#i headcanon that pipeweed is not tobacco
all-seeing-aleph · 2 years
Things I love about Rings of Power:
- The intro. Using Chladni plates to show the song of the Ainur, Melkor's rock 'n roll included, is fucking awesome. Go physics!
- It makes me feel like a scholar, maps and family trees displayed all over my desk to follow the characters. Confession: marked with pencil the illustrated edition s maps. Nerd me is giddy.
- Talking to the characters like old friends, because of course they are. Not suffering about the changes, and delighting in the depictions.
- Allowing myself to feel sad beforehand.
- Voluntarily deciding to focus on the happiest story while ignoring all the beautiful landscapes that'll be ruined, the people who'll fall, and the inevitable rise of the psycho. I prefer to see Gandalf and the Harfoots discovering the weed.
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For the Headcanons Game
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
OC: That One Elf ™
Thank you for the ask!
Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanons and That One Elf.
[I'll name him at some point, but I feel like he'll always be That One Elf in my head].
A little bit of context first.
Though he's very much a Fëanor-wannabe, he only admires Fëanor's smithing skills and actually vehemently despises the person Fëanor is/was. He did not join his kin in Middle-earth to retrieve the Silmarils and thought the whole Oath thing was complete bullcrap and a colossal waste of time. He is a kind, very eccentric person. He's a weird guy, especially compared to other Elves. His home and the way it is decorated is very much in line with his eccentricities.
He owns a palatial home in Tirion—a sort of family estate—which is basically Versailles on a much smaller scale. He's obsessed with gold and diamonds, so there's plenty of that in every room. He loves mirrors because he loves to stare at his beautiful reflection at any given time and his bedroom walls are basically covered in mirrors and self-portraits in various outfits. He has a wig room—I do not know how his obsession with wigs started yet, but he has thousands of them—and he chopped off his hair because he hated the idea of having to comb it and style it every day. He loves wigs because they're more "practical" (his words, not mine). Too bad that he spends hours styling them with ribbons, pearls and diamonds. My dude is obsessed with diamonds. He could easily braid his real hair in half the time he spends styling the wigs but...that's what he enjoys, I suppose.
In addition to the wig room, he also has a smoking room. That's where he stores every kind of plant he can get his hands on and his tobacco stashes. He meets up with Bilbo and the Hobbit introduces him to pipeweed. It's love at first sight for him (or love at first smell, I guess) and he basically creates an indoor greenhouse to grow both athelas and pipeweed. I'm not sure whether pipeweed is native of Valinor, actually. Though I suppose Bilbo and Frodo could have imported some of it from the Shire. It's my new headcanon. And yes, That One Elf does smoke athelas. That's probably why he's the only sane Fëanorian one can have an interesting conversation with. He's very pleasant to be around.
To be honest, if he could he would probably smoke grass as well. It's my headcanon he went to Yavanna quite a few times and straight up asked her if she had some good stuff to share. He'll probably tell Sam and Pippin all about it and Pip will eventually build a shrine in his honor and worship him like the legend he is. They'll be best buddies. It is also my headcanon that Olórin and That One Elf did test one another's knowledge about pipes and had smoke puff battles. Manwë doesn't know by the way. He would probably have a heart attack if he did.
Back to the main topic: he's a collector and adores statues and it's highly possible that he sculpted a few busts of himself he placed both in his yard—it's basically an English garden—and in his study. Self-absorbed much? Maybe just a little.
He loves fountains too so add a couple of those as well. The more stuff, the better. His dining room is basically a Roman triclinium—nope, he doesn't eat at the table like normal people, he's that extra—and his bed is huge. Silk bedsheets and pillows because that's the bare minimum, of course. Velvet curtains and silk everywhere. The kitchen is the most spotless room in his house—did you seriously think the guy could cook? He's as bad as Éowyn, maybe even worse. He also has an entire ballroom to his own, a ballroom full of mirrors. The more mirrors the better. He has two wine cellars but he doesn't really drink Valarin wine. He's stoned out of his mind most of the time, so I guess that makes up for it. His house also has a drawing and music room. He plays the piano and the lute. He's a composer and write his own songs. He usually drinks several pints of ale as he practices the piano and I'm quite certain all the alcohol he consumes kind of affects his singing. Don't tell him though. He is very kind but he has a huge ego. I'm also sure he's a major Bagginshield shipper and cries his eyes out when Bilbo told him his story. He also has a copy of Bilbo's book in his study.
That's all for now, I think. I'll tell you more if I come up with additional deets!
Thank you again for the sending in the ask and I'm sorry that it took me so long to reply!
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i-did-not-mean-to · 3 years
22, 23 & 35 for the hobbit/lotr asks ☺️
Hey hey hey
22. What is your favorite part about the series
I am a sucker to ensemble scenes so the Rivendell council in LOTR and the scene in Bilbo's smial in Hobbit. LOL
23. What is a headcanon about any of the characters that you full-heartedly believe in?
Other than 'Everybody lives'? Gigolas? The pipeweed is more weed than tobacco? I am very gullible; I believe almost everything haha
35. Why do you think you were so drawn to the franchise?
I do not know and I am afraid that my answers would displease some people...
I like different races, I like magic, I like a good quest. I am not a huge fan of action-scenes and fights, but I can live with them.
When LOTR came out, it was no doubt Orlando Bloom being hot and squabbling with Gimli. (I also thought Cate B. was really really sexy)
For the Hobbit, no doubt, hands down, Richard Armitage. Love that man. I am generally not interested by stories without a love story, but I made an exception for the Hobbit and I'm glad I did haha
The Hobbit has the single most beautiful ensemble cast in any movie or universe I've ever seen (and yes, I AM counting the MCU in there) and I will die on that hill. I am a middle-aged woman! I like to see handsome men old enough to crush on without being afraid to end up in jail. Thank you very much!
I liked the movies, but really not exceedingly more than others...what made me enter the 'fandom' and stick around is the excellence of the people around here. I believe that this fandom is much more wholesome and adorable than most of the others!
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nightowlqueen · 4 years
Favorite LOTR fandom headcanons & jokes:
Gimli being a prince tier beauty among dwarves; legolas being kinda ugly for an elf
pipeweed being weed instead of tobacco, hobbits are baked
legolas having a silvan hick accent
frodo’s elvish sounding techinally correct but overly formal/outdated/just kind of awkward cause he learned it all from books
gandalf the gay (canon lbr)
saruman is a fucking narc 
Elves still seeing the world as flat as it was before Illuvatar turned it into a globe and the ensuing argument between Gimli and Legolas about it (legolas flat earther confirmed)
I know there are other good ones I’m forgetting, feel free to add any others you remember!
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vardasvapors · 7 years
Is it a headcanon that Numenoreans invented smoking, by any chance? I was wondering because of that fic you just wrote! ^_^
awwwww thanks anon!!! 
Anyway, if this is still for the headcanon meme, the short answer is no, there’s info to the contrary in canon! Hobbits invented tobacco smoking, and are vaguely implied to have like….invented all smoking period. The pipeweed plant (which seems to be in the tobacco family) is said to be native to Numenor,  but no one smoked pipeweed until the 3rd age. See Merry Brandybuck, in the prologue of LOTR:
‘When Hobbits first began to smoke is not known, all the legends andfamily histories take it for granted; for ages folk in the Shire smoked variousherbs, some fouler, some sweeter […]
‘All the same, observations that I have made on my own many journeys southhave convinced me that the weed itself is not native to our parts of the world,but came northward from the lower Anduin, whither it was, I suspect, originallybrought over Sea by the Men of Westernesse. It grows abundantly in Gondor, andthere is richer and larger than in the North, where it is never found wild, andflourishes only in warm sheltered places like Longbottom. The Men of Gondor callit sweet galenas, and esteem it only for the fragrance of its flowers.From that land it must have been carried up the Greenway during the longcenturies between the coming of Elendil and our own day. But even the Dúnedainof Gondor allow us this credit: Hobbits first put it into pipes. Not even theWizards first thought of that before we did. Though one Wizard that I knew tookup the art long ago, and became as skilful in it as in all other things that heput his mind to.’
But last I checked, tobacco wasn’t the type of smoked leaf that helps with rheumatism ;)
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texasdreamer01 · 7 years
It’s so difficult finding enough references for hobbits?
#I mean like okay we start with the Gaels because they’re native to the British Isles - joke still on Tolkien since Gaels originate from Bohemia/the Czech Republic thereabouts #and for pipeweed it would best be described using the Great Sioux Nation. although there’s an eastern dialect for somewhere in the Carolinas where Europeans first grew tobacco and frankly I like that irony #Peruvians are the original propagators for potatoes - and I like the idea of potatoes being a thing confined mostly to west of the Misty Mountains #and Indonesia for homo floriensis - ‘’our’’ hobbits #I know I can tie this all together in a sensible arrangement but since I’m headcanoning that there’s a base species of hobbits that the other races have interbred to #where they eventually congregate into the anduin valley #(any some time roundaboutish they become what we know view as Hobbits proper complete with yavanna-association lore) #I still need to branch out more to fill in the gaps #help I don’t know enough linguistics for this
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