#i have decided that shall be my tag for kook
dailynnt · 4 months
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Couple: Jeon Jung Kook/ fem!Reader
Characters: fem!Reader, Jeon Jung Kook, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Min Yoongi, Kim Seokjin, Kim Namjoon, Jeon Hoseok.
🔞 Age restrictions: 18+
👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏻 Relationship: get
📑 Word count: ❓
🖇️ Tags: best friends, friends with benefits, ex-relationships, slow longing, sexual tension, protected sex, unprotected sex, alcohol, drunken sex, inexperienced main character. Tags will be added as the story is written.
👩🏼‍💻 From the author: a short teaser of my new story that I have been wanting to write for a long time. The first part is almost done and will be out soon. If you liked it, please like and comment, I will be very grateful to you 🥹
⚠️ Warning: English is not my native language, so there may be mistakes in the text. Please don't get mad at me too much! Those under 18, please do not read this story!
It was stuffy inside the club. The smell of alcohol, smoke, and sweat mixed together and made you feel nauseous. You sat down at the table next to Jimin. Jungkook, who had been sitting next to you all night, suddenly decided to sit next to Taehyung and Sumin. The thought crossed your mind that Jungkook might be mad at you. But why? You hadn't done anything wrong to him.
"Shall I order you another cocktail?" - You heard next to your ear. Jimin's hot breath burned your ear.
"Yes, I could use another." - You accepted the offer. Jhimin nodded his head and went to the bar.
While you waited for your cocktail, your attention was drawn to Sumin, who leaned over to Jungkook and whispered in his ear. She was whispering flatteringly, trying to get as close to the guy as possible. Throughout the evening, you noticed her flirting with Jungkook. It's no secret that Sumin has been chasing Jungkook for a long time, but all her attempts to get his attention have been in vain. But today, it looks like she had a chance, you concluded, looking at the way Jungkook was talking in her ear and smiling.
You suddenly felt irritated. You couldn't quite put your finger on why you were feeling this way, but you didn't like the fact that Jungkook wasn't sitting next to you and wasn't saying something in your ear that made you laugh so terribly-sickeningly like Simin it do.
You've never acted like this before. But now you wanted Sumin to disappear. Knowing that Jungkook never refused you no matter what you asked him, you wanted to ask him to dance, to take Jungkook away from Sumin's clutches.
You walked up to Jungkook and stood between his spread legs. He noticed you and looked up at you. In your peripheral vision, you noticed Sumin staring at you. Ignoring her gaze and Taehyung's, who was also looking at you, you leaned over to Jungkook and touched your lips to his ear, smelling his perfume.
"Kook, I want to dance." - You whispered to him, trying to overpower the music that seemed to be the only thing you could hear.
You straightened up, waiting for a decision. You knew that he would get up and lead you to the dance floor, even though you hadn't asked him specifically, you just told him what you wanted. Without another word, Jungkook stood up and took your hand. You smiled, celebrating your success. Yes! He always fulfills your wishes no matter what you ask. It was something special for you. Jungkook could have dropped everything and come to you at any moment. Given all the years of your friendship, you thought it was natural.
As you and Jungkook walked to the dance floor, the rhythmic music changed to a slower tune. Jungkook turned you around without letting go of your hand. His left hand held your waist, pulling you as close as possible, while his right hand continued to hold your hand. Your hands were intertwined and held at hip level. You put your arms around Jungkook's neck with your free hand and you began to move to the rhythm of a beautiful slow melody.
It was not strange for you to stand so close to each other and hold hands almost intimately. You shared a bed many times when you spent the night at Jungkook's place or when he was able to stay at your place on occasion. You never had a problem with that. When you were going to a movie night, you could often watch it in each other's arms. Or when it was cold, Jungkook always served as a warm battery for you.
But that night, something changed. Now, dancing with Jungkook, you find yourself thinking that you like to feel his beautifully muscled body. You like to feel his arms around your waist and smell his expensive perfume. Most likely, it's just the alcohol in your blood giving way to your feelings. After all, it was the first time you got so drunk after breaking up with Shinhyun.
While you were thinking about how good you felt in Jungkook's arms, he brought you out of your thoughts.
"We haven't finished communicate yet." - He reminded you.
"I'm not talking to Shinhyun anymore." - You said. "I did talk to him a few times after we broke up, but I don't want to see him anymore.
"I really hope so because he's a fucking piece of shit. He used you and you think he wants a relationship." - Jungkook said, irritated. You're outraged. Of course you knew he was taking advantage of you. But he didn't need to remind you of that.
"I know who he is, but I didn't go out with him because I wanted him back." - You lied. That's why you went on all those dates. But because you wanted to look more mature in Jungkook's eyes, you lied. Jungkook smiled. He didn't seem to believe you. He had every right to, since he remembered your condition after the divorce.
"What was the reason then?" - Your best friend asked with a smile on his lips.
"I wanted to have sex!" you blurted out, not thinking of anything better. You were already scolding yourself in your mind.
Jungkook was taken aback for a second, he didn't expect to hear you say such words. Because you've always been modest, and this topic made you shy. Jungkook should have known that this Shinhyun was your first husband, even though you didn't say so.
"Sex?" - He repeated with amusement in his voice. "You mean you crossed paths with your ex just to fuck?" - You felt your stomach churn inside. It was so unlike your behavior, but you were a big girl now and you could have wanted to have sex.
"Yes. I knew that's what he wanted too, that's why I go on these dates." - You whined, trying to prove that you were telling the truth.
"If you wanted sex, you could have found another guy instead of going back to that asshole." - Jungkook said. Now you smiled, he seemed to believe you.
"It's still hard for me. But I know Shinhyun, and it's convenient." - You continued your lie.
You two were silent. Jungkook looked away, and you thought the conversation was over, and leaned against his shoulder. You danced with your arms around each other, each thinking about your own things. You thought if I had really done that, maybe I wouldn't have gone through this divorce for so long. You wanted to be the type of girl who used guys for sex, but you had just recently started having sex and were not experienced in this regard at all. You didn't even know how to flirt properly to pick someone up. But if you think about it, it was still important for you who you went to bed with. It was important that you liked the person you were going to have sex with and could trust them. Casual sex is definitely not your thing. And you just lied to Jungkook about that you could be this person.
You continued to dance to the slow melody. Your mind was racing. You were constantly asking yourself, "What is wrong with me that he did that? Maybe I'm not attractive enough?" You felt Jungkook slide his hands down your back. Should you ask him? Would he give you an honest answer?
"Jungkook-ah..." You called out to the men, pulling your cheek away from his shoulder. You spoke in his ear, because the music drowned out any voices.
"What, Goldeny?" - He answered, also in your ear. His hot breath sent shivers down your spine.
"Let me ask you something. But I need your answer as a man, not as my best friend." - Jungkook caught your gaze for a moment and leaned toward you.
"Ask!" was the only word you heard. But you realized by his tone that he was serious.
"Promise me that you will tell me the whole truth!" you demanded.
"I always tell you only the truth. So don't doubt me. Ask me any questions you want, dear." - Jungkook assured you that he was ready to answer honestly.
"Jungkook-ah... tell me, am I attractive?" - You asked. "As a woman?" - You thought that Jungkook would think about your question. You thought he would look at you and smile and say something like, "Is that all you wanted to ask? You're like a sister to me, how can I evaluate your appearance?!" But instead, he answered almost instantly. His lips touched your ear and you heard: "You're so damn attractive!" His words made your heart beat at a frantic pace. You felt hot, even though the club was already stuffy. Your best friend's low voice echoed in your ears.
You pulled away from Jungkook and you face were close again. Being close to him made you feel things you shouldn't have. And after his words, you lost all self-control.
You looked at Jungkook and couldn't understand what his expression meant. Was he joking with you or was he being completely serious? And then his gaze fell on your lips. For a second, you thought he wanted to kiss you. But no... what are you thinking? This is Jungkook, your best friend, whom you've known for years. The same friend who said he thinks of you as a sister, not an attractive girl. And he can't look at your lips with such desire.
Jungkook let go of your hand, which he had been holding the whole time during the dance, and put it on your hip.
You don't know what you looked like right now, but you tried not to look like you were dying. What was happening between you had no logical explanation.
"Goldeny, you don't even know how attractive you are!" you heard above your ear again. "Did you want than I tell you the truth? Are you sure you can handle it if I tell you?" - You nodded on automatic, confirming that you could handle it, even though what Jungkook had said a second ago made your legs turn upside down.
"If you weren't my friend, I'd have already fucked you!"
Expect the sequel soon!
By the way, I also have a few works that you can read:
"A Sober Driver for Jung Jeon Jung Kook"
"Agaainst the Rules"
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Vee's birthday project day 3
A/n: I had a really productive day today anddd I feel so great topping it off with a little sprinkle of happiness for my lil baby 💜
Let's get into day 3 shall we??
Day 3: Laugh till you can't scream.
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Tagging: @minniesvenus
"So what Im hearing is, you're too chicken"
"Shut up kook, all I'm saying is maybe it's the emptiest ride here for a reason."
"Yeah, the reason being people like you who're too chicken."
"Call me a chicken one more time and you're sleeping on the couch."
"What the fuck, I literally do not live with you."
"Whenever you sleep over."
"Smooth cover up to hide the fact that your brain's scrambled from fear. "
You roll your eyes. Jungkook is insufferable. He's the most daring man you know, and he's not ashamed to flaunt it any chance he gets. Normally you can tolerate it well enough, in fact you even enjoy indulging him with a few bickers here and there, only to see him get increasingly agitated to try to prove you wrong.
But honestly, today of all days?
"It's my birthday, you're supposed to go along with what I say, not peer pressure me to threaten my life."
That struck him speechless, as he scoffed incredulously and stared you up and down. You decided to take it a step further,
"You're welcome to ride it yourself, I'll get cotton candy and wait for you here"
You could almost hear his persona switching, and sure enough, the next second, the boy was holding your hand firmly. "There's no way I'm riding anything alone. Now, where's that cotton candy stall?"
Amusement park dates were overrated, but they were overrated for a reason. It definitely was a fun time, especially in winter evenings when you had warm puffer jackets and thick gloves and numb, red noses. You loved the fact that your birthday came in winters, because that spent so much cuddling and fun outings which didn't have to be cut short because of fear of a heat stroke.
And the fact that Jungkook always made sure that you were all nice and covered up, pulling up your scarf to your nose and pulling your beanies over your ears fondly, while his own cute nose was red and his lashes frosty.
As you walked around, and took some of the more tame rides, your eyes would inevitably fall onto the massive roller coaster that you had convinced your boyfriend to skip out on. And you had to admit, you could almost feel the exciting rush of air on your face and the stomach drops at every sharp turn.
It looked thrilling, no wonder Jungkook wanted to ride it.
And you'd be lying if you said you didn't either.
Just a tiny bit.
Bad idea.
You saw the pale faces of the people getting off the carts as you stood at the front of the line, your hand limp in Jungkook's tight hold, and were regretting your entire existence.
You glanced sideways at the shining doe eyes that convinced you to do the stupidest things.
Would they be too disappointed if you chickened out now?
"Oh fuuuuuckkk" Jungkook shouted, a happy giggle leaving him as the cart took it's first dip and zoomed onwards on the track.
You held on for dear life.
But it was fun, oh it was so much fun. The cold air you had anticipated had been nothing compared to the ice that nipped at every inch of exposed skin you had, and the toe curling anticipation of every upwards slope followed by such steep dips that it felt like you were free falling, had your stomach tickling non-stop.
And you were laughing. You couldn't help it, barely catching breaths in between and holding onto the handle with one hand and Jungkook's arm with the other, you couldn't help the soundless mirth that was paralyzing your body.
And you felt alive.
With Jungkook's happy laughter in your ears, the blinding cold wind forcing your eyes shut, and the lurches at every turn, you finally realized the ride was slowing down.
You opened your eyes and felt the tears that had leaked from them seemed to be freezing in their paths down your face, and when you turned to the light of your life, he had moisture on his cheeks too and the biggest grin you'd seen him wear all week.
Oh yeah, the strange epiphany had been mutual.
On trembling legs, both of you made your way off the boarding platform and held onto each other as the stray giggle erupted from either of you every now and then.
When you were finally coherent enough to speak, you squeezed his hands, "That was AMAZING!" you screamed.
"I knowww! Oh I'm so glad we did that baby!" He bounced on his heels.
"Me too!" You laughed again, "you sounded so funny."
"And you sounded like nothing, I was scared you'd passed out!"
"Nooo." You laughed, "I just couldn't stop laughing!"
Jungkook laughed too at that, and his hands came to rest on your waist, a mischievous glint in his moist eyes.
"What's that look Jeon?" You tilted your head, already suspecting what was coming.
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aajjks · 2 years
The Conqueror (XV)
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Synopsis: He had conquered everything, anything but your heart.
Pairings: Yandere!King Jungkook x Commoner!servant Reader (FT Jaehyun from NCT and Cha Eunwoo From ASTRO.)
note. omg omg omg. NO WORDS. share your thoughts plz, ENJOY!
series masterlist
taglist: @mageprincess7 @starsggukk @sprinkleoftee @koremis @minshookie29 @sana-b @bangtannoonalvg @oonaaurora @jeonsweetpea @sugaslittlekookies @outro-kook @kthyg @lunaashes @debicaptain-saturn @laurynne5 @captainsjoongs @myblackconfessions @lanalanexpjm @namjooncrabs @shadowmoon21 @kookunot @natalie-rdr @angelicasdre @iwasfuckinginnocentonce @mermaidtea @foulnightharmony @ungodlyjoon @quechulitaaa @telepathytae @silversparkles11 @j3alous-ang3l @bunzom @1-in-abillion @breadgeniedope @jiminie-08 @artgukkx @lovesthetword @bunijmin @pinkcherrybombs @afangirllikeme-blog @twilight-love-nochu-main @wedarkacademia @hollxe1 @bighitfics @darkuni63 @golden-thv @investedreader @sweetempathprunetree @koocreampie (I can’t tag anymore people, it’s full 😭😭)
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The atmosphere only got darker and darker as jungkook sat on his jetblack horse, the horse’s steps were really fast as Jungkook guided it, the only sound present in the deep dark jungle was of the many horses’ steps. Jungkook's curly dark hair bounced as he passed all the foggy way of the jungle.
His jaw was clenched as his now tired eyes were focused on the rough road ahead, the cold breeze did nothing to distract the mad man’s mind as it was set on one thing.
You. Jungkook was restless, he was impatient and he was going crazy, his whole body was ready for any bloodshed necessary to have you back.
Jungkook was going to do absolutely anything to get you back, his eyebrows knitted together in jealousy. The anger he felt in his body was starting to direct towards you. How could you escape him, how could you even think that you could ever get rid of him. He felt like laughing, it was cute how Dongmin decided to betray him and help you escape.
But now, he was barely alive and was rotting in Jungkook’s many dungeons.
Jungkook had killed Dongmin’s spirit, by killing his sister sana.
He loved her so much, after all. Jungkook wanted to inflict the same pain he was almost forced to feel when you’d left him.
It was Jungkook’s law. An eye for an eye, and a heart for a heart.
“Your majesty? We are almost reaching Gagyeong.” One of the royal guards announced, as Jungkook’s heartbeat rose.
A smirk found its way onto the emperor’s face as he fastened his grip on the horse's reins. Jungkook was talented in many fields, but there were two specialties of his.
Sword Fighting and horse riding. Jungkook’s pace was so fast that it threatened the east flow of the wind, his whole body and mind were filled with determination.
But his heart was feeling hollow and void. Jungkook had never ever loved anyone until you came into his life.
He remembers every single detail about your first encounter with him so many years ago.
Your half covered face was engraved in his mind and heart. Just a glance was all it took for the young Jungkook to lose his heart.
To you.
“I know, be ready to attack anyone that dares to come my way… do not hesitate to shed blood.” Jungkook clenched his jaw, his grip was brutal on the reins of the horse.
“Anyone that dares to come my way shall die!” His voice boomed with anger. Jungkook was willing to do anything to get you back.
Absolutely anything.
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“Jaehyun! It’s only getting darker! We have to find samcheon… Can you hurry it up!?” You called out to the man as you picked up the arrow’s. Your anxiety was starting to make you frustrated. The pit in your stomach made you want to throw up.
Something so bad was really about to happen.
You were sure of it. “YOON-OH!?” You screamed his real name with annoyance lacing your tone.
“Y/N! I’m here!” You turned around to see him standing, a sword in his hands.
He passed you a smile, his beautiful dimples made your heart flutter, “I think we are ready to go.” You announced after an awkward silence. Jaehyun nodded as the both of you began to walk out of the house.
“Let’s find him together, yeah?”
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It had been hours. Your feet were threatening to give up as you followed Jaehyun walk, him and you had been looking for the old man since dawn.
But there was no sign of him, “Y-Y/N it’s only getting darker…. And we are out of gagyeong almost…” Jaehyun grabbed your arm, whispering to you. You turned to look at him. The look on his face made your heart break. “I think… that we should leave y/n.. there may be bandits… and it’s so dark.” He looked at you, you couldn’t make out the expression on his face but he sounded scared.
You felt shivers down your spine, the sound of the crickets and the wind made you feel uncomfortable.
That sick feeling wasn’t going away.
“Y-Yes I think we should leave…” The disappointment in your tone wasn’t missed by Jaehyun. He grabbed your hand, and held it tightly. The crunch of the leaves beneath your feet accompanied you both as you walked back. The rhythm of your steps followed you.
It was the only source of sound until you both looked back to hear the heavy sound of the horses.
“At this hour who could it be,” Jaehyun raised his eyebrows. “Hey… I think we should question them about whether they saw samcheon… maybe they could be regular travelers here….” Your eyes lit up as you spoke, halting your steps, Jaehyun looked at you, confused. “Ahhh I’m not sure- NO YOON-OH I HAVE A FEELING THAT WE SHOULD WAIT FOR THEM.” You cut Jaehyun off in a stern tone. He only shrugged and a small laugh left him.
God… you were so adorable, shit he was much in love with you.
You both decided to wait for the horse rider to arrive, the sound of them only got closer and closer. Y/N you are so stubborn I swear.” He pinched your cheeks, his gaze was looking at you so adoringly.
“Hush Jae.. I think they’re here.” You giggled. As the grown man poured.
The discussion between you two was interrupted as the traveler’s horses reached you two, you both watched ahead, the darkness was too much, the fogginess didn’t help either.
“We can’t even see..let me go and find some woods Y/N, I’ll be back.. please be here.” Jaehyun muttered quickly, your hand felt colder now as he left it.
to you as the horses stopped, right in front of you.
“A-Ah could you please help me?” You watched Jaehyun go, you walked ahead to the first horse. As you got closer, you could see that it was a jet black horse.
“Sir- BABY!!?!” The hairs on your body rose at that voice.
Shivers went down your spine, the voice made your mind freeze, your legs trembled. “Y/N BABY!” Your head spinned.
Your wide and now horrified eyes watched the man with a black cloak get off his horse.
No no NO NO NO!
“I-I finally found you, Y/N.” Jungkook’s face finally came into view. Unshed tears lingered around your eyelashes as you stood frozen,
he stalked closer to you.
Jungkook’s hands immediately grabbed your waist as he pulled your body close to him.
“I found you!” He giggled. As he stared at your face, those tired bloodshot eyes…. That gaze was filled with craziness and obsession.
“I-I finally found you baby!” He shook with excitement as his grip on your waist only tightened abnormally again, his lips came crashing on yours.
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aquagustd · 3 years
all that glitters - JJK | M
drabble #01
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pairing: fuckboy!jungkook x reader
summary: you might've thought that it took over you all at once, little do you know, it was the little things that made you fall in love with Jeon Jungkook.
genre: crack, fluff
word count: 1.3K
warnings/tags: strong language, sweet!JK, Jungkook tries to beat egg whites with chopsticks but what else is new
a/n: I know I made everyone suffer with the first 2 chapters, and it only gets more angsty as the story progresses, this is me apologizing in advance. I decided to write a fluffier drabble, it takes place somewhere in part 01, before the Kiss™ Also this will make more sense if you’ve read part 01, the next part also makes reference to this moment in time (posting 210705)
Don't be shy to send in feedback, I love chatting to you guys :)
Series Masterlist
Adjusting the brightness on your laptop screen, you rub your eyes and let out a loud yawn. The boy seated across from you yawns too and you giggle.
“Didn’t you get any sleep last night, you keep yawning and then I’m yawning and now I’m tired too!”
Fixing your gaze on the screen again, you shrug, “I did sleep, but I think the sound of the waterfall has something to do with me feeling a little drowsy.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, “yeah well, it doesn’t affect me but your constant yawning does, so would you please-“
You reach for his hand across the table, “hey, hey, what’s gotten you so riled up?”
He sighs, hiding the now guilty look he has on his face behind his own screen.
“It’s just- I’m a photography major, I don’t understand how literature is going to help me in my line of work.”
“Well, it was either that or Mathematics 134, Kook.”
“I know, I know but Lord Byron is fucking-“
You laugh, Jungkook needs to stop spending so much time with Taehyung and Jimin.
“Let’s hear it.”
He takes a deep breath, then begins, tripping over his words, you try to hold back your laughter.
“They name thee before me.
A knell in mine ear;
A shudder come o'er me -
Why wert thou so dear?
They knew not I knew thee.
Who knew thee too well -
Long, long shall I rue thee,
Too deeply to tell.”
He lifts his head to look at you, a disgusted expression on his features and your laughter finally bubbles out of your lips. Holding your tummy in mirth, the sweet boy in front of you looks dumbfounded. He definitely does not know how cute he sounds when he reads poetry aloud, the way he emphasizes the wrong words, connecting lines that’s supposed to have a pause between them.
He looks exasperated, shutting his laptop and starting to pack his things.
“Wait, wait I’m sorry Koo.”
He sits down in his seat with an indignant pout on his face, you fight back the urge to coo at him.
You wipe the tears from your eyes.
“It’s basically a break-up poem.”
“I know that. But he makes it seem so…”
You grin, “poetic…”
“Noona, you aren’t helping.”
You wave your hands in the air, “I’m sorry, okay...”
Scrubbing your hands down your face, you compose yourself and think of how to explain the stanza to him.
“Have you ever been in love, Koo?”
Two big, doe eyes blink at you, “no.”
You nod, placing your elbows on the desk and resting your cheek on your clasped hands, thinking of another way to help him interpret the poetry in a way he might understand.
“Have you been in love Noona?”
Lifting your head to look at him, your eyes scan his face and ponder over his question for a while.
You think of the few boys that you spent a few of your adolescent years swooning over. If you were to ask your past self if that was love, you might say that yes, indeed, it was love. But as the years passed by, you growing older and wiser, meeting men, some just a one-night stand, others you have “dated” for a while, you know that you were infatuated with a sprinkling of those males.
But love…
“No…I don’t think I have.”
“I’ll send you a poetry analysis link.”
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You spend the rest of the study session with no distractions, except for the contact under the table. Jungkook keeps brushing his knee against yours, and when you look over your screen, you see a sweet bunny smile at you, eyes disappearing into slits.
You could never be angry at that face.
The car ride home is quiet, mostly because of the conversation you’ve had earlier, Jungkook got you thinking, what if you never find love?
While you’re facing your own demons, Jungkook is too busy chatting away on his phone, laughing at his screen now and then. He’ll forward you the memes.
As you plop down on the couch in your lounge, Jungkook heads to his room, then is back in the kitchen, then goes to his room and is back in the kitchen.
“Hey Kook!”
His voice sounds soft as he’s probably reached the far corner of his room now. You noticed that it’s a nervous of habit of his, pacing around whenever he’s stressed or anxious.
You pat the space next to you and he puts his head on your shoulder, hands clenching and unclenching.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing? Then why are you hopping from here to there, you know that I know that the last time you did this was when you were anxious to get your portfolio results. So tell me.”
You poke his ribs and he grabs your finger, smoothing his thumb over the length of it, lightly digging his nail into the creases.
“W-Would you mind if I invite friends over?”
You laugh, “why would I mind?”
“I don’t know, maybe because this is your apartment and-“
“Kook,” you run your free hand through his hair, “you pay half the rent here but that’s beside the point, of course you can have them over.”
He shrugs, “I just thought you might get mad if I bring people over without telling you.”
“I can never be mad at this face,” you squish his face with your thumb digging into one cheek and your fingers digging into the other, his lips sticking out.
He closes his eyes and tries to speak while you still grip onto his face, “But I‘ll let you know when l’m bringing them over.”
“Okay, let me know if I should make some snacks for you guys.”
“It’s just gonna be the two of us.”
“Okay,” you smile, letting go off his cheeks, knowing that he’ll eventually tell you more about this friend in his own time.
“Actually,” he places your hand back in your lap and stands, “I want to try making this snack, I’m gonna need eggs, can I use the eggs?”
You grab your phone from the coffee table, “use as much as you need.”
“Thanks Noona, I’m gonna do a test run today.”
You smile, “of course.”
Jungkook, always wanting to perfect anything and everything he does.
He points to the kitchen with his thumb, “want anything?”
“Juice, please,” you call out to his retreating figure.
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After hearing some crashes and bangs in the kitchen, you see Jungkook emerge with a bowl in hand, cursing and furiously beating some eggs with-
“Are those chopsticks?”
You stand, taking the bowl from him and you can’t wipe the goofy grin off your face.
“Are you trying to beat egg whites…With chopsticks?”
His hand comes up to rub behind his neck, “yeah…”
“What are you making?”
“It’s this fluffy...Thing I saw…-“ he points to the liquid in the bowl, “it’s supposed to get stiff.”
You blink in disbelief, “so, you tried to beat them with-“ you grab the chopsticks from his hand- “these?”
Walking to the kitchen with him following close behind, you set the bowl on the counter and rummage through the drawers, “it won’t get stiff if you beat them with chopsticks, Koo.”
Pulling out the hand mixer from a cupboard, you hold it up to him like a weapon, “this is what you need.”
He rushes forward and grabs the mixer from your hands, inspecting, “I couldn’t find the whisk,” he says in a tiny voice.
“Why didn’t you ask me? Well, anyways this is better than using just a whisk.”
You grab the cord and plug it into the wall socket, “Tae got this for me as a gift.”
He lifts his head to look at you, “really? I should get you something too…”
You pinch his cheeks, “no Koo, but I’m really curious to see what you’re going to make…-“ you hold your chin, “is it cloud bread?”
“Noooo, Noona I was going to surprise you with it.”
“Okay I’m sorry, just pretend I never said that.”
You place a hand on his shoulder, but he shrugs you off and holds up the mixer like a gun, turning it on to it’s maximum power, his eyes widen at how fast it’s spinning and the loud sound that fills the kitchen.
Holding it with two hands, he starts to move left and right, face scrunched up and teeth bared, pretending like it’s a machine gun.
Sitting on the kitchen stool and chuckling at his antics, you wonder how you managed to become friends with this five-year-old trapped in an adult’s body.
He’s cute, you muse.
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a/n: as always, feedback is appreciated.
Masterlist | Send a request here.
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taglist: @giadalin @shatzkrinslinzki @moonchild1 @deliciousdetectivestranger @joon-drops-on-roses @chimincubus @mayla548 @fancycollectormoon @libra04 @min-yus @ellesalazar @hcwurld @bts-txt-ateez @wearenot7withu @pjmnoir @drownforryou
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ahundredtimesover · 4 years
Friday Nights and Take-Out Drabble (3)
It’s not how I wanted to tell you but doesn’t mean I don’t mean it any less. 
Pairing: Jungkook x (f.) Reader
Genre/Tags: strangers to friends to lovers, popstar/idol!jk, fluff, angst, future smut; this is a dialogue-heavy series so read if you’re into that!
Warnings: foul language 
Word count: 1,500 sorry
Series summary: You meet pop star/idol Jeon Jungkook at the cafe, you get close, and as Hyejin says, you’re like friends with benefits without the sex. But you’re bad at feelings and so is he.
series masterlist
A/N: Fast forward to several months later with these two idiots-turned-lovebirds!
“Rock-paper-scissors! Winner decides if they want to choose the movie or the dinner tonight,” Jungkook says, right hand ready, bunny smile flashing through your phone screen.
You roll your eyes as you sit up from your upside-down position on the couch. “What are you, a child? Your game doesn’t even make sense.”
“Yes, your man-child boyfriend. And yes, it does. Now come on!” He urges you.
“Fine, only because you recognize yourself as such.” 
He rolls his eyes this time. 
He was late on the first try, making it not count. You usually go scissors after rock, which Jungkook knows - hence, why you often lose - but he didn’t this time. 
“I win!” You say, surprised. “A bit rusty now, are we?” A smug look on your face. “We’re going with Winter Soldier tonight, babe,” you continue, his hopeful face turning into a disappointed one. 
“But we watched Iron Man 2 the last time, shouldn’t we watch Iron Man 3 tonight?” He tries, towel wiping his sweaty face, their Friday night rehearsal having just ended. Months after the end of the tour, they’re still plenty busy and the month of February isn’t any different than the others. 
Still, you’re happy with your arrangement. Regardless of how late they end on a Friday, Jungkook makes sure to come see you, with take-outs now a staple in your relationship. Until you both think you’re ready to go public, your little home is your little world for now.
“We’re not following any order, Kook. I win so I get to decide the movie. At least you get to choose dinner! I’m not particularly picky today. I just want me some Bucky,” you tease. He gives you a displeased look. 
Something you’ve come to learn is that your jealous and competitive boyfriend will always try to one-up any person who gets your attention, regardless if they’re a fictional character or a real-life individual, regardless of gender too. He thinks he’s being subtle about it, which is the funny part, but Jungkook is anything but subtle. You’d mentioned one time how you liked Evan Rachel Wood’s undercut and he showed up 2 days later with his own undercut, in a bun. Do you like it? He’d asked later that night, lips all pouty. Safe to say it took all of you not to pounce on him the moment you saw him enter the bar. 
“I just don’t like him because he did my man dirty,” he reasons. You respond with a laugh, “yeah, I hear you babe. It totally has nothing to do with me having a crush on him ”
“Baby, don’t tease me tonight, please. I’m tired and I miss you and I want to cuddle you in peace while we watch the definitely-not-best Marvel movie,” he pouts.
“Okay fine, we shall cuddle in peace, then if that’s what you want to do,” you give in, hearing the tiredness in his voice, and then bidding him goodbye. 
If you didn’t miss him, you probably would’ve continued teasing him, but you do and you want nothing more than to have him next to you. It’s been two weeks since you’ve spent time together, after all. 
Four months since you both got your head out of your asses and finally admitted your feelings to each other - and three since you told his agency, which was fortunately supportive - you and Jungkook have found your rhythm. 
He’s still as busy, but nothing that video calls can’t solve, and still falls asleep on you over the phone after a long day at work, but you both always make time. He insists on spoiling you, despite knowing that a Chanel bracelet has got nothing on a whole strawberry shortcake, especially after a long day at work. You spoil him too in your own ways - buying him novelty items that remind you of him, stocking your pantry with his favorites, and of course, through kisses.
You didn’t think you could be this affectionate but you’ve long surprised yourself when it came to Jungkook. It seems as if every time you see him, you just want to shower his pretty little face with all the kisses you can possibly give. He enjoys this, partly for the fact that he likes seeing you be the needy one for a change and partly because, well it’s you and anything you give is more than enough for him. Except for an ‘I love you,’ though; somehow that isn’t part of the rhythm yet.
A little over an hour later, you hear the incessant knocking on your door and you jump from the couch. You open the door and take in how your boyfriend looks enveloped in his oversized black hoodie - hair damp, tired smile, but eyes still sparkling like the night sky. A shower of kisses later, you find yourselves on the floor, take-out food all but unwrapped. 
He surprises you with your own favorites - ribeye steak and truffle pasta cooked by one of their chef friends who runs a restaurant that you definitely can’t afford, which also doesn’t do take-outs, to preserve food quality or something. But Jungkook, you’ve also learned, lives off of making you happy, and this is one of the ways that he, as he says, puts his stardom to “good use.”
You stare at him, eyes wide. “Babe, they gave us plates,” you say, confused and amused at the same time. “Food presentation or something, Chef Choi said,” he shrugs, but unable to help the smile on his face as your eyes scour the presentation on the table.
“We’ve been wanting to eat at his restaurant,” is all you say, still unable to process what he had done, not missing the extras included - cheese and artichoke dip and tomato soup. “These seem basic, are they even on the menu?” 
He laughs. “Too basic to be on their menu, definitely, which is why he was able to whip them up,” he says proudly. “I just wanted to surprise you with something special.”
The twinkle in your eyes and the smile reaching them let him know he succeeded. 
One bite into the steak and you feel like heaven. It has marbled well and tastes so scrumptious and tender, as if you’re having an orgasm in your mouth. It tastes expensive, too. You close your eyes and savor the flavor, juices spilling out with every movement of your mouth against the meat. You’ve never had steak this good, it actually makes you feel emotional.
“Fuck babe, this is so good I love you so much.”
You open your eyes to see your boyfriend, mouth half parted, orbs even darker and rounder than you remember.
“Did you just tell me you love me… while eating steak?”
You cower on your side of the table, nervous at how he will take it. The words just slipped out of your mouth before you got to the next bite. It’s not that you don’t mean it; it’s because you do and want to at least tell him in a more romantic way than this. He’d survived practice until 10PM, made arrangements to get you a delectable dinner, and you tell him you love him like this - unfocused and unaware, prompted by food, of all things.
“Is that how much you love steak or how much you love me?” he asks, a smile slowly creeping up his face. “I was thinking maybe you’d say it while cuddling in bed or watching Crazy, Stupid, Love or even like, in the middle of sex or something but this… this is so unmistakbly you that I don’t think I can be more in love with you than I am this moment.” Now it’s his turn to look nervous.
You mirror his expression from earlier, senses suddenly heightened at what he’d just said.
“I…” he starts, unsure what to say next.
“I love you,” you repeat, unable to help the smile gracing your face. “It’s not how I wanted to tell you but doesn’t mean I mean it any less. But I do, for a while now,” you continue, hands playing with each other, teeth biting your lower lip. 
“I love you,” he responds, suddenly calming your nerves. “I feel like I say it in my head too much that I’m scared you might just hear it,” he chuckles, eyes finding yours.
“Well, I’d like to hear it, everyday if possible,” you shyly smile. You becoming such a sap like this is a side-effect of dating Jungkook that you definitely don’t mind.
He easily pulls you by your waist and sandwiches you in between his legs, wrapping them around you and peppering your cheeks with kisses. He hugs you tightly and lays his chin on your shoulder. Nothing is better than this. He’s starting to think this is what he wants to come home to everyday. He lets the thought sink in; that’s a talk for another time.
“Anything for you, Y/N.”    
part 4 || completed
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History (JJ Maybank x reader) pt. 1
Summary: You and JJ have history together; you two were high school sweet hearts until your father decided to take a new job across the country. It is not until 8 years later you find yourself back at the island, what will happen between the two of you? 
A/N: This is another short little mini series i’ve decided to start. I’ve actually had this first part in my drafts for maybe a month?? It will probably only be 3 parts but we shall see.
 The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks was the inspiration behind this new fic. I know a lot write about the younger pogues, but I decided to skip some years where they are all adults. 
 I hope you guys like it!! xx Please leave feedback/thoughts on this! :) 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: OPEN {CLOSED}
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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You were high school sweethearts, but best friends since elementary school first. Inseparable even with the different lifestyle. JJ Maybank was from the poor side of the island, the cut, and you were on the rich side of the island, Figure 8. However, due to the location of your home, the two of you attended the same elementary school and that’s where you two met and became best friends. Then years later, the two of you found love with each other.
 You father had signed a 10 year contract that brought his work to the Outer Banks. You were terrified of the new place, only 7 and small. You didn’t know anyone as your parents led you through the colorful hallway of the school and into your new classroom. Your hair was braided into two pig tails, a pink backpack on your back and a matching lunch box in your hand. Your new teacher introduced herself, then your parents left you in the room. As the class began to fill, a small boy took a seat next to you. The one who would soon become your best friend, your protector and later your lover. 
Ten years later, the two of you would experience the most difficult decision. Your father had been offered another job and would be moving off the island and across the country. He holds you in his arms as you cry, trying not to cry himself. You’d come straight to his house after hearing the news from your father. “Don’t cry baby… it’s okay..” His arms tightened around you. 
“it’s not okay! We’re moving across the country.” You pulled away to look at him, “What are we going to do? What’s going to happen to us?” Your eyes are red and puffy, tears streaming down your cheeks. 
He pushes a piece of hair off your cheek and behind your ear, “I don’t know baby.”
“We can.. we can do the long distance, right?” You look up at him hopeful, “I mean we’ll talk all the time. We can skype and then I can come visit or you can come visit on the weekends.”
 Both of you would be starting college soon, living separate lives. Would the two of you find time for each other? He wants you to succeed, to have fun in college. He wants you happy. He was probably never going to make anything of himself, but he knew you would. You deserved a man who could provide and give you anything you needed. Something he couldn’t give you.
 “Maybe.. maybe we should just part ways.” He sadly whispers. He can see your eyes change from hopeful to sad in seconds. That was not what you expected him to say. You were hoping for a yeah of course baby. We’ll talk all the time. I’ll come visit or you can come to visit. You suddenly feel angry that he could even suggest that instead of fighting for the two of you. You pull away from him, standing up straight, “Fine.”
“I just.. y/n I want you to be happy. I want you to enjoy life and if it means I’m not a part of that then okay. It was only a suggestion.” He sighs. 
You shake your head, “No I understand. This is goodbye then.”
 “I don’t want to end on bad terms.” He reaches for you, but you pull away, “y/n. Come on.”
 “Goodbye.” You whisper before turning around and walking out the door. That was the last time you ever spoke or even saw him again.
 ~ 8 years later ~ 
You never expected you would be standing on this ferry heading back to the place you wanted to forget. However, your parents had made their move back to the island after your father had retired a few months ago. 
Your hands gripped the railing of the ferry as the dock came into view. 
“You okay?”
 You look up at your fiancé, Chris as he places a hand on your back. 
You force a smile, nodding, “Yeah, just ready to get off the ferry is all.”
He kisses your head, “Me too. I’m in need of a nap.” He chuckles. There was a reason you were heading back to the island. In a week, you would be marrying your fiancé; the “love of your life.”
JJ Maybank points at the blueprints, showing his workers what’s going where. He’d made something of himself. He hadn’t attended college as planned. He ended up getting a job in construction and was now the owner of his own company. He had become one of the kooks. He’d come from the cut to figure 8, living a life he’d always wanted. However, he felt empty even with everything good in his life. He felt like something was missing. More like someone was missing. 
“Did you hear who is back in town?” John B asked.
 “We saw her in town this morning.” Pope adds, looking at JJ.
 JJ takes a bite of his food. They’d arrived at the Wreck for dinner a little bit ago. It was still afloat even after all these years. Kie ended up taking over the business and opened a few more restaurants around the island. Her business was booming. She’d married a lovely woman a few years ago that helped her keep business afloat. 
John B was working his own fishing boat and was making good money. He was dating the long time girlfriend, Sarah Cameron. He’d be proposing soon, just needed to find the right time. 
Pope was the local coroner and married to a lovely woman he’d met in college. They were trying for a baby. Somehow everyone found their ways back to the island and instead of living life as pogues on the cut, they were living the kook life. Something neither of them ever imagined. 
“Who?” JJ asks, wiping his mouth. He really had no clue, nor did he really care. It was probably one of John B’s girls from high school or some touron girl JJ had a fling with summers ago.
 “Y/n.” Pope says, and it feels like JJ’s seat had been kicked out from under him. It had been 10 years since he’d seen you, since he’d let you go. He never once tried to get in touch with you. It was for your own good. He wanted the best for you and if it meant without him, he was willing to do it. It doesn’t mean he wasn’t heartbroken. He was devastated. He’d kept himself locked in John B’s spare bedroom for weeks before he finally made an appearance. Since then he’d worked himself almost to death to keep his mind occupied. 
“I heard her parents moved back to the island a couple weeks ago. Her father retired.” John B adds.
 JJ brushes it off like it was nothing, “Really? That’s great.”
 John B and Pope exchange glances, “That’s all you have to say?” Pope asks. 
JJ looks up at his friends, “What do you want me to say? I mean I broke her heart. I’ve moved on and I’m sure she has too.” 
John B and Pope exchange another glance. They’d seen you had moved on, a nice-looking man on your arm.
“She’s moved on...” Pope says. 
JJ acts like he’s not surprised, “Good for her. She deserves to be happy.” 
“They’re getting married this week.” John B adds. “Sarah... is the one planning the wedding. Apparently, her parents are arranging everything and called Sarah’s company to plan it.” 
JJ’s quiet as he takes another bite of his food. He wasn’t surprised about the fact you’d be getting married. It hurt in all honesty. The fact it wouldn’t be him standing next to you, saying I do, but he’d lost that chance years ago and it was all his fault. 
“Congrats to her.” He mutters, sipping on his beer. He decides he doesn’t want to talk about you anymore and changes the subject, “Pope, how’s the lady doing at home?” 
Your fiancé, Chris, holds your hand as he drives down the main road. You gaze out the window. Nothing much had changed. There were a few new stores, some of the old ones gone. You see the Wreck up ahead and smile to yourself. It was still there, even after all these years. It was your favorite place on the whole island. 
Your breath hitches in your throat as you see that familiar blonde walk out of the front door. John B and Pope following behind. He throws his head back in laughter and you feel your heart is about to drop out of your chest. He still looked the same he did 8 years ago. You can’t help but let your head turn back to see him once more as Chris drives passed the restaurant.
 When you arrive to your parent’s home, the place is a mess. There are people all around, carrying table and chairs, décor, and a white tent being put up in the back yard, facing the water. 
You stepped out of your car and you notice a long blonde-haired woman standing in the midst of it all. That looked a lot like.. “Sarah Cameron?” 
She faces you and she looks the same she did when you’d left. Of course, she did. Her eyes light up, “Y/n!” She hurries to you, clipboard in hand and pulls you into a hug.
 “What are you doing here?” You ask, surprised to see her of all people. She pulls away to look at you, “Didn’t your mother tell you? She hired my company to plan your wedding.”
 “Oh wow, no she didn’t mention a thing.. Well, how are you doing? Married with kids? Dating someone?” You laugh a little.
 She smiles, “Me and John B are still going strong.” 
“oh that’s wonderful.” You smile, “I knew you two would..” 
She turns around to see someone carrying something off to the wrong place, “I’m sorry, excuse me.” She quickly rushes to them, giving them orders. 
Who would have thought John B and Sarah would be the couple to make it? You’d always expected it to be you and JJ… 
Obx taglist: @poguestyleskye​ , @alexa-playafricabytoto​ , @kaelyn-lobrutto24​ , @prejudic3​ , @turtlee-says-rawr​ , @outrbank​ , @k-k0129​ , @annedub , @rockyyc77​ , @ilovejjmaybank​ , @treestarrrrrrrr​​ , @thedarkqueenofavalon​ , @write-from-the-heart​ , @eclecticpuppyhollywoodhumanoid , @lasnaro​ , @kiarasgold​ , @normatural​ , @kaylinfayezink​ , @lordsagittarius​ , @moose-squirrel-asstiel​ , @thelovelydreamer17​ , @chasefreakinstokes​ , @fanficscuziranout​ , @diverrdown​ , @tregua-oca​ , @junkiemuppettxx​ , @afterglowsb-tch13​ , @hardyxlove​ , @cinnamon-roll-seth​
JJ Maybank // Rudy Pankow taglist: @thatweirdblonde​ ,  @saltwatercowb0y​ , @popcrone818​ , @thee-sex​ , @coni-martina​ , @pm-my-hubbies​ , @timotaychalabae​ , @katiaw2​ , @maybebanks​ , @sataninsatin​ , @obx-beach​ , @fangirlvoice​ , @lolitstiana​ , @teamnick​ , @danicarosaline​ , @losers-club6​ , @bananasfromtarget​ , @jasminesuperstar123456789​ , @fratboystark​ , @notmcchkn​ , @obx-beach​
All my works tag list:  @blossomreed​ , @mggstyles​  , @simonsbluee​
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httpjeon · 5 years
— 07. bunny blues 7: feelings | yoongi & jungkook  (m.)
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yoongi/reader/jungkook | fluff, smut | hybrid!au
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wordcount: 3.1k
contents: fingering, dirty talk, slight virgin kink, size difference kink if u squint, mentions of jk’s knot, doctor visits (pelvic exam, blood drawing mention), implied jungkook jerking off, protective/possessive!jungkook
― synopsis: your heat is coming up and jungkook and yoongi decide on a way to help you through it.
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blog masterlist ɪɴᴅᴇx: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 08
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© httpjeon 2019. do not repost, modify, or translate.
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It began with little things with Jungkook; the way he scampered out of the room when you entered, the way he nervously fidgeted at the table while you were there, and the way he avoided any and all physical contact with you. It made you a little sad but with what happened with his best friend, you assumed he was dealing with something personal.
And he was, you just didn't know it had to do with the fact he was in love with you.
"_____, come here and let me comb your hair," Yoongi called from his bedroom.
You had a doctors appointment for some reason. When you asked, Yoongi had brushed your question off and changed the subject. You decided not to push it — you'd find out eventually anyway.
Once you were ready, you learned Jungkook wasn't going to tag along; a fact that made you feel a tag bit disappointed. You enjoyed having him go along with even the most mundane tasks, he always brightened your day up. 
"Yoongi?" You asked from your seat in the car, receiving a hum in reply. "Is Kookie mad at me?"
"Not that I'm aware of," He responded easily, keeping his eyes on the road. "He has been acting a little strange but if it's to do with what I think, then, we'll have our answer today."
You didn't bother asking him to explain himself, knowing it'd just go unanswered.
You were happy to see Dr. Kim once again, his charming disposition and beaming smile had you put at ease immediately.
"So, you're here just to see when her heat will start, correct?" Seokjin clarified and your cheeks immediately burned hot.
"That's right, Jungkook has been acting a little weird around her and I just wanna see if that's the problem," Yoongi explained.
"Alright, I'll just perform a pelvic exam and take some blood and we'll have your results soon," The doctor ushered Yoongi out of the room to wait outside to give you privacy.
The pelvic exam wasn't anything new, Joonie had taken you a few times before to get checked out in the past. Although you felt some level of embarrassment through the ordeal. You made casual chat with Seokjin, feeling at ease even while he took your blood. He quickly offered you a lollipop after taking two vials of your blood, complimenting how good you'd been for the process.
It didn't take long before the results came back. Seokjin stood beside your exam table looking over the papers before he called for Yoongi to come back.
"First, _____, how did you deal with your heats before?" The doctor asked.
"Joonie put me on suppressants after my first heat," You responded, picking at the hem of your dress as you felt embarrassed talking about it.
"Did he help you out at all through your heats?" Jin asked and you noticed Yoongi stiffen in his seat before his dark eyes cut to you.
"N-No he never did," You breathed, not noticing the way Yoongi immediately relaxed.
"Alright, well Yoongi, you have a few options."
"Wait when's her heat due? Is it soon?" Yoongi asked.
"About two weeks," Jin didn't even look up from his papers as he relayed the news. "Here are some pamphlets about rabbit heats for you. Each one contains different methods to get through it along with a helpful guide on what to expect and supplies needed."
Yoongi rushed out a breathy ‘thank you’ as the two of you left before ushering you into the car.
Yoongi seemed rather tense on the ride home, if you were honest. You decided not to speak, not wanting to aggravate the situation. As much as you wanted to know his plans, you weren't willing to upset him to find out.
"_____, baby, can you go to your room for a minute?" Yoongi asked, though his smile was tight. You pouted a little bit but acquiesced, scampering down the hall and shutting your door. To drown out the talk from outside, you turned on your little radio that Yoongi got you.
You weren't the type to eavesdrop, after all.
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"What is it hyung?" Jungkook asked, lounging on the couch munching on some barbecue potato chips when Yoongi came in.
"Her heats due in two weeks," Yoongi groaned, dropping onto the couch with a sigh.
"Two weeks?! That's so soon!" Jungkook gasped, sitting up straight. "What do we do?"
"Dr. Kim gave me some options and information on heats," Yoongi responded, dropping the little booklets into his laps. He opened the one on heat options first.
"Suppressants?" Jungkook wrinkled his nose, shaking his head.
"She said she'd been on them with Namjoon. Is there something wrong with them?" Yoongi asked his hybrid.
Since Jungkook was a male hybrid and also his first, he never really had to deal with the hassle of a heat.
"They mess really bad with hormones and stuff," Jungkook shrugged. "They can make hybrids sick and increase the risk of infertility."
"Okay so, let's not do that," Yoongi replied quickly, not needing to hear anymore about the risks. Your quality of life and future well-being were just as important as getting you through the heat safely.
"Self-help," Yoongi muttered, feeling his cheeks burn at the various pictures of sex toys on the page. Each one seemed specially designed for rabbit hybrids and they appeared quite different from human sex toys.
"Yeah, letting her take care of it alone," Jungkook shrugged. "Not the most comfortable option. Probably not the best for her, though."
"What? Why?" Yoongi asked, making Jungkook snort.
"Hyung, she didn't even know what our sex toys were in your closet, come on," Yoongi groaned at the reminder of the day you found their stash of toys. “Plus, she's living in a house with two men, one of which is a hybrid, so she'll be even more riled up than she has in the past.” 
"Heat-partner," Yoongi hummed, eyes scanning the page. "The clinic offers a risk-free program to set up suitable mates for both heat-relief and breeding purposes."
Jungkook was silent beside him but Yoongi didn't seem to notice.
"It says here that there's two programs so she doesn't have to breed, that's good. We don't want any baby bunnies, do we? This might be good, a safe way to help her thro-" A growl immediately cut Yoongi off.
"You can't be considering that!" Jungkook snapped, yanking the pamphlet from his owner's hands, making the elder flinch in surprise at the show of aggression from his hybrid. 
“Is there something wrong with it?” Yoongi muttered, obviously confused by Jungkook’s behavior.
“Yeah, I don’t want some pimping service to hook her up with some random guy who won’t know how to treat her right!” Jungkook cried, tossing the paper on the floor carelessly.
“Those are the only options we have, Kook!” Yoongi argued. “You just want her to postpone it to another date for our convenience? A heat partner will help it be over quicker and be safer mentally for her!”
“Then I’ll do it,” Jungkook snapped, silencing Yoongi immediately. “I’ll be her heat-partner then.”
“I don’t think that’s—”
“I love her, hyung,” Jungkook choked out, sitting on the couch with a sniffle. “I...can’t even stand the idea of some random guy using her just to get his dick wet. There’s no way that can happen!”
“Kook…” Yoongi sighed and carefully began petting his hair.
“Don’t be mad, hyung, I’m sorry,” Jungkook whimpered, laying his head on Yoongi’s chest.
“What would I be mad at?” Yoongi chuckled, hugging his hybrid.
“I-I shouldn’t have fallen for her!” Jungkook mumbled with another sniffle.
“Kook...I can’t be a hypocrite and tell you it’s wrong…”
Jungkook took a moment to register his hyung’s words before his head shot up in surprise. Yoongi nearly cooed at how cute his pup was when he was confused, but he held it in.
Yoongi nodded with a sigh, “Looks like we’re both smitten by our little bunny, huh?”
They both fell silent, listening to the light hum of your radio floating in from behind your closed door.
"Shall we ask her?" Yoongi asked, feeling sort of nervous about it.
"Might as well," Jungkook replied.
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You were laid in bed, watching the TV that Yoongi had gotten you. It was little, but it was sufficient for you to enjoy by yourself. You were feeling a little sluggish and as long as you were allowed, you planned to just veg all day.
It had been about a week since your doctors appointment, so you were able to put the pieces together and assume the date was growing closer.
Giggling at your cartoons, you pouted when you realized you were actually rather hungry. Your head rushed when you stood up and you whined. Ever since you realized your heat was due, you'd been gaining all types of symptoms that were just annoying. Sudden vertigo being one of them.
“Yoongi,” You fussed as you came from your room.
“What is it, baby?” Yoongi asked, meeting you in the hallway.
“Ah, right, there’s some snacks in the cabinet, honey,”
Yoongi read the preparation pamphlet and had worked hard to be prepared for your preheat. It said that you’d begin eating a bit more than usual, preparing your body for the days of your heat when you wouldn’t want to leave your nest. That was another thing; you were starting the nest. Both Jungkook and Yoongi’s belongings began to disappear, only to turn up in a pile in your room. The pile had significantly grown over the course of the week. So far you were only collecting, not yet making the nest. It wasn't time for that yet.
Yoongi expressed concern over the act being a form of mate-choosing. The pamphlet informed him that during heat hybrid would 50% of the time choose to officially mate with their partner. 
Jungkook had told him that you using their items didn’t mean very much in terms of choosing them as your mate. You were simply collecting comforting scents and things you liked, that were soft or pretty; to make your nest appealing to lay in and look at.
As you began to search the cabinet for something appetizing to eat, you were hit with the delicious scent of your favorite hybrid. You turned around and grinned.
“Hi Kookie!” You greeted, stepping closer to him.
“H-Hey, _____, you—” He cut himself off by inhaling deeply. His eyes seemed to roll back in his head before he was suddenly turning on his heel and bolting to his bedroom. He shut himself in with a heavy slam of his door.
Shrugging, you pulled out a bag of carrot chips. Waving goodbye to Yoongi, who was busy working on his computer but still smiled in response, you went back to hide in your room. However, as you passed Kook’s room, you felt your mouth drop open at the scent permeating through the air.
His scent was tinged with something muskier, something that had you mouth watering. You hadn’t ever smelt anything as enticing as it in your life.
As much as you wanted to barge in there to get closer to the scent, you forced yourself to shut yourself in your room. It didn't do much to mask the smell, but once in your space it was dulled with your own scent and Yoongi's mixing in as well.
Crawling under your blanket, you did your best to ignore the addictive scent of Jungkook and the way your body began to sweat in response to it.
You awoke what seemed like hours later, when in reality it was probably just an hour. A soft set of knocks seemed to be the cause of your rousing.
"Come in," You grumbled.
"A-Ah actually, could you come out?" Jungkook muttered, voice barely loud enough for even your sensitive ears to hear.
"S-Sure," You replied, hurriedly untangling yourself from your blanket as you heard Jungkook move away from the door.
"Are you sure about this?" Yoongi asked Jungkook, unaware that you had arrived in the living room.
"More than sure," Jungkook's voice was surprisingly husky. "Are you sure, hyung?"
"Of course,"
"Sure about what?" You mumbled, rubbing your eye with the back of your hand as you approached where they sat on the couch.
"Well, come here, baby," Yoongi grabbed your hand when you got close enough, pulling you to sit between the two of them. "We have something to ask you."
"What is it?" You asked, curiosity making your ears twitch. Jungkook couldn't help but reach up and stroke the soft fur of one, making you smile.
"You know your heat is coming up," You nodded. "And we've decided not to put you on suppressants and we don't want you to have to deal with it alone..."
"So we..." Jungkook picked up where Yoongi left off, shifting uncomfortably in his spot. "We wanted to know if you'd be okay with us...helping you through your heat.”
You were silent, eyes wide in surprise at their proposition.
"Y-You...you want to go through my heat with me?" You repeated, making sure you had heard them correctly.
"That's right," Yoongi smiled. "If you want that, that is. If you tell us no we'll find another alternative, I promise.”
"You really...are you sure you want to do it with me?" Your question had both of them pausing.
"Why wouldn't we babygirl?" Jungkook cooed, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"B-Because I'm...you know..."
"What? You're what?" Yoongi grew more tense, afraid of what you might have to say about yourself.
"A...I've never...done it before..." Jungkook froze immediately at your words.
"Done what?" Yoongi asked, still lost.
"She's a virgin," Jungkook growled, eyes turning much darker than they were. Yoongi's mouth opened as he processed those words as well.
"I..." Yoongi cleared his throat. "I don't mind. I don't think...Jungkook does either,"
"Then...okay, I'd like you to help me through my heat then," You beamed, immediately making Yoongi coo softly at you.
"Fuck you smell so good," Jungkook suddenly growled, burying his face in your neck and inhaling deeply.
"K-Kookie," You whimpered, instinctively arching your neck to let him scent you more.
At your whine, Yoongi moved his own hand to your thigh. His touch had goosebumps rising across your skin and you sighed at his cool his hand felt against your heated skin.
"Can we touch you, baby?" Yoongi asked, feeling emboldened by your responses to their touches.
"Yes please," You whined, spreading your legs for both men.
"Fuck yeah," Jungkook groaned, beginning to leave open-mouthed kisses over your neck. Yoongi cupped your jaw, angling your face towards his so he could plant his lips over yours — pulling you into the softest of kisses. Your first kiss. Well, except that time you kissed Namjoon in a burst of affection which caused him to turn bright red and hide in his room for 4 hours. You moved on instinct, moving your lips against his to get more of the heat from his mouth.
While distracted by the kiss, Jungkook's hand replaced Yoongi's on your thigh except he moved up to cup your heat through your panties. He forgot, for a moment, you were just wearing a nightgown and he could clearly feel how wet you were through the cotton panties.
"God you're soaking," Jungkook snarled, inhaling deeply to smell your arousal through the air.
"How cute," Yoongi chuckled, pecking your lips once more. His hand slid up your nightgown until he reached your bare breasts, cupping one in his palm.
You sighed at the feeling of their hands on you — touching your virgin body with their experienced hands. When Yoongi's fingers pinched one of your hardened nipples, your entire body jolted in shock.
"So sensitive," Yoongi groaned, gently thumbing over the bud to sooth the pinch.
"What if I just..." Jungkook trailed off as he slid his hand beneath your panties. The second his fingers made contact with your wet folds, your arched and cried out.
"Holy fuck," Yoongi chuckled, enjoying your loud responses to their simple touches.
Jungkook didn't reply, sliding his fingers between your folds to find your clit. Swirling two fingers around the swollen bud, you squealed and grabbed onto Yoongi.
"Put a finger in," Yoongi ordered, making Jungkook pause.
"Fuck okay," He breathed, licking his lips as he did as he was told — sliding a finger delicately into your tight entrance.
"Ah, Kookie!" You cried, trying to spread your legs more.
Yoongi, sensing your trouble, suddenly pulled his hand away from your breasts in favor of tugging your panties down. Once free, he pulled one of your legs over his lap leaving you completely open to his touches.
Both of their gazes zeroed in on your cunt — swollen and dripping wet with Jungkook's middle finger buried as deep as it could. Even with a single finger, your little hole looked so stretched and stuffed and Yoongi felt like the air in his lungs had been punched out of him.
"Wanna make you cum," Jungkook growled, pumping his single digit in and out of you.
"P-Please!" You whined, arching your hips, desperate for more stimulation.
Yoongi took you by surprise by letting his own deft digits find your hot little clit, circling it with his fingertip as you trembled. Your eyes rolled back into your head as you felt your peak rising.
"Tight little virgin cunt," Jungkook snarled, lips brushing against your ear. "Can't even fit my finger. How are you going to take my fucking knot, huh?"
His dirty words and the mention of his knot had you crying out. You clutched Yoongi's shirt and buried your face in his neck and sobbed out their names as you came.
Jungkook could feel your cunt tighten around him, abusing your g-spot as you trembled. Yoongi could feel the way your clit throbbed beneath his touch, coming hard for both of them.
When you came down, your clamped your thighs shut to keep them from stimulating your sensitive body any further. Finally, they removed their hands from between your legs and pulled you into a hug.
"Good girl," Yoongi cooed, kissing your hair, holding the back of your head against him.
"So good for us," Jungkook added, nosing against your scent gland and wrapping his arms around your waist.
You felt your eyes growing heavy and you allowed yourself to drift off to sleep in their embrace — the mild heat in your body momentarily sated along with the cramps.
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jjungkooksthighs · 4 years
So, I have seen reviews on albums done before and I wanted to get my thoughts out somewhere. This little thing came into being because of that!
First off, I would definitely recommend BE for those who are struggling. It is a good source of comfort, for sure, if you are going through a rough time and I can understand how others would love this album as I have already seen. I think the boys put in work for this one and it definitely shows! I’m especially proud of Kook for his directing skills in the MV. It was very well done and I am so glad he seemed to have had a good time doing that as he stated in the Global Press Conference yesterday!
BE is a very interesting album in terms of the styles of the songs with three of the eight being retro-themed (Dynamite, Telepathy and Dis-ease) with the other three being slower and more melancholy (Life Goes On, Blue and Grey and Fly To My Room). Personally, I liked 7 better than this one, but that is just my opinion! I have seen lots of other people on Tumblr commenting their favorite songs off BE amongst other loving praises that I’ve come across and I think that is wonderful.
For me, though, I will say that Life Goes On definitely caught me off guard as I wasn’t expecting that style of song at all. Despite that, the fact that my bias directed this MV was something very unique that I really enjoyed seeing. If words would embody this song, I would choose succor’s solace as the epitome of this track. It is relief rolled into audio and it is such a gift to have a song like this in the hard times that we have been attacked with. It is soft yet firm in its tone and both balance each other very well to coalesce into a very comforting song. 
 This is certainly a song that you’d listen to on the way home from work after a long day or while you’re in the midst of studying, doing schoolwork or even at home working on assignments or tasks for your job. It is also something you’d listen to when you feel like the problems and struggles you face are just too much and need to be reminded that, per the song’s title, life continues on and that we must push forward to enjoy the little things and the big. I liked this track the most, I think. I myself am facing some things in my life right now and the core message of this song resonated deeply with me. To that end, this track is every bit the comfort song they intended it to be and this song, along with Spring Day, sit at the same table for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
Fly To My Room’s mellow beat is something that I think would be a great listen at night after the trials and woes of the day and it was interesting to see sope/vmin in the same track and how those two subunits meshed together to create something entirely new and unseen before.
Blue and Grey... this one sounded familiar to me and it took me all but two seconds to realize where I had heard it before. This is the same song that Taehyung teased in Bon Voyage when he was sitting in the canoe out on the lake. The song sounded so very different in this rendition and I was very surprised to see this song in the album when I had originally thought it would be in Tae’s mixtape! 
This is definitely a song you listen to in the rain and when the sun has been masked by the clouds in the sky. It is also a song you’d listen to once the sun has set and you walk outside just to have some fresh air and reminisce either about the past or to think on the stresses of your present. I think this track has the power to ease both and that is a powerful thing, indeed.
Telepathy I really liked! I think the upbeat form of this one definitely was a nice break from the slow beat of the first three songs on the album and, because this one is BTS’s love letter to ARMY, I think that is a very special thing that we as their fans should cherish in their thought towards us during the times that have befallen us and taken from us (and them) their ability to see us beyond a screen. I think the flow of the song is perfect and the flux of the voices of the members works very well for the positive energy they are trying to instill in it. From beginning of this song, when I heard it, I knew I was going to like it. It had a starry, celestial vibe to it and for some reason, when I hear it, I think of shooting stars that fly through the night sky. 
True to that image, this is a song you’d listen to when you’re with friends to recall the bonds you make with those closest to you (and those farthest from you) no matter where in the world they are. This is a song you’d also listen to to PARTY PARTY, YEAH! (I’m sorry, but ever since I heard that from Kook, it has been living in my mind rent free) In any case, this is a nice song to uplift you and would also be good to put on after a bad day so that you can look back on all the good things life despite the bad. That message is a very strong one, indeed, so that definitely makes this song a favorited one for me.
As an English major at my university, the title of Dis-ease was interesting as someone that often studies semantics and semiotics in language and literature. It was intriguing to see that they chose to deconstruct the word of disease and split it into its alternative form to convey an entirely new meaning from what one might assume the word means at first glance. While they could have chosen to name the song DISEASE, which is a word associated with sickness, illness or an ailing, afflicted health condition that most link with weakness and feebleness, BTS decided to utilize a play on words and use an older version of the word that now has two different meanings linked with it, I found it fascinating that they named the song what they did, for dis-ease was often used in the past to denote a lack of ease or absence of relief in an individual.
 It was only later that the word was changed once individuals started tagging health related conditions with actual infections or maladies when viruses and mental illnesses began to gain a name for themselves in the colonizing world. Ironically enough, the word dis-ease is now used by medical practitioners in healing environments for individuals that are on the road to eudemonia or betterment of themselves and the word is purposefully used to endow awareness of compromised health on a singular cause or root.
I don’t think I need to explain why that is significant in the scheme of the situation that our world has come to, but I shall say it anyway: this is meaningful in that BTS decides to fight back and combat the negativity that would threaten to swallow them (and those who listen and internalize the lyrics of the song for themselves and thusly feel the message they are trying to give to us) to instead grapple and wrestle with it by loudly bringing attention to it rather than allowing it to silently consume and germinate within them. This, for me, was very empowering to hear and is one of the many reasons why I appreciate this song in particular amongst the lyrics that target and attack the “diseases” that would try to take from us our wellbeing. The track is a battle cry to keep fighting and that, in it of itself, is a very powerful thing that strikes very deep within me. The bridge at the end with Kook and Jimin, by the way… literal EARGASM, MA’AM. Anyway, this is a song that you’d listen to in the morning to get yourself hype for the day. It is something you’d put on in the desire to boost your spirits if they are low and honestly could be listened to in any situation.
Lastly, we have Stay. This subunit of NamKookJin was certainly a pleasant surprise to me! Kook’s involvement in writing this track doesn’t go unnoticed in the emotion that is present in his voice (amongst Joon and Jin, of course), but there’s also something about this song that goes straight for the heartstrings in the pledge of continued loyalty that is subliminal in its subtlety. I adored this song and this track’s EDM style was a wonderful finale of the album in its summation that there are low points in life (as the first few tracks suggest) and that there are high points and life. I think that through this song, the three boys who sang in it were wonderful in their energy that was so vibrant.
 It was wonderful to hear the three of them meld together in a unit that also was unlike what we have heard before. I know the song must have meant a lot to the three of them because Joon is Kook’s role model as he has stated many times and to sing with one’s idol would certainly be a powerful thing, indeed. The fact that Jin was in it too much have had so much meaning for Kook since Jin is like a brother to him and took care of him (and honestly, he still does, let’s be real) when he was younger.
The song’s lyrics themselves reach out to the ARMY that Jungkook said the song was meant for in his, Joon’s and Jin’s efforts to remind us that, as their fans, they hope that we will always remain with them and that they know the times are going to change for the better. I enjoyed this song very much and it would definitely be a song you’d listen to be reminded of the love that BTS has for you and that despite everything, you will always have a place with them even if you feel lost in the world around you. I think a situation you’d put this on would be when you are need just that extra bit of confidence to get you through an anxiety inducing time whether it be a test for school or even a meeting for work.
With all of this in mind, my favorite songs are as follows: Dis-ease, Telepathy, Stay and Life Goes On. It is hard to pick a favorite among those four, but those were my most liked tracks for sure!
Overall, I think the album definitely is one meant to soothe the soul and the boys have succeeded in that without fail. It is clear that the boys worked hard on this and their efforts were not vain! This is an album that I think we all needed to close out a tough year and it took me some to get all my thoughts together, but now that I have listened to the whole album once again, I’m liking it more with each time I hear it. It is always amazing to me how BTS continues to do what no one else does: letting their genuine feelings shine through their music that inspires light in so many. I am proud of each and every one of them and they deserve some hard earned rest after their efforts!
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
Start Over/5
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Part 5
Nick Amaro x Elena Gilbert
A TVD/Law&Order svu crossover.
Totally AU - a little love story.
Premise: Nick Amaro left NYC and went to live in Mystic Falls, to be closer to his daughter, as his wife decided to go back to her home town.
He rents a house next door to Elena Gilbert Salvatore...they become friends and fall for eachother.》
tags @miguelsbrat
Days after
"And you knew this?" Nick asked.
"Yes." Elena replied.
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"It is not her fault" Caroline now stepped in. We told her not to tell you till we prepared everything for the decompelling."
"Please don't" Nick waved his hand at the trio.
Bonnie inhaled deeply now turning to Caroline. "Let's give them some privacy"
"No. I - want you all to leave- now!" Nick shot at them.
Elena, as well as her friends knew what he was going through. All the news about the supernatural world existing was overwhelming, but the knowledge that he was compelled and been fed memories he could not control was beyond comprehension.
And there was a new information that had him completely lost for words was that his ex wife was a witch. And so was his daughter.
Salvatore School is not like any other private school. Witches, werewolves, witch-vampires, vampires and all different supernatural children go to that school. And - yes, Valerie Tulle is Zara's ancestor.
Caroline Forbe's words hit him again.
And I'm a vampire. Bonnie, as you know now, is a witch and Elena is a doppelganger. She was a vampire, but then turned human again.
His head was banging hard. He though he knew life. He had seen things, experienced stuff that some people would not even if they lived many lifetimes. So he thought. But this. This whole new obscure world that opened up before him suddenly was something he was not prepared for. But then, who could prepare him for it.
Taking a deep breath, he now turned around hearing his mother step into the house.
"Nick - we're back."
"Hey" pulling himself together, he now turned to his mother and daughter walking in the room.
"Can I go to my room?" Zara asked and Nick nodded.
As the child shot out of the room, his mother looked at him concerned as she could see his face, kooking drawn and tired. "Everything all right, hijo?"
"Yes, ma. It's - just -everything. Uhm - I'm going to hit the shower. Can you make Zara something to eat?"
"Of course. Can we talk funeral arrangements?"
"Yes. Later. I really need a shower." Nick said, taking his mother's hand, tapping it gently as to convey that she needn't worry about a thing.
"Shall we invite Elena over - Zara kept talking about her all the time when we were driving back from practice?"
"No! - she's busy. I've seen her already."
Next door, both Caroline and Bonnie tried to console Elena.
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"I blew it. I should have told him straight away." the doppelganger slummed down on the sofa.
"He is pissed now - his ex was murdered by a witch hunter, then he found out that his partner compelled him, and that he actually was compelled before twice already. Then, he finds out that his daughter is a witch. It's kinda too much - he can't think straight. But he loves you, Elena." Caroline tried to console her friend.
"I don't know - we just started - damn, he is like the first guy in like forever- that I actually really feel so good with. More."
"Ah, Lena, I'm so sorry" Bonnie sat down next to her friend hugging her. "I'm with Caroline on this. Give him time."
"You guys are so great - but I know him a bit better. He totally has trust issues - ah- can we just - I need ice-cream. Buckets of ice-cream" Elena stood up. "Mystic Diner!"
Her friends followed her out.
Hours later, returning from the Diner, having spent nearly the whole afternoon with her friends, despire her betrer judgement, Elena went over to Nick's.
"What are you doing here?"
"I just - needed to see you - can we talk, please"
Inhaling deeply, he wavered for a second and then gestured to her to come in.
"So, talk"
"I was never going to keep things from you. I waited for the right time to tell you. I know that you don't believe me - but it's true. I know what you've going through - I've been there. "
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"Are you done?"
"Yes" Elena inhaled sharply. "Whenever you want to talk- whatever time - I'll be there for you- always"
Turning away she walked out of his house, brushing her tears with her palms off.
"Elena, wait" Nick followed the doppelganger out.
_to be continued
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xmagicxshopx · 5 years
Moon Monsters - Chapter 5
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Genre: Fantasy Adventure, Romance (smut later), Comedy Rating: PG-13 Warnings: none at this time Pairing: Jungkook x reader, Jimin x oc, Taehyung x oc Notes: werewolf!bts au. Not idol!bts. Same goes for GOT7. Single quote marks ‘ ‘ are for thoughts and double “ “ are for talking. Additional Notes: Not crazy about the beginning but eh. Didn’t proof read most of it. And now I wanna watch The Emperor’s New Groove. XD
Tagging: @och-ako @jiminnies-baby @kfictionstories @justbangtanandjams @lizardsocial @breadcaaat
Summary: You’re the CEO’s new personal assistant. But there’s something strange about him and the company you work for.
“You got me a Hyundai Palisade?!!?”
“Yah. Yah. Pipe it down. You wanna wake the whole neighborhood?”
You paid Yoongi no mind as you stared at the group in awe. They all stood there with almost identical smiles. Well Taehyung’s was a bit boxier but that was just his signature way of smiling. Seeing all of them standing there, these people, they were your coworkers but in this moment they felt more like family. Brothers, sisters, cousins. For the first time in quite a long time, you felt like you had a real family who loved you and cared about you.
“Guys......I.......I don’t know what to say. This.....Everything. It’s too much. I can’t accept----”
“Finish that sentence and I’ll make you swallow that key fob.”
“Wow. We definitely need to get hyung home. He gets cranky when it’s past his bedtime.”
“Guys, I don’t have the money to make the car payments for this thing. Surly you were only able to put a down payment on it.”
You were about to ramble on but it was Namjoon who walked up to you and started gently waving his hands in front of himself before speaking softly in a warm and reassuring tone,
“Listen, listen. We knew this would be overwhelming and we probably could have done this in steps, but you see........the thing about us........that’s just not how we roll when it comes to taking care of others. We go big or go home. And after everything you’ve been through today, we weren’t about to go home. Not till we set the record straight. Not till we make things right.”
“No buts. The car is paid for. In full. No payments. All you have to worry about is the insurance which if I understand right, you were already paying on your previous car. All of these expenses have been paid for and all we ask for in return is that you’re happy and healthy.”
“To add onto that, the title is currently in my name but Monday we can work on getting the title transferred over into your name.”
You were about to try again when you watched Jungkook walk up beside you and traded you the keys for Swiper. You stared down at the orange kitten as he mewed up at you; staring with his large round eyes. It turned you soft. So soft that you could have melted. Sniffling and feeling tears lightly trickling down your face, you looked back up at everyone with Namjoon having since stepped back into his spot in the small crowd.
“We’re here for you, beautiful. I told you it’d get better soon.”
You stared up at Jungkook and sniffled with an apologetic smile. The feeling of his large warm hand rubbing your back was definitely soothing to you as you tried to find your words.
“Sorry. I just-----This was so selfless of you guys. Spending your hard earned money on me like this. Me. Why? Some of you don’t even know me very well.”
“Sometimes you don’t have to know the person to be able to help those less fortunate.”
It was quiet for a few minutes before Yoongi decided to break the ice in his own unique way.
“Well you’re welcome. It’s late. So let’s all turn in.”
“Come on, grandpa. Let’s get you home.”
While Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jaebum, and Yugyeom all escorted the grumpy male to their cars, the youngest two stayed behind with their mates. Jimin had Mama Bird’s hand in his while Taehyung had his arm slung over Widow’s shoulders. Jungkook stood there beside you with his one hand still on your back but content with rubbing his index finger of his other hand back and forth across the top of the kitten’s head; Swiper loving the display of affection.
“Guys......all of you.......Thank you so much. I can’t possibly repay you for everything you’ve done today. Gosh.....I’m just really overwhelmed. I’ll be able to formulate better sentences when this all settles in.”
“Well you did drink quite a few cocktails tonight. That’s probably not helping you.”
You laughed at Mama Bird and felt your face warming up. She had a point. The alcohol in your system probably wasn’t helping you. Smiling from the group to down at Swiper, you leaned down and kissed the top of his tiny head once Jungkook had removed his finger. And that was when you had released a rather long and very open mouthed yawn.
“Oh my. Looks like someone’s sleepy. With all that supposed alcohol, you’ll be sleeping like a baby tonight.”
Jungkook stared at you lovingly but of course you didn’t notice because you were too busy cooing over the orange kitten. However, that didn’t stop him from correcting his hyung.
“Nah. She’ll be sleeping like a princess tonight.”
“Well then let’s not keep the princess up. Shall we go, my love?”
Widow smiled just as lovingly up at her mate as she nodded and glanced over at Mama Bird and Jimin. They too nodded in silent agreement. Turning towards you and Jungkook, the small female said happily,
“Widow and I had a great time today with you, Miss Korea. We definitely need to do that again soon. Oh! That reminds me! Everything is in our cars.”
And as if they had done this like a dance routine, you watched both girls turn to their boyfriends and bat their eyelashes dramatically with almost identical pouts. It was Taehyung who spoke up first.
“For the love of all things Gucci. Put that pout away. All you have to do is ask. My heart can’t take it.”
As the group chuckled, you followed them to the girls’ cars where your purchases were. Making sure you weren’t going to run into anything or anyone, you quickly stole a glance down at the kitten in your arms. Swiper had since started to try and climb up your body as if wanting to perch himself on your shoulder but the protective side of you wanted him safely in your arms instead.
Upon arrival, Black Widow unlocked her car and opened one of the back seats. For some reason, your cheeks started to warm up. Was it because they’d see the shopping bag that clearly stated you had went and bought lingerie? Or was it perhaps the lack of shopping bags you had compared to the trunk full the other two girls had?
“Ooouuu. Kook you gotta see what’s in this bag I-----Ouch!”
You were blushing like crazy as you watched Black Widow come to your rescue by smacking her mate on the back while he was hunched over and inside the back seat; apparently looking through your bags. Oh how you wanted to sneak a glance at Jungkook but you resisted. Mostly because you weren’t sure you could handle what you might find. Was he blushing too? Or did he find it funny? Gah.
With Jimin having opened the other back door, he too was also helping carrying the bags. However, your embarrassment only intensified when you watched the two coming out from within the back seats and easily carrying what purchases you had made; not even needing the third boy’s assistance. If anyone was going to make a comment, you were grateful that they seemed to be keeping it to themselves. It was Jimin who broke the silence by saying happily and casually,
“Let’s head back to her royal majesty’s new bed chamber, shall we?”
While Jungkook never spoke up, it was painfully obvious that he was going to have to take you on an additional shopping trip. There was no way you had enough in these bags to sustain a proper wardrobe. He knew you’d go kicking and screaming, but that was definitely one of the things on tomorrow’s agenda. Thank goodness tomorrow was Sunday. At least they’d have all day, for he also wanted to go grocery shopping so that you’d have all your favorites in the apartment.
The apartment.....their apartment. Just thinking about it made him giddy with joy. His mate was finally where she belonged. Home with him. Where he could protect you and care for you. Love you. Even though you currently weren’t returning his feelings, he could tell you were feeling the tug. That powerful force of nature from the Moon Goddess herself. That little incident in Namjoon’s office hadn’t went by unnoticed. He knew you were already starting to feel the effects even though you weren’t even turned yet.
Which meant he could only hope that one day you’d fall in love with him just as much as he had fallen in love with you. Hopefully living under the same roof would make that even more probable. He felt like the odds were in his favor despite how uncomfortable you still seemed with living in the same quarters as him.
With all the bags carefully placed in the little foyer section of the apartment, it was time to say goodbyes and see you laters. You had handed Swiper over to Jungkook so you could give each girl a proper hug and a proper thanks for everything they had done. It almost brought tears to your eyes as you felt them returning your hugs with genuine love and care. You had never had female friends so this was a big moment for you.
“You be good to our girl, okay Kook?”
“Yes, m’am. Of course, m’am.”
You were a timid, blushing mess as you watched Jungkook reply to Mama Bird’s words with a cheesy salute while Swiper was held protectively in the male’s other arm. Good lord. You wanted nothing more than to run to your room and hide; never to come out again. Boy was it hot in here all of a sudden. Resisting the urge to fan your heated face, you said with a whine,
“Yah yah. It’s late. You guys should be heading home. It’s always more dangerous to drive in the dark, anyway. Shoo. Shoo shoo.”
With the small group of four giggling and cooing over how cute you were, you closed the door and locked it before turning around to lean your back against the structure. Now openly fanning your face, you watched Jungkook chuckle while holding Swiper with both arms now. He knew you were embarrassed and flustered so he decided to take pity on you and left things at that. Instead, he asked casually,
“Want me to show you to the bathroom so you can freshen up before bed?”
“That would be wonderful. Thank you.”
And so after plucking the bag that had your nightwear in it, you followed the young male down the hall and watched him point to a door closer to the end. After giving a soft thanks, you shyly ducked into the bathroom to get ready for bed. After hearing his footsteps fading, you took a deep breath and exhaled to help calm yourself down. Gathering yourself up, you moved to stand in front of the huge lit up mirror.
Wow. Those cocktails really roughed you up.
To say you looked exhausted would be an understatement. The woman staring back at you definitely looked worn out. With another deep breath to help calm you, you reached for the faucet and turned the cold water on. Giving your face a good couple splashes, you cursed when you realized that.......you had absolutely nothing on you that could help with your nightly skin routine. Softly cursing for not thinking about purchasing that stuff while you were out today, you decided to move onto brushing your teeth........which you also couldn’t do.
Tears were starting to well in your eyes. You were stupid. Stupid stupid stupid. You weren’t even thinking of stuff like toiletries when you were out shopping today. All you could think about was having fun with the girls. Your new friends. You had been so wrapped up in having friends for the first time in your life that you weren’t thinking like an adult. An adult who had just lost everything.
Sniffling and trying not to bawl your eyes out, you slipped out of the clothes that Mama Bird had given you and changed into your conservative babydoll nightie. It was dark navy blue and went about mid thigh. You were too upset to even think about approaching Jungkook in it. Jungkook......god you were going to have to tell him......But how? How could you? God this was so embarrassing. You felt so pathetic. You didn’t even have a brush for your hair or hell----You didn’t even have shampoo or body wash for that matter. You had nothing.
You had nothing.
Jungkook had just set Swiper down in his cat bed when he immediately became alert. His mate was upset. Extremely upset. Why? He needed to find out and fast. Quickly rising to his feet, he was met with a tear stained face. Your face. It broke his heart. So much so, that he couldn’t even enjoy the nightie you were wearing. He watched as you sniffled and approached him; promptly stuffing your face into his chest. Your smaller hands gripping the back of his shirt.
“Hey, hey. What’s wrong, beautiful?”
“I’m stupid. So stupid.”
“Yah. No you’re not. Come here. Let’s take a seat.”
With his help, the two of you took a seat on his fancy off white couch and you tried to collect yourself. Gah you were working his self restraint already. You weren’t wearing a bra under that nightie and it showed. Good gravy. Trying not to audibly gulp, he put his focus back on you and taking care of you. In a soft and soothing tone, he asked while stroking the back of your head in a petting fashion,
“Why do you think you’re stupid?”
“Because I didn’t buy anything important today. All I bought was a bunch of clothes and shoes.”
“That doesn’t make you stupid, beautiful.”
“Yes it does! I have no toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, shampoo, body wash. I don’t have anything for my daily skin routine. I have no makeup. Kook I have none of that stuff. Because it went up in flames like the rest of my stuff. I have nothing. It’s all gone.”
By this point, you were crying your eyes out and Jungkook had you wrapped up in his arms. Truth be told, he wasn’t thinking about those things either. Hell, he was sitting here thinking about how you needed more clothes than what you bought. But he definitely hadn’t been thinking about the hygienic stuff. Welp, it was definitely going to be another busy day tomorrow. Rubbing your back, he spoke softly,
“Well how about this.....tomorrow we’ll head back out. Just you and me. We’ll make a day out of it. We can have three nice meals out while we shop and get the things you need. And we can take your nice new car so we’ll have plenty of space for the shopping bags. We can even buy Swiper a couple cute cat toys. How does that sound?”
With a hiccup, you replied almost grumpily, “You’re too nice for your own good, Kookie. You know that?”
Flashing you that bright bunny smile that never failed to make your heart flutter and your cheeks turn pink, he chuckled and said in a tone that sounded an awful lot like he was teasing you,
“I knew you’d like the idea. So for tonight and in the morning, you can use my stuff. It’s not a big deal. I do believe I have an extra toothbrush unopened for when I’m an idiot and forget to charge my electric one.”
You flushed even more pink when you heard him mention that so casually. Gosh. Electric toothbrushes were expensive. The only thing you could gather was that he must make an awful lot more than you. Or maybe he’s obtained some kind of inheritance? Wherever he was getting the money, you had no idea. But there must be a lot of it.
Upon hearing a soft but high pitched sound, you both looked over to see that it was just the orange kitten stretching in his cat bed that was two times too big for him. Jimin had explained that the little guy would grow bigger before anyone could blink so it just made sense to buy the big bed now verses waiting. After a good stretch, the kitten went back to sleep; looking absolutely precious in your eyes. It was then that you felt a large warm hand rubbing your upper arm as Kook spoke up softly,
“I think Swiper has the right idea. Let’s get some rest for our big day tomorrow, yeah?”
“Okay. But what about all the bags at the door?”
“Eh. They can stay there. They aren’t going to go anywhere.”
“May I have a glass of water to take with me before I go to bed?”
“Beautiful, you can have anything you want, okay? You don’t even have to ask.”
You looked up to see him smiling down at you with that charming smile of his. He looked gorgeous while you looked like a train wreck. Sniffling, you nodded and he took that as the cue to help you up from the couch. His hand had slipped from your upper arm to where he could protectively wrap his arm around your waist to help keep you steady.
After pouring you a glass of water from his purifying pitcher, he handed it to you and even took it upon himself to escort you to your bedroom. Your new bedroom. Thankfully when you walked in, it no longer smelled like lingering paint fumes. Carefully setting the glass on the nightstand, you turned around to see Jungkook leaning against the door frame.
“I hope you’ll like it here, princess.”
Princess. That was new and different. You weren’t sure which made your heart flutter more. Beautiful or Princess. Smiling shyly from behind the canopy that surrounded your bed, you felt a blush coming on as you spoke in a small, shy voice,
“I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that, Kookie.”
Hearing those words made him smile with relief. So you were going to like it here? Perhaps that meant you’d stay. He couldn’t help but be hopeful of that. Oh how he wanted to gather you up and lay you in his own bed. Where he could protect you and keep you happy and healthy. But for now, he’d give you your space. He could be a patient man when he wanted to be.
“Well, then I guess this is good night. Sleep well, princess. If you need me, I’m just down the hall.”
“Thanks, Kookie. Good night.”
And with that, the two of you parted ways with him closing your door for you. Taking a couple slow sips of your water, you sighed gratefully at how cold it was. All that blushing had really warmed you up despite your thin nightie. Yeah. You probably should have worn something even more conservative but you could never sleep if you were on the warmer side during the nights.
When you went to lay down, a moan just about filled the room and then some. Wow. This mattress was freaking amazing! You had no idea who picked this particular one but if you ever found out, you were going to kiss their feet. Getting comfy, you tugged the covers up to your nose as you were one who liked to bury yourself in comfort. After everything you had been through within the last 24 hours, you definitely wanted to drown in comfort. The sheets smelled so good. Wow. They must have been washed before hand. You wonder if this was Jungkook’s fabric softener you were smelling. Had to be.
Speaking of.........
Feeling his mate’s heart rate slowing down and sensing you were on your way to dreamland, Jungkook was finally able to relax in his own bed. There was no way he was going to risk sleeping until he knew you were comfortable and resting properly. Since walking into his own room, he had changed out of his clothes for that day and was now lounging in a t-shirt and shorts. Normally he’d ditch the shirt but just in case you needed him, he wanted to be.....dunno.....decent?
“Okay, so what else will she need? Help me out here.”
‘Well......wait why are you asking a dog what a human female needs???’
“Good point.”
‘What’s on your list so far?’
Scrolling back to the top of his cell phone screen, he started listing off all the items he thought you’d need. The items you had listed earlier, more clothing, more shoes, groceries. He suddenly thought about things like medicine. Were you on any kind of medication? Oh! And were you a pads kind of girl or tampons? Just from his own heat cycle, he knew you’d be starting your period in a couple weeks. Wow. Women needed a lot of stuff.
‘Females are gorgeous, precious, but complex creatures, little one. You’ll learn that more and more as you spend time with her. Tis why we as the male need to care for our mates. They work hard and carry our offspring. The least we can do is care for them like the beautiful gems that they are.’
Jungkook could feel his chest swelling with masculine pride. Yes. He was going to take care of his mate. He was going to nurture her and care for her. Tomorrow would be a good day. He was going to treat you like the goddess you were. However, he could only hope that you’d allow him to treat you to nice things. It felt like a battle and a half just to convince you to take his credit card. Yeah.....you’ll probably put up a struggle tomorrow but he could handle it. Hopefully.
After adding a few more items per his inner wolf’s suggestions, the male finally decided it was time for him to sleep. It was hard though. His mind was just racing with everything that had happened today. Not to mention it was hard for him to sleep knowing you were just down the hall. Probably looking absolutely angelic all curled up in your new bed sleeping peacefully.
Or so he had thought.
After setting his phone on charge on his nightstand, he had just turned on his side and gotten comfortable when he felt.....something was off. Surly he would have noticed it sooner, right? No. Something wasn’t right. He could sense your discomfort. Fear. He smelled fear rolling up from under his door. It was you. You were scared. Maybe sleeping in a foreign home was making you nervous?
And then he heard your screams. Your blood curdling, hair raising screams and he was out of bed in a flash. Faster than the blink of an eye. Most of the time he was a clumsy bun, but in this moment, he was a graceful and swift canine ready to attack whatever was causing his mate pain. Barreling down the hallway, he wasted no time in opening the door to your room. The sight broke his heart.
There you were sat up in your bed patting yourself frantically. The sound of your hand practically slapping your skin sounding louder than it really was. You were crying and whimpering as you continued to pat yourself down for whatever reason. The only thing he could guess was that you must still be somewhat asleep and still in your nightmare. Carefully approaching you, Jungkook spoke softly,
“Hey....beautiful? You there? Hey. It’s me, Jungkookie. Are you awake?”
You must have been more awake than he originally thought because as soon as he started to speak, your head shot up and your eyes full of fear focused on his form slowly approaching you. It would seem that you were coming back to reality though as you suddenly started looking around the room. It was then that you slumped forward with your face in your hands; shoulders shaking from what.....he wasn’t sure of.
“Do you want to talk about it? Is there anything I can get you?”
You sat there hunched over with the nightmare still playing in your mind’s eyes. Dear god it had been awful. So much so, that there was no way you were going to risk falling back asleep. As you sat there remaining silent, Jungkook could feel the anxiety rolling off of you in thick waves. He felt helpless in this moment and it killed him. Surely there was something he could do?
“I’m sorry. I probably woke you. I’ll be fine. Sorry to bother you.”
“Hey hey hey. Let’s hold up a minute.”
While his voice was soft and almost like a whisper, he still felt the need to sit you down and get something straight. Sitting down on your bed in front of you, he turned and gently removed your shaking hands from your tear stained face. Gosh he was so tired of seeing you cry. But he also couldn’t blame you either. It just really broke his heart, though.
“You are not a bother. And you’re definitely not fine. You don’t have to talk about it, but you also don’t have to pretend like it was nothing either. What do you say we fix some warm drinks and watch a movie, hmm?”
“I......I was on fire, Kookie.......”
At first he didn’t quite know what you meant. But then it clicked with him. The way you were patting yourself all over earlier......you were patting yourself because you were trying to put out the fire. His heart clenched painfully in his chest and tears were threatening to well up in his eyes. You had a nightmare, alright.
You had a nightmare that you were burning alive.
“Okay. Ice cream it is.”
After helping you to your feet, it seemed like no time at all that the two of you were on the couch watching a Disney movie. After insisting that you pick, it was decided that you’d watch The Emperor’s New Groove as it was one of your favorites and it never failed to make you laugh. As soon as he heard that little tidbit, Jungkook was sold and immediately purchased it to rent.
Your giggles. Dear god your giggles were like music to his ears. Watching you take a spoon full of ice cream only to giggle around the spoon made his heart soar to the ceiling. You were adorable in every way. Precious. Absolutely precious. He had to fight the urges to kiss the top of your head or run his fingers through your hair. But thank the Moon Goddess you were subconsciously cuddling him. He at least got that much.
They were at the scene where Yzma was asking Kronk her famous line of “Why do we even have that lever?” when your giggles tried to turn into a yawn. There it was. The moment he had been waiting for. It would seem you paid it no mind as you went back to watching the movie, having since had your fill of ice cream. Your head was resting on his chest and he was pretty sure you had no idea what you were doing at this point. But he wasn’t about to stop you. No way.
Jungkook was pretty proud of himself. Since that first yawn, he had ever so carefully inched himself lower and lower till the two of you were practically laying down on the couch with you on top of him; using him as a literal body pillow. Not that he minded. Good lord he was in heaven right now. This definitely had to be what heaven felt like.
Needless to say, neither one of you saw the ending of the movie.
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Hey! Congratulations, babe! You're hitting such a big milestone and I hope we can become friends!
Hey, Ash! Thank you so much and yes, of course, lets be friends! I love having friends and talking to them! My ask box and dms are always open, come talk about any stuff in the world! Sorry your ask took me so long, but it was a long ask also so lmao hope it’s okay!
🎸 - a playlist of songs which I associate with you [I went through your blog and that’s kinda mood i got, hope you like, these are some of my favorite songs]
Arctic Monkeys - Why’d You Only Call Me When You High?
Lana Del Rey - Off To The Races
The Kooks - Naive
Catfish And The Bottlemen - Pacifier
The 1975 - Sex
The Last Shadow Puppies - She Does The Woods
🌈 - a fic rec
cigarette by @cal-puddies [it is what it is i mean the hottest cal smut ever but it’s also the first part of a series so if you like this one, check out the next parts, they are pure gold and also the most delicious filth]
and a playlist to it
Lana Del Rey - When The World Was At War We Kept Dancing
Tom Grennan - Found What I’ve Been Looking For
Catfish and the Bottlemen - Outside
The Killers - Bones
The 1975 - Love It If We Made It
Florence + The Machine - What Kind Of Man
👑 - a personal 5sos photo/gif thread
i’m gonna make it a separate post and tag you in it not to make this one too big
✨ - a 5sos!au ship with a blurb of how you two met
Okay, so as i said i went through your blog and i’d say i def ship you with bad boy Cal. Bitch resting face, black clothes, cigarettes and strong liquor, the smell of danger around him. The type of guy to make all the girls’ panties wet.
How the two of you met:
Let’s say you’re in an underground bar/club. You’re here with some friends who begged you to go even though it’s not really your type, but some cool band was gonna play, so you agreed.
The place is sick, though a little frightening. You even heard some illegal fights are happening here on some nights, and some of the men inside look too dangerous for your liking. Especially the tall one at the bar. You spot him the minute you get inside. He’s easily towering over most of the people, dark leather jacket deliciously tight on his biceps, slight irritation on his face. He leans on the bar counter, nursing whiskey glass and talking to the bartender every so often. He doesn’t make an attempt to talk to anyone else or pick up a girl, just observes the crowd. You have to admit he’s ridiculously hot and, sadly, hasn’t looked at you even once.
You’re listening to the band with your friends and they’re surprisingly really good, so you mostly enjoy your evening. It’s getting really hot by the end of the set and you go up to the bar counter to get some water. The dude comes out of nowhere. One moment you’re asking for your water, next he’s already leaning over you, the smell of alcohol and sweat making you sick.
“A girl like you can do much better than just water,” he assures you. “Let me buy you a drink, sweetheart.”
You move a little from him, shivers run up your arms. “Thank you, but I’m fine with my water,” you answer, glancing at him and trying to sound as polite as possible in this situation. You know these types of guys, know you had to do anything not to piss him off. The only thing you don’t take in consideration was that your mere rejection is enough to piss him off.
“No need to be a bitch, I’m just buying you a drink,” he says turning to the bartender, “Hey, Mike, get that girl some gin.”
You try to say no to Mike, but the guy grabs your wrist and pulls you closer to him. “I said stop being a little bitch.”
You don’t have time even to start panicking, when a man’s hand lays on the dude’s shoulder. You hear his low, raspy voice before you see his frame behind that creep’s back.
“The girl said no, man. Have balls to accept it and back off.”
The creep lets go of your hand and slowly turns to the tall guy. Thankfully, bartender picks up a bat from under the counter, and that finally makes the dude leave without making it nasty. The tall guy looks at you, holding your water bottle and looking a little shaken and smirks.
“You shouldn’t be here alone, you know. Too pretty for this place,” he says but doesn’t try to come closer. His voice is everything you wanna hear for the rest of your life, low and confident and somehow soft, enveloping you.
You can feel your cheeks burning bright red. “Well, thank you…” you hesitate, but he comes to the rescue, again. “It’s Calum.”
“Thank you, Calum,” you say, “for saving me and the compliment.” He bows a little in a joking manner, you can see devils dancing in his dark eyes. “But I’m not alone, I’m with friends here.”
“Yeah, I’ve seen them,” he notes and looks exactly in your friend group direction. You blush even more. Was he actually watching you?
And at that moment you feel it with your whole body, the danger radiating from him.
“I guess, I should go back to them,” you mumble. “But thank you one more time.”
You basically run from him, feeling his look on your back and asking yourself if you’ve just done the biggest mistake in your life. Because no matter how dangerous he is, he’s also the hottest man you’ve seen in your entire life.
📜 - a 5sos blurb
As you haven’t specified it, let’s pick up the same bad boy Calum line, shall we?
So several days has passed, but you still can’t shake that Calum guy from your mind. You literally think about him any given moment and after you see him in a dream one night, you realise you have to see him again.
So after debating with a logical part of you, you set on going to that bar again. There’s no guarantee he’ll be there, of course. But you remember he was talking to the bartender all evening and think it might mean he’s not a rare guest at this place. And anyway, that’s the only idea of how to find him you’ve got, so… You even manage to persuade couple of your friends to go with you, so it’s not so scary and you won’t look pathetic sitting there alone. But as the evening comes your friends start to bail on you, making excuses at not feeling like going out or having some family stuff to take care of. You’re disappointed not to say more, but not ready to go alone, so, you guess, it’s just not meant to be. And you accept it, truly. At least you think so. Right until you find yourself entering that bar in your sexiest top and skinny jeans. You know you’re probably acting reckless, but you can’t help it.
You decide to stick to the bar counter this time, thinking that even if you don’t see Calum again, the bartender (the same you saw last time you’ve been here) won’t let anything bad happen to you.
You order a cocktail, not very strong, you’re here not to get wasted. And share a little chat with bartender Mike, who obviously remembers you and even jokes about how you’re his danger girl now, as you came again again after what happened before. You smile, he’s nice and you like his jokes. You start feeling more confident, even with feeling men around looking at you hungrily every now and then. You spend there around an hour, when decide to call it quits. You’re highly disappointed not to see Calum again, but maybe it’s for the best. Maybe the Universe just trying to tell you he’s not the guy for you.
You think about getting an uber, when the same low voice envelopes you.
“I thought i said you shouldn’t be alone here.”
You can hear his irritation, as he leans on the counter next to you, but at the same time you can see amusement in his eyes.
“Especially looking like this,” he says, giving your look a thorough checking.
“I’ll take it as a compliment,” you answer finishing your drink.
“Oh, please, do,” he chuckles as Mike puts his whiskey in front of him.
You turn to Calum, he’s in the same black leather jacket, his dark hair unrulier than before.
“So what are you doing here today?” he asks with a smirk playing on his plump lips.
You shrug, alcohol making you bold. “Maybe, i was looking for you,” you answer.
“Well, you’ve found me,” he muses, moving closer to you, “what are you gonna do now?”
You can’t take your eyes off his lips, they are so deliciously wet and inviting. You feel your heart beating so fast, hear the rush of blood in your ears. You know you’re moving way too fast, but fuck it if you care right now.
“Whatever you want me to,” you whisper before attaching your lips to him.
Thank you one more time for following! I hope you liked your blurb and ship and everything! Come talk any time! 🖤
Follower Celebration Week!
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char-thenerd · 6 years
A Devil in Angel’s clothes
Writing challenge for @bang-tan-bitch
Rating: M (Sexual themes) 
Word count: 2k 
Hoseok x vampire!reader 
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“Why did I let you drag me to this?” Y/n asked as the bass began hitting their ears from outside the club.
“Come on y/n you know why we’re here.” Jungkook responded “It’s Halloween, the one day a year where we can feed and no one questions it as anything other than fake blood and a hella good costume. Plus Namjoon is coming and he said he would be down to tag team someone if they were ok with it.” Y/n rolled her eyes, even though Namjoon was only a hundred years older than Jungkook, the younger still looked up to and respected him as if there were centuries difference between the two.  
“When are you just going to decide to fuck him instead of having a sounding board of a human between the two of you?”  Y/n asked right before they walked into the dark club, with lights flashing and costumed bodies dancing to the beat of the music.  
“Who says we haven’t.” He yelled over the thrum of the bass waggling his eyebrows.  “Best orgasm I ever had was when we had one of them tied up and forced him to watch.”
“Good God Kook, I don’t need all the details of how much of an exhibitionist you are.” She faked covering her ears moving further into the club, towards a far booth, their small clan already seated eyes scanning the crowd of people.  She slid down into the booth next to Yoongi while Jungkook took his spot next to Namjoon, the older putting his arm possessively around the younger.  
“Almost thought you guys wouldn’t make it, I was about ready to go find someone to feed on with Tae.” He commented looking at the both of them nodding towards Taehyung already grinding on a girl dressed as an angel out on the dance floor.  
“We would have got here on time Joon but y/n took forever as per usual.”  Jungkook said
“Oh no don’t you dare try and blame this on me, you were the one that changed four times before saying you should have just stuck with the first outfit you put on.”
“Hey, we can argue about this later. The rest of the group Tae’s girl was with all seem to have potential for us.”  The three of them followed his gaze towards a group of guys standing on the edge of the dance floor with matching costumes, one as an angel, two as devils.  The tallest devil had broad shoulders, plump lips, dark hair parted to reveal his forehead with a stern but soft gaze.  The smaller devil had silver hair with plump lips to rival the taller.  Next to the two of them, the angel seemed out of place, his frame between the other two in size with flaming red hair to match the others’ costumes.  He was uncomfortably pulling at the white costume, looking like he wanted to be anywhere but where he was currently.  The four of them looked at each other then back to the small group.  
“Something doesn’t feel right about this.” Y/n voiced warning bells going off in her head “Can we find others?”  
“What are you not up to the challenge?” Namjoon asked looking at her smiling.  
“No, something is just off about them.”  They all turned to look at the three men.  After a minute Yoongi broke the silence that had fallen over them.  “You know I like docile ones so I’ll take the smaller of the devils.”  Y/n tried to get him to wait but he already made up his mind. 
“Go get him cowboy.” Jungkook said smacking his ass as he stood up and made his way over to the smaller one, whispering in his ear before leading him on to the dance floor
“Y/n,” Namjoon said drawing her attention. “If you don’t want to feed tonight, it’s ok you can head home.”
“It’s not that Joon, I just am getting weird vibes off the group.” 
“I just think you’re over reacting” Jungkook told her before turning to Namjoon. “Lets go snag the other devil before someone else does.” Jungkook tried to get up but Namjoon grabbed his sleeve to keep him in place eyes full of worry looking at Y/n. With an exasperated sigh  he spoke again challenging her. “Y/n I’ll give you the big bed for the next century if you manage to get him to dick you down.”  
“Is that a dare?” She asked with him smirking at her and nodding.  She hated the feeling in her gut but couldn’t refuse, the big bed was the most comfortable shit in their house. Gritting her teeth she tried to ignore the feeling that was causing her stomach to do back flips. 
“Watch and learn from the best.”  He added before sliding out of the booth Namjoon in tow.  She watched as they made their way over to the two, the larger quickly being pulled onto the dance floor.  After a few minutes of watching her target turn his back on the dance floor and head over to the bar. She slowly slid out of the booth and made her way over to him.  
“You know, with hair that color I have to think a devil is hiding in angel’s clothing.” She said into his ear making him jump slightly. “Shall we see if my idea is correct?” She asked once he turned to look at her holding out his hand.  
“You know, normally the guy hits on the girl but when the girl is as pretty as you, I have no complaints.”  He responded taking her had as they slowly made their way across the dance floor. She quickly scanned as she walked, looking for her brothers and found them each with their prey.  Taehyung now leaving the floor to exit the club, having started the process much sooner than the others, woman wrapped around his arm trying to continue making hickeys across his neck.  Yoongi and his devil were currently making out, bodies entwining to the point that she couldn’t tell where one started and the other ended.  Namjoon and Jungkook always the boldest of the clan, were also in the process of leading their devil off the floor and out of the club.  Y/n found a good spot to stop and quickly situate herself in front of her angel, back to chest as the found the rhythm together his hands slid around her waist pulling her closer to him so their hips were slowly grinding together.  “My names Hoseok by the way.”  He said into her ear, gently taking the lobe between his teeth. Once he had let go she turned and said into his ear.
“Y/n” repeating the same motion he had done, biting lightly on the lobe, careful enough to not draw out her fangs to pierce the skin before moving down his neck, leaving a hickey or two making him groan beneath her ministrations. Feeling his heart rate pick up made it nearly impossible to keep her fangs at bay, wanting nothing more than to sink into the soft skin and feel the warm blood trickle down her throat, before she could make that a reality she was brought back from her thoughts as he grabbed her face and pulled her into a blazing kiss, tounges fighting for dominance, making her whimper.   As they continued to make out on the floor she quietly slid her hand between their bodies, he visibly gasped and pulled back from the kiss when she found a bulge forming underneath the tight white pants and began fondling it, taking the opportunity to bite his lower lip while smirking.  
“You cut right to the chase.”  He said with a smile, but still gasping while leaning more into her touch.  
“It doesn’t seem like you’re complaining.” She said lips returning to his neck
“I’m not, it’s just..” His sentence faltered as she continued to palm his growing bulge.
“Come on Angel,” She whispered into his ear “be a good boy and finish that sentence.”
“My apartment is empty tonight.” He finally let out as he continued to shudder under her skilled hands. She finally removed her palm from his crotch and responded, before placing a chaste kiss to his cheek.
“Lead the way angel.” He quickly grabbed her hand and forcefully pulled her off the dance floor and out towards the parking lot. Once they reached what was presumably his car he pulled y/n forward pinning her with his large frame against the door, making her gasp.  He quickly started mouthing at her neck before she felt a strong sharp pain right below his mouth.
“Did you just bite me?” She asked as he murmured a yes against her neck. Realizing the red flags going off in her head were indeed real when the pain in her neck didn’t fade and her vision started to go black around the edges.  “What was that?” She questioned trying to pull out of his grasp.
“You’ll see soon enough y/n” He responded, his voice and demeanor changing completely before her vision faded completely.
As she came to all y/n could feel was a dull pain in her head that was quickly overpowered by the burning around her wrists and ankles.  After trying to rid herself of whatever was burning her she realized she was only in her underwear, shackled with silver and couldn’t escape.  She could hear a familiar whimper beside her, turning to her left to confirm her suspicion, she saw Tae in the exact same state as her, shackled with silver, and stripped to his boxers.  He had broken out in a small sweat, the pain overwhelming, having been there for longer than her.  She turned to her right to see Namjoon and Jungkook in the exact same position but still unconscious and finally on the end there was an empty spot, knowing that it was for Yoongi knowing that all she could do now is pray that they didn’t get him too.  Y/n was drawn from her stupor by the sound of a door.  She turned her head to see Hoseok standing in the doorway, his gaze piercing.  Her gaze shifted to his belt that held varying degrees of weapons and tools, after seeing everything she made the connection to what he was and started laughing.  
“You must be in a lot of pain to be laughing as hard as you are.” He commented his silken voice full of sarcasm.
“Oh yes I'm in pain, but I’m laughing at myself for not realizing what you are sooner.” She responded trying to not let the burn affect the way she spoke to him.
“Oh come on Angel,” He said using her name from the night before “it was easy to miss. I mean us hunters don’t make grand displays of who we are.” He moved closer to her brandishing a knife which she could only assume was silver.  He slowly ran the smooth part of the knife across her bare stomach leaving a burn in its wake, causing her to suck in a breath and squirm, causing the shackles to burn her wrists and ankles even more.  He began chuckling.  “See angel what you didn’t know is that this is how tonight would have always turned out, you writhing under my touch but unfortunately for you, it won’t be pleasurable for you.” He was about to begin cutting a small spot right under her left breast when the woman who was with Tae from the club entered with a smile on her face.
“Everything alright Jisoo?” Hoseok asked
“everything is perfect, Jimin just showed up with the final clan member, Jin is helping get him from the car.”
“Wonderful, we’ll be able to get started.” He responded looking down at y/n. “You did get one thing right this evening y/n.  For your kind, I’m a Devil in angel’s clothing.”  
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gemmieurts-blog · 6 years
Technically not FR but I was tagged by @sunglasslibrary​ to do this so HERE WE GO
Rules: answer 20 questions so your followers can get to know you better, and tag 20 other people you’d like to know better.
name: Gem (NO it is not my actual name but everybody knows me by this on the great interwebs and develops their own rendition of it which is actually more entertaining than people trying to guess where my real name comes from) 
nickname: My nicknames are developed from people’s interactions with me and I usually have different pet names from specific people~ Examples: Gemmie (Bon), Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmm (Saren), Shiny (my best friends in the entire existence of the world), You Horrible Troll (legit everyone), and my preferred one - Potato Golum  
zodiac sign: Capricorn! 
height: 5′1″
languages spoken: English. I studied some French and Chinese but uh...Ihaven’tpracticedin2-3yearsoops
nationality: American
favourite fruit: NECTARINES OH MY GOD I LOVE NECTARINES (literally give me a nectarine and I shall give you my soul and my youth) and plums. 
favourite season: Spring when Texas decides to have it 
favourite scent: Vanilla anything 
favourite colour: Seafoam 
favourite animal: Okapis, Lions, Flying Foxes, Pandas, Fennec Foxes, Foxes in general, Popcorn Bear, Kinkajous, Axolotls, the list goes on...
favourite fictional character: OH BOY. I have so many I actually don’t know what to say...Most recently though probably Steve Harrington from Stranger Things and Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (Beyond this it would be like 50,000 anime characters and we do NOT want to go down that lane or we’ll be here for 100 years) 
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Frappes and Hot Chocolate.  
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number of blankets you sleep with: Three before throwing them off in the middle of the night and then scrambling to find them again at 4 AM. 
when was your blog created: I created my first blog here back in 2016 I want to say? And then abandoned it cause I was getting crap for my art and wanted to improve before making a brand new one (this one) after I discovered my love of MS Paint memes and finding out they make other living beings laugh! 
favourite subject: Tissue Engineering >w> (I’m a Biomedical Engineering major, this is an actual subject for me); More generally it would be Biology and the Maths. 
currently watching: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Harlots, and Versailles 
stopped watching by accident and need to finish soon what are you doing: Cells at Work! and Sirius the Jaegar (I don’t even know why I dropped the ball on Sirius, it has my FAVORITE Japanese voice actor ever in it wtf is wrong with me) 
favourite band: Thenewno2, The Kooks, The Neighbourhood, and In This Moment 
instruments played: Piano, Violin and Guitar (and I sing) 
favourite book: OH MAN I’ve read a lot of books but probably my favorite is not a book perse but a riveting 10 chapter story INSIDE a book I had as a child and still have! I need to find it but it was basically about a child in the middle east (I forgot exactly where) who learned of Djinns as a fairy tale, but then discovered that his soon to be stepmother was an evil Djinn herself and the impala she brought was her son. It really opened my eyes to creature creation and my budding interests in monsters and lore. 
TAGGING PEOPLE  @dragonofplague @killedabear @octi-dotty @hatandclogsart @txtiger-fr @coloradobluesart @pocketss @ivoryandsalt @rutile-fr @fr-blackiebelle
(I’m sorry I don’t know many people ;A;) 
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studyshii · 7 years
30 questions tag
I got tagged by @feistudy, thanks!
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
1. nicknames: Yoshi, Yo
2. gender: Female
3. star sign: Pisces
4. height: 162cm (5'2)
5. time: 9:30pm
6. birthday: February 22th
7. favourite bands: Bts, The kooks, Blackpink, Greenday, Arctic monkeys and maaany more 8. favourite solo artist: Ed Sheeran, Shawn Mendes, Kehlani, etc.
9. song stuck in my head right now: Shall we dance -Block B
10. last movie I watched: I have no idea xD
11. last show I watched: Riverdale
12. when did I create my blog: about a month ago, I think
13. what do I post: studyblr/langblr stuff, useful things/tips and poetry, mabye some photography too
14. last thing I googled:
15. do I have any other blogs: No
16. do I get asks: Nope
17. why I chose my url: I just put the last digits of my nickname + study
18. following: 43
19. followers: 11
21. average hours of sleep: 6-8
22. lucky number: 22
23. instruments: I tried to teach myself guitar and piano, well i failed xD
24. what am I wearing: pj’s
26. dream job: I’m not sure but something with medicine/health, media or languages would be great
27. dream trip: (…the whole world lol) I really wanna go to Japan, Korea, and Canada
28. favourite food: ice cream, chicken and rice, Lasagne
29. nationality: German / tunisian
30. favourite song: There are too many I can’t decide
I tag: @studybab @mochi-studies @softlystudying @acetheticstudy @learninghowtopasta @gloomstudy @snowystudy @phctcsynthesis @studytune @richstudy @studylightly @studyquill @study-matters @littlecuppacoffeee @jrstudys
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yeosangs-horizon · 7 years
Game On! Jungkook x Reader (Fluff) Part 1
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Words: 2,316 Genre: Fluff A/N: Part 1 of probably 2! it’s something I had in mind when I was in the car and daydreaming about Jungkookie since he’s my bias wrecker ^-^ Hope you beans enjoy! 
You were ecstatic, you finally got your copy of Overwatch after months of trying to save up. You quickly turned on your PS4 and inserted the disc in it’s rightful slot. You heard the blaring theme song of the game welcoming you in. You’ve seen tutorials and so much gameplay of it, you didn’t need to practice in the practice range. You let out a sigh of relief as you grabbed the controller and queued for a quick 3v3 game. In the back of your mind, you wondered if you were ever going to meet any famous celebrities in game, perhaps a YouTuber or, a couple of Kpop idols who spent their free time playing the game as well. You smiled at the thought of it as the screen took you to the character menu. Before you even got the game, you already knew who you were set on maining, D.VA! You quickly snatched her before anybody else on your team could take her from you. After a couple minutes of the round, you felt the corner of your lips perk up in a smile as you smirked at the losing team. First game and you had won! “Now let’s test my skills in Quick Play, shall we?” you thought to yourself as you clicked on the ‘Quick Play’ tag to queue you in another game.
You decided that you were going to use your mic to communicate with your fellow teammates. You plugged your expensive headphones in and joined your team chat after skirmish was complete. You pressed a button and saw that there were a team of three with Korean characters in their names as well as yourself and another team of two with English names that you didn’t recognize. Just as you pressed off of the roster, you heard a bunch of voices starting to utilize the team chat.  “Oi, you’re not going to go Mcree again are you?” “Aigo, you know I main Mcree don’t worry I’ll make sure our team wins!” You froze up at the sound of their voices, could it be? “Taehyung no! Don’t be Torbjorn!” It was… you completely forgot to choose your main until you snapped back out of it. You did run into the trio of BTS that played Overwatch in their spare time. You had just heard the voices of Taehyung, Jungkook and Yoongi. You held back an excited squeal knowing that your mic was auto and your entire team could hear what you say or any bursts of excitement you have.
As the game started, you found yourself concentrating and enticed with the fighting. “Ah Jungkook stay with the team!” one of the voices had exclaimed through the other end. “That’s kind of impossible when you’re the one dying because your team left you, Tae...!” Jungkook battled back while respawning. You finally decided to speak up using the contents of the game. “Yah guys, we need to stick together if we want to win! We only have two minutes left before we lose and we still haven’t captured the damn point much less move the payload!” you exclaim.  “See, somebody cares about winning,” mocked Taehyung. You let out a small gasp as he actually paid attention to your warning. “I’ve never heard that voice, you’re on our team right?” Yoongi mumbled as he controlled Roadhog because you took his main who was also D.VA. “Uh yes! I’m (Y/N), I’m playing as D.VA--” you continued, trying not to stutter or make a fool out of yourself. “Listen to her Jungkook, you said you’d lead us to victory,” Taehyung mocked. “I’m sure I’m the one who will be doing that,” you bragged but regretting your words afterwords, you didn’t mean to make things so competitive. You raised your matrix shield as the rest of your team tried to push forward and finally capture the point. Right as the last ten seconds were approaching, the opposing team was nowhere to be found and your team captured the point quickly. “Nice job guys, now we just gotta push till the end!” you exclaimed while respawning and quickly flying over to where your team was. “(Y/N), you’re a pretty good D.VA” Yoongi offered a genuine compliment as the two hyungs snickered. “Yoongi actually complimenting someone, what a pleasant surprise,” Jungkook called out. You heard a friendly slap in the background and chuckled at their silly disputes.
As you used your in game mech to push the payload to the target as the timer flashed in orange “overtime”, you let out a yelp of relief as the screen flashed. ‘Round complete, winner!’ “Told you I carried the team,” bragged Jungkook. “Yah, it was (Y/N) what are you talking about?!” Yoongi exclaimed, trying to shove the credit towards you. You let out a small giggle and shrugged. “It was nothing, I’m glad I got a chance to play with you guys.” You felt a pang in your heart that you were about to part ways with three of your most favourite Kpop idols but you were lucky in the fact that you got to play with them in game and even talk to them as a normal human being without revealing that you were an ARMY. “(Y/N), um-- would you like to join our team for as long as you play?” you heard Jungkook’s voice break you from your daze. You felt your cheeks heat up as you were offered the request of your life. You were speechless for the first couple seconds but replied with a firm, “Yes of course!” You quickly accepted the invite and saw the three friend requests waiting for you on the app itself. You smiled to yourself as you accepted the three boys and continued to play.
Awhile after you and the boys started playing as a team, you decided that you were thirsty and stood up to grab water. “Guys, do you think it’s a good idea to add (Y/N) on Skype?” Jungkook asked, wanting to get closer to you but not ask while you were directly in the call because that would be somewhat rude. “Pfft, if you want to go for it Kook,” Yoongi smirked as he glanced at Taehyung who was also nodding. Oblivious, you went back to your gaming room and picked up your controller and donned on your headset once again. “What did I miss guys?” you asked, curious about if they had talked or not. “Jungkook wants to add you on Skype, if you have it,” Taehyung blurted out. “H-hey!” Jungkook stuttered as he was supposed to say it himself. You giggled to yourself, how adorable can your ultimate bias be? And wait, was he really asking for your Skype? This was a dream… that you never want to end. “Ah sure! My name on there is (Y/S/N), we can talk there if you’d like, instead of using team chat every time!” You saw from the corner on your eye on your phone that a notification from the app had appeared. You pushed your thumb print onto the ‘home button’ and quickly accepted.
After an hour or two of calling with the three boys, you heard another voice in the background who you can only assume to be Namjoon complaining that they’ve been too loud and need to go to bed. You checked the time and surely yeah, it was very late in South Korea. You laughed to yourself and hung up the call before they could protest and keep you there more. You tilted your head back and smiled, you couldn't fathom at the fact that you had just became friends with Jeon Jungkook, your ultimate bias, and of course Taehyung and Yoongi of course. You stood up, and gave your arms a good stretch before you felt your lips into a smile again.
You suddenly saw your phone lighting up again and a call from none other then Jungkook again. You froze and thought, ‘Did he call me by accident? He probably did, why would he want to talk to me?’ Nevertheless you quickly tapped the answer button swiftly. You were surprised and fell back on your couch when a video turned on. “(Y/N)!!!” Jungkook’s voice rung in your ears. You thought, ‘What’s the harm in spending more time if he wants to talk to me?’ “Hey Jungkook, what’s up?” you question. You swore your heart dropped when you saw his flawless face over the screen. You wanted at that moment to be in his arms but, that wasn’t how you should think. You shook your thoughts off as you smiled and proceeded to turn on your own video. You saw Jungkook’s eyes widen just as your screen had gone on. “(Y/N), wow, I didn’t expect you to be that-- gorgeous” he smiled as he looked away, trying to hide his small tint of blush. “Ah well, thank you!” you replied, your heart beating faster as you looked down in a smile.
“Oh uh-- why did you decide to call me again?” you asked, wondering about his motive. “Ah-- can’t I talk to you some more before I go to sleep? Today was so fun and you’re a great D.VA” he teased while showing off his cute smile. “You might wake up your hyungs though,” you giggled as you smiled up at him while laying on your couch. “Yeah well, it’s worth it,” he shrugged as he looked around the empty gaming room. “So (Y/N), you’re an ARMY too?” he asked while glancing up at the screen. You felt your cheeks heat up as you stared at his screen. “U-um yeah, how did you know?” you questioned, wondering if you had any outbursts you were unsure of. “Your poster--” he started off while pointing at the wall behind you. You slightly shifted your body down until the wall was out of sight. “Aha-- what are you talking about!” you joked around while trying to hide your embarrassment. “Awe (Y/N), I think it’s cute that you’re such an avid fan of us.” He cheekily smiled as you slid down your couch more.
“It’s not like you’re my bias or anything--” you mumbled hoping he wouldn’t hear your remarks. “What was that?” he leaned in closer, to try and hear your voice. “Nothing!” you exclaimed as you laughed it off, as you normally would with anything else. You swore in that moment he gave you a wink but you weren’t looking at the screen as you tried to recoil yourself back up. You heard a voice in the background yelling for the flustered boy. “You should probably go Kookie,” you remarked as he looked around frantically. He nodded and called back asking for a minute. “See you later today, (Y/N)?” he asked with the small smile that your heart skipped a beat for. You nodded, “See you later Kookie,”. You swore you saw him smile at the nickname you gave him. You put your phone down as you laid your head down on your couch.
Had you really just talked to Jeon Jungkook? Was that really him, and how did you capture his attention and have him want to talk to you? The thoughts were flustered around in your head as you remembered that you had an entire day to devote yourself to and you had other things that had to be accomplished other than playing Overwatch, now with your new group of friends.
You let time fly by as you did your daily routine, trying not to have Jungkook in your mind as often, but you still couldn't fathom the fact that you’re not practically friends with him. Later that night, you were just laying on your bed, hoping to eventually catch some good sleep until suddenly you heard a familiar ringing noise from your phone that you set on your nightstand. You grabbed the vibrating device and groggily pressed answer. Without reading the name, you answered how you normally would when a close friend calls you out of the blue. “Yo I was just going to catch some sleep, what do you need?” “Uh (Y/N)? Sorry if this is a bad time but--” Jungkook had started as you jolted your eyes open and shook your entire bed. “Oh Kookie hey! It’s fine, really! I’d be more than glad to talk to you!”
“Are you sure, I wouldn’t want to -- disturb your sleep,” he asked with concern, while trying to find the correct words. “Of course not,” you giggled while switching on your video as he turned his on as well. He was in one of the dance practice rooms, and he was sweating. You assumed he just finished his daily dance practice with the rest of Bangtan and had a break. You were just laying there in bed with your comfortable hoodie and a mess of hair everywhere. “(Y/N), you’re so cute like that,” he teased while smiling. You hid your face within your hair and hoodie even more. “Kookie please!” you exclaimed while giggling under your covers.
You set your phone on the side of your nightstand so your arms wouldn’t get tired. You felt your eyelids slowly drifting downwards but you didn’t think you’d fall asleep so fast. “Do you want to play Overwatch again once you’re well rested?” he asked while cocking his head to the side. “Yeah sure, that sounds fun,” you mumbled while fading in and out of consciousness. “Dance practice was harsh today, we finally did choreography to one of our newest songs and it was so graceful and challenging as well--” he continued on about his day. You found his voice very soothing as you saw your surroundings black out and your lips curve into a smile as you fell out of consciousness with Jungkook still on the other line.
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yeolliebean · 8 years
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better.  Thanks so much for the tag @vipdae!! One of my favourite tumblrs without a doubt, and a super lovely individual to boot ☺💛 If you’re not already, be sure to give her a follow!!  Name: Tali  Nickname: Tal, Ta  Gender: Female  Star sign: Leo  Height: 5′2 ( and a half xD)  Favorite Character: Hardest decision ever!! But if I must choose… Tamaki Suoh from Ouran High school Host Club (my love😻)  Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff  Favorite Color: Forest green and plum purple!!  Favorite animal: Ahhh If I had to choose, I’d say any and all large cats ; lions, tigers, leopards etc. ( And tiny ones too of course ;D)  Average hours of sleep: probably around 4 or 5! Cat or Dog person: Both😭 However I’ve always grown up with cats in my house and I’ve got two presently (my babies😻)  Number of blankets I sleep in: Usually 2!  Favorite singer/band: Besides Korean artists, I shall name: Young the Giant, Indigo la end, The Kooks, The Strokes, Keane, The 1975, Nothing But Thieves, Best Coast and more!!  Dream trip: My dream trip at the moment is to visit Japan. I’ve been dreaming of visiting for years and I hope that I will have the opportunity in the future. I’d also love to backpack around Europe some day!! South Korea sounds pretty cool, too;D  Dream job: One of my lifelong dream jobs is working on an animal reserve as a vet. I’ve always loved the idea of dedicating my life’s work to animals and their needs in a country setting. I’ve also dreamed of being a writer/novel translator.  Current number of followers: 151 hehe thank you all:3  What made you decide to join tumblr: I had often scrolled through tumblr without making an account. When I began liking kpop, I decided to make my very own blog to express my love. And here I am xD I would like to tag: @theamazingsehun, @cinnabyunroll, @ughkyungso @xlu-han, @blushguk , @94-hun , @daesungismyeverything , @hitachiin-sama , @yifangalaxies , @bigbang-pics , @givenchyifan , @peppermintsuga and to anyone else reading this - feel free to complete this tag as well!! :-3
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