#Voiceplay AU
acaplaya-musings · 8 months
Screw it, have a not-fully-human Voiceplay AU (Part 1)
I'm obviously not the first person to do this, and I very much got inspired by other AUs and fics I've seen floating around (I haven't even read any of the fanfics, but just reading the tags/summaries were enough to get my brain buzzing with ideas). And let's be honest, it's almost natural to imagine at least some of Voiceplay's members as non-human when they're that good, and don't even get me started on some of the videos!
This is mostly just a collection of thoughts/ideas though - I don't plan on turning it into a proper fic or doing art of it or anything like that, but I thought I might as well type it up here anyway, so it's not just stuck bouncing around in my brain. Sticking it under a Read More link because this ended up being kinda long. (And note that this AU is less of a "what if they had powers" AU and more of a "what if a lot of real life stuff was explained by magic / occult forces and the like" AU, though I don't know a great deal about Voiceplay's early days so bear with me).
Geoff: Half-demon, sort of. Not exactly "demon" as in "representative of Hell/linked to Satan", more "demon" as in "innate connections to a part of the Earth far, far below the surface, deep in the mantle, if not deeper". "Half-demon" is about the best description in the English language for him, even when considering many popular works of fantasy and myth
(Yeah I considered a few other options for what Geoff could possibly be, including a half-dragon/dragonborn, but his voice is much too smooth and clear imo to be typically reminiscent of a dragon (other than his growls and vocal fry), and some other people have already referred to him as a demon god/demon lord/etc, so yeah might as well. I'm putting my own spin on it though).
Geoff is still at least partially human, and just human enough that for the first three and a half decades or so of his life, he was able to almost fully suppress the non-human part of himself. Half-demon!Geoff, not fully knowing the meaning or implications of what he was, feared that the ground may one day swallow him up whole; the depths of the earth staking its claim once and for all. He took up pole-vaulting in high school [true], and had aspirations of being a rock tenor [also true] - hitting high notes in songs and soaring over beams many feet in the air made it easier to ignore the faint occasional rumbles from far below the ground that nobody else ever seemed to hear.
(I'll get back to Geoff in a minute, but lets start talking about...)
Layne: Extra-terrestrial being, for sure, though not quite a stereotypical alien per se. In this AU, Layne started off as a vaguely-animal-shaped collection of cells (or the celestial/outer space equivalent anyway) that crash-landed on Earth via a small asteroid and took on the (main/primary) form of a human.
(And just for funsies, let's say that "Layne" was what TV Tropes would call a Line-Of-Sight Alias after seeing a street sign. He was originally "Lane", but someone once stuck a Y in the middle of it while writing it down and he chose to keep it that way).
Layne and Geoff became friends in middle school [true], both sensing there was a notable uniqueness about the other.
I'm a bit hazy on the origins of Voiceplay (or rather, 4:2:Five, as it was first named), it's been a while since I've watched/listened to some of the interviews Geoff has done where he talks a little about it, and I can't be bothered doing too much research/recollection for a random fun AU idea, so I'm playing a little fast and loose with details here.
Layne, now attending high school with Geoff [true I think?] was inspired to create an acapella group [I'm fairly sure it was at least partially his idea but don't @ me] not too long after first learning about them and hearing some examples of acapella performances. The idea that humans could create music without any typical instrumentation and be just as enjoyable (if not more?) as someone singing with a band was fascinating to him, and he was very keen to try it out for himself.
Geoff meanwhile was spending his time learning the oboe [true, iirc], and wasn't fully keen on the idea at first, especially when Layne asked him to be the bass singer for it, but the two were[/are] best friends, and it didn't take too long for Layne to convince him.
Layne started off as the baritone of the group [true], and a beatboxer wasn't added till a little later after the group's inception, after Layne was further inspired by the group Rockapella [also true, except idk who originally had the idea to add a beatboxer (that's why they were called 4:2:Five btw - they started out as basically a barbershop quartet, but then added a fifth member for vocal percussion)]
This is starting to get quite long, even for a Read More imo, so I'm making a separate post for part 2. And yes, Eli will get included as well!
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auxiliarydetective · 8 months
As inspired by @claramurphyqueenoffandoms's recent return, the awesome not-quite-human AU ideas by @acaplaya-musings and Queen in 5 Minutes coming on shuffle on my walk home, I am once again thinking about what I'm gonna do with my Vocalization series.
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As none of you probably know, my beloved VoicePlay fanfic called Vocalization started off on Wattpad in 2020 and, looking back at it now, is maybe the purest mirror of my mindset back then that I have ever seen. It's only fitting that Evelynn, my OC for the fic, eventually became my namesake. If you've been a VoicePlay fan for a bit longer, you'll know that, in the summer 2020, Earl left the group, and this broke my heart and set off the end of that phase of my VP-related creations. Eventually, even though VoicePlay was still going through member changes, I got back into Vocalization, and I decided to revamp the fic on AO3 because I myself had changed as a person and the fic didn't suit my tastes anymore.
Now, once again years later, I feel like I've become a completely different person from who I was back when Vocalization started, but Evelynn/Evie has stuck with me, and I feel like it's only fair to bring the fic full circle too and get back into it... Only I want to do it a little differently this time. The whole idea of "Oh it's VoicePlay but the Kidnapped series actually happened and now they have a girl with them" just doesn't work out for me anymore.
So, what I think I wanna do is I wanna bring my supernatural AU into the main fic. Not the story of the AU necessarily, but just some aspects like the powers to spice things up a little and create an actual plot. That probably means revamping or tweaking some of the powers, but I think it could work! Huge thanks to @acaplaya-musings for opening my eyes to the possibility of how that could work - don't worry, I'm not gonna steal your ideas. I'm gonna try to stay away from them as far as possible, but my Geoff is still gonna be a demon because I my thought process was very similar to yours when I created my supernatural AU ^^"
Anyways, OPLA still has me deep in its clutches and I wouldn’t have it any other way, but once I get back into my VoicePlay phase, this is probably what you're gonna have to deal with :)
Omitting the usual taglist because this isn't exactly a post that's gonna be relevant to a lot of people even though it is an OC post BUT I'm still gonna tag @daughter-of-melpomene because I know she likes VoicePlay :)
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See, I told you I would do more moodboards for VoicePlay fics! And this is seriously one of my favourites. You guys have got to read it.
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The story, “skyward bound”, is by ConstellationConfusion, actually the first fic writer for VoicePlay on AO3! This person did so many back in the early days, and this is one of the best.
In a nutshell, Tony grows wings and it’s awesome. It’s probably the most well thought out wingfic ever, because it really goes into “how would your life be different if you suddenly sprouted a pair of wings? What would you do with that?” And then? The description of the flight itself? Gosh, is it ever glorious. It feels so incredibly real and makes you feel like you’re really flying and WOW. Leaves me in amazement every time.
The only thing to watch out for in here is one pretty bad swear word, right after the bit quoted in the fic summary. Said in wonder, but still a rough one. Other than that, though, it seems pretty perfect to me!
(Seriously, you guys, go read this fic, it’s the best) 
@auxiliarydetective​ @florida-irl​
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My Past is Not Today
Meet Darius Kenway, formerly Desmond Miles. He is thirty two years old currently and currently seventeen years removed from the trauma and pain of his past. He has gotten a lot better but has to have his back to a wall to prevent being snuck up on, wears a hoodie with the hood up to hide his face, and he keeps his hair short since he hates it being pulled. He will hoard food that is given to him, and he tends to sleep lightly. Darius loves music and he finds comfort in his music. He is a fan of Aurelio Voltaire, Brothers of Metal, Sail North, JYC Row, and Voiceplay. He was adopted by Haythem Kenway and has Shay Cormac and Conner Kenway for brothers whom he is now close to. He also seeks comfort from both Haythem and his grandfather Edward Kenway who supported Haythem adopting Shay and Darius. He has met and fallen for Ezio Auditore who encouraged his growth even suggested that he change his name.
Context: Darius Kenway is a different timeline of Desmond, so while yes him being paired with his ancestor Ezio is off putting, this is Ezio from the main line, not the one from Darius' timeline as the Ezio of this AU has Christina follow him, and worked her ass off to assist the cause which lead to a much mellower Ezio. So it's Ezio Prime that has fallen for Darius not Ezio Vespucci (to differentiate).
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airasora · 2 years
So. Speaking about music. Feel completely free to ignore this as I know how you feel about people pressuring you with their recs, I just want to share! So I've seen here and on YT that you're 👀 at Ursula right? And from watching experience I know the type of FICTIONAL guy you usually like, cocky, confident, dangerous, etc. What if I told you you can mix those? Voiceplay's The Little Mermaid Medley has a male Ursula with an AMAZING voice and exactly that kind of attitude, and he's super handsome too. So yeah I can't stop thinking you'd love it, and I figured I'd rec it! Hope you enjoy it if you do decide to watch
Oh, don't you worry, I have NO ISSUES with people recommending me stuff, it's just one people send the same recommendation more than once that kinda rubs me the wrong way x'D
Is this the one you meant? I tend to be extremely picky with medleys, due to the nature of it mixing different melodies together etc, I think it's really difficult to do it well and while this obviously isn't bad... the music just takes me out of it.
With that being said, this video DID throw me into a rabbit hole where I found this:
Holy shit...
The urge. To do. Thraxette. IS THICK.
Especially listening to that; "You belong to me" part, it gave me shivers. Imma have to do a Thraxette manip at the very least 👀
Thank you for introducing me to that medley, otherwise I would never have thought of a TLM Thraxette AU xD
Though if I were to make a video with this, I'd probably skip the mermaid part and just have Odette longing for her childhood friend and supposed fiancé to actually love her and not just her beauty... or for her to test if he truly just does love her looks by making her look different or something.
Cause experience has shown me that Odette does NOT work with most mermaid bodies, except for Athena's who wouldn't have enough scenes x'D
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hccn-grapevine · 11 months
i will Always take an excuse to rant about my au
jimmy's living a happy life with his boyfriend (and hopefully soon-to-be fiance) tango. but tragedy strikes and jimmy finds himself in the afterlife, faced with four different death gods, each covering different aspects of death.
even worse, they've taken on the forms of four of his closest friends: grian, scott, pearl and martyn.
but here's the thing: jimmy's not going down without a fight. he wants to get back to tango, and gods damn it, he will.
no matter what.
(1: this au has a fic! play the game by jaz-it-up on ao3 :3) (2: this au was inspired by the music video for queen in 5 minutes by voiceplay. please go check it out i'm so normal about it (lie))
I will most happily boost this. Our poor little canary can't catch a break
- Mod Songbird
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tpc-tangled-au · 1 year
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Just a sketch of Travers as a human version of Maximus and Din/Mark as an adult version of Varian. Mainly to get an idea of how to draw them in their AU outfits.
(I'm still taking too much from VoicePlay lol, the hairstyles are way too modern)
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bots-basket · 3 years
{ I showed my friend this and they demanded I posted it.
Soooo Teen Sainu!Au Balan anyone? My Voice isn’t very masculine so I can get away with saying this is just him in his teenage years as maestro VwV }
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acaplaya-musings · 8 months
Not-Fully-Human Voiceplay AU (part 2)
(Yeah so I was originally planning on posting this either the same day of or the day after the original post, but turns out I had a lot more thoughts than I first realized, and typing it all became trickier than first expected, and I realised I was overthinking things just a little and this is supposed to be fun) A follow up to this post that's basically "what if Geoff wasn't actually 100% human (and neither are Layne and Eli), with me adding elements of magic/fantasy to the real-life story of Voiceplay so far (some of it anyway - I don't claim to be an expert and this is not a flawless/fully fleshed-out story or whatever, it's just a mostly-coherent collection of ideas that my brain came up with, and it's just a bit of fun really). Go look at Part 1 if you haven't already, then click the Read More to keep reading!
When 4:2:Five's original beatboxer, Scott Porter, left the quintet [to become an actor], Layne was more than happy to take over the role. He was shown the ropes of beatboxing by Geoff [true], and was a fast learner, especially when he started to have fun with it.
The lineup of the group changed a little, and 4:2:Five became Voiceplay, which brings me to...
Eli: [I don't know when exactly he joined the group but I'm guessing it was at some point after the name change.] Human who keeps getting reincarnated after death. Started out in the Norse/Viking era (that's as far as his memories go back anyway), was a travelling bard during the Middle Ages, rode on pirate ships here and there during the Golden Age of Piracy, and was in a rock'n'roll band for a while in the early 2000s [true, though I don't know the exact years he was in the band for], before finding his way to Voiceplay.
Eli is, by and large, mortal (on a physical/physiological basis at least), though he often seems to have a little less need for air while singing than the average human [no seriously go watch VP's Part Of Your World mini]. And he's of course a bit more knowledgeable about certain parts of history than most, but don't expect him to help you with any history assignments ("you probably can't remember everything that happened in your life, let alone when, but you think I can keep all my lives straight and chronological in my head? Please."
Now I can start getting into the interesting bits, like the matter of subharmonics! First of all, here are the genuine reality facts that I know: Geoff stumbled across a video talking about subharmonics and how to do them while touring with the rest of Voiceplay. I don't know exactly when this was or even what part of America they were currently in at the time, but I also know that the first video that he used subharmonics in was a Twenty One Pilots mashup video that VP did with Kurt Hugo Schneider on his channel, which was released in November 2016. Now here's how I'm explaining things, using the lack of other specifics to my creative advantage:
I really wanted to have Geoff have some sort of association with earthquakes, because well, y'know, and after doing some snooping around on Wikipedia, I discovered that a magnitude 5.8 earthquake occurred in Oklahoma in September of 2016, and it's apparently the strongest earthquake ever recorded in the state.
Maybe it was just a "regular" earthquake, maybe it wasn't, but one way or another, it unlocked something deep within Geoff (who was in Oklahoma at the time while touring with Voiceplay), and though the ground did not in fact swallow him whole, the rumbles and vibrations sent him a message; he was still no ordinary human being, and constantly trying to act like one was only wasting his potential.
(I know the common trope is "half-human half-fantasy-being comes into their abilities when they enter puberty or first reach adulthood", but that doesn't really fit with the "real" timeline here, and I've got my own explanation, though it may seem a bit contrived).
Geoff would have been 36 when this happened, his birthday being a couple weeks earlier in August, and hear me out: half of 666 (the demonic/'devil's' number) is 333, and what do you get if you add the second and third individual digits together in the number? 36! (insert It's Always Sunny meme here)
So Geoff and the guys are rehearsing in the tour bus one day, like let's say the day after the earthquake, and suddenly Geoff hits a low note that he's never hit before, without barely even trying, and it sounds... different.
Earl: "Woah, that was impressive! What did you do?" (Earl is still human, but knows The Truth, given that he went to school and college with both Geoff and Layne) Geoff: "Currently, your guess is as good as mine."
In this universe, Geoff's subharmonics (which Eli ends up nicknaming "subterraneans") are different to the human equivalent of them. Think of it like a world where magic-users (witches/wizards/warlocks/etc) exist, but there are still ordinary humans that can do "stage magic" using special props, trick items, sleight of hand, etc. So the Youtube video on subharmonics is used as a cover story/explanation, which then makes it easier for Layne to convince Geoff to start using them in their song covers. Layne reasoned that the collab with Kurt Hugo Schneider was the perfect opportunity to properly try them out in a video, because if Geoff wasn't fully content with the final result, it didn't matter as much, as it wasn't going to be on their own YouTube channel anyway, and it could just be explained as a special "gimmick" or the like.
As it was, Geoff didn't do a subharmonic/Subterranean on camera again till months later, the following year [the earliest sub I can identify in one of Geoff's vocal lines on a Voiceplay cover is Daddy Sang Bass]. And well, the rest is history!
Right, enough linear narrative stuff, time for various headcanons and stuff that inspired me to make this in the first place!
Maybe the decision to grow his hair long was in some way connected to his true nature, maybe it wasn't, but one way or another, it went neatly hand-in-hand with Geoff's shift to "insane bassmaster 3000" that lured in new fans and had pre-existing fans loving him even more.
All the stuff about Geoff calling himself "old and boring" or "a baritone with a bass range"? Yeah it's a cover; a personal attempt to make himself seem like a "normal human", kinda like Clark Kent attempting to avoid any possible suspicions of him being Superman whatsoever. (A lot of Geoff's fans think he's way too humble, if not just in a whole lot of self-denial).
Occasionally, when Layne arranges a cover for the group, Geoff will see his part and be like "there's no way I can sing this", but not because it's too difficult, but because he believes it to be pushing the limit of believability just a little too much in regards to appearing/acting human (he can occasionally be persuaded though, like with that glorious ~15 second B0 Sub in Valhalla Calling)
Alien!Layne, though, has no such qualms about showing off his full vocal abilities, and will make vocal percussion look like literal child's play (see: the These Boots Are Made For Walking mini for Layne being absolutely unhinged). Sleigh bell noises? Sure! Bubble sounds? Easy! Inhaled bass? Pretty uncommon for humans to do it, but heck, let's hit an A0 while we're at it! (Sh-Boom).
Geoff, however, would be lying if he said he didn't also get into the spirit of fun and theatrics from time to time, and well, after the massive response that Oogie Boogie's song got, there was really no turning back
Oh and finally, J None also finds out the truth, but Cesar hasn't yet. The others swear that they will sooner or later, they just "haven't found the right opportunity yet".
I could go on, but I think I've typed enough for the time being, and if literally anyone is interested in this and wants to talk to me about it, I'm down! But that's all for now! I'm out!
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auxiliarydetective · 2 years
I'm honestly kind of curious about how you decided on different people's powers. With Avi, you said it was because of the reactor and because of Avi liking dragons. What about some of the others? Pick a group and tell me about the ones you've revealed so far. (Also, how's writing going?)
I'm gonna do VoicePlay since they were most definitely the first and had the most thought put into them:
Geoff being a demon is because he's often nicknamed the "bass demon" in comments and since lots of the characters he plays in music videos have demon vibes or are villains (Oogie Boogie, Baron, his costume in My Mother Told Me, Geoffsula, Mr Hyde, a vampire, Tamatoa...). It just really fits with the glowing red eyes, claws, wings... but it also immediately gave me the idea for a storyline of him not wanting to be that evil monster that people see demons as because Geoff is a really caring person but the aggression from his demon blood sometimes takes over.
Eli's super speed comes from his general behaviour. If you've watched him while he's singing - especially live - you'll see he's almost constantly moving. People always joke how Geoff needs his hands to sing, but they’ve clearly never looked at Eli. The best example of this might be him singing Superstition. Not the new cover with Omar, one of the first videos on VoicePlay's channel where he sings it solo with a band. Another influence is his vocal agility (his runs, the way he can sing so many different notes clearly and quickly and how his very fast parts are also always easy to understand lyrics-wise) and how quickly he talks. Also, he stated in the VoicePlay True Stories stream that he's never late and he gets very rushed and anxious if he is. Also, vibes.
Now, Earl's super strength was prompted by @florida-irl, actually. Also, look at him. That's a strong man. It's almost too obvious what his superpower has to be. Also, this video. He literally flexes and tears his overall doing it. That just sealed the deal. He had to be a super strong gummy bear vibes person.
For Evelynn, being my OC, I knew I wanted something special. The whole thing each of the groups is known for is music, so somebody had to have some sound-related power. Well, Layne also does, but that's something for another day. Evelynn's powers are inspired by comments saying things like "x's bass could cause an earthquake" or "i'm surprised y's high note didn't shatter my windows". Of course, it's scientific nonsense, but, y'know, what if it wasn’t? Partially inspired by Viktor in The Umbrella Academy, Evelynn can use the vibrations created by sounds and make them stronger to either make objects or her environment vibrate or turn them into a shock wave sort of thing.
Writing's going pretty well, though not for this AU. Not yet. Another plot bunny appeared and demanded my attention. BUT I made some rough concepts for this story on my ride home today and figured I could write something for it tonight. Then again, this AU would just take the special bond between Evelynn and Austin as a given fact and that would rob me of my epic reveal moment by spoiling it. So, I think I'll write the reveal tonight! Tonight meaning now, actually, it's 9pm already, I gotta get started already
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playvoices · 2 years
hear me out. the sh-boom cover mv has potential college au vibes, just saying. 👀
Geoff is a part-time car mechanic trying to get extra money for his lifestyle, he gets all the ladies.
Eli is the valedictorian who is extremely serious with his studies, aka the nerdiest of them all.
Earl is the protagonist/"dad friend" who's overprotective and sometimes overbearing of his friends (but he means well).
J None is the spunky part-time model for a clothing brand but he humbles himself when he's with the group.
Layne is the band boy, has occasionally played with other small bands in the campus but is ultimately one-manning his own band.
they often gather in Geoff's musky, rusty workplace to hang out and to get away from the world for a moment, y'know sing a song or two (Layne is usually the one to start these, followed by Geoff, then J None, then Earl and finally Eli). it's their secret escape from the expectations, stress, and the pushovers.
just a shower thought.
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Okay, so I’ve been mostly gone for a bit, and it’s seriously already spooky month (how), but I have one more VoicePlay Encanto moodboard to drop before I start putting my spooky content on (one of which is also a moodboard, haha).
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Diane Madrigal, with the power of plant manipulation. Layne’s cousin and one of Eli’s sisters in this (and, like the beginning of the video makes clear, married to Cesar in a hurricane). Her mom had been sort of the matriarch, and now that’s, in a sense, passed to her. She’s kinda the take-charge gal of the family, keeping everything in line. Keeping appearances perfect.
@auxiliarydetective​ @florida-irl​
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shadokatninjakitty · 3 years
Yo! Acapella Music Fans!
Not anime, not AU fic, not movie, but the actual genre. Where y'all at?!
I'm looking for fans of:
The Bass Gang
Pentatonix (PTX)
Home Free
HMU so we can fangirl--or guy--out over these awesome peeps!
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starsnores · 3 years
what do you imagine (prisoner AU) Gamzee's voice to be like? I can't help to think of any "older" version of him being a bass... think Voiceplay's Oogie Boogie's song :3c
yes i agree, i don't know if that specific song is what i imagine in my head but definitely deep, and also rough.
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thebeautyofdisorder · 4 years
Mobile! Friendly Master List (Updated 11/8/21)
Dracula Voice Porn (I know everyone’s number one priority here):
Dear Zoe – You’re Exquisite – I’m Going to Make You Last  – After All This Time (Finale) – You’re Mine Now – The Convent Gate – Who are You? – The Army of the Faithful – I Could Tear You Apart – Drink My Fill – One Should Never Rush A Nun – Do You Think Provoking Me Is Clever? – Invite Me In  – There Is No Baby (Trilogy)  – My Finest Bride – You Were Having A Nightmare  – Toilet?  – We Must Do This Again  – Step Outside the Circle
Other Voice Porn Excerpts:
Angelus' Laughter – Claes Bang Whispering In Danish
Fanvids by Fandom:
BBC Dracula: 
Kill of the Night - Tumblr / Youtube / Tiktok
Haunted Heart - Tumblr / Youtube / Tiktok
Dragula - Tumblr / Youtube / Tiktok
BBC Sherlock (Sherlock x Irene): 
The Riddle - Tumblr / Youtube / TikTok
Heavy In Your Arms - Tumblr / Youtube
Shoot To Thrill - Tumblr / Youtube / Tiktok
Half God, Half Devil - Tumblr / Youtube / Tiktok
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 
I Want My Innocence Back - Youtube
Feed On Me - Youtube / Tiktok
Cold Favours - Tumblr / Youtube / Tiktok
Christian Woman - Tumblr / Youtube / Tiktok
Harry Potter (Snape-Centric):
Light ‘Em Up - Tumblr / Youtube / Tiktok
Evil In the Night - Tumblr / Youtube / Tiktok
Star Trek: Into Darkness: 
Fire! Battle! In Metal! - Tumblr / Youtube / Tiktok
True Blood: 
The Rush - Youtube
I Can’t Decide - Tumblr / Youtube / Tiktok
Before I’m Dead - Tiktok
Pirates of the Caribbean:
The Master’s Song - Youtube
Heavy Fire - Tumblr / Youtube / Tiktok
The Tudors (Henry x Anne):
My Number One - Tumblr / Youtube
Alan Rickman:
Addicted - Tiktok
El Tango Roxanne - Tiktok
My Writings:
 Harry Potter (Severus x Hermione):
The Ties That Bind - Rated M - In Progress - Tumblr / AO3 / FF / Wattpad
Dracula BBC:
The Undone & The Divine - Rated M - Agatha/Dracula/Zoe - Masterlist / AO3
Dangerous Game - Dragatha - Convent Gate AU - Tumblr / AO3
There Wasn’t A Single Thing To Eat In the Kitchen Until You Walked In - Rated M - One Shot - Dracula/Zoe - Tumblr
Sherlock BBC (All Sherlock x Irene):
The Smitten Detective (Hidden Blog Post # 57) - One Shot - Tumblr / AO3 /And this awesome fanart that was made for it!
Did You Miss Me? - One Shot - Rated M - Tumblr / AO3
The Caretaker - Rated T - Unfinished - Tumblr (Ch 1) / AO3 (Ch 1-3)
 Untitled Drabble - Rated T - Tumblr
Pulverbatch RPF (Benedict Cumberbatch/Lara Pulver AU):
#PULVERBATCH  - One Shot - Rated T - Tumblr / AO3 (AO3 preferred, might’ve made edits to this one that I didn’t change on tumblr?)
Truth or Dare - Rated M - Unfinished - Crack!Fic - AO3
Adlock Polyvore Collage: Right Here
The Burnt Orange Heresy GIFS - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
BBC Dracula GIFS - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12
My ‘Dragula’ Fanvid GIFS - 1 - 2 - 3
Claes Bang - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Voiceplay GIFS - 1 - 2
Jekyll & Hyde GIFS - 1
BBC Sherlock GIFS - 1
Jonathan Roxmouth -  1
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chromium-siren · 5 years
A Pretty Big Holiday Mix
(This is what I think the SW gang would add to a holiday mix CD- modern AU)
Rey: Mary’s Boy Child- Boney M
Finn: What’s This?- Danny Elfman 
Poe: Run Rudolph Run- Chuck Berry 
Rose: Silver and Gold- Burl Ives
Jannah: Linus and Lucy- Vince Guaraldi
Leia: German Dances: Sleigh Ride- Mozart
Han: Little St. Nick- The Beach Boys (he also adds “What Can You Get a Wookiee for Christmas When He Already Owns a Comb” by Voiceplay on behalf of his dog Chewbacca. Also, because it slaps.)
Luke: Wizards in Winter- Trans-Siberian Orchestra 
Phasma: Santa Baby- Eric Reed 
Hux: Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy- David Bowie (feat. Bing Crosby)
Kylo: Wonderful Christmastime- Paul McCartney (he also adds in dogs barking Jingle Bells on behalf of his pitbull Cujo. Cujo loves it, the cats hate it.)
Mitaka: Step into Christmas- Elton John
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