#i have a shotty immune system on a good day
bugbxyjunk · 1 year
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edna-skiffens · 3 years
Lean On Me - 1.5K
Summary: You are under the weather but Harrison is there to make it better. That rhymed.
Word Count: 1.5K
Warnings: fluff as always bc it’s me, being sick 🤢, idk prob nothing else
A/N: I started this a little over a month ago when I was sick. Picked it up again a couple of weeks ago when I got sick again. Finished it after I had a stomach bug this weekend. So if you liked it you can thank my shotty immune system.
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You didn’t wake up when Harrison did. He was an early riser and you.. were not.
You were, however, a light sleeper and would usually wake up when he rolled out of bed, no matter how quiet he attempted to be.
But today when you woke up, you noticed he wasn’t there. Then, almost immediately, you noticed the aches covering your entire body.
Without even looking at the clock, you decided you could use some more sleep.
When you woke up again, you weren’t feeling any better. You decided to get up anyway and try to push through. Maybe you just needed some breakfast and to move around a bit.
You made your way into the kitchen after grabbing one of Harrison’s hoodies to help with the chills. You were staring at the open fridge for who knows how long when you felt him come up behind you.
“There’s my sleepy head.”
“It’s almost noon. I was starting to get worried, but figured everyone deserves a day to sleep in now and then.”
Noon? You had no idea. Sure, you slept later than Harrison, but not that late.
You were still standing in front of the fridge, processing Harrison’s information. You must have looked as confused as you felt, prompting Harrison’s next question.
“Love, are you alright?”
“Yeah. Yeah I don’t feel the best, but I’m okay.”
“Well, why don’t you go sit down? I’ll make you some lunch. Or breakfast.. Brunch!”
You gave him a small smile.
Normally you would put up more of a fight, wanting to prove your independence. Today, you didn’t feel like standing anymore. So you shuffled over to the barstool and sat down, leaning your weight on the island.
“What sounds good, darling?”
“I don’t know.”
He turned towards you and gave you a look of concern.
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay? You do sound a little hoarse.”
“Yeah, I just don’t know what sounds good. I guess nothing sounds particularly appetizing.”
“Want to start with some toast? Some fruit? Maybe you will have more of an appetite in a bit.”
Shortly after, he made the food and placed it in front of you, adding a quick kiss on your forehead as well. He pulled back and his smile fell. He placed a hand on your forehead to double check.
“Y/N. You’re burning up.”
“Really? I was freezing when I woke up.”
“Let me grab a thermometer.”
When he came back and took your temperature it confirmed his suspicions.
“You have a fever.”
“Maybe that’s why I don’t feel so good.” You mumbled while playing with the toast.
”Love, why don’t you go back to bed.”
You barely made a dent in your ‘brunch’ and your head was leaning so far forward you were practically laying on the counter.
“That sounds nice.”
“I have a Zoom meeting in a few minutes. But if you need me I can reschedule-“
“No, babe. I’ll be fine.”
“Okay.” He looked you over to make sure you seemed fine. “I’ll come and check on you after that okay?”
“Text me if you need anything.”
“I’ll be fine, Harrison.”
You crawled back into bed and almost dozed off until your stomach started turning.
Oh no.
You jumped up and ran to your ensuite bathroom just in time to bring up the few bites of Harrison’s brunch you managed to get down. When you were sure everything was out, you used some toilet paper to wipe your mouth and flush.
Exhausted from vomiting your guts out, you did not have the energy or strength to get off the floor. It was then you realized your phone was on the bedside table if you needed Harrison, not that you would interrupt his meeting anyway.
Instead you curled up on the tile floor of the bathroom, “I’m just going to rest here for a moment.” You told yourself.
The cool tile felt good on your hot skin, as your chills had traded themselves for hot flashes. You stripped the hoodie away and used it as a makeshift pillow on the cool floor. “Just for a moment” until you regained your strength to go back to bed.
“Thanks. Bye!” Harrison ended his zoom and was anxious to check on you.
You hadn’t texted him, but he didn’t think you would anyway. You took such pride in being able to take care of yourself.
It was quiet as he made his way through the apartment and he assumed you were sleeping. When he made it to your room and the bed was empty, he was proven wrong.
Confused, he began looking around. Not seeing you in any other part of the house, he checked the bathroom. The door wasn’t shut so he quickly saw your body curled up on the bathroom floor, asleep. He noticed you were left in your tank top and sleep shorts with his hoodie now under your head, sweat sticking across your skin.
He wanted to let you sleep, but he also wanted to check in and see how you were feeling. Give you some medicine for your fever.
“Y/N?” He gently rubbed your arm. You stirred a bit before opening your eyes. “Hey, love. What happened here?”
“I threw up.” You sounded like a little kid and Harrison found it adorable.
“Yeah I kind of gathered that.” He spoke in a sweet voice still rubbing your side. “How come you’re in here and not the bed?”
“The cold felt good.” He nodded in understanding. “And I was too tired to get up.”
“You should’ve texted me.” He helped you sit up.
“I left my phone in there.” He gave you a sad nod as he rubbed your back.
“You wouldn’t have texted me even if you had your phone would you have?”
“Probably not. I don’t know. I don’t feel good.” You leaned into him and he held you.
“I know, love. I’m here now. What can I do? Do you need to get cleaned up? Do you want a cold rag?” You shook your head no.
“I just want to lie down.”
“Okay I can help with that.”
“I’m kind of dizzy.” You told him. You leaned into him further and your eyes remained shut.
“It’s okay. We’ll take it slow.” He encouraged as he pulled you up. “I’ve got you.”
He slowly helped you back to bed and gathered anything you might need while you got comfortable under the covers.
“Okay. I brought a wet rag in case you get hot again, another blanket and one of my hoodies in case you get cold. Here’s a bucket and a towel in case you feel sick again. Some tissues and water. Anything else?”
“I have a headache. Could you possibly-”
“Say no more.” Less than a minute later he returns with even more items in his hands.
“Here’s some medicine for your headache and it should also help bring your fever down. Here’s the thermometer so we can check it again later. Here’s some crackers because I don’t know if you should take the medicine on an empty stomach, but if you feel sick don’t force it, but if you think you can manage it here they are.” He smiled sheepishly while placing them on the bedside table. “Here’s some Gatorade to help replenish you if you’d rather have that than water. And I brought some movies if you weren’t sleepy yet.”
He finally finished rambling about the various items he brought. You smiled up at him taking in this sweet boy and all that he was. You took the medicine while he continued.
“Or if you want to be alone and rest I can definitely do that. I can go do some wor-”
“Hmm? You need something, love?”
“Yeah.” You weakly lift your arms up towards him “Come cuddle me.” He smiled before stripping out of the nice shirt he wore for his Zoom and crawling into bed with you.
“This better?” He asked after pulling you into his arms.
You still felt the aches, the nausea, and the hot flashes, but having Harrison hold you made it better.
“It’s better.” You yawned.
He gave you a kiss on your temple, noting that you weren’t as warm as you were before.
“Why don’t you try to get some rest, okay? I’ll be here when you get up. And then we’ll lay here and watch movies and I’ll make some soup.”
“Okay.” You leaned your head against his chest. “Thank you for taking such good care of me.”
“Of course. That’s what I’m here for.”
“Love you.”
“Love you too, precious.” He smiled down at you, already asleep against his chest. “Feel better.”
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