#i hope it makes your wednesdays not suck
ex0rin · 1 year
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Frank Grillo | Fightworld Birmania: Crossroads
aka: someone gave him a baby and his sunshine smile helps my depression
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floral-hex · 4 months
in the ER for the second time this week. They put me in the stinky room 😒
#ANXIOUS!#I’M GONNA DIE!#been told I’m getting some Ativan to take home so I’m thankful.#my anxiety has been SO bad this past week#full blown panic throughout the day#and I’m so hungry and dehydrated but haven’t been able to stomach eating or drinking#although… gosh I did have an awesome burger last night. that was the only good thing I’ve eaten all week.#can’t afford to only eat hamburgers tho#so… gonna go home from here eventually. take some meds. try to sleep.#this room stinks and has a bunch of junk in it#they had me pee in a portable urinal instead of letting me do my urine test in the bathroom 😒#the nurses were super nice tho#I’m so on edge#I feel so pathetic#I’m scared to go home and feel the panic again#I just want to sleep and feel better#I told the doctor they gave me .5 Ativan last time and he scoffed at how small that amount was#but hopefully the script gets filled and it’s not a billion dollars and I can make it to Wednesday#where also hopefully my doctor will give me a longer prescription for something#I’m gonna beg him#I’ll suck your dick dude. I’ll do whatever. I just don’t want to feel that panic anymore.#it’s been a whole lotta me saying ‘I know I should have done this sooner but I didn’t and now I’m fucked. help me.’#THIS being getting back on meds and going back to therapy and on and on#but here we are. it’s been the weekend.#can’t schedule shit on the weekend#just gotta call everyone when I can tomorrow and hope they all can see me soonish#gosh…. ER trip Thursday night and then primary can’t see me until a week later. sucks butts.#too much rambling. good distraction. sorry to bother you.#you can ignore this#text
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ichorai · 2 months
ménage à trois.
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pairing ; lestat de lioncourt x vampire!gn!reader x louis de pointe du lac
synopsis ; “you turned him,” you said to lestat with a disapproving frown. louis was sleeping fitfully in a coffin between the two of you, skin charred and covered in dust and burns. lestat didn’t have to tell you—you put the clues together and figured out that louis had run into the morning sun without knowing what it would do to him. “you were always the selfish one, weren’t you? i could never have anything for myself.”
words ; 3.8k
themes ; angst, a bit of fluff, vampires, polyamory
warnings / includes ; super toxic throuple dynamics, blood/murder, covers the first two episodes of iwtv, reader is a writer, louis is infatuated <3 and lestat is well... lestat...
there will be a second part (claudia incoming)!
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You met Lestat de Lioncourt in 1780—six years after he was turned, and three years after you. It was a wild and tumultuous affair the two of you shared. You and Lestat clashed just as much as you molded together. While he was possessive and greedy, you longed for freedom and space. Eventually, after many bloody rows, the two of you parted ways with reluctant, half-sincere promises of a distant reunion. 
Louis de Pointe du Lac was yours before he was Lestat’s, as he oft forgot. By 1908, you were a regular patron of his establishment in New Orleans—though less for the sex and more for the stories. The women there were immeasurably fascinating. With enough liquor and sweet talking, they would answer each and every burning question you had. When Louis caught wind of one of his customers bringing pencils and parchment of all things to the bedrooms, he’d confronted you about it, curious as to what you were doing to the working girls—especially when they always came out flush-faced and giggling.
“I’m a writer,” you told him with a sweet smile. Close-lipped, hiding your fangs. “I hope you don’t mind. The women here have lovely tales to tell.”
Louis returned the grin after a second to overcome his surprise. “I’m sure they do. Why here, though?”
“Your establishment has the highest rates of colored women. Not many are willing to listen to what they have to say.” You fiddled with the buttons on your jacket, and tipped your head down into a nod. “I’d best be leaving. The night is late, and the sun will greet us soon.”
“Not a morning person?” Louis asked, falling into step with you as you made your way to your convertible.
A huff of a laugh fell past your lips. “You could say that, yes.”
From then on, Louis went out of his way to greet you like clockwork. Every Wednesday and Saturday you came, bright-eyed and pencil ready. Those days, Louis watched you come by nightfall and leave before morning dawned, always making sure to exchange pleasantries. One of the nights, you asked if he had any stories to tell you—though there was little talking or writing that night. It was hard to jot down what he was telling you with his head between your thighs.
You were, by no means, a possessive vampire. You liked to keep your options open and drift from place to place. But around a year and a half later, you heard of Lestat landing in New Orleans, sucking the furniture stores and libraries dry—and setting his eyes on Louis. Your Louis.
You and Louis were not lovers, and the same would apply to your and Lestat’s relationship. You would say you were far closer to being friends with the two than lovers. Though… the prospect of love was not a far away concept to you. Not when it came to Lestat and Louis.
“You turned him,” you said to Lestat with a disapproving frown. Louis was sleeping fitfully in a coffin between the two of you, skin charred and covered in dust and burns. Lestat didn’t have to tell you—you put the clues together and figured out that Louis had run into the morning sun without knowing what it would do to him. “You were always the selfish one, weren’t you? I could never have anything for myself.”
“I’m sorry, did I spoil your little toy?” Lestat said, leering over you with a grin.
“He wasn’t a toy. He’s a friend.”
The blonde vampire’s hands reached out to caress over your face, soft and cold. “A friend that you fucked.”
“On occasion.” Your nose wrinkled. “You fucked him, too.” It wasn’t a question, but a statement. It would have surprised you if Lestat hadn’t fucked Louis.
“Don’t be jealous, my darling,” he said, eyes glinting dangerously. “I’ll fuck you, as well. You need only ask. It has been a long while, no?” 
He kissed you then, tasting of sweet blood and sharp wine. As angry as you were with him, you didn’t push him away. With Lestat, it was hard to say no. That morning, you fell asleep in his coffin, limbs woven together. Come sunset, you were already gone.
It took you a few days to get around to forgiving Lestat. Louis made you softer—his inexperience to vampire life was ever so endearing to you. When you explained to Louis that you were also a vampire—one with a deep history with his maker, he stared at you with widened eyes.
“It’s no wonder I never saw you during the day,” he said, Lestat’s arm slung around his shoulder. “But why didn’t you kill any of my girls? How could you resist it?”
“Older vampires find it easier to resist temptation,” you told him with a dangerous, fanged smile. “Besides—I wanted their stories more than I wanted their blood. I can find food… elsewhere.”
“Elsewhere?” Louis glanced between you and Lestat, the first thought vanishing from his mind just as quickly as it came. “Wait, were you two—did you… did he turn you, too?”
A bark of a laugh fell from your lips. “Oh, Louis, my dear, no. Lestat may have left hundreds and thousands of fledglings in his bloody wake but I am not one of them. My turning will be a story for another time,” you assured him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. Louis smiled and nodded as if he was in a daze. To his side, Lestat looked visibly annoyed. Whether he was jealous of you or Louis, you couldn’t tell.
Sharing is caring, you greedy whore, you said to him without moving your lips. Lestat only stared at you with those icy blue eyes and huffed out a dramatic sigh.
“Well, since the fledgling has already taken a liking to you, would you like to stay?” Lestat gestured around his decorated halls. “There is more than enough room here for three coffins.”
As always, saying no to Lestat was usually not an option. 
“You could just say you’d like me here. Don’t have to be dragging Louis into it,” you told him, patting his chest with a mocking simper.
“Yes, yes, fine—I’d like you to stay, as well. I’ve missed you terribly.” Lestat moved closer to you as if he was going to kiss you, but you leaned away at the last moment and grinned at Louis.
“Louis, hon, how about we get a nice fire started and you tell me all about what mean ol’ Lestat did to you the first few hours of your turning? I love hearing about new vampire experiences. It’s been so long I can hardly remember mine.” You offered Louis your arm and gestured to the living room. The man looked to Lestat, almost as if asking for permission, but turned away just as quickly to take your arm. 
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Louis, in his hunger and youth, had impulsively killed an important man in town. Lestat had already angrily berated him enough whilst tossing the body into the cremator. You were more gentle with your approach, taking Louis’ hands and goading him to wash the blood off and change into a new set of clothes that weren’t soaked with his kill.
The amusing thought that you and Lestat were raising a child and parenting together briefly crossed your mind. But then again, the two of you had both fucked Louis before and were most definitely going to again in the future, so perhaps it wasn’t the best analogy. 
“Here, put this on.” you handed Louis, stripped naked and scrubbed of the blood, a fresh button-down whilst Lestat was off cleaning up the mess Louis had made. “That was real dangerous what you did back there, you know. You’ll get detectives sniffing around and swarming you like ants to a honey pot. They don’t take kindly to black folk, neither.”
“I know,” he said, shrugging on the shirt. “I was hungry.”
“I know,” you parroted, though your tone was considerably softer. You placed your cold palm against Louis’ face and he leaned into it for a few silent moments. “Just be more careful next time, alright? Lestat and I have centuries of experience between us—you can trust us.”
Louis’ face contorted at the realization. “Sometimes I forget that this is gon’ be forever. That I won’t just wake up and you two will be gone. That I’ll be human again and my brother will still be around and my ma would still be asking me to come over to her house for dinner every Sunday.”
“Forever isn’t always a bad thing,” you said, voice soft and soothing. “It is daunting, yes, but you still live from day to day just as the mortals do. You’ll grow more comfortable in your skin with time, I promise.” You hesitated to say the next few sentences. “Lestat, as much as you admire his strength, is just as afraid as you sometimes. He’s afraid of being lonely. I confess, I have been afraid to be lonely more than once myself, but I have made peace with the fact that I will be alone sometimes. Immortal life makes it inevitable. My point is, though… you aren’t alone. Lestat is not as godly as you think he is.”
“And are you?” Louis asked.
“Do you think of me as godly?” 
One of his shoulders lifted in a half-shrug. “Most of the time.”
“I’m still a person,” you reassured him. “Lost to time, perhaps, but a person nonetheless. And you are, too.”
Your words seemed to placate Louis, though only momentarily. He parted his mouth open to say more, but Lestat dramatically stormed in the room, expression still creased with anger. After decades upon decades of knowing him, you knew by now that he would get over it eventually—it wasn’t really that big of a deal. But Louis, quite shaken up by the kill and his maker furious with him, couldn’t shrug it off as easily as you. The two of them went to their respective coffins angrily. 
Hours later, whilst you were writing up drafts of your most recent discussions with a few townspeople, you heard the two of them quietly exchange words of apology and plans for the future from their coffins. You smiled down to yourself. The romance between them was strong, you knew. You wondered if you ever had the same connection with Lestat. Or even Louis. You were growing quite fond of him. And you’d always been fond of Lestat, even though he irritated you to no end. 
When Louis bought the most expensive, the biggest, and the brightest club in the district, he made sure to pay all the working girls and musicians twice what they earned before. The doors were now open to anyone, not just folks with light skin. And he even had a room especially booked for you—always decked with the finest pencils and pens and papers and books and the most heavenly chairs imaginable—Louis was a man who thought out your every need. It startled you to think that your fondness for him may be far greater than just fondness. How would Lestat feel about you falling in love with his fledgling? Louis was yours first. And before that, you and Lestat were also each other’s for a time.
With Louis still at the club entertaining guests, Lestat heard your thoughts as soon as you returned from your work—you didn’t bother hiding your mind from him, because he had ways of getting information out of you regardless. 
“I don’t mind,” he said, greeting you as you changed out of your attire into more comfortable clothes for home. He hung by the doorway for a moment before slinking closer to you, running his hands up and down your bare skin. “We can share, my love. I don’t mind—not with you. And I’m sure Louis wouldn’t mind sharing you with me.”
“Rather presumptuous of you,” you replied.
“Not presumptuous if you’re thinking it,” Lestat said, pressing a kiss to your shoulder, then several more up your neck. “Don’t resist us. It can be the three of us together. Doesn’t that sound nice?”
“There’s a reason I left you in the first place,” you whispered. “You are possessive and mean when you want to be.”
Lestat tilted your face so his lips hovered just an inch over yours. “That may be true… but you’ll stay for Louis.” 
It wasn’t a question, but a statement. He knew you better than anyone undead or alive.
“I will.” 
“Good,” he said, and then kissed you as if he was going to devour you whole.
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Many moons later, you walked into one of the house’s many bedrooms, about to enquire if either of the vampires had seen your notebook lying around anywhere, when you saw Louis lying on the bed, tears of red slipping down his face. Lestat dabbed the blood away with a napkin.
“What’s going on?” you asked with a concerned tone, sitting down next to him on the mattress opposite Lestat. 
“My nephew,” Louis practically spat out the words as if they had scorched his tongue. “I was so afraid I would… I could hear his heart—his tiny little heart—and I wanted to rip it out and eat it. I’m a monster.”
There was a moment of silence as you studied the young fledgling.
“If you’re a monster, what does that make me?” you whispered, leaning down to press your nose to the back of his ear. “You didn’t kill him, Louis.”
“No, but I could have.” Another bloody tear slipped down his eye and slotted against his nose bridge.
Whilst Lestat wiped his face again, he said, “You have to stop seeing them, Louis. They’ll grow fearful of you if they haven’t already.”
“No,” said Louis, voice hoarse and quiet. “I can’t do it.”
“It’s a rite of passage for all of us,” Lestat went on. “If you love your family, as I know you do, spare them all the pain that you are causing them.” Knowing Lestat’s relationship with his mother, you found his words quite ironic. Louis didn’t need to know about that right now, though. 
“My siblings spent many decades looking for me once I ‘disappeared’,” you told Louis. “It hurt to distance myself from them, but I was protecting them.”
Louis glanced up at you. Sitting with your back to the lit fireplace, there seemed to be an angelic glow framing you. “I didn’t know you have siblings.”
“Had,” you corrected. “They are long gone now, though many of their children’s children and further generations remain. They lived long and happy lives even after I left.”
“I ain’t never gonna have a family of my own, am I?” Louis lamented. “No sons, no daughters.”
It was silent for a moment when you and Lestat locked eyes. The blonde looked back down at his fledgling. “We’re your family, Louis.”
“You should just throw me in the incinerator,” said Louis. “Make another one.”
“What a waste that would be,” Lestat remarked.
You nodded. “And if he did, I would rip him apart limb from limb. You are not replaceable, Louis.”
“The both of us have been on this Earth for around two centuries and we can confidently report that you have no twin,” said Lestat. “No one as angry, as stubborn, as unaccommodating, as maddening—”
Louis frowned. “Sound like trash to me—”
“—as loving, as dedicated, as thoughtful, as imperfectly perfect as you’ve become. You’re a challenge every sunset, Saint Louis. We’d have it no other way.” Lestat waited a second before nudging you to agree with him.
“Yes,” you jumped to say, perhaps a second late. “Louis, hon, I don’t want to force you not to see your family. You’re free to tell them the truth if you’d like. Let them see you as a monster, as a murderer—because they certainly won’t see you in the same way we do. I’m just saying… letting them go may be the less painful option.”
Louis squeezed his eyes shut and inhaled sharply. Though he said nothing, you knew that he knew you were right. 
“Here’s an idea… let’s take a holiday,” ventured Lestat. “What about Rome?”
“Rome sounds lovely,” you said with an excited grin. It had been a handful of decades since you last stepped in Europe. Most of your recent years had you traveling much of North and South America.
“Rome? Rome, like, Italy?” Louis said, cracking an eye open to scrutinize his lovers. 
“Would you prefer Rome, Wisconsin?” Lestat fired back, which made Louis sit up on the bed and shake his head.
“I can’t just pick up and go to Rome. I got a business to run!”
You snaked your arms around Louis from behind and pressed your nose into his neck. You could hear his thoughts of how nice you smelled and smiled against his skin. “I’m sure you have many trusted work buddies that can manage the Azalea for a few days.”
Louis and Lestat bickered some more about transporting the coffins after that, as if they were an old married couple. You only listened in amusement and kissed down Louis' jaw.
Finally, Lestat relented his plans of Rome and instead brandished tickets to another opera. 
“I can spend a few days apart from the two of you to go to Rome myself,” you said, arching your back as if you were a cat and sprawling down on the mattress to watch Louis and Lestat upside down. “I can bring back souvenirs. The Italians have the most divine oil paints—”
“Don’t go,” Louis blurted, interrupting you. “Don’t—not yet.”
For a moment, you studied him with curious eyes. His thoughts were telling you he wasn’t sure if he could handle being left on his own with Lestat without you. Codependency was a common trait amongst vampire couples, you knew this, but that didn’t mean it was at all healthy. Nonetheless, you reluctantly nodded. “Alright. I won’t leave. But we do have to get out of the country at some point—it’s important to see more than America, Louis.”
“With that, I concur,” Lestat chimed his agreement. Then, he seized both of your arms and began to drag you off the mattress until you laughed and twisted up to get onto your feet yourself. “Come, my darlings, I’ve had suits made for us.”
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There was a methodology to going to the opera to keep eyes off of you. You would go in first, alone. Then Lestat, with Louis walking a pace behind him, masquerading as his valet. It was degrading, all three of you knew. But it was the early 1900s, and there was little more you could do without drawing attention from passersby. 
Though the opera was a cheap affair, you were considerably entertained until the tenor entered the stage and began to sing all the wrong notes. To your ears, which were sharp, but not suited to the intricacies of musical notes, his singing was strangely off but still fine. To Lestat, however, he was not at all amused. His jaw muscles clenched and his fingers curled and uncurled over the sheet music he had brought. One glance his way and you already knew he had made his mind on who would be that evening’s supper.
Hours later, when Lestat had taken the young singer to your hotel room, you wondered if he was planning on simply fucking some sense into him before biting into his throat. Instead, Lestat sat down by the piano and played the notes, forcing the singer to sing. He pointed out each and every flaw, tone growing harsher with each mistake. 
Louis watched the two with a nauseous stomach and an uneasy mind. You tried to pull him away to another room, tried to kiss him until he forgot about Lestat and his fixation on the poor man, but Louis’ mind was adrift.
“Louis, this is meant to be a vacation,” you reminded him, massaging your fingers over his tense shoulders.
“How can it be a vacation when he’s in the other room about to murder some guy for a note he sang offkey?” Louis asked, a tad too loudly for your preference.
“Lestat gets this way sometimes. You know this by now. He gets angry, he gets sucked in, he gets tunnel vision until something is done exactly how he wants it to be done. It doesn’t affect us, though, not really. Dinner is dinner, Louis.”
Louis crossed his arms. “You have animals for dinner most of the time. And you kill people who deserve it. Lestat, he just—that man could have a family, a whole life ahead of him!”
“The same could be said for the people I’ve killed,” you replied easily.
“No, no, it’s different!” he vehemently said. “You killed the rapists, the child-fiddlers, and even the slave-owners back when they were still around! Lestat, he—”
“I know,” you said, tone firm. “Louis, I know.”
“Do you, though?” Louis shook his head in incredulity at your nonchalance and walked back into the main room where Lestat had just struck the young tenor across his vocal cords, destroying them beyond repair. “Why do you do this, Lestat?”
The blonde licked the blood off his fingers. “Well, I like to do it. I enjoy it.”
“Well, I don’t,” said Louis. “You don’t have to humiliate him like that.”
In a burst of outrage, Lestat yelled, “Well, I don’t say that you have to enjoy it! Kill them swiftly if you have to, but do it! Embrace what you are! You are a killer, Louis!”
You walked into the room at that, brows furrowed. “Will you two stop it? All this yelling and drama—this was meant to be a vacation!”
“How can it be a vacation when we haven’t even left this damned country?” Lestat bitterly replied. “I should have gone to Italy with you and left Louis here to scavenge through corpses until he rotted away.”
“You don’t mean that,” you angrily said, volume rising. “You’ve had decades to temper your anger issues, and yet you haven’t changed a single bit!”
Lestat raised his nose in defiance, picked up the tenor (who had crumpled to the ground in a bloody heap), and swiftly carried him to the couch where he would slowly drain him of his blood. Louis took to sitting and watching the dying man’s last thoughts. A part of you wondered why, if he was so horrified by Lestat's cruelty, did he bother to stay and watch—though you didn’t stick around to ask. Instead, you retired to the bedchambers without saying goodbye to either of them. Lestat left you a chalice of the singer’s blood by your coffin as an apology of sorts, but it was left untouched. 
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letorip · 7 months
somethin’ stupid
“and then i go and spoil it all, by saying somethin’ stupid like ‘i love you’”
pairing: wednesday addams x reader
summary: even knowing that your relationship with wednesday is one huge grey area, you can't help the words that come tumbling from your lips one night while on an expedition together.
warnings: blood, violent attack scene, angsty pining, mentions of sex, fear of the dark
word count: 4.2k
A/N: first post, kinda nervous. honestly pumped to start posting on here after being somewhat new to writing. will try my best not to suck.
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It’s only after you meet Wednesday Addams for the first time that you understand why storms are named after people.
In the near five months total she had been in your life, she had quickly climbed to the top priority, and you found yourself trapped in her rain bands, tugged under her dark, swelling tide and drawn to less direct ways.
Now and likely until the very end of time, you followed her through the forest, peeking around each passing tree and shining your flashlight into the dark. It was a knight's sword for you, and you held it like a weapon so as to ward off evil spirits or howling beasts. Only, half of the time it ended up being a squirrel.
It seemed antithetical, to walk into the pitch black forest that had killed several hikers and injured Eugene, -or more the big ass creature inside it had, but Wednesday had never cared much for what made sense, and you knew better than to argue with her.
The rain continued to fall around the both of you, splattering against the hood of your rain coat and rolling down your sputtering lips, tracing your nose on the way down. If Wednesday was at all affected by the rain, she hadn't let it show yet. Not that she let much show, that was.
You shivered from a sudden gust of cold, wet wind rushing over your knuckles from where they white-gripped the rubber wrapping of your flashlight. "Are we almost there yet?" You asked, squinting into the trees. "I have to get up early tomorrow."
There was no possible way Wednesday could know where she was going in the sheer amount of darkness fended off by a flimsy Acebeam, but she pushed through like she did. Maybe orienteering was just part of the outré magic she always carried with her, or at least that's what you figured it probably was. In another life she had been a cheerful girl scout, though you knew better than to suggest that aloud.
The same could not be said for you, who was an utter idiot about directions and probably would have driven off a cliff by now without the use of a GPS. Wednesday had once said you wouldn't be able to find your way out of a cardboard box, and offensively, she was probably right.
It didn't make sense why she chose you of all people to bring along, then. You had no special strength or sight, and virtually no knowledge on how to investigate a murder, especially the serial kind. The only ability you had allowed you to read thoughts and minds, though you never dared read Wednesday's, even when you itched to know what she was thinking.
Despite feeling more like an achor dragging her boat down, almost every evening, at around the same time after dark, she showed up on your doorstep to tug you off to some dangerous place.
Maybe you were secretly hoping for a reward of some sort. She often indulged you as such, lips like a heroin shot directly to your veins, powering you through the day as you watched the clock tick away into night anticipating the next rush. Enid was right. You were whipped for her.
"Your protesting doesn't make the journey any shorter," she replied, turning with the dark look that always lurked in the back of her eyes.
You knew the movements well: when she glared, her eyes lowered slightly and her mouth tensed. One could not help but watch in awe, storing the memory for later. Or, at least those ‘whipped’ for her couldn’t. She spun back around to face forward, your flashlight pointing over her shoulder into the brooding dark.
The rain only seemed to come down harder from there, punishing you both for slogging through the mushy leaves when sane people would be indoors. But Wednesday would not settle until she found Arcadia.
You cleared your throat, uneasy with the ensuing silence.
"Where are we even going, Wednesday? We've been walking forever," you said, looking down at the pale grey rocks as you stepped over them. You were grateful for being clever enough to remember hiking boots.
"We're finding evidence," she replied. "I was informed of a suspicious cave out in the forest, and-" Wednesday's words came rushing to a halt as her foot clipped the rock in front of her. She stumbled a bit, and you threw out an arm to her back, there if she needed something to steady herself on.
It was uncoordinated and it was clunky at best, and Wednesday was far from appreciative. She jolted back from your touch as if you had stung her, glaring as harsh as ever. "Sorry," you said. "I didn't want you to fall." The tips of your ears had begun to burn again, upon realising you were made the fool for another time in a row.
"You should have," said Wednesday, walking ahead. "It simulates dropping dead." Of course, on you, such a statement did not have the desired effect. Whereas most would have replied in shock or disgust, you laughed. Out loud, right at her. The gall. She whipped back to you, perplexed and annoyed by the noise. "Have something to share?"
You grinned. "You can act cool all you want, but if you had actually landed in the mud, you would have been pissed." Her expression went from glare to glower impressively quickly, though you took great glee in the fact she didn't try to dismiss it.
Anyone who had just met her would have been terrified, but you knew that look meant she hated just how much you were right. Wednesday's moody eyes lowered to your jacket, as if she was looking for an insult to sling in response.
"Why are you yellow?"
You blinked, then shrugged. "Because for someone so intelligent I'm the only one who remembered a raincoat."
"The beast will eat you wether you're rained on or not," she replied reasonably.
You blanched at this. It was apparent the possibility had never crossed your mind. "It eats people????"
Suddenly the darkness of the woods only seemed to worsen and the rain seemed to come down even harder, as if life was laughing at the terror it was causing. You had never been one for haunted houses, and you decided in that instant that this was far worse than any haunted house you had ever been to.
Wednesday shrugged, and you were far from put at ease by that. She glanced at you up through mischievous lashes, entirely knowing what she was doing and enjoying every sadistic moment of it.
"I suppose we may find out tonight. I should offer up you, the yellow highlighter, first. You have longer bones than I do, and I'm sure it would appreciate a snack, after-"
"Ha. Ha."
As surprising as was Wednesday's capacity to joke, you knew that's all it was. Such falsehoods could not be exposed to the public, and she would rather die than admit she cared for anyone. That was her secret. You knew to keep it well.
It had been weird to see Wednesday attempt comedy at first. Often times you still thought she may be dead serious. But on these nightly expeditions it seemed she could joke freely. Sometimes she kissed you freely. You just had to know she didn't do it for you. She told you constantly, just to be sure.
From in front, Wednesday trembled from a sudden angry breeze and you watched her, sighing and tugging off your raincoat. You tossed it over her shoulders wordlessly; Wednesday didn't acknowledge it either. She put one arm in, then another, but didn't pull the hood up, and you rolled your eyes. "Pull the hood up, Wednesday. Don't be stubborn."
"I'm fine," she shot back, tone sharp and piercing to any sort of armour you could have put up. But even that didn't make you buy it.
"Your hair is like, stuck to your forehead, Wednesday. Just pull up the hood part."
"I don't even want to be in this dreadful thing, why would I want more of it on me. It's yellow."
"It's keeping you warm."
"I'm allergic to colours."
"Well then I guess it's great you brought a black one- oh, wait! That's right! You didn't."
She blinked at you unappreciatively, but your unimpressed expression made her give in, and she begrudgingly did as she was told. With a hood now over her, shrouding her soft hair from the harsh rain, you felt a bit better about her being out in the cold. After a moment she grumbled, messing with the sleeves. "Why are your arms so freakishly long?"
You didn't answer, biting back a response that included the word 'short.' It would have been entirely unproductive and probably earned a rock thrown at your head. Instead, you focused on the small row of houses you could see on a road in the far distance.
Their windows were small, warm boxes in the dryness, as opposed to the pouring, angry storm only a heathen of some sort would be caught in. It looked the same as it had the week before when you had passed the same area with Wednesday, and you recognised the same lamp that sat in the same spot of the same window on the second floor. It hadn't moved even an inch and neither had the flowers in the pot sitting next to it.
You hummed, "I love streets like those. It looks so warm and comfortable. I could be out here forever and it would still be the same warm place."
"Poetic," Wednesday dryly replied. Poetry had never seemed to move her much, beyond the grim ones from Poe about death and despair. She had tried to teach you about it once, during an impromptu "study session," which was what Wednesday usually called hunting you down after class and sticking your head between her legs.
It was the very first time she had let you stick around after, and the more and more often she let it happen, the more you felt yourself allowing for false hopes. Of course, accusing her of growing fond was a way to end up in an early grave and you knew better.
It had been a whisper, really, what she said with your head resting on her stomach, arms against the skin of her thighs. You were both sweating, terribly so, and then came, "years of love have been forgotten, in the hatred of a minute." It was only a whisper, and you weren't even sure Wednesday had spoken it into existence. But you looked up, and she was staring down at you, eyes unreadable. Her mouth was tensed into a grimace; a symbol for words unsaid.
"What's that?" You asked, leaning your head back.
She had shook her head. "It's Poe. He founded the school."
"I know who Edgar Allan Poe is, Wednesday. I meant what you were saying."
She looked away to the window, like eye contact then would have doomed her. "I'm not sure." It was a lie, and you knew it, but you couldn’t scan Wednesday’s thoughts and it was the first time she had let you stay propped up against her. You knew better than to ruin that.
"Why do you like that kind of poetry, anyhow? It's awfully depressing."
"It's a reminder," she replied, eyes still away and tone flat. "You and I will be in the ground someday, or maybe I will be in the family crypt. 'As you are now, so once, was I.' And other such ruminations. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust." Her gaze sliced back to you, as if she were gaging your reaction. "Either way, we're doomed."
You hadn't known what she meant by that, and you still didn't know, walking through the forest. She spoke in riddles, and it was impossible to know if she wanted you to decipher them or leave them as they were. Her vagueness with emotions was her armour, maybe.
Wednesday was usually cold and efficient and exact, in a way you could appreciate. You were far warmer, and though you seemed to constantly trip over yourself, patiently waiting for any sort of warmth to be returned, she stayed with the same chill that kept you close enough to bring comfort to her fingers, but never close enough to make her melt.
"When we get there, I want you to stay outside and keep watch. Don't come inside with me, I want to look around alone. If you hear anything or any noise or thoughts over the rain, give me the signal I trained you on," said Wednesday, looking through the bowers and thread veins of roots so as not to trip again.
"You're not my boss, Wednesday, and I'm not your henchman," you said, the words spilling out in annoyance. You hated when she went into work mode. She looked over at you, eyes giving an intense challenge.
"What am I then?"
You rolled your eyes at this. "Like my hobby, at best." It wasn't true, and both of you knew it.
"Do you kiss and sleep with all your 'hobbies,' then?" Wednesday's eyes studied you.
"Maybe," you shrugged. "I don't really kiss and tell." Actually, you hadn't kissed anybody since she had made out with you two days prior, and you hadn't kissed somebody other than her since she had first kissed you two months ago.
You knew, though, that Wednesday had done similar peregrinations with the normie boy, Tyler, from town who worked at the Weathervane. Sometimes you wondered if she put her lips on his, too. Other times, you couldn't help wondering if either of you really mattered to her.
She had said no when you asked her that once before, but slow danced and made out with you immediately after answering, at the Rave'N, so your confusion was understandable. It was like she both hungered for you and hated you for it at the same time, and you knew getting thrown around like that wasn’t what you wanted. But if it gave you her, even for a brief moment, you were all too eager.
From behind the both of you, you heard a branch snap, spinning around as the rain poured. There was nothing visibly there; your stupid flashlight didn't reach out that far and no moving through the brush could be heard. "Did you hear that?" you said to Wednesday, freezing completely. She nodded, but did not seem phased even slightly, turning to watch your terror with an eyebrow raised.
“Likely an animal," said Wednesday.
You were still frozen to the spot, staring into the dark as fear screamed at you to run away. “Are you okay?” she asked, puzzled.
You shook your head, sticking your hand out towards her. “No.” It was a question that needn't be asked. Wednesday examined your fingers closely, like she was contemplating if it was a bad idea, but then grabbed your palm and held it tightly in hers, locking the digits in with her own and squeezing it gently. It was an immediate comfort and you unfroze, Wednesday pulling you into the dark.
"Your obnoxious coat is warm...thank you." She seemed to spit the last part out with a bit of reluctance, but you appreciated it nevertheless. For around the last half mile, you had been getting rained on instead. Droplets dripped from your hair, rolling down your cheeks and over your lips before dribbling from your chin.
"You can keep it for a while. Until you get your own, I mean," you said, absentmindedly playing with the flashlight. You would rather die than admit you were nervous aloud. Luckily, it didn't seem you needed to.
She stopped short at your words, grabbing your collar roughly with her hand and balling it between her fingers. It was harsh and it was passionate, like Wednesday always seemed to be in flares. Her mouth crashed into yours, teeth clinking together, toes poking into the mushy ground so she could even reach your face.
Unfortunately, it was over as soon as it began, and she pulled away quickly, walking away and leaving you behind, panting awkwardly as your mind began to spin. She was all too much, everything about her. You couldn’t stop yourself. "I love you,” you blurted out.
From the way she whipped back to you, it hadn’t been nearly quiet enough. Silence seemed to echo through the clearing, even in the raging storm around that pounded into trees and pooled in mushy puddles. She stared at you, and all you could do was stare back. Wednesday stomped back over, cheeks red and dark eyes shining with an unusual capriciousness. “What?”
You shook your head. “Nothing. Talking to myself.”
But she didn’t believe you. In previous attempts by you to draw out any indication of her affections, she could blatantly ignore it or change the subject without answering. Now, she was frustrated by how you always wore your heart on your sleeve. And this time, how your words demanded she do the same.
“What did you say,” she demanded. “Tell me right now, or I’ll-“
“I said I love you, Wends,” you cut her off before she could make a threat. God, she stared. She stared and stared and stared at you with her eyes in the dark, looking like she would be the one to read your mind and not the other way around. The humidity of the rain was suffocating you, but the powerful wind filled your lungs with air again, in a vicious, heaving cycle.
She took a small step forward, tilting her head up at you like she was inspecting you up close. “You don’t mean what you say.”
"I really wish I didn't, but I absolutely do." Your tone burned with a relieving candor, and Wednesday's eyebrows furrowed, before she backed away again. Your flashlight turned towards the ground, lowering your face into shadow.
"I told you, I don't want anything more from you," she said. "You're spoiling what we already have." She seemed more agitated than anything, but you stood your ground.
"But I feel like there's more here, Wednesday. I know I'm not crazy, you can feel it too. So I don't know why you're being all tough, when I just want to take care of you. That's all I've ever wanted."
"Learn to want for something else then," she argued back. "We can't work, we won't, I-"
"I told you why," she replied, crossing her arms. "Years of love-"
"No no, none of that bullshit you know you want to confuse me with. Just lay it out, plain and simple."
She bit her mouth shut, then narrowed her eyes at you before giving a huff. "Have you been reading my thoughts?"
"What?" Your forehead creased into lines, staring at her intently. "You know I don't."
"I don't know if you're aware, but I see you, in my visions sometimes. I actually think about the same one often, when I'm with you."
"What am I doing, then?" You asked, feeling a sickness come to your stomach. You didn’t know what future event you would be up to, but you could guarantee Wednesday you would stop yourself from hurting her.
“You’re being killed. By the beast.”
“You’re running far away, being chased. I see you get tackled or hit, and you fall into the dirt. Then I see your face being slashed over and over again by a creature, and you appear to bleed out on the floor of a forest.”
“Wednesday, that won’t come true.” You tried to assure her, but a small hand came forward, covering your mouth, shushing you. The gentle palm pressed against your soaked lips, fingertips ghosting the lines of your cheeks.
“I would hate you for it, dying. What I hate even more is that your closeness to me is likely what causes this. I don’t love you, (Y/n). I can’t. Stop trying to make me. It’s only pitiful and painful for the both of us.”
You reached up for her hand, pulling it away. “But how do you know it’s definitely you that ruins it? What if it’s something else, or what if it’s you saying no?”
“Because as painful as it is, I’m certain I break your heart if I indulge you.”
“Wednesday,” your voice shook a bit. “You’re breaking my heart right now.”
“This,” she said, “This is why I cannot give you more than I already have. I’m not my parents, (Y/n). Can’t you just be happy with our current relationship? You always try to complicate things. Like a stupid little puppy.”
You took a step back like a wounded animal. “What? You’re being mean.”
“Maybe if I am it'll get through to you. We won’t work, and if we don’t try to make it work, I won’t end up breaking your heart, and you won’t run away.” Her speaking volume was getting louder now.
“That’s a stupid plan!” You said raising your voice.
“And you’re a fool!” She said back. “I’m trying to protect you and take what I can get at the same time."
"You're hurting me."
"You're hurting yourself. I keep pushing you away. Stop coming back."
You frowned, feeling your face grow hot. "I come back because I care, and I know you care too."
"Caring for you gets me nowhere. You're doomed, (Y/n). I'm trying to protect you, so do us both a favour and get as far away from me as possible. Don't let me pull you back."
"Wednesday, I-"
"Go, you idiot." You swallowed her words. She was still wearing your yellow raincoat, looking at you with the most steely expression you had ever seen. You stepped forward in silence, only the mushing of the leaves filling the space between you. You unwrapped the armband of the flashlight from around your wrist and extended it out to her.
"Here. For the cave." She blinked at you, then she took it. Without another word, you did as you were told, stepping off into the dark and pulling against the magnetic field. With your ability to break past her facades turned off, you couldn't see the deep regret that wormed its way into her stare, watching your back retreat into the tree line.
It only took around five minutes for you to regret not having the flashlight. The storm had turned to complete and utter chaos, and you could hear thunder and lightning booming and cracking against the night sky. Everything was so much darker than before, and it seemed to grow up and out like a giant ladder, turning to shadow and fog a few feet in front of you.
Part of you was still mad at Wednesday. Knowing she was scared for you didn't make it any of an easier pill to swallow. Neither did knowing you would likely die soon.
The looming question still sat unanswered, weighing down the wrinkles of your brain and cozying up at the mantle of your thoughts. Would it be weeks? Months? If she never ended up catching it (though that was very unlikely) how many years would you have left?
From behind you, you heard a branch snap again. You spun, looking around. An animal maybe. Then, you heard footsteps. They were big, though not an animal. Maybe it was Wednesday. She wore thick shoes often, with heavy soles.
It was only with the sudden realisation that there was no flashlight with the figure coming towards you, that your eyes began to widen and a chill shot up your spine like a spooked animal. It only took the dropping of your telepathic cancelling to fully realise what was about to happen.
The monster's thinking was thunderous and loud, and it reverberated within your skull as you turned to run. You stomped your foot into the swampy ground, running the fastest you felt you ever had. KILL. The forest seemed to blur, rushing past you as you fled through the trees and smacking at branches that sagged in your way.
KILL. You heard the footsteps now, coming up quickly. They sounded huge, and with every bound you could hear greenery get smushed behind you as the beast moved through it. KILL. You had no idea how close it was behind you, but there was no time to look either. In one rush, you found yourself back in a stoney quarry, and in the far distance illuminated a KILL. streetlight standing over a mountain road.
You ran towards it, face scratched by a branch in the process as you forgot to swipe it away. The wood KILL. connected with a stabbing pain, piercing your lip as you ran, but you didn't so much as wince. "HELP!" You yelled KILL. out, trying to catch any attention as you ran for the pavement, and you were almost there. KILL.
You were too slow. A set of long, pointy claws latched onto your back, sinking into the skin and ripping you down with a yelp, throwing you to the ground. Your back slid into the tree with a sickening crack, and pain seemed to freeze your body. KILL.
Standing over you was the muscular, horrifyingly disfigured body of a towering creature, its eyes shining with violent zeal. It lowered with a clicking growl, eyeing your heaving, bleeding body and sneering. KILL. KILL. KILL.
Your eyebrows furrowed, blood spilling from your lips. In a single instant, you knew who it was, digging past the monstrous yells to the real thoughts of the boy underneath. "Tyler?"
Its claws sunk into your stomach, and everything went dark.
a/n: a part two maybe? idk, i'm no rocket scientist. anyways, this is my very first post, so, here we go i guess? excited to start this and grateful for anyone who reads this. i tried to spellcheck but if it isn't perfect please please please let me know, i would fix it immediately.
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chilisworld55 · 3 months
back home | Carlos Sainz cs55
🌶️ warnings: smut, oral (f receiving), pussy eating, fingering, hickeys
a/n: hey! i hope you like this! please feel free to send me any request, feedback or question or anything! i’m sorry if there is any mistake, i’ll try to improve🫶🏻
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It was monday, you had a free day after working over the weekend which has you exhausted so you decided to be in pijamas all day (some shorts and an oversized shirt of your beloved boyfriend). Carlos and you were talking early in the morning, and he wasn’t coming home until wednesday.
You were aware of how demanding your boyfriend’s work is. There’s times in which he is so busy that he couldn’t even come back home in weeks and this was one of those times. He had two race weeks consecutively and unfortunately, you couldn’t go with him due to work.
You were alone at the living room, laid back on the couch while watching a series that you recently found on netflix but after a couple of episodes, your eyes couldn’t take it anymore and were slowly closing by themselves. Next thing, you were sound asleep.
In the middle of the night, you felt a pair of arms lifting you gently on the air, carrying you somewhere else and your eyes were wide open because you recognized who was it. “amor? what are you doing here?” you said as you wrapped your arms around your boyfriend’s neck, face buried against his chest and oh gosh how you missed him, that fresh but sweet scent, his warm touch, pretty much everything about him.
“hola mi amor, sorpresa!” hi my love, surprise! he whispered and planted a kiss on your forehead as he walks towards your shared bedroom. “las cosas que teníamos hasta el miércoles se cancelaron, entonces compré el primer vuelo a casa” the stuff we had scheduled until wednesday got canceled, so i got the first flight home
“i missed you so much… why didn’t you tell me earlier!?” you looked into his eyes as he placed you down on the middle of the bed, parting your legs a little to make room for himself.
“i wanted it to be a little surprise, cariño, and i missed you even more” he lowered himself so his body is on top of yours between your legs, head on your chest and arms wrapped around your waist.
You giggled and shook your head. “we’re not fighting about who misses who more, okay?”
Carlos ignored what you said as he took a moment to admire you and feel you, his hands slowly going under your his shirt, fingertips gently tracing over your soft skin. “te ves tan hermosa usando mi ropa” you look so beautiful wearing my clothes he mumbled and started leaving little kisses on your neck.
You blushed and were so sensitive since you haven’t had anything intimate in weeks so even the slightest touch could make you feel butterflies and who wouldn’t with this man?
“Carlos… aren’t you tired…? you’ve been so busy… ah-” you whimpered as he tugged on the gem of your shorts and let it slap back against your skin. then, he slowly lifted your shirt and his trace of kisses continued over your stomach.
“when it comes to you, i’m never tired” he whispered and you couldn’t help but moan, your legs spreading even more as your boyfriend kneeled on the edge of the bed, his lips now attached to the inside of your thighs.
“i couldn’t stand another day without you” he sucked a certain spot on your inner thigh that had you whimpering. “these weeks have been like torture…” he kissed the other thigh, wanting to give both the same amount of attention and wasted no time in leaving hickeys all over them.
“please… no more waiting… i’m right here, all yours” you pleaded, feeling how soaking wet you are getting under those shorts, throbbing for him already.
“are you desperate for me, cariño?” you nodded and he smirked as he tangled his fingers on the gem of your shorts and pulled them down, soon exposing your wet pussy. His fingers found their way to your cunt, using two of them to part your lips and a third one to collect the wetness and spread it all over. “ya veo que me estabas esperando, eh? sin bragas y toda mojadita” i see that you’ve waiting for me, huh? no underwear and all wet
Carlos licked his fingers and got closer to your pussy, giving a long lick to it, big hands grabbing both of your thighs, making sure to keep them apart, those light brown eyes looking up into your souls as he was eating you like a starved man. You were moaning so loudly, enjoying his tongue and your fingers pulling on your boyfriend’s hair each time his tongue brushed of your clit.
“joder, me vas a volver loco” shit, you’re gonna drive me crazy Carlos’ tongue was fucking your tight hole, his thumb tracing little circles on your sensitive bud, he was moaning against you and it sent little vibrations which made the sensation much better and intense.
“i’m cu- i’m cumming… carlos, por favor, don’t stop” please you moaned.
“córrete, córrete para mi, amor” cum, cum for me, love his lips pulled apart to speak but he was quick enough to push his fingers inside and hit all your sweet spots. Your boyfriend’s fingers could not compare to yours, they are much longer and thicker than your own so at this time, you were in cloud nine.
Your walls clenched so hard around his digits, the knot on your stomach tightened and Carlos kept talking dirty to you with that spanish accent that you love. That was when you came undone, creaming and moaning his name, not even caring if it was 3 am in the morning and the neighbors were sleeping.
“mierda…. espero y no pienses que he terminado contigo, cariño” shit… don’t think i’m done with you he slowly stood up with a clear bulge inside his pants, waiting to be taken care of.
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terras-domain · 3 months
can you tell me on how bad you want Sullyoon? what'll you do if she gives you consent?
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Male Reader X Seol Yoon-A (Sullyoon)
Tags: Rich Male Reader, Bratty Sullyoon, Unhealthy Spending, Lip Gloss, Cumshot, Voyeurism
terra's note: hello! Been a while since I've been writing huhu ;-;. Hope you're all doing well. I got quite a line of requests on hold so I better get to it haha. Sorry to the anons waiting for me to actually move my lazy ass, I'll try to set a little time frame for me to do these requests so I can actually write stuff I've been having in my mind. In any case, enjoy~! (And I love you all <3)
"Oppa~! I told you I want to go out shopping again~"
My thumbs could only rub my temple, trying to make sense out of her words. This is her third time this month where she's on a shopping spree. And Sullyoon's shopping addiction isn't any normal addiction, she could range from a thousand to probably fifty thousand dollars just in one day. I might have the money for it, but if she keeps doing this, time will only prove my girlfriend's shopping addiction could only make me go bankrupt.
"But babe...you just went shopping last Wednesday no?" I asked, resting by the couch and stretching my arms to wrap it around Sullyoon. The bratty Yoon-A pouted in dissatisfaction. Honestly it's very cute when she does that face, but it's just not a good day when she keeps nagging and whining about me not giving her enough money to feed her crippling addiction with designer clothes and expensive bags that she barely ever uses. "I know, but oppa. Today there's a special event at the Chanel boutique at the mall. And I want it!" Her eyes starts to pull her trump card, puppy eyes with her soft face resting on against my chest, almost like cat begging for food by purring at me. "Fuck, this brat really doesn't let up easily!" If only I had the guts to say that out loud. Only monologues from the voices inside could be made as a response. "Fine. We can go and take you shopping." Sullyoon's crocodile tears almost got sucked back into her retina from how happy she is to hear the news, smiling ear to ear in victorious. "Yeaaaay~ I love you oppa!"
"But..." I cut off her victory celebration, smirking as I looked back at my girlfriend's pretty face. "Only if you agree to my terms." I continued, making the ecstatic Sullyoon puzzled. "What is it oppa? What's your rule?" "You can spend as much as you like baby. I'll treat you like a princess. But I want to have you as mine 100% today, and you can't say no~" My face looked back at Sullyoon, knowing this type of offer would definitely make her have second thou- "Sure, no problem!" Her quick answer shocked me. Without a single hesitation she wants to take the deal so easily.
I brought her to the bedroom, handing over a small well decorated box, containing a buttplug inside it. "I want you to wear this babe." I ordered, which created a smirk on Sullyoon's face as she laid in bed, spreading her legs as she slowly pushes the sex toy inside her anal hole. "Happy now, baby?" She asked, an eyebrow raising high up, showing this is light work for her. "Oh Sullyoon I love it," I smiled, pecking a kiss on her lips as I rubbed her back door, pushing her buttplug a bit deeper inside while I caress her smooth silky cheeks. "But we're only getting started~"
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I asked Sullyoon to come to the mall in a crop top, which of course she has to oblige from the rules we set up together. Though as much as I want to make it a challenge, I couldn't dare to leave her out cold in the mall while shopping, so I lent her my cost to wear while we walk around and look what her lust for expensive products lead her to. She first went to a an SK-II outlet, looking for some beauty products, particularly a new makeup set. It's not like she ran out of them, she just wants a new colour.
Sullyoon tested out a new cherry pink shade on her plump lips, slowly filling in her lushes lips with the colour. It made me hard from how she's so attentive when doing so, causing me to pitch up a tent underneath my pants. "Ughhhh babe...you look hot as always~" I grunted, looking at her painted mouth, smiling back at me as the staff starts to approve how pretty Sullyoon is wearing it. "Thanks baby, it's special edition lipstick by the way. Hope you don't mind that." FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS. God she's really trying her best to drain every penny out of my wallet or something. "Fine...you can buy that-" I surrendered. It was a good colour on her, and it looked so hot I can't say no to that. "but only if you suck me off while wearing those lipstick hehe"
I dragged Sullyoon with me towards a shelf where people don't check out much. Pushing her down on her knees I pulled out my cock to let it land on her face. "Wait...bae not here" Sullyoon pleaded, the shame kicking in as she doesn't wanna get caught, she's an idol after all. My face didn't change expression at all, not even an ounce of my body cared about her pleads. "Well you're not shy using my money." I replied while my hand reached the back of her head. "So you better keep up the shameless act, slut!" I continued as my hand pushes Sullyoon's gorgeous face to take my cock, forcing it in her throat. "Ughh.... mmmhhhh!" Sullyoon groaned in retaliation, but not for long. This isn't the first time Sullyoon suck my boner, so it's not hard for her to take it in and work me up.
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"Ughhhh just like that Sullyoon baby. Keep going babe." I grunted as Sullyoon's mouth got to work, her lips locking my cock between them, her tongue swirling on my tip. It's so good I couldn't help but let a few moans escape my mouth, immediately covering up my mouth hoping nobody hears us. "Mmmh nghhh~" Sullyoon's eager slurping kept my mind occupied, enjoying the sensation of her mouth working up my cock just like she does it every other night. The way her round pearl like eyes stare at me so innocently whilst her mouth work my cock like a pro, it's enough to make me lose my mind. "Ughhhh baby I wanna cum." I groaned, not like Sullyoon can stop me from cumming. We had a deal, and I want to get as much of from it! I started to cum, blasting rope after rope of cum in her mouth, shooting it inside her throat. "Mmmmh~ ghhhhck!" Sullyoon grunted, trying to avoid gagging as she receives my thick load of semen deep in her mouth. It felt too good, I accidentally shot my cum on her pretty cherry pink lips as I pulled out. "Oppa....the lipstick" she looked up, disappointed and shocked. " Awwww don't worry baby, I got some paper towels to clean you. And we can go buy that lipstick now hehe~"
And there goes a 5000 dollars. All for her lipstick. Well it doesn't really matter, since I got a good blowjob from Sullyoon thanks to it. We kept walking around the mall when Sullyoon pulled me towards a boutique. "C'mon oppa. I wanna look here next!" She dragged me in, and just like that I could already feel my money flowing out of my pockets.
The best part of shopping for Sullyoon's clothes is watching her obsession with clothes. The tight and short shirts she wore, exposing her smooth and silky tummy just gets me going. I just watch as she picks one shirt after the other, pairing her crop tops with skirts and jeans, her eyes couldn't stop looking at them. It felt like forever, but it was all worth it to see Sullyoon's beauty with her fashion sense, changing from one pair of clothing to another like it's a fashion show. Not only did I enjoy watching her having fun trying out all these clothes, my cock also was enjoying the sights of her visuals entertaining and her sexy body exposed.
"...and that's the last one." Sullyoon giggled, twirling as she shows off the last piece of clothing she was trying on and got in the fitting room to change up. I couldn't keep myself calm anymore. Following her inside, I could see her slowly undressing herself, dropping her skirt down to reveal her round butt. Smirking, my hand swings towards her left cheek, smacking her ass which make her jolt. "Ngaah~! Oppa-" she couldn't finish her sentence, my hand already on her mouth, covering up her moans with my palm. With my cock twitching, itching to penetrate her, I couldn't care less of where I am, and how wrong it is to do this. My cock immediately pushed it's way inside Sullyoon's tight pussy. The sensation of her cunt taking in my thick rod made me grunt in pleasure, slowly putting up to a slow speed while my hand kept covering her soft tender lips, making sure she doesn't let out any loud moans to attract the staff or other customers of our little party in the fitting room.
"nghhhh mmhhh~" Sullyoon's muffled moans vibrate on my palm, heating up from the breath of her moans. As much as this must be embarrassing for her, I know she's loving it, enjoying the sensation from getting fucked in standing doggy position and being able to see her reflection of her getting railed in front of her. "Are you enjoying it baby?" I loosened up my hand, letting her finally speak when it looked like she can control her moans for now.
"Aaah~ aaah~ fuck" Sullyoon's moans were audible if someone walked near the fitting room. Thankfully the day wasn't too busy and not many customers were around. "Oh Sully look at you taking this cock like a good girl~" I grinned, pistoning my cock hard inside her, causing her moans to be a bit louder, but she did well to suppress them. With my rod fully indulged in Sullyoon's tight cunt, my grunts were also inevitable. Our moans together inside that small room, with the thought of getting caught was so hot.
I tried to push my luck harder, unlocking the fitting room door and opening it wide, letting the view of me being inside Sullyoon up to anybody that is remotely close to it. "Oppa! What're you doing?" Sullyoon wanted to scream, it was obvious. But she also didn't wanna get caught, so she said that in a whispering yell. "Oh baby~ don't tell me you're not into it~ you're getting wetter already." I smirked, with my cock getting harder for her as I thrust in and out of her, Sullyoon doing her best to cover up her moans from being pounded from behind. Sullyoon could feel my cock growing bigger inside me, knowing what's about to come. "Oppa, if you wanna cum, please cum inside. I can't get caught with my body covered in cum again." She begged, with her cute face doing puppy eyes at me. Adorable.
"Hmmm that sounds like a good idea babe~" I pondered on it, before finally I pulled out. " But I think I'm the only one able to make the calls here~" I giggled as I started to rub Sullyoon's clit, massaging it while my finger pushes inside her, fingering her. It made the cute Nmixx member to moan loudly for a second before being covered by her two hands. I kept going, moving my fingers in a frenzy inside her pussy, making her legs shiver. "Mhhhh, nghhhh-!" Sullyoon's muffled sounds was all over the place as her eyes rolled back, and her legs now tremble as she cums, dripping out her climax from the pleasure of my hands finishing her off. "That's a good girl Sullyoon~" I praised her, letting her take her time to grasp herself. While she's doing that, I kept jerking off, stroking hard as I take aim on her nice bubble butt. "Fuck I'm gonna cum-" I grunted, shooting rope after rope of cum on her ass cheek, covering her with my cum as her bodily liquids drip from her pussy to her thighs.
And there goes more of my money, spent for Sullyoon's lust for fashion. "That was fun, wasn't it baby?" I asked Sullyoon, who was getting exhausted from getting railed. Her face a bit pale from exhaustion, but she looked happy with the stuff she bought. We both walked out of the mall and got in my car to reach home. "I'm just happy it's all over" Sullyoon sighed in relief, leaning to her seat. "Oh? Who said it's over? I think the deal was 24 hours~" I reminded her, which made her look at me in shock. "You're not gonna be shopping for a while when this day ends, babe hehe~"
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vminizzle · 1 year
Sweet lips
pairing : playboy?jungkook x nerd!f.reader
genre : SMUT
warnings : CRINGE ASF, soft dom!jk, sub!reader, shy!reader, tattooed!jk, mention of being cheated on, mention of multiple partners, mention of corruption kink, a lot of teasing, swearing, making out, exhibitionism, public sex, !!consensual!!, marking, fingering, finger sucking, hair pulling, slight dry humping, orgasm denial, oral (f.receiving), oral (m.receiving), cum swallow, overstimulation, multiple orgasm, (jk is a pleaser), pet names, praising, possessiveness, dacryphilia, penetration, unprotected sex, missionary, jerking off, aftercare :)
words count : 7.9k
you can read part 2 HERE
A/N : Well, hi back my dear friends! I’m so happy to be back, it’s been so long since I wrote something. I took a hiatus to concentrate on myself, and other personal stuff. Unfortunately for me, I extended my break since I needed time to recover from my exams results. You got it right, I didn’t pass my year. I decided to re-do it one last time and do my best. I hope I will pass this year. Well, enough of me. NOW, I’m finally posting again! Here’s my “comeback” fic lmao. I tried my best - it’s kinda difficult to write after a long break but I wanted to write something good for you guys. But please don’t expect something awesome. REMINDER : POOR ENGLISH. And so many words had been repeated sorry. Anyways, thank you so much for waiting for me, thank you for you support and love. I love you guys a lot - sunny [ fic heavily unedited ]
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“hi there my favorite nerd.” you heard Jungkook announce his presence behind you, making you curse internally.
“Be quiet, you’re in a library.” you shushed him, reminding him where he was as he stood next to your chair.
“noticed that. boring.” he pursed his lips before taking your reading glasses off, putting them on top of his cap instead.
“Jungkook.” you whined annoyed when he pushed your book away, a smirk plastered on his face.
“what do you want this time?” you furrowed your eyebrows making him act like he was thinking for a few seconds.
“I want a taste of your lips.” he poked your nose lightly making you roll your eyes, before you stood up to walk toward the bookshelves.
Jungkook put his bag on the chair you were sat on, leaving his cap and your glasses on the desk, before following you to the shelves  at the back of the library.
“so?” he watched as you scanned the row of book before you, searching for a specific one.
“hmm, you’re ignoring me now?” he approached you slowly, hand grabbing your wrist stopping you from taking a book.
“C’mon Jungkook, let go. What do you want?”
“I told you.” he backed you slowly to the wall, looking straight into your eyes as he spoke.
“I want a taste of your pretty lips.” he tilted his head to the side.
“I want to know, to guess, what’s your lip balm’s flavor today.” he grinned.
“Yesterday was watermelon. Wednesday it was strawberry and Tues-“
“enough.” you slapped his shoulder making him chuckled.
“Don’t you have anyone else to annoy?”
“No. I want to annoy you.” he pinched your cheek making you sighed heavily.
“I was studying.”
“I was searching for you everywhere on the campus.” he crossed his arms over his chest.
“I want you.” he said, looking straight into your eyes.
You stayed quiet for a few seconds, heart beating faster at his words.
“So, can I kiss you pretty girl?” he wiggled his eyebrows.
You stared at him, his hair perfectly styled, his strong cologne made you feel lightheaded, he smelled way too good - and the way his tongue played with his lip piercing…
“yes.” you agreed, looking down timidly.
He grinned satisfied before lifting your face.
He bent down a little to capture your lips into a slow kiss, your arms going up to wrap around his neck as he pressed his body onto yours.
Jungkook sucked on your bottom lip earning a soft moan from you.
“Shh. Be quiet, you’re in a library.” he teased making you roll your eyes at the chosen words.
“you’re so pretty today.” he complimented genuinely, his hands caressing your sides, a soft smile adorning his lips.
“Thanks.” you murmured shyly, feeling the -infamous butterflies- in the pit of your stomach at the compliment, making Jungkook smiled widely.
You felt his hand cascading down the side of your thigh making you gasp, looking at him surprised at the sudden move.
“what are you doing?” you whisper-yelled panicked, his fingers caressing the smooth skin of your thigh under your plaid skirt.
“nothing.” he answered, hand sliding between your legs.
You chewed on your bottom lip, feeling his hand getting too close to your panties as you closed your legs making him let a breathy laugh.
“Jungkook, we’re in public.”
“no shit Sherlock.” he said amused.
“there is no one here.” he shrugged.
“what if someone.. see us?” you asked uncertain.
“let them watch then.” he teased, a stupid smirk plastered on his face.
“don’t worry hm?” he started.
“you trust me?” 
You stayed silent for a while before nodding.
“good.” he pecked your forehead.
Jungkook pushed your legs apart as he kissed on your neck softly. You felt his hand between your thighs again as he caressed your lightly covered core gently with his fingertips making you whimper.
“so sensitive.” he hummed, biting on your neck.
Jungkook suddenly got on his knees surprising you.
“what.. what are you doing?” 
His hands went under your skirt again, slightly pulling on the hem of your panties making your body warm up even more.
“are you insane?” you panicked looking around.
“Be quiet angel.” he warned slapping your thigh lightly.
“Trust me.” he repeated making you gulp.
“Listen, we can stop at any moment hm.” he laid a delicate kiss above your knee making you feel weak.
“we still good?” he looked up at you making sure you’re not too uncomfortable so he would stop and not force you.
You took a deep breath before giving him the green light.
Jungkook started kissing on the inside of your thigh, leaving light marks after his trail up to your core as he sucked on the warm skin.
You watched as his head disappeared under your skirt, one hand resting on your hip, the other one gripping on your thigh.
You gasped when you felt his lips against your clothed clit, a gentle kiss being pressed on the part you needed him the most at the moment. He could felt the wetness soaking through the fabric making him smirk.
You felt his hands caressed their ways up under your skirt to the waistband of your panties pulling on it lightly.
He glanced up at you checking if you were still fine.
Jungkook dipped his fingers into the panties’ waistband, dragging the soft material down your legs making you looked around anxiously.
“don’t worry angel.” he muttered, putting the damp panties in his Calvin Klein denim jacket’s pocket.
“I told you, there is no one here.” he caressed your calve reassuring you.
His fingers travelled up your leg before two of his fingers slid between your wet lips making you breathe heavily.
“fuck you’re dripping.” the man kneeling before you cursed.
You shivered when you felt his fingertips poke at your entrance.
“still with me, princess?”
You nodded making him hummed.
He inserted two fingers slowly inside you earning a chocked moan from you.
He moved in and out, feeling your warm velvety walls swallowing his fingers.
Jungkook lifted one of your leg, resting your thigh on his shoulder as his head disappeared under your plaid skirt again, your heart beating faster excitement running through your veins.
His mouth started working on your clit, sucking on bud of nerves erupting another moan from you, a louder one.
He slapped your thigh glaring up at you.
“Be quiet angel. Don’t wanna get caught, do you?”
You shook your head, tears forming in your eyes as he added another finger, twisting his wrist as he picked up the pace.
“You know, I don’t mind. But you.. tsk. Do you want everyone to see you like that? Me eating you out in the corner of the library? Do you want that darling?”
He tilted his head to the side innocently making you shook your head again pleadingly.
“so be quiet.”
Jungkook went back to suck on your clit, the tip of his tongue sliding over the sensitive bud of nerves.
You put your hand over your mouth to keep quiet as he ate you out. Pulling his fingers out, he replaced them with his tongue. His thumb pressed on your clit, rubbing on it gently as his tongue went in and out your core.
“fuck!” you whined, your fingers flying down to his long black hair tugging on the soft locks harshly as his thumb drew faster circles on your clit, applying more pressure on it.
Jungkook knew you were close, by the way your thighs were slightly shaking around his head, your fingers pulling harder on his hair, the little whimpers escaping your mouth, he knew your body well.
Pulling away, he inserted his fingers back inside you, repeatedly curling them so he could hit on that one spot that could make you scream his name shamelessly, his other hand holding on your waist firmly as he felt your knees buckling.
“Jungkook, I’m gonna- fuck I can’t.” you sobbed, biting on your knuckles to stay quiet.
“Cum.” he pulled his head back from under your skirt to watch your face as you come undone on his fingers.
“Cum for me doll.”
Your head hit the wall behind you lightly as you threw it back, arching your back, closing your eyes shut feeling your climax washed over you.
You moaned his name, a tear sliding down your cheek.
“you’re so pretty.” he groaned before going down to lick your juice making you flinched at the contact on your sensitive part again.
Jungkook collected the wetness between your legs on two fingers before standing up.
Looking straight into your eyes, he put the long digits in his mouth, sucking them clean making you open your eyes widely.
“so sweet.” he smirked making you looked away embarrassed.
He turned your face to him again, wiping the tear away before pressing his lips against yours. His body was flat against you, enough to make you felt his boner.
“guys, it’s somewhere there!”
You detached from the - what was about to become a heated - kiss when you heard a group of friends walking closer.
“wait, I’m not sure. What’s the subject again?” a boy snorted.
“C’mon bro.” one of them huffed.
“Whatever, let’s just go back at our table, I’m done.” another boy talked sighing loudly.
Jungkook chuckled making you look at him curiously.
“are you this scared people see us together?” he pursed his lips, putting one hand on the wall next to your head.
“no no it’s not that.” you waved your hands in front of you feeling flustered at the way he was caging you.
“what is it then?” he teased caressing your cheek with his knuckles.
“I just.. not like that. I mean, we were.. you know..” you tried to explain.
“Oh hm, my panties. Can I have them back please?” you played with your fingers nervously.
“you heard me.” he smirked, walking away scanning the opposed bookshelf.
“I can’t walk around like that.” you rushed to him grabbing on his arm.
“don’t worry about that, you’re coming with me anyways.” he shrugged.
“you’re coming home with me.”
“oh.. I thought I was tutoring you only on Wednesdays afternoons?” you asked dumbfounded.
“I need you to take care of something for me.”
“what?” you tilted your head to the side waiting for him to continue.
“that.” he grabbed your hand, pressing it lightly on his bulge.
“Oh I-“
“Or are you busy?”
“yes. I mean no? If you need- no I mean well.. I’m studying.. I mean not studying later! I’m not busy. I’m free!” you cleared your voice retracting your hand embarrassed.
“nice then.” Jungkook tried his best not to laugh at your shynesss. 
“But only if-“
“Only if what?” he interrupted you.
“Only if you give me my panties back. Please, i can’t walk around like this.” you looked down as he approached you more.
“Of course, angel. Don’t wanna make you feel uncomfortable.” he kneeled down, pulling your panties out of his pocket before helping you put it back.
Jungkook stood up bending down to your ear before whispering.
“Keep in my mind, that the moment you step a foot in my bedroom, they will end up on the floor.” he pressed a kiss behind your ear, walking away leaving you speechless.
You put your hand over your heart, trying to collect yourself before following him.
When you arrived to your table, Jungkook already packed your things waiting for you.
“Thank you.” you went to grab your bag but he sling a strap of the backpack over his shoulder.
“do you have a tissue please?”
“yea. It’s in the front pocket of my bag, let me get one for you.”
You handed him the tissue, as he wiped his fingers with it before putting it the bin near the desk.
“Now let’s go.” he put his cap back on, putting your glasses on.
“Do I look sexier with glasses?” he smirked making you laugh.
“Oh yea you do.” you walked out the library with him to his car.
On your way to the parking lot, you could heard people talk about you. You knew it were not flattering comments. It was weird receiving so many looks, you almost felt like suffocating.
You weren’t the type to like getting attention. Well, attention from a lot of people. You just loved receiving attention from one person, it was enough.
“are you ok?” you heard Jungkook ask.
“your grip on my arm kept on tightening?”
“oh yea yea sorry.” you apologized letting go of his arm abruptly.
You didn’t even realized you were holding on his arm. You weren’t that touchy with Jungkook in public.
You barely interacted with him at college.
Actually, you sometimes avoided him. Not that you didn’t appreciate his company, even tho he spent his time annoying and distracting you - but because of people talking shit about you and bullying you.
Maybe some jealous girls that Jungkook had rejected?
You never talked about it with him. You refused to complain and act like a victim with him.
Let’s clear things for the confused ones, Jungkook wasn’t your boyfriend. You were his tutor. Well, you were supposed to be just his tutor but he decided to frequent you more often. 
You were a nice and smart girl. But, naive.
He knew how to have you wrapped around his finger. Have you at his mercy.
A simple and quiet student always by herself or either spending time with her best friend. You intrigued him a lot.
After being paired with you for a homework once, he decided to turn the situation to his side. Getting to know you more, he found out you were “innocent” and he just wanted to corrupt you.
He succeed, easily.
He started as a “student” of yours, flirting with you at each opportunities he could get to finally ruin your innocence slowly until he took your v-card. And he took pleasure from doing it.
He wasn’t the type to keep up with one partner. One day he’s flirting with a girl, the day after he’s making out with another one. He wasn’t into relationships. Had been cheated on once was enough for him.
He decided to just fuck around.
At first, he had a few intercourses with you, but that didn’t stop him from having sex with others at the same time.
Did you defined it as a friend with benefits relationship? He never said anything about it. You both never talked about what you were doing.
He just came at any moment and start something by flirting with you “accompanied“ of a few kisses. And you always fell for it.
At first, it was just very weird for you. You were new to all of this.
Your bestfriend warned you about Jungkook, but you just ignored him. You told him that you were conscious of what you were doing.
After a few weeks, you got used to it, used to him. You liked the playfulness, his teasing. You also liked the way he was always confused and lost when you explain the homework to him.
You got jealous once or twice for no reasons when he interacted with other girls but you brush it off, remembering yourself that there was nothing between you two and that Jungkook was this type of guy; with a flirty personality, surrounded by a lot of pretty girls, a party monster and more than that.
You knew very well but you never pushed him away.
Jungkook on his side, didn’t even realized the change in his habits. He had stopped having sex with other partners with time. He sticked to you.
Was it because you were always nice with him?
Was it because he loved the way you were submissive for him?
He loved the way you were so responsive, always reacting to every of his touches. You were just different.
He also started appreciating you as a friend.
You were supportive and always encouraging him. He loved the attention. 
He really liked when you came to watch his games, he liked the way you sometimes shared your lunch with him without complaining, he liked the way you would reprimand him when he would do some stupid stuff in class, he liked the way you laughed at his silly jokes, he liked the way you would cry out his name when he’s making you feel good, the way you begged when he’s acting hard to get.
He loved to play with you. But not in a really bad way. It was weird to explain.
But he didn’t really think more about all that. It became a routine, a part of his life.
Jungkook opened the car’s door for you as you thanked him.
The ride to his house was quiet, a pleasant silence though.
You couldn’t help but glanced at him time to time, ogling at him driving with one hand as his tattoed hand was resting on your upper thigh the whole time.
He was just so hot, you wanted to throw yourself out of the car.
Jungkook unlocked the front door of his house, letting you go in first before locking it behind him.
“don’t be shy, you know where’s my room hm?” he teased making you roll your eyes as you took your shoes off.
“let’s go.” he walked to the stairs as you followed him.
Your heart started beating faster, hands getting sweaty.
Why were you feeling that way all the time? Every times felt like the first time. It’s scary yet exciting. 
He pushed the bedroom’s door open, revealing the neat room. Just a few papers laying on the floor near his desk, but it was clean compared to the last time you came here.
Jungkook took his cap off, putting your school bag on his gaming chair before closing the door.
You were standing nervously in the middle of the room as he approached you.
“Remember what I told you earlier doll?”
You thought for a few seconds before shaking your head making him scoff.
“I told you, to keep in my mind that, the moment you step a foot in my bedroom, your panties will end up on the floor. Remember now?”
“Ah that.” you cleared your voice looking down.
“yea, that.” he chuckled before walking away.
Jungkook sat on the edge of his bed, staring at you, standing there not knowing what to do. 
You felt like suffocating, his eyes were glued on you, you couldn’t move, your muscles refused to do so, you were like paralyzed. He was literally undressing you with his eyes.
He had such an effect on you, it was ridiculous.
After a few seconds, you heard him speak again.
“I changed my mind though.”
“Come here.”
You watched as Jungkook spread his legs, tapping his thigh, a silent way to gesture you to sit on his lap.
You took a deep breath, before walking to him.
The way he was manspreading, his eyes not leaving you as you approached him… you wanted to faint.
You stood between his parted legs waiting for him to make a move before his hands went to your hips pulling you down to straddle his strong thighs.
“kiss me.” he demanded gently as he took the glasses off, leaving it on his bedside table.
You didn’t say anything as you bent down to  envelope his lips in a slow kiss making him hummed in satisfaction.
His hands snaked behind your lower back, pulling you closer to his body as you started moving your hips unconsciously.
You moaned as you felt his boner rubbing against your lightly covered clit. The rough material of his jeans making you lose your mind already as he raised his hips up making you fall on his chest.
You closed your eyes focusing on his hands sliding down your sides to help you grind on him.
You felt his lips against your neck, a wet sensation coming in contact with the skin as he sucked on it.
His fingers went to unbutton your shirt, revealing your body more and more to him.
He got rid of the shirt throwing it away, his hands coming back to your body, fingers sliding over the warm skin, goosebumps raising after the soft touches.
“Jungkook, I want to c-“
“oh no no, not yet pretty.” he shook his head, standing up making you wrapped your legs around his thin waist, a quiet whine escaping from your mouth.
Jungkook put you down and looked at you with a little smirk decorating his pretty lips.
“get on your knees, kitten.”
You felt like exploding when the words came out of his mouth.
You felt this exciting feeling running through your veins as you dropped down on your knees, his pants tightening at the view of you being so obedient for him.
“you’re such a good girl for me, fuck.” Jungkook muttered lowly as he cupped your cheek gently, his thumb sliding over your bottom lip.
“you know what to do, hm?” he asked making you nod.
Your hands flied to his belt, unbuckling it quickly.
Pushing his pants down, you were met with his -huge- confined erection. You gulped as you stare at his boner.
“what is it, angel? don’t act like you’ve never seen it.” he smirked teasingly.
“no no no, that’s not it.” you cleared your voice embarrassed.
“you’re so cute.” he smiled, caressing your cheek softly.
His eyes darkened as his thumb made its way down your lips, pushing it lightly between them.
You opened your mouth, allowing him to put his digit in. You sucked on it, tongue sliding over the finger making him bite on his bottom lip.
He removed his finger before grabbing your hand to press it on his covered hard-on.
“C’mon pretty, do something.” he asked eagerly yet calmly.
You tugged his calvin klein boxer down his legs, freeing his cock slapping against his lower stomach, the clothes pooling at his ankles.
You took a deep breath before wrapping your hand around his sensitive fully-hard cock, earning a hiss from Jungkook.
You started moving your hand, giving him a few sharp tugs as you twist your wrist making him close his eyes.
Your thumb swiped over the tip of his cock, sliding over the slit earning a deep moan from him.
“fuck! c’mon baby, do it please, you know what I want.”
You nodded, bringing your face closer to him as you kiss the tip that’s already oozing precum, his hand going down to your hair.
You licked the glistening head, tasting the salty pre-cum, making the man sigh in a pleasant way before feeling him push your head more to his cock as his other hand reached down to guide it into your mouth.
“C’mon baby, open up.”
You took him in your mouth, lips enveloping around him.
“god, what a sight.”
You flattened your tongue on the side of his cock, feeling the light vein as you started bobbing your head earning a breathy moan from the man.
Jungkook leaned his head back, as he started moving his hips forward slowly.
You sucked him off, humming surprised as he tugged on your hair slightly, holding you still.
“fuck! baby, you doing so good.” he moaned closing his eyes.
He moved his hips forward, carefully not to hurt you as he savored the warmth that's wrapped around him.
You pulled back a bit, only to suck on the head of his cock making him bute on his lip, eyebrows furrowed as he concentrated on your mouth.
You tried your best to pleasure him as you let the tip hit the back of throat, earning a low moan from him, enough to make your core throb.
“ah fuck! yea, just like that!” He looked down at you with half closed eyes.
“look at me princess.” he demanded, as your eyes met his.
“I’m so close.” he groaned.
Jungkook held on your hair as he started moving faster, your hands flat on his muscular thighs, nails digging in the flesh as he felt his orgasm getting closer.
Your eyes got teary as he kept on hitting the back of your throat, until you heard a surprisingly high pitched moan from the man.
He cursed as he came.
Pulling away, his hand cup your cheek as he looked at you breathlessly.
“swallow it.” he demanded with lust dripping from his tongue.
“Only, if you want to. I’m not forcing you kitten.” he tilted his head to the side, his stare strong yet soft.
You gulped the salty substance reluctantly making him let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“god, you’re so fucking hot.” he watched as you sticked your tongue out, showing him the evidence.
His hand came to the nape of your neck, pulling you up to your feet making you gasp.
His thumb wiped the sticky release down your chin, putting it in your mouth as you sucked on the digit.
“C’mere.” he grabbed your face, enveloping your lips in a heated kiss.
Jungkook kicked the clothes pooling at his ankles away, as he walked you to the bed, his lips not leaving yours.
When the back of your knees touched the edge of his bed, he let your body fall back on the mattress, the delicate sheet welcoming your half-naked body.
You watched as he got rid of the rest of his clothes, throwing his denim jacket to his chair, revealing his well toned body.
He stood there, before you, bare proudly as he smirked at you.
He approached your body, hands on your skirt, pulling at it a bit making you raise your hips to help him take it off.
“you’re such a pretty doll.” you heard him muttered as he admired your body. The black bra and panties complimenting your skin so well.
“wanna drink some water before we start?” he asked.
You shook your head slightly before replying.
“no, thank you.” you smiled a bit making him nod.
“did I hurt you? earlier when we..” he pointed to your throat.
“oh no no don’t worry I’m fine.” you waved your hands in front of you to reassure him.
“good then.”
Jungkook hovered above your body, his arms at each sides of your head making you gulp, his demeanor making you feel small again.
“Can I take these off?” he asked fingers ghosting over the soft material covering your chest.
You nodded timidly, his hand going behind your back, unclasping the bra skillfully.
Throwing it away, his eyes immediately went to your breasts, perky nipples making him feel excited again as he lick his lips.
Bending down, he started leaving small kisses on your collarbones, his soft lips making their way down your chest.
Jungkook attached his lips around one of your nipple making you whimper softly as you felt the wet muscle rubbing on the hard bud.
You watched as his hand went to fondle with your breast, eyes following his thumb stroking lightly over the sensitive bud making you breathe heavily.
“C’mon kitten, I find you way too quiet right now.”
He twisted your nipple between his thumb and forefinger, as he nibbled on the other erected bud with his teeth, earning a moan from you.
“you know I don’t like that, hm.” he mumbled.
He detached his lips from your breast, kissing lighting down your stomach, leaving little marks after his trail.
You felt his fingers on your panties waistband, your eyes meeting him as he was already staring at you waiting for your consent as you nod lightly.
He didn’t waste a second as he dragged the underwear down your legs, throwing it away on the pile of clothes on the floor.
Jungkook spread your legs for him to lay in-between them surprising you when he grabbed on your thigh positioning it over his shoulder.
“Mind if I have another taste?” you heard him say.
You didn’t have the time to respond when you felt his lips on your glistening one’s making you let a moan escape from your mouth.
His hands pinned your waist firmly to the mattress as you kept on squirming at the feeling of his tongue sliding over your clit. He ate you out, eyes closed as he focused on pleasuring you. 
He switched to your swollen clit to nibble on it making you arch your back, hands grabbing desperately at the soft sheet. He sucked on it harshly, the not so soft feeling making you want to close your legs around his head.
You breathed heavily feeling your orgasm getting closer. Your legs started shaking slighting around his head letting him know that you were close.
“Jungkook, gosh I’m so cl-“
You groaned annoyed when he suddenly pull his head away, your orgasm vanishing.
“why?” you pulled on his wrist.
“because I wanted to.” he shrugged, fingers sliding over your stomach teasingly.
“what did you expect? If you don’t ask me what you want, how am I supposed to know. I told you I wanted to taste you another time but you, you didn’t say what you wanted.” he pursed his lips playfully.
You turned your head to the side avoiding his eyes.
“tell me.” he demanded.
“look at me baby.” he said firmly making you look at him again.
“tell me what you want.”
You gulped feeling small again as he stared down at you. He looked so big on top of you. It was really intimidating.
“Say it, or I will just stop and d-“
“I want you to.. you know.”
“No I don’t. Spill it right now before I change my mind.”
Jungkook knew how to make you talk. He wouldn’t stop like that. Not without pleasuring you nor having what he want. He knew how to make you do what he wants you to do.
“I want you to make me-“
“Make you what?” he interrupted you getting impatient.
“I want you to make me cum.” you muttered loud enough for him to hear.
“see, I didn’t bite you… yet.” he chuckled making you sigh.
Jungkook was quick to bend down again, mouth getting closer to your heat, looking up at you one last time before connecting his lips with your core.
“fuck.” you whimpered at the contact, still a bit sensitive from the denying.
He sucked on your lips, tongue teasing your entrance. You watched him devour you, his tongue penetrating you stealing a soft moan from you.
“Jungkook, please I want to cum.”
The man hummed against you, the vibration stimulating you more.
“already.” he laughed quite surprised.
“Please let me cum.” you whined, your hand coming down to his head, pushing him more between your legs.
You almost felt like crying when he nibbled on your clit, sucking on it harshly.
“Jungkook please.” you pleaded.
“Cum pretty girl, cum on my tongue.” he finally replied making your heart skipped a beat, everything going too fast for you as you pulled on his soft tresses. 
A wave of pleasure washed over you as you came for the second time today.
“oh my god!”
You tried to back away as he didn’t stop, mouth still latched on your core.
“Jungkook, I can’t.” you bit on your bottom lip at the overstimulation. 
“you can do it baby, i know you can take another one.”
You shook your head whining as you felt his thumb rub on your clit slowly, your breath getting unsteady.
“fuck, I-“
You couldn’t finish your sentence, as you threw your head back, your orgasm hitting you hard.
You felt like passing out. It was too much.
Jungkook caressed your thighs gently soothing you a bit as you let your body rest.
“you did well darling, so well.” he smirked feeling satisfied by your fucked up state before leaving a kiss on your abused clit earning a hiss from you. 
“you good?” he asked after a few minutes.
You just hummed eyes still closed.
“wanna drink something?”
“stay awake, I’ll come back.”
Jungkook came back with a glass of cold water handing it to you as you sat up gulping the fresh liquid.
“thanks.” you gave it back to him, this one placing it on the bedside table.
“Are you too tired or can you take a last one, for me?”
“I need you so bad right now.” he whispered deeply, his tattooed hand sliding over your bare arm, goosebumps raising after the light touches.
You gulped, your last orgasm was so recent, were you ready to face another one? You felt wasted and ready to slumber.
You looked at him, his dark eyes not leaving yours. You thought for a moment, your stare lowering to his lips, the piercing decorating it at the corner scintillating.
“I need you too.” you whispered making him smile.
Laying down on your back, you pulled him on top of you.
“Listen to me carefully now angel.” he started, caressing your hair back.
“I’m gonna make you cry out in pleasure. I don’t care if you pass out in my bed, I’m gonna fuck you dumb. I’ll pleasure you so good that you won’t be able to speak properly after it. Trust me, you will only remember my name. Heard me, princess?” he whispered, his lips ghosting over yours.
His words warming your whole body, you wanted to run away but you were frozen.  
You were so tempted, he had that strong effect on you. You couldn’t speak nor think properly at this point, at what he announced shamelessly.
Your body was on fire.
Your innocent eyes diverted from his.
Jungkook captured your lips in a slow kiss, his tongue grazing over your bottom lip.
Your hand travelled to his nape, deepening the now-heated-kiss making him moan.
His lips lowered to your jaw leaving little kisses there, while his hand grabbed on your left thigh spreading your legs a bit more to make room for him to lay comfortably between them.
He grabbed on his hard cock, rubbing the tip between your wet lips, a soft moan leaving your mouth.
Slapping the head of his election on your core, you whined the teasing getting unbearable.
“Jungkook, please.”
“what?” he tilted his head to the side playfully.
“stop teasing please.”
“what do you want?“
“are you serious right now?” you covered your flustered face with your hands.
“Yes I am. Say it. I wanna know.”
“I want you.” you said quietly making him hummed in a disapproving way.
“I don’t get it.”
“Do something.”
“fuck me.”
“beg for it.”
You took a deep breath, your heart beating faster in excitation.
“Jungkook please, I need you so bad please. fuck me.. hard. I want you to make me feel good.” you pleaded throwing your last bit of dignity away.
“You’re such a good girl for me, aren’t you?” he caressed your cheek.
“so fucking pretty.”
You felt the tip of his cock rubbing on your core, pushing in slowly.
“tell me if it hurts, and I’ll stop right away.”
A sob escaped from your throat when he penetrate you. Biting on your bottom lip hard, eyebrows frowned as you threw your head back at the painful yet so delicious stretch.
You whimpered as he started rolling his hips.
You moaned loudly as he suddenly snap his hips hard into yours.
“fuck yes! right there ah fuck!”
Your fingers laced into his soft black curls pulling on them tightly. He groaned the little burn turning him on more.
You whimpered in his ear, your nails digging into his muscular back forming little crescents as he kept on abusing your g-spot, hips moving faster, the bedhead hitting the wall over and over.
“you’re so warm and so fucking tight! Shit! Am I not fucking you enough, huh doll?” he rested his sweaty forehead on yours.
“Jungkook, please go harder.” you cried out, eyes getting teary.
He didn’t think twice as his hand gripped on the bedhead for support, pounding into you with no mercy.
You clenched around him making him moan, your warmth engulfing him drive him crazy.
“Jungkook, you feel so good! Please keep going, don’t stop!”
Tears slid down your cheeks catching his attention as he twitched inside you. The feeling of it making you break into a sobbing mess as you clenched around him.
You knitted your eyebrows, mouth ajar as you felt this oh-so-familiar knot in the pit of your stomach ready to explode at any moment.
He held you firmly, his nails digging into the flesh of your hips as he felt his own release coming.
“are you close?” 
You couldn’t reply not fully ready to face your third orgasm of the day.
Pulling him down, you kissed him deeply, his hands coming to grab your yours, pinning them next your head.
“Jungkook, I’m gon-“
“Look at me.” he breathed out.
“I want you to look at me when you cum.” he bit on his bottom lip concentrating on moving his hips.
You tried to keep eye contact with him but his strong intimidating stare made it difficult.
“Am I making you feel good darling?” Jungkook asked between breath.
“answer.” you bite on your earlobe slightly making you grab on his bicep.
“yes, so so good!” you said between sobs.
“Who the fuck is making you feel good?” he asked moaning.
“You! You, Jungkook!”
“You’re so hot, so good for me. So good only for me. You’re my good girl, aren’t you?”
Your hand slid to his chest, nails dragging on his soft skin, the burning sensation quite pleasant, made him furrowed his eyebrows.
“Say that you’re mine.”
You were too lost in the pleasure to think straight as you nod, tears streaming down your cheeks.
“I’m yours.”
“Say it again!” he asked loudly, his eyes not leaving your face.
“I’m yours Jungkook! I’m yours! Only yours!”  your voice cracked at the end of the sentence.
“That’s fucking right! You’re mine, only mine.” he said as he sucked on your sweet spot.
You threw your head back deep into the pillow as you felt your high coming.
“Jungkook! fuck, I’m coming!” you cried out, walls convulsing around his cock, legs shaking, you couldn’t felt your body anymore.
Your vision became white, the repeated snaps of his hips into yours sending you to oblivion.
Your warm release enough to make Jungkook lose his mind, throwing him over the edge as he abruptly pulled out.
“Open your pretty legs for me princess.” you barely comprehended his words, head spinning as he spread your legs.
Pumping his cock a few times, he finally cummed on your lower stomach, some of his release landing on your upper thigh. 
You felt the warm sticky substance coming in contact with your skin but didn’t react much.
Jungkook stared at your body in awe still panting from his efforts.
The little purple and red marks he painted with his lips decorating your pretty delicate skin so well, the now-dried-tears on your cheeks boosting his ego knowing how good you felt while he was fucking you and his cum laying on your thighs was the cherry on top.
He watched as the thick liquid flows down the inside of your thigh.
You looked like a mess. A hot mess.
“you’re such a masterpiece princess.” he whispered, more to himself.
He hovered above your body, leaving a soft peck on your lips making you open your eyes, only to look at the man on top of you.
He looked so attractive, beads of sweat covering his forehead, some locks of his hair sticked on it. His lips were reddish from all the biting. The scratches you left on his muscular chest made him look hotter.
You were still out of breath, trying your best not to fall asleep.
“are you ok?” he caressed your arm.
You hummed, pushing his hair back from his eyes making him smile softly.
“Rest for a moment, hm.” he said before leaving to his bedroom connected bathroom.
After a few minutes, he came back, a boxer on. He placed a pile of things on the edge of this bed before coming to your side.
“you dead?” he touched your shoulder slightly not wanting to disturbing if you actually fell asleep.
“no, I was just closing my eyes.” you laughed.
“I was that good huh.” he wiggled his eyebrows making you cleared your voice, pulling the cover closer to your body.
“don’t be shy now. I’ve seen everything under that.” he teased pulling on the blanket playfully.
Pulling it down your legs, he grabbed the warm wet towel he let on the edge of the bed before cleaning you up. He wiped your lower stomach clean and the inside of your thighs gently making you sigh.
“C’mere, I’ll help you.” he helped you sit up, grabbing one of his boxer, sliding it up your legs.
“I guess you rather wear something clean, right?” he said as he continued, before hooking your bra.
He grabbed the sweatpants and black oversized Calvin Klein shirt.
“more confortable.” he spoke dressing you up.
You watched in utter shock the scenery before you.
Why all of this? It wasn’t often that he gave you his clothes. You were so confused. He was being more and more different. He changed a lot since you met him.
It was just simple things and gestures, yet it made your heart melt. You were so lost. 
“well, you will give them back to me when we see each others next week.” he pinched your cheek making you roll you eyes.
“yea yea I’m not gonna steal them.”
“I’d have let it slide If you were my g-“
Suddenly, Jungkook’s phone rang interrupting his blabbing making him huff. He picked up the phone, pursing his lips at the name displayed on the screen.
“Yes I do, I remember.” he hummed listening to the other person talking making you tilted your head to the side when he looked toward you.
“ah..tonight?” he furrowed his eyebrows.
“well, I’m not sure… I know but.. ok ok fine I will come.”
You got out the bed, picking your clothes from the floor. You folded them putting them in your bag, grabbing your phone to check your notifications.
“you’re leaving?” you heard Jungkook asked behind you.
“yes, I will get going before it’s getting too dark outside.”
“I was about to suggest you to stay over tonight but I have to g-“
“Stay over?”
“yea.. I thought that you were probably too tired.”
“no no, I’m good.” you laughed.
“I have things to do tonight too.“
“hm, here take my jacket.” he put it on you before you could even refused.
Jungkook accompanied you at the front door, watching as you started walking away.
“wait, I’ll drop you off at your house. My bike is there, let me just get the helmets-“
“no no don’t bother. I will walk, it’s not too far.”
“i don’t mind.“
You let a breathy laugh pass by your lips as you shook your head.
“It’s ok, I wanna walk a bit.”
“You’re alone and it’s getting dark. And look at you, you can’t even walk straight.” he grinned making you roll your eyes.
“I’m fine, and there are still people outside at this time doing late jogging.”
“You’re so stubborn.” he clicked his tongue.
“See you.” you waved leaving his house.
“Hey!” Jungkook called out making you turn around curiously.
You furrowed your eyebrows confused.
“It’s Cherry. The flavor of your lip balm.” he smirked.
You looked away shyly, staying silent.
“Am I right?” He raised an eyebrow teasingly.
“Well, I gotta go now, bye Jungkook.” 
He watched as you disappeared rapidly, almost tripping over the sidewalk, a soft smile decorating his lips.
You threw your bag on the carpeted floor of your bedroom before jumping on your bed.
“gosh.” you sighed putting your hands over your flustered face.
“Why is he like that?” you turned around on your stomach burying your face on your pillow.
“I hate him.” you screamed into the soft cushion.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard a notification on your phone.
You went to your bag grabbing the device from it as you sat on the floor.
As expected, it was a message from your dear best friend.
dramaboy : you’re home?
y/n : yup.
dramaboy : picking you up in a hour, get ready
y/n : ???
dramaboy : we going out tonight. did you forget? Friday night, movie night.
y/n : ahh yea the romantic movie you chose
dramaboy : we chose* c’mon I don’t wanna be late
y/n : yea yea, see you
dramaboy : see ya
You sighed, walking to your bathroom.
After your quick shower, you decided to pick some confortable clothes to go out. You looked at yourself in your big miroir, admiring yourself.
You looked good. Was this because you were on a good mood?
Why were you feeling like that?
People say that you find yourself more attractive when you’re feeling confident, when you are happy. You kinda liked it.
Looking at your phone, you noticed a message from your best friend letting you know that he was already here, waiting for you outside.
“hey!” you smiled as you sat on the passenger seat.
“how you doing?”
“good and you?”
“good too.” you buckled your belt.
“you ready?” he asked.
“Let’s go.”
You were waiting for your snacks at the counter when you heard your best friend groaned.
“what is it?” you asked noticing his annoyed face.
“mister muscle is here.” he rolled his eyes looking behind you.
You looked behind you only to see Jungkook, with a drink in his hand, his other arm placed over a girl’s shoulder. Your heart stopped for a second.
He was laughing with his friends. He finally noticed you as you made eye contact.
“fuck!” you turned around panicked.
“do you think he saw me?”
“nice, now he’s coming here.” you heard your best friend huff.
“hi y/n.” you heard Jungkook behind you.
“hi Jungkook.” you forced a smile facing him.
“Hi Park.” he greeted your best friend
Jimin just nodded acknowledging him.
You pursed your lips as Jimin walked away leaving you alone with Jungkook.
”going to the restroom quickly.” he said before disappearing.
”you’re ignoring me?”
“No no not at all, I was just.. hmm.. talking with him.” you cleared your voice.
“He doesn’t appreciate me, right?” Jungkook chuckled making you sigh.
“no it’s not that.”
“So, you came to watch..” he said waiting for you to continue the sentence.
“Jimin chose that romantic movie with one of his favorite actor.” you explained playing with your fingers nervously, the gesture didn’t go unnoticed by him.
“And you?” you asked back.
“horror movie with my friends.” he pointed to the group chatting behind him.
“that’s cool...” you said, staring at the girl that was already staring at you.
“y/n!” you heard Jimin called out.
“Oh the movie is about to start, I guess. I’ll go join him.” You grabbed the snacks that were on the counter next to you.
“Enjoy your movie.” you smiled walking away.
“Hey!” you turned around to him.
“nice jacket.” he grinned, pointing toward his Calvin Klein denim jacket you were wearing.
“Oh… thanks. I mean no, I.. thank you for letting me borrow it. I just, well, Jimin is waiting for me! Bye.”
Jungkook laughed shaking his head as you sprinted away.
A/N : i want this Jungkook so bad, like for real. It hurts, I would get him pregnant if I could- wait wait no no forget it pls I wasn’t thinking straight helpsjd. thank you so much for reading luvs <3,, I hope it wasn’t too bad. I’ve repeated so many words. I must have more vocabularies. Details weren’t as good as I wished but I kinda like the fic. Have a nice day :)
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ohimsummer · 9 months
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— minors dni, angst w/comfort, mostly bully!satoru x reader, ft. bully! suguru, one implication of male masturbation, some fluff, also one (1) kiss
summary; bully! satoru manages to seriously upset you, and now he’s scrambling to give you a genuine apology
wc 2.8k
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"I thought love was supposed to be easy."
Geto pauses mid-sip. "Oh, is that what you're calling this?"
Satoru leans further into his hand. His cheek smushes against his palm, muffling his grumbles. "Duh. What else would it be?"
"You being a dumbass."
Gleaming, white hair sways over Satoru's forehead, brushes his skin. "She wasn't supposed to react like that." You don't usually react like that, he thinks.
He toys with you all the time. The constant teasing and insults towards you is a regular occurrence, as much as you seem to hate it, but you always end up angrily leaving Gojo in the dust, and then the cycle repeats the next day. Only it was different last time; they’re your usual cries and shouts, but it’s a different type of outburst. Real tears in your eyes, your choked words of 'you suck!' and 'why can't you ever take anything seriously for once?' piercing through Gojo's heart and leaving a still-bleeding wound. They don't have your usual, pissed-off bite to them, but instead sound miserable. Heartbroken and disappointed, like the victim of a betrayal. Your expression shriveled any incoming words up in Satoru's throat, leaving him wide-eyed and dumbfounded as he watched you messily wipe away flowing tears and shove past him. That was last Wednesday, and he hasn't seen you since, not a glimpse or even a whiff of you on campus. It's like you never attended this college to begin with.
Satoru looks at his text messages with you, the last one being a dismal 'princess?' that you hadn't even read. He'd thought about threatening to leak one of the many sex tapes he had of you in his phone, but usually those coercions were bluffs, as Gojo nor Geto would dare leak their precious videos of you like that to anyone else. Besides, somehow forcing you into showing yourself made Satoru's stomach queasy. Like he'd vomit up his own heart.
He looks up at the sound of Geto's voice, following his pointed finger to the drink machine in the cafeteria. After loitering around for 2 hours, you'd finally shown up, alone and looking a little worse for wear. Even from a distance, Satoru can spot the dark circles under your eyes.
You stand idly in line, awaiting your turn to fill your cup. Eyes flitting from person to person, looking out for a fray of white strands or dark hair. It's hard to discern when the cafeteria is so busy at this hour, though you're not too concerned. Gojo and Geto don't usually frequent the cafe, not unless they're here to cause trouble. And you've been avoiding Satoru for about a week now with no complaints from either of them, so you're hoping you can get in and out without being spotted.
It’s an easy walk out of the cafeteria building, and you’re on your way back to your dorm when a familiar nickname stops you in your tracks. "Hey, princess!"
Fight or flight kicks in, and unfortunately your feet cement to the ground. His presence grows stronger as he draws near, until you can sense Gojo right behind you.
"Been avoiding me, Y/N?"
It feels off. He never really calls you by your actual name. "Why do you care?"
A few seconds of silence pass. Then, "Guess I missed my pretty girl is all."
Your heart aches for a second, before you scoff. "Sure you did. What, it's not the same making some other girl cry?"
Gojo doesn't answer, and you finally force your legs to pick up, heaving yourself towards your destination.
Aaand, they're stuck again. Blinking, your head eases to the side, catching sight of Gojo in the corner of your vision. He looks awkward, staring at you with hands in his pockets and scuffing the ground as he kicks at the concrete. A knot forms in your stomach, hearing him utter an apology without his usual sarcasm or malice. It almost makes you want to talk things over, until the pain of your previous encounter comes flooding back, and you leave him standing there by himself. Rejected.
Day turns to darkness, and Satoru is stuck with another night of humping his fist like a desperate virgin. Suguru’s out, no telling where, leaving him alone with regretful thoughts to torment him. The next day passes. Then two. Then three. Satoru feels like he's going insane, and it's not just because he misses fucking you on the daily. He never realized just how much of a constant you were in his life until suddenly you weren't. Fuck. He groans into his pillow.
"Maybe give her a non-half-baked apology, like a normal person.," Geto complains. "And stop making so much noise, you're distracting."
"Fuck off."
"Fine, she can stay mad at you forever for all I care. You're the one who can't get in her pussy, not me."
Satoru jolts up, jaw falling slack as he glares at who was supposed to be his best friend. "Wha–, you're still fucking her? I just saw her for the first time again like three days ago!"
A smile stretches across Geto’s face. "Do you think our darling is stupid? Why would I get punished for your wrong-doings, she knows I’d fuck her up for that. "
Gojo flops face-down back onto the bed. "Not fair. We should be suffering together."
"Hell no, this is a personal problem between you and Y/N."
He groans again, legs kicking in the air. "Suguruuu, what do I do?"
"...Give her a genuine apology? I coulda sworn I just said that.”
"I already said sorry!"
"Genuine, I said. Not lazy. Give her something she likes."
Satoru turns slightly, brows furrowed. "What, like flowers? I don't know her favorites."
Gojo pauses, directing a curious stink-eye towards Suguru. "And how do you know that?"
"Because I asked?"
Satoru rests a cheek against his arm, thoughts wandering off as he thinks of all the things he knows about you. Small things he's noticed. Like how you wear necklaces more often than any other jewelry, what certain colors catch your eye, things you've mentioned in passing when arguing with him. And now he does remember offering you a random weed he plucked from the ground as a joke, and you muttering 'what the fuck? for future reference, i like sunflowers’ before walking away from him.
"Suguru!," the mentioned man jolts at the sudden bellow of his name. "I'm making Y/N a bouquet!"
"Right." Geto rolls his eyes. "Do you even know how to do that?"
"Do you?"
"Not really–“
"Excellent, cancel your plans tomorrow, we're going out to get flowers!"
Suguru sighs. "Fine."
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Both men, well Satoru, and a very grumpy Suguru after being shaken to consciousness, get up bright and early the next Saturday morning in search of a florist.
"Are these vibrant enough, ya think?" Satoru questions Geto, rubbing a hand over his own chin in contemplation. These flowers needed to be perfect, he wanted only the best for his ba–, you.
"These for someone special?," the lady behind the booth inquires. She smiles politely as she admires the golden petals. "A girlfriend, or wife, perhaps?"
"Wife.," Satoru cuts Geto off. "So yes, very special, indeed."
He narrows his eyes at Suguru, who poorly muffles a chuckle behind his hand. "What?"
"Nothing. Didn't know you were married, is all."
Satoru shrugs, turning to examine the sunflowers again. "Hmph. That just shows you know nothing about me."
“I know you’re a jackass.”
“Anyway,” Gojo brushes him off. “I think these look terrific, perfect for my girl. I’ll take them all!”
Silence passes. The florist’s lids flutter in astonishment. “All of them?”
“Yep! This bouquet needs to be huge!”
Suguru places a hand on his shoulder. “I think that’s enough for several bouquets.”
Gojo’s grin widens. “Even better! Give ‘em to me.”
The looks both men get as they walk the streets with giant armfuls of sunflowers are…peculiar, but Satoru is too busy firing off his own praises on how he’s going to give you the best apology of your life to notice.
“I’m gonna make her cry!,” he beams, pauses, before adding, “Happy tears this time, though.”
Shoulders bounce as Suguru laughs, unable to stifle it with his hands full of shining yellow flowers. “She might just tell you to piss off.”
“Would it kill you to have some faith in me?”
“A little, yes.”
Geto curses under his breath. ‘Shit!’ as he goes stumbling forward right over Satoru’s foot, almost loosing his grip on the assortment in his arms.
“Hey, don’t you dare drop those.,” Gojo pouts. “These are for my wife, and they’re her favorite.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
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It takes Satoru hours before he’s happy with the final product. Along with countless tutorials on how to organize a bouquet properly.
“Hold it this way.,” he commands Suguru, who rolls his tired eyes, ready to catch up on the sleep he missed this morning. “There, perfect! Wait, hold on, let me just redo this.”
“Can you hurry up?,” Geto frowns at him. “You’ve redone it like a million times already, damn.”
“Hey, my marriage is at stake here, excuse me for trying to make this look like the best bouquet she’ll ever see!”
“I’m letting go.”
“Nonowait! Okay, I’m done, promise.”
The bouquet comes out stunning, given the fact it was whipped up by two college boys who’d never created a bouquet in their lives, and especially when one of those college boys was Satoru Gojo. He boasts to Suguru, who’s yanking a blanket over his head, how it’s “his best work yet”.
“Maybe be a little more humble when you give it to her.,” Suguru grumbles as Satoru heads out, eager to present you with the display of his apologetic affections.
There’s a certain pep in his step, an excitement Gojo doesn’t often feel unless it’s to see your pretty face. Elated can’t even begin to describe it. The image of your soft lips curling into a smile, eyes sparkling as you see the large array of your favorite flowers, pushes Satoru closer and closer to your dorm building, which stands tall before him. He can’t help but mentally pat himself on the back. Heart swelling, Gojo can see it now, this surprise is going to make you ecstatic–
He halts mid-stride, foot hovering in the air, arms loosening around the bouquet. Satoru turns towards the sound and there you are, standing ten feet from him. Your mouth is open in a small ‘o’ as you notice the gift in his hand. Both of you stand there for a moment, eyeing each other, before you eventually break the silence.
“What’s that?”
Satoru snaps back to life, fumbling terribly to stuff the large bouquet behind his back, and he damns himself for making something so awkwardly huge. You watch, biting back a giggle, as he tries to hide what you’ve so obviously seen already. He stutters “u-uh, nothing!’ as a few petals flutter down from his hard work, and he curses ‘fuck!’.
It's easy to sneak up on Gojo when he's so busy floundering with the bunch of flowers. Your mouth threatens to grow into a smile, teeth sinking into your lips at the outlandish sight of him struggling to completely conceal the massive bouquet from your sight. The sharp pinch of your fingertips on his shoulder snatches Gojo from his frantic thoughts.
“Is this your way of apologizing again?”
“No!,” is his instant reply, startling you until Gojo averts his gaze to the concrete. “I mean...yeah. You ruined the surprise.”
This interaction feels more routine, less delicate. The way his lips jut out in a pout, his teasing banter. Crossing arms over your chest, you give Gojo an unamused look. “Ummm, it’s huge. How did you plan on hiding that from me?”
Satoru thinks his heart stutters as you hold out your arms, hands gesturing for the bouquet, and he slowly reveals the assortment of flowers behind his back. Through his panicked, rushed efforts to hide them, the paper has torn, some of the flowers are missing petals, and some aren’t in the exact position he and Suguru had so meticulously arranged them.
“Dumbass.,” you huff, wrapping fingers around the stems, which are adorned with a crinkly, cream colored paper and a dark green bow. “I’m still mad with you.”
Satoru’s breath hitches as your fingers brush his, as if it's the first time he's ever touched you. He relinquishes hold of the bouquet. “You like ‘em, though? Don’t lie, I can tell.”
“Just shut up.”
He flashes you a toothy, boyish grin, one that makes your heart beat a little faster. “It’s all for you, my pretty Y/N.”
Eyes rolling, you intently study the bouquet, raising it to hide your flustered expression. A warmth creeps over your body at the way Satoru utters your name, like if he says it too loudly, it will break apart into glass pieces. The paper creases under your restless fingers.
“Thank you, Satoru.”
The flowers are striking, but Gojo doesn’t think they compare at all to your beauty. Blue eyes admire you, at the way you marvel over the bunch of sunflowers, beaming at how fresh and vibrant and downright captivating they are. You glance up to meet Satoru’s eye, and he rubs at the back of his neck.
“So, uh,” he starts, avoiding your gaze. “I’m sorry about what I said. Really didn’t mean to upset you that much.”
Your eyes narrow. “That much?”
“Well, you know you’re really hot when you’re mad, but I didn’t mean to do that–“
“And did I look hot then?”
“No! Well, you weren’t ugly, but I didn’t like seeing you so upset–, usually it’s a turn on when you’re all angry but it felt different that time and Suguru didn’t tell me until later you were having a super rough day so I figured I might have hit a nerve–“
You cradle the bouquet to your chest, thoroughly enjoying the clumsy flow of his words, determined not to dig himself a deeper hole or upset you all over again. His lips pause, and then Gojo interrupts another sentence with a new one, before the downturn of his brows as he catches your gleaming eyes.
“My point is that I’m sorry.” He spots the twitch of your frown. “I know you wanna smile, let me see it.”
You can’t help but grin as your mouth opens. “No I don’t. And I guess you’re forgiven, now get away from me so I can enjoy my bouquet in peace.”
“Wait, that’s not it!” Before you turn away, Satoru reaches into his back pocket to pull out a small, white, silk bag with a white ribbon securing the opening. “I got this too. Here.”
You recognize the design of the tiny sack from a rather expensive jewelry store, one you could only dream of buying from. And now here you were, in possession of something from that same store, mouth gaping open as Satoru snickers.
“You just gonna stare, baby, or…?”
The fabric of the bag is soft in your hands, smooth and easy on your fingers. Hugging the bouquet to your side, the ribbon loosens to reveal a dainty, silver necklace inside, adorned with a small, heart charm engraved with your initials.
“Oh, wow . .” You’re awestruck at how delicate and pretty it looks. Turning it over, you find a “G.S” on the other side of the heart. “And Suguru’s initials on the back? How sweet.”
“Don’t play.”
“Whatever.,” you giggle at his downturned lips. “It’s very nice, I like it.”
Satoru can’t help pat himself on the back. “Yeah, it is, isn’t it? Cost a hefty chunk of change, especially since I wanted it so quick and on such short notice–“
“Uh huh.” This big dummy. Your smile grows at the thought.
“–and you know I just had to get the best for my pretty girl, plus I got kinda hard at the thought of my initials on your chest–“
Gojo’s words catch in his throat at the soft press of your lips to his cheek. Blood shoots to his face, instantly, and you can’t help bursting into a round of giggles, barely gasping out ‘you look like a strawberry!’. He’s so embarrassed that the realization that you willingly kissed him of your own accord doesn’t even register. All Satoru feels is a burning heat on his cheeks and a tightness in his chest, desire squeezing a fist around his heart as you smirk up at him through a fit of laughter.
“You are really somethin’ else. Bye, Satoru, also learn to stop talking sometimes.”
All Gojo can do is wave as you depart, leaving you with a ‘see ya, princess’ as you disappear into the building, sparing him one last glance. His phone vibrates as you leave his line of sight, announcing a text from Suguru.
asshole🤮: you give it to her yet?
s: i thought the sleeping beauty was getting a nap in?
asshole🤮: she told you to fuck off, didn’t she?
s: stfu
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laligraves · 3 months
say you're sorry
priest!joel miller x fem!reader
[18+] | wc: ~2k summary: You ask Father Miller for forgiveness. masterlist | AO3
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warnings: HBO Joel, TLOU AU, mean!Joel, power imbalance (since Joel is a priest), some proofreading, reader has hair that Joel can grab, no use of y/n or too many details on reader's appearance, daddy kink, references to catholicism, oral (m! receiving), some gagging, spanking, lap sitting/riding, unprotected sex, creampie, some very light cum eating
a/n: this is a different priest joel and a different reader from my other priest fic :)
His office is big, airy, smelling of incense and cologne. Theology books and bibles in a few different languages are organized on the wooden shelves. A cross complete with a sorrowful looking Jesus hangs on the wall behind his desk. 
“These figs are divine,” Father Miller groans, “your mother gave me some cuttins’ but I’ve never been able to grow a tree myself.” 
He bites into the fruit and moans at the splash of sweet juice that soaks his tongue. 
“Here, take a bite,” he offers. 
His hands tighten in your hair and he pulls your mouth away from his spit-covered cock. You whimper at the loss but he shushes you with a stern bite, and you quickly comply.  
“Reminds me of somethin’ else that’s sweet,” he whispers as he watches your throat move in a swallow. 
“Please, daddy,” you moan, “I wasn’t done.” 
Father Miller gives you a soft pat on your cheek, trailing his fingers down to tug at the rosary that hangs between your breasts, before pushing your head back onto his cock. 
He spreads his knees wider in his desk chair. 
“What a beautiful way to ask for forgiveness. Figs and your mouth on my cock.” 
If his big dick wasn’t in your mouth, you’d cringe from embarrassment. Your own selfish and jealous actions led to his disappointment and your need to ask for forgiveness. 
“Envy is a sin. You choose to have these emotions and these moments of insecurities,” Father Miller murmurs in that tone that makes you squeeze your thighs. 
“When those thoughts begin, it’s your responsibility to come to confession. You have to talk to me so I can help.”
Father Miller does it again, yanking you back from his cock and tilting up your chin with his finger.
“Did you hear what I just said?” 
“Repeat it to me,” he interrupts. 
“I need to–to ask you for help when I’m feeling jealous,” you choke out. 
His hand tightens in your hair and he pushes himself deeper into your mouth. You gag, tears pooling on your waterline from the burn in your throat. 
“Good girl.” 
You want to run your hands down his strong thighs and feel the clench of his muscles, but they’re bound behind your back with your soaked panties. Aside from the rosary, the panties around your wrists are the only clothes you wear. 
You massage your tongue on the thick vein that spans underneath his cock. Spit dribbles down your chin as he begins to move your head up and down. 
“Fuck, just like that, honey,” he groans. “Got such a perfect mouth.”
You moan at the praise. Honey, the name he’s reserved just for you. Even at bible study on Wednesdays and at Mass on Sundays, he’ll call you honey, no matter who's around. 
“Those other women who come here, they seek advice. I can’t turn them away.” 
You let the tears fall from your eyes, partly from the cock spearing down your throat and also from the fact that he’s right. It’s his responsibility to listen to his congregation. 
Even if you know the women stare at him with dreamy eyes and fantasize about his broad shoulders, Father Miller must give them individual attention. 
He clenches his teeth the moment your nose hits the curly hair at his base. You swallow and fight through the burn, sucking at the salty taste of his skin. You clench your thighs again, hoping for any type of stimulation. 
“Aww,” he coos, “what does my poor little sinner need?” 
You whimper on his cock, wanting to move your head away so you can tell him how much you want him, but his hand keeps you in place.
“Nothin’ to say?” he mocks, “You don’t want me to eat your little cunt, honey? Make you cum on my tongue? Just want to keep suckin’ daddy’s cock?” 
Slick drips from your pussy. Mean, mean, mean, you chant in your head. You’re sure you look like a pathetic mess; shivering and crying hard enough to ruin your makeup. 
Father Miller laughs and wipes the tears from your eyes. 
“Alright, that’s enough.” 
You’re roughly pushed off, a string of spit connecting your mouth to his dick. You continue to sob as he yanks you up by your arms and bends you over his desk.  
“I said enough,” he snaps, landing a hard spank to your ass. “I won’t repeat myself.” 
Your shiver as your tits make contact with the cool surface of the desk. The rosary presses to your chest, indenting the soft skin.
“Such a beautiful cunt for a sinner,” he whispers. 
His hands massage your ass and he pulls apart your cheeks to stare at the puffy mess between your thighs. You try to move out of his grasp, embarrassed at how he can see every delicate inch of you, but he spanks you again. 
“Can’t seem to stay still,” he growls, “after everythin’ you’ve done, you still wanna disappoint me?” 
“N–no, daddy. I’m sorry, I’ll–I’ll stay still.” 
His leather shoe pushes on your ankle and you spread your thighs wide. He runs the tip of his length up your slit, ghosting over your sensitive button. You push your hips back and try to sink onto his cock, but he presses down on your lower back to keep you still. 
“Little sinner,” Father Miller scolds, “instead of trusting me, you accuse me of sleeping with other women. After the oath I gave to this church?” 
“I was wrong! I’m sorry,” you cry, hot tears rolling down and landing on the desk. 
“Don’t worry, honey. I’ll help you repent. Count f’me.” 
He moves slightly to the side and uses a large hand to spank you hard on your right cheek. You yelp, immediately choking out a one before feeling his hand massage your other. 
You push up on your tiptoes, presenting your ass to him, hungry for his touch. He starts off soft, slow, squeezing the plump curve of your ass. His palm lands harsher and you welcome the sting of each slap, pushing back into him, heart beating faster with each number. 
Once he gets to fifteen, he lands it right on your pussy. You push up on the desk in surprise and try to beg for more, daddy, please–I’m so close. 
“No more, baby,” he coos, “did so well with your spankin’.” 
“Please, daddy,” you whimper, “please give me your cock. Please fuck me.” 
His hand tugs on your hair and he makes you stand to your full height. 
“This is punishment, honey,” he whispers in your ear, “you’re gonna have to work for my forgiveness.” 
You’re not sure what else he could possibly make you do but he spins you around and you watch as he sits down in his desk chair. 
“C’mere,” he growls. 
His hands wrap around your waist and you're pulled into his lap. You’re unbalanced, still unable to use your hands but he reaches around you to keep you steady.
With his other hand, he teases the fat tip to your entrance.
“You’re gonna ride me. Maybe after I’ll forgive ya’.” 
“Yes, yes,” you chant, slowly sinking down on his cock. 
His strong hands slide to grip your waist and his fingers dig into your soft skin. You throw your head back and stare at the ceiling with blurry eyes, your teeth digging into your bottom lip with each inch that’s stuffed inside of you. 
“That’s it, honey,” he murmurs, “take my cock, take it.” 
You can’t speak, can’t ask for more from your daddy. The angle is new, something you two have never tried before, a stretch that makes you dizzy and the air in your throat stutter. 
He helps you with the last few inches, praising you for having such a perfect cunt, feel so good wrapped around me–made just for me, honey. 
Father Miller gives you time to adjust, kissing your chin, nipping your neck, running his lips over the rosary that sways between your breasts. 
His tongue lashes over your nipples and he sucks as much of your tit as he can get, into his mouth. He’s mean, leaving indents of his teeth on your skin. It’s exactly what you want–what you need. 
He knows right when it’ll become too rough, too much for you, and he’ll kiss, swipe his tongue over the hurt, rain praises on your skin. 
The both of you fit awkwardly on the big chair but you make it work, digging your knees into the leather and bracketing his thighs to grind slowly in his lap.
“Look so pretty on my cock, honey.” 
He’s taken you from behind, bent over his desk with your hands clawing at the wood. He’s taken you in the tiny confessional, your body folded in half while he stares into your eyes as he finishes inside of you. 
Not like this, though. Not with your hands behind your back and his on your waist, helping you bounce and grind on him. 
You tremble in his hold, feel each kiss of his fat cockhead to the syrupy end of you. 
“Ne–need to c–cum,” you choke out, remembering you can use more than just whines and whimpers to talk. 
His cheeks are red, his hair is in disarray, and you notice sweat on his neck, peppering along his clerical collar. His thighs shift underneath you and he plants his feet more firmly on the ground. 
“Wantcha’ to cum on my cock,” he demands. 
Father Miller uses you like a toy, moving your body how he wants it, burning the memory of his cock into your pussy. His lips find yours in a sloppy kiss when you tilt forward, almost falling from how fast he’s using you. 
He’s so big, buried deep in your pussy, splitting you open. Your clit brushes on the curly hair at his base with each rock of his hips and you're there–cumming on Father Miller’s cock, opening your mouth in a silent scream while you shake in his hold. 
You soak his cock and the front of his dress pants with your slick. He’s groaning at each pulse and flutter of your pussy. Take it so well, honey he murmurs around your nipple. Milkin' my cock, baby. 
He moves you up once, twice, and keeps you pressed to him, spilling his seed in your cunt. Without even trying it knocks another orgasm from you, just as you were coming down from the first. 
Father Miller bites at your mouth, bringing up his hand to squeeze your neck and accept his kisses. His cock twitches slightly inside of you as he spills, marking you deep. 
He yanks off your panties and you immediately move your hands into his hair, tugging through the strands and pressing your body even closer to his. Your breathless, shivering in his hold from the two orgasms that were shocked out of your body. 
Just as quickly as it happens, he pushes you off of his lap. You land in a limp heap on the floor, eye level to his soaked cock. It’s covered in the both of you. 
“Give it a kiss, and say you’re sorry.” 
You happily follow his command, pressing a kiss to the tip, licking away the stickiness from your lips and give him a I’m so sorry, daddy. 
He smiles at you before reaching to take the rosary off from your neck and placing it in your hands. You stare up in confusion and watch as he rises to his full height. 
“Now, I want you to kneel here,” he says, grabbing you by your upper arm and dragging your naked body right in front of the cross, “and do two Hail Marys and three Our Fathers.” 
Your thighs shake from the exertion but you do as he says and kneel in perfect form. You bow your head in prayer and begin, hearing him zip up his dress pants and walk out of his office. His cum slowly drips out of your swollen pussy and onto the hardwood floor. 
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sturniolo-simp4life · 4 months
I hope they look like you- Matt Sturniolo 
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Description- Matt and y/n find out something shocking about their future. 
Warnings- Crying and comforting, a little suggestive during a flashback. Another short and sweet.
Y/n’s morning wasn’t exactly a great start. Her head was pounding and she felt nauseous and sick. Matt was peacefully sleeping beside her. 
Suddenly, she had the urge to puke. She got up and ran to the bathroom, letting out whatever was making her feel this way. 
A few seconds later, matt walked in, holding her hair like a ponytail and rubbing her back softly. “It’s okay pretty girl. Let it out.” 
When she was done, she lifted her head softly, tears threatening to fall. 
“You’re alright,” matt whispered to you. You grabbed your toothbrush and started brushing your teeth.
Usually you didn’t mind the taste of mint, but today it made you sick. 
“Do you need anything?” matt asked. “I’m fine,” you snapped. 
Your mood had been swinging like crazy today. You got mad because the TV wasn’t working, but then you started crying because you couldn’t reach a plate from a cabinet. 
Matt had been worried about you, but you kept saying you were fine. 
“I don’t know why but I've been craving pickles with chocolate frosting recently,” you announced to no one in particular. 
Chris gave you a weird look and nick just looked confused. “Y/n you don’t even like pickles,” nick said.
“I know, but i just want to eat them for some reason,” you said with a shrug. 
You got up and went to the kitchen, hoping to find pickles in the fridge. Matt was sitting on the island table. 
Randomly you started crying. Matt looked up at you and got up, surprised. “Baby what wrong? Why are you crying?”  
“There’s no more pickles,” you sobbed. Matt hugged you, clearly confused. You didn’t even like them, and now you were crying over them? 
“Y/n are you on your period?” You sniffed and pulled out your phone, checking your cycle tracker.
Your eyes widened. You had missed your period by a whole week. 
“I think it’s late by a little.” Matt didn’t think much of it. It was probably just before period symptoms.  
You did not think that. Your eyes widened as it finally clicked. Where you pregnant? 
Matt and his brothers had gone out to film a Wednesday video, leaving you at home.
You decided to walk to the pharmacy that was near your house, picking up 3 pregnancy tests. 
When you got back you were pretty nervous about taking the test. What if you were pregnant? What would matt say? Would he be mad? How did this even happen- 
Wait. Your eyes widen as you remembered.  
You were at an influencer party and passed tipsy. You went up to matt, smashing your lips on his. 
“Matty I need you,” you slurred. Matt just chuckled and looked at you. “Baby you’re wayyy too drunk. And this isn’t even our house.” 
“Pleaseee,” you whined. “It won’t be long I promise,” you whispered seductively into his ear. You felt him stiffen as you started kissing and sucking his neck. 
He grabbed your arm and dragged you towards nick and chris, who were currently talking to some people.  
“Hey y/n isn’t feeling that good. We are just gonna wait in the car until you guys are done.” Nick nodded. “we should be out in about an hour.” 
Matt walked you to the car, pushing both of you into the back seat. “You look so pretty in this dress, but i think you’d look even better without it.” 
He kissed you roughly, biting at your bottom lip. “Wait baby i don’t have protection with me.” 
“It fine just don’t cum inside me.” 
Well it’s safe to say that he didn’t remember. 
Your breathing quickened as you slowly realized- you might be pregnant. Your hands shook as you opened the pregnancy test.  
You nervously waited for the results, biting your nails. After a few minutes, you checked it. Positive.
You let out a shaky breath as feelings overwhelmed you. 2 left to go. 
Pregnant. Pregnant. Pregnant. Your eyes filled with tears as you read all 3 results. You were too young to be a mother. Hell- you were only 20! 
You sank to the floor and started crying. No no no no no. This can’t be happening. The bathroom door opened and matt walked inside. 
“Hey baby- y/n? What’s wrong?” he sat on the floor and wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head. 
“I-Im sorry matt. I swear this was never meant to happen i-” “What are you talking about?” he cut you off. 
You pointed to the counter where the pregnancy tests sat. His eyes widened as he looked at them. “Im so sorry this wasn’t meant to happen.” you sobbed 
He looked at you with a big grin on his face. “Im gonna be a dad!” he picked you up and hugged you, shocking you. 
“Your not mad?” you asked. He looked at you. “Of course im not mad. Im so excited. You're going to be such a good mom.” 
“You really think so?” you asked. He smiled and kissed you on the cheek. “I know so.” 
You giggled. “I hope the baby looks like you,” you said and kissed him. 
tags- l34n theyluvme-2315 tillies33ssss maya555sblog alorsxsturn blahbel668 @nyktoxs-lover strnilolo hearteyesformatt
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You look like a fun place to sit.
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Gif credits
Pairing: Neighbor!Frankie Morales x f!reader
Words count: 2667
Rating: + 18, MDNI
Summary: You decide to enjoy a night at the movies, your neighbor Frankie ruins it all. Or maybe not?
Tags: pov second person, no use of y/n, fluff, sort of romcom vibes (?), smut, enemies to lovers, age unspecified but they are both full grown adults, Frankie is annoying but also cute and lovely and fucking gorgeous, reader has hair, breasts and vagina, other than that no other description of her is given, fingering (f receiving), sexual acts in public places (again? Again. I'm not even particularly interested in doing that irl I don't know what to say to you, please forgive me), pet names (honey, baby, princess), arguing, kissing, no use of Spanish because I terribly suck at it and I don't want to butcher another language LOL. If by chance I realize I forgot something I'll add it right away.
It’s my first Frankie ff and I’m so incredibly nervous to post it you all! I really hope it doesn’t sucks because I had so much fun writing it today in one sitting ‘cause I’m just an impulsive impatient mess. (Leo sun and Aries moon, what do you expect from me if not chaos? I had nothing a few hours ago, I even skipped WIP Wednesday and btw thanks for the tag @almostempty 🩷)
Title comes from a gif of Karen Walker from Will and Grace that I saw last night, it made me laugh a lot and this thing was born LOL
As usual, English is not my first language so please be gentle, no beta and no proofreading, it’s tiny and it’s all my fault, I’m sorry 💀 Thanks to anyone who will read this!
“Excuse me, you should stand up, that’s my seat” 
Frankie turns, looking at you with a surprised expression “I don’t think so, you’re wrong” he replies. 
Ugh, your neighbor.
Frankie lives two houses away from you. Last winter you had a fight at a neighborhood meeting because you pointed out that he keeps forgetting to put the recycling bins back in, and he told you to mind your own business and called you an hysterical witch.
A stupid fight that ended up with you not saying hello to each other and various other arguments about your flashy Christmas lights or his overgrown yard. You and Frankie fight constantly, about everything. And now he's here.
You glare at him “I’m not wrong at all, look” and you wave your ticket under his nose “P10, see? It’s my seat and you’re rude”. 
A grin spreads across his face “listen, honey, I don’t know where you got this ticket, you probably made it yourself, I bought it a moment ago and it’s the same seat” 
He takes a card out of his pocket and hands it to you, remaining comfortably seated with a large popcorn box. 
You look at the ticket, him again, the ticket again “how the hell is that possible?! I booked it on their website a week ago” 
He sneers “I told you! It must be a system error, I don’t know, I’m not getting up from here”
You are furious. The theater is filling up and you absolutely don’t want to leave, you have been waiting for this movie for months and you have inspected the theater map choosing a seat that would guarantee you the very best view.
“I bought it first, so I have more right to be here than you do,” you say firmly and Frankie laughs. 
“Where are we, elementary school? Listen, honey, go buy yourself another ticket and leave me alone.” He replies crunching on popcorn.
The way he calls you “honey” irritates you deeply, it sounds like an insult.
“I’m not going anywhere, YOU get the fuck out of here” you hiss. 
“No” he simply replies and then he turns back at the screen pretending you’re not there. 
“Truly a gentleman, as usual. I have no words.” you roll your eyes and search for an usher to ask for help. No one is there. 
The movie starts in 5 minutes and you don’t want to miss anything you paid for. If you went to the box office right now to complain it would take forever to get back in. 
“Fuck” you exclaim and sit down next to him huffing. You are sure that someone will make you get up very early and it pisses you off.
Frankie continues to nibble on his popcorn and looks at you with an extremely amused expression, it seems like the show has become you.
“Why do you care so much about this movie anyway?” he asks you. “Does any of your relatives happen to be in it?“ 
You’re fuming. 
His teasing tone, his vaguely Spanish accent, his smirk, the sound of him chewing, everything bothers you.
“No. Shut the fuck up” you tell him with a death stare. 
You won’t tell him that your favorite actor stars in it, that you have every photo from the set of this movie saved on your phone, that you’ve read every article about it, and that you couldn’t wait to enjoy it on the first day of screening.
You can already hear his raucous laughter. No, you would never tell Frankie anything like that.
“You're not one of that guy's crazy fans, are you?” 
“What guy?” you ask him, pretending not to know what he's talking about. “Gladiator is one of my favorite movies, that's all. I just wanted to watch the sequel in peace. Someone is stopping me, though” 
“That guy, I bet you like him, what’s his name? Paul Pascal?” he stares at you searching for every little involuntary movement on your face that might give you away. 
“Oh for God’s sake, what are you doing here anyway? Do you even know what you're about to see? They are Paul Mescal and Pedro Pascal, two different people, you uncultered swine.” You yell. This guy is impossible.
“Yeah, whatever, so which one do you fancy?”
“Fucking nobody” you lie “I just want to watch a movie after a horrible week at work, okay?” You try to play on his guilt. If he has one, you think.
“Well, I've had a rough week too, okay?” he shrugs without stopping to give you that annoying little smile. “And it's not my fault that this theater is having problems with its computer system.”
You glance at him, wondering if he's telling the truth, it's impossible to guess from his face.
People keep sitting in the front rows and you start hoping that luck will be on your side and that no one will make you get up.
“Okay, look, now we're going to watch this movie and then we'll go our separate ways, please don't bother me anymore"
“As you wish, princess” he replies ironically.
You don't even answer him, you're too busy checking that no other people come in.
Finally the opening credits start to roll and the doors close with a dull thud.
You made it, despite this unbearable guy, you feel victorious.
You begin to relax in your chair and you don't know why you turn to look at him, lingering on his face for the first time in months.
His eyes are fixed on the screen. In the dim light you observe his raven curly hair tucked under his baseball cap, his dark eyes, the line of his prominent nose, his scruffy beard, his mustache, just above a pair of lips that seem made for kissing.
Really, truly, gorgeous.
You're so busy arguing with him all the time that you never realized how handsome he is.
He's wearing a grey t-shirt and a pair of jeans, you can’t help but admire the way the fabrics hug his body so deliciously. 
He’s just your type, built up in all the right ways, you find yourself unable to take your eyes off him until the last second. Then the movie starts and you look away.
He’s still your number one enemy, what the hell were you thinking?
When Pedro first appears, you shift in your seat, crossing your legs.
“FUCK” you scream internally “here we go”
Unbelievably stunning in his armor, you’re basically drooling. 
You try to stay as composed as possible but Frankie is next to you and notices.
He comes closer to you and whispers in your ear “So it was all about this guy… the fuss before” You feel one of his large hand brushing your arm that is resting on the armchair and you try with all your strength to remain still even if he causes a storm inside you and especially in your panties. 
“Shut. Up.” You hiss, without moving your gaze. You feel his breath on your skin and it’s intoxicating. 
He chuckles “Yeah, that was I was thinking” and throws another popcorn into his mouth.
Your cheeks burn and you're thankful you're in the cinema, in the dark.
“What’s so special about this guy?” Frankie approaches again “is his penis platinum by any chance? All my female colleagues at work are crazy about him”
You turn to look at him with the desire to slap him “Shut. The. Fuck. Up.” 
“Okay, okay, I was just asking”
You hate people talking at the movies. You wonder if you could have a more annoying guy than Frankie next to you. Probably. 
Hotter? Probably not.
This dude hits on your last nerve but he makes you horny at the same time. 
Terrible combination. 
Frankie settles back into his seat and resumes watching the film.
You can't help but look at him from time to time and your desire grows. even if you're offended that he didn't even offer you his popcorn. Rude. 
His mouth pouted and his eyebrows furrowed as he seems all focused on the movie makes you want to cup his face and kiss him.
You can still feel the warmth of his hand on your arm and his breath on your neck.
Concentrate, you tell yourself, it's the neighbor you hate, the neighbor you hate, the neighbor you hate. Fuck. You want him so bad. This revelation drives you crazier than Pedro half naked on screen.
At a particularly bloody scene you involuntarily turn around and hide your face on his shoulder.
You feel his arm around you “hey, it’s okay. I’ll tell you when it’s over” and he holds you tight the whole time.
He smells clean and fresh, like citrus and sage with a light hint of cigarette that you assume he smoked right before entering. 
Your mind goes fuzzy and your pulse races at an impossibly high rate. 
“You can look now” and it takes you a few seconds too long to register his words. 
“Th-Thanks” you mutter, shifting back to your place. 
Halfway through the movie the lights come back on and Frankie bursts out laughing looking at you. “What?” you ask him with wide eyes “what is it that makes you laugh so much?”
“Your face” he grins “it's clearly painted on it how much you want that guy. He turns you on, huh?”
You roll your eyes “Oh my God! Can't you go sit somewhere else? Two rows down, look how many free seats there are”
“I like it better here” 
You cuss, there’s no way to get rid of him.
He has something magnetic that destabilizes you, your eyes fall involuntarily on his neck, slide along his broad chest and stop at the crotch of his pants. From the way he sits you can clearly see that he is quite big.
“What are you looking at?” he asks you amusedly. 
You immediately look up. “Nothing” 
“Nothing my ass. Did you like what you saw?” 
Fuck. He noticed. You're done for. You hate to make him understand that after all, yes, you like what you saw. He seems pleased, proud, you would so much like to wipe that little smile off his face. As much as you struggle to admit it to yourself, you like him.
“Well, maybe…after all, you look like a fun place to sit” 
You can't believe you actually said that.
Frankie's response is not long in coming, his eyes immediately darken and his smile twists in a mischievous way.
The lights go out again and you feel him tug gently on your arm “come here, pretty”
He sits you down on his lap and as the movie starts again he whispers “was that what you wanted the whole time? Were you offended that I didn’t invite you?” you can clearly feel his smile spread across your skin just before he places his lips on your neck.
You would like to say something back but his closeness makes you confused and excited.
He sucks your skin like he's hungry and you moan in the dark "shh baby you gotta stay quiet while I give you what you want”
You don't know how but you find the strength to reply, "God, you're so arrogant.”
He tightens his hands on your hips, pulling you towards him, now you are practically sitting on his cock. You feel it pressing against your ass, trapped in his pants.
A rush of pleasure wets your pussy and you bite your lips to hold back another moan, you hear his hoarse voice in your ear “Maybe. You like it though” You hate to admit that he is right. 
The heat of his body envelops you pleasantly, he raises a hand to one of your breasts and squeezes it over your shirt. You like his hands. They are big, expert and eager to touch you, they make your head spin. 
You completely forgot about the movie, which seemed impossible to you, if they had told you you would have laughed in their face. In no universe would you have expected this.
“God” you whine “oh my God” His hand slides under your shirt and reveals your breast pulling down your bra, it is still covered but now you can feel his skin against yours. His fingers gently grasp one of your nipples, pulling and twisting it.
“Open your eyes, baby. Watch the movie like a good girl” his voice sounds authoritative, it irritates you and another rush of pleasure floods you at the same time.
“It’s not that easy” you mutter between your teeth as you feel his other hand dangerously approaching the hem of your skirt. He slowly goes up, as you try to hold back and make sure no one notices what he’s doing to you. Luckily, everyone seems enthralled by the film.
At this moment you don't even know why you started arguing so fiercely, if you had known before you would have tried to smooth things over a long time ago.
His fingers reach your panties, you feel them barely touching you and you already feel yourself burning with anticipation.
They move under your skirt, pushing your panties aside, grazing at your outer lips and then dipping inside you “Fuck, you’re soaking” 
He moves them up and down between your folds, gathering your wetness towards your clit.
You feel his heavy breathing on your neck, his tongue running over your skin and his teeth nibbling on you.
“Fuck, Frankie” you cry 
“Eyes to the movie”
You want to turn around and straddle him but there isn't enough room and Frankie holds you firmly anyway.
He applies pressure on your clit just right, starting to move two of his thick fingers in circle over it, the motion of his hand is partially hidden by the fabric of your skirt and your moans die in your throat one after the other. Frankie is rubbing away your sanity, you feel possessed and delirious under his touch.
Your last shred of control is torn by his fingers entering inside you, claiming your cunt as his, curling and scratching at your spongy spot.
Your eyes are still fixed on the screen but your vision is totally blurred, you see nothing, you understand nothing, you only feel Frankie pumping incessantly inside you while continuing to rub your clit with his thumb.
You feel the soft reverberation of his voice behind you, close to your ear “good girl, you're taking me so well”
The subtle Spanish accent in his voice now seems to you the most erotic sound in the world, sweet, melodious, addictive.
He takes you to the edge, you throw your head on his shoulder, shutting your eyes so everything goes black and you only feel him, until even biting your lips doesn't help anymore. He covers your mouth with his hand as you explode in a devastating orgasm, you moan against his skin, between his thick fingers that have just left your breast and you already miss them, feeling full and satiated by him.
He uncovers your mouth and kisses your neck, pressing his hand to your hip to keep you from slipping off his lap as your body trembles against his.
“Shit” you mutter “Frankie…oh my god”
“Do you think we can stop arguing all the time now?” He playfully says as he nuzzles at your hair.
“I don’t like being told what to do unless I’m naked, you know, I’m just like that” you reply, grinning and turning around to finally fix your eyes on his. 
“I noticed it”
You take off his cap laughing and put it on backwards and before he starts to protest you kiss him deeply, licking into his mouth, tasting butter and salt on his tongue.
“Take me home”
“The movie isn't over yet,” Frankie observes, and you reply, “that means you'll have to take me to see it again and you’ll pay”
“Fine to me, princess” 
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dawnagustd · 2 years
hours || jjk
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⇝ title: hours ⇝ pairing: jungkook x f!reader ⇝ genre: humor, i think? | neighbors to lovers | smut | implied unestablished relationship to established relationship ⇝ summary: You walk across the hall and visit your neighbor Jungkook every Wednesday to drink, chill, sing some karaoke… watch some Netflix. But you always end up wobbling back to your apartment after hours of doing all kind of unholy things. Not tonight. ⇝ rating: 18+ ⇝ word count: 3k ⇝ warnings: alcohol consumption | strong language | they’re both kind of bratty but cute | mentions birth control | pussy eating | edging | fingering | unprotected sex | pull out method | cervix touching/bulging | jungkook has a lip piercing and a septum piercing | uhh he puts his nose in her coochie lol | light tit slapping | teasing | throat grabbing | dirty talk | hairstyling (wink, wink) | missionary | cum shots | squirting | slight dom!jk | nipple sucking | breath play | crying | ass worshiping | aftercare | bam makes an appearance | naked jk… yes this is a warning and you will see why | i brought up BTR, i need to apologize immediately for that | discussions about relationships | i think that’s all
⇝ author’s note: she’s here, bitches!!!! lol thank you @m1sss1mp​ and @monvante​ for putting posters of this man all over my blog. this fic is for the both of you. thank you so much for holding my hand through it all. thank you @baljinciaga​ for beta’ing and screaming in the comments because you gave me the confidence to post this lol. listen, i’m rusty with the smut y’all so i apologize if it’s a mess. anyway, i hope you enjoy. this has been beta’d but there’s still probably some errors since i changed some things after it was beta read.
masterlist | permanent taglist form | read on ao3
drabbles: the unholy drabble | nails drabble | keeps
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“So are you spending the night or…?”
Jungkook props himself on his elbow so he can see you. He uses his fingers to comb some hair away from his face, revealing his flushed cheeks and a horseshoe septum piercing. Ask yourself how many rounds you’ve gone, and you wouldn’t be able to give an accurate answer.
You came over at six, had a beer, did some karaoke, showed him some shit you learned in twerk class, and as some as the Netflix intro came through the tv speakers, your clothes were scattered all over his apartment and your ass was in the air while Jungkook fucked up your guts.
This is kind of a Wednesday night routine for you two. Has been for a few months. You’re just vibing and having fun with your hot neighbor, nothing serious yet. Right?
“As much as I’d like to stay—”
Your mouth falls open.
“Excuse me?”
He giggles until you reach for his hair and tug on his strands. You slide closer, trying to intimidate him but he keeps teasing.
“You’re pussy. You’re tapping out,” he repeats.
You scoff. “Boy, I’ve never tapped out a day in my life. Get the fuck out of here.”
Your thumb wipes the little smirk off of his face, but it returns seconds later.
“Your dick isn’t that good. Humble yourself,” you joke.
His cocky ass knows you’re dickmatized, but you still won’t admit it. 
“Whatever. You know I’ve been holding back.”
“And who told you to do that?”
“You,” he answers. “Oh, Jungkook! Please, I’ll come!”
You smack his ink-covered arm drawing a chuckle from his lips.
“You’re so full of shit, Jungkook. Okay, let’s fuck again, and don’t hold back this time,” you request.
Jungkook begins shaking his head, laughing at your persistence.
“Love, the only one getting that kind of dick is my girl so…”
“So what are you trying to say?” you ask.
He shrugs. “You tell me. You know I’ve been trying to see about that.”
An eye roll from you follows his statement. “Whatever, I’ve already let you know how it is.”
“Yeah, but I wanna hear you say when you’re not stuffed with cock,” he gripes.
“Well, come here then. I’ll say it in your ear.”
You call him over using your finger, but he doesn’t move.
“You don’t know what you’re doing to me, love.”
You throw the covers off of both of you, kicking the comforter until your legs are free. Jungkook doesn’t move initially when you spread your legs. He stays in a sitting position, letting his hair fall in his face while he smiles menacingly. His Calvin Klein’s hug his thick thighs, creating creases in his flesh.
“Well, show. Teach me. Make me aware,” you tease, using your foot to caress his calf.
“Careful, baby.”
His throat growls those words, his voice dropping octaves so low your pussy clenches.
“Why? Tired, hm?”
“You know that’s not it,” he chuckles.
You’d be lying if you didn’t admit your pussy gets wet just looking at him. Imagine being hot inside and out. That’s Jungkook. A gentleman, and the cutest weirdo immediately after. The sex is just the cherry on top.
You two just clicked, and the rest is history. Whether you need someone to act an absolute clown with or someone to fuck your brains out, Jungkook is that guy. You can’t keep your hands off of him, and he can never resist the chance to slide his dick in you.
“I don’t. So make me understand.”
“Ai yi yi,” he sighs. Then he looks at you and shakes his head. “...so much attitude.”
“Fix it for me.”
Jungkook nods then swiftly pounces on you. You start giggling, knowing you’ve struck a nerve.
“You’re pushing it, you know.”
“I don’t care,” you retort.
Jungkook smirks. “Oh, you will.”
He lowers his body, leveling his face with your pussy. You can feel small puffs of air leave his lips and come in contact with your center. 
Jungkook brings two of his fingers to your entrance and prods teasingly, getting you riled up almost instantly. You grip the sheets and lift your lower body off the bed to chase his digits, but he doesn’t push in.
“Still wet for me?” he asks. Jungkook spreads your folds to examine your arousal, looking at you when he discovers that you’re soaking. “Damn, you are.”
The sound of your slick as your opening widens makes your cheeks burn with shame. You turn away, but Jungkook doesn’t like that.
“Uh, uh. You wanna get fucked, you gotta watch,” he says.
Reluctantly, you give him your attention and you immediately regret looking away. His messy hair and puffy eyes give you butterflies as you wait for his next move. You almost forget about how close his face is to your cunt.
Jungkook’s fingers slowly slip into your pussy. You gasp while they sink deep into your crevice. He knows the exact route and the perfect arch in which he must curl them to make your body quiver with pleasure.
Hearing your arousal filling the room entices both of you and Jungkook becomes eager to pick up the pace. Your hips buck and move in a circular motion to match his movements, creating a familiar build-up of pressure within your core. The sheets below you start to dampen from the juices dripping down your center.
“You’re so hot,” he whispers before he kisses your clit. “And you taste so good.”
Jungkook makes out with your bundle of nerves while his fingers pump in and out of your opening. His hair covers his face, much to your disappointment, so you gather it all and keep it contained in a makeshift ponytail. 
Now that his face is visible, you can see the way his tongue swipes your pussy each time his lips part. You moan his name, swelling him with so much pride he can’t help but smile briefly. His fingers slide out of you but only so he can kiss lower and fuck you with his tongue.
The deeper he enters, the more pressure his nose places on your throbbing clit. His septum piercing tickles your center as he rubs his face in your pussy, creating a pleasant sensation that penetrates your core. 
Quickly, you lose control over everything. You can feel your stomach tightening, hear your moans getting louder, smell the desire growing stronger but you’re unable to grasp the one thing you so desperately want. It’s so close, but then, Jungkook snatches it away.
“Fuck, you asshole!”
Jungkook suddenly stops just as you’re reaching your peak. He withdraws and leaves you a whining mess while he laughs.
“Oh, now I’m an asshole?” His smirk never fades while he removes his underwear and tosses them on the floor. “I think I’m a gentleman.”
He looks over at the nightstand and sighs defeatedly.
“Fuck, man.”
“Out of condoms,” he mumbles. “I’m sorry.”
You shrug. “It’s fine. I’m on the pill. We’re good.”
“Are you sure? I can just finish—”
“No, just pull out, dude. I wanna get fucked,” you insist.
“Well, yes ma’am. You don’t have to tell me twice.”
Jungkook hooks his arms under your thighs and pulls you on his lap. He keeps one hand underneath your thigh while the other one grabs his dick. You prop yourself on your elbows and watch as he strokes his cock a few times, using your arousal for lubrication before he aligns with your center.
The tip probes your entrance until it’s nestled inside and he no longer needs to hold his shaft. He redirects his attention to your clit, and he massages your bud as he buries his cock inside of you.
Your back arches and your fist punch the bed. Inch by inch he fills your pussy until he can’t fit any more of himself inside of you. The fullness you feel from his girth leaves you breathless and panting.
“Still so tight,” he whispers. “...feels so good.”
Jungkook hovers over you when you lie down again and kisses you, leaving the taste of your pussy on your lips. His tongue slips into your mouth and arousal coats your tastebuds. Your moans are muffled but are still clearly heard. His name escapes your lips repeatedly as you beg him to fuck you.
You nod. “Yeah.”
Another kiss graces your lips and then another for your chest. He moves to your breast and does the same to your nipples, but envelopes the right one between his lips and suckles it tenderly. Your arms wrap around him to bring him closer as he starts nibbling your sensitive bud with his teeth.
He starts to move, setting a pace that has your toes curling instantly. You bury your face in his dark strands and beg him to keep going.
“Jungkook, please don’t stop. It’s so good.”
“I’m not,” he promises, sending waves of vibrations through your areola. His mouth feels so warm and moist against your skin. Hair raises along your flesh caused by both the chill of the room and Jungkook’s gentle touch. It’s a contrast from the way he roughly thrusts inside of you, but it’s the kind of fire and ice that has your body yearning for more. 
As if he can read your body language, he changes his position. A lewd noise pierces your ears when his lips release your stiffened nipple. The cold air makes your skin tingle due to the sensitivity and the presence of his saliva. 
Jungkook wraps his hand around your throat, forcing you to keep your eyes on him. His fingers comb his hair away from his face, revealing his flushed face, his pierced lip tucked between his teeth. The intimacy of the moment intensifies the pleasure growing inside of you, and your watery eyes begin to produce thick salty droplets.
“Feel good, baby?” Jungkook quizzes. “Does it really feel that good?”
“Yes, Jungkook. It…”
Your voice is so weak and raspy. You have difficulty speaking clearly, and articulating your sentences. Jungkook is very displeased.
“Speak up,” he requests. He slaps your tits, leaving you trembling and hanging on by a thread. Your pussy clenches around him, and he responds by squeezing your throat. “You feel that?”
You croak out a response. The best you can with your airways being constricted.
“Good,” he grunts. “That’s how my dick feels inside this tight fucking pussy.”
He loosens his grip and air finally refills your lungs, making you lightheaded. Your head starts spinning, your vision becomes blurry, and slowly the familiar feeling begins to form within your gut. Grabbing Jungkook’s arm, you try to warn him, but you are immediately dismissed.
“Nope. I’m not done.”
Jungkook opens your legs wider and his thrusts deepen. It’s like he’s trying to fit his entire dick inside of you, but each time he runs out of room. 
You can feel him entering your guts over and over. The blunt outline of his cock is faintly visible whenever it lodges itself in your womb. Your muscles clench tightly as you try your hardest to keep it together.
One thing’s for certain, he has been holding back. Now you’re addicted to this new side of him, and there’s no other way you want him to fuck you. It feels like no experience you’ve ever had; you can’t get enough, but your body can only take so much before you lose control.
“Ah, shit! You’re fucking tight.” Sweat drips from Jungkook’s forehead as he struggles to hang on. He’s drawing this out; savoring the moment just like you are, but both of you are nearing your peaks, and it’s only moments before you topple over the edge. “I want this forever.”
“You have it, though. I’m not going anywhere,” you promise. “I’m yours.”
“Oh, fuck.”
Jungkook’s movements stutter when he hears your voice speaking to him through your soft moans. Your words are like a match igniting a flame deep inside of him. He begins fucking you harder, like he’s on a mission to ruin you.
“Shit. Come on my dick, baby,” he moans, probably waking the neighbors. “Make a mess.”
At his command, your body gives in and chases the pleasure it’s been longing for. You scream his name like it’s the only word you know. Your soul leaves you lying on the bed and elevates to the ceiling, probably even further. You tremble and shake beneath him as the coil snaps inside of you, sending ripples of pleasure shooting through your veins.
Your arousal gushes out of you with enough force to push Jungkook’s dick out of you. He slaps your pussy repeatedly, milking you dry while he strokes his shaft. As you lay there, squirting out the last of your orgasm, you slowly return to your body, but you’re still basking in your post-sex daze.
“Flip over.”
Jungkook turns you on your stomach and straddles your thighs. He strokes his cock while he stares at your ass, still tender from all the spanking he did early. He slaps it with enough force to get a muffled moan out of you. Your head remains buried in the pillow because your body refuses to move an inch.
“Softest fucking ass on the planet,” he mumbles. “And all mine.”
You relax under his touch as his large hand begins to massage your flesh. You become more exhausted as the seconds tick by. Jungkook’s pants and moans fill your ears as he chases his high, and soon his breaths become shallower, indicating that he’s approaching his release.
Moments later warm droplets of his cum paint your ass while Jungkook cries your name. He plops on top of you, careful not to use all of his weight, and leaves kisses along your shoulder. When his breathing settles, he gets up and finds a shirt to clean your body. He covers you with the blanket when he’s done so you aren’t cold.
“Are you still with me?” he asks, and you giggle.
“I’m here.”
“Well, I wish you’d say something.”
When you turn your head in his direction, you find him standing there in all of his naked glory, his dick slowly deflating, but still standing at attention while he chugs down his leftover beer.
“Maybe you should drink some water,” you suggest.
He puts the mug down and raises a finger. “You’re absolutely right. I’ll be back.”
When Jungkook leaves, the door remains open and someone else enters the room moments later. You don’t even flinch when Bam jumps on the bed, claiming his spot at the end. You’re just glad he’s finally warmed up to you. At first, you think he was a little jealous, but you guess he realized that with you in the picture, he receives two times the love and attention.
Jungkook’s footsteps make their way down the hall and he’s shocked by the sight of his pup lying beside you when he enters the room. 
“I see you two have finally become friends,” he points out. He walks over to the bed and gives Bam some love while he whispers to him. “Don’t steal my girl, dude.”
You giggle and shake your head, as if Bam would ever leave his side. You’ve noticed that he has been more drawn to you lately, but you think it’s just him getting used to you being around. He knows you aren’t going to steal his dad from him, so now he’s more open to spending time with you.
“Did you bring me some water?”
Jungkook nods. “Of course.”
He gives you the water bottle and you sit up so you can drink some. Jungkook sits beside you and waits for you to finish. 
You know he’s about to ask you something, so you quickly gulp down your water to get it over and done with. 
On cue, he speaks.
“You still haven’t given me an answer.”
“Ah,” you sigh. “I don’t know, Jungkook.”
“That’s not an answer. I mean no is fine, but I just wanted some kind of idea about where this is going,” he states.
You’ve thought about it, and dating Jungkook isn’t a bad idea. You’re just nervous because this is going so well and you don’t want to mess it up. However, the advice your friend gave you a week ago still plays in your mind.
“If you really need more time, it’s fine but I feel like you’ve been holding back too. I want you in my life, Bam wants you to be his mom, and—”
“Jungkook,” you interrupt, fighting back a smile, but you fail. 
“What is it?”
You set your water on the nightstand and grab his hand. You absentmindedly trace his tattoos, while you talk to him.
“I’m nervous because I don’t want this ‘honeymoon’ phase to end,” you start. You can see his shoulders droop because he thinks this is bad news. However, it's not. “But every day we grow closer, so why should I let my mind prevent my heart from being happy?”
“You are so fucking trashed,” he blurts out. “Did I really fuck you that good?”
“Jungkook shut the fuck up. I was trying to be deep. Leave me alone.”
You try to turn away and go to bed but he pulls you on his lap.
“Hey, I’m kidding. That was cute,” he says. “I got it. You like me, and I like you. Let’s just continue to take it slow.”
“Mhm. But just so we’re clear, you’re my girlfriend now by default because we just… Well, you know.”
“I’ll be that,” you reply. “As long as you’re my… boy boy b-b-b-b-b-boyfriend.”
When Jungkook rolls his eyes, you erupt with laughter, knowing he doesn’t want to admit he likes BTR.
“Whatever, go to sleep.”
“In my bed, or yours?” you ask.
“Don’t start.”
You both snuggle together on the dry side of the bed while Bam snores peacefully at your feet. Jungkook hugs you from behind and the two of you slowly drift off to sleep.
“Goodnight,” you whisper.
But your boyfriend has already tapped out. Looks like you’re the real champ around here.
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thank you for reading! if you enjoyed this story, please consider reblogging and/or leaving feedback.
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charles-eclair16 · 1 year
Night after Night: Charles Leclerc
Pairing: charles leclerc x fem!singer reader
Genre: Fluff🌥️ hints of sex?
About: when you release a song and the chaos it creates or the hardest launch ever
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Liked by charles_leclerc, badgirlriri, Adele and 89.k others
Your_username: Night after Night releasing tomorrow at 8pm. This song is honestly very different from all the songs I've ever written and I hope you guys would love it just as much as me ;⁠) also a surprise guest for you guys☺️
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Username06: what the fuck?! You cannot just drop this on us!?!
User: the scream I let out! I fell on my knees
Ynfan: is this about sex? Why does it give smexy times vibes
Lovergirl: what if the surprise guest is the man she's been soft launching?
↪️Ynismyreligion: as if! We know nothing about the man apart from he's got dark hair and freckles on his back
↪️Lovergirl: the man in the photo has freckles just saying!
User: bestie wake up mother is back!!
Ynismyreligion: I can't wait for the song!! It's been so long❤️❤️
Fangirl16: Ariana( charles) what are you doing here?!
Ynismymom: who is that man? And why does it look familiar?!
Mybabygirl: Why do I feel like we're going to lose our mind because of this song?!
Badgirlriri: can't wait💙
↪️Your_username: I love youuu❤️
F1obssessed: charles liked this?
↪️Yourfan: who?
↪️Fangirlcl: he's a formula 1 driver.
↪️Formula1fan: girl you're overreacting he could be a fan🤦
↪️F1fan: you're reaching
↪️Smoothoperator: the freakles do look like him
↪️F1fan: and you know this because?
↪️Fangirl16: girl I'm telling you that's Charles like I would bet my life on this
Liked by pierregasly
↪️Formula1fan: what the fuck?! Pierre liked.
↪️F1fan: that man likes anything doesn't mean that's Charles
↪️ Georgerusselfan: you guys can think he can pull a baddie like her? Like be real guys
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Liked by peirregasly, your_username, carlossainz55 and 90.9k others
Tagged: your_username
Charles_leclerc: Surprise? Hope you guys enjoyed the music video as much as we enjoyed filming it ;⁠) Baby I'm so proud of you♥️ and I'm so lucky to be loved by you...these months have been amazing with you by my side. I love you 😘 ps- did I make a good actor?
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F1fan: this is the hardest launch ever
Pierregasly: you sure did practice a lot
↪️Likedbygasly: lmao pierre
↪️Ynfan09: spill the tea gasly
Carlossainz55: I still can't believe the song is written about you
↪️Vettelfan: carlos💀
Landonorris: I so not needed to hear that
↪️Ynismyreligion: Lando😭😭
↪️Ynismylove: exactly there are children here
User: I like how she dropped one song and the F1 twitter was in shambles
Username05: Monday Tuesday Wednesday... Now the only thing I will remember is Charles giving yn the ride of her life
Fangirl16: the song has been stuck in my mind
LewisHamilton: Nice song Charles♥️
Smoothoperator: the whole grid is gonna make fun of Charles
Maxverstappen1: Nice to know your weekly routine mate!
↪️Fanoff1: Lmao max💀
↪️Fangirl16: just tell us that you watched the mv for Charles max
Danielriccardo: Oh didn't know you had game mate
↪️Superfan02: us too Daniel us too
↪️Randomfan02: With a face like Charles I don't think you need a game his face is game enough
Alexalbon: Nice song mate. Practiced a lot?
Georgerussel: l love how the whole grid is ganging up on Charles
Likedbygasly: I wanna know who texted the groupchat first when the video dropped
Your_username: Thank you for being in the video babe♥️ couldn't have done it without you😘😘😘
↪️Pierregasly: obviously couldn't have done it without him😂
↪️Username05: Pierre💀💀
Your_username: I loveeeee you♥️♥️
Username06: they're so cute
Charles_leclerc: nobody is complimenting my acting🙃
↪️Pierregasly: what acting?
↪️Maxverstappen1: you ate her face the whole video?? Are we supposed to compliment your kissing abilities?
↪️Landonorris: as if we haven't seen you guys sucking each other's faces off enough
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2K notes · View notes
dragonbarbie · 1 month
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aegon x best friend!reader ; modern!au
series summary: this fic is snippets of aegon and reader's relationship as they grow up and discover new feelings. but to let himself be loved, aegon has to first do some growing up. loosely inspired by the tv series one day!
rating: 18+, minors dni.
tags: alcohol, substance abuse, making out, titty sucking, blink and youll miss it dry humping (lmk if i missed something)
word count: 5.1k
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A/N: im so overwhelmed by the response to the first chapter! im so sorry this took so long, this chapter was originally well over 8k so ive just decided to split it, which means the next chapter is pretty much ready maybe ill have it up by wednesday. thank you so much to everyone who interacted, hope you like this. [not beta read!]
lmk if you'd like to be added to the taglist!
divider credit @cafekitsune ! title of fic is from 'peter' by taylor swift.
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Age 18
“i think that’s enough pictures, mum.” y/n held up her arms to shield herself from any more photographs her mother might take. she felt self-conscious enough already, grimacing at every picture, thinking how the flaws glaringly stood out. her parents thought she looked beautiful as always though, and wanted as many photos as possible to keep as memories of their daughter’s special night. only she didn’t want to believe there was anything so ‘special’ about it anyway.
she heard an impatient car honk coming from outside, just in time for her to make her exit. “let me at least take a picture of you and your date.” her well-meaning mother attempted, earning a whine from her daughter, “for the last time he’s not my date.” not really he wasn’t, they were just going as mates, nothing more, she reminded herself as she waved her parents a quick goodbye.
then why did her stomach flutter seeing aegon leaning against his irritatingly green, flashy sports car. taking a drag of his cigarette, his platinum hair was mostly gelled back, few strands allowed to fall to his eyes either fashionably or as a result of hurry. he was dressed simply, black suit and a white shirt. but seven hells did he wear the hell out of that suit, y/n had to admit. he looked neater than usual, the light stubble he usually carried had now been shaved off, his eyes didn’t look nearly as red as she was accustomed to. he even wore dress shoes, when truthfully y/n had been betting on him showing up in his usual jordans.
she couldn’t help but beam as she realised walking towards him, that all this effort he had made for her. aegon hadn’t even wanted to go to their senior prom. he’d said he would simply throw the after-party for the prom back at his mansion, where he wouldn’t be required to ‘come dressed as a penguin,’ in his words. the entire school knew about aegon’s famous ragers by now, and the night of senior prom was guaranteed to be the greatest ‘one-last-hurrah’.
it was y/n who had wanted to go, in order to live the full high school experience before they would be forced to enter the adult world after summer. and there was no one else she would have rather taken to prom. so, after countless hours begging and pleading (and some threatening), aegon finally relented. but his acquiescence hadn’t guaranteed to her that he would even bother following the dress code. yet, here they were.
she was going to comment on what a pleasant surprise it was to see him look like a ‘penguin,’ when she saw the look on his face. his eyes were suddenly alert and his mouth slightly agape, cigarette in his hand forgotten momentarily with his hand hanging still in the air holding it.
“what is it? do i have something on my face? on the dress?” she patted her cheek in alarm, before looking down at her dress. she’d chosen a simple black, satin dress that hugged her just right, pairing it with the deepest red lipstick she could find. she smoothened the front in anxiety, scared her high heels were going to make her trip on the fabric any second.
“no, it’s just...you look nice. very pretty.” her eyes focussed on aegon’s trying to gauge his expression, but his gaze remained transfixed on her figure.
“is it that shocking that i would look pretty, that you have to go and make that face?” she snorted. that snapped aegon’s attention back to her face with an eyeroll, “i didn’t mean it like that and you know it. you look good, would it kill you to just take the compliment?” her lips turned upwards at his words, “yeah i’m just messing with ya.” she tried to hide how the praise made her feel warm inside her chest.
“you don’t look so bad yourself, targaryen. look you’re even wearing the shoes and everything.” aegon grinned at the words giving a quick twirl to show off his full look. “who knew you had it in you?” she teased.
“had to step up my game. can't let my date outshine me, can i?"
date? the word rang in her ears. did aegon think this was an actual date?
“oh, please,” she tried to maintain a cool façade, seemingly uncaring of his words, “i've always outshined you.”
“only because i let you.” he claimed, flashing her one of those lazy half smiles of his that would make her mind wander to what else he was capable of doing with those lips—
she immediately shook her head to get that image out of her mind.
“got you something. well, technically mum got you something” aegon opened the passenger seat of the car, and retrieved from it a beautiful, very expensive looking bouquet. “she wouldn’t let me leave the house without flowers for my date” there it was, that word again, ‘date’!  she thought, astonished as she received them.
did aegon think this was a date? a date-date? was he expecting something? did she expect something? her mind started to race with a hundred things.
she had to clear her throat to bring herself back to the present, “these are beautiful, tell alicent i love them.”
“great, can we go now? i want to get the boring part over with so we can properly party later at my place.”
the prom itself ended up being less dreadful than aegon had been sure it was going to be. aegon spiked the drinks, and then proceeded to get his friends leon and martyn as drunk as possible. it didn’t escape y/n’s notice that aegon himself, was merely buzzed. she even dared to hope for a second that he was limiting his cups out of respect for her, and her very known hatred of his drinking himself into blackouts.
he remained clear-headed enough to laugh about and reminisce with her over their years at the academy. “no, i remember clearly, you’ve never once said sorry about making me fall on my first day.” y/n accused as she attempted to drink the very strong punch aegon had made for her. “and i remember very clearly, you came in my way.”
she narrowed her eyes at his blatant lie. “cunt.” he couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him at her drunken-vitriol. “and i think that’s quite enough for you.” he grabbed the cup out of her hands in spite of protests. “good gods, aegon targaryen preaching moderation? must be the apocalypse.” she nudged him playfully.
in that moment, smiling and laughing with her best friend, she couldn’t help but realise that this time of their life was coming to an end. come fall, they would be on different sides of the country.
y/n had been accepted at her first choice, sunspear university only weeks ago, but she hadn’t discussed it with aegon. he hadn’t spoken of his plans for university either but helaena had told her that their grandfather was using his pull to get him into the family alma mater, oldtown college.
any time she had attempted to so much as talk about life beyond school with aegon himself though, aegon would get irritated and cagey, eager to shut down any and all conversations about the future. then again she couldn’t blame him, for some reason her first instinct too had been to hide that acceptance letter from him.
yet as they stood there, she had a feeling that he was thinking about the same great uncertainty that lay ahead too. thinking, that their days of being by each other’s side like this every day were numbered.
“come on” he suddenly offered her his arms, getting a puzzled look in return. “you wanted the ‘full high school experience’ right? dancing at prom is kinda the main thing.”
she let him lead her to the dance floor, feeling her cheeks going red. he brought them right in the middle, and when he placed her arms around his neck, his own hands becoming placed around her waist, she couldn’t find a word to say.
couples around them were slow dancing to some song she couldn’t quiet place, and she couldn’t believe that aegon had willingly placed himself in the scene around them. this suit, the shoes, the dancing, the flowers – none of it was remotely close to his scene. yet she had barely heard him complain. she had to give it to him, he had been on his best behaviour because he knew how much the night meant to her.
“thank you,” she finally said, looking at him with adoration in her eyes. “for agreeing to come.”
aegon’s expression was unreadable at first. after a second he seemed like he was going to lean in towards her to say something, when his eye caught something behind y/n shoulder.
she turned her neck to see who it was and felt her heart drop down in her stomach.
cassandra baratheon, the most sought-after girl at school, her golden hair and confident demeanour were hard to miss. y/n looked up to see aegon was transfixed on the tight red dress she wore.
she felt his hands drop from her waist, “get you something to drink?” but he didn’t so much as look at his friend.
“sure” she mumbled, trying to mask her disappointment, but he didn’t wait for a response before he started walking towards the blonde.
she watched as aegon approached cassandra, his charm on full display. y/n sighed, tired of how predictable his routine was. she danced with a few classmates, trying to keep her spirits up, but it wasn’t the same without aegon.
after a while, she grew tired of pretending and slipped out of the ballroom, certain she wasn’t going to be followed by the only person she wanted to be with. she started walking in the direction of her home, too angry to think to call someone to pick her up.
the sound of her heels against the pavement and the chattering of her own teeth from the unexpectedly cold night couldn’t distract her from her woeful thoughts.
she should have expected this, she chided herself. aegon’s attention had always been fleeting, especially when it came to pretty girls. but it still hurt. she had hoped, maybe just for tonight, things would be different. at the beginning of the night he’d been giving her all his attention, and making her feel as if she was the only one who mattered in that room.
yet, he had to go ahead and ruin that, by chasing one more skirt to add to his long list of distractions from anything that could actually matter.
when she reached her house she was grateful her parents had long since gone to bed, not wanting to talk about her night.  she walked up to her room and changed into some comfortable clothes.
she curled up on her bed, but sleep seemed to escape her. she tossed and turned but she could not forget the look on her best friend’s face when he looked at cassandra baratheon, ignoring her. she couldn’t help but wish that the way his eyes trailed down her figure, the open lust with which he watched her, the desire that carried him away from her – she wanted it all to be hers.
it was perhaps the first time she had admitted it to herself. she wanted this, she wanted him and not just as a friend.
her mind then wandered to that one moment of hope she had not dared to let herself dwell on. the way his hands felt rested on her back, how he looked for a split second as if he were going to lean in to her, what might that have felt like if it had been allowed to go on? would he have kissed her? would his lips have felt as soft as they looked? would his tongue—
she didn’t realise when in the middle of all these wandering thoughts her hand had slipped down to underneath her shorts. over the cloth of her panties, she could feel a wetness building as she slowly rubbed the top of her entrance, her imagination building up the tension between her legs.
just as she was getting comfortable though, she got the fright of her life when she heard her window open. “fuck me!” she sat up straight on her bed, clutching her blanket in front of her chest.
she let out an exasperated breath at the now-messy platinum hair glinting in the moonlight, that she could make out even in the darkness of her room. she moved to get up and turn on the lamp next to her bed. the light revealed a slightly different aegon to the one she had left back at the dance, stumbling into her room.
his jacket now gone, his white shirt was untucked and the first few buttons had been left undone (one of them was missing, from what she could tell), the semi-open shirt allowed her to make out lipstick smears trailing his chest. his eyes were red, and the fact that he couldn’t seem to walk straight, told her he’d returned to drinking at his usual pace once she’d made her exit.
“what are you doing here?” she sighed, crossing her arms across her chest, both defensively and because her bra had been long discarded, which left the tank top she wore revealing far too much for her liking.
he almost looked earnest when he answered “came looking for you. you never showed up to the party at my place.”
“yeah, well i don’t like your parties” “sure you do!” he snorted
“no, aegon i don’t! i never have. i only ever come for you and i’m miserable the entire while, and you never notice!”
he looked hurt at her accusation, blinking as if it had never crossed his mind that she didn’t enjoy getting high and causing chaos as much as he did. that hurt quickly turned into anger of his own as he shot back.
“fine, even if you didn’t wanna come to the party, why did you leave prom so early? for weeks it’s all you wanted to do, going to prom. you dragged my ass there and then just ‘puff’ i turn my back for one second, and you’ve disappeared.” he sounded almost as if he felt abandoned, wounded.
“you seemed busy.” she cooly replied.
“busy?” aegon echoed, his brows furrowing. “i was just talking to people.”
y/n shook her head, her eyes reflecting a mix of hurt and frustration. “you always do this, aegon. you leave me for the first pretty girl that catches your eye.”
he shook his head as if y/n were being the unreasonable one here “it’s not like that.”
“then what is it like?” she demanded, her voice rising. “because it feels like you’re always looking for a distraction. and tonight, i needed you.” her eyes burned as tears pooled in them. “it was our last night in school. it meant something.”
he flinched at her words, the truth of how much he had bruised her, cutting through the haze of alcohol. “i didn’t mean to—"
“didn’t mean to what? make me feel invisible?” y/n's voice softened, the anger giving way to sadness. “it’s like you don’t care.”
aegon stood there, steadying himself by leaning against the desk, looking deflated. “i do care, y/n. you’re my best friend.” she could tell he was trying, trying to make her see he cared, trying to be a good friend. the fact that he had left his own party simply to come look in on her, hadn’t gone unnoticed by her.
but unluckily for him, y/n was tired of his constant trying when she knew it never led to any real change.
she took a deep breath, steadying herself. “we need to talk about something else, too. we’ve been avoiding it all year.”
aegon looked up at her, confusion and apprehension mingling in his eyes. “what do you mean?”
“college, aegon. you’re going to oldtown, and i’m headed to sunspear,” y/n said, her voice trembling slightly. “i’ve tried to bring it up, but you always change the subject.”
he looked away from her, fiddling with the rings on his fingers almost anxiously. “because i don’t want to think about it.”
“well too bad, because we have to discuss it” she insisted. “this is big. we’ve never so much as spent one summer break apart, you’ve dragged me to every family vacation and christmas dinner. but come fall, that’s over. you don’t think that’s important enough to even talk about? doesn’t it matter to you at all?”
“of course it matters!” he finally spat out, taking stumbling steps towards her. “i don’t want to talk about it because i know it’ll change everything.”
aegon’s eyes were glassy, his emotions threatening to spill over. “because you’ll be far away, making new friends, living a different life. you get to conveniently walk out on me and my fuck ups. i don’t want to talk about it because you’re leaving me.”
“leaving you?” the aegon that stood before her was shaking like a scared child, gone was the playful, laid back popular boy. for the first time that night, she could see clearly through him, the first time he’d allowed her to.
y/n moved closer, taking his hands in hers. “aegon, i could never leave you.” she promised. “you’re a part of me. distance doesn’t change that.”
“you say that now…” he mumbled, looking away as she caught tears running down his cheek.
“i’m not leaving you,” she repeated, more firmly this time, her heart aching for him. “we’ll find a way to make it work. i promise.”
“do you really mean that?” her hand reached out to his cheek, wiping away his tears with the pad of her thumb. “with all my heart,” she whispered. the vulnerability in his eyes was raw and unfiltered as he confessed “i don’t want to lose you.”
“you won’t,” she assured him, putting her arms around him as she pulled him into a tight embrace. “we’ll figure it out, together.” she sounded sure, determined.
he clung to her, and she could smell the weed and cigarettes on his shirt, she knew that he wasn’t as clear-headed as he should have been for the conversation they were having. “i don’t know what i’d do without you, y/n.” he muttered into her hair. she smiled against his chest. “lucky for you, you don’t ever have to find out.”
as one of his hands trailed down to her lower back, she suddenly felt her shorts were far too short for her to be having company. his other hand started to rub at her side, his thumb brushing up against the side of her breast and lingering just enough that she knew he could tell she was bare beneath her flimsy cotton top.
they’d been standing in silence for a minute when he suddenly spoke up, “i’m sorry that i mess everything up, you deserved to have me there with you tonight.”
his hand had stopped right by her cleavage, causing her throat to dry up. “it was just a stupid dance.”
“yeah, but it mattered to you.” he brought his other hand to her ass, as he pulled apart slightly to look down at her. her breathing became rapid as she looked back up at him.
in that moment, the tension between them shifted. aegon leaned in, his lips brushing against hers hesitantly. y/n responded, closing the distance again, with more passion.
there was a sense of urgency, a rush as his tongue entered her mouth. the hand on her ass moved to slip past her shorts and panties to grab at her bare skin, causing her to moan into his mouth. her own hands attempted to undo the few remaining buttons on his dress shirt, before letting her fingers roam around his exposed chest.
he pushed them back, till she felt the edge of her bed behind her making her fall back on it, pulling him down with her as she went.
his mouth moved to trail sloppy, wet kisses on her neck, and then down to her collarbone. she could feel him use his teeth, marking her for the next day.
situated as he was between her legs, she could feel his semi-hard on from under his pants, rubbing against her in the most delicious way making her wrap her legs tighter around him, to feel that friction more intensely.
his mouth broke away from her now-sensitive skin momentarily, as he lifted her top enough to expose her breasts to him. his hands roughly gripped the flesh, making y/n gasp with how cool his rings felt pressed to her skin.
his mouth then took in one of her nipples, as she whimpered at the sensation, her fingers pulling his hair as he flicked it with his tongue, before sucking on it.
when he finally lifted his head to look up at y/n, she couldn’t believe the scene before her. in that moment aegon was looking her with a hunger and wanting, that she didn’t think he’d even given cassandra baratheon.
what might come next though, made y/n nervous. she’d never gone this far with a boy before, reasoning with herself that she’d never liked anyone enough. but she could admit to herself now that she’d been waiting to share that experience with aegon, waiting for him to come around.
still, she wasn’t sure if she was ready to go all the way, or how to do it if she was.
thankfully for her, aegon reached ahead and merely kissed her lips once more, softer this time. then, even more unexpectantly, he placed a final, tender kiss atop her head, before climbing off from between her thighs and crashing down on the pillow beside her.
she blinked at the figure of him, lying next to her completely relaxed, as if what they’d just done was so routine, it didn’t warrant another thought. “get that lamp light next to you, would you?” he yawned.
as if in a daze, y/n wordlessly switched the light off, plunging the room into darkness.
she could hear him breathing beside her, close enough to block her nose with the smell of cigarettes she was sure she’d have to wash out of the sheets the next day. but with his pale hair falling like that against his fluttering eyes, she knew he was the only person she wanted, flaws and all.
drowsiness began to take over her after sometime, and she wasn’t sure if she actually heard him mumbling “love you” or if she’d dreamt it but she drifted off with a faint smile on her face nonetheless.
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the morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over y/n’s room. she stirred awake, stretching out lazily when her eyes fell on to the snoring boy beside her. she couldn’t help but smile at how peaceful his face looked, her hand stretching out to tuck behind the strands of platinum falling to his eyes.
she tried to be as quiet as she could in walking to her bathroom. standing in front of her mirror, she noticed the now purpling hickey right by her collarbone. she still couldn’t quite believe that the events of last night had actually occurred, but the evidence was staring her right in the face. her fingertips grazed the bruise, and the corners of her lips turned upwards automatically.
she washed her face and brushed her teeth in a haze, where all she could think about was what was going to happen next. would she and aegon have a conversation about it, or would he pretend it was nothing? oh god, what if he regretted it? the thought made her tense. instead of going back to her room she sat on the edge of her bathtub, nervously thinking about what impact last night would have on their friendship. she couldn’t imagine losing aegon, she thought. if it came down to taking whatever happened yesterday forward or saving their friendship, she would pick the latter, she determined. before she could lose her nerve, she decided to go back to her room with that thought.
upon her return she realised the object of all her anxiety was already up, rubbing his eyes with his palms and groaning, clearly nursing a hangover. her heart suddenly started to pound in her chest. “you’re up early. it’s not even noon yet.” she teased as she came to sit by him. “and morning to you too” he grumbled.
“how are you feeling?” she hesitantly asked, “like i got hit by a bus,” he said, attempting a weak grin.
she gave him a faint chuckle. she looked around the room as silence filled the space. she was hoping that he’d be the one to bring up last night, rather than making her go through the embarrassment and awkwardness of coming to that topic.
how did you even start that conversation? she wondered as she pulled at a few strands of embroidery coming untethered from the rest of her bedsheet. ‘hey last night was the best kiss i’ve ever had, let’s do it again sometime soon’? no, that wasn’t it. she stole a glance at aegon who had picked up his phone, neither of them having said anything to break the silence. i could start by telling him how i’ve always liked him? no that would definitely activate his commitment-phobia, and he’d go running out the door, she realised. sitting this long without either of them talking felt far too weird and she started to panic slightly.
she kept thinking if he was going to approach the topic, wondering if she should instead, when suddenly aegon got off her bed.
“what have we got here” he walked over to the basket where some of her old toys had been kept for her mother to donate when she went to college. “nothing just some old things” she replied, surprised that this was what he wanted to discuss now. he seemed to be entertaining himself by going through her things as if he hadn’t been in her room a hundred times before.
well, if he was going to avoid it, y/n decided she should be the one to rip off the band-aid. she cleared her throat to start speaking, when he suddenly cut her off, “do you still have that lightsabre i gave you for your 12th birthday? the one that used to light up and all?” “no, because you broke it playing with it in my garden that same day you gifted it.” she reminded him, “right…” he muttered, before going back to his rummaging.
this time she stood up and walked over to him, and started to say, “y’know i think we should talk—” “what’s ollie doing here?” grinning, he grabbed an old red octopus from the basket and lifted one of its stuffed tentacles to wave at her. “did this mean old lady steal you from me ollie?” “no, you stole him from me, remember? and alicent had to return it back” she reminded him, snatching the toy back from him in irritation. if he was going to keep mucking about, she was never going to be able finish what she wanted to say.
she exhaled a big sigh, and built up her courage again, “we have to talk about last night—” “yeah, what did happen last night?”
she could only blink, as aegon nonchalantly asked, not even bothering to look up from the box of broken, dusty toys. “what do you mean ‘what happened’?”
“as in how did i end up in your bed?” he laughed, “don’t remember much after us arriving at prom” her heart sank at his words. “you blacked out.” she said in realisation. she turned around and walked back to sit on her bed so he wouldn’t see her wounded expression.
he didn’t even remember what was possibly one of the biggest moments of her life, something so monumental that she’d woken up this morning as if waking up to a new life. all those years she'd spent unknowingly pining for him, she’d thought that now there was finally some hope that she could actually be with him. but one little sentence from him had made her memory of last night dissipate like a mirage.
what had she even been thinking, he was drunk out of his mind and was probably barely in knowledge of himself when they did what they did last night. it was a mistake, and it should have never happened. she couldn’t control the tears slipping down her cheeks, her back facing aegon to shield herself subconsciously.
“you were pretty drunk. you climbed up to my room and we talked for a while. you fell asleep here.” she answered in robotic narration, not daring a look at him. she wiped her face quickly as she heard him stop with his aimless search and come sit next to her.
“sounds accurate. i do anything stupid i should know about?” he asked, his voice tinged with concern. it was the standard question he asked when he blacked out. for a second, she wondered if she should tell him everything.
y/n shook her head, smiling faintly. “no, you didn't. just needed a place to crash.”
she thought about it rationally – even if they did talk about last night, what was going to be the best-case scenario? he would be glad of what he did? but even then, what would happen next? she was going to dorne, and him to the reach, and a long distance anything was going to be impossible enough. here they were nervous about their friendship surviving the distance, but a relationship? she couldn’t see any way this would end well.
and this was considering if aegon even wanted any of it. last night may have been special for her, but if drunken fooling around and crashing into bed was all it took to get him to pursue someone romantically, half the school was ahead of her in that line.
this was the best thing for both of them, she sadly thought, to preserve their friendship.
him putting his arm across her shoulders and squeezing her brought her out of her miserable thoughts, “thanks for looking out for me, as always.”
“of course,” she replied softly. “that's what friends are for.”
aegon met her gaze, a flicker of something unreadable in his eyes. “yeah, best friends.”
a few minutes later she left momentarily to get herself a glass of water but by the time she returned, her room was empty with her window left open and her red octopus missing once again from her bed.
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dearlyjun · 1 year
— study date 𖤐 choi beomgyu
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summary: you and your boyfriend have a homework date to spend time together, but he can’t keep his hands to himself.
pairing: nonidol!/collegeboyfriend!beomgyu x afab!reader
genre: college students au, smut (18+ readers only pls!!)
word count: 1.5k
warnings: beomgyu is very sweet, use of pet names, lots of touching, whimpering, whining, fingering, clitoral stimulation, unprotected sex (umm don’t do this), beomgyu is kind of a menace, swearing, beomgyu hits it from the back lolll, cumshot lol, some kissing but not much surprisingly? oh and glasses beomgyu!!! think that is all.
authors note: I have been having insufferable beomgyu brain rot and I blacked out and wrote this. not proofread because I’m lazy so if you see a mistake no you don’t. I made the reader a stem girly because well, if I do anything it’s gonna be representing my fellow stem girls!! blueprints are kind of boring…
quick links: taglist | masterlist
“are you comfortable?” beomgyu sweetly asked you, whilst typing on his computer.
“Mhm.” You hummed, glancing at the time in the bottom right corner of his screen. 10:40pm. “I’m almost finished.”
Both of you were doing homework. Beomgyu typing an essay on his computer, while you were studying blueprints. You were sitting on his lap to keep him company, and you just wanted to be near him. Sometimes with your busy school schedules this was the only time you got to be together; both enjoying each others company while working on assignments.
He reached down, giving your bare thigh a squeeze. It slightly startled you. You placed your hand over his, making him smirk to himself before adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose.
“Gyu it’s getting late.” You hoped you could get him to save his file and be done. “Don’t you have an early class tomorrow?”
“No, remember sweetheart?” His voice was right in your ear, making you shift in his lap. “My professor is on vacation. So my class isn’t mandatory tomorrow. I might not even go.”
Beomgyu reached for something on his desk, putting his arm around your waist; his palm landing near your rib cage. His hand placement made you very aware that underneath your loose t shirt, you weren’t wearing a bra.
You looked down at your homework, twirling your pencil and your mind now wandering. Thinking about all of the things that Beomgyu would be doing with his mouth and tongue against your skin. His keyboard clicks were white noise until he cleared his throat, pulling you from your trance.
“Something on your mind?” Beomgyu sweetly kissed you by your ear, shifting in his chair slightly.
“No, just doing math in my head.” You joked, trying to play it off that you actually were doing that.
“Math?” Beomgyu laughed, one of his hands finding purchase on your inner thigh. He knew what he was doing. Damn him. “What kind of math?”
You didn’t really have an answer for him. “Trying to figure out how much time I have left to study for this test.”
“When is it?” Beomgyu asked as his other hand slipped the slightest bit underneath your shirt.
“Next week. Like Wednesday I think?” You desperately tried to ignore him.
There was a moment of silence before Beomgyu leaned close to you, brushing your hair away from your face.
“How long is it going to take for you to tell me what’s really on your mind, hm?”
If it wasn’t for Beomgyu’s hold on you, you swore you could have fallen onto the floor.
“Beomgyu.” Your voice came out whinier than you wanted it to.
“That’s a start.” Beomgyu chuckled to himself, smirking as he kissed behind your ear a few times. “Go on.”
You leaned into him; your back against his chest. “I want you to touch me. Fuck me. Do whatever you want to me.”
You felt Beomgyu suck in a harsh breath. “Such nasty things coming from your mouth. Take your pants off.”
He was referring to your black sweatshorts, which you gladly let fall to the ground.
You were back in his lap, back against his chest like before. Beomgyu quickly saved his paper on his computer, then clicked out of it. He leaned back in his chair, then changed your position on his lap so your legs were open.
You knew you were almost embarrassingly wet for absolutely no reason at all, feeling your arousal close to your inner thighs.
Beomgyu reached down, brushing over your clit through your cotton panties. Your body shuddered. You had no idea you would be this sensitive already.
“So sensitive for me and I haven’t done anything yet.” Beomgyu spoke, his voice low and deep. “Needy for me. I like it.”
He slipped his hand into your panties, dipping his fingertips into your folds. You were soaked; you could hear it already.
You leaned your head back against Beomgyu, letting out a quiet whine.
“Fuuuuuck.” Beomgyu swore, drawing out the words. “You’re soaked. Oh my god.”
“Please. Please. Please.” You reached one of your hands behind his neck, pulling him closer to kiss him.
Your pleading went straight to his ego, as if it needed a boost.
“Please?” Beomgyu didn’t break eye contact with you. He removed his hand from inside your panties, pulling the fabric away and making you feel a rush of cool air along with hearing what could only be the elastic ripping. “My smart girl can’t form a full sentence?”
You knew what he was doing. He would always give into you, but you had to work for it first.
His fingers circled your clit slowly, then he gave a few firm taps. You squeezed your eyes shut, whining again.
“Hey, hey look at me.” Beomgyu’s voice had a sweetness to it, and you looked at him.
“Don’t tease me, please.” You were surprised that you were able to get the words out. “God, I’m gonna cry.”
Beomgyu smirked, kissing you on the neck near your jaw as his fingers circled your clit again. “I’ll make you feel good, baby. Don’t worry.”
Finally, Beomgyu slipped his middle and ring finger past your folds and into your cunt, pressing your walls hard.
You let out a rather loud moan, grabbing onto his arm as well as the desk chair you were both in.
“Yeah. Feels good doesn’t it?” Beomgyu mumbled, slipping a third finger inside of you. You wanted to scream. Of course it felt good.
“Yes. Fuck. Oh god, yes.” You finished the sentence with a whimper, biting down onto your lip. Your walls were clenching his fingers already and he has just started.
“Fuck. My girl is clenching my fingers already.” Beomgyu swore, smirking. He quickly pulled his fingers out, sloppily rubbing your clit a few times before fucking them into you again. “Can I make you cum just from this?”
Stupid question, because as much as you wanted to prove him wrong, you were so close.
You nodded, tears forming in the corners of your eyes.
Beomgyu was so ready to make you cum on his fingers, until he changed his mind.
“Nah. Changed my mind. You’re gonna cum on my cock instead. Get up.”
Beomgyu pulled away from you, helping you to your feet in front of him. He removed his cardigan sweater, and quickly took his glasses off.
“Bend over the desk for me.” Beomgyu instructed you, pushing away his chair to give him more room before lowering his sweatpants and underwear.
You did as he said, moving your homework out of the way and leaned over the desk. You felt Beomgyu’s fingers move the fabric of your underwear out of the way again.
Then, you felt him align the head of his cock with your entrance, making you suck in a breath.
“Shit, you’re so wet.” Beomgyu gripped your waist with one of his hands, while he used his other hand to guide himself inside of you.
He bottomed out in the first thrust, letting out a sigh of pleasure. Beomgyu barely gave you time to adjust before he formed a rhythm.
“Fuck.” He spoke through gritted teeth. “You’re so fucking–“ he couldn’t even finish his sentence.
“Fuck me, gyu.” You whined, knowing he liked to hear his nickname. “Your cocks so big. Feels so good.”
“Yeah, you like it?” Beomgyu started fucking you harder, making you whimper. “Tell me how much.”
He kicked one of your feet for you to put them apart further. You knew you weren’t going to last much longer.
“Fuck.” You sounded like you were about to cry, practically laying on top of his desk. “It’s so good. You fuck so good.”
Beomgyu leaned down to you, now hitting deeper with his cock. Your walls clenched him as your legs started to shake.
“My girl’s gonna cum isn’t she?” He brushed away your hair to see your face, practically in tears.
Beomgyu snaked his hand around to play with your clit, and then it was over.
“Fuck, gyu.” You sobbed, practically trembling beneath him as he continued fucking you through your orgasm; chasing his own.
“Tell me, baby.” Beomgyu’s hips stuttered as your core clenched him as you rode your high. “Gonna cum in your sweet pussy if that’s okay.”
You always said yes, but you found it sweet how Beomgyu always asked for permission first.
“Please, please.” You rutted into him, desperate for it. “Wanna feel you, please.”
Beomgyu combed back his sweaty bangs with one of his hands. “Fuck, I’ll give it to you.”
He let out the hottest moan you’ve ever heard as you felt him finish inside of you; making you bite down onto your bottom lip.
Beomgyu was panting before he pulled away, admiring the mess he’d made of you. He fixed your panties, before turning you around to kiss you sweetly.
“I think we should get back to studying.” Beomgyu said with a smile on his face. “I think someone has some homework she has to finish.”
tags: @dearlyjoonie @tyunsrkive @mhasimp666
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roosterforme · 1 year
The Younger Kind Part 10 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You and Bradley have chemistry in spades, and you doubt anyone else could make you feel this good. Bradley is more than willing to beg for you, and you're more than willing to let him. But a phone call in the afterglow leaves you hoping you're enough for them and wondering how anyone could ever pass up being with Bradley and Noah.
Warnings: Smut, angst, swearing, fluff, and age gap (18+)
Length: 3600 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more!
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You and Bradley had been teasing each other all night, both physically and verbally. Nobody else could turn you on like this with their words. Nobody else even came close.
The banter was so sexy. You wondered if he felt this way when he went out with women he met on the app. Right from the start, you had noticed that the two of you seemed to click, and it had only gotten better over the past few weeks. When he wasn't pissing you off, of course.
You were soaking wet, no doubt getting his lounge pants messy through the lace thong you were wearing. He wasn't even touching you right now, and you were on the verge of moaning for him. When you hand fed him two of your four Skittles, you quickly ate the other two to keep your mouth otherwise occupied.
But, oh, he seemed to be following the same set of instructions that you were. Thank goodness.
"Come here, Princess," Bradley growled, wrapping his hands around your waist and pulling your body against him. His naked torso was muscular and warm, and you ran your fingers across his shoulders as he said, "Tell me what you want."
He made you feel bold. You dragged the tip of your tongue along Bradley's lips and whispered, "I want you, Daddy."
Without fail, that possessive look returned to his brown eyes. Something profound happened to this man when you called him Daddy, and you never wanted it to stop.
"I think about you all the damn time," he whispered, kissing you softly on the lips while his fingers dug into your lower back. He was hard in his sweatpants where you rubbed yourself gently against him. Your eyes drifted closed as his lips found your neck.
"Oh," you gasped, your fingers tangling in his messy hair as you pressed closer against him. His coarse mustache and soft lips felt so good, you thought you might float away. You tried to open your eyes and focus on him, tried to ground yourself before you became a needy mess, but you couldn't. 
He was everywhere. Everything smelled like him, and you briefly wondered if it was his shampoo or detergent or something else. Then his hands on your waist were moving up, taking the borrowed shirt with them, exposing your belly where he splayed on big hand. 
"Mmm, Princess," he mumbled, working his lips along your jaw and chin while his thumb toyed with the top of his lounge pants that you had rolled at the waist. He was giving you so much unhurried pleasure, just like Wednesday night when he ate your pussy. 
"Bradley." He was so good at his, so much older than you. You had been with guys before, but he was the first man you'd had. You didn't want to go back. He was sucking on your neck as his fingers dipped an inch or two into the front of your pants, stroking you with his knuckles. It was heavenly.
"What do you want Daddy to do to you?" he asked, and you moaned so loudly, he was pressing his lips to yours immediately. You wrapped your hands around the back of his neck, playing with his hair while you rubbed yourself back and forth on his thigh. He kept mashing his lips to yours, still pushing you back against the wall. Every time he relented to take a breath, you sucked in some air as well, because you were fully at his mercy now. 
Bradley groaned next to your ear, and you clenched around nothing. "You gonna tell me, baby?" he asked, guiding you away from the wall on your unsteady feet. "Or you gonna make me beg?"
You looked up at him, his brown eyes dark and demanding in the soft lamp light as you stroked his neck. He was waiting for your answer, his fingers ghosting along your waist and his warm breath on your face. You pressed your lips together, trying to clear your head as you softly asked him, "You'd beg for me?"
Bradley closed his eyes and grunted your first name. When he opened them again, you whined as he stroked your cheek so gently with his rough fingertips. "Of course. You're a Princess," he reminded you as he sank to his knees before you, kissing his way down your body. He guided you close so the soft skin below your belly button was rubbing against his mustache while you grabbed at his wavy hair. 
You gasped through parted lips while he kissed you everywhere he could. When he untied the little knot in the shirt you were wearing, you pulled it up over your head and tossed it aside. Bradley looked up at you while his lips and tongue teased along your belly. "You're so fucking perfect," he whispered, reaching up to drag his knuckles across your lace bra. 
"Bradley!" you gasped, bucking yourself against him at the jolt of pleasure you felt. 
"Let me taste you again, please," he begged, and when you started pulling down the lounge pants, his steady hands were there to help. "Oh, fuck, baby." As soon as the pants were down to your thighs, his lips and tongue were tasting you through your underwear. When you managed to step out of the pants and awkwardly kick them aside, you felt his tongue dip inside the elastic and swipe through your wetness.
"Oh, god," you moaned. "Nobody ever did that to me before. What you did the other night!"
Bradley looked up at you, clearly so pleased with himself as he started yanking down your thong until he could run his nose up your slit and kiss you. "Nobody ever made you squirt before?"
You swallowed hard. "Nobody ever went down on me before."
His parted lips paused on your pussy, and he asked, "I'm the only one who's ever tasted you like this? This perfect pussy?"
You nodded slowly, filled with so much need for him. "Yeah, Daddy."
In one swift motion, Bradley pulled you down by your hips as you squeaked, and he eased himself onto his back on the living room floor with you on top of him. You straddled his waist, rubbing our bare core against his abs while he pulled you down for a kiss. "You taste that, Princess?" he asked, spreading your wetness over your own lips with his mustache. "That's how sweet you are." When you just moaned and kissed the scars on his neck in response, he whispered, "Only I know that. Only I know how soft you feel when I put my tongue right here." You felt his fingers slip inside you and bend forward, hitting you where it made you want to scream for him.
"Bradley, please!"
"I thought I was the one begging, baby," he groaned, slanting his lips across yours and unhooking your bra with his free hand. It was in the way, everything was in the way, so you tossed it onto the couch. You wanted to feel all of him against you and inside you. 
He rolled you smoothly onto your back, attaching his pretty lips to your nipple and watching your face while he sucked on you. Without much finesse, you used your feet to push his sweatpants down, gasping when his cock sprang free from the fabric. Then you wrapped your right leg around his waist and guided him closer until his erection was nestled between your pussy lips, his weeping tip rubbing your clit just right. 
"Oh fuck," you hiccupped as he kissed his way from one nipple to the other, whispering praise against your skin. Then he kissed his way down your body until his mouth was on your pussy with your legs spread wide for him. He licked you so well, all you could do was shake your head from side to side next to the snag in the area rug. Any other guy would have already fucked you, cum and been done by now. But this was amazing. You were getting treated to exactly what every woman on that dating app was hoping for when they looked at Bradley.
The rub of his mustache and his fingers stroking inside you brought you close to the edge as you watched Bradley struggle out of his sweatpants. And then he was naked and his lips were on your inner thigh as he met your eyes. 
"Please, Princess. Please," he begged. "Let me fuck you." 
You moaned in response, clenching softly around his fingers. You were so close now, but you wanted his cock to fill you up. You wiggled yourself up against him and said,  "Bradley. I want you inside me. Fuck me."
He would gladly beg for you all night. He could tell you liked it when he did, and he had no problem indulging in his need for you. Hell, he could probably get off to it himself.
"Bradley. I want you inside me. Fuck me." His cock was throbbing as he looked down at your young, perfect body, spread out for him on his living room floor. You were all smooth skin and peaked nipples and needy noises. You seemed to have no control over the beautiful way your body was reacting to him, keening as he gently pressed his body weight down on top of you. 
And then he was kissing your lips, letting you taste yourself again as he pushed his tip inside you, stretching you as he went deeper. You lower back arched off the floor as he bottomed out in the tightest, sweetest pussy he'd ever felt. 
"God damn," he groaned against your lips as you whined louder for him. He needed you. God, you were perfect. He was thrusting. He couldn't stop. He'd be a fucking idiot to think he'd ever be able to stop begging for you now. "Does that feel good for you, Princess?"
"Daddy," you whimpered, grasping onto strands of his hair as he kissed you all over your neck and face. "I'm gonna cum." He knew he was big, and he knew he got you close with his mouth, but this was incredible. 
He made sure his thrusts were deep and steady, taking shallow breaths against your neck as you cried out. You were loud. Even louder than you had been when you squirted for him. Your pussy was squeezing his cock as your broken cry filled his ears, and he wasn't going to last long now either. Not after going a year without sex. Not inside you.
You arched your chest up into his palm as you rode out your pleasure, and Bradley sucked on your tits to keep you making those little sounds he was becoming addicted to. Your eyes were hazy and fucked out now as you looked up at him like he had just single handedly solved every mystery known to mankind. You whispered his name through those perfect lips as your soft hands skimmed along his shoulders and neck.
And then as he pressed his lips to yours, he felt his spine tingle, and he released a deep moan into your mouth. You nibbled encouragingly on his lips as he picked up his pace, and when he was buried deep inside you, he paused. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" he gasped, pushing himself impossibly deeper as he watched your face while you whined his name. He came so hard, he was seeing stars, and he knew he needed more of you. 
Bradley buried his face in your neck, inhaling your scent while he grew soft inside you. The way you were stroking your fingers languidly through his hair and along his neck made him feel like this was something he wanted to do with you so often that it all felt familiar and necessary.
"Princess," he groaned, his mustache rubbing your earlobe. "Baby." He felt your pussy pulse around him at his words, and he wanted to own you. He wanted you to own him. 
You kissed his jaw as he grunted and pulled his cock slowly out of your pussy. As he knelt between your thighs, stroking your hip and catching his breath, Bradley watched his cum drip out of you and onto his living room area rug. "So pretty," he mumbled, making eye contact with you. 
And then his eyes went wide. "Princess. We didn't use a condom."
You looked at him with a soft, pleased expression. "Hmm?"
He leaned down and kissed your cheek, feeling a little panicked. "Baby, we didn't use a condom. I don't think I even have any here."
You just giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck. "You've been going on a bunch of dates, and you didn't get condoms?"
He shook his head, heart pounding. "No. I was distracted by you. Just like I clearly was once again, because I didn't even think about protection just now." 
"I'm on the pill," you whispered. "And I like distracting you."
Bradley sighed in relief. "You're very good at it," he said, running his nose along your neck and kissing you. He listened to your soft sighs as you dragged your hands through his hair. But in all honesty, Bradley found it hard to think rationally around you, and that was not a good thing. 
He paused with his lips on your collarbone and breathed you in. This was a bad idea. He shouldn't have you here with him like this. He shouldn't have fucked you. But as you wrapped your smooth calf around the back of his thigh and rubbed your leg along his, Bradley was once again having a hard time thinking.
He groaned. "Princess, this is such a bad idea. We should stop." But he was kissing your lips again before he finished his last sentence. You hummed against his mouth, and whether you were agreeing or disagreeing, Bradley couldn't make himself stop. "I'm too old for you, Princess."
"You kept up just fine," you whispered, and Bradley was addicted to the look on your face. Then his phone, which had come loose from the pocket of his sweatpants, was vibrating on the rug next to your elbow. He didn't have to look at the screen to know who was calling him, but you propped yourself up and then looked him in the eyes.
"Who's Meredith? And why is she calling you so late?" There was a little crease between your eyebrows, and Bradley tried to kiss it away, but you pulled back a few inches. "Is she the woman you cancelled your date with?"
"I can explain," he said, which was clearly the wrong thing to say, because you were scooting away from him now and scrambling for your underwear. "Princess. Meredith is Noah's mom."
You paused with that sinful little thong halfway up your legs and met his eyes again. "Why is she calling you?" Bradley watched you shimmy the underwear on, and then you were looking for your bra which ended up by the couch. 
You were tugging his shirt back on as Bradley reached for you. "Princess, come here," he whispered, and even though you looked hesitant, you let Bradley pull you against him. He pulled you on top of him as he leaned back on the floor. With your chin propped on his chest, he wrapped his arms around you and said, "Meredith always starts calling every year around Noah's birthday."
"When's Noah's birthday?" you asked, and Bradley told you the date when his son would turn four as he ran his fingers inside the shirt and along your bare back. 
"But why is she calling?" You looked puzzled. "Does she live local and want to see him?"
Bradley was silent for a beat. He hadn't told you much about his ex. Truthfully, it hurt him to talk about her. Not because of what she did to Bradley, but because of what she did to their son. "Noah doesn't even know who Meredith is," Bradley whispered. "She lives in Oceanside. She calls around his birthday every year, threatens to fight for sole custody, makes my life a living hell, and then disappears."
You pressed your lips together and looked at him curiously as he propped one arm behind his head and held your waist with the other. "Did you kick her out? Was she doing something that could hurt Noah?"
Bradley shook his head. "No. She left us."
Your eyes went wide with surprise. "She left?"
"Yeah, she just didn't come home after work one day. Noah was three months old. His daycare was calling and calling, but I was flying at the time. Thank god I wasn't deployed."
"Were you married?" you asked softly. When Bradley shook his head, you added, "Do you think you would have been? If she didn't leave?"
Bradley shrugged and closed his eyes, trying to picture what his life would have been like. "I think I was always the more responsible one. I owned the house. I saved my money. I wanted Noah, even though he wasn't planned. I don't think Meredith and I would have ever reached the point of marriage, no."
You eased yourself off of Bradley's body and sat up on your knees. You were looking down at him, lying naked on the floor in front of you. "She never wanted Noah?" you asked, and you looked so sad.
"She was excited when she was pregnant, but I think when she realized how hard it really was, she was done. Meredith is impulsive. She's a business developer, and having an infant was negatively impacting her career."
"So she left." 
"Yeah," Bradley confirmed for the second time. Your small hand came to rest on his abs, your fingers stroking him absentmindedly as you gaped at him.
"She was living here? In your perfect house, with you? And Noah? And she left? She sounds like a fucking idiot!"
Bradley laughed humorlessly. "Yeah. She showed her true colors, I guess." 
"She had it all," you whispered so softly, Bradley barely heard you. He pulled you back down against him, and you settled with your lips on his. 
After a few sweet kisses, you pulled away an inch, and Bradley said, "You know the expression, one man's trash is another man's treasure."
"Don't call Noah trash," you scolded, grabbing him by the chin and then smiling. "You, I'm still not sure about, but he's practically perfect."
Bradley smiled as you kissed him. "Yeah, I'm not sure how I managed that."
"You probably just got lucky," you whispered, and your lips brushed against his mustache, making him feel crazy.
"I certainly got lucky tonight," he moaned, and you laughed and tried to wriggle out of his arms. But he held you and took your hand in his. "Stay over?" he asked cautiously. He really wanted to wake up with you tomorrow morning. Somehow he knew that nothing else would feel quite as good as waking up in his bed with you in his arms, your taste on his tongue and your scent on his pillow.
You froze and looked at him in surprise. "I already slept here once. It's probably not a good idea for Noah to think that's going to be a normal routine, unless..."
Bradley didn't think he would mind if it was an everyday activity, but he could understand where you were coming from. "Right. Good point, Princess."
"My clothes are in your room," you whispered as you got up, and then Bradley stood next to you completely naked. You looked longingly at him as he pulled on his sweatpants, and then you gathered up your bra and the paper crowns and made your way down the hallway to his room. He wanted to follow you, wanted to call after you and tell you to get in his bed and let him make you feel good again. 
Instead he stood in the living room, looking at the spot where his cum had soaked into the area rug when it dribbled out of you. He groaned with need, and told himself he'd clean that up after you left. Then you reappeared in the clothing you had arrived in, and he wanted more than anything to get you back in his clothes. 
"Thanks for coming over tonight," Bradley told you, caressing your cheek with his knuckles as your eyes fluttered closed. 
"I had fun," you replied. "And I'm happy you cancelled your date." 
Bradley was about to ask you if this had been a date, because he really wasn't sure. He wasn't sure what came next, other than the fact that he knew he wanted you. 
"Will you text me when you get home?" he asked, brushing his lips against yours. 
"Yeah." And then your arms were around his neck. He practically carried you out to his driveway as you laughed. And when you pulled away in your car, he knew he should have told you that tonight meant something to him. 
He counted up all of the texts and calls from Meredith and cleaned his carpet. When he was walking to his bedroom, his phone lit up and he cringed, but it was a text from you.
Babysitter: I made it home. Good night, Bradley.
He wrote back, telling you to have sweet dreams. Then he looked at his green crown and Noah's yellow crown on his dresser. But yours was back on his bedpost. 
You better beg for your Princess! Enjoy your babysitter fic which you help me write, @beyondthesefourwalls And thank you @mak-32
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