#atranger things
steggymus · 2 years
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a post-midnight sketch of will byers pining over michael because i can
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Jonathan Byers x clingy!reader (Fluff/slight angst)
Summary: Reader is quite needy for Jonathan's hugs and kisses, but Jonathan isn't exactly used to it. So what now?
Warnings: Childhood trauma on Jonathans side??
Feel free to request:
You closed the door to Jonathans house as you closed your eyes softly. It'd been a few weeks since Joyce had given you the key to their place, and at first, you were a bit hesitant to use the key, but after a while, you managed to get it and just got used to using it.
Slowly, you made your way to Jonathans room, smiling when you saw him writing something, probably his homework.
Carefully, you knocked on the door so he wouldn't get startled before you got in and hugged him lightly. "Hey baby."
Jonathan leaned back against you and looked up at you. "Hi, (Y/n). How was work?" He asked curiously.
You sighed and placed a soft kiss on his head. "It was really tiring. I'm honestly just so exhausted. Can we cuddle?"
Jonathan nodded softly. "I think for a moment we can. I do need to finish my homework later, though."
You nodded softly and smiled as you moved to his bed. "No problem. I need to finish my homework later too."
You waited for Jonathan to lay down before getting on top of him and cuddling against his chest gently.
And then Jonathan did something that you swore was like being sent to heaven directly. His fingertips touched the front of your head and dragged through your hair, all the way to the upper part of your neck.
You relaxed almost immediately, your eyes closing as he kept going. You let out a soft hum as you relaxed more and more.
"I love you.", you mumbled with a small smile, waiting for him to say it back. But he didn't. He fell silent, stopping the caressing too.
You looked up at him slowly, taking his hand gently. "Baby?" He looked at you before looking away slowly, not saying a word at first.
"Sorry.", he mumbled softly after a while before biting his lip lightly. You crawled up a little and took his face in your hands. "Baby, what's wrong?"
He turned his head to look at you, clearly nervous about something. Suddenly, he let his head fall back but before it could hit the headboard you were able to catch his head and lay it back safely.
"Jonathan. What's going on?", you asked with much more concern in your voice.
"Can you promise me something?", he asked nervously, and you gave a soft nod. "If.... If I ever become like my dad, do you promise to tell me? And stop me?"
You sat up slowly and pulled his head up so the two of you were looking into eachothers eyes. "I will, but you are nothing like your father, okay?"
He nodded, but this didn't stop you from going on. "You're kinder, sweeter, smarter, funnier, more loving. And most of all.... You're allowing me to love you. You're not letting your trauma get the better of you." You explained as you placed several kisses all over his face.
"Jonathan, you are a wonderful boyfriend. And if we ever get that far, you'll be the best husband and father. You're perfect to me, okay?"
Once you were done, Jonathan had tears in his eyes. Not because he was sad, but because he was happy instead. He loved you so much, and hearing you say this made him so much happier.
"I love you.", you said, trying again. This time, Jonathan replied. Shakingly, but he replied. "I love you too."
The two of you shared a kiss so gentle, not even a spider web would break from how little pressure there was used.
You pulled away and just looked down at him, gently caressing his face to make sure he knew you would always be there for him as he cried.
He slowly closed his eyes and just let you do what you were doing.
The two of you had a healthy relationship, and as weird as it felt to Jonathan, he never felt this comfortable before. It was almost like the two of you were a copy of Joyce and Hopper, which Jonathan found to be a funny thought. And you agreed. It was funny to think about.
"Homework?", he asked slowly, and you nodded softly. "Yeah. And then we'll eat. I know you haven't eaten yet."
You smiled and pat his chest as you got off of him while he let out a small huff. "How do you always know this stuff? Did you get someone to watch me?"
You giggled and nodded, reaching for some tissues which you handed to Jonathan. "Yeah. Basically, everyone who lives here."
The two of you laughed again before you each sat down to do your homework and finish it up.
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anarcoqueer1994 · 2 years
As a gay, who has been in messy but consensual and wholesome poli-cules, I am using that experience to allow myself to have all my favorite Stranger Things ship simultaneously, and this is now my head canon. I will not be taking questions
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tal-vez-o-quizas · 1 year
Since this hasn't been debunked yet:
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Is it all right to think they will kill VH1/Vecna on this episode?
Remember how on the D&D campaign from ST4EP1 "The Cult of Vecna", when they were playing, Mike said "He was killed by Kas!" when Eddie said that Vecna was back missing his left eye and left arm?
Assuming this tweet is legit, does that mean that they will kill Vecna on EP2, then timejump, then Vecna will come back as described on the campaign?
What do you guys think?
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Meet-Cute?- Eddie Munson x OC
Eddie Munson x Misty Hawthorne
Description: Misty Hawthorne and Eddie Munson were considered to be polar opposites. One was a “weird freak” that played (supposedly) satanic fantasy games while the other was considered popular enough to walk around the school without being heckled and was loved by others. By all means, they should never interact. And yet they did.
Word Count: 2k
No one believed in the high school hierarchy more than Eddie Munson. He was considered a nonconformist and so he didn’t really fit well into clubs. He was energetic and intensely charismatic, which gave cause for people to begin making fun of him. It didn’t help when he founded the Hellfire Club, a.k.a. the D&D Club. That just gave the popular crowd (namely Jason Carver) more ammunition against him, calling him a freak and satanist. Usually he brushed their insults off or took them with a grain of salt, but sometimes he purposely tried to provoke everyone for being a conformist in retaliation. Yeah, he was at the bottom of the food chain in high school, and he didn’t mind. Not one bit.
Misty Hawthorne was almost the exact opposite. Sure, she was also technically a “nonconformist,” but that was because she never really found a club that interested her long enough to stay. And while Eddie sat at the bottom of the hierarchy scale of high school, she sat comfortably in the middle of it. She was in that weird place that’s right in the middle of popular and unpopular. Misty was friends with just about everyone who came into contact with her because it was just in her nature, so no one really had a reason to not like her. While she wasn’t best friends with the popular crowd, they liked her enough to not mess with her. It’s the same with the unpopular kids, though they claimed that she was tipping closer to the popular side of the scale than theirs.
She and Eddie could seriously be considered polar opposites. One was a “weird freak” that played satanic fantasy games while the other was considered popular enough to walk around the school without being heckled and was loved by others. By all means, they should never interact ever. And yet they did on one fateful day.
Despite the fact that it was Friday, Misty had to stay late. She had been working on a project for art class and it ended up bleeding rather late into the afternoon. Thankfully she’d managed to finally finish it so she wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore. So, after saying goodbye to the art teacher, she grabbed her things and began making her way to the front of the school, where the parking lot was.
Though there were some people still hanging around for the first basketball game of the season that night, the halls were pretty much empty aside from her. No matter how many times she’d stayed late (which was much more than she would think) she never got used to how weird it felt to walk down the dead quiet hallways. Nevertheless, she got to the front and adjusted her backpack on her shoulders as she opened the door.
As she walked down the steps of the school she noticed two people standing in front of the gym. One of them was a basketball jock, Chris Garcia if she remembered correctly. The other Misty immediately recognized as none other than Eddie Munson himself. He was holding a box of things she couldn’t quite see in his hands as they talked. She couldn’t hear what was being said, but based on the mocking smile on Chris’ face and the annoyed expression on Eddie’s face, she knew it couldn’t have been good. A quiet sigh left her lips and she made her way over to them to stop whatever was going on before things got bad.
She was too late. Just as she was about to cut in, Chris’s hand suddenly swung up, hitting the bottom of the box. Eddie, having not expected it, had no time to move before some of the contents of the box hit him in the face before it, along with everything else plus the box fell to the ground. Naturally the boy worried about his nose first since it had been the main target of the attack. As he made sure that his nose wasn’t bleeding Chris, along with a few of his friends that had been watching the interaction, laughed then walked into the gym after calling him a freak one last time. Misty frowned at the interaction, then picked up her pace a bit to get to Eddie quicker.
“Are you okay?” She asked worriedly.
“Yeah I’m-” Eddie’s snappy response was cut off when he whipped around to face her, eyes widening when he realized who it was.
“I-I’m fine,” he finally managed to answer after a moment, much softer now. Misty lifted a hand to carefully hold his face still so she could examine his nose.
“It doesn’t look broken, though it may be bruised for a bit. That little hydra figurine really nailed you,” she said after finishing her examination. Now that she was sure that he was actually okay she crouched down and began picking up the contents of the box he previously held. Figurines, notebooks, binders and a large board were now sprawled out on the ground. She looked up when she heard Eddie mutter something.
“Sorry, what was that?”
“It’s uh, it’s a demogorgon, not a hydra,” he repeated a bit louder this time as he crouched beside her, also beginning to pick up the pieces.
“Demogorgon?” Misty repeated curiously, trailing off at the end as she looked over the many pieces in front of her. “Oh! This must be for that fantasy game I’ve heard about… uh, Dragon’s Dungeons!” The boy couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm.
“Dungeons and Dragons, but I appreciate the effort,” he corrected gently. Misty blushed in embarrassment at how confident she’d sounded while saying something wrong, but quickly shook it off as they began gathering everything.
“Oh, I’m Misty by the way,” she introduced herself.
“I know,” the boy answered without thinking, horrifying himself and pleasantly surprising the girl. “I, um… I mean, I’m Eddie.”
“I know,” she responded simply, which shocked the boy as well.
“You do?”
“Yeah,” she giggled. “You’re kinda infamous around school. Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson, I always thought that was pretty unoriginal, but whatever.” She’d said it so casually and yet Eddie couldn’t help but stare at her. She opted to ignore it as she turned to look at the box that his stuff was originally in. Upon doing so, a small frown settled on her face.
“Looks like your box broke. I guess we’ll just have to carry everything inside,” she commented.
“We?” Eddie repeated curiously as he stood up, arms full of figurines.
“Of course! I’m not just gonna make you carry everything in by yourself, stuff could get taken while you’re not with it,” she laughed as she stood as well with the board, notebooks and binders in her hands. “Just lead the way.” Though hesitant, he did as she said and led her back into the school into one of the empty classrooms. The room was dimly lit and there was a medium sized table in the middle of the room with an intricately carved chair at the head made to look like some sort of makeshift throne. The ambience was there; it was perfect for a group of Dungeon and Dragons players.
“Wow, this is immersive,” the girl commented as she set the books down.
“Yeah, I do what I can,” Eddie responded coyly, much different from the rowdy boy she was used to seeing. He must’ve assumed that once she was done helping him she would just leave, so he got to work setting everything up. Misty didn’t leave, though. Instead she just stood there and watched in fascination as he worked.
“Can I ask you something? What exactly is Dungeons and Dragons?” Eddie’s head snapped up to her in surprise.
“Wait, you want to learn about D&D?” He inquired slowly. The girl shrugged.
“I mean, yeah. You’ve piqued my interest,” she answered simply. A wide smile suddenly appeared on his face as he took a seat on his “throne,” gesturing to the seat next to him.
“Well then have a seat, my fair lady, and get ready to have your mind blown,” he instructed, looking as if he were getting into some sort of character. Misty couldn’t help but copy his smile as she set her bag down and took a seat.
Once she was comfortably seated Eddie launched into his explanation of what, in his personal opinion, was the best game in the world. He explained what the actual game was, what campaigns and sessions were, the basic rules, the different character classes, everything that he could think of. Misty was immersed in his explanation, even asking questions as he talked. As they continued their discussion, she decided to help him set everything up. After there was nothing left to set up, they just continued talking. They hadn’t even realized how long they’d been talking until they heard the door open and four boys walked in with fast food in their hands, successfully interrupting them.
“Hope you’re hungry Eddie because-” The one at the front cut himself off when he noticed Misty sitting at the table. He froze mid-step, which made the other boys nearly run into him before they managed to catch themselves.
“Is it time for your session already?” Misty asked, glancing at her watch. Her eyes widened when she read the time. It was 5:00. Had she really been sitting with Eddie for an hour and a half? Eddie also looked for the time from the clock on the far wall.
“Huh, I guess so,” he muttered, sounding almost dejected. With his confirmation the girl quickly stood and grabbed her bag.
“Sorry for holding you up,” she said, sounding genuinely apologetic. The boy quickly shook his head and stood as well.
“No, you didn’t. We’re all set up in here,” he answered quickly before looking at his friends. “You guys get ready for the session while I walk the lovely lady to her car.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” the girl stepped in. “I don’t want to hold you guys up any more than I already have.” Eddie merely brushed her concern off.
“Like I said, you’re not holding us up. Besides, I’d feel much better knowing you got to your car safely.” His words brought a blush to the girl’s face, and she quickly gave in. Eddie held out his elbow to her, and she couldn’t help but giggle as she linked her arm in his. They walked out arm in arm out to her car, then stopped beside it.
“I had a lot of fun learning about the game,” she started, which made the boy smile.
“Well, I had a lot of fun teaching you about the game. Maybe you could play with us sometimes,” he offered.
“Oh, I don’t know,” the girl muttered shyly. “I still don’t think I know enough about the game to play without getting confused.” The boy looked a bit saddened by her answer, so she quickly continued.
“Maybe I could sit in sometime and watch,” she suggested, which instantly made him perk up.
“That’d be great,” he responded before stepping a bit closer. “And maybe I could give you more crash courses at dinner sometime.” And there was the (probably too) confident Eddie that she knew. A deep blush dusted her cheeks as she nodded.
“I’d like that.” He looked elated by her answer and nodded as well.
“Cool,” he muttered happily before moving to open the car door for her. “Well, you should probably head home before you’re stuck in traffic. With the game and all tonight, you know.” Misty nodded and offered him a small thank you. Before she actually climbed in, she paused and kissed his cheek.
“I’ll see you on Monday,” she muttered before ducking her head into the car.
“You- I, uh… yeah,” he stuttered out in the least cool way possible, which made her smile as she closed the door and started the car. The two of them waved at each other through the window before she began pulling out of the parking lot. As she drove away, she glanced out of her rear view mirror at him one last time. Eddie was watching her drive with a dreamy smile on his face that she couldn’t help but mimic. For once, she couldn't wait for the weekend to be over.
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dee-dee-monster · 2 years
Now, normally I would never skip over Halloween to embrace Christmas energy … …BUT!!HOWEVER!!
I’m distracted by the thought of Eddie going all-out for Ugly Christmas Sweaters. He’ll thrift and search and maybe craft something hideous adorable together (I see you with your patches and your vest, sir, now go sew some shit into an XMas sweater!!). And he’d rock that shit.
…now I need to go learn to draw to make this real …
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allagogtoreblog · 2 years
You enter the room and see Robin angrily writing on a piece of paper.
Y/N: Hey, Rob... Whatcha doing?
Robin: Customer pissed me off so I'm updating my fuck you list.
Y/N: Oh, I have something like that too!
Robin: Really? I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
You nod and hand her a folded piece of paper.
Robin: This only has three names. Hmm.. Eddie and Steve? Not surprised they're on there. What's these check marks by their.... Y/N.... This says it's a fuck him list.
Y/N: Oops, wrong list.
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arttsuka · 2 months
you arent disappointing anyone im sure those people just might have a tumblr break
Well, probably yes. It's just, the feeling of disappointing random strangers on the internet is too strong.
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mikeweasel · 2 years
There's a devil on my shoulder giving me the idea that season 5 might start off like the finale of Charmed. With Vecna's vision coming true and everyone dying except for some key people who then have to go back in time to stop Henry.
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ghastigiggles · 2 months
Heyyy gamers I got a few of these in the inbox so I just wanted to re-establish a boundary
I don't roleplay & I don't want to know anything personal about y'all, respectfully. Any asks I get containing personal info or attempts to engage in rp or teasing from me will be deleted. You don't know me and I don't know you, and that's how I like it, so please respect this. ❤️
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hellfirenacht · 11 months
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turnways · 2 months
The thing with donation scams to me is that people seem less upset about the people in need not getting their help, and seem more upset that they personally lost money. Which i understand but, you're not buying a service? Legit fu draiswrs or not you're giving money to a atranger and you have to accept the risk that either A. It's a fake fundraiser or B. If it's legit the person might use the money for a purpose you don't know about or approve of or C. The donation you sent hits a glitch of some sort and gets lost due to a technical error of some sort
Like, either way you're giving money to a stranger! Of course you should make an effort to make sure it's going towards people in need, but again you're not buying a service so if donating to peope is going to put you in dire straights then just dont donate to people?
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cameraclown06 · 4 months
Haha Splatoon dream time. Under cut bc of length.
So, I had a atrange dream. About Finalfest in Splatoon 3. Obviously, we have not had that yet as of making it. Anyways, my dream involved the Summerfest thing that's closeby actually being the Final Fest. However, it was divided into parts, with the Summerfest thing being part 1. I do not know how mamy parta or what the other parts were, sadly.
The lobby/hub world was interesting. Because it was a dream, it was like. A mix of all 3 maps. The neat thing though, other than being at nighg, was that it seemed like the multiplayer lobby enterance was closed, and you had to jump over some caution tape to enter it. Aling with that, there were flowers and plants and a bunch of fairy lights.
I don't remember what funky teams my brain thought up, sadly. But, what I do remember was that you picked a team, and then you picked the Idol you wanted to support. So you could have a full team, but you could, for example, have a Shiver supporter, 2 Frye Supporters, and a Big Man Supporter all under the same flag or topic or whatever.
I even dreamed up part of match! The map was big, like a garden with bushes and flower beds you could hide in, a bunch of different eleivations and levels, and it was a 4v4v4, constant improved triple battle. And for Some reason, Off the Hook and the Squid Sisters were there as NPCs. You could ink Marie because she was like. Jogging or something and didn't have her umbrella. I think Pearl was fighting Callie for some reason, and you could help either or out by splatting the other. In my dream, I splatted Pearl to help Callie. You couldn't splat the other. Idk what Marina was doing, but she was there!
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confusedsiewmai · 6 months
God, can you imagine seeing a complete stranger minding their own business and the first thing you do is talk behind their back about some made-up accusation???
Anyway, i just want to get out of this house. It's the first time in a long time that I got noticeably angry, and all I got back was "i can have my opinion and you can have yours. What I say here won't affect that atranger anyway."
The fact that you're making racist assumptions about someone when they were literally JUST buying food. It's bad enough you're talking behind someone's back, but making up stories just so you can talk bad about someone????? Its fucking unreal. The fact that somehow I'M in the wrong for calling out this behaviour in this house.
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dphblanket · 7 months
Its so atrange. I wish i only gained satisfaction from things like cleaning, progessing in what i do, and took out all the meaningless shit i occupy my time and energy i feel like such a hungry ghost or something
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Navi doctor crack
Navi doc: are we ready to try again?
Roll: we are
Navi doc: you're going into sleep mode now.
Mega: ....
Navi doc: there! It was small problem. Good thing we fixed it now, before it snowballed into something bigger.
Roll: thank you doc
Navi doc: I am going to wake him up from sleep mode now.
Navi doc: we're done now Megaman, you can wake up now
Mega: *sleepy* mhmmmm....
Megaman wakes up, and got scared cause he woke up around a atrange navi
Mega: aaaaaahhh!!!
Megaman accidentally hit the doctor
Mega: oh god!! I am so sorry
Navi doc: don't worry lad, you're not the first navi to punch me
After they leave the office and Megaman gets a cyber lollipop for being a "good boy" (lmao)
Roll: See? That wasn't so bad!
Mega: I'm never going back there again!
Roll: Oh so you punched him, he was okay with it!
Mega: No, I just don't like that place in general...and yeah I'm embarrassed I punch him...
Roll: Well I bet Lan's gonna be proud of you anyway
Mega: ...That I punched him or that I went to a doctor?
Roll: Knowing Lan...probably both?
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