#i have decided to stop apologizing for participating in fandoms i like and im free like a bird
py6oto · 6 months
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so about that omori au.
i cooked up some headspace reference sheets last night, with a background by the lovely @girldawg !
as well as individual references with a background of my own, under the cut!
quick note for those here from youtube, the 1k QNA vid is getting worked on, don't worry!! should be out sometime this week!
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2024. 19. 03
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Special Update
Hello everyone, this is Mod Sky
Just wanted to address some issues and concerns that have arisen in regards to the zine as of late and to finally clarify what has been going on regarding production of the zine.
First I would like to address a recent comment we received on one of the last updates. While I understand that it has been quite a while since the zine opened pre orders and some of you are reasonably becoming frustrated with the waiting time, cussing us out and using vulgar language to address your issues with us is in no way an acceptable form of proceeding.
That said, I would like to apologize for making you feel like we’re not prioritizing the zine buyers here.
Now, the rest of the mods and myself weren’t planning on making this public at least until the zines had been out to the buyers, but we’ve talked and come to realize that it is probably for the best that everyone knows what’s been going on behind the scenes of this project.
As most of you know, when we started this project there was a call from the head organizer for mods. I don’t know about the other mods, but I personally talked to the head organizer a few times inquiring about the zine, what their ideas for the project were and of their experience with running a zine. They assured me they knew what they were doing and already had a plan laid out for how to get the project done. They told me they had experience modding other zines and I decided to trust them. I applied to help mod the zine because I wanted Shance fandom to have a beautiful zine we all could be proud of, because most of the Shance projects I had been involved in in the past had fallen through the cracks due to mod irresponsibility. I wanted to help bring this project to life and do everything I could to make it succeed. It’s what I’ve been doing from the start.
Well, the mod team was chosen and from the start we were pretty much given a role in the team. My role, when the time came, was to be in charge of finances of the zine, whatever that entailed. The head organizer gave all of us certain responsibilities and we all met in discord to discuss the project.
Now. Im not going to make any excuses for myself as I should have known better, but almost from the moment we started talking about actual specs of the zine and what extra things we wanted to offer, it should've been clear to me that the head organizer wanted to do too much.
They wanted to have 60+ contributors, they wanted to have music done for the zine, they wanted a lot of extra merch to go with bundles etc. At the time this was going on I was in the middle of producing my own personal zine, so I'm ashamed to say I wasn't paying a lot of attention to the planning of this zine, and not gonna lie, this is one of the things that’s ended up coming to bite me and the rest of the mod team in the ass.
Well, in the end head mod came with a plan, they apparently already had suppliers in mind and had been doing research on where to have things made and how much it would cost. We went along with it and contributor applications opened. The process seemed to be going smooth, we selected contributors and at the time I didn't realize just how big of an undertaking it would be to have so many contributors, I had my concerns with certain aspects of the zine but I felt like it wasn’t my place to say anything because it wasn’t my project and my role in the zine was to oversee the money once pre orders opened.
Creation time went by and everyone was involved, contributors did an amazing job coming up with stories and art that basically molded the zine into a cohesive book. As we got closer to opening pre orders and putting together the zine for printing, that's when problems started to show, beginning with the fact that the head organizer became scarcer and scarcer and the rest of the mod team were left grasping at straws trying to answer questions the contributors had that only the head mod could give an answer to. The excuse was that they were having computer problems so they couldn’t check in on things as much. This was the first red flag and we should’ve paid more attention, but we didn’t. We continued to move on and soon it was time for preorders to open.
Yaxi, the head organizer, opened pre orders prior to us having the zine even 1% put together. They made up some stretch goals trying to fit in as much as the extra merch they had people design for the zine as possible and added the contributor merch as an extra that zine contributors could choose to buy. The contributor charm was not going to be made from money from the zine sales. It was simply an extra design up to the contributors to make happen if they wanted it.
After the pre order period ended and having reached 100 sales, it was time to come up with a budget and proceed with production. Well… this was when pretty much everything went downhill. Yaxi came into the mod chat one day and pretty much dumped the production on me. They sent me some numbers and a list of providers they had come up with and said that they needed me to place the orders for the merch, of which there were no files ready. We had raw files for products but nothing has been checked to make sure the specs for printing were correct. As I was coming up with a production cost table I realized that there were many things Yaxi hadn’t taking into consideration when they first made their plan for the zine. They never took into consideration shipping prices, packaging costs, contributor copies shipping fees, and to make matters worse, they didn't take into consideration the amount of money it would take for certain items to be shipped from their production place to two separate destinations, because somewhere along the way Yaxi had decided that in order to offer cheaper international shipping, we would have all the international orders sent to Mod Robin in Europe so they could then redistribute because that would make shipping internationally cheaper.
I mean, i guess in theory that sounded like solid logic, but in practice.. I suppose they never stopped to think that there would still be an added cost of sending all those packages from the US to Europe, so there’s that.
Anyway I did my best to look for new manufactures because the ones Yaxi had on their list could not deliver what we needed, not to mention the fact that the specs Yaxi had given artists of the zine for their pieces were not a standard printing zine. So not only did we have to look for new printing companies, but we had to ask all our artist to adjust their pieces to fit the new dimensions of the zine. Added to that, at this point in time, communication with Yaxi had pretty much become impossible as they were never on the discord server and the only communication we had with them was via text messages from me to them since I had gotten her phone number at some point to meet up so I could deliver to them the special print I had made out of my own money for the zine. We ended up never meeting up.
So with all that going on, we still had not made much progress putting the zine together until Seki (one of our contributors) offered to help with it. We brough Seki along into the team and they worked several days on getting the zine print ready, and also making a digital zine that could be delivered the way Yaxi had originally wanted it to, that is with the music that was created for the zine incorporated into it.
While this was happening, the rest of the mod team and myself got together in a separate group chat to talk about what was to be done about Yaxi, their lack of participation, and the fact that they were the only ones that had access to the money for the zine and to the store front. We decided to ask Yaxi to hand over the money so we could move on with production and just go from there. Thankfully Yaxi was quick to give us access to the funds, they transferred most of the money to me, (we have yet to receive about 200.00USD), and basically the rest most of you already know. We’ve been slowly working on getting all the merch produced and ready to send to everyone, but there have been a few hiccups on the way.
We’re still not sure that we’re not going to have to put even more of our own money into the zine as we’re still pretty much figuring out what we’re going to do about shipping since not only are we sending contributor copies free of charge, but also sending all international orders to Europe first to be distributed from there.
It has never been our intention to keep any of you in the dark about any of this, but we wanted to first get the project completed before making any of this public. None of us in the mod team wanted for you to have to wait so long, unfortunately none of us were any wiser in realizing just how unprepared and irresponsible the main organizer really was. We are to blame for not seeing the red flags sooner and dealing with the issues before they became a problem. I especially would like to apologize because I should’ve known better. But what’s done is done and the only thing I can say besides how sorry I am that you, our buyers and supporters, have had to wait so long for this zine, is that myself and the rest of the mod team are doing everything we can to get this zine to your hands without any further mishaps.
I understand if you're frustrated with us, I understand because I’ve been frustrated and stressed over this whole thing for months as well.
None of us are getting paid for this, none of us are receiving any compensation out of trying to run and complete this project. In fact, we’re still most likely gonna have to put money down out of our own pockets due to the irresponsibility of the person who was supposed to be in charge of this project. But we love this project, we love our contributors and what everyone has managed to accomplish, and you can be certain that we are 100% committed to seeing this project to a successful end.
Once again, I am sorry for not seeing the problems sooner and for not stepping forward before to let all of you know what was happening. I hope this clarifies what’s been going on for you and I hope that you can give us the chance to set things straight and deliver the project to you.
If you have any more questions, or need more clarification regarding the zine, my DMs on twitter are always open (@enderkichi) so feel free to reach out to me.
Production of the zine is still ongoing but we’re almost at completion. We should be releasing a change of address form pretty soon for those who need to change their shipping address. Refunds are also an option if you no longer want to support the project, but we ask that you please let us know if you want to be refunded via email to the zine account: [email protected] and provide us with your name, email, and order # so we can process your refund.
Thank you again for the endless patience you’ve had with us so far and for being understanding of our circumstances. We will keep you all updated as we finalize production and get ready to start packing and shipping orders.
Mod Sky
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relmi-llorrac · 7 years
300 Followers Celebration!!
You guys, I finally made it to 300 followers!!! Granted it was last night and is now 304, but I decided to wait to post since it was so late that way people would have a better chance to see it. I can’t believe it honestly! This is just so amazing and I am just so thankful and appreciative of all of you lovelies!!! Seriously, thank you so so much, all of you. This really means a lot to me that all of you guys, in some form or another actually want to witness my nonsense.
So to celebrate this milestone, I’m doing another challenge. The catch is, that instead of like before where you got prompts for yourselves, you all get to choose prompts that you want me to write. I love writing, and I don’t post my works nearly enough, so this seems like a win-win for everybody! :)
Instructions/Rules below:
1. Choose a ship (I’ll list some ships, feel free to suggest a new one if you don’t like the options. Ask box is always open and working so there shouldn’t be any issues with that if so let me know.)
2. Choose a phrase or an item that must be included (I’ll list some phrases, feel free to suggest a different one if you don’t like the options. Also if you’d prefer an item instead of a phrase then go ahead and just choose what you want to be included, I’m not sure what kind of items to list so that’s why I’m leaving it up to you.)
3. Start and end dates (Obviously, the challenge starts today- 10/2/17 and will continue anywhere from 2 days - 2 weeks, depending on how many fic requests I get, so for a listed official end date lets say- 10/16/17)
4. Fandom (Yes, it’s set in the Supernatural fandom again. Apologies to all of my fellow Harry Potter peeps, I promise you, next time you will get your own challenge.)
5. Asks (For each request you can only choose 1 ship and 1 phrase/item. However, if you’d like to, you are allowed to send in more than one request.)
6. Timezones (Don’t worry about sending it in too late/early in the day, I will write and respond as soon as I see it and will post as soon as I can.)
You don’t necessarily have to be following me, but since it is a Follower Celebration after all, it would be much appreciated if you were!
Sam/Lucifer (I’d be using Nick for the vessel of course)
(Any character with the reader)
(Any other ships you’d prefer)
Half the names on the list had already been crossed off.
There was a strange wailing sound coming from the next room.
He/she suddenly realized he/she might be alone for the rest of his/her life.
The old house, with its wildly overgrown garden, was silent, secretive...
He/she had an hour to get home, if he/she didn’t make it...
He/she looked at his/her phone, turned red, then quickly left the room. He/she watched him, smiling.
He/she was stunned- the stranger in front of him/her looked exactly like the guy/girl that he/she had been dreaming about...
Was it a knock that had woken him/her? The house didn’t feel the same anymore.
They couldn’t be allowed to fight. He/she had to think of a way to stop it...
As soon as he/she walked in, he/she felt the tension.
The entrance to the tunnel was his/her only way out...
He/she had no intention of choosing sides until he/she was sure who was going to win.
He/she hadn’t meant to scare the child.
He/she couldn’t believe it. Could it really be him/her?
He/she decided to go to his/her fathers grave, to ask his advice.
Thank you in advance to everyone who decides to participate. I think this will be really fun. Also, I forgot to specify, these will more or less be oneshots. 
P.s. Sorry about not posting this until after 3pm, so much for trying to get it out earlier lol.
Tags: @gcdcflies @lady-winchester-666 @hiykyt @adam-isstillinhell @generouslyimportanttrash @thatsherlockianfangirl @the-julienne-ihnat @tatachot @cumbercookie-221b @madsmeetsmisha @yerahizardwarry @yaya-345 @drakkie-blog @bunny123cat @sicksicker @gaia4life @dreamsofacosmicstargazer @teenagefashion-posts @writerspassion18 @szechuansaucee @therealfrancy002 @youngeditor1999 @wayward--dragon @jokerspuddincup @celestialangelcastiel @superwholockinibbal @sariel-thearchangel @your-lee-stuff @destiel-sabriel-shit @thelifeofabugheadfangirl @bunnysneverdie @madeformyself @i-m-p-a-l-a-6-7 @flaming-celestial-comet @werewolf202 @it-happened-one-starry-night @takeawalkoffmyknife @nerdsteadfaststark @dreamyeyedwitch @darling-im-not-okay-i-promise @shipqueen-of-the-otps @ambersbabydoll @alex-has-no-friends @redlipstickandthewinchesters @a-high-functioning-boggart @bewaremyducky @gerardwaysglabella @theklynnsmith @casdean91 @let-the-music-litf-you-up @notthelosechesterskaz @well-itsbeenfun @kevindaysghostbutt @nxstxlgxa @bestieswithmydarkthoughts @callionimi @morbid-apricots @394-fandoms-and-bandoms @midnightsilver16830 @ask-realrosetyler @novaursa @deanwinchesterdemonhunter1 @omgballenitablr @reaperlove77 @ravenclaw-poem @anotherwaywardsister @nah-she-did-not @free-bouquet-wasteland @bombaluv96 @thegreatbobbinski @huski-and-mitch @karaphernelia- @andromeda-galaxy35 @zooeyguitarsandicecream @samuleter @fandom-bandom-shite @alloftheimagines @lucifersdaugther @billionsofpeoplebutyoupickedme @rridgley @stoicalmelancholy @books-and-hunters-for-life @vangsam @helladeviousangelofthelord @magicalmess93 @i-cant-stop-shipping @jazminek3 @percussiongirl2017 @maadiissun @feeonnathehuman @castiel-savvy18 @bitch-and-jerk-winchester @sociopathicsockeye @rebelangel67 @undead-obsessive-shipper @seriouslyobsessedwithspn @dorchaeagla @bonniebird @sadwriterdude @whalesloveyou @maddybeck01 @nostarhighway @asksiriuslyfuzzywuzzy @sherrybaby14 @thwinchestrs @shadyladyperfection @top-cas-bottom-dean @winchestergabriella @frownyfacecas @overcastmisfitkid @family-business-forever @gabe-and-moose @mega-jensen-ackles-blog @macaroni-and-bitch @supernatural-idjit-95 @hellacuteangelofthelord @atlascorgi @tiazx @sapphictaurus @quicksilver123456 @vesseltryingtosurvive @fandoms-can-kill @hellaprophetofthetablets @impartialsparkle @waywardswain @i-am-eurus-holmes @waywardimpalawriter @nightmareangeluniverse @ravenangel33 @superwholockpotterhead104 @factory-giirl @fan-fangirl-world @trisharenee4 @thecolonelslady @pythondom @boldbiscuit @justawinchestersoul @dem-gabriel-tho @louellaanthony @miguelthebat @calmandsenseparent @jeffreyfuckingdeanmorgan @calisthenicsfit @an-soa-type @asknimesh @peblezq @winchesterprincessbride @astaine @abbygalev @olivethefantabulous @freddywashere @tesw0505 @zealous-riverdale @blogismylife @solongandhowaboutno @furstinnajoelle @ladylorelitany @mayflame15 @rabbitclaw @ryleeroseb4 @kat-of-letters @wolfman6837 @candid-creativity @profoundlydeepconsciousness @babygirl-drey @angelus-grace @dingusreedus @justcallmecinammon @thatonehuffledor @naughtyneganjdm @safehaven1097 @grungegrrrlxo @thewomaninblack20 @abnormal-angel @hoqwaarts @pwheezy420 @sammy-moo @gryffindork-thunderbitch @fandomnationwhore @sferat-e-dragoit @niktav @megan-hufflepuff @travellerdean @theequestrianidiot @heck-is-a-swear-word @bohowitch @skaistrange @empresspenguin78 @attorneyl @goldenolaf25 @theslytherinhighlady @hugcastiel @thecrazycatfish @likesiriusly @takemetoneverlandandteachmetofly @spnfeelstrain @lessons-of-red @ruprecht0420 @deanandsamsbitch @brandyleewhatever @sgarrett49 @wonderange @devilsnevercry1388 @illyria666 @soafanficluvr1 @corazongoldberg @thewalkingdeadrises @muddin-till-the-end @doro7winchester @grand-optimistt @linosaur @chelsea072498 @onceuponadestiel @puddin-i-cant-swim @supernaturalfaanzz @chloeinzinga @pastel-nihilist @therealdeanwinchester13 @tacos-and-trenchcoats @im-super-potter-locked @oldmattjostensbutt @ashzombie13 @goldenangelbloodcastiel @quixoticcat @nogoodending @small-town-wayward-daughter @keikoraventeller @fallenhuntersx @knowles-morgan @wetherebelskies @dean-holmes-of-gallifrey @ask-reggie-black @quxxnofhxll @sinuhmyn-apple @stitchattacks @tardis-23 @lostmyothershoe-itsoksammy @idonthavehusbandsihavelovers @gabrieltrash @the-rob-and-rich-fan @alice-bennette @loveihavenoideawhatisthislove @rainygalaxynerd @the-walking-deadimagines @newt-scamander-niffler @princess-of-erebor1992 @mishacollinsmyunicorn @the-tumbl-down @dragon-dorito @s-txph @cheescake0306 @always-perplexed @beckawinchester @harleyquinndolll @mylittlewingedangel @live-for-me-puddin @negansrighthandgirl @traceyaudette @meg-wayward-af @marcilinemadness2020 @byrd-of-the-stars @mrsfangs @blackwitchsaturn @adommylover722 @ladyslice @pokemon-sorceress @livelovelike555 @my-name-is-alice-ayers @dont-hate-relate-pls @stylefashion87 @monarchmish @magicalxme @mamaredd123 @void-froy @travelout @worldofcosmeticsblog @authorgiankumar @fruitloopinthebowlofcheerios And anybody else that I may have forgotten since tumblr was being dumb.
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