#i haven't even started collecting stuff from the video interviews
marimayscarlett · 9 months
I need more unhinged Richard quotes, like the whole “[coc*ine when you’re young vs when you’re old]” thing or I may simply pass away
Hi Hello 🤗
This ask has been sitting in my inbox for a while, but now I finally come around to compile some more quotes from Richard's interviews (here is 'Part 1' so to speak).
Off to another tiny little round of stuff Richard says (some are interesting, others a little weird or downright unhinged):
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I think the quote you mean is this one [from this audio interview]: "It's like, you know, it's like you know when you were young and could do coke for a fucking month and nothing, y'know? When you get old you need to recover from fucking one week." (and the interviewer is seemingly quite lost: "haha..true..👀")
Now, on to the Fellfrosch gem [interview]: Interviewer: Perhaps the disgust at the bitter aftertaste is really just a problem of overly careless personal hygiene? Richard:  "Tastes change too. Much of what seemed too bitter to us in childhood tastes good to us today. On the other hand, we usually find the sweets from the past too sweet. Every fur frog tastes different. Pure question of taste. There is no judgment in the text. We’re not saying it stinks."
His readiness to try out his talents with on-screen eroticism some more [interview]: "After I shot some erotic scenes for a video the other day I could also imagine doing an entire film in that direction. I was quite nervous in the beginning, but the longer we were shooting the more fun I had. Erotic, mind you, not pornographic."
in the same interview, he discloses the two main activities which bring him relaxation: "I love lying in bed, smoking and watching good movies more than anything. That is the only thing where I can really switch of other than sex. Lots of both, please. [laughs]"
And another quote from said interview regarding in which time period he would've liked to live and about his affinity to the middle ages (which for me as a history geek is so lovely to see that he is into that period as well): "I guess the sword and blade time as I always call it. Knights templar, 11th century. I can answer that this well, because I like to watch even stupid movies when they deal with that period. I just have a huge affinity to it somehow and would love to find out how things were going back then."
The way he pressurized/threatened (?) Jonathan Davis to sing a high note for the song "Silent so long" (man Richard must be such a nice fellow to work with 👀) [interview]: "But there was a high note in the chorus that Jonathan couldn't quite get right. So what to do? He said he couldn't sing that high. So I grabbed the receiver and whispered the following into his ear: "Watch out, Jonathan. This is the German way! Now take both your hands, grab your balls and squeeze until you get that damn sound."
Touring is hard, but partying is even harder [interview]: "Touring is not the problem, but partying is. If you went straight to the hotel after the show - no problem. But if you party until six in the morning, it's getting increasingly more difficult to get out of bed."
Being super vague in moments where we need more facts from him like in this interview, about the "Bück dich" performance of Till and Flake: "If Till had to do it to me… I would probably you know, like… uhm.. I'll do… something."
this whole feverdream here: an interview for the promotion of the first Emigrate album back in 2007, where Richard and his alter Ego "Mister Emigrate" answer the questions 'together'. It's has a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde vibe to it but is kind of cute ✨
On a more serious note, here he talks about the effects of drugs on him: "I took a lot of cocaine. You reach dimensions that you could never reach otherwise. You can edit a bass drum for eight hours."
Thank you for your interest in even more stuff Richard says 😌
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marshallfan99 · 20 days
Something's on my mind...
Hey guys! Marshall here! I know I haven't posted anything in a while now, sorry about that, been busy with life stuff...but I just had to talk about something that's been on my mind for a couple weeks now. A couple weeks ago, I discovered that another favorite childhood show of mine (and honestly, I still like it) has an adult fandom that is big enough to create an entire documentary about it. That show being Thomas the Tank Engine. This information has made me curious about how many teen/adult PAW Patrol fans are out there in the world. One day I would love to see about making something for all of us that's not a full-on documentary but just a YouTube video or something to showcase that PAW Patrol has older fans and (this one means the most to me as an autistic person who gets made fun of by even my own dad for having PAW Patrol as a special interest...and don't even get me started on the bullying I have faced just for carrying PAW Patrol merch around) to hopefully help normalize liking things that people our age "aren't supposed to like". I do have a YouTube channel with this same username "MarshallFan99" but I haven't posted anything to it because I had planned for it to just be a channel used for commenting on PAW Patrol stuff, but if I can collect interviews from the PAW Patrol fans here on Tumblr (as well as share my own story with this show of course), I might be able to compile them into a video of some sort about what PAW Patrol means to its older fans and how we all come together over our love for these adorable pups, as well as to showcase the different things we do in this community since we all contribute to the fandom in different ways (posting art, writing fanfiction, making analyses of various aspects of the show, making character analyses, giving thoughts and reviews on the latest episodes, sharing our merch collections, making character-specific appreciation posts, sharing headcanons...and that's not even all the stuff I've seen).
And yeah, I know the PAW X Project was made last year but that mostly focused on PAWTubers. I want to showcase the Tumblr side of things (as well as the types of things we do on here) since this is the largest community of older fans I've ever been part of, and it made me so happy to find it because I finally felt a sense of belonging. So I wanna make something that can bring us all together and help show people that there's nothing wrong with liking it, especially since it's clear the creators know that we exist since they make PAW Patrol t shirts specifically in adult sizes (I have two of them).
So I guess what I'm saying is, if you'd like to be part of something like this, just let me know and we can talk about what to do! If you're not comfortable with it, that's okay too! Just let me know either way! And if you know someone who might wanna be part of something like this, feel free to share this post with them!
Looking forward to getting responses and hopefully working with some of you on this project! And till next time, Marshall out!
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jakowskis · 1 year
torchwood resources
just some stuff i've accumulated during this fixation :) hope it proves handy :D
ianto's-desktop (livejournal) - archived most of the things found on the torchwood website during season 1 and season 2; the only thing missing is the videos. / note: click the headers of the posts to see the full thing, or some stuff with appear incomplete. took me a sec to figure out, lol
speaking of the website...
season 1 website (archive.org)
season 2 website (archive.org) - unlike the s1 website, the bulk of the s2 site's content is pretty inaccessible through the wayback machine (at least for me; maybe i'm doing something wrong), so thank g-d for ianto's desktop
there's also a good amount of rebloggable site content in this person's tumblr tag.
season 1 declassified (youtube)
season 2 declassified (youtube)
season 1 commentaries (mega.nz)
torchwood books (google drive) - gonna be honest, i haven't tried to download any of these myself
border princes audiobook (read by eve) + all of the radio plays (archive.org)
torchwood magazines (beta.reddit) - download links for all of them! p fuckin kewl
torchwood official yearbook (archive.org)
herecomesthedrums (youtube) - account that started posting before the show came out and is chock full of promos, trailers, interviews... some real fun goodies in there
torchwood: up close (youtube) - handful of bts videos with the cast + crew
season 1 unreleased tracks (soundcloud) - the end of days ones hrhghgh
out of time unreleased tracks (soundcloud) - i absolutely adore the music in this ep so i was so happy when i found these
the torchwood fanpop - this has sooooooo much content like i scrolled for a loooooong time and never reached the bottom. lotta stuff i hadn't seen before, too. there's fun hd promo pics, pics of the cast, and a lot of extremely early 2010s edits, graphics, and fanvids. / note: i also had this page bookmarked + it's got different content than the main page so i'll link it
aaand under the cut i'm gonna dump some silly stuff i've collected of the cast. but yeah, there ya go :-)
gally 2015: zip files of someone's pictures of eve, naoko, and burn (livejournal)
gally 2015: someone's account of the torchwood panels + meeting the cast (everyone was there but gareth!) - naoko & burn's solo panels / autograph table chats + barrowman photo-op + the naoko&burn&eve group panel / barrowman solo panel + burn&eve joint panel
dragon con 2013 (flickr) - i found two albums: this one, and this one, which has torchwood cast images on the first and second pages.
burn at chicago tardis 2012 (flickr) - ehehe 2012-2013 burn gorman w his classy little outfits my beloved. this is just hq pictures of that event. burn's in a bunch at the top and some at the end of the second page
the hub 2009 (flickr) - some kind of torchwood event. gareth, burn, eve, kai, and tom are all there. i dunno
hvff 2018: 'insights from the whole cast'
hvff 2018: video of everybody goofing off (twitter)
gareth endorsing owandy teehee (twitter) - this is getting dumped here bc im gay
sigh. (blogspot) - pics from that one fuckin 08 panel where gareth & john made out like 5 times + gareth took his jeans off for some reason. i don't even go here but i feel like this is unfortunately historically relevant. also the fujoshis in the comments are really funny
incomplete but sizable lists of cons gareth's been to and john's been to, in case anyone wants to dig around for photos/footage of any of these. the other cast members (excluding burn, for some reason) all have pages on this site as well, but theirs are super incomplete so i won't bother linking
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ystk-archive · 11 months
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[Translation] capsule in girls '60s magazine (Feb. 2004)
When I first saw their music videos, the striking visuals immediately caught my eye. Simplistic designs, vivid color schemes on the outfits and sets… I can't describe the style as anything other than '60s-inspired. For the first edition of our "Pick Up Artist" feature, it's one whose existence fascinates me — let's take a look at the charm of capsule.
capsule is a music unit consisting of Nakata Yasutaka, whom manages the sound, art direction, design, concept work and so on, and vocalist Koshijima Toshiko. Nakata directs the image, visual aspects, and songs while Koshijima performs it all, resulting in their unique style. - original interview by Aikawa Chisato, translation by ystk-archive -
The reason behind their '60s-inspired visual style
Nakata: To be honest, I don't have any particular attachment to the '60s. I just like unique and minimalistic things, stuff with interesting shapes and clean designs and whatnot. It started when I got into interior design, and at first I especially liked Space Age furniture.¹ That's changed a little recently — I like pieces made out of wood but still with that outerspace kind of vibe. Even when it's made from wood, it doesn't feel natural, it still has this sort of odd look. When it comes to the '60s, I like the plywood that they often used. But I'm intrigued by Karimoku furniture too (laughs).²
— So would you say you're more interested in space and not the '60s?
Nakata: Yeah, and I guess sci-fi movies played a part in that. In movies like Men in Black you often see Tulip chairs, though I don't think they were used to evoke a retro or '60s feel on purpose.³ With films like that I tend to focus more on the furniture and not the overall atmosphere; if anything, I see furniture along with fashion as objects that look nice when put into a scene you're taking in as a whole. I like to come up with unconventional settings. Women are usually depicted in sci-fi films as secretaries, all wearing identical wigs and uniforms, and I like that kind of weird atmosphere. So instead of me consciously liking '60s aesthetics, I wound up thinking they were cool without making the connection that they were from that decade. I also love clothes that incorporate simplistic, striking designs, since they're like spacesuits (laughs).
— How do you feel about wearing clothes like that?
Koshijima: I'm also not obsessed with the '60s or anything, but I like to play around with that era's clothing and makeup styles. It's more fun than just wearing normal clothes.
— Have you two had similar tastes all along?
Nakata: Our tastes used to be completely different. I feel like she's adjusted to match me.
— So Koshijima-san is committed to being a model?
Koshijima: Yep. I haven't changed my approach, ever since the beginning.
— Are there times where you feel like your tastes really are different?
Koshijima: I don't think so. If we actually were fundamentally different, I don't think we'd be working together. Strangely enough, when I look at the materials I'm given, I start to think they're cute. Nakata: When I get an idea, I suggest it first. Koshijima: But he doesn't show me clothes or anything directly, instead he shows me photos and videos… Like I'm being brainwashed (laughs). The more he introduces me to all kinds of cool things, the more similar we become. After I watched the materials he gave me, poses and dance moves just started coming naturally to me without even realizing it.
— Maybe you ran across something from the '60s that left an impression and that ended up coming through in your image.
Nakata: Yeah, there are a lot of easy explanations for it. I wonder if we're more like a new product with a retro design that would fit nicely in someone's living room, rather than something that could be found in an authentic '60s vintage shop. I think even if we intentionally collected oldschool aesthetics from that era and tried to copy those, it'd still turn out differently, because peoples' concept of the '60s and the real '60s are two different things. But if you take parts of that concept people have of that decade and use them, you wind up with something that has the right feel to it. For me right now, the concept I have in mind is the "style" of the '60s. Instead of making clothes or objects to match up with the '60s aesthetic, the styles are already floating around in my head, and then I make content that reflects that. There were a lot of useless shapes — like aren't record players from back then weird-looking? The technology of them and the half-dome shape are of that time, but the way they look on the outside is as if someone was imagining the future while designing them. It's interesting how these days it's the opposite: now the exterior designs of things are retro while the tech inside is highly advanced. And I like both (laughs). I even like things that seem out of place. I'm drawn to a sense of disharmony.
— Would you say the essence of the '60s is woven into your music?
Nakata: Not intentionally. I think the things I like tend to show through my music on accident. Basically I want to make any music, as long as it's cute.
— So do you feel like music is essentially an object?
Nakata: Music is something I started doing because I thought I could create it. It was right when I was in junior high school, they'd made a lot of progress with technology so making cassette tapes became fun. Part of that was because I liked the feeling of winding a tape up. I liked playing around with machines more than the music aspect itself and, when it comes to decorating, I even like the look of a tape deck sitting in a room. So that's why I want our CDs to be sold in regular stores along with other kinds of merchandise. I don't think music should be classified as something special and separate; it's good if it's just one part of the total amount of belongings in a space. Rather than wanting people to listen to our music seriously, I'd be happy if they enjoy the atmosphere it gives when they play it out in the open.
¹ Space Age design was characterized by "sleek, aerodynamic lines and geometric forms," "dominated by bright, bold hues" and was often constructed of manmade materials such as plastic. You can read more about it here. ² Karimoku is a Japanese brand of all-wood furniture boasting superior craftsmanship. You can read more about it and look at examples here. ³ This is the famous Tulip chair.
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moveslikeanape · 9 months
i actually don't play disney magic kingdoms myself, it's just not really my type of game, but i've seen some gameplay of it and read a lot of the little dialogue from it online and it's always seemed really charming and cute! so it really is too bad we might never get to see tarzan characters added to it. i do play disney dreamlight valley on the switch, which is sort of a life sim game like animal crossing but with disney/pixar characters all living together, and a lot more of a story to it with quests you get to do for everyone. it's a lot newer and doesn't have nearly as many characters in it, but a recent update added a jungle biome that would've been perfect for tarzan and jane. i know they'll probably never be added, but if they were then they could live together in the treehouse and we could see how tarzan would feel about living in the valley among so many other humans! there would be so many new things that jane could teach him about.
i recently started collecting lorcana cards after seeing one of rapunzel wearing a green dress, which i found really cool because that was what she had in so much of her concept art! i was also pretty excited to be able to get cards from the emperor's new groove, the great mouse detective, treasure planet, and hercules. i bet they could make some beautiful cards for tarzan... but yeah, that copyright issue is incredibly frustrating. some of my favorite movies may be a bit overlooked or underrepresented by disney, but at least they don't have the legal problem that tarzan has. i guess with once upon a studio they must've wanted to really go all out to make sure every single walt disney animation studios feature could be included! i'm grateful they did, because it would've been a huge shame to see tarzan not even allowed into the special 100th anniversary short. the new movie "wish" also has a tribute to past WDAS films during the credits, where gold-colored drawings of characters from each movie appeared across the screen in chronological order. strangely they actually left out a handful of movies including the black cauldron, but they did include tarzan!
also, i'm sure you already knew about this haha, but just the other day i came across an article from a few years ago where several of the people who worked on tarzan were interviewed and talked about the production. and i learned for the first time that it was originally planned as a direct-to-video movie which would stick closer to the source material with tarzan going to england. i'm obviously very glad that that didn't happen and we got the movie we have now instead. -🌟
Sorry, was out of town for the weekend visiting family.
That's fair about Magic Kingdoms not being your type of game. I think the only real reason I play it is because it's something I can play casually and more of less keep up with, with out it taking too much time.
What I've seen of Dreamlight Valley looks like so much fun! And that would be amazing to see Tarzan and Jane in that game. Probably will never happen, but we can dream!
Ooo, I haven't seen that Rapunzel one, will have to look it up. I've always loved the concept art. So insane to think there's actually even Treasure Planet art in them!!!
Sadly we may never get Tarzan in Lorcana, but I found this artist during the Disemeber challenge on instagram, and he's actually done art for Lorcana. Looks like it was just the one card, Chief Bogo (which he's posted if you go though his stuff). May not be official, but at least here's a Christmas themed idea of what could be if they included Tarzan
OMG, I never expected any reference to Tarzan in Wish!! I haven't seen it yet (live in a small town, starting to think we may not even get it in our theatre), but now I'm even more excited to see it!
Oh wow, I actually didn't know that! That's so interesting (definitely so grateful they didn't go that route though). Would have been interesting to see how close Disney would get to the source material… don't know if you've ever read the books, but there's a lot of not so family friendly stuff. Also would have been such a waste, given the quality of D2V animation, would have been such a shame to only get Tarzan & Jane quality animation.
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acaplaya-musings · 8 months
Screw it, have a not-fully-human Voiceplay AU (Part 1)
I'm obviously not the first person to do this, and I very much got inspired by other AUs and fics I've seen floating around (I haven't even read any of the fanfics, but just reading the tags/summaries were enough to get my brain buzzing with ideas). And let's be honest, it's almost natural to imagine at least some of Voiceplay's members as non-human when they're that good, and don't even get me started on some of the videos!
This is mostly just a collection of thoughts/ideas though - I don't plan on turning it into a proper fic or doing art of it or anything like that, but I thought I might as well type it up here anyway, so it's not just stuck bouncing around in my brain. Sticking it under a Read More link because this ended up being kinda long. (And note that this AU is less of a "what if they had powers" AU and more of a "what if a lot of real life stuff was explained by magic / occult forces and the like" AU, though I don't know a great deal about Voiceplay's early days so bear with me).
Geoff: Half-demon, sort of. Not exactly "demon" as in "representative of Hell/linked to Satan", more "demon" as in "innate connections to a part of the Earth far, far below the surface, deep in the mantle, if not deeper". "Half-demon" is about the best description in the English language for him, even when considering many popular works of fantasy and myth
(Yeah I considered a few other options for what Geoff could possibly be, including a half-dragon/dragonborn, but his voice is much too smooth and clear imo to be typically reminiscent of a dragon (other than his growls and vocal fry), and some other people have already referred to him as a demon god/demon lord/etc, so yeah might as well. I'm putting my own spin on it though).
Geoff is still at least partially human, and just human enough that for the first three and a half decades or so of his life, he was able to almost fully suppress the non-human part of himself. Half-demon!Geoff, not fully knowing the meaning or implications of what he was, feared that the ground may one day swallow him up whole; the depths of the earth staking its claim once and for all. He took up pole-vaulting in high school [true], and had aspirations of being a rock tenor [also true] - hitting high notes in songs and soaring over beams many feet in the air made it easier to ignore the faint occasional rumbles from far below the ground that nobody else ever seemed to hear.
(I'll get back to Geoff in a minute, but lets start talking about...)
Layne: Extra-terrestrial being, for sure, though not quite a stereotypical alien per se. In this AU, Layne started off as a vaguely-animal-shaped collection of cells (or the celestial/outer space equivalent anyway) that crash-landed on Earth via a small asteroid and took on the (main/primary) form of a human.
(And just for funsies, let's say that "Layne" was what TV Tropes would call a Line-Of-Sight Alias after seeing a street sign. He was originally "Lane", but someone once stuck a Y in the middle of it while writing it down and he chose to keep it that way).
Layne and Geoff became friends in middle school [true], both sensing there was a notable uniqueness about the other.
I'm a bit hazy on the origins of Voiceplay (or rather, 4:2:Five, as it was first named), it's been a while since I've watched/listened to some of the interviews Geoff has done where he talks a little about it, and I can't be bothered doing too much research/recollection for a random fun AU idea, so I'm playing a little fast and loose with details here.
Layne, now attending high school with Geoff [true I think?] was inspired to create an acapella group [I'm fairly sure it was at least partially his idea but don't @ me] not too long after first learning about them and hearing some examples of acapella performances. The idea that humans could create music without any typical instrumentation and be just as enjoyable (if not more?) as someone singing with a band was fascinating to him, and he was very keen to try it out for himself.
Geoff meanwhile was spending his time learning the oboe [true, iirc], and wasn't fully keen on the idea at first, especially when Layne asked him to be the bass singer for it, but the two were[/are] best friends, and it didn't take too long for Layne to convince him.
Layne started off as the baritone of the group [true], and a beatboxer wasn't added till a little later after the group's inception, after Layne was further inspired by the group Rockapella [also true, except idk who originally had the idea to add a beatboxer (that's why they were called 4:2:Five btw - they started out as basically a barbershop quartet, but then added a fifth member for vocal percussion)]
This is starting to get quite long, even for a Read More imo, so I'm making a separate post for part 2. And yes, Eli will get included as well!
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the-trinket-witch · 2 years
S.T.Y.X Log A-113
"This is Idia Shroud. Due to Some events going on this past year, I'm taking it on myself to investigate Night Raven College for any additional…weird activity. I'm transcribing the Videos recorded from devices I've placed in every dorm domain on the premise of it being an anonymous audio diary. Told the Headmaster it would be cheaper than hiring a counselor. Of course, they don't know there's video of all this, I need some through-lines and for that I need faces. Though, knowing which guys are spilling their guts into a mic is a lil interesting, kinda funny too, hehe. -ahem- Alright, to note these have been transcribed as they come in. So events may be out of order. With that let's dive on in."
Statement of Scarabia student 1-25, regarding his concern for his Vice Dorm Head. 
Statement Begins:
“I feel really bad for Jamil, I’ll say right outta the gate. He works super hard for Scarabia, I honestly don’t know what we’d do without him. Kalim, our Dorm Leader, is a great guy too! He's super resourceful-knows how to think on his toes. And I think, in any other circumstance, he's something I think our dorm needs! 
But…for context, I'm on the Magift team. No big secret that…we didn't make finals. I'm disappointed in myself, and I think a lotta the guys are. But then, Scarabia kinda, collectively, fell last in our finals scores. I tried, so hard, to keep my scores up, and I even had some tutoring from both Azul AND Jamil. I dunno how our Vice Dorm Head does it: does all the duties that come with that title, do awesome in basketball, tutors just about anybody who asks, and…takes care of our Dorm Leader. 
It's kind of an open secret that Kalim got in a bit after Jamil. He's been trying to quell rumors that he got in by his family bribing the school.  I hadn't heard of it before he said something, he just asked me one day if I heard of the rumor and not to spread it. But now that he mentions it, I've been hearing it more and more. I don't even think Kalim even knows. I…can't say I haven't told anybody.
Sorry, back to the whole finals thing. We didn't do real hot. Aaaand that kinda stuff falls into the Dorm Leader's lap. He's supposed to lead us and we all dropped the ball. Kinda should have seen this coming. Kalim is such a party animal. If it isn't birthdays, it's a win for any of the sports teams, or someone doing well on a test. I can sometimes see Jamil running around getting all this stuff done for it and I just feel… bad about it. I've offered to help a lotta the time and he seems so relieved whenever someone comes to offer. And he seems to trust me enough to tell me…things. 
He's telling me Kalim has been losing sleep lately over all this. And it's making him irritable. I can tell-he's been getting weirdly snappy at people, lately. When he gets that way, he starts talking about cracking down on getting our scores and skill up. Jamil says he's supposedly talking about having a kind of 'Winter Break Boot-Camp'. He seems kinda resigned to it already.  I'm not looking forward to it, but he asked me while we were making lunch, the other day if I'd be willing to stay over break. If just for support. And…I wanted to. I just couldn't say no. 
I kept wanting to talk myself out of it-go back and tell Jamil I can't. I want to see my folks this holiday, but everytime I think about saying no, it feels like I'm getting yanked by my brainstem back to 'yes'. My eyes burned all night, thinking about it. I'll give it a shot,  but I ain't happy about it.. I know if Kalim keeps his weird attitude shift up, I don't even know if I really want him as my dorm leader next semester."
Statement ends.
Addendum: corroborating interviews with Ortho have turned up…nothing. I had him ask about anything weird happening over the break, and all he gets is that there was some extra practice and studying going on, but nobody says they remember anything outside of that. Must have been that boring. That or their brains have all collectively fried in that Scarabia heat. 
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prettyoddfever · 2 years
Hello! I saw on your YouTube you said that there are a lot of videos you haven’t posted because they got taken down. You could try using Vimeo to post those videos because they aren’t strict with copyright and things like that. I would love to see some videos I haven’t seen before on there!
I started to do that last year with a couple videos, but then I took them down because I'm nervous about the legality of that... like if it gets straight up removed from youtube during the uploading process then I don't think I should post the full thing anywhere else. I've tried to add very short clips of the best moments from some of those videos into my longer edits, though! but in some cases even a few seconds of just the audio from an interview gets the whole edit blocked. And that seems silly because all of this content used to be available to download on fan sites like nbd... and I especially don't get why the SNL performance gets blocked when the rest of that episode seems to be on youtube just fine.
But it's not like I'm over here sitting on hundreds of videos that aren't online, sorry. There are only maybe 10-20 that haven't worked to upload. I'm missing a tragic amount of content. I really regret not saving more... I never planned to have an account like this where I'd be trying to recap stuff, and I didn't realize things back then were so temporary either. Blame Viacom. Here’s a list of some of the content I think I’m missing so far.
side tangent that’s slightly relevant:
Youtube wasn't that widely used in 2005 when P!ATD started touring. I remember using it more by spring 2006 (and then it was huge by that summer), but for a while fans were most likely to upload their videos from shows to sites that no longer exist, like buzznet. That's why there are only scraps of random videos from fall 2005 left on youtube... and those were often uploaded later from someone who didn't film them. For example, there are a lot of GroveStBrent's videos from a Chain Reaction show in December 2005 left on youtube because that person lost their original files around the end of the Fever era and asked if anyone had saved their videos. Those got collected, put into a zip file, passed around, and then someone put them on youtube. So the fact that there are way more youtube videos from that one show at Chain Reaction than anything else in late 2005 doesn't mean it had any special significance... those videos were just shared at a point when youtube was more commonly used. I think this is important to point out because it seems like some teens these days are under the impression that P!ATD wasn’t very big yet in fall 2005 since there are barely any videos from that season on youtube. The reality is that P!ATD was already quite popular in fall 2005… but youtube wasn’t. 
Anyways, people starting using youtube more as 2006 progressed and there was SO much content shared from shows & interviews during the last half of the Fever era. The problem was that apparently MTV owned a ridiculous amount of the shows/channels that P!ATD was featured on (even stuff like Razer). Viacom sued youtube around the end of the Fever era, which meant a good chunk of the Panic fandom's videos were deleted and some channels were removed for repeatedly trying to re-upload banned content. That's why so many of the Fever-era interviews that are left have an upload date of 2007 or later. And that's why we're left with scraps like that pathetically blurry short clip of Brendon holding Ryan's hand instead of the whole series of those T-Minus Rock episodes. 
Basically, I'm trying to share some basic content that the fandom had in 2006-2008, but I'm also trying to not do anything sketchy. The majority of the videos that I'm missing or just can't upload are tied to Viacom in some way... and it's so sad because what is any company even doing with that footage at this point. 
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fenoderee · 3 years
Shinya [Drums] Interview
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Our fourth solo interview is with Shinya, who is the foundation of the band. Shinya has been focusing on simple phrasing and groove in recent years, so how did he approach his latest album "Oboro"?
Basically I don't think about the details, I just do what comes to my mind and I don't worry about it.
-It seems that the songwriting process started very early on, but did you have the new album in mind from the beginning?
Shinya: That's right. I've been working on the songs for the new album. So we decided to release a single, and we talked about which of our existing songs we should release as a single, and "Oboro" was chosen.
-In your case, I personally feel that you've always written songs with a lot of energy or beauty. When you were thinking about the album, what kind of ideas and images did you have in your mind in the early stages of composition?
Shinya:I didn't really think about it before I wrote the song, I just started writing it, and as a result, I couldn't write anything but intense stuff.
-When you say "intense," do you mean songs with a fast BPM?
Shinya: That's right.
-There are several ways to compose a song, how did you do it this time?
Shinya: Recently, I've been using a plug-in guitar instrument that I really like. It has a lot of heavy sounds in it, so I just play it and think about what I want to do.
-What kind of composition system do you currently have at home? It is known to your fans that you are an Apple fanatic, and you seem to be changing to the latest version every year. Do you use the same kind of system for your compositions?
Shinya: It's the other way around, I'm very minimalistic now. I only use one laptop for composing.
-Do you want to install all your DTM software on the computer?
Shinya: That's right. I don't play guitar anymore when I write songs, so I've removed the audio interface. It's a very compact period.
-At the time of this writing, you are touring the country with the "Meguro Rokumeikan Gig", but if you take that computer with you, you can compose music in your dressing room?
Shinya: If I wanted to, I could, but I don't think I will (laughs).
-Did it change the way you came up with the ideas and the process of shaping the songs?
Shinya: That's right. When I used to compose, I used to play my guitar at home and write riffs by myself. But now I don't have a guitar and I'm working on it, so I think the guitar phrases I make have changed.
-So the intense songs you wrote were not chosen for the single, but do you have any plans to make it into the album?
Shinya: The song wasn't selected when it was written, so it was probably rejected (laughs).
-That's not something to say while laughing (laughs). By the way, Shinya, you're the type of person who actively goes to see other people's live performances. I think the main reason is because it's your favorite band or artist, but I also think that seeing a live performance can stimulate you in terms of calligraphy and creative therapy. Now that I have become a member of Corona, I can no longer go to live concerts, and DIR EN GREY has almost completely stopped performing. What do you do for musical input in such a situation?
Shinya: Hmmm... I don't think so at the moment (laughs). Especially when it comes to music.
-Do you ever go through various albums and videos by yourself?
Shinya: No, I don't. I just use what I have inside me right now.
-Shinya's musical tastes are well known to his fans, but is there anything new that has resonated with you during this composing process?
Shinya: Hmmm... I haven't explored anything new in the other solutions.
-Did you go back to your roots and what you like?
Shinya: No, I didn't think about that too much, I just made the songs naturally.
-How did you spend your time at stay home, as a musician and as an individual?
Shinya: I was doing nothing but editing videos (laughs). That's why I was spending most of my time on my YouTube channel.
-I've been watching it for a while now, and I'm also a subscriber to the channel, so please answer me politely (laughs).
Shinya: Oh, thank you very much (laughs).
-Of course it's fun to do, but is there anything exciting about it?
Shinya: When I was working on it, I thought that it was very similar to songwriting. You can keep working on it, and it never ends.
-If you want to be particular, you can go all the way.
That's right, even for a single video, there are endless things you can do.
-The timing of inserting a subtitle, the choice of font, etc.
Shinya: Yes, yes (laughs). Once you start paying attention to the details, there's really no end to it. It's similar to songwriting..
-Is Shinya the type of person who spends a lot of time focusing on various aspects of a song, even when he's writing it individually?
Shinya : With DIR EN GREY, I always bring the original songs to the studio before I've finished them. I know that as the members' ideas come in, it will definitely change from the shape I've created. That's why I don't go into too much detail (laughs), I only make it to a certain point because it's going to change anyway. I try to make it so that the members can understand the side of the song.
-You said that when you select songs in the band, you don't know who wrote which song. Do you ever get feedback from the band members afterwards?
Shinya: I was asked afterwards about the songs I wrote this time. "That's Shinya's song." Then, he said, "Oh, I liked it."
-So you've had that conversation? If you listen to the demo, do you know who made it?
Shinya: Yes, you're right. Yes, I don't have a definitive answer, but I can vaguely tell.
-Although it wasn't adopted, it's nice to be told that it's your favourite song.
Shinya: Well...yes, but the song selection is a majority decision.
-There are always multiple layers to a song, but each time you're inspired to write a new song from a different angle?
Shinya: No, I don't have any particular plans at the moment, since I'm in the middle of an explosive screening (laughs ). Once the songwriting starts again, I'm sure I'll be motivated like you said. I still have my computer with me, but I'm not writing songs, I'm collecting videos (laughs).
-That's a good point (laughs). You've been working on the album for a long time, what do you hope to achieve with it?
Shinya: Up until now, I've been thinking of songs that can evolve in a live setting, but this time, even if we make an album, we don't know if we will be able to perform live or tour like we have in the past. So I've been thinking about it with that situation in mind.
-In other words, rather than evolving through live performances, do you have a sense of construction that evolves completely during the production process?
Shinya: Well, to put it simply, it's a nuance.
-Do you want to take a different approach to the drums?
Shinya: No, when it comes to drum phrases, I don't think about the details, I just do what comes to my mind. I don't worry about it too much.
-What was your impression of this single, "Oboro", when you heard the original song?
Shinya: Well... I was working on several songs at the same time, and I don't remember what the original "Oboro" song sounded like.
-Were the other songs that you were arranging and pre-producing at the same time too strong for you?
Shinya: It was all very strong. The drum approach for "Oboro" was just what I thought of when I heard the original song, without any worries.
We're going to do a live performance for an audience on the 6th of May, but we don't know what's going to happen after that, so we're going to do it as if it might be our last one.
-You said that you often set up an electric drum machine at home and make drum arrangements while playing, is this the same style you used for "Oboro" and the new songs you were working on?
Shinya: When I'm thinking of drum phrases, I don't use an electric drum but just use the mouse. In the past, I used to focus on the basic groove of the song, and I used to add drum phrases while actually playing the drums. But the period of thinking while playing is over now…
-I didn't know you had such a time frame in mind (laughs). Thinking with the mouse is a way of avoiding the first days of DTM, isn't it?
Shinya: Yes, it's the way we did it in the beginning. I think the period of time I was thinking about it while I was in the city changed my way of thinking about drum place. It's hard to describe it in words (laughs).
-I'll take care of that. I'm a subscriber to the Shinya Channel, so be nice to me (lol).
Shinya: Well, I guess I should say I've got it all figured out. I've learned about the advantages of using an electric drum and the differences between using a mouse and thinking with an electric drum, and now I'm able to create phrases and grooves with just a mouse while playing the electric drum, so I think it's not a problem. I can now type in rhythms and phrases with the same time signature as if I were actually playing.
-Do you find it easier to come up with something unexpected by not thinking of phrases as you play?
Shinya: Yes, one of the advantages of playing the piano is that you can create phrases that you can't edit. You can create phrases that you can't edit with your own hands. That's why I started thinking about drum arrangements by typing with the mouse in the early days. In this song "Oboro", I used the mouse a lot in the A melody and other phrases. The demo phrases that I came up with using only the mouse were much stronger and weaker, but when I actually played them on live drums, I couldn't get that level of intensity.
-Do you mean simply the volume?
Shinya: That's right. The core of each sound has to come out properly in live drums, so even if you add a strong instrument, if it's too weak, the core won't come out. The image was different from the one I had in the mouse, but it turned out good, so I didn't have any trouble. I also thought a lot about the guitar in the drum braise of "Oboro". It's the solo part.
-It's a drum approach that is making a difference.
Shinya: Yes. I tried to make a good movement when I hit it. The form of the striking and the movement of the arms are flowing.
-You have a large number of cymbals anyway, and they are set up around the effects cymbals. Effect cymbals have a shorter blue sustain than normal cymbals. That's why when you use a lot of cymbals, do you consider the tendency of the sound of each cymbal and the length of the sustain while constructing the phrase itself?
Shinya: That's what I'm trying to do, to make it so that it's smooth and the previous movements flow. But when we were recording, we didn't talk about it that much. At the live show, I think "I used this cymbal on the recording, but I'll use that cymbal at the live show", so at the live show, I try to pursue the movement more.
-You‘re a drummer who can go beyond. You mentioned that you bring the same cymbals and settings to your recordings as you do live?
Shinya: There are as many cymbals as there are live, but the tycoons are more like two thimbles, two toms and one floor. It's a set of two toms and one floor.
-I think it's important to be careful when making drum sounds.
Shinya: Yes, it is. The drums are the most important part of the sound. I leave it to the tuner. I asked the tuner to listen to a demo of a drum phrase that I typed in with my mouse, and then I asked him to create a drum sound that would fit the phrase. I didn't start working with the drum tuner on recordings until 2019 (The World of Mercy), and he also joined me on several occasions during the tour. The sound on that tour was so good that we started asking them to play on 'The World of Mercy'. It's easier to make a good sound in a live setting, but if the tuner can make a sound that I'm happy with, then I can trust him for the recording. For the recording of "Oboro", they tuned it to the sound I had imagined from the beginning.
-I get the impression that you always do your recordings without getting bogged down, but this time?
Shinya: Just like that. We also recorded the coupling song "T.D.F.F." at that time, but we didn't get stuck. But I recorded it part by part, so it took a bit longer. If I'm happy with the intro, I'll go on to the A melody, and so on, starting from the beginning of the song. It takes a lot of concentration to record each part. Also, sometimes the song isn't written until the day before, so I haven't memorised the phrases yet (laughs). The structure of "Oboro" wasn't even ready until the day before we recorded it. So when I played it, I put the recording side by side and concentrated on each part.
-What did you think of the coupling track "T.D.F.F."?
Shinya: I didn't change much in terms of drum phrases, but I tried to give it a bit more energy. As a result, there are a little less detailed snare phrases than on the original version.
-When you do a self-remake, do you tend to go in with a different stance than the original?
Shinya: It depends on how it's arranged. If the whole arrangement is completely different, I'll consider it a controversial piece and work on it. But basically, I try not to change the original phrases. When SUGIZO joined X JAPAN, he said, "Classical phrases are all different depending on the performer, even if the phrases are not changed“ . That's why SUGIZO said he was playing the same phrases as HIDE. That's why I want to show that although the phrases are the same, they are actually different.
-It's all luck. Even though the phrases are the same, each note is different, and this progression is the growth.
Shinya: Yes. It's a bit embarrassing to call it growth, but I think it's different even though it's the same phrase. But there are things that only the ward of that time could do, but there are also things that only the ward of today can do.
-What mode are you in as a drummer in 2021?
Shinya: I don't really think about it, I just want to play a good drum.
-When I started thinking about the phrases in Mouse, it was also the time when the Band started performing and touring overseas, and the Band's drummers and musicians that I played with at festivals and other events were always saying, "The drums in DIR EN GREY are so circular and amazing. I wondered if Shinya had some kind of special meaning behind the way he phrased the songs“ .
Shinya: Even if I say I've gone back, the way I put it on is completely different from back then. I was thinking of doing something complicated back then, but now I'm thinking of making it as simple as possible. I'm saying that now, but I think it will change depending on what kind of new songs I'm going to play. I'm going to release "Oboro" as a single, but I don't think you can see the spirit of the album from this song alone, in fact I think the album will have a completely different feel. In addition to "Oboro", the other songs on the album will have more impact in the direction of things. I may have done something uncomplicated before the drums... (laughs).
-By the way, today was the first time you met your fans in Osaka, are you getting more excited about the show?
Shinya: Yes, I am. We're going to play to an audience on May 6th, but after that we don't know what will happen. So I'm going to do it with the mindset that it might be my last live. I'm looking forward to seeing how it will be expressed in the actual live performance.
Translations by me.
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af1899 · 3 years
An update on what I've been up to (July 11th, 2021)
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Memes aside, I've been doing quite a bunch of stuff outside here and I would like to share an update about that, but since it'll stretch a bit, I'll hide it, the tags will also give away a resume of what to expect; and with that said, feel free to read on.
Long ago but still in 2021, while lurking smwcentral.net, I found a .SPC music file in one of the user's profiles while desperately looking to expand my SNES music collection, but the other day, I thought that I'd try finding from where this track called "Dark Jungle" comes from, turns out it's actually an arrangement of said track that ggamer77 made of the original track by Dean Evans for the Jurassic Park 2 game, which got me slowly into the series, its premise is interesting so I might like them in the end.
Next up, I finished summoning for [Ylissean Summer] banner in Fire Emblem Heroes, although it's regrettable that I couldn't make of the summoning marathon as grand I've hoped it to be and planned to, but other promising banners have been appearing since early June or so, trying to drain me from my [Orbs], I want to share details of my summoning in another post later on while sharing the video, since I have the whole session recorded. But that aside, I got Summer Mia in about 30 [Orbs] and I'm quite happy, since she and Lucina are my favorite characters from their home worlds in the Fire Emblem franchise, here's their current build:
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*I die from cringe at missing base [Swift Sparrow 3]*
Not much use for them lately but I want to work and improve their build, I've yet to think how and I've been taking care of other events, I'll try to see if I can aim for a merge or two next year, but for now it's impossible with all of the dangerous banners lurking around.
I also started a game I found through a similar fashion to Jurassic Park 2, it's called Demon's Crest and is a platformer produced by Capcom for the SNES.
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In aesthetics, the game gives me similar vibes to the Castlevania titles of the era, but it's not any less beautiful, not to mention the music is truly a delight, employing a lot of organo and the surround effect:
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Currently, I'm listening to the piece named above, it feels filled with melancholy and nostalgia and I see myself listening to it for hours on end.
I also got access to my PC again, after returning from a vacation in late June, which means that I can try and do other stuff more efficiently, like organizing my fan art collection, doing work and playing games I couldn't test before, like for example: Under Night In-Birth, it's a 2D fighting game I've found about after seeing a lot a character that resembles Mia from Fire Emblem, she's called Orie:
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(Official artwork)
I adore her design as well as her kindhearted and even-tempered personality, plus the lore in the game seems interesting as well, so I plan to delve a little further, I haven't played much recently because I'm not cut for fighting games *notes how I mash keys randomly*.
I'm also able to play Genshin Impact again, and she's my favorite character:
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Yup, there's a lot of work to be done but I do want to work on my "F2P party", which I happen to like a lot but Lisa is the queen.
I extended another VGM which I haven't been able to extend up until now and I'd like to link it here:
And finally, I've been fine myself, still existing I guess; I'm currently waiting for news regarding a job I signed up a few weeks ago, but recently I took part of the "psychological" test, recruiters do those here for candidates that pass the interview to see if the recruitee is ready mentally to take on the job, and I think I improved a little over last time.
That'll be it for now, see ya later!
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philosopherking1887 · 4 years
(1) Hey, this is gonna be long but I have a question about all this #anti Chris Hemsworth situation. Just to be clear - I'm not on any side tbh, I'm just curious, hoping you could clear it all up a bit, if you will. SoI haven't been following Chris and Tom's interactions since TDW. Back then, they seemed to be really good friends, they were both joking, laughing and praising each other's work, seemed to have some good fun filming together. I remember Hemsworth saying something...
(2)...Hemsworth saying something along the likes of 'we adopted Tom into the Hemsworth family, we love him' during some interview. Then RAGNAROK came and I only saw some behind the scenes videos but not much really. I have noticed that Taika Waititi didn't really seem to like Tom and Tom himself seemed to be kind of uncomfortable around him. But that's just Taika, I haven't noticed anything wrong between Tom and Chris, only that they didn't seem as close as they used to, but I didn't really...
(3)...didn't really pay attention to that. Now I've seen some of your posts, scrolled through the #anti Hemsworth tag here on tumblr and things seem to be really serious. Ppl talking about how Chris been giving Tom 'the cold shoulder', him and Tessa making fun of him, Tom seeming to be sad and uncomfortable around CH and him saying some mean things about Tom... Now my question is, do you have any links to some specific interviews etc. that highlight this weird situation? Or would you mind... 
(4)...would you mind making a sort of 'master post' describing this whole turn of events? Of course if you have some spare time. Sorry to ask that of you, I'm just really confused. I never really loved Hemsworth but he seemed a nice guy and Tom also seemed to like him a lot. I generally like to check the sources before I make up my opinion on someone and here on tumblr it's all just so chaotic..
As it happens, I’ve already made a masterpost of sources and commentary explaining why Thor: Ragnarok was terrible. The second section has a bunch of links to interviews with Hemsworth about the new direction of the Thor franchise, including some comments about Loki. Many of those are from after Infinity War and/or Endgame, and they don’t cover the Ragnarok press tour, when many of us started observing a noticeable chill in the relationship between Hemsworth and Hiddleston. But these interviews do provide some confirmation of the sense that Hemsworth has lost the respect and affection he used to have for Tom.
I don’t have specific sources for the origin of the cold-shouldering or the thing about Chris and Tessa making fun of Tom -- from what I saw in the TR press tour cast interviews, when Tessa was paired with Tom much more often than Chris was, Tessa didn’t seem to have gotten the memo from Chris and Taika that Tom was persona non grata, and she actually said a lot in praise of Tom’s acting, and in particular of the sexiness of his voice (same with Jeff Goldblum). @nikkoliferous has even more extensive anti-Ragnarok documentation than I do, though, and might be able to provide receipts for the nasty interpersonal stuff.
I should note that my personal antipathy toward CH is as much about his cavalier destruction of his own character and the integrity of the franchise as a whole as it is about his personal nastiness to Tom, and the interview links I’ve collected highlight that aspect. I linked those articles as evidence for the conclusion that Ragnarok was intended as a reboot-cum-sendup of the previous movies, not a satisfying conclusion to the arcs of the characters as previously established -- contrary to the claims of some Ragnarok stans who professed to have been fans of the franchise previously.
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