#i hate it!! he's so talented and it's wasted so often wth
roterhonig-archive · 4 years
Working through Marwan Kenzari’s filmography and what the fuck was Loft (2010). For real, the remake was enjoyable, clearly not as good as the original but Marwan Kenzari really pulled me out of the movie, it’s the biggest casting error I’ve seen in a long while.
Filip/Tommy is supposed to be that unhinged, really unsatable/could snap at any moment, overflowing with violence and anger kind of character. That’s the opposite of Kenzari’s strength in acting, here he’s really incontrol, nothing slips off his face, he looks more like a playboy than a dangerous man. When in the og Filip can barely stay in one place and can’t keep his impulsiveness in check here you get the sense he’s not phased by anything and in control of everything all the time. Even in the scene where Filip/Tommy is supposed to break down you don’t feel that angry edge and how deranged he is, in Tommy’s it’s just sad when that’s clearly not the goal for the character.
So far, out of the movies I’ve seen he’s casted for the wrong character way too much. Here he would have been so great as the psychatrist, soft skin and raw heart and righteous. And let’s be honest we all know why he gets casted for that and it just makes it so much more upsetting.
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valen-dreth · 3 years
1 4 10 17 and 30 >40 OC development questions
going to go wth my New Guy Allard!! thank YOU
1) how do they sleep, peacefully, fitfully? what position do they sleep in? what is their typical bedding like?
He rarely sleeps these days.... I do think that he does suffer the nightmares that afflict the vampires in Oblivion tho so generally he waits as long as possible to sleep since that. Makes it Not All That Restful after all. He has a very nice bed but he can fall asleep anywhere if he Does need to rest.
4) how do they view housework? do they absolutely hate it, enjoy having their surroundings neat and tidy or do they not notice?
Oh he is definitely above all that. He's immortal! He's not going to waste time sweeping the floor or anything. Yea his living space is probably a little messy but i really don't think he cares.
10) how are they about medical care? do they treat their injuries/illnesses by themself?
Generally avoidant.... over time he's gotten better at being able to treat himself, out of necessity. He's not the best healer but he's gotten himself out of more than a few scrapes by himself.
17) how prepared are they? ready for the worst or completely lost in every situation? would they have medicine if it was needed? do they bring an umbrella in case it rains?
Not terribly.... his foresight does leave a bit to be desired. Generally he can remember his most basic supplies but beyond that I think he'd just be lost.
30) what topics do they know the most about? are these obvious or do they come as a shock to others?
Topics I'm not sure uhhh...... a lot of people find it jarring that he has decent people skills. He is talented in speechcraft :)
31) what time of day are they most awake? most tired? what is their sleep schedule like?
He's most active in the afternoon through evening! Once the sun starts setting he'll begin any tasks but again he rarely sleeps. He's pretty lazy though usually he's just chillin
32) what five ingredience would you throw into a cauldron to make a potion based on them? how would it be prepared, and what would it do?
Items of decadence (NO less than 2), rose, vampire blood solution (just like preserved to sustain him in a pinch), silver. Just prepared like a potion in Oblivon put em all thru the alembic and whatnot to see what happens :)
33) describe their favorite environment
He enjoys the coastlines! The moon off the water at night is so enchanting
34) what would someone blackmail them with? would they be successful in getting what they wanted?
Most often he's getting blackmailed for being undead uh. He'll play along but people who cross him don't usually get to reap their rewards in doing so know what im sayin
35) how easily do they get attached to things? does everything have sentimental value to them or do they see nothing as more than its practical use? what about animals/people?
The only Thing he's really attached to would be his silver dagger, he's had it since before he was turned and it is a little sentimental for him and a source of pride. It's really a very nice dagger.
He does hesitate to become attached to people because of the potential for betrayal. Overall he is pretty paranoid, would question their motives and also I don't think he could keep anyone around for long before he started worrying about like losing control of himself for want of their blood. He's not sentimental about animals at all
36) how stubborn are they?
Very. Never try to convince him of anything contrary to what he believes.
37) how much have they traveled? Would they like to travel more?
It's been a while since he's really gone anywhere, but he's been to probably like, Cyrodiil's big cities. He's always wanted to see Summerset though
38) what are the signs that they are nervous? Do they fidget, is it in their expression, or the way they say things? How well can they hide it?
Generally Allard acts very well put-together but that facade will start to slip upon like, any investigation into it at all. He's terribly anxious most of the time.
39) how superstitious are they?
He grew up with some old Imperial superstitions, mostly those surrounding things like Daedra. He's come to dismiss around half of them as false but those he hasn't proven for himself he does still believe.
40) are there any habits they've picked up from other people? do they know where they're from? do they try to stop themself from doing it?
Wearing his big ol' coat is just a habit like he doesn't need it. He got it from a friend a long time ago and he just likes how expensive it looks LOL
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