#snk chapter 91
aruanimess · 6 months
*blows a kiss* 47, 62, 64, 77, and 91
Hi!!! *kisses and hugs*
ask game referenced
47. what story are you most proud of?
I'll have to break fandom lines for this one, since I haven't published much in the snk fandom, but it's definitely my rhaenicent fic Remorse is memory awake (idk why I'm linking it nobody here cares, but oh well). I'd never worked with two different timelines in the past, but I'm supremely proud of how that one turned out. Chapter 3 especially has this huge brawl that breaks out between the characters where everyone's involved and the rising tension is just excellent.... sometimes I worry I'll never write anything half as good again.
62. what’s the weirdest reason you’ve ever shipped something?
I thought I was weird for shipping Armin and Annie lmao, but turns out there're many of us. And I started shipping them because I took the Female Titan Arc as a thinly veiled metaphor (and not so metaphor) about Armin falling in love. But turns out, my weird ass assessment was kind of canon? Isayama is just as weird as the rest of us, it seems.
64. what is your favourite title for a fic you’ve read?
For someone who agonizes over titles, I sure don't notice them a lot lol. Most of the time I remember a fic from the premise rather than the title. Right now the only one that springs to mind is These City Lights by Katsy0c0, because I feel like it captures the tone of the story perfectly.
77. how do you write kissing scenes?
Hmm, I guess it depends on what I want to achieve with it. Is it the first kiss? is it the 1000th kiss? the last kiss? Also, is it meant to be sexy, is it meant to be romantic, casually intimate, tragic? I go into more or less detail based on the answers to these questions and the language changes as well.
91. how has your writing style changed over the years?
This is something I don't really pay attention to until I read my older work. Other than the technical stuff (better sentence structure, more complicated and yet simpler plots, better handling of tone) I think the main difference is that these days I'm trying to be more vulnerable and honest on the page.
I used to write a lot of things that sounded cool, but with very little substance to back them up. Like I still write this sort of thing, it's just that now I'm allowing the characters to do most of the heavy lifting without forcing them into impossible scenarios, and I believe the end result is more impactful that way.
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olivieraa · 8 months
Not the best thing to be comparing it to since they're on completely different levels but I cant help it.
Ok so, when I finished Attack on Titan, I remember sitting there just like... staring at the window ahead of me and just thinking to myself "what can I possibly watch now that wont feel insanely mediocre in comparison?"
Truly. It was akin to a feeling of a breakup but with someone so perfect you think "well that's it, nobody can compare to that, no point in even looking"
Osomatsu was the best thing for me to get back to first. For various reasons. And it worked. It helped. It took my mind off of SnK, even if I kept thinking about it here and there. And then I watched 91 Days and Acca and was able to appreciate them for what they were, but SnK changed a lot for me. Because I had never seen it done before.
There's some that say otherwise and that someone with my viewpoint is wrong, but I really and truly felt like the creator of SnK had every second of that story planned. And I could pull up various moments in the show that made no sense when you watched them in s1, only to have that answered in s3 or s4, and its like, "ok if he didn't have that planned, and it was 10 years later that we saw the answer, why would it have been in s1 in the first place." I want to get into that in a different post. But lets just say, SnK is what the show Lost could have been. But they defo didn't know where they were going with that and pulled a damn plot out of a hat and an ending out of another hat and went along with it, and it is widely regarded as the show that could have been the greatest TV show ever made (and then Game of Thrones did the same thing lol).
While watching Maou-sama, I watched it the same way I watched 91 Days and Acca. I watched it for what it was. None of them are SnK. They're just animes. Fun animes. And they were my top rated. I'd given them all an 8 (Maou had a 9 but I brought it down).
But with Maou-- Like SnK, it also happened to feature something I'd never seen before. And that is that is it the most wasted potential I have ever seen.
I don't remember being this disappointed. This would have been the exact type of show in which you should have had your whole story planned out, just like SnK. Definitely not on the grand, epic scale. But you don't have to be of the same genre to put your all into your story. Your very best. Your goddamn heart.
Some animes go a little bit downhill. Some animes start off medicore and get better.
But to have the premise that Maou-sama did and go in such a route that turned it into the most basic, run of the mill, generic anime that could easily blend in with thousands of others... Absolutely crazy to me.
And everyone is in agreement on it. I felt this way and then looked at the comment sections and its very much accepted that the creator got to a point where he stopped giving a shit. And that's so sad.
I wish he'd just been like "here, I got this far. I gave it my all to a point, so please continue cause I actually don't know what to do from here on out" and just handed it to someone else.
But anyway. I watched Maou-sama 10 years ago.
S2 part 1 came out in 2022 and S2 part 2 came out in 2023 (idk why it wasn't just S2 and S3). The anime ended in the most basic manner.
So, instead of waiting for a S3, I'm gonna read the manga and finish it off, bc I'm so disappointed I really couldn't be bothered, and wanna get this outta the way so I dont have to look at it again. And there's only 10 chapters left (idk how they'll make a whole season outta that).
Oh what could have been.
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everylevishot · 4 years
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Shingeki no Kyojin: Kui Naki Sentaku - Levi #91
Chapter 1 - 自由の翼 (The Wings of Freedom)
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eren-eren-eren · 8 years
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I don’t know about you guys, but she reminds me a LOT of fem! Eren,,,,,, I am blessed.
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bellevillenaty · 8 years
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Attack on titan | Chapter 91 | Gabi color
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smolstrawberrychara · 8 years
I just realised with the last chapter that makes a 4 year time skip, we're gonna get to see all the kids aged up to 19/20!! I'm so excited after all the amazing fan arts, gonna be good
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lampurple · 8 years
Think about it this way, guys!  When the next chapter update hits and we find out more about wtf is going on, THE FIRST EPISODE OF SEASON 2 HAS BEEN AIRED!!
We are mere WEEKS from the premiere!!
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momtaku · 8 years
SnK Chapter 91: Official Names
The chapter is called “The Other Side of the Ocean”
The fort where the action is taking place is "Fort Slava" as in, "All we have to do is capture Fort Slava and Marley wins the war."
The people Marley are fighting are the Mid-East Allied Forces
The new warrior trainees are Zophia, Udo, Falco and Gabi.
The new titan is Jaws (Galliard). The other titan referenced is Cartman (Pieck)
It's not specifically stated that Colt is to inherit the Beast. It's a little more like, "if you think you have what it takes to inherit the Beast, you ought to get out there..."
I don’t know if it was clear from the fan translation, but Falco and a group of Eldians were attempting to dig a trench closer to the Fort when they were hit by grenades. 
Some panels below with official wording:
“Why are you dressed that way?”
This was weird to me. In the fan translation it was “Why this form?”. Either way, I don’t understand why Colt is confused about Falco’s appearance.
Edit: I hate unassigned word bubbles! Thank you @myheartisarollingthunder for telling me that those are Falco’s thoughts, not Colts!
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  Mid East Allied Forces:
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  The Time Skip:
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  The Weird line about “International Law”:
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  Official Titan Names:
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  Gabi’s Motivation:
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everylevishot · 4 years
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Shingeki! Kyojin Chuugakkou - Levi #91
Chapter 16 - 絶対に強い (Sixteenth Period: Absolute Strength)
You scum...
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officer-baes-bitch · 8 years
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falcon94ssy · 7 years
Chapter 98:
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Chapter 91:
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Snk fandom:
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nakamatoo · 8 years
One thing in really hoping for in future chapters is that we don't see Eren all shaggy and bearded up and looking similarly to his father. Noooo please anything but that I need reassurance that even though he's been through so much he still has time to take care of himself and his hygiene.
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ourmondobongo · 2 years
Hello! I've already asked this from another blog, but I like to read your opinion too. Please take your time with the response. I noticed you're quite busy. Anyways, I have two questions if you don't mind: 1) Do you think when Levi's lines "Both...we're doing both..." is a callback to what Hange said in the Uprising arc, as if he wants to remind the squad of what Hange sacrificed their life for? Or it is referring to all his comrades? What's more, I noticed from the final chapters whenever Levi remembers Hanji the memory is always accompanied by Erwin too (chap 136). Meanwhile Levi talked to Erwin and remembered him looking at him in a couple panels in the same chapter. Idk why but as a levihan it kinda makes me feel uncomfortable he never mentioned Hanji, nor her sacrifice. This probably originates from my insecurities which is why I would be glad to read your thoughts.
Hmm, nenithil's answer to this is very much what I would say too. So I'll resume my pov:
1. To us, the readers, it's a call back to chapter 52 and Hanji imo. Reviving old cycles through new/similar circumstances is what Yams did from chapter 91 until the very last page of the manga.
To them, in the battle, it was only the very logical curse of action the Alliance had to follow. Nothing more.
2. Pretty much the same as nenithil. But also, I'm sorry if it will sound a bit cold, but Snk isn't a shoujo manga. Like, everything is drawn for a reason that will primarily be necessary to push the plot forward.
So, considering what Levi was going through when remembering Erwin alone, it's clear Levi is trying to fulfill his duties and bloody promises; when he remembers Hanji in 136, Levi is a physically and emotionally broken man holding onto the last straw to find the strength to keeping fighting despite the overwhelming sense of nihilism and despair around him. And the fact Hanji looks so lively and hopeful while being the focus of every eye of the people Levi also cared about the most in his memory is such a light in the dark (literally and metaphorically) that I'm sure that Yams intentionally did that to emphasize the most beautiful aspirations of the SC; and this is what Levi needed to remember in that moment - that those hearts would have never been sacrificed to destroy others; and from the pain of losing until the last one as well as in honor to all they lived for, he couldn’t give in nor give up yet.
3. I don't know from where this idea that Levi never mentioned nor her sacrifice comes from though. Right in chapter 133, Levi from the start is visible hurting because of Hanji's death...
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...and the way Yams "shifts" the angle to hide Levi's good eye when mentioning Hanji's name hypothesis + him asking for HELP support of everyone when just in chapter 132 he was like "two fingers is good enough; it's fine" is yet another display of Levi's broken state after Hanji's sacrifice.
Then, we had his memories in 136. And his vision with Hanji at the front and center in 139.
And finally, the last appearance of Levi in the manga is him sharing a knowing look with Onyan after a plane flies right above him. I don't care what other readers say about this - it's impossible not to link the plane with Hanji here. The only one who could say anything different would be Yams. And until he himself comes forth and says "No, Onyan was looking at Levi just because he is pretty. And, yeah, the plane makes Levi think about everyone despite that only Hanji knew and sacrificed herself for this technology", I will stick to what he drew right there.
Lastly, a friendly advice: to stress over ship legitimacy without VERY NEON SIGNS in any fandom is a bottomless hell. But in SNK, it's also a Tartarus. Do not cage yourself willingly on it!
I've been there, and the environment is so toxic I started to feel repelled by characters I used to like, and even distanced from LH ship itself ( and I DO love them) for awhile.
And in the end 1. Aot ship fandom is a waking nightmare; 2. Yams is TOO freaking subtle with many stuff 🙄; 3. Ship wars are a childish thing to lose your time engaging in. But above all - these are drawings in pieces of paper.
They mean a lot to us, but they don't exist outside our imagination. They aren't loving or living or having seggs or whatever it is that lives rent free in our heads. So don't let your mental and emotional health be dictated so deeply by unreal stuff. And if anything, stay away from AOT Twitter (including the LH fandom there), block tags here, and don't give a flying f*** to whatever other people say (including me lol). The love and interpretation you yourself have over the characters is what really matters - and it can only be destroyed by how YOU decide to see it.
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momtaku · 8 years
SnK Chapter 91 Poll Results
The chapter 91 poll closed with 473 entries.
“Utter Garbage” or “I trust Isayama”?
We’ll start with the scale questions. The range was 1-5, from “utter garbage” to “I trust Isayama”. I realize that isn’t an accurate scale, but “I trust Isayama” is the comment I hear most when discussing Isayama’s more questionable decisions.
RATE THE CHAPTER (451 responses)
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The reaction to the chapter as a whole was pretty positive. Only 23% of people ranked it towards the “utter garbage” side of the scale. A majority were  optimistic and almost 23% of respondents were downright confident Isayama is going to pull it off.
This chapter has really grown on the more times I read it.
[It] seems so naturally easy for a group of teens to gain success, while  the character we learned to appreciate experienced nothing but death. it feels unfair [...] but if Isayama is doing this, there must be a reason.
While there were definitely aspects that deserve creation (for instance we all know the amnesia thing was lazy writing) but overall I don't think the chapter was bad. I think the kids' unrealistic attitudes in battle was purposeful juxtaposition to the way our main cast has experienced war--it shows the extent of the brainwashing ...
Although there are a lot of cool elements, it's all just handled so badly and doesn't flow well at all. I hate just about all of the new characters. Everything about it feels lazy, rushed, and badly developed. Though the war stuff and new tech is cool and refreshing to see.
I always enjoy seeing what outsiders think of Paradis and the main characters. I appreciate how Isayama handles themes such as government propaganda and the way each side in a war can see their cause as righteous and just.
I thought this chapter was actually pretty cool. I've fallen hopelessly in love with Gabi! Fingers crossed that Annie gets the f*** outta that crystal soon though!
Seeing the extent of Marleyan brainwashing was exceedingly well done.
The random amnesia thing was really lazy and half-assed.
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 I’ve never seen a scale so evenly divided. Opinions about the time skip are all over the place. A slim majority picked the safety of the middle option.
The time skip is perfect and Gabi is the best.
The time skip was needed for story progression but a lot of important questions and interactions were skipped in terms of character development. I just hope we get some of them in flashbacks and not have them completely disregarded
Timeskips should be illegal
After reading the full chapter and talking to someone else about it, I feel better about the timeskip. This chapter made me feel for RBA more, because they must've started out like Gabi and the rest.
Timeskips are cheap ?? Theres so much plot you could throw in there but noooooo
I believe there is no time skip but the chapter takes place during chapter 1-90 of the manga. So its showing a different perspective on the manga
Time skip means we will see older version of the main characters and that's both exciting and terrifying af
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Feeling about the direction of the story are almost a mirror image of the "Rate this Chapter” question. Despite disagreement over the time skip, confidence is still relatively high.
Love the story right now so much. The mix of ww1, fucked up war morals, fantasy is a personal favorite.
I will like this chapter, but only if Isayama concludes this story with a good twist, that is. If not, chapter 91 will in my opinion be the beginning of the end (end in a bad way).
Isayama fell asleep at the wheel
It's definitely not how I thought it would go, and it seems like it may only pay off if we exceed the previous 110 prediction for chapters. I've seen a couple of theories about the new characters and parallels between the Trost days for our characters. I will be extremely disappointed if we get no answer on what happened during the lost year of chapter 90. Or the lost 3 years between that and 91.
i think the story has potential still, and im interested to see how it will work out. im also just hoping this flash to the marley side isnt gonna be too long. 
I think this is going to be really interesting and we get to see the other side of the fight and their perspective.
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The reveal of the Jaw Titan was completely overshadowed by the brief glimpse of Reiner and insight into Marley. 57% of the vote focused on those two things.
Imagine how the poor kid that inherited "Cartman" felt like upon learning that that thing was their award for winning the marleyan hunger games.
I thought this was a pretty good world building chapter (despite the jarring time skip), especially since we've been waiting many chapters to see this place.  I don't ADORE these new characters, I'm more intrigued, which is better then hating them.  This is also a good set up chapter.  I'm interested to see if Reiner will interact with these new characters.  Since they look so similar to the 104th (design and personality), will he constantly be reminded of his past relationships with them?  Plus, will he see some of himself in them (specifically Gabi) and through them reminding of himself we'll see his backstory?  And is he going to just except his fate and get eaten, or be like "Screw this, nope, not dealing with it."
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Support for Gabi is simply overwhelming. Gabi (38%) and Jerwin (25%) were our favorite new cast members. 
Gabi is such a badass, omg, do you see it Eren? This is how you getting out of horrible situations!
Dammit you Gabi! Fresh Face, Fresh Outlook in Life and Cute! I want to cosplay as her!
i feel like i'm the only one who doesn't  like the new characters
I'm so confused but Gabi is fantabulous
Gabi is such a ray of sunshine
my orphanage is full i already have too many kids to adopt in this series
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Another close poll, Reiner keeping his titan form narrowly edges out Gabi as the armor recipient.
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If respondents have their way, Zeke’s short term future is very secure. 
I also believe that Zeke will keep the Beast Titan (at least for a while), but ultimately Colt will be the one to inherit it. Zeke story is far from being over.
If Levi is taking down the beast titan and he finds out that not only is Zeke already dead, but his replacement is a weak-brows version of Erwin, I really hope it gives him pause.  That could be such a heartbreaking, earth shattering moment for him and I hope Yams handles it right.
  Attack on Clones
New character, same face. Most of these are self explanatory, but clearly I asked the wrong question with Falco since the majority picked “Other”. Grisha’s friend and fellow revolutionary Grice should have been an option.
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Strong resemblance confirmed! I was especially please that the majority agree that Colt most closely resembles Erwin. Since I passionately hate the name “Colt”, I see this as permission to call him Erwin, Jr, or “Jerwin”. 
Zophia is clearly the traumatized medic who inventoried dead!Marco)
I don't really see a strong resemblance between the new cast and the old.
When I saw the new characters I thought: would the children of our main cast look like them?
Part of me wants to say that some key characteristics about Gabi not only resemble Eren or a younger version of him, but may also express some of the characteristics Isayama originally wanted to use for Eren when he considered making him female
Colt=Commander Handsome 2.0
Colt looks like Kenny tbh
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Ya’ll know these questions are unscientific and purely for my amusement with questions like this. I thought Nick’s live chapter reaction (soundboard) summed things up perfectly. At least one respondent disagreed.
theleapingtitan's reaction wasn't that funny, and for a SNK Chapter poll, seeing stupid stuff like this just takes away the authenticity of the poll
who tf is nick (jk lol praise the walls)
"WHAT" was legitimately the keyword for this chapter but I trust Isayama with the story and with our heroes+ I hope we'll get to see the Jaegers reunion before anything bad happens to Zeke tho
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This question is nearly identical to the scale question at the top of the poll, but it’s nice to see the information presented in a different way. It’s obvious to me that while the majority still have faith in Isayama, people are hesitant to fully embrace his storytelling.
I was waiting for the story to explain what's going on the other side of the ocean. But not from these "copy and pasted" brats. Reiner is seen in just one panel and Zeke is barely mentioned. That's a shame.
I'm interested to see where this goes but a good 75% of my thoughts are concentrated on what the main characters possibly look like after the time skip.
I honestly dislike how Isayama uses these new characters to show us what Marley and being a warrior is like, instead of showing us RBA and Zeke's past :(
Really enjoyed the way the characters were presented. It gives the reader the chance to see Marley's side of things without being forced to have a story-generated opinion on them (aka screaming at us to hate them) because quite frankly, I was rooting for those Warrior kids to succeed with their plan!
Very unexpected change of character view from our beloved heroes to their"enemy"'s point of view. But I also think it's come at a good time in the overall SnK storyline.
It's disappointing. There's so much potential in the series but I feel like Isayama just wants to get the series over with.
DO YOU THINK YMIR IS DEAD? (445 responses)
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Clearly, we’re keeping the faith until we see a corpse.
In reference to Ymir, I don't believe she'd dead because unlike the Zeke and Reiner, no warriors are competing to claim her power, so unless they already dealt with the one to claim her I think they've kept her alive for now.
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I’ve asked this question with each poll and in the past “The Vets” have had the edge. That changes now. I suspect many of Erwin’s fans are no longer interested in the series and certainly not interested enough to take a poll. This number may continue to decline since “The Vets” now consists of only Levi and Hange. Fans of the “The Warriors” remain consistent in their dedication.
Final thoughts
There were more chapter thoughts in this post. Fandom hope for ponytail Levi is strong!  “Where’s Levi”, “Where’s Ymir” and “Bring back Annie” continue to be high on everyone’s mind.
Compiling this takes forever but I love getting a glimpse into what what others are thinking. If I didn’t publish your comment, please know that I read it. Thank you again for the support.
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everylevishot · 5 years
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Levi #91
Chapter 19 - まだ目を見れない (Still Can’t See)
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