#i havent even looked at my chap 3 draft
lovesickeros · 10 months
Absolutely love your sagau fic with neuvillette and furina, ur writing is actually insane! Looking forward to reading more of your works :)
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YOU!!!! when i find u...count ur days....... /j /lh
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up-in-space-reading · 2 months
Average Weekly Screentime - Chap 6: Vodka Cran and a Countdown
pairing: Jake Peralta x Amy Santiago
word count: 4002
warnings/tags: college au, texting, drunk texting, text fic (mostly, there's prose a few chaps in), bets, bisexual!jake peralta, jake peralta has adhd, parties, drinking and alcohol, sexual references, implied sexual content (nothing explicit, just suggested its going to happen/has happened), friends to lovers, swearing, mentions of cannibalism, lighthearted threats of violence (typical rosa stuff yk), fluff
read on ao3
Average Weekly Screentime masterlist
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Story Summary: texting fic college AU with the squad! It's the beginning of the school year and while everyone else thinks it'll be the same as the previous year, Gina has a feeling things are going to be different and wagers a bet with Rosa and Charles. Told through all the various group chats everyone is in.
Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: here we are with the NYE chapter finally! its a huge 4000 words so I hope you appreciate it and i'm getting started on the next chap as we speak.
hope you enjoy!! <3
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Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[11:26am, Sunday]
Cameron: Feeling like a real life barbie doll right now
Ferris: explain???
Cameron: Gina took pity on me and has come over to help me find an outfit for tonight
Ferris: ah yep Ferris: thatll do it
Cameron: I have tried on at least 13 different tops Cameron: Gina said she’s determined to have me looking 10 times better than I usually do apparently
Ferris: i think u look great as u are Ferris: dont need to change a thing Ferris: dont let gina push u around too much
Cameron: Thanks Jake. I won’t :)
[2:36pm, Sunday]
Ferris: havent heard from u in a while and thought id make sure gina didnt destroy your will to live
Cameron: I am being attacked with curlers
Ferris: uh oh
Cameron: Rosa is here too now, the party playlist has been put on and Gina is about to start her makeup
Ferris: didnt you say she was over at yours tho???
Cameron: She showed up with a duffel bag
Ferris: haha of course
Cameron: It’s nice though, I won’t complain about getting to spend time with them, it might even be a little bit fun Cameron: I’m actually excited to see how my hair will turn out
Ferris: draft message: im excited to see you Ferris: if gina has done it then youll look great!
Cameron: Gotta go, Gina is wondering who I’m messaging
Ferris: byeee ames
Jimmy Jabbers
[09:32pm, Sunday]
Four Eyes: Me, Rosa, and Gina leaving my dorm in about 10 minutes. Will we be meeting you guys there or will we go together?
Pineapples: charles and i on the way Pineapples: will see u there!!
Four Eyes: See you there!!
Dance Squad
[09:33pm, Sunday]
G-Hive: amy looks fantastic G-Hive: too covered up but compromises were made
Charlese: Gina you’re not allowed to meddle!
G-Hive: i didnt meddle!!
Scary: technically it wasn’t meddling, she was ‘helping a friend’
Charlese: ugh FINE
G-Hive: youll change your attitude when they kiss at midnight
Charlese: you can’t guarantee that
G-Hive: i cant G-Hive: but i will anyway
Scary: I don’t think one ‘makeover’ is gonna make them wanna kiss each other
G-Hive: you have no sense of romance
Scary: something I pride myself on
Charlese: gtg Jake is giving me weird looks
Amy could tell Gina was up to something when she kept trying to give Amy a specific amount of drinks before they left and on uber ride to the party. She just kept refusing and was grateful when Rosa eventually intervened and got Gina to stop, joining in the pre-drinks with Gina. Amy wasn’t embarrassed to tell them her and Jake had made a bet but he hadn’t mentioned it so she didn’t want to either, it was their secret. She just hoped Jake hadn’t gotten started before the party otherwise the catch up was going to be rough.
For this year Terry and his friends had hired out an entire bar, apparently having thought of the idea after they spent three whole days cleaning the house after last year’s party. Amy could hear the music pumping from the venue before she could even see it, seeing a few girls walking towards the bar in short dresses and suddenly feeling underdressed.
Although, she took small comfort in the fact that Rosa had gone for a similar outfit template to her – dark jeans and a nice top. Gina had done her makeup which didn’t look much different to how Amy usually does it except a little darker around her eyes and a bolder lip colour, explaining that it was a special occasion and special occasions called for something extra. Amy’s hair had been styled in loose, voluminous curls, they bounced around when she moved her head and it made Amy feel glamorous.
Jimmy Jabbers
[09:58pm, Sunday]
Four Eyes: @Pineapples Where are you guys? We’re almost there
Pineapples: we’ve secured a table in the back corner Pineapples: get here quick tho these people are vultures
Four Eyes: Be there ASAP!
Jake spotted Amy immediately from across the bar, even through all the people moving around he saw her. She looked as beautiful as ever and he hoped Charles didn’t hear the little sigh he let slip upon seeing her. He then quickly looked at Charles’ drink on the table before Amy noticed him staring at her.
The three girls arrived at the table looking put out at the journey from the door to the table through the sea of people but seemed pleased to finally be there nonetheless. Amy gave Jake a wide smile and it made him feel all warm inside despite the cool temperature outside.
“What’s the poison tonight?” Amy joked to Jake as slid into the circular booth next to him.
“Nothing yet, what do you want?” He asked back.
Amy’s eyebrows raised slightly in surprise at the question before she collected herself and answered him with a simple ‘surprise me’.
Jake nudged to Charles to get up and the two of them went up to the bar to get drinks for everyone. They came back with their hands full of drinks, Jake had settled on getting him and Amy a vodka-cranberry each. He hadn’t wanted to get a drink she wouldn’t like and it was way too early in the night yet for shots.
Thank you’s and your welcome’s were exchanged as Jake and Charles sat back down, once they were seated Gina then raised her glass in the air.
“Happy new year losers!”
A chorus of ‘happy new year’ responded while they all clinked their glasses together in celebration. They spent a while sitting down and chatting over the loud music, laughing at dumb jokes and taking the chance to fully relax. Every so often someone would go up to get a new drink and make the offer to the table, by the time 11:00pm rolled around Jake and Amy were three drinks in.
Amy felt like going up and dancing, any other situation and she probably would already be on the dance floor but she was sandwiched into the booth by Jake and Charles on one side, and Gina and Rosa on the other.
Rosa then got up to get another drink from the bar and offered to the table, of which Jake gladly accepted after pointing out Amy had finished her third drink. Jake didn’t let Amy hear what the next drink was going to be, opting to text Rosa the order instead and taking great joy in her eye roll.
Bi Besties
[11:05pm, Sunday]
El Baboso: 2 vodka cran El Baboso: 5 tequila shots
He handed her some cash to cover the cost and she was off through the bar, Gina following behind her to assist and get another drink for herself. Not long after Rosa and Gina left, Charles spotted Genevieve and all but ran away from them. Amy couldn’t blame him, and she wasn’t too mad about being left alone with Jake. She couldn’t help but nod along to the music while talking to Jake and was keen to down the next drink and have a dance, and Jake seemed to read her mind.
“Wanna dance after this drink?” He asked, leaning a little bit closer to her to ask.
“Definitely!” Amy responded with a smile, her heart thundering at Jake being close enough for her to smell his cologne.
A few minutes later Rosa and Gina returned with a tray of drinks, Amy’s eyes going wide at the line of shots.
“I did get one for Charles but he’s gone so who would care for a second?” Jake asked.
“Mine!” Gina yelled as she picked up two of the full shot glasses and placed them on the table in front of her, claiming her prize before anyone else did – although, there were no arguments from anyone else at her claim.
The four of them clinked the shot glasses together and downed them, Amy was able to hold back gagging but her face still screwed up in disgust.
“Sorry Ames, I had to do at least one shot” He laughed, and Amy joined in.
“That’s fine, it is your prize after all” She waved one hand in dismissal while the other picked up her drink to have a sip.
After the shots Gina had dragged Rosa to the dance floor so now it truly was just Jake and Amy left, and she couldn’t be happier. She loved all of her friends but anytime she got to spend time with Jake was a highlight of her day, and she wouldn’t rather ring in the new year with anyone else.
“C’mon, lets go dance!” Jake was already standing up and held out his hand for Amy to take.
She took some last quick sips of her drink before abandoning it, knowing she won’t be returning to it, then slid out of the booth and took Jake’s hand. He led them through groups of people to a clear spot on the dance floor, Amy stayed close and held his hand tight the whole time. She had expected him to let go once they had made it to the dance floor but he didn’t, instead holding their hands up in the air as an invitation for her to spin underneath. Once she had realised what his intentions were she spun, causing both of them to giggle. He still didn’t let go after that, and neither did Amy.
They continued to dance until suddenly there was an announcement over the speaker that it was nearing midnight, everyone had started to shuffle around and pile towards to the DJ booth to start the countdown. The screen behind the DJ booth then showed a large countdown clock – 30 second until midnight.
For the first time since getting up, Jake let go of Amy’s hand and her heart dropped slightly. But they both stood next to each other, sides pressing against one another as they looked at the big countdown clock. With 15 seconds left until midnight Amy grabbed Jake’s hand in a moment of confidence, happy he didn’t pull away.
Jake and Amy, along with the whole bar, counted down the final ten seconds until midnight. The place erupted in cheers as it hit midnight, cries of happy new year and confetti surrounded them. Couples littered across the bar were kissing, some a small peck and others taking the opportunity to start an intense make out session.
Amy looked at Jake as the clock struck, yelling out happy new year and wanting to be the one who kissed him but she couldn’t strike up the courage. She also didn’t want to kiss him for the first time in a crowded bar where her shoes stuck to the floor and they were surrounded by strangers.
So she compromised on giving him a hug, wrapping her arms around his neck and she could feel him hesitate for a moment before his arms made their way around her waist and pulled her against him tightly.
Amy could smell his cologne and shampoo, it was intoxicating and made her head spin for a moment as she indulged in taking a deep breath of him. Her back burned where his hands were placed, fingers splayed out and holding her against him.
Once the cheers started to die down and the music play loudly Amy pulled away, knowing she let the hug go one for too long but tucking away the knowledge that Jake didn’t pull away either. She slid her hands to his shoulders and pulled back to look at him directly, not realising how close their faces were until it was too late.
The two of them stood there for a few moments, the rest of the world melted away as Amy searched Jake’s face for... something. Jake was looking at her with an expression she couldn’t quite read, a look she hadn’t seen on him before. She thought she imagined it when she noticed Jake’s eyes flick down to look at her lips for just a moment.
“Happy new year, Jake” Her voice was laced with longing, speaking to be barely audible over all the background noise.
“Happy new year, Ames” He responded breathlessly, and Amy could only wonder as to why.
This time it was Jake who pulled back, stepping away from Amy and reducing all contact except for holding onto her hand once more and starting to dance. Amy easily followed along and fell in time with Jake and the music once more, acting as if their weirdly intimate moment hadn’t just happened.
Amy isn’t sure how long they spend dancing until her phone goes off, and she can tell it’s a group chat based on the face Jake makes at the same time she gets the notification.
Jimmy Jabbers
[01:42am, Monday]
RoRo: gina sitting on the sidewalk, we’re getting an uber back RoRo: whos in?
Mr Grapes: Don’t worry about me! Will be with Genevieve
RoRo: barf
Pineapples: count amy and i in Pineapples: heading out now
Both Amy and Jake had quickly checked their messages at the same time and nodded in agreement pretty quickly at the suggestion of going home, as much fun as Amy had been having, she was getting tired. The alcohol making her head feel heavy and her legs getting tired from the dancing.
Jake kept a hold on Amy’s hand as they pushed their way out of the bar, people becoming a lot less kind and considerate now that they’d had a good amount of time to drink too much. But much to Amy’s disappointment he dropped it as soon as they reached the door, but even Amy couldn’t rationalise there was much need for it once on the street.
After a quick look both ways they spotted Rosa and Gina a few feet away from the bar entry. Rosa leaning against a building scrolling on her phone, and Gina was sat on the ground with her legs crossed and back leaning against the same building as Rosa.
“Jake! Amy! You’re coming with us?” Gina asked happily upon seeing the two of them approach.
“Of course Geen!” Jake responded, immediately matching her energy, “what are you doin’ down there?” He asked standing in front of her.
“Well I’d blame you for the shots you ordered but it was probably the round after that” There was a slight slur to her words and Amy had to hold back a giggle.
“Ah, makes sense” He held out a hand intending to help her up off the ground but instead she slapped it, giving him a high five that made Jake laugh.
Amy leaned on the building next to Rosa, tilting her head back against it and closing her eyes for a few moments. She took the time to breathe in the cool fresh air after having been in the stuffy bar for a few hours.
The uber arrives a few minutes later and the four of them pile in. Jake sat in the passenger seat while Amy was sandwiched between Rosa and Gina in the backseat, the car ride back was relatively quiet, Jake made conversation with the driver while Gina struggled to keep her eyes open while leaning her head against the window. Amy is quiet as she picks at her nails, too many thoughts of Jake swirling around in her head, a head that was not sober enough to deal with it all properly.
They reached campus and climbed out of the car back into the cold, which was now unwelcome after having sat in a warm car long enough to get accustomed to the temperature. Amy shivered as she climbed out and the four of them began the walk to their dorms.
“I’m gonna make sure Gina gets back safe” Rosa said before grabbing Gina by the shoulders and pointing her in the direction of her building.
“Okay, keep us updated. Goodnight guys” Jake calls out as Rosa and Gina walk off together.
“Goodnight!” Amy quickly called out after Jake.
Gina yells back a giggly goodbye while Rosa just raises a hand over her shoulder in their direction, barely sparing them another glance. Amy and Jake continue their walk together in comfortable silence, although Amy can’t help but feel an unexplainable tension has settled over them now.
Amy can’t help but think about their moment at midnight, she wanted to kiss him like everyone else around them, but Jake just wasn’t that kind of guy. If he wanted to be with her, he would’ve made it obvious by now. The more she mulls over the situation, the more upset it makes her; wanting to be with a man who doesn’t want her back, it’s positively heartbreaking.
It isn’t much longer before they reach the spot her and Jake have to split up to go to their respective buildings and Amy can’t decide whether she’s sad to say goodbye to him or relieved to no longer have to be around him.
“So, uh, did you have fun tonight?” Jake asked nervously, shoving his hands into his pockets and shifting back and forth on his feet.
“I did yeah, more fun than I expected. Thanks to you- and everyone else” Amy had to quickly add the last section, feeling embarrassed at her near slip up.
“That’s good, I’m glad. Well um, I gotta go-“ He pointed over his shoulder with a thumb in the direction of his building.
“Yeah of course, me too” Amy nervously tucked her hair behind her ears, needing something to do with her hands.
There was a beat of silence that stretched on almost slightly too long to be comfortable before Jake finally spoke.
“Goodnight Ames” he said quietly, voice laced with sincerity.
“Goodnight Jake” Amy returned easily, as if saying goodnight to Jake is something she’s been doing her whole life – as easy as breathing.
He gave her a small smile before turning around and walking away from her, leaving Amy standing on the path for a few moments just watching him walk away with his hands in his pockets. Finally, a shiver going through her body prompted her to quickly move towards her building, ready to climb under three blankets and defrost.
When she finally reached her dorm upon closing the door she let out a long sigh, trying to process how the night had gone. She moved around the room getting ready for bed, taking off her makeup and putting on her pyjamas and thinking about how late it was.
As she climbed into bed she thought about hugging Jake at midnight, how she had spent most of the evening holding his hand and how she would do anything to be near his warmth again. She practically falls against her pillow, lying on her side staring at her nightstand with her phone sitting there silently.
In a moment of weakness – and perhaps exhaustion – she opens her phone, the screen bright in her dark room. She navigates to her and Jake’s messages and reads through some of them, staring at the last few messages they exchanged before they had left for the night out.
Reading his messages from earlier in the day, he said Amy looks good just as she is – and Amy would blame the alcohol on the tears shed at these simple words, her heart aching.
Jake is frustrated beyond belief, he feels like an idiot, like a scared idiot. Too cowardly to even tell a girl he likes her. But it’s not just a girl, its Amy – she’s everything.
When he slams his dorm door shut he feels a bit guilty about how the noise echoes, knowing he woke at least a few people up with the force. He rubs his hands over his face and groans in frustration, before walking over to his bed and kicking the leg of it with enough force to make him curse at the pain shooting up through his toe.
The pain subsides after a few minutes but he still doesn’t feel any better, he’s angry at himself and angry at the world for everything. He’s angry that he’s just had a fun night out with his closest friends and now hates himself.
He doesn’t know what to do, other than angrily get ready for bed, leaving his clothes strewn on the floor for future-Jake to deal with. He doesn’t know how he can even manage seeing Amy again, but he knows he won’t survive without her.
Dance Squad
[02:35pm, Monday]
G-Hive: 5 mins be ready
Scary: for what?
Charlese: Post-NYE briefing??
G-Hive: just be ready!
[02:40pm, Monday]
G-Hive started an audio call Charlese joined the audio call Scary joined the audio call
Gina: Okay bitches, lets discuss
Charles: I barely saw you guys after I found Genevieve – she’s here by the way, filled her in on all the deets
Gina: Perfect, so we saw them a few times after you left
Rosa: They didn’t kiss, end of discussion. Can I go now?
Gina: What do you mean they didn’t kiss! Rosa you’re ruining the fun of this
Rosa: Oh no, I’m heartbroken
Gina: The sarcasm is not appreciated
Charles: So they didn’t kiss, how do you know this for sure?
Rosa: Fiiiiine. I know they didn’t kiss because the four of us took an uber together back to campus and believe me, they were not acting like two people who had kissed each other
Gina: Goddamn it! When did Jake become such a loser
Charles: I think that’s a bit far-
Gina: No it isn’t! Rosa, how do you even know for sure? What if they kissed but then felt awkward because Amy is awkward?
Charles: That’s a strong possibility, they’re my friends but I wouldn’t put it past them to make it awkward
Rosa: They just need to bone and get it over with
Gina: No sense of romance as per usual. Well we can find out whether or not they kissed
Charles: By asking them? Won’t that make them feel weird
Gina: No Charles, its very easy – we just ask one of them, probably Jake, whether he and Amy have spoken today
Rosa: That’s actually not a bad idea to get an answer
Gina: Rosa approved method!
Charles: Alright then, who’s gonna do it?
Rosa: Not it
Gina: I’ll do it and get back to you- actually stay on call, Charles I can update you about Sasha while we wait for Jake to answer
Charles: Oh absolutely!
[02:50pm, Monday]
G: have u talked to amy today??
Jacob: yeah why??
G: no reason
Charles: -why she wouldn’t just tell Matt is so weird-
Gina: Jake responded! He has talked to her today
Rosa: Firstly, Sasha needs to get her shit together, seriously. Secondly, that means Jake and Amy didn’t kiss. For the love of god can I go now?
Gina: Yes yes, bye Rosa
Charles: Bye Rosa!
Gina: Sasha’s honestly losing it-
Jimmy Jabbers
[03:36pm, Tuesday]
Four Eyes: Everyone ready for classes tomorrow?
Pineapples: i was trying to enjoy the last of my no class time :(
Four Eyes: It’s important to be prepared!
RoRo: i’m always ready for anything
Queen G: ill be winging it as per usual Queen G: and ill be slaying it as per usual
Four Eyes: Look on the bright side, we’re halfway now Four Eyes: Almost there!
Pineapples: still got the whole second half tho
Four Eyes: You’re gonna be fine, as long as you keep the momentum from last semester
Pineapples: idk ames Pineapples: holidays changed me
Four Eyes: Uh huh I’m sure they did
Dance Squad
[03:42pm, Tuesday]
G-Hive: god can they get a room G-Hive: im gonna barf
Scary: not even two days ago you were trying to hook them up
G-Hive: and i stand by that G-Hive: i just dont want them being gross in the gc
Charlese: I think it’s cute!
Scary: gross
G-Hive: gross
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Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: As always thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Your kudos and comments keep me going and motivated so thanks to everyone who's given kudos and commented, i love you all <3 I'll have the next chap out as soon as I can but as usual no promises since christmas is coming up and i've got many plans on (unfortunately), but i'll try my hardest!
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