#i have enough echoes already with the nerf this feels weird
asleepinawell · 4 months
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wait they nerfed knifegate???
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ecosine · 2 years
sylvas and kairii 69 teehee
thank u! i put under cut bc its long eheh
69. how would they describe their party members?
aeon: sylvas was intimidated by aeon at first but found out how nice he was very quickly :) he considers them a friend although they don’t know eachother too too well yet, and intends to get to know him better (although realistically, under the pretense of research)
echo: scary not because he thinks she’s going to hurt or betray him or anything, but because she’s hard for him to read. he hasn’t met anyone who just says exactly what they’re thinking the way she does before, and he can never tell if it’s genuine or not. 
áine: he just met her recently but already very much enjoys how laid-back they’ve been around him. another person who he was intimidated by at first but wants to get to know better! also making friends with her so fast was essential for his confidence after a series of intense social nerfs
ymira: right off the bat sylvas probably felt most welcomed by ymira! she’s kind of helping him understand that you don’t have to fake being nice all the time around friends lol. also thinks her flower game is so so epic and that she has a lot of swag.
thyme: sylvas also thinks thyme has a lot of swag. he holds a lot of importance in physical comforts like a comfy bed and a warm meal, so thymes cooking has made him feel very happy and welcomed. tho he thinks she is a little eccentric he feels a weird urge to get his approval
uo: babies first friend! uo makes him feel very safe and protected.i think there is a lot more to their dynamic than sylvas realizes; uo is so enigmatic as is its right and sylvas feels the need to understand everything about its motivations just to satisfy his own curiosity- which is academic in nature and therefore carries its own set of repercussions lol.
aelwyd: a friend that she wants to see survive. genuinely respects that aelwyd acts in self interest and is a little, just a little scared of her, only because they know she’s got a really powerful boss and know better than to mess around when it comes to that. trusts her to tell them the truth when it really matters. does not intend to get any more on her bad side than he already is.
aria: aria rubbed her the wrong way at first but i think became really loyal to her really quickly. she was a friend. no matter how suspicious she acted at the end of the day she helped the party and did her best to make them comfortable. he feels like he failed her hugely.
blank: kai also has a lot of respect for blank because they really empathize with them and know they’re capable of taking care of their self even if they don’t know who they are. genuinely terrified of the implication of having to come to blows with them because they know in their heart they can’t hurt him. blank knows some of the parts of kairii that she thinks are gross, and they still respect her, which he can’t really process.
chini: kai owes everything she knows about herself to chini. she’s more than a friend but they both know relationships don’t start this way. the thought of coming here and exposing them to this kind of mercenary work irked them enough and now he has, again, failed her hugely. she’s still chini, but they’re a different chini and it’s scary. :(
ira: ira is kind and genuine and makes kairii feel safe. to him she’s kind of like a little sunbeam and the fact that she has come so close to ceasing to exist over this is enough 2 make kairii start raging. she also looks up to her for sure, because she hasn’t really had a good role model in a long time 
stras: stras is complicated to kairii. she’s coming to terms with the fact that they possess the same blind devotion and it’s almost unsettling. it wasnt until recently he realized that if they had met under different circumstances they probably would have been fast friends. they respect stras enough to be honest with him and are mad relieved that at least someone else has similar priorities.
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nexyra · 3 years
I got an ask for Qrow Branwen so here it comes !
My fav ship(s) for the character
I think my favorite ships for Qrow are Cloqwork and Fair Game ! Cloqwork lacked screentime in terms of canon content of course, but I love the potential here. I also have a things for shipping the sad men together xD There are a lot of REALLY great Cloqwork fanfics out there and I love seeing people write about these two <3 It's in the details but I think there's something interesting here. With Qrow who is convinced to be a curse, who came from such a harsh background... And with Ozpin who is so convinced of humanity's inherent goodness and that anyone deserves a chance. At the same time they're both very complicated people who I think would interact in cool ways. Ozpin is wise but does have a mischievous streak that I think also helped in making them both get along. Qrow is much more perceptive than he appears and that's also good for dealing with someone as secretive as Ozpin.
Fair Game also had a very good start ! The relationship was admittedly a bit tilted toward Qrow's recovery in the show, but they were nice to see together. Clover was perceptive & caring as well as patient. All great qualities for a relationship with Qrow, who has a hard time breaking down his walls and a shot mental health. At the same time, Atlas is very professional, straight-to-the-point and I think Qrow is a real breath of fresh hair in that environment. He brings a different viewpoint to the table, he's very loyal & caring and it's clear that his sass amused Clover greatly. We didn't get to learn enough about him, but Clover's VA hinted that Clover's trust was a fragile thing and he wasn't a fan of showing vulnerability. Qrow, who gives everything he has in all his relationships, would have been a great balm for that uncertainty. So yeah !
My least favorite ship(s) for the character
There are, of course, any & all ships between Qrow & the kids or Qrow & Salem's team. But outside of these obvious "nope", I'll have to go with Jailbirds. This is COMPLETELY personal but I have a really hard time liking Robyn's character as of V7 end/V8 so I'm barely interested in her dynamic with Qrow. I did appreciate her talking down Qrow from revenge because he was only doing it for his own sake but... That's about it. I find her way too abrasive (hidden behind her shiny Robinhood looks). And whereas Clover (imo) was pretty good at getting Qrow to face his issus head-on & building him up, I feel like Robyn relies more on humour & deflection... Which is an art Qrow is already acquainted with, and not the best coping mechanism for him. Aaaand I just feel like she put Clover down several time in order to lift Qrow up. That, plus the queerbaiting controversy, plus her having indirectly participated to Clover's death... The ship makes me a bit uncomfortable.
My fav & least fav platonic relationship(s) for the character
My fav platonic relationship for Qrow is his bond with Ruby ! I really hope they bring it back because these two were GREAT together. Ruby's admiration was adorable. Qrow's nonchalent but clearly protective streak. They care about each other A LOT and I really loved them together. I hope they can have more moments together like back in V3-V4 or V6.
I'm not sure what my least liked platonic relationship would be. Saying Robyn again feels like beating on a dead horse but I don't really have a problem with any other ones. They're all, if not kind & good for him, at least interesting (like Raven)
My favorite thing about the character
The combination of his sassy/cynic personnality and how loyal & caring of a person he actually he is. Qrow is rough around the edges, leans easily into banter but he cares so damn much. He fit so easily next to Ruby's peppy enthusiasm in Vol 1-3, and then he was just an incredible badass and yet so damn vulnerable human in Vol 4-6. I liked that about him. How all the pieces fit together
My biggest criticism for the character
Well I have 2 things to say about that. First : V7C12 With Friends like these. What the fuck was this episode qkfazkfhkgh Qrow's brain was nerfed SO DAMN HARD, I was genuinely pissed while watching the episode. This was just a string of dumb decisions from everyone except Tyrian. But I digress -
In a more general sense, I'd say... putting Qrow in the sidelines. Him falling further into depression was a sound decision. It was interesting and fitting of his character imo. But I feel like they tied "Ruby having enough of his alcooholism" and "Ruby growing away from adults" in a way that kind of.... just put Qrow to the side and doesn't allow him to do much. In V6 finale, Qrow expresses understandable concerns about their plan to steal an airship, but instead of dealing with that Ruby's frustration with his cynicism is aired out and... the timing kind of makes the whole thing weird becaus Qrow isn't allowed to disagree with their plan ("we'll do it with you or without you") and then has to trust Ruby and let her go which AGAIN is a great moment in itself. But all that put together just like... rid Qrow of his function as a parental figure because Ruby is the leader now and he's just... kind of following along.
When was their writing at the peak according to me (ex : best season)
Okay for this one Q, I'll have to go with Vol 4 and Vol 6 for very different reasons. V4 was great because we really got to get to know Qrow. His complicated relationship with Raven. How BADASS his encounter with Tyrian was I freaking loved it. What his semblance and how it shaped his life. And it also let him be vulnerable through the poison & seeing Ruby repay his care was very nice.
Vol 6 for fleshing out, taking his issues & drinking more seriously. Showing more hopelesness and cynicism, and that he had a real drinking problem and he wasn't just a fun drunk. Plus the loss of faith in Oz showed how much Qrow needs stability and secure certainties to orbit around despite his nonchalant personnality. But I like it a bit less because it was the starting point of putting him on the side kind of.
A song I think fits them & why
Ship in a Bottle (Steffan Argus) ➸ A song about being alone in your fight, in the sense that your life is like a sail on the ocean and you are the only captain, the only one who can choose what to do with it. At the same time, there are several mentions of a "captain" as if the singer/Qrow adresses someone else. It's reminiscent of his relation with Ozpin or Clover : speaking of a deal, of being honest and sharing what's on your mind. Qrow thinks too much, he's scared and he sinks more & more as he delves into his cynicism (V6). Qrow cries, things get worse, the mention of the glass echoes his struggle with alcooholism. And the Scarewrow loses his brain, "lose touch with all the things that made [him] feel sane."
+ Problem child (Simple Plan) The Star song (Amanda Palmer) Would anyone care (Citizen Soldier) Wasted (8 Graves)
A headcanon to make up about them
Qrow didn't have the most normal childhood and because of that he had to learn a lot for Ruby & Yang. Notably, Qrow had absolutely 0 notion of what was an appropriate presents for young girls. As a result, he tended to simply bring back from his travels whatever shiny thing might have caught his attention. Could be a weird flower. Could be a pretty knife. Or even junk that his corvid brain latched upon.
Tai designed a look(Tm) that Qrow learned to recognize as "No, not appropriate." After a while, Yang learned to mimick it (but rather at random, she didn't really recognze what was appropriate and what wasn't). Ruby always liked his presents though.
What I would change about them if I was making a re-write
I CLEARLY would rewrite V7C12 so that Qrow & Clover keep their brains kzjhfkqhzk There were ways to reach the same conclusion without like... having a Qrow-Tyran team-up which was REALLY weird
I see 2 main possibilities to stick close to canon content - After the crash, Tyrian gets free but he keeps playing dead for a bit. Since there is no 3rd menace, Clover and Qrow's argument devolve into a fight as seen in canon. At one point, Clover manages to briefly disarm Qrow. They discuss for a bit, you can even put the exact same dialog as in the ep. Then Tyrian takes action, moving out of the shadows to kill Clover with Qrow's discarded weapon. Braincells saved. OR - Instead of having Qrow & Tyrian outright team up, Tyrian just... keeps instillating doubts in their mind. Qrow & Clover are temporarily allies in taking Tyrian down but because of this, they don't TRUST each other which cause missteps and make them less effective. At one point, Qrow tries to attack Tyrian who is behind Clover. But because neither Qrow nor Clover really have faith in the other at that moment (and because Tyrian is poisonning their mind), Clover automatically steps back or aside. He doesn't entirely trust Qrow. Because of this small hesitation, Qrow's attack fails. Tyrian manages to disarm him. Tyrian uses Qrow's weapon to kill Clover. There could even be some message here about the lack of Trust & letting Salem divide friends... something of that caliber in any case 🤔 It can even parallel V3 where Qrow did the same thing with Ironwood & Ironwood refused to stand aside even if he thought Qrow meant to attack him... Could lead somewhere ! Like, in V3 Qrow had faith that Ironwood wasn't to blame. Only Ironwood feared that Qrow blamed him, but Qrow knew & trusted that Ironwood wasn't to blame. In other words, Salem didn't divide them. Here, Qrow & Clover let Tyrian get into their head. And as a result Clover dies. "Together we stand, Divided we fall"
My guess for their MBTI/Enneagram
I'm still mulling on it right now but I think he might be some kind of ISTP 416. He has some weird 7ish behaviour but his need to orbit around someone/a goal, his relationship with Oz, how close he stuck to Tai & Summer sounds closer to 6 fix. He wants people to go home to. Certainty and security. His independance definitely is there but seems emphasized moreso out of necessity.
One aspect that I think would be nice to delve deeper into ? (optional)
I'm not sure mhmmm maybe his relationship with Summer ? It would be both cute & interesting. As well as finally giving us insight into who Summer was
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unicyclehippo · 5 years
beaujester star wars au..... beau is a cocky rebellion pilot that’s a little Too good at dodging and firing shots, and jester is a princess-turned-junior senator-turned rebellion supporter. they are both force sensitive and kiss
The star base has been overrun by decorations and muted music, louder toward the centre of the hanger and half-volume at the edges, where a few hand-picked individuals - volunteers, probably - are keeping an eye on the alerts still. Colourful lights spin over the ceiling in programmed patterns that put Beau in mind of the star maps she reads on a daily basis, and the longer she looks, the more she starts to think they actually are star maps. Blown out to make ‘em look all pretty, though. That’s what decorating on a tight budget looks like, though. 
She’s leaning against the landing gear of her fighter, largely hidden by the shadows of her wings, and doing her utmost to strike a balance between looking incredibly cool but incredibly unapproachable whenever anyone looks her way. It’s hard, and she’s pretty sure she just looks injured, but no one has come over to talk to her and that’s a win in her book. No one, that is, save for Fjord.
Fjord Tusktooth - tall, green, surprisingly lean for an orc, tusked as the name suggests and a damn good pilot, her Captain actually - sidles over, arms raised over his head as he steps through the dancing crowd. He tries his best not to let the drinks spill but he’s licking what looks like jet oil off his hand when he reaches her. 
‘That better not be mine, Cap.’
He rolls his eyes. ‘Can humans drink strick-oil?’
‘Then it’s not yours, is it? What’s wrong with your face?’
‘What? Nothing! Give me that.’ 
It doesn’t smell like a drink; it smells like it’ll strip her innards of anything and everything useful and replace them with alcohol. Luckily, that’s exactly how she likes her drinks. Taking it from him, she flings it back, feels it burn all the way down. It hits her system like a punch to the face from a nydak. 
‘Fuckin’ awful,’ she rasps. ‘Cheers.’
He laughs. Settles into place beside her, sipping at the thick oil drink. ‘So. Any reason you’re all the way over here instead of letting all of these lov-erly ladies lavish you with attention?’ He waggles his brows as he asks and grins, very much aware that he’s the only one who can get away with asking her these kinds of questions as baldly as he does. Mostly because he manages to ask in a way that doesn’t make her wanna use him for shooting practice. And a little because he’s her superior officer. ‘I’ve turned down two proposals on your behalf - you’re welcome.’
‘Huh? What? Who?’
He points them out subtly - one a dusty pink alien clad in white and gold, with about a half dozen tentacles drifting around her head like a mane, the other a waist-high, bearded lady who winks right at Beau when she sees her watching. 
‘That’s kinda my call, isn’t it?’
‘They offered two nerfs for you -’
‘Like, both of them together? That’s hot.’
‘What? No - Beau,’ he laughs. ‘The point is that you should know your worth.’ His face goes carefully blank as he tries, very obviously, not to smile. ‘Three nerfs.’
Beau snorts. ‘Shut up. I’m going to get another drink. See if you can get them to bid higher for my hand, yeah? Remind them that I lead Team Two today. Integral to the battle. Integral.’ He salutes and she pushes off the wall, walks toward the party just long enough for his eyes to slide away from her. She steps sideways into the corridor and ducks out of sight, breath coming out in a gust.
Tyr-Mannou Star Base is built deep in the asteroid that orbits the planet, hidden from prying eyes and ears by the layered rock. Beau hadn’t been listening a hundred per cent when it was explained but something about the metals in the area, and in this planet, seemed to provide a buffer - mild, temporary - to long-distance scanning and surveillance. And at this point - haggard, hurting - the rebels will take any buffer at all. 
It’s good for the rebellion, to be buried in the asteroid. 
It’s hard to find fresh air, though, and Beau pulls at the collar of her jumpsuit, unzipping it until she doesn’t feel like she’s being strangled. 
Moving farther from the party, down the corridor and just away, Beau lets her feet carry her aimlessly at first - listening to the sound of her boots on the metal, echoing in the tin-can corridors, hiding briefly from the passing technicians who don’t seem to notice her in the various shadowed niches she finds. And then less aimlessly, until she realises she is headed directly for the command station. 
The room isn’t dark, not ever, but it is running on a skeleton crew who look up suspiciously at her entry, relaxing when they recognise her face - or, more likely, the badge affixed to her shoulder. 
‘Shouldn’t you be at the party? I heard your squad was receiving a commendation.’
‘We are. Did, Commander.’
Commander Dairon - a hard-ass and a legend in the fighter crews for the Battle of Sotheirrik in which they led the harrying of a military convoy for two fucking weeks - looks her over with a cool eye before nodding. ‘Made an appearance at least, I hope?’
‘Sure did.’
‘Good. Get some rest, Lionette. There will be plenty of work come morning.’ The Commander reaches out a gloved hand. Rests it on Beau’s shoulder for a moment, squeezes. ‘Enjoy these moments when you can,’ they tell her quietly, and it has a tinge of an order to it. But just a tinge. 
‘Good. Now,’ they say, eyes glittering, ‘Fuck off.’
Beau barks a laugh. Salutes her Commander lazily and continues on, onwards toward the view that had been calling her. 
The command station sits closest to the surface of the asteroid and it is here, only here, that one can see the view that they are risking everything to protect. The field of stars and asteroids, glinting as they catch the light of Tyr-Mannou’s sun. The purple-blue of Tyr-Mannou’s surface, the deep deep green almost black of its seas. The layer of clouds that cloak portions of the landmasses and oceans alike, drifting. Beau leans up against the window, hands curling over the rail, and watches a storm brew.
She feels Jester’s presence before she sees her. A flicker of something at the edge of her awareness, far beyond that which her awareness should rightfully cover. She hears the hiss of the gas as the doors slide open and turning, beau watches a green-cloaked figure step down from the corridor. Jester exchanges a few words with Commander Dairon but Beau can feel it - the focus of her attention like a taut string between them, and she already knows Jester is about to look up, feeling her intent like a thrum, a plucked note on that string. 
Jester looks up. Dark, dark eyes in a smiling face. 
‘Ambassador Lavorre, this is one of our finest pilots.’
‘Beauregard,’ Jester interrupts Dairon’s introduction. 
Beau tries not to shiver. No one says her name the way this girl does, like they’re sharing a private joke. 
‘Princess,’ Beau returns, and she’s aiming for calm and cool, something to suit her new title of the best fucking pilot of the rebellion, but damn if it doesn’t come out reverent. 
Commander Dairon’s brows are at their hairline now and out of the corner of her eye Beau sees them mouth, ‘Okay,’ and they take their seat, turning away. 
‘How are you?’ Jester asks. It’s as nice to hear as it is weird. ‘I was told that you and your squad took on the main fleet today?’
Beau snorts. ‘Fuck no. I mean - uh,’
‘I’m not a Princess anymore,’ Jester teases, though her smile flickers at the reminder. ‘You don’t have to not swear around me.’
‘Oh, you’ll regret saying that. I swear every second word now. Habit. Us pilots are a rough and rowdy lot.’ 
Jester just laughs. ‘May I join you?’
‘Join - yeah, sure. Of course.’
Beau presses back until her back hits the rail, her spine and shoulders the cool glass. She grips the rail. Gulps. The weight of Jester’s attention, the force of her presence, feels like a real and tangible thing and Beau is finding it hard to concentrate the closer she comes - until she is right at her side and then the weight of it, the distraction, all falls away and Beau feels like the headache that has been pressing at her for the last few hours has lifted and she is seeing entirely clearly again. 
Jester holds out her hand, straight out as if to shake Beau’s. 
Beau slides her bare hand into Jester’s, tries not to shiver at the chill of her skin. Turns it and lifts it to her lips, brushes a kiss over sharp knuckles. 
‘Introducing the First Madrick of Kar-Marodah, Thoreau Lionette, and the First Madrise,’
The Hall is as large as four grav-barret courts, Beau is sure of that. And it’s all made of grand, sweeping lines that she can’t quite follow. She cranes her head to try and follow one to its end but it meets with another three lines and Beau is dizzy with it; a large hand sets heavy on the top of her skull and stops her turning and twisting and Beau, nine years old and well acquainted with her fathers displeasure, falls still. 
‘Be still, Beauregard. We are here to make a good impression on the Laveesh Embassy and that won’t happen,’ he reminds her, ‘if you are swinging all over the place like some common nerf-herder.’ His flat green eyes narrow. ‘Understood?’
‘Yes sir.’
‘I’d prefer Captain,’ she dares tell him, sure that he won’t reprimand her too terribly in front of an audience, and the chance to see his eye twitch is too good to pass up. She doesn’t press too far, feeling the first flutters of her danger sense. ‘Yes sir.’
‘Come along. They’re waiting.’
His fingers are clawed into her shoulder as he moves them strategically around the room. Smiling and making small talk with the various important boring folk in the chamber, and Beau is waist-height to most of them so it’s not her fault that she’s more interested in what they’re wearing on their feet and if they have anything on their belts. 
She finds two strange cards that have no writing on them that she recognises, which she returns, disappointed, and a ring on the floor, which she pockets. It feels cold and warm all at once, and as she drags her finger around the inside whorl of the ring, she feels very strange all of a sudden. As if she had done that exact thing a hundred, a thousand times over with this very ring. 
‘Ah, Madrick Lionette, how wonderful,’ comes a voice, finally, that drags Beau’s eyes from the mosaic floor. The woman - the alien - the alien woman in front of Beau is beautiful in a way she has never seen before, all vibrant red skin and curves and gold gold gold and Beau feels her jaw drop. She didn’t know that women could look like this. 
She’s still staring when she hears her own name, and feels her father shake her shoulder. 
‘Beauregard,’ she blurts out. ‘Hello.’ The sigh from above tells her that she did that all wrong. Face flushing, ears burning, Beau trawls through her memory and tries again. ‘I’m - It’s a pleasure to meet you, Queen Lavorre. I am Beauregard Lionette, scion of the Madrick Lionette.’
‘Oh!’ The Queen laughs, not meanly at all but seemingly delighted. ‘How polite! It is my pleasure to meet you, Young Beauregard.’ She laughs again when Beau stammers through a thank you. ‘Have you had a chance to meet my daughter? You’re about the same age and she’s force sensitive too -’
‘Beauregard is not,’ her father tells the Queen flatly. ‘We had high hopes, but...it was not to be.’ He coats the words with the displeasure Beauregard hates; feels it pressing into her skin like his clawed fingers. It’s her fault she’s not force sensitive. She’s known that for a long time now. For as long as she can remember. 
There is a moment of silence, then, ‘Well. Jester? Where have you gone, my darling?’
Like a flicker of fish in the pool back home, and with the same warmth of the sun-soaked tiles against Beau’s chest and belly as she lays at the side, hand plunged into the waters to try and catch one of those crafty fish, Beau sees her. A girl, around her own age as promised, and dressed all in pretty robes. She is muddy to the knees, the dress heavy around her feet and dripping the purpled soil in a thick trail behind her. 
‘Jester? What have you gotten into?’
‘The mud. Obviously,’ the girl adds, though the Obviously was already clear from her tone. Her curls are riotous about her face, and she wears a great big smile, though it slips momentarily as she twists something between her fingers. 
‘Are you alright?’ Beau blurts. 
‘Oh yes,’ Jester tells her, and smiles with all the brilliance she can muster in her round, round cheeks and dark eyes. It’s... a lot. 
Beau still feels an undercurrent. Cold water around her fingers. ‘I don’t believe you.’
‘Beauregard! Don’t be a pest!’
Jester stares for a moment, then laughs. Shoves her hand toward Beau. ‘Hello, pest. I’m Jester.’
Beau takes it. Blanks for a moment over what is proper and finally bows, kissing it clumsily. As she stands upright, she notes the rings - one on each finger. Except for, 
‘Are you missing a ring?’
‘Oh, Jester,’
‘It was an accident,’ Jester tells her mother immediately, complete with trembling lip and abject sorrow. Though, Beau notes, no seeming anxiety for her mother’s reaction. 
She reaches down into her pocket. Rubs her thumb over the heavy ring. Is struck, momentarily, by the urge to keep it. It’s beautiful, she found it. 
It’s Jester’s. 
She didn’t see a name on it, but she knows it as certainly as she knows she’ll have blisters in the morning from these awful shiny boots. 
‘Come along, Beauregard,’ her father says, and begins to draw away from the Queen and her daughter. 
Beau shakes out from his hold and steps forward, holds out both her closed hands toward Jester. If she can guess which one the ring is in, Beau decides in nine-year old logic, then she can have it back. If not, Beau will get to keep it. 
They’re seventeen and the Madrick has called the meeting this time. The Queen - The Planetless Queen, Beau has heard her called behind her back, and she owns several bruises and one cracked knuckle for putting upstarts back in their places by force. The Queen has disappeared into the war room and Beau isn’t surprised to find that Jester has found her, even hidden away in the engineering core as she is. 
‘Still on with this plan, then?’ Jester asks her, peering up from beneath the suspended chassis to where Beau is hanging, fixing the wiring. ‘Becoming a pilot?’
‘Why? You think I can’t hack it?’
‘What? No. Of course you can!’
‘Then why wouldn’t I be?’
Jester is quiet for a long time, long enough for Beau to almost forget the question. She winches herself down from her position and before she can fully reclaim her feet, Jester is in front of her and her hands press against Beau’s cheeks and she’s kissing her. Kissing her, with the engineering teams buzzing around outside, and the smell of jet-oil and soldering thick in the air. 
‘I’ll miss you,’ she says. Simple words, but the feelings that slam hard into Beau’s stomach are far from simple. 
‘Jes - ‘
‘I’m sorry,’
‘You can’t -’ Beau scrambles up onto her feet. Hooks a grease-stained hand onto the perfect sleeve of the newly minted Junior Ambassador, pulling her deeper into the corner. ‘My father -’
‘He’s busy, he didn’t see,’
‘He owns these people,’ Beau hisses, glances back over her shoulder. But no one seems to have seen. ‘If I’m going to get into the Academy, he can’t - he can’t know that I’m - with you,’
‘Why not? What’s wrong with me?’
‘Nothing! Everything!’
‘Oh, how very flattering,’
‘That’s not what I meant and you know it, Jes,’
‘Well you do one thing and then say a lot of other nonsense, Beau, so forgive me if I’m a little confused!’ Jester is a sight and a half, eyes flashing with unbridled fury. She’s a good inch or two shorter than Beau but with them both straining to hiss-yell at one another, their noses are almost touching. 
‘You’re hot when you’re angry.’
‘Oh shut up.’
Beau grins. The grin fades into something softer, something adoring. She reaches up. Is careful that, when she brushes a curl back, the grease-stained finger doesn’t touch Jester’s cheek. ‘Did you come here to ask me that? If I still wanna be a pilot, all I’ve ever wanted to do since I was five?’ 
Jester’s eyes drop.
Beau wipes her hand off on her jumpsuit. Crooks a finger under her chin. ‘Or did you come to ask me not to go?’
For a little while, Beau thinks Jester won’t answer. Then her eyes shift, harden, and Beau is reminded of those months after the destruction of her planet. When the pain had threatened to overflow and so Jester had locked it down, hard and tight enough to become coal, something that would let her burn and burn and burn with fury for ages to come. 
‘What you want to do, it’s important. More important than me.’
Beau can’t disagree. The simple fact is that the war is more important than everything. Any one person. She opens her mouth to argue anyway, because - because this is Jester. 
‘I came to tell you to be safe.’ And then Jester is reaching into her pocket and she removes something from it. Small and round and familiar, the golden band with the touch of emerald studded along it. The ring they have passed to one another at every meeting. A keep-safe. A talisman. ‘I want this back,’ she tells Beau, and presses it into her palm. Beau closes her hand around it, and Jester’s hand. Kisses the back of it. 
‘Be safe. Please - I don’t want - I can’t lose you as well.’
‘As you command,’ Beau whispers. ‘Princess.’
The fight is coming quickly into its sixth hour. Beau’s jumpsuit is slick with sweat, her hands are basically swimming in her gloves, and she can barely fucking see with the sweat dripping, stinging in her eyes. There’s nothing she can do about that right now, though, and she yanks hard on her controls as another volley of bolts burst into the space where she just was.
‘Blue-XP, what’s your status?’
‘Got a bruiser on my tail, Cap,’ she gasps, and pulls hard, swivelling overhead of the TIE fighter, letting it zoom ahead. ‘Coming in hot on the zero.’
Whatever reply Fjord might have for her is lost in a crackle of energy and a blur as Beau reacts to something she feels before she sees - another TIE, bursting out from fucking nowhere to pinch her between the two of them. 
Beau swears and books it, zipping in and out of the carcass of the long-dead transporter, her small fighter tackling the corners like a champ and her memory of the interior bursting into sharp relief as adrenaline and luck slam hard into her. She doesn’t let herself think, just slams into the controls in a way that might have made her wince if she had time to feel anything at all over the fear and fury. 
One TIE bursts into flame, utterly silent in the vacuum. The other is hot on her tail still - the hunter becomes the hunted, piece of motherfucking shit Empire dogs - and then Beau is lifting a prayer to old, dead planets and touching a finger to the ring of heavy metal that hands around her neck and spinning her fighter around to face the TIE dead on. Spins around the bolts that come her way and - between one breath and the next she fires. Bolts away without even needing to look back. 
It hit. She knew it before she saw the impact. 
They stand in front of the star field now, in a quiet command station far from a party celebrating a truly minor battle. The war rages on all around them, in every direction, and will for years to come. But for now, there are drinks and lights and dancing, and everyone will pretend that it is enough. 
With distant stars as their lights, and the beep of alerts and reminders as their music, Beauregard and Jester dance like they have been dancing together for decades. Like it hasn’t been almost five years since they’ve seen one another. 
‘Most daring pilot in the ninth sector,’ Jester murmurs, cheek resting on Beau’s shoulder. Her words rumble up through her chest to the top of her head, where Beau’s cheek rests in turn against soft curls. ‘That’s what I’ve heard. You’re fast becoming a legend.’
‘Me? Maybe. But you faced down a legion of Kryn soldiers and got them to turn tail - yes or no?’ From the flush on Jester’s face, Beau knows her answer. She whistles, low and quiet. ‘Damn, Jes.’
‘That won’t be remembered. No one remembers the ambassadors - you’re not supposed to remember us. The fighters are the cool ones.’
‘I’ll remember you,’ Beau shrugs.
They sway together, a slow side-to-side. 
‘I’ve got a present for you,’ Beau tells her. Jester’s smile is warm against her skin, even through the jumpsuit. 
‘Oh really?’
‘It wouldn’t happen to be a ring, would it?’
‘What - how did you know?’
Jester hums, trying to hide a laugh. The laugh actually does fade when Beau lets her go - just for a moment, just long enough to unclasp the chain - and tugs the ring off from around her neck. She clasps it in her hand and Beau is close enough to feel the ripple of it - the energy that swirls around this shared ring, no doubt full of the fear and thrilling adrenaline of the fight, hopefully filled with the memory of all those nights she spent in her cabin, missing Jester. 
Jester’s breath hitches. She blinks a few times, blinking open dark eyes, and then turns in the cradle of Beau’s arms. Lifts her hair, as she offers the chain to Beau. ‘Do it up for me?’
‘Y-yeah. Yeah, sure.’ Beau takes it with suddenly clumsy fingers. Can’t resist brushing her thumb over the knob of Jester’s spine, the soft hair at her hairline. It takes a moment for her to work the clasp but finally it clicks closed and she lets her hands fall to either side, to Jester’s shoulders, and leans forward until she can kiss where she had touched. Lips pressed to the vulnerable space there. ‘I want that back,’ she whispers. ‘Sooner than five years, if you can manage.’
Jester twists back to face her. ‘Shouldn’t I get to keep it for five years? You did.’
‘That’s not how the game works.’
‘I’ll let you see it,’
‘We trade it, Jes. That’s how the game works.’
‘That’s how it has historically worked. I might suggest a change in rules,’ she says, in her most Ambassadorial tones, and Beau fights a laugh. ‘I had two dozen Kryn warships fleeing before me, Beauregard, I think I can get you to change your mind.’
‘You try your best, Princess. I’m sure I’ll enjoy it.’
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No Romo - chapter 2
Long overdue new chapter, and it’s almost the end of Aro/Ace August already, oops! Anyway have some more of the museum kids being best friends
AO3 | 1
“I’m pretty sure Juleka’s about to get akumatized,” Nathaniel said, sitting down on the steps in front of Alix. “Rose was telling me about it. Apparently Juleka missed the class photo because she got locked in the toilets. By Chloé, of course.”
He had opened his little sketchpad on his knees and taken a pencil out from behind his ear. Alix leaned over to watch what he was drawing – now that she was part of the art club, she tended to spend a lot of time watching Nath work on his art. Not only was it helpful to learn new skills, but it was an excuse to hang out with him even more. These days she used pretty much any chance she could get to talk to him.
“What kind of akuma villain do you think she’ll be?” she asked. “Juleka’s all gothy, right? Maybe she’ll be a vampire or something.”
“That’s exactly what I was thinking.” Nath was drawing a figure outline on his sketchpad, his red fringe falling over his face as he looked down at it. “Her eyes are already red. Maybe her skin will be deathly pale, though, like a sheet. And she’ll have those vampire fangs.”
“And a cape. Vampires have capes, right?”
“I think it depends on the vampire. But yeah, I’ll give her a cape.” He added a loose triangle onto the back of the figure. “One of those big collars, too. Wait… will she sparkle? Is she one of those vampires?”
Alix shrugged. “I have no idea what her opinion is on sparkling vampires.”
Nath paused to think for a second, before shaking his head. “Nope. No sparkles. I can’t be bothered to draw them.”
He had a grin on his face now, and Alix continued to watch him draw with interest. These days he was much more open with her than he used to be, cracking jokes and encouraging her ridiculous sense of humour. She hadn’t realized quite how attached to him she had become until she found herself paying attention to him even when he wasn’t interacting with her. More outspoken now, he talked to other members of their class fairly often, and it was all too easy to let her focus rest on them, all the way on the other side of the room, than on whatever work she was supposed to be doing.
Why did she even find him so cool in the first place? She couldn’t put her finger on it. But it was undeniable – Nathaniel was absolutely, definitely, 100% the coolest kid in her class. He had to be. Why else would she be so dead-set on being best friends with him? No one else in the class was worth quite that much effort, even though they were all pretty cool too.
“What kind of powers would she have?” Nath continued, head resting on his arm as he carried on sketching. “I guess there’s always biting people, like actual vampires do, but that would be kinda, uh… weird. Hawk Moth hasn’t been giving people overly weird powers yet.”
“Well vampires don’t have reflections,” Alix suggested. “And Juleka’s got that curse thing where she doesn’t show up in photos, right? So maybe she’ll curse everyone else to have no reflections or appearances in photos, something like that.”
“Hmm. That would make sense. Though it’s not a very aggressive power, is it? It’ll take forever for Ladybug and Chat Noir to notice something like that.”
He suddenly held up the sketchpad at her, a sunny smile on his face. “Done! What do you think?”
It was a quick little sketch, unmistakeably Juleka, but seemingly dressed more like Count Dracula. Alix nodded, smiling back. “Perfect. I bet that’s exactly what she’s gonna look like.”
“We’ll just wait and see, then…”
At that moment there were shocked gasps from others in the courtyard. Alix and Nath turned to see that an akuma villain had just landed, one that was now making an announcement, and sure enough that was Juleka’s voice echoing through the school – a crueller version, but certainly her.
And she looked nothing like a vampire whatsoever.
“Welp, we were so wrong,” Alix muttered.
“Yep.” Nath ripped out the piece of paper and scrunched it up. “So, so wrong.”
“I wasn’t expecting a giant pink clown.”
“That’s the last thing I was expecting.”
“I’m gonna say it. She looks ridiculous.”
“Hard agreed.”
“Uh, she’s zapping people, do you think we should get out of here or…?”
“Shit, yeah. See you in art club later!”
Nathaniel leapt to his feet and sped off. For a second Alix had to restrain her laughter – she’d never heard Nath swear before! He had always seemed like one of those goody-two-shoes kids who wouldn’t curse if you paid them. But evidently all he needed was to be around someone he was comfortable with. Like her.
A shot from evil Juleka zoomed past her shoulder, jolting her out of her thoughts. Oh yeah, akuma attack. She needed to get away. Being turned into a weird pink clown clone was not on her to-do list today.
It was much later than usual when the members of her class finally made it to art club. After Reflekta’s attack, everyone had banded together to help take a proper class photo with Juleka in it, which took up quite a lot of time. Alix didn’t mind at all, though. Juleka was a pretty cool friend too, it just seemed right to help her feel better. Or maybe Alix was just getting friendlier in general these days.
“Alix, there you are!” Nath was already sitting at the table and waving her over. She hurried to join him.
“Dude, you didn’t wait for me at the park–”
“I had to get my surprise for you ready.”
He tapped the little sketchbook that was on the desk. “I’ve been working on a new comic idea, and I think you’ll like this one.”
A new comic? Yes! Nath’s comics these days were always fun to read, now that they weren’t just pages and pages of self-indulgent Nathanette fluff.
“Is it another superhero one?” she asked.
“No, it’s… um…” He lowered his voice. “Look, I know I’m not really good at coming up with story ideas, and so much of what I draw is all sappy and lovey-dovey and you’re not into that stuff.”
“Who cares if I’m not into it? Just draw what you want.”
“What I want is to draw something you’ll like! So here, I did this…” Nath opened the sketchbook to show her the first page. “It’s a soulmate AU, but from the point-of-view of someone who’s aromantic.”
Just hearing the words “soulmate AU” had already set Alix’s brain to fight mode, at least, until the second part of that sentence registered in her brain. An aromantic character, in a soulmate AU? Surely those things were mutually exclusive. She looked at the page to see Nath’s artwork of the aromantic protagonist, a moody-looking girl with frizzy green hair.
“In this AU,” he continued, turning the page, “people see hearts when they fall in love, and red hearts if it’s their soulmate. This character has never seen the hearts, though, and it’s highly unusual to have reached her age without seeing them even once. She wonders what’s wrong.”
There were more sketches on these pages, fit into comic-style panels with captions over the top. The moody girl was even grumpier now, her peers all swooning over invisible hearts while she looked on from the corner, unable to understand what she was missing.
“But sometimes, when she looks at people, she sees stars. She doesn’t really tell anyone. Until…”
He turned over another page. The girl was no longer moody – all of a sudden her eyes were wide in surprise, and the panel around her filled with golden sparkles.
“…one day she meets someone, and for the first time, she sees bright yellow stars. It’s never happened before. And this person sees the yellow stars too when they meet her. They’ve seen hearts before, but never stars like this.”
Sure enough, the page was covered in glittering stars. It looked like Nath had got a yellow gel pen and just gone wild with it. The girl and her new acquaintance both appeared in awe of what they were seeing, stars around them everywhere.
“And then, uh… well I haven’t thought so much about this part but I guess they make best friends forever and live happily ever after. The girl realizes she can be happy without romance and the only reason she was miserable before was because everyone else was making her feel that way. Or something. You’re the aro one, you can help me with the inner turmoil bit.” He closed the sketchbook and turned to look at her. “So, what do you think?”
What did she think? Well, considering how much she was having to internally restrain herself from just glomping him in a hug and never letting go…
“It’s awesome!” She settled for giving him a little punch on the arm instead. “Seriously, you’re really gonna make a comic about that?”
“Yeah! I really need to branch out and draw comics about characters who don’t have love interests. Well… romantic love interests, I mean. Friendship is fine.” He blushed a little. “Actually, it’s kind of for me. I was really heartbroken for a while after the Evillustrator thing, and I need to remind my brain that it’s okay to focus more on friends, than on… Marinette…”
His voice had gone rather quiet, considering that Marinette herself was in the room.
“Are you still into her?” Alix asked.
“I… I don’t think so.”
“Then you should make friends with her too.”
He blushed even more. “I’m not really good at making friends.”
“Are you sure?” Alix said, putting an arm around him. “Because you seem to be doing an awesome job at making friends with me so far. I mean, convincing me to join art club? Drawing the aro comic thing? Nerf gun battles? Dude, you are top notch friendship material. Best friendship material. I really mean it.”
He seemed quite taken aback by her compliments for a few seconds. Alix herself was surprised too – she didn’t tend to say things like that directly to people’s faces, usually too wary that being overly nice might be mistaken for flirting, which was just… ew. But at least Nathaniel would properly understand the sentiment.
“Maybe you’re right,” he said. “If I could make friends with you, I can make proper friends with Marinette too.”
“Yeah, that’s the spirit!”
“Thanks, Alix. And…” He gave her a sunny smile and put the sketchbook in her hands. “Thanks for being my friend. You’re top notch friendship material too. Making this comic with you is gonna be so much fun.”
Top notch friendship material… man, it was so nice to hear someone other than Jalil saying that. Pretty much everyone else in the class already had their own top notch friend, and there was no room for Alix there except as an undignified third wheel, a hanger-on, uninvited and unwelcome. Now Nath had changed all that.
She watched as he got up and went to go compliment Marinette on whatever fashion thing she was working on. He still seemed quite shy, but at least Marinette was one of the nicest members of the class, even going so far as to organize Juleka’s rescheduled class photo earlier. It wouldn’t be difficult for them to make friends.
Alix flicked through Nath’s sketchbook, taking a closer look at the draft work for his new comic. He really was very good at art, wasn’t he? This green-haired girl looked real enough to leap out of the page any second.
You’re the aro one, you can help me with the inner turmoil bit. So he wanted her help with story advice. That, she could definitely offer. There were too many stories to tell, stories of angst, frustration, disbelief, confusion, tears… the usual run-of-the-mill depressing aro experiences. Plenty of those to pick from, unfortunately.
This green-haired girl, though. Something about her seemed familiar to Alix. Nath didn’t base the character on her, did he…?
Nathaniel worked hard on his comic. He worked hard on all his comics, of course, but this felt different. This time he wasn’t just drawing to cater to his own whims. This time he wanted it to be a present for Alix.
There were too many reasons to pinpoint just one. There was the fact that they were pretty much best friends at this point, true. There was also the fact that both of them being ace gave him a sort of connection to her that was hard to describe in words. Was “ace solidarity” a thing? It sure felt like it.
And she inspired him. It had been so long since he’d had a close friend that he was used to keeping to himself all the time. Even now he was still quiet, of course, but things were different. He could casually chat with the rest of his classmates without the nerves to accompany it. He felt freer to say what was on his mind, to share his true feelings.
He still wished he could be more like her. How amazing would it be to be as cool as someone like her? As much as he tried, he couldn’t do it. But then maybe that was a good thing. After all, she seemed to like hanging out with him just the way he was.
“How is it?” he asked as she read the finished comic in her room one day after school. “Is it good? Should I change anything?”
There was a spark in her eyes. “Dude, this is so cool! I love it!”
“You do?”
“Hell yes!” Within a second she had put down the comic and clung onto him in a hug. Considering how small she was, it was… kind of adorable, actually. Like a koala on a tree. “Listen, I’m… I’m not a huggy person, so don’t get used to this. But uh… if you ever need anything, like ever, at all, I will help you with it. Up to and including murder.”
He gladly hugged her back. “What, because I drew a comic for you?”
“Because you drew something that’s more relatable than anything else,” she said, pulling back to look at him. “It’s hard to get into stuff when everything’s so damn shippy all the time. But you went out of your way to do this for me, so yeah. Thank you. I will lay down my life for you in the skeleton war.”
Nath grinned and gave her hair a ruffle. “I forbid you from sacrificing yourself in the skeleton war. But I’m really happy you liked the comic.”
“The main character, is she based on… um, anyone you know?”
“Yes, that’s you.”
“I knew it! So the guy she makes friends with, is that you?”
He simply shrugged, though the answer was a resounding yes. From the way she was looking at him, he could tell that she knew it perfectly well. It had been pretty obvious. Maybe it would be best to keep this particular comic just between the two of them for now.
“Anyway, you need any help with anything?” Alix asked. “Not murder or skeleton wars, I know. But really, I’ll do my best to help.”
“Nah, I don’t think there’s anything I need help with right now, unless you can come up with an idea for a new comic…”
“The adventures of Alix and Nathaniel sock-sliding around the Louvre after hours and avoiding security.”
“Uh… was that a suggestion for a comic, or a suggestion for real life?”
“Both.” She had a smirk on her face now. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you drawing the Louvre in the backgrounds of all your drawings, you know.”
“Well, it’s easy to draw…”
That was only partially true. Yes, a quick sketch of the iconic pyramid was easier than bothering with a proper detailed background, but the truth was that this place was starting to feel like a second home to him. The art exhibits had always had a soft spot in his heart, but now this area did too. The Kubdel quarters.
“But yes, let’s go sock-sliding!” he said quickly.
“Yeah! And let’s not get caught this time…”
“I’ll be stealthier now, I swear…”
He kicked off his shoes and followed her out of her room, looking forward to this. Silly adventure shenanigans were a lot more fun than he used to think – but then maybe that was because he was with Alix.
It was a while before her offer for help was actually needed. Those several weeks were some of the best yet – Nath worked on new comics, became more sure of himself, made friends with more of his classmates, and even made friends with people outside his class. Like Marc, that blushy new kid in the art club who was even shyer than him.
That didn’t last.
It was all that diary’s fault. “Ladybug’s” diary. Marinette had given it to him, and she was friends with Alya, who ran the Ladyblog, right? She could feasibly have acquired such a thing, right? Nath didn’t have any reason to doubt that this was the real, legit diary of Ladybug. He expected it to be.
So when it turned out to be Marc…
It was strange how, when in a situation where Nath was not the shyest one around, it was so easy to become complacent. To lose his temper. To assume the worst. It reminded him all too clearly of his birthday, where Chloé had taken his sketchbook and made a fool of him in class, announcing his crush on Marinette to the world, followed by Evillustrator being betrayed by the girl of his dreams.
Was this Marinette’s revenge? Was she teaming up with Marc to make a fool of Nath again?
Please pick up, please pick up…
He held his phone to his ear as he strode towards the Louvre, having left Marc back at the park with that stupid diary. His brain still wasn’t working right – well, it didn’t seem to work right around Marc anyway for some odd reason, but that was beside the point. The blind panic that this situation had put him in, that he was being humiliated again, it was impossible to control, and he just needed to talk to–
“Hey Nath, what’s up?”
“Oh Alix, thank god you’re there!” He clutched the phone tighter, his pace increasing. “Are you at the Louvre right now? Can I come over?”
“Sure, what’s wrong?”
Could she tell from his voice? Maybe she could. “I need to talk about something that just happened, I… I’m scared I’m gonna get akumatized again, I’m just in such a bad mood…”
“Aw man, what happened?”
“I’ll tell you when I get there. See you soon.”
“Alright, take care of yourself…”
He hung up and hurried on. Even despite all his new friendships recently, they were all seeming so superficial right now. Any one of his classmates could suddenly turn on him, the way Marinette and Marc had just done. Taking advantage of his feelings. Playing a cruel trick on him.
And yet… he still trusted Alix. Somehow, instinctively, he found himself gravitating towards the Louvre – the one place where he always felt welcome no matter what, where he could let his guard down and just be himself without any worries clouding his mind. He used to wonder if it was the feeling of being in a museum, surrounded by art, that put him at ease. Now, he was beginning to believe it was more to do with the tiny little lifesaver who “allegedly” lived there.
Alix was his best friend. If there was anyone he could turn to for help, it was her. He never had been any good at letting his guard down, but for once in his life he needed to confide in someone. She had promised to help him, and he was counting on that.
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eorzeaisnotcrash · 4 years
(ARR Diary #27) Everybody is awesome
(Did you know Merlwyb turns her head to follow you if you run around examining everything in her office? I’m trying to cheer myself up after all the lag.)
According to the Admiral, the Sahagin didn’t have enough crystals to summon Leviathan till the Serpent Reavers went stealing in Thanalan. Since he’s not actually been summoned yet, we’re invited to join in helping make sure it stays that way. She says Minfilia is 100% welcome as long as she stays next to her.
JoJo needs to go to Camp Skull Valley. Five Maelstrom scouts have gone to check the spawning grounds for where Leviathan might show up, and they haven’t come back yet. I have a strong suspicion that this will end with me recovering more dead bodies and battling another fearsome boss. I am able to find and heal one dude. He begs me to save the comrades who got dragged away to the Serpent’s Tongue. That place has two dead bodies. The description says they’ve been mutilated. Thanks for sharing that, item descriptor... but where are the other two?
I’m not going to say anything if an angry commander wants to do something about her men getting tortured (provided she doesn’t go after the cool guys at Novv’s Nursery), but the Admiral isn’t having it. There is some talk about who needs to do what in the upcoming fighting. JoJo needs to go with Y’shtola to the aetheryte. Y’shtola says it’s been too long since we fought together. I’m glad she’s hyped too!
I Streets-of-Rage my way through the Sapsa Spawning Grounds to find a tired Y’shtola. She says it was just a glancing blow, and we continue till I find out what they’ve done with the last two soldiers. Poor dudes have been tempered, along with some random civilians. Y’shtola is not pleased. Thancred throws a knife at a Sahagin who‘s about to stab her. Yugiri runs up and deals with six guys in ten seconds. One of her daggers can cause explosions! The next group of guys we meet also get either stabbed, or capped by the Admiral. Thancred says he wants to make up for being a liability as Lahabread. I think he’s doing great. Minfilia looks as happy as I feel.
The Sahagin Priest yells some threats and then starts glowing as he waits for Leviathan to show. JoJo and Minfilia start reacting to the Echo. That can’t be good. Merlwyb shoots the priest, but he turns into a glowing ball and possesses the dude standing behind him. Definitely not good. Even after the Admiral shoots all the potential host bodies (her “Die, damn you!” is goals), the glowing ball keeps taunting us.
Leviathan shows up. The annoying priest finds himself disappearing from existence after all. Right after he’s gone, his god leaves, and a few seconds later the Admiral is notified that the ships she had out there as a diversion are gone. She says Leviathan is going to the open sea. Watch this be a tsunami.
To quote Weird Al: Aw man, I hate it when I’m right.
(My first experience with Leviathan was in FFVI. I knew he was out there somewhere, but it was still a shock when he attacked. I thought I could take him based on how I had handled other bosses. I was very wrong, and it took a lot of grinding before I was able to make it right. Bahamut and Ultima Weapon are fearsome, but when I think of Leviathan, I immediately think of people dying horribly. Maybe I should play FFIV after this.)
Yugiri says that these local gods sure are vengeful, and it makes sense the Garleans are so afraid of them. They’re not gods, Yugiri, just egotistical ass- wait, the Empire fears primals? I wonder if there’s a way to exploit this information?
Everyone goes back to the Admiral’s office, and she shares the heartwarming story of how Halfstone was actually a settlement before Leviathan trashed it. That was BEFORE his cultists fed him with all the stolen crystals. A sergeant suggests we obtain a device with a corrupted crystal, which can make the sea around Leviathan a less deadly weapon and the primal threatening as “any other sea serpent.”
How many sea serpents do these people have???
Minfilia takes it upon herself to remind me of that awful filler quest I did for Cid. He and I are cool now, but I still don’t want to repeat that mess. It gets better: we need a lot of crystals, enough to have to connect two ships (apparently Mistbeard did this to carry his loot, and Merlwyb all but says her sergeant is a pirate nerd), and then we have to tie ourselves to Leviathan. YAY. Slafyrsyn looks at JoJo and she nods... then everyone else looks at him, and instead of me getting pimped out to do the crazy job of towing the crystals, he volunteers to do it himself. I will pour one out for him if I survive.
It’s like he’s heard me say that. Slafyrsyn leaves the room and turns to look at JoJo again as he goes. JoJo looks back. What are we communicating to each other right now?
Yugiri says that in her home, they also have godlike beings, although she never really believed that. So I guess if I ever go to Doma, I can look forward to... I dunno, Bismarck and Catoblepas?
A man runs in and says he’s just spoken to a guy who’s fought Leviathan. It better be Wheiskaet and not that liar from the windmill. The Admiral figures I might as well go speak to him while we wait for the double-ship to be completed. I can find him... over at the Grey Fleet. Son of a whore. At least Merlwyb says I can break his legs if he’s full of it.
Trachtoum is doing his usual scam. The poor private sent to speak to him will have to carry some grain to the mill if he wants to hear about Leviathan. He responds that he’s already done four or five chores, so now he’s treated to the usual crock... and made to visualize how big the guy’s dick is, which is something no one needs ever. It’s also a lie, as is rapidly revealed when JoJo walks up to end the nonsense. The private is naturally very angry about handling chocobo poo for nothing. Before I can smash any femurs, Minfilia contacts me to tell me the double-ship is ready and I need to come to the drydocks. I’ll be back to break your legs later, T.
The new ship is called the Whorleater. The guys who have built it say its onboard device will be able to nerf Leviathan, but JoJo might have to run over there herself and turn it on. Thancred, Y’shtola, and Yugiri will fight however many Sahagin try to interfere.
I’d like to say I contributed, but there was lag and I ran around uselessly half the time. At least I didn’t have to watch Slafyrsyn die. The guy who mans the lift compliments me, and Y’shtola congratulates me. Part of me is shocked we didn’t have even more casualties, but overall I feel good. Merlwyb says thank you! She also says Mistbeard deserves props, too, and it’s a *shame* she hasn’t got any employees like him. Slafyrsyn looks away. Hee.
Yugiri offers to teach her martial art to anyone interested in learning. Apparently Robot Pirate Island has an organization where a lucky few get to learn something similar, which explains how Thancred got his cutscene skills, and his colleagues could definitely learn from her. Y’shtola shares how her friend used to live a life of crime. Minfilia laughs and continues the story while Thancred makes the best face ever; one day he ran into Alphinaud’s granddad and from there he went on to learn lots of cool stuff, including fighting. The Admiral is grateful for Yugiri’s help, and although Robot Pirate Island isn’t able to handle many more residents right now, she’ll send some food to Mor Donuts.
JoJo doesn’t watch, but the player gets to: Y’shtola needs to talk to Merlwyb in private (although Yugiri does walk by briefly). She warns her that Leviathan was summoned for the sake of self-preservation, just like with Titan. I have secondhand shame watching this, especially since Y’shtola seems pretty disappointed in the Admiral’s response. Yugiri’s a little unhappy too.
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