#i hope he and those bell pepper arms and baby bearing hips have a nice time in prison! 🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿
cyarsk52-20 · 7 months
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90363462 · 6 months
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nightguide · 6 months
Anson Seabra’s birth chart (annotated)
Cancer Mars 5°46 - Anson doesn’t want to initially give in like he would but he’s too much concealed in what he actually thinks, he’s a deep feeler but consumed with thoughts of rage that he only makes it look good by taking on a fairytale spirit of himself in heaven. He doesn’t want to like people initially but to like them to hate them back cuz he is a fully known intuitive psychic heartbreaker with no intention of being. Anson will fully commit to death and be it and that’s how he dies but literal fame itself cast him to living for the sake of dying in consequence to his own life in ‘another Earth’ of a woman telling him how to break a heart, now that he was the reason why she exists, all of his exes doesn’t compare to actual realities since his life wasn’t purely confidential to anyone but himself, he will kill himself to the core of understanding a human heart.
Mars 9H - he forgot how to breathe air but he doesn’t want to think of breathing oxygen either since he is in the reverse heartbreak of using common sense more than he would try and use a feeling to dominate a heart right back.
1H scorpio in 12H 0°30- Anson will never see it if he wanted to but he made it happen, my Twitter account is active underneath his heart til now that he sees consequences in speaking under truth to understand a heart more better, Anson is typically afraid of himself become me.
12H libra in 1H 7°16- Anson notice’s femininity as a regular struggle to be, not much like noticing a world coming to an end is how he’d end up making a habit out of being than seeing or how he would have actually made a living from just making it happen regardless of who he is, he will never want to commit to it which is why fear takes it so long to witness the pain and glory of the person he actually afflicted, (also roots to his 12H venus in that aspect)
Musical appearance:
Sun oppo saturn 7°16- he doesn’t want to talk about change and revitalisation from the past 2 albums except his first, he never wanted to see and never will, it’s how he is, he usually complains and never stops it until humiliation ritual has been carried out
Moon oppo venus 5°8- he has a strained relationship with women, exclusively his sister doesn’t want to actually fck him but he doesn’t want to be alone either so he’ll just write about his mother in hell to him as all of his gf’s
Moon oppo asc 7°5- he will never admit that he’s wrong to change it
Moon square uranus 0°28- he will never admit that he’s horny for his own luck that he wanted his followers to try and make him fall in love with the person he’s afflicted to hate her more than life itself, he sold all of their hearts in hell for her to actually humiliate them right back, he doesn’t want to f**king go with her heart cuz he hates himself (naturally) more than life itself to ‘GiVe HiM a SiGn’ and stop complaining like she never had a good dream
Moon square neptune 2°27- he wants to believe but fcking someone tell him logic exists in the meta or else to him it’s just wishful thinking to no hope on Earth that he cannot help but be an ‘awkward boy’ and do nothing about it, he is shit with women
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cyarskaren52 · 7 months
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That spirit was felt as soon as he had camera time. We new he wasn’t right!! The hips don’t lie - Shakira
Like there’s something demonic about a man who is the body equivalent of a mullet: man on top, thick woman hips and all at the bottom. Mullets are for hairdos not bodies
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
He is cold as ice, took a life for money. And not just anybody life, his own nephew.
speechless really, that poor mother and grandmother. how can you be so evil? you have a restaurant and reality TV show what more could you want?
Very sad but not at all surprising especially if you look at from hindsight
all i can think about is Jen from basketball wives and what she went through with him and how nobody listened until this point .
A lot of y'all still owe Jennifer Williams an apology. She tried to tell y'all about this man and y'all called her an overdramatic liar . I know that I’m sorry for doubting her
I can’t help but to think about how miss robbie, Williams and anyone else in his life had literally dodged a bullet because if he and his baby bearing hips could be able to kill his own nephew, God knows what else he could have been capable of
There’s alot of Tims in The world. They will cross they family for money when they literally had it all. He fucked his mom over, her business, and the entire family by setting up his nephew.
Them hips don’t stand a chance in prison LMAO his fellow prisoners are going out his wide hips, legs and body in good use
But seriously This is really so damn evil. Setup the murder of his nephew, his own brother’s son, to cash in on a life insurance policy. I also feel like he was the one who stole $200k from his mother and set Andre up to take the fall for it, that’s likely the catalyst of all of this
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authoressskr · 7 years
Twice Marked
Pairing: Reader x Dean OR Sam (Future)
Characters: Reader (Y/N Washington), Myka Washington (Reader’s Twin/OFC), John Winchester, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Tami Washington (Reader's Mother/OFC), Mentions of Pastor Jim, Bobby Singer and Mary Winchester
Soulmate AU (Part One)
The reader has both soulmate marks - good luck finding which Winchester is yours.
Note: Do NOT repost, copy and paste, post or share my works on any other platform without my EXPRESS PERMISSION. -+- REBLOGGING is fine! -+-
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Myka Washington was born October 28th, 1989 on a moonless, rainy night.  As she let out her first cries, the nurse dutifully cleaned the newborn as her mother worked to bring her twin into the world. And three minutes later, Y/N came crying as the nurse frowned down at Myka. She had no soulmate mark. She pursed her full lips, checking the newborn over again. The training nurse, filling out the paperwork beside her, looks from the baby to Nurse Dale.
“What is it, Dale?”
“This baby has no soulmate marking.” You could have heard a pin drop as another nurse, Kelsie, set the second born down beside her sister. The twins press right against each other as all the adults share a look.
“Check her again.” The doctor insists, joining the nurses to look at the twins.
“I think I found it,” Kelsie announced, her voice soft but strained. She moved the younger twin’s left arm, revealing a soulmate mark then pulled the tiny diaper down to reveal yet another on her hip.
“What is it?” Their mother called out breathlessly, concern and worry apparent in her chocolate brown eyes.
“It appears, uh, that your youngest daughter has both her and her sister’s soulmate markings.”
The silence returned, a thickness that swallowed the adults and passed unnoticed by the two babies, pressed tight against each other.
They were six when they met John, Dean and Sam Winchester. Dean was sixteen, Sam just twelve. Their mother offered to watch the boys in repayment for John fixing things around her house that she couldn’t and for fixing the timing belt on her little Hyundai. Dean hovered near Sam like a shadow for nearly an hour before relaxing a little as a movie was put on, Sam watched as the twins hummed along with the first song. He had homework he had been working on, Dean finishing his own in record time before making small talk with the girl’s mother, Tami. Sam’s shaggy head had tilted to the right ever so slightly, watching one color, the other holding tightly to her blue crayon as she stood in front of the television and watched Pocahontas paddle down the river. Her little voice held such conviction as she sang, even Dean leaned closer to watch the little girl.
“She loves Pocahontas. Although Belle is her favorite. Asked if I could find her a teacher so she could learn Indian.” Their mother chuckled before setting down a plate of fried chicken between Sam and Dean. “The girls already ate. Help yourselves.” The boys ate in silence, watching the two little girls before Sam returned to his homework.
Dean watched as the one with the crayon sniffled, rubbing her left hand over and under her nose as Pocahontas left John Smith as a prisoner.
“How do you tell them apart?” Dean asked, collecting his and Sam’s plates before Tami took them from his hand, jerking her head to let him resume his seat.
“Right now? Their eyes. Myka’s are a darker blue, but Y/N are lightening up.”
“Ever get them mixed up?”
“There is zero chance of that,” Tami answered sadly and Dean knew not to press.
“How? They’re identical. I’d be afraid of mixing them up.” Sam pressed, not looking at Dean’s slight head movement.
“Their soulmate marks are different.”
“Oh,” Sam answered lamely, bending his head to finish his science homework and to hide the blush that rose up on his cheeks.
“It’s alright, Sam. I’ve been asked tons of questions about them since they were born.” She was about to continue when the one that had been holding the blue crayon wandered into the small dining area, gently tugging at her little purple shirt, staring at the ground. “Yes, Y/N?” Her little eyes flitted over to Sam and Dean, blushed and tugged at her mother’s shirt. She bent down, letting her whisper what she wanted before quickly scurrying from the room. Tami tried to keep a straight face but once Sam looked at her, she couldn’t help it. A bubble of laughter rushed out of her as she finally set the plates in the sink. “Y/N wanted to know if you two were princes.”
“Why’d she ask that?” Dean asked, bewildered, forehead wrinkling slightly.
"Because you two are so pretty." Tami managed to get out before another short bout of laughter.
"Mommy." Sam and Dean's head snapped to the little girl, holding a coloring page up for her mother to view. Tami dried her hands quickly, taking the paper.
"Very lovely. You stayed in the lines so well!" The little girl walked calmly back over to the coffee table and returned, sliding the page onto the table where Sam and Dean sat - Sam closing his science book before peering down at the page.
"That's very nice." Sam complimented, pushing it closer to Dean.
"Uh, yeah, nice." Dean agreed, handing the paper back to the child.
"No. It's for you two." She points to the green triceratops. "This one is Sam." She points to a red one. "This is your daddy." And this one," Her tiny finger points to the last triceratops, done in blue, "Is you, Dean." Dean looked from the paper to the other little girl who was now holding tightly to a brown bear with a little red bowtie as she worked to put a different VHS into the VCR.
"Thank you, Y/N." He called out to her, smiling. Y/N dropped the VHS and then her gaze. He half turned around when he heard a soft "You're welcome" called out. "And thank you Myka for delivering this to us."
"You're welcome." Myka beamed at the brothers before retreating to the living room and her twin.
It's nearly two hours later, all of them gathered in the living room, Sam watching National Geographic as Dean flips through a car magazine when Y/N turns in the seat beside her mother before raising up on her knees and whispering. Myka peeks around her sister, curious.
"Can the girls listen to some music before bed?" Sam snapped the tv off immediately.
"Of course." Sam and Dean answer in tandem.
"You boys like Def Leppard?" Tami asked with a knowing smile as Y/N scrambled down and easily located the cassette, handing it eagerly to her mother before her sister leaned over and made a face.
"Y/N, not that one." She tried to tug the cassette from her sister's hand.
"Now, Myka, your sister asked. This is what she wants." Dean is struck suddenly by the fact this six-year-old little girl wants to listen to Def Leppard. But Myka doesn't relent, still tugging at the cassette. Dean stands up, peering down at the pair and the box Y/N clung to.
"I like that one too." Her little head tilts back to look at him, showing him a wide smile with lots of little pearly teeth showing.
"I don't!" Myka snaps before shoving her little sister. Dean snatched Y/N before her little butt touched the floor, cradling her against his chest, out of reach of her sister. Tami swatted Myka's hand sharply and pointed to the bedroom.
"You go to bed early." Myka shot both Dean and her sister a look before she trudged down the hall and into her bedroom. Y/N had tears spilling out of her eyes and Tami was about to reach for her daughter when Dean gently took the cassette from her and held it out.
"Let's listen to some Def Leppard, huh?" He sat back down, settled Y/N besides him on the loveseat with Sam sitting on the floor just in front of her. "What's your favorite?" Dean asks as the first song, Rock! Rock! (Til You Drop), began.
"The I want rock and roll one. And the picture one." Sam rolled his eyes. Of course, they'd find a kid who liked Def Leppard.
"I like those ones too." Tami resumed her seat, happy her daughter finally spoke to Dean.
"Myka wanted to listen to the Beatles." Y/N said softly, playing with her fingers.
"You don't like the Beatles?"
"She just wants to listen to Pepper."
"That's a good song."
"Lucy is better. Help is better. My favorite is All You Need is Love. And Jude!"
"Hey, Jude is my favorite Beatles song," Dean answered honestly, watching those blue eyes light up at his reply. Sam looked at his brother, watching the exchange. Dean was never that honest with strangers, especially with people whom they'd only met a week ago. But Dean was a great big brother.
"Will you walk us to school tomorrow? You walk Sam."
"Oh honey, I'll walk you. No need to bother Dean." Dean watched Y/N's face fall slightly before she smiled at her mother.
"Okay." Dean knew that face. He'd worn that mask more than a few times himself, and he knew that Sam wore it often now.
"It's no trouble, Miss Washington," Dean assured as Y/N looked cautiously hopeful toward her mother. "I'm already walking Sam."
Sam moved to flip the cassette in the radio to Side B. Tami made a face at Dean.
"You don't have to."
"Naw, now that she's talking to me I need to find out what else my girl listens to." Dean does that dazzling smile that every girl in his class is already head over heels for. "I promise to look after her just like I do Sammy." He swore and at his serious expression, Tami relented.
"Alright. If you and Myka don't listen to everything Dean says, this'll never happen again, understand?" Y/N nodded enthusiastically before she shot off the loveseat, grabbed two books and settled back beside Dean.
"Can I read to you, Dean?" Dean nodded - watched as her little fingers turned the first few pages before she began. Not even halfway through she nodded off, her little head resting against Dean's ribs.
"She never takes to people this quick. Let alone men." Tami moved to pick up Y/N, but a knock came at the door. She changed directions and opened the front door to reveal John Winchester.
"Boys behave?" He asked softly, watched as Dean picked up one of the twins and disappeared down the hall. Sam gathered their backpacks and waited at the door beside his father.
"Of course. They are very courteous and the girls really took a shine to them."
"Good. Good." Dean reappeared, holding his hand out to shake Tami's as he halted at the door.
"I'll be here at 7:45 to walk the girls to school, ma'am."
"Come at 7:30 and have breakfast." John nodded at her words, giving a soft smile.
"Glad the boys weren't trouble and are looking after your girls. We'll see you tomorrow then."
"Goodnight Winchesters."
The next week had followed in a different routine than neither Dean or Sam had ever been used to. They left the motel at 7:15, walked to Tami's then they'd have breakfast with them, Myka bouncy and eager while Y/N was quiet, observing the goings on. They'd leave the house at 7:45, Y/N latching onto Dean's hand with her right and Sam's with her left, while Myka had her hand in Sam's, but would hold onto his jacket or backpack if she got distracted.
That morning, however, Y/N was acting off. She had just picked at her breakfast, asking for her long hair to be put into a ponytail and had bitten off several of her little fingernails waiting for them to leave.
"You okay, Y/N?" Her little grip is tighter than usual.
"She didn't sleep good. She had bad dreams. Said men with pointy teeth were coming to hurt you and Sam." Dean froze at Myka's words, shot a look to Sam before he dropped to one knee in front of Y/N. He gave her the same reassuring smile he'd always delivered to Sam over the years.
"Hey." She made no move to look at him. "Hey." He tipped her chin up with his forefinger, watched as those light blue eyes met his. "You know I'm not gonna let some guys with pointy teeth keep me away from my girl, right?"
"They hurt you. Then they hurt Sam. Then they came and hurt Mommy and Myka and me."
"I'll never let -"
"Dean!" A feminine voice rang out, caused everyone to look at the girl who crossed the street. A girl Sam recognized as Melissa Main, Dean's current squeeze. Dean rose as Melissa came to a bouncing halt. "Aww, I didn't know you had little sisters!"
"They aren't our sisters," Sam answered, watched as Y/N hid behind Dean, John's old leather jacket shielded her mostly from Melissa.
"You are just walking these little girls to school? Just because you can? Dean, that is beyond sweet. And so noble and protective."  Her voice had dropped with the last line and Sam rolled his eyes.
"Come on Myka, Y/N, we're gonna be late." Sam tugged gently at Y/N's hand, trying to get her to move and after another tug she relented. "Dean will catch up in a minute." He soothed, flashing Y/N a dimpled smile. She gave a long glance to Dean and Melissa before she fell in step with Sam.
They normally would walk in silence unless Myka or Sam were talking, but once they were out of earshot, Y/N looked at Sam, furrowed her little forehead a few times as her mouth opened and closed.
Then she managed to get it out.
"If Dean likes that girl, can I be your girl Sam?" She asked so softly Sam nearly missed it. Myka peered around Sam to look at her little sister's hopeful expression.
"Of course, Y/N. You can be my girl."  Myka frowned at Sam's words.
"Why you want to be Dean and Sam's girl? Boys are gross and mean."
"Sam and Dean aren't!"
"Okay, girls. One more block. No fighting." He slowed as they came to the crosswalk. Still no Dean. While the crossing guard on the other side waited, Sam glanced down at Myka then Y/N. "Myka's right though Y/N." She peered up at him. "Boys are mostly gross." He grinned down at her as she wrinkled her little button nose. The crossing guard walked to the middle of the crosswalk, waved them through and the three continued down the sidewalk. Sam made sure to walk the girls to the gate, Myka rushed through with Y/N about to do the same when Sam called her name. "Hey, can I ask you a question?" Her high ponytail bobbed as she nodded up at him. "Why do you wanna be our girl? Mine or Dean's?"
"You're both nice. You don't have to be nice." She kicked at the grass before meeting his gaze again. "The boys at school aren't, they are always trying to kiss Myka and me. They pull our hair and hit us with Transformers and Power Rangers. But you and Dean let me read to you, you tell me stuff 'bout the stuff you watch on tv - like the ocean and how its real, real deep in the Pacific Ocean. You ask me about my dinosaurs and Dean watches Casper with me when I finish my homework. You both help with our homework and you guys smell good. You share snacks, let us play with your hair since it's longer than Dean's, and tell good stories. You and Dean are like princes in a story, pretty and nice and you watch out for me and Myka." Everything she listed was said so matter-of-factly that it had taken Sam by surprise. Dean jogged up behind as Sam, who'd crouched down to be eye-level with Y/N, stood.
"Sorry, princess." Dean apologized as Y/N tugged on her backpack's straps.
"It's okay." But she didn't look at Dean and he frowned.
"Head in, we'll see you when school is over." She nodded at Sam, her eyes flitted to Dean before she bounded into the interior yard towards the kindergarten building on the back side of the campus.
"What was that about?" Dean asked as they started to the junior high and high school combo another block and a half away.
"Y/N said you liked Melissa, so she wanted to be my girl," Dean smirked at his little brother before his jaw clenched. "And I asked her why at the gate, she told me it's cause we are nice, share snacks, play with them and help them with homework or explain tv shows to them. And that the boys in kindergarten try to kiss her and Myka or they pull their hair or hit them with toys. So, she'd rather be ours." He paused, tried to gage Dean's mood. "Myka just said boys are mean and gross. Didn't seem too impressed with her sister."
"Don't get attached, Sammy. Dad should be done with the hunt in a few days." Sam turned, jerking his brother's arm as he faced him at Dean's blank tone.
"I get that, Dean. But maybe you shouldn't have volunteered to walk them to school. Maybe we shouldn't have played with them. But we did. It happened. You like them just as much as I do. Don't do that thing."
"What thing?"
"Where you pretend this doesn't bother you. Their mom is nice. Myka and Y/N are nice. When we leave in a few days, it's gonna crush them...especially Y/N."
"She's young enough she'll get over it, Sam." The bell rang loudly, less than a half dozen yards away. "Get to class, bitch." Sam didn't respond, just headed toward his class, leaving Dean to huff out an irritated breath before heading to his own homeroom.
Tami's Hyundai was waiting when the girls got out a little after one, Myka tugged at her sister's hand, lead her to where Tami stood at the gate. Tami kissed each of her daughters' heads, taking one of each of their hands in her own.
"Still not feeling great baby?" Tami asked as she led the girls to her car, paused to peer down at her youngest.
"Y/N is upset 'cause Ty kissed her and then she hit him," Myka revealed as she climbed into her seat.
"Y/N!" Tami chided, buckling in Myka as Y/N sat patiently beside her.
"He kissed me, Momma. Said I was his girlfriend now. But I'm not! I'm Sam's girl." Tami pursed her lips, looked from one daughter to another.
"Did you say no? Did you tell the teacher?" She closed the back door then climbed into the driver's seat. "And you don't hit."
"Mommy, you said if we start a fight, finish it." Myka butted in.
"No, that is not what I said! I said if you get into a fight, you finish it. Not start one and finish it. You should be able to defend yourselves. But not to be a bully."
"I wasn't being a bully! He tried at first recess and I told Miss Linda. Myka told teacher too! But then he kissed me after lunch and I didn't want him to kiss me."
"Cause you're Sam's girl?" Tami asked as they pulled from the parking lot, making a mental note to talk to their teacher tomorrow. "When did that start?"
"This mornin'. She was Dean's girl until Dean stayed behind to talk to his girlfriend." Myka's voice was taunting as she said the word "girlfriend".
"Well, honey, Dean is a big boy, and he's gonna like bigger girls. Sam's a big boy too. Both are going to be good looking boys when they get done growing. And you're only six, sweetie. You have a long time before your grown, Y/N. You too Myka." Tami caught her twins make identical faces; wrinkled up little noses and blue eyes rolled.
"I'm Sam's girl." Y/N muttered before sticking her fingers in her mouth again to bite her tiny nails as Myka makes a disgusted noise.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Y/N promptly removes her fingers and shakes her head, shifting her gaze to look out the window.
"Nothing." Both girls answer in tandem, and the rest of the drive home is filled only with the sounds of the local country station.
That evening, when the boys arrive, neither twin is anywhere to be seen.
"They're playing in their room." Tami filled them in. "I made you guys a snack, it's on the table. Start on your homework, please. And Dean? Don't forget to do your algebra homework, your father mentioned that this morning." Dean grumbled but obediently pulled out his algebra homework.
Ten minutes later, Dean is biting the end of his pencil, staring at his last algebra problem when he felt little eyes on him.
Peering from the hallway was Y/N, Myka just behind her smoothing a hand over her sister's locks. She looked from where he sat to the front door before little tears fell from her eyes. Y/N quickly wiped them away and entered the room timidly.
"Hello, Sam. Hello, Dean." Dean tried unsuccessfully to hide the frown that appeared. She always told him hello first. He forced a smile onto his lips, calling out his own hello as she climbed into the seat next to Sam. He shouldn't be so bothered by this switching of affection, but it tugged at something deep inside his chest. Twisted it tight in his gut as those little blue eyes looked up at Sam instead of himself. That's when the thought first pricked at the back of his mind. What if she's my soulmate? Or, God he hated himself for this thought, worse - Sam's?
There was a loud thump somewhere outside the front windows, making both girls jump as Sam and Dean rose in tandem, giving each other a slight nod before easing closer to the darkening autumn light of the front picture windows. Tami walked carefully to the front door, opening it a sliver.
"Can I help you?"
"He sent me to pick up his sons. Send them out." His voice was gruff, and not one either boy recognized. John would only leave them in Bobby or Pastor Jim's care. He would never send someone they didn't know - wouldn't entrust Mary's sons' safety to a stranger.
"Don't let him in." Dean countered as he moved beside Tami, looking at the man who was not much taller than Tami, maybe hitting 5'7". Dean's keen eye picked up on the blood by the left edge of his collar. The man chuckled, shoving Tami and Dean backward as he stepped over the devil's trap John had drawn into the underside of the Washington's welcome mat. "Sam!" Dean yelled, scrambling to his feet and shoving Tami behind him as he withdrew a short silver knife from his boot. Sam had gathered the twins, pushing them towards their bedroom only for the vampire to leap over the coffee table towards them.
"Tasty little morsels. Came for the Winchester boys, but look at what I've stumbled upon!" He groans, flashing those second-row pointed teeth before being rushed by Dean. He promptly tossed Dean into the wall above the couch as Tami brought a heavy metal bat across his back before he swatted her across the room where she hit with a heavy thud.
With Dean and Tami out, Sam clutched the silver pie server that he'd thought to grab from Tami's china cabinet, both girls huddled behind him under the breakfast bar between the stools. The vampire crept closer, eyeballing the youngest Winchester with a smirk.
"Think of how your daddy is gonna feel - coming in here to see all these little bodies. All these people he couldn't save..." He clicked his tongue against his teeth, easing closer still. Sam waited until he was close, letting the vampire make the first move before thrusting the pie server as hard as he could into the vampire’s side. The vampire let out a loud roar, swinging his arm wide and tossing Sam across the room near his brother.
As the vampire turned his attention back to the twins, he wrinkled his forehead, finding them gone from their poor hiding spot.
He turned to find one of them clutching the silver knife, her light blue eyes hard as she stood in front of the adults, her twin attempting to wake their mother. The vampire moved forward confidently, only to have the little girl hurl the bloody pie server at his head, the knife still clutched in her tiny hand. He chuckled at the brazenness of the child. Perhaps he'd keep her...
Dean raised his head, seeing Sam just arm’s length away, shaking his head to clear it. What he didn’t expect to see was Y/N standing with her little back to him, clutching his knife as she stood bravely between them and the vamp.
The vampire rushed forward, only to be knocked sideways suddenly by John. And when the vamp regained his footing, his headless body slumped forward as Dean hurriedly checked over Sam with a quick nod. John watched as Dean knelt carefully in front of Y/N, taking the knife from her grip and talking to her softly as her twin threw her little body at Sam - asking if her mother was going to be okay in sobbed whispers.
“Hey, Y/N. That’s my girl.” His son’s large hand sweeps over the little girl’s hair, smiling kindly at her. “You were very brave, thank you for protecting us.” She was staring off just over Dean’s broadening shoulders and John felt a sharp tug in his gut. He’d been the cause of all this. The vampire had followed his scent back here and sent this little girl into shock. “Y/N.” Dean pushes a little, cupping her little face as she finally looks at him. John moves to pick up Tami, ordering Sam and Dean to grab the girls so they could go back to the motel.
“Dean.” Y/N whispers as Dean picks her up, propping her on his hip while Sam took Myka’s hand and followed behind John, Dean picking up the rear.
“Yeah?” He tucked himself into the passenger seat, Y/N unwilling to let him go as he buckled her in.
“I’ll miss you.” John shot a look at Dean over her head before meeting his youngest son’s eyes in the rearview mirror. He knew Dean didn’t have the heart to lie to her or to feed her a line. His sons were already both too attached.
“I’ll miss you too.”
When Tami awoke an hour or so later, John sat her on the edge of the worn motel mattress and told her about everything that goes bump in the night while her daughters watched an old western, Myka speaking softly to Sam as Y/N sat quietly pressed against Dean. He explained he’d already gotten rid of the vampire’s body and to keep the welcome mat to keep out demons.
“I lost my wife to the supernatural. My boys have adjusted. So, will your girls. Y/N is a little spitfire.”
“Y/N?” Tami questions, looking over to the quieter half of her twins.
“She stood in front of you, Dean and Sam with Dean’s knife. That’s what I saw when I came in to handle the vamp.” John casts a fond look at the little girls with his sons. “Got a pair of fine girls, Tami.” He pats her knee before rising from his kneeling position. “I’ve made a list of things to always keep in your house,” He hands her a folded paper before rolling his shoulders. “You three will stay here tonight. We’ll be leaving in the morning, Tami.” Tami nods numbly before moving across the room and gathering her daughters to sleep. John jerked his head to the other bed, letting Sam and Dean have it while he slept on the small couch, his chest tight. He’d been unable to spare those two innocent little girls from this glimpse of terror - and in the morning, he’d have to pull his sons away from those little girls, probably never to be seen again.
Tagging: @chelsea072498 @lucis-unicorn @sakurablossom4 @clockworkmorningglory
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90363462 · 6 months
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They about to make him the prison chef and have them hips out with him wearing just an apron 😂😂 #TimNorman
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cyarskaren52 · 7 months
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And we were so quick to dismiss Jennifer when she took out the restraining order on him 💁🏾‍♂️🙄
Never doubt a Cassandra
Cassandra: black womenfolk
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cyarskaren52 · 7 months
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Jennifer Williams really tried to tell us about this wide hipped animal and nobody believed her until his big hipped bastard was charged with killing his own nephew. Never doubt a fqucking Cassandra!
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cyarskaren52 · 7 months
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This mutha fucka aint shit. Jenifer and his baby mama tried to tell yakl. Omg poor Ms.Robbie. I remeber when the nephew was murdered & this wide hipped bastard was on there crying. Wowwwww
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cyarskaren52 · 7 months
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Never trust a man with extra wide hips
like he’s been trash
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cyarskaren52 · 7 months
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Chile, what?!?! he had his own nephew killed? Jennifer said this dude was crazy. I'm so glad she safely made it away from him.
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cyarskaren52 · 7 months
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Very sad but not at all surprising.
(A lot of y'all still owe Jennifer an apology. She tried to tell y'all about this man and y'all called her an overdramatic liar)
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cyarskaren52 · 7 months
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cyarskaren52 · 7 months
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cyarskaren52 · 7 months
You know how sick you have to be to plan a murder, lure him in under mentorship, kill him, then take your mom to the spot where he was gunned down? Life won’t ever be enough. He should have gotten the death penalty. #TimNorman is a true sociopath
I remember watching welcome to sweetie pies when I was younger and I thought this show was a mostly wholesome and harmless slice of life reality tv show (pun intended)
if only I had known how dark it was in hindsight….
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