#i hope this doesnt sound too weird
wilczachannn · 4 months
just had a thought;
i cant tell if i like my friends platonically or romantically. one moment i'll be like 'oh i love them /p' and the next 'MY GOD I WANT TO CUDDLE W/ U FOREVER AND NEVER LET GO PLS LOVE ME'
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writermask-0807 · 8 days
I'm curious what do you think Kianna's yandere type is?
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I'm not really knowledgeable about most types of yandere (usually im not into it), so forgive me if I'm wrong.
I feel like Kianna would be a mix of different types tbh.. kind of laid back because she does allow her partner to go out with their friends, family and all, and their relationship would look pretty normal all things considered, (though she definitely has blackmail material or smth she'd hold over her s/o's head for them to be mostly complacent), but I don't think she'd be afraid of a little force.
oh, her partner's threatening to leave, tell people about what's really happening behind the scenes? she'll only remind them, quite calmly, might I add, that first of all; nobody would believe them at all, if only for the reason they were so attached at the hip, and her partner's only spoken good things about her during their very brief friendship. and it wouldn’t add up at all now, would it? everyone would think her s/o would be exaggerating, no? and it would be passed off as a simple lover's quarrel, so what's really the point of trying when they’re never gonna get away from her??
and second of all- well, is her darling forgetting what she has over them? she could oh so very easily ruin her s/o's life and isolate them for everyone else just like that, and let's not forget the rest of their family...
she was pretty prone to stalking her beloved before their relationship, too- small things that they wouldn't really notice, like a key chain they'd thought they misplaced, or a worn out jacket or even some socks, perfume. anything that she can get hands on.
and so all of this is to sum up the fact that her darling is never getting out of her grip. and why would they even want to? kianna's manipulating them into believing the fact that only she can love them, only she can take care of them as much as she does.
(though, a bird trapped inside a golden cage is still trapped in the end.)
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liquidstar · 1 year
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new oc batch ready! 8 more of these guys lol. the whole deal with this set is they’re from the artisan guild- lunar flair! intentionally spelled like “flair” as in “style” or “a flare for ____” rather than “flare”
basically all the members of the guild are different kinds of artists with different niches (and varying degrees of diva-ness). it’s pretty easy to tell who does what based on the everything about them, but if you want more info their bios are still under the cut!
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Name: Jupiter
Name Origin: The planet of course
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 52
Guild rank: Guildmaster
Weapon: Lightning rods
Ethos (Power): Gigantomachy. He can make himself (even more) giant
Flaw power is based on: His overly protective nature, especially where the guild is concerned.
Notes: Literally the nicest guy ever until you provoke him though
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Name: Erinome (Erin)
Name Origin: A moon of jupiter, the exact meaning of it’s name is murky but it can refer to grace or purity
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 13
Guild rank: 2 star
Weapon: A Book.
Ethos (Power): Poetic Imagery. Illusions cast forth by his her poems that change the appearance of the physical environment
Flaw power is based on: Her escapist indulgence in fantasy
Notes: You know, like, the pen is mightier than the sword and all that.
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Name: Pictor
Name Origin: The constellation meaning “painter”
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 23
Guild rank: 3 star
Weapon: Giant paintbrush
Ethos (Power): Ardor. He can create three-dimensional things with his paintbrush. However they are not animate or alive.
Flaw power is based on: His conceited nature in regards to his own work.
Notes: Goes to museums to talk about how he could probably do it better anyway
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Name: Oberon
Name Origin: A moon of the planet Uranus, it gets it’s name from the king of the fairies in Renaissance literature. Notably in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night's Dream
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 29
Guild rank: 5 star
Weapon: Rapier
Ethos (Power): Fantasia. An illusion of changing his own appearance.
Flaw power is based on: His theatrical nature, of course
Notes: Why is he ourple?
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Name: Syrma
Name Origin: A star in virgo, it’s name refers to the train of a garment (Typically worn by actors in tragedies)
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 25
Guild rank: 4 star
Weapon: Giant needle
Ethos (Power): Binding threads. She can create stitches on any solid objects and bind them to each other. Including people- The stitches are manifested energy and do not hurt.
Flaw power is based on: The dependency she often has on bonds- i.e. threads that bind people.
Notes: She makes and models all her own clothes.
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Name: Parumleo 
Name Origin: A star in Pisces, it’s name means “small lion”
Pronouns: They/he
Age: 19
Guild rank: 3 star
Weapon: Microphone bardiche
Ethos (Power): Persuasion. If they can make you laugh you’ll temporarily have to follow his orders. Though it’s too weak to call full-blown mind control, and fairly easy to snap out of.
Flaw power is based on: His desire to be liked by others.
Notes: They’re like a lolcat. They can haz cheezburger.
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Name: Leda
Name Origin:  A moon of jupiter, the name means swan.
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 28
Guild rank: 4 star
Weapon: Duel ribbons
Ethos (Power): Poise. Complete and utter weightlessness.
Flaw power is based on: Her carefree and utterly absent-minded nature.
Notes: You guys know swan lake right? Well, there ya go.
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Name: Styx
Name Origin: A moon of pluto that gets it’s name from the river of the underworld. Yeah it’s also a rock band.
Pronouns: She/they
Age: 20
Guild rank: 3 star
Weapon: Axe-guitar.
Ethos (Power): Vibrato. Powerful soundwaves cast by her axe-guitar
Flaw power is based on: Her brash and blasé attitude
Notes: Calls everyone “baby” or “babe” because they’re a cool rockstar.
#finn's ocs#oc references#finn's art#YAY i finally get to post my funny little artist guys#i feel like its fairly obvious what each persons gimmick is but just for the sake of brevity (for anyone who doesnt wanna read the readmore)#in order#jupiter doesnt have a Specific art bc hes the guildmaster and you can think of him as more of a teacher of sorts#erin is a poet/writer. pictor is obvs a painter. oberon is a thespian. syrma is a seamstress#parumleo is a comedian. leda is a ballerina. and styx is a musician (or straight up rockstar)#since these characters are all like.. trinary characters they dont go all Too much deeper than their gimmicks#but thats why theyre fun to design bc its like. what if [thing] was a guy LOL#also i wanted to try some new stuff out w their designs (like syrmas dimples for example) so i hope they look okay? i hope so...#also leda and how shes literally the least clothed character ive ever made. shes going to catch a cold for sure yeah#parumleo i worry about bc i had a fairly similar color pallet for asterope (but no red) so i hope he still stands out. the lolcat....#oh also if erin and oberon's powers sound similar that's on purpose too. shes like his protege#i feel like out of all of them though pictor is like the prime example of guy who should be in an artist guild LOL#like the most archetypal. most ppl think of painters when they think of artists#but i wanted different types in there too.#painters writers actors even funnymen and rockstars. they all belong. theyre all weird about creating#anyway im glad i can finally post them now ^_^
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justinefrischmanngf · 7 months
it’s not that it makes me sad per se but i really could’ve been dating someone i did actually kind of really want to date since JULY. and now the moment is literally so far gone and i didn’t realise until the moment was so far gone !!!
#like it actually doesnt make me sad because there wouldve been major complications Had we dated#and the person who i trust most in this world has told me theyre glad it didnt happen#and i think in the long run he’s not the First person i should date anyway like in an ideal world we’d date like. 2-3 years on from now when#i’d been in at least one relationship to work out how i operate in a relationship#but it’s also like i wish i had known that the opportunity was there and i wish i had taken it#and part of me goes well maybe in 2-3 years it COULD happen#but i think that does a disservice to the person he’s dating now like . i do hope they’re happy and it goes well for the both of them#AND ALSO ITS WEIRD AS FUCK TO BE LIKE OH WELL MAYBE IN A FEW YEARS ILL DATE THIS PERSON *AFTER* another person??????#like bitch who do you think u are that you’ll have managed to date ANYONE in that time and also why the fuck would u date someone without#hoping it would last????????#but thoughts ≠ action nor are they inherently moralistic#but also that’s a weird way 2 think about relationships#it’d be funny if it happened though#idk i just think that if the timing was different he and i could have so much fun dating like genuinely i think it’d be a really good time#but it’s really weird because i’m not pining away after him or anything like ik it sounds like i am#but it’s not like that it’s more just that it’s opened up all these thoughts that i hadn’t really thought possible before ?#and they’re not possible NOW bc he’s dating someone else so i’m in exactly the same position but idk#i think i’m getting too settled. i’m TOO SETTLED.#because it’s literally not normal to think oh maybe in three years we could date and it’d be better timing for both of us ???????????#unhinged behaviour. what the fuck is that.#it’d be fucking hilarious if it happened tho
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nerdie-faerie · 17 days
Also everyone is betting against me retaining my accent and instead coming back sounding more America post camp
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lvminisciel · 2 months
Just popping in here to say, I love reading your tags miè, so don’t be sorry at all. It’s always so much fun 🥰💞🌺 thank you for taking your time to write them 💞💚✨🫶
i think i should be the ones THANKING YOU for always sharing ur stunning & gorgeous writings all the timeeee 😭😭💗💗✨✨ ngl i always go back to ur writings from time to time, they jst hv this heartwarming feeling in them.. like yk the taste of homemade cake tht u can tell the person who bakes it clearly put their hearts to it!! those kinda things!! idk how to explain it in words (prob jst my english that is lacking) but yeah ur writing rlly gave off tht feel.. something u can always return to no matter how far ur journey is, a safe place u can go back to whenever u feel strayed. those kind of feelings.
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askholycouncillor · 9 months
Brother? I hear you are feeling unwell.. I know we are not friends, and we have not been in the past.. But I do not wish to see you suffer in such a way. Please, what can I do to assist you? ~@asktherighteoushandofthefather
..Oh. Gabriel. I did not expect to see.. you after all of this.
Your offer is kind, Brother, but I wish not to be helped. At all. Ever again, maybe.
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idekka · 1 year
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fromthebushess · 1 year
It seems it finally happened. Someone who saw her got actually interested and wanted to find out what this weird, flying bird-shaped plant ACTUALLY was.
Unfortunately, it required catching her and bringing her to the lab. Against her will, but that's what some people are willing to do in the name of science.
The metallic cage made a loud noise as she was tossed in. "Ow!!"
"If had my magic plant growing stuff with me, would get BIG beating from me!!!!"
But alas, she did not have it. It was somewhere outside, and she was inside, locked in a cage. It was late when she was brought in, so the people agreed they wouldn't do anything with this new creature until the lab would open again in the morning. So, the lights turned off and the people left, leaving the poor little berry thing in her cage. (Probably not how labs work at ALL but I dont want anything to happen to my babygirl okay ;-;)
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fecto-forgo · 2 years
the (in book, not the weird ass shit some ppl were saying) comparisons of renfield to a child or an animal appeal to my experience with psychosis and trauma specifically
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hierneneuro · 2 years
i hate how much attention my mom gives to my brother compared to me :( this sounds so childish but it's always been like this. in general i work pretty hard and try to do well, get good grades etc and it seems like he doesn't even try and he's going nowhere and gets so much attention for it. 'oh he needs help oh he needs the attention' well i would like a little bit of acknowledgement too !! i'll hear my mom on the phone with my brother sounding super animated and interested but then when i wanna talk to her about my recent good grades or my plans for next semester she's like tired and disinterested like she just doesnt care :(
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thewickerking · 2 years
OK SO. EPIC WIN! SOUND HAS CEASED!! its on and off and idk if ill hear it again tonight (please i hope not) but it is GONE i am COMFY in BED. my phone DIED but thats ok shes at 3$ now and plugged in so shes going up :)
#updates on my last posts tags: i dont like actually see spiders i just see movement out of the corner of my eye that isnt there and then my#brain always categorizes it as spiders and its nearly never spiders but it makes me rlly on edge and scared 4 no reason#itll just like be a little black blur out of focus (when theres genuinely nothing there other than like. my white sink or bathtub) and my#brain is like 'ah oh no spider' and my pulse quickens and i get scared and think its gonna kill me cause im sooo normal btw#i joke abt being scared of spiders n stuff but theres genuinely terrifying to me and have given me super bad panic attacls :#anyways.#erm abt the last thing abt Bad Sounds ik its probably a symptom of something but i havent heard of anything that sounds right except maybe#overstimulation but very rarely feel overstimulated im usually very understimulated and its not that theres too many sounds its just theres#one really bad one that sets me off like weird random things like snoring and certain dripping faucets and breathing and like. certain ways#people brush their hands together when they have something on them but they do it for too long and the sound is horrible but subtle#and also certain times people are tapping against fabric like. stuff that ppl overlook and u can barely hear but it drives me off the walls#like idk what common thread they have other than NORMAL EXISTING HUMAN SOUNDS but like. idk if pain is the right word to describe it but#its genuinely something physically pain adjacent like. tension. like when u pull a rubber band super far apart and it cant fucking#stay like that like cmon it hurts it needs to snap please let it out. but letting it out is like. erm. not good and if the sound doesnt end#after u let it out like it didnt do anything it just goes back. ough idk idk idk. i used to not tell anyone this stuff cause i mostly did l#it at night and i think ppl will say im exaggerating and faking cause they dont witness it and my mother doesnt do it i think so its not an#acceptable form of mental illness /s but like genuinely i dont feel like im allowed to mention it but whatever!!!#anyways this is rlly long if u read it. hi. i love u. i hope u have a good day/#night also hmu if u know what whatever this is called i wanna talk about it in therapy and i think my words dont feel professional enough#ik u shouldnt have to act professional in therapy bur erm. i feel like i need to in some ways its complicated#.ares
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hi-fiset · 2 years
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Ok there must be a reason why it was a bring your *daughter* to work day right??? and why a huge part of the game is centered around femenine aspects??? like did this science company just wanted to test on women specifically. messed up. this is like mann co but awesome
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be-good-to-bugs · 2 months
good god i really need to be on antipsychotics.
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skitskatdacat63 · 3 months
And what if I said I agreed with Plato about philosopher kings? What if I think he was right!?
#how do i write a paper abt this and not seem like im endorcing oligarchies JSKFKFLGLGLV#idk man im disillusioned with the government rn its very difficult to argue in favor of our form of government#like how do i say. yeah i dont think this would actually work in practice#but man if it did ....it would be pretty cool 🫢#idk sometimes i feel like in modern society im too burdened by self awareness and autonomy sjfkfkg#so when we learned about philosopher kings idk it just sounded weirdly ...nice?#like i dont think it would work out bcs people always are going to abuse the system#but god really sometimes i WOULD prefer an almost dictatorship of people who are actually competent#like the idea of philosopher kings is that they are raised to become a leader#that is their speciality. like a baker makes bread. like a fisherman catches fish. etc.#and im sry but rn in this current political climate i think i would prefer that over the grand majority of politicians 🫣#lmao i had to argue in favor of philosopher kings in some debate#so now i like on some level endorse it bcs i had to fight for it yknow and actually made the most compelling argument#its just weird bcs theoretically systems of democracy are a lot easier to tear apart and find the issues in#but yeah LOL hope my prof doesnt get a bad idea of me from this paper 😭😭😭#on some level im playing devils advocate? but rly i do somewhat agree w Plato#i think most political systems are unfortunately very idealistic and are always going to have issues irl#and so its very hard to argue for the system we have now that i witness constant problems from#and easier to argue abt the one i dont live under and have no experience witj#anyways. plato was right. sjkfkf#catie.rambling.txt
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mutsukiss · 1 year
AHG I wish Kojima wasn't such a freak w his characters because I find Paz's crush on Snake in tpp very cute as a. Simple teenage crush everyone has had on a cool older person who's been good and kind to you but I am under the impression there is some kind of reciprocation in peace walker? Maybe? Uhg
Like... I don't believe it's bad they show her taking a liking on Snake, I believe a lot of people have had this super cool adult in your life that you got super nervous around when you were 15 but bc you were 15 and you had no idea what actually liking someone meant and felt like yknow. Just a dumb teenage crush. And I find it very cute!!! And I love how in one of the tapes she extrapolates that feeling to what Miller must feel most surely about Snake too. I just wish they weren't fucking weirdos about it.
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