#i haven't seen the steam so i could be being lied to
little-bumblebeeee · 7 months
Hey, this is my first time doing an ask so could you please do steve harrington angst where he feels a lil distrust cause of how things ended with nancy with comfort at the end. Feel free to ignore if you're not up for it 🙃
Omgggg babes sorry this took longer than expected, I started a new school and got food poisoning lmao 👍
Anyways without further ado,
Steve Harrington x reader, slight angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, Steve thinks reader might be cheating or is unhappy, 1k words ♡ (hardly proofread, forgive me love)
You had to stay late for work to fix a mess your boss made, and in your haste to finish it you forgot to tell Steve. Sure, you haven't been dating long and sure, you don't live together, but lately he's been staying at your place to escape the big empty birdcage that is his parent's house, so maybe you should have told him.But you didn't, that's the thing. The sun has already set by the time you get home, your cheeks flushed from the cold as you quickly close the door to let as little heat out as possible.
"Steve? Are you here?" You call out, seeing the light from the kitchen on but no noise. Not the clink of the dishes being washed or the sound of something being stirred, no sizzling of food and no shuffling of feet to the pop music Steve likes. No noise and no answer.
"Stevie?" You call out once more. You have a feeling that he's here, the imaginary hook in your chest that pulls you closer to him feeling short. When you show up to the kitchen, there he is, standing in front of the counter and looking down at his cup of hot chocolate, little marshmallows disintegrated and no steam rising from the top, he must've been standing there for a while.
"Hey." He says softly, bringing the mug to his lips maybe for the first time, frowning at the cold as if he was completely powered down before you stepped into the room. He sets it back down to be forgotten until the mug needs to be washed, turning the burner back on that has the pot of milk on it.
"Sorry I got home late, my boss is an absolute child." You say as you lean up against the counter, watching as he stirs the milk in the pot and shakes the chocolate packet. "Oh no, it's fine. It's fine. You don't have to tell me everything." He says, the muscle in his jaw clearly clenched.
"Steve, you alright?" You ask, stepping just a little closer with your arms crossed loosely upon hearing the tone in his voice, firm and steady, as if he's controlling every word, every breath, every little movement. It's a little scary and concerning– but you've seen him like this before. He's just annoyed and doesn't want to be snarky with you. Before he can say that he's fine, you raise your eyebrows at him, daring him to say that he is because you know he's not. Daring him to say that he had a tough day because he already called you during your lunch break to tell you how good of a day he had.
"I just.. were you actually at work? Just tell me the truth." He asks you. The truth? Does he believe you're lying? Sure, you haven't been together for a super long time, but why would he think you were doing something else? You told him what happened– does he not trust you? You just can't help but wonder what goes through his mind in times like this.
"I was. I just couldn't text you because my boss won't stop acting like a child, I told you." You say. The hurt and confusion you feel must be visible on your facial features because he puts down the packet of chocolate power, turning to face you.
"I don't mean to offend you or anything but how am I supposed to know I can trust you? We haven't.. we haven't been dating long, I know– and you can call me crazy or paranoid or say all of this is bullshit but I.. just want to know. I want to make sure you're okay– I want to make sure we're okay. I don't want to be lied to." He explains, running a hand through his hair and pinching his nose once or twice, a clear sign he's holding everything back. You two haven't really... talked about past relationships, but you've heard things. Heard and seen things. All you wanted to do that night at Tina's party was hide in the bathroom until your friend came to pick you up, leading you to hear a conversation you definitely shouldn't have heard. The air feels dark and heavy– something you've never felt around Steve, who practically has sunlight coursing through his veins, making every room just a little brighter. But the sunlight is gone, his blood red instead of gold.
"Steve–" You start, but he stops you in your tracks. "Don't start like that." He says, looking as if you're about to break the worst news to him. You kind of did start like that too– a sort of softened tone in your voice as if you didn't want what you were about to say to hurt him. But you continue anyways.
"You're not crazy, or paranoid, or whatever else. You're just a little cautious. But I was at work, and I can call my boss right now if you need me to." You say, your phone open and held out to him.
Steve just.. blinks a couple times. But he shakes his head, pushing your hand away and pulling you close, his arms snaking around your waist as he buries his nose into the crook of your neck. You feel more than hear the apology, but you know it's being said.
And you know he means it.
Because Steve doesn't lie. He doesn't say things that he doesn't mean, if he tells you that he loves you then he loves you, no doubt about it. "I shouldn't have. I'm sorry– I... things never went right for me, and now that they are, it's scary. It's scary as hell. Because I don't know when it's going to stop, I don't.. I don't know when things will go wrong again. I just.. I love you. Too much, sometimes." He admits, lifting his head up a little with a humorless chuckle, brown eyes boring into your soul.
"And I don't ever want to let you go." He adds. He proves his point by squeezing you tighter, putting everything he has into this one squeeze as if someone is waiting just behind you to steal you away.
His skin shines golden once more, the room feeling warmer and brighter. Everything seems to feel less dull when you love him, doesn't it?
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mindylichtman · 5 months
Hey people are coming home if I have an update for y'all today. Last couple days I've spotted out and about once or twice what could have been the gentleman's motor home that I spoke of highly before, the guy named bob. Now what happened and the reason why I didn't really wave or walk up to it the two times on the two different days I've seen it out and about almost up close, is I was actually playing it cool. I figured that it if he wanted to greet me, he would have made the first move. I always prefer that he made the first move and all the years that I know him and also in the light of what had happened last year with my ex slandering me almost all of last year.
I mean, somehow my name got cleared I guess some people found out the truth or something somehow, or just automatically cleared by itself. But I don't need to take any action that could be misconstrued as something terrible and ruin all the work over all this time it went into getting my name cleared of the lies that was said about me all last year.
And I'm pretty sure that if she wanted to come up to me that badly and me and him hang out when I'm not busy and I don't have my landlord being an a******, Bob would have definitely made the first move so to speak.
Now I also have to keep in mind that even though it is a leprechaun motorhome, and it looks close to what Bob always was driving, that doesn't mean that it's either his motorhome, or that he still owns it. I mean, I still haven't forgotten about it because him in that motorhome went together like peanut butter and jelly all the years that I've known him. But a lot could have happened to him since the last time we spent time together in that motorhome near the end of 2022.
I mean, that night me and him happened to run across each other in the public's parking lot all the way back in january, he didn't even run across me in the motorhome. He ran across me in some sedan that I never remembered him coming up to me before in.
But, also here's hoping that the door to that didn't entirely close.
Another note, people on Facebook also seem to think that I was accusing this night time shop or that would come in about 2-3 days a week and evenings of being a tracker, tracking me down for my Uncle William. He's not really my uncle, he's the uncle of the guy I broke up with in the end of 22 that calls my miscarriage.
Actually about a couple months ago, when I made the post about someone cracking me down, it was another guy entirely. He shops more in the daytime. And the say that I was hanging out at the green bench listening to my music in that, the guy goes into the store that day. And by that night Uncle William comes to my line later when I'm cashiering and wants to know what happened to Tracy.
I always knew that guy was set up there by the ex of 2022 because he apparently has ties to several different parts of the family.
See, I don't mean to sound cold-hearted but whatever my acts of 2022 that calls my miscarriage got up to after we broke up, that's not my problem. It has literally nothing to do with me. And that's what happens, when you call such a scenario which someone in your life tells you that they're done and then they leave you, and then on top of that, you go slander them off for half of a f****** year after that, you don't get to have that person back. For starters, it's called having self-respect for yourself, and number two is the following trust issues. He played head games with me on Facebook which led up to my miscarriage, and the guys name is Tracy. Tracy played head games with me to the point where I got so stressed out that I miscarried what would have been his kid. I cannot no longer trust him not to do something like this again, or maybe even worse.
Over the years, the gentleman I know named Bob is showing me time and time again he is worthy of the steam, he's a keeper and he showed me repeatedly that he definitely can be trusted 100%.
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stupid-toh-aus · 2 years
Stupid AU where Lilith named her Palisman Mike Socks because some Kid named mike gave her a nice pair of raven socks
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sckyie · 4 years
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song: driver’s license by olivia rodrigo
word count: 2.5k
genre + warnings: angst; swearing, fear of driving, reminiscing in old memories
pronouns used: she/her
a/n: this was orignially supposed to just be an imagine inspired by the song, not apart of the song series but it fits too well to not change oikawa’s song. i also wrote this for @kybabi​​ bc i love her :D n e wayz enjoy :) (part 2)
"So here you're going to turn and he'll make you do a parallel park in the street. You remember how to do that right?" Oikawa asked as he guided you to the next turn. As you turn the steering wheel, you spot a crowded curbside.
"No, can you please please park for me? I hate parallel parking," You pleaded.
"Only because you asked so nicely," He teased.
Ever since you told your best friend that you wanted to learn how to drive, Oikawa never let it go whenever you wanted to hang out. Having you drive him around for practice and giving you tips as you went. He's helped you a ton while you drove around, the only issues you had were parallel parking and merging onto the highway.
"Maybe we should try the highway again," Oikawa said after you two switched seats.
"Are you asking for a death wish?" You joked. "I drive too slow and I'm scare to merge into lanes."
"We can practice on smaller freeways if you want," He asks.
"No," You growled.
It was always a terrifying thing to drive on the highway. You always saw those horrid accidents and feared being in one. Oikawa would always put his hand on your thigh as you merged to calm you down. Just having him be there was enough to get you to get onto the highway. All your fears just faded with him beside you.
Just having this intimate driving lesson with him was enough for you. You grew to fall in love in your best friend. A cliché thing, yet you couldn't say anything. Only you and your girl friends knew about your big crush. It was a funny thing, falling for your childhood best friend. Iwaizumi always joked about you doing so but you never admitted to liking Oikawa. What would that do to your friendship?
Today was the day, it was your test day. The scariest thing you anticipated was finally here. The thing you practiced days on end with Oikawa. The thing that could either make or break you. Today, you'd either come out with your license or you'll be walking home.
The nerves crept up your body like spiders leaving a trail of anxiety webs. You bounced you leg as you waited in the lobby looking out for your driving instructor. As your sweaty palms go to check the time, you notice a text message from Oikawa.
butthead: hey! good luck on your test today!
That's what cooled you down. A simple saying of good fortune will help, right? Sure enough, the test was a breeze, minus the parallel parking as it was the one mistake you got. You happily drove home to tell the news to your parents.
"Have you told Tooru yet?" Your mom asked.
"I'll wait until my actual driver license to prove to him I got it," You smiled.
"You like him don't you?" Your mom gestured to the joy on your face. "I can tell."
"No," You looked away from your mom as she raised her eyebrow. "Okay, maybe but you can't say anything. I'm going to my room now." She chuckled as you dragged you feet to your room.
Two weeks passes and you finally received your license in the mail. You smiled happily down at your new card as you walked outside the school building. You looked up to search for your best friend. Your eyes scanned the courtyard before landing on Iwaizumi. Assuming Oikawa was nearby, you headed towards him.
"Hey Iwa, where's Oiks?" You asked. Iwaizumi raised up his hand and pointed across to the gate. You looked over to find Oikawa talking to Kasumi, a classmate of yours.
"He's asking her to go on a date with him again," Iwaizumi says.
Again? He's done it before?
"Are they dating?" You ask.
"Not yet, Oikawa wants to ask her to be his girlfriend on the date," Iwa explains. "What's that?" He points to your hands as you fiddled with the corner of your driver's license.
"Oh," You said solemnly. "I got my license."
You waved goodbye to your childhood friend before going into he parking lot. Without thinking, you started the car and just began to drive. Out of the school and onto who knows where. Your mind grew blank as you drove.
How could he not mention Kasumi to you? He used to tell you everything but lately he'd been so distant. Maybe that's why he hasn't texted you all week, you thought. Who could blame him for liking Kasumi? She's so pretty and not to mention how smart she is. She's the class representative and she's one of the nicest girls around.
You fell for the one man you shouldn't have. It was too late to even confess how you felt. He was already falling for another while you were left behind. You felt a sharp pain in your chest as you drove by familiar buildings.
The laundromat where you and Oikawa would go to help with the laundry. You both would end up messing around and your parents would have to kick you two out. You and Oikawa would go across the street to the convenience store to buy steamed buns.
He doesn't like you.
The library where you would wait for Oikawa to finish practice so you two could study together. He'd bring you a bottle of tea and some sort of snack to keep you from burning out. Those study dates where you'd stay until the library was closed.
Give up, stop thinking of him.
The ramen restaurant where Oikawa would take you if he won a game. It was a great celebration and you two had made so many memories there. You two had gone there so often, he convinced the owner that you were his girlfriend.
Let him go.
All the feelings you had for him began to ache in your heart as you reminisced in the memories. You gripped tighter on the wheel as you saw an highway exit. "Fuck," You whispered as you merged into the fast lane. Suddenly all those fears you had of driving, just disappeared. You felt this peace as your eyes locked on the long highway. It was like, nothing hurt anymore. Your tensed shoulders relaxed, yet you felt tears roll down your cheeks. You took deep breaths as you drove attempting to stop your tears.
Soon enough, driving on the highway had shifted from a phobia to an escape. Everyday after school, rather than meeting up with Oikawa and Iwaizumi before practice, you'd drive on the highway and on backroads. It was the only thing that kept you sane when you see Kasumi with Oikawa together.
You became accustomed to the fast pace of the highways. Occasionally you'd speed if you felt some type of pain grow in your chest. You'd blast music to drown out any thoughts or feelings you had. You knew Oikawa could never be yours, so why bother crying over him, right? The thought of being around him began to make you uncomfortable. If you kept your distance, you wouldn't get hurt. You wouldn't be considered a distraction.
butthead: hey?
you: what's up?
butthead: it's been a while since i've seen you :( i miss my best friend
you: are you sure you mean to text me or iwa?
butthead: you, y/n i miss hanging with you
butthead: you didn't come to the restaurant after our game
you: i was busy, sorry
butthead: :(
you: i gotta go, ill talk to you later
Oikawa sighed at his phone and looked across the table to Iwaizumi. "Have you talked to Y/n lately?" He asked.
"Yeah, she borrowed gas money from me," Iwa says before slurping his noodles.
"Gas money? She got her license?" Oikawa tilts his head. "How long has it been?"
"A month? You got caught up with Kasumi," Iwaizumi says.
"Hmph," Oikawa huffed as he sipped his drink. He'd been spending so much time with Kasumi that he forgot about you. Or was it, you started to forget about him? He glances at the window behind Iwa and noticed a familiar car parking.
You parked your car across the street of the restaurant next to a convenience store. You quickly got out and went into the store looking for something to drink. As you began to scan the fridge, you heard the door open. "Y/n?" You turned to find Oikawa.
"What are you doing here?" You turned back to grab a soda.
"Iwa came to eat with me since you didn't make it," Oikawa says. "He's still there, did you want to join us?"
"No thanks, I'm kinda busy at the moment," You say dully. Oikawa goes to speak but you had already walked to go pay for your drink. "Later Oikawa."
"Oikawa?" He watched as you left the store and into your car. He follows suit and watched you speed off. Oikawa quickly makes his way back to the restaurant and seats himself disgruntled. "Y/n called me Oikawa..."
"That's your name isn't it?" Iwaizumi raised his eyebrow.
"She always calls me Oiks or Ru, never Oikawa," He says. "Did I do something wrong?"
Iwaizumi shrugged even though he knew the answer well enough. After Oikawa had asked Kasumi to be his girlfriend, your demeanor had changed. Iwa was the first to notice too. Typically, after school you'd see the duo before practice started, yet since you learnt Oikawa had eyes for another, you stopped.
One day, Iwaizumi decided to follow after you when school was over. He trailed behind as you walked to your car door. You pulled open the door handle only for Iwa to shut the door immediately after. You turned to find Iwaizumi with scrunched eyebrows. "What's wrong with you?" He asked. "Why haven't you came by before practice?"
"No reason, I'm just busy," You lied.
"Liar, what's wrong?" He asks yet you remained silent. "I won't tell Shittykawa just tell me why you're being so distant...and also why your eyes are always puffy."
You paused before answering, "I'm just...upset with Oikawa...and Kasumi.."
"Do you..?" Iwaizumi implied. You nod and looked at the ground. "What have you been doing since you found out about them?"
"Driving," You sighed. "Just driving...It's keep me off my mind all week. I bear the fact that he looks so happy with her and not...me. God I'm so stupid."
"Don't say that-" Iwa started but you immediately lashed out.
"It's true! I was too late to confess! And I fell for the one boy I can't have!" You felt tears well up in your eyes. "I can't even drive by certain places without getting upset. I take backroads and I avoid them completely. I hate driving by his house but it's the only way to my own. He just treats me like another fucking fan girl! I'm just so stupid for falling for my best friend." Since that day, Iwaizumi kept to his promise. Not word about your feelings were said to Oikawa.
butthead: hey are you busy right now ?
you: no, what's up?
butthead: can you help me with something?
you: depends
butthead: meet me at the library so i can tell you more :)
You locked you phone and tossed it into your passenger's seat. You looked up to see the light change to green, allowing you to speed into the highway. Your hands rested at the bottom of the wheel as you drove. The slow, lo-fi music surrounded your car as you drove which let you get out of your trapped mind.
It was a crazy thought to think that you and Oikawa were so excited to drive together. Yet now all you want to do is drive alone. You turned up the volume of your music as you merged into your neighborhood. You leaned further back into your seat as you were driving around the suburbs. You glance at the white cars lining one street leading to the library. You scoffed at the sight as a repressed memory resurfaced.
"Why do you like white cars so much?" You chuckled.
"Because they look clean and nice? Sorry I don't like your basic silver car," Oikawa raised his hand to block your face.
"I'm basic? Says the one who wants an automatic," You pretend to throw up to mock him.
"For someone who can't drive yet, you talk big," Oikawa pats your head only to be smacked a few seconds late. Oikawa drapes his arm over you as you walked down the street to the library The entire walk was filled with mocking and talking about the future. "Let me teach you how to drive, that way we could go out together more."
You finally arrived at the library, spotting Oikawa before parking the car. He watches as you easily parallel park and is stunned by how casual you are as you drove. You set out and approach him. Oikawa holds out a snack to you but you politely refuse.
"Let's go inside?" He asks. You shrugged and followed him in. Rather than sitting beside him like usual, you sat across from him. You still had those feelings for him but you couldn't stand sitting next to him. Your heart was pounding out of your chest as you anticipated his next words. "I was wondering if you could help me with Kasumi?"
"With what?" You ask.
"I want to give her a gift, right?" He starts. "A gift that goes along with me telling her I love her."
He loves her?
Your heart aches but you decide to move past that. "Isn't it a bit early to say I love you?"
"Well, we were long time friends before we started dating and I feel like it's the right time to, y'know?" Oikawa leans forward on the table. "Can you help me find a gift?"
This feels familiar. Helping him find a gift for a girl that isn't you. It seems like anytime he does have a crush he'd come to you for advice. This is the first time that you didn't want to give into his favors.
"No," You sighed.
"No? Wait why not?" He raised his eyebrows at you.
"Because," Say it. "Because I-"
"Because?" Oikawa tilts his head at your response.
"Because I can't keep doing things like this for you," You stood up and began heading for the entrance. Oikawa followed afterwards as he could see the pain in your voice.
"Y/n, talk to me, we haven't talked in forever. Tell me what's wrong," He says as you exit the library. You ignore his voice and reached for your car door. He grabs your arm but you shove him off.
"Would you just- leave me alone?" You snapped. "I don't want to help you, okay?"
"What did I do?" Oikawa was beyond confused at your response.
"I- You- Ugh! Just go away, I don't want to see you!" Your voice cracked as the suppressed feelings began to rise again.
"Why not!" Oikawa grabbed your arm again, this time you weren't able to break free.
"Because I fucking loved you idiot!" You yelled. Hot tears streamed down your cheeks as you stopped struggling in his hold. Oikawa paused and stared at you in wonder.
"You...loved me?" He asked.
"I still fucking love you! God, I hate you- I just- Let go!" You pulled off him. "I'm leaving. If you try to stop me, I'm never speaking to you again." You wiped your tears as you entered your car. Driving off into the neighborhood, crying at the red lights knowing you could've ruined your whole friendship.
Oikawa watched as you sped off. Those words lingered in his ear as he stared down at his hand where you let go. His mind was lost in thought, how could his best friend love him? Was he that blind that he couldn't see your admiration? "She...loves me?" He thought.
taglist: @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme​ @d0llpie​ @elianetsantana @joy-laufeyson @kac-chowsballs
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katsukikitten · 4 years
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Part 3 please let me know what you think! Enjoy!
Part 1 ××× Part 2
Bakugou finds himself wandering around the seemingly endless house in a combination of avoiding you and giving you space. 
And truth be told he's a bit curious as to how far the house really goes. He hadn't had the opportunity to get far the first time around. Mei spying him heading towards the kitchen and steering him in the direction of the oversized dining room. 
He sighs, the halls darkened and painted in red hues from the dying sun that peeked in through the woven tatami blinds that separated the inside from the engawa. He passes by what must be one of the many bathrooms as he sees steam seeping from the door and hears children laughing on the other side, he walks further past other large rooms with the tatami sliding doors half open inviting guests into the endless darkness. 
Soon the halls are painted in the soft light of the moon. He has lost time in his deep thoughts. 
Thoughts forever leading back to you and his screaming arm. 
The funny thing is that before this trip, before you sank to your knees in front of him in the apartment, he never really had given you a second thought. The only time he did was when you made that damned ramen you bribed him with. 
So why were you all he could think about now?
Suddenly he finds himself in a familiar hallway that leads to a set of open doors, light flooding the wooden floors. He realizes too late that he is standing in the light and potentially disturbing the inhabitants or worse yet spotted by them. He takes a step back but it's too late. 
"Bakugou dear please come in." Sobo calls as Bakugou damns himself for being so careless. Company was the last thing he wanted.
But he does as he's told. Stepping into the study with new eyes, now having the time to look it over, where as before you rushed him in, forcing him to bow to not one but two strangers today. This time around he notices bookshelves that line the room closest to the door while the rest of the walls are covered with photos and awards. Famous politicians, CEOs, and heroes in each photo, each one having a younger version of her in it. 
It's uncanny how much you look like her, especially in the one standing next to a young All Might, not a hair out of place as she wears the crane kimono in the photo. Finally his eyes fall to the elderly woman who summoned him from his aimless walk.  She is sitting stick straight, eyes fixated on a set of white flower buds that gently sway in the breeze.
"Look," Her voice velvet as she points with a skinny finger, "They are blooming." 
Bakugou stays standing and grunts in response, apple red eyes fixated on the petals that seem to reflect the silvery glow of the moon as they slowly open. 
"Do you know what makes a moon flower so wonderful and awe inspiring?" Sobo asks but Bakugou does not answer. Instead he bites his lip and watches as her elderly features bloom into excitement before she speaks, "It's ability to thrive in the dark. To have so little light to work with and yet to embrace it wholeheartedly. I know there is at least one person in your life that reminds you of this flower." 
The hot head isn't sure where she is going with this...lecture of sorts. She gives him a knowing smile as the words play over in his head a few times. Sure there were a few people he could think of. 
She pulls him from his deep thoughts with a question as she places a board between herself and the empty cushion. 
"Have you ever played the game Go before Bakugou?" He has but he isn't so inclined to play. 
Playing house was enough for him this weekend. 
"No." His voice is even and his body still full of tension.  Of fight and a bit of pain from the altercation from before. 
"Come, I'll teach you." She smiles as she gestures to the seat before him. He hesitates for just a second before he thinks he hears you nagging in the back of his head. 
Reluctantly he sits on the pillow with agitated and poor posture. 
Grandmother goes over the rules slowly and Bakugou feigns interest as he is already familiar, this game was about strategy and cornering your opponent. Things he did for a living. 
 Finally she makes the first move, placing a piece onto the board, the diamond of her ring catches Bakugou's eye and he wonders how he missed that before. 
He places his own small tile, deep black bruises catching Sobo's pitying eyes. 
"I'm thankful she didn't break your arm." She places another piece and in such an odd spot. Bakugou ignores it, going head first into the game as he does everything else. 
"Believe it or not. I've seen her do worse." He counters, Sobo keeps her eyes on the board. Taking her time as she goes while Bakugou waits patiently. The pieces go back and forth as the conversation goes on. 
"It is hard to believe. My granddaughter is normally level headed. Not much gets under her skin." She gauges his reaction, noticing his facial expression changing ever so slightly, "You did us a favor. She would have never forgiven herself should she have hurt Shoji. Or worse yet kill him.  But that's not who you were protecting was it?" 
"I was acting on instinct. I'm not a pro hero for nothin." Gruff voice carrying pride into the hallway. 
"What you said wasn't." He swallows thickly at her comment, she places another piece. He can't understand her placement, if anything she was losing, backing herself into a corner of sorts.
Kinda like this conversation, still she acts as if she is in control. 
"You mentioned the house. You mentioned me. Not too many people know that her dear old Sobo is her true soft spot." 
A suck of his teeth trying to end the little bonding talk without just up and up leaving.
He was supposed to be your fiance for god's sake so he had to tolerate this just a little bit longer. 
Still it didn't help that Sobo was poking around in uncharted territory for him. It's true, he did act on instinct but his words had been carefully thought over now that he looks back on it. 
Silence blankets the room as the night wanes on, Bakugou seeming to dominate the board. 
"Are you sure you haven't played before?" Sobo had a teasing tone to which Bakugou shrugs his shoulders, leaning back on his hands for support. 
"Beginner's luck." He shrugs, devilish smile threatening to blossom on his lips. 
"That's twice you've lied to me now." She holds her tile, waiting to make a move as she reads Bakugou. Nothing gives him away, except for that sweet sugary smell permeating the air as it's carried on the light breeze. 
"You lied about playing before. And you lied about being engaged. You two aren't even dating are you?" 
Blush plumes up his neck and cheeks still he remains silent, vermillion eyes fixated on the board. 
"It's not obvious if that's what you're thinking. The two of you almost had me fooled. But I didn't see a ring.  I know she has lied about boyfriends before for my sake. And I know my granddaughter can be a handful at times but I see the way she looks at you." She pauses for a moment, wishing for Bakugou to meet her eyes, she continues when he doesn't, "and how you look at her. You already fit right in, mago." 
He looks up at her then, holding those fierce earthy eyes, she offers a soft smile. 
"You may have lied to me a few times already but I know you were telling the truth when you said you'd die for her." She finally counters Bakugou's move, ending the game in his utter surprising defeat, the light dances on the diamond of her ring catching the attention of scarlet eyes once more. He bites his lip, returning his deadly gaze to the board. He hadn't even fathomed she'd make that move, she smiles a bit mischievously motioning for Bakugou's hand. She takes his calloused hand into her wrinkled, capable hands smoothing out his warm palm and fingers until his hand is fully open. Something cool is pressed against his skin before she slides his fingers over the object, holding her hands over his. 
"Think on it." She says before she let's go, "Thank you for humoring this old woman." 
She smiles and Bakugou takes that as a dismissal. He stands, head a little hazed as he steps into the hall. 
Finally he opens his hand to reveal a ring, the very same ring that was on her finger moments ago. 
His heart pounds in his chest, leaping up into his throat before he closes his palm again.  The diamond bites into the flesh of his palm. Suddenly he is no longer curious just how far the house goes. 
He finds the shared bedroom and is thankful when he does not see you in it. He turns on the string lights and paces before he shoves the ring into his book bag. 
"What the hell is that old hag thinking?!" He snarls, fisting his ash locks. He looks around, noticing all of the small things in your room that clearly hadn't changed since you had left for UA and college. The posters of old animes, of aged jpop idols and photos of long forgotten friends and never to be forgotten family.  He sighs, almost ripping the tatami door as he slides it open.  He notices an odd and obviously old fissure snaking through the Earth, all the way to the base of the mountain. 
What made you angry enough to do this? 
The question runs through his mind over and over until he fishes out his phone video calling the only person he can semi trust his odd feelings with. They pick up with a gleaming sharp toothed smile. 
"Oi shitty hair." 
Mei had better have taken Bakugou and his things back to what was supposed to be his bedroom for the week. The last person you wanted to see was Bakugou.
Every second that passed between now and the incident in the dining room was washed over in tones of red and black. Furthering yourself self aimed anger as you damn yourself for not keeping control. 
What would have happened if he wasn't there to stop you? 
Would the house have caved? Would you have accidentally killed Shoji? Worse yet what would have happened to Sobo and the children. 
Still Shoji deserved the scare from both you and grandmother. 
His selfish actions costs countless unsuspecting victims their quirks. 
Your friends and Uncle Sozen among them. Mei had only just told you in the bath when you brushed off hurting Bakugou with a simple. 
"Uncle can fix him right up."
Her silence was answer enough. It would explain why he had been checking on Sobo in person more often. No longer able to activate his quirk to both heal and track people's vitals. 
Hesitating before your door you think if you should just rise early and take Bakugou back to the station first thing. 
You think of telling Sobo the truth. 
A sigh leaves your lips as you settle on an in person apology for now, which you would do as soon as you shed this tattered towel from your form and dressed. 
Little did you know the opportunity to apologize would arise so soon. 
Sliding open the familiar tatami reveals Bakugou Katsuki lying on his side on the futon, idling scrolling through his phone. 
"K..Katsuki!" You stutter, pulling the already straining towel around your thick frame. His eyes are pulled to you, the source of his annoyance before you shout out. 
"Keep your eyes closed, pervert!" 
"Aren't you the pervert for walking in here with nothing but a towel?" His tone is deadly velvet as he holds eye contact. Scarlet beginnings to drag southward. 
"Hey! Stop! Please!" He notices the blush in your cheeks that starts to bloom at the tip of your ears. He smirks to himself, shaking his head. When he closes his eyes he thinks of you on your knees again, his jaw clenches in response. 
Quickly you dig through your bag for something, anything. But you keep coming back to your lace bralette and cotton black underwear. 
You thought you would be in your old room alone. Not having some fucked up sleep over with the one roommate you were never really close with! 
But you always put yourself in fucked up situations don't you? 
You dress quickly, keeping your eyes on him as you do. He keeps his own scarlet eyes locked away behind long eyelashes. Long enough they kiss the apples of his cheeks. Body slowly going slack as he waits for you cue. Head still propped up on a strong arm while his other hand held his unlocked phone that illuminated with his social media. His lips are relaxed instead of set in their usual harsh snarl. 
He looks...different like this. 
Your breath hitches as your heart summersolts.
"Oi. What's wrong? How long does it take a shitty woman to get dressed." He snarls again, almost breaking the spell. When he opens his eyes he scoffs. 
"It took you that long to get dressed in next to nothing?" He bites, locking his phone and pulling his shirt over his head with one hand. 
"It's not like I was expecting company!" You hiss, his broad hands go to the waist band of his pants, "What are you doing?" 
"Getting ready for bed dumbass." Another scoff as he lifts his hips just slightly to slide his pants off of his toned legs. Your cheeks heat as you try to ignore the indentation in his boxer briefs. 
"Um can't you w..wear something else?" 
"I normally sleep naked sweetheart. So beggars can't be fucking choosers." He finally slides under the blanket of the futon and returns to his phone. Your eyes narrow, would this have gone differently had you brought Kirishima or hell even Izuku for fucks sake? 
"Oi, are you gonna come to bed or stand there all night? I'm not gonna fucking bite." He snarls, before his lips turn upward in an assholish teasing way, "Much." 
You hit him with your pillow. Causing him to almost drop his phone on his face. He growls as you reach to turn on the heavy duty fan to keep the room at a somewhat comfortable temperature. 
Exhaustion runs at you full force as you're pulled under with the aided sounds of the summer crickets and loud fan. 
But Bakugou finds himself lying awake, too hot in the shared bed as you block all of that sweet cool air. The only thing he gets is a lukewarm breeze that makes him question his life choices. 
Questions and answers circle around in his head while the moon gets lower and lower in the sky. He turns over to face you and noticing for the first time tonight that you're shivering. 
He cannot fathom how. It had to be 79 plus with the sun down, he lets his hands hover over you, feeling the breeze from the fan. The air is cold enough it reminds him of standing close to Todoroki. He sighs, activating a bit of his quirk before placing his warmed palm on your chilled skin. You sigh into the touch, scooting closer to the source of warmth until your ass is pressed against him. 
He groans from agitation and other things before he gently climbs over you so he could bare the brunt of the icy wind to his back while you warmed up. Snuggling into his chest with a soft smile. 
His heart explodes, skin becoming hot and cold all at once from just that small smile. 
He sighs, pushing some hair away from your face wondering how someone could be so perfect in the moonlight. 
361 notes · View notes
purpleiri · 4 years
Xu Mo: Ordinary Date Translation
许墨 【平淡之约】
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During the time Xu Mo was immersed in a new research project, our meetings have become scarce. I was incessantly torn between not wanting to disturb him at work and longing to see him. Finally, I came up with a solution to the problem...
Please do not re-post my translations.
I’m not a professional translator. I do not claim that my translations are 100% accurate.
I hope that you’ll enjoy watching/reading the date! Text-only version under the cut.
When I reached the entrance of the research centre, Aming and the others were on their way out. They must have just pulled an all-nighter to finish their experiment, as the youths yawned loudly. Even so, they were chatting happily and exchanging banters back and forth.
Student A: “Let’s have soup dumplings at Sheng Ji, it’s near.”
Student B: “Since today’s a day off, we have a lot of time. Let’s go to Li Ji Restaurant, it’s only two stations away by subway anyway.”
Student C: “Is Professor Xu not coming with us again?”
Aming: “The Professor said that he’ll be busy with some other things.”
Student B: “Do any of you feel that although Professor Xu looks approachable, he also seems strangely detached? He never talks about himself, and he’s not close with any of the other teachers.”
Student A: “It feels like he’s very polite, but keeps everybody at arm’s length, isn’t it?”
Student C: “I feel it a little. There were a few times when I saw him standing alone by the window and wanted to go up to him and say hello, but at the same time I felt that he would feel bothered for sure.”
Student B: “Sometimes, it does feel as if we just can’t figure out what kind of person Professor Xu really is…”
I stopped in my tracks and hesitated for a while, but still went ahead to meet up with them.
MC: “Aming!”
Aming: “MC, are you looking for the Professor? He’s just finished being busy with work so he should be resting now.”
MC: “Yes, I brought all of you something to eat!”
I handed a paper bag filled with food over to Aming. He smiled as he accepted it and scratched his head a little awkwardly.
Aming: “The things we said just now, we didn’t mean anything by it…”
MC: “Don’t worry, I won’t tattle on you to your Professor Xu.”
I smiled, but it was clear in my mind—there was a time when even I have deeply felt Xu Mo’s indifference and elusiveness, so I did not blame others for thinking so. For the past month, for instance, ever since he has started working on some secret experiment, I have been seeing him less and our usual interactions with each other have decreased. I have tried asking him about it indirectly twice, but he always answered vaguely and digressed from the topic. I could not help but worry a little.
Student B: “May I ask, are you Professor Xu’s girlfriend? We didn’t mean to talk about the Professor, we just don’t understand him very well so we couldn’t help but discuss a little.”
He paused for a while and let out an embarrassed smile.
Student B: “It’s rare to see such an impressive and young professor, so it makes one really curious.”
Student A: “He’s not just impressive, he could already very well be included in a textbook!”
They continued talking, and the conversation turned into a discussion of Xu Mo’s most recent academic research. I could see on their faces their hopes for the future, as well as an overwhelming sense of accomplishment from being able to work on the project with Xu Mo.
MC: “Sometimes, he can get too immersed in his own world and may seem unsociable.”
“But don’t worry about him being difficult to get along with.”
I looked at them and couldn’t stop the corner of my lips from turning up into a smile.
MC: “He’s a really gentle person.”
“The most gentle person I have ever met.”
It was still early, and the research centre was much quieter than usual. I walked along the long corridor and arrived at the entrance of the lounge. The door was open; I quietly took two steps forward and saw Xu Mo deep in thought.
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The window blinds were shut tightly. Entering through the gaps and infiltrating the room was a thin layer of sunlight, reflected on his calm and impassive eyes. It seemed that even the continuous drizzle of the wallpaper surrounding him lingered with a hint of coolness. The slightly bitter aroma of coffee permeated the air, and hot steam from the mug drifted little by little to the corner of Xu Mo’s thin lips.
Although he always wore a mild expression on his face, I felt that the darkness of the room was filled with an inexplicable silent melancholy. It was as if he had carved out this cold little space that was isolated from the world—isolated from the warm morning light outside the window, and isolated from himself.
I stared at his thin silhouette and could only feel how particularly lonely he was at this moment.
MC: “Xu Mo.”
I could not stop myself anymore and took a step forward, softly whispering his name. As if he had just suddenly woken up from some deep contemplation, he looked at me with a hint of surprise in his eyes. Almost at the very moment our eyes met, I could clearly see a smile light up in his nonchalant eyes.
Xu Mo: “Why didn’t you tell me in advance before coming over?”
Quickly, I walked over from the staircase to meet him, grinning as I held up the paper bag in my hand.
MC: “I brought you breakfast! There’s bread, egg tarts, palmiers, sandwiches…”
I opened up the paper bag and showed him how filled to the brim with food it was, prompting him to let out a small laugh.
Xu Mo: “It’s only breakfast, how can I eat this much?”
I placed the bag on the table and turned around to walk towards the window.
MC: “It’s precisely because it’s breakfast that you should eat more nutritiously.”
“If you can’t finish it then you can have the leftovers for tea, supper, or snacks. How do you get inspiration during work if you don’t eat some food?”
With a quiet “swoosh”, I drew open the blinds completely—a dazzling gleam of light spread inside, and the monotonous white walls of the room immediately took on a golden hue. The green plants on the windowsill seemed to have woken up from their deep sleep, slowly swaying their branches and leaves to the mild morning wind now blowing into the room.
Xu Mo: “Turns out that the weather today is really good.”
When I looked back, Xu Mo was already bathing in the mild sunlight. His entire body was enveloped in a soft warmth, and the corners of his lips were curved slightly upwards, revealing a quiet gentleness comparable to the first rays of light in the morning.
Xu Mo: “If it weren’t for the experiment, I would have gone out to take a walk with you. I wonder, at this time, if there are any more peach blossoms in bloom around the suburbs.”
He spoke as slowly walked towards me.
Xu Mo: “Didn’t you say that you’ve been busy with a new show recently?”
“Coming to see me so suddenly, did you come across some difficulty?”
I flashed him a knowing smile and took out my own notebook from my bag.
MC: “It’s just as I’ve said before, it’s about inviting a professor in logical studies to do an episode of the show…”
Before I could finish what I was saying, Xu Mo shook his head and sighed softly.
Xu Mo: “…sure enough, you didn’t come here specially to bring me breakfast.”
For a moment I was stunned, but I quickly denied it.
MC: “Of course I came here specially to bring you breakfast, it’s just a coincidence that I have a question that I needed your advice for.”
But after listening to me, not only did Xu Mo lightly furrow his brows, his voice also fell, as if he has just suffered some terrible injustice.
Xu Mo: “...so you brought me breakfast only because you needed my advice on something?”
“We haven't seen each other in such a long time, yet you don't miss me at all.”
MC: “…w-wait!”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“It’s not that I don’t miss you…”
At this moment, Xu Mo raised his eyes, which were twinkling with a hint of slyness. It was then I realised that I must have fallen into his trap once again. I looked at him and bit my lips with a huff. And yet, this man’s mood suddenly shifted happily as he came over to hold my hand with a smile.
Xu Mo: “Let’s have breakfast first.”
Under my “quiet” supervision, Xu Mo finished eating three egg tarts, two bread, and half a palmier before concluding this somewhat hearty breakfast. Although at the end he said that he really couldn’t eat anymore, there was still a happy smile on his lips.
Xu Mo: “Just spare me this round, Great Producer. I already know what I did wrong.”
“Now, I really know that you didn’t not miss me.”
He spoke slowly, dragging out the last part of his sentence as he took one last sip of coffee from his mug. He rested his chin on his hand and looked at the notebook in my hands. Before I had the time to think of a comeback to his words, he changed the topic.
Xu Mo: “Let me take a look at your question next.”
I really didn’t know what to do with him. I could only go along with his tempo; I opened up the notebook in my hands, spreading it on the table.
Xu Mo: “So this is the question that got you stuck.”
Xu Mo took a pen out of his pocket. Just as he was about to start writing, he looked over at me again.
Xu Mo: “Sitting opposite each other like this, it’s not so easy for me to write. Do you want to sit a bit closer?”
I nodded my head. I pulled my chair over and sat next to Xu Mo, shoulder to shoulder. Satisfied, Xu Mo smiled and wrote down the four letters “AEIO” on paper, forming a rectangle.
Xu Mo: “You can simply understand it this way: ‘A’ means complete affirmation, ‘E’ means complete negation, ‘I’ means partial affirmation, and ‘O’ means partial negation.”
“Among these, ‘A’ and ‘O’ have a contradictory relationship, just as ‘I’ and ‘E’ also have a contradictory relationship. Between them, there must be one that is true and one that is false. For example, taking what you said just now about how it’s not that you don’t miss me…”
“…it negates complete negation, which is to say that ‘E’ is false. In contrast, it confirms that ‘I’ is true, which is to say—you do miss me a little.”
“Is that right?”
The low voice that he used to slowly describe the concept flowed like sunlight. As I listened, I fell into a trance. The way the corners of his lips were raised subconsciously prompted me to smile along with him.
MC: “Right.”
A familiar light scent lingered between our breaths. I stared at his mesmerising eyes and only came to my senses much later. Xu Mo held my hands as an ambiguous smile appeared on his lips. His eyes narrowed slightly with the action, and he came closer.
Xu Mo: “Two days ago, I attended a lecture and happened to meet the Old Professor Xu that you invited as a guest on your show.”
“He was full of praises for you, saying that you and your team have already handed him the script two weeks ago. The questions on logical reasoning that he came up with, you managed to solve them all.”
“All these basic theoretical concepts have ceased to become a challenge for you much earlier on.”
“And yet you still came up with the excuse of having a question you needed my advice for…”
MC: “I…”
I avoided his stare guiltily, but still hesitantly hummed a soft “mhmm”. Xu Mo let out a helpless smile and sighed lightly. Raising his forefinger, he tapped me on the forehead gently.
Xu Mo: “Little liar, you only know how to bully me.”
Hurriedly, I tugged on the cuff of his white coat and softened my tone.
MC: “That’s why I said, I really came here specially to bring you breakfast.”
Xu Mo: “This isn’t the only thing I’m referring to.”
Xu Mo gazed into my eyes mysteriously, seemingly that no matter how I reacted afterwards, it would all be within his sight.
Xu Mo: “For the past two weeks, Aming often brings me supper; sometimes it's hot congee, other times it's vegetables and rice. He claims that it's takeaway, but the taste says otherwise.”
“The leaves of the spider plant on my balcony have long since turned yellow, and I haven't had the time to take care of it. However, when I glanced at it a few days ago, I found a new pot has long taken its place.”
“After returning to my office from the research centre early in the morning, I would sometimes find an extra cup of freshly-brewed tea.”
As he spoke, he showed an expression of serious contemplation, and his eyes revealed a faint puzzlement.
Xu Mo: “When did I start raising a little snail girl like you?”
He paused. Although it seemed like he still had some words left unsaid, he didn't continue speaking. Instead, he rubbed my hand with his fingertips, slowly, lightly, and very gently. I could feel the warmth from his fingertips, the slight, tingling itch resulting from his touch, and understood his momentary silence.
MC: “I should’ve known that I couldn’t keep this from you.”
I responded with a calm look. However, I suddenly remembered the little gift that I had prepared for him previously and couldn’t help but laugh a little.
MC: “But you still left out one thing.”
“I placed a humidifier on the corner of your coffee table—you didn’t notice it, did you?”
Xu Mo paused for a while and sighed softly.
Xu Mo: “How could I not notice? Moreover, the tea jar that I had already emptied out was filled with new tea leaves by a certain someone.”
“I even thought to myself, you must have gone out alone again to buy new tea leaves when I couldn’t take any time out.”
The light in Xu Mo’s eyes deepened. He leaned over and pressed his forehead against mine.
Xu Mo: “Did something happen recently?”
I shook my head subconsciously—after all, it really was nothing. He has his own things to be busy with, and he had promised me early on that we would go on a trip once his work has been dealt with.
However, during the times I couldn't hear footsteps coming from next door even after waiting all night, or when I picked up my phone only to remember that I shouldn’t bother him at work...
I really missed him.
Xu Mo's breath fell on my face, warm and a little moist—just like a light drizzle on a spring day, it felt as if one’s heartstrings were being gently caressed.
MC: “Truthfully… I miss you more than ‘just a little’.”
Xu Mo: “…me too.”
A week later, the new show entered the recording process as scheduled. It was fortunate that early preparations were done well, as the outcome exceeded expectations. Anna even felt that the show’s new season ratings could reach a new high, prompting me to prepare to treat everyone to dinner soon. I couldn’t wait to tell Xu Mo the good news and rushed over to the research centre as soon as work ended.
As I neared his office, I could hear Aming’s laughter coming from within.
Aming: “Professor, there is a secret that I’ve been keeping from you for a really long time. Let me tell you about it today! It has to do with MC…”
Upon hearing my own name, I lowered the hand that was reaching out to knock on the door, and discreetly looked into the office from behind the half-opened door.
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Xu Mo and Aming sat facing each other, seemingly engaged in idle conversation. I had no idea what they were talking about that would prompt Aming to spill the beans so mysteriously.
Aming: “Actually, the suppers I have given you previously were all sent over by MC in secret.”
“One time it rained, and we all thought that she wouldn’t visit anymore. However, she still came and even brought all of us freshly-baked cakes and biscuits.”
“Also, there was once when she discovered that you’d finished drinking all your tea and refilled your jar with new tea leaves the very next day!”
As he spoke, he sighed deeply.
Aming: “It’s so nice having a girlfriend…”
All along Xu Mo had been listening quietly, but after hearing Aming sigh so deeply, he could not help but let out a laugh.
Xu Mo: “Why, are you jealous?”
I could not stop my hand from reaching out and knocked on the door lightly. Xu Mo smiled and stood up slowly.
Aming: “Professor, there’s someone looking for you, I should leave first.”
Just as I was about to push the door open and step inside, Aming pulled on the door knob. When our eyes met, he scratched his head awkwardly.
Aming: “MC, you’re here… I-I definitely did not tell the Professor your secret.”
“I still have a paper to write, I’ll be leaving first!”
I was just about to tell him that the Great Professor Xu had already discovered the secret earlier, but he slipped away and ran. I watched helplessly at his retreating back as he disappeared into the hallway. But before I could react, Xu Mo pulled me into the office with one hand.
Xu Mo: “Since you’re here at this time, has the recording ended? Did it go well?”
MC: “Mhmm, it just ended.”
“I don’t know what the outcome of the broadcast will be like. However, based on experience, it should go successfully… but how did you know that I came here to talk to you about this?”
Xu Mo: “Isn’t this our chemistry with each other? In the past, when you came to me like this, it was almost always to share good news with me.”
MC: “Then, how did your experiment go?”
The light in Xu Mo’s eyes shifted for a second, but there was a smile on his lips.
Xu Mo: “It failed.”
He let go of my hand and walked towards a filing cabinet, from which he took out a big stack of papers. On the cover, I saw the words “laboratory report” printed in bold. For a moment I was confused, unsure if he was just teasing me or telling the truth.
However, Xu Mo has already started putting the papers one by one into the paper shredder, and the quiet office was soon filled with the continuous buzzing sounds of the machine. Xu Mo saw the look of surprise and concern in my eyes, smile still on his face.
Xu Mo: “In a hundred experiments, it is indeed the success of the hundredth experiment that makes one happy. However, this does not mean that the previous ninety-nine failures are worthless.”
“It’s just like how you might encounter difficulties when you work on your shows; sometimes the ratings are poor, and sometimes the show’s reputation is not well-received. Similarly, my work often has such discouraging moments.”
“But it is fine, for failure is not important–knowing that you are on the wrong path is more important.”
Xu Mo looked at the thin sheets of paper in his hand, the smile in his eyes growing.
Xu Mo: “Hopefully, next time I would have good news to share with you too.”
MC: “But, after working so hard for such a long time just to not yield results…”
“If it were me, I would definitely be upset for quite some time.”
As the shredder swallowed the last page of the report, Xu Mo walked over in front of me and sighed lightly.
Xu Mo: “Indeed, no matter how small, the feeling of discontent is there.”
I thought about it for a while, and then offered Xu Mo an invitation.
MC: “How about we go out for a walk?”
“The weather today is great; we can take a stroll. Sometimes I just need to take in the sunlight for a bit and my mood becomes better.”
Xu Mo let out a laugh and agreed softly. With practised ease, he interlocked his fingers with mine, and led me out of the research centre.
As the weather became warmer, the streets were filled with more and more people. Despite it being a work day, the people passing us by were mostly in groups of three to five. Xu Mo held my hand tightly, as if worried that I would be separated from him in the crowd.
As we were walking, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, and advised me seriously.
Xu Mo: “In the future, don’t come out alone in the middle of the night.”
“You are not allowed to walk through the alleyways and take shortcuts, either.”
When he said the first sentence, I had wanted to crack a joke and make a silly face before simply agreeing to it. However, when he said “alleyways”, my entire heart jumped.
MC: “How did you know…”
The road back home from the research centre was a main road, and it has always been safe. There were many people walking on the road even at ten o’clock at night. There was one rainy day when I wanted to reach home quickly and took the alleyway as a shortcut.
Only once.
Xu Mo stood in front of me and placed a hand on my head.
Xu Mo: “How could I be at ease with you walking home alone at night?”
“However, if I had walked back home together with you, or simply spoke to you, I probably would not have been able to focus on my experiments.”
“That’s why, every time, I have always seen only you off downstairs, and waited until I could see your lights go on before turning around and going back to the research centre.”
“This way, I could also take a small break, slowly organising my thoughts on work for the day as I walk.”
MC: “……”
At the thought of him putting his work down, secretly following behind me just to protect me and see me home safely, and then waiting around downstairs until he could see my lights come on before walking back to the research centre under the night sky…
I suddenly felt bad inside.
My intention was to take care of him, but I did not expect that I would cause him this much trouble…
MC: “I’m sorry.”
Xu Mo shook his head and laughed gently.
Xu Mo: “Little fool, you don’t have to apologise, you didn’t give me any trouble.”
“The surprises that you gave me, I really liked them all. More than that, I could not help but look forward to them.”
“Looking forward to what kind of gifts you would bring me next time, and looking forward to the moment I could see you after a long, exhausting day of work…”
“This is the most interesting experience I’ve had in all these years of dry and routine life doing research.”
Xu Mo grabbed my hand and turned to look at the intersection.
Xu Mo: “Want to have some ice-cream?”
It was only then that I noticed a dessert shop selling ice-cream in front of us. I hesitated, but before I could speak, Xu Mo had spoken first.
Xu Mo: “I do want to eat it a little. Want to have it with me?”
I rarely saw this side of Xu Mo, so childlike and pure. I agreed immediately and jogged over to the dessert shop to buy two ice-cream cones.
MC: “Here, this ice-cream is my treat. Next time, I will surprise you in a more thoughtful way and not make you worry anymore.”
"This time's debt, let's just call it even!"
I handed one of the ice-cream cones to Xu Mo and then I could no longer resist tasting my own—the cooling sweetness melting at the tip of the tongue, the rich strawberry flavour giving one a sense of happiness.
At this very moment, Xu Mo bent over at the waist—
He leaned closer, pursed his lips slightly upwards, and, under my slightly dumbfounded gaze, gently licked the tip of the sweet cone in my hand.
The small ice-cream cone suddenly turned into a small mountain, separating two pairs of thin lips, yet not able to separate the sights we have of each other. In that moment, the boisterous and noisy crowd around us seemed like they have been put on pause. My heart was full, and I only had eyes for the pair right in front of mine, deep and vast like pools of water.
Xu Mo: “Mmm, it’s delicious.”
He straightened his back. In a good mood, the corner of his eyes curved into a smile, and at last he tasted the matcha-flavoured ice-cream cone in his hand. Even with a cunning smile in his eyes, the passing breeze seemed to have caught onto his aura, becoming a little gentler.
I could never figure out what to do with him…
MC: “Xu Mo, are you still going back to the research centre?”
Xu Mo: “The experiment is already over, so it’s time to go back and rest.”
MC: “What a coincidence, we’ll be going the same way!”
Lifting the corner of my lips, I reached my hand out towards him—
Xu Mo smiled gently, and held my hand without hesitation.
Xu Mo: "Mm, let's go home."
T/N: Little snail girl (田螺姑娘) is a character from a Chinese folklore of the same name. The story goes that a young farmer found an unusually big snail when he was out in the fields, so he decided to bring it home and take care of it. Since then, every time he came home from work, he would mysteriously find freshly-prepared dinner waiting for him. He later found out that the one who cooked for him was indeed the snail he brought home—and that she’s not just a snail after all, she’s a young and beautiful woman. They fell in love, got married, had children and lived happily ever after.
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orange-waterfalls · 5 years
Hello, Nurse
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Yancy x mute!gender neutral!reader
@glitchbitch69 ty for the prompt!
A/N: I heard that mute was an offensive word... but I didn't know what else to use... reader is a person who cannot talk. That's the best way I can put it. @glitchbitch69 I am 99% sure this is not what you asked for but here??? I did my best. Rated T for a couple "fuck"s and like... 2 "shit"s.
Word Count: 2.5k
Yancy enjoyed prison life. He loved his family, the food was good, the cells were comfortable, Shithole Hank's hooch wine was fucking wonderful, it was almost perfect.
Apart from the fact that he wanted a companion
A spouse.
A life partner.
Whatever you want to call it.
One day, he notices someone new. Someone he hadn't seen before. Which was very weird because he knew everybody. They all practiced their musical number every Thursday.
He decides to introduce himself, so he follows you to wherever you're headed. You end up in the infirmary.
"Hello, there." He greets. You turn to him, slightly surprised. He's smiling at you, and not in a malicious way like you'd probably expect from a man who killed both of his parents. It's a sweet smile. A "I want you to feel as comfortable as possible" smile. You return it and wave.
"I haven't seen youse around here before. Youse new?" He asks. You nod. He raises an eyebrow
"Alright… what's youse's name?" You gently tap the name card on your chest.
"Hm. What's youse's favorite color?"
You point to your shoes.
"What's youse's favorite animal?"
You point to the animal poster on your wall.
"What's youse's favorite season?"
You point to the background of your computer. He huffs.
"What, can't youse talk?" He jokes. You shake your head.
"Oh…" he clears his throat, suddenly feeling very awkward. You make a gesture with your hands. He furrows his eyebrows. You huff and grab a Post-It note, writing something down and handing it to him. He looks at it and sees that you wrote "it's okay". He chuckles.
"Must be hard being a nurse and not being able to communicate with your patients," he comments. You roll your eyes, and wave it off. You write something else on a Post-It and hand it to him. "I can handle it" He smiles.
"Yeah, I bet." He glances back up at you. "So, uh… do--" he was cut off by two guards bursting into the infirmary with a man of a gurney. You rush past Yancy to see what's happening. Yancy follows you to see who it is. You make another gesture at the guards.
"He collapsed while in his cell. He won't wake up," one explains. You grab Yancy by the arm and lead him out, closing the door. He stands there for a moment before deciding it'd be best to head to his cell. He runs into Sparkles McGee on the way there.
"Hey, Yance!" He greets. Yancy smiles at him.
"Hey," He responds and they start to walk together
"Where ya headed?" Sparkles asks.
"Y'know… to my cell…"
"Already? It's only 7:00…"
"Well, I'm tired…"
"Hm… alright…"
"Hey…" Yancy stops walking. Sparkles, who was in front, turns to him, tilting his head. "Do you… know about any nurse?"
"You mean Y/N? Oh, yeah, they've been here for a couple of days," Sparkles responds.
"Really? How come I didn't know?"
"Well, you didn't really have a reason to. You don't get into a lot of fights and you don't get hurt so…"
"So… if I wanted to see the nurse… I'd have to get hurt…"
"Well, I wouldn't say you have to. You could just… talk to them?" Sparkles looks at Yancy weirdly. Yancy apparently did not hear that last sentence because the dumbass immediately went off to find a way to get hurt. He could get Jimmy the Pickle to punch him… that seemed like a solid plan. Yeah. He'll do that. He sits on his bed and thinks about what he's gonna say when he sees you again.
"Hey there!" No, too excited… "Howdy!" No, too awkward… "Sup" Nah, too "I want to be cool so you don't leave me". Just a simple "Hey" that's it. He sighs and lies down. He closes his eyes, letting sleep overtake him.
The next day, during breakfast, he sees you. He waves to you, but you don't see him. He figures that's a good time to start his plan.
"Hey, uh… I gotta do somethin'... See you guys later," he slides the rest of his breakfast over to Tiny, who promptly devours it. He meets Jimmy in a hallway.
"You got the stuff?" Jimmy asks. Yancy nods. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small lavender candle. Jimmy takes it, putting it into his pocket.
"Now it's your turn. Don't do it too-" Jimmy just straight decks him. He does miss his nose, but he nearly dislocates the smaller man's jaw.
Yancy wakes up and opens his eyes, but quickly closes them again due to the bright light in front of his face. He slowly opens them again, allowing himself to adjust to the light. He turned his head slightly, eyes widening when he sees you scribbling on a clipboard. He begins to smile, but stops because it hurts. He reaches up to feel his cheek. Jimmy really did a number on him…
You glance at him, noticing he's awake. You set down your clipboard and pencil and walk over to him, smiling gently. He gives you a half-grin in return.
"Hey there, hot stuff," he says, voice slightly cracking. Damn, I fucked it up, he thinks. You snort and pick up a sheet of paper, along with the clipboard. You write something down and hand it to him. It seems to be a little quiz.
"On a scale from 1-10, how much does it hurt?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"
He gently touches his cheek, wincing at the coldness of his fingers. He circles the number "4" and hands the paper back to you. You look at his answer and nod. You go get some supplies to give him a checkup and make sure everything else is ok.
As you perform the tests, you can clearly see his cheeks turning a light shade of pink whenever you touch him. A couple minutes pass, and you finish your check-up. Apart from a few slow reactions, he seems fine. They're probably because he was punched unconscious. You walk over to put your items away. He exhales deeply.
"So… uh…" he starts. You turn to him. "...do anything fun recently?" You roll your eyes and turn away. He pouts and crosses his arms. "Oh, come on! I'm doin' my best here!" You smack your lips and turn to him fully, making sure to obviously shake your head. He scoffs and mumbles something under his breath. You continue putting away supplies. When you turn back to him, he looks a bit upset. You frown, suddenly feeling guilty. You grab the same sheet of paper as before and jot down a couple of questions. You fold the paper, slipping it into his hand as you escort him out of the infirmary.
Yancy heads back to his cell and sits down, feeling gloomy. He takes the paper you gave him and opens it. It's seems like a little quiz. And the bottom, you wrote "I'd like to know you better, so here" and a small heart next to it. Yancy smiles widely and starts filling in answers.
You two write letters to each other back and forth, since you were usually busy in the infirmary. You learned a lot about him. He killed his parents and that's why he was in jail. That should have thrown you off waaaaay more than it did. You learned that him and all the other prisoners wrote a song and performed for new inmates. The practice was on Thursdays. You occasionally go and watch if you're not busy. The first time you went, he saw you out of the corner of his eye and smiled to himself while trying to get the newest inmate to stop fucking up the dance routine.
You two start to fall for each other.
For you, it was almost instant. You saw him singing and dancing and your heart just sped up.
For him, it took a bit. He was hesitant to trust you since you worked at the prison. He thought maybe you were only being nice so he wouldn't kill you. Which he would never, but you didn't know that. It bummed him out, until you covered for him when he got into a fight. You let Mr. Murder-Slaughter know that he had fallen , not gotten into a fight. For some reason, he took your word for it. Said you "looked trustworthy". That was about the time Yancy actually fell for you. Not a crush, no. This soft prison boy loves you with all his heart. That was a couple nights ago. You two had sent more letters since then.
He's reading the newest one in bed while he's supposed to be sleeping, giggling like a schoolgirl. He clutches the paper to his chest and sighs contently. He wipes his forehead, feeling a bit warm, but he ignores it. He would write you a new letter in the morning.
He wakes up in the morning, feeling like absolute shit. He tries to sit up, but his brain spins and screams at him to lie the hell back down. He obliges, only to suddenly go into a coughing fit. His body racks with the force, and he feels like his lungs are filled with something other than air. A guard enters his cell.
"Hey, you ok?" He asks. Yancy tries to answer, but goes into another fit and falls off of the bed. The guard rushes over to him.
"Whoa, ok… we gotta get you to the infirmary… c'mon," the guard tries to help Yancy to his feet, but his legs won't let him put any weight onto them. He groans as his head pounds, begging to lay back down. The guard manages to drag him to the infirmary, where he's plopped onto a bed. You turn, wondering what the commotion is. You gasp at the sight of Yancy. You make hand gestures at the guard. Yancy had been studying up on sign language, so he understood that you were saying "what's wrong?". The guard begins explaining what happened as Yancy begins to close his eyes. He lets himself slip out of consciousness.
He wakes back up to the smell of food. Chicken noodle soup? He hadn't eaten that since he was 11. He slowly turns to the side and sees a steaming bowl next to him, along with a small bottle of Gatorade. He looks around the room, searching for you. He sees you behind you computer. He tries to say "hi", but his body decides to say "fuck you" and make him hack his lungs out. You perk up at the sound, quickly walking over to him holding a whiteboard. You take a marker and write down "how do you feel?"
"Like… shit…" he croaks out. You smile sympathetically and write something else, showing to him.
It says "I convinced Mr. Murder-Slaughter to let me make you chicken noodle soup. I hope you like it. You might want to wait until it's cooled. I also bribed a guard into sneaking me Gatorade." He nods as you grab some objects and sit next to him.
You open your mouth, hoping he gets the memo. It takes him a moment, but he understands. You push his tongue with a stick and search his throat. What for, he has no clue. You eventually take it out and pick up a thermometer. He takes it in his mouth. You both sit quietly for a moment, waiting for it to go off. Yancy takes this opportunity to try and memorize every detail of your face. Were your eyes always so sparkly? He began to think he was hallucinating. The thermometer beeps, and you remove it from his mouth. You frown.
"What? Bad?" He asks. You turn the thermometer towards him so he can see the temperature. 108. "Oh… bad…" you shake your head and get an ice pack from a freezer, laying it on his head as you perform more tests. Once your done, he starts eating the soup, joyfully. It's all gone in the span of 30 seconds, along with the Gatorade. You blink at him before he crosses his arms and turns away.
"'s not my fault youse made it so good…" he grumbles. You smile, sitting next to him.
He turns back to you, a small grin appearing on his face. You two stare at each other for a moment before he reaches out, putting his hand on your neck. You glance at his hand, wondering what he's doing. He leans in. You lean in as well out of instinct. He closes his eyes because you're right there! You begin to close your eyes before you scramble to your feet, stepping away from him. He holds his hand in the air, a bit startled with your sudden disappearance. You stand and look at him, breathing harshly. Yancy groans and covers his face with his hands.
"Oh, I'm so stupid. Of course you don't like me," he says. "Why would you? I'm a scumbag…" you shake your head, immediately feeling regret for how you acted. You frantically look for your whiteboard. When you find it, you write something down and tap Yancy on the shoulder. He looks at you, tears brimming in the corners of his eyes. You hold the whiteboard in front of him. It says "108". He looks at the board, then at you, wondering what it means. You stare at him, expecting him to catch on at some point. He doesn't. You roll your eyes. You point at the board, then at him. He knits his eyebrows together in thought, before raising them and gasping.
"OOOOH, IT'S BECAUSE I'M SICK!" He yells. You nod forcefully. "Wait… so, you do like me?" He asks. You smile and nod. His face darkens. "O-Oh… well, uh… I like you too?" You erase the whiteboard and write "I know". He chuckles as you continue to smile.
A little while later, you deem Yancy ready to go back in his cell. He gets slightly upset because he liked spending so much time with you, but he was so glad he wasn't sick anymore. It's a bit late when you lead him back, so he decides to go to bed. He crawls in, covering himself in the blanket and you start to leave.
"Goodnight!" He calls. You smile and wave at him. He snuggles in and closes his eyes. He suddenly feels his shoulder being shaken as he tries to sleep. He turns to whoever's bothering him and almost decks you in the face. "Wha-" he starts. He's cut off by you leaning forward and gently kissing him on the forehead. He plops back down and gazes at you loving. You softly pat his chest as you start to leave again. You pause and turn back towards him, making a gesture with your hands. He doesn't know much sign language, but he does know what this means.
"I love you".
He smiles and makes the gesture back to you, making you smile. You turn and head back to the infirmary. Yancy sighs happily as he falls asleep.
The next morning, he meets you near the infirmary. He's about to say hi, but you frown, holding your arm up to your face. He stops, not knowing what's going on.
You sneeze.
You slowly turn to him, glaring. He nervously chuckles.
"Uh… sorry?"
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Unexpected Arrival -5
Pairing: Eventual Bucky x Reader, Possible Steve x Reader
Summary: As if working with the Avengers wasn’t exciting enough…. an unexpected visitor is about to change your life forever.
A/N- If you would like to be tagged in this just drop my ask/message and i will add you ⭐️
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Switching off the TV i got out of bed and stretched feeling my body crack in various places, i quickly checked on Evie who was fast asleep in her rocker before grabbing the baby monitor and heading to the kitchen for some tea and something to eat.
"Hey" Bucky says from the sofa startling me, it was nearly 9pm and i thought he'd still be out on his date.
"Hey" i replied quietly as i continued making my tea and grabbing some food.
"Where's Evie?"
"Sleeping in my room"
"You sure she's okay by herself...."
"She's fine" i nodded looking at the baby monitor that had a huge screen showing my sleeping baby girl "take a look for yourself" i pushed it closer to him.
"Did stark make this?"
"Of course!"
It was suddenly so quiet, you could of heard a pin drop!
"So why are you still here? Thought you had a hot date?"
"I never wanted to go on that stupid date. I kept trying to tell Sam that but you know what his like"
"I just wanted to be here, spend more time with you and Evie. But you've been locked away in your room for hours"
"Sorry, i feel asleep" i shrugged "then i watched a movie, i didn't know you were still here and i didn't want the team fussing...." i lied, i couldnt tell him that the truth was i had been sitting in my room crying over him!! I finished making my tea and poured out a cup of black coffee for Bucky knowing he would never turn down coffee.
"Here" i gave him a quick smile as i placed the steaming hot mug on the table in front of him. As i turned to go back into the kitchen Bucky reached forward taking my hand stopping me from leaving.
"Are you really okay?"
"Im fine" i nodded forcing a smile, i could already tell by the look on his face he wasnt buying it.
"Come here" he pulled me down next to him pulling me into his side so that i was curled up against his chest "you know you can talk to me"
"You sound like Steve" i mumbled rolling my eyes.
"Steve? When did you talk to Steve?"
"Earlier, he came by to check on me"
"He heard me crying and let himself in i didn't invite him in"
"Crying? Why were you crying?" He asked looking down at me with worried eyes.
"Im just hormonal, I'm literally crying at everything. Im a mess right now...."
"Thats understandable after what you've been through doll, it'll get better soon. Its not even been 24 hrs yet"
"Yeah i know" i nodded in agreement giving him a small smile.
"That why you got pissy about the whole date thing?" He suddenly asked making my heart start to race.
"Honestly? I don't know.... part of me was angry that you'd even consider going on that date when i had just given birth to your daughter. Then you said you felt like you need to be here, i wanted you to want to be here for her. I don't want to feel like me and Evie are ruining your life"
"What?? Y/N how could you ever think you and Evie ruin my life??" He looked down at me like i was crazy "You have given me the best thing I've ever had in my life. I know we didn't plan for this to happen but, I'm happy it did. And I'm glad that it was with you"
My head fell against his chest in an attempt to hide the fact i was crying again!!
"Doll..... are you crying?"
"Yes okay! I cant help it!" I moaned then we both started laughing at what a mess i was.
"I should get back to Evie, i don't want to leave her alone for too long" i said finally pulling myself out of Bucky's arms.
"Can i come and say goodnight? Is that okay?"
"Of course it is, you don't need permission Buck" i smiled at him before grabbing my tea and some chips and heading back to my room.
Evie was just waking up and starting to cry when we walked into my room, Bucky was straight over there lifting her into his arms.
"There's my girl" he cooed quietly, he loved her so much already it was clear from the way he looked at her, Evie instantly curled up against his neck and started falling asleep again.
"Come and sit down with her Buck, you cant stand there all night" i nodded to the empty side of the bed. He nodded before walking over and sitting next to me, as he got comfy i started a movie on Netflix and opened my chips leaving the bag between us so he could have some if he wanted.
"If i fall asleep wake me up at 3am for her feed" i said to Bucky like it was something we did all the time.
"Sure doll" he smiled down at me before his eyes focused back on the TV.
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Bucky woke me up at 3am as promised for Evie's feed, I don't even remember much of it to be honest, i felt like a zombie most of the time since having her. It became a regular thing over the next couple of days, Bucky would stay in my room with us and wake me up when it was time to feed Evie then we'd wake up cuddled up with Evie sleeping in her basket at the side of the bed. I could almost fool myself into thinking we more than two friends who had a baby together.
Waking up this morning i found myself alone in bed and Evie's basket empty, Bucky would probably be out in the common room with her letting me get some more rest. As i sat up i felt the front on my top was wet and looked down to see my breasts had been leaking!
"Really....this is just fantastic!" I groaned throwing back the covers and getting up, my breasts were hurting and feeling so full i could cry! I grabbed Bucky's hoodie that was on the back of my chair and went off to find Evie.  When i got to the common room Bucky was sat alone reading on the sofa, i looked around but there was no sign of Evie.
"Buck, where's Evie??" I asked needing to know where my baby was.
"Steve and Nat have taken her for a walk outside, trying the new stroller Tony made"
"Shit..." i muttered shifting uncomfortably "okay" i nodded before quickly heading to the room next to mine that was currently being decorated for Evie's nursery. I started rummaging through the many boxes looking for what i needed, i remember seeing one here somewhere!!
"Doll, what are you doing?" Bucky asked from the doorway, i turned to see him casually leaning against the door frame watching me.
"Looking for something....."
"What? If you tell me i can help you"
"I need the breast pump.... like now!"
"Why? Are you okay...."
"This is why!" I quickly opened the hoodie showing him my wet top, Bucky's eyes went wide and he actually blushed a little.
"i cant wait for them to bring Evie back, it hurts too much! I need to do this now"
"Okay, go wait in the bedroom i'll find it"
When i heard Bucky come back a couple minutes later i had already shed my wet top and was standing in sweatpants and my lilac nursing bra Nat had gone out to buy me.
"Shit sorry! I should have knocked" Bucky mumbled turning around quickly.
"Come on Buck its not like you haven't seen me in less" i rolled my eyes at him reaching for the box in his hand.
"My god how does this thing even work!!" I yelled getting frustrated with the damn thing.
"Let me see, just try and calm down" he said taking the pump and reading the instructions.
"I have no idea.... this is talking about nipple sizes!" Bucky said looking horrified shaking his head at me.
"Having this baby has left me with no dignity at all! pass me one of those bottles..." i pointed at one of the bottles that attaches to the pump "Bruce and Tony have literally seen everything! And now this!" I said taking the bottle from Bucky and turning my back to him while i unclasped the cup of my bra.
"Ow ow ow!" I cried as i tried to put pressure around my nipple "this is ridiculous!" My head dropped as i started crying at how hopeless i felt.
"Hey come on now, you can do this" Bucky said from behind me, i hadn't even noticed he was that close until i felt his chest against my back, his hands resting on my stomach.
"Do you want me to.... i could try and...."
"Im already humiliated Buck" i shook my head at him. I rested my head back against his chest and closed my eyes trying to calm myself down. When i felt Bucky's hands slowly moving up from my stomach to cup my breasts my eyes flew open, my heart racing.
"Shhh just relax" he whispered as his hands started to massage my breasts.... god he was good with his hands! I let my eyes fall closed again as i felt myself relaxing.
"You feeling okay?" He mumbled close to my ear.
"Yeah it feels better actually" i replied opening my eyes, i looked down to see Bucky holding the bottle in his metal hand whilst his right continued putting pressure in all the right places on my breast.....The bottle already filling slowly.
"This is so embarrassing..... i feel like a cow!" I moaned, Bucky just chuckled and kissed the side of my head "Thank you" i said quietly, as embarrassed as i was right now i was so grateful that he had helped me with this.
"No problem doll".
"You know this is a good thing, i get to help feed Evie now!" Bucky called through to me while i was in the bathroom cleaning up and getting in fresh clothes.
"I'll try and work that thing out so i can express too. That way you can feed her more"
"Thanks" he beamed at me at i came back out into the bedroom "you feeling okay now?"
"Yeah I'm good" i smiled "embarrassed but I'm okay"
Bucky pulled me into his arms and held me tight, his hands gently rubbing up and down my back.
"You have nothing to be embarrassed about sweetheart" he mumbled "we make a pretty good team you and me"
"Yeah we do. We always did though, thats how we got here Buck" i laughed thinking back to that mission in Alaska, we had been paired for that mission for that exact reason.
"Thats right, Steve said we were perfect for the job because we worked well together..... maybe we worked together a little too well" he said putting his arm around my shoulders "I mean, what are the chances that the one time i get you into bed i get you pregnant!"
"Must be those damn super sperm of yours!" I rolled my eyes at him.
"Must be" he chuckled "come on lets go find our girl".
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morgemuffel · 5 years
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This story takes place between episode 3Bx15 & 3Bx16.
I adapted the story and put my own thoughts & ideas into to it. What are MALEC up to when you don’t see them on screen?
*(Part 2 of my series: our heart beats like one)
Mmm... I love to feel his warm bare chest underneath me. His fine and soft dark chest hair like a fluffy pillow on my cheek, which tickles my nose every now and then when I move my head, to cuddle up to him. The familiar aroma of... of what exactly? It's hard to describe, but it's my favorite fragrance. Not like shampoo, perfume or laundry detergent, no. It is his own body odor. The scent, you only get to smell on your partner in the mornings, before he makes himself fresh and tidy for the rest of the world. Magnus loved this fragrance. It's a scent that evokes the memory  of a cool sunrise in spring season. The feeling of love and secureness.
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As Magnus lies there half asleep, he slowly noticed that something wasn't right anymore. The warmth and the fragrance he loved so much, slowly faded away. He reluctantly opened his eyes and winked the sleep away as he looked around without moving. He was in Alec's room at the New York Institute. He remembered falling asleep in Alec's arms, one more thing he loved. He slept so well in Alec's arms, as he hadn't for years. Carefree and happy. But where was Alec? Magnus lay across the bed, taking up the whole space and his head was carefully draped on a pillow. Alec didn't want to wake him up and exchanged his warm muscular chest with his pillow. Also very cuddly Magnus had to admit, but no comparison to Alec's soft fragrant skin. As he raised his head, he looked up directly into Alec's already freshly washed face. "You sleep ok?" Alec asked worried. Magnus stretched as he answered "like a rock." Alec looked at him in a mix of nervousness and expectation so that Magnus wondered what he had overlooked, until his eyes moved over the bed and he noticed the romantic gesture of his boyfriend. A smile crossed his face. How was it possible that this man could always surprise him over and over again? In front of him was a tray with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and a small bouquet of flowers. The glass was filled to the top, not like Magnus' attempt from last week. When he could only squeeze enough juice from two oranges to reach the middle of the glass. "Oh. Freshly squeezed orange juice and a full glass. "He grinned at the memory. Alec blushed a little red but tried to suppress it. "One of the perks of living at the institute," he said with a smile. Magnus nodded impressed, but his attention was yet on the forced question, forming  itself in bold capital letters, inside of his head . It was by law not allowed for Warlocks to be in the institute. Nor to live there. Although he welcomed the loving offer to stay here until he had found a new home as well as the confident manner his boyfriend showed, but they both knew that this, also if only a temporary situation, was pretty tricky. Magnus didn't want to get Alec into trouble by staying here longer than necessary. Alec tore him out of his thoughts. "Come on, get out of bed. Breakfast stops serving at 9am." Theatrically, Magnus let himself fall back into the bed. Why did shadowhunters have to get up so early? No wonder most of them were always in such a bad mood. And walking into a warlock in this early hour must be the icing on the cake. So he started a half-hearted attempt to convince Alec that they didn't necessarily had to have breakfast with the others in the community hall. “Alexander, I appreciate the hospitality, but doesn't the clave have rules against downworlders living here?“ His boyfriend looked at him with that peevish smile as he hesitated “oh they‘re not rules, they‘re suggestions.“ Magnus sighed, his Alexander, who interpreted his life according to the rules is now only looking at them as a recommendation? He didn't want Alec to bend himself completely because of him. That just wasn't right, and yet his statement triggered a comforting feeling in Magnus. Alec went on to say, "You're not living at the institute, you're just visiting for an extended period of time." his arguments weren't bad, Magnus thought, but he hated to be the outsider. Not that he cared what others thought, but what if Alec suddenly felt uncomfortable? Magnus asked him "and what would your fellow shadowshunters think of a warlock wandering the halls?" "They'd be fine with it Alec clarified in a calm tone. "Let's go." With these last challenging words he turned around and disappeared through the door to brush his teeth in the bathroom. Magnus sat undecided on the bed for a moment. He urgently needed another apartment, but his  real estate agent had died years ago. But his good friend Cat has recently moved, so Madzie could have her own room. He took out his phone and wrote her a short text message:
Wanna have lunch today? I could need your help... Do you know a good real estate agent in New York? 🏠
Cat answered almost immediately. Magnus was looking at his phone while it indicated that Cat was about to formulate a message.
Yes sure, I have break at 12.30am. You can wait outside the hospital. Are you and Alec already taking the next step? 🐾
Magnus read the message and rolled his eyes in amusement.
He had told her that Alec had asked him a few weeks ago to move in with him and that he had refused his request. She agreed with Magnus that it was too early. But in the meantime, Magnus himself wasn't so sure about his decision anymore. With Alec everything felt so good and right. He had never dared to take that step before, but if he did, he could only imagine this scenario with Alec. Since losing his loft, he'd thought about asking Alec several times. Ask him if they wanted to look at apartments together and maybe even wanted to move in together. But he was too unsure, what if Alec didn't wanted that anymore? He still remembers how hurt his shadowhunter had looked at him, when he said it would be a nice idea for the future. Magnus had considered his decision as the best in that moment. But now he wasn't so sure anymore, so he didn't ask. He answered Cat with a maybe..., two thumbs up and a steak emoji, then he got up to get dressed.
Alec had just brushed his teeth when he started searching for Underhill. As he knew Magnus, getting dressed, styling his hair and putting on his make up would take a while even with his regained magic. When thinking of his boyfriend, who couldn't decide what to wear and what mood he wanted to present the world today, he had to smile. There was no one like him, and he belonged to Alec. He hoped to catch Underhill before breakfast, since he was Alec's only friend next to his siblings, he wanted to hear his opinion about Magnus' new living situation. He himself knew that his decision to let Magnus live in the institute went into the grey area, a real dark grey zone and that not all of his companions would be enthusiastic about it. But he didn't care he had a plan. Well it was more of an idea than a plan, but before he could enforced this plan, he had to go through the shadowhunters protocol again. If someone could help him with that then it was his friend Underhill, the head of security. Alec walked down the hall and knocked on Underhill's room. Nothing stirred. He was about to leave, as the door swung open and Underhill stood in front of him, dripping wet and only wrapped in a white towel around his waist. Small  water drops trickled down his trained torso like glistening pearls. "Uhm ... hey boss ... uh ... Alec?" He said clearly confused about meeting his buddy so early in the morning. "Does your head hum as much as mine?" He asked laughing as he grimaced. The two men hadn't been friends for a long time, and Alec hadn't even seen him in swimming trunks before. They were out for a beer the first time yesterday having a spontaneous men's night after work. Alec had told him about his fears and relationship issues after being Underhill's wingman. But a drunk soul striptease and checking out other men together was something completely different than this. Their friendship wasn't on the I can see you without your shirt level yet. Rather more on the I kinda trust you and we can talk about deep stuff basis. It was therefore an unprecedented situation for both of them. "Alec is enough, we're friends now right... aren't we?" Alec found himself wandering over Underhill's upper body. Well, yesterday they've talked about attractive men and they were all reasonably passable but he haven't really realized that Underhill himself was actually pretty attractive. No comparison to Magnus, Nobody is able to hold a candle to him, but he couldn't deny that Underhill was good looking and handsome. Stop look at him so closely Alec! He realized that he had been staring at his friend for quite a long time now and blushed. Thus, the situation was now officially a bit awkward. Is looking at others, even if in that harmless way, allowed in a relationship? Or oh God had he just cheated on Magnus? No, no, no calm down Alec. Magnus once said that it's natural that you want to look at beautiful things. Not that Underhill was an object. "Yes sure...we are friends", Underhill nodded slowly and became a little red himself. Oh damn it, pull yourself together Alec. Just open your mouth and before you even notice you'll be speaking. The warm steam escaping out of the room and into Alec's face finally brought him back from his thoughts. "Nah no, I'm feeling pretty good." He cleared his throat and asked, "Could you prepare the keys for Magnus, so he can come into the institute by himself?" Underhill frowned as he slowly asked: "So your boyfriend is suddenly living here now? What about the rules?" But Alec wanted to get out of this somehow embarrassing situation, as quick as possible so he answered curtly. "Just the keys Jack okey? Thank you." And walked in the direction of his own room. The protocol could wait.
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Magnus felt the breakfast was... very weird, as expected. He was in the training room of the institute now and completed his morning Tai Chi exercises. These slow flowing movements and the meditation calmed him. He had spiced up the routine with his own flair and let a magic ball circulate between his hands. However, it was difficult for him to concentrate, because his thoughts repeatedly wandered somewhere else. - Everyone had stared at Magnus as if it was the first time they've ever saw a warlock. He had mumbled to Alec, "you know it's not too late to go out for breakfast, right?"But Alec ignored the others and asked in shock: “And miss pancake day? No way“. How could Magnus have denied him his favorite breakfast day at the institute? Nevertheless, Magnus would rather have sinked into the ground, preferably right through to Edom. But Alec stood proudly next to him and would have probably beat up everyone's ass or sent them to Wrangel Island for character-building, if they had dared to say something mean against Magnus. They had sat down with Izzy, Jace and Clary and explained them his current living situation. They all seemed genuinely enthusiastic and happy about him living here, which calmed him down a bit. Even though Alec was a huge fan of pancake day at the institute, Magnus preferred a fruit salad and a Mimosa cocktail, somewhere was definitely happy hour already. When he snapped his finger and his new breakfast had appeared, he heard a loud,  glaring and high ringing in his ears. It hurt it was getting harder and harder to repress and ignore the symptoms. He decided to talk to Cat about it later. Magnus was glad when Biscuit's cell phone rang and replaced the ringing in his ear. It was Luke who briefed her about the vampire attack at Jade Wulf. Soon after, everyone dedicated back to daily-shadowhunter-businesses. He returned to an upright position and stretched. He felt ready for the next hurdle now. He looked at his phone to reads the time 11:42, time to get his keys and get ready for lunch with Cat. Alec had told him where to find Underhill, who provided the new keys for him. So he made his way there.
After Magnus recovered from the let's call it a slightly unpleasant dining which topped any previous encounter with Maryse Lightwood (before she became nice) by lengths, he went to the security department. He wondered for the second time today if he should ask Alec to move in with him. He was torn between his feelings. And all of these high-tech machines and huge screens were giving him migraines. How did his Alexander endure that? He was looking for the big blond shadowhunter which he should get in touch with. Jack Underhill, Magnus thought. Alec went out for a drink with him yesterday, right? His heart suddenly felt heavy and an unfamiliar feeling spread throughout him. Well, it was more like several emotions at the same time and he couldn't exactly assign them. It was a mixture of fear, suspicion, and a bit of anger. Magnus didn't like these feelings, especially because he didn't understand them. He had only met Underhill once and he made a sympathetic impression. He was also good-looking, tall and muscular, bright blue eyes and well-haired blond hair. He was quite handsome Magnus thought. Underhill nodded to Magnus as he approached him. "You're here for the keys?" He asked curtly. "Yes, is this the reception to check in at the Shadowhunters Inn?" Magnus tried to lighten the mood with a joke. But the joke was bad so they just looked at each other silently. Underhill cleared his throat and instructed: "Please stand here and don't move. This is a retinal scan. If you move, we have to start all over again."Quite the soldier Magnus thought to himself, with these monitors all day long he would probably have a bad mood too. As he stood there so motionless, he wondered if Underhill thinks Alec is attractive. What a stupid question Magnus your boyfriend is a walking sex bomb! Everyone with eyes in their heads could see that Alec was attractive. And the most attractive thing about him was that he wasn't even aware of it. Hmm on the other hand... does Alec think Underhill is attractive? Before Magnus, Alec had no relationships, but his almost wife - Lydia was blond, Underhill is also blonde So maybe... Damn it, Magnus what's up with you today? You have no reason for such thoughts. He takes a deep breath and concentrates on the monitor with the built-in scan. After less than a minute - RETINAL SCAN COMPLETE - appeared in green on the screen.
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"That'll do it" Underhill growled. "I'm finished?" Magnus asked in surprise, he had expected to have to stand there for hours. "Yeah," Underhill said curtly and gave him a bunch of keys. “These are your keys. I‘d explained what doors the open, but to be honest, I‘m not totally sure. Most of the shadowhunters just use the unlock rune. So good luck.“ Magnus at first thought that Underhill was just in a bad mood like all the other shadowhunters, because Magnus was around. But somehow he had the feeling that he had annoyed the man in a different way maybe with something he didn't noticed. He felt the urge to ignore his thought just like the ringing sound in his ear earlier at the breakfast table. That's why he just answered "Hmm" and turned to go. But then it occurred to him that Alec had just made friends with Underhill and he didn't want anything to stand between the two men. So he stopped and turned back to him. "I'm sorry, have I done something to offend you?" He looked questioningly at Underhill. "No, of course not." Underhill said but hesitated and crossed his arms over his chest before continuing. “I guess I‘m not sure having you moving in here is such a great idea.“ And here we go Magnus thought. He's one of them... as he said, “hmm because I‘m a warlock?“ Underhill interrupted him immediately. “No. No, no, no. Personally, I don��t mind, but we‘ve got protocols against this sort of things.“  Magnus was surprisingly relieved to hear that it wasn't about him being a warlock. He should have known, Alec had a good sense for people, most shadowhunters were just poled to follow the rules. That someone like Alec suddenly starts to break the rules can be quite disconcerting. “Don‘t worry. I don‘t plan on living here longer than I have to. I love Alec but, these screens are giving me migraines" Magnus said and hoped to soothe Underhill a bit. Behind this serious expression seemed to be a nice guy, who actually meant well. He looked at Magnus with a honest expression and said something quite unusual for shadowhunters. “I‘m sorry. I didn‘t realize this was a temporary thing“ Magnus had already forgiven him and raised his hand to a let's forget it gesture and nodded smiling. Jack continues visibly relaxed,“and hey, for what it‘s wort, I‘m glad that you and Alec managed to work everything out“ Now Magnus was confused. What was he talking about? "Excuse me?" He asked perplexed. “Yeah, he... uh, told me you were having some differences.“ Underhill said. There it was again. slight anger, fear, suspicion and a light sting in his chest. These feelings were annoying. What was it about this blonde Shadowhunter, that Magnus suddenly felt so vulnerable? It somehow bothered him that Alec had discussed private matters with someone else, had discussed them with him. “Oh, he did, didn‘t he?“  was everything he managed to say. "Yeah," said Underhill again short tailed as in the beginning. He had noticed that, his statement somehow came across a bit strange. “Excuse me.“ Magnus said and made his way to the exit. He needed to talk to his best friend now.
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45 minutes later, Magnus stood in front of the Beth Israel Hospital in New York and waited for his good old friend Catarina Loss. The young dark-skinned and black-haired woman came out and smiled at her friend. "There's my favorite seriously-in-love warlock," she said, pulling him into a heartfelt hug. Magnus had to grin. He loved this woman, he had already experienced so much with her and she was one of the few people whom he practically trusted blindly. "Hello my dear old house," Magnus teased back. They walked for a while until they came to a small alley and Cat opened a portal to Zurich. Magnus was glad that she took the initiative and opened the portal, he still didn't know how to confess to her about the unpleasant symptoms he was having lately. But Cat had a totally different taste in food than him. "Don't you just only eat cheese in Switzerland?", he thought. Cat rolled her eyes as she noticed his hesitation. "Come on, I know a great hip brasserie at Zurich Hardbrücke, they serve the best tapas and seashells believe me." Magnus frowned, seashells weren't really his cup of tea either. He was more kinda the old-fashioned guy always ready for a good piece of meat, medium rare. And he's just barely escaped, the tasteless cardboard which the Institute calls pancake, today. "If you don't like it I'll pay", Cat tried again. So, Magnus gave himself a jolt, today wasn't really his day. Arriving at the restaurant, Cat ordered, in her fluent Swiss German, two portions of Moules et Frites and two cocktails, with hers being non-alcoholic, as she had to work quite long this evening. 20 minutes later they sat at a table outside on the terrace, laughing, smacking, reveling in memories and enjoying the sun. Magnus had to admit that the seashells were really excellent and that his wise friend could still introduce him to new things after so many years. Yes, she knew him so well, as almost nobody else does. "Cat because of the real estate agent, can you recommend me someone?" he asked. She nodded eagerly "Yes, I know the perfect man for you, he is from Brooklyn and knows the area, as I know you, this is very important to you. I've wrote him already and made an appointment for tomorrow, I assumed you would like to move out of the institute as soon as possible?" she looked at Magnus amused "It's not that terrible," Magnus said sheepishly. "Alec is trying so hard...and..." Cat interrupted him "speaking of Alec... I didn't know what to tell the agent about the apartment your looking for, I mean I know you and your expensive taste, but if you two are really about to take the next step...? she blurted out. "How many rooms would it need ... are we about to expect some small mini Alec's any time soon, I mean I know how good he is with kids?" Magnus' eyes widened and he blushed slightly. The two broke out in laughter. Magnus loved the direct nature of his friend. He valued her opinion and knew that he could always expect an honest answer from her. "Don't you no longer think that's it a bit too fast?" Magnus asked uncertainly.
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She thought for a moment before answering, "Magnus you deserve to be happy and if it makes you happy to move in with him, then do it." You've never dared to take this step with anyone else before and I haven't seen you so happy, as with Alec, for a long time now. You're good for each other and if you don't try it, you'll never know how it could have been. After her speech, Magnus couldn't stop smiling. There's something else I wanted to ask you about, he started hesitantly. usually he has got the gift of the gab, but what he wanted to ask her next was a little embarrassing. "Do you think .. um... well... that I'm a jealous person...?" Cat looked at him pleasant as she spoke,"well, well, well, a jealous Magnus Bane, never thought that I'd live so long to ever experience that. Hmm...the fact that you have to ask me that answers everything, don't you agree? " Magnus rolled his eyes, knowing she was right. He had wondered the whole morning, what was it about these new curious feelings? and then it finally fell from his eyes like scales. Jealousy. He, Magnus bane was slightly jealous of Underhill. He didn't want to admit it at first, because he was embarrassed and he thinks Underhill is actually really nice. But here he sat in front of his best friend who could read him like an open book and knew she was right. "Magnus Alec adores you, how comes you feel threatened by someone?" She asked in surprise. Magnus sighed heavily, "Oh, Catarina, it's all me, my self-doubts are coming back. I feel that everything is going too good, that I don't deserve it and I'm just kinda waiting for something or someone to come across and take that happiness away from me...you understand?" She understood him all too well, all these dramas with Camille in the passt have left their marks. Cat reached for his hand on the table and looked at him seriously. "Stop sabotaging yourself. You deserve this ok?" She looked at him so intensive, he didn't dare to turn away his head from her. "You are worth it Magnus and don't let someone else tell you otherwise,...talk to Alec about your fears, but don't let those feelings get the upper hand. A little jealousy is okey just don't overdo it okey?" Magnus was reassured, Cat always knew what she had to say to cheer him up. He didn't want to destroy the moment by telling her that his body was rejecting Lorenzo's magic. Even as she looked at him questioningly with her tell me about the last thing that's bothering you expression, he just shrugged. "Thanks, Cat, I needed that, let's head back, I should probably talk to Alec." She nodded knowingly, he would tell her when he was ready she thought and the two made their way back to New York.
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Back at the institute, Magnus went straight to Alec's office. Alec once told him he doesn't always have to knock, he rarely had someone really important visiting and the big meetings were mostly held in Alicante. So, Magnus just enterd. Alec wasn't sitting at his desk as usually, he was chilling in a comfortable armchair beside his little table and studied some reports. He looked up as Magnus entered the room and asked: “how was your first day? You all set up?“ Sitting down on the armchair next to him, Magnus resolved to begin this conversation rationally. “Hmm. Good to go.“ he started before failing miserably as he continued to speak,“Your handsome friend took care of everything“ Alec frowned and thought about what Magnus just said before asking hesitantly “Underhill?“ Magnus after that quick like a shot and curiously wide-eyed,“you think he‘s handsome? The second the question left his mouth, he regretted it. Damn it Magnus, he thought, we already had this topic. Now stop with this jealousy game. You don't need this. Alec looked at him sheepishly, as the awkward bath towel situation of this morning came back to his mind, when he answered uncertainly,“I guess?“ Magnus took in the new information and tried to find the right words to tell Alec what was on his mind. Alec got a bit nervous and added,“Is that a problem?“ Magnus saw that Alec was afraid he had done something wrong and said soothingly  “No.“ Alec wasn't sure if that was true, but still devoted himself back to his reports. “Yes“ Magnus corrected and decided to be honest. Cat had advised him to talk honestly about his feelings, so he did. “I just don‘t know if I feel comfortable with you airing out our dirty laundry to the entire Institute...“ Now Alec was quite confused for a second he had thought Magnus was jealous, but it sounded quite as if something else had happened between him and Underhill.“What are you talking about?“ he asked. Magnus sighed: now or never Magnus, come on. “You told him we were having relationship issues.“ Alec wasn't sure were Magnus was going with this conversation. “So I‘m not allowed to talk to people about my problems?“ he asked in confusion. Magnus realized how childish this sounded, of course Alec was allowed to talk with his friends about his problems. It was just... what was it that disturbed him? “Well, sure. But him? You barely even know him.“ Magnus was right Alec thought and he was sorry, not about him in principle talking to others about his problems, but that Magnus was feeling uncomfortable and he somehow understood him. He hardly knew Underhill that was true, but that's how friendships start. You get to know each other and Alec trusted Underhill. He would have thought Magnus would understand that.  “I just didn‘t think it was a big deal.“ Alec finally said. Magnus had a guilty conscience, he didn't want Alec to feel bad just because he couldn't control his feelings. After all, it wasn't Alec's fault that he felt that way. He tried to choose his words carefully when he started: “I know. I just feel... Sometimes, I...“ All at once Alec could see it very clearly. he hadn't been wrong before. Magnus was jealous! His boyfriend was truly jealous.
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Alec was neither hurt nor angry at this newfound fact. He had asked Magnus last night already, after he went out for a beer with Underhill at Hunter's Moon and Magnus denied it. Weak denied, but still. Alec haven't been thinking about it afterwards. And he couldn't imagine, that Magnus the most beautiful and confident man Alec knew could be jealous. He smiled from ear to ear as he finally said it,“wait. You‘re jealous.“ Magnus contradicted slightly offended when he realized that he had just been caught,“I don‘t get jealous.“ Alec kinda liked the idea of a jealous Magnus, because from his perspective there was no one who could ever compete with Magnus. He couldn't stop grinning. No one has ever been jealous of another person because of Alec. Magnus was kind of sweet when he was jealous so Alec wanted to savor the moment and tease his boyfriend a bit.“You‘re jealous. You‘re actually jealous.“ Alec stated. Magnus had no chance, the cat was out of the bag now. But he still acted a little pouted when he said: “I‘ve never gotten jealous. This is not...“ Alec's phone rang and Magnus took the opportunity to pull himself out of the affair. “Answer it.“ Magnus command and Alec just kept grinning to himself as he answered the call.
After Heidi's death and turning in Rafael to the Clave, Alec became painfully aware again of how important rules are. He loved having Magnus in the institute, but he would prefer to live with him. Having a joint home, their Home. He had asked Magnus once back then, and he didn't want to. It was too early he said. Not much time had passed since then and yet it felt like an eternity. And Alec was a stubborn person so he decided to ask one more time. He wanted to ask Underhill for advice this morning and then didn't do it cause of sheer shame. He took deep breath and went to visit his friend again. He needed a bit of courage and assurances before launching his plan. That's why he asked Underhill for the official shadowhunter-regulations when he arrived the security compartment. Alec: "Jack, are you sure the head of the institute doesn't have to live in the institute?" Jack was still rummaging in a few other documents as he spoke, "pretty sure... aha here it is!" He pulled out the thick, brown-inlaid, rather dusty book and looked for the corresponding page with the inscription."So here it is," said Underhill, reading aloud:
Art. 23 para. 7 - the head of the institute receives a suitable room in the institute, where he/she can retire and plan his/her further steps if needed.
"Hmm ... yes you're right it's not written that you have to actually live in the institute. Only that you'll get a room to use, as a place to think." Alec said slowly. "So could I help you?" Underhill asked, smiling. "I think so, thanks for everything," Alec responds, lost in his thought and already turned to leave. Should he ask Magnus again or would that be too intrusive? He didn't want to force himself on Magnus but he could see their future clearly in mind. He knew that he was ready and wanted make all these new experiences with him. No matter how scared he was of another rejection, he would try it again.
"Magnus had realized that he had acted very irrational previously and he should apologize to Alec. Full of anticipation he opened the door to Alec's office and entered. "You where looking for me?" he asked, willing to admit his mistake. Alec looked down in distress and nodded "Yeah." Magnus, now ready  to stand the ground started his apology, which he had practiced in his head for the last half a hour, because that's the way to do it in a healthy relationship. Communication is everything. "Alexander if this is about what we were talking about earlier, I was wrong. You have every right to talk out your problems with your friends, no matter how good-looking they are."he started frantically. But Alec interrupted him gently,"this isn't about that. This is about you living at the Institute. "Oh." was the only thing Magnus could answer, he hadn't expected the conversation to lead into that direction. Alec spoke slowly, choosing each word carefully. "Believe me I want to live with you, but you were right. Having a outsider live at the Institute that is against the protocol. And how can I expect everyone else to follow the rules, if I don't follow them myself?" Magnus didn't blame Alec, he knew it was a logical conclusion. He was more than thankful that they had even tried. "I understand. I'll move out first thing in the morning "Magnus replied understanding. But Alec wasn't finished yet, something important to him, still seemed to be on his mind. "However, there is no protocol that says the head of the Institute has to actually live at the Institute. So when you find a place, I was hoping that we could...both move in...together." Magnus heart was racing, yes Alec had milled his plan to ask him to move in with him this time, but Magnus couldn't care less about that now. This time, Magnus didn't have to think about it, it made him so unbelievably happy that Alec really had the courage to ask him again. He had played with this thought all day long and having Alec ask him again made his self-doubt disappear. You deserve to be happy he heard Cat's voice in his head. He didn't expect Alec to bring up back this sensitive topic but his Alexander never ceased to amaze him. This time he was ready. He wanted Alec and he wanted everything with him.  At once, that throbbing pain in his head started off again and slowly but surely he couldn't ignore it anymore. But he pulled himself together cause he needed to answer this. He needed this, he needs to  make this promise before it's too late. "Only if I get my own walk-in closet."he answered while smiling full of love and Alec could hardly believe it. He was so nervous and surprised at the same time because he had already suspected a NO in the back of his head. "You mean that?" he asked in disbelief. "Of course. I love you." Magnus said and took a step towards him to kiss him. But in that moment, the ringing in his head began again harder and louder and everything around him began to turn. My body, what's going on with my body? His body cramped and blood shot out of his nose and then out of his mouth.
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"Magnus?" Alec asked worriedly. Magnus coughed and turned away. Even now he tried to hide the pain from Alec. His stomach turned and he felt the warm blood in his mouth. "Magnus?" Alec asked worriedly. "I'm fine." He could just say before spewing huge amounts of blood on the floor and collapsing. I can't speak, I can't think straight, Magnus thoughts were a wild mess. Alec is holding me I'm not falling anymore, stay with me Alec, please don't leave me. Words, where are the words? I can't speak I can't invoke the right language."Magnus?" Alec is  calling me and I hear myself speaking. Why am I talking Indosnesian. "Magnus?" I hear him scream again. Pain, more pain. My head is pulsing. It's getting worse. Oh no my head is going to explode. "Magnus?" Alec yells. I can hear his fear and desperation."Medic! Somebody get help!" he screams. I feel like everything is slipping away. "Magnus!" Alec's voice is so far away now and even the pain feels dull. "Someone get help!" I hear him say and suddenly everything is dark.
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