#i have a chest infection and I'm Asthmatic
lesbxdyke · 9 months
Me: If I manage not to throw up from coughing today, I'll do raid tomorrow!
Me, fifteen minutes later: So guess what! No raid! You'll never guess why!
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atimeofyourlife · 9 months
rated: t | wc: 564 | cw: asthma attack Steve has an asthma attack after the Upside Down, but he'd never told Robin that he was asthmatic. The inspiration for this came from the fact that I had my first asthma attack in like four years today (I'll be fine. It was a mild attack, and it settled down pretty quickly after using my reliever. My breathing is pretty much back to normal.) But I just wanted to project.
Steve didn't notice it right away when his breathing was starting to get difficult. His chest tightening and wheezing as he breathed. He was too preoccupied with dealing with all the Upside Down shit. And he brushed off the initial feeling of his breathing getting worse, thinking it was just a side effect of the injuries or being stuck in the Upside Down.
It wasn't until later, when they were all in the hospital waiting room that he realized it was much worse. In the chaos of the week, he couldn't remember the last time he'd taken his inhaler. And now, his chest was getting tighter and tighter, as if someone was pulling a belt around his chest, he felt breathless, trying to suck in as much air as possible, and loud wheezes coming with every breath. And he was feeling dizzy and disorientated. He knew that it could only be an asthma attack, his first in several years. He wanted to alert someone, but the breathlessness kept getting worse, and he felt unable to speak. His vision started to cloud over, and he knew he was in trouble.
When he came to, he was in a hospital bed. An oxygen mask over his mouth and nose, an IV in his arm. He turned his head to the side to see Robin in the chair next to his bed.
"Dingus, what the fuck? You just fainted out of nowhere. I thought your bites had gotten too bad or infected, which they have by the way. But then the nurse and doctor came over and were more concerned about your breathing, and said you were having a severe asthma attack. Like so bad you could have died. You never even told me you have asthma. And you need surgery to fix the bites, but the doctor said that won't be possible until your asthma is stable, because the anesthesia drugs could be dangerous." Robin rambled, obviously having pent up her anxiety and worry about Steve's health.
"I'm sorry." Steve mumbled. "I didn't mean to worry you. I didn't realize it had gotten so bad until it was so bad I couldn't talk."
"But why didn't you tell me you have asthma? And how long have you had it?" Robin asked.
"I didn't tell you because it's normally well controlled, I rarely have any problems. It's not been that bad for ages. I've not had an attack since '82, maybe? Early sophomore year at the latest. But with everything, I forgot to take my inhaler. And with everything else, like the bad air in the Upside Down, it triggered it. And I've had asthma since I was a baby." Steve explained, his chest still felt tight, but with the oxygen mask, it made it much easier to speak.
"I thought you were going to say it was some macho bullshit of not wanting to be seen as weak. But, Steve, I want to know these things about you. Because I never want to see you like that again. I don't want to think about what would have happened if we had been somewhere that wasn't a hospital." Robin said, quickly wiping her eyes.
"I'm sorry, Robin. I'll tell you everything from now on." Steve squeezed her hand, and they lapsed into silence. Steve taking the time to focus on each breath, willing himself to feel better.
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bishiglomper · 1 year
Lol I am 99% sure I'm just having horrendous allergies or a sinus infection or something. My nose is hot, congested and stingy to blow. My ears are kinda itchy. And all last night my eyes were just as runny as my nose.
Whatever it is, it's beginning to kick my butt.
Mom was having bad allergies. Sissy too. Sissy's is in her chest, but she described it as inflamed and itchy, not congested or bronchy. She's always been the asthmatic one.
I wanna know what biological warfare is being used on us and why 😭
I go to the doctor today. Im not looking forward to asking about it because it'll probably lead to a covid test.
Listen. I absolutely cannot stand stabbing myself to test my bloodsugar. Unless i think im having a low or i cant fogure out whats going on. Then the need to know wins out and i can stab myself.
Im pretty sure its not covid, i just dont want my brains probed for nothing okay 😭
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so-tarafyd · 3 years
Please ignore, I'm just needing to vent
I've been having difficulties breathing and standing, with increasing headaches, since November. I have a scent allergy and I'm asthmatic, and this guy came into my workplace bathed in cologne and I was in his presence for too long. Ended up getting sick with either a sinus or lung infection. Cue the next few weeks, turning into months, of me getting tests done and seeing the doctor trying to figure out what's wrong with me.
Then boom, January. I end up with this massive headache - so painful that I'm bedridden and physically sick and I can barely open my eyes without pain. Next day, I'm positive for covid (yes I'm vaccinated, yes you can still catch it even if your vaccinated like how you can still get the flu even with flue shots, and no, I don't want to talk about your personal beliefs regarding the pandemic) and it is the worst time of my life. I'm scared, sick, can't taste a fucking thing, bored out of my mind, and I'm having such a difficult time breathing and having chest pains that I needed to go to the ER. They can't find anything wrong so I'm sent home with the instructions to up my inhaler doses, have some pills that they gave me, and talk to my doctor about anxiety meds.
Now I'm negative, and I go back to work after the appropriate time, even though I'm still having breathing and standing issues (can't be on my feet for more than maybe 10 minutes), and I can't even last 5 hours. I'm sent home, then next day I want to try again and MY LEGS CANT EVEN HOLD ME UP I COLLAPSE AND MY BOYFRIEND HAS TO PICK ME UP AND PUT ME IN BED BECAUSE I PHYSICALLY COULDNT MOVE MY LOWER HALF. I was shaking and crying and so scared that it sent me into an asthma attack.
Ended up having to go on medical leave, I'm off for two weeks. I have to go see a lung specialist in March, and I'm waiting for a call to get a CT scan. A coworker lent me a cane bc she saw how much I struggled trying to walk. I can barely breath, I can't laugh or talk too long without triggering asthma or chest pains. I thought I was doing better - I wasn't shaking as much but then today I had such an intense pain in my back that the breath I took sent me into another asthma attack. Now I'm stuck on the couch bc my lower body is in pain, and I'm having a hard time moving. My upper spine is killing me, my arms are tired, I'M so tired and defeated and I just want this to be figured out so we can figure what to do.
Sorry I just really really needed to vent.
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cantquitu · 2 years
I got covid early on in the pandemic in 2020. i agree it felt so sudden. i was on a work call and mentioned i felt tired. 3 hours later i was exhausted and ached. had a 103+ fever for 3 days straight with aches, chills, headache. it finally dissipated. On 5th day, i lost sense of smell and taste which lasted weeks! covid is one SOB. And my doc said, ”as an asthmatic good thing your symptoms were mild!”😅
Oh god that's awful!! It seems even a "mild" dose of the earlier strains of Covid from early in the pandemic was worse than the worst of Omnicron. I would truly hate to lose my sense of taste & smell, and one day of that mofo headache was enough for me! So glad your asthma wasn't badly activated.
I'm prone to recurrent chest infections and I've had an awful cough for most of the last six months, so that's what I've been mainly worrying about. I'm so relieved I'm barely coughing today compared to yesterday when I couldn't stop. Having said that, I've got out of bed since I answered that last ask and fuuuuck.... I feel terrible.
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magistralucis · 5 years
hello! do you remember when the biggest reason to worry and contemplate was till waving his penis around? :S how are you holding up in the face of global pandemic and all that jazz? i haven't heard much news from the UK... are you alright? personally, I'm freaking out. trying to maintain composure and telling everyone to stop socializing in person and spreading the virus etc but internally i am like goodbye sanity. 😅
honestly i’m doubting the concerts will even happen at this point
Personally? I haven’t talked too much about it on here, but I’m absolutely super duper not okay 🤪😩😣 I have literally 0% concerns re: death, and I’ve always been a hermit, so it’s not that I’m affected too much by quarantine measures. (Not that the UK has appropriate quarantine measures - the absolute joke of a PM we’ve got won’t even consider banning mass gatherings.) Chest infections I’ve had in the past six months indicate that I may or may not be asthmatic, which is a slight blow against my chances - but I am also in my twenties, and not otherwise immunocompromised or immunosuppressed, which means my chances of survival are sky high anyway. When it comes to the disease itself, I’m stocked up, and I’m pretty prepared to ride the sickness out should I end up getting it. That’s not the problem.
But people? People are absolutely the problem. I am really not convinced I can ride out what public perception has become. I’ve actually become afraid to go out because everywhere I go I think people are looking at me like ~**~*ooohHHHOHHohHo check out that inscrutable oriental spreading the plague!!!11!!@!!*~~*~ and I’m just. Fucking over it to be honest. I’ve already had people clowning at me over this virus. I’ve always been a minority in the UK, and there was always bullshit, but never to this extent.
This is an incredibly bad time to be Asian. I honestly think I’m more likely to be beaten to death by racists than to even get the plague at this point. That’s what I’m afraid of, and it’s really eroding my mental health at the moment akhdhdhh
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