#i hope any of this makes fcking sense lmfao
khiita · 2 years
✨ Anyone you wish (all of them would be ideal tbh I just want to hear about your babies)
[ ✨ ] what aesthetics or symbols do you reference when writing your muse? are these backed up by canon, if your muse comes from a canon? is there any specific relevance to these choices?
anna i have so many ocs HDKSHDJ i'll try to be brief and i'll skip explanations cuz i feel like most r obvious !! 🥸
beybûn: the sun, pomegranates, embroidered cushions, sky blue, gold, red. (atoc)
chelon: oranges, gambling/cards/money, knives, the color orange, neons. (evenfall/attollo)
crystal: luxury, silks, embroidery, light purple, light blue, platinum, stars. (a6/swan song)
demelza: blood red, browns, roses, gloom. (myrk mire)
eratos: forests, sunlight through tree leaves, summer, browns, white. (soh/bc)
euridi: spring, forests in the night, entropy, hauntings, black, browns. (the nameless)
finn: hi-tech, oversized clothing, eye bags, injuries, greens, teal, blues. (fhr/gw/hadea)
fred: guitars, rainbows, wolves, the moon, black and white, blues. (evenfall/blood moon)
gabe: old money, family, sweaters, black cats, chess, greens. (twc)
hawke: general sluttiness, leather, motorcycles, arrows, black, red, green. (wts)
historia: books, research/knowledge, abandoned places and nature retaking them, greens, brown. (scout/tgr)
ivy: injuries, cowboys, succulents, rings, light blue, light pink, light yellow. (larkin/pfm)
javi: ruins, rings, moss on stone, open shirts, rabbits, dandelions, greens. (fog)
jisoo: pine trees, unexplained events, clean white sheets, homemade food, greens, browns. (fws)
jude: fast food, clutter, lipstick marks, plaid, museums, coffee, red. (twc/attollo)
kalypso: the sea, surfing, road trips, dyed hair, pastels, holo, neons. (speaker)
leigh: potions, fancy cloaks, old libraries, warm tea, owls, black, gold, brown, green. (myrk mire/the nameless)
luce: journals, fingers stained with ink, rats, round glasses, green, white. (twc)
mikael: the sea, the sky, seashells, sports, papayas, angels, the sunrise, teal, light blue, yellow. (olba)
neapolitan: photographs, eyes, warmth/comfort, wool, coffee, chocolate, vanilla, strawberry. (bloomic)
neassa: braids, gold, wolves, swords, honey, poems, pressed flowers, red. (soh/blood moon)
olivia: faceless, blurry pictures, muted colors, broken mirrors, crows, black cats, rats, black and white. (soh/ofna)
rain: wolves, rainy nights, home, clouds, softness, rough but careful hands, blue, black, white. (exile)
rin: luxury, pianos, minimalism, unicorns, cats, heels, pink, black, white. (bc/180)
roxana: paintings, wooden mixing trays, horses, daggers, light pink, light brown, light blue. (tnp/exile)
sol: the sun, sunflowers, bees, baked goods, flower shops, concerts, yellow. (mb/wts)
syl: silver jewelry, leaves, wings, temples, fruits, light and dark brown. (fog)
taliesin: veils, spikes, storms, bones, tears, purples, red, black. (the abyssal/the passenger)
tomomi: worn journals, darkness, large hoods, hands, scars, black, white, jade. (tnp)
uma: magic, jesters, autumn, adventure, carnations, purple, yellow. (amr)
vance: hearth, moth eaten clothes, strong arms, soft hair, homemade food, yellows, beige. (myrk mire)
wanda: hearts, jackets, cakes, lingerie, overflowing closets, red, pink. (twc/mb)
yara: wisteria trees, eyes, origami, water, purple, white, black. (fog)
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briteboy · 7 years
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lmao RIP me (now u know why i take so long to answer)
do you know the game what remains of edith finch? its really fantastic, I just finished the part with lewis, his whole situation with reality reminded me of santi. just wanted to tell you :)
surprisingly no i haven’t ever heard of it! :O but now i’m intrigued, i googled it and i’m reading up on it hehe thank you for telling me, u learn something new every day :~}
Hello femmesim! I'm a new simblr & I see you get a lot of notes on your great story! I guess this probably means you have a lot of followers too. I was wondering if you follow them all back. If not do you check out your followers & how do you decide which ones to follow back? What don't you like. What would make you unfollow them? Oops that was a lot lol!
iiiiiiiii honestly haven’t even looked at my actual followers page in a loooooong time, even on my personal blog i was never good with that lol. i just can’t keep up with everyone and i don’t want to feel obligated to follow everyone back because that would be way too many posts on my dashboard all the time y’know. it sounds mean but...ajksdgdsf i WISH i could follow everyone back but itsjustnotrealistic
tbh i follow people back when they reach out to me, make an effort to engage with me, send me messages, reply, or just frequently interact with my posts because it gets my attention and shows their personality. i don’t mean that as in like...”you can’t be my friend unless you give me notes” (LMFAO NO) i mean it as in like i’m fcking oblivious and it’s too much work for me to go out of my way and check out every single blog that follows me :{ but i love messaging and communicating through replies so even if you’re nervous pleeeease step out of your comfort zone, i promise i’m like a pretty good OK human being and i try to make funny jokes so talking to me isn’t that bad i promise.
as for your other questions...tbh i dunno, i like blogs that interest me. (duh...lmao what kind of answer even is that) i usually go for people that show their personalities in their posts (go figure), like memes (lmfao), have an intriguing aesthetic, HONESTLY IDK...i follow a lot of diverse blogs tbh, not just ones that are similar to mine. i only unfollow ppl if i have no memory of following them and their content doesn’t interest me, if they say/do something that irks or angers me (that’s only happened like twice tho), or if they post like EXCESSIVE nsfw...i didn’t sign up for that lmao
i hope i don’t sound like an asshole for all this but it’s just like...i can’t deny i get a lot of attention on here. and i never expected it so i’m pretty unprepared for it lmao. i try my best tho :{ just reach out to me and we’ll probably be frands ok
so many feelings
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I just wanted to say how much I love your blog but to the Anon who said how she looks white if she's Hispanic. Not all hispanics are brown haired and tan. I'm Puerto Rican and I'm blonde and have blue eyes. Hispanics come in different tones and what nots :)
hell0 thank you <3 yeah hispanic people are very diverse, especially with varying nationalities, and especially with puerto ricans. i personally know a lot of puerto ricans who are white passing so it’s really not that uncommon. everyone’s different, and as eir said, white passing POC are still POC!
papa ya - sunny ; thats your song boo lol
OOH i actually like this...i’m boppin my head rn lmao thank u
So basically the last anon is saying hispanics can't be 'white'? I know many 'white' hispanics???
i don’t wanna twist their words, i think they just meant molly looks ethnically white and i understand that, i’m not denying she’s white passing but tbh...idk, if she wasn’t my own sim i’d look at her and kinda know she’s not 100% white y’know. she has features that don’t look european. plus the fact that i’ve posted her speaking spanish before soooo. anyway yeah it’s very possible for a hispanic person to literally have white skin but that doesn’t mean they’re ethnically white
well if she has family from spain it's normal for them to have blonde hair and green eyes, so i mean that could make sense.
she could, who’s to say lol. it’s rly not that deep tho, she’s half white, half puerto rican, das it. but yeaah there is a wide array of genetic possibilities for every race! who’da thunk it
Hey, I'm a new reader, is it possible you could link some earlier parts to your story. You don't have to if it's problem though I know how tumblr be. I love the visuals style of your sims. That's what caught my eye. I also was wondering what editing program would you suggest. I kinda want to test out editing my sims.
heyo i summed up the story here and here and there’s a lot of posts of key events linked in there! thank you though, that’s so kind ;-; <3 wellll the only editing program i use is photoshop cs6 so i’d recommend that haha. you can find it for free pretty easily, but if you’re not into that, there are plenty of other programs you can use. i know a lot of ppl on here use gimp. 
hi! I need advice and idk where to get it from but you seem like a really good person who has some wisdom lol! so basically i'm in a big financial situation. I had a good paying job but it made me have anxiety and panic attack because i hated it so much. and i quit my job before i had another job lined up. So my bank account is very close to being completely empty and i have bills and i have to move soon. I NEED ADVICE OR SOMEONE TO TELL ME ITS GOING TO BE OK.
omg first of all i’m so touched that you even came to me with this wtf ;___; ily
second of all it IS going to be ok, you shouldn’t force yourself to do something you hate if it’s really impeding on your mental health that much. it’s not good for you in the long run, even if it pays well. like, at what cost do you want to sell yourself in order to make money? my point is you made a good decision but lacked the foresight, which luckily is something that can be remedied easily. (well...hopefully, but job hunting is never easy :\ ) if you’re still in this situation by the time your bills and everything catch up to you, you can always seek help from family and friends or look into loans...find someone (or multiple people) who will stick by you and support you through this, because this is something way too hard to do alone. (if you don’t have anyone, i’m here for you ;-; ) i honestly don’t have any good advice for finding another job because tbh that’s something i always flounder in, and i’m gonna have to do the same thing by the time i finish up school in the next month AHHHHH
i’m prayin 4 both of us, but you especially <3
Hi!!! sorry i remember seeing an ask about Lou's eyelashes but i cannot find it :((( could you please tell me where can i find it???
hey she just uses the kijiko ones! sometimes if it’s a closeup i use these eyelash brushes tho
hi! sorry, this is a weird question but i thought you could help maybe.... i recently started playing ts4 again, but when i am in cas, there is a weird shine on all cc hairs.... do you have a solution for this? thank you in advance!
hmmmmm i kinda get a weird shiny glitch too but it’s only with certain things, and it’s usually remedied by clicking on the sim’s different outfit categories until it goes away lol. but if it’s on ALL of the hairs...hmm...i’m assuming you’re talking about alpha? because i don’t think clay hairs usually have that problem. check if laptop mode is on, if it is, turn it off!! that’s the only solution i can think of :{
i feel like too many people are reading too deeply into things. either way i love your work and just read the entire thing in a day and i love you so much idek.
i think this was sent when i was getting messages about my dialogue haha. i mean i definitely understand their points in saying it has too many realistic vocal quirks, but tbh that’s what i like about it, and i think that’s part of the reason people connect with it. idk. but thank you so much ily ;__;
hi i just wanted to ask how do you manage your time and how do you post frequently without feeling overworked and overwhelmed ? do you have some sort of schedule, because you seem very organized lol . tysm for answering <3 !
hmmmmm how? um poorly LMAO
no but really...it’s hard. i’m glad i’m so into this story/eager to see all your reactions to it because otherwise the chaos of my life would’ve definitely deterred me from moving along with it a while ago. that’s basically the reason i’m so surprised i even made it this far tbh. i accomplished so much more than i ever thought i would. ;__;
i don’t have an answer for this question because i DO often feel overwhelmed and i have to take a step back and remind myself it’s not the end of the world if i don’t have time to go in game or edit or whatever. i think it’s because i set up this timeline for myself in terms of goals i want to reach with my story throughout the rest of the year and i get frustrated with myself when those plans become delayed because of other obligations. (for example i definitely thought baby wallace would’ve been born by now lmao syke) i was getting burnt out very easily before, which is why i’ve been taking it slower lately (that and i’ve been working a lot more so i don’t have as much free time as i used to :\ ) the good thing about having different characters tho is that when i get burnt out on one thing i can just switch over to another thing at an opportune time (which is what i’ve always done with santi and girooni)
anyway yeah i am kinda organized (in my own weird way) in terms of story planning, controlling the pacing and key events, and that’s definitely the reason i’m able to post so frequently. i used to have multiple free days a week where i could go in game for long amounts of time and get lots of scenes done at once, but at this point in my current schedule i just basically go in game whenever i'm free from the clutches of capitalism (jk we’re never free save us bernie) which means i only have time to do like one thing in game but it seems to be working just as well so far.
.............i’m how i wrote a novel to answer this
im glad i pretty much got it. i can really relate to everything going on. i can see a lot of myself in santi and molly & i get it. the movies make you think you fall in love and everythings fixed like they fill that void in your soul and i mean sure they fill parts of it but you need to do that yourself and not rely on someone else. Your story is real and you can tell your writing from personal experience because theres so much feeling. u think ur fixing urself and u end up more hurt in the end
i’m so glad you can relate ;-; i think that’s one of my proudest accomplishments so far. i mean santi has always been relatable for me because he IS me...or at least partly me, just like all my characters are. but i never thought anyone else would feel the same way, so it means so much to me that people enjoy him as a character because of that.
anyway YES exactly. i hate the “no one’s going to love you if you don’t love yourself” mentality, i think it’s a toxic way of looking at the benefits of genuine self love. the sentiment behind it is true, but it’s a backwards way of looking at it. someone’s else’s love shouldn’t be your motivation, your own love toward yourself should be your motivation. when you look at it in the other way, you do end up getting more hurt in the end.
lol anons back the frick off, that scene is perfect, santi is perfect, sunny is perfect, the stuttering is perfect THIS BLOG IS FREAKIN PERFECT
oMG i appreciate the support, but i don’t blame those people for having issues with my dialogue hahahha. i know it’s kind of different and weird but it just feels right for me when i write it so i go with it. i rly like santi’s stuttering tho so *shrugs* THANK YOU THO ILY <333
hey! I was wondering if you have any tips on making(?) light leaks in photoshop? idk if you've answered this already bc I'm on mobile, buT if u have I'll just check when I get on my computer next !!! Thanks !
ummM I DON’T ACTUALLY because i get all my light leaks off google lmao. i have a folder of all the ones i’ve collected over time lmao
you could probably easily make some with the paintbrush in overlay mode with varying opacities tho? i’ve tried to replicate this a few times actually, but the rest of the time i just use light leaks made by other people lol
Do you enjoy more playing the game or taking the photos/making the story? Do you play challenges?
LATELY i’ve been just enjoying playing the game because i’ve gotten burnt out on story things and just playing is such a nice break from it haha. whenever i have to wait in game for it to be a certain time of day for story purposes, i go play with girooni for a few sim hours to pass the time and it’s fun for me lmao. i’m looking forward to my story winding down so i can get back to doing more gameplay things like i did before but at the same time i’ll always do at least something story related because i like the sense of direction it gives y’know.
i’ve never actually tried any challenges, not even just regular old legacies because i would always either get sick of the sims i was playing with or get too attached to them and not want to go to a new generation lmao. i was never interested in any challenges tbh. i like watching other people do bachelor(ette) challenges tho heheh
WHEN DID SANTI BECOME SUCH A STRONK BOI also you are so sweet we don't deserve you??? You are a blessing I love you thank you for doing this aaaaa ;;; you are an inspiration I hope I can do what you do too! OK BYE HAVE A NICE DAY ❤️❤️❤️
OMG HE’S ALWAYS BEEN SECRETLY STRONK (i’m assuming this is about how he beat ugly stepdad to a pulp lmao) he mostly gets his strength from anger and an adrenaline rush. a BLESSING WHAT!!!!!! YOU’RE SO SWEET ILY ;__; don’t thank me, i’m just doin what i love <3 have a nice day/night/rest of your life ily
But why are ur anons so needy lol isn't that like ur third one angry that u haven't responded
ugh i feel bad because i get it, i do, i understand it hurts when you reach out to someone multiple times and you get ignored, but i don’t do it on purpose and i have explained, many times, the plenty of valid reasons why i can’t respond to 100% of my messages. i’m actually trying to answer all of my message right now with these mass answer posts and it’s REALLY a lot for me to go out of my way and do this. so i’m trying ok. but like i’m only a person ajhsdghjdfjhk i can only give so much attention to this y’know. please be patient
from this moment on we should all proceed to take cautions around ppl named dan.... TAINTED
I KNO RIGHT...dan is such an ugly boring name (no offense to the dans of the world) but like if you’re a dane you’re probably evil or are the human embodiment of cardboard
I can not say it enough. Great story. It's life. And life is beautiful, loving, refreshing and sometimes it can be harsh & scary. You take the good with the bad. I look forward to what comes next. --"Run away, run far away" nony (I have to start thinking of new tag line, because I am diggin Santi and Lou together) :)
HELLO FRIEND i kinda love that you keep coming back ehehe. and i’m glad you’re enjoying it so much ;___; these words are so kind and genuine, thank you so much <3333 OMG i’m glad you like santou as well even though they’re on a slow decline right now. i’m really excited about what i have planned in the future tho
omggggg my theory is the first one on that list you posted!! i'm so happy for that but also sad bc of what's going on with molly and santi and i hope that santi will finally just be happy soon. love you and your sims (except step dad dan) 💕💕
OOH HELLO YES you basically guessed everything that happened up until this point hahaha congratulations <33 santi will be happy...eventually. it’s going to be a long hard road in getting there tho. i hope you’ll all be satisfied in the end
fuck you dan stepdad
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grodyego · 7 years
i keep thinking about all these posts that r (understandably) trying to make light of the events of three buckets like “at ep 1: pb and finn host a sleepover to fight zombies! latest at ep: finn kills an alternate version of himself and furthers his trauma” but like... that’s the thing to me. this ep rlly does seem mostly dedicated to furthering finn trauma, which seems a little weird (narrative-wise to me) for a few reasons
this got really really long and kind of all over the place bc i care too much about cartoons so if you read it all i owe you my life
adventure time, to me, doesn’t seem to have any overreaching plot, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing! i think it’s why it’s gone on for as long as it has, bc the world and the characters who inhabit it are interesting enough to push themselves along with their own kind of personal narrative elements that develop and come to a head. like, think about it, do u actually care about the lich, like as a villain, at all? or do u care more about the threat he poses to the land of ooo and everybody in it??
so that being said, ppl who watch the show r really gonna care about finn and be invested in what he does and how he feels, i know i definitely am!! ive been watching at since it came out and, while finn is like a teen still in the show, it kinda feels like ive grown up along side him you know? this is my own personal bias showing thru rn but ive gone through some stuff, growing up, and just now am i learning how to like... get better, or have the hope i’ll get better, and i guess where most of my confusion and frustration stems is i want the same to happen to finn. finn’s been through so much traumatic stuff: the lich, farmworld, finding his human dad only to find out hes gonna get no answers out of him about what happened to the rest of the humans and why he is alone in that sense, almost dying in space (multiple times), like... the list really goes on. so my question is why does it KEEP going on, especially when the show is ending after this next season and after to me it seems like... from islands, elementals, and the episodes surrounding this, it seemed like the direction was going to be finn becoming like, i dunno. actually ok
like, lets look at islands as the main example: finn being the only human left in ooo came up a lot, even early on in the show: it was weird and confusing and sad!! i remember early on in the at fandom that was like the prime material for angst, and the shows really spent a long time all throughout its running building on this one thing about finn (and there are a lot of at episodes, trust me, ive been rewatching all of them). up until islands i was really on the fence about getting answers about the humans, about finn’s background (since he already had a family, really) how they might attempt to resolve finn’s feelings about this thing they’d been building for most of the show- but i absolutely ADORED islands! i still do! i think it was done really really well bc, you kind of get closure, yeah, you know humanity didnt go extinct, and you know how finn got out into the world of ooo, but like... finn got closure. it wasnt like he was instantly over it and everything was better, but it was just like... this step for him. and it was really heartfelt and really sweet and really satisfying bc finn’s gone thru so much and like, his earlier attempt at closure with his dad went so south and was so traumatic so this moment of like, i dunno, growth?? just, ugh, i dont even know how to put into words how i felt about it, this is already so long lmfao
related that tho was fern, and i loved fern!! i didnt once think he would go evil, even with being a cursed, bc even when we find out he isn’t really finn, and instead kind of new, his... origin i guess is finn?? and theres nothing that could make finn wholly evil, like, the kid who overcame the fcking lich with nothing but the power of friendship and liking somebody???? how could ANYTHING from him ever resort to evil, to me it just makes so little sense, especially since fern was the one himself who told finn he wasn’t just a finn copy, and had to go and find out for himself what being a hero and being somebody new meant to him. to go the “original” route and try to kill and replace finn, and then fight him to the death, from fern’s own story- it just doesn’t make sense and it just seems so disappointing. it seems so quick for him to go “being myself isn’t working” and then to go the route of attacking somebody who, up until now, he was probably closest to- and could understand him the best and reason this with him??? i dunno man, it seems like kind of a waste
and then finn has to kill somebody he was beginning to consider a brother, if not even closer, who was working on his own closure- and then to be traumatized again??? and with the rest of the episodes in the bomb too!!! learning that you can change and still be the same, marceline’s line about having difficulty dealing with some stuff because shes never talked about with anyone, even herself- and sweetpea asserting no matter where he came from, he’s good! this could have all come together with fern figuring out that it takes a lot to learn how to be yourself and that its often really complicated, and finn helping him like im sure he really wanted or was already trying to do! but finn has to be traumatized again because... i dont know???
at usually sticks to changing the status quo pretty well imo and taking more than one episode to end or solve things, so again with islands- if three buckets had ended differently, it wouldnt have automatically solved everything, but it would have been at least a step towards a happy resolution, for both finn and fern
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imsarabum · 7 years
Responses to {Part 16} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU Asks~
Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^ 
Anonymous said: I FORGOT IT WAS TUESDAY AHHH!!! can't wait for the next chapter 😘😘
I hope you enjoyed it!
Anonymous said: I won't stop you is almost here I'm gonna die bitch I'm ready for it
Pls donut die ;c lol I hope you liked the chapter :D
@wang-banana said: EIGHT ON TIME IM SO EXITED
@succingjimin said: ITS HERE!!! I WONT STOP YOU!!!!!!
It’s hereeeee! lolol thank you babe I hope you enjoyed it :D
Anonymous said: I just wanted to tell you that I absolutely love I wont stop you. It kind of became a 'safe-place' for me, if i may say so. I've been feeling really empty and down for the past few months, but with this series i have something to look forward to every tuesday and for that i am really grateful! The story, even if its angst (which i like! ...well ;-; as long as it has a happy ending hopefully), lifts my mood and makes me forget some thoughts! Thank you so much for writing it! Have a great day! <3
Oh my goodness ^^ This makes me really happy to hear that it has become a safe place for you to escape the feelings of emptiness. I can empathise with you as I too, have intense feelings of emptiness (but feeling everything so intensely as well - confusing, I know.) I’m so grateful that something I do helps you to look forward to every Tuesday and it can calm you down a little~ I won’t lie; the story will contain a lot of sad/rage parts, but I think the ending may be one that will make you happy c: Thank you my dear and I hope you have a day that is as wonderful as you.
Anonymous said: Oh my god can i just tell you how MUCH i love the subtle fluff here and there!!! I love how JK thought of her as 'my Y/N' i love how lowkey jealous he got when he thought of another mans hands on you body/or parts of your body that belonged only to him. i love how tae and jimin could smell the ~mating~ LOL Even i giggled there! Especially because, well, jk is a fcking dom and i love it! Oh, btw, do you have any idea around how many chapters it will have? or are you just going with the flow? :)
Ahhh thank you so much for loving the ‘my (Y/N)’ bit! When I put that in, it made me feel super, super soft c: I’m a bit like the reader in a sense that sometimes, I feel that overprotective boyfriends and such are kind of lowkey problematic but...sometimes - it makes me feel super smug and happy at the thought? It’s probably an unpopular opinion. I like people being protective over me! lol  THE SMELL OF LOVEEEEE IN THE AIR~ *wink* hehe. And actually, I have NO idea how many chapters there will be! I have an outline for the rest of the story but I usually stop around 5,000 words for each chapter. But there is still a lot to happen, so it won’t be ending any time soon :D Thank you so much for reading!
@semisweetsuga said: Taehyung - a blessing. This story - a blessing. You - a blessing. 16 was so good Sara!!! I loved it!!!!! Love, your gay nerd
You: the biggest blessing on planet earth - end of story, no if’s, and’s or but’s ^^ My gay nerd lmfao I love you v much my dear and I hope you’re doing well (sorry I’m a piece of shit and I never reply on line; I’ve been an anti-social mop recently) Thank you for still liking me even tho I’m a terrible friend :c
@jynxy24 said: Sara, damn you. IWSY came out and I was SCREAMING! Now, Yoongi is going after reader for, whatever reason more than one, I'm pretty sure that this is gonna turn into some sort of love triangle. :D I mean, I hope so. (Smut pls) I'm not perverted, I swear!(Kill me)  But! If yoongi decides to change for reader, I WILL LOVE YOU TO DEATH! Not that I don't, I WILL ALWAYS! Keep staying awesome please, love ya!
Jynxyyyy~~ YOU WANT A VAMP YOONKOOK THREESOME? Damn - rest in peace if that ever happened Cx Hehe I can’t promise that something like that may or may not happen, but I won’t promise it won’t either. Are you confused yet? Good ^.^ muahaha~ I love you too my dear and thank you so much for reading the new chapter!
@moonlighthollow said: Omg the story is getting better and better I'm so hyped😲😍 i wanna read the next part so badly😭😢 but i know you need some time to write it and i fully respect that so no pressure hahah I'll wait😄♥IT'S JUST SO DAMN GOOD 😍
Ahhh I’m so happy that you think that my love! And no haha don’t worry I know you don’t mean it like that, it makes me super hyped that you’re really looking forward to the next part! So don’t worry at all c: Thank you a million times for reading the new part and I hope you’ll look forward to next week’s too!!
Anonymous said: You are such an amazing writer,I love you <3 Thank you so much for the update and posting a new chapter every single week, honestly it makes my Tuesday a whole lot better.I really can't wait for when Jungkook tell Y/N that he's a vampire, I am sure she'll love his regardless :) High key loving those vmin moments, its so cute :D Yoongi though what is he planning?! Can't wait for the next part , thank you again <3
Awhjfsgijwnegw I love you too *hugs* There’s no need to thank me because it’s my pleasure! I really enjoy uploading for all you guys and I will always try my 100% best to upload on time and thankfully I have been able to keep that promise since I began this blog with any series that I’ve written! (Actually, sidenote - when this series ends, I hope to do a small 1-3 chapters on Vmin and how they came to be; just for all of us lovely Vmin shippers out there :3) Thank you very much for reading my series lovely!
@audreymv said: I bet Yoongi wants to turn her. Omg I am so in edge and I am not ready but pleasw let her understand that Jungkook is a good vampire. Gosh Jimin is so cute and how he is just with Tae is just, my heart hurts and just flutters for them and dang Jungkook I PRAY FOR HIM. Literally loving this series
Hello cutie! hehe yes all the adorable Vmin moments~ (tbh, I kind of ship Taehyung with everyone...he’s just too adorable my lil bb aw) I’m super happy that you’re loving the series babe :D Thank you so much for reading the new chapter :D
Anonymous said: Sara these updates need to be longer I'm hungry for more 😛😛😛😛 I can't wait for next Tuesday
Loooonger?! It was 5k words! Hehe~ Thank you for reading and I really hope you enjoy next weeks chapter too my love! :D
Anonymous said: I'm so happy that I finally found a story that leaves me wanting more and makes me look forward to the next chapter! Like, I look forward to Tuesday's now because of IWSY. And the new chapter is amazing as per usual 😊. I am very happy that you write because your writing is ACTUALLY AMAZING!! I love your writing and I love this story!!!! Looking forward to what will happen next!!!❤️❤️ ~Ro
Hey Ro! I’m glad you found a story that leaves you wanting more :D Ahh you’re making me blush so much with all your wonderful words and compliments *hides* Thank you so much, I really don’t deserve such words ^^ You’re amazing and I hope you have a wonderful day my love. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ^^
Anonymous said: When you thought the dress was finally gonna be revealed BUT IT HASN'T YET OMG I'M GONNA DIE OF SUSPENSE
Anonymous said: IWSY is so goooooddddd. Like I'm hella shook rn. You're writing is amazing. It's so hard to find a quality fanfic these days. Thank you for blessing us all with these amazing stories. I'll be back next Tuesday ready for some of that good stuff. I love you! ~New Anon, BabyKookie
Hello lil BabyKookie ^^ Ah >< your compliments are so wonderful - I appreciate them so much, thank you babe :) I’m really happy to know that you’re enjoying my series and that you’re looking forward to the future chapters! I love you too and I hope you have an amazing day/night! :D
Anonymous said: Omg what are the jeons gonna think of y/n??? Like if they knew they guk and yn? Would they accept their pure son? Also I love gay tae and jimin. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT JIMIN WAS SAYING THE DRESS CAN WAIT A SEC OMG
I wonder too, indeed! Will the King and Queen of the Eternal Kingdom accept the fact their son - the Prince, has fallen in love with a human? D: I hope so! :c hehe~ Ahhh my Vmin feels recently c: Thank you so much for reading my dear ^^
@kpop-everythings said: I have got wait till next Wednesday now 😫. Fuck you time distance, fuck you to eternity and beyond.
To eternity and beyond hehe awww I’m sorry my love! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you’ll like next weeks parts too! ^^
Anonymous said: Oooooooohhhh what's gonna happen at the ball oml I can't wait for the next part! I have so many questions that I know you won't answer fml I just have to wait week after week but that's ok cuz it's so worth the wait every time. You're such an amazing writer tbh. I love this series so much and I love you ! Also where do you get inspiration from and how did you come up with this story cuz it's just soooooo good I'm ded
You’re damn right I won’t give anything away ;D Hehe thank you so much for reading and I love you too! Way back in March 2016, I had started to plan a Vampire series. But, due to a few reasons, I couldn’t begin it/post it (which I can’t really talk about lol). But - someone sent in a request asking for a VampKook smut around 18 weeks ago. So - I decided to use that opportunity to turn it into a series with all of my hard work creating lore and history and background to a world inside my head! I’m so happy that you like it :3
@cynicalspacehoe said: Okay first of all: OH MY GOD. "I Won't Stop You" is the best fanfiction I've ever read (and I've read many, trust me). I know that what I'm about to say is a little cheesy and may sound exaggerated but... this fic keeps me going. Well, technically you do. Week after week, I'm always longing for a new chapter. It kind of feels like a reward for surviving another week and it really helps. Thank you for writing this amazing story, keep going!
It’s not cheesy ahhh don’t worry - even at that, cheesy is great a lot of the time c: I’m really honoured that you feel my series is a reward for surviving a week - and if that’s what keeps you going for a while, then I am truly humbled and happy to be a part of that reason. Thank you for reading my series and I hope that you have an amazing week my love ^^
@manibbunny said: i loved the new episode! and i'm biting my nails just thinking about what will happen when yoongi shows up at the ball and omfg what will y/n do when he tells her?! will she accept him? or will she run away and never talk to him? i'm hoping it's the first lol *is lowkey thirsty for angst* shhh
Thank you so much babe! I’m so happy you enjoyed it :3 Hmmm will she accept him or run away? What if Yoongi catches her if she runs away? ;O hehe~ I hope you enjoy the future chapters too and thank you once again :3
Anonymous said: So will we be seeing Jungkook busting a move at the ball??? Getting down to some red velvet? Maybe??
Maybe real life Jungkook would :P But not 400 year old Prince of the Eternal Kingdom Jeon Jungkook xD It would be funny tho! hehe~
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