#i hope i got annie's dialogue and characterization down right
empressofthelibrary · 10 months
Okay, for the ask game: 62 (Magic) , and Bailey and Annie from Skullgirls?
(For reference: https://skullgirls.fandom.com/wiki/Annie )
(Ah, Annie of the Stars! I haven't played Skullgirls in forever, I ought to fix that)
Bailey cursed, stumbling as the door turned her out on an unfamiliar street. She caught her footing and whirled, just to see it swing shut behind her -- Metal now, not wood, and branded No Public Access.
"Broom closet my ass!" Bailey yanked on the handle, but it wouldn't budge -- unless she felt like breaking the lock, anyway. "Stupid Gavin and your stupid haunted magic house!" She snarled in frustration, kicking the brick wall. Her heavy-soled boot thumped against the doorframe. "I already bought the damn movie tickets!"
She'd swung by Gavin's place when her bedroom door had opened into her best friend's parlor. It seemed that the spirit of Lowell Manor had decided she'd been away too long. Bailey had assumed that she'd be able to get away with a quick visit, then pop back home in plenty of time for her evening plans. And maybe it would be nice to pick Gavin's brain over this... not-a-date with Jonah.
But things never went according to plan.
She'd found Gavin working on a magic circle in his basement. Three concentric rings of complicated runes, the lines and loops precisely arranged. He'd been too focused on his work to really listen to her, sitting up in the middle of her ramble to curse and declare he'd grabbed the wrong pillar candles. Bailey, wanting to help, had opened the closet door he'd pointed to.
And now Bailey found herself standing in what sure looked like a studio lot, between two bland buildings, with no clue what city or even part of the world she was in.
"At least it's summer," Bailey grumbled, planting her hands on her hips and rolling her shoulders back. "Means I'm still north of the equator."
"Oh, seriously?" A new voice made Bailey's head turn. A teenage girl, teal braids hanging on either side of her head, stood at the other end of the alley. She was dressed in dark greens, thigh-high boots and a longsleeved dress with a high collar. A patch covered one eye, and she held a stuffed rabbit in the crook of one arm. "So much for my break. At least it means I'm on the right track."
Bailey glanced around, but didn't see anyone else this girl could be talking to. "Me? On what track?"
The girl opened her arm, and the rabbit -- clearly not a plush -- hopped to the ground. A sword materialized in her outstretched hand, shimmering into existence. "Don't play ignorant. Dressed like you are, you've got to be one of her enforcers."
Bailey took a step back, glancing down at her own outfit. Heavy knee-high boots, fishnets and cutoff shorts -- LA was so much hotter than New York had been -- and a black halter top that maybe had a little more cleavage under that mesh panel than was appropriate, now that she looked again. The fingerless, elbow-length gloves were maybe a bit much, as well. "Dressed like -- What is that supposed to mean?" Granted, it wasn't exactly a casual outfit, but it hardly screamed 'fight me.'
But Bailey never got an answer. The stranger leapt at Bailey, blade slashing through the air.
Bailey jerked to the side, barely dodging the strike. "Woah! Hey, kid, didn't anyone ever tell you not to play with knives?"
"Be quiet," the girl snapped. "I won't let you stop me! I will find the Skullgirl, and I will stop her!" She swung the sword again, driving Bailey back.
"Look, I just got here!" Bailey raised her hands defensively. "I don't have a clue what you're on about! What's a skullgirl?"
"Either you've allied with the Heart," the teenager insisted, "or you want its power for yourself!" She pointed the sword at Bailey dramatically. "Whichever way, you're going down. I can't let this evil cycle continue!"
Bailey kept backing up, staying on the defensive. I'm not fighting a middle-schooler, she thought. Even if she is trying to stab me and acting like I'm some kind of supervillain. I don't like it, with my face bare, but there's only one acceptable way out of here.
In a flash of light, gold-feathered wings bloomed from her back, magical tattoos brought to life.
The teenage swordswoman stopped in her tracks, left hand raised to shield her eye. Bailey took the chance she'd bought herself, launching herself into the air. Wings pumping, she rose into the sky --
-- And found herself wheeling above a city that didn't look like anywhere she knew.
"Where in all sixteen gods-damned hells AM I?!"
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itsactuallycorrine · 3 years
tagged by @bgonemydear--thanks, Brit! 
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
10 (grouping Star Trek, Star Trek: TOS, and Star Trek: TOS movies into 1). From most works to least:
The 100
The Mindy Project
Agents of SHIELD
From Dusk till Dawn: the series
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Star Trek: The Original Series
Will & Grace
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone (or, Clarke is a Punk Rocker) (t100, Bellarke)
somehow the beauty will find you (t100, Bellarke)
counting down the hours (t100, Bellarke)
the truth was built to bend (t100, Bellarke)
hope's a burden (or it sets you free) (t100, Bellarke)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I didn’t used to, but as I start writing for smaller or more inactive fandoms, I do like to reply. 
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
The first 2 stories of my series the stars came falling on our heads (t100, Bellarke) both end on a very angsty note. I think part one more than part two, but just by a bit. (They also didn’t age. great since they were written pre-s3)
Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don’t write true crossovers, but in terms of fusion my Crazy Ex-Girlfriend-inspired Community fic The Situation's a Lot More Nuanced Than That was very fun to write (even if it did take me literal years to finish & post chapter 3.)
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not out & out hate, but very recently I got a comment along the lines of “This was good but I would’ve done it differently,” and it was the first time I ever received any comment of that kind on a fic in over a decade of writing & posting.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Very, very rarely--I only have 1 on AO3 rated E. I’m much more comfortable with either a fade to black or a short, not-too-explicit sex scene
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes! I’ve had someone post a fic of mine on Wattpad as their own (although I think that was from FFN, not AO3) and a year or two ago, someone stole one of my t100 fics, changed the names, and reposted it as a Game of Thrones fic. 
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I’ve had someone start translating one of my fics, but I think they only got two chapters in before they gave up. I don’t even remember which one it was, but it was definitely one of my t100 fics.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
My favorite to write is Jeff/Annie from Community--I always go through periods where I don’t think about them at all, but if I rewatch the show or read something, I always fall back into writing them. (There’s more than one reason my otp tag for them is “something always brings me back to you”.) 
My favorite to read depends on my mood. I’m still in my Garashir (DS9) period right now--which is also a lot of fun to write. I’ve got a few WIPs simmering for them still.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I have so many WIPs that I just open up in google docs, read, and then get angry that they haven’t been finished. 
I have 2 I don’t think I ever will get to, no matter how badly I want them, both for MacDennis (IASIP):
does it slip away slow (so you never even notice it’s happening): (title from Merrily We Roll Along) angsty-ish fic starting out in season 14, going back through time, and ending when they meet in high school. I have it completely outlined but every time I go to write it, my brain refuses to cooperate.
Untitled fic where Mac & Dennis argue and Dennis says something along the lines of wishing he’d never met Mac, and then he gets to see what it would be like and how his not being friends with Mac would change things.
What are your writing strengths?
I would hope characterization. That’s definitely where I personally feel strongest, and I put a lot of thought into the characters’ mindsets and personalities. My second would be dialogue.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Exposition! As much as I hate reading dialogue-only, it’s everything in between that I have a hard time with. 
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
It would have to be very necessary and I’d have to have it vetted at least once by a native speaker of that language, for sure. I avoid it where I can.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
....... iCarly. LISTEN...! (I have no excuse; I was 25 at the time.)
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I Thought I Could Fly Alone (I Can't Even Get Off the Ground) (gen Frankie-centric fic, Community) by a very wide margin. I love Frankie and I love her dynamic with every member of the study group, and this is one that came to me so effortlessly and turned out so well.
I’ll no-pressure tag @crazyassmurdererwall @bellakitse @peglegsjones @bufordtannen @celerylapel @shadesalvarez and anyone else who wants to do it
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kendrixtermina · 5 years
Further Unique engage quotes compiled by the heroic souls at one of the wikis
For those of us too busy actually trying to win to try out all matchups that might result in dialogue. 
The friend pairs
For example here’s what happens if you make Caspar and Linny fight:
Caspar: Looks like we ended up on opposing sides, Linhardt! Linhardt: Certainly seems that way. I could almost weep over how things turned out. Do you realize, Caspar, that this is the first time we've ever fought? Caspar: Yeah, I think you're right. The first and probably the last!
Not one fight ever? What a pure friendship. Apparently most the preexiting friend groups that you can split up through recruitment get unique dialogues.
Ignatz and Rafael:
Raphael: Outta my way, Ignatz! I don't wanna have to fight you! Ignatz: Stop deluding yourself. You joined the Empire. Didn't you consider the consequences? I don't want to fight you either, Raphael! But this is war. Raphael: Ignatz...
Marianne and Hilda:
Marianne: I-I'm so sorry, Hilda. I... Hilda: It's OK, Marianne. These things happen in war
Anette and Mercie:
Annette: Mercie... Mercedes: Now, now, Annie. There's no need for that. This is a battlefield, after all. Annette: I'm so sorry... You know that, don't you? And also know that you don't have to forgive me... Mercedes: I was going to say the same thing. I'm so sorry if I cause you any pain.” — Mercedes as an enemy when fighting Annette in Crimson Flower Chapter 17, or as an ally when fighting Annette in Crimson Flower Chapter 18.
Single Tear Emoji.
Always make sure to recruit them in pairs, I suppose.
Edelgard vs. TSWITD
Also finally a sourced transcript of the ‘Edelgard almost blows her cover to get Byleth revenge for Jeralt‘ exchanges.
Death Knight: What are you trying to do here? Edelgard: You're the one who should be answering that question. Stay out of my way! Edelgard: Tomas! No... Solon. I will stop you. Solon: What?! If you insist on turning your blade against me, then expect no mercy.” — Edelgard, fighting Solon in Chapter 8. “Kronya: Huh? What are you- Are you here to kill me? Edelgard: I am. Prepare yourself for death while you still can.” — Edelgard fighting Kronya in Chapter 10. “Solon: So, this is how it is... I cannot let you live! Edelgard: You stole the words from my mouth. You lost the moment you failed to kill the professor.
One of the salient details here is that judging by the exchange with the death knight she most certainly didn’t know or have control over what they were doing/planning which is what I’ve been saying since day 1 but it’s nice to see that im not just imagining it
This is also interesting from an ‘identity porn’ sorta vantage point, because on the one hand she’s acting (about not knowing these people), but on the other she’s very much not (about being repulsed by them and wanting to kill them)
There was definitely a conscious decision on her side to dispose of Solon and Kronya not even just for noble reasons but purely pragmatic ones: it was apparent that she couldn’t control them, that they would just go on to murder and butcher all around, besides, Kronya was ridiculously bad at being undercover and had already compromised their stealth, it’s a recurring theme that the Agarthans don’t take surface humans very seriously. 
For all that personal sympathy for Byleth certainly played a role here and that she took a risk for their sake, Edelgard was also definitely looking to get rid of an inconvenience/ mighty enemy who had outlived their usefulness, and to use Byleth and the class to accomplish that aim but still maintain plausible deniability, she could tell Thales that she had no choice but to fight Solon and Kronya since the rest of her class was there to witness. 
Re: Solon, I also recently read this interesting essay on essay pointing out that just from what we see of their conversations among themselves TWSITD didn’t grasp Byleth’s identity until halfway through (for one thing Arundel thought Rhea had simply hidden the crest stone somewhere else for the same reasns that you don’t keep the keys to a safe on top of them) and that once they did they would not have wanted for Byleth and Edelgard to cooperate.
They wanna kill Byleth due to their connection to Sothis just like the remaining Nabateans (whereas to Edelgard Byleth’s power is as good as anyone elses as long as they’re on her side, and she wholly intends to put TWSITD on its receiving end), and they want to keep Edelgard under control - given that she hates em and has her own agenda, that is only possible for as long as she needs them as much as they need her. If she’s their gun and Byleth’s their target she should be pointed at them, not protecting them. 
I mean come on who’d believe that it’s an actual coincidence that they went for remire of all places, or that “Thomas” “there must be a mastermind” comments were actually supposed to be helpful. 
Especially since Solon has been explicitly shown do be doing some machinations to the effect or turning their potential enemies against each other in the Verdant wind routes (sneaking Claude information since he showed interest in opposing the Church) - Markedly once Claude, who has zero background here, finds out that Solon is Thomas he puts his plans on hold until he knows why they want him to fight the Church.
“Thomas” dialogue is the same in BL as in the BE version of part one because as Cornelia and Thales themselves point out, having Edelgard and Dimitri fight is quite convenient for them, gets rid of both of them and leaves a nice power vacuum for them to swoop in (what actually happens is that Claude swoops in first but they’re not really aware of him as a threat at this point he’s just a bratty half pint with a precarious position at this point)
More Precious Babies fighting
Dorothea: Oh, Ferdie. You opposed Edie for so long... I had real hopes for you, you know? Now you're following her. Is that your duty as a noble? Follow your master when they say to heel? Ferdinand: I will not try to explain my duty or hers. You would not understand. I wish you could. Anyway, no time for idle chitchat!
This one’s really sad, they misunderstood each other early on and since they spent those last 5 years on opposite sides they never get to rectify that. 
Shamir: I cannot bring myself to kill you... You're a princess of Brigid. A hostage of the Empire. Petra: That was the truth in the past, but it is a different truth now, Shamir... I am...the will of the emperor! Shamir: In that case, I won't hold back.
Nice touch to have those two have an unique dialogue. Shamir hardly ever gets behind any cause so she’d sympathize with someone she thinks is forced to be there. 
That Petra had become a true believer at some point is apparent from the fact that she shows up in Enbarr when Edelgard’s already losing and there’s not that much to be gained from siding with her (after Edelgard explicitly told her to get out and return to lead Bridgid at Gronder) 
It’s sorta like how Felix shows up in Arianrhod next to his father if you don’t recruit him. 
Hubert: So, Princess of Brigid. Now we see where your loyalties truly lie. This, after we spared your life in return for naught but your fealty. How ungrateful. Petra: Ten years have been passed. The Empire has been changed, just as Brigid has!
Not cool Hubie, it’s not exactly mercy if she’s super young and it’s a war in which her parents got killed, even if it was the Dagdan leadership who started it, whether she wants to stay part of the empire or not is rly her decision. 
That said he just isn’t too compromising when it comes to his enemies especially when it comes to real or perceived treason. It’s probably because they were sorta friends once that he’s so trenchant. 
Ironic too given that if not recruited she because they’re different from the past leadership that ‘napped her. 
Ingrid: Sylvain. This isn't funny. What are you doing? Sylvain: I'm sorry, Ingrid. I believe in what the professor is trying to do more than I do in my own country. Ingrid: Perhaps my blade will cut away the scales from your eyes!
Look at Sylvain the old cynic actually saying he believes in something. Though I suppose when it comes down to he does consistently try doing the right thing even if he doesn’t expect much out of it. 
Also its highly ironic how most of these conversations have 2 versions depending on whom you recruited like it could soooo easily have been the other way around, because butterfly effect. 
Tailtean Plains
Rhea: An ancestor of the Hresvelgs, who became Adrestia's first emperor... He saved me. Supported me. Gave his all to the cause of defeating Nemesis. That I should find myself here at Tailtean, striking down his scion... Edelgard: I don't advise presumptions, Rhea. I will not die by your hand.
This one’s really interesting because its the one time Rhea expresses something other than complete crushkilldestroy vindictiveness and also gives some characterization to Wilhelm of Adrestia. 
Like without this you could easily get the impression that he just sold out humanity for power especially if he was a former ally of Nemesis, maybe he was passed over when the dragon bones were handed out and Seiros came and offered him some superpowers in exchange for his service. That’s surely what Edelgard believes she wants to but right what he done fucked. 
But Rhea has absolutely no reason to lie here - This here makes it sound like Wilhelm was a True Believer. Like Catherine or Cyril, or Jeralt in the past. Like he followed Rhea because he actually liked her... or perhaps he was just truly against Nemesis and turned against him for moral reasons. Perhaps he wasn’t down with razing Zanado and protected Seiros because he felt responsible. 
That sounds not only like he was good or at least ambiguous, but like he must’ve been really something, because here’s Seiros saying she actually liked a human - So much she remembers him years later, though she met him when the wound from the “humans killed my family” thing were still fresh. It’s wholly possible of course that one of them was using the other, or both. It’s almost making me consider if maybe the legends about him and Seiros having descendants together aren’t wholly fake. 
This also makes me realize a recurring motif with Rhea/Seiros. Both Jeralt and Catherine are said to have protected her (as reckless young warriors) and got healed after that. In her supports Rhea mentions it as a big reason for why she is or was fond of Jeralt at some point.  
I mean it’s still her same old selfish, emotionally shallow thinking, she only cares because they saved her, she cares only about wether you’re for her or against her and most of the humans she remotely trusts were modified by her at some point (see also how she makes the church staff drink her blood) but if you’re not against but for her, there’s an actual degree of  (albeit shalllow) actual care/dedication to be had. At least she’s not ungrateful for or dismissive of good things done to her. 
I mean some part of her is stuck as a little girl who wants her mommy. She’s very afraid, indeed she wants to control humans because she’s scared of their treason which took away her family. Of course she likes to be protected/ longs for protection, you get quite a bunch of support points by acting protective IIRC
Miscellaneous Claude Banter
Claude: We haven't seen each other since Garreg Mach. You've grown lovelier than ever, Edelgard. Edelgard: You're not so unfortunate yourself. And you have the aid of the professor. Frankly, I'm jealous. Now's the chance for you and the professor to leave. Claude: I'm afraid I must decline. Even if we left, we'd just have to come right back.
You know these two have pretty great banter/ are able to have some because they both keep their head against the mayhem, for all that the differing amount of edge still makes for a serious clash here and there. Dimitri got stilted politeness, crushkilldestroy, and no in-between. He either hates his enemies enough to be dead serious, or doesn’t hate them enough to say mean things to them. 
kudos to El for giving them the chance to run tho. 
Claude: Hey... Can you speak? Riegan: ... Claude: Just puppets controlled by Nemesis... Well, they're the strongest puppets I've ever known.
I wondered what would happen if you made one of them engage their own ancestor. 
Claude: Here she is—Her Majesty—looking pleased as a dog with a stick. What exactly happened to make you this way? Edelgard: I'm simply seeing through a promise I made to myself a long time ago. Claude: Isn't this much force excessive? Thanks to you, my own long-held ambitions are nearly destroyed. Edelgard: If you don't want them to be destroyed completely, I suggest you turn tail and flee.
I wish I had the voice clip because the degree of actual personal dislike toward Team Empire that is or isn’t implied here would depend on how he says it.
Claude grew a lot less gremlin-like over the timeskip. Or I was surprised by how much on one he was in his route after not getting to see that much pf him in the other routes apart from how heroic and badass he is afterward.  
Also doesnt this kinda foreshadow how things go post timeskip in her route? Though he markedly doesnt bail in his own. 
also lots of people have probably called Claude a coward in Fodlan without knowing why hed actually be touchy about that and it breaks my heart a lil bit
Flayn: Edelgard! Please! Release Rhea... Release Fódlan! Edelgard: If you strike me down, they will return. I cannot permit what you desire. You are a child of the goddess. You must not be allowed power over the people!
Im glad I found this one in context since it’s often cited to claim that Edelgard’s a facist or something. It doesn’t actually pop when you fight Flayn in CF but in the Church route when you’re about to finish Edelgard in her own house. (the dialogue with Seteth is the same except there’s no ‘please’.)  ″I want this specific small family group, as far as I know have terribly mismanaged the land, to be out of politics” =/= “must exterminate them all just because they’re different” She’s perfectly fine with letting them all go if they surrender/ flee. 
“I cannot permit what you desire” sure doesn’t sound like she’s gleeful about killing them. Though of course the truth is that Flayn and Seteth don’t desire anything other than peace and quiet. 
From her POV it’s like holding animosity against the trumps, if they aint complaining about the shit their father/husband does how good can they be? 
It’s tragic that she doesn’t know Flayn and Seteth are innocent, they know they’re innocent but not what they’re innocent of (Can’t say they had nothing to do with Rheas bullshit if they do not know she did bullshit, and without that knowledge its the most natural thing in the world to oppose someone who wants to fight your sister/aunt especially if all your other relatives were brutally murdered)
One interesting bit of info here is that she knows they’re Nabateans, though she repeatedly mentions that she knows there are others (”the imaculate one and her family”)
It’s weird to think that she knew all along while she and Flayn were briefly in one class together. 
But onto the quote itself as it actually is. 
Kudos to Flayn for trying to talk to her/ showing that she actually means her pacifism talk tho. 
I’m a bit thrown off by the “they” tho. Context would suggest that she’s talking about Rhea’s return and the continued dominance of her and her associates.  Is this a wonky translation? 
Could it possibly the liberation army? She and Hubert sure know that TWSITD are “planning something terrible” and taking them out sorta unleashes the storm that they’d been holding back, but then again Edelgard doesn’t know that Nemesis and the Elites were evil indeed her impression was that nemesis was good, so it makes no sense for her to mean them. 
Hubert’s last stand
Everyone’s seen the “I shoulve killed you when I had the chance!” exchange that you get if you fight him with Byleth (still kinda my favorite cause he must really regret it), but apparently everyone’s favorite dark mage has an unique dialogue if engaged with
Alliance route: 
Claude: It's over, lapdog. Your military rule is at its end. Hubert: For every step you take along that path, our thorns will cut into your heels. Claude: Ooh, that sounds painful. I'll have to wear thicker soles for the march. Hubert: If your boots are too heavy, you won't be able to lift your feet. But enough prattle.
Vintage. Claude’s irreverrent as ever, Hubert has one of his goth moments. Ironic how Claude seems to despise him a fair bit given how his opinion of Hubert is about to 180 once he gets the letter. Then again Claude’s in public here.  
Kingdom route: 
Dimitri: Hubert. I would tell you to get out of my way, but I highly doubt you would abide. Hubert: Heh. Your silver tongue will do you no good here. This is not your path to tread. Dimitri: That is not your decision to make, nor is it mine. All I can do is blaze ahead!
Ah! They interacted!  Don’t think they really do anywhere else but it seems a given that they would hate each other given that each is sorta exactly the kind of person that the other tends to dislike.
I suppose there’s  also the introductory line for this battle where he’s like “Ah here comes the so called savior king with his hands stained red” He clearly sees Dimitri as a hypocrite (”So because you don’t like us stopping the church by fighting them, you will stop us... by fighting us?”)  but at the same time this implies that he seems to have the same misunderstanding that Felix had pre timeskip, that since he got that grizzled vindictive side to him, Dimitri’s only pretending to be civilized and noble (hence “silver tongue” and the general mocking tone), and its not really like that/ more like 2 sides of the same coin, Dedue probably explained it best. Though I doubt that he’d have much respect for Dimitri either way, they just very different peeps. 
My headcanon is that Dimitri hated him at first glance, but, being Dimitri, still felt compelled to greet him in a polite and friendly manner, at some point he mentioned that he “knew Edelgard while she was staying in the kingdom” that Hubert was like “staying there is an interesting way to put it” and hated him ever since. 
There might also have been some lowkey jealousy going on, or, like in Byleth’s case, Hubert simply being aware that being attached to someone who might well become their enemy is just gonna be painful for edelgard in the long run, though, I mean, he was also the one who couldn’t be arsed to say “I’m sorry for your loss” after Jeralt died. I love Hubert but he’s not particularly nice or considerate. 
Church route: 
Hubert: Running into you in the capital like this—I have to say, it's almost sentimental. Ferdinand: Hubert. She must leave. Hubert: You really think you can make her? Ferdinand: It does not matter what I think. Those are my orders.
This ones sad and like... wow? Was Ferdinand basically offering to let them both escape if they flee? :dddd my feelings
Edelgard would of course never do that and Hubert knows. He doesn’t think he can make her. That last bit tho seems very un-ferdie like and ironic... or does he mean that it’s his order to Hubert? Like pulling rank because he’s a Duke and Hubert’s a count? 
Apparently Flayn’s solo ending is slightly different if Seteth dies:
Flayn, Slumbering Princess Flayn disappeared soon after the war, and after a time, proof of her very existence faded from memory. Many years later, a young woman appeared at the monastery, which had been restored to its former glory. Speaking to no one in particular, it is said that she gazed at the entrance and reverently whispered, "I am home."
Sad :(
Makes me wonder if there’s any other unique content triggered by permadeaths,
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laughingpinecone · 5 years
Trick or Treat time!
I am laughingpineapple on AO3
It’s a long list of characters so the specific requests aren’t overly detailed, please draw at will from my general likes and general fandom likes in addition or as an alternative to any of those!
All requests are art or fic - for art, the stuff I like is the kind that depicts the characters doing something. I’ll aways be happier with a very simple drawing of two characters walking together or sharing a cup of coffee than with an ambitious composition that looks like an Avengers poster.
They are also all for tricks and treats, except for The Swapper which is just tricks, but ignore at will for extra gifts.
Likes: worldbuilding, slice of life (doubly so if the event the fic focuses on is made up but canon-specific), missing moments, 5+1 and similar formats, bonding and emotional support/intimacy, physical intimacy, lingering touches, loyalty, casefic, surrealism, magical realism, established relationships, future fic, hurt/comfort or just comfort from the ample canon hurt, throwing characters into non-canon environments, banter, functional relationships between dysfunctional individuals, unexplained mysteries, bittersweet moods, journal/epistolary fic, dreams and memories and identities, canon-adjacent tropey plots, outsider POV, UST, exploration of secondary bits of canon, leaning on the uniqueness of the canon setting/mood, found families, characters reuniting after a long and/or harrowing time, friends-to-lovers, road trips, maps, mutual pining, cuddling, wintry moods, the feeling of flannel and other fabrics, ridiculous concepts played straight, sensory details, sickfic, places being haunted, people being haunted, the mystery of the woods, small hopes in bleak worlds, electricity, places that don’t quite add up, mismatched memories, caves and deep places, distant city lights at night
Cool with: any tense, any pov, any rating, plotty, not plotty, IF, nerdy canon references, unrequested characters popping up
DNW: non-canonical rape, non-canonical children, unrequested ships, canon retellings, consent issues
Twin Peaks: Harry Truman, James Hurley, Frank Truman, Albert Rosenfield, Tammy Preston, Monica Bellucci, Margaret Lanterman, Denise Bryson, Cynthia Knox, Constance Talbot, Bosomy Woman, Annie Blackburn, Jade, Wally Brando, Diane Evans, Doris Truman, Lucy Moran
The mystery of the woods. How do they relate to the woods, what do they gain and what do they lose in the woods. Case fic but they don’t find out jack shit, someone disappears, David Bowie was there, it’s complicated. Fragmented, shifted, mirrored identities. New Lodge spaces. The risks of staring into the void for too long. Gentle illusions. Transcendence. The moon. Static buzzing. Any title from the s3 ethereal whooshing compilation used as a prompt, actually. For treats, all these spooky things can remain in the background while the warmer hues of canon (all the food and cute friendships and Canadian geese and sparks of joy) take center place!
AUs and fusion AUs are great for this fandom! I have Final Fantasy on my mind a lot recently so any FFVI, VII, T, IX, X, XII or XIII reimagining would be fantastic, but also regular fantasy, space opera, sci-fantasy… anything fancy!
I ship Coop/Albert/Harry and all sides thereof, Laura/Donna, Tammy/Cynthia, Lucy/Andy, Gordon/Phillip, Chet/Sam. I love & for all of the above and Harry&Frank, Bookhouse Boys in general, Margaret&Hawk, James&Shelly, Margaret&Trumans, Albert&Frank, Albert&Doris, Tammy&Albert, Tammy&literally any woman in the cast, Denise&any Blue Rose, Cynthia&Constance, Constance&Twin Peaks cast, Annie&Audrey, Annie&Shelly, Wally&Coop&Laura, Diane&Albert, Diane&Phillip, Lucy&Margaret. $character&Laura is the free space here, when in doubt add Laura.
Canon-specific DNWs: any singular Dreamer being the ‘source’ of canon, BOB (let alone Judy) being forever defeated in the finale, Judy being an active malevolent presence in the characters’ lives, clear explanations for canonical ambiguities, ‘Odessaverse’ being the reality layer, the Fireman’s House by the Sea being the White Lodge
Harry Truman: his life in remission or something with animals Frank Truman: maybe he’s a tulpa or maybe he came back to a town he doesn’t recognize anymore Albert Rosenfield: splitting identities post-canon, leaving the FBI, something about his jazz collection Tammy Preston: Tammy infodumping 101, meeting legacy characters, trying not to implode like previous generations of blue rose Monica Bellucci: just give me your headcanons about whatever the hell that was about, possibly not as a retelling. Was she actual Monica, a masking memory for a different spirit, something else entirely... Margaret Lanterman: playing off any character we never see her share a scene with in canon, environmental activist, saplings enthusiast Denise Bryson: actual undercover FBI means she’s now part of office shenanigans, right? Or coming back to Twin Peaks years later Cynthia Knox: Garland’s legacy in the USAF is a heavy burden. going through an initiation of her own not unlike Tammy Constance Talbot: visiting Twin Peaks for whatever reason, being shaken by some supernatural event Bosomy Woman: who is she, where does she come from. is she friends with Phil. I’m down with her being Lois Duffy or not Jade: two things I love about her are that she comes out unscathed from a brush-in with the supernatural and that "Jade” is an alias she got from Invitation to Love. Expanding on either topic would be great (Invitation to Love fandom fic?) Wally Brando: the absolute coolest. That is unironically all. Tell me more about how cool he is, in the woods or on the road. Diane Evans: defragmenting her self somehow, in and out of the red room Doris Truman: what’s she like, who is she friends with. A coincidence in Hastings’ website makes me wonder if she’s an UFO enthusiast and interested in the zone Lucy Moran: Lucy's way of perceiving the world as a gateway to deeper truths which she may or may not be aware of. Also raccoons.
Ghost Trick: Cabanela, Jowd, Alma, Pigeon Man, Emma, Bailey
I am very interested in various characters finding about the erased timeline, but not getting their memories back, and having to live with being told about what they did but never remembering it. All what-ifs welcome (what if they managed an acceptable happy ending but didn’t reset the timeline, what if a different party went back to the past and kept their memories, what if Alma’s ghost stuck around…) Also open to AUs here, especially for generic fantasy or sci-fi settings or the Final Fantasy ones I prompted for Yuletide .
I ship Alma/Cabanela/Jowd, Alma/Jowd and Cabanela/Jowd and like all the & relationships in the game and more. Lots of love to Sissel and Missile always. (and Alma/Cabanela if Jowd isn’t around for some reason! Just don’t ignore him please!)
Cabanela: graciously accepting some type of defeat, or being rightfully stubborn about something. Maybe situations in which he knows he doesn’t have to lead Jowd: time-displaced and touch-starved, or getting to the bottom of the morbid humor barrel. Knowing he’s at the center of everyone’s attention. (for the record, that beard is at the center of my attention. it is very nice) Alma: would be nice if she had a personality of her own. Ghost Alma with or without powers? Teaming up with Cabanela or Lynne? Maybe she has trouble communicating with them but she’s there? Pigeon Man: how do he and Lovey take to Sissel. Friendship with Cabanela in the new timeline. Emma: her plotting process, or her activist leanings, or both. Is she friends with Alma? Bailey: I like how simple he is, and his panic dance of course. Throw him at another character of your choice and see what happens? Cabanela, for example?
The Last Remnant: Kate, Pagus, Emma, David Nassau, Zolean, Sibal, Maddox
I’m very interested in post-game exploration, and getting a clearer feeling of any of the cities and assorted places. I like characterization based on battle quotes, red bubble dialogues, and even their unique stat (‘authority’ is a natural fit for David but ‘romance’ tells me something new about Sibal!) Character interaction. Bit of worldbuilding. What’s another festival they celebrate? Do they erect something else instead of the Valeria Heart? Any fun discoveries down in Siebenbur? Where the hell IS Veyriel, anyway, do they go look for it and if so what do they find out? End of an age. Old bonds.
I ship David/Rush (wouldn’t want it as the main focus of a David fic, but as background there or anywhere it’s great) and Pagus/Sibal/Maddox. David&Rush and Pagus&Sibal&Maddox are also great. I also love Torgal, Caedmon, Allan, Irina, Glenys, Sheryl, Roberto and the Duke of Ghor, but everyone, really.
Kate: any expansion of her tulpa narrative? Maybe while she makes a friend of your choice? Pagus: my history-loving nerd. I’m also not over the fact that it’s stated canon that for a Qsiti, he’s an absolute catch. What a babe. Emma: let her be grumpy at someone... maybe teaming up with David à la good cop bad cop David Nassau: nice things happening to David postcanon, please? He’s been through a lot and I love him. Who can understand him, what can give him purpose? Zolean: I need someone to adopt this sad fish now that he knows that his friend is gone. Military experience and lost friends preferred but not required. Sibal and/or Maddox: give me all the Qsiti worldbuilding, Siebenbur worldbuilding, Remnant daydreaming, backstory with Pagus, old men reunions after the ending...
Dark Souls: Solaire, Siegmeyer, Sieglinde, Logan, Gough, Artorias
I’m only familiar with the first game! It’s probably relevant to mention that I think that linking the fire is kind of a dumbass move, Gwyn is an ass, Kaathe has his own agenda and there’s no winning move in this world, or at least no obvious one. Feel free to deviate from anyone’s canon endings, to make things happen that’ll stave off their hollowing. I am interested in any of these people meeting and possibly striking up a friendship, and also in exploring Lordran’s temporal/dimensional fuckery, where it’s possible to meet people who have been gone for ages...
Solaire: tragic, lovable, doomed, pure of heart dumb of ass and all. Ways in which his search for his sun intersects with the bigger mysteries and tragedies? What if he accidentally talked to Kaathe instead of Frampt in his quest? Siegmeyer: just let him be jovial and helpful? Traveling with someone and being a good buddy? Sieglinde: (almost) unstoppable can of whoop-ass, what’s it like to be basically the only non-undead in Lordran? Logan: he grump. Maybe he learns something interesting in the Archives. I am also interested in deets on him going mad there, at the end of his quest for knowledge. Sounds eldritch, poignant and intriguing. Gough: get him out of gay baby jail, poor thing, what’d he do! Or, at least: who goes to visit him, what does he feel for his people who appear to be more or less enslaved. Why does Gwyn allow him to languish in that tower? Artorias: much like with Solaire, I am intrigued by this paragon of virtue in a world that's really harsh on that sort of thing. He’s also... not human? Sif and Alvina always welcome.
Pyre: Oralech, Sandra, Bertrude, Molten Milithe, Celeste, Volfred, Tariq, Pamitha
Oh the burning found family feelings, the revolutionary passion, the divide between topside social constraints (moreso for liberated exiles, thrust into heroic roles after the revolution) and the kind of freedom allowed by the downside! Mere distance cannot separate our spirits! Noxalas! ...any cutesy activity lifted from the game would be great, like X doing laundry with Y.  Thoughts about the Plan, about the Scribes, about being considered the reincarnation of the Scribes, about finding oneself at the end of an age, as everything crumbles down to form something new. The titan stars. Exploring literally any corner of the Downside. Any postcanon very welcome with any combination of endings as long as the revolution was peaceful. I love everyone so much. Please do lean in on the xeno details if you’re writing nonhumans! Even for gen, I like to read what it’s like to be something other than human.
I ship Volfred/Tariq, Volfred/Oralech, some form of Oralech/Volfred/Tariq (more of a Volfred-centric V but I would like to be convinced of the Oralech/Tariq side of things), Celeste/Jodariel, Reader/Sandra, Hedwyn/Fikani and Pamitha/Bertrude. All & pairs welcome. I do NOT ship Jodi/Ignarius, Celeste/Tariq and *ae/Almer.
Oralech: so many intense emotions, just pick one and run with it! His topside ending made me cry. Finding the pristine blackwagon, books and sigil he would deem the True Nightwings’? Learning to let go of he bundle of hatred and prejudice he’d used as a shield, one thread at a time? Bonding with a character of your choice? Sandra: butting heads with any character of your choice, ideologically and also because she’s understandably pissed off 24/7? Volfred was Reader before us, what was their relationship like? And I’m sure that post-game the Reader brings her along to Nightwings meetings when she feels like it? Bertrude: witchy snek doing witchy snek things please. Her reluctant bonding is great Milithe: also witchy snek doing witchy snek things but on a grander, more primeval scale? Her drive to explore the Downside touches me. Celeste: the fixed star learning not to be fixed anymore, and being a person, while her counterpart has something of a 830 years head start and no-one seems to be on her wavelength. She’s intense and burning and uncompromising and how do you live like that? Volfred: early days in exile, bonding with any of the old Nightwings, or living as prime minister giving his all to the new society he’s building, which has to be demanding and tiresome. Idealistic, self-assured and a little manipulative is one of my ideals so just send him Volfred-ing around and I’ll be happy. Tariq: he keeps it all under the surface and if you get a peek past it there’s something of an eldritch depth to him and isn’t that so sweet. I think we need more Tariq whump but also Tariq nursing sick Nightwings, Tariq having nice days and just all-around more Tariq, is all. Pamitha: it’s hard to break that self-loathing but she could get a break maybe? If she stays Downside, what does she find at the far borders of this land?
The Last Guardian: any
The boy & the very good boy… I’d like to read about a distant reunion. I was surprised by the boy being the combo breaker after the former Ueda protagonists cast their societies behind. He gets to live his life with his people, apparently, but what makes him leave and find Trico again? What’s their bond like, years later? Or is it Trico who comes back to search for him?
And what about the being in the coffin? Got any headcanons on the relationship between it, the master of the valley, the alien-looking white tower and the rest of the vall... well, crater, presumably? Are they dead? Does some part of their conscience stick around? Were they in some sort of cryostasis and the destruction of the master of the valley woke them up?
I really like the setting of the game so laying it thick with the environmental focus is always appreciated.
As an aside and since SotC and ICO are in the tagset, I don’t generally like to think about direct, rational connections between the three games, placing them in a timeline etc. Even so, if you read the TLG artbook: what the hell was Ueda going on about, talking about SotC “as if through a mirror” or whatever that quote went like? Iirc he was talking about TLG’s mirror and SotC’s pool having some sort of symbolic... inverted... connection...? If you have ideas about some crackpot surrealist connection between TLG and SotC, the kind fever dreams are made of, I’m all ears!
The Swapper: any
I fell in love early on with this indie gem and its take on cloning, communication and the loss of self and I’m thrilled to see it in the tagset. I love narratives that explore solitude, alien mindsets, rejection of society, fractured consciousness - you can see how The Swapper struck a chord (the stellar puzzles and graphics helped). So the first thing I’d like to read in this nonexistent fandom with no fic is something, anything, focused on any of these themes. What of our protagonist, or what is left of her (WHAT is left of her?), after the ‘planet’ ending? But an exploration of the 'spaceship’ ending also works, keeping in mind that I see it as by far the creepiest and less consolatory option (not that the plot has any business being consolatory or black and white in the fist place, but if I HAD to slap a ‘good end’ ‘bad end’ label, planet ending is the good ending for me). What interests me about the Scavenger - I’m mostly talking about the main playable character(s), but the original one is also very interesting - is mostly what the game puts her through. Delving into her background, not so much. I would also love any setup that offers a focus on the Watchers, just… exploring their point of view on this whole business and on life, the universe and everything as a whole. Luv me them rocks. I’d really like to get into their mindset. The two scientists can come too of course.
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perfectackeracy · 7 years
Hey, I have found myself thinking about one question for a while, so I hope your help and explanations/proves(?) will sort this silly mess out. Basically, a lot of western fans (especially EMA) are claiming that Isayama clearly hated to draw Bertholdt and just HATED him as a character. Well, obviously this bitter comes from Bert not being part of EMA or "hypocrite, cruel, selfish, other dude who harmed their faves", but I'm interested what do you think about their exclamations? Thank you.
Here’s a fine specimen of troll/butthurt fan who is actually giving Bertolt more importance than what they think he deserves:
Tumblr media
They’re probably complexing because their fave, from Paradis, didn’t show at all, whereas the author dedicated flashback upon flashback under Reiner’s POV, with obviously Bertolt making significant appearances. In order to stop crying and feel themselves better, they send messages like that under anon, trying miserably to undermine Bertolt’s character by demonstrating their lack of reading comprehension, and failing miserably unto making a point. I made my statement several times and they’re asking to be spoonfed, desperate for validation. That’s how pathetic they are, usually. Some people are happy to see me dragging these morons down, but it’s getting tiresome, so I’m just serial-blocking their IPs. All I can do is explain once and for all. I, unfortunately, can’t cure reading problems or thought processing. If they want to be disappointed so badly by the next series of events, shame on them.
Anyway, that’s the type of bland criticism I’m getting. And I can’t tell if it’s just a hater chanting the same thing over and over again like some cult mantra, or several people. The latter seems more likely since Bertolt is the least popular main guy on Reddit since he didn’t mooch up to EMA in the last battle. At the same time, the anons I’m getting all have serious trouble with basic grammar -so the lack of reading comprehension is not that surprising-, which makes me think it’s the same troll who has an obsession with me.
Now, about the general opinion that doesn’t necessarily consist in reibert wank...
The argument about Isayama hating Bertolt stems from him offing him off so hastily in chapter 84. So fans automatically assume that, like Ymir who died offscreen, his character never really mattered. The problem in their argument is Isayama clearly enjoying drawing the CT and further associating him to Bertolt in latest interviews. We’ve got double pages of the destruction of Shiganshina and clear shots of the CT in chapter 95-96, with the label of “God of Destruction”. 
There’s not just the CT either. Bertolt had screentime in Reiner’s flashbacks and played a significant role in it: he never left Reiner’s side once in it and him helping Reiner at the end of 94 already shows their attachment to each other. 
What people wanted from him was him being more “in the scene”, like Annie, who only became vocal in chapter 96 and 97. She was merely in the background in 94 and 95, but people praise her over Bertolt, when the two of them had the same amount of screentime. What they don’t get is Bertolt speaking more than he should isn’t fit of his characterization as a meek person. And because he hides in Reiner’s shadow as his “lackey”, everybody underestimated him in Shiganshina: trying to use Annie as a bait? Didn’t work. Having Mikasa attack him from behind? Countered. Trying to bait him over by making Eren scream? Didn’t work. Eren trying to make Bertolt fall? Backfired in force. Bertolt was down because Armin tossed his life aside for Eren to get him. He was proven to be a terrifying foe compared to what his personality lets suggest, despite dialogue supporting these claims: “strongest of us”, “ranked 3rd in the 104th”, “mastered the CT right away”, etc...
That’s part of his charm. Just as him representing the terrifying CT, being the ultimate foe against the walled people. I don’t believe it’s a coincidence Bertolt died on the site of his debuts (on a roof next to the sealed gate), because it’s not long before we learn how insignificant Paradis is compared to the rest of the world, about how almost literally everybody in the walls was fed lies and how Eren progressively distanced himself from his own people. One volume and half later, we’re switching perspectives. If Bertolt was alive, he would’ve been “Marley’s greatest destructive asset” instead of “enemy of Humanity”. The MEU wouldn’t need to declare war on Marley knowing they had the equivalent of an atomic bomb and Reiner wouldn’t have sunk in a pit of despair if Bertolt was at his side. His death, just like Erwin’s, had a serious impact on their respective camps.
It’s like claiming Isayama hates Mikasa, when she too, has a mascot status and represents the strength of the 104th. She feels “background-ish” because she doesn’t speak much, but you can’t erase her and pretend the Paradis cast would be the same. Isayama even planned a separation from Armin and Eren, further showing he has something in stock for her.
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momtaku · 8 years
SnK Chapter 91 Poll
I’ll be closing the chapter 91 poll tomorrow, so this is your last chance if you’d like to chime in.
Take the Poll
I’ve gotten 350+ responses thus far and tbh these results are the most interesting I’ve seen in terms of lack of consensus. 134 people have left their chapter thoughts, I’ll share a bunch of those below the read more. My favorite is listed first :)
*patrick star voice* WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE
If Levi is taking down the beast titan and he finds out that not only is Zeke already dead, but his replacement is a weak-brows version of Erwin, I really hope it gives him pause.  That could be such a heartbreaking, earth shattering moment for him and I hope Yams handles it right.
GABI! Just Gabi. She's perfect
Timeskips should be illegal
Seeing the extent of Marleyan brainwashing was exceedingly well done.
Imagine how the poor kid that inherited "Cartman" felt like upon learning that that thing was their award for winning the marleyan hunger games.
Very unexpected change of character view from our beloved heroes to their"enemy"'s point of view. But I also think it's come at a good time in the overall SnK storyline...let's not forget that the walled society probably has no records on how to build ships or sail on the sea.
Can someone just tell Isayama‚ preferably someone close to him so the message gets across‚ that this isnt how trench warfare fucking worked? WW1 didn't have pre-teen, half-naked Genki girls hopping over trenches, tossing dynamite sticks at armored trains. This chapter destroyed my suspension of disbelief beyond repair.
I liked we got more info about Marley, but the fact that Isayama isn't willing to confirm Ymir and Annie's fate is getting a bit annoying
I thought this chapter was actually pretty cool. I've fallen hopelessly in love with Gabi! Fingers crossed that Annie gets the f*** outta that crystal soon though!
The time skip was needed for story progression but a lot of important questions and interactions were skipped in terms of character development. I just hope we get some of them in flashbacks and not have them completely disregarded don't care about the new characters, but I'm okay as long as they don't take so much screen time and we can go back to our main cast soon enough
I honestly dislike how Isayama uses these new characters to show us what Marley and being a warrior is like, instead of showing us RBA and Zeke's past :(
I think the after-chapter freakout was a big overreaction. I mean we could kinda forsee the direction the manga was going to take after we learnt about the whole Marley/Eldia thing.
After reading the full chapter and talking to someone else about it, I feel better about the timeskip. This chapter made me feel for RBA more, because they must've started out like Gabi and the rest. I only hope that those kids don't have the same fate (but considering that it is snk, it's likely that they are going to suffer lbs). I'm just worried about the 104th and what's been going on with them. They've all grown, and Eren and Armin are closer to their death now :( I don't think I would've had a problem with the time skip if it wasn't for the 13 year thing. But overall, I'm pretty optimistic with where the story is going. I trust Isayama with his story telling. I just have to prepare myself in case of the worst.
Warriors were cool. That's what I consider to be AoT. But without actual Titans, it's just not as interesting. Neither are the WW1 vibes. I just want titans back.
I thought this was a pretty good world building chapter (despite the jarring time skip), especially since we've been waiting many chapters to see this place.  I don't ADORE these new characters, I'm more intrigued, which is better then hating them.  This is also a good set up chapter.  I'm interested to see if Reiner will interact with these new characters.  Since they look so similar to the 104th (design and personality), will he constantly be reminded of his past relationships with them?  Plus, will he see some of himself in them (specifically Gabi) and through them reminding of himself we'll see his backstory?  And is he going to just except his fate and get eaten, or be like "Screw this, nope, not dealing with it."
"WHAT" was legitimately the keyword for this chapter but I trust Isayama with the story and with our heroes+ I hope we'll get to see the Jaegers reunion before anything bad happens to Zeke...
Gabi is such a badass, omg, do you see it Eren? This is how you gettting out of horrible situations!
This chapter has really grown on the more times I read it.
Really enjoyed the way the characters were presented. It gives the reader the chance to see Marley's side of things without being forced to have a story-generated opinion on them (aka screaming at us to hate them) because quite frankly, I was rooting for those Warrior kids to succeed with their plan!
I think it is a very unusual way to tell a story,  however I also feel this could work for the best.... I think this time skip can actually go a long way towards making the coming conflict realistic. Rather than our protagonists taking them on with nothing but grit, hope and friendship, we have the possibility of them having actual time to prepare. I think this might lead to a battle between Marley and the people of Paradis that will be more evenly matched, and most importantly, realistic in how that happened.
i like the much needed change in perspective
While this chapter was certainly not a bad one, I only wished that more of the spotlight was on the original characters, seeing that there's only a few more arcs before the end of the series.
Dammit you Gabi! Fresh Face, Fresh Outlook in Life and Cute! I want to cosplay as her!
Next chapter : Gabi's underwear vs Survey Corps hundred of casualties.
UGH. This is no longer the story I used to enjoy. It's deliberately shifted from inspiring, against-all-odds heroism to a pile of absurdist, everything-is-relative garbage determined to prove that our 'heroes' are no more heroic than their opposition. If I wanted to be slapped in the face with a message of humanity's grayscale depravity, I'd read the news, thanks. :( I'm probably done with new chapters at this point, this isn't what I signed up for :P
I understand why the story is going in this direction and why it makes sense to skip three years...but I feel like we're moving further from our emotional center of the series, like the characters we love and their reactions to recent events.  I'm also concerned about the dwindling lifespans of Armin, Eren, and Reiner.  So I'm excited but scared for the changes our kids have gone through in three years...wish we could've seen it but I get why it's not feasible.  The world is cruel....:'(
if i pretend that this is a new manga i just started, it's interesting I guess. Wish we could have seen the warriors story from the Titan Trio's Pov. The fact that we get these new kids instead tells me that they will be sticking around. Not sure whether my investment in the story will ever go back beyond mjpopcorn.gif if that's the case.
I will like this chapter, but only if Isayama concludes this story with a good twist, that is. If not, chapter 91 will in my opinion be the beginning of the end (end in a bad way).
In the four year time skip, it could have been possible for the sc to build a ship (or multiple ships) which is good enough to cross the ocean with. Which leads me to think that the main characters will cross the ocean in some of the next chapters.
This chapter shows the bigger picture. what to come & what was in plan for years. This is the real thing now.
This was obviously a set-up chapter for things to come, but unfortunately I found it to be dull except for the part where they talk about the mission in the wall. That's all I care about, and this chapter did nothing to make me care for the plight of Marley and whatever stupid war they have to deal with.
Part of me wants to say that some key characteristics about Gabi not only resemble Eren or a younger version of him, but may also express some of the characteristics Isayama originally wanted to use for Eren when he considered making him female (I mean, Gabi even has nearly the exact same hair style as fem!Eren). But although they both are quite similar in a sense and could have had potential of being even more similar, until you reach a certain degree, they split in very different directions. Gabi tends to appear significantly more childish and carefree in the sense that everything is a game, while Eren has always been quite serious and often characterized as "angry". She and Eren both make similar reckless decisions and both speak similar dialogue, but they're quite different at the core based on assumable experiences and the environments they grew up in.
There are so much new good elements, I hope Isayama will do well 'cause the story is really interesting. Aside from that, the fact that Eldians (Gabi&Co) seem to enjoy fighting with their oppressor is disturbing, it's like a Stockholm syndrome...so different from Grisha and the revolutionist but to me they're all too radicals. Can't wait to knoe more about other nations
While there were definitely aspects that deserve creation (for instance we all know the amnesia thing was lazy writing) but overall I don't think the chapter was bad. I think the kids' unrealistic attitudes in battle was purposeful juxtaposition to the way our main cast has experienced war--it shows the extent of the brainwashing (I don't think it's that Isa is unable to consistently portray war's effects on people in a realistic way, like some claim). I'm wary but I think the story could be taken in some interesting directions. It would be really interesting to be reintroduced to our main characters through the eyes of the new ones, especially if our heroes come storming in like enemies--really playing into the moral grayness.
Time skip means we will see older version of the main characters and that's both exciting and terrifying af
One can only hope that Isayama graces us with Levi wearing a ponytail after this.
I was waiting for the story to explain what's going on the other side of the ocean. But not from these "copy and pasted" brats. Reiner is seen in just one panel and Zeke is barely mentionned. That's a shame.
I'm not buying the racial war yet. Grisha's sisters death was a stand out moment where I actually felt the horror of the war/racial conflict. So I have faith Isayama still has some gut punches left. But the clunky worldbuilding and shallow new characters are just not doing it for me. Isayama needs to invest in character moments because the human war narrative he has going right now doesn't have enough nuance or intrigue to stand on its own as of right now. This new outside of the walls world isn't immersive enough yet. Thanks momtaku for having these polls! They are always fun. :-)
I personally don't like Gabi that much. She put herself in danger, and I'm sure Marley would prefer to have someone much more tactical, or at least someone who doesn't put their whole life/operation in danger by pulling some silly stunt in hopes of getting noticed. I thought it was a very risky thing to do. But that's just my opinion.
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