#i hate snakeu
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suga-has-jhope · 6 years
My girlfriend is an opera singer and she practices her part as Christine from The phantom of the opera singing "I hate snakeu" instead of actual words.
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snakeugotnojamz · 6 years
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When I want my slow friend to run with me:
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rosesastrology · 6 years
I usually listen to country music and old stuff. I hate snakes and I’m a Capricorn, vegan... uhhh that’s it
Here you go^^
She Got The Best Of Me - Luke Combshttps://youtu.be/a2a9fgPI_PI
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jinsmonster · 7 years
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thisisjimin · 7 years
introducing hoseok the snake
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strawbyun · 7 years
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I hate snakeu 🐍 — cc to owner!!
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Duolingo Vocab Round-Up: Animals!
Loosely themed animal vocab from Duolingo, along with a few lagniappe words here and there!
거미 = Spider
거북이 = Turtle
생선 = Fish (note: this term is used to talk about fish as food!)
물고기 = Also fish! (lit.: “water meat” = “물” (water) + “고기” (meat); note: this term is used to talk about the animal, NOT food!!)
토끼 = Rabbit
쥐 = Mouse
새 = Bird
오리 = Duck
닭 = Chicken
돼지 = Pig
양 = Sheep
소 = Cow
말 = Horse
동물 = Animal
농장 = Farm
동물 농장 = Animal Farm :)
뱀 = Snake
부엉이 = Owl
사슴 = Deer
늑대 = Wolf
호랑이 = Tiger
숲 = Forest
개미 = Ant
개구리 = Frog
너구리 = Raccoon
여우 = Fox
곰 = Bear
나비 = Butterfly
까치 = Magpie
게 = Crab
상어 = Shark
고래 = Whale
코끼리 = Elephant
용 = Dragon
And I would be totally remiss if I didn’t include this iconic BTS moment...
...And this equally iconic EXO song.
Happy studying!!
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ep-phanyv · 7 years
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Our childhood may over-exaggerate and over-hype what the “real world” truly is. You never really know what this world contains until it kicks you down. There’s red blood but there’s also hope. HOPE WORLD!
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I hate snakeu 
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rylanisqueer · 7 years
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“The thought if your hands all over my body makes me wanna die because I know it’ll never happen” -V B
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hwarangs-say-what · 7 years
Does anybody have any guess on what poison Grandpa Seok gave Dan Se to kill the king?
*cracks knuckles* By the way, I’m not a medicine/biology/venom/snake expert. 
What we do know about the poison is that it causes convulsions, causes possible respiratory problems (since the victim that I shall not say his name for my heart’s sake struggles to breathe as he’s shaking), kills rather quickly, and possibly native to Asia. Although many translations say that it’s generally poison, some also mentioned that it’s snake venom. So, we’re going to figure out what kind of snake was used to make that poison. 
That should probably be enough to figure out what Grandpa Seok used with the help of Google and Wikipedia. Once again, I am not a expert on these kinds of things. 
The first two things we know about the poison is what I’m going to focus on the most; time span and location are not important requirements to find the right venom that created the poison. Although the drama shows a victim of the poison (I SHALL NOT SAY HIS NAME) dying very quickly once the venom sets in, the fastest death caused by the most deadly snake venom goes from less than 15 to 30 minutes, so the quickness seen in the drama is probably for show rather than having us wait for the person to die for exactly 30 minutes at most. I’m also giving the benefit of the doubt for whether the snake must be native to Korea since it may be possible that non-native snakes could be smuggled into Korea, but I’ll have the boundary be as far as Central Asia and Southeast Asia.  
According to an article called Neurotoxicity in Snakebite—The Limits of Our Knowledge by Udaya K. Ranawaka, David G. Lalloo, and H. Janaka de Silva, snakes that can cause convulsion/seizures come from the Elapidae family (cobras, I’ve excluded sea snakes), Viperidae sub family Viperidae family (true vipers), and Viperidae sub family Crotalinae (pit vipers). Native Korean snakes are in bold. 
Here’s a list that I got based on the ones that most fit the requirements.
With Elapidae, a few that could be used as poison are 
Ophiophagus hannah (King Cobra) 
Naja atra(Chinese Cobra) 
For the Viperidae^2, they include
Vipera ursinii (Meadow Viper) 
Vipera berus (European Adder) 
And as for the Viperidae Crotalinae, we have
Gloydius ussuriensis (Ussuri Mamushi) //  (Short-tailed mamushi) 
Gloydius blomhoffii (Japanese Pit Viper)
Gloydius saxatilis(Amur Viper) 
Another snake I’ll put into the running is the Rhabdophis tigrinus (Floral Snake). 
Out of the other snakes I found that are native to Asia, the list I have is the ones that are based on how close they are to the symptoms of both causing seizures and breathing problems. All of them are potentially lethal if not properly treated, and given that the people of Silla aren’t as healthy and strong enough than the modern healthy human of today, the venom would have a much more deadly effect in the past. Some I eliminated from the list because the venom symptoms only cause swelling and/or blood clotting but no seizures or difficulty breathing. 
Most likely, Grandpa Seok used either five of the snake venom that are in bold. I personally think he would have definitely used a King Cobra because it’s the most deadly out of them all and it’s the snake venom that kills under 30 minutes. They’re not native but he probably got something from rich-ass Youngshil. 
tl;dr: It’s either some kind of native mamushi, a floral snake, some kind of viper, or one of two kinds of sexy cobras- but my money is on the King Cobra. 
Now enjoy these cute little snakes I had to look at to do this research (is this even research when the majority of my sources come from Wikipedia?)
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link to article (i only read the intro) 
link to toxicology of snakes 
link to episode referenced (spoilers)
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sseokjinkim · 7 years
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galactic-bi-cat · 7 years
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I did a comic for @of-lams-and-stars ‘s post https://of-lams-and-stars.tumblr.com/post/162227157701/jefferson-enters-room-hamilton-screams
Sorry if it seems rushed, and kinda ragged, I tried to get it out asap. In the second panel i tried  to make a parody of this https://www.edvardmunch.org/the-scream.jsp 
I still need to practice my new style but uhhh... Hope you like it!
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Hamilton basically -^
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kiroawoo-blog · 7 years
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This is my favorite video of all time XD
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