#i have never had a sunny day for my birthday 😭
outrowingss · 4 months
Happy birthday to me 🥳
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voidinmexx · 5 months
(even tho technically they'd all be in highschool following cannon age)
shut up.
oh lord
i love imagining my traumatized little characters in happy worlds,
background knowledge:
grisha arent a thing in this au and there is no current wars
Dorm Arrangements:
Inej and Nina requested rooms together the same day they could, Kaz managed to get a room alone and so did Wylan. Matthias doesn't go to college nor does Jesper.
i will write more lore about this collige au esp jesper and wylan because we need more gay men in healthy loving relationships
(its me im the gay men)😭
"Hey, Kaz!"
The boy, who was previously watching a particularly ugly bird, looked up to see Inej and Nina. Both of the girls wore matching sundresses.
The five were going swimming today. Although Ketterdam was known for it's dreary and bleak weather, it was summer which meant they got three whole days out of the month of August to enjoy a sunny day.
"Where's Jesper and Matthias?" Inej asked Kaz, as if he could telepathically communicate with the two idiots.
"I think Matthias is meeting us at the watering hole," Nina chimed in. She was typing away furiously on her phone and every so often a curl would fall in front of her eyes and she would angrily push it away, only for gravity to drag the curl right back where it fell before.
Suddenly, a loud chime startled the group, well, not really. Kaz did not only jump but also let out a little yelp as his phone went off. Inej and Nina laughed until they were both a wheezing mess.
"Oh. My. God." Kaz could barely make out the girl's out of breath words. Before she could elaborate, Nina began to have another laughing
"It startled me, that was all." Kaz grumbled, crossing his arms and pulling out his phone angrily. He had been gifted the device from Inej, it was a Christmas gift. Kaz, ever the old man in a young adult's body, had no clue on how to work the damn thing. Currently, it was the ringer that was giving him hell but last week iMessage was kicking his ass.
"Jesper texted me," he said, "He's asking if we mind if he brings an extra person."
"Jesper?" Nina asked, "With a date?"
Inej, the ever loving and gracious friend, smacked Nina's arm. The latter gasped dramatically and pretended to cradled her arm.
"Don't be rude. It's probably just some poor person Jesper wanted to drag along on an adventure," she shuddered and Kaz shook his head, "He does that too much."
"I agree, we should say no."
"What?" Inej interjected, even Nina raised an eyebrow at Kaz's suggestion, "Let them come it'll be fun. Maybe we can make a new friend!"
Kaz, however, did not see Inej's point.
Nevertheless, he texted Jesper and told him the stranger could come. The things he did for that girl.
Originally, Kaz met Nina junior year of highschool.
She had just moved from Ravka and they were paired together for a science project. The project was complex, it was meant to show an overall understanding of what they learned that year. The two extensively worked on it for two months and proudly presented it. Although they never became "friends" in highschool, both kept contact and Kaz even showed up at Nina's 18th birthday.
"Sorry I missed your sweet sixteen," he said as he handed Nina his gift, "I didn't realize those were an important thing to you." Kaz shrugged, Nina noticed, as he said the last part. I didn't realize those were an important thing to you. He cared, Nina realized that day, he acted like he didn't but he definitely did. Before she was sent to Ketterdam she was not the most popular kid on the playground. Friends were hard to make when you get singled out by someone many people look up to.
For Nina, Kaz was a breath of fresh air. Not that she would ever let him know that. He might get violent.
Behind them, the three could hear a car pulling up. Jesper's light blue Honda Civic parked poorly in a spot nearby. His face peeked over the roof of his car and he began wavely excitedly when he saw his friends. The passenger side door opened "Uhm, where are my keys?"
Kaz, who had been watching this for a second stepped up. In his fingers, the keys swung lazily.
"I'm driving."
Jesper groaned as Kaz forced him out of the truck. There was no arguing with a brick wall.
After Jesper almost ran into a dear, Kaz would not let Jesper drive in a car that he also was in. The group laughed and gossiped on the way to the watering hole, when they arrived Kaz was voted as designated Spot Finder. He was not swimming so he was tasked with finding a place for all their stuff and making sure it's not stolen.
ok im gonna edit this later and add im so sornee rn and CAN NOT breathe😭
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Gifts: Part 1
request by @sunny-117! please enjoy! Sorry if it's a little short! i have exams coming up 😭✨
𝒍𝒆𝒆: Channie
𝒍𝒆𝒓: Felix
𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘶𝘱 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘦𝘢 𝘪 𝘴𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘭i𝘯𝘨! 💗
Felix hates secrets. He absolutely despises when he suspects one of his members is hiding something from him. Lixie is a type of person who’s carefree and he hates it when a secret burdens one of his friends. So when September 14th came up, and the members were busy preparing for Han’s birthday, including Felix himself, he happened to forget about his OWN birthday the very next day. However, all the others would never forget. So they teamed up to make Lixie a very cute birthday present…
Felix joined the live, smiling as STAYs began entering the call, cute comments making his eyes sparkle. He continued with his live, mentioning everything that happened that day, laughing at Changbin’s strange behaviors, giggling at Minho’s cats, snuggling with Kkami. He did notice, however, that STAYs were also mentioning the others’ odd actions, stating that they were probably avoiding Lixie because it was his birthday tomorrow. Right. That’s what he had been forgetting.
Felix had started to notice the other’s strange behavior while cleaning up from Hannie’s birthday celebration earlier, though he didn’t comment at the time. They would avoid eye contact and stutter every time he looked at them. The biggest exhibition of these…actions was….Chan. 
Lixie snapped out of his trance peering at the comments. A few caught his eye and they twinkled with glee.
@sunny-117: Chan’s probably hiding your gift from you or something and that’s why he’s acting so weird 🙄 Love you Lixie! 💗
@heythisismyblogg: Go on Felix! Go tickle it out of him or something!
@dandyboyseungmo: OMG THAT'S SO CAYOOOT! HE'S PROBABLY NERVOUS! Go cheer him on Lixie!
Felix quickly excused himself from the live, the comments still making him giggle with joy. Oh WHY hadn’t he thought of that before?! Leave it to the STAYs to be real smart. Felix felt joy well up in his heart that his members had not forgotten about his birthday, even going as far as to buy him a GIFT. Ohhhh Lix wanted to know what they had gotten him SO BAD. He decided he would try to make Chan tell him and if not, he guessed he would have to wait till tomorrow.
Felix set his eyes on his target heading to his room, probably going to spend more time on that dreaded laptop of his. Lixie waited for some time, opening presents with Han until he excused himself to Channie’s room to find out what’s going on. Felix knocked on the door, hearing a faint, ”Come in!” before making his way to Channie’s couch. He settled himself there, noticing Chan’s eyes widening as he cleared his throat uncomfortably. 
“Um…hey. Do you need something?” “Actually, yes, I do need something.” Felix responded, a cold look on his face as he stood up and walked over to Channie. The said boy gulped and tried to look anywhere but Lixie’s face. “Well i have some work to do, so please ask quickl-”
“Did you get me something for my birthday?” Lix interrupted, excitement in his eyes. Chan paused and pursed his lips, trying to suppress a smile at the kitten-like look adorning his face, eyes widened and sparkling. Channie made a sign of sealing his lips and tried to go back to work.
Felix was not having that. He made a move and grabbed Chan’s torso, right underneath his underarms, and squeezed like crazy.
“What ARE you do-AHHAHAHA-” Chan’s laughter turned into bucking and squealing as he twisted in his chair, trying to keep steady as his Aussie bro attacked him.
“Plehehease whahat doho yohou want from meheheee” Chan giggled out as Lixie softened the tickling. “Well I want to know if you got me something, as you were so keen not to answer that question earlier” Felix said while smirking. Chris sealed his lips just as Felix started scratching at the bottom of his stomach, earning him muffled giggles as Chan’s lips were still sealed. Yongbok groaned at the lack of laughter from the victim, instead grabbing both of Chan’s hands with one of his own and diving into his armpit with the other.
“Mhhhmmm AHHHHHH!” Channie squealed as the tickly fingers danced across his underarms and ribs, finally falling off the chair just to get thrown on the bed by Lixie. Felix groaned as he searched Chan’s body, straddling him.
“Where even is your worst spot…” Felix mumbled, earning shrieks from Chan as his fingers started wiggling on his tummy, honey-like giggles pouring from the lee as he tried to suppress his giggles. 
Soon enough, Felix got bored of his upper body and sat facing Chan’s legs on his waist, leaving Chan free behind him and begging. “NOho PLEASE ANYWHERE BUT THERE YOU AHAHAHASSS!” Chris yelled as Felix swirled his fingers on his inner thighs, the shorts Chan was wearing quite an advantage to the evil ler. Felix darted between squeezing his thighs and the tops of his knees, leaving Chris bucking and screaming.
When Felix remembered his goal, he targeted one last spot. Chan was begging behind him. “PLEASE NO ANYWHERE but THERE I CANT HANDLE IT YAAAAAAAAAH!”He screamed as Felix caressed the left arch of his foot. “I’m going to ask one more time. Did you get me something?” Felix asked. When Channie didn’t respond, Lixie pulled all of Chan’s toes back and scratched under them. Chan let out a raw scream, laughter quickly silencing as he pounded his fists into the plush mattress underneath him, tears pouring down his neck. 
“AHAHAHAHAA LIXAHHHHHHH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-” Was the only thing Chan could get out. Felix stopped soon, not wanting to kill the elder. This allowed Chris to whine out an answer. “YAhehehs wehe dihid gehet you sohomethinggg.” “Thanks” was all Lix had to say, walking out of the room and mentally thanking STAYs for the great idea. Now he needed to interrogate the next member…
i hope you enjoyed! Feel free to request however pls check my intro before interacting! 💗I may ACTUALLY make a sequel of this if you want so pls tell me if u want a sequel 😭✨
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yourstrulylve · 4 months
Snow on the Beach - Montague x OC Chap. 1 [Looks and Introductions]
— a/n: This is an "original" story I made not so long ago, as i didn't really know what to do with it I wanted to upload it somewhere so I chose here! Its important to note that in this story midas is the father of Lana, the protagonist (my oc 😭) I know its cliche, like all of this is, but I hope for the best of this story!! One last thing, english is not my first language, so if anything ill be open to corrections and also ideas and asks!
— Sypnosis: Lana Gold Cherry was born September 29th, 2008. She lived five years of her life with a mother who barely took notice of her. Lana got into a big fight with her one day, leading her mother, Sunny, to call her mysterious father furiously. Weeks later, Lana finally left her house and went back to her hometown to start a new life with her now-known father, Midas. 
Once she grows and turns 15, things turn upside down and she now has to face the world as a teen. She falls in love and they break her heart, she experiences new things and tries old ones once again, but most importantly, meets the two men who she might end up crazy in love with. 
Will she be able to get properly in love with them? Or will her heart end up broken once again? We’ll see. Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
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Golden Years - David Bowie   1:03 ──⚬──── 4:11   ⇆   ◃◃   ıı   ▹▹   ↻
Have you ever wished to be the daughter of a well known man? Have you ever wished for that man to be The Midas Gold? Well, let me fulfill your wishes then.
Lana Gold was born on September 29th of 2008, she was born in Venice, Italy in the afternoon, around 3:25 pm or so. She was a light ginger with gorgeous hazel eyes and small plump lips. She was pale and soft skinned, her little cheeks redder than the rest of her body and beautiful long lashes and short curled hair. At the age of 2, Lana didn’t really know her dad, as he ‘supposedly’  had abandoned her and her mother. Lana grew up in Toronto, Canada as her mother decided to move out from Italy as Lana was born. 
She lived a hideous life from age 0 to age 5. As her mother was constantly moving out from place to place and moving her out from school to school. She never really did make any friends because of her secluded and alienated personality towards others. 
Since the day she learnt how to talk, which was in the very young age of 3, Lana was always asking her mom questions, she was a very curious child, she loved making questions and always wanted an answer for everything.
“Mommy, why is it that birds fly?..” 
“Mommy mommy! Why is the ocean blue?” 
“Momma, why does it sometimes rain?” 
“Mommy?.. Mom? Mamma?” 
Lana didn’t have the intention to bother, but soon stopped with the questions as her mother got every time more frustrated with them. And so she resorted to writing them. Not also did she write questions but sometimes even more. She loved writing about her day, what she thought, little poems, Etc. She grew up with just her and her little journals until turning five.
A week after her 5th birthday her mom got very, but like very drunk, she argued with her five year old until not a single word could come out of her mouth, she was burnt down and angry as hell, and for so, Lana just resorted in crying and screaming at her for whatever her mother had been arguing about. Lana wasn’t playing her mother’s games, she was tired and very, very sad. She screamed until her little lungs could no more and she collapsed to the floor with teary eyes and a now ripped shirt she was holding and tearing up little by little from the anger. Her mom could no longer deal with Lana’s ‘Unbelievable’ behavior and so she called Lana’s dad. 
After not so but 17 missed calls, he finally picked up the phone. A husky and irritated voice bleed through the phone’s speakers as Lana’s mother basically screamed at the phone. Both parents got in an agreement. He could keep Lana forever, and he’d never go and bother neither the mother or the new fiance of hers. 
The next few weeks were very quiet between Lana and her mother, they didn’t speak nor interact with each other. Which was also a win for Lana as she walked from the school to her house alone. The next day after the fight Lana’s mother told her she was leaving in a few weeks to another house as she ‘couldn't afford’ taking care of her anymore. She didn’t tell her where, or with who, but Lana didn’t care. She just wanted to leave that stupid house for once and all. 
October 26th, 2013
Even more weeks passed by, Lana started growing tired of her mom and couldn’t wait to finally leave her house. She grew impatient as days passed slower, until finally, her mother spoke.
⎯ “Lana, get ready and hop on the car, we’re leaving for the airport.” ⎯ She finally spat. ⎯ “Where are we going?” I said with a low voice, not sure how to react to her sudden demand. She didn’t answer though, so I just left and got everything packed up ⎯ Who knew being so little and so over-stimulated from  not going out was going to come in handy when packing up your whole room? ⎯
When my mom helped me get my load of bags in the car, which, spoiler, were just three small duffle bags, she got in the driver's seat and I sat in the back. The drive wasn’t long but it sure was boring and tiring.
When we finally got there she took me to the boarding door, as I stood there she looked at me in the eye and said, 
“What are you waiting for?” ⎯ She said angrily, I looked at her confused. ⎯ “Cmon’ get in the door, whatcha’ think’ I was going with ya’?”⎯ I sighed, was I maybe too dumb to think she was going with me?, Yes. I was. ⎯
I ran through the door. Apparently the airport lets little five year olds in the gates alone now. Anyways, I got in my seat while I nervously inspected the place. It seemed quite calm and peaceful, as I also was all alone because the two other seats besides me were completely empty. Way before the flight started I switched to the window seat to get a better view of where I was going, still nonsense but i'm young and alone in a plane, plus points for that I don't know anything about everything yet. My young brain was about to explode if it wasn't because I just fell hard asleep for the next I have no idea hours of flight. I remember my mom telling me that some 'Agent' was going to receive me from the airport? It seemed quite strange but as I had no words in this, I just agreed. 
When the plane stopped and I finally finished the whole line of people in front of me I ran through the exit door, did the rest of the airport process with some big help from a nice lady and went to where the people waited for their luggage. I spotted my only tiny suitcase and took it, and just when I was about to turn around and leave to look for this mysterious agent I bumped into someone's legs, they were wearing some grey tight dress pants and dress shoes. When I looked up I saw a big chested brunette with sunglasses and an already noticeable expression on his face. He was also wearing a light blue dress shirt and a grey coat to match the pants. Around his neck was a black tie and in his hands laid some leather black gloves. I got instantly scared by the aura he radiated and quickly tried to run away but the guy soon spoke up and grabbed me by my arm. 
“Don't go away, don't be scared, okay? Midas sent me here to look for you. Aren’t you ‘Lana Gold?” He said  with a gloomy dark voice and rough accent. ⎯ I was scared, and had so many questions! Who’s midas? Who are you? And, Why’d he send someone else when he could come here by himself? I simply nodded and he just nodded back and then led me to a sports car parked in the airport’s parking lot. He signaled me to get in and before him doing so as well he stopped outside of the car and spoke in his walkie talkie, I really couldn’t make out what he was saying, I just heard some faint noises coming from outside the car. 
Time passed and he got in, we drove for at least an hour and a half until we finally got into a huge mansion. You know those pretty mansions that appear in the movies like Mean girls or Clueless? Well, imagine that, now make it a little bigger and add more things, like MORE things. I was simply astonished. I couldn’t wait to see this Midas guy Brutus mentioned. By the way, the agent’s name is Brutus, he told me while in the car as he thought that saying it could make me a little less scared, and, honestly, it did work. 
When I finally got out of the car, brutus led me into the mansion, as I turned my head around to see all of the things it contained. It really was HUGE. as I looked around I spotted some more agents, there was a girl, another girl, a banana and a cat? What the heck.. 
As I passed I furrowed my brows in confusion until we got to the last floor or what seemed like a big office at the top of the building. Brutus knocked on the door and seconds later a male voice responded.
⎯ “Come in.” Someone said from behind the door. Brutus opened the door in command and I was met with a young-looking elegant businessman. Brutus then got out of the room and signaled the guy in front of me something before leaving.
⎯ “So.. What’s your name?” He said as he stood up and walked towards me ⎯ in response I took tiny steps back, not knowing what the guy wanted. ⎯ 
⎯ “La-Lana..” I said slightly stuttering while raising my head up to look into his golden eyes. ⎯ He was tall, he was really tall, like 1.80cm or so? He was wearing a whole suit, white dress shirt, black vest, dress pants, shoes and a tie. He also wore a golden gun holder and some grenades, also gold. ⎯ “Lana what, darling?” Said the man in front of me. ⎯ “L-Lana Go-old..” I stuttered, why was this man so invested in me? Did he want to sell me in bags? What if he wanted me dead? Oh god..! ⎯ “I see, well.. I'm Midas Gold, your father. Pleasure to meet you, Lana.” he said and I stood there astonished. Was he really my dad? All those years for him to be this wealthy? Why? I, once again, had so many questions.. But I kept them to myself. 
We stared at each other for a good while, until I finally spoke out, “Why.. why did you leave?..” ⎯ It seemed as my question took him off guard as he suddenly opened his eyes like plates and stood back slightly. ⎯ “Well, Lana. I didn't leave. Your mother just.. -” ⎯ He stood there, quiet. Thinking. ⎯ “- She didn’t really want me to take care of you.. That's all.” He said, when finishing the sentence he went back to his normal posture and place, and his voice got normal again as before it was sad and quiet. ⎯ “oh..” I simply stood there. Why would my mother want such a thing? Was this guy bad? Did he do something to make my mom want him not to take care of me?.. What was happening?.. 
“So..” He spoke out, taking me out of my trance. ⎯ “What would you like to do now? Do you like toys or any specific game? I asked for the day off  so, I'm all yours Lana!”
After a thoughtful silence I finally spoke up. ⎯ “I would.. I would like to show you something..” I spoke quietly as I approached my pink bunny backpack and took out the notebook I used to write on. I searched and searched until I found what I was looking for and then gave the book to Midas to inspect.
⎯ “Are these.. Questions?, what are they for? A school assignment?” He said as he gave me a rather confused look. 
“No.. they are for you.” I sheepishly replied. Was I even aware of what I was saying? Good god.. He then started reading them carefully, very carefully if I may say. And then he spoke out, 
“Well Lana, First of all, my name is Midas Gold, I'm your father, I am not a dangerous man, I didn’t choose to leave your mother, I do love you, I always thought about you, And yes, baby, I’ll do anything for you.” He explained. I looked at him tilting my head upwards for at least 4 minutes or so until he spoke once again. ⎯ “So.. Would you like to go for some ice-cream? You can ask me more questions on the way there as it seems you have so many..” He said as he lightly chuckled and went through my book page by page and then closed it and smiled. 
“Sure- sure!..” I said looking at the floor and quickly smiling back at him. And maybe even unaware that this Midas guy could've been one of the best parental figures that life could’ve given to me. 
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a/n: Hope yall liked the first chap!! I'll be uploading more and more later :p
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petrichor-han · 2 years
I didn’t see your 300 followers event post until now 😭 but i wanted to say CONGRATTTTSSSS! You RLLY RLLY deserve it and you especially deserve way more (anyone who sees this and is not following rain, i suggest you do it you won’t regret it)
But i wanted to request something! I’m always up for some angst and crying lol, so i wanted to do the “You know I was only dating you to get to your friend, right?” prompt for Seungmin. It’s going to absolutely break my heart but i think i’m a masochist idk.
Anyways, CONGRATS AGAINNN!!!! Don’t feel too overhwhelmed with the requests coming in :( I’m gna read some of them when i have time bcs your writing seems to satisfy an itch in me and it grounds me bcs my head in always in the clouds 😭
But thank you!!!!!
-to the dynamite gal named rain from ur sexy moot crow
HI CROW!!! gosh, this ask just made my day, i'm about to cry!! you're too sweet, thank you so much for the praise and the congratulations. and thank you for requesting!! i really, really enjoyed writing this one, and it absolutely shattered me as i'm in love with seungmin, but hey, that's what angst is for, right? (i guess i’m a masochist too then as i read and write way too much angst) i hope you enjoy my love, i love you and appreciate you so so much. 🥺🤍 (also side note, cannot wait to read the next part(s) of level infinity i'm so obsessed)
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PAIRING | seungmin x gn!reader (slight hyunjin x gn!reader)
CAST | kim seungmin, hwang hyunjin
WC | 1.1k
GENRE | angst, pure angst
WARNINGS | cheating, miscommunication, betrayal, allusions to sex, mentions of hooking up, hickies, kissing, making out, explicit language
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It was funny how the weather seemed to match your mood, both a blessing and a curse. On the day you asked him out, it was bright and sunny, not a cloud in the sky; he had blushed as you put sunscreen all over his arms, scolding him and reminding him to keep his skin healthy, something you never really cared about before. And perhaps he felt it too, the giddiness of a new relationship, the shy flirtiness—no, scratch that, you knew that he felt it. Seungmin was cute. You’d always thought so. He wasn’t innocent, nor inexperienced, but there was something about him that scratched this itch inside you, lit up your desires. He was the perfect little project, a nice distraction that made you temporarily forget about Hyunjin. Seungmin was exactly what you needed, the perfect partner to waste away the sunny months with, silently lamenting the rejection from your real crush. You never really clarified that you were technically using him as a rebound, using him to make Hyunjin jealous, and boy, did it work, but you assumed that Seungmin always kind of knew. After all, you’d ditch him time after time to hook up with Hyunjin, leaving him alone at a party so you could messily make out with the dancer in the crowded bathrooms, blowing him off so you could go over to Hyunjin’s apartment and fall asleep in his bed. Hell, you even left him on read on his damned birthday for a last-minute booty call, showing up to his birthday party an hour late, with blooming hickies all over your neck, just barely covered by a high-necked sweater, a sloppy cover-up. But Seungmin didn’t seem to mind being your rebound, being your toy. When you walked into the room, minutes after Hyunjin himself had arrived, Seungmin had smiled so brightly, the entire mood of the room lifting as he flashed his cute braces at you, engulfing you in a sweet-smelling hug that made your heart ache just a little. “You made it!” he sighed happily, kissing you on the cheek, and you’d let out a nervous chuckle as you looked around the room, his friends all giving you dirty looks, looking back and forth from you to Hyunjin, who was downing a beer on his own in the corner. That day had started off sunny, but ended in a surprise snowstorm—snow in September? A little odd.
And as you’d always said, it was a blessing and a curse. Because today, it was storming, storming so hard your car had almost spun off the road as you pulled into the parking lot in front of your apartment complex. The rain was so dense that it hit you like a wall, drenching you from head to toe as you exited your car, water pooling in your shoes and soaking your hair as you ran into the lobby and into the elevator, cursing yourself for not bringing an umbrella.
Your apartment, usually a lonely place when neither of the boys were there, was lit up warmly when you entered, and Hyunjin appeared from around the corner, long blonde hair swept up into a messy ponytail. Only a towel hung low on his narrow hips as he sighed contentedly and gathered your sopping self into his arms, immediately pressing his plush lips to yours. “I was waiting for you all day,” he pouted, beginning to strip off your soaked clothing, “your place is so lonely without you here.”
“I could say the same about you,” you sighed, letting him undress you, shockingly gently, “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Let me take care of you,” he assured you, not even bothering to lead you to the bedroom, instead just laying you down on your couch and kissing your neck sloppily. Your smile faded as he started biting—you’d thought he would be more gentle, more slow… more like Seungmin. But sex was sex, and you let him do what he wanted, surprisingly minding much more than you thought you would.
“What… is this?” a soft voice asked out of the blue, and you recognized it immediately as the one you’d been daydreaming about for the last ten minutes, and you jumped up quickly, pushing Hyunjin’s bare body off of you, as you locked eyes with Seungmin, and oh, how your heart just shattered, even though you told yourself time and time again you didn’t really give a shit about Kim Seungmin and his adorable puppy-dog eyes. “What’s happening?” he asked again, gaze cold, so unlike the warmth you’d witnessed the past couple of months.
“Why are you here?” you spluttered, the only thing you could think of to say.
“I wanted to come see my partner…” he said bitterly, and you now saw that he had a bouquet of your favorite flowers in one hand, making the guilt even heavier. “I understand now that this was a mistake.” You swallowed hard, peeking over at Hyunjin, who had managed to find his towel and preserve some shred of dignity, unlike yourself. He was staring at the ground, full lips almost curved into an amused smile. “Just why? Why did you do this?” he asked, and you wished his voice was less level, less calm. You wanted him to get mad, to shout at you the way Hyunjin always did when you fought. This was wholly unfamiliar, this freeze, this ice. At least with Hyunjin’s anger you could turn it into passion, but with Seungmin’s, you had no choice but to accept his blizzard.
Hyunjin nudged you, brow furrowed as he silently told you to tell Seungmin, and your voice cracked as you said it, the whole ugly truth spewing from your mouth, the scent of regret fresh in the air. “You know I was only dating you to get to your friend, right?” you asked, motioning to the blonde, who smiled triumphantly, making you feel even shittier.
“Is that so?” Seungmin sighed, and you nodded, throat too swollen to respond. You still half-expected him to shout, throw the bouquet at you, maybe even cry. But he just pondered this, for no longer than half a minute, before nodding. You watched silently as he gently lowered the flowers into the glass vase you always kept on your dining table, then left without another word. He’d looked back just once at you, waving goodbye, and you caught just a flash of those braces you realize now that you loved before he walked out the door, shutting it gently behind him. He didn’t even slam the door. Maybe if he had, you would be able to try and shift some blame on him, tell yourself that he was shitty anyways, but he was good and kind until the end, which made it all so much worse.
You wanted to cry, but as Hyunjin murmured, “Now, where were we?” and began kissing down your body again, you just stared up at the ceiling blankly, wishing you’d never messed with the sweetest boy you’d ever met in the first place. There was no one to blame but yourself, and you knew it.
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© petrichor-han 2022, all rights reserved
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samarasketch · 3 years
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Hournite Week Day 5: First Date ⏳🌙
Beth: "...and then, Mr. Clarkson was like 'It's a tube-a-toothpaste. Get it? Tuba?' And for a whole week, Isaac couldn't even enter the classroom without someone making a tuba joke."
Rick: "I hate to say this, but I pity that guy."
Beth: "I know! I mean, he's not a bad kid, he's just-"
Waitstaff: "Hi, sorry to interrupt! But unfortunately, our kitchen is almost out of bananas and we've only got one banana split left."
Beth: "Oh."
Rick: "You can have it."
Beth: "No, you barely had half a burger. You have it."
Rick: "But you came all the way here just to try it!"
Beth: "Pat did say the banana split was life-changing..."
Rick: "Well... How about we..."
Beth: "... split it?"
Rick: "I mean... it's a banana 𝘴𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘵, after all."
Beth: "Haha... sure... if you don't mind."
Waitstaff: "Great, one banana split coming right up!"
Cook: "Hey, has table two left yet?"
Waitstaff: "Nope. Still there. It's like they have endless things to talk about."
Cook: "More like neither one of them wanted the conversation to end! I knew Operation Banana Split would be a success." 😏
Waitstaff: "Classic move, Sal. Another couple formed at the Blue Valley Diner, courtesy of us." 😏
Cook: "Cheers to that." 🍻
Ngl, I drew this piece a few days before the promo came out, and I almost screamed when they turned up in similar outfits in the exact same colours 😭 I dressed them up a little more for their first date though 🙈
Also, Beth's headband was inspired by a really cute translucent one I saw once online! It felt perfect for Beth's sunny wardrobe (I could never rock something like that 🥲) and I've always wanted to play more with her hair! :'D
Also, ice cream flavours are Birthday Cake (it still boggles my mind how this is a thing in the US), Strawberry and Lavender!
Birthday cake represents Beth's vibrant personality and celebrates the birth of something new (hehe), strawberry is sweet and safe, while lavender represents the calm and tranquility that Rick has achieved since sparing Grundy's life (and it also happens to be my favourite flavour)! Hope yall like it! :D
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genshin-obsessed · 3 years
Thank you so much!!!🥺💖💖
This morning at school my classmates brought me a dessert with birthday candles and they all sang happy birthday🥺🥺 Then they gave me a couple of gifts too! I was actually touched because I never thought they would care this much😭🥰
And nowwww I'm hanging out with a couple of friends at my house, we've been celebrating all evening and they're spending the night here, so I'm ecstatic!! And they also gave me amazing presents🥺🥺
And!! It was a sunny day today, which hasn't happened for my birthday in years!!
I haven't been this happy for a very long time, I feel so good I could cry
So yeah, this was definitely the best birthday I've had my whole life🥰🥰🥰
O: aww it looks like you had tons of fun! I’m glad ^w^ everyone deserves to have a bday that makes em happy. And I hope everyone has a wonderful bday!!
Hopefully you’ll have even better ones in the future! ^w^
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rosyraee · 2 years
hey i’m reagan ! i’m fairly new to the law of assumption (i found out about it about a year ago) but i had a big law of attraction era for a couple years (i’m done w/that now dw) 😍
i’m ready to finally manifest my entire dream life instead of reacting to the 3d and giving into negativity because guess where that got me (spoiler: not my dream life) 😭😭 i’m planning to use this blog as a manifestation diary and to record my successes!
anyways here’s some things i’ve already manifested to give me motivation !!
- eating whatever i want and not bloating bc i used to bloat bad omg
- healed a knee injury i had in one day
- 100% on ap bio test
- my ideal cat (she’s a 6mo gray tabby and literally the sweetest girl ever 🥺 she also recently gave birth to the cutest kittens)
- a red car (i imagined a red car in my head and 5 minutes later the same one drove by)
- 🦋 emoji (saw in a tiktok on the same day plus i found the word “butterfly” in my notes app and i def don’t remember writing that😭)
- 333 (i’m in a discord chat and now everyone’s saying they keep seeing 333)
- i didn’t persist long enough so i didn’t get the whole thing bc i didn’t really care but i’m a dancer and i used to think i could never get my middle splits bc of some genetics bs but i affirmed that i have my middle splits and now i pretty much have them flat on the ground 😁
plus what i’ve manifested before knowing the law:
- i have scoliosis and i had to have a back brace for it but i hating wearing it so i kinda just assumed my back would be fine without and my spine curve actually got smaller (which is considered “impossible”) and my back pain went away
- this was in my law of attraction era 😭 but i used a money subliminal and a couple days later my grandma said she found a random envelope with $80 in it that had my name on it and she gave it to me
- also in my law of attraction era 😍 (but this was low key more loassumption) but in the summer at my cabin on the days it was supposed to rain i would affirm once that it was sunny and guess what, it never rained
- this was in like middle school lol but i affirmed in front of the mirror that i had big lips not expecting anything to happen and next time i looked in the mirror i saw they grew and it freaked me out so much that i assumed it would go back to normal and it did 😭😭
- i used to be exactly 5’5.5 tall but i didn’t feel like saying that much so i just told people i was 5’6 and then when i went to the doctor they told me i was 5’6!
- this went away but i used to see the number 822 (my birthday) everywhere like crazy every single day
okay that’s most of my successes so far! now i’ve got to figure out what i want to manifest and achieve it this time!
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