#i hate mobile games owo
raccoonium · 2 years
It's bitter bitch hour
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h34vybottom · 1 month
zestiria definitely did not deserve the reaction it got. like i hate that game so far be it for me to say that "it's good actually" cuz i don't think that. at all. but the absurd fucking vitriol that was spread to literally everyone in both japan and the rest of the world was fucking crazy. hella misplaced too.
people were rightfully mad over the pre-order bullshit and alisha conviction's existence (here's my blog entry on the game owo). the anger should definitely not have all been placed on fucking baba. namco decided they were going to start carving tales of games to bits after they've proven they'll remove most of the costumes and add pay-to-win bullshit as soon as the PS3 and 360 came around. that's not the fault of the people actually making the game, but the fault of shareholders and the capitalist class. you know. the fucking bourgeois. the fucking ruling class. of course having class politick is too much to expect from gamers so i'm sure one fucking guy needed to bare the brunt of dibshits' ire.
but where's the fucking fervour now that berseria exists? there's no lmbs. the game has entire fucking mechanics that don't work. the combat system is an atrocity. the game swapped zestiria's solo and multiplayer camera systems so anyone playing multiplayer in berseria is just fucked to high heavens. most of the costumes were cut for dlc. there's fucking pay-to-win slop trash in a game where there's barely any exp going around.
and where especially is the hatred for arise? a game that wasn't even a tales of game to begin w/. rebranded mid-way through development for fucking franchise line goes up bullshit. that has a fucking 30 dollar "expansion" that has literally two new enemies, one of which gets reused about 70 fucking times the moment she gets introduced. there were pre-order costumes and meals. there's fucking dlc artes, multiple of which are integral to character movesets AND lock away elements characters otherwise wouldn't have access to. arise literally says that slavery is natural and the real problem w/ slavery is individual bad slave owners. yet where's the ire? where's the hatred? where's the fucking fervour around a game so thoroughly designed around pay-to-win pigshit it literally advertises the crap in its menus and could only be turned off six months after release (when sales effectively stop happening)? where's the fucking anger when the 30 dollar "expansion" didn't even have a new playable character but a mobile app immediately added that new character as playable? for fucking free, mind you.
watching this fanbase chase its own ass for years has been maddening.
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lecliss · 4 years
OwO For that ask game - F (What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?), I (Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?), O (Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?), T (Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? ), Y (What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with)), and I'll stop here before I ask you the whole alphabet bc I'm curious ashdkaldhsjdh
Lmao thank you buddy for adding the questions so I wouldnt have to go back and forth cuz I use mobile 😔
F - The fandom for that would be Naruto. If I remember correctly the first fanfic I read was for Naruto and that was probably when I was like, 10 or 11 I think. Couldve been younger tho?? It's always hard to remember specific things that far back, lol. And I'm still in it now as you can tell, so that's likely around 11 years and still going. I'm not leaving and no one can make me leave!! 😂
I - Does stop liking imply having liked it all??? Idk, if it doesn't then who cares. This is probably the closest I've got that I can think of anyway. So, you know how some media attracts the same group of people so you've got some fandoms being filled with the same people that almost all like the same two or three or so pieces of media? The Servamp fandom is very chummy with and shares many people with both the Haikyuu and Bungou no Stray Dogs fandoms. I don't care for Haikyuu at all and I'm kinda interested in BSD, but not enough to bother getting into it. So so, back before Tumblr mobile could let you filter tags like it can now, since I followed a lot of Servamp blogs, I had to see a lot of Haikyuu. And except for a few small exceptions, I generally hate sports animes. A new season either started or was ending and I was forced to see so much fucking Haikyuu. Oh my god, so much Haikyuu. And I hated it. Ya know like the more you see something you don't care for the more annoying it slowly becomes? Well, for some people. So I just loathe seeing anything even remotely Haikyuu related now. No offensive to the show, but there's just an association there in my head now cuz I didn't wanna unfollow my Servamp mutuals for it, but I couldn't stop seeing it then either. So in a way, both the Haikyuu and Servamp fandom on Tumblr ruined Haikyuu for me before it even had a chance. Now thankfully I can have it filtered, and the reason I mentioned BSD at all is cuz the same thing almost started happening with that too, but then I could also filter that so now it won't get ruined for me in case I ever do decide to check it out.
O - Maybe not random cuz I've been looking for a chance to bring it up forever now, but Drive By(too lazy to look up by who) has always and will always remind me of Flint x Volkner(also too lazy to look up the ship name lol) cuz I used to be addicted to that song and was really into that ship at the time so that's all I thought about while listening to it. I don't even remember what specifically I would think about with them, but knowing me probably an AU scenario that I've long since forgotten, lol.
T - FUCKING THANK YOU LUA! People can pry 1/4th Australian Aboriginal Jim from my cold dead hands, holy FUCK!!! I don't care if I'm seeing things that aren't there, Jim is part Aboriginal to me and I will die on this fucking hill. I will!!! Also, homeschooled O'Brien. I've got some old discord convos about it with a friend that I'd have to go searching for to remember the exact details of the proof, but I swear it makes so much sense!!!! That is also a hill I will just die on and no one will be able to remove my corpse from it. These are my hills, these are where I live and die.
Y - Uuuuhhh, not sure how much counts as what, lol. Mmmm, perhaps cuz of the Servamp fandom I know a few things about BSD despite, as mentioned, me never actually partaking in it myself. Oh, oh, oh and also She-Ra. Definitely seen enough of that all over Tumblr to have some small opinions and know the overall plot and enjoy some fanart despite never watching it either. And before I started watching it myself, Atla also qualified, altho I watched most of Korra, but I don't see that nearly as much as the original series. And if series within series count then Yugioh Zexal as well, since I've never watched more than the first episode in English and the first manga volume, but I know plenty of the plot(even if the more I find out the more confused it makes me, lol).
Thank you again buddy! I wouldn't mind you sending the whole alphabet either, lol. They're all good questions. I'll send you some too after my guild battle in like an hour, I gotta go prepare.
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thefishychicken · 5 years
Fanfic stats tag game
I was tagged by @r6shippingdelivery (any probably someone else but mobile is fucking my over)
Author Name: DatGirlSuzie
 Fandoms You Write For: Rainbow Six Siege
 Where You Post: AO3 only. I have had some experience using other sites but AO3 is the best by far.
 Most Popular One-Shot: Jägermeister. At the time of this posting, it has 1040 hits and 72 Kudos. While that isn’t much compared to other authors, I’m happy that some of my fics are breaking the 1k mark. Fun fact: I actually can’t read this fic. It’s too cringy for me and every time I look at it, I see mistakes and want to close it.
 Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: I only have one multi-chapter story but even that is stuck at ch.1 so I wouldn’t exactly say it fits. The title is “Late is Better Than Never” and my fun fact for this story is that I actually got my super muscular hot friend to pose for me when I was stuck writing the scene where Fuze is taking off his shirt. It might have been one paragraph in the fic but in real life it was two hours of sweaty posing under the sun.
 Favorite Story You Wrote: Without a doubt, my favorite story is “Can You Fit a Fourth?” It was the first fic I had ever written for the fandom and although the first release was absolute dog shit, when I finally got my act together (and partnered with Rosallora) it became my staple fic. Or at least that’s what I tell myself. Fun fact: I had to edit this story only using my phone while I was stuck in rural Bolivia with no cell service.
 Story You Were Nervous To Post: None. I usually don’t feel nerves when releasing my fics. Even my Horse Rook and OwO fics that I know everyone hates were posted without hesitation. I know exactly what I’m doing and what the reaction will be. So why should I be nervous?
 How Do You Choose Your Titles: I think of something that people usually know and try to make it worse/meme-y. Although my current released fics appear to have normal titles, Kiki, Grunkle, and Sword can attest to my weird as fuck fic titles that I release in dms. Fun fact: I think of titles first and then build the plot around them. It’s a weird method that can backfire sometimes but usually it works out. Fun fact: I think of titles randomly during the day. I’ll be walking in the park and suddenly my brain will do “hold the fuck up. Two In The Pink, One In The Fink.” and that’s how my fics are born.
 How many stories are…..
Complete: 9
 In Progress: 37. I counted. All of them are half done or near completion, I just haven’t had the energy to write.
 Coming Soon: I’m writing for dualrainbow’s event, so you guys should be on the lookout for my shitty Spanish. Along with that, I hope to release the edited Horse Rook fic, “Do You Know The Whey?”, “Stuck Between Iraq and a Hard Place”, “The Lion, the Witch, in the Wardrobe”, and “Meals On Wheels” by the end of August. I’m leaving with the titles and the reminder that they’re going to be 99% smut.
 Do You Accept Prompts: No. I tried to in the past, but with my energy to write practically diminished, I can’t take on anything that I don’t absolutely love.
 Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited To Write: Shh… it’s a secret. The fic is much darker and more hardcore than anything I’ve written before and while I will release it when it’s done. I’m not going to talk about it much other than mention it here. :P
 Tag five fanfic authors to answer these questions: Tbh everyone I know has already done this so I’m sorry if y’all have already done this. @swordliger @freedert95 @gillesmontagnetoure @aesos-caliber @rosallora
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controlledhues · 6 years
It’s munday!
📍 - favorite color?
- Besides those I already mentioned, I have a deep love for reds and oranges... tbh I learned to love all the colors ahahah 
🎱 - Favorite pastime?
- Two years ago I downloaded this mobile game called Best Fiends and I had to stop playing it bc it was too addictive but then I downloaded it again and I played over 250 levels now??? I can’t stop now please help sdjshdfjkdh idk they have cute content in their youtube channel 
🌹 - are you doing alright?
- I am, besides what happened earlier at my Uni (fuck I hate them so mUCH AAAAAAAAAA), and now I’m just........... here :3c.
Oh yes I had to work during the weekend and my new job is physically demanding so my body is all sore now shdjksdhfjkshdjg
🌟 - just want to let you know that I appreciate you, and love you
- AaaaaAAAAAAAAAA Ily too thank youooououou ;___; 
I hope you are also doing alright and that your day gets better and better and aaaa owo
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bleenks · 3 years
this is gonna sound stupid but here’s a little slice from my life: I am trying to play one of those nonogram mobile games, but my hands shake so it’s difficult, and I made my hands shake worse by thinking about shit that made me Incredibly Angery and that I cannot Actually Change.
but idk I don’t want to just leave the anger inside either
so I’m venting about it here owo
I keep doing this fucked up thing to myself where I find an online community and try to belong there, but I seem to be subconsciously picking communities where I’m bound to be rejected. since I’m a woman, that’s pretty easy: any large enough gaming community, or any community with unrecognized sexism, will inevitably end up spitting me out, because I can’t accept sexists and they can’t accept women (especially angry ones that accuse them of sexism)
the extra disappointing thing, though, is that this time I picked a politically left community, and told myself that a leftist community could not possibly be low-key misogynistic or a hostile place for women
anyway that was naive.
I spent two fucking years there, becoming more educated and a better leftist, and also feeling more and more uncomfortable with the casual ironic jokes about women. it was the, “we know how WOMEN are, right men? ;)” kinds of jokes, or ones about women being dumber or more emotional or somewhat alien, all with a wry ironic twist that was supposed to take out the sting. 
at least, that’s how I tried to think of it at first. but after a while, I couldn’t stop it from getting to me, especially when the community decided that “femoid” was an inherently funny and unproblematic word. anyone who’s familiar with incels knows why that didn’t sit right with me, but whenever I spoke up about it, I was met with backlash: that it was funny and I was too easily offended and I just didn’t get the joke and actually they were making fun of sexist incels by spamming femoid when the subject of women was brought up. if I persevered, I could convince a few isolated people that it was inappropriate, but after a few community members decided it was funny to call ME a femoid just to piss me off, I decided to leave. 
months later I came back, and the femoid phase was over. but ironic jokes about women were still a regular and accepted thing. I spoke up about it a few times. other women in the community agreed with me. but (and this was probably not a coincidence) women didn’t exactly stick around, and nobody else wanted to draw fire by protesting The Harmless Woman Jokes. 
this went on for months. I wanted so badly to be accepted there. my frustration and resentment kept building until it reached a simmering hatred. I couldn’t accept a very simple idea: that the community was not “for” women, and that I couldn’t fix that. it was a boy’s club, and it wasn’t going to listen to One Angry Woman and fix itself just for the sake of my feelings. 
I couldn’t accept it because it seemed insanely obvious to me that “women bad” jokes were about as acceptable as “trans people bad” or “black people bad” or “jewish people bad” jokes would’ve been. even if you’re supposedly mocking people who think that way, you’re just reminding the “bad” group that people hate them and that they’re considered abnormal and worse, etc.
and jokes about any minority group besides women were not allowed. you could not joke about hating black people, but you could joke about hating women. you couldn’t make fun of a black person for getting upset or feeling hurt, but they made fun of me. none of them had particularly good arguments for this, but it didn’t matter. logic was not the issue. sexism and anti-semitism can slip by in even hardcore leftist groups. they’re just not considered real issues by non-women and non-jewish people. 
in the end it became a spiral. someone is sexist. I get angry at them. my anger is used to discredit me. that pisses me off even more. nobody will listen to me, I’m talked down to, the few people that agree with me don’t try to stand with me. I gained a reputation as an asshole who can’t listen to other people’s opinions, until even the mods were acting unfair and ridiculous towards me. 
so I forced them to permaban me.
but I’m still incredibly fucking angry about it. 
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