#she talks about her brothers living in certain areas of the city and her entire social circle moving in certain circles of society
ncityzen · 1 year
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cryosewn · 2 years
a layout of the yang family's residence - aka what it actually means to sleep over at caiying's house
despite the in-game scale of liyue harbor, i actually perceive it to be much larger than it appears. considering it is the central hub of liyue and trade throughout all of teyvat, when you picture it in your mind, it should theoretically be massive and bustling at just about all times. i think also the incorporation of distinct parts of the city based on social class would imply that liyue harbor is meant to be perceived as taking up much more room but had to be scaled down for the game, which is understandable. i'm talking about this so that when i drop the reference pictures later on it doesn't seem weird that the yang family residence is ... huge.
caiying's paternal family is nouveau rich by all accounts, piggy backing off the wealth of her mother's family that they had access to through marriage and then further gaining status and finances from her stepmother's family (who are actually old money themselves). for the sake of this blog, caiying's father holding a position at the ministry is equivalent of an official position at court ( via examination as had been the case in china for quite a long time ) which I'm making the assumption comes with a stipend associated with the position. that is all to say that caiying and her family ... is rich. really rich. the upper class of liyue society that is not too far below the wealth of some members of the qixing.
when talking about the yang family residence it's important to make the distinction that it's actually a grand area of land with connected buildings / residence halls with each building having a designated function or housing certain members of the family.
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now ... the residence is not as big as the mansion of a literal prince but this serves as a reference for the general layout. the residence is a little over half of what is displayed above with the addition of the residence's garden. the residence is effectively divided as such:
main hall - official family events are hosted here as well as any gatherings or parties
study hall - place where the children go to be taught by instructors and where yang xin's office / library is located for individual cultivation or to continue work
several residences for the family members - yang xin has his own residence, caiying's step mother has her own (caiying's younger sister lives there), caiying's brother has his own, caiying's grandmother has her own (caiying used to live there), and caiying has her own. all of the residences have their own quarters for the servants
large building that has the kitchen and storage room for supplies like coal or fabrics although there is some manner of storage within each residence
garden - pretty : )
each building is consistently maintained and cleaned to preserve it for a long time. each residence is overseen by its own owner and given its own name by said owner. expenses are to be recorded daily and brought to the head of finances of the entire household, which is caiying's stepmother, for review and potential audit if the finances are off. though all servants of the residence ultimately answer to yang xin, servants of a specific residence tend to show more loyalty and favor to its owner.
the interiors are kept just as well as the exteriors. you know you're in a rich person's house when you step inside.
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the residences usually display any gifts or commissioned items in the central halls while the bedrooms are kept away from the public eye as they are considered extremely private. each residence is also equipped with side halls to have guests stay over and a courtyard to decorate as they please (within reason). occupants will usually have meals within their residences unless it's been requested that they go the main hall to have a family dinner or go to another residence to eat.
caiying's residence is more out of the way - at her own request since she prefers the quiet and to be undisturbed. she personally named it " Fukang " / 福康 Residence / Courtyard / Hall
福 / " Fu ": blessing, good fortune
康 / " Kang ": peaceful, healthy, abundant
anyway, i don't have anything else to talk about. please enjoy these reference pictures for your viewing pleasure
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All Men Have Limits - VI
Character: Dick Grayson x Reader x Bruce Wayne
Summary: A certain bat believes that Y/N is in way over her head, that she’s too naive to act in her best interest. So, whether she wants it or not, the vigilante family is going to help and protect her before she gets herself killed.
Word Count: 3,800+
Previously on…
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“Nightwing! Regroup!” Bruce snapped into the comms again.
No matter how dire the situation was, they always stuck with their codenames while in uniform. But right now, Bruce wanted to scream at Dick to get his shit together.
Dick was quiet for a moment, allowing his family to only hear the roaring of his motorcycle as it zipped through the streets of Gotham.
“By the time we regroup, she’ll be dead,” Dick answered darkly.
This was the biggest difference between Dick and Bruce.
Dick wasn’t ruled by his emotions – except when it involved the safety of people he cared for and loved. When that happened, his emotions took control. It was very unlike Bruce, which just proved there were some things Dick simply couldn’t get trained out of him.
Bruce was always calm and collected – even when it was his kids that were in danger. Was he scared for Y/N’s life? Yes. But he also knew that panicking and going in hot was not going to help her. If anything, it would put more people in danger.
“Jason is following him,” Tim announced.
Jason might’ve refused to use comms, but they still had a tracker on his bike.
“What’s the plan?” Tim asked.
Y/N probably looked like a drunk driver from the way she was serpentining to the heart of Gotham.
But she was tried to load a magazine into her gun as she ran every red light without getting t-boned by oncoming traffic.
It was…a lot. Especially since Y/N knew she were driving to her assassination.
It hadn’t been hard sneaking past the internal security at the manor. Y/N knew she could do it since she was brought there. But she decided to save that knowledge for the right time. And that was tonight. It was clearly designed mostly for Damian – or perhaps for any of the boys when they were younger and rebellious.
Then Y/N had to jumpstart the first car she saw parked on the street near Wayne Manor, which took longer than she had liked.
She might not have a lot of skills in the combat area. But she was rather resourceful in almost every other way – which included hijacking cars.
Y/N was so panicked about making it to the city before they could intervene, that her mind wasn’t really processing what was about to happen.
All Y/N knew was that she hoped they’d be done with it before any of them knew what was happening and could try to stop it.
She knew what they would’ve said. They would’ve told her to stay where she was and they would handle it. They would’ve done everything to keep her safe while also trying to save Gotham.
But Y/N couldn’t wait to see if she was responsible for the deaths of thousands while she sat on her ass and did nothing.
So she took her life into her own hands.
She gave enough information for them to use. Even if she was gone, she’d given them enough leads to finish the job without her.
Now her time was up.
Y/N knew eventually time would catch to her. She’d lived a far too risky life, threatened the most dangerous people, ruined the lives and locked up even more of dangerous people. It was only a matter of time before her luck ran out.
Y/N skidded the car to a stop. And she realized her hands were shaking as she threw the car into park.
She hadn’t stopped driving until she reached Old Gotham – right underneath the Clock Tower.
It was a nice, wealthy part of the city, which meant that there weren’t questionable people lingering on the streets.
In fact, it was eerily quiet – even for such a nice neighborhood. Y/N didn’t see a single person walking around in her vicinity.
But when she turned, there were five masked people watching her.
The Talons.
Their faces and bodies were completely covered, with their masks and goggles reminiscent of actual owls.
All of them had an arsenal of some sort of bladed weapon – countless knives, katanas, axes, or even broadswords. And, of course, they all had talons. 
“So you are the irritant,” one of them greeted, his voice muffled from his gear.
Y/N took a step back as she grabbed her gun out of the back of her waist.
But she felt a presence behind her and whipped around to see more Talons surrounding her.
Did they really expect her to be able to put up that much of a fight?
“I’ve been called worse,” Y/N smirked.
She was clearly in denial that she was about to die.
They all unsheathed their weapons.
But Y/N wasn’t going to let them make the first move.
She started shooting bullets. Either they were wearing bullet-proof vests or they were blocking her bullets with their weapons. It was all happening so fast that she couldn’t figure it out. She knew her aim wasn’t off. Jason had been secretly teaching her how to shoot. And she’d gotten rather good with his help.
“Fuck,” Y/N hissed when her magazine was empty and she had failed to take down a single Talon.
As she tried to reload the magazine, their patience ran out.
One of them knocked the gun out of her hand, slicing the skin in the process.
Before Y/N could look down at the damage, another Talon wrapped his hand around her neck and lifted her off the ground like a doll.
“How can such a weak and pathetic woman have caused such a nuisance?” He cooed at her as he tilted his head, inspecting her.
Y/N couldn’t reply even if she wanted to.
Her hands were frantically trying to free herself, nails ripping at the armor and gloves of the Talon.
“Perhaps she could be of use to us,” one of them spoke up. “Unless she’d rather die…”
But before they could drop her or make a decision, someone dropped into the middle of the chaos with a blur.
Next thing Y/N knew, she was being dropped to the ground and coughing to recover her breath.
When she looked up, she saw Dick – no, Nightwing – taking on all of the Talons who were sent to kill her.
Yes, Y/N had frequently seen Dick train with Bruce and his brothers. However, this was something entirely different.
Y/N watched in shock as Dick used his escrima sticks to take out the Talons in droves. He flipped, kicked, punched, and moved in a way Y/N had never seen before.
There was a moment of pause that gave him the opportunity to meet her gaze.
“Y/N, run!” Dick screamed as he flipped away from the deadly claws of a Talon.
She blinked at his command and snapped out of her daze.
Jumping to her feet, she did as he said.
But she only got a few yards before two more Talons dropped in front of her and blocked her path.
Her fear was interrupted by bullets raining on them seconds before a motorcycle flew into her peripheral.
Red Hood did a front wheel break and swung his motorcycle so precisely that he managed to take out both of the Talons with the backend of his bike.  
He turned to look at her. “Get on.”
But Y/N looked behind her at Dick, who was fighting Talon after Talon.
“What about Di–” she stopped herself from using his name. “What about Nightwing?!”
“Batman is on his way with the others. But right now, we have to get you out of here,” Jason yelled back.
Right on cue, the Batmobile came screaming toward them, as well as Tim on his motorcycle.
“Y/N, get on the motherfucking bike,” Jason warned her.
She turned around again and saw Dick now being aided by Damian, Tim, and Bruce. They were finally starting to overpower the Talons.
Clearly they hadn’t sent the numbers to defend themselves against the entire bat family. They probably assumed Y/N would head their warning and arrive unaccompanied. And Y/N did. But both her and The Court underestimated the vigilante family’s protectiveness towards her.
Y/N finally listened to Jason and jumped on the back of his motorcycle.
Barely giving her a second to adjust, Jason floored it and sped away from the fight as quickly as possible.
This motorcycle ride was nothing like the one Y/N shared with Dick.
Jason rode like bat out of hell, whipping around tight corners without slowing down. And even with her vice-like grip around his waist, Y/N felt like she could fly off at any moment. The wind stung against her skin like a million little needles.
“Where are we going?” Y/N tried to scream to him.
“We have to make sure they’re not tracking us before we return to the cave!”
Y/N couldn’t tell how long they had been driving around. But her arms and muscles were sore from the tension of holding on for dear life. She was so exhausted that if she hadn’t been so scared, she probably could’ve fallen asleep on the back of Jason’s motorcycle – even with his reckless driving.
Without any warning, Jason veered into a parking garage and went to the basement level where no cars were parked. He must’ve pressed a button because a hidden compartment was opening against the cement wall and suddenly they were driving through it.
Y/N got off the bike as soon as he stopped and looked around.
It must be one of his safehouses.
To her surprise, Jason took off his Red Hood helmet and then the domino mask underneath. He also grabbed some clothes that would either cover his Red Hood uniform or make it look like civilian clothing.
He pointed to a car, “Come on.”
Y/N followed him silently and got into the passenger seat.
It was a 20 minute ride back to the manor.
And it finally gave Y/N time to actually process what she had planned to do tonight. 
“Wanna talk about it?” Jason asked after 10 minutes of silence.
“And say what?” She challenged.
He smirked. “I don’t know. Maybe how you enjoy playing sacrificial lamb.”
Y/N ground her teeth together. “That’s oversimplifying it, and you know it.”
Jason just shrugged.
“That’s it?” She asked when he didn’t follow up with any more questions. “Really? You’re not going to start lecturing me?”
“Oh, definitely not. ‘Cause you’re gonna get a shit ton of that when Bruce sees you – maybe even from Dick, if he’s not too overwhelmed with relief from seeing you in one piece. Which, by the way, you’re very lucky to be.”
Y/N had no response to that.
The rest of the ride was quiet, except for the local classic rock radio station that Jason decided to turn on.
To their surprise, no one was waiting in the cave for them. But Dick and Tim’s motorcycles were parked, as well as the batmobile. So they had clearly returned.
“That might not be a great sign…” Jason mumbled as got out of his civilian car. “Come on,” he nudged with his head as he started making his way to the stairs that led back into the manor.
When they got up, Jason followed the sounds of voices coming from the kitchen.
Y/N’s eyes immediately took in the group, worried that someone would be missing.
No one was in full uniform. Tim and Damian were in sweats. Bruce’s cape and cowl were gone, but his full body armor was still on.
The three of them and Alfred were all gathered around Dick, who was sitting on the island counter shirtless with nothing but his black compression shorts on.
One of his left eye was black, there was dried blood below his nostrils, his bottom lip was split and swollen. But Y/N’s eyes were only looking at the wound on his side that Alfred was currently stitching. Clearly one of the Talons’ swords found an in.
When the family heard Jason and Y/N’s entrance, all eyes were on them.
Dick looked relieved.
But Bruce? He looked livid.
“What the hell were you thinking?”
He didn’t yell. No, instead his voice was low and even. And it scared Y/N more than yelling ever could.
But she was too busy looking at Dick’s injuries with concern.
Then her gaze raced to Tim and Damian, looking them up and down to try and assess if they had any injuries. But they seemed in good shape.
“Y/N!” Bruce snapped.
Finally she acknowledged him. 
“What?!” She growled in return.
“What were you thinking?”
“Bruce…” Dick warned quietly.
They had all seen Bruce get this way. And they all unfortunately had been on the other side of his wrath. They could see the telltale signs that Bruce was about to give one of his level-headed, but extremely disappointed speeches.
Except there was one big difference this time: Y/N wasn’t one of Bruce’s kids.
And by now, all of the boys had figured out that Bruce was feeling some kind of way about her. Even Damian had finally realized that Y/N wasn’t just an ally or fellow vigilante to his father.
“How about we all take in a deep breath and appreciate that none of us are dead?” Jason asked the group loudly. “Because we know that hasn’t always been on the case in the past…”
But Bruce ignored Jason and took a step to Y/N.
“You could’ve been killed,” he muttered quickly.
“I was trying to save innocent lives!” Y/N snapped.
“You should’ve told us as soon as you received the threat,” he countered.
“Why? So you could sideline me and make decisions about my fucking life?”
“We would have come up with a plan. One that did not involve you hot-wiring a car and driving to your death.”
“I was trying not to endanger anyone else, meaning all five of you!”
“And look how that ended,” Bruce answered darkly as she gesture to Dick, who was now stitched up and Alfred was putting a wrap around his torso.
“You can’t just shove your way into my life whenever you feel like it!” Y/N finally shouted at Bruce. “I was doing just fine before you added yourself to the situation.”
This wasn’t just about tonight anymore. The tension in their relationship had now flooded into the argument, finally reaching its boiling point.
“Tonight proved otherwise,” Bruce told her evenly.
But Bruce remaining too calm and showing no emotional reaction was only infuriating Y/N more.
“Hey!” Y/N yelled. “Just because I don’t put on a stupid costume and punch my way out of problems doesn’t mean you’re better than me. In fact, you would be screwed if it weren’t for me. You need me. You need me more than I need you.”
Bruce just glared at her.
“What? Nothing to say?”
“We can have a discussion when you stop behaving like a child.”
And it was finally what made Y/N snap.
She lunged at him.
What she planned on doing to him was beyond her. Everyone, including herself, knew she didn’t stand a chance against a petty fight with Batman. She probably couldn’t even land a punch if he let her.
Thankfully, she would never have to get that proven to her. Because Dick put a stop to it before it could actually start.
When he had moved off the counter and closer to their argument, she didn’t know.
But now Dick was finally intervening as he wrapped his arms around Y/N from behind her, pinning her arms to her side and pressing her back to his chest.
“A child?!” Y/N screamed as she tried to fight her way out of Dick’s grip. “Should I remind you that you fucked this ‘child’?!”
“Alright,” Dick warned her calmly. “That’s enough.”
“Let go of me!”
“Calm down,” he told her quietly.
Suddenly, Y/N remembered that Dick was injured, and he was injured because of her. And now she was thrashing against him, probably causing him harm and putting him at risk of opening the stitches Alfred had just finished.
“Fine,” she huffed. “I’m calm.”
But Dick waited a second or two before he decided to believe her.
When he let go, she lightly shoved him away from her and made her escape.
The whole family watched her leave, and felt the awkward tension that filled the room after she’d gone.
Tim looked shocked.
Jason glared at Bruce.
Damian seemed rather disappointed – in Y/N or his father, no one could figure out.
Dick eyed Bruce. “Great job,” he told him darkly.
Bruce just crossed this arms and sighed.
Dick gestured in the direction that Y/N went. “Aren’t you going to go after her?”
But he knew already from Bruce’s expression that he wasn’t going to anything of the sort.
“You know what, forget it.” Dick huffed before heading in the general direction that Y/N had escaped.
But Jason wasn’t going to let Bruce off the hook so easily.
“What the fuck is the matter with you?” He hissed.
“Stay out of it, Jason.”
“Stay out of it?” He mocked. “Yeah, it’s a little bit hard to do that when her safety has become a family matter.” Jason shook his head in disappointment and turned to leave, “I’m out of here.”
When Dick tried to retrace Y/N’s steps, he found the front door of the manor wide open. The sight was rather eerie for some reason. But Dick stepped onto the front of the manor and looked out at the land.
Had she made a run for the gate?
It wouldn’t be the first time tonight, clearly.
But after a few scans of the property, he eventually found her.
Despite the circumstances, Dick couldn’t help but smirk when he found Y/N sprawled on the great lawn of the manor, laying on her back and staring up at the stars.
He stood over her. “I’m surprised you didn’t make a run for it.”
“Oh, I tried,” she told him matter of factly. “Bastard’s already updated the security system from earlier tonight.”
“Believe it or not, that’s his way of saying he cares. Just ask Damian.” He slowly sat down on the lawn with her, but made sure to still give her some space.
“No. It’s his way of reminding me that he’s the one in control.”
Dick winced, knowing there was probably truth to that, too.
“He shouldn’t have said that to you,” Dick sighed.
Y/N scoffed. “What part?”  
He hesitated before clarifying. “You’re not a child.”
She went quiet, not expecting him to get right to it.
“Well, we’re the same age…so of course you’d say that.”
Dick rubbed his face, knowing this was a losing battle. Nothing he said on the matter would bring her comfort.
Y/N finally looked away from the stars and her face scrunched in guilt and worry as she took in Dick’s fresh bandage. There was a pinkish blotch that showed just how big the wound was.
Slowly she sat up and turned to him. “Are you okay?” She whispered shakily.
He grinned at her concern. “Believe it or not, this is nothing.”
But Y/N still reached forward and cupped his face. Her thumb traced around his black eye, but made sure not to put any pressure on the swollen skin.
Dick leaned into her touch, not bothering to try and hide the affection.
“This is exactly what I didn’t want,” Y/N mumbled.
Dick opened his mouth, but then quickly changed his mind and closed it again.
“What?” She pushed.
But before Dick would answer, he slowly moved into her space. Then he pressed his forehead to hers.
“Please, don’t do anything like that again.”
His approach was different, but it was clear Dick and Bruce felt the same way about the stunt she had pulled. 
Y/N was quiet.
“I understand why you did it. I really do.” He added quickly. “But just…” He paused and took in a shaky inhale. “Tonight scared the hell out of me, Y/N.”
“I’m sorry,” Y/N whispered.  
“I know you are. I saw it on your face as soon as you saw my injuries.” His eyes went dark. “But we can’t do things like that. We have to work together or this is all going to explode in our faces.”
Y/N thought over his words.
His hands went to cup her face.
“Deal?” He pushed.
She nodded.
Then Dick’s eyes moved down to her throat.The blistering red was already fading and being replaced by purple and blue bruising.
His mind flashed back to earlier, how he saw her dangling by her throat and unable to escape the Talon’s grip. The sight had caused him to rush into battle, not thinking of a plan before doing so. It went against everything Bruce had taught him. But seeing Y/N’s life in danger made him black out.
“We should get some ice for your neck,” Dick muttered quietly.
Then he looked down at her hand. It had stopped bleeding, but the cut looked painful and there was dried blood surrounding it.
“Fucker sliced it when he knocked my gun out of my hand,” Y/N mumbled when she saw Dick staring at it.
He eyed her suspiciously. “And I suppose Jason’s been helping with that, huh?”
She cringed. “Maybe…”
Dick just huffed and shook his head.
He started getting up, “Come on. Let me clean that cut and get some ice for your neck.”
But Y/N pulled him back down.
“Wait. Can we…Can we just stay for a bit?” She asked quietly, and then pointed up and laid back down in the grass to stare up at the sky.
Dick smirked and nodded.
He joined her, moving closer this time so their shoulders touched.
“You can actually see the stars out here,” Y/N sighed.
The smog and city lights of Gotham made them invisible.
But now they were far enough to see a few.
Dick thought about all the places he used to travel to with the circus. Some of them were so far removed from society that he could see every single star at night.
But he didn’t tell Y/N that this was nothing compared to those places.
Instead, Dick just slowly moved his hand and grabbed Y/Ns, interlacing their fingers. A part of him expected her to pull away. But she squeezed his hand and kept looking up.
Alfred found Bruce in the library, looking out the windows.
When he joined his side, he saw what Bruce was looking at: Dick and Y/N laying on the grass of the great lawn, stargazing.
“You’re disappointed in me,” Bruce said without taking his eyes off the two.
“I said nothing of the sort, Master Wayne.”
Bruce frowned. “You don’t have to.”
“She is not another charge, Master Wayne.” Alfred sighed. “Therefore you should not treat her as such.”
“I’m trying to keep her safe.”
“Why do you think she said nothing of the threat?” Alfred countered. “Why do you think she did not believe she could trust you?”
Bruce said nothing.
“You put the safety of Gotham over your own life every night, Master Wayne.” Alfred continued. “Yet you are so spiteful towards others who do the same.”
That finally made Bruce turn away from the window to look at Alfred.
“You owe her an apology,” Alfred finally confirmed. “Even if Master Dick has become rather good at cleaning up your messes.” 
Part 7
Let me know what you think – please, please, please.  
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everysongineverykey · 3 years
so i'll try to go in order here. uhhhh... there's a LOT i have to say. first: toriel giggling sprite my beloved
ralsei's, uh... kinda sus. the whole "recruiting" thing REALLY sketches me out. and he looks kinda... smug, all the time, like he knows what's going on.
so before i entered the city there was that pre-city area? that looked very much like the city? except it had different music? and i thought they'd cut welcome to the city and i was SEVERELY disappointed. but then they didn't! just something i wanted to mention
throughout this game i went from despising berdly to feeling bad for him to not really liking him again, but not hating him as much as before. he'd better stay the fuck away from susie though
the queen is the best villain. she's the kind you love to hate! she's literally so funny AND her boss battle is actually tough (rip to the king but he just. wasn't a formidable enemy at all lol)
the puzzles in this chapter were genuinely really impressive! i especially loved the word search puzzles and the ice-ee undertale word search reference💙
that being said. the mouse puzzles were SO fucking infuriating. i caused poor noelle a LOT of grief with those and i feel bad.
SPEAKING OF NOELLE!! the scene where she and kris are walking through the puzzle, the one that spells "december", and she's talking about when they were kids, how she loved sneaking out? beautiful. the cinnamon tography <3 also i guessed dess's full name was december a while ago and while i guess it was obvious, it's nice to have that confirmed!
also, i love that susie and ralsei are real friends in this chapter! he taught her a healing spell!!
ugh. fucking berdly. so smug and pretentious. i love queen's desire to be as far away from him as possible though
i also like his backstory. it gives his behavior, even if it's still annoying, at least some context. i get the feeling of feeling like if you're not smart, people will forget about you, and that's scary.
anyways. time for me to talk about the only thing that matters in this world: suselle. i mean, did the gays win in this chapter or DID THE GAYS WIN IN THIS CHAPTER?? THEY RODE A HEART-COVERED FERRIS WHEEL AND HAD A HEARTFELT, TENSION-FILLED CONVERSATION!
"did you ever wonder why the real susie never picked on you? well, maybe it's because... when you were both new to class, you lent her one of your pencils, like... maybe a dumb one with candy canes on it or something, and... even though it didn't actually taste like candy, she... remembered your smile." okay god thanks toby it's not like i needed my heart or anything
SERIOUSLY. TOBY "i'm gonna give the gays everything they want" FOX IS BACK WITH ANOTHER BANGER LADS
the way my heart BROKE when lancer turned to stone good god thank GOD our boy's okay
also!! kris and ralsei's little moment on the swan boat💙 i wasn't a kralsei shipper before but uh... that may be starting to change
it's hard because ralsei's still suspicious but at the same time i love him and want him to be happy. i don't know how to feel
also, if darkners outside of their dark worlds turn to stone after a while, why didn't ralsei? that's, uhhh... VERY sus. very weird. mr fox i need ANSWERS
seriously the thing that peeved me about ch1 was that the last save point was on the battle stage and if i wanted to play the epilogue again, i had to. do that entire battle all over. BUT NOW THAT'S BEEN FIXED!!
on that note: "looks like a car. this one has a man in it. he waves at you happily." AND THEN THE MAN'S GONE??? HEY TOBY???
and yes yes i KNOW kris slashed toriel's tires. that was extremely troubling. but THEY MADE PIE TOGETHER!!
"leave the chalk alone, kris" TORIEL!!
sans and toriel making egg puns and asgore running in and going "don't forget me, your eggs-husband!" is the FUNNIEST sitcom moment type thing ever. GOD.
on the other hand sans let me meet your brother god dammit i'll kill you
RUDY... "who got you these flowers?" "is it weird for a married man to get flowers?" "so your wife did?" "oh, no! kris's dad did!" "...not even gonna try to understand this..." TOBY STOP ITTTT YOU'RE GIVING THE ASGORUDY SHIPPERS FALSE HOPE. YOU KNOW YOU'RE JUST GONNA KILL RUDY. YOU'RE JUST RUBBING SALT IN THE WOUND!
seeing kris repeatedly they-themmed by multiple characters makes me so happy <3 poor kid... "college summer vacation when" "you opened the door with your eyes closed. you saw nothing" kris....
the staticy tv appearing in the dark and a toothy smile slowly fading into view in the center and lingering there ominously for far too long >>>>>>> every hollywood horror movie ever god. GOD
snowy and monster kid checking out the red door. implying there's something in there. something that kris knows about. knowing we won't get any more deltarune content for 5+ years does NOT fill me with determination
also. gaster's symbolic theme being mus_smile. and the final image in the game being a smile. god. gaster's COMING lads.
onionsan hears a song at night... a familiar song... memory, perhaps? or maybe a certain... four-note arpeggio that's hidden in a sound test room in undertale? who knows? guess we'll just have to wait for chapters 3/4/5.
this concludes my ramblings for now, but don't get it twisted- this is FAR from the last post i'll make about ch2. this whole chapter was absolutely amazing! brilliant! showstopping!! i'm genuinely soooo super impressed and excited for the chapter 3/4/5 bundle!!!
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heliads · 3 years
Good Time Baby
Based on this request: “female reader is a lesbian and a local musician. Wanda crushes on her, the crush is mutual? Wanda goes to one of her gigs. she announces she’s taking requests, and someone requests Nothin’ But A Good Time by Poison. She acts super flirty to Wanda at the line “I spend my money on women and wine”, and Wanda is a blushing mess.
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You stare at yourself in the cracked mirror. A face stares back at you. You’re not entirely sure that it’s yours, but it moves when you move and it blinks when you do, so that’s good enough for you. The din of the club echoes around you, stopped only by the thin doors marking backstage. New York is loud, so it’s hard to find someplace quiet to sit and think. This little corner of a former storage closet turned backstage is going to have to be good enough for you.
A knock sounds on the door, and seconds later, a familiar face is grinning over at you. “Hey, Y/N. You ready for tonight’s show?” You force yourself to stand up, plastering on a smile. “As ready as I’m going to be.” Your drummer, Kenna, raises an eyebrow. “Love to hear that confidence. I do think your odds are going to change, though.” She waits a moment, then smirks at you. “A certain Wanda Maximoff is in the house again. You know, I think she’s starting to come to a lot of our shows, actually. Isn’t that strange?”
Her tone is innocent, but you’ve known her for too long to be fooled by her seeming innocence. You swat your friend with a nearby magazine. “Alright, alright. Lay off. Wanda’s just, well, Wanda. Maybe she has a taste for small scale rock bands.” Kenna snorts. “Is that why she always makes sure to nab a front row seat, and only seems to let herself relax when she sees you take the stage?”
You fold your arms over your chest. “I’d say everyone here tries to get a front row seat. And of course she relaxes whenever I come onstage, it means that we’re actually starting our performance and not waiting for you to finish flirting with her twin brother.” Kenna gasps in outrage. “Hey, it’s not my fault Pietro Maximoff is devastatingly handsome!”
You shrug, fixing your hair and outfit in the mirror. “I don’t know, Kenn, he’s not my type.” The drummer rolls her eyes. “No men are your type, Y/N, you can’t bring that up against me. Besides, you can’t make fun of me for crushing on Pietro when you’ve clearly got eyes for his twin.”
You glance over at her, somehow unable to deny this. “I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Kenna grins, sensing your weakness. “I bet you don’t. Now come on, it’s time to get going. You don’t want Wanda to have come here for nothing, do you?” This time, Kenna is expecting a swat to her shoulder, and dodges it gleefully.
You dutifully follow your drummer through the backstage area until you wait before the door leading to the front of the club. You’ve been living in New York for a while now, playing small bars and bigger clubs until you’ve made it here. You’d say that you’re fairly well known among the music circles, and look forward to putting out an album or two soon enough. You haven’t gotten here alone, though, and it’s thanks to your band that you’re even standing here today.
Your band is composed of friends, some you’d made from before and others that had come to join after the first members left for brighter tides. In the end, you’re left with a ragged assortment of yourself, two other guitarists, and Kenna on the drums. You couldn’t ask for anything more or find anything better in the entirety of this ungodly city.
You’ve been playing electric guitar and heading the band for a while now, although it doesn’t mean that performing comes any easier to you. You still feel that same rush of adrenaline before you take the stage, like you’re still a nervous teenager preparing for a school presentation. Then you look out through the small window in the door and see her- Wanda Maximoff, standing in a crowd of excited onlookers, waiting for the show to start.
Instantly, you swear that all of your nerves fade away from you. Sure, you may brush off Kenna’s teasing like it’s all a lie, but you can’t hide it from yourself anymore. For every performance and every show, you always scan the audience for Wanda, and every time, you feel your heart skip a beat whenever you see her.
It’s just that she’s always there, always greets you with a smile. You’ve gathered up your courage and offered to take her backstage a few times, excusing it as a thank-you to one of the best Avengers in gratitude for saving the city, but you’re fairly sure that Wanda was able to see through the flimsy excuse. In truth, you just want to see her, to talk to her and pretend that there would ever be a chance that she might like you back.
So, at this sight of Wanda waiting for you, you pull your courage back over you like a leather jacket, and push open the doors. Instantly, you’re greeted by a wave of cheers and applause from the gathered crowd, but you’re only listening for one voice among them. You hear it, too- Wanda smiling at you, cheering along with the others. You can’t help but grin.
You take the stage, tapping your fingers against your electric guitar until Kenna counts you into the first few drum beats. From there, it’s like surfing- all you have to do is follow the tide of the music, and sing along. You know the chords, you wrote them in a crowded studio and on the train and wherever you could find the presence of mind to pull out a pen and jot down a few notes on a crumpled piece of paper.
After a few songs, you decide to open up the show to the audience a little bit. You ask for song requests, and you receive a fair amount of submissions. One catches your attention, and you call it out to your bandmates: “How about ‘Nothin’ but a Good Time’ by Poison?” The others nod their assent, changing their tunes to reflect the opening bit of the song. You know the song, know the attitude of every performer to ever sing it, and decide to indulge yourself just a little bit.
So, you move your mike a little closer to the audience, and step down from the stage, strumming along to the first few chords. You get through the beginning of the lyrics, no problem, interacting with the crowds and even letting them sing along. Then you edge a little closer to Wanda, until you’re standing right in front of her. For once, you let the song do the talking: 
Don’t need nothin’ but a good time
How can I resist,
Ain’t lookin’ for nothin’ but a good time
And it don’t get better than this
Wanda’s grin is electric. She sways side to side in time to the song. You could swear that the entire world blocks itself out until it’s just you and her and the music. Hell, maybe Kenna was right after all. Maybe you do have a chance with Wanda Maximoff, as impossible as that seems. You gather up your courage, and sing the next few words directly to her.
They say I spend my money on women and wine
But I couldn’t tell you where I spent last night
I’m really sorry about the shape I’m in
I just like my fun every now and then
You wink as you say ‘fun’, unable to stop yourself, and a shameless smirk spreads over your lips at the sight of Wanda Maximoff, whose face is now covered in a delicate blush. When you glance back towards the stage, Kenna’s laughing at you, but you can’t quite find it within yourself to care. You give Wanda one last grin, then head back up onto the stage. From there, you finish the song, along with a few others, although you’re not sure that you actually focused on any of them. No, you’re living solely through the moments you share with Wanda across the audience, between winks and stolen glances and enough flirty looks to say a thousand words.
At last, the show is over, and you bid a cheering crowd goodnight before finally retiring your electric guitar to its stand and heading back off of the stage. Before you disappear backstage, though, you lock eyes with Wanda one last time and silently jerk your head towards the door. It’s an invitation you can only hope she’ll accept.
You don’t have to wait long for an answer, though. You’ve barely closed the door behind you and stood, somehow nervous, in your section of the backstage area before a knock comes on the door again. Seeing as this person has the tact to not barge in immediately, you can guess that it’s not Kenna, and walk over to the door. When you open it, you’re greeted with a woman who looks far too shy for her reputation as a powerful Avenger.
Wanda Maximoff smiles at you. “Hope you don’t mind if I come in.” You grin. “I’d never turn down an offer to spend time with you, Maximoff.” You step aside, allowing her to come in, then shut the door behind the two of you.
You’ve done your best to flirt with Wanda before, but never like this, never so direct. Maybe that’s why she seems so hesitant now. You’re flung into a storm of doubts, one that settles upon your shoulders now that you don’t have the adrenaline rush of the show left to spark your veins with enough electricity for winks and stolen glances.
After a heartbeat more, Wanda turns to you, emboldened by some desperate hope that makes itself known through fingers twisting the edge of her t-shirt. “I like you, Y/N. I like you a lot.” You feel like you could sigh with relief. “I like you too, Wanda.” Despite this, she still seems uncertain. “Are you sure? I mean, I thought you were looking at me during the show, but if it was just an act for the crowd-”
You cut her off, one finger on her lips. “It wasn’t an act, Wanda. I promise. I’ve liked you for a long time now, and my feelings don’t go away once I step off the stage. Every time I see you in the crowd, I feel like I’m going to be lightheaded. Trust me, I couldn’t fake any of this.” You tilt your head to the side slightly. “You can tell that, can’t you? You can see my mind.”
Wanda shakes her head slightly. “I don’t like to read people’s minds without their permission.” You smile quietly at her. “You have mine. Look. See how much I love you.” Wanda’s eyes flicker shut in concentration, and a few seconds later, this strange sensation comes over you. It’s familiar, and you’d swear that you’d know it was Wanda even if she wasn’t here in front of you. It hovers around your temples for a second before leaving.
When Wanda’s eyes open again, she’s beaming. “You really do like me?” You smile. “Of course I do.” Wanda grins. “And apparently Kenna knows as well?” You groan. “She won’t leave me alone about it. Trust me, if you didn’t believe me, Kenna would convince you.” Wanda’s laugh is one of the purest melodies you’ve ever heard. “All the same, I think I knew when I heard you singing to me. All you want is a good time, huh?”
You grin at her. “And I think you’re the best time I could possibly have.” When you kiss her, Wanda freezes slightly, as if after everything she still didn’t quite believe that you could love her. When she kisses you back, though, you know that she finally knows it to be true.
wanda maximoff/marvel tag list: i would flirt with you in front of a live studio audience @rogueanschel​, @mionemymind​, @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​, @mycosmicparadise​, @ellobruv-blog​, @caswinchester2000​
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butwhyduh · 4 years
Hi! Can I request 'First Apartment' with Tim Drake? Like maybe be and reader are trying to get it on while moving but bat family appears because the want to help and/or see theirs new place? Whatever floats your boat rly. Just plz can I have some Tim content :)?
I love our boy Timbo 💕
Warning:smut, bra ripped
The keys entering the door and turning the lock sounded heavenly. It felt like freedom and ownership. As Tim gently turned the handle, he stopped in front of you. You looked at him a little confused.
“What?” You asked and he gave you a shy smile as he shoved the keys in his pocket.
“Hold on,” he grabbed behind your knees and back to pick you up bridal style. You grabbed at his arm.
“Tim!” You yelped and he laughed before walking you into the room sitting you down on your feet inside.
“I’d lay you on furniture but they’re kinda hard to get to,” he admitted. Boxes made a maze to the couch and chair. The apartment was way nicer than anything you’d ever considered but it wasn’t surprising that Tim Drake-Wayne could afford a fancy place. A nice penthouse apartment in a relatively safe area of town had a drop level living room, open airy stainless steal kitchen and a giant master bedroom with a walk in shower and jacuzzi.
“We’ll get to work on that tomorrow. Look at the view,” you said looking at the dying light of a sunset. The city of Gotham almost looked hopeful in the amber light. Tim wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and rested his chin on your shoulder. You could feel his body warmth and smell his soft cologne. You felt secure.
“I’m glad you like it. The view really sold me on the place,” he said in your ear. He swayed you both side to side. Of course he had many strategic reasons for the place including security and privacy. There had been a whole spreadsheet to his decision. He hadn’t stressed you about the 25 places he inspected but showed 3 equally perfect choices.
“And I thought it was the easy commute to your work and my university,” you quipped.
“That’s a bonus. But the fact that I can stand in my living room without my brothers interrupting us right now is pretty nice too,” he said with a kiss to your neck.
“Definitely a bonus. It’s like they knew when we were kissing. Every time,” you said leaning your head back to expose your neck more. Tim hummed in agreement against your skin. His lips pressed soft kisses along your skin. His fingers slid up your shirt to make circles on your stomach. You gasped and grabbed his hair as he nipped a sensitive spot on your collar.
The door bell rang. Tim groaned before walking to the door. He opened it to see Barbara and Dick standing at the door, Dick’s hand was casually thrown over her shoulder. They looked like a pair of models and must be very conspicuous when seen together. Dick offered Tim a bottle of wine. “Hey Timbo, we thought we’d come congratulate you guys. Hey Y/n,” He waved. You nodded back.
“Do you both want to come in?” Tim offered, always a gentleman. Dick walked in and looked around. Barbara gave you a light hug before coming in.
“Look at the view! This is a little nicer than my first place in Bludhaven,” Dick laughed. Tim sat the wine on the counter.
“Your first place in Bludhaven was terrifying. I could smell the crime walking in. You didn’t have to travel far for patrol,” Barbara laughed.
“It was a nice place on a rookie cop pay,” he defended himself. Barbara rolled her eyes.
“This place will be cute when it’s fixed up,” Barbara said. While Dick was looking at the place, Barbara took a look at you and Tim. Tim’s hair was messy and cheeks and lips pink. You looked similarly flushed.
“Dickie, let’s give them space. They’ll probably want to start unpacking,” Barbara said. She gave him a wink. Dick looked confused for a second before it clicked.
“Yeah, we can visit again later,” Dick said with a little smile as he walked to the door. “Congrats on the place. And don’t forget protection,” he said quickly before he and Barbara left. Tim flushed a deep red.
“Well at least they left,” you said grinning. Tim rolled his eyes. “And wine!”
“Yeah. I mean, we’re 19 and a cop gave us wine but it’s nice,” Tim said walking over to you again. “But I’d rather tap something else instead of that bottle,” he muttered under his breath.
You gasped and giggled. “Tell me what you really want, Timmy.” You wrapped your arms around his neck. His blue eyes were always so intense that sometimes you could see him thinking. Tim’s big brain always took your breath away when he’d finally tell you what he was thinking.
“You’re happy right? Psychologically, moving is the 3rd most stressful life event most people have, statistically,” he said quietly. He looked at you like you were the sun. He held your waist gently and your faces were only a few inches from each other.
“I’m very happy. You make me so happy,” you said softly. He relaxed visibly and kissed you gently. Tim reached a hand up to caress your cheek. He pulled back a fraction.
“That’s all I’ve ever wanted,” Tim said. His face searched yours for a reaction. You shyly smiled and leaned up to catch his lips. He held the back of your neck and waist tightly as he deepened the slow kiss. It was not rushed or in lust. It felt like he wanted you to feel appreciated and treasured.
“TT. Father, we should have waited another day to visit. Though luck because leaving the door unlocked was an ill advised choice, Drake,” droned the younger Wayne brother. You pulled away from Tim and looked to see Bruce Wayne and Damian Wayne standing in the doorway. Bruce had the slightest upturn of his lips. Tim glared at Damian.
“Knocking works. And the door bell,” Tim said.
“I was testing your security system. Everything appears functional except human error of an unlocked door. You should take mind of that particularly as your partner is insufficient at self defense,” Damian stated looking around. You gave Damian a mirthless smile.
“Damian,” Bruce said and the boy quieted. “This is a good apartment. I designed it myself some time ago. The sunset through the full window was a design feature. I hope you both enjoy it.”
“Thanks, Bruce,” Tim said rubbing his neck, knowing that was basically a hug and love you from a non-emotionally constipated parent.
“It’s really nice, Mr Wayne. I didn’t know you did architecture,” you said watching Damian who was now inspecting the wall and window seals.
“Occasionally I have spent time personally designing certain buildings. Especially when I plan to give them to one of my boys. This is yours, Tim. The name transfers to yours on Monday,” Bruce said walking around the room and purposefully not looking at Tim. You looked at him in shock.
“The whole building,” you asked faintly.
“Yes. Tim is an adult. I built this as an investment piece. We can talk revenue stream and care on Monday but I assure you that it is quite profitable. I’ve done this for each of my boys as they’ve moved out as adults. Dick has a building downtown and Jason insisted on an entire block in the Narrows that is now a non-profit clinic and homeless shelter. I have others for my other children as well,” Bruce said.
“Thank you, Bruce,” Tim said and he gave Bruce a half hug.
“Of course, as the blood son I get the manor,” Damian said with a smirk.
“You’re the blood son? Never heard that one,” Tim said rolling his eyes.
“In many years. I’m still using the manor, Damian,” Bruce said and you swore you saw him rolling his eyes at Tim.
“You can still use it as long as you want. It will just be in my name at the earliest convenience,” Damian started. Bruce laughed.
“Absolutely not,” he said. “Let’s get going. They probably want to be alone in their new apartment.”
Damian gave a look. “Lock the door, Drake. No point in top point Wayne security if you leave the door open.”
“Yeah I know,” Tim said with a fake smile.
“Thanks for stopping by!” You called after them. Damian locked the door on the way out.
“Finally!” Tim said. You laughed. “Where were we earlier?” He pulled you into a deep kiss and any questions you had about owning a freaking building was lost. He grabbed at your hips and pulled you tight. You moaned as he nipped at your neck. Tim pushed you against the island in the kitchen. He slid his hands underneath your sweater before turning you away from him. You were bent at the waist over the counter.
“Timmy,” you breathed as he kissed your neck and palmed your breasts under your sweater. He hummed against your skin while grinding on your ass.
“Woah, Timbers,” came a voice from the bedroom. You yelped. Jason and one of his outlaw friends stood in the doorway. Tim quickly pulled his hands from in your shirt and pulled the fabric down. He didn’t let you go as he had a massive erection by this point but he basically covered your body with his arms, the best he could. You turned and buried your head in his neck. It was one thing to be seen kissing and another groping over a kitchen counter.
“What the fuck, Todd,” Tim asked mentally planning to change all locks and updating security. He glared at his brother.
“Just thought I’d bring over a housewarming gift,” Jason said with a 6 pack of beer in his hand. His friend showed off another pack and a bag of chips. “We’ll leave and come back another time,” he said with a big grin. Tim noticed that they didn’t leave the food or drink but instead went back to the secondary elevator in the bathroom. “I’ll lock this for you. Don’t forget protection,” Jason said with a wink.
“Bye,” Tim said forcefully. Jason and his friend laughed and left via the elevator. “I’m checking every lock in here.”
He walked around the apartment, checking every lock just as he promised. He came back to you with a look of hunger in his eyes. Tim roughly kisses you before all but pushing you to the bedroom where he pressed you on the bed.
“Oof,” you made the soft sound as you bounced on the mattress. Before you could get your barings, Tim kissed at your neck. Normal you’d complain about him marking you so roughly but the sensation was amazing. He quickly threw off your shirt and continued marking down your chest. His fingers fiddled with the strap of your bra before just ripping the thin fabric.
“Timothy!” You gasped. He grinned up at you before taking your nipple in his mouth. You moaned and grabbed at his hair. You pulled at his tie and dress shirt. Tim pulled away and quickly shoved them off. He might have even popped a button or two. You ran your hands along his bare chest feelings the muscles underneath. He unbuttoned and with a hook, yanked both your pants and underwear off in a smooth movement. You gasped at his eagerness. He never acted this way.
Tim hand slid up your thighs to play with your folds as he kissed you. You all but panted against his lips. You pulled at his belt and he leaned away for a second to roughly shove his pants and boxers down his legs.
“Where are the condoms?” He said, palming himself.
“No need. Birth control,” you answered and he groaned with a look similar to pain. Tim climbed over you again. He sunk in slowly.
“Holy shit you’re wet,” he said. You really were but the fact that he couldn’t remember the last time he had sex without a condom had more to do with it. Tim grabbed your hips to ground himself.
“Please... move,” you whined. He started slowly. It was agonizing on your end. Tim reached between your legs to rub your clit. He wasn’t going to last long but he’d was damned if he didn’t want you to finish first. After getting his baring, he started moving faster.
The sounds you made were magical and it sped him faster and harder. You moaned into his mouth as he roughly kissed you deeply. His tongue possessive lay swept in your mouth. Tim could feel you tightening around him and your sounds growing louder. You weren’t going to last long. You clenched around him tightly in release. He grunted and thrust roughly before cumming. He moved through both of your highs before stopping.
Tim’s forehead rested on yours and his weight laid on your body. You could feel his heart pounding roughly. “Tim, you’re heavy,” you protested. He rolled off to beside you.
Tim pulled you on his chest and kissed your lips gently. “I’m so glad you moved in with me. Our place.”
You smiled and stared at his perfectly blue eyes. “Our place,” you said kissing his cheek.
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Are you living with your parents? If yes, is there any possibility for you to move out? It does wonders to get space between you and your parents, even if they are not directly abusive or something. Of course it doesn't heal or change everything but it does more than you probably think. Parents also give a sense of security (financially or otherwise) but it holds us back in our healing process. I was able to move out in my early 20s because of my therapists, psychiatrist and some disability support thing from our gouvernment. My therapist wrote something about how I must move out or else I wouldnt be able to work someday because I wasnt able to get back on my feet in that environment. I got the information about that possibility from a street worker (social service who work with homeless kids and teenagers in my area. I wasnt homeless and i wasnt actively abused). I live on the other side of the world but maybe something like that is possible for you too? Could you ask somewhere? There are sometimes therapeutic or social services that can give advice or point you in the right direction.
I fear the progress you make will be slow or not happen at all if you are still so close with your parents. If you dont live with them, still be careful of getting healthy space between yourself and them. Of course dont break the ties or anything, just being careful.
I hope this didnt come off as rude but I cant help but see certain patterns in what you write. You are a bit stuck, yes. But I dont think its entirely because of yourself but also because of circumstance. And maybe the circumstances can be altered a little bit.
Wishing you the best, whatever happens!
That’s so amazing anon!! I’m so happy for you 💕💕💕 That’s awesome that you were able to get the support and resources you needed to move out and that it helped you. I know that must have been a big change so I’m really proud of you for taking the plunge 💕💕
And I do still live with my parents. Honestly at this point I don’t even know if my reasons for staying are valid or if I’m just making excuses because I’m scared lol.
I do know one major factor is just the cost of living in Australia , and especially where I live, is pretty big at the moment. I don’t live in a major city but the cost of houses and renting here is very similar to some cities in this country, and I don’t know if I’m really ready to move to a cheaper area yet. Since all of my doctors and stuff are here.
I also just have mixed feelings about leaving my parents and my brother. My brother is only 13 and my mum’s MS isn’t getting any better. I don’t want him to have to be the one to look after her. Because I had to do that when I was a teenager - I want him to experience his youth. Not to mention my mum and dad are always at each other’s throats and fighting and my dad at least 2 times a year will have a mini breakdown of sorts that’s always stressful. I don’t want my brother to have to be around all that alone. That’s a lot got a young boy to handle and I don’t want him to go through what I did when I was younger. I’m also used to being the mediator between my parents so it helps to leave him out of it.
And also just helping my mum with my brother. He’s got mental health issues himself and he’s just going through a bit of a rebellious teenager phase and I don’t know how to say this without sounding arrogant but he tends to talk to me about and open up to me a bit more then here. And she’s not always the best at understanding mental health issues. It took lots of pushing on my part to get her to sign him up for therapy. And even now we are still on the waiting list. Not to mention she can’t really drive so if he needs someone with him at his appointment she can’t go with him. But if I’m here I can catch the bus with him.
And I worry about my DSP money not being enough to cover everything. I think maybe that’s part of the reason I have issues with spending my money so much. I think in the back of my head I know there is going to come a time when I don’t have any left over money so I’m getting as many things as I can now before that happens. I mean there are obviously other stupid reasons I do it as well but I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately lololol.
So yeah. I very well could just be making a bunch of excuses at this point , because it is daunting. But I also know it has to happen one day. And I want it to happen to. I want to enter that part of adulthood and have my own space that’s just mine. I think that would be so wonderful. I guess it might just take me a little longer to get there.
Thank you so much for popping in and giving me such lovely advice and support, it means a lot!! I hope you have a wonderful and beautiful day 💖💕💕
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marshmellowpaint · 2 years
also I would like to know more about Dale and Jón. Please <3
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Dale Moore:
- He's 6'0"
- Dale is the 2nd eldest of 4 siblings (which include older sister Hailey [27], younger sister Jemma [13] and younger brother Joel [10])
- His mother works in a higher-up position on the Turerich council, making her a rather respected and well-known person, while his dad works as a coach for the local basketball team (which has been to and won national competitions!!)
- He's been dating his girlfriend, Tracy (shown in the drawing above) since they were in year 9 (so 3 years!!) and loves her dearly hehe
- Rossi and Dale have known each other since they were 4/5 years old, and he would give the entire world up for Rossi. They are basically platonic soulmates, people who would drop everything if the other asked for them <3
So, Dale is a very friendly, social and well-liked person, the type of person that will do whatever he can to make everyone feel comfortable, and the first to call people out on their bullshit. He's also really good at school, even having tutored people throughout his entire senior portion of high school. But, with all of this charm and success in school, comes the expectation that he'll always be like this, which ends up with Dale overworking himself and leading to the Gifted-Kid Burnout that, without him really knowing it, has been a constant in his life for a really long time. This causes a lot of stress that he brings onto himself (he wants to work really hard and do the best and be so social, but he's just so tired) as well as his parents trying to support and encourage him, but their comments just make him feel like shit for not being able to live up to the expectations - thus leading to a bit of strain between himself and them.
Thankfully for Dale, his younger siblings can usually help get him out of having to talk to their parents about the burnout, and he has his close friends (Rossi, Matty, Vince) and Tracy to be able to chill out with!!
((Dale is a loveable and social person, who just needs a break from work and school and his parents. All he wants to do is go for a hike or hang out in the city with people who do expect anything from him 💖))
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Jón Charbonneau:
- He's 5'3" (the shortest of the gang!)
- Jón is the youngest of 5 siblings (which include older sisters; Pauline [32], Célestine [29], Karine [26], and Léonie [23])
- His father works as a delivery man for a local transportation company (he delivers pallets of products to the stores and companies around the area they live in!)
- Jón and his family moved to Australia when he was 6 years old, two years after the unfortunate death of his mother. Pauline decided to move with her father and younger siblings because she didn't want to be alone in France, especially since all of them were still so affected by grief.
- He started his transition at 8 years old with not a lot of trouble from his family <3
So, Jón is a really sweet but very quiet kid. He tends to keep to himself, and most of the time during recess and lunch he's in the wellbeing hub instead of the year 12 room with the rest of his class. This is due to the fact that a certain group of girls in his year level have been bullying him since they were in year 8, after finding out that Jón is trans. They had teased and harassed him during year 7 due to the fact he still had a very prominent french accent, and his pronunciation of English words wasn't as fluent as born English-speakers, but it got a million times worse in year 8. Due to the bullying, he has developed Depression, which many suspect in his year level, but only his friends know the true extent.
Despite the bullying from the one group, the rest of his year level adore him! Like I said before, he's a really sweet guy, and everyone just thinks he's a nice and polite fellow student who loves telling others about France when they ask <3
((He's close with the other sports boys who go to his school - Dale, Vince, Rossi and Matty - but his best friends are Rossi and Jock!! He feels the most comfortable with the two of them, especially since they've been playing tennis together since they were in primary school hehe 💖))
ANYWAYS THANK YOU FOR ASKING ABOUT THEM CRANEEEEEE 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 I kinda went a little long on this one hehe
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ellana-ravenwood · 4 years
“It’s Alfred dayyyy” - Batfam x Fem!Reader
Synopsis : Every year, every single year, your family reunites to celebrate the marvel that Alfred Pennyworth is.
Because Alfred does deserve his own “holiday” really. This has been sitting in my draft for almost two years, someone send me an ask that reminded me of it and I just suddenly really wanted to write it. I hope you’ll like it : 
my master list : @ella-ravenwood-archives
Midnight, a new day :
“And we will be waiting for you at 8 am, your mom and I forced him to sleep in, but we all know he will be awake by that time anyway.”
“Ok, I’ll pick Jaybird on my way there.” 
“Jason is coming ?” 
“He said he would.”
“Oh. Good.” 
Dick did his hardest not to roll his eyes. “Oh. Good.” he says, as if the news didn’t make him wanna jump in joy. But of course, the Batman has a reputation to keep, if he showed too much emotions in one sitting, he’d probably explode. 
The truth was that if Jason was coming...Well if Jason was coming, it meant they were finally on the road to forgiveness. And Dick knew that Bruce had been waiting a long time for this. Bruce...and everyone else really. 
Especially you and Alfred. 
“In any case, be there by 8. We’ll do the usual. Now that I think of it, could you maybe pick up his cake at West Side’s bakery ? Your mother was going to do it, but if you pick up Jason...I think he lives in the area ?” 
Of course, Bruce knew exactly that Jason indeed lived not far from Alfred’s favorite bakery. Because he was keeping an eye on him. Not out of mistrust, or thinking he would kill again (he promised his mom, you, he would stop, but the promise was still recent, so was his return), but because...Well, it was his boy. 
Ever since Bruce adopted Dick, he never stopped worrying about his kids. He never stopped trying to keep an eye on them. It got even worst after Jason’s death...He was actually overbearing many times, which lead Dick away more than once. 
But he’d always be back. 
Just like Jason, eventually, would be fully back. 
For the moment, it was enough that he’d come by tomorrow. 
For tomorrow was the one and only...”Alfred day”. 
“Yeah sure, we can pick the cake up.” 
“Alright. Well. I’m going home, and you lot should too. We promised Alfred, after all. An entire day without any vigilante’s business. Unless there’s an emergency of course. Good night.” 
“’Night dad.” 
Bruce turns to his youngest kids, expecting them to follow him, but Damian says : 
“We’re right behind you, we’re just gonna hang out with Grayson a little more. Since he moved to Blüdhaven, we almost never see him...”
“Guiltripping me will not work little brother.” 
“Are you sure ?” 
Silence. And then Dick turns to his father : 
“I’ll get them home soon, we’re gonna go get some ice cream.” 
Bruce smiles, of this small genuine smile he only has when around his children. He nods, tell them not to stay out too late, and leaves, on his way back to you. 
12:30 pm, Batcave.
“You are late, Master Bruce.”
“Only by half an hour. I had to see Dick before coming back. Logistic talk.” 
As he speaks, Bruce takes his armor off, stretching a little after this short night full of not much happening. As if every villain in Gotham knew this day was happening, and they too would give a break to the butler (because if Bruce was resting, then Alfred could rest too). 
“Well it means you’ll have to start half an hour late tomorrow, this is the deal. Where are the children ?” 
“Alright. I will. And they’re getting ice cream with Dick. Now please, go to bed before she catches you up.” 
“Lady (Y/N) will understand that I was making sure you are home on time.” 
“She does understand yes, and she’s also telling you to go rest this instant ! You have slept even less than Bruce this past few days for god’s sake !” 
Both Bruce and Alfred jumps a bit as you enter the bat cave, smiling at them. Alfred raises his hands in a sign of peace, smiles at you, gives you a kiss goodnight on your forehead (a nightly tradition, by now...you never had a dad, and Alfred took it upon him to catch up lost time), and leaves. 
You turn to Bruce, and gives him your hand. 
He takes it gladly, a smile on his lips. The kind he only shows when around those he loves... 
A “glad you’re here” kiss, and a few words : 
“You know, my favorite thing about this day is that you’re home all day long, and I don’t have to miss you...” 
As usual, your words grip his heart, and his arms tighten around you. Even after years of being together, you could always make his pulse race with only a few words. Sometimes just a look...
He doesn’t resist or look back, when you give his hand a pull and leave the bat cave. 
Rare were the occasions Bruce would forget about his vigilante work. In fact, only one day a year, would he completely forget about it. Because he promised. And because it was a special day. 
A day to celebrate the man he came to view as his father. 
Alfred day. 
1 am, in “Giovanni’s 24/7 gelato” shop. 
The waiter of the place didn't even blink, as he served ice creams to a bunch of kids at 1 am, in the heart of Gotham. Used to it really. Nothing in this city was like any other place. Most people were night dwellers, even children.
Probably because, thanks to a certain group of vigilante, they all felt safer when the sun was down. 
“So, how did it start exactly, this Alfred day ?” 
Duke asks, after taking a full scoop of his favorite ice cream, curtesy of a certain Dick grayson. 
You had told Duke, about a week prior to it, that he had to clear his schedule for this particular day but didn’t really explain what it was exactly. Just that it was to celebrate Alfred. Not giving much more context. 
Dick smiles, and say : 
“How did it start ? Haha, oh man, it’s quite the story.” 
With an annoyed sigh, Damian says : 
“Just out with it already Grayson, we know, you were the only one that knew them by then blahblahblah.” 
“Do I sense a hint of jealousy, little bird ?” 
Damian doesn’t answer, but plants his spoon a little bit more aggressively in his gelato. Ah yes, maybe he was a tiny bit jealous that Dick had the luck to have their parents all for himself, once upon a time...Maybe. 
“Well anyway, legend has it that mom chose the date.”
Dick takes a dramatic pause, making the siblings who already heard the story (so everyone but Duke) roll their eyes. Their oldest brother had a flair for dramatic retelling of past events. 
“A long long time ago, on this day, when I was only 8 and just came into the family, they got into a bad fight. When I was little, before Jason came in, they got on the verge of breaking up a few times. Even did really broke up once, worst fucking time of my life, feeling like I was losing another family (A/N : referencing this story : The break-up)...”
A shot pause, this time, not for dramatics, but because the memory was genuinely painful and Dick had to take a short break. He continues : 
“So anyway, on this day, a long time ago, Mom discovered how vital Alfred was to this family. She said it’d been a day where she wanted to literally kill our father because he was so damn annoying, and overly brooding, and stupid – her words not mine- and that Alfred calmed her in just a few words. I don’t quite know what he told her, or what he told dad. All I know is that he told me that he wouldn’t let them break-up again over a stupid fight, and um, next thing I know, I’m avoiding the East wing for a few hours.” 
“Oh...Oh no Dick gross !” 
Dick chuckles, enjoying a bit too much messing with his little siblings. 
“Anyway, mom decided that Alfred deserved a day, in the year, where we would do everything HE wants because without him, our family would crumble. It just sort of became a tradition. So from midnight right now, to midnight of next day, no vigilante business. And we spend the day all together with him.” 
“That’s actually...a really sweet story ?” 
“It really is Dukie, it really is.”
“Dukie ?”
“Ah sorry, you’re part of the family now, which earns you a nickname from me. Jaybird. Timbo. Dami. Cass or Cassie if I feel like being a particularly doting older brother. So...had to find one for you. It was between Dukie and Dukester so-”
“Dukie is fine.”
Everyone snickers as Duke rolls his eyes, and then he asks : 
“So...What exactly are we gonna do ?” 
“Oh, well it’s simple. It starts at 8 am when we arrive, and we kick off with...”
4 am, Alfred’s bedroom. 
You open the door to Alfred’s room quietly, as you would sometimes to make sure your children sleep. 
This time, you were checking to see if the butler did really go to bed. One of the point of Alfred day, was that he had to feel perfectly fine, and he never had a full night rest ! 
So if you had to make sure he did during that time, then you would. 
Your children had came home a few hours ago, happy they had some time with their oldest brother. Dick had been away often lately, and they missed him...You knew they were gonna guilt trip him into buying them a snack. 
You and Bruce had had some alone time before they came home, that you definitely took advantage of...But for now, you escaped your husbands grip to come and check on Alfred, making sure he was sound asleep. 
And he was. Good. Perfect. He’d have a good night sleep. A full night of sleep. 
Quietly, you left the room again, unaware that a smile slowly rose on the Butler’s face... 
8:02 am, Alfred Day : 
Bruce is the one that opens the front door for them. They have their own keys, of course...but they both forgot them, as usual. 
They’d normally just climb through a window, or sneak into the backyard, knowing where all the security devices were (the back door was never closed because of this), but decided that for this day, they’d just ring the bell and come in the right way. 
Without much surprise, Bruce answers the door. It’d either be him or you, during Alfred’s day. Or anyone that wasn’t Alfred really. 
Dick and Jason move to remove their shoes (house rules, NO SHOES inside) and coats, while Bruce looks at them, waiting for them so they can all walk back to the kitchen. 
Jason is the fastest, and there’s this embarrassed silence between the three of them. Bruce smiles awkwardly at Jason, who looks away as soon as their eyes meet. With a “tt” very typical of his little brother, Jason says : 
“Don’t misunderstand this, I’m here for Alfred. And...For mom.”
“I know.” 
Silence. Awkward, as Dick takes way too long to untie his shoes, and pretend he’s not hearing anything.
Bruce knows what he’s doing. He knows his oldest son is trying to give him some more time “alone” with Jason. But he’s not really sure what to say...
“I’m um...I’m glad you came.” 
Good. That was good. Keep going on that path Bruce, that’s actually-
“Yeah, whatever. I’m going ahead, you know the way Dick.” 
Damn. Almost there. Almost there with an actual moment between them two. Dick sighs, and puts a hand on his father’s shoulder. 
“He’ll come around.” 
Bruce doesn’t answer, he exhales slowly and nods, not very convinced...But today was not a day to dwell on the bad. Jason and him would make this work, if only for today. 
Because today was Alfred’s day.
8h30 am, the Kitchen. 
The butler came down in the kitchen, well rested and pleased to be greeted by his entire family. Your smiles already made his day perfect, and if “Alfred Day” was done in this instant, he’d still be happy. 
“Sit down Pennyworth, we have made breakfast for you ! Well...Mom and father did...but we helped ! I was in charge of making tea ! And I think you will appreciate the way I brewed it. I followed an ancient Japanese recipe, and I reckon an aficionado like yourself will appreciate it.” 
Damian bloomed when he was with his family. To people who didn’t know him as well as his siblings and parents, he could seem like a petulant and arrogant child, but he was the opposite of that. 
He was insecure, and unsure. Scared of being left alone. And so to overcompensate all the fear instilled in him by years of abuse from his “grandfather”, the infamous Ras Al’Ghul, Damian could be quite a little jerk sometimes. 
But when he was with his family...He opened up. He smiled. And he spend hours trying to brew the perfect cup of tea for the grandfather he actually chose to have. 
“Bruce made your favorite Alf’, didn’t do half a bad job either -you smile at your husband, and give him a quick peck, which have the famous result of making your children make their best “ew” face-. You taught him well.” 
You say, smiling widely at the butler.
It’s true, Alfred did teach Bruce how to cook really well. People often had the misconception the billionaire was bad at housework, which was wrong of course. 
When his parents were alive, they’d insist he still had chores to do, so he wouldn’t be too spoiled. And when Alfred raised him, he taught him as much as he could so that the boy could hold his own. 
Bruce was a great cook (you could definitely attest to that, what with him cooking your favorite meals on date nights and all). And he always made Alfred’s perfect breakfast for his special day. 
“Jason and I just arrived so we didn’t really participate, but we picked up your favorite cake so it counts right ?” 
Dick says, a wide smile on his face. Oh master Dick, Alfred blessed the day this little boy walked in their lives. 
He wasn’t so little anymore, but he was always such a joy to have over. Even when he had his tantrum as a youngster (and now sometimes too, although he became better in controlling his burst of anger), Alfred couldn't help but love that child. 
The butler turned to Jason, who shyly smiled at him and...Alfred’s heart was full. 
“I am very happy to see you in this house, Master Jason.” 
He said, as he sits around the kitchen table. Jason’s cheek tints slightly of red, as they always do when he’s a bit embarrassed and overwhelmed. 
Jason was such a kind and sensitive child. He never quite got used to compliments, having been used to abuse and hate, and he would always blush under them. Alfred was glad to see that, even after the horror Jason went through, small things could still make his cheek turn rosy...
Jason sat down at the table, looking happier than he had in ages. 
“For you.” 
Cassandra said, settling in front of him a plate full of food, while Damian put the the cup of tea down. 
Sweet little Cassandra. It was always a pleasure to hear her talk. Poor little thing was never taught love, or even how to talk...Having you in her life greatly helped. Having a family, greatly helped. 
She still didn’t talk very often, but when she did, all of her words truly counted. She laid a small kiss on Alfred’s forehead, to bid him good morning, and went to sit in her usual spot, right between you and Damian. 
“You will be happy to know, Alfred, that all of our electronic devices have been off since midnight last night ! Yes, even mine. Promise !” 
Tim exclaims, smiling at him. 
Tim was the only one out of all of Bruce’s children to have entered this life willingly. The only one that came knocking at their door, just really wanting to help. 
Unfortunately, him too lost his parents over time (although they weren’t particularly great ones)...But the first impulse the boy had, was that he just loved Batman and wanted to give a hand ! 
Tim was selfless, maybe a little too much, and often worried you to death. He would get wrapped up in his projects even more than his father, and needed a constant reminder to take care of himself...task that you, Bruce, Alfred and his siblings would share gladly. He would give back anyway, working his ass off and putting his own life on the line for them any hour of the day... 
At the furthest side of the table from him, sat Duke. 
This was his first “Alfred Day”, and he was looking at things curiously, nonetheless happy to be here. 
Young Duke’s situation was a little special. His parents were still alive, and he still hoped they’d find a cure for their madness. Because of this, the boy would often distance himself on purpose from some family events, finding it hard to find his own place. 
This was one reason he didn’t wear the Robin mantel for long, and almost immediately went to be The Signal. It didn’t help either, that he was the only metahuman. 
And yet...Yet as the days went by, Duke felt more and more at home at the Manor, and would more and more hang out with everyone. More and more felt like he was truly part of the family, now. 
Of course, him moving to Wayne Manor was all very recent, and he needed time. Time that everyone was giving him willingly and gladly. Time to adjust and find his place. 
But here, sitting around the kitchen table bustling with activity and laughter, Duke felt like...he felt like this Alfred Day brought him one step closer to truly be a part of it all. After all, to him too, the butler had been nothing but great. 
Alfred had that talent, to congregate everyone around him... 
You felt happy, there, sitting amongst your children, your love, and the man you came to consider your father. 
Alfred had a good feeling, when he first met you. He knew. He knew you’d be the one to “tame” the bat, to not take his shit when he was being a jerk, and to give him unconditional love. 
It was important, to be in a relationship with a man like Bruce Wayne. 
But oh. Oh he was giving you back every bits of love you ever gave him, times a hundred. He let you in in his world, and had no intention of ever letting you go. 
Breakfast went by fast, as everyone talked away, and enjoyed each others company. 
It was very rare, nowadays, that everyone could be in the same place. At least one of them would be busy normally. But on this day...on this day they surely made sure they would be free. 
And so here they were, having breakfast altogether, happy. 
If only people from the outside could see this scene; If only. 
Then they’d know, just like Alfred knew, that this family was the strongest, tightest that ever existed, and that there was nothing but love between all of them. 
11 am, the theater.
Before the first “Alfred Day” happened, Wayne Manor did not have a “theater”. 
It had a “Ballroom number 3″. 
It was your idea, to turn it into a small theater, so that Alfred could perform for everyone. 
Over the years, you had realized that Alfred was actually a very talented actor. After all, he filled in Batman’s shoes many times, to pretend that Bruce couldn’t possibly be him. And he might’ve use his dramatic talent to convince you and the rest of your family to do what he wanted you to do...
Clever man. 
On Alfred Day, the first activity, after breakfast, would be to take part in a monologue of his. Usually shakespearian. But sometimes he’d come up with small surprises. He once recited the “heaven” part of the Divine Comedy by Dante, because he knew you loved that poem. 
It was absolutely brilliant, and you almost wished he had pursued an acting career instead of becoming the Wayne’s butler...but then, you would’ve never met him. 
By 11 am, breakfast would usually be done and it was time for a performance of a year. By that time, Barbara and Stephanie would’ve join. 
They didn’t live in the Manor, but they were close friend of the family. Friends that definitely knew how precious Alfred was to everyone. 
This year, Alfred decided to entertain you with a series of short monologues taken from a wide array of material, from Shakespeare to movies. It was fascinating. They all had their snacks as if they were at the movie theater, and were captivated by his performance. 
For Alfred, it was a way to relive his youth, working in London’s east end’s theaters. And to perform his hobby in front of a live audience. 
So sure, maybe said live audience might’ve been a bit biased towards him, but he knew their applause and praises were genuine. 
1 pm, East Wing living room. 
Lunch was always skipped, as you snacked too much during Alfred’s performance, and he was never hungry after he acted. 
You’d directly skipped to Alfred’s compliment session. 
He both loved and hated this time. Loved it because it was a treat to see he positively impacted his family. Hated it because it was never comfortable to just hear people compliment you The moment they gave him a cherished memory they shared with him...
Each year, one by one, they would tell him something he did for them that really was important to them. 
It was custom that the youngest would start. So Damian stood up, and said : 
“My memory this year, is one that happened not long after I came to live in Wayne Manor. I had just gotten into a fight with Tim, and been mean to mom as she tried to talk to me about it...I felt terrible. I felt like I would never be someone good. Pennyworth came in my room, ignoring me when I told him to get away from me. He settled some cookies for me, and told me a story of my father when he was young. Of how stubborn he used to be, and how sometimes, he’d say very hurtful things he didn’t mean...Alfred explained to me that it was normal to feel angry, when we’re hurt. That it was ok to not always be on our best behavior. That the people who love us will understand, and do understand. That they’ll still be there if they really care. Then he left, and I went to apologize to my mom. And she was there. I also apologized to Tim, and him too, was there...”
Damian sat back down, avoiding everyone’s eyes, as he felt too overwhelmed with feelings. You threw an arm around his shoulder, and he instantly hid his face in your own shoulder, acting like a little scared kitten who’d hide under his mom. 
It melted everyone’s heart, but nobody would say anything of course. This was between Damian and Alfred. 
It was Duke’s turn, and he was a little nervous, as it was his first time : 
“Mine is...Well...It’s going to sound so silly, after Damian’s heartfelt story, but one of my best memory with you Alfred, is when I first put The Signal mantel, and immediately hurt myself that night. I came back to the bat cave early, feeling shameful I couldn’t finish my patrol. You took care of my wound, and simply reassured me. It was just...soothing. I didn’t feel bad, as you stitched me up and calmed me down. I felt at peace, for the first time since my parents went mad...I can’t quite remember what you told me, as you just talked about random things, to calm me down. And it worked. As silly as it can sound, it worked. And that’s um...That’s when I started to feel good, here. Ok. That’s all.” 
Duke sat back down too, hoping Tim would start speaking soon. Thankfully, he did. 
“The memory I chose to share today, is one that is rather recent. I was struggling with some...self-worth issues. I felt like I could never fill dad’s shoes. Or Dick’s. Or Jason’s. Or anyone’s. I felt like I was trash. Like I was wasting away. I felt anxiety eating me up, and I was too scared to talk to anyone about it. Even to you, mom. I knew you’d find the right words, but I was just too scared you’d be worried about me. I know you worry a lot. So I didn’t say anything. Alfred walked in on me having a panic attack...and he helped me fight it. Then he scolded me because I didn’t tell anyone anything, and that it was a bad habit to always take all the burden on my shoulders. He then brewed me some tea, and talked about my favorite TV show with me to take my mind off of things...” 
Tim smiled at Alfred, and sat down. You reached for him, and squeezed his hand, making him understand you too, were there. And you worried about all of them all the time anyway so, ya know.
It was Cass’ turn now. Cass always had some interactive things, because she never spoke too long. She held up some drawings she had made (with the help of Damian). It represented her at a ballet recital (to which you all went by the way, and which was amazing. Cass was a talented little star). She gave the small comics to Alfred, took a deep breath, and said : 
“Thank you for helping me work on my dance, even when you were busy. You are a good teacher. For everything, from dance to how to make a perfect loaf of bread. I love your bread. I love your dance lesson. I love eating bread after our lessons. I love you more than bread. Even the sandwiches mom make with your bread and my favorite homemade jam.” 
She then did a few ballet dance move, and sat down again, holding her knees with her arms, and breathing deeply. It was still a difficult exercice for her, to speak. And to convey her feelings through words. It was always difficult, and quite an exploit that she said that much. 
Alfred smiled at her, before turning to Jason. 
“I’ll never forget the day you yelled at Bruce because he tied me up after I stole the batmobile’s tires. How livid you were, and how you threatened him to tell everything to mom. How he instantly looked scared at the idea of her being angry, and how you made him realize he went too far. How you were there, every step of my way adapting to life in a mansion, after living in the streets. But yes, above all, I’ll never forget the day someone stood for me for the first time, when you yelled at da-Bruce. When you yelled at Bruce for me.” 
He almost said “dad”. And that alone, was making Alfred’s heart happy. It was proof there still was some hope to salvage their relationship... 
“Ok, well I’ll be quicker than everyone else. And just say : you’re the best grandfather I could ever ask for.” 
With Dick, there was only two solutions. He would either go into a lengthy reenactment of a very specific event, or throw affirmations like that that would make Alfred feel tears coming to his eyes. 
Today, Dick decided on a short and sweet version, and it fitted perfectly. 
It was now your turn : 
“Every year, I’m reminded how vital you are to this family. And every year, it is tough to chose just one memory I love about you. I always have to think, because there’s so many. But I think this year, I will choose that time I said “yes” to Bruce after refusing his marriage proposal three times, and you screamed in happiness, through your broom across the room, and ran to hug me. It was so out of character for you, it makes me happy just to think about it. But I mean, I can understand the excitement...I was pretty content myself.” 
You smile, looking at your love, and he rolls his eyes at you, before smiling too. Of this pure smile he only shows you. And then he turns to Alfred, and tells him : 
“You made the loss of my parents bearable. Without you, I don’t know what I would’ve done. I’d probably turn...very dark.”
There was a small silence. 
Bruce’s speech was always short and to the point. 
And every time they were all done talking, Alfred would find himself with tears in his eyes. With those last few words from his son, this time didn’t escape the rule, and he found himself dabbing at the corner of his eyes. 
Damian’s next word released the emotional atmosphere as he looked at his father and said : 
“Tt, show off.” 
Everyone bursted in laughter, and this great day continued on... 
4 pm, interlude. 
This was Alfred’s few hours of utter peace. Everyone would leave him alone, and he could relax doing something he liked to do (usually reading or something of the sort) while not worrying about anyone. 
You’d give him space. It was very rare, for Alfred to be all alone with his thoughts, thoughts that he was forced to NOT have about his family. 
It was even rarer that he wouldn’t think about Bruce or you, or his “grandkids”. So in this day, when he knew none of them were doing anything dangerous, he took full advantage of it to relax his mind. 
In the meantime, you’d watch a film or two. 
Damian and Tim were in the process of choosing when Duke turned to Bruce, and a smirk on his face asked : 
“Soooo…I heard Alfred Day exists because you annoyed (Y/N) ? »
Bruce glares at Duke, ah he never quite likes to remember why Alfred Day exists…But before he can answer, you enter the room (you went to get some snacks for the movies) and exclaim :
“Don’t let Dick downplay how truly unsufferable he was that day ! Dick always manages to forgive his dad, and make things less worst than they are. It’s a talent really. Annoying doesn’t even cover how awful he was. He had one of those « dark days », decided he should break up with me for my own safety out of literally nowhere, yelled at baby Dick, was mean to Alfred saying he could fire him…I swear I could’ve slapped him.”
“You tried.”
“And if Alfred hadn’t stopped me, I would’ve succeeded. Anyway. Yes. You see, Bruce and I almost broke up that day because he was being really stupid, and Alfred...salvaged everything.”
“I was being stupid indeed...I almost lost...I...”
Sometimes, when he would remind himself of that day he almost went too far and truly drove you away, Bruce would feel almost like an anxiety attack coming over him. Because if he had lost you, and had continue on the path he was taking with Dick...Well he wouldn’t have had that second shot at having a family.
And it was enough of a frightening thought to be overwhelmed with anxiety.
“To be honest, I also was quite stupid. I can be stubborn too, sometimes. And there were time, at the beginning, where I wouldn’t try to be in your place...” 
You say, letting soothing fingers run through his hair, a motion you knew always relaxed him. Bruce instantly calmed down, as your kids made some disgusted faces at your closeness, and the incident was over. 
It was good, though, that Duke asked. First because it was actually pretty funny to think of the fearless Batman getting his ass kicked by his wife...but also because it was a good reminder to him of what he almost lost, and who he used to be. 
Alfred saved him. 
You saved him. 
His children saved him. 
And now, he could appreciate a relaxing movie time with all of you (minus Alfred, who was in his room, probably devouring the cake you got him (because yes, that cake was for him and him only), finally relaxed). 
The movie chosen, everyone took their usual spot on the massive couch, that Bruce had ordered specifically so that his big family could all fit on. 
At one point, both you and Bruce drifted off to sleep, in each others’ arms, and barely noticed your kids placing a blanket on you, rolling their eyes at how teeth rotting sweet you two were. 
6 pm, a walk through the park. 
Alfred loved Wayne Manor’s gardens. 
And he loved even more peacefully walk through them with his family. 
This was the time you were always reminded how massive the “backyard” was, when you’d go through acres of it. 
The kids would play soccer, baseball, football, or anything really. Alfred would often join. He was actually very athletic, and the kids would fight to have him on their team. 
You and Bruce would take part in it too, and your children would always make sure you’d be in the same team. Sure, sometimes you’d stop playing to smooch each others, like two damn teenagers...BUT, having you both on the same team would avoid triggering your crazy competitive minds. 
For some reason, whenever you had to play against each others, you’d both get very ruthless and petty, and it would often time get annoying (for real, you were forbidden to play UNO since a long time by then). 
You’d all spend some times outside, no matter the weather, enjoying a normal family outing. 
Alfred loved this time of the day. 
Because he loved the gardens, but most of all, he loved seeing his family being happy and together... 
9:30 pm, the dinner. 
Dinner was entirely prepared by you, and Alfred only had to come at the table and wait. 
By then, you had a perfect system that made it so the meal was prepped efficiently. It was Alfred’s favorite, of course. 
The table would be filled with all his favorite meals, prepared mainly by Bruce with you guys’ help. 
Your kids would pretend to be waiter in a fancy restaurant, and exaggerate everything, which was very funny. 
And you’d all share a meal, something that was quite rare, in this day and age. 
In fact, you were pretty sure that your entire family being reunited for a dinner happened max three times a year. For the holiday season, for Alfred Day, and for Batman day (you just thought it was funny to celebrate it). 
This was just a time to catch up, and to be together. 
Alfred would ask countless questions to everyone, and everyone would be polite and listen. It’d just be so nice, and relaxing... 
11:30 pm, almost the end. 
The day would end in the batcave, with everyone enjoying each others’ presence for a few more minute before you’d go back to a “normal” life. 
You’d talk about your favorite moment of the day, and how you always really liked “Alfred day”. 
And then it’d be over. Alfred would retake his butler position, and the Batman would prowl the streets of Gotham once more. 
You’d be their home support again, working the computer often, and you-
Ah. Yes. But not yet. 
There were still a few minutes. And it sounded like the perfect time for you to finally talk about a certain news...
You see, Alfred was the one you went to to vent. You loved your family with all your heart... But anyone knowing them just à little bit knew they could be à handful. And Alfred, he was always there. 
So it just seemed fitted for you, that you’d announce this news on that day. While everyone was around, and celebrating Alfred’s existence. 
Because what you were about to say, was one of Alfred’s dearest hope...
12:28 pm, 2 minutes before the end. 
You waited the very last minute, because you thought the effect would be even better. 
And as your husband and kids were ready to leave, you said : 
“Oh wait, I have one last thing to say on this very special day !” 
They all stopped, and turned around, looking at you. You smiled. Nervous, but happy. You knew that you and Bruce wanted this anyway, so it would be fine. And you knew your kids...your kids would be happy. For sure. 
But Alfred. Alfred would be over the moon. And so, without further ado, you said : 
“I’m pregnant !”
Bruce’s eyes went wide, and his mouth opened dumbly. He froze on the spot, before smiling widely and starting to laugh stupidly. His first reaction was to go to Alfred, which you were expecting. 
Your children all reacted at the same time, rushing you like a wave of noise and excited screams and...pfiouh they could be overwhelming. 
Alfred was indeed over the moon. 
And he was the one calming your children, tearing them off of you so he could hug you, and give you some space, too. 
Because that’s what Alfred did. Take care of you. Of his family. 
And Alfred day, this year, ended with him looking at you and Bruce hugging tightly, overjoyed by the news of a future new little addition to the family. 
Up until next year, and this future baby’s first Alfred day...
Annnnd it’s 9:12 am, kept my promise to post something “today” haha. Probably not the best time to post. Buuuut...well, another sleepless night (or early morning, all about perspective really haha) of writing. I’m definitely back :). I hope you liked this story, I’m a little nervous after being gone for so long, I feel like I don’t know how to write anymore, and this is all very...mmmmbadhgezhe. I still do hope you liked it a little bit. 
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated <3. 
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redhoodssweetheart · 3 years
Star-Crossed Lovers Part Two
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Requested: Yes @sarcasmismyfirstlove​
Word Count: 2.5K
Warnings: Swearing, angst, Reader has an assumed name in this (she is not named, but she goes by Sophia Turner since she is in hiding)
Description:  Y/N now lives in Metropolis, she likes her life, but she misses the one she lost.  Jason has spent eight months trying to find her, but to no avail.  Maybe they truly weren’t meant to be.
A/N: I originally wasn’t going to post this part so soon.  But I got inspired today and couldn’t stop writing it.  I hope y’all enjoy.  And please pretend that’s not a notebook for school okay.  I’m too lazy to go looking for something new right now. 
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Her window was open letting in a nice spring breeze.  Dinner was cooking in the oven and she was reading over the events from that day.  It had been eight months since Y/N had hopped off the bus at the Metropolis station and entered the motel she would be staying at for the next few days. That was when she had found a quaint apartment that would do until she got on her feet.
Her phone buzzed and she looked over at it.
Clark: I need a favor, Sophie.
Sophie.  The name she had assumed when she moved to Metropolis.  Her full name was Sophia Turner.  Sionis was more than likely dead, but Y/N wasn’t taking any chances.  She hadn’t stopped looking over her shoulder since that night, and sometimes she would dream that he had found her. 
In her dreams sometimes he was torturing her, but sometimes it was Red sitting in that chair.  He was begging her to do something while Sionis laughed sadistically and said, “My little puppet ain’t gonna do shit, Red.  She used you.”
“No!”  Y/N would cry when she registered the betrayal on Red’s face.  
She would sit up straight in her bed and gasp before the dream went any further.  Most of the time she would look at the clock and see it was still in the early hours of the morning.  
Now she was staring at the text from Clark and sighed.
Sophia:  I’m listening, but you’ll owe me, Kent.
Clark was a good guy.  A little flighty at times, but that was part of his charm.  He was the one that had taken the risk on her when she had gone to the Daily Planet trying to get a job.  He never abused that either.  He was a genuinely good guy, something that had unnerved Y/N at first, but now she was grateful for it.
Clark:  I’m supposed to be meeting with Lex Luthor tomorrow to ask him about the Superboy project, but I’m needed elsewhere.  Sort of a family emergency.  Do you think you can cover for me with Lex?
Lex was Metropolis’s biggest asshole.  And she could eat him for breakfast.
Sophia: Sure thing.  Need me to water your plants while you’re away?
Clark:  Please?  I’ll leave the key to my place in my top desk drawer, just pick it up tomorrow when you come in.  You’re a lifesaver, Sophie. 
A lifesaver….  Sure.
Jason came home to the manor at least once a week for a good home cooked meal and so he wouldn’t be alone at the safehouse.  He hadn't returned to the one that he and Y/N had always frequented.  He couldn’t, she was still haunting the place.  Tonight however when he entered the manor he heard Dick and Tim arguing.
“You need to tell him,” Dick hissed.  “He deserves to know the truth.”
“No, I made a promise to her that I wouldn’t,” Tim spat back.  “Plus I haven’t even found Sionis yet.  How would it look if Red Hood showed up in a city other than Gotham?  Sionis knows about them, and Y/N would be compromised.”
Jason’s breath hitched at the sound of her name.  Tim knew?  Tim knew and hadn’t told Jason anything.
He threw open the door so hard that it let a dent in the wall, Dick cringed knowing that Alfred was going to be mad at that.  Tim looked coolly at Jason, unbothered by the display.  “Where is she, Replacement?”
Jason was starting to see red.  “You know damn well who.  Y/N.  Where is she?  What the fuck did you do?”
Dick came over to Jason and put a hand on his brother’s shoulder, but it was roughly tossed off by Jason, “Jay--”
“Don’t,” he snapped, his gaze going to Dick.  “Don’t you dare.  Tim knows something and I want to know what it is.”
Bruce entered the kitchen, having heard the raucous that his boys were causing.  “Tim, Dick, I need a moment alone with Jason.”  They nodded and swiftly made their exit.  Bruce leaned against the counter, “Y/N’s story about how she came to work with Sionis was true.”  Jason looked at Bruce confused.  “Except I met her a month before she met you.”
“What?”  Jason’s tone relayed the shock he felt.
Bruce closed his eyes, “She got mixed up with the wrong people because of her boyfriend and after Sionis killed him he kidnapped her and forced her to take on the role as a bodyguard.  Commissioner Gordon came to me with a note from an anonymous source from someone in Sionis’s organization telling him to send the Bat to a certain location.  I met with Y/N and she told me that she wanted out, that she didn’t want to be payment for her ex’s misdeeds.  She fed me information and in exchange I promised to set her free.”
“So you knew that she was going to fake her death this entire time?!”  Jason’s anger was returning.  He had spent the last eight months agonizing over where she could be, turning over every stone only to come up with a dead end.  And this entire time Bruce had known it was a ploy all along.
“Yes, but  didn’t know the two of you had been involved.  She never disclosed that to me, and I didn’t expect her to tell me things she did in her free time.”  Bruce looked regretful, “Jason, I think you were the only normal relationship in her life and I think you brought her some semblance of happiness.”
“Apparently not enough to tell me the plan,” he said bitterly.
Bruce pulled something from his pocket and passed it over to Jason, “It’s from her.  I don’t know where it came from, but if I had to guess I wouldn’t be able to figure it out either.  I haven’t read it, but maybe she will answer some of your questions.”  With that, Bruce took his leave.
Dear Red,
By now you probably know that I’m not dead.  Maybe you even know that I met with Batman a month before I ever even met with you.  That was purely coincidental.  I didn’t plan on things progressing like they did between us.  It made my job a whole hell of a lot more complicated that it needed to be.  And for what it’s worth I’m sorry for how it all went down, but Red, I hope you understand that I couldn’t tell you.  That was just not an option.
I’m somewhere safe for now.  I have been for awhile, just blending in and living my life to the fullest that I can.  I hope you’re doing well too and not getting too many bullet wounds.  Who’s going to patch you up now that I’m not there :p
He chuckled at the little hand drawn face.
I do miss you, Red.  Our banter.  Your kisses.  How you made me feel normal for a few hours a night.  Even with the mask on I could still pretend we were just two average people living our lives.
We were dealt a shitty hand, and as I told you that night we truly are just star-crossed lovers.  I’ll see you in the next life, Red.  Maybe that one will be kinder to us, and maybe I can finally see what color your eyes are.  Can I tell you what color I think they are?  Blue, I always imagined you had the prettiest shade of blue eyes.  Like the sky on a summer day.  Cloudless and beautiful.
I need to cut this short before I start crying on the page.  Take care of yourself, Red.  I’ll be waiting for you at the River Styx or maybe you’ll be waiting for me.  And I’ll finally know your real name and what color your eyes truly are.
Goodbye, Red.
Jason stared at your name signed at the bottom for the longest time and finally when he tore his eyes away from it, he neatly folded it and put it back in the envelope.  He then headed up to his room and stored the letter in one of his drawers, not wanting anyone to disturb it.
The Daily Planet was bustling when Y/N arrived to work the following morning.  Clark - who was usually in before her - was nowhere to be seen.  She hadn’t expected to see him, but it was still weird.  
Wandering over to his desk she found the key like he had promised and stuck it in her pocket before heading to her own desk and preparing for the meeting with Lex.  Lois stopped by her desk to say good morning and chit chat for a few minutes before going to work on her own assignments.  Around ten thirty Y/N headed out to LexCorp.
“Mr. Kent was supposed to be interviewing Mr. Luthor,” the receptionist said.
Y/N kept the forced smile on her face, “Yes, that’s true, but Mr. Kent unfortunately had an emergency that has taken him out of the city and he asked me to fill in.”  She showed the receptionist her credentials.  “I am more than qualified to handle the interview today.”
“It’s fine Lacy,” a new voice added and Y/N turned to see Lex standing there with a smile on his face.  “I was alerted of the change last night, Mr. Kent was nice enough to email me and let me know.  Miss Turner, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“You too, Mr. Luthor,” she responded.  As she made to leave the receptionist area she shot a scathing look at the girl behind the desk who was frowning.  She probably thought Y/N was some groupie waiting to throw herself at Lex.
As if.
The two of them made it into Lex’s office and he offered her something to drink.  “Water, coffee, tea?  Just say the word and I can have it here for you immediately.”
“No thank you, I’m quite all right,” the quicker that she could get this interview over the better.  She got her recorder set up and looked to Lex, “Clark informed me that he was going to be talking to you about the Superboy project, is that correct?”
“Yes it is, everyone has been dying to know more about the program,” he responded.  “The world needed a Superman, as I’m sure you’re aware Superman was thought to be dead there for a good while.”
Y/N had known that, although she had been in Gotham at the time more concerned with her own welfare than that of a superhero that had supposedly died.  “I am, so you decided to respond and give Metropolis hope then?  That is what Superman represents, is it not?”
There was a shift in Lex’s smile that Y/N picked up on, but she wasn’t going to push him on it.  He apparently had a dislike of Superman, but if he didn’t like him then why create a clone?  “Yes it is, and yes I wanted to give this city some hope that everything was going to be okay.  That LexCorp would make sure that while the big, bad Superman was away I would be the one to look after us.”
Y/N hummed, “Mr. Luthor, how long have you been working on this project?  This doesn’t seem like an overnight solution and you seemed to unveil it fairly quickly?”
“Are you trying to insinuate something, Miss Turner?”  Lex’s eyes narrowed.
Y/N’s smile turned predatory, “No sir, just merely asking some questions.  I wondered how something as complex as replicating Superman’s powers took place so quickly.  And how?  How did you replicate Superman’s powers?”
“I had some of Superman’s DNA on hand, a gift from the Man of Steel himself,” Lex replied coolly.  
Hardly, Y/N thought.  She knew how these heroes worked, their identities were pivotal in maintaining some semblance of a normal life outside of hero hours.  There was no way that Lex had legally obtained that DNA sample he claimed to have gotten from Superman.  “It sounds like you and Superman are close, would you say that the two of you are friends?”
“Oh yes,” Lex matched her smile as if trying to intimidate her.  What he didn’t know is she had been around some of the worst Gotham had to offer and he didn’t frighten her in the slightest.  “We were very close.”
“You must have been crushed when everyone thought that he had died.”  She saw through his smile and the lies.  Superman and Lex weren’t close, but he wasn’t going to say that in something that would be printed in the Daily Planet.
“I was, it was like losing an old friend,” Lex rested a hand over his chest for dramatic effect.
Before she could ask her next question they heard someone saying, “Sir, sir you can’t go in there.”
The door to Lex’s office opened and revealed Bruce Wayne.  Y/N had never had the pleasure of meeting him when she had lived in Gotham.  She hadn’t run in those circles, but she would know the billionaire anywhere.  “Lex, we need to speak now.”  His gaze landed on her and she froze.  For the first time in a while she felt exposed under the intense look he was giving her.
“Could it wait, Bruce,” Lex forced out.  “I am in a meeting with the lovely Miss Sophia Turner here.”  
Y/N turned to Lex, still feeling the weight of Bruce’s stair on her back as she did so, “It’s all right, Mr. Luthor.  You seem to have some important business to attend to right now.  Thank you for your time.  The article should be out by Friday if all goes well.  Email me with any other information you can disclose about the Superboy project that would be pertinent for the article.  Have a nice day,” then she fled as quickly as she could.
Bruce watched Y/N flee the office.  Sophia Turner, huh?  He wasn’t surprised to find her living under an assumed name.  He looked to Lex who was glaring at him, “Did I interrupt something?”
Lex’s eyes narrowed, “You damn well know you did.  Now what do you want?”
“You have a leak,” Bruce said, causing Lex’s face to pale.
Y/N made it back to her desk without any other blasts from her past and she began to go over the information she had from her interview and checked her email to see that Lex’s assistant had sent over any other relevant information she would need to type up the remaining gaps.  
A few hours later she was closing up shop and heading to Clark’s to make sure his plants didn’t die.  As she moved down the sidewalk her mind drifted to thoughts of Red Hood, wondering what he was up to and if he were okay.  She also wondered if he had gotten her letter yet or if maybe he had thrown it out the moment he knew that it was from her.
She wouldn’t blame him if he had.
As she continued down the street she accidentally bumped into someone.  She stumbled for a moment and looked up as she said, “Sorry.”  When her eyes met his, she was shocked to find the prettiest blue she had ever seen.
He smiled at her, “It’s all right.  Have a good evening.”  Then he was sidestepping her and going about his business.  She watched him go, wondering why he seemed so familiar to her.
And those eyes.
Like the sky on a summer day.  Cloudless and beautiful.
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anagentinwriting · 4 years
Lifeline - Part 4
Summary: (First Responders!AU) Moving to Los Angeles and living with your brother, Thor, was never part of your plan nor was being a 9-1-1 dispatcher, but plans change when you are faced with your own emergencies. In your case, it was leaving behind a relationship that wasn’t as perfect as it seemed. Will this be the fresh start you were hoping for or will your past find a way to catch up with you?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Odinson!Sister Reader
Word Count: 2700+
Warnings: Angst, language, relationship abuse, domestic violence, trauma, mental/physical abuse
Lifeline Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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After dropping off cookies at the firehouse, you were ready to tackle another twelve-hour shift. Your morning was off to a good start, and you hoped it would stay that way.
“911, what’s your emergency?”
“I am at the JCPenney in the Westfield Culver City mall, and this employee is refusing to honor my coupon.”
“Do you really think this is an emergency, ma’am?
“Yes, I want to use my coupon, but this high school dude, who calls himself Brad, says he won’t give me the deal.”
“That’s because it’s expired, ma’am,” Brad stated loud enough for you to hear. 
“Sounds like your coupon is expired. You should probably take this up with the company and not complain to dispatchers, who are trying to save people from life and death situations. Goodbye, and good luck with the coupon.” You hung up the phone, covering your hands over your eyes and shaking your head.
“Bad call?” You looked over at the voice to see Bruce smirking at you.
“More like a ridiculous call about an expired coupon.”
“People can be terrible sometimes.”
“You got that right,” you replied, earning a chuckle from Bruce as he continued to make rounds to the booths.
Bruce was in charge of your call center, having been promoted from a dispatcher, but he still took calls from time to time. He was the one that offered you a job after Thor talked to him, and you were on the other end listening to the entire conversation, similar to when a parent would call and ask someone if they were hiring because you were too scared to do it yourself. During your training, you got to listen to a few calls he took, and it was crazy how calm and reassuring he was in such a high-stress situation. How did he do it? You still have no idea. 
Nearing the end of your shift, you were excited about going home, eating a hot meal, and heading off to bed. Twelve-hour shifts were long and exhausting, but it’s what came with the job. You stretched your hands over your head when an incoming call popped up on one of your computer screens. 
“911, what’s your emergency?” The line remained silent, but you could hear breathing. “Is everything okay? Hello.”
“My--my ex...,” she whispered, mumbling something you couldn’t quite understand.
“Ma’am, I’m going to need you to speak up? Where are you?”
“My--my ex. He’s trying to break into my apartment,” her voice cracked. “He’s not allowed to come around me anymore. I have a restraining order against him.”
You gulped, trying to stay focused and calm. “Can you tell me where you are?”
“1170 Chip Avenue in Torrance. I’m in the Seascape Apartments room 507.”
You contacted a squad unit in the area, and they were in route. “I have units on the way. Everything is going to be fine.”
“How do you know? He wasn’t even supposed to be able to find me,” she cried. “I don’t even know what to do if….” A loud banging noise interrupted her, and she screamed.
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay? What’s your name?”
“Krista...Krista Dumont.”
“Krista, my name is YN. Now, I want you to go into your bedroom, lock the door, and find something to barricade it. Then, wait for the police to arrive.”
“Okay,” she sniffled, shuffling around. “Door is locked and….” A loud noise broke out over the line, and Krista’s breathing increased. 
“Krista, what happened?”
“He’s um...Jimbo’s in my apartment. What if--” her voice cracked “--what if he gets into my room, and he...he….”
“Authorities are close.” You glanced at one of the screens, recognizing the squad car number to be Clint and Natasha. “Remain calm for me, okay?”
“I don’t know...he’s gonna….he’s gonna hurt me like before.”
“OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR, KRISTA,” Jimbo shouted, pounding hard on the door. “I just want to talk to you.”
You gulped, letting out a shaky breath. “Don’t listen to him. Keep the door closed, and stay where you are. Help is almost there.”
“GO AWAY, JIMBO,” she yelled, hearing his name crack in her voice.
“FINE, if you don’t want to do this the easy way, I guess I'll have to do it the hard way.” You heard a loud bashing sound and grunts. 
Krista sobbed over the line. “I can’t...I can’t keep doing this.” 
“Don’t give up. Hang in there. Everything will be okay.” You heard sirens over the phone, but you couldn’t breathe a sigh of relief yet. A big crashing sound came over the phone, and you knew he got to her.
“GET AWAY FROM ME,” she pleaded with him as you heard different objects crashing to the floor in all the commotion. The other line became static almost like the call was breaking up, but it cleared up, realizing she must have dropped her phone. 
“COME HERE, YOU DUMB BITCH,” he grunted, and she screamed again, forcing goosebumps to your skin. “You think you can just leave me. Did you not think I would find you? I know you better than you know yourself.”
“Police, drop the weapon and let the young lady go,” Clint stated in his police voice. No one was holding the phone or even knew you were there. You were like a fly on the wall, and all you could do was listen. 
“If you take one more step, I will slice her throat. If I’m going down, she is coming with me.”
“Whoa, whoa, big guy. No need to hurt anyone here.” You paged an ambulance to the scene in case something did happen. “How about we try and come to an understanding?”
“Hell no, she’s mine and will always be.” You could hear Krista crying, and then in one quick moment, you heard a gunshot, glass breaking, and a high pitched scream before the line cut off. You squeezed your eyes shut, taking off your headset, and walking to the nearest exit. This call hit too close to home, and you couldn’t handle it. 
It’s only been three months, but at times, it still feels like you haven’t made any progress. Little details would remind you of him every single day: hearing a certain song, smelling his favorite food, or walking past someone that smelled like him. No matter how much time and effort you put into leaving the past behind, memories of him lurked in the shadows. Everyone tells you everything will get better with time. It was always about time, time to recover, time to forget, and time to start over. No one has ever given you a straight answer about how much time it takes, and there were days you wish they knew.  
You leaned against the brick wall outside your building, trying to slow your racing heart. You took a deep breath hoping it would calm your mind, but it offered little to no reassurance. Scenarios started to play out over and over in your head of what would happen when he finds you. You got out like Krista. You escaped his controlling and abusive behavior, but right now, it felt like it didn't matter.
A hand on your shoulder makes you jump away from it and turn around to find Bruce. “I’m sorry. Are you doing okay, YN?” 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You waved it off. “Did I do something wrong?”
“No, not at all. You're doing a great job, but I'm concerned. You seem almost skittish after that last call,” he observed, furrowing his brows together. “This job can be stressful, and I want you to know we have resources available if you’re having a hard time dealing with the stress. There is no shame in asking for help.”
“I know. It’s not the job per se, well right now it is, but…” you sniffled, taking a seat on the bench right next to the building. 
Bruce stood still, contemplating what to do before sitting down next to you. “Call hit close to home?”
“You don’t know the half of it,” you breathed, wringing your hands together. 
“I'm not sure if you're aware, but Thor told me why you left New York. I didn’t need an explanation when he called asking if I had a job opening, but he blurted it out. It was private information that he didn’t need to share, so I’m sorry about that, but I want you to know I understand.” 
“Thanks, but it’s okay, Bruce.” You nodded at him. “Do you know what happened to her…to Krista?”
“Do you want to know?” Bruce asked, worry etching his features.
“Yes and no.”
Bruce sighed, biting his lip as he thought it over. “During the struggle, Natasha was able to get a shot off and get Jimbo in the neck, but it wasn’t enough, and he ended up pulling her with him out the window. They both hit the ground and were pronounced dead at the scene.” He placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “I’m sorry.”
“I tried, right?” You teared up, wiping at your nose. “It’s all a part of the job.”
Bruce wasn’t much of the sentimental type, but you were okay with that. He always seemed unsure of himself, but every time he put on that headset, he became a whole different person. He could be playing Tetrix and tell a person how to give CPR in extreme detail and save a life. He's an amazing dispatcher on the phone, but in person, it was like he didn’t know how to assure someone it would be okay.
“I’ll be okay, Bruce,” you smirked at him.
“I know you will, but why don’t you leave a little early today.” You nodded at him, standing up to leave. “YN, one more thing, you should talk to someone about what you went through. Trust me, it will help you more than you think.”
“I’ll think about it. Thanks, Bruce.” 
You have never been able to confide in someone you barely knew, like a therapist or a support group, so that’s how you ended up at your brother’s firehouse. You sat in your car, waiting for the tears to dry up and your eyes to brighten up.
Thor could always find a way to make you feel better, but unlike Loki, he was one of those people that didn’t believe you at first when you told him about what your husband did to you. It’s not like Thor didn’t confront him about it, but your husband was persuasive and manipulative. To the outside world looking in, we were the perfect couple, and he was a good man that supported his wife. But on the inside, we were anything but perfect. 
Thor defended him when you mentioned it to him again and insisted it must’ve been an accident. After that, you never asked him for anything until you showed up at his apartment three months ago with a busted lip, black eye, and bruised ribs. On the other hand, Loki wanted you out of that relationship right from the start, but like any good girlfriend or wife, I believed him when he said he would change, but he never did. 
You closed your eyes, letting out a deep breath. “Fuck it.” You grabbed your hat from the backseat, slipping it on, and walked through the back door of the firehouse. You heard a booming laugh and right away, knew it belonged to your brother. You made your way up the steps, seeing everyone sitting around the living room, watching Carol and Thor play a racing video game. 
Steve lifted his coffee cup with a smirk on his face that quickly disappeared upon noticing you from the far side of the room. Whether it was the puffiness of your cheeks or your tear-filled eyes, he could tell something was off. He cleared his throat, tapping Thor on the arm.  
“Steve, stop, I’m finally going to beat Ace,” he growled, earning another nudge from Steve. He pressed pause, shooting Steve a harsh glare. “WHAT?” Steve nodded his head to you.
Thor looked over his shoulder, and his expression instantly changed. You gave everyone a small wave, rubbing your lips together while Thor stepped over Carol's legs, rushing over to you and pulling you in for a hug. You squeezed your eyes shut, silently crying into his chest. 
“Shhh...Shhh, it’s okay.” He patted your head. “Let’s talk downstairs.” You nodded, feeling eyes on you. 
Thor rested his arm across the back of your shoulders as you both walked down the stairs together. Once we reached the bottom, he pulled you in for another one of his bear hugs, resting his chin on top of your head. You bit your lip to hold back the tears, but it did nothing to keep them from falling. 
He pulled away, holding you at arm's length, while you wiped away the tear-stained residue from your cheeks with your sleeve. “What happened? Did he find you? Call you again? Threaten you?” His voice was full of concern and hate, but his eyes were filled with worry. 
“No, no. Nothing like that,” you croaked, clearing your throat. “I took a call with a woman, and her ex was--” you paused, shaking your head “--her ex was trying to break into her apartment. I told her everything was going to be okay. I told her to lock herself in her room and wait for the police, but…” your voice drifted off not wanting to remember it.
“I bet you did what you would’ve done. You helped her the best you could.” 
“Yeah, but I didn’t help her. She left him, but he still found her,” you confessed, staring at the ground. “Where...where does that leave me when he finds me? Am I going to end up like...like her? Dead?"
“No,” Thor reassured, making you look up at him. “She doesn’t have a six-foot-three handsome older brother that has no problem kicking his ass. I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.”
“Promise is a strong word, Thor.” 
“I know. Why do you think I said it,” he smirked, squeezing your shoulder. “Are you going to be okay?”
“I don’t know...I’m confused, and I don’t know if I will ever get over it. Is he going to hold me back forever? Am I ever going to get to move on and be happy?” You rub your forehead, readjusting your hat. “It’s like this one call...this one call allowed everything to rush back to me. All the memories, the pain, the fear. I feel like he’s always going to be looming over my life, and I will never get away from him.” 
“It’s..um...it’s always going to be hard. It’s a day to day progress. I know you hear it all the time, and it sounds redundant, but it’s time. It’s a waiting game, but with time it will get easier, and memories of him will fade as you make new memories. Better memories. Don’t let this moron ruin your future when he already ruined your past.” 
Thor wasn’t always great with words, but sometimes he surprised you. He did have a point, your husband did ruin your past, but maybe it was time to start making a better life for yourself and learn to live without him. 
“Hey, I’m here for you, no matter how long it takes. I’m not going to push you aside like I did before. I was an idiot back then for not believing you.”
“You were,” you smirked, earning a silent chuckle from him. “But, he was manipulative and persuasive, and I already forgave you, Thor, so stop blaming yourself.” He nodded with a closed mouth smile. 
“Have you called Loki?”
“He has a big rehearsal for his show tonight. I didn’t want him worrying about that and me,” you mumbled, not missing the left corner of Thor’s mouth twerk up. It was always a competition with your brothers. Who were you going to confide in first? 
“Do you want to hang out for a bit,” he asked, pointing to the balcony. “Feast on some takeout, play some video games? Then after my shift tonight, we could go do something?”
“Sounds fun,” you nodded. “Is NoobMaster69 at you again?”
“Bastard always is,” he chuckled, making you crack a small smile.
“It’s probably Loki, pulling a fast one on you?”
“I wouldn’t put it past him.” He narrowed his eyes at you. “Wait, do you know something?”
“I know nothing, big guy,” You pressed your lips together, locking it with an invisible key, and tossing it over your shoulder. 
“I will find out sooner or later,” he smirked, putting his arm across your shoulders, and walked back up the stairs together.
AN: Thanks for reading part 4. We finally got to learn a bit more about her past, but does anyone have any idea who her husband might be? The answer may surprise you! Also, did you like the cameos with Krista Dumont and Jimbo from The Punisher and Brad from Spiderman! It was definitely a heavy chapter with the angst and all I can say is expect more of that. Again thanks for reading, comments, likes, and reblogs always welcome! They can be a good motivator! 😉
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I just have to get this off my chest after seeing some very disturbing posts about 9/11 floating around on my dash as well as some truly crude commentary. A lot probably won't agree with my sentiments but I feel like this needs to be said.
I've seen a lot of things on Tumblr in the past that maybe I consider to be in poor taste or don't agree with but I usually just scroll past, sometimes block for curating sake, but today is the first time I truly was shell-shocked. To see the memes and blasé jokes people are making about this day are just absolutely horrific and appalling.
I get that a lot of people on this site now may not remember what happened that day and only learned second hand through school or media or other people telling them. I get that a lot occurred after this that wasn't right which we definitely should be learning from. I also get that there is a lot of anti-American and anti-white sentiments going around currently, especially on this site.
But here's the thing:
Not only Americans died that day. Not only white people died that day. That's the thing about terrorists and what these hijackers did: they don't care about your skin color, your culture, your religious preference, your sexual orientation, your gender orientation, your age, your economic status, your personality, whether you support them or not, your political persuasion, your job, or any of it. Everyone is fair game to them. For crying out loud, look at what the Afghani people are currently going through and how the Taliban are treating their own country's people, women especially. If you think this is bad (which it truly is), have you seen how things went under their rule before 9/11 even happened? Do you know their terrifyingly violent and brutal history? Women had acid thrown in their faces if they didn't wear a full hijab. People were mutilated or executed if they didn't fall in line with the law of the Taliban. And this doesn't even begin to go into Al-Qaeda or Isis. But I'm not here to talk about that or delve into that topic too much.
My point in mentioning all of this is that white Americans weren't the only ones that were killed that day. People of all faiths, of all colors, of different countries, died that day, too. And the unity that is consistently discussed every 9/11 anniversary is in regards to us being aware of that fact, us mourning all of their losses together, and the collective desire to come together and help once the planes hit and after the towers collapsed.
So when people say "why am I supposed to cry over white Americans getting killed that day" think about that. Not only white Americans died that day. And regardless of their color, their nationality, their culture, their religion, etc. anyone dying is always sad. Whether it be a jetliner being used as a weapon that crashed into their floor or someone dying of cancer or someone being killed in a mudslide or someone dying in a car accident -- it is always sad. And empathy should always be shown in response, even if it doesn't impact you personally. Let's not forget these people have loved ones that got left behind, that are still here.
So when people say "if something knocks into a cow and knocks it over, I'm not expected to care, but if something knocks into a building and knocks it over, suddenly I'm supposed to care?" think about that. People aren't grieving two large pieces of steel architecture. People aren't saying "always remember those two towers". The WTC Towers were a symbol (yes, for American wealth, I get it) but became so much more of a multi-faceted powerful symbol after 9/11. The towers represent a way of life before 9/11 happened, but more importantly they represent the people lost that day, who were in the towers when they collapsed. For all of the first responders who were stuck on those floors still trying to help evacuate people to safety when the buildings finally gave. The two footprints and two blue lights aren't a symbol of American wealth or a naivete and simpler way of life pre-9/11 - they are a symbol of memorialization for that day. The Freedom Tower was erected to show that despite the loss of that day, we stood united (even if there seems to be more and more division these days). It's a message to the world that yes, destruction and death happened that day in NYC, but so did rebuilding and life carrying on. It's a symbol of strength, resilience, and unity - something that was everywhere you looked days after this event occurred. The two towers (aka NYC) may have gotten knocked down but the city got back up. They weren't kept down - that's the point of the Freedom Tower.
When people say "I don't understand, what is it that I shouldn't be forgetting since I can't remember it anyway" here is what we all should be remembering despite our age or our connection (or lack thereof) with this event:
2,997 innocent civilians died that day. Among them were 343 firefighters, 37 police officers, 23 Port Authority police officers, 8 EMS workers, and 4 other first responders. Also among them were 246 people on the four planes that crashed.
The passengers of United Flight 93 made a choice to fight back against the hijackers and saved lives that day by sacrificing their own.
Many children lost parents. Many parents lost children. Many brothers lost sisters, and many sisters lost brothers. Many spouses lost their significant others. Many lost friends, family, and loved ones.
For those who want a better connection to this day who didn't experience it and/or don't remember it, and for those others who are seriously lacking in empathy: yes, it was a highly publicized event due to the hundreds of cameras (including media outlets) watching that day, but if the horrific images aren't enough to garner some of your empathy, then there are plenty of other resources at your disposal. Documentaries like 9/11 by James Hanlon and the Naudet brothers, 102 Minutes That Changed America (which shows you not only all of the first-hand eyewitness accounts that day but also lets you hear 911 calls, radio transmissions between firefighters, and people's reactions to the event and each other who were there), 9/11 Firefighters (on Discovery Plus) and even more recently, 9/11: The Turning Point (on Netflix) which provides a 360 degree view of the events that led up to 9/11, 9/11 itself, and what came after, displaying all different viewpoints. You can read the 9/11 Commission Report or there are several books and memoirs out there like Wake-Up Call by Kristen Breitweiser, or even historical accounts in books, newspaper articles, and online. But most importantly, listen to people's stories. The ones who were there, the ones who saw it happen, the ones who ran in to help, the ones who lost loved ones. That is the most important part and the most powerful. On Hulu, ABC News ran segments of 9/11 Twenty Years Later, "Women Of Resilience" being especially powerful. It's hard not to feel a human connection to these stories or any kind of empathy.
For those who are making these jokes and memes, if you like shows like 9-1-1 and Chicago Fire, etc, imagine those first responder characters rushing into those buildings to save lives and losing theirs in the process. If you don't remember 9/11 or feel any connection or empathy, imagine hundreds of Bucks or Eddies or Bobbys or Hens or Chimneys dying that day as they worked to save so many. Sorry to be so blunt because I love those characters too, but do you get a little bit of the connection now? Do you feel any empathy? I'm not trying to equate real life heroes and sheroes with fictional characters of course, but if it helps you to understand a little better in some way, well...I'm throwing it out there.
I myself lived in the Tri-State area at the time of the attacks. I remember seeing the second plane seconds before it crashed into the second building. I remember the devastation I felt watching the first tower collapse knowing that a loved one was most likely inside and how hard I cried thinking he was dead. (thankfully, he had been late to work that day and he got out of the area before the towers came down) I remember the relief and gratefulness we all felt hearing from him to assure us that he was alive when he finally was able to get to a phone, stating he was covered in dust and ash from the buildings. I remember the panic and fear we all felt, thinking the world was ending and we were all going to die, that this was it, this was World War III, after it was confirmed that the Pentagon had also been hit and there was also a downed plane in Pennsylvania. I remember the grief another loved one suffered because she lost her entire floor (she had been out sick that day) and every single one of her co-workers. I remember the race to pick up children from school and get them home as soon as possible. I remember the rage that coursed through us seeing the footage of some people in certain countries celebrating the attacks in the streets, enjoying the deaths of so many Americans, a couple of these countries who lost citizens themselves in these attacks. I remember the camping out in front of the televisions night after night for a week straight afterwards, watching the news 24/7, worrying that there might be more attacks. I remember the feeling of sheer terror anytime a plane was heard overhead or seen appearing low enough in the sky that you could practically make out which airline it was for months afterwards. I remember seeing the lights the first time they were lit from our home. I remember feeling pure fear not only for what happened that day but also what came afterwards (not yet understanding that these weren't practitioners of Islam that did this but radical extremists who had literally hijacked the religion). I remember seeing the devastation at Ground Zero through a tear in the fabric over a fence as we walked through the city months afterwards. I remember not wanting to fly for years. I remember the anger I felt that our government had failed us due to political bs between agencies and countless others (which we found out especially when the 9/11 Commission Report came out) and that because of this horrific and absurd failure, thousands of innocent people had died. I remember seeing the crushed ladder truck, and the toy of the little girl who was on one of the planes at the 9/11 Memorial Museum and all of the pictures in that room that just floored me. (I also remember being pissed off that many were treating it as a selfie op where they were allowed to take pictures, completely missing the point of the museum's existence) But most of all, I remember feeling that life would never be the same for any of us ever again, and that the feeling of safety we had naively enjoyed on September 10, 2001 would never return.
But I also remember the compassion and unity we saw rising in the country after those attacks. I remember the gratitude for all of our first responders, those we lost that day and those who were still with us, actively working to recover those lost and to clear Ground Zero. I remember the feeling of collectiveness, that we all shared grief and showed support to one another in those days afterwards. I remember the fallen heroes and sheroes who ran into those buildings, who were off duty but raced from wherever they were that day to come and help. I remember The Man In the Red Bandana aka Welles Crowther (and many like him who worked to save others) who has become another important symbol of that day. I remember hearing all of the stories of people helping one another before and after the towers collapsed. I remember the good that this day represents. That while we may have seen some of the worst of humanity that day in the form of violence, death, weaponized airplanes, and devastation, we also saw the very best of humanity in the form of our first responders and people helping one another.
Look, did Islamophobia happen? Yes. Was it right? No, absolutely not. As I stated above, I myself feared the idea of the religion until I was educated by a friend of mine about the difference between the religion and extremism. This form of hijacking ideology can be seen in examples like the Westboro Baptist Church or even Hitler. Terrorists do not represent the true spirit of Islam no matter what the former tries to force people to believe. Just as the WBC is not the true spirit of Christianity, and so on and so forth. But even during the time I had feared the religion before gaining understanding and clarity, I never confronted or mistreated any practicing Muslim or Arab-American. Ever. I never posted hate or spewed vitriol against them. Just like with the current pandemic, I still cannot believe there are people out there attack Asian-Americans as if this whole thing is their fault. That's still mind boggling to me and it is absolutely 100% WRONG. It should not be happening. Same with Islamophobia. And it breaks my heart to read that many Arab-Americans and practicing Muslims still worry when this anniversary comes around that they may be attacked. It might not mean much, but I just want to say I am truly sorry for that and you have my full support. Always.
Did we go to war and was it just? Yes we did go to war. Was it just? Afghanistan? I need more information in order to have a fully-formed opinion but there are plenty who say yes and plenty who say no. Plenty who say we made things better over there (before we exited and the Taliban advanced) and plenty who say we didn't and only made it worse. I truly cannot say which assertion is correct and I think it would be narrow-minded and completely moronic (and possibly arrogant and presumptuous?) of me to speak on a subject I know so little about, one way or the other. Iraq? No, I don't think it was just and I honestly wish we could go back and do things differently.
But coming back to 9/11 and what this day means for so many, the people who died, the people who rushed headfirst into danger, the people who lost their loved ones. We saw incredible bravery, selflessness, and compassion for your fellow human that day despite what happened. We saw the strength within ourselves despite the fear and anger. We saw resilience. That is what the anniversary is meant to be a reminder of. The sacrifices, the loss, the courage, and the strength. Black, White, Gay, Straight, Christian, Muslim, Man, Woman, Young, Old -- it didn't matter. We all came together.
So regardless of whether it's the cool thing to do right now on this site (or elsewhere) to hate on America or 9/11 or white Americans or the anniversary itself on the very anniversary of these attacks, I ask that you please consider when posting these hurtful (and frankly harmful) words of hatred and vitriol such as referenced above that there are people out there who lost their loved ones on 9/11, that yes some of them may be on this very site and going through the 9/11 tag, and that some of them may have even lost a loved one in either war and are again on this site reading your words. Regardless of what you think or feel, please consider them and tag appropriately if you're going to post. Please consider that some of these people are currently losing their loved ones due to 9/11-related illnesses because of the cleanup at Ground Zero. Please consider that there are children who lost a parent or loved one, or who were orphaned that day (yes, they exist, we had some in our school district) who are also on this site reading your words. Basically, please just consider and be considerate. Please stop spreading hatred on a day that happened due to hatred; please stop perpetuating that cycle.
Like Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."
TLDR: Love and light, my friends. Love and light. ✌️❤️
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smallblip · 4 years
LeviHan/JeanKasa go on a double date? :D
HEEEEE! My babies! I think I hijacked it and wrote levihan meet cute because I can’t get this out of my mind! I hope this was cute for you💖
Child’s play
“But mommm!” Mikasa whines, her mother snaps her a look before she can think of stamping her feet.
“Levi is going with you or you’re not going at all! It’s not safe when it’s late! You know that!”
Levi is past protesting. He tries to be as compliant as possible, after all, his brother and his wife have agreed to let him stay in their house rent free after he got a new job in the city. He’s a thirty year old man about to accompany his fifteen old niece on a date. The word he’s looking for here is ‘chaperone’, but he hasn’t been around kids enough to know.
Mikasa huffs one more time for emphasis before she heads out for school. “We’ll meet you at the diner at five after cram classes...” Mikasa says to Levi, utterly defeated. And Levi feels bad for her really.
When Levi heads to the diner he’s surprised to see how tall Jean actually is. What’s even more surprising, is someone else bounding behind them. Another thirty year old by the looks of it. Mikasa waves Levi over sheepishly.
“Uh... Levi... Uncle Levi, this is Jean and um... Ms Hanji... She’s our biology teacher...”
Hanji extends a hand towards him and he considers for a second before shaking it. What’s this? Another thirty year old accompanying a fifteen year old on a date?
“You mean chaperone?” Hanji says, eyes blinking, and as she processes Levi’s words, a hushed “wait... This is a date?” Levi gestures for her to sit with him at another booth.
“What did you think this was?”
Levi can see the panic swimming in her eyes. “I... I don’t know? It was after cram class and I was starving and they were talking about a diner and I-“ she freezes, “oh my god... I crashed my students’ date...”
“Welcome to the fucking club...” Levi mutters.
“Thank god you’re here... Or I might have just shared a booth with them...”
Levi raises a brow, “and you would’ve stuck a third straw in their milkshake too I suppose?”
At that, Hanji guffaws. Levi smiles. And they say he has no sense of humour. They order food because Hanji is literally minutes from dropping dead.
She peers over to Jean and Mikasa when the waiter leaves with their orders.
Even from where they’re seated, they can clearly see that Jean is nervous. Poor boy is chuckling dryly at everything and tripping over what little words he manages. But Mikasa is looking at him with all the patience in the world, and she’s blushing behind her milkshake.
“Aww... They’re cute...” Hanji coos, “Jean’s a good kid...” she says.
Levi knows, sort of. Mikasa has been telling him bits and pieces about her love life and truth be told, he doesn’t know why she does it? It’s not like he offered good advice, or any advice at all. And Mikasa sure was taken aback when he had said “he sounds like a jerk...” when she had told him about a certain boy named Eren she had a crush on. But he also listens when she tells him about this new boy- Jean. Someone she’s been friends with for a while but has never really got round to paying enough attention to see that he has a massive crush on her.
“I never would’ve thought... Mikasa used to like...” Hanji trailed off, taking a furtive glance at Levi. Maybe she’s said too much.
“You know?” Hanji’s eyes widen with interest.
“You know? Do teachers gossip about their students?”
She laughs, “oh you have no idea... Things get boring around the staff office most times... The other alternative would be to watch Dita scroll through thousands upon thousands of pictures of his dog... Granted it’s a cute dog but still...”
“Tell me about it... My colleague just had a baby and guess what everyone in the office has been talking about for weeks...”
“Ooof...” Hanji says. She understands. Nanaba’s just had a baby and she still doesn’t know what possessed her to show pictures of Nanaba’s baby to everyone at school. It’s just a really cute, really neat baby.
“I won’t tell anyone about this date though...” Hanji crosses her heart.
“Because if you do you’d have to tell them you crashed it?” Levi says.
“What do you think they’re talking about?” Hanji asks between mouths of her burger. She has abandoned the knife and fork that was given to her.
Levi shrugs. He doesn’t really want to know what his niece is talking about with what could be her boyfriend if this date goes well. “They’re playing footsie...” Levi supplies, gesturing over to where Jean and Mikasa have their ankles pressed together under the table. Jean’s saying something and Mikasa laughs. Now they’re both blushing like idiots.
They see Mikasa politely ask to pause the conversation and she whips out her phone to type something. Levi feels his phone vibrate in his pocket-
“We know you’re staring...”
“I think my uncle has a thing for Ms Hanji...” Mikasa says. If there’s one benefit of this entire situation, it’s that it makes for good dinner conversation.
“What?” Jean says, he doesn’t want to sound dismissive but- “with the way he’s glowering at her?”
“Oh that’s just how his face is... He’s also staring at her...”
Jean looks over to where Hanji and Levi are seated. Levi is indeed staring, there’s this look on his face that can only be described as constipated.
When Jean turns his attention back to his table, there’s an extra bit of steak on his plate.
“You don’t want it?” He asks.
“I want you to have it.” Mikasa is smiling at him and he thinks she’s his dream girl. He plucks the Maraschino cherry from his milkshake and places it in Mikasa’s.
“But... That’s the best part!” She says, confused. Jean knows. Mikasa does have a fondness for cherries.
He smiles, sure his face has gone red by now, “I want you to have it.”
“So why are you chaperoning anyway?” Hanji asks. Jean lives two streets away from them so they’re walking towards home. Hanji tags along for the conversation. Somewhere between the diner and home Jean has plucked up the courage to hold Mikasa’s hand.
“There’s been sightings of a weirdo in a hoodie in these areas crouching in the bushes... My brother and his wife decided it wouldn’t be safe for Mikasa to be out at night...”
They’re walking on the street across Jean and Mikasa to give them some space, and Hanji lets loose a laugh that startles everyone in the vicinity. “I think that weirdo would be me...”
“I’ve been going around collecting mushroom samples. There’s a great variety growing around the different neighbourhoods.”
“And you do that in the middle of the fucking night because?”
“Because... I can’t sleep?” She smiles, and Levi is determined that she’s absolutely crazy.
“But... Maybe it would be best not to tell Mikasa’s parents that... I mean... I wouldn’t mind... You know... Tonight was nice...”
“Hanji... We can hang out without chaperoning... Besides... I think Mikasa and Jean would prefer if we didn’t tag along.”
They pause a distance from the house and avert their gazes when Mikasa gives Jean a kiss on his cheek.
“I think that’s our cue to leave them alone... Wanna walk me?” Hanji says and they only turn back to look when the door shuts and Jean stands in the corner of the street and whoops. He does a little private jig and Levi is smiling, “I think it went well...”
Levi realises the walk isn’t “just a walk”, and is actually a fifteen minute bus ride away. Hanji offers to part ways at the bus stop but the night is still young, and there’s a breeze kicking up. There’s no harm in walking. They are at Hanji’s apartment block and she’s toeing the gravel, “so... This went well...”
“It did...” Levi says, “maybe we could do this again some time...” because he’s new to this city and it would be nice to have friends. Also he had received a text from Mikasa in the middle of dinner telling him to just go for it, and maybe his niece does give pretty good advice.
Hanji is grinning, there’s a dust of pink high on her cheeks and Levi thinks maybe it’s the light. “You wanna come in? We could be a couple of thirty year olds watching reruns of Friends...”
Levi feels his heart race, he thinks it’s a little ridiculous for a thirty year old to be standing under a street lamp panicking over what may be a crush, but here he is, doing just that.
“I hate Friends...” he says, very eloquently, “but I’d like that...”
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ethereal-bang · 4 years
Best Friend’s Brother’s Best Friend
Characters: Felix x female reader, Bang Chan, an OC
Words: 4.4k
Type: strangers to lovers, smut (kinda? suggestive), some major fluff cause I’m a softie for Lix
Request :  Hey! I would like to request smth but the fluff/smut scenario is complex (u can just ignore it if its too much for u😊) U are Bang chan's little sister's bestfriend n one time he comes back for vacation from korea w Felix n he proposes him to come sleep over, this day u r also supposed to sleep over at Chris' sister's, so u meet him n Felix for the first time. There's smth obvious between u n Felix, things go on n turns out also heated (sry i didn't know how to explain all of this🥺) Thank U☺️
Requests Are Open!
Warnings: mature content, not explicitly smut but things get pretty heated (will be pretty vanilla. dry humping, heavy kissing etc) Do Not Read if you are under the age of 18. This piece of work is intended for mature audiences only
You’ve always loved the summer. The feeling of freedom, no responsibilities and the exciting prospect of unknown adventures always brings a smile to your face.
Today is the same way. You take in the feeling of the sun warm on your back, the breeze through your hair as you ride your bike across town. The first day of summer has come, and you can’t wait to spend your days with those you hold dearest to you, like your best friend Mia.
Mia has been your friend since you were three years old. It started as two toddlers running around the playground together, your mothers keeping a watchful eye as you run through the grass and chase butterflies until your little legs give out. Many playdates were spent that way, slowly forming a bond that you knew would continue on through time and fallen leaves with the changing of each season.
Each year that past brought you new experiences. New classes, birthdays, crushes, heartbreak-- everything the two of you could've gone through together, you have. Your families even, are attached at the hip this point.
Take her older brother, Chan for instance. Only three years older than his sister, he took on the protective older brother role for you as well. Driving you to practice, helping you with homework, you name it. Although he can be a little annoying sometimes, as “big brothers” can be, you wouldn’t trade your friendship with him for the world. Which was why you were heartbroken when he was signed to JYP and off to South Korea, to pursue his dreams of making music.
You were proud of him, absolutely. He had worked so hard his entire life and you knew he was destined to do great things. The airport send off was sad, but promises of facetime calls and letters sent brought you slight comfort. 
Years went on, and your friendship with Mia, as well as Chan, never changed. Now graduated from high school, this summer was the most exciting one yet. Going off to college in the fall was daunting, but knowing that you wouldn’t have to worry about it for at least another three months meant that you could truly relax, and take in the newfound freedom that comes with being an adult.
Well, kinda.
You pulled up on your bike in front of Mia’s house; the large front porch with the cutest little swing out front reminding you of all the times you spent with her there after school. Images of hours spent running around the front yard and 25 cent lemonade stands fill your head as you make your way to the front door, not even bothering to knock because you knew Mia was home.
Setting your shoes at the door, you call out for your best friend. “Mia? It’s me, Y/N!” you say as you peak your head into the living room, finding no signs of life. “In the kitchen!” you hear her say and you immediately turn around to walk through the doors.
When you walk in, your heart soars as you spot a certain curly haired boy standing with her at the counter. “Chan!” you scream and basically knock him over. It’s been at least 4 years since you’ve last seen him, and the surprise makes your day better already. He gives you a hug and laughs his signature laugh, and you can't believe he’s actually here. “WHY didn’t you tell me you were coming home?!’ you say as you smack him on the shoulder. He pretends to be hurt and rolls his eyes. “Then it wouldn’t be a surprise, dummy” he says. It’s only then that you realize there’s someone else in the room.
You look over and immediately recognize Felix. You were obviously a fan of Stray Kids, how could you not be? This was the first time you’d met any of the other boys in person, though, and you blushed when you realized he was even more handsome than the videos made him out to be.
His blonde hair frames his face perfectly as he looks up at you, and you take in the way his freckles paint his face like the most beautiful constellation in the sky. You take in the shape of his nose, and his lips, the cupid’s bow prominent and his lips turned upwards into a shy smile. You realize that you’re staring, and the blush on your cheeks darken.
Chan clears his throat, aware of the awkward atmosphere as he laughs quietly. “Right, right. I forgot you two have never met. Y/N, this is Felix. Felix, this is Y/N, Mia’s best friend.” He says, gesturing between the two of you. Mia makes eye contact with Chan as the two of you awkwardly say your hellos, wiggling her eyebrows, and he waves her off. “It’s nice to finally meet you.” you say and stick your hand out. He stands up and does the same, shaking your hand softly. “It’s nice to meet you too! I hope we can get to know each other,” he says. You were no strange to how deep his voice is, but hearing it in person is completely different. The timbre of his voice sends a feeling up your spine that you haven’t felt in a long time. And then it strikes you. They’re here, not in Korea.
“Wait, why are the two of you here? N-not that I don't WANT you here or anything I just- you’re normally an ocean away an-” “Relax, Y/N,” Mia says, cutting off your confused rambling before you can dig yourself into a deeper hole. “Chan is home for a vacation and decided to bring ‘Lix along! Isn’t that exciting?” She says, glad to have her brother back home.
“Yep! The company decided we all needed a long break since we’ve been working so much this year, so we’ll be here for the next two months!” Chan says, and you beam. The whole summer! This opens up a brand new world of possibilities. “So,” you begin, all three of them looking at your expectantly.
“What do we do first?”
The first few weeks of summer are always the most exciting. Everything is a first. Movie nights, late night trips to the local diner, and catching fireflies in the backyard seem just that much more fun. You also got the chance to reconnect with Chan, and build a new friendship with Felix. 
Felix is an excitable soul. Always one for random adventures, the anticipation of the day’s activities always evident in his eyes that seem to sparkle at every moment. When it came to sleepovers, the two of you always seemed to be the first ones awake. This led to many early morning (if you call 8 am early) impromptu breakfasts together, sitting the Bang family kitchen and talking about anything and everything. Felix is incredibly funny, always having a reference or a joke up his sleeve no matter the conversation. 
Take yesterday, for example. The summer carnival in town is in full swing, and Mia thought it would be a great idea for the four of you to go. You get up bright and early and head over to their house, knocking on the door excitedly. Your breath catches in your throat when Felix opens the door. He had clearly woken up not too long before; His hair still a little messy, and a sleepy smile adorns his face when he realizes it’s you. You can’t help but giggle, he looks so cute in the early hours of the morning and it makes you want to reach up and push his puffy cheeks together. “Oh, h-hey y/n I didn’t know you’d be here so soon...I-I’m gonna go get dressed,” he stutters, letting you into the house and then rushing upstairs. 
Once everyone is ready to go, you all pile into Mia’s car and head over to the carnival. The car ride is filled with singing along to the radio, windows down and taking in the sights of the city as it slowly wakes up. Something about the summer brings everyone outside, you think to yourself as you pass families sitting in patio areas for a nice breakfast and people out walking their dogs through the city streets.
Pulling into the parking lot, you bounce in your seat with excitement. It’s just opened for the day, and you can see the rides begin to move and lights turning on, adding to the atmosphere. You’re sat next to Mia in the front seat, but you can see Felix through the rearview mirror. Your eyes meet for a split second and you turn away, noticing the way his eyes sparkled when they met yours. “He’s probably just excited about the fair,” you think to yourself, shrugging it off. 
Chan and Felix are the first two out of the car, followed by Mia and then yourself. The walk to the ticket booth was short, but was filled with Chan’s excited noises as he talked about everything he wanted to do while at the carnival. It was the first time he’d been in almost 5 years, and he said it was something he had missed while overseas. 
Waiting in line at the ticket booth, you take in your surroundings as you wait for the others to buy their tickets. People have now actually made their way inside, and you can hear the music coming from the various games and rides all around you, along with the screams of the people already on some of the rollercoasters.
You’re broken out of your thoughts by Felix’s deep voice, hearing him say “2 tickets, please” to the lady at the window. Confused, you tug on his sleeve and look at him. “Felix,” you start but he smiles and shakes his head, opting to wrap your hand around his own arm as he says “Don’t worry about it, I got it.”
You feel butterflies in your chest at the action, but try not to let yourself be so easily affected. Instead, he pulls you along with Chan and Mia, and you make your way into the park. 
“So...what do we ride first?” Chan asks. He looks over to you and Felix’s intertwined arms and raises his eyebrows, giving Felix a look that luckily you didn’t see because you were too busy trying to decide if you wanted to play a game first or go on one of the rollercoasters instead.
“Let’s go play one of those first!” Mia chimes in, spotting one of those games where you throw a baseball to knock down some bottles. She’s always been the competitive type, so it’s no surprise to you as she walks over to the games, teasing Felix that he doesn’t stand a chance up against her.
This declaration of war seemed to spur something on in Felix, determination in his eyes as he watches Mia knock nearly every bottle down. She looks at him as she’s handed her prize, a little pink stuffed monkey from the middle shelf that she holds dearly to her chest. “Beat that, Felix.” she laughs as he steps up to the game booth.
You stand beside Chris and Mia and watch as Felix begins throwing the baseballs. With ridiculous precision, he knocks down two bottles. Then another three. Then another two more. You’re all watching in surprise as Felix knocks the rest of the bottles down with his final baseball, eyes wide and Mia pouting, realizing she’s been beat.
The bell dings, and the carnival worker cheers as he tells Felix to pick anything from the top shelf. He grabs a plush, cartoon cat toy and immediately turns around and hands it to you. “Here, you can have it,” he says, a blush adorning his cheeks. Your expression mirrors his as you take the toy and hold it close to your chest. Mia and Chan both roll their eyes at the innocent display of affection. Neither of them can believe that the two of you are so absolutely oblivious to each other’s feelings. 
Many rollercoaster rides and carnival food later, the sky is beginning to grow dark. The day was spent playing rock paper scissors to decide who rides with who, who pays for food, and who holds the other’s things when the ride won’t allow everyone to ride together. It’s the most fun day you’ve had in a long time, and you’re thankful that you get to spend it with the people you hold dearest to you.
The sun slowly setting is making Felix look absolutely beautiful, and you have to stop yourself from constantly staring at his skin and the way the sunlight makes his freckles stand out even more than normal.
Once you return to the Bang residence, everyone goes off to do their own thing; Mia to take a shower, Chan to play some video games, and you decide to go to the backyard. Opting to sit on the bench off the back porch, you smile as you see fireflies blinking throughout the yard. Moments like these were your favorite, the calm breeze through your hair as the air is still a little sticky; once the sun sets it will cool down, so you put up with it for now.
You’re a little surprised when you see Felix come to join you outside, you thought he had been playing games with Chan upstairs. “Hey,” he says with a smile. You nod your head and he takes a seat next to you. “Penny for your thoughts?” He asks as he notices the far away look in your eyes. 
“I’m just thinking about how much fun this summer has been. How much today has been. Thank you for the stuffed animal, by the way.” You say with a blush on your cheeks. He rubs the back of his neck, feeling embarrassed and a little nervous. “Oh, yeah, no problem I mean, I know you like cats so..” “Yeah..” you say, both of you trailing off into a comfortable silence.
“You know,” you start off, “I’m really glad Chan brought you back home with him. It’s nice to finally get to know you,” you say quietly. Felix smiles and moves a little closer to you. “Yeah? I agree. I’m glad I came with him, too.” he says. He’s close enough to you on the bench that your shoulders are touching, and the proximity makes you nervous. You can feel him looking at you as your eyes wander across the back yard, watching a bunny run into the bushes. You turn to look at him, and he’s so close that time feels like it’s stood still.
He’s moving closer towards you, and your breath catches in your throat. Is he about to kiss you? Your mind is going haywire. His lips are less than an inch away from yours, and you close your eyes out of reflex. One slight move and he could jus-
“Hey guys! Let’s go get dinner, Chan says he’s paying.” You and Felix jump apart as Mia is suddenly at the back door. Scrambling to your feet, you can’t look Felix in the eye, embarrassed by almost getting caught with what was about to happen. “O-oh yeah, sure!” Felix says, just as startled as you are. He lets you head in the door before him, and you try to shake the butterflies when you remember the feeling of him so close.
Today, it’s Mia who wakes up before the boys do, so the two of you wander into the kitchen, making breakfast for everyone before Felix and Chan wake up. Mia passes you the pancake mix that she’s just finished making, and you sprinkle some blueberries into the batter that you’ve put on the griddle. “Who’re the blueberries for?” Your best friend asks as she cuts some more fruit to put out for everyone. “Oh they’re for Felix, he likes blueberries,” you say as you absentmindedly wait for the pancake to cook enough to flip over. 
“You know, Felix seems to have taken a liking to you,” she teases, popping a piece of watermelon into her mouth. You roll your eyes at her, a sense of false hope spreading in your chest. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you say, hoping that you can convince her and possibly yourself, that there’s nothing there. 
“Come on y/n,” she starts, “the two of you literally ditched me and Chan the other night to sit outside and stare at fireflies before dinner. And don't think I didn’t see how close he was to you when I came outside! You just need to say something to him already. I’m begging you.” She watches you take the pancake off the griddle and place it on a plate, grabbing the bowl of pancake batter and starting on another one. 
“I don’t know Mia, maybe he wasn’t trying to kiss me! Maybe I just had something on my face! Felix is a nice guy he’d do that kind of thing for me,” you reason. In your mind, it was so far from believable that Felix could have any type of feelings for you. He’s and idol, surrounded by some of the prettiest and most talented girls around, there’s no way he’d settle for someone as normal as you.
“I see those gears turning in your head, y/n, don’t think too much of it otherwise you’re just gonna make yourself sad. He IS a nice guy, but I also can’t lie to you and tell you he doesn’t look at you the way Chan looks at every dog he’s ever seen,” she laughs. 
You were about to open your mouth to argue, but you’re saved by the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. Chan comes first, Felix following close behind. Both of them have clearly just woken up, probably from the smell of the pancakes that you just remembered you were making. Luckily, you noticed just in time to take them off the stove and put the remaining pancakes on everyone’s plates.
“Good morning sleepyheads. Glad you could finally join us,” Mia jokes as she places the boys’ plates in front of them “Ooooo blueberries!” Felix says as he takes a look at the pancakes on his plate, and Mia shoots you a knowing look. You kick her under the table, and remain quiet as breakfast begins.
The four of you decided that staying inside was the best course of action, the summer weather was in full effect today, and none of you wanted to face the July heat. The day was spent making lemonade, sharing youtube videos and  playing multiple rounds of uno, laughter filling the house because Chan and Felix were hellbent on making each other lose (which Felix did. A lot.) It was so normal, you had almost forgotten about the little moment you had with Felix last night. Almost.
Later in the afternoon, Chan speaks up all of a sudden. “Hey, Mia, remember we need to head over to Auntie’s house really quick, like Mom asked us to this morning.” He said. Looking confused, Mia walks into the living room to look at him. “What are you talking about? Mom didn’-” she stops her sentence when she sees that Chan is looking at her urgently, eyes flitting between you and Felix, who are currently engrossed in a movie on TV.
Catching on quick, Mia nods her head. “Oh, yeah, that’s right. Auntie’s house.” You look up when you hear her voice. “Auntie’s house? That sounds fun, let’s go!” 
“No!” Chan says quickly, and now he has Felix’s attention as well. “It’s a...family thing,” Mia says, trying to save her brother’s ass so they don’t get caught. “Right, right. It’s a family thing so you can’t come we’ll be back see you later!!” Chan say as he pulls Mia out the front door. Raising your eyebrows, you question your best friend’s weird antics as they shut the door. “Ooookay,” Felix laughs once the front door closes. “What do you think they’re problem is?” You question and turn back to Felix. He looks a little nervous, and you’re unsure why. “No idea,” he says quietly and turns back to the tv. 
He’s sitting far away from you on the couch, and the urge to move closer to him is growing stronger by the minute. You try to control yourself and focus on the movie, but it’s getting harder as you replay the moments from yesterday in your mind. You try to get comfortable where you’re seated, but for some reason no matter how you sit, you can't manage to stay still for more than 10 seconds. 
Felix looks over at you occasionally, wondering if you’re uncomfortable being alone with him. There’s no way, right? You’ve spent plenty of time alone with him in the past month and a half, if he had made you uncomfortable, you would’ve said something, right? And why did Chan and Mina just run out like that? He doesn’t remember ever hearing their mom mention anything about going to their aunt’s house this morning. Was he just not paying attention? 
You’re still moving about on the couch, and curiosity peaks in Felix.
“Are you okay?” Felix asks, looking over when you move for the fifth time in half a minute. “Y-yeah! Yeah I’m ok. Just a little cold,” you say, trying to play off the situation. He shifts a little in his seat, wondering if he’s really about to do what he’s thinking about doing. And before he knows it, he opens his mouth and is doing exactly what he was afraid to.
“I mean,” he begins hesitantly, “you can always..come sit over here with me, if you want. No pressure! But you know..if you want to,” He blushes, but extends his arm against the back of the couch, an open invitation for you to cuddle into his side. Thinking about it for a moment, you figure there’s no real harm in doing so, wanting to satisfy your need to be close to him in hopes that it'll stop the feeling in your chest.
You were wrong, it doesn’t help the feeling in your chest at all. If anything, it magnifies it ten fold. You scoot over to Felix’s side of the couch, tucking yourself into his side and getting comfortable. You relax in his hold, and Felix feels a sense of relief wash over him.
You try to get back into the movie, but just as you get comfortable again, a very intense romantic scene begins in the movie. The two characters are about to meet their inevitable downfall, sharing a dramatic declaration of their love. The desperation in their voices are evident, knowing that if this so happens to be the last moment they ever have on earth, then they’ll be okay with it knowing that neither of their feelings were unrequited. .It doesn’t help that Felix keeps looking over at you every thirty seconds. 
You feel Felix tense, and he turns to look down at you, your head now rested on his shoulder as you got comfy in his embrace. He wants to hold you like this forever. He panics a little, realizing how close your faces where when you turned to look up at him. He looks into your eyes and immediately melts, it reminds him of the other night, when he was just so close to finally kissing you. All he would have to do now, in this moment, is grab your jaw and pull you forward and then he’d be kissing you.
So that’s what he did.
It was a quick kiss, and Felix pulls away just as quickly as he pulls you in. “I uh..I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me if you never want me to do that again I won’t and we can forget that it ever happened I am so sorry,” he rambles, and you laugh at him. “Felix,” you say, turning to face him properly, “You have no idea..how long I have wanted you to do that.” You confess, cheeks turning red. He giggles. Giggles. That’s all the incentive you need to pull him back to you and capture his lips in another kiss.
You move to straddle his lap, your hands tangling in his hair and his immediately landing on your hips. You want to stay with him like this forever, you’ve decided. Running your hands through the soft tresses makes you realize that no one has ever made you feel the way that Felix does. He is home to you, and you know immediately that you don’t want anyone else. He moves to touch the skin that’s exposed right at the bottom of your tshirt, and a content sigh passes your lips. Felix uses the moment to slip his tongue in your mouth and you just let him take over, too lost in the feeling of him to fight for any type of dominance.
You roll your hips against him and a deep groan comes from his chest. You kiss him a little harder, and his labored breathing matches your own. You were now immensely glad that Mia and Chan were nowhere to be found.
His lips move to your neck, and the noise that comes from you does not go unnoticed by him. He’s guiding your hips against his now, bucking up into you and you’re getting lost in the feeling of him. Looking at you, Felix just wants to thank every god that has ever existed for letting him be with you in this way. In this moment, you are the only thing that exists to him. Even if he has to leave in a few weeks to head back to Korea and his idol life, his heart belongs here with you. And you'll wait for him each time, you know you will. This felt like destiny, and you’ll be damned if a body of water comes between you and him ever again.
Mia and Chan take their sweet time coming back to the house, deciding to go get dinner and hoping that their idiot lovestruck best friends have finally gotten themselves figured out. They walk through the door and smile as their met with the sweetest scene ever. You and Felix are asleep on the couch, completely wrapped in each other.
Needless to say, the state of Felix’s hair and the dark markings on your neck are enough for the two of them to silently fist bump as they walk to their respective bedrooms.
A/N: Oh my goodness. If you’ve made it to the end of this, thank you for reading! I really hope this lived up to your expectations Anon >.<
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greaterawarness · 3 years
Brothers Ch. 6 "Retired Commander and Captain"
(A slow morning for Cody and Rex.)
Cody was up by 0600 like most mornings. When he was in the army, he would consider 0600 sleeping in. He supposes he’s gone a little soft since being out. His morning routine was nothing glamorous. He normally showers but today he’s skipped that step, shaves, spends a small amount of time making sure his hair is in order, then dresses in sensible clothing. Today he plans on going for a run, so he wears breathable workout clothes.
“What are you doing? Come back to bed…” A sleepy voice calls. Cody walks out of the bathroom and leans against the doorway with a smile. Obi Wan is turned on his side with their red sheets resting at his waist. His usual neat and tidy hair now sticks in every direction.
“Can’t. Promised Rex I’d kidnap him for a run.” He walks over to sit on the bed. Obi Wan reaches out to gently touch Cody’s wrist. Cody leans forward planting a gentle kiss on Obi Wan’s forehead. “Go back to sleep. I should be back before you finish getting ready.”
Obi Wan grabs his shirt when he starts to pull away. He presses his lips to Cody’s before falling back on his pillow and rolling to his side of the bed.
“Very well. Run an extra mile for me.” He yawns while pulling the sheets up to his shoulders.
“Always do.” Cody pushes himself off the bed. Before leaving their room, he walks to his closet out of habit. He checks on his Mandalorian armor making sure it was still in tip top shape as if it would change from his last inspection before bed. With there being no changes, he leaves their room.
Cody and Obi Wan live in a luxurious spacious apartment. Only riveled by Padme’s and Skywalker’s. He walks across their pristine white marble floor to their white clean kitchen. Everything is sleek and modern just how they liked it. After leaving the Jedi Order they both developed a certain taste for things. Ahsoka had called it being boujee. Whatever the hell that means. He starts the caf so it will be ready when Obi Wan wakes and for when he gets back from his run. He leaves their apartment and makes his way down to the lobby.
“Morning Wooley.” Cody says as he passes his brother behind the main desk. After Obi Wan purchased this building, he gave a few jobs to the 212th. They’re simple jobs but his men seem to enjoy it. It doesn’t hurt that they all congregate in the speakeasy in the back. Easy to make 212th meetings if you work in the building.
“Early as ever Sir. Want me to pull your speeder around?” He asks.
“No, it’s fine. I’ll just call a cab.” Cody says. When he’s on the street he hails the cab while taking in the sun’s rays. Cody always loved Coruscant in the morning. Wasn’t as busy as during the day or rowdy like at night. Though, things definitely got more interesting when the sun went down. Cody sits in the back of the cab admiring the buildings as they passed. Rex didn’t live to far and he could have walked it but knowing Rex he only has a finite time to reach him before the man collapses back into deep sleep. When the cab parks in front of Rex’s building, Cody slips out and pays the man. Before walking inside, he can’t help but glance at Skywalkers building only a block further down. Most people in this area are Senators or work in high-ranking positions. Not even on the handsome funds that Cody and Obi Wan pull in from the Jinn clan could they afford a place in this area.
Cody walks through the lobby and nods at the stern man behind the front desk. He meets his eyes before looking back to his screen. Cody punches in the code that grants access to the lift and rides it up to Rex’s floor. When he approaches Rex’s front door, he can already hear the madness on the other side. Cody grins before knocking. After a few moments the door opens when a blue twi’lek girl appears.
“Good morning Luna. I’ve come to kidnap your father.” Cody says. The teenager turns her face inside.
“Dad! Uncle Cody’s here!” She yells. She steps aside so Cody can walk in. While Obi Wan and Cody preferred a modern home that mostly consists of white marble and sleek finishes, Rex liked a more rustic feel. While the wall facing outward to the city is made of almost entirely of glass the other walls are exposed brick with exposed wood beams and columns. His floors, when not covered in scattered toys or clothes, are a light hardwood. It definitely felt more homy then Cody’s.
“You off to school?” Cody asks when the door shuts behind him.
“Yeah, just waiting on the gremlin to get ready.” She says, crossing her arms.
“That’s not a nice thing to call your brother.” Cody eyes her.
“Sorry,” She nods. “I meant to say bantha.”
Cody has to hold back a laugh. Luna slides across the floor in her long school socks to retrieve her datapad. Cody almost jumps when a woman rushes down the stairs holding a human toddler in her arms. Her blonde curly hair bounces with every jerk of her head. Cody crosses his arms with a smile waiting Morrigan to notice him. Her frantic busy eyes scan the kitchen island that is cluttered in papers, cups, and toys.
“My keys… where are my keys?” She asks with her one free hand held out frustratedly. Cody takes this time to walk forward. She stares at him slightly taken off guard before calming back down.
“I believe,” Cody starts while reaching for the thing in the toddler’s hands. “I’ve found them.”
Morrigan closes her eyes relieved.
“Thank you, Cody.” She says placing a hand on his shoulder. “You must be here for Rex.”
“Yes, I had planned on kidnapping him.” Cody explains. He leans against the messy kitchen island. She gives a sarcastic eyeroll.
“Good luck. I’m afraid my nine year old has beaten you to it.” She walks over to her bag to rummage through it. As if speaking his name summoned him, Rex walks down the stairs with his son slung over his shoulders.
“I don’t want to go!” Bjorn yells but shows no real struggle. Rex lets out long sigh.
“I know,” He says while setting the boy down. Bjorn’s a spitting image of his father. Well, Cody guessed all clones really, but he was Rex’s boy through and through. “But you have to. Otherwise, mum and I are going to go to prison!”
The boy rolls his eyes. He tries to walk away but is stopped by Rex’s hand. Rex pulls out a pair of glasses and puts them on Bjorn’s face.
“No buts. You’re wearing them.” Rex waves a finger at the boy with a stern eye. Bjorn says nothing while grabbing his school bag and walks over to his eldest sister.
“Be safe! Don’t take your eyes off each other!” Morrigan calls when the two eldest children walk towards the front door.
“We know!” They yell back before closing the door behind them. With two out of the three kids gone the adults took this moment to breathe. Rex looks to Cody for the first time.
“Sorry that you had to walk in on our hectic mornings.” Rex says looking more tired than he did when they left to go home last night.
“Don’t worry about it. Love any chance I get to see my favorite nieces and nephew.” Cody says. Morrigan shifts her daughter while slinging her bag over her other shoulder.
“Well, I’m off to work. I’m running late as it is. Cody, try not to kill my husband. I do enjoy his company.” She says walking past him. She walks for the door making Rex chuckle.
“Love?” Rex calls.
“Yes?” She turns back around.
“I’m not sure how your meeting is going to go while holding Serin.” Rex crosses his arms. Morrigan pauses realizing her daughter is still in her arms. She shuffles over and hands her to Rex before giving him a quick kiss and rushing for the door. Rex calls out “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
Morrigan responds by letting out a loud and sarcastic laugh while running out the door. Rex shakes his head while smiling at Serin who is content just sitting in Rex’s arms.
“If its just you and Serin we can go for a run another day?” Cody offers. Rex lets out a tired sigh.
“Nah, we’ll bring her along.”
After getting little Serin situated in a stroller Cody and Rex do a short stretch in front of Rex’s building. After they feel warmed up, they start jogging. When Cody goes for a run with Obi Wan they usually start out much faster and go for longer but ever since becoming a dad Rex has lost a bit of his steam. They run a few blocks before stopping at a crosswalk. Rex leans over with his hands on his knees breathing heavily.
“You okay?” Cody raises a brow at him.
“Don’t judge me Cody… I’ve got three kids…” He breathes before straightening up and pushing the stroller as he continues to run. Everything is so different now then it was when they were in the army. Before he and Rex ran a tight ship. Nothing got past them, and they were constantly working to keep their bodies and minds in top physical condition. Now, they’ve learned to take it easy and take things as they come. Not that they’ve gone completely soft. Cody and Rex still pride themselves on their combat skills and marksmanship.
They decide to end their run early when Serin starts to get fussy. They now walk at a comfortable pace after stopping to buy the child a juice box. Cody and Rex drink one of their own.
“So,” Rex says after they toss their drained juice boxes. “What are we going to do about that batch of clones?”
That batch. Cody knew exactly what he was talking about. Cody lets out a sigh through his nose.
“I could use some guys like that. It’s hard to find younger clones so willing to run into battle.” Cody starts.
“True but running headfirst into danger isn’t always a good thing.” Rex says making Cody laugh.
“Ironic coming from you!” Cody says wincing when Rex elbows him.
“All I’m saying is that they seem a little to eager.”
“What do you expect? They’re too young to have seen any battle but to old to not remember life and training on Kamino. They trained for a Republic that already didn’t want them.” Cody snorts. They fall silent for a moment. Memories of the days after the war. When it first ended everyone was so happy. It may have only been one real battle but so many clones and Jedi had died. Everyone celebrated and the clones were seen as heroes. For a time. Then the Jedi who had fought beside so many of the clones turned away from them. Some completely abandoning squads on random planets trying to wrangle up any remaining separatists. The anger from those times still burns in Cody and Rex.
As they contemplated on the past, they can hear the shouting of protests. Cody and Rex exchange looks before continuing on. They find a large crowd surrounding a stage built of crates with a few clones standing on top.
“We fought their war and look how they treat us?” A clone yells. Cody stops to stare at him. He looks familiar. “Clones only earn a small percentage compared to any other species on Coruscant but we far outnumber any other species when it comes to homelessness! We’re denied basic rights!”
Cody is both surprised and pleased to see that the crowd is a good mix of nonclones and clones. Serin starts to get fussy again, so they start to walk on. As they walk away from the rally, they can hear them chanting “We fought your fight now give us rights!”all the way down the block.
They decide to take a rest on a park bench and let Serin stretch her legs.
“That was Slick up there, wasn’t it?” Rex asks. Cody nods. He holds a twig that Serin hands him before she waddles off.
“I just hope he keeps it peaceful.” Cody sighs. Rex lets out a snort.
“He’s not wrong though. Some clones are lucky and get decent jobs and live a normal life. Most aren’t. unless they want to live like us working as bounty hunters and mercenaries. We do okay but this life isn’t for everyone. It’s most certainly not one I want my children.”
Cody looks over at Rex who keeps his eyes on his daughter.
“Bjorn looks just like us. What happens when he’s older and he can’t get a job because his face resembles mine? Serin… well I tell myself she’ll do fine because she’s a girl and she takes after her mother thank the Force. But I do worry about them.” Rex scoops his daughter in his arms and holds her close. She doesn’t appreciate this and squirms out of his arms to continue playing.
“I hate to break this to you Rex old boy, but your son is probably going to become a bounty hunter just because he has your wife’s attitude.” Cody says making Rex laugh.
“Oh, don’t I know it too?” Rex shakes his head. His face settles into a sad smile. “Still… I want him to have a choice.”
Cody lets out a breath while leaning back.
“Then I guess we’ll have to hope Fox and Padme can pull through.” Cody looks up at the sky before staring at Rex when he lets out a pfft.
“Never thought you would be saying that did ya?” Rex snorts making Cody laugh.
“Fuckin’ Fox man… who knew?” Cody shakes his head. When they fall silent again Rex leans on his knees.
“So, what are we going to do about that batch?” Rex asks again. Cody leans his head back with his eyes closed.
“I don’t know…” He groans. “Wolffe has probably already recruited them but… then they have the Force sensitive ones and I’m sure Skywalker will throw a fit if he doesn’t get them.”
“Yeah, probably. He and Ahsoka were fighting about it the other night. But they were drinking so it quickly turned into who’s fault it was who crashed the last ship.” Rex says with his chin perched on his hand.
“… It was Anakin, wasn’t it?”
“It’s always Anakin.” Rex nods making Cody chuckle. They sit in silence again while watching Serin play.
“You don’t think that day we ran into that batch wasn’t a bit…”
“Perfect?” Rex finishes for him. “Yeah. I know.”
“I mean all three of us were recruited for the job and then the batch is there for no apparent reason, and they were carrying blasters which according to our research none of them can afford. Seems like that whole event was planned.” Cody watches Rex carefully. His face is unchanging but deliberately still. “It has her fingerprints all over it.”
“I know.” He says softly.
“That means those boys are probably in over their heads. It might be best if we cut off all ties with them. Save ourselves a headache.” Cody says aware of how stiff Rex is next to him. It’s so apparent that Serin walks over to try and mess with his face. He loosens up so not to bother her.
“I’ll deal with it, Cody.” He says sternly. He stands with his daughter in his arms. He puts her back in her stroller telling Cody it was time to go. Cody doesn’t push the subject any further. Rex has a complicated history after the war. It often comes back to haunt him. Cody walks beside his friend feeling bad for even bringing her up. They would have to come up with a plan for that batch another day. Today Cody was only focused on getting back to the apartment to catch Obi Wan before he left for the senate.
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auror-lovie · 4 years
I Loved You, Mr. Scamander; Ending 2
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━━━•✦.✧. Author’s Note.✧.✦•━
Ending No. 2; Bittersweet Ending
And that’s the end!
━━━━━•✦.✧. Summary .✧.✦•━
Sometimes one needs to part ways with the people who used to make them happy. At some point, one needs to let go.
━━━━━•✦.✧. Add-Ons .✧.✦•━
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald spoilers!
Follows Canon to a certain point
Character Death
And they were roommates~
Re-Read Chapter 3 if you forgot what happened!
“Grindelwald! Stop!” Leta yelled.
Grindelwald caught sight of Leta.
“Leta…” Theseus whispered.
“This one I believe I know.” said Grindelwald.
Theseus made an effort of will, making his way toward Leta, determined to reach her.
Grindelwald moved toward her through the flames as Theseus fought closer, desperate to reach her before Grindelwald did.
“Leta Lestrange. Despised entirely amongst wizards. Unloved, mistreated, yet brave. So very brave. Time to come home.” He stretched out his hand.
She hesitated, contemplating.
He looked at her, eyes narrowed.
Leta looked toward Victoria and (Y/N). Her best friends. They didn’t agree all the time, but they knew they always worked well together. “Take care of each other… Like you always have.”
She then looked toward Theseus and Newt, who were watching her, stunned.
“I love you…” She then pointed her wand at the skull in Rosier’s hands, which exploded.
Rosier was knocked backward and Grindelwald was momentarily obscured in a whirl of chaos.
“GO! GO!” Leta yelled before the fire engulfed her.
Theseus went wild and tried to dive after her, but Newt grabbed him and they Disapparate.
Seeing that the brothers left the mausoleum, Victoria tried making her way towards Leta.
“Victoria! We need to go!” (Y/N) yelled, grabbing Victoria’s arm and Disapparating.
The fire, mirroring Grindelwald’s rage, exploded, chasing them.
“I hate Paris.” Grindelwald muttered.
Outside the Père Lachaise Cemetery, Newt and Theseus, (Y/N) and Victoria, Tina with Jacob, and Kama with Nagini all Apparated out from the amphitheater. The black fire pursued them like a many-headed hydra, erupting out of every mausoleum.
Nicolas Flamel arrived at last with the cemetery on the verge of destruction. The fire Grindelwald had unleashed is out of control. It formed dragon-like creatures intent on destruction.
“TOGETHER! In a circle, your wand into the earth, or all Paris will be lost!” Flamel instructed.
“Finite!” Newt and Theseus.
“Finite!” (Y/N) and Victoria.
“Finite!” Tina.
“Finite!” Kama.
“Finite!” Flamel.
Our heroes, minus Jacob, made a circle and plunged their wands into the earth.
It takes almost superhuman power to contain Grindelwald’s demonic fire. United, our heroes fought and at last, their purifying fire drove Grindelwald’s back. The entrances to the underground lair were sealed. They have saved the city.
(Y/N) had watched the Scamander brothers hug. She smiled. Newt chose his side and knowing him (and his loyalty), he was going to stay.
Victoria stood next to her and placed a hand on (Y/N)’s shoulder. “Do you want to meet up with them? I’m pretty sure Theseus needs someone to confide in.”
She thought about it. She could help him get back on his feet. She could continue working with him. She could fall in love with him again. She could live out the future that was meant for him and Leta. A future with him that she could only dream of. She could.
(Y/N) shook her head. “Let’s just get out of here. I think I’ve had enough of this Auror business… And… I don’t want to slide back into his life thinking that he’d move on from Leta and love me again.”
Victoria nodded. “Well, at least now you can open up your shop. And hey, I’ll work with you.”
“What? But with me gone, you can take my position!”
She grabbed (Y/N)’s shoulders and faced her. “I don’t want to work with the Ministry anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I loved working with Theseus. Travers was the problem. You should’ve heard what he said about me to Theseus.”
(Y/N) tilted her head to the side, “What did he say?”
Victoria rolled her eyes. “He was suggesting that we arrest everyone at the rally. And I said that doing that would do more harm than good. Then Travers said, “Keep your Communications Liaison in check” to Theseus. And I was right there!”
“Did you… You know… Sock him in the face?” (Y/N) asked, genuinely curious and secretly hoping she did.
She sighed, “I wish, but Theseus held me back.”
“What a shame.”
“(Y/N), you’re my best friend. I’ll follow you anywhere. What have I always said since Hogwarts? Birds of a feather…?”
“Flock together” They said in unison.
After the events in Paris, (Y/N) and Victoria had owled in their resignation letters. Theseus was shocked and didn’t understand. By the time he went to visit their flat to ask for an explanation, their flat was empty. Pictures? Gone. Books? Gone. Any evidence of their stay was stripped away.
When Newt got the news, he tried to owl her, but no letter came back. He was worried about them. Were they taken? Were they being held hostage? They were in the middle of a war! How could they just… leave?
Working in the Ministry paid well so they were able to combine funds to open up their own bookshop cafe in Diagon Alley. The first floor was the cafe. The second floor was the bookshop where people could stay and read while sipping on tea, coffee or drinks alike. The third floor was their living quarters. Complete with a kitchen, living room area, a bedroom with a bathroom, a balcony, and a skylight so they could see the stars at night. The view was wonderful, but it couldn’t beat the view from the Ravenclaw Tower.
“Well would you look at that!” (Y/N) exclaimed while unboxing a shipment of books to stock up on.
“What is it?” Victoria asked, hugging (Y/N) from behind, resting her chin on her shoulder.
“We finally got a shipment of his book!
Victoria removed herself from (Y/N), took one of the books and flipped through. She finally got to the last page. She felt it. It was charmed. As if it were only meant for them to see.
“This is amazing stuff,” (Y/N) cooed.
“Flip to the very last page.”
Confused, (Y/N) did so. She felt it too. “Revelio.” Then the words appeared on the page:
Dedicated to (Y/N) (L/N). The one that got away, but was always there for me.
To Victoria Howard. For being the one who always encouraged me to go above and beyond. To test the limits and overcome them.
Without them, this book would’ve never been possible. Wherever they may be, I hope they’re doing well.
Today was grocery day. So while (Y/N) was out, Victoria watched over the store.
“I have to get more things for the kitchen. We’re out of tea and snacks.” (Y/N) called out as she put on her coat.
“Okay, be safe.” Victoria replied, coming into the main room.
“I will.” She smiled, kissing Victoria’s cheek.
Victoria blushed lightly, still not used to her partner’s affections. “R-Remember to be aware of your surroundings!”
“Of course, Vi. I always am.” (Y/N) winked before heading out the door.
It had been months since Newt and Theseus had last seen any trace of (Y/N) and Victoria. They deserved a much needed break so they decided on walking through Diagon Alley. Newt and Theseus pass by a window of a cafe.
“Wait, this store wasn’t here before.” Newt claimed.
“Well, it is a bookshop cafe, let’s get some tea.” Theseus said as he held the door open.
With her back facing towards the door, Victoria heard the door open. Dusting off the powdered sugar off her apron, she turned to greet whoever walked through the door. “Hi, welcome!”
Newt and Theseus looked at each other. They knew that voice. “Victoria?!” They said as they looked at her.
“If you’re here… does that mean…?” Theseus trailed off, hopeful.
Victoria shook her head. “No… I haven’t seen her since we resigned…”
The brothers sighed in defeat. Theseus more so than Newt.
Their visits became more frequent, which made things harder for (Y/N). Until one day…
It was Victoria’s turn to get the groceries, so (Y/N) was watching over the shop. Restocking some of the textbooks for students, Newt and Theseus walked in. “Victoria, it’s us again.”
“Hi, welcome!” (Y/N)’s voice echoed as she made her way to the first floor.
“(Y-Y/N)?” Theseus stuttered.
“(Y/N)! I’m home- For Godric’s sake,” said Victoria, behind the brothers as she entered the shop.
After some small talk, Theseus made his way to (Y/N) who went back to restocking textbooks.
Theseus cleared his throat. “I-If you’re free sometime… Would you like to accompany me on a trip to Hogsmeade-”
Her heart was racing. She was fine. She was moving on with her life, but now they show up out of nowhere? Victoria and her made sure that they did everything they could for this situation not to happen.
She let out a shaky breath before she interrupted him. “Mr. Scamander, thank you for your kind offer, but I’ll have to politely decline. I’ve moved on. I’ve learned from my school girl naivety.” She hummed as she reminisced, “Newt told me that I had you wrapped around my finger… I think it was the other way around… Besides, I have Victoria now. The girl I used to be… She’s long gone.”
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