#i have a feeling this sentence is gramatically incorrect
docholligay · 2 years
This is a weird question but you talked about Pinocchio’s characters being incorrect without being wrong and I thought that was the same thing?
This is one of those things that has to do with the real fun of the English language, and the way words can have both meanings and implications. Both 'wrong' and 'incorrect' have, roughly, the same core meaning. But they have very different implications in word usage, and THAT'S what I mean when I say there is a difference, and I love when a movie allows for that difference.
To be incorrect is almost clinical. One has bad information, or draws conclusions that maybe have some sense to them but go off the rails at the end, or, maybe you're just talking out your ass a little bit. I have friends I love very much that have been incorrect. I have been incorrect many many times. People are incorrect, all the time, even good people, even smart people.
To be wrong has a moral implication. For a person to be wrong suggests something more at core, it's a more emotional based word in the language. If someone is wrong it's more suggesting of a flaw. The etymology for wrong literally comes from a word for crooked. So!
When I say characters are incorrect, but not wrong, I mean there are characters who make mistakes, massive ones, sometimes, but the narrative gives them space to do better. To be better. We see complex handling of events wherein we are allowed to see the bad behavior and not allow it to make a bad PERSON.
It's like the same way "What did you say?" and "What have you just said?" are technically extremely similar sentences, and to use one for the other would not be GRAMATICALLY incorrect, generally, but the feel and implication of them are very different.
Anyway, I loved this movie, as a kid's movie. It's not Kubo, for my money the best kid's movie I've seen, but Jewlet will definitely watch it
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elsmirrorball · 2 years
today i dreamt i hugged mike wheeler what do you guys have
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littlx-songbxrd · 3 years
Writting tips
Non-english speakers
So, being the go to english speaker to correct everyones essays has given me a unique perspective into little quirks and slight mistakes people who are learning english make along the way and I thought it'd be a fun thing to put out there because more often than not these same quirks can be used for non native emglish speaker characters. My experience mostly comes from spanish thought I do want to leave that said.
Lack of use of contractions
The number one thing that I always see everyone confuses both verbally and written is contractions. Theyre almost non-existent in the vocabulary of people who do not have a comfortable hang on the language. They'll never use it in fear they will mix the words incorrectly. If a character can fairly well have a handle in an english conversation but you will want to convey that its not their native tongue, changing contractions might be a good way to do it! Its not gramatically incorrect, but it does give the feeling to the character of otherness since most english speakers I've encountered have integrated the use of contractions very deeply into their vocabulary.
Ex. When presented with things like
"I'm having a great time" Laura smiled, turning her gaze towards Raul and Juan who were exchanging confidences in the courner of the room "I've been watching them pretend they're not into eachother all night, its quite hilarious"
You can consider changing it to
"I am having a great time" Laura smiled, turning her gaze towards Raul and Juan who were exchanging confidences in the courner of the room "I have been watching them pretend they are not into eachother all night, it is quite hilarious"
Wrong us of preposition
This is something I see very often, and I'll even admit preposition usage is by far one of the things I struggle with the most. It's confusing, usually when in doubt i end up going for what sounds the best and pray its right because I have no idea. It can be simple things like "Theres a sock at the floor" or "I found the book from the table"
Slight things that generall you cam desipher, but nevertheless you know theres a better usage of prepositions for what they want to express.
Structure of adjetive in sentence
Well this I'm not sure if it aplies to everyone, but it's one of the things I find myself correcting the most in essays. To make it easier to understand heres an exagerated example. "The blue house" changed to "The house of blue". They can play around with this in a million ways ranging from changing "The joyful cat" to "The cat who was joyful" to "enjoyable movie" to "Movie that was enjoyable"
In spanish it mostly comes from the fact oir adjective structure goes "El gato gozoso" meaning the word comes before the adjective, so im trying to retain that structure those mistakes are known to happen
Those are just some mistakes I've noticed that might help! If you all want more lmk
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the-trans-anon · 3 years
g h and t for you!
G: Do you write your story from start to finish or do you write the scenes out of order?
Start to finish. I don't understand people who write them out of order dfghjk.
H: How would you describe your style?
Hmmmm, like a summary ig? Like, I don't go into as much detail as I could and in a lot of fics I just Don't do diolouge, I just go "he asked her why her shoes were blue and she said because they are asshole and". This started so I could actually finish stuff (a lot faster to do this than to go into detail on every little thing) but now it's my actual style so uh....whoops. I also repeat stuff a lot (ex: "things he does again and again and again because he’s stupid, stupid, stupid") bc I feel like it helps add emotion/franticness to a scene, I also tend to use run-on sentences where a character is freaking the fuck out to add emotion, sometimes I'll also just stop using commas bc commas make u take a breath and when ur writing someone frantic, taking a breath can make things feel less emotional (ex: "And maybe if he just slept he wouldn’t have to deal with Cam’s worried goodbyes, or going back to the manor, or Vanessa’s never-ending disappointment, or Ruby’s stares of concern, or Vanessa’s ice, or her screaming at him again because he did another thing wrong and he can’t ever do anything right and he keeps doing things he’s not allowed to do and he knows he’s not allowed to do them and he knows they upset Vanessa but he keeps doing them because he’s tired and because he misses Cam and because he misses going outside and because he misses eating foods he likes and because he misses being warm and because he misses living without ice tearing into his skin." starts slow bc of the commas and then speeds up and gets more frantic bc i take them away + it's a run-on) basically my style is gramatically incorrect dfghjkl
T: Any fandom tropes u can't stand?
ummm, idk if this is actually a fandom trope but: cinamon roll characters. Those characters where people go "awwww they're so cute such a little baby I love them" and then procced to tear away any personailty they have that doesn't line up with uwu baby.
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hwarangs-say-what · 7 years
¡¡¡Ooooh, sabes hablar español!!! Siempre me alegro cuando encuentro a alguien que habla español en internet y además te gusta Hwarang y BTS, eso ya es la bomba!!! Ten un buen día y nada, gracias por darme esta alegría. =^^=
Aw… me sonrojas~ gracias mucho. También, ¡ten un gran día!
(En realidad, sé hablar español un poco y a veces uso Google Translate cuando no entiendo una palabra o dos)
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libbywednesday · 4 years
The dialogue in your fics is soooo good. HOw do you get it to flow so well? It sounds like I'm listening to a real conversation in my head when I read it.
WOW THANK YOU!!! i think the best piece of advice i can give you is to always say it out loud to yourself. I mean, it kind of might make you look like a crazy person if you’re not alone while you write but it’s a game changer. I tend to... like... rehearse the conversation in my head before I write it down, like I’m talking to myself. Some people might disagree but I really like adding filler words and pauses and making sentences of dialog gramatically incorrect because it sounds more natural instead of... idk scripted i guess. I like making characters have trouble articulating what they’re trying to say a lot of the time; saying stuff like “I don’t know” or “I mean...” or “You know?” or “Well...” or “or whatever”. I also like fillers like “Um” and “uh” and “ah” and “eh” because I feel like those are kind of important for fluidity! AND ONE LAST THING!! Pay attention to comedic timing if you’re trying to write something funny! 
Okay! I’m sorry for the long reply! I know you probably didn’t seriously want my advice but I have a lot of advice to give if anyone ever wants to ask lol 
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gigglincactus · 8 years
Shit party. I think the bartender stole from me, he wanst tender. I have no idea if thst makes sense or not.
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