#i have this coworker/friend whom i do love and appreciate very deeply she's great
ncityzen · 1 year
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
Cycle - Steve Rogers x reader ch.3
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previously: ch.1 ch.2
Summary: You go out with Bucky and some other friends from work. There you meet one very handsome captain, but he has a very odd way of flirting. Or maybe, he just doesn’t know how to?
Word count: ~2,370
Warnings: explicit language, mentions of sex, one guy who’s being a jerk
a/n - Hey lovely people! i’m finally back with another update for this series, and you finally get to meet Steve! I hope you all like it and as always, comments/reblogs are deeply appreciated. awesome divider is by @whimsicalrogers​ and as always, italics are for thoughts. Enjoy<3  
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You looked down at your phone to check the address Bucky gave you one more, and then let your gaze roam over the entrance to the club. You had no idea how he got your phone number, and you didn't really want to know. Maybe it's on the corporate… something or whatever, you calmed yourself and entered the club.
You were fashionably late, although not entirely on purpose… what? When you go out with the Avengers, you gotta put your best foot forward!
When you entered the club, your eyes needed a moment to adjust to the low lighting. Once you did, you spotted Bucky, Steve, Sam and a few more people from work. Fortunately, there was even one lab tech you recognized from today, at the sight of whom you let out a sigh of relief, inaudible over the loud music. You made your way to the table, willing your legs not to trip and embarrass you.
You made it to the table alright, and Bucky spotted you first, getting up to greet you. There was an awkward moment, both of you unsure whether to go for a hug or a handshake, but Bucky decided to just wrap his arm around you in a friendly hug so you went with it. You waved at everyone else and smiled at David, the lab tech you recognized. Your gaze wandered around the table, taking in everyone who was sitting there, either smiling at you or talking between themselves.
"Hey," you felt a gentle tap on your shoulder, turning your head to look at Bucky, who was sitting to your right. "Nice turnout, right?"
"Yeah," you said, genuinely impressed. "Thanks for inviting me," you smiled at him.
"Sure thing," Bucky said, and then louder, to the entire table he said, "Any of you wanna dance?"
Most of you got up, going after Bucky to the dance floor, including yourself. Steve stayed behind at the table, but you didn't think much of it. You danced with them for a while, letting loose a little and making conversation, as much as possible, with your coworkers. It was nothing like you'd ever done, clubbing with the people you worked with, but you assumed it would keep you from going home with some random guy, and so far it was working.
You were dancing with Sam, laughing as you locked eyes with a guy from across the room, and shit, maybe I spoke too soon.
Sam noticed you looking at the guy and smirked. "Go talk to him," he told you over the music, laughing as you averted your eyes bashfully, "go! Don't let me hold you back," he repeated, smiling.
"I'd like to see you try," you replied with newfound courage, going up towards the guy.
Sam nudged Bucky to get his attention, pointing to you and the guy you were walking towards. "Suck it Barnes!" he said over the music and Bucky frowned a little but shrugged eventually.
"Week's not over yet!" he replied, going back to dancing with some girl or another.
Meanwhile, you were talking to the guy, whose name you learned was Josh, which really should've been a sign, because after a while he asked, "Wanna get out of here?"
And obviously, you said no, the whole "not sleeping around" thing even more prominent in your mind as you were out with the people you worked with, and oh my god what would they think?
"C'mon baby, don't be like that," he growled, grabbing tighter onto your hips. You broke free of his grip, grimacing.
"I said no, have a great night," you said through your teeth, turning to walk away.
"It won’t be great without you," he said, gripping onto your wrist to stop you. He stepped closer, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "Stop teasing and let's get outta here, alright?"
"No," you said, fighting to keep your cool.
"Bitch," he spat out, tightening his grip on your arm. "Leading me on like that is such a fucking—"
You couldn't believe what your ears were hearing. "Excuse me?" you said, your anger showing now, "I dance with you for twenty minutes and you think you're entitled to something?"
Your words shocked him enough to let go of you and you huffed, turning around and walking back to your table, ordering a drink on your way there. You plopped down in a seat that was coincidently next to one very handsome captain.
A little confession time – you had always kind of had a crush on this man. He seemed like he cared about saving the world, which, you know, is great considering his profession. But it was more than that, he seemed like he would care about the people he loved more than anything. Well, that was just a guess, you didn't really know the guy.
Who are you kidding, there was only one thing you definitively knew about him – he was super hot. Mega hot. Like, a make-you-stop-dead-in-your-tracks-and-gape kinda hot. With these broad shoulders, baby blue eyes, bulging muscles and America's Ass, it would be outright crazy to think he wasn't. And well, you were a lot of things, but crazy wasn't one of them. Also, not blind.
As you were sitting there, contemplating whether to say anything, you saw a pretty brunette come up to your table, putting her palms on the table and leaning down in a way that made her cleavage show very prominently. You weren't gonna lie, it was a very impressive cleavage. But Steve seemed almost unfazed, only lifting his eyes and focusing on her after a couple of seconds, when he realized she didn't leave.
For a man with super… everything, that's a pretty high response time.
"Hey," the girl said, clearly at Steve, "my friends ditched," she pouted slightly, accentuating her bold red bottom lip. "So I was wondering if you’d like to keep me company instead," she bit her lip slightly and smiled.
At that Steve suddenly broke from his reverie, patting the place beside him. You were just about ready to leave the two alone to do their thing, but then you heard what Steve told her.
"What's your name?" he asked, tilting his head a bit.
"Kendra," she said, leaning in towards him.
"Why'd your friends ditch you, Kendra?" he asked. The weird thing was, it seemed to you like he was actually concerned.
"It doesn't matter," she said, "because now I have you," she rested her hand on his bicep and smiled once more, leaning towards him even more. At this point, if she leaned any further, you were pretty sure her boobs were going to end up in his face.
Steve was seemingly unaffected. "Oh come on," he smiled a little sadly, "I'm sure that's not a great feeling to have. You can tell me, it's okay."
Kendra looked puzzled for a moment before Steve put his palm on her knee. She seemed reassured. You, on the other hand, were not. What the fuck kinda weird move is that?
"Well, I guess they just went home while I was in the bathroom or something," she shrugged, frowning a little.
"They probably aren't that good of friends if they just forget you here like that. I'm sorry," Steve said sympathetically.
"They didn't forget me," Kendra said, smiling, "they just…" she trailed off, thinking it over and then letting out a bitter chuckle. "Well, forgot me," she told Steve. "I guess I didn't see it that way, but I should probably find some better friends, right? I mean, this isn't the first time they do this, and – I'm sorry, you probably don't want to hear this right now," she smiled apologetically.
"It's okay," Steve insisted, "I do wanna hear you," he smiled.
After hesitating for a few seconds, Kendra continued. "Well, they always forget to invite me to stuff, or maybe they intentionally don't, I don't know anymore. And there's just that feeling about it like when they pick groups for PE and you're the last one to be chosen," she sighs, smiling bitterly. "Whenever I'm with them it feels like they don't want me there. But I'm probably just being paranoid, right?"
"My opinion? It doesn't matter," Steve answers. "Even if they only make you feel like this and aren't really thinking that, they're still not great friends," he suggested.
"I guess you're right," Kendra said, her face falling a little at the prospect.
After a bit, Steve talked once more. "So, you wanna go dance?" he asked, a hopeful smile creeping onto his face.
"Actually, I think I'd rather go home, but thanks for everything," Kendra said. She hugged Steve and left, his smile reduced to a sigh and a clenched jaw.
All the while, you sat there, internally battling whether you should go or stay, but the conversation was just too interesting for you to pass on. Eventually, you spoke up, feeling bad for him yet still confused about… whatever that was.
"I'm sure a hundred girls come up to you whenever you go out in public, so, you know, she isn't the only one out there," you said, seeing as he still looked down.
He looked up at you, startled by your words. "You were here the entire time?" he asked, his eyes narrowing. You nodded and averted your eyes away from his, realizing how bad that sounded. "It's fine," he chuckled, making you look back at him. "But she wasn't the first one that walked away like this, and she's probably not gonna be the last," he sighed.
"Hey, if it makes you feel any better, we all have bad luck sometimes. That's just human."
"You sound like you're talking from experience," he chuckled.
You huffed. "No shit."
Steve chuckled. "I'm Steve," he introduced himself.
"I know," you said with a smile and told him your name in return, introducing yourself.
"So, humor me – you really think a guy like me could find someone, huh?" Steve asked.
"Of course you can, you're Captain America! If you put your mind to it a little, girls are gonna be lining up left and right. In fact, I'm sure they already are," you said.
"Ah, see, that's the problem – what you just unfortunately witnessed was me making an effort, and you saw how well that ended," Steve said, smiling bitterly.
"C'mon, that's…" you trailed off and Steve raised his eyebrows at you, a small smile on his face.
"Look, I can’t tell you that was the best flirting game I've seen, but it's impressive anyways," you smiled. "That girl just confessed to you about a major problem she has, not any guy can do that. No guy is ever interested," you added under your breath.
Super-soldier hearing and all, Steve still caught that. "What do you mean no guy is ever interested? That's just basic manners."
"Well, I hate to break it to you America's sweetheart, but most guys don't really care about basic decency, let alone if it's to girls they meet in clubs. They get their fair share of R-rated fun and that's it. And yes, that is from experience," you added before he could ask.
Steve frowned. "Then that's what you're used to? Guys who don't care?"
"I guess so," you said, raising your eyebrows as if to indicate there's nothing that can be done about it.
"That sucks," he said, resting his arm on yours.
"Wait a second," you suddenly said, "is this your super-power or something?"
"What?" Steve asked, confused.
"Do you have like, a mojo or something? Why would I have just told you that?" you smiled.
Steve just looked at you, waiting for you to explain further.
"Okay, I don't mean that seriously, but look – that girl Kendra just told you about her issues, and so did I. I'm just saying, not everyone can get that kind of… emotional connection. People trust you, Steve. Sometimes I wish I had that kind of ability," you said, genuinely surprised at the amount of things you just shared with him, and how effortless it was to open up to him.
"I guess that's one way to look at it," Steve said, giving you a small smile, "but sometimes I wish I knew how to flirt. You can't always get what you want," he shrugged.
"Maybe in this case you can, you're not a lost cause yet," you smirked.
"Why, would you suggest giving me lessons in flirting?" Steve chuckled.
"Why not? Flirting 101 – if I were trying to flirt with you right now, you know what I'd say? Ask me the same question."
"Why, would you suggest giving me lessons in flirting?" Steve rolled his eyes, indicating for you to continue.
"If it means I can see you one on one again, sure," you said, winking, and Steve and you burst into laughter.
"Okay, that was a good one," Steve said once your laughter died down.
You both went to get more drinks, talking a little more about less serious stuff for now. "To better luck," you said, smiling at Steve, and you clinked your glasses together.
On the dance floor, Bucky was smirking at Sam, who was staring at him, unimpressed.
"Shut up," Sam said.
"I never said anything!" Bucky said and raised his hands up in mock surrender. "I'm just saying, ten bucks isn't that much money, buddy. Cheer up," he slapped his palm on Sam's shoulder.
"Relax, Barnes, it hasn't been a week yet. Don't jump the gun."
"Oh, you know I like guns, but I don't like them that much. C'mon, don't take this too seriously."
"If I have to hand out my money, I'd just hate to waste it on you," Sam chuckled.
"Whatever," Bucky rolled his eyes. "Honestly, we should just be happy for Steve."
"I'm sensing there's a but there."
"But it's way more fun to watch him get repeatedly friendzoned," Bucky chuckled and so did Sam.
From across the bar, Steve and you were still talking, exchanging stories about failed dates and successful ones. That night, neither of you thought about each other as potentially more than friends, not in the moment anyway. It was easy, simple. You were friends, nothing more. Right?
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Taglist:  @horny-nd-bored​ @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds​ @wintersoldierslut​ @iceebabies​  @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree​ @kaitcordx25 @bequeening​ @steve-barry-damon-logan​ @itscrazycherryblossomcollection​ @hollandxmarvel​ @stargazingfangirl18 @readsreblogsfics @onetwo3000 @beritmetal @harrystylesholland@jazbot2000
Cycle Taglist: @dee-vn @alex747
if you wanna join / be removed from these taglists, comment/message me! much love <3
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sleepywinchester · 5 years
Behind The Story S2 | Pt. 26
Summary: Y/N’s last day shooting Supernatural. 
Author: sleepywinchester (prev. deanwinchester-af)
Characters: Jensen, Reader, Jared, Gen and Cast Cameos.
Pairings: Single!Jensen x Actress!Reader (Nina Dobrev = Faceclaim)
Words: 3k +
Beta: N/A
Warnings: none really :)
Disclaimer: NO HATE TOWARDS DANNEEL! We wuv her in this acc but this is just for science lol
Note:  If I had to choose a top five of bitter sweets chapters I’ve written for this series, this one would be #5. I’m sad about this but happy about this and it’s just a mix of emotions. I feel like I wrote a good goodbye for y/n and her character, just hope you guys think the same. xoxo
. I really hope you guys like this.  ♥
Title: End of An Era 
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Jensen sang softly to an old country song that you honestly have never heard before that morning. Which was rare, listening to your husband sing country songs wasn’t a new for you but this song surely was. It was a peaceful morning, the snow was fresh from the night before. It was 6:30 am and the roads were slightly empty. Soft shades of blue began to bloom in the sky. It was quite magical. Your eyes landed on Jensen, whom wore a gray beanie. 
The corner of his lips were subtly curved up.
“What?” Jensen asked, giving you a quick glance. 
You smiled, taking in how the dim light contrasted with his facial features. 
“You look happy.”
Jensen’s small smile turned into a bigger fuller grin, “I am happy.” He switched his eyes from the road again to wink at you for a second before looking back. “I haven’t driven to work with you in… months. Of course, I am happy.” 
“I’ve missed this,” you said in a sigh. 
He holds your hand and kissed the back of it, “Me too.”
Then he continued to sing but this song was one you knew too well. 
“Baby you’re all that I need… we’re heaven.”
                                                         - - - - -
You sat on the hair and makeup chair and went over your lines. It’s the last day of filming, after a full week of mentally preparing yourself, you realized this wasn’t something easy to prepare for. When you decided to retire from Supernatural, one of your concerns was what would happen to Katherine. Having her killed off just wasn’t an option… Convincing the network, writers and the runner of the show not to kill Katherine Pierce wasn’t an easy task. After a lot of use of your persuasion skills, emails, calls and face to face meetings. The news of your beloved character was going to have a good ending lifted a weight off your shoulders.
“How do you feel?” Clary asked as she created loose curls on your short hair.
“About?” You looked up from the script. 
“Last day filming here,” Clary looked at you through the mirror as she continued to do your hair, “last day working with everyone, last day being Katherine Pierce. How do you feel?”
You sighed at Clary, someone who has turned from just a coworker to a good friend over the years. “I-.” your voice broke a little, “I feel like I am pressing pause in a chapter of my life. Like I am just holding this skill like I am putting to bed this character… The feeling is bittersweet but it’s exciting at the same time. I am excited to be a mom full time.” 
“It’s the end of an era, though,” she replied.
You bit the insides of your mouth. “It is… A great era but it’s also the beginning of a new one.” 
“That is true,” she said with a smile.
“Y/N?” Jensen spoke your name as he walked into the trailer. “There you are, hey Clary, how is it going?” He glanced at her.
Clary shrugged, “Nothing much, just here doing my favorite’s hair one last time.”
“Awn,” you playfully punched her arm, “I will be back as a guest.” 
You and Jensen were walking hand in hand to set when you stopped and asked him for a picture. Suddenly feeling the need to take a picture of the last moment you were going to have a fresh look at Katherine Pierce. He smiled and took out his iPhone, taking your picture in a matter of seconds. 
“Let me see,” you said reaching his side.
“Are you doubting your personal photographer?” He said with a joking tone. 
You chuckled, “I would never but still, I want to see.”
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Jensen subtly rolled his eyes with a half-smile and showed you the picture. You nodded agreeing with him that it was a good one. It took you a couple seconds to post this in your Instagram Stories as you both continued to set where the network interviewer was waiting for you. 
“Hey everyone,” you said as you walked in. 
Jared was shooting with Misha in another location while the interview was going to take place in the Men Of Letters library. Bobby one of the current show runners was there also for the interview. When Bobby saw you he opened his arms and you went in for a hug. You officially began to feel like today was really a goodbye. 
“I will pay you more if you stay,” Bobby told you after breaking the longing hug.
You chuckled, shaking your head slowly. “There is no amount of money changing my decision, Bob.” You teased with a smirk
Bob shook his head as well, “I tried. Can at least we have you for a guest star in the future?”
“Of course,” you told him and saw a spark light up in his eyes, “maybe in two years or three, when this show finally hits 300 episodes. Or in the show’s finale, I can put Katherine to bed again.”
He smiled, nodding, “I’ll have that.” 
“Excuse me,” one of the network workers politely interrupted yours and Bob’s conversation. “We are ready to start the interview whenever you guys are.” 
“I’m ready,” you said with a smile, seeing that Jensen was already seated in front of the camera and with his microphone on. You glanced at Bobby excusing yourself from the conversation and walking towards the seats and Jensen. Sitting down next to him the assistants began to plug in the microphones and doing the necessaries audio checks before the interview officially began.
“Hey guys, my name is Pepper, I will be doing today’s interview.” Pepper was a tall blonde, who wore a navy blue pantsuit. “I want to say it’s a pleasure to do this interview, even though it is a bit bittersweet. Katherine Pierce is, without doubt, an iconic character in this series. She is such a bad ass.” 
It felt good listening to someone talk about Katherine and her character as good as Pepper did. Katherine was that kind of character that changed people's minds. She was always evolving for the better. Her development was something you constantly worried about and tried your best to portray on the screen and it was very satisfactory to hear that your hard work did actually pay off. 
You gave Pepper the biggest smile, “Thank you, I really appreciate that.”
“Ready,” the camera guy whispered as he stood behind the camera. 
“Well,” Pepper looked at Jensen and me, “let’s start, shall we?”
You fixed your posture and smiled at the camera, waiting for the questions about your departure from the show to begin. 
“Jensen, how do you feel about this being Y/N’s last day on set?” 
You glanced at Jensen for a second when you felt his look over you. 
“It’s bitter-sweet, she is one of the best actress and persons I know,” He smiled and hold your hand. “I mean, those are some of the reasons I married her in the first place.” Jensen finished the song with a chuckle. 
She nodded and looked at you, “How do you feel about today being your last day?”
“I was talking about this with the head of hair and makeup, Clary. She asked me the same question and everyone has asked me the same question lately… As Jensen said, this is a very bitter-sweet day for me and for everyone. The last couple of years in this show have been more than just working years. They are full of memories with friends that have become family.” 
“It’s the end of an era,” Pepper said with a pitch of sadness in her tone. 
You gave her and the camera a small smile. “It is the end of an era but… it’s also the start of a new one.” 
“It is no secret that you are retiring from acting… What are your plans now that you won’t have an acting schedule to keep up with?”
“My plans are very simple, enjoy my time as a mother and as a wife,” you replied with total honesty. “I want to build new experiences with my family.”
“Are you guys planning on expanding your family?”
Jensen and I looked at each other, both smiling. 
“We don’t know yet but now we will surely have more time to think about it.” You said.
“What can we expect for Katherine’s last episode in Supernatural?”
Without thinking your eyes met with Jensen’s and you both gave the camera mischief smiles. Obviously you weren’t supposed to say but both wanted to have fun while you guys can. 
“Let’s just say it’s not what the fans are expecting,” you said, still smiling.
“Yeah,” Jensen spoke, “I believe everyone will be shocked once they see it.” 
“Before we end… anything you want to say to the fans?”
“Thank you Supernatural Family for years and years of support. Thank you for all the love and dedication you guys have for the show. Thanks to you guys, I was able to come back and continue playing this awesome and badass character. I appreciate all of you. Goodbye,” you kissed the tip of your fingers and blew a kiss towards the camera. Giving the camera a grateful and farewell smile. 
“And that’s a wrap for the interview,” Pepper said. “It was honestly a pleasure doing this, wish you and your family the best.”
“Oh my God, you’re going to make me cry,” you say as you went in for a hug. 
/ / / 
“Are you ready, Y/N?” Bob asked from the director’s seat.
You smirked looking at the camera, knowing he was looking at the monitors. 
“When have I ever not been ready?” You said full of confidence. 
He chuckled, “Alright, don’t break a leg… Again. ACTION!”
The second he shouted the magical word you breathed in deeply and got into character. You began to run as fast as you can towards the man playing a demon. You fake punched his face and with that, the fight sequence began between the two. In order to make this last fight memorable you were about to do Katherine’s iconic and signature fight move. It was the one you did on Jensen when you were pregnant and ended with you having a broken leg for a month. This was the first time in months that you were doing this specific move and it was like riding a bike. You didn’t know if it was the adrenaline or just how empowering it felt looking at this sequence in camera but this was definitely your favorite Katherine’s fight move. 
It was like your body took possession over your own mind and moved by itself. Executing each movement carefully making sure it was mind-blowing on camera for the viewers but safe for you and your co-star. 
“Cut!” Bob shouted from his director's seat.
Bob’s shout was followed by a round of applause from everyone who was on set. Your body froze at the great admiration your colleagues were showing. Your cheeks felt warm as a sunny day in Austin. 
“That was perfect, my dear,” Bob said between claps. “Let’s continue nailing these shots so we can leave early for your going away party, shall we?” 
You giggled and winked at him, “Will do, boss.” 
The jokes, smiles, farewells, and tears continued throughout the day. You were standing in front of Jared as he acted his part of the scene. Jared’s eyes were red and full of real tears as he spoke. You have been working together for too long not to know when some tears or smiles were real or not. He knew the tears you were crying were real as well because of the same reason. Today was so full of farewells that you could not hide the emotions as you acted your last scenes.
“Thank you, Kat.” Jared spoke softly, “Thank you for taking care of us… Thank you for taking care of him…” 
Smiling weakly you hold the right side of his face. “I’m the one who has to say thank you. If it wasn’t for the Winchesters, I’d be lost.” With the end of your line, a hug was queued into the sequence. Jared holds you so tightly that it started to be difficult to breathe but you didn’t mind. The years of working together have turned both into more than co-workers. It turned him into family and the idea of not working as closely with each other was very sad. 
“Cut!” Bob shouted but you and Jared did not separate. 
“This is harder than I thought,” Jared whispered.
You sniffed, “It is…” 
“Change of clothes everyone!” One of the crew shouted.
“Hey!” Shay met you as you were approaching your trailer. She was holding a white box on her hands. 
You smiled opening your arms and giving her a hug. 
“Please tell me those are donuts,” you said breaking the hug.
Shay chuckled, “They are.” 
The two of you walked together into the trailer. A white long dress is the first thing you see.“Wow,” you sighed, “I think this one is better than my real one.”
“It’s pretty, but your real-life one was so beautiful,” Shay said as she placed her bag and a box of donuts on the top counter. “And your real life was… you know, real.”
You chuckled, grabbing a donut, “It was… but that one is still so beautiful. Would the network be mad if I accidentally keep it?” 
Shay’s eyes widen for a second, “You’re planning on stealing this too?! You have two bags full of Katherine’s stuff already.” 
‘Those bags the network approved,” you spoke. “This would be technically the only thing I actually steal.”
At that moment Shay was about to say something but her words got cut off by someone knocking on your trailer’s door. You and Shay glanced at the door before you reached it and opened it. The knocking was coming from Clary.
“Hey,” you smiled, “we were about to head over your trailer.”
Clary walked into your trailer, “Production just sent me an email. I have to do your hair and makeup here just in case someone sees you and spoils Kat’s grand farewell to the show.”
Your eyebrows fringed together. “This crew had worked there for more than a decade… Who will possibly spoil something at this point?”
“It’s not just the crew out there… There are at least thirty curious fans by the gates.” Clary began to open her kit. “Bob just wants to make sure nothing leaks out.”
Instead of thinking too much about the situation, you decided to sit down and let Clary perform her magic. “Well, he’s the boss,” you said sitting down on a chair. 
“Are you nervous?” Jensen texted you. 
You smirked looking down at your cell-phone. 
“As if it was our first time getting married... “ You sent back. 
“Maybe this can count as renewing our vows,” Jensen replied.
You smiled at Jensen’s words. “How about we worry about renewing vows when we are 50.” 
“Good idea,” Jensen said. 
You watched the three dots inside of a bubble, waiting for the next message of your beloved. 
“How are you holding up?” 
You sighed deeply, “I’m feeling good, haven’t cried as much as I thought.”
“You still have time,” Jensen sent. “See you on set in 20.”
Looking away from a cell phone, you grabbed your script and began to go over the lines as Clary continued to do your hair and makeup. It was bittersweet to read your lines in the script for one last time. You cried the first time you got to read the script and experience all the emotions that were written for Katherine in that last scene. It was going to be a sequence full of love and farewells. 
“You’re all set, star,” Clary’s voice took you out of the clouds. 
“Time to get in the dress,” Shay said from the couch. 
Sliding into Katherine’s wedding dress gave you chills. It was like you were about to get married again. You knew that as an actor you need to separate your feelings from your character’s feelings but after working with the same character for so many years it was difficult not to get the feelings mixed up. 
Walking out of the bedroom Clary and Shay glanced at you in awe.
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 “You ready to give Katherine Pierce the grand goodbye she deserves?” Shay asked.
You glanced at yourself in the mirror, reminiscing on the years that had passed. Thinking about all the sacrifices that this character put you through. Everything that you have learned from Katherine. She became more than just a character you played on TV. Katherine Pierce became a part of who you were and you were grateful for the opportunity of being the one who brought this character into life. 
“How are we going to make sure none of those curious fans or paparazzi see this huge dress?” 
Shay chuckled for a second,  “They cleared all the possible spots with paparazzi.”
Trusting her word you decided to talk out of the trailer. Shay and Clary helping you with the back of the dress. You guys walked slowly towards the golfing car with Cliff on the driver’s seat. He instantly smiled at the sight of you, and you couldn’t do anything else that just smile back. 
“Wow, Y/N! You look beautiful,” Cliff said.
You winked at him, with the smile on your face still. “Thanks, Cliff.”
“Jensen is going to drop on his feet,” he said turning on.
“You betcha,” Shay said in the backseat. 
You chuckled, “Good.” 
The drive towards the set was small and quick. You usually didn’t had Cliff drive you around but this sequence and dress couldn’t be walked on the streets. You and the crew needed to make sure it was spotless for the scene. 
Once you got to set, everyone looked at you with the same look Shay and Clary gave you. Everyone was smiling and you felt like it was your own wedding all over again.
“You look stunning,” you heard Bob’s voice and turned around. 
“Thanks,” you smiled, “how are we doing this?” 
“Big guy is already waiting for you at the altar,” Bob said. “Bit of a dejavu he’s saying.”
You glanced down at your white dress and chuckled. “I can see why he’s feeling that way.” 
“Yeah,” he chuckled, “nothing like the real deal though.” 
“Nothing like the real deal,” you said and smiled.
“Wow,” Jensen sighed at the sight of you walking into set.
You smiled slowly spinning to have him take a 365 look of you. He chuckled watching you show off the bridal dress. 
“Looking good, babe,” he said.
“And you look so handsome,” you could not help yourself and kissed him on the lips.
The kiss was quick and soft but very nice. 
“Are you ready to get married again?” Jensen asked after you guys broke the kiss. 
You nodded fixing the bottom of your dress, “Good thing we decided to get married before this happened. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if we had done this the other way around.”
“I think I’d probably eloped after this scene. You look too stunning not to marry you.”
Jensen always knew what to say, it was one of the reasons you loved him so much. At that moment, Jared, Misha and the rest of the cast got to set and everyone went right down to business. 
The course of this last episode was just how you thought it was going to be; bittersweet. It was full of laughs, tears and amazing actors working towards one goal. The goal was to give the fans a performance of a lifetime. This truly was an end of an era for you. Deep down you knew that it also meant the ending of something you didn’t even were looking for when you first got the part. 
The last scene consisted of Katherine and Dean dancing in the middle of an empty field of roses. You guys were in character but deep down you couldn’t help but enjoy this little moment for yourself as well. Jensen holds you closer to his body, showing the emotion of Dean not wanting to let go.
“I’m scared,” Jensen said his lines, Dean’s deep voice vibrating through your body. Your husband did a stunning job portraying his characters feelings. It was an extremely sad moment for Dean Winchester. A character that has lost so much and was going to lose the one thing that has brought hope to his life. 
“Dean Winchester,” you whispered in character, “I did not think you were scared of anything.” Your character had a special ability to make Dean smile even in the saddest moments. Jensen smiled softly at the small comment your character made. 
“I am only scared of losing you,” Jensen said. The script said that after that line he would hold you closer as you both danced. It took you for a small surprise when Jensen did a soft spin, holding you off your feet. Improvising in the most beautiful way. You also knew it was a good add on to the moment since Bob did not call cut on the sequence. 
Standing back, you touched Jensen’s chest. “I will always be here,” you said staring into his eyes, “till the end of times.”
The line was a queue for a passionate kiss, which you and your husband delivered. After a couple of seconds, you broke the kiss and whispered something in Jensen’s ear. He in character reacted by widening his eyes and staring at you as you slowly walked out of the scene. The camera only recording you walk away and Jensen you watching you in silence. 
As you were about to walk out of the camera’s sight, a whipped cream pie hit you in the face. 
“What the fuck?!” You yelled completely startled by the pie. 
Instantly everyone around you began to laugh, you stood there in the middle of a circle made by all your colleagues. Laughing you turned to Jensen who held the half empty pie on his hand. With narrow eyes and a devilish smirk, you ran towards him and covered his face with the some of the pie that was left on your face.  Jensen holds you by your waist and licked bits of the pie on your face. A couple of flashes from cameras were shot as you lived one of the happiest goodbyes. 
Suddenly you began to cry but it was a mixture of happiness and sadness. It was such a bitter sweet moment. 
“Honey?” Jensen looked at you, concerned of your crying.
You smiled trying to wipe the frosting and tears off your face.
“It’s happy and sad tears,” you said with a shrug. “I will miss this place so much.” Jensen instantly hugged you closer to him, and so did everyone around.
“We will miss you too, Y/N” you heard around you. 
“At least we have the goodbye party to get closure,” Misha said with a chuckle. 
You chuckled as well, “at least.” 
                                                - - - - - - - - - - - 
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rainbows-fanfics · 5 years
Our Nightmare (Chapter 2)
Sally moves in with the man of her screams. But there is still so much she has to learn of Halloween Town, and what it’s like living with The Pumpkin King.
A sequel to Two Dearest Friends, where the Christmas incident never happens. But there are still many ends that haven’t been met, and much for these two dreamers to learn as they start to spend their deaths together.
Pairings: Jack Skellington/Sally, Dr Finklestein/Jewel
Note: This is a SEQUEL to my other story, TWO DEAREST FRIENDS. To read the original story, go here.
“I can't wait to see you again."  
How true those words ring in his skull....he's only said them a few minutes ago, yet they still hold so much meaning. The Pumpkin King briskly makes his way into Halloween Town after passing through the gates of his home. His stride is confident and he wears his usual, outstretched smile as he passes by his citizens. It's almost second nature for him to greet anyone who addresses him, and execute it all in a chipper manner. That has always been a habit of his, but this time, there is no underlying sadness he is attempting to conceal. The way he presents himself feels...more true, now, to how he's always wanted to be. And he only has Sally to thank for that.
He feels particularly happy as he approaches the Town Hall, and opens the doors eagerly to get inside.
It was only a week ago that Jack had been hesitant to do something like this. He recalls spending a long time pacing around his study, wondering how exactly to break this news. He knew the situation was complex from the start - to his people, he's always been seen as a bachelor. That's why he's had so many women around him before, many of whom treated him with the upmost admiration and even coquetry. But he always had a 'thing' for his personal space, and never quite expressed interest in eligibility to those who imposed themselves on him. It rather gave him a sour taste in his mouth, just thinking about it...
 'But things are different now. Oh, so different...'
He knows there will be disappointment. Outrage, maybe. For those who have endlessly asked for him before - all, in which, he politely declined. But now Jack Skellington knows he's in love, fallen skull-over-heels for the Mad Scientist's creation. Sally is the sweetest, most caring person he has ever known in a long time. He has great expectations that the town will see the same things in her, and come to appreciate her for them as well. It's because of this self-assurance he is able to stroll backstage with anticipation, scanning the room in search for his coworker so they can get things started immediately.
He finds the politician at his desk, scribbling away mindlessly as he always is. The skeleton clears his throat as he approaches him, hoping his sudden appearance won't end in frantic interrogation. The Mayor jumps at the sound and whips his head towards the source of the noise. His face clicks to the side wearing a grin. He happily hops down to meet with the man below. The first thing he does is reach out to shake his hands - the usual greeting they shared every time they worked together.
"Jack! I was so worried when you didn't come in first thing this morning. I was hoping you'd come around before I'd have to find you myself!"
"Thank you for that, Mayor. I apologize for not meeting with you. There are a few things I need to tell you..."
The shorter man perks up. "Oh? And what would that be?"
He holds his breath for a moment. This isn't just his colleague, but a friend of his. He knows it would be right to tell him the truth, but the Mayor doesn't exactly have a reputation for holding secrets for very long...He has to bite his tongue as he goes with what he originally intended, letting go of the smaller hand and cocking his skull to the side.
"You see, I had an epiphany the other day with the Halloween planning! The citizens must know of my ideas as soon as they can. I need to know what they think before I start arranging anything. Would you mind calling for a town meeting immediately?"
"-Immediately!? Why, this must be important! Very important, indeed!"
He runs over back to his desk and grabs the megaphone sitting atop. Jack grins as he watches him rush out of the room, presumably to get to his hearse as soon as he can. The skeleton tugs at his sleeves as he mentally works through how he will execute this meeting. How he will break the news, and ensure it's in a way that won't put Sally or himself at risk. He may have to actually come up with a genius Halloween idea, but that wasn't very difficult. What else the meeting is going to be about, however, certainly will be.
'It IS going to be tricky...' He mulls to himself, scratching at his jaw. 'But I know how I can make this work...'
Sally jumps when she hears the Mayor's voice from a nearby window. She rushes out of the room and glances outside, only to see the citizens emerging from their homes and graves. They are all walking towards the Town Hall. She can see them speaking with each other, whispering and laughing. The ragdoll removes herself from the window as she starts chewing at her nails, preparing herself for what's about to come. Not that she hasn't already been doing that for the past half hour, but she still feels a little nervous...
After some words of encouragement from herself, Sally holds her breath as she finally pushes through the doors of the Skellington Manor. By this point, nearly everyone is already inside of the Town Hall, so she doesn't attract any attention as she goes down the stairs and through the gates. She hurries to get there so she won't miss any second of it. She goes through the open doors and finds that it's crowded already, much like the last time she had been to a meeting. Her eyes scan the crowds before she finds a familiar tree sitting in the back.
She approaches him and taps on his bark, smiling in relief when he turns to look at her. The Hanging Tree's sockets widen in surprise. It has been awhile since they've seen each other - seeing her friends was difficult when the Doctor locked her away completely from the outside world. So much happened after that, and she didn't have the time to go out of her way and apologize for her sudden disappearance. This makes her weary as the Hanging Tree observes her, but then he smiles, and his skeletons follow suit. They all look particularly happy to see her.
"Why, Sally, it's been quite some time! We hope you've been alright?" He asks.
"I've been through a lot. But I didn't mean to disappear from you like that. I'm very sorry I haven't been seeing you all much around." She plays with her fingers. "I must be an awful friend."
"Not at all! I understand, really. We were just hoping you were okay after not hearing from you for so long!"
She smiles. "I am doing much better, thank you. I...didn't think you'd worry about me."
"Nonsense. I'm always worrying about my knitting buddy while she's not around." He motions to branch atop. "Would you like a seat? I can tell you aren't going to find one in this room!"
"That'd be perfect...thank you, again."
The hanging skeletons help Sally up, and she happily sits herself on his branch. She gets comfortable and sighs in content. Her friends truly do care about her. Already can she feel her life getting so much better. She has a loving and wonderful boyfriend whom she's living with, in such a comfortable and spacious home. And her friends still care about her deeply...how can she not feel content? It lowers her stress as she glances about the room, wincing only slightly when she sees all the females sitting in front. She hopes they won't be too distressed by the news...or that anyone will be, for that matter.
The room eventually shushes down when Jack comes through the door. The whispering and movement cease as he arrives to the podium. The Mayor turns on the spotlight from above, aiming it at the skeleton with careful hands. Everyone is completely silent as they wait for the Pumpkin King to begin talking - of what wonders he's thought of for Halloween this year, and what might have been so urgent to call them all at once...
"Horrible afternoon, everyone! Thank you all for making it here. I'm sorry I had to call this meeting out of the black, but there are some important things I must tell you all."
Sally scans the crowds as Jack talks, blanking out what he's saying. She isn't surprised when she doesn't find Doctor Finklestein anywhere. Not like he would need to be here, anyway - he's well-informed about the situation already, and she already knows how he reacted. This causes her eyes to fall to the ground, and she frowns slightly. It's only when she hears Jack moving that she moves her eyes back to the stage, finding that he is addressing the crowd with a bright grin, pointing at some of them.
"-Yes, exactly! Black goo would work! Which is why I think with just the right amount, you can really get the effect of..."
'So he is distracting them with a Halloween idea'. She has no clue how long it'll be until he changes subjects, and her nails start digging into the bark as she waits. The longer she has to sit there, the more anxious she grows. She wants to get this over with. Have the black cat out of the bag already so they no longer have to hide themselves. So Jack will stop having those women invading his space, and she will be able to hold his hand without worrying about others seeing. This makes the ragdoll smile, and she eagerly listens as Jack carries on with the meeting.
"I digress, folks. While this brainstorming has certainly been enlightening, there are some...other things that this skeleton has been keeping in his closet." He clutches the podium for a moment, smiling as he observes the crowd. "-I want you all to know that I am courting a woman."
The crowd gasps in surprise. They look at each other and frantically begin whispering. Sally can hear the voices, and most of them sounding confused. She pays no attention, as her stitched grin widens on her face. She looks at Jack with adoring eyes, elated that their secret has finally been revealed. He catches her look and returns the smile, the two of them sharing a fond gaze between the unknowing pairs of eyes. Suddenly, questions begin to called out from the crowd, snapping the two of them out of their daze.
 "-But with WHO?" "How long has this been going on?" "Who is it, Jack?" "I'm so happy for you!" "Where is she?"
"-Everyone, everyone! I will answer all of your questions in time, but before I do, I want to make it very clear that this woman is, indeed, in this very room right now."
Sally watches in awe as the skeleton steps down from the stage, and starts walking down the aisle. His gaze is fixated on hers, and she keeps her stare locked with his. Everyone is completely silent as the Pumpkin King approaches the Hanging Tree. He moves his skull up so he can properly look at the ragdoll, then he offers her his hand. She feels bewildered as she stares at him, but then he gives her that assuring smile of his - the one that always sends goosebumps along her skin. She smiles and takes it, only to find that he pulls her down so he can lock his lips with hers. Her eyes widen before she naturally relaxes against him, and tenderly kisses him back.
Neither of them can see the awe-stricken faces of the citizens, nor can they see the enraged looks from the women. All they focus on is each other, and what they're sharing right now. She feels almost disappointed when he pulls away, but they take a moment to stare into their eyes longingly. Sally suddenly remembers how far they have come - from the time she first attended a town meeting, to where they are now: sharing a kiss in the same spot she sat in, hoping to just see his face. She sighs, and feels like a great weight has finally been taken off of her shoulders.
The room is filled with various noises, some cheers and others snarls. Jack and Sally finally turn to face the room, finding most of the citizens clapping and grinning. Sally, however, notices the glares from the witches and other fans of his. She sinks into her shoulders as she waves weakly to them. She then brings her attention to the rest of the room. To the people crying out their support for the Pumpkin King and his girlfriend; the people she has known and seen for a long time, standing by their side. Even the skeletons from below are clapping, and she can see the Hanging Tree grinning widely. She feels a tear escape from her eye: a result of pure bliss.
The voices come back: "-See? I TOLD you Jack had a lady friend!" "Good for you both!!" "I can't believe this...!" "Jack, you look so happy!" "She's awful; she's just perfect for you!" "-Jack's in love with the Doctor's girl!?" "Sally! You got a good catch!"
Jack turns around and grabs her from her seat. She lets out a surprised noise as she's gently guided to the ground. She clutches onto his side once she's down. She smiles nervously and waves at everyone around them. She still can't believe how much support they're getting! Well, ignoring the hundreds of daggers glared her way from the front row, that is...
The skeleton leads her to the stage, and she makes no move of protest. It only makes sense, seeing as she's the center of attention right now...as much as she thought she would've hated this, it feels almost...soothing. To be holding Jack's hand as they're both under a spotlight, with so many cheers being sent their way from the crowd. She stands proudly beside him as they look at the audience. It's now that she's face-to-face with the witches and admirers in the front. She waves at them again, but they all look away from her and scoff. Jack doesn't notice this as he sneaks his arm around her waist.
"Yes, I am courting Sally Finklestein. I think it's fair to let you all know that this isn't something new. We have been romantically involved for quite some time now. We were keeping it from you all purely for personal reasons - but now we're ready to tell you all that we are in love, and we ask for your respect and consideration for our relationship."
They're met with applause again, letting them know right away that they are accepted. They do, however, find a few claws and hands raised in the audience. Jack nods his skull in the direction of one, and they find a curious citizen scratching their head.
"Correct me if I am wrong, but..." The ghoul looks between the two uncertainly. "Wasn't Sally the Doctor's wife? There were so many rumors in town about it, and I just don't understand..."
"Oh, yes! I meant to mention that." Jack hesitates to answer. "While the Doctor intended on marrying Sally, it was never official, as their certificate wasn't properly...signed." Sally frowns at this. "-So, no, my good man. They were never married."
Another paw shoots up in the air. The Werewolf scratches at his fur. "I'm just wonderin' on what made you change your mind, Jack? You said you didn't wanna get into the dating pool, right? Well, now you got a girlfriend, so..."
"I had intended for that, yes, but...Sally is very special to me. It was...simply meant to be." He turns and smiles at her. "She helped me realize a lot of things about myself. One being that I wanted to have love in my death. But a special kind. One I only wanted to share with her."
They hold hands. She melts all over again. Some of the crowd coos. They find another hand raised and acknowledge them. This time, it's one of the admirers sat upfront. The Sea Gal raises herself in her seat, eying the two with slight suspicion. Finally, she asks, "-And how exactly did you two meet?"
The skeleton opens his mouth to reply, but, to his surprise, the ragdoll answers instead. "-Jack rescued me when I was taken by that Bug King. He visited the Doctor's to welcome me into town after that, and we started talking since then."
The citizens start murmuring among themselves, remembering the incident all too well. Jack and Sally find more hands raised in the crowd, and both of them take the time to answer any questions from curious monsters. They are surprised to find how respectful the inquiries were, and despite the sour looks tossed in her direction, Sally doesn't receive any harsh words from the females. She feels very uplifted and hopeful from their reactions - hearing many words of encouragement, support, and adoration for their relationship. She wonders why they ever waited for this, feeling rather ridiculous for being fearful of the reactions...
As they continue to answer these questions, she turns and relaxes against Jack, already knowing this is going to change their relationship for the better.
The meeting eventually ends after the citizens' curiosities are appeased. Sally purposely lingers with Jack as they're waiting for everyone to leave, but stops to say goodbye to the Hanging Tree. She's surprised to find a wide grin stretched on his bark, all of the skeletons holding their hands together adoringly. She steps forward, but she doesn't need to say a word. An unison of congratulations is immediately sent her way, by the skeletons and their tree included.
"I can't believe it, I just truly can't!" He looks between the two several times. "Hearing the Pumpkin King has a girlfriend, and it's Sally...I don't think anyone saw it coming!"
"Then we did a great job on keeping it a secret." Jack replies. Sally brushes her blood hair behind her shoulder as she giggles along.
"We are very happy for you two. Sally is the sweetest person I know, and very talented, may I add! I hope nothing but for the worst for you both."
"Thank you...it means a lot hearing that from you." She comes forward and holds his hands. "You were one of the first friends I made in town, you know..."
"-And how far you've come! Not everyone gets to say they've won the undead heart of the Pumpkin King."
She glances back at Jack and blushes. The Hanging Tree bids his goodbye as his skeletons wave while they leave the Town Hall. As soon as they're gone, the Pumpkin King glances down and notices the smile stretched on his girlfriend's face. He rests his hand on her shoulder, and she places her palm over his fingers. It's silent as they take in everything that had happened during that meeting - but for the important part, their secret os out. Everyone knows about them. And for Jack, that is more than a relief. It felt so easy for him to spill everything out that he had been holding in - and for it to be received the way it was, he feels grateful for it.
"I think we should start heading home. That was a lot, wasn't it?" He asks. She looks at him slowly and nods, squeezing his fingers.
"Yeah, I think we should, too. There's...a lot I want to talk about with you."
He smiles. There was a lot he wants to say, too. "-Let's start getting back, then."
The two of them leave through the back way, as to not draw any additional attention. While they're in private, they share another kiss. It feels different doing it out in the open rather than behind closed walls like they had been so used to before - or sharing all of their tender moments in the Graveyard. Jack slumps against her as he finds his posture relaxed. As they break away, he trails his hand on her skin and brushes the hair out of her face.
He opens his mouth to tell her what's on his mind, but finds that it's actually empty. Peaceful. For once, he is not thinking of Halloween, its planning, or anything else that stresses him out - he feels completely at ease as he stares at Sally's face. She looks just as content, judging by the way her eyes droop and how her hand caresses his palm in thought. Neither of them say anything in this comfortable period of silence, enjoying their existence out in the open for once. They eventually pick up their walk after a few minutes of holding each other, and intend to return to the Skellington Manor as soon as they can.
It's not long, however, before they find three familiar faces leaning against the wall. When the Halloween Town Band finds the Pumpkin King heading their way, they prepare to greet him. But when they find the Doctor's creation at his side, they grow smug smiles instead. The two stop to greet them, figuring this is more than an appropriate time to speak to their friends. James looks more than happy as he shakes Jack's hand, and winks at the woman lingering to the side.
"We heard 'bout th' meetin'! Congrats on tellin' the town, you two!"
"We were wonderin' when you'd spill the poisonous beans." John comments. The skeleton chuckles.
"It was all in due time. We had a setback, as I'm sure you know...but now we finally told the town, and things couldn't be better!"
Sally comes forward and suddenly hugs the three. They return the embrace, and she smiles to herself. How supportive all of her friends are being for this...it feels almost natural for her to thank them, figuring they were the only ones keeping the secret as well. She removes herself and holds her hands together, wondering just how she could properly show her gratitude.
"Did you attend the meeting?" She asks. They nod their heads, much to her relief.
"We were in the back. It got so crowded by the time we were there, we couldn't find a seat." Jimmy shakes his head. "You two took those questions very well. Like you rehearsed the whole thing."
"I wish that were possible." Jack smiles weakly. "It was hard to tell what was going to happen. I thought for sure there would've been a few that were upset..."
"'Course they're upset! Dolly stole our beloved King here so easily while they've been tryin' fer years." James teases. "I bet'cha they're jus' keepin' it to themselves. I wouldn't feel so sure if I were ya'."
Sally frowns. Jimmy notices this and leans forward. "-But we know you two can handle it. Your relationship's the strongest we've seen! I'm sure no jealous ghouls are going to ruin that for you."
This relieves the two of them. They speak more with the Band, the conversation mainly consisting of their absences. It was a little painful for Sally to explain how Dr. Finklestein locked her away from the outside world completely. She recalls how upset she had been through the entire process, and she feels a little guilty for not looking out her window often for the three. They forgive her regardless, and shared their sympathy. Jack especially isn't a fan of how sad she describes herself in that time. He ensures he is holding onto her side as the two of them finally begin their way home, rubbing her arm softly.
"Are you alright?" He asks. She nods her head but doesn't say a word. "-I know how tough that was for you. It was hard on me, too. I can't imagine what talking about it is like..."
"I'll be alright, Jack. So many good things have happened today; I just can't see anything getting in the way of that."
His chest warms. They've reached the Skellington Manor at this point, and he happily offers his beloved his skeletal hand. She giggles as she takes it, allowing him to graciously help her up the set of stairs and to the door. He's very open about this as he does it - no longer having the fear of being spotted holding this woman's hand, and knowing that they are free to express themselves now. He feels ecstatic as they climb the steps, and feels the anticipation gnawing at his bones by the time they reach the front door.
Jack decides to end his work for the day there, seeing as the meeting is done. He returns once to the Town Hall so he can answer any questions the Mayor has. He finds that the shorter coworker has many, and spends a good hour or two answering them. They are out of good-nature, much to the skeleton's relief. Most of the inquires are about work and if his relationship would affect it at all - to which the answer was a firm 'no'. He did make it clear that Sally is going to be his top priority from now on, and while that news makes the Mayor a little anxious, the Pumpkin King stands firmly by it.
They end their conversation on good terms, as the Mayor wishes the two of them horrible luck and for the worst. Jack thanks him and quickly returns home, wanting to see his beautiful ragdoll by his side again. And he gets that wish when he finds her at the front door waiting to greet him, hugging him tightly as she leaves a trail of kisses on the side of his skull. He relaxes against her and sighs, letting all of the stress out of his bones as he melts on her.
"I think we should take it easy today," She whispers to him. He nods rhythmically, her words soothing him almost naturally.
"We should."
He lets out a noise when he feels her soft hands start massaging his sides. The smile grows on his face as he digs his head into her shoulder. God, how badly he has wanted this. Holding her in his arms, hearing her voice, seeing her before him...knowing she's safe, loved, and happy - that's all he ever really wanted. He doesn't know how he can feel any bit upset with her around like this - it's merely been more than a day, and yet, it already feels like she's been here for years...
"You're tense," She comments quietly, digging her fingers further into his bones. He shivers. "When was the last time you relaxed?"
"The last moment we were together." He leans back and holds her hands. "I feel completely at peace, believe me. I've just kept so much stress in these old bones that I haven't even noticed it."
She grins at him coyly. "Well, I think I can take care of that..."
His eye sockets widen in pleasure. Before she can do anything, though, he leads her over to the couch in their sitting room, setting her gently on the cushion. He decides the best way they can get comfortable is by first warming the old mansion. She watches as he kindles a fire. He returns to her side after it's done, sitting as close as possible to her on the couch. She leans forward to nuzzle the tip of her nose against his bone, relaxing her shoulders as she feels the fire start to warm the room. They both begin to close their eyes as they inch closer to one another, their lips merely inches apart-
 "Arf! Arf!"
The familiar sounds of barking interrupt the two, momentarily getting them to jump. But then they see the hollow eye sockets of Jack's dog, Zero. Sally grins widely as he comes flying over to her, and reaches her hands out to pet him. The ghost whines as he rubs his head on her cheek, showing that he greatly missed her. She closes her eyes as she trails her hand on his sheet, feeling the same way for him.
"Oh, Zero! I couldn't find you the other night," She tells him. "Where were you?"
The dog whines as he tilts his head. Jack decides to answer for him. "-He was most likely in the Graveyard. He'll usually spend his time there if he's not around the house."
He suddenly realizes something. The skeleton leans forward and wraps an arm around Sally's shoulder, tugging her closer. Zero watches the two with curious eye sockets. Jack turns to the dog and grins, ruffling his head with his free hand.
"Say, I didn't break the news to you yet, did I, boy?" The ghost shakes his head. "Well, the big news is...Sally's going to live with us! You're going to see a lot more of her around from now on! No more waiting for her by those graves, or sneaking into her room."
The pet jumps in alarm and sharply turns his head to the ragdoll. She laughs and nods her head to confirm the news. The dog yaps in excitement as he comes forward to lick her chin. Sally continues to laugh in delight as the dog wags his sheet, attempting to nuzzle every part of her. He's eventually ushered down by Jack, who whistles and points by the fire. The two watch as Zero gets comfortable by the hearth, looking at them with a wide smile on his muzzle.
"I think he's happy with the news." The skeleton informs her. Sally nods in agreement.
"I sure hope so; I couldn't live here knowing if I didn't have Zero's permission!"
The dog barks a final time before resting his head down, leaving the two of them alone for the time being. She turns to Jack and resumes what she had been doing before - carefully massaging her thumbs in circles along his back. The same noise escapes the skeleton's throat as he leans forward, succumbing to the heaven her hands are working on him. She grins in delight as she brings the massage lower, attempting to get all the tension out of his bones. Every time she hears a pop!, there's a slight sigh of relief she can hear from her boyfriend. Eventually, she gets all of them out as she finishes his small massage, resting her head on the side of his shoulder.
His eyes are drooping as he bows his skull. "Thank you..."
"Anything for you, my Pumpkin King."
His phantom heart skips a beat at her words. He looks at her for a moment before laying himself down on the couch, moving Sally with him so she can rest her head on his chest. He feels her entire body weight shifted on him as she relaxes. The two close their eyes and enjoy the warmth from the fire, listening to the cracks and pops in the silence. Occasionally, it's interrupted by the chiming of a clock - but it doesn't stir either of them. They continue to lay there, enjoying this new reality that both of them have longed for their entire deaths. Having the love of his death on his chest, laying by a comfortable fire with his good pet at their side...it's like he's only dreamed of this moment.
Jack runs his hand through her yarn hair, admiring her face as she rests her eyes. "-They love you."
She opens her eyes. "Who?"
"Who do you think?" He chuckles. "-The Town. The people. They like you."
She looks away from him, biting her lip shyly. "...Most of them do. And I hadn't expected that..."
"Well, why wouldn't they? You're beautiful, you're smart, you're caring, and you're sweet...I think anyone can know that just a mile away."
"Maybe you're right. There were people there I haven't even met that were very supportive..." She thinks for a moment before laying her head back down. "-Jack?"
"Even if they didn't...would you still feel this happy?"
"Of course I would. The whole point is that I'm with you." He nuzzles her forehead with his nasal bone. "The meeting was just letting them all know that. I don't need anyone else's approval to be with you."
She shuts her eyes again. "That's relieving..."
He kisses the tip of her scalp. "-It's true."
They spend the rest of their afternoon lounging together, refusing to separate from the other. In this time, they speak quietly with each other, mentioning anything that is on their mind. Eventually, their words turn into soft murmurs as the afternoon turns into evening. Jack suddenly feels the fatigue hit him, considering this is the most relaxed he's felt in years. He blinks his eyes open several times as he glances down, and finds Sally has fallen asleep on him. He smiles as he brings his arms around her, holding her close and relishing their contact for several minutes more.
"I love you," He whispers into her ear. She stirs slightly, but there's no response.
 He doesn't even need one, anyway.
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heartcrypt-blog · 5 years
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☕ . ˚ ◝ ( kim jisoo. cisfemale. she/her. ) vanessa yun is a twenty-four year old scorpio. the wedding planner’s go-to order is an almond milk macchiato. they like to listen to rhiannon by fleetwood mac while they wait for their order. the employees of the deja brew think they are disenchanted but swear they’re totally genuine as well. maybe that’s why empty champagne flutes, bitter smiles and pencil skirts remind me of them. 
hey there babyluvs! i’m pleased to be here to write with you all ^-^ i’m honestly so terrible at intros but we’re going to get through this together okay?? i’ll start by giving you a little bit of info on my cynical lil wilted flower over here <3 vanessa was born to a single mom and aspiring broadway performer in downtown buffalo, new york. she loved the city even as a child, and would often tag along with her mom wherever she went. the two were the best of friends, which sometimes came at the expense of her mother being the responsible adult. vanessa was sometimes even more detail-oriented than her mother, which led to her being something of a miniature assistant. after watching some of the plays her mother was in, as well as others, vanessa became obsessed with the idea of love. her mother had a collection of recorded productions, many of them deeply romantic tales. vanessa was hooked on the idealistic belief that love was a perfect, momentous occasion that always included fireworks and whimsical songs and people dancing in the streets. her mother enabled these fantasies of the perfect love story, filling vanessa’s head with the idea that relationships were all about a quick, sudden feeling that you needed to act on immediately rather than an obstacle-filled journey that could be just as painful as it could beautiful. her naivete about the subject led to her becoming a bit of a serial dater in high school. she was on the hunt for a perfect love story, after all. she was convinced that she’d know it no sooner than things got started, so none of her relationships lasted very long. it led to some unsavory rumors about her among some of the students, but she was confident that she knew what she was doing. in her sophomore year, she simply knew she had met the one. he had the most exquisite eyes and heartrending smile; he knew all the right things to say, and he’d brushed off the rumors about her from the very beginning. he kissed her like she was the only person he’d ever care about, and vanessa was swept away in the feeling. it was the breathless kind of romance she’d always yearned for. the two were inseparable for the remainder of high school, and even got engaged before heading off to separate colleges. vanessa’s love of romance and eye for detail led her down the wedding planning path at new york university, while her beau was attending his father’s alma mater in wisconsin. even though they’d mostly be apart for four years, she knew they’d stand the test of time and distance. during her time at nyu, vanessa made a fairly good friend who seemed to share her hopeless romantic nature. the two talked often over coffee, and even had crappy rom com marathons together. meanwhile, her fiance seemed to begin distancing himself from her. he began calling much less often, and even ignoring her own calls. and when she actually could get in touch with him, there always seemed to be voices in the background that he was hell bent on her not hearing. deep down, she knew things were headed for disaster, but her dedication to the man of her dreams kept her hopes up. still though, the friend she’d made in college whom she had so much in common with...she couldn’t deny that feelings were starting to form there. they spent far too much time together and liked each other far too much for there not to be feelings. things nearly came to a head several times between them, but she couldn’t stray. after graduation, it finally came time for the wedding vanessa had spent her entire life planning. she knew going into it that she had feelings for someone else, and that her fiance was likely cheating on her, but she still intended to walk down the aisle, head held high. her stomach full of butterflies, she did so, walking towards the man who had a smarmy grin on his face. a man she knew once, or maybe she never had. maybe she had just been blinded by her obsession with love. either way, as their vows began, vanessa couldn’t shake off a feeling of impropriety. that’s when she heard it; the double doors to the front of the church opening. it was him, her friend from college. “i don’t know if you’ve gotten to the objection part, but i object,” he muttered to the priest, out of breath. once again, vanessa’s heart was made new. it was as if a scene from a movie had played out in her very own life. maybe love didn’t deserve the doubts she’d started to cast on it. after all, the man she really loved had just saved her from making a huge mistake, had he not? the two star-crossed lovers fled the church in a hurry, fingers intertwined, dodging pedestrians on the sidewalk as they laughed together. it was perfect; everything she had ever wanted. this type of love could never come with a hefty price tag...could it? the first few months were like a honeymoon at sunset that simply wouldn’t end. champagne on a hotel balcony, making love in the back seat, revealing secrets in shy whispers. it filled vanessa’s head with dreams and sanguine thoughts, even though she’d been burned once before. she found work with an event planning agency, filling her days with wedding details, consultations, cake tastings and dress fittings. even though her own wedding hadn’t exactly gone off without a hitch, she still adored the festivities and loved the thought of giving other people their perfect day. and when she got home at the end of the day, she’d get to spend time with the love of her life. things were going absolutely amazing. he couldn’t have been more supportive of her career, always encouraging her to go out with her coworkers more to improve relations, or work longer hours in order to gain her boss’ respect. she was so appreciative, she was determined to repay him. knocking off early for lunch one day, she prepared him a romantic picnic. certainly something she stole from a movie, but she knew he’d enjoy it nonetheless. they were both corny like that. she arrived home at noon, picnic basket adorned with fresh flowers in hand, ready to surprise him. she was the one who got the big surprise however, as after she covertly unlocked the door, she was met with the sight of an unknown female getting very familiar with the man she’d credited with healing her heart after her fiance’s betrayal. the woman’s fingertips were on the bare chest that vanessa herself had touched lovingly just the night before. she couldn’t speak, she couldn’t cry, she couldn’t even breathe; anger was too busy sweeping its way through her blood. even as he hurled excuse after excuse at her, trying to make himself seem blameless, vanessa’s eyes burned red. she was devastated, she was filled with utter rage, and she simply didn’t know what to do. the raw pain of yet another failed relationship that she’d staked everything on was almost too much to bear. love wasn’t a beautiful miracle; it was an ugly, manipulative trap made for certain people to get what they wanted and for everyone else to be left ravaged by it. a bitterness grew in her like twisting vines, and the longer she stayed in new york, the more she felt suffocated by them. her aimlessness carried her to california, as it was a great breadth away from her problems, and that was exactly where she wanted to be. she still works as a wedding planner, albeit one with a much more matter-of-fact and uninspired take on things. the happiness surrounding them almost makes her sick now, but it pays the bills, and it’s the only trade she really studied for. she looks at love much differently; she almost pities the people who experience it. her jaded outlook has driven her clientele down considerably, but vanessa simply can’t bring herself to feel the hope that she once did. she does’t really want to accept that her own attitude towards love in the first place is what got her into trouble. her trying to idealize every facet of romance made her unable to deal with the slightest disappointment. as afraid of love as she is, she’s even more afraid of confronting herself. wanted connections; best friend - the one person who can be real with vanessa and call her a dumb bitch when she needs to hear it (which is often). they know her an uncomfortable amount and can call her out when need be. still they both luff each other and hang out pretty much all the time. no strings - while vanessa may hate love now, that doesn’t mean she hates instant gratification. this little connection *chef’s kiss* is really gonna test her on the whole ‘how about you don’t fall for someone just bcuz they’re attractive and nice to you for five minutes??’ thing. lots of sarcastic banter, flirting in the form of constantly roasting each other and drunk 3am booty calls. what’s not to love like? therapy friend - at the behest of her best friend connection, vanessa has started tentatively attending therapy sessions. she doesn’t go that frequently, as she’s not all that comfortable with it yet, but she has at least made a friend there. this is basically someone else who has sessions at the same therapist, and they just started conversing in the waiting room, eventually striking up a friendship. maybe they even have coffee at a certain place sometimes?? leftover buddy - this is the person who is always calling dibs on vanessa’s catering leftovers from weddings. she brings them by whenever she can in some cute lil decorative containers, and the two get a chance to catch up when she does! employee of the month - i’d love for vanessa to have a favorite deja brew employee! just that one person who always makes her order just right and always greets her with a smile and a friendly hello in the way she needs, especially in the morning, since she’s such a bitter grouch. this alsdkfjgh isn’t much, but i’d also love to take on some of the plots you guys have available! we can also brainstorm something from scratch of course ^^ feel free to like my shmatus and i’ll come see what’s up in your ims!
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katybelle83 · 5 years
Ultimate Fantasy Come True
So here is a fanfic about Adrian Toomes. Whew that was a ton of writing. Note I haven’t written in nearly 10-15 years! I would appreciate feedback. Enjoy!!!
Pairing: Adrian Toomes x OC
The satin sheets surrounded me as I slept. I hadn't realised that I had fallen asleep until I felt a pair of strong arms around me and when a voice whispered in my ear, saying "What are you doing here?" I woke up startled and gasped as my assailant glared down at me with blazing familiar blue eyes. I stammered, unsure how to respond, "Well, uh--" and I didn't get to finish my sentence because a pair of soft lips crashed down onto my own with such quickness that I didn't know what had hit me.
"Don't talk," he whispered. "I want you and I am going to have you! Just lay back and enjoy the rest of the night while I make sweet love to you until the dawn!"
"Oh baby, bay-bee! KATE!!!" I sat up quickly and saw my coworker, Kelly, nudge my arm. "Frankie's gonna be mad if we don't get this inventory done by the time we're supposed to open tomorrow!"
"Sorry", I replied. "I drifted off into one of my infamous day dreams again." Kelly smiled, knowingly, "Oh, you mean about you know who?" I replied, sheepishly, "Yeah, about Adrian!"
I had an almost unhealthy obsession with this certain villain, Spiderman’s arch nemesis to be exact. And I had for a long, long time. And Kelly knew all about it too. My family was close to Peter Parker’s especially with Mae, whom my mother grew up with. I wasn’t really close to Peter as I was a bit older than him, but I knew his secret and Adrian Toomes’ secret. Kelly giggled, "man if only Liz Toomes’ dad knew about you and your crazy obsession. Man he would think you was loco or something!" Yeah right, I thought, he doesn't even know I exist. Well I did meet him and his family at a function. I had also tutored Liz on occasion before her parents divorced. "He would think you were mental and a stalker or something." She looked over at me and said, "Girl I was just playing. I mean maybe he would be flattered that you were into him. Who knows. I don't know how the man thinks!" She continued to shelve the movies by alphabetical order. Well, I brightened up a little, not because I thought I would actually have a chance or anything, but that maybe he would be flattered that a younger person was interested in him, in all sorts of ways. And even for an older man he was still very sexy and fine as hell!!! My parents, especially my dad, always chided me saying I needed to grow up and that this obsession with older men had gone way too far and that I was way too old to have posters of silver fox celebrities on my wall. Well, I never listened to him anyways. I didn't think it was all that bad. I wasn't a bad kid. I did fairly well in school and stayed out of trouble for the most part. And now I am in my thirties and still hot for older guys. Though since I am grown up now I can lust and obsess all I want without anyone nagging me. And when I fantasize about Adrian, it just gets my blood boiling hot and part of the reason is because he is an older man and a great looking one at that, With a twenty year old body. Yum Yum!! So maybe he would be flattered that someone nearly 20 years his junior would be lusting after him but I didn't share that thought with Kelly. Anyway, it is not like she would really understand even though we have become quite good friends. I mean she has the hots for Sandra Bullock and has a butch girlfriend. Yes, Kelly is a lesbian. But perhaps, maybe she would know how it felt to lust after someone she couldn't have. It just wouldn't be a guy in her case so I do take that back. I suppose that was unfair.
We continued to shelve the videos under the proper categories in silence for awhile. Tomorrow we would be re-opening the store after it was relocated, and revamped. It used to be sleazy and in a bad part of town but once it was taken under new management, we prayed that would change. With all the upgrades to the store, I was hoping and so was Frankie, that we would be getting a lot better mix of clientele. I suppose working at an adult XXX store had its advantages. I would get to see who is naughty. Would I see classmates, or neighbours or friends here? Well I would find out soon enough.
Kelly and I finally finished cataloguing the videos and then got ready to head home. It had already been a long day and I was ready to go home and relax. We said our goodbyes and left. It was a hot day so I went home and drew a long cool bath with scented candles. I turned on some slow music that got me into a horny mood. I leaned back and closed my eyes and began breathing deeply. I slowly began to massage myself with the bath oils (imagining someone else's hands instead of my own) and running them all over my body and concentrating on the places I liked to be touched, especially my nipples and clit. and I was once agian thinking of my fantasy man. After awhile I scolded myself for being silly. But why not. What the hell? What was wrong with a little harmless fantasy. It wasn't like I was stalking the man. I mean, I admit I downloaded a picture of Adrian from a local article. But that is about how far my obsession goes, really. In the big scheme of things, that is not all that bad. I mean, look at the crazed female fan of David Letterman's, who apparently broke into his house and told everyone she was Mrs. Letterman. She of course was apprehended. But that is way obsessive compulsive if you ask me. I guess you can say that Adrian Toomes is my little indulgence in life. Indulgences are different with each person. Sometimes it's ice cream, or a new pair of shoes or a foot massage. For me, it's my "man". Don't get me wrong. I am not mental or anything or so ugly that no one would ever go out with me. I have had several boyfriends, but they all turned out to be brainless dawgs!!!
The last one, Mark, I am pretty sure was cheating on me with his ex-wife, Loretta and tried to tell me he had nothing to do with her. Yeah I am that much of a drr drr drr. I ride the special bus to school!, No, I was not born yesterday and if he wanted to keep going out with that ugly hoe or screwing her, fine with me! I mean this bitch was so ugly. And she reeked of cigarettes all the time and he reeked of cigarettes all the time. And he doesn't even smoke but his car always did so that told me something right there. When I was "dating" him (if that is what you want to call it. We hardly went on any., It was more of come over to my place for a night of lousy fucking!) I always felt like he didn't want to do things with me. Like it was a forced effort. Like putting me on the back burner. I was angry at him for cheating on me for a moment, but it wasn't like it was the end of the world. I didn't go into a drastic state of depression or anything like that. I was more mad at myself for even attempting to go out with such a loser as Mark. And another thing that really bugged me about him and his attitude was that he avoided my family like the plague. If you want to be my boyfriend, then at least include my family in a fraction of our relationship. Come over for dinner or hang out at the house. Well I found out that he was avoiding my parents especially because he was a registered sex offender. And not that that really bothered me. He gave me the whole story and I don't think he should be on the list for what it was he supposedly did, but his fucking ex wife was involved so just because of sticking around that stupid bitch drug fiend woman, then he gets what he deserves. I cut it off there, the relationship, not his cock, though I should have. But to be honest there wasn't even anything really to cut off in the first place. Besides, he wasn't that cute anyways. I pride myself in not being hot but being satisfied with how I look and I know that I could have landed someone with much better looks and that wasn't such an asshole to begin with. I guess I just felt sorry for the poor bastard which is why I even considered going out with him.
So I told myself that I needed a break in the relationship area for awhile at least. But that didn't mean that I stopped thinking about men and sex in particular, considering I never really got any that was worthy to be called sex. I am still human and I do get horny and randy. Part of the reason I got the job at the store was so that I could somewhat experiment with my own sexuality and be around all sorts of people, straight, gay, lonely,, or taken and embrace all kinds of sexuality in the air. And one thing that many of my customers shared in common with me was fantasy. I firmly believe that fantasy is a healthy part of life like our dreams and if I wanted to fantasize about Adrian Toomes , then dammit I was going to fantasize about him. And that was easy to do.
After my bath, I wrapped myself in a satin robe and slipped on my slippers and walked into my room, There I flopped onto my bed and then kicked off my slippers once again and I looked at Adrian’s picture. My hands slowly undid my robe and my hand slipped between my legs and I slowly started to stroke myself while my other hand played with my tits, pinching and twisting them and imagining that Adrian was going to come out of the picture and have his way with me. I rubbed faster, pinched harder and worked myself into a frenzy. I grabbed my vibrator from under my pillow, rammed it into me and turned it on to the highest setting. I felt ripples of pleasure soaring through me. I felt the tidal waves getting higher and higher and was on the verge of a huge orgasm! And that is when the phone rang. Normally I would have just ignored the phone but sometimes something happens to just ruin the mood. So I decided to just get up and dressed, after I answered the phone. it ended up being a stupid ass recording about lowering your mortgage. I don't even have a fucking mortgage, stupid drr drr drr's!
Our re-opening was successful. And I got to see a lot of people who I know and that were really embarrassed when they approached the counter with their arms full of naughty items and seeing me there at the register. I tell them not to worry, it's natural. I do it too! Hell I work here. Don't be ashamed. But I have seen some people that I was not expecting to see here. My old boss and his wife were here the day after re-opening and that was a complete shocker. I always thought of my boss as a prude but I knew that wasn't the case when he came up to the counter with bondage items, and naughty DVD's and the strap on that his wife was going to use to fuck him in the ass with. And I have seen people here from school and church. I even saw my bestest friend here with her husband, Nadia and Kenjii. and many of them liked the arcade we had where for seven dollars you can watch a full length film. A lot of customers came in for that alone. I found myself enjoying my job more and more. I had lots of interesting chats with people there and not just about sex but about their kids, or friends or foes, troubles, or their jobs. I knew that I had found a happy niche in my life and I was pretty happy with where it was going. Soon I would have my degree and I could move on to better things, but at the moment I knew my life was a smooth ride. Nothing could have made me happier, or so I thought.
Kelly was sick so I was left closing the store by myself. We weren't too busy and most everything was done. It was just waiting for the clock to strike midnight so that I could lock up and go home, after a quick vacuum and counting out the drawer. The clock was dragging onto 11. Another long hour and there wasn't a customer for the last 20 minutes. I was trying not to let my head droop but I kept jerking my head up. The clock read 11. Droop. Jerk. 11:14.  One couple came in and bought some magazines. Droop. Jerk. 11:36. No customers. Droop. Jerk. WIDE AWAKE! I I had not noticed him come in. A man was standing there, about to tap me on the shoulder but glancing at the floor. He wanted to watch the Big Bosomed Beauties DVD, already with the seven dollars in his hand, shoved towards me. He was trying to avoid my gaze, a ball cap pulled down over his eyes. I straightened up in my seat and took the money. "Don't be ashamed man. I watch dirty movies too." I said. 11:55. "Oh damn! I am closing in 5 minutes. Come back tomorrow. We are open until 2. I am so sorry. I drifted off" The man continued to stare at the floor and stammered. " oh-oh no I'm am sorry. I thought you were open until two tonight. I misread the time." this in a quiet voice. I handed back his money and thought gods why does he sound so familiar. He put the money back in his pocket and handed me the DVD. Then in a complete change of attitude, he looked up at me, took off the ball cap and winked. He said, "then I'll be back tomorrow sugar. Sure hope you are working then" and with a quick turn on his heel he was gone. I just sat there frozen, my heart stopped in my chest and I couldn't breathe. The man standing before me just now was....No it couldn't be. But it was. Dammit it was him. Come on and pull yourself together Kate, I told myself. I walked to the door to lock it in a daze. No activity in the parking lot. No cars but my own. The man was Adrian Toomes or his identical twin. That was why he sounded familiar to me. I just couldn't believe it. Nah, I was just hallucinating. It was just someone playing with my head. Someone that looked just like him and sounded like him. That's all. Remember, I was drifting in and out of sleep. Droop. Jerk. I probably wasn't even all the way awake. I must have been dreaming. I pinched myself really hard. 12:03. I was awake. The big bosomed Beauties DVD still in my hand. I just felt numb. I counted out the drawer, locked up and went home.
I dropped my keys on the hallway table, fed the kitten, let the dog out and prodded to my room. I kicked off my shoes, threw off my clothes and put on my bed t-shirt. I didn't even glance at Adrian’s photo as I turned off the light and climbed into bed. I couldn't. The only thing I could do was replay what had happened tonight. His eyes, those sexy blue eyes (with a hint of brown), that face, and that smile. God it looked like him. It did it did it did! I don't make stuff up like this in my daydreams; it was all too real. How else did that DVD end up in my hand. That guy was no one else. No one could have sounded or looked like him dead on. I had so much trouble falling asleep, those images of my man going through my head over and over again. .The man staring at the floor, looking up at me, winking. Smiling. Adrian Toomes....
The next day dragged on. I didn't have to show at work till 8 pm since I had the late shift. I kept myself busy during the day by finishing up my shopping, taking the dog out for a nice long walk/run, and I listened to some upbeat music. I told myself that I was really tired and that there was no way in hell that Adrian Toomes was in the store last night. It was just some guy and he was playing games with my head, whether it be intentional or unintentional.. The store was hopping that night, it being Friday. We had a good business and a lot of couples wanting to use the arcade. Since we were so busy, I soon forgot about the whole affair and the fact that "he" said he would be back. Like he would make an appearance at a place like this and avoid being seen. I could just see the headlines now. "The Vulture seen in the naughty store on Calypso Drive up in Falls Springs, California!" ha ha yeah right! No drooping or jerking tonight. Frankie had come in tonight to help with customers but he left around 12:30 because he promised his wife a good fucking so I bid him farewell and happy fucking! I started closing procedures. I closed the arcade since after 12:30 or one it was useless to get any use out of it since it wasn't enough time to watch a whole film by closing time. I left the light on in the arcade so that I could vacuum later after I locked the door. The last hour was deader than dead and I was glad that I may get to get home at a good time, before 3 at least. I went to lock the door and proceeded to count the drawer. Then I vacuumed the lobby and straightened all the displays.
I proceeded to the arcade to finish a quick clean. I gasped and stifled a near scream. There sitting in the front of the room by the screen was......him! "B-b-b-bu-tt, oh god this is not happening!" I stuttered and felt very faint. He smiled that sexy smile of his and laughed quietly. " I managed to slip in before you locked the door. Didn't I tell you I would be back?!" I shivered a little. “Well it's not like I m-m-mind but I don't know what game you are playing mister and we are closed so I am going to have to a-a-ask you to leave, p-p-p-l-ease." He stood up and walked towards me, leaving about two inches between us. Gods, it really was him!!!! My heart jumped to my throat and my mouth turned sandy dry. I started to perspire and my breathing came in short gasps. He continued, "Yes I am who you think I am and none other.. And I know how you feel about me as well.. I mean the looks you dropped at me during the Spring Gala and those times you came to tutor Liz. Thought I didn’t notice? Well sugar buns? I did notice. You probably think I am stalking you." He backed up for a minute, holding up his hands. "No that was just coincidence. I am actually visiting some good friends. On the way back to my hotel, I saw this place and decided to check it out since it looked almost empty and hopefully no one would recognise me and I wouldn't attract much attention.  And yes we dads have urges too! Yeah it is like that.   Anywhoo, that's when I recognised you as Liz’s tutor. So I thought I would drop by again tonight and well here I am!" and with that he came closer once again, his frame only inches from my body. His face was so close to mine I could feel him breathing and then he smile that wicked smile once again, his hot breath brushing my face. I think I only took in about half of what he just said. I then realised that my back was pressed into the wall behind me. Damn he smelled good, my head was swimming. He leaned closer and put his mouth to my ear and whispered, "You know, it's been a long time since I have been with a woman, and an even longer time since I have been with one as good looking as you." My breathing once again stopped right there. I felt the world go black and I think I fainted.
That's when I felt his arms catch me and bring me back up and he pushed me gently against the wall. He pressed his lips into mine then whispering against them, "Don't think that I don't know about all the things you fantasize about me. Well I do know and I am going to let you fulfill your wildest fantasies with me tonight, right here." He continued to kiss me. I slipped my arms around his neck and returned the kiss and he slipped his tongue into my mouth and slowly explored it. I slipped my arms around his neck and gripped at him hard, stroking his hair. He began to kiss his way to my neck while his hands started to explore my body in slow motion. He found my ass and cupped his palms around it and pushed me towards him. I could feel him getting hard. This was turning me on so badly. I wanted him inside of me. The fire was burning inside of me intensely. My legs got weak and I found myself moaning and saying "I want you now!".
He picked me up and carried me to the break room at the back of the store laid me down on the big leather couch we had back there. He just stared down at me for a minute with those drop dead gorgeous eyes. I stared back at him too, taking in his handsome features. Sure he was an older man and he had slight grey in his hair but he still had the nice firm body of a twenty-five year old that worked out and his smile was just so sexy and he felt so good leaning over me like that. "You have such beautiful eyes baby," he said softly. "And tonight it is all about you" and with that he started nibbling on my neck. His hands found my blouse and started to unbutton it, exposing my low cut bra. He undid the front clasps and my tits sprang free. He stopped with my neck, looked at my breasts hungrily and began feasting on them. Wrapping his mouth around one of my rock hard nipples, he began sucking nice and slow and hard while his hand was teasing my other nipple. My whole body was going into frenzy and started to tremble all over. I had to press my thighs together to try and stop the heating desire that had built up. I moaned loudly and threw my head back while I was blindly clawing at Adrian’s shirt, trying to tear it open. He quickened his pace and started to suck the other nipple just as hungrily as the first one. His other hand found its way up my skirt and my already dripping panties. His fingers crept in and found my love button and began to tease it, rubbing and rolling it between his fingers while I started to buck against his hand. My heart rate doubled and I was breathing like I had just finished running the marathon. I finally had managed to slip his shirt off, revealing a nicely toned chest with a soft layer of chest hair and nice looking nipples. I wanted to suck his nipples so badly. I have always been turned on by thinking about sucking a man's nipples. I could feel his hard on pressing into my thigh and after caressing his chest for a moment, my hands found their way to his jeans. He grabbed at my hand and said "No not yet and not here" He pulled me up and quickly threw me my shirt and grabbed my hand and said, "Let’s go to your place where we can finish our little tryst."
We went flying through the store, while Adrian grabbed some stuff hanging in the displays. I threw off the lights and locked the door. We got into my truck where he insisted that I drive like a maniac because he wanted to finish what he started and soon. He kept looking at me with hungry eyes and I couldn't concentrate on driving home very well. Luckily the roads were deserted at 3 o’clock in the morning. We made it to my house in record time, where I once again threw the keys on the hall table and Adrian picked me up while kicking the front door shut and locking it with his arms around me. "Where's your room, sugar?" I pointed to the left door at the end of the hall. As soon as we got there, he gently placed me on the bed while he got on top of me and ripped all my clothes off. His shirt was still off, not having put it on in the car. I fumbled with his fly, trying to get his huge erection out. “Not yet baby.  I haven’t finished with you first!”  Adrian began to kiss his way down my body.  He started at my ears and nibbled his way down my neck, down between my breasts, gave each nipple a kiss and worked his way down my stomach.  He lowered his head further and began to kiss my thighs.  He was taking his time and whilst it felt good, I wanted to feel him inside of me.  But he was purposely teasing me to make it all last longer.  At this point my panties were completely soaked and dripping from my excitement. He ripped them off in one fell swoop. Some women would be mad at that, but I didn’t care.  Hell he could rip up my entire fucking wardrobe I wouldn’t give a shit!  This man is so fucking sexy and amazing that just being here with him was mind blowing. 
Adrian wrapped his arms around my thighs and lowered his hot, wanting mouth to my pussy and began to kiss it softly. After a few seconds, he snaked his tongue between the folds of my hole and began to lick up and down.  As soon as I felt his tongue touch my flesh, I went completely crazy and moaning out his name.  “Oh, Adrian that feels so fucking good!” I murmured. I grabbed his head and pushed him harder against me as he continue to lap at me like a thirsty dog at his water bowl.  I couldn’t contain myself longer and cummed on his face as he happily drank it all up. After a few more minutes of him licking and me squirting all over his face, Adrian finally came up for air.  He proceeded to kiss me deeply, letting me taste myself on his lips.  His cock was a raging hard on at this point.  I reached down to squeeze it and a small moan escaped his lips.  I pushed him onto the bed on his back and began my tour of his amazing body. I began by biting his earlobe and worked my way down his neck and chest.  His hands were stroking my back. I continued south until I got to the crowning glory that was his huge cock.  I started by kissing it up and down and then slowly licked the tip. 
The Vulture was much endowed and I could only hope I could fit him into my watering mouth. I started by slipping the head into my mouth and slowly began working my way down and hoping I wouldn’t gag.   This man made all of my ex boyfriends look teeny weeny. I inched slowly downwards until I could feel his head at the back of my throat and I had managed not to gag.  Thank goodness.  I quickened my pace and began to bob my head faster and faster.  I used my hand in sync with my mouth to double the pleasure for Adrian .  I knew he was enjoying it because I glanced up at him and his head was thrown back and his eyes closed; his face was twisted in pure bliss!  He began to moan a little louder now and I knew any time he would be releasing his hot load into my hungry mouth.  I looked up at him again and found his blue eyes staring back at me.  My heart skipped a beat.  He brought his hands to my hair and began to gently pull on it as he was nearing an orgasm.  I felt him tense up and moan aloud right before splashing his love juice down my throat.  He was loaded.  Wave after wave of cum was pouring down my throat but I drank every last drop.  He tasted wonderful and sweet. I lifted my head to regain my breath.  We were both breathing quite heavily.  He then said, “I want to taste your lips.  Let me taste myself.  I want to taste what you just did.”  I was surprised.  Every man I had been with refused to kiss me after going down on them.  But not Adrian. More proof that he was a REAL man!  I met his lips and we kissed deeply for several seconds.  With our hearts still pounding, we lay there for a few minutes to catch our breath.  I looked into his eyes as we lay side by side.  His face was so gentle and loving.  I always thought he had an amazing face.  There was something especially special about his eyes and how he gazed lovingly at me.  I stroked his face and snuggled close to him for a few more minutes.
But apparently Adrian wasn’t quite done with me yet. We began to kiss and touch each other once again and I felt him growing hard.  He got on top of me and threw my legs over his shoulders and rammed his large cock into my burning up pussy. Oh, it felt so good. So big. I moaned and moaned. And he grunted as he thrust into me harder and harder. I couldn't hold back much longer. I knew I was on the verge of exploding and I needed satisfaction and NOW! The climatic waves kept getting higher and higher. Adrian’s moans started to get louder as well and we were moving to a passionate rhythm. I started to cry out, "oouuuu uhhhhhh Oh I'm coming. I'm Cummmmminnnng!" just as, with a low gutteral sound, he shot his load into me filling me up with his love jizz. He collapsed on top of me, both of our breathing heavily laboured. I could feel him sweating against my naked body, our hearts beating to a new drum. He rolled over and sighed and I leaned my head on his shoulder and put my arm around him. We were bathed in the faint light of the full moon shining in the window.
The sun started to come up and I woke with a start, feeling restrained somehow. I realised that someone had their arms around me and I looked over to see Adrian Toomes in my bed. That's when I remembered the previous night. I felt so warm and good knowing that my fantasy was right there with me in my bed!!! I couldn't resist. I leaned over and took one of his nipples into my mouth and started to softly suck on it. He stirred slightly then let out a soft moan and his arms came tighter around me. He said gently, "Oh that feels so good. I love when women play with my nipples. In fact you're the first woman who has done that. MMMmmmm." He moaned again. I lifted my head and met his gaze. "I have always wanted to suck a man off through his nipples, but my ex's were never too fond of it. I sure am glad you are" and I resumed my sucking. After awhile we just lay there in silence and I was thinking to myself that I just couldn't believe my luck. I still wondered if this was all a dream, and I pinched myself to check but so far this checked out to be reality. I knew it wouldn't last, it was only a one night stand, but one that I would remember for the rest of my life! We had both drifted off when Adrian whispered that he should be going now and so we both got up and he washed up and got dressed. I dropped him off at his car by the store. We stood in an awkward silence for a minute then he came over to me, put his arms around me and kissed me deeply and said, "Thanks for the wonderful time last night baby. You will always be in my dreams! Maybe we will cross paths again." And with that he was gone. I was shaking. I was happy but sad at the same time. He was such a gentleman and I think that overnight I had honestly fallen in love with him. I watched him drive away, probably getting on with his life once again. As I needed to with mine. I went back home and took a long bath, though not wanting to wash his scent off me. That was when I realised he had left his sweatshirt on the bed. I brought it up to my nose and breathed in his scent. I slept with it that night, and the night after that and so on. And my dreams were filled with Adrian Toomes. I was happy. I got to truly express my feelings for the man I had grown to love. My sexy silver-haired Vulture!!!!!
TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!..........................................................................
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mnm-inc-miles · 4 years
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JAMES part one 01/04/2021 Sitting in a pub, the only of it’s kind open at this hour and during these circumstances, James found himself in the company of a man clearly looking for trouble. He had tattoo’s all down one arm and a face tattoo of a tear drop on his eye. James knew what that was supposed to signify and he was not only unafraid but also unamused. “What’s a good looking young man like yourself doing out at this hour?” He was clearly praying upon whom he thought was a delicate nance, James was no stranger to his looks. He was boyish if not close to girly which never bothered him since he was still young and yet to grow into his masculine nature. James certainly wasn’t lacking in confidence and he was far from naive so he sensed the dark energy the other was dishing. He decided to play coy, “Now there’s a pick up line I’ve never heard before,” his voice dripping of unmistakable sarcasm, there was no denying his insult. “I guess you’re looking for a fight then,” he growled. “Aren’t you?” James stated flatly, shifting his his seat and preparing to duck from an oncoming fist. He wasn’t wrong and when he saw the man’s swing he gave way to the floor and watched as one of the bar tenders came around the side of the bar to diffuse the situation. The bartender was a bigger man than the guy who advanced on James, with more tattoos and no hokey one on his face. His eyes were gentle but strong and he moved with a stern sense of purpose. “I bet you think you’ve won,” the tear drop tattooed man shouted as he was ushered toward the door. James shrugged, “Well, seeing as I’m still at the bar…” and he’d offer a playful wink before the door was shut and subsequently locked. The bartender came back to James and shook his head but smiled warmly, “You’re a bit of a pot stirrer, aren’t you?” James would shrug and play innocent as the bartender rolled his eyes. The other one, a beautiful young girl who was the exact opposite of her coworker, small delicate with dark skin and not a tattoo or beauty mark in sight, walked over and put her elbow on the counter while resting her face in her hand. “You’re lucky it’s closing time and we could lock him out. You got someone to walk home with you sweetheart?” “He can’t possibly wait out there that long. He’ll get bored and bugger off.” “You better hope,” she sighed. “We’re here for another hour as we close, you’re welcome to wait around until then. But when the lights are off you’ve got to go.” “I am incredibly gratuitous for any time inside love,” James would smile as he finished his last drink and went to settle his tab. She smiled and looked over at her coworker who nodded back at her. “It’s on the house dear, just be careful when you leave.” “I’ll walk with you for a couple blocks to make sure he’s given up,” the male bartender offered and James cocked a head, raising a brow as if to question the other’s offer. “Don’t take it wrong kid, I’m sure you pack a punch.” “I’m not offended,” James shrugged. “I welcome the company, and I most definitely don’t pack a punch.” The night dwindled down and three o’clock quickly turned to four thirty in the morning. The three of them were very pleasantly engaged in conversation and the closing of the bar took a little longer than intended. As usual James was able to get himself out of a bad situation and charm his way into an even better outcome than he’d expected to have pan out. As they finally braved the cold, the bitter sting a welcome relief to the flush of alcohol on their cheeks, James walked a few blocks with the gentleman once they waved goodbye to the girl who was picked up by a friend. “I think you’re in the clear,” he spoke, “I’m down a few blocks this way, you okay walking to your place from here?” “Oh yes, I’m fine.” He began to turn around, his own flat in the opposite direction of the way they walked. “Where are you going?” the bartender had noticed and asked before heading to his own home. “Is you’re home not nearby?” “Oh, sure,” James shrugged. “It’s a few blocks the other way.” He’d smile, his pearly whites glistening and his eyes amused and soft. “I didn’t want to be rude and reject your offer to walk with me…” The bartender laughed, “You’re a sweet kid, look, here,” he pulled out his phone and called for a cab. “Wait here on the corner, someone will be by to pick you up. It’s on me.” “Oh how chivalrous, is this what it’s like to be a lady?” The bartender laughed was about to respond when James chimed back in, “I’m only joking of course, your kindness is appreciated, truly.” The bartender smiled and reached out a hand, “Louie, it’s been great serving you tonight.” James reached for his hand and gave it a strong shake. “I hope to see you around.” “James, and I’m sure you will sir, have a good night. Thanks again for the car.” Louie offered, and even insisted that he wait with James for the car to arrive. When he bid him farewell James was beaming with joy. He simply loved when he engaged in nights as exciting as this with both the worst and the best of humanity. As the car let him off at the foot of his building James shuttered as a cold wind blew right through his clothes and chilled his bones. A voice came from behind him that sent chills even more frigid to his spine, “What’s a good looking young man like yourself doing out at this hour?” When he turned to face the voice, she had her arms crossed and her long slender fingers tapped at her biceps, her nails cut at a slight point and painted a pale pink. This woman was stunning. But beautiful in the way that is so obviously dangerous. The woman dripped of confidence and power. “What if I said I could offer you exactly what you’re looking for.” James wasn’t sure what she was getting at but he decided to play safe and keep respectful, “I’m not sure how you know what you know, I’m impressed, but I can assure you there’s nothing that I need from you, love.” With that he turned to leave after a slight bow of courtesy. “Magic,” she spoke and he froze. He could feel her baiting him and he was having trouble fighting it. “You’re looking for magic and I can give it to you.” Swallowing hard he turned and looked at her, his eyes narrow now as he grew suspicious but his curiosity still peaked. Inhaling deeply he raised a brow, “And to what do I owe for such a gift?” “You’d have to lay with me, you’d be given magic through the light of the moon…there’s no cost, only a catch. You cannot use this magic given to you for a month. It needs to harness power and grow until the passing of the next full moon.” “What happens if I try to use it?” “Quite simply, you loose it. Can you handle that?” James could feel the pull, he was so tempted because here it seemed was the easiest solution to his greatest feasible desire. Requisition of his ability to perform magic. Yet he knew the easy road quite often meant bad consequences. “Look, you’re lovely…but I simply…I cannot in good health or good conscience, agree to terms that I don’t understand.” He was firm in his statement but he felt his knees grow week. “I…I just, how am I supposed to know I can trust you?” “A leap of faith,” she smiled, and her hand grazed his wrist. He felt a flush of power course though his body. It was a warmth he had been seeking almost desperately for a couple weeks now. He could feel himself transporting to another place entirely. The world around him was shifting, half of it was the foot of his apartment and half was the clearing of the woods with the moon illuminating their immediate surroundings. “Trust me, listen to me, and your greatest desire will come true.” She leaned toward him and kissed his lips softly, and it was like a surge of electricity. The element of danger seemed to melt away. “I can take you home now if you prefer…” “No…” he paused as he drew nearer and drank her in once more. “I have my ways of getting out of trouble if this backfires,” he breathed as she gently kissed his skin. The light of the moon silhouetted their engagement against the backdrop of trees and James could feel his skin tingle. The danger of the moment heightened once more but he was captivated at this point. The combination of warmth and trust against the electricity and danger was intoxicating. The next moment the world shifted again and James awoke in his own bed wondering if all he experienced the other night was a dream. There was a note on his pillow to confirm otherwise, “Please, heed my warning and wait until the passing of the next full moon or you shall loose all that you’ve been given and open yourself up to some darker magic. Take care.” He dressed for the day and carefully tucked the note in his pocket, hoping to bring it to Albus for examination and thoughts.
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