#i havent been keeping track of what is and isnt in my drafts and if ive posted about anything mentioned
kindlyfunkn · 10 months
we apologized when i went to get my stuff and im likely gonna stay here tonight bc its snowing and my tires traction isnt good (i had the most terrifying brief driving experience of my life). my mom went to drop off half my stuff in her car and is bringing back essential morning stuff + my charger. i really hope school is cancelled tomorrow lol bc the snow is supposed to continue all night and the morning after and id have to go on the highway. plus if schools cancelled itd be great to actually have wifi to check my email in the morning (tomorrow afternoon is when we're getting it at the new apartment)
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random thoughts 4:39 pm
long madrama messy post ahead coz i havent written anything for months now, not even a draft. makes me a little sad coz before, i can (somehow) put my thoughts into words. it's been difficult because i got busy that im starting to lose interest in my passion projects.
i am so focused in achieving my "goals", im losing track of whats really important. lately, all i want to do is work. i feel like i need to do more coz i failed to reach my goal. it's exhausting, i never felt contented with my efforts, everything isnt enough for me. people are telling me im doing a great job but deep inside, i know i can do MORE. this has been my problem since i was born. lol. not blaming my parents, but them not celebrating my wins when i was kid had a great impact to my older self! hahaha jk. love them.
i wanted to reward myself for completing a lot of tasks in my work, but i dont think i deserve it.
i finished our emerging leaders program but i didn’t tell my fam abt it, i know i still lack skills that i need to be a leader
i know how to drive, i got my license, but i dont feel celebrating it coz im still not confident with my driving skills.
i had a salary increase, but i dont think thats a win because it's not a promotion.
it's not that i am not grateful for these things, it's just that i dont think my efforts are enough. i might sound like a humble brag, but theres always a voice in my mind saying i can do better. i always want more because i deserve more.
im working hard coz i dont want to depend my happiness, wants, and needs to anyone. it’s kind of irrational to think that i dont need help from anyone, but from experience, i can only depend on myself.
anyway, i miss going to concerts, avril cancelled her concert and it sucks! im so disappointed that i unfollowed her! there are a lot of bands and artists going to Ph but im not an avid fan. im still waiting for Fall Out Boy to announce an Asia tour.
gahd, i want to ride a plane and travel outside of manila but theres so much to consider now; work, time, and money. i already booked a flight to taiwan, looking forward to that but other than that, i dont have any travels yet. i miss nanay and tatay, i want to go back to mindanao but i cant work there because of the internet connection. i miss them so much TT_TT
there are times that i just want to stay at home and not do anything but that makes me anxious. i just want to go back to the time when i feel so calm and serene. right now, i am overwhelmed but i have to keep it together because duh! i have tons of things to do and achieve! lol!
despite the chaos in my head, life has been good lately, and im blessed to experience this.
lol, should i consider this a small win? i finally have a long post! hahaha
0 notes
As Long As You Love Me (Jimin x You ONESHOT)
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Thanks for the request anon! I went overboard with 8k+ sorry! but drafting this really gives me the Jimin feels though. Serendipity is definitely my jam while writing this <3
A/N: As usual, keep the requests coming in guys! would love to hear from you.
As long as you love me As long as you love me
"So, when are you going to date me?"
Y/N try to hide her face with her long hair as the whole student body all around the university cafeteria is looking at her with their mouth wide open. Well, she would be too if she is not the one currently sitting on the opposite side of the table from Park Jimin. Yes, the Park Jimin from BTS. He is only wearing a dark sunglasses, mostly to cover his eyes from the bright sun rather than trying to hide his identity, which of course, make everyone in the university gaped in wonder.
What is Park Jimin doing here? And more specifically what is he doing with a girl like her?
Well, its to asked her to date him, for the gazzilionth time.
"Can you please stop coming here? People are staring. I dont like the attention!" Y/N hissed at the delusional idol in front of her. Jimin chuckled.
"Well baby, you better get use to it. Its going to be worse than this when we are officially together," he grinned "And I dont really care if people are staring. My baby is gorgeous and I'm proud to show her off to people," Y/N slammed her book shut and picked up her bag.
"Keep on dreaming Jimin. And I'm not your baby," she hissed and walked away.
"I'll pick you up after class baby!" Jimin yelled at her retreating back, laughing, which only gathered more attention from the other student who is closely watching the scene.
We're under pressure Seven billion people in the world trying to fit in
"Hey Chim. Where did you go?" Taehyung raised his head from the sofa when he heard the door unlocked.
"Probably stalking Y/N again," Jungkook answered on his behalf while scrolling through his phone, not even bothering to look up. Jimin dropped himself on the couch next to Jungkook, sighing.
"Really Chim? Did you go to see her at the university again? When are you going to stop tormenting her?" Taehyung has now changed his laying down position to face Jimin with a concerned face.
"Until she agrees to be my girlfriend," Jimin answered, short and to the point. Its a common knowledge for the boys, and well, most people who closely follow the news about Jimin that this idol is currently trying to chase down one university girl. Taehyung shakes his head.
"Why are you doing this? There are millions other people out there more than willing to date you. Why are you chasing the only one who doesnt want to?" Taehyung's brows furrowed with confusion. "Dont you remember that you are an idol? Isnt it better for you to date one of those girl group members who keeps passing you their phone numbers? Its what expected of us anyway,"
"Easy Tae," Jimin turned to look at his friend. "Because I love her," Taehyung sighed. He didnt know why he even bother to ask when Jimin will only give out the same answer everytime. "And as long as she loves me back, I dont care what other people think or what other people expected from me. I dont care about the pressure people are putting on me to be one half of a perfect idol couple. People are always trying to fit in, doing what they were expected to be instead of what's really making them happy Tae. I'm having none of that. All I want is Y/N, and for her to love me back,"
But hey now, you know girl, We both know it's a cruel world But I will take my chances As long as you love me
"Really Y/N. I dont understand why you cant just agree to date me! I know for a fact that you like me too, and dont you dare lie to me about it," Jimin keeps on pressuring her as he follows her on her way back from class like he usually do. Y/N tried to ignored him as she make her way to the grocery store to get some supplies for her empty fridge, but of course its impossible with him following closely behind and buggging her like a whiny three year old.
"I never said I dont like you Jimin. I said I dont want to date you!" Y/N hotly yelled back.
"Oh?" Jimin raised an eyebrow and pull her arm, stopping her from walking further. "Is that right? You like me but just dont want to date me? Then dont date me. How about you marry me instead? I really dont mind baby, as long as you are mine I'm cool with anything," Jimin wiggle his eyebrows suggestively, making Y/N rolled her eyes as she released her arm from his grip.
"Urghh, its hopeless talking to you!" Y/N huffed in frustration and enter the store with Jimin following close behind.
"Okay then. Make me understand why! You know I love you Y/N. I love you and you love me too. Cant you just tell me whats stopping us from being together?" he pleaded as he looks at Y/N who has now stopped in her tracks and closing her eyes in frustration. No one has ever looked more beautiful than her in Jimin's eyes. God, he had never wanted anything more than he wanted Y/N to be his. His heart cant stop beating faster everytime he sees or everytime he only thinks about her and it definitely doesnt help that his mind wont stop thinking about her ever since she literally walked into him during that one fanmeet. Jimin had fallen in love at first sight with the girl who bumped into him and cause his coffee to spill all over herself, and falls even deeper once he gets to know her. He thought it wouldnt take long for them to finally be together since Y/N seems to reprocicate his feelings, agreeing whenever he invites her to hang out and constantly replying his texts and calls  But its been almost a year since then and she still havent agreed to officially be his. Its bad enough that Jimin cant always be with her, he is also tired of constantly feeling jealous when he sees Y/N with a bunch of her guys classmates walking to class together, or seeing photos of student parties she attended with boys by her side. Y/N is his and he wants everyone to know that.
"Fine. You want to know why? This is why!" Y/N groaned as she plucked a magazine from the stand in the store and slapped it onto his chest. Puzzled, Jimin quickly scan the magazine, reading the article Y/N has opened up for him.
BTS Perfect Match: Who will suit the boys the best?
Jimin slightly thumb through the article that talks about list of girl idols and celebrities that they think suited each and every one of the members. Jimin looked back up to Y/N's face.
"So? I dont understand what this got to do with us?" Y/N raised both her hands in frustration.
"Dont you understand? Those," she tapped the images of the girls, " are the kind of girls that is expected for you. Your perfect match! Not me! Not someone you met at a fanmeet! Not some undergraduate law student who skin will break out every exam season, lives on education loan and can only afford a packet of ramen a day! Your perfect match are those perfect girls. Cant you go chase after them instead?" Jimin laughs. A loud, long laugh, making the other customers to turn and look at the two of them.
"Seriously, you are so damn adorable. God, I love you so much," Jimin grins. Y/N placed both her hands on her hips.
"Jimin, I'm serious!"
"I am too Y/N. Seriously, is that the only reason why you dont want to be with me?" Jimin chuckled and raised his hand to carress her cheek. "Then let me explain this to you baby. One, I already told you I dont care what society expect of me. I dont care if they think those girls are best suited for me. You are the one I think is the best suited for me. As long as I have you, I really dont give a care in the world. Two, I did meet you at a fanmeet, but you are not my fan. Instead Yoongi-hyung is your bias," Jimin huffed at the unpleasant memory of seeing you speechless in front of his hyung when just a second before you were perfectly fine in front of him. "Number three, you are a student, so what? I'm proud that my girl is going to be a lawyer one day. Four, I still think you look the most beautiful even when you think your skin is breaking out. No one could ever be more beautiful than you. That is just not possible," he shakes both his head and his index finger. "Number five, I have money. I dont need a cent from you. I dont care if you have millions of student loan. You are going to pay them all back when you become a succesful lawyer anyway. And six, you need to eat? That's a reason you cant be with me? I will come and feed you everyday. I will feed you a whole cow everyday if you want. No matter how pack my schedule is, I will make sure you eat, if that is what it takes for you to seal the deal. And finally no, I cant and wont go around chasing those girls because I rather be chasing you instead," he destroyed all her useless reason single handedly with his answer. "Got any more excuses?"
"Jimin... that's not the point!"
"You are right. That is not the point. The point is I love you, and you love me too. So we should be together. Right now," Jimin clasped both of his hands with hers, eyes staring deep into hers, pleading.
"Jimin, the world is going to tear you down if you choose to be with me..." Y/N lowered her gaze. Yes, she admits she loves Jimin. The boy in front of her had successfully taken her heart since they met a year ago. She loves him so much that she's willing to give him up if it means she can protect him from everything bad in the world.
"Y/N, I'm not going to lie. The world is going to throw shit at us if, no, not if, when we are finally together. But I rather face all that than try to live in a world where you are not mine. I love you so much. Its not even funny how much I want you. I'm willing to go through anything to make us work. The world is cruel to those who are in love Y/N, but as long as you promise that you will be by my side, loving me, I'm willing to take that chance anytime," Jimin cupped her chin and raised her face up to look at him. "So what do you say? Will you take that chance with me?"
"Jimin... I..."
Keep it together, Smile on your face even though your heart is frowning
"Baby, its going to be okay," Y/N lets out a heavy breath. How can Jimin be so calm?
"Chim, what are we going to do?" Y/N paced around her living room. It has been about three months since she and Jimin were officially together and truth to be told, she had never been happier. Jimin was the perfect boyfriend. Always checking up on her, never letting her walk home alone, showing up with a tub of ice cream and a romantic movie whenever she's suffering from menstrual pain, late night coffee run when she needed a break while studying, and of course, the never ending kisses and cuddles. Their relationship was perfect, happy and hidden from the rest of the world, only for her and Jimin to enjoy.
But now the world has found out about the two of them. Y/N can already see the stream of hate mails and angry comments everywhere. Are they going to be okay? Will the company let them stay together? What if they dont? Y/N dont think she can handle living without Jimin now. And what if the company wants to make them officially public? Will their perfect little bubble burst open once they let the rest of the world into it? Will they survive this?
The company has called Jimin to meet up with them today, telling him to bring Y/N along. From what she heard from Jimin and the other boys, they dont sound happy.
"Its going to be okay Y/N. No matter what happen, I will never let you go. We will get through all of this together. As long as you keep on loving me and believe in my love for you, we will get through anything. I promise," Jimin grabbed her hand and kissed it. "I love you Y/N. Smile, you are prettier when you smile," he traced her lips as he smile at her. Despite being terrified and scared, Y/N couldnt help but flashed him a smile. How can she not? When Jimin looked so happy and calm, smiling down at her.
"I love you Jimin. I love you so much,"
We could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke As long as you love me
"I'm sorry Jimin, but I cant allow this. I need the two of you to break it off,"
The two of them are currently sitting in a room with the PD and three other managers from the company, as Jimin grabbed Y/N's hand to stop her from fiddling it nervously. Jimin flashed her a smile, trying to remind her that he will never let go. That everything is going to be okay. They are going to survive this. As long as they keep on loving each other.
Y/N's eyes lowered to her lap as she heard what the PD said. She had predicted this would happen. BTS is one of the biggest name in the country right now, there is no way they are going to let Jimin, or any of the boys, publicly have a girfriend. It will cause a storm in the fandom and Y/N really doesnt want to be the reason to cause Jimin any problems.
"No," was the short and final answer that came out from Jimin's mouth to the PD's request.
"Jimin..." the PD warned him.
"I'm sorry PD-nim, you can ask me to do anything else, but breaking up with Y/N is out of the question," Jimin insisted. Y/N lowered her gaze even more as she feel the four pair of eyes burning a hole in her. They see her as the source of the problem and Y/N cant help but wonder if they were right.
"Park Jimin!" One of the manager raised his voice at Jimin's stubborness. Never before in his years of being their manager the boys dared to speak back to him like this.
"Okay. Everyone calm down," the other manager cutted in, sensing the heavy tension in the room. "How about this then Jimin? How about you and Y/N lay low? We dont need to confirm your dating rumor or even break you two up, but cant you at least help us out a little?"
"What do you mean by laying low hyung?" Jimin raised an eyebrow, one hand still tightly clasping Y/N's hand as she kept quietly in her seat. She really just wants to go home and forget this whole evening ever happen.
"Maybe... not see each other for a while?" Jimin immediately shakes his head.
"That's not possible either. I'm not going to do that," Jimin rejected the idea straight away. Between his pack schedule and tours, they already dont have much time together as it is. There is no way in hell he is going to spend time away from Y/N more than neccessary. Even if he wanted to make the situation better, he dont think his heart is able to do it. He take a glimpse at the terrified Y/N. Even under all this circumstances, Y/N still manages to make him smile. God, even he dont know why this particular girl have so much effect on him.
"Jimin, you are not helping here," the managers sighed in frustration. They are just going around in circle, and at this rate surely nothing can be concluded.
"Dont you get it? You having a girlfriend right now is not ideal! You and your members are one of the most wanted idol in the industry right now. Your fans will be devastated. You will lose fans. Some might even start to hate you. And she," the manager points to Y/N, "is going to get a lot of hate Jimin. Cant you understand this?" Jimin nodded.
"I understand perfectly hyung. But I'm willing to go through anything and everything as long as I can be with Y/N," the four men sighed in frustration at Jimin's respond. After a moment of silence, the PD pushed his chair with a screeched, standing up and looking at Jimin one last time before walking out.
"Fine. Have it your way then. But dont say we didnt warned you Jimin,"
I'll be your soldier, fighting every second of the day for your dreams girl So don't stress, don't cry, we don't need no wings to fly Just take my hand
Things have never been worse for the two of them. Everything Y/N had predicted that will happen if they got together happened. And other worst things too. Out of all the things that she predicted will happen, what she doesnt expect the most is how Jimin's own band members stop supporting his decision to continue dating her.
The hate mail, hate comments, death threats, attempts in hurting her to try to get her to stop dating Jimin; yes, it all hurts her, but its all tolerable. Y/N even received a dead bird and rat in her mailbox a few times, but she quietly just disposed it without telling Jimin. Anything the world throw at her, she will take it. Its all worth it if it means she gets to be with Jimin in return. All of these were nothing to her, because she was on the receiving end and not Jimin.
It becomes too much for her when she heard first hand how the other members talked to Jimin about her. Dont get her wrong, they love him. Its her that they hate. The girl who ruined their brother's life.
"I dont see what's so special about her that you are fighting this hard for her Jimin. Your fans are upset. Cant you see that?" Yoongi shakes his head.
"Yeah. They never shouted at us before Jimin, this is the first time it ever happen. Dont you care about what they think?" Jin supported what Yoongi just said, referring to the recent events when the fans actually chanted at their concert for Jimin to leave Y/N during his solo performance.
"Jimin, I know right now it seems like Y/N is the best thing that's happening to you. But dont you remember what you had worked hard for all these years? Are you really willing to destroy all that just for some girl?" Namjoon try a different approach by reasoning with him. Jimin is a reasonable person, he would listen right?
"I hear what all of you are saying hyungs. But I'm sorry, I cant give her up. All this will pass. Our fans will get over it," Jimin answered back quietly. Y/N who has been listening quietly from her room feels her heart breaks at Jimin's defeated voice. The boys had come over for a visit, and thinking Y/N is still sleeping since she fell sick since a few days ago, they start to talk about the real reason why they were there. Little do they know that Y/N has been listening to them all this while.
"Chim... you know I love you right?" Taehyung suddenly spoke after the boys stayed quiet at Jimin's answered. "We have always been through everything together since our trainee years. It hurts me to see you hurt and unhappy Chim.  I thought you said this relationship makes you happy, but it doesnt seem like it anymore. Is it all really worth it?" Taehyung placed a hand on Jimin's thigh, asking for an answer.
"I am happy Tae. I'm happy when I'm with her. Its what the world is throwing at us that makes me upset," Jimin raised his head to look at Taehyung and turn to see the rest of his brothers seated around the room with gloomy faces. "And it makes me sad that I dont have the support from you guys," he lowered his gaze.
"You know I always support you Chim. In whatever you do, I will always have your back," Taehyung replied back quietly. "But as much as we care about you... I hope you care about us too. Please remember that your decision hurts us too," he added softly before each and every one of them gets up and leave the apartment. Y/N slide down the door of her bedroom, shattered with tears after listening to what Taehyung said. Out of everybody she knows Jimin loves, its a fact that he values Taehyung's opinions the most. Taehyung is his best friend, his soulmate. Taehyung never really interferes with most things thats happening around him, always minding his own business, but once he decides its time to say something, Y/N knows it will hit home.
And the fact that Kim Taehyung told Jimin that his decision makes it seems like he doesnt care about them and hurts all of them too, she knows that it will break his heart to pieces.
Its time for her to speak up and do something about it.
She has to end this.
"Chim? Can we talk?" Y/N fiddled with her fingers nervously. Its been hours since the boys left and the two of them are now watching a movie together while eating some take out. Jimin smile through his food and turned to her.
"Of course you can baby. What is it?"
"I...urm.. are you happy?" Jimin immediately sat down his takeout box and turned his body to her.
"Of course I am. You know I'm happiest when I'm with you Y/N. Why are you even asking me this? Is something bothering you?" Y/N turned his gaze away from him.
"I.. I heard your conversation with the boys," Jimin immediately grabbed her hand.
"Y/N. What they said doesnt matter. I-"
"It matters to me Jimin," Y/N cutted him off. Its time for Jimin to listen to her now. "I think what they are saying is right," she spoke so softly while looking into his eyes. "You think you are happy with me, but I dont think you are anymore. I know how much you value their opinions Chim, and knowing you are hurting them must hurt you. I know it is," Y/N insisted when Jimin tried to protest. Jimin sighed.
"I hate how I can never lie to you. You knew me too well Y/N," Jimin runs his hand over his face. "But that is also what I love the most about you. You gets me in a way that no one can, and I cant loose you. I love you. I need you to be with me Y/N," Jimin sounded so defeated.
Y/N had never once cried, despite all the hate and shit that has been thrown at her. Jimin's love had always made her strong. But not this time. Jimin is hurting, and its killing her.
"Hey, hey. Dont cry Y/N. I know everything doesnt seems like it now. But it will be,"
"How can I not Jimin?" Y/N wailed. "You are hurting. And I hate that I'm the cause of it,"
"Baby... dont say that," he wiped her tears. "You dont understand. You think I'm hurting. And maybe at some point you were right. But baby, everybody hurts sometimes. That's what makes us human. That's what makes us feel. That's what make us love better. Its what makes me love you better,"
"I dont want you to lose anything because of me Jimin. I feel like I'm clipping your wings, holding you back from achieving something much more wonderful," she sniffled. Jimin's words made a mark on her and she knows that even if one they were not fated to be together, right now, she believes Jimin truly loves her.
Y/N gave him a look when Jimin chuckle. How can he even thought of smiling in this situation?
"Holding me back? You? How is that even possible baby?" He chuckled louder. He turned his body completely, locking eyes with hers. "You dont need to think about things like that. Dont stress yourself out with things that is not even possible. And dont you ever cry again because of me. If you feel like you are clipping my wings, then let me tell you this. I dont need wings to fly Y/N. All I need is you. So promise me that you will take my hand now and love me forever, and I am already flying higher than any angel in heaven," Jimin chuckle lightly and pinched her cheeks. "My adorable crybaby. I love you,"
"I love you too Jimin," Y/N whispered as she hugged him tight before planting a deep long kiss on his lips.
I don't know if this makes sense, but you're my hallelujah
Y/N thought everything is finally going well after their talk the other day but she obviously thought wrong when she opened her door to revealed six faces looking at her.
"Hey...hey guys. Come in," Y/N open the door wider to let them in, which they did in silent.
"Jimin is not here,"
"We know. He's sleeping at the dorm. We told him we are taking a break from practice," Jin answered with a serious tone. Y/N just nodded and motioned for them to sit in her crammed living room.
"I think you know why we are here," Namjoon tries to start the conversation.
"Ye...yeah. I have an idea. But guys, Jimin and me already talked. And I dont think its my place to discuss this with all of you,"
"If you and Jimin are still together, then it doesnt matter if you have talked!" Yoongi harshly interjects, making her flinched at his cold tone.
"Hyung!" Taehyung sent him a glare. "Dont be so harsh on her. We are here to talk to her remember?"
"Tae's right hyung. Calm down," Namjoon try to soothe the situation. "We are sorry Y/N. You know how Yoongi hyung usually is," Y/N nodded.
"But really Y/N, we are here to ask you, no, to beg you, to break this relationship off," Jin bluntly state their real intention, catching Y/N off guard. How is she supposed to respond to that?
"Hyung!" Namjoon warned him before turning to Y/N. "What Jin-hyung is trying to say Y/N, is that we need your help to do this. Jimin sure as hell wont do it. But your relationship is hurting him Y/N. Its hurting the both of you and you can see it too," Namjoon explained. "Jimin is constantly emotionally and physically tired.  He used to look so happy performing on stage, now the fans are always chanting for him to leave you Y/N. He lost all desire to even perform, his passion! How is that healthy for him Y/N?"
Y/N nibbled on her bottom lip.
"Please Y/N. Even I cant help to cheer him up anymore. This relationship is making him more miserable than its making him happy," Hoseok pouts.
"Yes noona. Jimin hyung is no longer himself. Its weird," Jungkook finally speaks up. Y/N just lowered her eyes to her lap. What is she supposed to do now?
"Y/N... you know its nothing personal on you right?" Taehyung walked over and took a seat beside her. "We would ask the same thing if it happens to any one of us. We do this because we care about Jimin. We know the two of you love each other very much, but right now is just not the right time. Y/N, if your love for each other is really true, doesnt that means you will be together again someday?" Taehyung held her hand. "We are not asking you to not be with Jimin forever. Hell, we think you are the perfect match for him. You are the only girl that can make him chase you for a whole year!" Taehyung laughs making Y/N let out a small smile at the memory. "But we just need you to return our Jimin back to us for now. Dont let him waste something he has worked so hard for just for him to ended up regretting choosing your relationship over it one day," Taehyung added softly.
"I think we have made our point here. The rest is up to you Y/N," Namjoon nodded at her before motioning for the rest of the boys to leave.
Y/N didnt leave her spot on the couch even after they were long gone. Their words kept repeating in her head and after thinking things through for the millionth time, she finally makes her decision as she wiped a stray tear from her eyes.
"Arghhhh," Jimin threw her phone on his bed and run both of his hand through his hair.
"What's wrong hyung?" Jungkook peeks his head through his door.
"I tried calling Y/N for the whole damn day but she's not picking up! My texts to her is not even delivered! I went to her house last night but I cant get in, she changed her lock code without telling me! What the hell is happening Kookie? Why is she avoiding me? She was fine the day before. What could have happened between 48 hours? What did I do?!" Jungkook gulped as he turns to look at Taehyung who is also nervously listening from the living room.
Oh, they know very well what had happened all right. Apparently Y/N immediately decides to take action right after their visit, disconnecting all communication with Jimin without giving him a single reason or space to talk her out of it. But there is no way Jungkook is going to tell Jimin that. Sure, he might be the strong golden maknae, but no one will be able to withstand a punch on the face from a man in love. So nope, Jungkook is definitely not going to be the one who's going to tell him.
"Maybe she's busy hyung. Isnt it exam season soon?" Jungkook try to reason, hoping Jimin would believe him.
"No. It cant be. No matter how busy she is before, she never cut me off like this," Jimin suddenly turn to face the maknae, eyes bewildered. "What if she's breaking up with me Jungkook?!"
"Urm..ah.. why would she do that hyung? I dont think she would. There's no reason for it... right?" Jungkook is starting to really regret coming in to ask Jimin if he's alright earlier as nervous sweats starts to lined his forehead. Lucky for him, Jimin is too disheveled to noticed how guilty he looks.
"I dont know! We had a talk the other day. She seems like she wanted to but I convinced her otherwise. I thought we are okay! Damn it, I shouldnt have left her in the house alone!"
"Give it a few days hyung. Maybe she's really is busy," Jungkook tries to calm his hyung down although he knows its definitely not true. Jimin sat himself down on his bed.
"Maybe you are right. I will try to call her again later," Jungkook gave him a small smile and quickly left the room, leaving Jimin alone waiting for the next suitable time for him to try again.
Its been two weeks. And he still havent hearf from Y/N. And Jimin is going crazy.
Why is Y/N doing this to him? He cant focus on anything else. He just need some sort of answer from Y/N. Where is she? Is she okay? What had happened?
His phone beeped while he was laying down curled into a ball on his bed and he quickly picked it up to see a text from Y/N. Like a mad man, he hastily clicked open the text. He's not even angry at her, only relieved at this point. He just need to know what happened to her. But what he reads is not what he had all expected.
Stop contacting me Jimin. I'm sorry, but we are over. I am ending this.
The phone dropped from his hand as he slowly stood up, his body having a mind of its own and went to his table, swiping everything to the floor as am attempt to release his frustration and anger. His computer, lamp, papers, books, everything now lay broken on the floor besides him, who is down on his knees with continuous tears streaming down his face, sobbing till his shoulders shakes uncontrollably.
Its over. Y/N had finally had enough and decided to stop loving him. Its really over.
Jimin has always prided in himself for being a tough guy. Crying, especially over love and a girl is definitely not what he used to, but at this current moment, he felt his whole world just crushes down and he has no other strength left except than to cry.
From his opened bedroom door, six pair of eyes witness the heartbreaking scene and look at each other, silently asking one another if they really did the right decision.
Girl you know I got you Us, trust A couple of things I can't spell without you
The boys thought Jimin would get better in time but boy, were they wrong. They knew Jimin had hit rock bottom when during one of their performance where they stop to talk to their fans, Jimin suddenly snatched the microphone.
"Y/N broke up with me. Are you guys happy now?" The fans scream, thinking that Jimin is just teasing them. He lets out a humourless laughter. The other boys try to snatched the microphone from him, sensing something strange, but to no avail. "You guys happy to hear that? Is is a good news for you?" The fans scream even louder although he can hear a few 'No' here and there. "You know, Y/N is my everything," the other boys looked at each other in worry. Namjoon quickly made his way beside Jimin and hissed at him.
"Jimin, stop this!"
"Why hyung?" Jimin spoke through the microphone, making Namjoon stand there akwardly. "They wanted me to break things off with Y/N. And she did. They got what they wanted. Isnt it time for they to finally listen to me instead?" The crowd went silent when they realized what is happening. Jimin is breaking down, and it is not part of an act. "I love Y/N," he turned back to the crowd. "And she loves me too. Well, atleast until all of you convinced her not to," he lets out a sinister laugh. "With her by my side I can do anything. Anything at all. Nothing can get me down, as long at the end of the day I know that she still loves me. But look at me now. I'm completely nothing without her. I hope all of you are happy. Congratulations, you got your Park Jimin back," he dropped the microphone and leave the stage, leaving the crowd speechless at what just happened.
Jimin little stunt went viral in a short amount of time, making netizens everywhere and supportive ARMYs to critisized the too obsessed fans to stop thinking that they own their idol and let them live their life as a normal human being. After seeing how broken Jimin has become, fans and the boys alike are starting to understand the mistake they made by forcing Jimin to break things off with Y/N. All these revelations didnt mean a thing to Jimin, not if he didnt get Y/N back, standing in front of him, telling hin she still loves him.
Jimin locked himself in his room most of the time since that day, not bothering to show up to practice or attending any shows, which causes the management, the boys and even the fans to worry. Jimin ended up suffering from an extremely high fever, thanks to the emotional exhaustion and stressed he faced since losing Y/N. A fever so severe that when Y/N stood in front of him in his room, he thought he is dreaming.
"You are not dreaming Jimin. Its really me," she swiped his sweaty hair off his forehead.
"Y/N? Y/N! You are back! You came back to me!" Jimin quickly got up from his laying down position with a sudden burst of energy, pulling her into a hug. Seeing Jimin's condition is just too much for Y/N too handle. He looks like a mad man who had lost everything. Well, maybe to Jimin, he believed he had.
"Jimin, why are you doing this to yourself? You are supposed to be happier! Reaching for things you cant have when you are with me! That's the whole reason why I left Jimin," Y/N cant stop herself from crying.
"Shhh. Dont cry. I'm okay now. I'm okay now that you are here," Jimin smile as he runs his fingers softly through Y/N's hair. The first smile that graced his face since the last few weeks.
"Stop doing this to yourself Jimin. You are supposed to take care of yourself. You are supposed to fly higher without me!" Y/N is full on sobbing, hitting her tiny hands repeatedly on his toned chest. Jimin catch her arms to stop her.
"I already explained to you multiple times Y/N. And I'm going to tell you again. I cant do anything without you. I cant trust anyone without you. I cant love without you. I am nothing without you. I told you that I can face anything anybody throw at me, as long as you told me you love me Y/N. As long as you stay by my side. What part of me loving you cant you undestand?!" Jimin grabbed both of her arms and shake her, trying to make her see. Jimin's soft eyes suddenly filled with frustration, fear and anger as he looks into hers.
"Tell me you love me Y/N. Tell me right now that you still love me and you will always love me. Tell me you love me or get out from here and dont come and see me again!" His voice low and cold. "If I cant have all of your love then I dont want any other parts of you. So tell me you love me right now or dont come back again," Jimin pleaded like a madman, begging and crying for Y/N to tell him something he wants to hear again and again. With wide eyes Y/N listen to Jimin's rambling. Did she really hurt him to the point he cant trust anymore? She grabs a handful of his shirt in her tiny hands and buried her head in his chest.
"I love you. I love you Jimin. God, I love you so much," Y/N is full blown crying as her tears soaked through his thin shirt. "I'm sorry Jimin. I'm so so sorry," Jimin grabbed her face tightly with both hands, turning her to look into his wet eyes with her own teary ones.
"I forgive you Y/N. God I will forgive anything that you do as long as you tell me that you love me. I fucking love you so much baby," he slammed his lips against her to capture hers in a hungry kiss. Tounges intertwined with each ofher as their tears wont stop streaming, wetting each other faces even more.
Caught up with a mixture of feelings, frustration, lust, anger, love, they both know that this is it. This is their end. They wont ever let anything break them apart anymore.
Never again.
Now we are on top of the world, 'cause that's just how we do
News of Jimin's and Y/N's reconcilement spread like wildfire. Fans are starting to see Jimin slowly returning to his old happy self again and this time they were glad Y/N is somehow a part of it. From being the most hated couple, the two of them become the most adored couple, Jimin's fans finally understanding that Y/N makes him happy, and that they should be happy for him too. Y/N has never felt happier. Their relationship is stronger than ever and they are finally at the top of the world, soaring high into the sky. Jimin was right, they dont need wings to fly, they just need each other.
Man now we stepping out like whoa Camera's point and shoot
Their relationship has been the talked of the town. Everybody is buzzing about how pure and romantic the love between the two is when they think about how Jimin actually went crazy when he lost Y/N. Being in the eye of the public might something Jimin is used to but Y/N is still feeling akward with all the attention. She kept pulling at her clothes and slicking back her hair whenever they were out and all eyes were on them. Jimin thinks that is the most adorable thing in the world.
"Baby, stop," he grabbed both of her hands, locking it with his to stop her from fiddling with her dress. "You look beautiful. You always do. There was never a moment that you dont,"
"You are my boyfriend Chim! Your opinion is biased so it doesnt count. You always think I look beautiful. You said I look gorgeous when I was sick with snort running down my face!"
"That's because its true!" Jimin huffed.
"No its not! But really Chim, I already told you before, I'm not used to all these attention. Look at all the cameras pointing and shooting at us. Can I just not come with you next time?" Y/N plead. Jimin shakes his head and pouts.
"No way. These events are my chance to show you off to the world. Look at the jeaolus looks my hyungs are giving me. They wish they have a girl, but no one would date their crazy ass," he smirked as he pointed to the rest of the members who are waving at the fans behind them while giving the couple various kinds of looks. "And Y/N, I also have told you before that you better get used to it because you are meant to be my girlfriend," he whispered so close to her ear, his warm breath giving her chills. Y/N bite her lips and look at her handsome boyfriend. God, how did she get so lucky. To get someone like him to love her this much. Looking at him waving to the fans and striking a pose for he camera, Y/N found her courage as he held her hand and she knows as long as Jimin loves her, there's nothing she cant possibly handle.
Ask me what's my best side, I stand back and point at you, you
The event was a small private event. Only invited fans and media were attending as its a tiny ceremonial party to celebrate Bangtan's astonishing achievement for the year. When the time comes for the boys to give their speech, Y/N proudly sat at table looking as her boyfriend went up the stage, looking as handsome as ever in his suit with his six other members. Jimin was the the last to talk and he managed to catch her eye and smile at her when he took the mic.
"I think everybody knows its been a rollercoaster year for me. But I'm glad I have these six amazing guys to walk this journey with me. And to our fans, thankyou for always believing in us. We wouldnt be here if it werent for your support," he paused as the fans screamed. Y/N felt so proud. "But I had also been at my lowest this year. And I'm sorry for showing you that side of me. But I promised you are only going to see the best of me from now on, because I have found the best side of me and she's sitting right there," he points to Y/N. She quickly dropped her head as the crowd turn to look at her, 'aww' and cooing sounds are heard everywhere. Jimin knows she hates attention, why is he doing this to her? To make it worse, Jimin start walking down the stage and walk towards her. "And that's why tonight, in front of everyone that is important to me," he kneeled down in front of her.
"Jimin, stop. What are you doing?" She hissed at him, which he only replied with a grin.
"I want to ask Y/N to marry me,"
The crowd gasps, except for the six boys who smile fondly and smirking on stage, already well informed of Jimin's plans. In fact they were the one who helped to plan it.
"So L/N Y/N, will you help to bring out the best side of me forever by being my wife?" Jimin took out a shiny diamond ring from his coat pocket. Y/N was silenced as she was surprised beyond belief, making the crowd to start chanting, "say yes, say yes!"
"They are asking you to say yes Y/N and I strongly believe that you should," he grinned. His voice snapped her out from her shocked and she finally nodded as she jumped and linked her arms around Jimin's neck.
"Yes. Yes I will. Of course I will Park Jimin!"
So I know we got issues baby, true But I'd rather work on this with you Than to go ahead and start with someone new As long as you love me
"Do you think we are moving too fast?" Y/N asked as she lays with her back on Jimin's chest, looking at the glistening ring on her finger.
She's engaged!
She's Park Jimin's fiance. And she cant believed it.
Jimin leaned down to kiss the top of her head. "Absolutely not. In fact, I think we are moving too slow," he chuckled when Y/N turned to slapped him on the chest.
"I'm serious Jimin. We havent known each other long. What if you wake up one day and find me annoying or feel that you love me less? What will happen then?" Jimin smiled softly and turned her body to him, making Y/N ended up straddling him.
"I'm not going to say that we wont ever have issues or problems baby. Every couple does. But I swear to you that whatever problem we face we will solved it together," he starts to give her neck slow soft kisses. "I rather work with whatever problems I have with you than lose all this and start all over again with someone new," he kissed her nose. "I give you my promise right now that I wont give up on you. Ever," he leaned his head closer as Y/N tighten her arms around his neck.
"Just as long as you still love me," he whispered one last time before finally closing their lips together.
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dcviated · 2 years
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send me a url and i’ll tell you the following || [ open ]
@exrhlab​​ sent:  exrhlab c:
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my opinion on;
character in general: Arknights really does take the cake when it comes to character and world designs as far as gacha goes. It’s gorgeous and deep enough it has me playing a goddamn tower defense which I suck at. Saria, in the scheme of things, is a character I’m still learning as I havent done huge strides in main story and most of the events. But I see mansfield break in the replay-able list so you better believe I’m excited to see more about her and Rhines Lab. For a time, I was thinking about Raguna’s AK verse having connections to it, but now I’m thinking Leithania. Anyway!
how they play them: Connected to above, I wouldn’t be privy to judge if I wanted to. But I’ll say that your writing style and characterizations are fun to watch on my dash. Whether it was Saria now or Doctor back when we first wrote a bit you put a nice grasp and recognition of the world into your characters. Props. I hope I can dance more on the AK floor sooner than later.
the mun: Kind, notably kind. We’ve talked in passing over DMs a few times now. Putting that in conjunction with the ooc I see on the dash you’re someone I’d likely enjoy becoming better friends with. Our interactions have been broken by a sizable window to boot so it feels like this is restarting world 1-1 ha! I wish I had been more confident in myself to join that event you started last halloween. The amount of work you put into it was so impressive. Alas! I’m not the best with groups and keeping pace, nor did I know many of the other people involved. But maybe that didn’t matter?... hm. I’m still sorry it didn’t play out as you wished it did.
do i;
follow them: im tracking down your blogs... rp with them: sorta yes? soon! got your ask in my drafts :V want to rp with them: absolutely ship their character with mine: not exactly? you put saria down as ‘familial’ with hellagur and while that may be a stretch they seem like they’d be friends. romantically you seem focused on saria/silence (valid). maybe other muse interactions? romantic shipping isnt a very high priority for me anyhow.
what is my;
overall opinion:
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**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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