#i hc love as pretty gender neutral but when i talk abt them irl i usually end up using neutral or masculine pronouns
samcollinsbf · 2 years
little project meridian animation ^_^ ive never attempted animation in my life but i love project meridian so this is me trying
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stellarspecter · 6 years
thshgdusbs plz share ur hcs jdjdjsjsn - ☄
Usernames are the same as emails
Bluegreen118 for bram
He runs a very thematically coherent soft gay aesthetic blog
Hourtohour-notetonote for simon
Simon’s blog is just a mess of whatever he happens to see and like enough to reblog
For both of them, tumblr is the only place where they can be open about gay
They keep their accounts completely secret from anyone they know irl
They’ve been following each other for a while now, but they’ve never talked
Simon followed bram bc gay!!! He can do that now!!! Gotta find whatever rep u can amirite
Bram followed him back bc he saw the notification for a new follower and he was curious and checked out his blog and thought he seemed cool
Bram reblogs or posts something about how being closeted sucks but stay strong or whatever
Simon sees it and sends him an anonymous ask thanking him for it
They end up talking over anon and then bram asks for him to message him privately and reveal who he is
Simon freaks out (ofc) and then does
So then they pm for a bit and become friends
Now while this is happening, simon’s been getting more and more gay for bram in real life
They’re talking abt being gay on tumblr and bram asks him if there’s any cute guys he has his eye on
Simon’s like “... well…… i guess so, yeah.”
Bram: oh no he likes someone other than me “oh?? Tell me about him”
Simon: “well he’s really cute and he plays soccer and he’s been sitting with me at lunch since freshman year but i only recently started noticing how cute he is and oof wow gay”
Bram: *fuck he’s in love!!!!* “that’s really cute i hope he goes out with you”
Simon: “well i’m pretty sure he’s straight and also i live in georgia, where if i came out i would die”
Bram: “WAIT WHAT i live in georgia!!! Where in georgia do you live?”
And they go from there
They find out they live in the same town but that doesn’t mean that they got to the same school or anything
They agree to stay anonymous and not meet up bc neither of them are ready to take that step
Throughout this remember that they are pining for each other in real life
Eventually they’re both ready to meet up
Simon’s like okay, i’ll be at dancing goats and i’ll be the one with the elliott smith t-shirt and this certain book
Bram goes and sees simon in the window and he’s like oh shit oh fuck it’s simon i’m in love with him what do i do
He panics and goes home
(and calls garrett and cries to him about it bc lbr he knows everything thats going on)
Simon texts him later like uhhhh…. Did u stand me up??
Bram’s like uh yeah i’m really sorry family stuff happened and my phone was dead so i couldn’t text u
(he hates lying to him like this but he doesn’t know what to do. What about the boy simon likes? What will he do when he realizes that blue is bram?)
So they’re okay but bram is internally freaking out every time they text bc he’s texting simon spier!!! The love of his life!!! Who is gay!!!!!!!! ….but is into some other guy
they see each other at school the next day and bram is a Mess
every time he sees simon, he blushes, and at lunch leah asks about how his date went, sending bram into Gay Panic Mode(tm)
simon gets said and tells them that he got stood up
leah and abby and nick are ready to cut a bitch
bram is like “oh that sucks, bro” while internally freaking out the whole time bc!!!! he’s the one that stood him up!!!
but simon is like “no it’s fine they had some family stuff to attend to, we’ll probably try meeting up again”
abby’s like “wow ur really smitten with them, aren’t you”
i feel like it is important to note that at this point abby is the only one simon is out to, like in the movie, and garrett is the only one bram is out to, hence the gender neutral pronouns
simon, wearing a soft smile, staring dreamily into middle distance: “yeah”
later, simon messages bram about maybe meeting up again
bram, having talked it over with garrett already, agrees and suggests meeting in a park the next weekend
“and don’t worry, i’ll be there first this time.”
bram goes through the next week in a fog, just waiting for the day to reveal himself to simon
school is torture when they’ve all but confessed their love to each other and they’re basically guaranteed to end up boyfriends
eventually, the day rolls around and bram brings a rose and his ravenclaw hoodie
simon walks into the park and sees bram sitting on a bench
simon: “... it’s you.”
bram nods with a soft smile. “it’s me.”
then they’re happy and gay
they come out to their friends monday at school
they’re not quite ready to be out to all of shady creek, but they’d at least like to not hide their relationship around their friends
and they’re happy!!! bc That’s What My Boys Deserve
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