#i heart the analogy someone on tt make stating Bella was going through withdrawals due to Edward being her drug
love-bxte · 1 year
I will never be over how doomed Bella swan was the moment that Edward took a liking to her. Edward being able to project his own image of Bella onto her and actively seeking her out despite knowing and acknowledging the risk in favor of his own desires. His natural vampire charm that lures humans in, something they can't resist, got Bella hooked. His vampire nature puts her in so many life threatening situations that in the extremely short time they're together Bella has gone through so much as a 17/18 year old kid. Edward even acknowledges it multiple times throughout the series, that he's to blame for the horrors Bella is facing, Yet he does little to actually stay way. Everyone in his life urged him to keep away from Bella for her safety as well as the safety of the cullens, but he didn't. Repeatedly Edward states Bella shouldn't be friends with him, that she should stay away, but he is actively seeking her out. Edward constantly follows her, breaks into her room, watches Bella sleep, and approaches her because he is obsessed with Bella.
New moon we can see these effects Edward has had on Bella clearly, she's going through hell without him due to how dependent he has made Bella due to his own obsessive behavior. Her whole life at that point was revolving around him, every single day together, every single class was spent together, the two have become so dependent on each other, neither can function apart. Then we see Bella healing, hanging out with Jacob and becoming herself again with the company of someone who is willing to help her through grieve. There isn't this underlying supernatural force driving these two together or a fascination of some kind. There's care and friendship as the foundation of their relationship. Jacob helps her become herself again, helps her laugh and gives her a place where she can be herself. Joking about their metaphorical ages let her be the younger one. She has always been the one taking care of the people around her, maturing quickly in order to do so. She was healing. But with the wounds Edward left on her still bleed. Hallucinating visions of him, seeking him out much like he used to. Bella needed to see him in any way she could because she was addicted to Edward. He branded her that even through the path of healing, he stumped her growth, leading her to jump off the cliff and his return.
I whole heartedly believe that if Edward did not return, stayed away like he promised, Bella would've been happy. She would've worked through the hallucinations of him, would've had the support from her friends and father to work through these issues, even gone through college. But he didn't.
He reintroduced himself into her life and reversed all the progress she made, risked her life again because of his actions, involved her with the volturi and essentially sentenced her to death. He started isolating her from her friends, started "protecting" her from the only people who truly had good intentions for her well-being. This obviously soured Jacob as well, making the sweet boy Bella knew into an aggressive person trying everything in his power to make her love him. They turned her into a prize, into something both were fighting over without considering what was truly best for Bella. Who was truly best for her.
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