#i heard this audio on tiktok and couldn’t not edit them
sc4rleteyez · 10 months
let him think i never loved him
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kenzlovesyou · 5 months
could you write something about surprising Caitlin in New York with her brothers and you vlog it with them and then put it on youtube and in an interview someone makes Caitlin react to it
The Surprise is Me - Caitlin Clark x Reader Pt. 1
this first part is about y/n’s vlog and surprising caitlin!! the next part will be caitlin’s reaction to the video :) ⚠️⚠️please send requests i’m dangerously low
plot: you’re an influencer and you vlog your trip to new york to watch caitlin’s game
You was pretty big on social media platforms such as Instagram and Tiktok. You had a niche for filming vlogs and your everyday life. It doesn’t sound that interesting, per se, but people gravitated toward your sweet but hilarious nature. As time went on, what started out as a hobby turned into a passion that had opened doors for you as a career. Through this passion, you were able to have so many memorable experiences and meet some amazing people. At the top of your list of people you’d met through your fame you would put Caitlin Clark. Your girlfriend, Caitlin Clark.
Caitlin had replied to one of your Instagram stories when you had a fairly small following, around 20k followers. You recognized her name as the legendary basketball player, who just so happened to attend your same university just in a grade above you. You’d clicked on the reply to see that she had said you had “taken her breath away”. One thing led to another and you two started talking. You even made some tiktoks about “getting ready to go meet up with your crush” or “getting ready for a first date”. Your whole following seemed to be rooting for you and this mystery girl.
After you and Caitlin had made it official, you’d started to be less private about who she was. You’d mentioned that she went to your University with you, and was on the basketball team. Of course, nobody knew with player you were with until you were seen at one of Caitlin’s games sporting one of her 22 jersey’s. After the game, you ran up to her and pecked her lips. That was enough confirmation both your fan bases needed and the edits of you too started rolling in. That was also when you started being more public about your relationship with Caitlin. She could almost always be seen in the background of your videos, and you’d often include her in your video ideas. You did so many tiktok trends with her and made appreciation posts for her using couple tiktok audios.
That brought you to now, here you were with your phone in hand as you boarded a plane to New York to watch your girlfriend’s first game as part of the WNBA. At first, you’d told Caitlin you couldn’t come to watch her. You hadn’t lied to her as you had a very important meeting you couldn’t miss the day of her game. Fortunately, the meeting was rescheduled. As soon as you heard that news, you booked the soonest flight to New York to go see your baby play in the big leagues. You were beyond excited! Instead of telling Caitlin, you thought it would be cute to surprise her. You couldn’t do it yourself, though, and needed to enlist some people that could keep a secret but also help you out with and logistics you needed to be sorted out. For that job you enlisted Caitlin’s two brothers, Blake and Colin. You were pretty close with her brothers as you and Caitlin had been dating for quick some time now.
After boarding your plane, you settled into your seat and got ready for your flight. “Okay guys,” you whispered to the camera. “I’m gonna talk a little quietly because I don’t wanna disturb other people on the plane, y’know? But something you guys probably don’t know about me is I am TERRIFIED of flying. It’s usually not as bad when I’m with Cait but the whole point of this is to go see her so that’s what’s pretty much getting me through it.” You heard a voice on the intercom say to buckle your seatbelts and prepare for a safe flight, “Ahhhh it’s time! I will see you guys when I get to New York!”
Your flight went smoothly for the most part. You were able to calm your nerves with the thought of seeing your beautiful girl play the sport she loves. Since your phone barely worked on the plane, you scrolled through your camera roll looking at pictures to pass the time. You scrolled through endless photos of you and Caitlin together and silly ones you’d taken of her doing absolutely anything. Before you knew it, you were landing and you were ready to hit the ground running.
You walked to the baggage claim carousel and waited for the bags to start circulating. You finally saw yours and grabbed your pink suitcase. You texted the group chat you’d created with Blake and Colin to give them an update.
Y/N: Just landed!! Are you guys on your way?
Colin: We’re parked right outside Terminal C, see you soon
You hearted the message and walked for what felt like forever in the huge New York airport. At last, you found the right terminal and out you went. You spotted Blake’s car immediately and walked over to them. “Hey, Y/n! Man, it’s been a while. You excited to be here?” Blake asked you as he brought you into a side hug. You nodded your head ecstatically, while Colin grabbed your bag and threw it in the trunk. “Duh!!! Im so excited to see my Cait!”
The brothers laughed about how lovesick you were over their sister and you three got into the car. You asked Blake and Colin if they were okay if you started to vlog and of course they said it was fine. “Hey, guys! So I’m in New York!! Ahhh I’m so excited. Shoutout to Blake and Colin, Caitlin’s wonderful brothers for picking me up. You guys wanna say hi?” You flipped the camera so it faced them.
“Hi Y/n’s vlog!!”
“Hey Y/n-nators.”
“Wait Y/n are your fans actually called that?”
Both you and Blake burst out laughing. “Honestly I should call them that, that would be hilarious.”
After about 45 minutes of driving, due to New York traffic, you arrived at the hotel you were staying at. You all just so happened to be staying at the same hotel as the Indiana Fever team, just one floor above them. You wheeled your suitcase inside and checked in. “And you guys are sure Caitlin’s not here yet right?” They both assured you that the team was currently out at dinner and wouldn’t be back at the hotel for at least another hour.
“Guys, tell me why I’m, like, nervous to see Caitlin. It’s like I don’t see her for 3 days and suddenly I’m as nervous as I was when I first met her!!” You heard a ping on your phone and recognized the notification immediately, as your beautiful girlfriend.
Cait 🤍
hi my pretty girl! i miss you so so so much! how are you doing? we’re out at dinner right now, but i was just thinking about you :) text me when you can baby! i’m so excited to facetime you tonight
Y/n 💕
HI MY LOVE!! i miss you even more! im good actually great, how’s dinner?
You smirked at your reply to Caitlin’s text, “I think I played it off really good guys. I don’t think she suspects anything yet!! Okay now let me show you guys my room!” You turned the camera around and did a couple 360s showing off your hotel room.
“Okay,” you started to say to your camera, “So honestly I kinda wanna surprise Caitlin tonight instead of tomorrow at her game just because I’ve missed her so much. I hope she’s missed me too! How should I even do this though??? OMG guys I’m gonna be like ‘Hey Caitlin what’s your room number so I can send you something’ and then I’ll be like okay it’s there and then boom i’ll be there! Perfect, I’m a genius! Okay I’ll let you guys know how it goes!” ping! another text from Caitlin.”
Cait 🤍
hey there i just got back to my hotel
did you wanna ft rn or if not can you in a little bit? i just miss you so much :(
“Uhhh chat she’s actually back like RIGHT NOW. Wait so that means I’m in the same building as her? Awe. Okay let’s do this!!”
Y/n 💕
what’s your room number
Cait 🤍
Y/n 💕
I sent you something but I need to tell them what room you are!
Cait 🤍
You hearted the message and sprinted out the door of your hotel room. You hurriedly walked down the hall to the elevator and walked in. It was just you, thankfully, and you clicked the number 2. As soon as it opened, you bolted out and walked down the long hallway until you stopped right in front of it. 207. You were apprehensive, thinking what if she was mad at you for coming? What if she wanted to use this as a vacation away from you? What if she thought you were trying to make it all about you? Then you smiled and remembered it was Caitlin. No. Caitlin would think you were so sweet for doing this for her. With that, you knocked at the door.
It was Caitlin’s new teammate that opened the door. She was about to scream, but you put your finger to your lips to shush her. “It’s a surprise!” you whispered. She nodded her head. “Hey, Caitlin! It’s for you!” Caitlin was on the other side of the hotel room and called back to her. “I think Y/n sent me something, let me look.” Caitlin jogged to the door and you popped out.
“ HI CAITLIN!!! THE SURPRISE IS ME!” You waved your hands as you exclaimed. Caitlin’s jaw was to the floor; she couldn’t believe her eyes. She pulled you into her and picked you up, burying her head into your neck. You giggled as you looked down to kiss her temple. “I guess that means you’re happy to see me? Hopefully?” She rolled her eyes and set you down, grabbing your jaw. She pulled you into her and connected your lips into a fiery and passionate kiss.
“Does that show you how happy I am, babe?”
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azulera · 1 year
Hello TikTok
Pairing: Marcus Rashford x Black Reader
Summary: Marcus joins TikTok, and you share your thoughts on his first post.
Notes: I wrote this a while ago and it was inspired by the first vid he posted on tiktok which I laughed at for days. He is such a dork (I'm in l*ve with him)
The sudden notification to your phone was unexpected, not because of the app it came from, but because Marcus’ name was attached to it. Settling deeper into the corner of the couch, you opened the link to the TikTok video and let it play.
The background was dark, and the footage was slightly grainy, but clearly showed Marcus in a black hoodie, kicking about in a nondescript patch of grass. There was a row of streetlamps behind him, but no eye-catching edits, background music or even TikTok sounds underlying the recording, only the rubbery whack of the ball against his trainers as he bounced it off them and up in the air. After a few moments, the ball flew from his feet and clattered into the camera.
“Yes, everyone— Marcus Rashford, here.” He suddenly spoke, the phone now in his hand and the camera focused on his face. The cheery, formal tone of his voice mismatched with the dark setting.
“And I am on TikTok.”
The video slowed to a stop with his face still in the frame, and the abrupt ending forced a burst of laughter through your lips. Was that all?
You played the video once more, raising the volume and screen brightness to make sure you’d seen and heard everything. The kick-ups could have been anyone’s suggestion, you thought on the second viewing, but the less-than-perfect lighting and straightforward script had your boyfriend written all over it. Still, you had many, many questions.
“Marcus, when did you post this?”
“Post what?”
He walked in the living room from the kitchen with a protein bar in hand, before plopping down onto the couch. He stretched his long frame out over yours, fitting the curve of your hip into his hand.
“This,” You said, flipping your phone screen for him to see his own face reflected back at him. He smiled softly.
“Oh, the TikTok? Just a minute ago. Go on and like it, though, repost it.” He grabbed for your phone, but you pulled it away, watching the video over again. On the screen, and in real life, you could see how proud he was of his creation.
“And you came up with the idea, then? Knocking the phone over with the ball?”
“Well, yeah. Why?”
“I’m just curious. It’s …” You bit down on your lip. The audio of the video continued playing from your phone in a loop. “You didn’t want to run it by anyone first? Even just me, or like, one of your video editing people?”
His eyebrows furrowed.
“What do you mean? I did run it by my team and them first, before I posted it.”
“And what did they say?”
“They thought it was cool. And funny, like. Wait - why’re you laughin?”
Your body shook lightly where Marcus held it, and you covered your mouth to spare his feelings, and mute the sound. He lifted his head up from your chest, unsure that the two of you were laughing for the same reasons.
“It is cool, innit? Don’t you think it’s cool?”
Words were impossible for a few moments, with your shoulders still vibrating with giggles and breath all but gone.
“You couldn’t have added a song at least?” You asked when air returned to your lungs. “Or some kind of audio, it’s dead silent in the back. And why did you end it like that? You could’ve done an outro or something.”
“But it didn’t need all of that, did it? It were supposed to be a short little thing—“
“Also what is ‘Yes, everyone?’” You continued. Marcus huffed and tried to leave the couch, but you held him close, still laughing as you did. “What are you saying yes to? And the camera angle is giving me uncle, grandpa energy, I can’t even–”
“Okay, okay! Low it.” Marcus sucked his teeth and set his jaw, raising on his forearms above you. “S’not that funny. I mean, it is but, not how you mean. I still rate it. It’s cool.”
He spoke like he meant to convince himself. You stared up at him for a minute, taking in the small rut creasing his forehead, and the near pout on his lips. The video was hilarious, there was no point denying it, but it was so innocent, earnest and slightly dorky – all things you loved about him – and he really was so pleased with his work. Even if your abdomen cramped from laughing, you would never have him change.
“You know what, baby? You’re right. The video is cool.” You pushed your face into his shoulder to try and quell the amusement still threatening to bubble over. “You are so cool. And so funny. Super cool and funny. ”
“Plus, it’s harder than it looks, you know. Aiming the ball like that.” He let his head fall back down to your chest. “And I did it one try.”
“Shhh, I know it is, I know. You are so talented. Come here.” He turned his head away from the half-laugh, half-kisses you attempted to press against his neck, but it only made you try harder.
“It’ll be viral by tomorrow.” He finally grumbled, tossing your phone onto the coffee table and allowing himself to be kissed. Soon he spread his arms to resume the previous cuddle. “You’ll see.”
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“I loved him”
Word count: 2820
Rating: G
Summary: Post S2. Aziraphale is getting worried because he hasn’t been able to locate Crowley ever since their fight. He comes back to the bookshop to pick up some reading material. He ends up having an unexpected heart to heart with Maggie.
Tags: Angst. Angst again. Maggie and Aziraphale friendship. Confessions.
Author notes: If you’re on TikTok you might have heard the audio from Einstein and Eddington being used in Aziracrow edits. YouTube clip bellow if you haven’t heard it yet. I always see I being used as if Crowley were saying it, but what I’d Aziraphale did? That’s this one shot. If I have to live with that idea then you do to.
“Mr Fell!”
A voice called out, Aziraphale startled and dropped the keys to his bookshop onto the steps. He looked around, Maggie was trotting down the sidewalk towards him.
“Maggie my dear…”
He said as she reached him.
“Mr Fell! Gosh it’s been ages. We were beginning to think you’d sold the bookshop and left?”
She said breathlessly. Aziraphale smiled politely, bending down to pick up his keys.
“Oh no, still very much the owner of this bookshop.”
Aziraphale said, his eyes darting around the street behind her. He hoped that no one else had spotted him. He didn’t really want to get dragged into to many pleasantries. He wasn’t suppose to be down here for too long, but he’d lied and said he needed a couple of books from his shop. Really he was just desperate for something to read that wasn’t a memo. He also wanted to poke around and see if he could find any sign of Crowley, and Maggie might be able to help him with that.
“Oh I’m glad, I’d be devastated if we lost you as a landlord.”
Maggie replied brightly. Aziraphale brushed past the compliment and asked
“Would you like to come in?”
“Oh…I’m not intruding am I?”
She said, blinking at him
“Not at all dear.”
The angel unlocked the door and stepped inside. He knew returning to the bookshop might be upsetting, but he wasn’t quite prepared for the heaviness that fell onto his shoulders as he crossed the threshold. The bookshop still looked exactly how it did that day, not a single thing had been moved. The smell of ancient pages and dust swept through his lungs as he inhaled, bringing with it a wave of memories that stung like alcohol down the throat. A terrible, sinking feeling pressed on his chest uncomfortably.
He looked down at his feet. The rug by the front door was still creased a little where the demons boots had wrinkled it when he’d stormed out a few weeks prior. Aziraphale always had to adjust things in the shop whenever Crowley had been around. The demon had a rather unconcerned way of moving through space that resulted in things being knocked out of place all the time. He had the compulsion to straighten the rug, but couldn’t quite bring himself to do it.
“Where’s that girl who’s always here now?”
Maggie asked, startling the angel. He’d completely forgotten she was there.
“Oh, Muriel? She’s…well, at head office. Tea?”
Aziraphale said, pulling himself together and gesturing for Maggie to take a seat on the couch. He’d purposefully come down when he knew Muriel would be up in Heaven for her monthly debriefing. She was charming, but he really wasn’t in the mood for a creature so bright and bubbly right now.
“Oh yes…tea would be lovely.”
Maggie replied, smiling politely as she sat down. Aziraphale attempted to smile back and disappeared into the back room to miracle some tea. Maggie was eyeing the various things strewn on Azirpaphales desk when he returned with the tray and teacups. He handed her one full of piping hot tea and took a seat in his arm chair next to his desk. He avoided looking over where his dairy sat atop a stack of books he’d been organising the day before he’d left. He knew exactly what was in the last pages he’d filled out, and he didn’t want to read them.
“So, Nina and I haven’t seen you or Mr Crowley for weeks? Did you go away on holiday or something?”
Maggie asked. The mention of Crowleys name sent a solid something clanging into the angels stomach somewhere near his navel. The answer to his unasked question of if she’d seen the demon was having a similar effect.
“No…I uh….started a new job.”
He said vaguely, sipping on his tea to cover up his disappointment.
“Oh? What’s the job?”
She asked
“Um, management I guess you could call it.”
Azirphale replied, his eyes kept wandering around the desk and out the window. His enthusiasm for this interaction had left quite suddenly.
“Oh. That’s exciting. I guess it must be very important for you to leave your bookshop.
Maggie said
“Oh yes, very important.”
Aziraphale replied distractedly, now acutely aware of Crowleys wide brimmed hat from the 1940’s on the coat hanger only metres from him. He hardly noticed when Maggie fell silent for a long moment.
“Forgive me if I’m overstepping….but you seem a little…distracted Mr Fell. Not yourself I mean. Is everything alright?”
Aziraphales eyes darted over to meet hers. The genuine concern in them touched the angel, bless her heart, he thought, a human worried about an angel.
“Oh yes. Just fine, I think I’m just a little tired. Not used to so much responsibility.”
He cobbled together, but even he knew he sounded unconvincing.
“Right…so how come that funny girl is looking after your bookshop and not Mr Crowley? I haven’t seen him for ages either.”
Maggie’s eyes were searching Aziraphales in a calculated, but kind way.
“Yes I was going to ask you about that….has no one seen him?”
He was trying very hard to sound casual. But the question came out in a strained, high pitch kind of way. Maggie’s eyes narrowed
“No….he hasn’t been back here, not that Nina or I have seen. Why?”
Maggies eyes darkened with confusion.
“Oh no reason.”
He replied quickly. There was a pause before Maggie asked
“Do you like your new job?”
Aziraphale had to think quite hard about how to answer this.
“I think the more appropriate question would be, do I think I’m making a difference? And yes I think I am.”
Aziraphales attempt to steer the conversation away from his feelings failed miserably, because Maggie put her cup down quite pointedly and sat forward onto the edge of her seat before saying
“Ok…I’m going to stop beating around the bush. I know somethings wrong. The last thing Nina saw was Mr Crowley storming out of your bookshop and you going off with a strange man. There’s a weird girl who thinks she’s a police officer in charge of your shop. Then after a month you turn up here alone. I come and say hello and you looked at me like I’d just murdered your mother. You’re still looking at me like that actually. What’s going on Mr Fell?”
Aziraphale hid his expression behind a sip of tea
He lied
“Mr Fell please be honest with me….I…Well Nina and I, we came over to see Mr Crowley after all that weird stuff happened and told him he should talk to you. If you had a fight or something please tell me I’ve been wondering for weeks and I couldn’t help but feel like it might be our fault.”
She gushed
“You what?”
Aziraphale asked, blinking at her
“Oh I feel terrible….we shouldn’t have said anything it was just…we thought all you two needed was to talk and…”
She rambled
“No dear, that’s not what we fought about.”
Aziraphale interrupted, realising his admission to late
“So something did happen?
She cried
“Oh dear…”
Aziraphale said, exasperated. He lent back in his chair and sighed. Maggie shrunk back into the couch.
“I’m sorry Mr Fell, I’m being pushy. It’s not my business. We were just worried we’d done something wrong.”
Maggie explained a little more calmly. Azirpahale considered her for a bit, she was a sweet, genuine soul. She had no idea really, about the magnitude of it all.
“Well, I’ll just say that it wasn’t your or Nina’s fault.”
Aziraphale said simply.
“Ok, thank you…but that still doesn’t make me feel better because you look miserable.”
Maggie said, gesturing vaguely at him
Azirpahale replied irritably
“Sorry. I didn’t mean it like that, I mean I can tell you’re upset. Do you want to talk about it?”
She asked. Aziraphale stared down into his tea, he hadn’t said a word to anyone about what happened. He’d kept it firmly locked away somewhere deep in his chest, never daring to let anyone see even a hint of his despair. Not that anyone in Heaven would care, they’d think he was daft for being upset that a demon had left him. Good riddance they’d say, he’ll be burnt up in hellfire after the second coming anyway they’d say. Aziraphale couldn’t in a million years say what he really wanted to.
“I can’t tell anyone.”
He whispered in his teacup, partially to himself. The quiver in his own voice startled him. He’d been holding in these…thoughts for months. They’d appeared seemingly out of nowhere. At first it was just a little soft feeling like birds fluttering in his chest. Then they grew into a yawning ache. Then a desperate desire to say something, and he had been going to. Aziraphale had to admit that he’d been selfish, the ball wasn’t entirely for Maggie and Nina. The Angel had planned it all out, they’d dance, drink and laugh. Then he’d take him out to dinner or breakfast or a midnight breakfast. And he’d tell him. But that entire plan had all come crashing down the second Aziraphale opened his mouth and told Crowley about the Metatrons offer. Ever since, the words he’d been wanting to say had been unceremoniously shoved down and ignored.
Maggie was eyeing him quite intensely now.
“Why not? Can you not talk to your new work colleagues? Friends?”
She suggested
“I can’t I’d…I’d get us both into trouble.”
He explained, placing his teacup carefully up onto his desk. His fingers were shaking a little.
“Well…you can tell me? Nothings going to happen from telling me.”
She reached out and placed a reassuring touch to the angels knee. The so very human attempt at comfort felt like using one of those silly little spray bottles full of water on a house fire. But the gentleness in her voice, the silence in the bookshop and the memories all collided together and Aziraphale could hold it in no longer. They had to come out, these terrible words that had plagued his every waking thought.
“I loved him…”
A quivering sob fell from the angels mouth as he got the last word out. He didn’t even know he could make that kind of noise.
“I know.”
Maggie cooed, placing both hands on his shoulders and squeezing them gently
“I loved him so much…”
The angels lungs heaved with the weight of it all. The locked door in his chest bursting open and releasing a torrent that crashed over him like waves onto the rocky shore. He gasped for air as tears started to pour down his cheeks. Maggie stood up and pulled him into a warm embrace. He cried into her arms, letting the ocean of everything he’d held in smash into his being over and over again until he felt raw and exhausted. Maggie sat on the arm of the chair and held him tightly. She made little noises shushing noises sometimes and rubbed his back soothingly as the flood went on. Aziraphale had never been held like this before. Somehow, he felt her arms would protect him for this time where he was so open and vulnerable. Although he did wish the arms were someone else’s.
The waves calmed after sometime and Maggie let go, returning to the couch. Aziraphale felt extremely embarrassed when he regained his composure.
“Oh dear…I invited you in for tea and now I’m here blubbering like a child.”
He sniffed, producing a napkin from his pocket to dry his eyes.
“Don’t you dare apologise! We’re friends, you forgave me months of rent the least I can do is listen when you’re upset.”
Maggie insisted
“But there’s nothing you can do.”
The angel replied darkly
“Sometimes just talking helps. It’s not healthy keeping these things bottled up.”
Aziraphale thought about this for a bit, there was no harm in confiding in Maggie he thought. And maybe she was right, he might feel better after airing it all out.
“It��s just…I did this all for him, I took this job because I thought we could be together. He was suppose to come with me, I thought it was a perfect opportunity for us. But…well he didn’t agree. Then we had this big fight…now I don’t know if I’ll ever see him again.”
Aziraphale rambled, his eyes automatically wandering out to the spot on the roadside where he’d last seen the Bentley parked with Crowley waiting outside.
“Why didn’t he want to go with you?”
Maggie asked.
“It’s difficult to explain…”
Aziraphale started
“To a human?”
Maggie guessed, Aziraphale nodded
“Well, did you tell him how you felt?”
Maggie asked
“I tried to. I don’t think I did a very good job though…”
He trailed off, Maggie looked thoughtful
“Does he feel the same?”
Aziraphale opened his mouth to speak, and paused, looking down at the patterned carpet
“I don’t know if he’d call it love…he didn’t use as many words.”
Aziraphale mumbled
“But he wanted you to be together, as a couple?”
She asked, Aziraphale nodded
“Well, you still love him…and if you two have known each other as long as you said you have, then he might come back?”
She said reassuringly
“I’m not sure, he’s very angry with me”
Aziraphale said, still staring at the carpet.
“You don’t know that he is still angry. He might just be hurting, like you.”
Maggie offered
“Then why hasn’t he reached out to me? He must know I’m worried!”
Aziraphale cried, his tears threatening to make an appearance again.
“Hurt and angry people don’t usually do rational things.”
Maggie said firmly. Aziraphale was suddenly bombarded with the memory of the kiss. It all started to fall into place in his mind. Perhaps the kiss was Crowleys way of throwing all the chips onto the table in one go. It was, perhaps, an irrational act by someone who didn’t know what else to say. Crowley always was rubbish with words that had anything to do with feelings.
“Perhaps you’re right…but it’s been awful. If he hasn’t come back here then I don’t know where he would’ve gone.”
Aziraphale said
“You’re really that worried about him?”
Maggie asked, Aziraphale nodded
“He seems quite capable of looking after himself. He might he just need some time to cool off and he’ll turn up again. He seems like the hot headed type.”
Maggie suggested, but Aziraphale did not feel much better. Crowley was hot headed, and a little impulsive, any number of things could’ve happened. Crowley could’ve just gone off to Alpha Centuri without him. Or worse, something might’ve happened to him. Heaven and Hell was still no doubt displeased with their meddling. Aziraphale had rejoined the ranks but Crowley was alone down here now, a loose thread in the carefully crafted tapestry of the ineffable plan. Aziraphale shook his head to dislodge the awful thoughts that were attaching themselves to his mind. He couldn’t think like that, Crowley had kept himself alive for almost 6000 years with very little help from Aziraphale. But he’d never been completely cut off from either side alone before. He had nothing except his wiles, his Bentley and his house plants.
Maggie must’ve been reading his stricken expression, because she offered another comforting hand on his wrist this time.
“I’m sure he’s fine Mr Fell. Maybe he’s just taken a trip to clear his head.”
“I hope you’re right dear. Oh…look at that the tea is cold now.”
The angel sighed when he picked up his cup from the desk and took a sip.
“Keep the faith Mr Fell. I don’t know either of you that well, but from what I saw…it looked like you two really had something. I’m sure he wouldn’t just throw that away over one argument.”
Although her reassurances were helping less and less, Aziraphale appreciated them all the same.
“Thank you dear.”
He said, genuinely thankful as he did feel a little lighter.
“Anytime Mr Fell, if you ever need anyone to talk you, you know where I am. Now, I should let you get back to whatever it was you wanted to do before I interrupted you.”
Maggie said, draining her cold tea and standing up.
“Oh I just came back for a few books. Nothing important.”
Aziraphale brushed off, standing as well. They made their way to the door.
“Do let Muriel know if you see him? She will pass it onto me.”
Azirpahale asked. Maggie nodded with a sympathetic smile.
“Oh and Maggie…”
“You arn’t going to tell anyone are you? About…”
He gestured vaguely, unsure how to describe what just happened. Maggie smiled warmly at him
“Of course not, keep it between us Mr Fell.”
Then she bid him goodbye. Aziraphale took one last look at the empty curb across the street before slowly closing the bookshop door to be alone with the ghosts inside.
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batslime · 1 year
Hard at Work
Copia x reader, nsfw
Based on this audio
Drawing to come, rn I’m just making this post bc it’s easiest to share for peer review this way lol (liking/ reblogging etc is still fine, I don’t know yet if I’ll repost or just edit this)
Copia had been seated at his desk now for almost three hours and still hadn’t actually gotten anything done. He was simply too distracted to stay on task today. Luckily Nihil had taken Sister Imperator skydiving for her birthday, so he did have the office to himself, but found himself unable to concentrate enough for that to matter.
He went back and forth between the documents he was working on to searching eBay for used rat clothes to dusting the blinds to filing his nails to fiddle farting on his phone. After seeing the same ad for the 6th time on The TikToks he switched over to Instagram. He didn’t post very often himself but did enjoy the videos where people crushed things under hydraulic presses as well as the cute rat ones. Separate videos.
This time something different caught his eye. He typically ignored the suggested friends section that showed him all his contacts’ accounts. Sister. Saltarian. Swiss. He had already blocked Dew. But for the first time he was seeing your name and profile picture intrude on his space.
Since you had arrived at the ministry the two of you had shared a few… fiddle farts. There weren’t many people living in the Abbey so it was always excitable when somebody new showed up, and you had especially excited him. He was nervous that you wouldn’t be interested at first but you couldn’t help but find his pathetic and unsettling demeanor endearing. So you fucked him.
Copia was giddy. “Eheheheh…” he couldn’t keep it in as he went to view your page. He felt like a 13 year old who just found his big brother’s porn mag stash. He took his time looking at each of your posts, gawking at you. He wondered if you were busy right now…
His breath caught in his throat. He got a text just as he scrolled to a photo of you in a swimsuit, saltwater from the ocean behind you glistening on your skin in the sunlight, sea bass tightly clenched between your big strong teeth. He felt like a 13 year old who just got caught in his big brother’s porn mag stash.
It was you.
“Hey C… remember that immersion blender I lent you? Need it back. Time sensitive.”
That could wait. He was working.
Copia turned your attention back to the picture. Feasting his eyes on all the skin. And scales. He realized now he had gotten more than a little hard. Darn. More work.
He moved one hand down to his groin and pet himself softly, gazing at that voluptuous frontbutt of yours, the way the swimsuit lifted and squeezed them just right… your legs were so nice. Peppered with sand. It made him imagine being there with you. Pressing you down into the sand. Grinding against you. Also biting the bass.
Copia attempted to unbutton a section of his cassock to fit his hand underneath. Doing this with just one hand, he fumbled a bit and almost dropped his phone in the other. He caught it, but accidentally double-tapped the photo.
“Fuck!” His finger slipped again and he accidentally typed out “wish I had been there to rub “sunscreen” on those lumps” in the comment section and hit send. “Oh, ah, oh shit!” He accidentally unblocked Dew and sent him the post. “Crappola!”
Nothing he could do about that last part. But he DID unlike the post then delete the comment. Post-haste. He hoped you left your phone on and in the other room and went to poop so you missed the notification otherwise that could have been REALLY bad.
He heard a loud muffled “WHAT” coming from somewhere on one of the floors overhead. He decided to ignore it. That could have been anybody.
Sweating anyway, he smashed some keys on his typewriter to make it seem to any passersby that he was busy. Dick still half half and visible through the opening in his cassock, as red as his face felt.
Copia had started to calm down a bit after preemptively drafting a full two-page resignation letter, just in case. It had been a little bit and nobody had yelled at him. Maybe you really were shitting when he sent that.
You opened the door to his office.
Fuck. Just play it cool. Maybe you just wanted to help with the Ministry’s monthly financial reports.
“H-hello”, he croaked out, stupid, anxious smile smearing across his face. “How do you do?” You looked down and saw his penis poking halfway out through his clothes. Okay.
You approach him. He nervously grips the sides of his chair.
Once behind the desk next to him, you spin the chair to face yourself, leaning against him and throwing one leg over his lap so that it wove through the opening under the chair’s arm. You grab his cock and grind against the base and his balls, still stuffed under his clothes, as your fingers massage the tip. “Uh-“ he groans in surprise, immediately rocking his hips and gripping your butt through your tunic in response. You can feel his dick come to attention quickly. Good. You work your leg free, then lower yourself down to your knees, using Copia’s as support, then rubbing his thighs as you lean in towards his lap.
“Ah.” So you hadn’t been pooping.
Maybe you had been doing something else, actually, because you didn’t seem keen to waste any time. You grip and rub his cock again, maneuvering it so you can slobber along the length just long enough to ensure it was slick enough, then dove your open mouth down its entirety.
Copia continued to grunt strangely as you gagged yourself on him repeatedly, gripping your veil before pushing it back and gripping your hair. The feeling of him wrapping his fingers in your hair and puppeteering your head down into his pubic hair as he thrusted into your throat was accompanied by a drip down your leg. In day to day life he was the farthest thing from dominant. Usually people walked all over him. It was so hot when he let this side shine through. You loved the way he touched you. Used you.
You swivel your head on your neck as you continue bobbing up and down, earning an extra low groan. Copia kicks off his left shoe and his leg finds its way between yours. You feel the angle where his foot and ankle met rub against your pussy and you rock yourself against it, moaning on the mouthful of dick you’re busy with. The sound of your slurping mixed with his quickened breathing was working you up more than you realized.
Copia whined a bit as his hips made a few involuntary jerks towards you. “Ah, shit”, he didn’t want to cum yet. “Alright, that’s enough” he pushed himself up, you unlatching from his cock so he could rip a few more buttons out of the opposite side of his cassock and free the rest of his junk. He reached down to you- your grab his hand, but his own continues down to your upper arm and hoists you. You shiver a little and the unstated demand behind it.
He rubs his gloved hands around and under his balls a bit as he presses one side of you against the desk, gripping and lifting the leg closer to him up. He hardly takes time to position himself before piercing you, hilting himself completely, and your spine lights up with tingling as your jaw drops silently. The two of you are completely flush against eachother. His pelvis angled just slightly up into yours, tiptoes giving him the perfect entry, as he hugs your skywards leg against himself. His other hand grips the edge of the desk so hard you wonder if it’s a sturdy enough material to hold the onslaught it’s about to fall victim to.
Copia doesn’t hold back, slamming all his weight into you. He knows you can take it- you won’t take anything less. It’s just how you like it. You let out a long, breathy groan while he thrusts wildly into you, rhythm almost undetectable. His hands constantly reposition, trying to grip all of you at once. The hand gripping the desk goes back and forth between your hip, breast, shoulder, and neck several times before he remembers how to really push you over the edge. His palm lays flat into the crease between your thigh and pubis, thumb, gloved in warm, now wet leather, pressing hard on the area just above your clit. He works his way down not so slowly and works the glans, his own proximity to the end evident in his pace.
“Shit… oh, ah, shit…” he mutters against you. His nose and forehead are nuzzled into the side of your face at this point, mustache tickling your ear. His heavy breathing persists as he continues pressing his whole body against you, at this point his hips not thrusting into and away from you but rolling and shifting. He can’t stand to be away from you for long enough. He starts to lose his balance and you’re awkwardly pressed into the surface and the desk as he practically lays on you, still humping away. The pressure mixed with his ridiculously fat cock filling you and the speed he stroked you with was almost too much. You were letting out overwhelmed cries without even realizing it. You were too focused on undulating against him at just the right time. You were surprised at the desk’s tenacity, though the floor was creaking like it would give in at any second.
“Who’s your daddy?” he has you entirely pinned. He’s practically sitting on you. You try desperately to scream his name but find yourself hopelessly breathless. Your tongue was swollen and practically hanging out of your mouth as you gazed into his face, pressed against your own “I’m your daddy!” He was nice enough to answer for you. All his fingers ran back and forth across your clit now. If you were able to, you might have laughed when the xylophone sounds popped into your mind. You just threw your head back instead. He kissed and bit your neck.
Your body finally gives in and you squeal as you cum hard. Copia doesn’t let up with his hand, flinging droplets of your fluid. He stopped thrusting and clenched himself against you as hard as he could as he unloaded his balls into your sopping wet, pulsing pussy. He grunted with a mouthful of your throat. His cock kicked inside you and you shuddered at the sensation, already overloaded.
Copia took a second to catch his breath, riding out the last of both of your orgasms, before climbing off you.
He stood there looking at you, hands folded in front of him, limp dick hanging out, eyes wide with post-nut clarity. Looking at the mess he’d made in such little time.
“Eeeeeh. Uh. Ah.” The two of you stared at eachother. The fuck was always good when you hooked but it tended to be a bit awkward afterwards, neither of you ever knew where to go from them. “Alright, that’s enough. Thank you.”
You were about to say something about him wrapping up work for the day and grabbing some dinner with you when his phone buzzed on the desk beside you. You glance over.
It was Dew.
“Why’d you send me that”
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shotorozu · 3 years
‘photoshopping my boyfriend’
(tiktok prank)
character(s) : bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, midoriya izuku (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, quirk not specific
headcanon type : crack, fluff (x reader)
note(s) : inspired by this tiktok— it was too funny to skip this chance of making this post 💀
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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bakugou katsuki
you wanted to do this prank, because you wanted to see if he’d notice even the most subtle of changes to his face
again, it’s a pretty harmless prank— plus, you wouldn’t actually post the edited picture online anyway 💀
it’d be funny to see it
so, you slightly alter the selfie of you and katsuki, by enlarging his forehead ever so slightly— and you’d only alter it more from that moment onwards
[you’ve sent an attachment]
Y/N : “kats, i found this picture in my camera roll, should i post it? you look so good ! (๑>◡<๑)”
and katsuki being well,, himself— responds rather quickly to your message even though he kinda wanted to leave you on read
kats ♡ : “ain’t that your fucking wallpaper 🤨”
Y/N : “nah this is a different one, should i post?”
he leaves you on read for a bit, and it seems to be that he was typing for quite some time
kats ♡ : “abso-fucking-lutely not. i don’t remember looking like that.”
Y/N : “but you look fine! want me to change it a bit?”
kats ♡ : “do whatever 🙄”
and because you’re an absolute menace to your boyfriend, you make his forehead bigger— not to the point that he’d notice though
[you’ve sent an attachment]
Y/N : “how’s that now?”
and then you were left on read 😔 because katsuki was currently on his way to your room and he’s not pleased
“DID YOU PHOTOSHOP MY FOREHEAD?” he slams your door open, and you swore you could’ve heard it crack just a bit
“stop fucking lying- i have that exact photo in my gallery, and it looks NOTHING like that atrocious thing”
you burst out laughing at his reaction, and he’s just standing next to your bed like 🧍‍♂️
“i will never take another picture with you again if you—”
“as if i was actually going to post that picture” he wasn’t serious when he said he won’t be taking pictures with you
but at least he’ll sleep well knowing that you won’t post such.. horrendous picture of his massive forehead on the internet for the world to see
but you posted the tiktok anyway and it blew up to katsuki’s distaste
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todoroki shouto
okay okay, so you think that this would be absolutely hilarious— but you just wanted to see if he’d notice if you photoshopped him
but a part of you thinks he wouldn’t, or if he’d just pretend that he didn’t notice— regardless, it would still be funny
so, you select a random selfie of you and shouto (one that you both looked good in) and you ever so slightly edit his forehead
you kind of wanted to edit his scar but for many different reasons, you decided not to
[you’ve sent an attachment]
Y/N 🤍 : “shou 🤩‼️‼️ look at what i found, should i repost this as a throwback? you look so good it’s not even funny”
he replies rather quick, i mean he always does— but he replies after 30 seconds
shou, the lover boy 🤍 : “you mean we. we look good.”
Y/N 🤍 : “oh, we look good 🤠 so?? what do you think? repost or nah?”
shou, the lover boy 🤍 : “sure thing.”
shou, the lover boy 🤍 : “hm, something looks different. i just don’t know what it is. could you add a small filter to it?”
and you think, ‘oh! so he does notice’ which is quite interesting
Y/N 🤍 : “sure ^^”
you edit his forehead even more, the original picture looking a lot more different compared to the edited one but for some reason, it didn’t look unnatural
[you’ve sent an attachment]
Y/N 🤍 : “so, i added a small filter onto it, does that look better?”
he’s seen typing for a bit
shou, the lover boy 🤍 : “hm, no filter it is. i think the unfiltered one is better.”
[you’ve sent an attachment]
Y/N 🤍 : “i removed the filter, does that look better?”
but then you edited his forehead even more 😭 please this was killing you, you were wondering if you didn’t edit the picture enough— you’re just glad you aren’t in the same room as him
shou, the lover boy 🤍 : “perfect. see you tomorrow <3”
you posted the tiktok’s results, and it blows up in less than a day— gaining a lot of views because
a. it’s shouto— a common guest on your tiktoks, b. his ‘obliviousness’ c. because of the way you edited his forehead, and how it just got bigger and bigger 💀
the comments were really funny, and nice to look at “PLEASE IS HE THAT OBLIVIOUS??” “bruhh he definitely knew something 💀” “there’s no way he wasn’t playing along”
turns out, shouto knew you were photoshopping his forehead for shits and giggles— it’s because he has that exact selfie as his wallpaper
he’ll get you back ;)
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midoriya izuku
your boyfriend is insanely observant, so!! you wanted to test if he’d notice even the slightest of changes to a picture
and plus, you think it would be funny to witness
you select one of the better pictures of you and izuku— but most especially, a picture where izuku looked phenomenal
compared to the other two, you edited his freckles— you’re basically going to gradually add more freckles to him
[you’ve sent an attachment]
Y/N 🍀 : “hey zuku! look at what i found deep in my gallery. should i repost this as a throwback? i wanna know your thoughts <3”
your notification makes his heart race faster, so he’s quick to reply
except,, it took a bit longer for him to hit send
zuku (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) : “you look so good <3 but hm.. something looks different ^^; i just can’t put my finger on it..”
Y/N 🍀 : “oh— perhaps it’s the lighting?”
zuku (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) : “maybe it is! could you maybe put a filter on it? i mean,, if you think there should be one! not that the picture needs one ;;”
you add more freckles to the picture, and added a slight filter to make it less suspicious, and you hit send
[you’ve sent an attachment]
Y/N 🍀 : “there! i only added a slight filter to it, is this okay?”
zuku (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) : “oh no, i look like a kardashian now ^^;; definitely not myself.”
zuku (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) : “i’m not sure what’s different! i mean.. the picture couldn’t have been taken that long ago for me not to remember what i even looked like— omg, what if i did forget 😦”
he sounded so concerned about the slight changes— which is to be expected of him
he was actually freaking out through the screen 💀
so then, you decided to add even more freckles to his cheeks
Y/N 🍀 : “ok ok sooo— i removed the filter, does this look better? lmk <3”
it takes a moment for him to finally respond, and he’s seen going on and off with typing— since the typing bubble kept disappearing and reappearing.
zuku (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) : “Y/N..”
zuku (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) : “is it just me or”
zuku (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) : “do i have more freckles in this picture 😦”
you flop onto the ground in hysterics, laughing at his message and you’re hoping that he wouldn’t hear you laugh this hard
after a few hours, you post the tiktok— and it blows up, gathering a good amount of likes and views
the comments consisted of “the fact that he was he thinking so hard about the picture 💀” “LMAOO WHY CAN I IMAGINE HIS REACTION WHEN HE REALIZED” “nooo the way the typing bubble kept disappearing and reappearing 😭”
your boyfriend sends you a text after the tiktok blows up— basically, he saw the video (somehow 💀)
zuku (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) : “i’m glad i wasn’t imagining things ^^;; turns out you were just editing more freckles onto the picture 😃 it looked so real!! oh, and i’m coming over to your place, see you!! <3”
basically— having an observant boyfriend like izuku is fun
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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headcanonsandhijinx · 3 years
Breaking Point
Edit: this was originally called ‘Wild Angst Oneshot’ as I couldn’t think of a name, but due to a great suggestion by Narutofan8762 on AO3, it’s now titled ‘Breaking Point’.
I was scrolling on tiktok and saw an acting video with an audio that was from Supergirl, basically yelling at someone who had abandoned her and my brain immediately went ‘Wild yelling at Hylia!’ So I had to try and write this, and then I turned it into a Linked Universe fic because I’m kinda obsessed.
Under the cut, because as usual, my oneshots tend to get pretty long, pretty quickly...
She was cold.
That was all he could think as his heart thundered in his chest. She was cold in his arms.
He had finally defeated Calamity Ganon and as the beast finally disappeared from the land that it had long tormented, she had appeared. Zelda was finally free.
He had been running towards her before he even realised and had pulled the princess into a hug with repeated apologies falling from his dry, cracked lips.
Zelda had wrapped her arms back around him and managed to speak into his ear before she went limp in his arms. He had let his body move down to the ground to keep her cradled in his arms, but it was too late.
As soon as he took her face in his hands, the light left her eyes and she breathed her last.
That was how he stayed for hours. In the middle of Hyrule Field, with the body of the woman he was supposed to protect as he cried and her final words repeated over and over in his mind.
“You have nothing to apologise for, Link. You saved us all”
Several hours later, found her body draped across his lap, with one of his hands gently holding the back of her head and the other wrapped around her back, while he rocked back and forth as he cried out his grief to the world. He had sat there and screaming and crying for hours over her body.
Then when morning came, he picked up Zelda’s body, called over his horse and began the long trek back to Kakariko Village.
Impa had been distressed to see the princess’ body, and it wasn’t helped by the state of Link’s injuries that he had neglected in his grief. A broken arm, 4 cracked ribs, scrapes, bruises, and a concussion.
Impa had insisted that he stay in Kakariko while he healed and the funeral was planned. The time seemed to go by in a blink and before he knew it, the day of the funeral arrived. In a strange turn from the blur of the past few days, the ceremony seemed to last longer than the hundred years he’d slept as Link watched the body of the one he swore protect be laid to rest.
Link was just thankful that the gravesite had been moved from the original plan to bury her near the remnants of the castle, but he couldn’t bear to lay her body to rest in the place where she’d been trapped for a hundred years. She was being buried by the pond atop Satori Mountain. Link had regained a memory of visiting it with Zelda and she’d been amazed by it, so he had brought up the idea of burying her there with Impa, who had agreed to his signing and changed the plans.
Once the ceremony had concluded, Impa had invited Link stay in Kakariko and after a while, he had surprisingly accepted the offer. However, Impa didn’t tell him that she was scared he may do something drastic and he did, just not in the way anyone expected.
He just stayed in the spare house he was staying in, seemingly okay with secluding himself away from the rest of the world. Thoughts of his failure and weakness became his only constant companion as he wouldn’t leave the house for anyone. No matter who came to see him, he wouldn’t answer and if someone journeyed inside, he wouldn’t reply to any questions. And the more they tried to help, the more he pulled away. Eventually, Impa had to ask everyone to keep monitoring him but to leave him alone, out of fear that he may run away and never been seen again if they pushed too much.
They still tried to help, but in little ways that included minimal interaction, if they even saw him. Food would be left outside the door for him and it would be eaten, but only just enough to keep himself alive. He would train and practice constantly during the day and the nights where he couldn’t sleep for fear of failing Hyrule again, often passing out in the middle of the floor sometimes for desperately needed rest.
And that was the way it stayed for six months. A constant cycle of self-loathing and punishing himself for not being good enough.
Until a gang of travelers had walked into Kakariko.
“We’ve been walking for ages.” Wind complained as he panted with his hands on his knees and he wasn’t the only one. The group had been walking for almost an entire day and still hadn’t found a settlement or village to rest at, and they’d found this Hyrule’s Beadle who had given them directions, but the group was questioning how accurate they were.
“Well Beadle said Kakariko was this way and he said it wasn’t far, but I think he was just trying to get rid of us before Sky bought all his bugs.” Warrior joked as he stood beside Sky, who elbowed him in the side.
“Come on, he said we should be there by midday if we were quick enough and then we can rest there.” Time chimed in from his place walking at the front of the ground. There were several groans but no more complaints as they continued walking.
It was around two hours later when they finally saw the entrance to this Hyrule’s version of Kakariko Village and upon seeing it, the groups let out several sighs of relief as they journeyed inside.
There were only a few people around the village from what Twilight could see. As he walked in, he spotted a man painting, a little girl sitting by a fire, another younger girl running around and some guards standing in front of a set of stairs that lead up to a building.
“Okay, we should ask later and see if we can find this Hyrule’s hero.” Twilight suggested as he turned around to face the rest of the group, who were all surveying the village as well.
“You’re looking for the hero?” A small voice came from behind him and as he turned, he saw the little girl that was running around a moment ago.
“Yeah, we are. Do you know where he is?” Wind asked the girl.
“Yes, but daddy says he’s ill so he never leaves the house.” The little girl answered before they heard another voice and a man came over to join them.
“I’m sorry sirs, I hope my daughter wasn’t being any trouble.” He said as he looked down lovingly at the girl.
“Oh no sir. She was just telling us where we could find someone that we are looking for.” Time replied.
“Well, perhaps I may be able to offer you some more assistance. Who are you looking for?” The man asked kindly.
“We’re looking for the hero, presumably goes by the name ‘Link’.” Legend spoke up and it was quite jarring to see how quickly the smile left the man’s face.
“You should all come with me.” The smile didn’t return.
They’d been herded into a house at the top of a long staircase after that and introduced to this Hyrule’s Impa. She had quickly filled them in on the situation as much as she could and it was a lot to take in.
The land had been decimated by this Hyrule’s Ganon and had suffered for a hundred years, until Link could finally defeat him. (she hadn’t told them about Wild’s death. That would be something for the boy to explain on his own terms. Impa tried to give him control over the very little that he had a say in. She wouldn’t take this explanation away from him too.)
They’d then been left alone in the room and were trying to think of how to approach this new Link when Legend spoke up.
“You heard how they talked about him! How are we supposed to break it to him? Huh, just dump it on him when these guys have said that he’s ill.” Legend snapped. “Hey, we’re all reincarnations of the hero and we’ve all defeated some kind of evil that has threatened our Hyrules. Now Hylia is grouping us all together on a new quest so we can figure out who is behind all these black blooded monsters and stop them. If she’s brought us here then we need you to help us. You’ll probably need to say your goodbyes because she’ll make you join us whether you want to or not. How does that sound?” He snapped sarcastically, already done with the situation.
But nobody spoke, not even to scold him for his outburst and Legend turned around to see this Hyrule’s Link standing in the room’s doorway, presumably having just heard his rant about their quest.
But that wasn’t the worst part of the situation. The worst part of the situation was this Link’s appearance.
The group didn’t know what was worse about it. The painful looking scars that covered part of his left cheek creeping up to cover his ear and snaking down his neck to presumably cover his body as well, or the blank look of numbness on the boy’s face. He had walked in with Paya as he stared into the distance at nothing, seemingly oblivious to his surroundings as he stood there. Warriors had been closest and he recognised the look in this Link’s eyes. It was the look of someone who had completely given up and retreated from the world. He’d seen it on lots of fellow soldiers on the battlefield and off it. Men who’d retreated into their heads because the war was too scarring.
That was when the new Link had pulled something from his belt and vanished in shards of glowing blue light, teleporting away before anyone could even say anything.
“Great. Now what do we do?” Wind questioned, unsure of how to precede.
“I fear there is nothing we can do, apart from wait for his return.” This Hyrules Impa spoke up. “Link knows how to hide when he doesn’t want to be found and the more we try to force our company into him, the more he resists it.” The group were reluctant to accept this at all, but eventually conceded after Impa told them that he would probably return soon, once he got his head around what was going on and came up with a plan. (She didn’t tell them that she was even more worried about Link then they were.)
Link walked through Hateno Village as he headed towards the house he had bought almost a year ago, hoping that one day he may be able to take Zelda there. However, that would never happen now.
The wooden bridge beneath him creaked as he moved across it. His eyes now set on the item before him that was his reason for coming here at all. He strode fowards and wrapped his hands around it before it vanished in streams of blue light into his slate. He opened the map, selected his next location and disappeared.
Leaving Bolson and Karson behind as they looked at each other worriedly. They hadn’t seen him in months and he hadn’t even seemed to hear them calling his name.
He walked inside with the sledgehammer he had taken from outside his house as he set his sights on the aim of his journey.
The statue of the goddess Hylia, in the Temple of Time.
The goddess who had ignored her peoples suffering. Who had left her people to die. Who had let everyone he knew die. Who had ignored Zelda’s prayers and pleas for her help with her dormant powers, and had ignored his silent pleas for years.
Who was now demanding his help again, threatening to rip his world away from him once again if he refused.
Walking to the base of the statue and shifting his stance, he swung the hammer into the side of it. Before pulling it back and hitting it over and over and over again, parts of the ancient statue crumbling to the ground as the hero released his fury.
“You were supposed to protect us! You were supposed to protect your people! Protect the land and people you created!” He screamed the first words he had said in months, his voice hoarse and rough in his throat. “You were supposed to protect her! She trusted you, she believed in you!” His voice cracked and his throat ached as he yelled, unused to being used at such a loud volume.
Then he stopped and let the head of the sledgehammer rest on the floor as Link realised something.
“I... I believed in you.” It was practically a whisper.
“I trusted you.” It was louder now.
“I trusted you! I thought you’d help us. I thought you’d help me, but you abandoned us! You just left us all to die! You let me die!” He couldn’t breathe because he had trusted her and look where that trust had gotten him.
“I lost everything.” He thought outloud.
“Do you hear me? I’ve lost everything because of you and your stupid quest!” His ears were ringing as he started screaming again as the hammer was back striking at the statue of the goddess even harder then before.
“I lost my family!” A family he couldn’t even remember.
“I lost my home!” Another place thats memories were lost to him.
“I lost everyone I’ve ever cared about!” That was something he could only assume. He must of had a family at some point, maybe even some friends? He just didn’t know.
“Daruk” His back throbbed with phantom pain in memory of how hard his congratulatory back ‘pats’ were. How loud his voice was, even when he was trying to be quiet.
“Revali” Even though they had mainly been at odds with each other, Link still remembered a few things. The way he would preen whenever he got any amount of attention, or the sound of his wings gliding through the air.
“Urbosa” The sound of her voice rang through his ears, how she’d always sounded so confident and sure of herself. How proud she was of her people and her culture.
“Mipha” The girl he was supposedly in love with, and he could barely remember anything about her. He could remember how soft her voice was but how she was also incredibly fierce in battle when defending those she loved, but that was it. There was practically nothing left.
“Ze-Zelda!” He hit the statue so hard that his hammer shattered into pieces, as he thought of the few things that he could actually remember about her. The way her eyes light up when she talked about the Shiekah technology or a rare species of animal or flower. The way her nose would slightly scrunch up and her eyebrows would furrow when she was annoyed at him. The way her hands shook when she held him as he died in her arms.
“I’ve lost everything because of you! I have nothing left anymore! I’m done. Do you hear me? I’m done with you!” He was no longer screaming, but he wasn’t done yet.
Looking up at the partially ruined statue before him, he dropped to his knees among the stones that now littered the floor. And dropping his head into his hands, he took a deep breath, before he threw his head back...
And screamed.
It was long and loud and every time he ran out of breath, he just took a deeper one and started again. The screams were haunting, heartbreaking and full of grief because Link, after years of mounting pressure, trauma and incapacitating grief, was finally breaking down.
When Link awoke he hadn’t realised that he’d fallen asleep, or more accurately, that he’d passed out after screaming for hours. His throat was sore and he felt like he was drifting in that weird feeling numbness that usually occurred when he had a breakdown, although they had never been this bad before.
He looked at the destruction around him and to his surprise, he didn’t feel guilty about it. He’d expected to feel guilty like he always did these days, blaming himself for everything that went wrong. Even if he knew that, logically, there wasn’t any possible way that he could be responsible for it.
But this? This left him feeling hollow instead. Because there was nothing left of him anymore.
He was tired and emotionally drained and he wanted to stay here in his Hyrule. He didn’t want to be forced into being the Goddess’ pawn again, and yet he had no choice. He never had a choice when it came to the Goddess and her will, that was a lesson he learned a long time ago.
He took a moment to breathe and took out the sheikah slate to teleport back to Kakariko.
‘Time to face the Goddess’, he thought as he tried to prepare himself to once again succumb to the Goddess’ wishes and relinquish any thoughts of freedom.
It wouldn’t do any good to imagine a luxury that he would never be granted.
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scandeniall · 4 years
mirrors for friends //ch.5
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| prev | next | masterlist
wc: 1741
pairing: TBD x reader
notes *this is the version of the song they cover 
chapter 5: We drive, We Film
The music is blaring when Atsumu pulls up. He's bobbing his head along to the guitar, hardly sparing you a glance as you slide into the passenger seat. Despite that, you offer a quick greeting as the car speeds off before you even finish putting your seatbelt on. You nod along to the familiar song as the two of you shoot through the street, 
“And I don't care if you're sick, I don't care if you're contagious,” you begin Atsumu chiming in matching your pitch.  
“I would kiss you even if you were dead” “Would somebody make me go blind for the rest of my life, cause I’d do anything to hold your hand.” 
You find your hand hanging out the window as you two sing along to the rest of the song. Once it ends, Atsumu lowers the volume, enough to have a conversation. “I see ya changed from a sweaty slob and are now looking better.” You roll your eyes at the bassist, and had he not been driving you probably would’ve resorted to slapping the back of his head. “Why do I willingly hang out with you. And, where are we going anyways?” You question, remembering your promise to Iwaizumi
 You ignore his comment about you clearly not having any other friends as you send a message to Iwaizumi confirming your location. You let out a little laugh at Iwaizumi’s complaint about the blonde always running his plans, before locking your phone. “Who ya texting?” Atsumu takes his first real look at you for the night as he slows at the red light. “Iwa, just telling him if I die tonight it's all your fault.Your driving fucking sucks” You follow up the sentence flicking off your friend who looks unbothered. 
“Speaking of our dear Iwa, you know something that me and Kuroo don't.” Your eyes widen just the tiniest bit as he grants you a knowing smirk. “But I’ll let that go for now. How's the tattoo healing?” Just like that Atsumu’s voice shifts into a more serious tone and you groan loudly. You instantly catch on to the real meaning of the question. How are you doing?  “Not you too”. 
“C’mon, I’m just checking on ya (Y/N). Making sure you’re ok. Took me a minute but then I remembered you showed me the picture a few months ago.” His gaze focuses back on the road giving you at least the relief from his stare down. “First Iwa, now you. And I know Kuroo is gonna pick my brain the second he gets the chance,” your words come out in a huff of annoyance. “What can we say, we care about ya. The band would flop without our front man.” His tease is enough to lighten the tension that began to grow as you rolled your eyes again. “Our combined hotness would drop by like 90% without me.” 
“More like 5%” He could only laugh as you promptly told him to go to hell, as you turned the music back up some. The rest of the drive was void of any conversation. The only noises coming from the radio and any time either of you would sing along to what was playing out. Atsumu would only shoot you annoyed looks, whenever you’d skip one of the songs he had to which you'd just shrug without a care.  
“Hey Samu.” You and Atsumu spoke at the same time as you slid into the booth. “What are you two sharing a single brain cell now?” Your look of disgust is enough to cause the gray haired twin to laugh. “The only thing I’d ever share with Atsumu is my foot up his ass.” 
“That’s a real cute way of saying you’re the dumb one of us.” The blonde catches the wrist of your arm that aims a punch at his shoulder easily. “Take you and your shitty dye job over there next to your brother,” you mutter pushing your bandmate out of the booth next to you. He obliges, moving so that him and Osamu are both sitting across from you. 
“Now Tsumu’s stupidity is gonna seep into my head.”
“Hello boys, and piss head,” you greet cheerily as you enter the unlocked door of Iwaizumi’s place. You shift the drink carrier in your hand as you remove your bag, lightly placing it on the floor. The owner only raises his eyebrows at you while your guitarist just laughs.”What’d he do now,” You make your rounds handing off the coffee drinks you’d bought for your bandmates. You stop by Iwaizumi first who accepts it with a grateful smile. Next is Kuroo, who raises the cup in thanks. “Every time I hang out with him, I wonder why I do. He sucks,” you speak before handing Atsumu his drink. “Osamu really is the better twin, not by much though.” 
“You claim to hate me, yet you bring me food. Thanks mom,” the bassist mocks. You mutter something about it being the only thing that gets him to shut up before shifting your attention towards Kuroo. “Hey, can you go get our instruments, couldn’t hold them cause of the drinks.” He only nods, you asking him to please lock your door after. 
“We’re filming that song today right?” You nod at Atsumu’s question. While he goes back to typing away on his phone you settle onto the couch next to Iwaizumi. He looks at you and you raise your eyebrows in excitement. He shoots you a small smile and a thumbs up, and you struggle to contain your excitement. You shoot him a knowing look that the two of you have to talk later as Kuroo enters carrying both your guitar cases. “Bring my drink down would you,” is the only thing he says before making his way towards the basement. The three of you wordlessly follow.  
“Why are we doing this song again,”
“Come on old man, it’ll be fun, plus our dear (Y/N) gets to show off that growl today. Doesn't happen very much,” Kuroo smirks at Iwaizumi, shooting you a quick look from where you are tuning your guitar. “Plus, the viewers wanted us to do Gaga.” 
“Oh, you're just happy ya get to be heard more with this song,” Atsumu chimes in before fiddling with his bass. “Maybe,” is Kuroos response as he sits on a stool to tune his own instrument. “Besides, Judas is a pretty badass song. And our arrangement is pretty sick.” Iwaizumi can’t help but agree with you, opting to get the video equipment set up. After he finished you all ran through the song a few times before you were ready to go.  
“Hey guys, we’re Mirrors For Friends,” the four of you said in unison. Before introducing yourselves as individuals. “So, you guys asked, and we answered. You all wanted us to do Lady Gaga so bad,” Kuroo started before pausing for his self-proclaimed dramatic effect. “So, Judas here we are.”
 “Judas- Gaga” You practically screamed out the last words of the songs, before bursting out into laughter. The entirety of the song both Kuroo and Atsumu were making ridiculous facial expressions at one another, and with you being in the middle of the two, you saw it all. That, paired with post singing adrenaline and the fact that you all were even singing it in the first place seemed absolutely comical You had been so caught in laughter that you didn’t even notice Iwaizumi come up from behind his drums to nudge at camera perched on the tripod in front of you. 
“Fuck- do you guys see what I have to go through with these guys. Iwa is the only normal one,” you joked out after your laughter died down. You ignored the said members exclamations about not being that bad. “Alright that's it for us today, we hope you enjoyed, and we’ll see you when we see you.” You stuck up a peace sign heading towards the camera and picking it up. “Say bye you idiots.  
You first pointed the camera at Kuroo who was the closest to you. “I feel like (Y/N) is catching my double chin at this angle. Stream our songs and we love you.” With that Kuroo just walked off the frame, and you turned towards Atsumu. “Say bye to the video fake blondie.” 
“I just want to say that I’m the hottest member of the band and-hey” Atsumu exclaimed as you just cut his segment short, before walking to Iwaizumi.  
“You know the drill Iwa. Your turn” This time you moved the camera up and down as if you were giving the audience a chance to check him out. “Now this is the real hottest member of this band,” you teased before aimling back towards his face. You stifled your laugh at Atsumu and Kuroo in the background yelling for him to take his shirt off. “I hate this band. See you all in the next video.” With your drummers closing you stopped the recording before letting out a sigh of relief.  
“Well that was exhausting,” you automatically made your way to the couch where you had your laptop resting. “I can probably get this edited and uploaded by tomorrow guys.” You felt the couch dip next to you and the voice of the band’s guitarist. “I can do it. I know it's been an interesting week for you,” he gestures towards your ribcage, where your new tattoo rests under your tshirt. The tone of his voice lets you know there’s no point in countering. When Iwaizumi gets into his band labeled ‘dad’ mode, you won't win. “You're acting as if I have a choice,” you huff handing him the camera’s memory card.  
“Shit- guys, I gotta go. I forgot the team got a last-minute practice match with another school,” Atsumu’s panicked voice cut through the room. “Were done here right?” He looked between the three of you sighing in relief as he quickly started putting up his instrument. “Hey, don’t forget next week we’re at Bauhaus.” He only nodded mindlessly, before making his way to the stairs, before stopping halfway. “That's the 3rd, right?” 
Kuroo’s thumbs out caused him to practically run up the stairs and out the door. Once the bassist leaves, he plopped himself next to you on the other side of the couch. ��So lovely band members of mine, what secret are you two keeping from me and Tsumu.”
⤿taglist: @o51oc​ @suna-allie​
a/n: yall know that one tiktok audio from what bgc? wheres like awkwardly quiet then its like “hey guys”--- thats how I feel after coming back to this fic after a month. But yeah life and then more LIFE. So with that, sorry this chapter is kinda awkward writing bc i literally havent written for this in that month at all. Anyways, now that we’ve gotten our band dynamics established we are kicking off the real plot starting next chapter. I still don’t know which boy to do so pls help a loser out. I think I’m gonna take out the possibility of Iwa though ????
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iqbalriaz · 4 years
Alright so the first tip that most people typically tell you to start with is to choose a niche, which is definitely a key tip that we will be discussing next…
But before any of that I truly believe the most important tip I can give, especially if you haven’t started YouTube yet… is having the proper mindset.
Because YouTube is a big commitment. You know this already if you’ve started your own channel..
But it’s going to take you much longer to create & edit a video than the ONE minute it takes to take a picture and upload it to Facebook or Instagram.
However, there’s a big reason why it takes this extra time…
And that’s because the videos you upload on YouTube don’t fade off into the abyss after 5 hours of posting (if that).
I literally have videos I created over a year ago on my channel that still get me views, subscribers, and money… to this day.
But when I post a picture on facebook it’ll last like a day and a picture on instagram lasts a few hours!
So yes, it’s definitely more work up front… but it continues to pay off for months and years to come.
And that’s a big problem with a lot of people.
All they see is how long it will take to do… not the insane amount of passive income that you can make from YouTube videos.
Because when starting out, things WILL be slow.
That’s honestly why so many people give up on their businesses because they’re so use to working a job and getting paid every hour worked.
And that’s not how it works with businesses or with YouTube…
But after a certain amount of hours and work you put in, you will make much more than you will ever make from an job that pays per hour.
So that’s why mindset is so important.
You have to try and remember why you started to begin with.
Whether that’s because you want freedom or you want to buy your parents a house or spend more time with your loved ones…
Because its not going to be easy… but it will be the most rewarding thing you ever do if you put in the work upfront.
So just make sure you don’t think that you will be getting rich overnight on YouTube like these gurus promise you…
This requires hard work and dedication… and there’s no shortcuts in business or in youtube.
Also, since we’re on the topic of shortcuts…
A lot of people think that buying views and subscribers or doing sub4sub is going to help.
And it will get your numbers higher, but not only is it against YouTubes terms and you can get your account banned for that…
But it actually ruins your channel.
People who buy views end up killing their average watch time on their videos because of it and people who do sub4sub end up having a higher subscriber amount but their videos have super low views so it makes their channel look even worse.
So make sure you’re going in with the right mindset and you don’t try and take shortcuts…
Because they really don’t exist.
I do have one tip I’ll be showing you that has allowed me to fast-track my subscriber count, but if you don’t watch all the way through you won’t get to see that, so make sure to keep reading!
Now, picking the wrong niche could absolutely destroy your channel.
And a niche basically means picking an industry or a type or types of videos you’ll make around a specific industry.
Assuming you’ve already started YouTube, this would just mean making your videos more specific.
Which is something I see so many new YouTubers doing soooo wrong.
They just start uploading videos about the most random stuff.
Like they’ll be uploading videos about college one day, fitness the next day, and then football the next day.
And that’s just about the worst thing you can do for your YouTube channel.
Because any subscribers you to get, they may be interested in the video they watched that made them subscribe but if the other videos you make have nothing to do with that video… 
then your subscriber count is basically just a vanity metric at that point with a bunch of people who aren’t even interested in your videos.
So when you’re first starting out you really want to try and choose a niche that has appeal to a crowd that is passionate.
A lot of people say you have to be passionate about what you talk about, and it’s definitely helpful for sure… but sometimes you just gotta try and find something that you like and that has a group of PEOPLE who are passionate about that niche.
Like for me, I really didn’t feel passionate about what I started with, but the longer I do YouTube I figure out what I’m passionate about and what you guys like the most.
But just try not to get hung up on this too much.
Because at the end of the day you can always switch your niche at anytime or start a new channel with a different niche.
But I will say that the 3 evergreen niches are health, wealth and relationships.
And those are the best niches to go into.
So you’ll want to choose a sub-niche of one of those main evergreen niches.
Like for example, for wealth… you have personal finance, make money online, etc.
For relationships you have parenting, dating, etc.
And you can go even more niched down than that too. 
But it’s just about doing research on other YouTuber’s and finding out what you like the most and going with it.
Now the next tip I would give again assuming you’ve already started on YouTube and you’ve already picked your niche…
I would tell you to level up your B.A.V.L.
And you’ve probably never heard that before.
But all it means is:
Most people only talk about their audio video and lighting but the background can be just as important.
I mean have you ever watched a video with someone who’s recording in a messy room? I Know I haven’t.
And this doesn’t necessarily mean spending a bunch of money.
Upgrading your background could literally just mean cleaning up your room.
And as far as audio video and lighting…
my entire setup cost me less than $300.
So you don’t need some ridiculously expensive camera or lighting to make your setup look good.
And sometimes simple is better anyways.
These are just some of the things I’ll be teaching in my YouTube beta program, along with how I make high ticket commissions on YouTube.
So if you want to get a personalized experience where I walk you through step-by-step and support you on YouTube…
I have 1 spot left, so make sure you apply today before it’s too late.
But like I was saying, you don’t need to buy anything crazy.
The most expensive piece of gear I have is a $100 or $120 blue yeti microphone. 
And there’s even budget microphones you could get that sound just as good.
Otherwise, I have a $50 webcam, some $10 light stands with DIY lighting from Home Depot.
And there’s so many videos out there that can help you figure out what works for your budget.
But honestly, this tip is pretty important.
Yes, you can use your cellphone and use a window for lighting – which is fine if that’s all you can afford…
But if you really want to take YouTube seriously, spending $200-$300 to upgrade your gear can make a huge difference and give your audience a better experience for sure.
This is honestly one of the most important tips I can give you for anything in life, especially YouTube.
Going back to mindset, there are NO SHORTCUTS, period.
And if you want to be successful with anything… you have to be consistent and you have to focus.
Let me just tell you a quick story.
When I first started YouTube I wanted to upload 3 videos a week.
Before i ever uploaded my first video I recorded and edited 18 videos.
So that’s 6 weeks worth of videos, 6×3 is 18.
In 8 weeks, I ran out of videos.
So I only created 6 videos in 8 weeks.
The reason this happened is because I wasn’t focused.
Before I started on YouTube, all I was doing was focusing on creating those 18 videos and I crushed it.
But after I started posting, I started losing focus.
I started trying to do blogging, posting on linkedin, twitter, instagram, facebook. Fb groups, etc.
I even tried hiring a social media manager for $500 at one point.
Not to mention I was still working at this time.
So i couldn’t be consistent.
Then I decided I was going to upload 1 video a week, make that video high quality and stay consistent.
Then I started focusing on that and only that, along with my 1 support platform, which was my facebook.
And I actually started growing faster but uploading less.
So it’s absolutely crucial that you pick a upload schedule and you stay consistent and focus on that.
Don’t try to do all these other business models or platforms, pick your 1 main platform which should be youtube if you’re trying to grow on youtube, then pick your one support platform.
Some people use a second support platform, but it all depends on how much time you have to invest into your online business.
And while we’re talking about support platforms, this leads me into the next tip.
And I’m not even kidding about this.
In the last few months I’ve grew to over 75,000 followers on TikTok and it absolutely blew up my YouTube channel.
Nowadays I still get some views from TikTok but what tiktok allowed me to do was to show YouTube that my videos were getting good engagment and then YouTubes alogorithm started pushing my content to more people on YouTube and it exploded my growth.
But basically everytime I upload a YouTube video, I make a shorter version of that video on TIkTok and at the end of the video I tell people to go watch the full video on my YouTube channel and link to my YouTube channel in my tiktok bio.
Then right when my YouTube video goes live, that tiktok goes live and the video gets so much more views and engagement and it shows YouTube that people like the video…
And that helps fast-track your growth like crazy!
So I definitely suggest hopping on TikTok and following all of these tips.
I truly believe this is the one thing that could be considered somewhat of a shortcut.
Because it definitely fast-tracked my subscirber count 100%.
It took me over 8 months to get to 500 subscribers and as I showed you at the begining I gained over 3700 subscribers in 28 days.
That’s the power of YouTube and TIkTok combined.
And I don’t know if TikTok will be like this forever, it probably wont.
Even today, more people are getting on tiktok.
But still, the organic growth it can give you is insane.
However, a lot of people are doing things wrong.
They are only focusing on TikTok.
But they aren’t syphoning those people onto other platforms that will be around way longer…
Like YouTUBE.
Which is what I do in all of my tiktok videos.
via Blogger https://ift.tt/3l6GYqw
0 notes
shotorozu · 4 years
hellooo,, i saw another tiktok video(and since ur like the elite on writing this type of reqs im requesting to you aha) https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJYsk4CY/ for shoto, kaminari and monoma (if u write for him) ty 💕
‘bae lol’
(the greenscreen heart, then kiss tiktok trend)
character(s) : todoroki shouto, kaminari denki, monoma neito (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] for monoma reader’s a part of class 1-A, they/them pronouns used, quirk’s not specific
headcanon type : fluff (x reader)
note(s) : oh, i absolutely love AND hate this trend, it’s mostly bc im single though :,) not like i can get a partner in the pandemic. anyways! i love your thinking, anon <3 also no proofread bc its like,, 2am here </3 will edit later!
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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todoroki shouto
he’s very aware of your tiktok antics, but out of all of the ones you’ve pulled on him, and asked him to do
he loves this one the most.
because shouto doesn’t have to get the lights scared out of him, and it doesn’t have a chance in ending terribly.
you brisk towards your room, knowing that shouto rests inside— “shou!” you call out to him, and he tilts his head up
“Y/N, tell me it’s not—”
“no, i swear!” you drop next to him on the bed, and you play the video. “this would be fun to do, right?”
he doesn’t say anything at first, but he definitely wants to do it, judging by the fact that he’s replaying the tiktok over and over again.
abruptly standing up, he tugs at your wrist “let’s do it.” he says with determination hinted in his voice
you’d think that he’d get the hang of doing tiktoks because of you but LMAO NO— the greenscreen failed you both multiple times in a span of 40 minutes.
the first take, the heart was blurry, the second take, the kiss was captured seconds before the kiss, and the third take— your phone fell 💀
plus, his movements were a little stiff the first few times, but after the third try— he definitely got the hang of it.
and,, he doesn’t understand tiktok effects, not even the slightest.
on the brighter note, he has more excuses to kiss you so,, it’s a win for him! he won’t get sick of doing any retakes :))
you knew the moment he focused on making the perfect heart, as he firmly pulled you close to kiss you
that, would be the perfect shot there. he almost forgot that there was a camera recording
shouto is seen replaying the filmed tiktok over and over again— and it might’ve looked odd to anyone else
but not to you, definitely. for you, it’s the norm to see him like that.
“do more trends where i could kiss you more.” he pecks you on the lips, before he leaves you be temporarily only to edit the tiktok, ofc
the tiktok itself blows up by a ton, gathering 2M likes, and 5M views, in a surprising amount of time, and you didn’t even notice how he placed his hand on your hip
until the comments pointed it out to him. which shouto replies with “i always do that. you just didn’t seem to notice.” it’s fine bc you do now
the comments consisted of “where can i find a guy like this 💔” “haha that’s so cool *blocks*” “okay but we sEE THOSE HANDS 👀”
nonetheless— please do more trends like that with him. don’t be afraid!
shouto rates the entire ordeal a ♾/10. can and will do it again. oh— and he saves his home and lockscreen as the final outcome from the tiktok. he did a screenshot it, and decides to keep it like that for a very long time
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kaminari denki
again— this man is ALWAYS on tiktok, so he’s aware of most of the trends there. but that doesn’t make them any less scarier
but oh wow, he loves this trend. denki was just praying that you’d see it— and ask him to do it with you.
he was grateful that luck was on his side, since he was ecstatic when you skipped over to him— asking him to do a tiktok trend
“oh, what tiktok trend? wait— please tell me it doesn’t involve me breaking up with you for a week so you could listen to drivers licenses—”
“what? no— let me show you” and when you showed him the tiktok, he showed you this cheeky little smirk
“let’s do it! the sooner the better!” he says, and he seems more excited that you 💀
denki’s so enthusiastic, to the point that the first few takes are a total fail— as he makes you fall over your feet, as the result of quickly pulling you onto him for a kiss.
“denki— one of these days, you’re going to shatter my face”
“sorry, sorry!” he grins sheepishly. and it’s a miracle that he didn’t accidentally short circuit!
you guys try again, still persistent in getting at least a decent video, and this time— when he yanked you, causing you almost slip
he tightened his hold on you, a hand pressed against the small of your back and another hand dangerously close to your bank
the kiss is eager, passionate— and he holds you like you’re on the verge of death
and this flusters you because MAMDKWDK what happened to the goofiness 💀 i suppose that’s what happens when you have an eager denki kaminari.
you upload the video, thinking it would only get 5 likes at the very most— but it exceeds your expectations
though most people couldn’t get a clear view of your relationship dynamic with him, denki’s enthusiasm did attract the attention of 2.8M people
and in a good way, because the video did get 800k likes
the comments consisted of “when he caught you when you almost fell :,)” “damn he was EXCITED” “hey, have you told us where you got your boyfriend? i need the link to find someone like him NOW‼️‼️”
the bakusquad fawned over the video weirdly, but it quickly gets overplayed by denki— since that’s all he watched for a week or so 💀
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monoma neito
bruh </3 as much as he loves you, you’re going to kill him with pranks one of these days.
he’s totally in on it if HE’S not the one being targeted, but most of the time,, neito’s the subject of your pranks
so he thinks it’s another silly prank, where you make him pick a number between 1-5 and ghost him for that many hours.
but when you show him the video one day, when you guys were chilling in your room— as per usual, he declined :,)
“sorry dear Y/N! but no. that’s my answer”
“but whyyy?? it’s so harmless!”
“the class is going to tease me for being a part with a silly tiktok like that.” and besides,, he’d be a hypocrite for participating in that kind of tiktok with someone from class 1-A.
in reality, he did want to do it. he wasn’t so sure on why he said no— but he does want to show that something so easy isn’t really a bother to him.
“oh- don’t be so sad about it! you know what?” he gently pulls you up, “let’s do it. i don’t care what those silly class 1-A kids will say anymore.”
“what? i thought you said you didn’t want to.”
“have you ever heard of a lie?” he clicks his tongue, but he’s glad that you’re feeling much better than you did 10 seconds ago.
when it comes to it, he’s actually really shy about it. not like a ‘i don’t want to be seen with you!’ more like ‘gosh, how many takes is this going to take? will i be able to kiss them properly?’
“what if i end up accidentally copying their quirk? neito— focus, damnit.” he thinks to himself, brushing the anxious feeling away.
he’s determined enough to stay focused— but man struggled a bit with cooperating with the heart shape.
“neito— not that heart!” “well, you said to make a heart, so i did!”
it takes a few tries for the greenscreen to cooperate, and for you guys to get in sync
and when he finally has to kiss you, he grins at you— a very obvious blush adorning his cheeks, as he smashes his lips with yours
then he remembers that he actually has to break free from you— and forces you guys apart, still trying to play it cool
“wow! i look awesome. only i could kiss you like that, right? i don’t need an answer, because i know it’s true!” he says with that proud laugh of his, but it immediately dissipates after the second replay
neito leaves you be, not only for you to upload the tiktok— but also because he needs to THINK WHAT JUST HAPPENED he’s running laps in his mind rn
you upload the tiktok, not worrying too much about it— as you wanted to let it sit for a while, before checking up on it
however— when you open your phone again, you get bombarded with multiple text messages from kendou, and the other class 1-b students.
“you and monoma went viral!” is what you can sum up about most of the messages, and you have to see for youself— wanting to know if the tiktok really did get 800k likes and 1.9M views in a short amount of time.
spoilers ‼️ — it did
the comments were mostly like “why can i smell the dynamic from a mile away 💔 i want that.” “he’s definitely annoying to everyone but you” “sHEESH the way he smirked before he kissed you 😩✋‼️‼️😔”
monoma flexes on a daily that he did that to your class— but he HATES how class 1-b wrecks havoc on him, by teasing him
in short— he does prefer this more than being scared. and! he didn’t have to verbally ask you for kisses 💀
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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iqbalriaz · 4 years
Alright so the first tip that most people typically tell you to start with is to choose a niche, which is definitely a key tip that we will be discussing next…
But before any of that I truly believe the most important tip I can give, especially if you haven’t started YouTube yet… is having the proper mindset.
Because YouTube is a big commitment. You know this already if you’ve started your own channel..
But it’s going to take you much longer to create & edit a video than the ONE minute it takes to take a picture and upload it to Facebook or Instagram.
However, there’s a big reason why it takes this extra time…
And that’s because the videos you upload on YouTube don’t fade off into the abyss after 5 hours of posting (if that).
I literally have videos I created over a year ago on my channel that still get me views, subscribers, and money… to this day.
But when I post a picture on facebook it’ll last like a day and a picture on instagram lasts a few hours!
So yes, it’s definitely more work up front… but it continues to pay off for months and years to come.
And that’s a big problem with a lot of people.
All they see is how long it will take to do… not the insane amount of passive income that you can make from YouTube videos.
Because when starting out, things WILL be slow.
That’s honestly why so many people give up on their businesses because they’re so use to working a job and getting paid every hour worked.
And that’s not how it works with businesses or with YouTube…
But after a certain amount of hours and work you put in, you will make much more than you will ever make from an job that pays per hour.
So that’s why mindset is so important.
You have to try and remember why you started to begin with.
Whether that’s because you want freedom or you want to buy your parents a house or spend more time with your loved ones…
Because its not going to be easy… but it will be the most rewarding thing you ever do if you put in the work upfront.
So just make sure you don’t think that you will be getting rich overnight on YouTube like these gurus promise you…
This requires hard work and dedication… and there’s no shortcuts in business or in youtube.
Also, since we’re on the topic of shortcuts…
A lot of people think that buying views and subscribers or doing sub4sub is going to help.
And it will get your numbers higher, but not only is it against YouTubes terms and you can get your account banned for that…
But it actually ruins your channel.
People who buy views end up killing their average watch time on their videos because of it and people who do sub4sub end up having a higher subscriber amount but their videos have super low views so it makes their channel look even worse.
So make sure you’re going in with the right mindset and you don’t try and take shortcuts…
Because they really don’t exist.
I do have one tip I’ll be showing you that has allowed me to fast-track my subscriber count, but if you don’t watch all the way through you won’t get to see that, so make sure to keep reading!
Now, picking the wrong niche could absolutely destroy your channel.
And a niche basically means picking an industry or a type or types of videos you’ll make around a specific industry.
Assuming you’ve already started YouTube, this would just mean making your videos more specific.
Which is something I see so many new YouTubers doing soooo wrong.
They just start uploading videos about the most random stuff.
Like they’ll be uploading videos about college one day, fitness the next day, and then football the next day.
And that’s just about the worst thing you can do for your YouTube channel.
Because any subscribers you to get, they may be interested in the video they watched that made them subscribe but if the other videos you make have nothing to do with that video… 
then your subscriber count is basically just a vanity metric at that point with a bunch of people who aren’t even interested in your videos.
So when you’re first starting out you really want to try and choose a niche that has appeal to a crowd that is passionate.
A lot of people say you have to be passionate about what you talk about, and it’s definitely helpful for sure… but sometimes you just gotta try and find something that you like and that has a group of PEOPLE who are passionate about that niche.
Like for me, I really didn’t feel passionate about what I started with, but the longer I do YouTube I figure out what I’m passionate about and what you guys like the most.
But just try not to get hung up on this too much.
Because at the end of the day you can always switch your niche at anytime or start a new channel with a different niche.
But I will say that the 3 evergreen niches are health, wealth and relationships.
And those are the best niches to go into.
So you’ll want to choose a sub-niche of one of those main evergreen niches.
Like for example, for wealth… you have personal finance, make money online, etc.
For relationships you have parenting, dating, etc.
And you can go even more niched down than that too. 
But it’s just about doing research on other YouTuber’s and finding out what you like the most and going with it.
Now the next tip I would give again assuming you’ve already started on YouTube and you’ve already picked your niche…
I would tell you to level up your B.A.V.L.
And you’ve probably never heard that before.
But all it means is:
Most people only talk about their audio video and lighting but the background can be just as important.
I mean have you ever watched a video with someone who’s recording in a messy room? I Know I haven’t.
And this doesn’t necessarily mean spending a bunch of money.
Upgrading your background could literally just mean cleaning up your room.
And as far as audio video and lighting…
my entire setup cost me less than $300.
So you don’t need some ridiculously expensive camera or lighting to make your setup look good.
And sometimes simple is better anyways.
These are just some of the things I’ll be teaching in my YouTube beta program, along with how I make high ticket commissions on YouTube.
So if you want to get a personalized experience where I walk you through step-by-step and support you on YouTube…
I have 1 spot left, so make sure you apply today before it’s too late.
But like I was saying, you don’t need to buy anything crazy.
The most expensive piece of gear I have is a $100 or $120 blue yeti microphone. 
And there’s even budget microphones you could get that sound just as good.
Otherwise, I have a $50 webcam, some $10 light stands with DIY lighting from Home Depot.
And there’s so many videos out there that can help you figure out what works for your budget.
But honestly, this tip is pretty important.
Yes, you can use your cellphone and use a window for lighting – which is fine if that’s all you can afford…
But if you really want to take YouTube seriously, spending $200-$300 to upgrade your gear can make a huge difference and give your audience a better experience for sure.
This is honestly one of the most important tips I can give you for anything in life, especially YouTube.
Going back to mindset, there are NO SHORTCUTS, period.
And if you want to be successful with anything… you have to be consistent and you have to focus.
Let me just tell you a quick story.
When I first started YouTube I wanted to upload 3 videos a week.
Before i ever uploaded my first video I recorded and edited 18 videos.
So that’s 6 weeks worth of videos, 6×3 is 18.
In 8 weeks, I ran out of videos.
So I only created 6 videos in 8 weeks.
The reason this happened is because I wasn’t focused.
Before I started on YouTube, all I was doing was focusing on creating those 18 videos and I crushed it.
But after I started posting, I started losing focus.
I started trying to do blogging, posting on linkedin, twitter, instagram, facebook. Fb groups, etc.
I even tried hiring a social media manager for $500 at one point.
Not to mention I was still working at this time.
So i couldn’t be consistent.
Then I decided I was going to upload 1 video a week, make that video high quality and stay consistent.
Then I started focusing on that and only that, along with my 1 support platform, which was my facebook.
And I actually started growing faster but uploading less.
So it’s absolutely crucial that you pick a upload schedule and you stay consistent and focus on that.
Don’t try to do all these other business models or platforms, pick your 1 main platform which should be youtube if you’re trying to grow on youtube, then pick your one support platform.
Some people use a second support platform, but it all depends on how much time you have to invest into your online business.
And while we’re talking about support platforms, this leads me into the next tip.
And I’m not even kidding about this.
In the last few months I’ve grew to over 75,000 followers on TikTok and it absolutely blew up my YouTube channel.
Nowadays I still get some views from TikTok but what tiktok allowed me to do was to show YouTube that my videos were getting good engagment and then YouTubes alogorithm started pushing my content to more people on YouTube and it exploded my growth.
But basically everytime I upload a YouTube video, I make a shorter version of that video on TIkTok and at the end of the video I tell people to go watch the full video on my YouTube channel and link to my YouTube channel in my tiktok bio.
Then right when my YouTube video goes live, that tiktok goes live and the video gets so much more views and engagement and it shows YouTube that people like the video…
And that helps fast-track your growth like crazy!
So I definitely suggest hopping on TikTok and following all of these tips.
I truly believe this is the one thing that could be considered somewhat of a shortcut.
Because it definitely fast-tracked my subscirber count 100%.
It took me over 8 months to get to 500 subscribers and as I showed you at the begining I gained over 3700 subscribers in 28 days.
That’s the power of YouTube and TIkTok combined.
And I don’t know if TikTok will be like this forever, it probably wont.
Even today, more people are getting on tiktok.
But still, the organic growth it can give you is insane.
However, a lot of people are doing things wrong.
They are only focusing on TikTok.
But they aren’t syphoning those people onto other platforms that will be around way longer…
Like YouTUBE.
Which is what I do in all of my tiktok videos.
via Blogger https://ift.tt/3l6GYqw
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