”
“Do you need anything right now? Do your parents need anything?” Richard asked, sitting forward in his chair, business face on.
“Um, just me and my uncle, but no. I’m heading home, but wanted to check on Steve before I go.”
“Of course! You guys are close friends?”
It was an innocent question. His parents just liked to know who was in his life, that’s all. But Eddie looked at him with panic written all over his face.
Steve gave him a small smile, then turned to his parents.
“Actually, he’s my boyfriend.”
They were quiet for a moment, which Steve expected. No matter how well he thought they’d take it, he knew it would be a shock.
But his parents didn’t let him down.
“How long have you been together, Steve?”
“Since March. Four months?” He watched as Eddie started to back away, probably expecting the worst.
Anne smacked Steve’s arm, forgetting for a moment that he was in the hospital for a reason.
“Sorry,” she said before crossing her arms. “You’ve had a boyfriend for four months and didn’t tell us? We could have come back and arranged dinner to meet him. I’m so sorry our son is rude, Eddie. He wasn’t raised that way, I assure you.”
Eddie’s jaw dropped.
“Um. What’s happening right now?”
“We’ll be home for a while to make sure Steve is alright. We’d love to have you over for dinner soon. With your uncle if you’d like,” Richard added as Eddie just stared between them.
“What do you like? I just got a new cookbook that has so many European dishes I want to try. Are you a fan of Polish food? You know what, no, what about Greek? We haven’t had good Greek food in so long.”
Steve was laughing, he couldn’t help it.
“Steve, what the hell is going on here?”
“Eddie, that’s my mom, Anne, and my dad, Richard. They’re kind of the best, and apparently they want you and Wayne to come for dinner. Think you can find time in your schedule?”
“Oh dear. Do you have a concussion? They should monitor you kids better,” Anne worried, moving her hands up to cup his cheeks and look in his eyes. “Should I get a nurse?”
“No, mom, he’s okay. He just expected you two to freak out.”
“About what?”
“The fact he’s a man.”
“Oh! I do suppose that’s a reasonable concern.”
“Eddie, let me ask you this: do you make Steve happy?” Richard asked.
“I think so.”
“And he makes you happy?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Then it sounds like we have no reason to be upset. Now, dinner? Maybe tomorrow night?”
Steve laughed loudly.
“Eds, come here,” Steve gestured for him to come closer.
Eddie moved next to the bed, his arm bandaged, and a new cut with stitches in it on his forehead.
Eddie leaned in.
Steve leaned up and kissed his lips. Just a quick peck, just enough to get the point across that this was really okay and really happening.
“Tomorrow at 6?” Steve asked before he pulled away completely.
Eddie nodded.
“And please bring your uncle, we need to discuss our plan for a lawsuit on behalf of all of you,” Richard spoke up from his chair.
“Oh. Yes, sir.” Eddie pulled away from the bed, nervously playing with his rings.
“Richard is fine, son.”
Eddie was blushing, which Steve was absolutely going to make fun of him for later.
“See you tomorrow, then?” Eddie asked awkwardly.
“Love you, Eds.”
“Oh. Uh. Yep. Love you too, Stevie.”
He raced out of the room, leaving Steve and Anne laughing quietly.
“Poor boy. Didn’t know what to do, did he?”
“No, I think he isn’t used to a positive reaction when people find out about him.”
“His uncle knows about you two, though, right?”
“Yeah, Wayne’s been great.”
“Good. Well, I’m going to find a nurse so we can go home. You should be comfortable in your own bed.”
“And I am going to make a quick call to my buddy in Chicago to see if he can pull some information on this Owens guy. We have a lot of work to do.”
Steve was used to this. For some kids, maybe this wasn’t good parenting. Maybe his parents being gone for a lot of his life had a negative impact.
But Steve never doubted how much they loved him. They still came home for every birthday, every Christmas. They still managed to take a family vacation every year. They gave him everything he needed and most of what he wanted. They supported him through everything, the proof right here in front of him now.
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Dodger playtime in the snow
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No warnings unless you could how insanely cute Dodgers Evans is but i always put 18+ its juat playing with Dodger in the snow photo from chris- social that @annislittleshopofhorrors reposted
"Alright comeon buddy," I clap my.hands "ready for your walk?"
"Come on" I go to where Dodger is sitting on the couch looking out the window. 
"Oh its snowing. You don't  wanna go for your walk?"
"Woof" he waggs his tail
"You do wanna go for your walk"
"Woof" he wags his tail.
"Hey you gotta give me something here, buddy. i dont speak mutt,"  I joked.
Dodger used his nose to nuzzle.his way under one od my arms so our favea were close and he looked like he was smiling  and wagging his tail.i study gus face
Does someone wanna go outside and play
"Woof" he licks the side of my face and practually jumps of the couch to rhe kitcjen and i keep hearing his play button binf hit. 
"Okay okay ourside to play hold on let me get my jacket,". I grab my jacket and my har as dodger is siting by the back door patiently alternating looking outside and turning to, I sassume looking for me I dont even have my hat or gloves or my coat but I open the door for him to the baxk yard anyway "okay okay here you go" he took off like a hourse at bellmont jumping through the snow sliding around. It was lokw watxhing a little kit. It was cute ans aweet. Ans i knew one thing was for aure at least he doesnr need a bath because he is covered in snow. 
He turns and barks twice  and i put my hat a coat on and step outside and he brings me a stick."ok buddy go fetch" I throw the stick he brings it back, I throw the stick he brings it back i throw the sti- well you get the point. We did thst foe about 20 mi ites. Then I watched him run around and i decided to pay a prank I got anow into a snow ball and when dosgers back was turned i thre it at him. Dodgsr turned looking surpirsed aa his ears pwrked up. He was seaeching tje tress with hia eyes, i guess he though it came from there. There a poor litrle squirrel sitting there obadrving and Dodger syatyee barking as if yelling at tje squirrel for hitting him with a snow ball. I decided to go ovwr and comfort dodger lest we need an arch enemy out of a squirrel thay should be hibernating. Alrighr buddy its ok *i kneeled dosn in the snow, "its ok you goofball" *i ruffle his fur and kiss his nose. "You wanna play with the stick"
He barks and jumps. We play with a srixk for a while  until dodger seems to get tired he shook his fur and then sayed down on the deck. I slowly followed him up there being tired myself.
 "Ok buddy lets go inside and dry off hu" I opened the door and dodger went inside and of corse shook hia fur in the kitchen
"Dodger!" I shield my face from the water amd before i know it hes walking through the kitchen. I quickly slip off my boots and take my coat off and follow grabbing a jand dowel.frpm the kitchen 
"You're gunna get water everywhere" i find him in the den snuggled up with his lipn infront of the fire that i forgot to put out before we wenr outside.
"Lets not tell daddy i left the fireplace on ok?" I ask as i take one paw to start drying them off.
Dodger makes a whineing sound as he then offers up his other paw for me. "That's a good boy." I rub his belly. 
Dodger just loves playing in the snow.
@nana1000night @whore-for-chris-evans @hawkeyes-queen @coltrainbat @patzammit @sparklybarbarianninja @bohemian-barbie
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felixcloud6288 · 4 months
how're u liking BINF (i'm also a bioinformatics major but i'm a freshman so ive just been doin basic stuff not a ton of actual bioinformatics)
I came into bioinformatics with ZERO background in the field. I like biology and have joked that I'm three biology freshmen in a trenchcoat, but I didn't want to pursue biology as a career path.
I'm currently letting myself be bossed around by two biomed undergrads cause they actually know stuff in the field and are helping me understand a few things while I put together programs for them to do their research analyses.
But if I had known about this field in my undegrad, I would have filled my electives with them. I don't regret going into this field. I just wish I didn't have to start on the deep end of the pool.
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k4ban0s2 · 1 year
ja w trakcie binge wpierdalajac cala kuchnie zeby w domu nie bylo juz nic na czym moglabym zbingowac nastepnym razem (jakims magicznym xudem jutro znowu pojawia sie tam najwieksze binfe trigery); 🤭🤭🤭
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house-of-lovin · 1 year
LMAOOOOO i can’t w y’all! happy reading 🤭
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smellygaston · 1 year
Cortana siri googke binf jeeves how do I outwit the Cyclops
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gidianthe · 11 months
ik judt enough drunk to br vulnerable but for some reason my dysphoria used to be entirely binfing based but at some point it swapped and its like idc about binding anymore it is JUST like. my life if i had a dick >>>>
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doomzday-zone · 30 days
literally sob binf rn i livw. wristcutters my best friends auuuuuu !!!!!!
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eld-posh · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Under Armour BINF Runplay Toddler Boys Size 7K Shoes Black Slip On Sneakers.
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hypixeluhc · 6 months
she binfing on my of till k issanc
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knighthotel · 1 year
its like im awful and cruel and i am fucking traumatizing her with abandonment i abandoned my boy. oh i abandoned my boy. its so hard to think. im tired. im embarassed for binf vulnerable about this.
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lucioborges · 1 year
RS Notícias: Boia Bote Inflável Unicórnio Summer 57552 Intex
    Link para comprar: https://www.magazinevoce.com.br/magazinelucioborges/boia-bote-inflavel-unicornio-summer-57552-intex/p/233906100/es/binf/ Fonte: RS Notícias: Boia Bote Inflável Unicórnio Summer 57552 Intex
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thuecanho · 2 years
Can ho 2 phong ngu dien tich 106m2 tai Sunwah Pearl cho thuê Quận Bình Thạnh
Căn hộ 2 phòng ngủ diện tích 106m2 tại Sunwah Pearl đang trống và sẵn sàng cho thuê với đầy đủ nội thất với giá 34 triệu đồng mỗi tháng.
Thông tin chi tiết:
Vị trí: 90 Nguyễn Hữu Cảnh, Phường 22, Quận Bình Thạnh, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.
Thiết kế gồm 2 phòng ngủ và 1 phòng đa năng.
Căn hộ được trang bị đầy đủ nội thất xinh.
View căn hộ hướng nội khu, nhìn ra sông.
Sunwah Pearl là dự án cao cấp với hệ sinh thái đa dạng, được thiết kế theo phong cách Châu Âu với hồ bơi theo kiểu Malaysia, khuôn viên bao quanh giống như ở Singapore.
Liên hệ Mai Trâm theo số điện thoại 0968 360 038 để biết thêm thông tin và xem căn hộ.
Xem các căn hộ BInf Thạnh cho thuê tại: https://thuecanho123.com/ho-chi-minh/quan-binh-thanh.html
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k4ban0s2 · 1 year
znalazlam jakies lody bounty w biedrze co maja 135kcal za jednego, niby spoko ale boje sie jesc lodow powyzej 90kcal 😔😔😔 wgl cud ze wyszlam z tej biedry proszac jedynie o nutelle bo sie skaczyla (ciekawe jak sie niby skaczyla w 2tyg. no no kurwa tlumacz sie tlumacz) (na huja ty wgl o nutelle prosilas wtf na binfe sie szykujesz czy co. zjeb). tymbardziej ze jak kurwa ktos otworzyl szafke (?) z paczkami i poczulam ich zapach to myslalam ze zwaeiuje przeciez, mam teraz na nie taka chrapke.. trza byc silnym😔😔😔
ale ogl bylam dzisiaj przygotowana ze moze poelciec binfe orzez ta usrana picke a jak narazie jest dziwnie dobrze, pojebane 😦😦😦 nawet minela mi ochota na bolke z kurczakiem, zostalo tylko sie pozbyc tej na granole ze slonecznikiem i bedzie dojebioza. a i dowiedzialam sie ze matka bedzie robila sernik na weekend i mozliwe ze jeszcze tiramisu, panie boze daj mi sily zeby n zwariowac i n jebnac bindzem n chce spierdolic az tygodnia bez niego ✝️🛐
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cluelessnamelessao3 · 3 years
But It’s Not Funny
4. But I Can’t Stop Laughing
You stood in the backroom, washing out a water bowl that one of the dogs had managed to tip the entire contents of their food bowl into. It had turned the dry kibble into a gross gravy-like mush. Plus, it didn’t exactly smell great either, so it needed to be dealt with now. Right now, because you were not ready to deal with smelling that rancid stink for another minute more.
“You’re like a Chihuahua,” Frisk said suddenly, causing your hands to still as your brow furrowed with confusion.
You blinked at them, your face growing warm. Your eyes were narrowed and indignant. You weren’t sure you liked being compared to a small, yappy dog.
“What?” you exclaimed, “I am not!”
“You’re just so small and angry. Like a Chihuahua! You even shake like one…” They were giggling, their face hidden behind their hands and you were trying your best not to look too offended.
“I’m not even that small! You’re the same size as me, punk!”
Frisk giggled again, “Yeah, but I’m, like, sixteen! And hoowww old are you?” They sang, wiggling their eyebrows at you with a smirk on their face.
“Okay, okay, like-sixteen, go put this bowl back in the kennel, please.” You were trying and failing to sound stern, and they made a face which had you laughing a second later. As they left, they turned to sign a quick apology for teasing you, but you shook your head, a small smile still stuck on your face.
The door rang and you turned, expecting… not… that.
You blanched at the sight but tried not to let your discomfort show as you mumbled out a weak “Hello! How can I help you?”
The mass in front of you shivered and wiggled—the skin on its face (well, you assumed that was its face) quivered slightly and a gaping hole appeared in the middle. The creature seemed to be panting heavily and their shaking increased as you stepped out from behind the counter.
It had… so many legs. The head was distinctly dog-like with large, pointed ears and something akin to a snout. There appeared to be a tail on the back of it, and between each leg looked to be the outline of a dog—but you weren’t sure. It was too hard to tell with how constantly the form seemed to shift and move and change.
You approached it slowly, trying to hide your queasiness by being friendly. You cooed at it, gesturing it to come closer.
It seemed to like that and bounded up to you within seconds, its odd, tail-like protrusion wagging sporadically, flicking specks of whatever substance made this creature up all over your store.
You laid your palm out flat in front of its face and…
The thing practically swallowed your hand whole. You were about to scream in terror when suddenly your hand reappeared from the mass with a wet pop… just covered in a thick layer of some sort of grey ooze. It was becoming harder and harder not to throw up.
As you tried to hold back your gags at the unpleasant presence of the creature, you noticed a familiar figure standing behind the shifting mass of goop that somewhat resembled a dog.
“Sans?” You squeaked, almost in disbelief.
“In the flesh… or should I say sans the flesh.” He winked cheekily and you furrowed your brows, “That’s your cue to uh, laugh, or, yanno, emote at all?” Then, seemingly more to himself he whispered, “Kid sure knows how to pick ‘em.”
You frowned, “I’m still here, and can definitely hear you.”
He shrugged, definitely not apologetic in the least, “Sorry, kiddo, just findin’ it hard to tickle your funny bone.”
Your mouth twitched and you fought the urge to laugh—He’d been rude to you! There was no way you were going to start giggling just because of a few dumb jokes. Instead, you chose to question the… creature… he’d brought with them.
“So, uh, do they have a name?”
At that moment though, Frisk popped their head out from the backroom and squealed with excitement.
The quivering mass responded to Frisk’s voice by shaking even more violently than they were before, you swear you could see pieces of slime rolling off of them and splattering onto the floor. Each time it did though, it collected itself back into the creature’s—Endogeny’s form.
Sans, saved from answering your question, watched as you interacted with Frisk. It was interesting—you were interesting. But at least Frisk seemed to like you. He felt an ounce of regret; he’d reacted badly upon seeing you and he knew he hadn’t made the best impression on you, but it was too late to fix that. Fate would sort itself out anyway. That was what it always did.
It turned out that cleaning the amalgamation, Endogeny, wasn’t as hard as it seemed. Their skin was like wet clay, somewhat malleable and pliable, or maybe they were more like the silly putty you used to play with as a kid. The water tended to bounce right off of them, so you opted to use a dry shampoo on their fur—or lack thereof.
Sans watched the entire time and you tried not to feel too awkward as you and Frisk worked. He wasn’t necessarily doing anything wrong, but you could feel his eyes on you. It was wearing on your patience and eventually you turned around, an angry flush on your face, and snapped, “Take a picture, it lasts longer.”
He smirked. You resisted the urge to throw something at him.
It was almost a relief to see him go.
 The rest of the day went pretty smoothly and soon you found yourself packing up to leave.
“So, Frisk, shall I take you home?”
They nodded, a smile on their tanned face, “Actually, we’re gonna go to Paps’ house, I’m staying the night over there!”
“Ah, okay, kiddo. Then, let’s go, yeah?” You grabbed Luna’s leash in one hand and Frisk’s hand in the other. In your short time of knowing the kid, you felt oddly protective of them. You were pretty sure you’d fight a bitch for this kid if the need ever arose. Though, you weren’t even that much older than them, you shouldn’t really be considering them a kid anymore.
As if echoing your thoughts, they spoke up indignantly, “I’m not a kid! I’m nearly an ADULT!”
You laughed as the two of you left the shop, “That’s what a KID would say!” It took all of your willpower not to smirk at them and their flushed face. They were too fun to tease. It was like being with the little sibling you’d never had.
Frisk chatted with you about their family the entire walk to Papyrus’ place, even mentioning a sibling of theirs that… apparently, wasn’t even a sibling. They weren’t even really a human—nor a monster. You’d never really questioned Frisk’s family, nor their mother that by all means could not possibly be their biological mother.
There would never be a more perfect time to ask than now, “Hmm, so, uh, how’d you meet… er, I mean, like, Toriel is your adoptive parent, right?”
They shrugged, “Yeah, I guess so, they’re more like my real momma than… my mother was…” Their voice trailed off and when you looked over at them, they seemed to be deep in thought. Gently, you reached out and tapped their shoulder.
“It’s okay, I’m glad you have Toriel. Found family can be better than the biological. So, uh, tell me about your brother… Asriel, right?”
They nodded, the haunted look in their eyes replaced with a much more affectionate expression, “Yeah! My brother Asriel is really great… Though, uh, he likes to be called Flowey now… And I mean, he’s also a flower, but like, it’s not a big deal!”
You’d have to keep that in mind—Flowey, not Asriel. Also, what? He wasn’t a human? And he wasn’t a goat monster? He was a fucking flower? Was he conscious? Sentient? You weren’t sure… “I’ll have to meet him sometime. Maybe we can have a little picnic with your mother and your brother next week!”
Frisk agreed enthusiastically, their smile wider than ever. ‘I want to do that soon!’ They signed quickly.
You’d begun to notice in the two weeks that you’d been working with them that Frisk tended to switch to sign language when they got overly excited.
“I’d love to meet more of your family and spend some time with them!”
A comfortable silence fell between the two of you as you continued to walk. Frisk led you into a short alleyway and out onto a different street… a very familiar street… it took you a second to realize this was in the same neighbourhood as your apartment complex.
You got a sinking feeling in your gut as Frisk led you directly toward your building, but you were relieved—probably a little too relieved when you realized they didn’t actually live in your building, but rather just a block or so to the right of where you stayed.
You liked to have your space, even if you liked Papyrus a lot.
“Do you have family?” Frisk’s voice knocked you from your thoughts and you took a moment to blink at them confusedly.
“Uhhh, y-yeah… I… uh do.” You weren’t really keen on talking about them… There wasn’t much to say other than the fact that you didn’t exactly ‘get along’ with your family. You were, for all intents and purposes, completely estranged from them. Your father was neglectful, drowning his sorrows in alcohol, and your stepmother was hateful. She blamed you for a lot of things—she even blamed you for your own trauma.
You sighed, “They’re fine, I guess… I have a dad, a stepmom, and a stepbrother. My… my mother died when I was younger.”
Frisk nodded solemnly, seeming to consider your words carefully before asking, “Can I meet them someday? They can’t be that bad if they made you.”
You were saved from having to answer when Papyrus burst through the front door of his house, “OH WOWIE! I knew we had the TINY HUMAN coming over! But I didn’t think that they were going to bring the OTHER TINY HUMAN over TOO!”
He lunged toward you, arms outstretched, and you instinctively took a step back, fear swirling in your stomach. He seemed to take the cue, though, because he suddenly seemed a lot more subdued as he mumbled out a quick apology, “Sorry SMALL human, I forgot that you do not wish to be TOUCHED!”
You nodded meekly, and awkwardly patted his shoulder—or rather, his forearm, you couldn’t reach his shoulder. “It’s nice to see you again, Paps, maybe you, Undyne, and I could hang out again sometime.”
Frisk whined petulantly and you smiled affectionately, “Well of course Frisk is coming too, that’s just a given! It’s no party without little boss, here.”
The three of you chatted amiably for a moment before the two of them waved goodbye and headed into the house. You carefully picked your way down the stairs, hands in your pockets, Luna’s leash dragging on the ground beside you.
You were feeling weird—almost jealous? You wanted to head in and join them, maybe sit down for a cup of tea and talk for a while. You wanted to share stories of family and friends, gossip about nightmare costumers at the groomer’s shop, or complain about noisy neighbours. It’d been such a long time since you’d just hung out with someone for the fun of it—not counting the unplanned hangout with Undyne and Papyrus earlier this week.
You’d lost contact with most of your friends, either because they had given up on you, or because you’d isolated yourself; it was hard to tell who was at fault for your solitude. But that wasn’t right, because no, blame couldn’t be ladled out at your discretion. Everything that had happened was a matter of choice—you’d chosen the path your life was on… even if you hadn’t meant for it to turn out this way…
You hadn’t known the consequences. You hadn’t been prepared for them.
Luna pushed her wet nose into your limp hand, and you blinked, suddenly realizing you were still standing by the front steps of Papyrus’ house. Your face flushed with embarrassment. You hurriedly reached down to scoop up Luna’s leash.
Some days it just like your head got away from you and you found yourself staring into space as you thought and thought and thought and the thoughts kept getting thought and it was nonstop. Half the time it wasn’t until someone called your name, or Luna noticed and got your attention that you would snap out of it.
Time flew by when you were like that. It was so hard for you to get out of your own head when you started to overthink.
“Hey, kid!” A deep drawling voice rang out and you flinched, “Sorry, heh, I just saw you out here… I just got off work and was headin’ home. Were you droppin’ the little kiddo off?”
It was Sans, he was in his typical faded blue jacket with its fluffy white fur hood, the black athletic shorts he wore contrasting hugely with the bright white of his bones. It connected, at that moment, that you were just standing in front of his house. You knew Papyrus had a sibling, although you hadn’t realised it was Sans.
You nodded in answer, still feeling odd from your lapse in attention earlier.
He seemed to sense something was wrong, “Hey, it’s gettin’ kind of late, how about I walk ya home?”
You shrugged, "I can manage, it’s fine..." you trailed off, noticing the look of worry on his face.
“Look, to patella ya the truth, I think we got off on the wrong foot… So uh, throw me a bone here and I’ll take ya home?” He looked so awkward there as he sheepishly scratched the back of his neck, that you couldn’t help but take pity on him.
“Yeah… uh, sure… I’d, uh, be bonely on my own,” you giggled helplessly at the end of your own joke.
The expression on his face made it all the better as his eyes widened and he let out a most unattractive snort.
“That’s good, that’s real’ good,” he chuckled.
“Well, I mean…” you chewed your lower lip, thinking for a moment, “if you like puns so much, I happen to know a skele-ton of skele-puns.”
He laughed and gestured for you to start walking. The two of you made your way down the sidewalk giggling all the while as you swapped jokes back and forth.
All too soon you ended up at the front of your apartment building.
You were just about to head inside before Sans stopped you, “Hey uhm, I made kind of a shitty first impression… sorry ‘bout that, kid… Yeah, like, really sorry for being kind of rude…”
You waved a hand dismissively, “No, sorry, yeah, you’re totally fine… uh, don’t worry about it at all. Besides, I could have been nicer, right? Sorry… Er, I mean, I’m sorry as well…”
He chuckled softly, the smile on his face much softer than you’d seen it before, “No bones about it, I was a real numbskull.”
“Nah, don’t be sorry! I’m sorry, just, uh, let’s start over, how about?”
He nodded, looking slightly relieved.
You were just about to head inside once again when he stopped you once more. If anything, he looked even more nervous than he did when he’d asked to walk you home. “So uh, I was wondering… as, heh, a way to ‘start over’…”
He took a deep breath, like he was mentally preparing himself for something big; you waited with bated breath.
“Look, I lost my number, can I have yours?”
You snorted before you could stop yourself and clapped a hand over your mouth as you giggled, “That is the worst come on I’ve ever heard.”
You could have sworn there was a light blue dusting on his cheeks, but when you took a closer look, it was gone, and his mildly embarrassed expression was replaced with the typical easy grin. You held out your hand, gesturing for his phone and he handed it to you.
You settled for the name “NOT Tiny Human” and typed your contact information in, “There you have it… Just don’t, uh, text me at like three in the morning and we should be good—or do, I mean, I’m not your boss.”
He snickered and for the third time that night you said your goodbyes, this time actually making it inside. When you turned around to wave one last time, he was gone.
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