#i hate kids being inappropriately loud so they can film it and laugh in the middle of McDonald's
fly-sky-high-09 · 1 year
If not for a good company I feel like I would have snapped and ripped someone's head off while out in public today
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Survey #300
that’s a lot of time wasted, lmao
If you were a witch, which animal would be your familiar? Could I have like, a melanistic barn owl? That'd be dope. They're fuckin gorgeous. If there's a design on your shirt, what is it? Ha, speaking of owls... Would you ever visit a ghost town? MOTHERFUCKER would I. Bringing my camera, too. What would you do if you found out your life was only a simulation controlled by someone else? I have a very much Detroit: Become Human (phenomenal game, btw) outlook on this: I think, therefore I am. It honestly wouldn't affect me terribly. I sure would hate my creator though, jfc, lmao. What's the scariest thing you've accidentally found on the internet? Okay so there is this one video filmed by some guys who had this really strange, sulking guy in black stalking them, and it ends with the suspected murderer slinking over to the guys (who were by this point finding it almost funny, due to how the man was acting) and charging with a knife, I think, once he was very close. I believe the men were never found afterwards. It is SO goddamn unnerving. Is there anything bothering you right now? Not to be a Negative Nancy, but when isn't there lmao. Thinking of every Halloween costume you've had, which one was the most creative? I never had creative ones, really. What's the picture on your calendar for this month? I don't have a relevant calender, just old meerkat ones on a wall in my room. If you were a mythical creature, which would you be? As much as I love dragons, they're targeted too much in fantasy to kill, so let's not, haha. Being a dryad would be cool. Or druid. Either/or. If you were an animal, which would you be? A housecat, ig. Were you ever bullied when you were younger and how did you handle it? I consider myself very lucky to have not been. Have you ever thrown something away and then wanted it back? Okay so it's "deleted" versus "thrown away," technically, but there are two senior prom pictures in specific I desperately want back because fuck my low self-esteem, I look beautiful in them and so damn happy. I even tried Facebook restore programs that supposedly recovered all pictures you ever removed, but I couldn't salvage them. I'm still pissed about it, haha. What's one random city you want to visit? I don't have a specific city, per se. More so just countries in general. If you owned a store, what would you most likely sell? I think owning a pet supply store would be really cool, with some animals that are actually very well-cared for, unlike chain pet stores. I HATE those, vehemently. So unspeakably ignorant and neglectful. If you had a garden, what sort of plants would you grow? I don't want a garden, but hypothetically, I'd love orchids, dahlias, tiger lilies, a weeping willow tree, some strawberries... What's your favorite phase of the moon? Full, of course. What's the song for your life right now? I've felt extremely connected to Seether's "Weak" lately. Do you believe that when you die, you get to see all your loved ones again? I hope so... Who would you be the most excited to see? DO I ACTUALLY NEED TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION?????????? Do you enjoy reading National Geographic magazines? If I'm like, sitting in a waiting room and they're available, I'll go for them. Do you know anyone who's serving in the military right now? Welcome to the South, baby. The boys graduate, they're going straight for the military. I only have one real friend who was one but left tho because he fucking hated it. Does or did either of your parents serve in the military? No. Has anything in your house ever caught on fire? Not in this house, no. As a small child, did you ever feel as if you were different or weird? Absofuckinglutely. I have A LOT of bad memories of instances where I felt like "the weird kid." Can you say "happy birthday" in another language? Omg... I forgot the German phrase. Wow, I'm rusty. What subjects do you or did you get the worst grades in? Math. Do you have photos to go with all of the contacts in your phone? I don't have pictures that go with any. Who was the last person to comment on one of your photos on Facebook and how did you meet that person? I just checked, and it was my friend Summer. I met her because she was actually first friends with my younger sister in pre-k, but we grew closer than they did in our teen years. What career paths are you considering? I just want to be a photographer. So badly. But I've felt super, super discouraged lately. Do you watch music videos? I pretty much never do, but rather listen through the artists' Topic uploads or lyric videos. I don't generally like official music videos because they tend to have other sounds/parts/breaks/etc. in them that distract from the song. Have you ever clicked on those banner ads that promise a prize for clicking? Probably by accident at some point in time. What kind of computer are you using? Acer Nitro. What kind of computer do you wish you were using? I'm fine with what I have. Have you ever had a weight change so drastic you went to the doctor? .-. How cold does it have to be before you put on a sweater? Depends on how long I'll be outside, but in most situations, in the 50s. Do you eat things off the floor? Um, ew. Who do people say you look like? My sisters. Do you usually get your homework done on time? When I was in school, I was very serious about having my homework finished by the date it was due. Have you ever framed your old movie ticket stubs? I've kept some, but never framed any. Do you have a digital camera? A Canon, yeah. Have you ever stuck something inappropriate in an electrical outlet? Bitch I ain't tryna get electrocuted. How many days has it been since your last birthday? My b-day is actually coming up soon; the 5th of February. Do you want any more siblings than you have now? Well, considering both my parents (and stepmom) are in their 50s... How easily shocked are you? VERY. I am extremely jumpy and on edge at like all times. You like the color blue, don't you? I mean yeah. Particularly the lighter tints. Who was the last person who asked you something that made you think? My therapist REEEEAAAALLY makes me do this. She's an absolute pro at getting me to dig deep into myself. Ever fired a gun? No, and I don't want to. From 1-10, how would you rate your cooking skills? Is 0 an option? Do you notice the heat or the cold more? HEAT, JESUS FUCK. It can be one or two degrees above what I consider stable and I'll be sweating. I'm hypersensitive to it I know from being in such a consistent temperature in my room like 24/7. Do you believe in miracles? Probably no. What hurts more: scratches or bites? Bites, if you're talking serious ones. Do you prefer rabbits to mice? No, mice (and especially rats) are absolutely amazing, intelligent animals. Bonus points for being mega cute too, though I do find rabbits cuter. Who out of all the people you know reasonably well is the most "dark?" Sara, haha. Favorite chocolate-based candy? Reese's. Do you call anyone babe or baby? My pets sometimes. Name me a food you used to like that you now don't: Peas, olives. Name me a food you now like but never used to: Mashed potatoes, IF prepared very well (by my standards, obviously). Would you rather live in Europe, The US, or Australia? By this point, take me to Europe. If it wouldn't be such a huge life change and leaving so many people, I would 120% move to Canada, but out of these, Europe will do. Would you rather have a big house, a lot of kids, or a high flying job? Give me the high-flying job, 100%. I don't want kids, and I have no need for a large house. Is crime a big problem in your area? Oh yes. What’s your town/city most well-known for? By the locals, being the crime hub, actually, lol. Name 5 objects that you don’t have but would like right now: Hmmm... I want a 40g tank as an upgrade for Venus, a gaming chair for when I turn the extra room into my "office" so I don't destroy my back sitting there, new glasses and a driving permit, and don't forget a gd tattoo needle pounding my skin. :^) If you were given the choice to choose your child’s gender, would you? Yes, I would absolutely want a girl just because IF I wanted kids, I'd want a daughter named Alessandra. Do you get along well with your family doctor/your doctor? Yeah, she's nice. What types of soups do you like? None. If a color could reflect your current mood, which would it be? Grayish blue. The last time you saw fireworks? I really don't know; it's been years, at least. Have you ever gone to a movie premiere? Possibly for Silent Hill: Revelation, but I'm not certain. Who was the last person to make you laugh out loud? My mom, because she made me remember something funny. What was the last commercial you heard selling? *shrug* Do you prefer fairly common names or a bit out of the ordinary ones? Oh, definitely rare and unique ones. Would you rather have a pet cat, dog, horse or tortoise? At this current time, a dog for Mom, which we're actually probably getting. She misses having one super badly. Is your laugh loud, normal or very silent? My laugh is loud and obnoxious as fuck. What are you interested in that most people would be surprised to know? Tarantulas, probably. I love them, even though spiders kinda scare me. Last movie you watched the whole way through? Elf, I think, with Sara's fam. What's your favorite fruit? Strawberries are where it's at. Last time you drank coffee? I've only ever sipped coffee to try to see if I liked it. Never have. I THINK I last took a sip of Sara's when we went on a breakfast date? Has anyone ever called you rich? Calling me rich would be entirely ludicrous. What makes you feel beautiful? Nothing. How many bathrooms are in your house? Two. Last time you were on a plane and where did you go? A couple years ago, coming home from Illinois. Favorite flavor muffin? Uggghhhh chocolate. Do you prefer stripes or polka dots? Polka dots. I tend to find circles visually appealing. Did you take Music when you were in school? I think all the elementary school students did. I was also in band in middle and high school; I played the flute. Why did you last feel like crying? I'm just sick of how my life is going. Do you find being alone with strangers scary, interesting, or indifferent? I find it either awkward or terrifying, depending on the gender. It's not a willing thing or intended sexism whatsoever, I'm just naturally afraid of men. Do your initials spell a legitimate word? If so, what? No. Does someone’s background affect whether you'll be friends with them or not? Well, it depends on what they've done. How about their religious background? No. If someone admitted cheating in a past relationship of theirs, would you trust them? Nope, bye. Did you ever want to be a cook as a kid? No. How about a fashion designer? No. Do you prefer fire or ice? Fire aesthetically, but ice is certainly less intimidating. When happy, do you become more talkative? OH yes. Are you offended easily by non-politically correct language? No, really. I wouldn't say derogatory terms, but I really don't understand why most people put so much weight into a single made-up word. But again, you won't hear that language coming out of my mouth because I understand that it just does hurt some people, and I respect that. Do you think the censors/fcc go a bit too far or are just right? It's gone overboard, imo. What's your I.Q? I don't want to know, haha. Have you ever taken a martial art? Which one{s}? No. Do you know anyone who is scared of you? Um, no. What person who has died would you bring back and why? Probably Steve Irwin. His children have done FUCKING FANTASTIC at carrying on his legacy and purpose, but I feel he could've taught the world so much more than he had time to... Do you like watermelon? No. Too watery. Can you remember the month of your first kiss? Yes, actually. March. What do you think is the most interesting thing about you? I'm unsure, really. Do you like being complimented or does it make you uncomfortable? Both. What artist's paintings do you find the most beautiful? This is an impossible question. What about the most disturbing? Oh man, I watch this one person on deviantART that makes especially creepy artwork. I follow a loooot of dark artists, though, so it's difficult to pick. Have you ever gone to a camp or summer school? A church-related summer thing, yes, as a kid. What was your favorite cartoon as a child? Pokemon was/is where it's at. What was your biggest fear as a child? Thunderstorms, holy shit. Would you rather be able to fly or breathe underwater? Be able to breathe underwater. What about invisibility or mindreading? Definitely invisibility. Mindreading would just... suck. Hurt. Especially if you couldn't control it. Which stereotype do you dislike the most? Good question, considering I hate a shit ton. Can you remember all your past teachers names? No, not all of them. Do you like talent shows? Which ones? I don't mind watching 'em. I particularly used to love America's Got Talent. Have you ever failed an important exam? In what? Yes; I failed horribly at my final math exam the last time I was in school. Are you on any meds? Too many. Just way too many for someone my age. I'm really starting to think I'm over-medicated to where it's dulling my senses, feelings, and also destroying my memory. But I kinda need like... all of them. I'm talking to my psychiatrist in just a couple days though, actually, and I'm going to talk to him about maybe trying to wean me off my OCD med, since I haven't had big symptoms in a long time. I wanna see how I deal without it. What color is your razor? Black and orange. What is your fave frozen treat? Just the classic ice cream. Which supermarket do you like to shop at? We tend to get our groceries from Wal-Mart. Do you struggle to say ‘no’ to things you don’t want to do? YESSIREE. Are you friends with someone a lot of people dislike? I don't think there's anyone that is widely disliked, no. Have you ever had to deal with someone close to you going off to war? No, thankfully. Other than yourself, who did you last buy something for? Mom. What's something you complain about frequently? My legs hurting. It's hard to ignore when taking one step is painful. Have you ever talked about your period with a guy? Were they okay with it, or grossed out? I certainly haven't talked about it in-depth, but it's been mentioned in some way when I was with Jason. I mean we were together for three and a half years, sexually active (and I ain't doing jackshit if it's that time of the month), and I spent as much time with him as possible, so... it woulda came up. I'm sure he was indifferent about it, he was a mature guy. Have you ever been to an Asian (any type) market? If so, what is the closest one to you? No. I've never even heard of one around here. Have you ever slept with a member of the opposite sex without having sex? Back up two questions, haha. That was normal. How would you feel if your significant other had tattoos? Shit man, I love tattoos. I'd obviously not care. How have you been feeling today? Depressed. Where’s your phone right now? On my chest. I'm lying down. Is there a certain person that makes you feel safe? ugh When you drink alcohol with friends, do you play drinking games? I never have. What are the best kind of Girl Scout cookies? I don't remember their names, honestly... but the chocolate and peanut butter ones come to mind.
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theluckyshadow · 4 years
OC Headcannons
Fei Zhao
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Will make separate post for the rest of NCT cuz this is getting long + if wanted I guess I could do a smut one like I did for Ateez and Skz- not Got7 except maybe Yugyeom for Jiah... moving on
Fei Zhao, 17/03/2000, ♉️, 🇦🇺
3/4 OC’s born and raised in Australia
Both parents are Chinese but live (and raised Fei) in Aus
Fei is an only child but grew up being the eldest cousin, her parents had her very young (17) and currently have no plans for more kids
Her grandmothers are always (joking) about her giving them great grandkids
Her dad’s mum is the worst and has even asked her about taking a “pick from her band”
Fei’s has a middle name- Rayne
Another who had read the fan fiction written for her and her band
Except she actively reads them out just to laugh and she makes comments on them
Scared Winwin doing that once
Another OC who is pretty inappropriate, to the displeasure of Kun
Super close with her parents
Doesn’t like to be babied, the boys learnt that the tough way
SM/Label V put her down as an SM rookie by mistake but the fans thought she fit the NCT look
She was super excited to debut with WayV
While she was highly requested to end up joining NCT-WayV specifically she still receives hate
She stands her ground and doesn’t let it get to her unless they’ve build up
Is friends with Mark and Johnny- honourary Foreign Swagger
Steals the boys clothes
Likes video games- Fallen Order is currently her favourite
Cares far less for her looks and presence than she should
Messy hair, no pants, no bra etc usually not caught on film without a bra though
Suffers panic attacks and lows that she’s successfully hidden
Successfully hidden her fear of people, doesn’t want anyone to take advantage of that
She constantly gets shipped with all of WayV, and Dream members since those are who she’s seen with the most
She knows the ship names: Feidery, Feijun, YangFei, Fun/Kei, Tei/Fen, Feiwin/Feicheng, Lufei, Renfei, Feno (tho people did accidentally start calling her and Jeno Fennel because of how similar the ship name sounded and she just accepted it), Feichan, Feimin, Fenle etc she’s sure there is more
She’s a main vocal but a killer rapper
Everyone thought she’d be an absolute cutie, BUT with the boys she’s a fellow crackhead and on her solo stages a beast of a dancer (aka damn she hot)
Has no filter, at all, her Yang and Ten are the worst left alone. Since all three are English speakers they torment the others with teasing
She has deep regrets in teaching the boys Aussie slang because now they find it interesting and keep finding ones that are inappropriate and make her laugh way to hard.
Don’t tell anyone but she swears she misheard Yang asking her for a gobby in which she cried out laughing and asked him to repeat it “he just asked what it was-“
If she had to pick a member to date you’d need to give her a week to think of an answer because she loves them all and wouldn’t have a clue who to pick
Also can’t forget that these boys (par Xiaojun and Kun) don’t knock at all so they’ve seen more of her than she’d like but thankfully she’s usually got all the important parts covered
Relationship with WayV
“Hi mum.” “FOOD!” “Cooking battle time.” “Magic!”
She’s like the child Kun doesn’t want and with her and Yang combined in teasing him it’s endless
Dear Kun’s future s/o- many apologies if he doesn’t want kids now because of them
She confides in him as a leader about things bothering her that could affect the band but only if he’s noticed first- she doesn’t really do deep and meaningfuls
Overall they get along really well and she trusts him
Endlessly teasing each other
One minute both of them are fine, maybe cuddling really depends next they are making fun of each other’s pre-debut photos
Her, Ten and Winwin are the most flexible but he’s a show off and her personality is a bit competitive so she usually out flexes him
They both like cuddles and she’s the one everyone goes too but she usually goes to Ten for a hug
Feels really awkward when she has her lows and night terrors but Ten is usually there for her so some people think that they are the closest in the group
She buys him icecream whenever he wants
Puppy eyes do not work on her unless you are Dong Sicheng aka Winwin
She’s quite strong and can usually be found lifting him up just to annoy him
He goes to her for advice sometimes, not for any particular reason but she’s pretty good at advice and is super reliable
Very much a sister brother relationship
He teases her for being short, the teasing doesn’t last long because she has no qualms about punching him for it
Surprisingly they don’t actually interact too much just kind of say hi how are you and what not
It’s not that they don’t they just haven’t clicked yet but maybe they will
Though when they do get along they are loud and proud
Protective of him
She knows he isn’t delicate but in her nature she sees him and thinks must protect lmao
The two of them are quite touchy, same with Hendery and Ten and when they are sat beside each other in interviews they’ll secretly hold hands (or pinkies) or during lives someone has a hand on the others thigh
She’s very comfortable around him and likes getting cuddles from him when she can
If she can’t get to Ten after a night terror she tries to get Xiaojun without waking up Yangyang and they’ll sneak into her room and just talk until she or both of them fall asleep
Crackhead central
She has this urge to out idiot him every time he does something dumb
Like stated before with Xiaojun they are touchy, these two are the clingiest though
These two are always touching, but not in a bad sense, like if these two are sat together, his head will be in her lap- vice versa or her legs over his legs etc
These two are also gym buddies, really because both are a little lazy but are also competitive but only around each other
Probably shipped together the most too because they always seem to be together and neither actually tease the other
Oop it’s idiots time
These two don’t have a filter when left alone or with Ten - well to an extent
Remember that live where Yang said if he had a son he’d name the son Eleven
Yeah she was there and she was sitting in just utter confusion the entire time because she’d stopped listening until that point
Also that bit when he goes “anything can happen” imagine having Fei there sitting just behind them looking super confused as they turn and look at her- thanks you two you fueled rumours of her and Yang dating
Cue her saying “Jesus Christ I feel sorry for you future partner. I wouldn’t let you name the kid.”
Cannot be bothered calling him Yangyang it’s pretty much always just Yang
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rkkyul · 5 years
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190718 MGA SEASON 5 + EPISODE FOUR +  #5050 FEATURING : LEE SUWOONG ⟨ ━━ ❀ ° PART ONE: PERFORMANCE, CLOSE ( 0:00 - 1:50 ) ⟩ 
when she envisioned her and suwoong up onstage, nothing but perfection stared back at her. they were too similar and got along perfectly; could they have chosen a duo more suited for one another? words could not describe the anticipation that followed the pairing announcement for the upcoming episode - the moment that ZHOU JIEQIONG & LEE SUWOONG sounded throughout the set confirmed a match made in heaven. the following week would be even easier than the past, something she had not thought possible after woojin proving to be a impressive partner last week. 
however, the woman was quickly proved horribly wrong.
"are you sure you’re okay with this?” the day following episode three’s filming, the two were quick to get to work. song selection and choreography already picked out and modified to suit them, saturday meant practice, practice and more practice. the choreography they had chosen proved to be a bit too intimate for close friends and met some quick changes, but suwoong still seemed a bit off. 
the jokester she knew was oddly serious - causing worry to blossom in the pit of her stomach. they both had the choreography down but the feeling just wasn’t there, and suwoong didn’t seem like he was either. “i told you, it’s okay if you would rather do something else.” a pout slowly plumped her lips, trying her best to pull whatever she could out of her partner. kyulkyung knew he had hesitations when they were making choreography decisions, the thought of being close to another while being with lisa no doubt weighing heavy on his mind. 
she understood, she really did. she just wished he’d let them work it out instead of replying with constant it’s fine! and i’m okay’s from a man who was clearly anything but fine.
she couldn’t focus on anything they were doing - all the movements numb to a woman too focused on suwoong to worry about anything else. they met on the show before their pairing and seemed to get along just fine. kyulkyung was excited to work with someone she knew and even dared to consider a friend. but it was hard to enjoy anything when everything just felt so strained. she neared the point of frustration when they would move, dance around one another and it felt like nothing - just useless movements without any meaning or effort. their performance looked lazy in the studio’s mirror, so dull that fear began to move into her chest. 
maybe this was a sign that her mga story was finally over.
the thought of putting something on stage that she wasn’t happy with left a bad taste in her mouth. they weren’t doing the routine justice by just running through the motions mindlessly, weren’t treating each other right by leaving things the way they were. she hated being on edge during practice, loathed the dread she felt when watching the choreography through the mirror.  kyulkyung didn’t want to leave especially like this - they were both too talented to allow this to get the best of them. 
moday seemed to be going a bit different, the pair leaving to get ice cream halfway through practice per suwoong’s request. "we're using your dance studio, so it's only fair!!" kyulkyung didn’t mind the trip really - this was the first time suwoong seemed normal since friday and honestly, it was a relief. did she sense a change of heart? “i guess it’s okay... only if i can get sprinkles?” sprinkles solved any problem, that she was convinced of.
"so i showed some of my friends the routine, and they all said it was too shameless. they were asking 'suwoong-ah, why did you choose something so sensual?' and 'hyung, isn't this too inappropriate? what if there are kids watching the mgas?' as if this is any more inappropriate than jinyoung-ssi's performance last week!!"  kyulkyung could only listen to suwoong who had appeared to fly off on a tangent - eyes wide as she licked her sweet treat quickly, careful to avoid a sticky mess as her tongue moved along the cone’s edges. 
she began to wonder how long he had been thinking of this and honestly, she was little worried on where it was leading. his friends had good points and she quietly cursed them if they had managed to make him even more uneasy.  "i also talked to lisa. she understands it's just for the performance. but even then... lately, i've been acting weird. distracted. i kept thinking 'ah, is this too much?' and 'what if lisa's secretly mad? how can i make it up to her?' and i thought really reallyyyy hard about it, talked to a few people, including my dumb cousin! and in the end... i agree with them." 
this is it. he’s gonna quit. kyulkyung held her breath as suwoong spoke - trying to keep an understanding, calm outlook on things but oh, it was so hard. serious suwoong was scary and she’d come to decide she didn’t like this side of him very much. the woman most definitely preferred smiles and laughs to what their week had been so far. at this point, kyulkyung herself was almost ready to give up, but not without feeling like pure shit. 
if she had just pushed for a different routine, they wouldn’t be in this position. she should’ve just dropped the topic and went with something more light hearted and upbeat.
kyulkyung just couldn’t help the part of her that craved something different - a routine that was sure to catch everyone’s eye; a routine that could start episode four with a BANG! and leave overs wondering how they could follow it. the vicious beating of her heart almost muted the sound of suwoong’s voice, but she did her best to listen, even if it wasn’t something she wanted to hear.
"i've been unfair to you, jieqiong-ah. you've worked hard these last two days, but i haven't been giving my best. so from today onward, i will do better. everyone understands it's just a performance, and that this is competition, so it'll be okay." 
kyulkyung dropped her head in relief, letting out the largest breath that expelled every worry that had built up over the past few days. "really, i intend to give it my all, so it'll be super intense and shameless! but don't fall for me, okay? my heart belongs to lisa only!!" the suwoong kyulkyung had grown to adore was back - his shoulders less stiff, worries that darkened his expressions gone with his new promise. 
she laughed partly in relief, the other half at his request. “oh, me falling for you should be the least of your worries.” the woman raised her head to shoot her partner a grin, amusement lacing her tone as she finally relaxed for the first time that week. “this week proved you’re too high maintenance for me - she has nothing to worry about. trust me.”
and for the first time since they had been partnered up, kyulkyung genuinely felt like they actually had a chance.
walking onto set, she feels confident - chin up, seemingly relaxed beside suwoong. maybe it was the darker makeup and black clothes, but she felt like she was on top of the world. “oh my god. i’m so excited, aren’t you?” the woman couldn’t help the excitement that built up when her eyes fell upon the stage, jumping up and down on her toes before pulling the other along. kyulkyung couldn’t to show everyone what they had put together, but more importantly she couldn’t wait to get up on that stage.
“you better not chicken out now, it’s too late.” when the pair found their seats, she immediately turned towards the man, her eyes wide and for once, serious - hoping to scare suwoong into compliance but ultimately only making her eyeballs hurt. she batted mascara soaked lashes, her bright lips pulling to a smile after accepting that zhou jieqiong could not be scary. “but for real, that number one spot is ours. so bring it.” 
kyulkyung was allowed to be greedy after the hell they went through at the beginning of the week - it was impossible not to. suwoong had managed to pull it together so quickly after their heart to heart. hour long practices felt like minutes and finally they were enjoying themselves. she felt like they deserved a reward for the sole fact that they made it through the week.
she’s relieved that they’re first this week after the wait from last week. kyulkyung shoots a thumbs up to her partner as they rise from their seats, leaving their shoes to wait for their return in their seats, bare feet lead them to the stage - anticipation growing with each cool step. the silk of her blindfold is crisp in her gasp, ankles locked together as she leans into a boy before their audience. 
“hello!” suwoong and kyulkyung greet in chinese, a smile gracing her bright lips as pearly whites peek out behind the color. two of the brightest contestants stand beside one another clad in nothing but silk and black, personalities so unlike dullness of their attire. her pink hair is so bright compared to her clothing - the pretty flush of her cheeks complimenting the bright hue nicely. “contestant #5050, zhou jieqiong here!” a wave to the camera and a smile like no other is delivered by a woman so anxious to begin.
introductions and explanations flow into setting up for their performance. the two sit with their backs pressed against one another, silk sliding against silk as they lean back into one another - blindfolds masking dark eyes and ripping them of once cheery exteriors.she’s facing the back of the stage while her head hangs between her shoulders. the music begins - soft but loud on the otherwise silent set. 
oh damn, oh damn, oh damn i'm so perplexed with just one breath, i'm locked in
like a deep breath, kyulkyung comes to life behind her partner - chin turning up towards the ceiling as her fingers crawl up her bare legs. their movements are slow then quick, soft then sharp. calculated and collected, they face each other despite their obscured vision, bare feet and palms moving carrying them around one another.
the two were more similar than they originally thought. peppy exteriors with high energy and exciting performances, they looked to thrill their audience in a different way this time. experience in ballet hid behind their motive. they wanted to do something different but not to them - they wanted impact but a skilled one. what was more perfect than this?
but now, but now somehow my words roll off my tongue right onto your lips, oh
i know, i know you know you're scared your heart, your mind, your soul, your body, yeah
in hopes of making the pair more comfortable with the choreography, they switched up a bit of the routine. adding some personal touches and meaning, instead of suwoong lowering himself over her body, their hands linked - halfway pulling kyulkyung up but instead she crumbles back to the ground. 
oh man, oh man i am like you so i want proof i'm what you're feeling 
their performance is vastly different than what the practice room had seen. for the first days, they were lazy, emotionless, rolling through meaningless movements. they both had ballet experience, both knew how important it was to act when you were dancing or else it loses its meaning. acting without words, that’s how she classified ballet. and with a routine like this, not necessarily ballet but a take on modern dance, these skills were needed - something they were missing at first.
but things were clearly different now, the dancers connected as they moved elegantly across the stage. this week taught excellent lessons to them both, how to work and overcome issues in order to deliver a noteworthy performance. being adaptable and professional were key characteristics to being a good performer, and she’s damn proud of where they ended up.
they won't, they won't, they won't be careful but i guess that you don't know me
'cause if i want you, then  want you, babe ain't going backwards, won't ask for space 'cause space was just a word made up by someone who's afraid to get too... 
CLOSE  ‧ ‧ ‧  the song carried into the chorus, kyulkyung stepping back to run and jump into suwoong’s arms. arms holding herself above his head, the woman collapsed and let herself become enveloped in his arms before pushing him away. the look of agony was apparent on her face, hands curling up to crumble in soft, pink curls. this was her favorite part, the climax of the entire routine where everything just essentially builds up before exploding. 
close, ooh oh, so close, ooh i want you close, ooh 'cause space was just a word made up by someone who's afraid to get close, ooh
the music is loud and their once soft, gentle movements turn into ones of power. the stage is alive and constantly in motion - kyulkyung feelings as if they’re the only people in the room as they cycle through the choreography. there’s no romance, no feelings just the emotion of a song and friends desperate for their survival. they were telling a story, stamping the tale across the stage with practiced precision. the feeling of accomplishment was overwhelming, engulfing the woman who was once overridden with fear and panic. now she felt nothing but satisfaction and pride.
they slide into their own movements, choreography the pair had deemed too sensual for the show shimmered down to ones of a slow burn. kyulkyung remains on her knees, sliding up and down and letting her hands in her hair as suwoong mirrors her stance facing the judges. the two turn towards one another before beginning to crawl - dramatic movements pulling them towards one another before they’re linking hands.
oh, so close, ooh i want you close, ooh oh, I want you close, that close ain't close enough, no
the song is ending as suwoong pulls kyulkyung closer, the two rising while her head falls to rest on his shoulder. there’s a pause as the music fades, hands that were once clasped becoming out of reach as the partner’s part ways. kyulkyung’s pulling herself out the song’s trance when they loop back around to give a final bow, practically jumping with joy as they exit the stage together. 
“did we actually pull that out?” she whispers giddy to suwoong, smiling ear to ear as they return to their seats.
( she can only hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as she did. )
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def-jaybnowhr · 6 years
Just GOT7 Things: Part 2
I know I’m still forgetting things, but listen: it’s not my fault they’re all outrageously outrageous. I’m sure I’ll think of more and there will be a part three. rip.
Part 1
Jackson Wang Things:
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- forgot he was in a dress and bent over - Jackson! With! Kids! - won’t let his production team live (”we have food today so they couldn’t afford drinks”) - will date anyone if they like each other (after his contract is up, of course) - “are you from China?” “yes” “are you sure?” “...YES” - breaks the ASC set - once threw his fancy watch in the dirt because Jinyoung gave him one as a gift - curses a Lot - “why are you so daddy” - So Thankful to his mom for raising him as best she could (he cried, I cried) - can actually be serious when he wants to be - which is a rare occasion - Cutoff Tees - Remember The One-Sleeve Look? Iconic. - shouldn’t fall asleep while getting a haircut
Park Jinyoung Things:
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- would betray the members for one (1) corn chip - wants to kill the members (except JB) 98% of the time (especially Yugyeom) - you ever heard of Big Dick Energy? (see The King performance) - always watching, always judging - pretends he’s normal - does a lot of weird shit - will probably have a giant flower garden at some point - high notes - gets embarrassed performing old JJP songs - still having fun tho (I see you) - can pop his eyeball out of the socket - Pushups - definitely ripped under that dress shirt and cardigan - shy with fanboys (remember that ONE)
Mark Tuan Things:
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- yelled at BamBam for wanting to give Youngjae cucumbers because “that’s mean” and “he could die!” - youtube, sns, youtube (but he’s already watched everything), sns (but he’s already seen everything), back to sleep - nicknamed “Little Cock” by his family because he was born in the year of the rooster (”Little Rooster” - don’t be nasty, ya nasties) - sporty boi - used to be hella tan before going to Korea because Cali beaches - Quiet™ - shady af - probably would trade the whole group for a good meal or a vacation, tbh - he’s either annoying WITH yugbam or being annoyed BY yugbam - loves his members highkey - clingy - he’s just a smol
Kim Yugyeom Things:
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- “wow, so ah-mazing” - close friends with Jungkook (BTS) - the worst at bird noises - why are you acting like a dog, Yugyeom? - “majimakcheoreom” - will he ever stop yelling? probably not. - embarrasses himself but still does the embarrassing things - started reading more after hanging out with Jaebum and Jinyoung - TATTOOS - went bowling with Jungkook (who is a pro; Yugyeom probably lost) - filmed himself in the shower - cries when he gets pranked - which is a lot - probably cries during movies, too - he’s just a softy - “jJ pRoJeCt” - admitted he’s an idiot
BamBam Things:
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- flirts with fans on twitter - met his idol, G-Dragon - said he wanted to give Youngjae cucumbers even tho he’s allergic - Moose™ - king of girl group dances - the sausage commercial pose (you know what I’m talking about) - the Best at bird noises - embarrasses himself - and everyone else - the best at the bottle toss game - the next BigBang (look out, Seungri, he’s coming for your brand) - does convulsing on the ground count as dancing? - dyed his hair white again (with purple/pink tints) because he wants me to die - was originally going to debut with Stray Kids - the thottiest thot - why does he always sound like a dying whale? - probably actually really smart - under all that meme - troll - you ever heard of Big Dick Energy? (see The King performance) - says his legs are useful because everyone uses chopstick (I hate him) - wants to work at a zoo - “do moose really walk in the street?” - called a giraffe by Jackson
Im Jaebum Things:
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- says he doesn’t like certain foods and then proceeds to eat them - loves chicken more than life - always hurting himself - “and then . . . EAT” - according to the personality/compatibility test he took with Yoo Youngjae, he needs to be told when he does something well (which leads me to think he’s the one with the “good boy”/praise kink, let’s be honest here) - missing a whole ass tooth (and yes, it’s painful) - dork - sucks at rock, paper, scissors - the worst at the bottle toss game - taught the foreign members curse words - curses a lot - So Offended when Yugyeom accidentally called him without honorifics - reprimanded by his dad for flirting with fans - secondhand embarrassment is a part of his daily life - the Best eyebrows - cats over people - won’t show fans his room because he wants something to be private in his life (I get that, my guy) - pinned a fan against the wall once (wish it was me) (I would be super dead) - wants piercings (is trying to kill me) - said he doesn’t care what people think (same, I love) - Cooks™ - awkward - could probably kick ass if he wanted, but is a soft boi - looks hot in a dress - went on a date with Choi Youngjae and sang dirty songs - teases fans a lot (he’s a little shit) - watches over fans; saw a fan passing out at their show and didn’t stop until he got them help - a fuckin’ loser (in the best way) - keeps the group on task and focused (most of the time) - used to have anger issues, but chooses to talk about things these days - sees through pranks
Choi Youngjae Things:
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- highkey allergic to cucumbers - “hello, my name is Youngjae” - you’re doing amazing, sweetie - laughs just like his sister (everyone was shook) - knows he can get away with anything - Humble™ - likes to hold the fans’ hands at fansigns - softest boi - once tried to get a heart back from a random family outside for like 15 minutes (he’s so cute) - gets offended when you say he’s not pure - Supreme - lives with his brother (does he also have the Laugh?) - and Coco, of course - his laugh makes the world go ‘round - “i don’t like it!” - tricked Jaebum into doing aegyon on Ask In A Box - tattoos - has literally never done anything bad ever - wants to be a husband who makes his wife laugh a lot - a baby
GOT7 Things:
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- *whispers: jyp - spoiler7 - “do you miss us?” “no” - WASABIII~~~~~ - savage7 - literally all love the fans so much - Thots™ - LOUD - PIZZAAA~~~~ - interviewers typically say, “it’s tiring with GOT7″ - “ling ling ling ling” - basically admitted they don’t like Never Ever (written by JYP) - seriously, does anyone ever know what they’re doing? - AmeriThaiKong - adds “in bed” to every song title to make it dirty - Inappropriate™ - they. eat. so. loud. (it kills me) - always go to their disabled fans who can’t come to them - watch out for their fans at shows - can make anything sexual - hand out the cell phones thrown on stage to their owners - shouldn’t have sugar - take selcas with fans while performing - meme7 - always look out for each other - but also are all Rats™ - love In-N-Out - make a million versions of EVERY dance practice just to be memes - literally walked into a fancy restaurant and announced themselves (loudly) - but then signed autographs and took pictures with fans - knee dabs - “i’m out!”
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slusheeduck · 7 years
The Way You Keep Me Guessing: Coco Teacher!AU
@im-fairly-whitty and I are co-authoring this fic for the monster that is the Coco teacher!AU!!
(AU started by @scribblrhob, with inspiration from @upperstories, @hyucktor and SO SO MANY OTHERS AND IT’S A MAGICAL EXPERIENCE FOR ALL.)
Warning: I got creative with formatting and POV in this chapter, so I have no idea how it reads to someone who’s not me. Hopefully you enjoy!!
[Part 1: Unexpected Responsibility] [Part 2: La Directora] [Part 3: Skipping Class] [Part 4: An Unannounced Visit] [Part 5: The Roommate][Part 6: Día de Muertos (Pt. 1)] [Part 6: Día de Muertos (Pt. 2)]
Part 7: A Birthday Livestream
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               The tweet goes out late on the 29th. Even so, by 6:45 a.m. the next day, the stream is packed. The cheery little “Stream will start soon!” sign is up, and the chat is already lighting up with thoughts about what the surprise stream’s going to be.
Littlebear119: I bet they’re releasing a new album!
veramaj: then héctor wouldn’t be surprised tho
Littlebear119: Truuuuuueee.
hectorriveraseyelashes: Do…you guys not know what day it is?
veramaj: what?
Littlebear119: It’s Sunday?
hectorriveraseyelashes: omg you guys don’t know lmao. Preciosooooos.
               The chat quickly devolves into “CRUUUUUZ” and “NESTO HI NESTO <3” as the stream switches on. The screen’s fairly dark, but Ernesto’s face is just visible as he whispers to the camera.
               “Hola, Cruzcitos. So I know a lot of you were upset that Héctor couldn’t be there with us on Día de Muertos.”
               There’s a general burst of agreement from the chat.
               “I know, I know.  So, since we couldn’t spend the day with you, I figured you all could spend the day with us.”
               There are several crying-face emojis and “!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”s in the chat.
               “And today’s no ordinary day. I’m sure some of you know it’s my amigo Héctor’s birthday today. So, Cruzcitos, we need to start the day off properly.” He switched the camera to face forward as he slowly opened the door. Beneath a heap of blankets, a gangly leg hung off the bed and a lanky arm was slung over a pillow. “Mira mira, here’s our Sleeping Beauty now,” Ernesto whispers as he creeps into the room. “And there’s only one way to wake someone up on their birthday.”
               The chat goes quiet as Ernesto sucks in a deep breath. He pauses when Héctor shifts beneath the blankets. Then, once he goes still…
                                       “ESTAS SON LAS MAÑANITAS                                        QUE CANTABA EL REY DAVID…”
               Héctor flies up off the bed as Ernesto belts “Las Mañanitas” as loud as he can, and immediately a pillow is thrown toward the camera.
               “Tú maldito hijo d—!!”
               “There are children watching this, Héctor!”
               “It is seven in the morning, tú pin—”
               “Cruzcitos, cover your ears!” A sweatshirt collides against the camera; both Ernesto and the chat are dying.
Littlebear119: OMGGGGGGG
musiica-vida: lmao
veramaj: pobre hector but rip cruz
               The camera jostles as a thud that sounds suspiciously like a shoe hitting a wall rings out, and it quickly turns as Ernesto runs out and shuts the door. He switches the camera back to face him, a big grin still on his face.
               “So our Héctor might not be much of a morning person. But our celebration of Héctor’s birthday is just starting; come back around eleven for the next stream.” Ernesto ends the stream with his trademark wink and smile.
Littlebear119: Aw, boo, I can’t come to the next one :’(
p0c0l0c0: Don’t worry someone’ll record it.
hectorriveraseyelashes: I hope poor Héctor gets to sleep a little bit more.
               The next stream starts promptly at eleven. Another chorus of “HI NESTO!!!” and “CRUUUUZ” fills the chat, but Ernesto looks none-too-pleased. He lets out a sigh before sending a withering look to the camera.
               “So Cruzcitos, tell me this. What do you think is the best way to spend your birthday?”
               The chat rings in their answers.
hectorriveraseyelashes: Backstage passes to one of your shows.
hectorriveraseyelashes: And getting to pet Héctor’s hair for an hour.
veramaj: a nice dinner with my bf
musiica-vida: UM SORRY WHAT @hectorriveraseyelashes
hectorriveraseyelashes: You heard me.
Cruzita41: I would party ALL DAY!!!
               Ernesto nods at the answers that pour in (He does a double-take at one of them, and the chat is generally certain it’s hectorriveraseyelashes that earned it.), then huffs and shakes his head.
               “See, you all have good ideas on how to spend your birthdays. But Héctor…my friend Héctor decides that the best way to spend his birthday—”
               He turns the camera around, and the punchline of his joke is lost in the chat’s reaction.
musiica-vida: GLASSES?????
Cruzita41: GLASSES!!!!!
veramaj: since when does hector wear glasses?????
p0c0l0c0: GLASSES
(hectorriveraseyelashes merely posts several crying faces and prayer hands)
               Héctor is tucked up on the sofa, green pen in hand and thick-framed glasses on his nose as he goes through several papers. Ernesto snorts as the reactions come in.
               “Héctor, look up.”
               Héctor sighs, but does in fact look up. “What?” he asks exasperatedly. (hectorriveraseyelashes floods the chat with various heart, crying, and prayer emojis)
               “Apparently you should wear your glasses more often.”
               (The disappointment in the chat is almost audible.)
               Ernesto sighs. “Sorry, Cruzcitos, but as you can see, Héctor Rivera is a tough man to sway. He won’t wear his glasses, and he spends his birthday grading papers.”
               “Well, they need to be graded by Monday. Do you have to shove that in my face? It’s hard enough reading these kids’ writing without a phone in my face.”
badnugg: omg profe héctor is actually youtube famous
musiica-vida: HE’S YOUR TEACHER??
badnugg: lol yeah
p0c0l0c0: IS HE A GOOD TEACHER???
hectorriveraseyelashes: IS HE HOT WHEN HE TALKS ABOUT MUSIC??
Littlebear119: I’m back!
veramaj: lol u missed a lot bear
               “Hey, Héctor, I think one of your students…” Ernesto trails off as the sound of a door opening comes from a distance. Héctor immediately perks up and smiles off screen.
               “Morning, chamaco. We’re going out for breakfast once I’m finished with these papers.”
musiica-vida: CHAMACO!!!!
p0c0l0c0: HI CHAMACO!!!
 Littlebear119: Who’s Chamaco?
hectorriveraseyelashes: It’s baby Héctor.
Cruzita41: Aww, did he just wake up? Buenos días, chamaco!!
Littlebear119: BABY HÉCTOR??
veramaj: it’s his nephew.
musiica-vida: Preeeetty sure he’s his kid. They look like exactly alike.
hectorriveraseyelashes: They definitely don’t. Also he calls Héctor Tío so checkmate.
Littlebear119: OH!!! HE’S SO CUTE!!!
               “The chat thinks you’re cute, Miguel,” Ernesto says as Miguel walks on-screen. Miguel sends him a surprised look and a shrug.
               “Oyé, what did I say about filming Miguel?” Héctor asks, voice slightly sharp.
               “The kid has his own channel, it’s not like you’re hiding him,” Ernesto brushes off, then focuses the camera on Miguel. “So, Miguel, do you know what day it is?”
               “Uh, Sunday?”
               “Okay, but do you know the date?”
               Miguel presses his lips together, then looks down at Héctor for help. Héctor’s head falls back as he sighs.
               “It’s my birthday. Ernesto’s making it into a…thing.”
               Miguel’s eyes widen. “It’s your birthday?! Why didn’t you say anything?”
               “Because Héctor hates having fun,” Ernesto cuts in. “So Miguel, what do you want to wish your Tío Héctor on this very special day? He’s twenty-seven, you know.”
               Miguel blinks. “Oh. That’s how old you are?”
               Héctor returns to grading. “How old did you think I was?”
               “Super old. Like thirty-five.”
               The snort Héctor lets out is deemed pure and good by the chat.
               “Thirty-five?! Ay, Díos mio, then how old do you think Ernesto is?”
               “Anyway, Cruzcitos,” Ernesto says before Miguel can hazard a guess. “What are some of your wishes for Héctor’s twenty-seventh year on this earth?”
Cruzita41: I hope he has a wonderful year!!
p0c0l0c0: I hope he doesn’t join the 27 club :(
veramaj: what’s that?
Littlebear119: I hope you guys really make it big!! Being a teacher looks so boring
p0c0l0c0: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/27_Club
p0c0l0c0: Did the link work?
Littlebear119: OH NO :’(
(hectorriveraseyelashes’ wish for Héctor is reported as inappropriate by several members.)
p0c0l0c0: Lashes plz
               “Aw, qué amable! Well, we are trying our best to get more gigs and…”
               Ernesto’s words are ignored, viewers instead focused on Miguel as he climbs onto the arm of the sofa and peeks down at what Héctor’s grading. Several heart emojis flood the chat as they talk too quietly to be heard over Ernesto’s talking. Héctor asks something, Miguel pulls a face, and Héctor laughs as he pulls off his glasses (much to the disappointment of the chat.)
               “All right, all right, I won’t let you starve, chamaco. I’ll bring these with me.” As he stuffs his papers into his backpack, he sends the camera with a withering look. “And if you bring out that—” The chat doesn’t miss the quick glance toward Miguel. “--darn phone while we’re out, Ernesto, I’m throwing it right into the street.”
               “And then you’re paying for it.” The camera switches back to Ernesto, where he gives a dramatic sigh. “Looks like that’s all for now, Cruzcitos.” He glances up as Héctor and Miguel’s voices trail off and a door shuts. He smiles, then adds in a whisper, “Come back around two. We’ll be having another stream then.”
               The screen goes black, and the chat is all abuzz.
Littlebear119: Héctor really doesn’t seem like he wants to do these streams…
p0c0l0c0: It’s part of an act they do. Héctor’s all smiles on whenever he’s on Chamaco’s channel.
Littlebear119: CHAMACO HAS A CHANNEL???
p0c0l0c0: My heart grows three times bigger whenever I get a notification from him.
veramaj: yeah héctor’s definitely just playing.
Littlebear119: I hope he is.
hectorriveraseyelashes: I don’t care if he is. I’ll take any excuse to see that man’s beautiful face.
musiica-vida: WE KNOW, LASHES.
               The next stream starts without so much as a word from Ernesto. The chat goes quiet as the camera focuses on Héctor and Miguel. Both have their guitars in their lap, and Héctor picks out a simple tune.
               “Okay, no looking. See if you can play what I just did.”
               Miguel starts to pluck out the same tune, but he groans as he messes up a note. “It’s so hard!”
               “I know it’s hard, that’s why we’re practicing. You gotta train those ears just as much as your fingers, chamaco.” He plays the tune again. “All right, una vez más. I bet you’ll get it this time.”
querida9512: Can Héctor Rivera please be my dad?
p0c0l0c0: This is SO CUTE, I can’t handle it. Gracias, Nesto.
Littlebear119: Does Héctor know Ernesto’s filming?
veramaj: probably.
musiica-vida: It doesn’t seem like it, but I’m sure he doesn’t mind.
               A knock sounds out. Héctor doesn’t look up.
               “It’s open! All right, chamaco, play it one more time.” He turns and grins from his place on the floor as a woman pops her head in. “You’re just in time, diosa, Miguel’s just learned a song by ear.”
               The chat is a STREAM of activity.
querida9512: IS THAT THE POCO LOCO LADY???
hectorriveraseyelashes: Um, I am the Poco Loco lady.
Littlebear119: Diosa’s such a pretty name!
badnugg: wait, dire imelda?
querida9512: YOU KNOW HER????
badnugg: I think she’s the directora of my school…
badnugg: omg
badnugg: téodora was right about her and profe héctor
veramaj: she’s so pretty, she can’t work at a school
p0c0l0c0: Héctor works at a school.
veramaj: but she’s actually PRETTY.
hectorriveraseyelashes: The rule in this stream is that we love and respect Héctor Rivera’s beautiful face.
hectorriveraseyelashes: Can we block @veramaj?
veramaj: omg u guys chill out
               Diosa smiles fondly as Miguel picks out the tune, correctly this time. (The chat is full of praise for him.) “Perfecto, Miguel. Anyway, I just wanted to make sure you remembered that our reservations are at—” She glances up midway through the sentence, then freezes as her eyes lock onto the camera. She quickly pops her head out and slams the door shut.
               Héctor jumps at the slam, then glances down at Miguel before setting his guitar aside to get to his feet. “Imelda? Imelda!” he calls as he heads to the door and steps outside.
               Miguel’s brow furrows, but he looks up at the camera with a shrug. The camera moves slowly to the door, and the barest bits of conversation can be heard through it.
               “Why didn’t you warn me? I would have texted you.”
               “Warn you about what?”
               “That your roommate was filming.”
               “What? No, he wasn’t.”  
               “Did you not see the way he was holding his phone?”
               “He just does that sometimes.”
               “Well, why don’t you go and ask him?”
               “He wasn’t filming! He knows he has to ask before filming if Miguel’s in the room.”
               “He doesn’t have to ask with you?”
               “It’s different. This is what we make part of our living off of. I’m used to it by now.”
               There was an irritated huff. “I can’t help you there. But you’d better be taking care of that little boy.”
               “I am, Imelda.”
               A thrill goes through the chat as Héctor’s voice, quiet as it is, goes sharp, though everyone quickly quiets as they hear his sigh.
               “I’m sorry. It’s…been a long day. Would you believe I woke up at seven?”
               There’s murmuring outside, but it’s too quiet to be picked up by the mic. What is picked up is the creak of a doorknob and a bitten-off word from Ernesto before the screen quickly goes black.
p0c0l0c0: So…he didn’t ask permission?
Littlebear119: I thought it was off.
dlcswaifu: I’m sure it’s fine. Cruz probably thought Héctor knew.
veramaj: i hope so. i don’t want them to fight.
               There’s no announcement when the next stream is, so everyone is pleasantly surprised when they get a notification that Ernesto y Héctor is streaming an hour later. The first thing everyone sees is…
p0c0l0c0: CHAMACO!!!!
Littlebear119: AAAAA it’s Miguelito!!!!
veramaj: omg look at that precious face.
               Miguel’s brow furrows as he tries to figure out how to best hold the phone, but he grins at everyone’s greetings. “Hola! Cruz let me take over the livestream for a little bit!”
veramaj: we’ve been blessed today
querida9512: I mean we already knew November 30 was a holy day.
musiica-vida: @hectorriveraseyelashes BE GOOD
p0c0l0c0: @hectorriveraseyelashes BE GOOD
veramaj: @hectorriveraseyelashes BE GOOD
dlcswaifu: @hectorriveraseyelashes BE GOOD
hectorriveraseyelashes: OH MY GOD YOU GUYS SHUT UP
hectorriveraseyelashes: Of course I’ll be good. My future step-son doesn’t need to know how thirsty I am for his tío.
               Miguel’s eyes dart down to the chat, reading the responses before frowning slightly. “Um, I don’t think you can drink my tío.”
               The chat collectively dies.
Littlebear119: So how are you doing, Miguel????
Cruzita41: We saw your practice earlier, you’re so good!!
dlcswaifu: Where’s Cruz???
               Miguel grins brightly as he catches the praise among the questions, then settles back in his seat. “I’m fine. Tío Héctor said that he and Cruz needed to talk for a bit, so Cruz set me up here so I could talk with you all!”
               There’s one comment from quetzalcoatl-kun about how they came for Cruz and not some stupid kid, but it’s quickly drowned out by the wild enthusiasm from other Cruzcitos over how they get to talk to Chamaco.
 musiica-vida: So big fandom question, are you Héctor’s kid or his nephew?
               “Actually, we’re primos! My abuelita is his tía,” Miguel chirps.
dlcswaifu: So do you live with him?
               “I do for now.”
dlcswaifu: Why?
               Miguel opens his mouth, but closes it and swallows hard without answering. The chat is quick to flood him with other questions.
p0c0l0c0: Is your tío a good teacher?
querida9512: You’re a fan of Cruz, too, right? What’s it like living with your YouTube idol?
hectorriveraseyelashes: On a scale of 1-10 how willing would you be to have me be your new tía?
veramaj: have u been to any of their concerts yet?
hectorriveraseyelashes: There hasn’t been a concert with both of them since Chamaco came around.
musiica-vida: Not that we mind! It’s so sweet to see Héctor taking care of his primo <3
veramaj: he could have gone to one before he lived with héctor
Littlebear119: What’s your favorite subject in school, Miguel?
querida9512: And when’s the next update on your channel?
               “Espera, espera, this is a lot!” Miguel laughs, discomfort gone as he scrolls up through the chat. “Tío Héctor’s a really good teacher, even though he keeps making me do boring things like scales. I used to watch Cruz’s videos to figure out how to play better, but now I can just ask him!” He scrolls a little more. “I really like math. Is that weird? Oh! And P.E.! I’m definitely the fastest on my class’s fútbol team.” He shrugs. “And I don’t really know about updates, I—” He stops suddenly, glancing up as a sharp voice comes from somewhere, just loud enough to be picked up over the mic. “I, uh…” He glances back at the phone. “One second.”
               He sets the phone down, livestream still going on. A creaking door is picked up over the mic, and the two voices are a little clearer. Nearly every viewer turns up their volume to max to catch what’s being said.
               “You’re absolutely sure you weren’t filming?”
               “Honestly, Héctor, it’s not like I can do it by accident. You’ve gotten so paranoid since bringing in the kid.”
               “I’m his godfather. I’m supposed to be.” A frustrated sigh. “Look, I’m done, okay? I don’t want anymore filming today. Just let me enjoy my birthday in peace.”
               “We wouldn’t have to do this if you’d come to the Día de Muertos show, you know.”
               “But you couldn’t even ask me before you burst in at seven a.m.?”
               “It wouldn’t have been funny if you knew. And it’s gotten us a stable audience all day.” There’s a beat of silence, then a long sigh. “Look, I’m sorry you’re bothered. I thought you’d be more game for this. Guess I was wrong.”
               “It’s…it’s fine. Just no more filming Miguel unless I know.”
               “I didn’t.”
               “I know, but you might. And if I find that damned iPhone around him I swear…”
               Miguel gives a little gasp, and quick footsteps come back toward the phone before he’s back onscreen.
               “Gotta go! I’ll see you all around!” he says, then quickly ends the livestream.
Littlebear119: So Héctor really didn’t know…
musiica-vida: Did…Ernesto lie to him?
dlcswaifu: He probably didn’t know he was filming.
querida9512: But he just said that he couldn’t do it by accident.
dlcswaifu: I’ve done a lot of dumb things by accident without knowing I could. He’ll probably delete the footage once he realizes.
veramaj: i think it’s scripted. cruz’s done drama things in the past; maybe the views are down.
musiica-vida: Ooh, that’s a good point. I think you’re right.
dlcswaifu: Nothing gets views like a fight and a kid.
Littlebear119: :/ I dunno. I feel weird about this stream.
               The last livestream comes late that afternoon. Once again, there’s no notice before the notification goes off on everyone’s phone, and everyone who can manages to pile in to the chat as quickly as possible.
               There’s a general air of confusion as they get a very nice shot of the kitchen.
               “Is it recording now?” Héctor asks off-screen.
               “I can’t see. Is there a red circle?” comes Miguel’s voice. The camera tilts, shifting the view to the ceiling. “Yeah, it’s recording, but you’ve got the wrong camera on.”
               “How do I change it?”
               “You see that camera button? Just tap it.”
               “Just tap—” The camera abruptly switches to selfie-mode, and Héctor’s obviously startled by it. “Ah! Okay! Okay, there we go. Hola!”
               The chat is FULL of heart emojis and !!!!!!!!!!!!!’s.
musiica-vida: FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS!!!!!!!
Littlebear119: FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS!!!!! <3 <3 <3
(Needless to say, the chat is flooded with “FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS”es.)
Héctor looks caught off-guard by the response, then laughs. “Gracias, gracias! I’m, ah, I’m not really good with this whole livestreaming thing, but I wanted to thank you all for such wonderful wishes!”
musiica-vida: IT’S NOTHING WE LOVE YOU HÉCTOR <3 <3 <3
hectorriveraseyelashes: That blazer tho…
Littlebear119: We all hope you had a wonderful day!!!!
               “That’s, ah, that’s really all I have to say. I actually have to leave in…” He glances off-camera. “Now. But I wanted to let you all know that I appreciate your…” He trails off as the chat bursts to life again.
hectorriveraseyelashes: GLASSES.
p0c0l0c0: JUST FOR A SECOND.
musiica-vida: HÉCTOR PLZ. DO IT FOR US.
hectorriveraseyelashes: GLASSESSSSS…
               He sighs as he looks over the chat. “Diosa, look at this.”
               The woman from earlier (“IMELDA!!!” as musiica-vida pointed out), just peeked over Héctor’s shoulder to look at the chat, then tilted her head up with a smirk.
               ���See? It’s not just me who thinks you should be able to see.”
               “I can see just fine.”
               “It took you three times to hit the record button,” Miguel pipes up from off-screen.
               “Here.” Imelda looks down as something that sound suspiciously like a glasses case opens, and she holds up the glasses. “You should at least do it for your fans. And for me.”
               Héctor rolls his eyes, but smiles a bit as he leans down slightly so Imelda can slip them on. “Only if you wear your hair down on your birthday.”
               “Deal.” She smiles at him as he stands up straight and pats his cheek. “Muy guapo, cariño.”
               He shakes his head, then looks back at the camera. The chat has devolved into a mess of “SO CUUUUUTE!!!” and “SÍÍÍ MUY GUAPO” and more sparkle emojis and hearts than could be counted. (Save for hectorriveraseyelashes, who floods the chat with crying emojis.)
               “Well, that’s it for today. We really do appreciate your guys’ support, and thanks again for being part of one of the most memorable birthday’s I’ve ever had.” He gives a little wave with his free hand. “Adíos!”
               The video ends, and the chat is beside itself with delight—all the drama from the last stream completely forgotten.
Littlebear119: They’re all so cute I just can’t.
musiica-vida: I KNOOOWWW
hectorriveraseyelashes: I don’t know if I want to KILL Diosa or BE Diosa.
p0c0l0c0: Please choose “be”
hectorriveraseyelashes: FINE.
hectorriveraseyelashes: For now.
hectorriveraseyelashes: Those glasses, tho
hectorriveraseyelashes: I found God in those glasses tonight.
badnugg: omg i can’t wait for school tomorrow.
hectorriveraseyelashes: #jealous
veramaj: i’m just so glad that everything’s all right. i knew it couldn’t be a real fight. cruz is way too nice for that.  
As always, thank you so, so much for reading! Wit’s got the next installment, so be sure to check over her way in the next week or so! Also we have tons of headcanons we’re ready to scream about at any given moment, so don’t be shy and come talk to us!
 Also, if you like my screaming-in-written-form and want to indulge my caffeine addiction, feel free to buy me a coffee (or not, of course.)
Thanks once again, and we’ll see you around!
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trbldyouth · 3 years
Rewatching '80's Cinema In An Era Of #metoo & Cancel Culture
The interview was conducted with Samantha from the movie Sixteen Candles (1984).
Interviewer: Hello, Samantha?
Samantha: Hey, how are you?
Interviewer: I am good; you look stunning today must say life is treating you quite well.
(Soft chuckle) Sure I have been up and about since life keeps changing, and we all need to grow.
Interviewer: Mmhh. That is so true, and I relate because last I saw you, you were busy eyeing Jake. (Soft chuckles) So how is the romance? 
Samantha: Well, honestly speaking. We all know those teenage crushes rarely lead to anything serious in the future. However, I am a happy mum of two and cannot complain.
Interviewer: How's Hollywood been treating you? I understand things can be rough at times when family comes into the picture?
Samantha: Honestly, life right now in Hollywood is more friendly compared to our times. Women have become more focused and are ready to step into the roles of leading characters and many significant roles as the need arises. During my heydays, it was simply difficult to get pregnant and keep your acting job. I see all the special effects and other forms of technology being used in the film industry at the moment and recognize how things have changed. A-list actors have become so phenomenal that they will engage in a project and have stunt doubles to play their role in case of mishaps. These simple pleasures really make it quite the era in the industry, and I feel blessed to have witnessed this transition.
Interviewer: I reckon since you were 16, you have seen so much significant change even in social stratification.
Samantha: That is true. People have developed so many eccentricities that were initially taboo. Simple pleasures like women smoking and engaging in frivolous activity were shunned, but people are becoming more liberal with ideas and how they view society. Standards that were set for relationships and marriage seem to have died overnight, and with the increasing drive for the LGBTQ, community change keeps coming. I must admit, I had a difficult time with the realization that I was different and how it kept affecting my life.
Interviewer: What do you mean by different?
Samantha: I have been in a fruitful and fulfilling relationship with my partner Sheila for 20 years. I was castigated for so long by my peers, family, and friends for my life choices. I was so lost in trying to live the fairy tale life I never took a moment to really evaluate my life. However, college life opened my eyes to endless possibilities and leaving home gave me a chance to really morph into the real me. Sheila has been my rock for so long and allowed me to see how there was so much more to life than I initially thought. It took time to convince my family, but with the evolution of the civil rights movement into other global movements, I am grateful that same-sex couples get a chance to live their lives in peace. I have always found it essential to advocate for happiness. That's why I make a point of living a modest life despite the allure of having a flashy life of glamour.  Think with time priorities do change.
Interviewer: Speaking of priorities, what is your view on stereotypes in film associated with women?
Samantha: Well, this really takes me back to a time when women were considered ornamental, and there was not much substance used to quantify them beyond physique. Films in the 80s have glamorized issues that society frowns upon today that would make you cringe. Think about sexual harassment, adversity to the LGBTQ community, body shaming, social slurs, and body shaming. I have been at the receiving of all these, unfortunately, and have lived to tell the tale. I know so many of my friends and family who are mentally unwell or have lost their lives to these behaviors that society considered acceptable back then. Women are the recipients of so much hate and have always been considered as ornamental and as items to be objectified. Jake may have been in a bad relationship, but sadly I realized he had been the problem all along. His demeanor and approach to treating women opened up my eyes and made me realize I was not willing to put up with fake love if I may use the term.
Interviewer: Speaking of Jake and the issues of harassment. What is your take on the #Metoo movement?
Samantha: Tarana Burke, is God-sent and I pray that she understands how this world is a better place because of her decision to give a voice to the voiceless. I wish the #Metoo movement existed in time because so many people would have answered for so many of their heinous crimes. Alyssa Milano is quite the pioneer, and targeting Hollywood, and the film industry has given rise to so many positives. Men and women have actually come forward and shared stories of their suffering. It has been difficult for sexual violence victims to find a platform to share their experiences and have their perpetrators brought to justice.
Interviewer: I understand that. I have been following keenly as well. What do you believe has been the core of these problems?
Samantha: I firmly believe that systemic ills have been the core of the ills plaguing society. Essentially, people were allowed to be bigots, misogynists, and homophobes during my early days. The reason was that everyone was okay with it because the majority said so. However, people felt oppressed and fought back, and now we have so many issues that need correction. Admittedly, bringing attention to an issue does not guarantee justice and reprieve for all victims. However, it is a start, and, in the end, change will be evident. Consider the Black Lives Matter movement that has been championing the rights of African Americans. People are yet to meet them halfway, and with continued incidents of police brutality and discrimination, it is possible they have a long way to go to achieve their vision.
Interviewer: On that note, how has the rising Cancel Culture trend impacted you?
Samantha: Haha, I believe I will get crucified for this, but I find it quite refreshing and expedient in remodeling society. Don't get me wrong, the idea of censoring and denying someone their fundamental freedom is abhorrent. Still, people should learn to value morality as a society. Taking in just about anything that is produced as content for TV and film will only diminish the critical values that define society. I don't need to tell you to switch off the TV when content is inappropriate but recognize the value of choice. Cancel culture taken back to my time would be the end of so many films. I personally have TV shows that I would cancel, but we are all free to do as we see fit. I hope I don't get you canceled, too (loud laughter).
Interviewer: I believe we are safe; the evolution of social media uses keeps us visible to all. Moving on swiftly, tell me how is your social life, or rather how has it evolved?
Samantha: I bet you will laugh at me. I am still trying to figure out how to tweet and post on Facebook and seriously miss MySpace. I tend to avoid social media and have stuck to actually interacting with people in person rather than behind a screen. Sheila gets on my nerves because she insists I keep learning, but I am not interested in any of it. Life was really hectic in the 80s and has gotten much easier with technology. However, as I pointed out, content matters a lot, and from the extent, I have seen even presidents get to on social media, I better keep myself offline. I know it sounds sad, but I prefer it compared to the digital noise that is pushing so many to seek unattainable lives.
Interviewer: Well, to me, that sounds like an excuse to get stuck in an era that is already gone!
Samantha: As I said, it sounds crazy, but I am very picky with what I choose to adopt. I have a TV, but my kids know how strict I get with enforcing regulations with viewing. I am from an age where I understand the influence of toxicity, and I am not willing to see my children get engulfed in a superficial perception of reality. I thank God for my partner Sheila because she always supports me. She understands where I am coming from and has grown also to enjoy the liberty of embracing proper moderated content for our kids. If we are in the house, we need to be in the living watching something together without worrying about what might happen.
Interviewer: So, what have you been holding onto from your early days as a teen?
Samantha: I have some old mixtapes I listen to whenever I want to get into the groove. I also keep vinyl records of Luther Vandross because his music speaks to my soul in a unique way. Plus, I still own an iPod since my daughter broke my cd Walkman (giggles).
Interviewer: I must admit this has been quite the journey, and I understand you will be featuring in a short film showcasing societal prejudice?
Samantha: Actually, yes, it's a documentary feature, and it will be releasing in the summer of next year. I have come full circle and find myself in the spotlight, and all I hope is that my story will inspire someone else. I realize the world has so much noise, and it is essential to have some peace and quiet to ensure we remain on the right track.
Interviewer: Your life has been quite the movie of sorts, and I hope you have enjoyed the experiences and you will do more going forward. Any final words before we wind up this interview?
Samantha: Sure, I am looking forward to all life has to offer and what I can offer others. My final thoughts would be to urge those in power to recognize those they serve, let people respect the rights of others, and always consider yourself in a similar situation before engaging in that life-altering act.
Interviewer: Thank you so much for your time, Samantha. I wish you well in your endeavors.
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edsrich · 7 years
Awkward Sleepover (Richie/Eddie)
Summary: Richie and Eddie love their casual Friday night sleepovers where they hide away from all of the bullshit in their lives, however- sometimes they take a weird turn.
Prompt 33: “I’m a screamer. Not sexually, just at life in general.”                                         “I can make that sexually.”
A/N: Thankyou for this request Anon! If you wanna ask me for prompts ask away HERE. If you want to ask an ordinary request ask HERE. This isn’t sexualising the kids !!!! If you actually read it you’ll realise it’s just Richie’s mistake. xo
Richie and Eddie were having their regular Friday night sleepover, which involved in Richie sneaking out of his house and through Eddie’s window as his Mom was most likely drunk and his Dad couldn’t care less on his whereabouts.
They were both watching a horror on Eddie’s cheap TV as the sun began to set outside on the cold Autumn day. Eddie had his blanket pulled up high, covering him from the 80′s romance horror whilst Richie on the other hand was sprawled out over Eddie’s bed, hands behind his head and his glasses falling down his nose lazily.
There were two people in this world. The first type of person is the kind of person who enjoys watching horrors as they either A) enjoy seeing others scared or B) love the thrill of fear. The other type of person are those who hate watching horror movies and are most likely forced into watching it.
In this case, Richie was the first person and Eddie was the second person. Richie had also forced Eddie to watch a horror against his own will.
“I fuckin’ hate you.” Eddie whispered, edging closer to Richie with his eyes wide, being too afraid to blink for a second.
Richie smirked, wrapping his arm over Eddie smoothly, pulling him closer. “You scared Eds?”
“Scared doesn’t come close.” Eddie whispered angrily, yet not moving Richie’s arm or protesting against his common nickname for him, “I’m petrified.”
“Try not to piss your pants again, Eds.” 
“I didn’t piss my-”
Eddie is cut off by a shrilled scream that erupts from his voice box due to a terrifying jumpscare that had popped up on the low quality TV, quickly muffling it so that his Mother doesn’t hear it by stuffing his face into his best friends chest.
Richie, who was barely fazed by the jumpscare, laughs softly and looks down at Eddie. “You sure you haven’t pissed yourself? I feel something warm and wet-”
Eddie snaps his eyes up at Richie’s with horror in his eyes at how teasing Richie was acting in this moment.
“You are a dick, Rich.” Eddie hissed, punching his chest before sitting up- still leaning into Richie’s chest.
Richie smiled wide at the rare nickname that Eddie used for him.
“Gotta say, Eds. I’m very happy to find out that you’re a screamer. That’ll come in handy for my knowledge in the future.”
Eddie’s face wrinkles in disgust as he spits out his next sentence, “I’m a screamer. Not sexually, just at life in general.”
It fell silent for a moment, Richie analysing the boy beneath him. How his face crunched up as if he had gnawed at a piece of paper with his fingers to make it into a paper ball, how adorable he looked to him as to Richie, Eddie was perfect and despite whatever mood he was in- he always made Richie feel warmed.
Richie smirked to himself as he felt his thoughts run wild at Eddie’s previous words.
“I can make that sexually.”
Eddie’s eyes widen as he moves away. “Richie, what the fuck?!”
Richie tilts his head in confusion for a moment before realisation hits him as if a brick had been smashed on top of his glasses. Richie had spoke his inappropriate thought out loud to Eddie.
“E-eddie! I was just fucking kidding, calm down. Why the fuck would I want to do that with you?” Faux disgust filled Richie’s tone, too moving away as if a barrier separated the two pre-teen boys.
“I don’t know, why would you?” Eddie retorts, a blush poking at his nose and upper cheeks.
Richie felt heat spread across his face, unable to tell if he was blushing in shame or not. “I don’t! I told you, I fucking don’t want to fuck you!”
“Who said you wanted to fuck me?!” Eddie squeaked, his voice cracking mid sentence.
“No one!”
“Then why are you saying it?”
“I’m saying it to clarify that I don’t want to fuck you!”
Both boys had their eyebrows furrowed and they were panting heavily from spitting out words too quick to be able to catch a quick breath of air. 
Well, this took an awkward turn. Richie thought as he gulped anxiously, turning back and watching the film in utter silence.
Eddie on the other hand felt on fire, as if everywhere on his body was coated in a steaming blush from such awkwardness between the two friends. 
This night was going to be long and painful for both boys.
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