#i hope this is entertaining when i stream my drawings to friends lmao
jesslockwood · 3 years
rakes | chapter two
pairing: regency!Harrison Osterfield x regency!reader
words: 2.1k 
warnings:  bridgerton s1 spoilers, swearing, mentions of sex
a/n: this took me forever to write because i wrote the ending ish and I have even the whole end part planned out lmao. now I just need to write up to it lmao. 
Please Reblog and Like if you enjoy!
series masterlist
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You awoke startled, sweaty, and with tears streaming down your face. It had been from a nightmare, of your first season’s debut. You knew that things could not go as horribly wrong that night did, yet, you were afraid deep down it might. 
You could never forget the piercing scream that rang through your body as you watched helplessly, your worst unknown nightmare becoming real in front of you, and being able to do nothing for your parents. 
After sitting in your bed for what seemed like hours, you decided to get dressed at the start making a list of what you had to do in haste to get ready for the season’s rush.
There was so much to do and so little time, so you knew one worry could be put at ease if you planned it all out. At least then your mind would hopefully quiet down the thoughts in your head. 
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Sitting near the window with it open, you watched the sunrise, wondering how your dear William was doing. You had left hastily, not even with a goodbye to him. It was too painful to be in Grosvenor square where all your fondest memories had been with your deceased parents. He was of course in those fond memories, yet it was too painful as you saw your father in him, and the man he became because of your father being a parental figure to him.
You wondered how he was handling being the earl, especially without the guidance or help of anyone. Especially since your presence is missing. You wrote to him all the time, yet he had no return address to send it to so you knew not much of how your dearest sibling was doing.
You knew not much of duty of being a man and running an estate and the burden weighed on society of being an earl, yet you knew the pressures and gossip and betrayal all too much so you knew it could not have been easy. 
You only wished as much that you could have stayed for William, yet you knew your body would not let you stay as the fear would crawl into your bones, rotting you into some sort of insane spinster. 
You stretched your body out after sitting for too long on the uncomfortable chair, deciding it was time to head on out- “the earlier the better”- you thought.
As soon as you stepped out into the hall you had turned, and collided with a strong torso, almost falling to the ground. Strong arms had caught you before you took a nasty spill. 
“Pardon me-” you whispered quietly, as you then realized the close proximity of you and the man that had caught you, his face very close to your own. 
He looked disheveled slightly, with his golden locks out of place slightly, and a small amount of dusting of freckles that adorned his face. His icy blue eyes had been staring into yours, almost too cold to even look into, yet you felt a sense of curiosity to capture the color of them in your mind. You also had noticed the closeness of your bodies in this very moment, almost too scandalous to even think of in society’s ton. 
“Apologies, Miss.,” he said with a slightly crooked smile that could make any woman melt at this moment. 
He helped you regain your balance on your own two feet, before heading towards the stairs, giving you a lopsided smile again, nodding at you, and went downstairs.
You were almost too stunned to move from the interaction. You had never been as close as that to a man in your life. It gave you a small chill down your spine, even thinking about him, the mystery man. 
You were pulled out of your thoughts when your maid, Lucy, was walking out of the adjacent room to yours. 
“Madam, shall I fetch the carriage?” she asks you politely, suddenly snapping you out of your entranced state. 
“Yes, we should get going.”
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Arriving at the Bridgeton home was, interesting to say the least, in a good way. It had been around noon, after your stop at the modiste, picking up dresses for the most -well- dreaded season, and you had been welcomed by most of the Bridgerton ladies in the drawing-room, embraced by Violet, asking for your time heading to their home. It was quite a shock as the chaos yet love could be felt in the room, as whom you were assuming the two youngest were arguing of some hair ribbon, and two of the other elder brothers of Daphne’s were in some heated debate about god knows what, and one sister was writing in a journal of some sort as the other played the pianoforte. 
“Welcome dear, to our home. I apologize in advance for the chaos, we are getting ready for Elosie’s first season, and our masquerade ball.”
“No need to apologize, Lady Bridgerton. Thank you for letting me stay until William gets in tomorrow. I just couldn’t stay in the house alone.”
“Please call me Violet! And any friend of my family is welcome here. Children, This is Lady Y/L/N.”
“If I am to call you Violet I insist you all call me Y/n” she smiles warmly towards you, “Eloise, could you please show Y/n to her room, I’m sure she is but tired from her journey.”
She comes out of her trance of writing responding to her mother, “Of course Mama.”
As you walk out of the drawing-room with her she looks as if she’s in deep thought. 
“I have so many questions to ask of you! How were you able to travel? I only thought men such as my brother could do so, yet here you are!”
“Well when my parents passed, I just- well, couldn’t stay here, so I ventured off with what my bro- erm, cousin, William had given to me. I went to visit some other cousins in France and had gone off to other parts of Europe. It was better than I had ever imagined. But now my duty is to my family, and the adventure has stopped, for now at least.”
You had stopped walking when you reached a door, that you assumed was your room.  
“That is incredible, I shall wait to ask more of you, later on of course.”
“Why don’t you show me the grounds and I shall tell you more, right now, and you can tell me about yourself, Eloise.”
Her face lit up.
“I would quite enjoy that!”
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After walking around their grounds, you had sat on the swings on a tree, telling her all about your adventures, and she told you about herself and even told you quite a bit about Lady Whistledown and her venture in trying to find the writer behind the pen. It had been a few hours, probably nearing dinner time, but you felt at ease with Eloise. At least, you knew you had a friend in her, that hated society almost as much as you,
“I cannot believe you went in the ocean on the beach! Most ladies here would assume it unlady-like!”
“Well, I am especially not one for lady-like behavior! Especially structured by vicious mamas!” you both laugh together at that comment. Oh how you both knew of the shocking behavior of the ton’s mamas. 
“I believe we should head in now, Dinner will soon be ready, and I can only assume you are starving since we only had biscuits earlier.”
You both get up stretching your legs lightly, before heading indoors. 
You felt warmth sitting at the dinner table, though not typical, it felt like they truly loved each other, and actually enjoyed each other as a family, something you had longed for from your own family, especially for William’s sake.
William had never felt like he belonged in your family, at least not fully. The warmth you and your parents tried to give to him almost did not get through his thick skull, that you had accepted him as an esteemed member of the family. You had always wondered if it was because his true father never accepted him until he needed him to fulfill his wants. 
“So, Y/n are you excited for the season?” Anthony cuts through his current conversation, to include you. 
“Probably something of the sort. I am quite intrigued to see how people have changed.”
“Well, most have not, especially the men.” 
You laughed slightly at that. 
“Well do tell whom to stay away from.” you joke.
“If you have not read the most recent lady Whistledown I assume you don’t know.”
“I’m not quite sure I’ve ever heard of a Lady Whistledown?” you question, curiosity getting to the best of you. 
“Lady Whistledown is a gossip writer, under a pen name, whom, however, mentions people in the ton in name, by name in full.” Eloise cuts in.
You raise a brow quizzically. That was unheard of. 
“She mentions you in her most recent edition” Hyacinth mentions, before going back to throwing peas strategically when her mother wasn’t looking at her brother Gregory.  
“I’m sure Eloise has it if she hasn’t already shown you.” now you were fully intrigued. There was truly only one main thing you thought the writer could write about.
“She wrote about Lord Holland today, and might I say he is pretty dreamy.” Francesca pipes up, before earnings glare from Anthony and a kick from Eloise.
“If I didn’t do it, Anthony would have and he kicks harder.” 
You giggle at the family’s interactions. You only hoped you could have one as close as the Bridgertons.
“I see we are quite the entertainment for our guest tonight. I guess there’s no need for Eloise to get on the pianoforte. God knows I’m in motion for that.” Benedict adds before earning a kick from Eloise as well. 
“Back to the topic at hand, I’d stay away from Benedict for certain.” Eloise says, which erupts you five into a fit of giggles, before getting your end of the table gets a hard stare-down from Violet, almost as if to say ‘behave’.
“So I'm assuming other than Daphne missing, the letter C, Colin, must be the one travelling? Daph did mention he would be writing me asking about the best places to travel.”
“Yes, Colin is the one travelling, but was the letter system too obvious of whom is which?” Benedict asks in an amused manner. 
“I think it’s adorable, and if you must know I find it orderly.”
“Don’t tell my mother that, or she won’t stop talking about how ‘Lady Y/n complimented her naming system’.” Benedict jokes.
You laugh before you see Eloise bringing out what you assumed was the gossip sheet. She hands it to you before you read it over, turning slightly pale at the mentions of your family so intimately.
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Harrison had made it into town earlier that afternoon, only to be wondering why Mama’s, and Ladies alike- married or not- had been whispering and pointing at him. On the other hand, he had been met with a warm embrace from his wonderful sister Charlotte, and loving Mother, Phil, only to be dragged by Charlotte for her to tell him to read the latest Lady Whistledown, a woman he knew he hadn’t heard of, nevertheless thought he’d fucked. 
He however listened to his sister and her worry, before being shell-shocked by what was on the page. 
“Charlotte what the hell is this? And who the hell wrote it?"
“Lady Whistledown is but the biggest anonymous gossip columnist, and everyone reads it. Haz what am I to do if no suitors show interest when I am eligible for marriage? What if I end up a spinster?!”
“Char, I won’t let that happen I promise you.”
Harrison was determined to make sure charlotte never had to worry. She was the most lovely of any woman on the market and he would make sure she had a shot. 
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“Wait Osterfield, you’re saying, you’ll Woo whoever is the most desired by the queen and marry her?” Tom askes very confusedly as to what sparked this in his bestfriend.
“Yes Tom, That is my plan,” Harrison replies before taking a sip of his drink again.
The two men had reunited at the Bridgerton’s gentleman club, talking over Harrison’s not so genius plan, according to Tom.
“Do you know how many mamas loathe even the sight of you right now? Especially because of Lady Whistledown.” Harrison’s face scrunches up, cringing at that. 
“Yes, I know already. But if I can just get in the good graces of Lady Whistledown, then I know any mama will turn around! maybe if I form an attachment with someone she might see that I’m serious about marrying. Don’t you have that cousin? Zendaya?”
“That’s a terrible idea, Harrison. Also, Zendaya is now going to be under my care according to my mother. She told her father, who is ill,  I’d watch out for her during the season to find her a suitable husband.”
Harrison gets a mischievous, conniving look on his face as the gears turn in his brain. “I said suitable Haz! Her father would have a heart attack if you came near her!”
“Fine, but can you at least convince her to show interest in me to the other ladies? So I can find a wife?”
Tom rolls his eyes before downing his drink mentally hating the idea, but agreeing to try for his almost brother,  even if he didn’t think he’d find a wife.
crossed out  = couldn't tag
@spideyspeaches @greenorangevioletgrass @take-me-to-ny @queenofthepouges @minejungwoo @sheranatic111 @keithseabrook27 @lolooo22​ @webmeupspiderdaddy​
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egcdeath · 4 years
secret santa
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pairing: ransom drysdale x f!reader
a/n: this is so self indulgent. SO SELF INDULGENT. more self indulgent than anyone will ever be able to comprehend. before u all read this, i want u to know it was originally supposed to be about training ransom at a job, but then i realized that i nothing about 1. working at a coffee shop and 2. training an employee. also, i am the worst at writing dialogue. so i didn’t write a lot of dialogue LMAO enjoy :)
also, half of this was written at 1 am. just a warning
warnings: coffee shop au, enemies (kinda) to lovers, a lil fluff, not really angst but bitter feelings, kinda slow burn and then all the sudden a fast burn i’m sorry 😭
word count: 2.6k
You woke up to the sound of your alarm rumbling your bedside table sometime around the asscrack of dawn, and rubbed your eyes with a groan. Sometimes, you really couldn’t stand your job, but bills didn’t really pay themselves, did they? You rolled out of bed, and began your dreaded morning routine before heading out to start your opening shift at your local café.
Somewhere between warming up the espresso machine and taking out last night’s trash (which you shouldn’t have had to do in the first place), an older, yet expensive looking car pulled up to the front of the parking lot. You were a bit confused, as you’d never seen this vehicle, and it was quite clear that you weren’t exactly open yet. You watched as a tall man hopped out of the car, wearing a large peacoat and very unnecessary sunglasses. He approached the door, gave it a knock, then waited for you to come open it for him. Reluctantly, you made your way over, and in order to keep yourself safe, began to speak through the glass.
“Can I help you?” You asked in an annoyed tone, then gestured towards the piece of paper that labeled your hours on the door. There was no reason for any customer to be here this early. You looked up at the mystery man and made a rather intense eye contact with him. If this was any indicator of your crowd today, work was going to be far from pleasant.
“Yeah, I was told that I’m starting today?” He had a wicked smirk on his face, like he knew he was getting under your skin already. You hated people like him, and couldn’t believe that he could possibly be your coworker. On the bright side, he probably wouldn’t last long in the first place.
“Well, are you sure you’re here on time? I can’t see any situation where Melissa would schedule to open for your very first shift.” You commented with a furrowed brow.
“Eh, I kinda just figured I’d come in whenever. The girl in my bed was an early riser, so I thought to myself ‘Why not just come in now?’” He said casually.
“Your name?” You inquired, trying to keep your annoyance to yourself, and put on a customer service smile.
“Hugh, or Ransom,” he responded. You turned around, allowed yourself a huff and eye roll, then walked through the kitchen, and into the break room to check if he truly was a new employee, or just some random creep. Sure enough, a bright pink post-it note in very neat handwriting confirmed this man’s existence. You made your way back to the door, unlocked it, and let him in.
“Since you’re here, you should… set down the chairs,” you told him, less than entertained by his presence. You could just tell he was bad news. This Ransom guy was like the textbook definition of a red flag. He talked your ear off while you tried to get through your opening routine, some casual remarks about his last hookup, complaints about how he only got this job because his mother was a regular and good friends with your manager, and how he was threatened to get cut out of his grandfather’s will if he didn’t get employed soon, and what better way to spite your family than to mess up their daily coffees.
Eventually, a few more of your coworkers, along with your manager, Melissa, made it to the café before the morning rush began. You were sitting down at your typical barstool spot, and sipping an iced Americano when Melissa broke the news to you that you would be training the new employee. Upon hearing the news, you audibly groaned, and rubbed your forehead. There was no way that you could handle this man.
During his first week, Ransom not only managed to offer (and successfully give) six customers his phone number, break two mugs, mess up more orders than even Euclid could comprehend, and spill straws a multitude of times all over the floor, but he began to flirt with you relentlessly. You had no idea why you’d become his new target of choice, when it was clear that he could have literally anyone he wanted. Maybe he liked that you were playing hard to get.
If you were being honest, you had to accept that he was handsome. And rich. And the definition of a fuckboy. And since you were being frank with yourself, you had to acknowledge that you were attracted to that ‘toxic and will treat you like shit’ kind of guy. You had a roster of ex boyfriends to prove that for you.
It was a pretty slow Tuesday afternoon, which meant you were sitting on your phone until a customer placed an order. Eventually, the little bell above the door chimed, and an older man came through, ordering a dark and bitter drink, then standing by the counter to wait. You began to restock lids while Ransom took care of making the drink, and once it was ready, you passed it over to the man. The man in question took a rather large sip, then promptly spat it out.
“What the fuck is this!” He roared, barely giving you time to react before he proceeded to toss the drink at you, spilling most of the hot content on your apron.
You gasped, gawking down at your scorched and ruined clothing, then up at the customer, who’d turned around with a huff and left, leaving a stream of strong language on his way out. You bit back tears at the whole fiasco, and cringed as both the steamy drink, and your salty tears stung different parts of your body. You turned to look at the barista, who had passed you along the drink, and were met with no other than the white devil himself. It seemed that all the blood had drained from his already otherwise pale face.
“Oh my god, this is all my fault,” he began remorsefully. “Let me make it up to you somehow.”
“Whatever,” you huffed, running a hand through your hair, and shoving Ransom angrily while you more or less stomped into the staff bathroom.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and frowned before bringing up your bundled apron to your face and screaming into it. Stupid fucking customers. Stupid fucking job. Stupid fucking Ransom. It’s like he came to your job just to make it hell. You were tired of cleaning up all these messes for him, and honestly, you wish he’d just quit already. The longer you worked with him, the more tempted you were to pour sugar in his gas tank, then take a club and break all the windows in the Beemer.
For the next month, your brain was completely elsewhere at work. Your brain was constantly going back and forth with you between finding Ransom hot and horrendous. While the pair of you finished up closing one night, you heard your coworker begin to speak to you as you placed your hand on the keys in your pocket.
“I know you hate me, Y/N. I get it. What that guy did to you was awful, and yes it was my fault, but what else have I done to hurt you?” He asked, seemingly out of the blue. You weren’t even sure how to respond. Ignoring the man and demonizing him in your head had become almost a second nature. “I mean, I think we could’ve been good friends. Even though you seem to think I’m devil incarnate, I think you’re a pretty cool chick-“ he continued before being cut off by you.
“Why do you even care?” you burst out, “Ransom, you just don’t get it do you? You’re just.. a douchebag. I get it, you have your moments where you’re candid and open with people, but half of the time you’re talking, you’re objectifying someone. Or bragging about something you own. Don’t get me wrong, I could get past what you did to me on accident, but you seriously have to work on yourself,” the words just seemed to pour out without your control. “Goodnight, Ransom,” you said simply before leaving the café for the night.
Since that day, the tension between you and Ransom had evidently become more thick. Since he was finally finished training with you, you made sure to only speak to him if you absolutely needed to, and even then, you only communicated with him in brief and straightforward answers. Sure, it seemed like a small thing to be upset about, and sure, he’d apologized, but something told you that any excuse to stay away from Ransom was a good excuse.
Though he appeared to be an immoral and selfish man, he seemed genuinely sorry for all that he’d put you through. Occasionally, you’d be sitting in the break room and look up from your phone to see him watching you. When you’d make eye contact, he would look like he wanted to say something to you, but your petty ass would leave, or look back at your phone. He was bad news anyway.
Your boss quickly caught onto what was going on between the two of you, and usually, Melissa didn’t like to participate in petty drama, but your new sour mood was such a stark contrast from before, and it seemed to shift the whole mood of the café.
That afternoon, Melissa called for a team meeting a bit before closing, and suggested a family dinner along with a Secret Santa. She’d said something along the lines of ‘It’s been way too long since we’ve done a team bonding activity, and a gift exchange is perfectly fitting for the Holiday season.’ This did make you perk up, as Melissa had a great taste in restaurants, and you were always down for a good gift exchange.
Melissa then told everyone to write their names down, then put them in a decorative Santa hat. You and your coworkers obliged, then began to pass around the hat once again in order to draw a name. You really hoped to get Xavier. You had the perfect idea of something he’d love. As you drew a piece of paper from the hat, you imagined the matching pair of fluffy socks for a human and dog that you’d passed by during your last trip to Target. You began to unfold it, thinking of what color he might like the most, when you looked down and saw ‘Ransom’ drawn out in chicken scratch.
You tried your best to mask your annoyance at who you received, but on the inside, you were seething. You mentally cursed the universe out while you pulled on your coat, and grimaced to yourself once you got out to your car. How were you supposed to get this asshole a gift?
The week leading up to the exchange went fairly well for you, although it was getting a bit exhausting to be so mad at Ransom all the time. You tried to be less harsh with him, considering you needed to learn more about him in order to get him a somewhat decent gift for your exchange.
He’d seem to have taken your conversation with him to heart, and began to talk less and less about other girls when he was working with you. He didn’t comment on how well your jeans fit you, and you noticed that he’d often overextend himself in order to help you with (pretty basic) daily aspects of the job. Ransom would ask you questions about yourself, and your family, and speak less about himself. If you were honest with yourself, he was becoming a better man. And the best part was, he seemed to be doing it just for you. The thought of which brought heat to your face.
On the night of the exchange, you threw on a hideous and scratchy Christmas sweater before picking up your neatly wrapped gift for Ransom. You truly hoped that he’d like it, even though it certainly wasn’t the most expensive item. You bid farewell to your cat, then went on your way to the restaurant. You had to admit, you were a bit late. So it should’ve been no surprise when you arrived, and found that the only seat left at the table was next to Ransom. You gave him a cordial smile before sitting down and ordering yourself a glass of Merlot.
Something about being so close to him was kind of riling you up. The strong timbre sent coming off of him was making your whole body feel slightly warmer than normal, and you tried to ignore this strange sensation while you talked and joked with your coworkers. At one point, Ransom leaned in nice and close to you, and began to speak to you.
“Jesus Christ, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as hideous as Karmen’s sweatshirt,” he whispered right into the shell of your ear. Maybe it was the wine talking, but that simple action sent a whole chill through your body, and made you flush even harder than you’d flushed before. You let out a little giggle and nodded in agreement, looking across the table at her very ugly sweater.
“To be fair, the whole point of this was to wear something really ugly,” you turned your head back to where it was before, only to find that Ransom had somehow moved even closer to you.
“I just don’t know where you find something like that,” he commented, gazing much too deep into your eyes. You swore you felt the room shift after he began looking at you like that. There was about a 20% chance that you’d be able to keep your panties on after this kind of exchange. Luckily for you, a waitress broke the tension for you, setting down a few plates for everyone, then bidding them farewell. Damn.
The food was amazing, and didn’t last very long, meaning that it was time to pass gifts around sooner than later. You watched as Amy received a gift card from Sophie, Emily opened a plethora of chocolates gifted to her by Melissa, and Xander whiffed a candle given to him by Kennedy, then, it was your turn. You glanced around the table before you felt the arm next to you reach down, then hand you an oversized gift bag.
“I hope you like it,” Ransom said with a shy smile. You casually felt your cheeks on your way to pull out the very large item. You found it was a very large, and soft, hand knit blanket. It looked like it could’ve cost a small fortune, and you immediately found yourself embarrassed.
“Oh wow. This is perfect! Thank you so much,” you grinned over at your coworker, who seemed to be blushing himself. “Well, I guess I should probably give you this then,” you chuckled awkwardly before passing him your wrapped package. He tore it open barbarically, then began to laugh. Of all the gifts in the world, you two had gotten each other somewhat similar items. Sure, it wasn’t hand knit with the love of some grandma who ran a small business on Etsy, but it was the thought that counts.
“I love it, Y/N,” he exclaimed, looking deep into your eyes once again. He ran his fingers through the soft fabric, then set a hand on your arm. In that moment, it felt like time stopped. It was just you two, sitting in a quiet room, enjoying the presence of each other. You don’t even know what had gotten into you, but before you knew it, you felt a nose pressed up against yours, and a billion butterflies erupt out of your stomach. You heard a few grimaces from your coworkers at the sappy, Hallmark-like moment but what could you say.
Maybe Ransom was not that bad after all.
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kiloxy · 3 years
Ngl Fools gold by One Direction gives me major Dnf vibes and a little bit of Fwt vibes
YES TO BOTH! Also love one direction omg. Funny enough I had this one on repeat when writing a chapter in my fic. So I def think it fits dnf, as well as Fwt. (Also sorry this took like two days to get out lmao)
So basically this song is just chef’s kiss, perfect for like some of the baity shit that goes on with dnf. This song analysis honestly got a bit real and angsty so fair warning. 
“And yeah I've let you use me from that day that we first met“
This can go either way for one of them using the other for bait. Cause you can’t deny early on things were mainly all bait and just fun and jokes. So in a way part of their relationship was using each other, whether it was for the entertainment of their audience, for stronger bits, or just to draw attention. But I think they were both in on it really. I can’t imagine either of them agreeing to the baiting if the other wasn’t comfortable. 
“But I don't regret, Falling for you”
They’re best friends, if there are feelings ultimately there’s not going to be regret. They already mesh so well and enjoy spending time together. Being in love almost appears like a natural step for their relationship to take. As even as friends they’ve got a fairly special relationship. So yeah, when it comes down to the acceptance of feelings, despite the odd situation they’re in considering their relationship has been somewhat of a joke, I think that neither will regret falling in love. Maybe initially, but I can’t see it being the final opinion on being in love. 
 “Fool's gold”
And here we are, the line that did this in as a dnf song for me. So for clarification if you don’t know what fool’s gold means when used as a phrase like this here is a description I pulled from here: 
“If you say that a plan for getting money is fool's gold, you mean that it is foolish to carry it out because you are sure that it will fail or cause problems.” 
Basically fool’s gold is something that appears as gold but isn’t, and it’s not valuable. When something is called fool’s gold it’s alluding to the fact that something may appear real/valuable but is in reality worthless. 
Ha now in terms of Dream and George’s relationship well, this is a bit sad but,
 If this started out as a joke, then it’s quite tragic to think that if say, Dream has feelings, this relationship may just be fool’s gold to him. From their stream moments the relationship appears like gold, it’s worth something, something of substance and value is there. But, the hard truth is that it started off as bait, a joke, so it is nothing of truth or value. At least that is how it could appear to Dream if they’re not on the same page. 
In context of what’s going between them now well... Considering how Dream had felt distaste towards dnf being used so much as a joke in jackbox, and then his peculiar silences after George flirting (don’t worry I am making a post that will further delve into this) this ‘fool’s gold’ idea may be something on his mind. As in he may be seeing the relationship as something like fool’s gold. Anyway moving on before I make myself sad. 
“I'm the first to admit that I'm reckless.”
I think Dream was a bit reckless in his open boundaries with this all, mainly his engagement in dnf. Now I am not saying there’s anything wrong with the boundaries he set, I can not judge them as everyone’s boundaries are personal and should be respected. I am saying though that it may be reckless of him to involve himself so much in dnf content. I think it would be hard for anyone to not confuse themselves seeing many people discuss/explore their feelings. 
“And I knew that you turn it on for everyone you met.”
This is just a fun one considering George collects simps faster than I collect mental illnesses. /hj (disclaimer I use humor to cope). But this does make me think of jealous Dream and how he really is out here vying for George’s attention. Which honestly without romantic feelings is hard because they’re best friends and are very close. With romantic feelings, and the unsure place their relationship is in, it’s uh, putting it lightly, not a fun situation. 
Anyway that concludes this song. Thank you lovely Anon for this one! I quite enjoyed this analysis. I think it took a very oddly somber tone? But in a good way I hope. Perhaps shining some light on the possibilities of their relationship.
It has been added to the playlist. 
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nightfurmoon · 5 years
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I’m jumping right into it because there is SO MUCH STUFF. THANK you puppy again for sending my ask to them to draw BH in his car aahhh
- Black Hat’s favorite book is The Necronomicon. - Demencia basically made up an entire fanfiction in her mind about her life with Black Hat and their kids. You can see a drawing of them up there. They have names but Alan didn’t specify. - Alan has ‘profiles’ of all of the characters, including birthdays, their zodiac signs etc. He was asked when Flug’s bday is but he can’t remember it, and asked us to remind him next stream because he’ll have those profiles at hand. - Alan compared Dem’s love for Black Hat to a teenager’s love for a boy band, it’s that type of obsession. - Demencia yanks at 505′s flower a lot and it’s very painful for him, emotionally and physically. However, the flower grows back, and it doesn’t grow with water but with love and affection. - When Alan gets writer’s block, he goes to a room alone and acts the scene he wants to write, with voices and everything, even Flug and Demencia’s. He also uses music to get out of it too. - BH’S ROOM!! Thank you @lazarel-3000 for asking it for me!! <3 I knew long time ago Alan said nobody’s ever entered BH’s room and he confirmed it again! Not even the HatBots are allowed inside. That’s the perspective from the window, and he described it from Flug’s view, you should check it out in the stream itself to get every detail because some things aren’t quite clear and even Flug himself is confused. - Flug in his room when he has free time makes model planes and reads books to himself or to 505. - Black Hat greatest gift to Flug was letting him live, LMAO - 505′s favorite dessert is one he can share with his friends. He really is the kindest thing on Earth. - Black Hat doesn’t sleep, he stands by his window and watches his subordinates cry and suffer. He said this in the stream with much joy. What a lovely bastard. - Black Hat is fun to write when he’s interacting with other characters, but it’s a bit difficult writing him when he’s alone. Nevertheless, Alan said they’re planning to do an episode just with him and he said it’s going well. I’M HYPED FOR THAT!! - Black Hat sang poor unfortunate souls in spanish at 1:20:37. - Demencia is no longer 19, she’s now 20 or 21, so they do age with us. - If Black Hat ever loses 505, Flug and Dem, he says he can replace them easily, but Alan said something he said in the very first conference: they work for him for a reason. And it seems important with how seriously he said it. - ‘What does BH do in his office all day?’ ‘None of your business, but maybe you can join me one of these days…’ Honestly after seeing that dead body in his room, that can’t end well. - Just like I said and I always thought, Black Hat’s clothes are a part of him, but he can take them off as well. - SUPER INTERESTING. They MAYBE do a comic series based off the darker side of Villainous they can’t show on TV. YES PLS. - Black Hat hates 505 but he doesn’t kick him out because he’s a good stress relief toy. - They asked if BH had organs/a heart or not. Alan answered saying that Black Hat took out his own heart from his chest once to scare 505, dropped it afterwards and left. - Flug is a mechanical engineer but never actually got a degree for that, he instead got an evil science degree at BH’s school. - At 1:44:50 Black Hat sang the all star song. Im. - Demencia sees Flug as an older brother and a competition to get BH’s approval. So sorry FlugxDem shippers x’D - Flug actually likes working there, but like everyone, has thoughts about escaping whenever BH gets real mad at him because who would want to deal with that LMAO, like that one discarded short where they all escape on a boat after messing up the manor. - ‘Can BH swim?’ He can walk on the bottom of the ocean, does that count? - If there ever was a live action Villainous movie, Black Hat would be Tom Hiddleston (I literally screamed so hard at this I LOVE LOKI OH MY GOD), for Demencia Kaya Scodelario, for Flug he doesn’t know but someone young and skinny, and for 505 Markiplier. - Black Hat eats gory and nasty stuff but Alan said ‘he doesn’t know’ if BH needs to actually eat, but he does eat a lot. - More people live on Hat Island, they’re villains but Alan won’t tell what they do there. - ‘BH, do you miss ruling the world, like before you helped villains?’ ‘Who says I’m not ruling the world?’ - A theme song is likely to happen in the future. - When you make deals with BH, there is always a catch. - The little phone might have someones soul inside of it, that’s why it moves around. - And to end this, something nice. Miguel and Alan are planning to do charity stuff, they gave the example of a hospital that treats children with cancer, and they said they’ll draw stuff for them and give them art supplies to keep them entertained <3
WOW. YEAH. It was packed! I really hope people read this stuff it took me so long to do dgsd
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fmdtaeyongarchive · 5 years
↬ my long night is not over.
date: early 2019.
location: seoul, south korea.
word count: 2,019 words, not including lyrics.
summary: n/a.
notes: creative claims verification. depression tw. like, this entire thing is about ash’s depression. not proofread because i wrote this all in one night and i’m just throwing it into the queue before i get some sleep lmao.
days off didn’t come often. when they did, ash had a habit of finding some way to fill his time anyway. it had been trained into him, almost literally, not to let a spare moment go to waste since the age of thirteen, and it was hard to ever fully knock that insistent voice out of his head that told him he needed to be busy or he was wasting his life away.
a day off where he didn’t have plans to do any work was unsettling. he’d been laying in bed for hours in an attempt to feel relaxed, but he couldn’t stop his mind racing when there was nothing else to keep it busy. yet, he couldn’t seem to will himself up to do something to waste his time. it was as if his thoughts were weighing down on his chest and preventing him from rising out of bed and forcing himself out into the world like a useful human being. he could recognize, despite his own irrational need for action, that it was odd that he felt his value so intrinsically linked to whether he ended the day with something accomplished when he worked from before sunrise to after night fall every other day of the year. his skin itched with restlessness, but his limbs refused to move, like they were too heavy for his body to lift.
it wasn’t a physical weight. he wouldn’t be getting torn to pieces at the next fitting he had to go to. it was a purely emotional weight, and ash had felt it before. it had been a while since it’d been this hard to fight, though. it may have something to do with his promotions for “untitled, 2014” coming to an end. singing that song on stage every day, multiple times a day, had worn his emotional nerve endings ragged and it made sense that they didn’t want to be exposed to the elements outside of his bed that could fray them again. it’d been a risky move on his part to agree to beat himself up in front of an audience and on camera so consistently. he didn’t have any regrets about it, but some hidden part of his psyche must and it was punishing him even more now by setting off the other parts of his psyche that he didn’t want to venture into the dark and cavernous depths of.
years ago, these episodes of heaviness hadn’t come like this to weigh down on his chest and mind. back in elementary school, he couldn’t remember ever experiencing the feeling, at least not enough to stay in his mind a decade and a half later. as much as he’d like to blame it on bc as he did most of the problems in his life, he couldn’t draw a direct connection to them to make it a fault of theirs either. he hadn’t started feeling this way the day he’d stepped into bc entertainment as a trainee. it wasn’t something in the air of the training building that had done this to him. the times he’d felt it the most often had been since then, but something told ash it would have grown worse as he got older anyway. no longer seeing the world through the eyes of a child was an inevitability regardless of his career path and seeing the harsh scope of reality made it harder to want to crawl out when he was stuck in a ditch like this.
the first time he’d felt this way, he’d been grocery shopping with his mom back in san francisco. his mom was busy piling their items onto the belt to check out and ash’s mind was left without something to distract it and keep the clouds from sweeping in. a feeling of dread had expanded in his chest like a rapidly filling balloon. as vast and wide as the feeling seemed to be, his insides felt completely and utterly empty at the same time. he’d sat in the backseat of the car on his way home from the grocery store so his mom wouldn’t notice the hot tears that wanted to spill out of his eyes. he couldn’t figure out why they were there in the first place. he wasn’t sad and it didn’t feel like it normally did when he wanted to cry. he was numb. suddenly, hopelessness was the only emotion he could reach out and grasp in his palm, all the excitement of life killed on impact like insects on a car windshield. even the idea of exiting the vehicle instead of letting his body rot away within it had felt so utterly pointless. his body would rot somewhere some day anyway.
it’d been such a strong feeling, or rather, a lack of feeling, that ash had never forgotten that day.
the sensation had come back time and time again since then. when he was twenty and the feeling had been constant for months to the point of driving his manager to force him to seek help for it, a psychiatrist had assigned a name to it and ash had wondered why it had taken so long for someone to notice and label it. it explained a lot, ash had discovered when he’d done a search into it beyond what he knew from media. the antidepressants had helped some after trying out a few different options. it was walking a delicate tightrope of what he needed and what bc needed once management knew he was on medication. if he gained weight from it or it impacted his ability to perform, it’d need to be abandoned immediately. that had made it a challenge to find one that helped without unacceptable side effects, but ash had found a variety that worked well enough as time dragged on and the fact that the feeling wasn’t ever going to fully leave him alone sunk in.
no medication could stop him from having days like this completely. “they can’t cure you. they’re to help make it more manageable,” as he’d been told, and any optimism for such days to be in the past had vanished.
so why was it still so painfully unmanageable on days like this?
days passed before ash felt up to getting to work in the studio, and even once he did, he had to force himself to ease back into it. the weight never wanted to leave that easily, even after it’d dug its claws out of him enough to let him breathe. friends and colleagues dropped by the studio here and there and it wasn’t easy to smile all the way to his eyes just yet, especially not after long days of trying to do his best at public appearances, but he could press keys on a keyboard to create chords and that was something that could be celebrated as a small victory as long as he wasn’t faced with too much at once.
the simple piano melody came to him as he sat for hours in the studio. it was mostly a succession of chords and nothing too show-offy, but it wouldn’t fit his mood if he did show off. he didn’t feel like he had a few days earlier, but still, he felt like whispering, not shouting from the hilltops. there was no point in trying to write something upbeat when his brain wasn’t ready to expend the energy necessary to go there yet.
the next day, the strings came into the composition. he made a mental note to ask if bc would be able to provide him with real string recordings if the song was ever completed and given the green light for release. he couldn’t see it ever being a single as it was, without a climax or likely much of anything resembling a hook, but maybe it’d be nice to use somewhere in the middle of an album track list one day in a spot that called for something a bit delicate in its closeness to ash’s heart.
the composition wasn’t much, but it was nice on the ears even without vocals. he let the song exist in a purely instrumental form for a while, considering its use as an interlude or outro on a future album. it was cinematic in an understated way, like the score of an animated movie during the scene where the main character was reflecting. they’d be staring into a pool of water for heavy-handed metaphor and there would be fireflies dancing in the dark night around them as a symbol of hope. there wasn’t much hope in his heart writing the song, but the idea of that use of the track brought a dull smile to ash’s face nonetheless. he’d never considered composing scores for movies. he should give that a try one day.
he came back to the track several weeks later, with pages of lyrical scrawls he’d gotten out while busy with his work schedule. for the moment, his chest wasn’t so leaden, but it was too familiar and lasting a feeling for him to forget what his really bad lows were like just because they’d passed for the moment. 
the world keeps rotating. it’s getting dark alone. my blank mind. there’s no song i want to sing. i want it to be quiet now.
simple rhymes came together into verses and a chorus to be sung lethargically over the music. he’d record his vocals later on when he could decide the best delivery without faking his emotions, but in their content alone, there was a tone to how they should be sung. 
the lyrics were a mix of reworded thoughts he’d scribbled down and his own additions as he sat in the studio but they came together like an aimless stream of conscious, perfect to represent the headspace he wanted to convey. it was the closest he could get to writing them when he wasn’t able to. he wasn’t able to pull himself out of the pitch black dark for the sake of creating something, but he could put into words what he’d felt later. they weren’t beautifully poetic, but neither was life most of the time. simplicity didn’t have to mean an absence of meaning. ash had learned that.
he’d written similar songs before. off of his first album, “pause” had been near and dear to his heart for the way it bared parts of him he’d been expected to keep hidden. he had no idea how much the depth of his struggles had been received, but it was having it out in the world that made it cathartic more than how other people felt about it. this track could hopefully bring more peace to him in knowing that some songs could come purely from his heart in a raw way that bc entertainment couldn’t take away from him. if they ever approved it, they’d monetize it and slap a pretty album cover on it with ash smiling or seducing the camera, but that would never take away the truth within the songs he’d written from such an integral core of himself. 
when ash had started, he wasn’t so sure what he wanted to accomplish with the song. was his purpose merely to get his thoughts and feelings out onto paper so that they didn’t have to keep floating around in his head? or did he want to selfishly indulge himself by using his keyboard and paper in place of therapy he didn’t have time for in his schedule these days? it hadn’t been clear at the beginning, but once the words were written out in front of him like a poem, he realized that he hoped his own stream of consciousness would be something someone else could relate to. maybe it wouldn’t be the song to save anyone’s life or brighten their whole day, but there were times when knowing there were other people who had felt the same way was the only semblance of comfort that could be found. ash hoped he could be that. no matter how much his music had to become something else to please other people, he hoped this piece could be something else: a song not to please anyone, but to speak to someone like him.
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shreyamistry · 5 years
This is me sending in requests! “I don’t care what anyone else thinks.” AME Mackenzie x MC, from the Fluff/Angst list. I would die of happiness if you used they/them pronouns for the MC. Also “you make me feel safe,” for Sabina x MC, ditto on the pronouns. Lastly, “I’m right where I belong.” For Annabelle x MC. I totally get if that’s too many, if you only do one, the first is my first choice! Love you, Nate! Hope you’re having a day/week as amazing as you are. 💘
Pairings: Annabelle x MC
Title: Dressing The Part
Word Count: 2k
Summary: The Duke decides to celebrate Hannah with a ball in their honor for this upcoming forced marriage. Annabelle can’t wait to see Hannah, but can the Duke ruin the night by opening his mouth and making them wear the most hideous dress they’ve ever seen?
A/N: Kylie (as a MH stan, your main blog icon makes me happy lmao, my favorite is Abbey)!! Thank you so much for the requests I’m so happy!! I haven’t got a chance to write Annabelle or Sabina yet so I’m excited! Look out for the other two, they’ll be their own post! Just in case I get any comments, I know that Annabelle is a lesbian and identifies as lesbian, this fic with the use of they/them pronoun for MC in no capacity is trying to deny that or take away her sexuality, the request called for a nb (they/them) lesbian MC and that’s what I did. If you have questions, google is free!
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Thanks for reading! I hope you like it!
Hannah’s hands brush against the fabric of their dress, looking over the intricate patterns and designs, her lips curled into a frown as Briar brushes through their black hair. Briar can’t help, but frown at the pensive look on her best friend’s face as she places both of her hands onto Hannah’s shoulders, giving them a reassuring squeeze.
“Are you alright, Hannah?”
Hannah glances in the mirror on their vanity to see Briar watching them. They look at the ribbons sewed onto the dress in an abundance picking at it with their fingers. “There’s..just a lot of bows, Briar.”
“I can find a different dress, I mean Duke Richards might be very against it, but-” Briar starts to ramble on, as she places the brush on the vanity whirling around to see even more confliction on Hannah’s face, noting to be quiet letting her mouth fall closed resting her hands in the pockets of her apron.
“It’s quite alright. Don’t distress over me.” Hannah forces a smile, “I may look the part, but it doesn’t mean I am the part. Do you suppose… Miss Parsons may admire the dress?” Hannah glances at Briar to check her honesty, noting Briar’s tell in the back of their mind as scratching her wrist. They watch as Briar scratches her inner wrist smiling brightly.
“Quite positive she’ll admire it,” Honesty doesn’t quite reach her words, “Are you trying to impress her?”
“Can you leave me for a moment?” Hannah asks, their hands picking at the bows on the dress refusing to meet the gaze of their best friend. Blinking back tears as Briar nods with a sympathetic smile, squeezing their shoulder as she glides out of the room her hands clasped behind her back. The sound of Lady Grandmother’s voice is heard talking to Briar reassuring her of Hannah’s dress fitting and dressing going smooth.
They take a heavy breath, freeing themselves momentarily of their discomfort before plucking the scissors off of the sleek white vanity, before pocketing it into the satchel wrapped around their leg. I am… Lady Hannah and I can do this. They think to themselves before rising from the chair exiting through the door which Briar left moments earlier joining Lady Grandmother and Briar in conversation. Gratuitous, kind, and sweet.
Mr. Harper and Annabelle stand around with Prince Hamid and Mr. Chambers talking over paperwork and business activities with Mr. Knoevi. It warms her heart to see the secret smiles Mr. Chambers and Mr. Knoevi share, and the flush that rising in Mr. Chambers cheeks as he notices looking away from her and Hamid’s prying eyes. She smoothes the fabric of her deep green dress suddenly feeling nervous about seeing her fiance in the ball thrown in their honor by their actual fiance.
“Miss Parsons, is everything all right? You seem distracted.” Prince Hamid comments, turning his head to the side in a comforting understanding way. She nods forcing a smile to her lips letting her hand fall onto his arm.
“You know how these balls, time-consuming, lacking entertainment, and Hannah isn’t here yet.” She frowns at the last part and he shakes his head yes in agreement.
“Well, should you want to cause mischief,” He crooked his eyebrow at her with a smile, “I am a conversation away.”
“We shall attack by the night’s end.” She grins. The music from the band begins to swell loudly drawing the attention to the main doors preparing for Hannah’s arrival. Applause ripples through the room as Duke Richards presents himself through the door, a courtesy showing that Annabelle could see her friends around her and Mr. Sinclaire across the way not participating in.
“Thank you all for…”
The Duke addresses the group as Annabelle catches snippets of the gossip around her surrounding Richards, Prince Hamid’s off comment about his business relations lately sounding of particular interest to her - as she may use it to help Hannah with their problem - before the noise of the band cuts off all conversation between the group again.
Her heart jumps in her chest as she spots Hannah across the room, their smile thin and faded as they wave happily at their guests shaking a few of their friends from knitting circle’s hands. She couldn’t help, but excuse herself from the men pushing her way through the crowd that begins to return to the ball at Hannah’s request.
“Miss. Parsons!” Hannah’s voice cuts through the final few people as Annabelle passes Henrietta and Mr. Marlcaster, she clasps her hands around her lovers smiling brightly as she finally reaches Hannah. “I’m delighted to see you here!”
“As am I, Hannah.” She brings one of Hannah’s hands to her lips kissing the back of their hands. “You’re a breath of fresh air and beauty tonight, when you mentioned the dress being fashion forwarded I hadn’t the slightest clue you meant in this way.” She glances down at all the lace trimmings and ribbons adorning the dress. Her hands move to pull on one of the bows, her forehead creasing with a frown.
“It was the Duke’s grandma’s in her youth.” Hannah replies, “It’s quite ugly isn’t it?”
Annabelle tries to cover her chuckles with her hand, failing miserably earning her a giggle from her lover. “It is quite ugly. I see why the Duke finds the beauty in it, an ugly soul is attracted to ugly clothes.”
“Miss. Parsons.” Hannah gasps with a grin, “You devilish woman.” Annabelle laughs freely in response to their words, before letting Hannah lead her away from the door into the thick of the ball out of the prying eyes of those around them in the open. “Are you feeling alright? You seem quite out of it.”
“A conversation I had with Duke Richards earlier-”
“DARLING! Must you share our indecent moments with your companions? That’s very unladylike. And you’re slouching, you’re going to wrinkle the dress. And don’t think I didn’t hear you speaking about the state of the dress, that is a family heirloom.” The Duke hounds them with question after question leaving Hannah no room to reply or defend themselves, cowering away from the Duke as a caged animal may. Tension settles in Annabelle’s bosom, as she watches them retaining her anger with the Duke inside her to fore long his abuse against her lover. “Leave me now.” He demands, waving away the both of them with his hands after he finishes his one-sided conversation with Hannah.
“If you’ll excuse me,” Hannah whispers, their eyes burning with tears brushing past ball guests towards the patio not far from their location. Annabelle hesitates only a moment before following after her to ensure the Duke does not follow the both of them. Shoving her way out of the door, she sees a trail of footsteps off to the side quickly dashing after them hiking her dress up off the floor following the shallow steps towards the garden.
She finds a tearful Hannah sitting on the bench near the flowers, throwing things from the bench. Annabelle quickly approaches falling onto the bench besides Hannah fiercely gripping their hands to stop them from moving. “Hannah stop!”
“It. Needs. To. GO!” They yell, fighting Annabelle back for the scissors in their hands, the fabric of the bow on the front half cut. “I can’t deal with this Annabelle!” Their tears stream down their face, as they pull on the scissors nearly wrenching them out of Annabelle’s hands. “You shouldn’t even be here!”
“I’m right where I belong, Hannah.” The fierceness in her eyes causes Hannah momentary shock, allowing Miss. Parsons to quickly gain better hold on the scissors. “I wouldn’t rather be anywhere in the world except on this bench alone with you.”
“I…” Hannah trails off, before letting out a loud sob tucking their face away refusing to look at Annabelle. “Please, Annabelle. Leave me to solitude.”
“No.” Before they can get another heavy-handed pull, Annabelle leans in wrapping her arms tightly around her lover’s crying form, holding them to her chest shushing their sobs as sweetly as she can muster. Her hand running up and down Hannah’s back, soothing them into the touch as Hannah clutches onto the back of Annabelle’s dress. Resting their face on Miss. Parsons’ chest. Their grip on her never wavering clinging to their life support in human form.
The pair sits in quiet, the occasional sound of Hannah’s sniffles interrupting them followed by the sweet soothing of Annabelle’s reassurances. The moment seems to last an eternity as Hannah picks themselves back up from the pieces they’ve broken into. Enjoying the warmth of Annabelle’s form for a few more seconds before sitting up completely to face her, the back of their hand brushing against their cheek.
“I will help you,” Annabelle whispers, producing the scissors from the bench. “You’ll just leave unpleasant holes if you snip away without any care.” She brings the scissors to the first bow, looking around the fabric for the perfect place to start snipping, lifting a corner as she slides her scissors underneath before coming down on the fabric placing the bow onto her lap as she looks at the dress. “There.”
“Thank you.” Hannah sniffles.
“There’s no reason to thank me, Hannah.” She smiles softly at them, bringing her own hand to their cheek letting it rest gently on their skin, brushing her thumb back and forth gently hiding her smile at the way Hannah leans into the touch. “Shall, we finish de-hidifying this dress?”
“Please.” Hannah laughs, turning on the beach so their back is towards Annabelle. “Removing the back bows off might have resulted in an injury had I done it myself.” Annabelle chuckles in response.
“Then it’s a good thing, I was here to prevent that.”
Moments pass in comfortable silence as she finishes removing the last of the bows. She tucks them onto her lap underneath the others smoothing them over her lap to help keep them organized. Hannah turns in their seat to face Miss. Parsons again.
“I won’t provoke you further by asking,” Annabelle reassures, “But are you feeling okay, my love?”
“Yes.” They smiles taking her hand, “Because of you.” Leaning in Hannah steals a kiss from Annabelle who falls into the shared contact, resting her hand on the back of Hannah’s neck, deepening the shared moment between the pair. The moment lasts a million years in Hannah’s mind sharing the connection of a kiss with her lover. Annabelle clinging tightly onto them before breaking the kiss with a deep breath a smile tugging at the corner of their lips.
“We should be alone far more often.” Annabelle grins.
“I’ll make sure of it.” Hannah grins back, placing a sweet kiss to Annabelle’s lips one last time. “Shall we spend the rest of our lives in this garden?”
“So long as it includes kissing you, I should spend my life with you anywhere.” Annabelle brushes her nose against Hannah’s, their forehead resting against one another’s. “There’s nowhere I’d rather be than with you, you’re my home, Hannah.”
“I love you deeply, Miss. Annabelle Parsons.”
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8/28/19 8:09pm - Meanwhile, In Real Time (basically all of aug ‘19)
So today I only have one patient for the first time in like half a year. I guess it makes sense since it’s the end of august and insurance policies are starting to roll over. After so many busy weeks of work it’s really exciting though.
And it couldn’t have happened at a better time. For one I’m pretty excited to get writing and catching up on this past year. But for TWO, World of Warcraft Classic just launched this week. I wasn’t sure if I was going to like it. Yknow I never played it before because I was worried how it would eat my life like Runescape did. But Spencer and a bunch of NC Melee peeps wanted me to play so I’m in there. Looks like my obsessions really have cycled in order.
[continued at 11:04pm after putting pts to bed]  Pokemon (first grade), Magic (third grade), Runescape (fourth grade), Halo/Gears (7th-9th), Guitar Hero (8th-10th), Quiz Bowl (11th&12th) , Ultimate Frisbee (12th-soph), League of Legends (soph-senior), Melee (senior-last year). I have a kind of filthy habit of playing so much that it’s debilitating and then finally breaking out of it only to move on to doing the same thing with something else.
Since quitting melee I’ve gotten obsessed with Pokemon and Magic, so it looks like getting into WoW was inevitable. 
Just kidding, an unscheduled 2nd patient showed up and it turns out he’s actually supposed to be here so I’m not QUITE so free as all that, but it’s still not 3 patients, 2 is totally easy for me now.
Lol I took this screenshot when I got in to the office 
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as of now I’m all caught up with work and I’ve still got 133 minutes to go, so looks like I have plenty of time to write for a second.
So what do I have to catch up on? well my days have been looking like weds-thurs-fri are always work, saturday I’ll stay up all day doing something, sunday I’m usually sleeping in, Monday I’m usually either playing DnD or chilling playing games, and Tuesday is a chill day until karaoke. 
The past two weekends have been kind of crazy though, so I just wanted to write about them for a minute before I got too far gone. 
Actually, let’s go back to 3 weekends ago. I visited Dars because I needed to, it’s been too long. I meant to write a lot more than I did, but instead I stayed up late into the night watching Andi draw shit on twitch. I’ve been thinking about her a lot lately, mostly trying to collect all my thoughts on what I want to write about, but I definitely miss her and hope she’s doing okay. I ‘accidentally’ responded to a question she asked when she was talking to herself on stream, I hadn’t meant to talk to her at all I just wanted to see her do her thing and reflect on her a little.  Really I wanted to watch her play breath of the wild. I miss us playing that together. Watching her enjoy something I enjoyed so much really made me happy. Anyway, I only bring that up because I tried to tune in again to actually watch her play BotW and found out she blocked me from her channel. I could still watch, which was nice, but I couldn’t say anything. Probably for the best. After watching her for a few hours I unfollowed her channel so I wouldn’t even try anymore.
Now you’re just somebody that I used to know.
I did that song at karaoke last night. I practiced in the bathroom and the car beforehand and was nailing it I thought. But I got up on stage and I was thinking of you and I bombed it. I haven’t bombed a song so hard since the time I tried to sing you I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing when I was in drunk-screaming mode, or the first time I tried to do MakeDamnSure. And those were when I was drunk. This I like just tried to get to the high notes and on stage I just couldn’t. My voice kind of broke. I cleared the crowd. It was humiliating, to be honest. I don’t know if I was tired from playing 12 hours of WoW with spencer yesterday (amazing, btw. I had a ton of fun), or if I was thinking of you too much, or if I was actually just floundering from making the first mistake (which doesn’t quite make sense because I’ve made mistakes and then fixed them easily in plenty of songs before). But it was awful.  I got to hang out with some friends for a bit, sang The Hand That Feeds and did excellently at it, got some good cheers and shit, but I still felt like ass. Went home and played some melee and some more WoW and stayed up until 6am and slept 12 hours lmao.
So I had an avocado for dinner and now here I am. I’ve been doing more fasting days lately where I eat really light. They’re not true fasting days because usually I eat a bunch of nuts or something. But I don’t eat a big meal like I normally do once a day. Also I wanted to go back to Darlin’s because we watched zoolander, and at one point he says “bulimia is a great way to lose pounds before a shoot” and I was like “oh yeah, true.” lol so now if someone makes me eat a bunch of ice cream with them (darlin and jill), then I’ll do it and throw it up after -_-. Not the healthiest but I’ve only done it on like two or three occasions. I’m mostly being good. Only exercising once a week lately though, WoW kinda blew up everything this week and I’ve been hella busy lol. 
Okay so week after Darlin’s, I made some new friends at karaoke that my buddy Skyler introduced me to there. I drove up to Virginia on Saturday to do Quarry Fest that tessa and her boyfriend had planned out on his property. It was fucking phenomenal. Spent the day day drinking and swimming, it was gorgeous out, beautiful people in swimsuits everywhere, made a whole bunch of new friends who loved me because they already loved tessa, saw a handful of old high school friends. I really got strong attraction vibes from my friend Emily, but she was there with a new boyfriend so ah well such a shame for her lmao. Stayed up until like 4 in the morning talking with people around a big bonfire, it was just like a fun old rappahannock field party where everyone knew everyone at least by a removal factor of one. Such a beautiful time. I fucking drunkenly danced my ass off all night while these live musicians and djs were on. Just phish style sway jammed out in the sand, made my legs fucking exhausted lol. Moving in sand is so fucking hard! I’d get a drink, chug it down, spin around drunkenly jam around for a bit, sober up, get a new drink, rinse and repeat lmao. The Diet Dr Pepper and white rum idea later in the night was miserable though. FUCK diet drinks they’re not adequate mixers. holy blegh. plus the rum was hot as balls I need to find a new kind of liquor to keep in my trunk. The best idea I’ve heard from people so far is sake. I loved Tessa’s boyfriend’s family too. The one little brother had the same supreme cheetah print that I had on except he had the boxers, we really hit it off actually. After sleeping in my car for the night I woke up and went skinny dipping for like an hour or so, I spent a lot of the next morning talking to him and his girlfriend, mostly entertaining her with the weird stories that I tell on here. She said I was probably the craziest person she’d ever met, and wished that I lived closer so that she could hook me up with her sister. She said she needed to try someone fun like me out LMAO. Then their family made a huge breakfast at their house and I got to pig out on some lox and chit chat with tessa about shit before heading back to Raleigh.
That’s right, I went there and came back for just a day because I needed to be back the next night for Emo Karaoke LOL. There’s no way I was gonna miss it, it’s only once a month. 
It was the craziest thing though. My friends caitlin and gretchen came to emo karaoke but it hadn’t started yet because of an open mic poetry night, so they split to go to Ruby’s annual No Pants Party and told me to meet up with them if I wanted to. I was the first person to sing, I did The Used and it went fantastically. I met this guy morgan and his girlfriend elizabeth I think, and she emailed me a video of it lol I love it. I also sang backup vocals for him on MakeDamnSure, I was so happy that he asked me, I’ve literally practiced doing the backup singing just in case someone ever did hahaha. But after my song this girl walks up to me and says “did you go to chapel hill? Do you remember who I am?” I look at her and it’s none other than fucking LEXI. Like huge crush in college Lexi. Like written about her at least a handful of times at LEAST Lexi. Like I named my fucking CAR after you Lexi. So I was like “HOLY SHIT YES” oh my god and caught up with her and I’m 90% sure she was there with another guy, but I got to meet her friends and chit chat and I screamed my fucking throat out that night. My voice was already toasty from singing in the car all the way up and back from virginia but after that it was torched lmao. I also did The Used+MCR’s Under Pressure with my friend from there Kenny, got some chick’s number, and the list was full so I dipped after that.
Went to the no pants party and it wasn’t super crazy, but I got some beautiful pics lol. Caitlin helped me tie up my shirt super cute, I wore it as a blouse and as an ascot hahaha. But hanging with them at the no pants party mostly got me to this afterparty at a friend’s place downtown.  I had rum and bought some coke that we threw in the freezer, but instead of mixing the coke and rum me and Jacob had this great idea to mix the rum with freezie pops to see if it was any good. Did like 3 shots testing it out to see if the ratio could work. Mostly it tasted like a bad slushie lol. Went to the porch to smoke a cig and people started passing some coke around so I did a little of that, and started having this long ass conversation with this girl MJ. We hit it off for like literally an hour on the porch at 4 in the morning. We talked about pokemon and tons of nerdy video game shit, and it turns out she had been at karaoke that week, I had already listened to her singing! I got her number and have since tried to hit her up a few times to hang out. She’s always responded to all of my texts IMMEDIATELY. like within the minute fast. It’s weird. But unfortunately either because she’s not actually interested or because she’s truly been too busy, I haven’t been able to meet up with her to do anything. I guess we’ll see if that ever develops, but I think she was really cool. I really hope I at least get to make a pass at her.  After that I brought gretchen back to my place to hang out. Didn’t try to hook up with her or anything, but we just wanted to chill and do some blow that I had leftover and wanted to get rid of. Did some talking about some fucked up shit going on with some of her friends dying, but it was mostly in the context of her wanting to go back to the party to try to find an adderall on the ground when we ran out of shit. At like 8 in the morning we drove around to pick up some shit, but nobody was awake, she gave me half an adderall to try to help me stay up but after I popped it I still took a nap in the car while we waited so I was like yeah nah I’m tapping out. After driving to virginia and back and having two late party nights I was fucking spent and didn’t want to miss my appointment to drop my car off for repairs. Honestly though, I have no fucking idea what Brandon saw in her that made him so coocoo for her. She seems like your typical party hardy everything-sucks kind of girl. I don’t think I’ve heard her say a positive thing about...anything. She’s always shit talking or talking down about life or saying she wants to go somewhere else that’s cooler, or that older parties were more fun or some shit. Meh. Luckily I’m not the one tryna bang her, and Caitlin totally balances her out with how smiley and happy she is when I hang out with them. Her and Jacob are cute as fuck too. 
But I DID end up making it to my appointment. My car is almost done being fixed!!
Then I had a board game night that monday, me and Trent and Steven played some of this train game called snowdonia and I narrowly lost. Steven almost always beats me, that fucker lol. I really respect how smart he is about magic and game theory in general tbh.
Last week there was karaoke and work. At karaoke I found out this really cute smiley girl Hannah (a friend/coworker of my lesbian couple friends) is getting a divorce from her husband (she’s like 24), and so thattt’s pretty interesting. I don’t wanna make moves because she’s wonderful and I don’t want to be a douche, but she’s like... still the happiest person I’ve ever met even in the midst of changing her entire life. I kinda wish I could go on a date with her just to find out more about her lol. Saturday I didn’t sleep so that I could go to my friend Helena’s place for her to dye and cut my hair. I really followed through on wanting it to look like Brad Pitt from Once Upon A Time In Hollywood like I decided when we saw it darlin’s lol. I really wanted to change my hair, I’m kind of sick of having bangs in my face and need to symbolically move on to doing something new. Then saturday afternoon/evening I got drunk as fuckkkk with broscious and irene for their housewarming party. First time getting really drunk with them it was so much fun! We played a drinking game while watching a glassblowing show where we drank every time they said glass or blew, so it was pretttty good hahaha. I probably overdid it with the threesome and trap jokes later with their friends when we got to the bar lol, but they seemed so innocent I had to fuck with them a little hahaha. Fell asleep on the floor of their living room at like 3 in the morning because someone else had dibs on the couch. Woke up at like 7am blegh, found out I lost my house key lol, went back to sleep at my place til noon, then went to play board games with steven trent and reyad again.  After that I went to boxcar to meet up with Maya, and she had brought a bunch of her coworkers and Rianne as usual, so it was a great time. We bounced from boxcar to Rianne’s place, got to drink with Ollie and played this weird frog golf game and we discussed whether Blonde or Channel Orange was the better Frank Ocean album. They ALL were fighting me that Channel Orange was just better in every way, but I still think Blonde is incredible. I offered to take Jill home to her place since she lives nearby, we got some mcdonalds and watched some american dad and had some great sex. and again the next morning, and again in the afternoon. So luckily that’s still working out, I thought it had fallen apart, but I’ll explain more on that later on when I finish playing catchup. I took her back to her car and we got some good ass ramen downtown.
We made tentative plans to hang out again the next day and maybe go thrifting and I spent the rest of monday playing Melee for a couple hours. But I woke up at 9am and started playing WoW with spencer, so when she hit me up that she was getting off work at like 3pm I was in the middle of a 6 hour bingefest playing WoW for the first time in my life. He told me I should keep playing with him so I didn’t fall behind and so I thought about it... and then I did lmao. I said that I was nerding out with my roommate and asked if she wanted to hang out after karaoke. She said yeah definitely but she might go to bed earlier than normal (~3) because she had to work a double. I hit her up at midnight to leave karaoke early after that embarrassment of a performance, but she never responded. I think she said she wanted to hang out so that she could blow me off too, tbh. But jokes on her, I got to play more melee until I could get through the login queue for WoW and got to play for another 3 hours. Perfect.
Though more sex would’ve been nice, for sure. 
Anyway, things are going wonderfully. I’m going to a big concert in raleigh in two weeks. Probably just nerding out this weekend since I mixed up my weekends and didn’t make plans. Helena dyed my hair with highlights to look like brad pitt, but I’m changing it to be totally blonde like Maya and Rianne want instead. They miss my old yellow hair lol and Oliver and everyone I’ve asked did too so I’m gonna try it out again. 
Definitely ready to move forward and try some new things. 
I’ve been thinking about Andi way too much the past two weeks. It sucks. I really want to talk to her. And give her her chair back. So I want to see her. But I know I’m feeling good with everything so really things are better off just moving on I guess. Maybe once I finally write my catchup posts about her I can stop thinking about her. But it’s made me procrastinate a lot, I’m like literally doing anything I can to not write these last handful of catchup posts...
But I promise I will soon. I need to do it. Maybe that’s what I’ll do saturday while I wait for the queue for WoW to thin out lmao. It’s currently 12:06 and I still have an estimated time of 13 minutes after trying to log in at 7:45 lol.
Also tryna cop some supreme clothes tomorrow. Wish me luck, I Really hope I can get this tiger print jacket and hat. Boutta drop a mint lol. Clothes are kinda fun. It’s nice not dressing like a hobo all the time, I guess. Mostly because it’s hot. Once it’s the right temperature to wear pajama pants again you better believvvve I’m gonna just get fancy sweatpants lmfao.
Anyway, queue’s finally done! holy shit yeah it’s only 12:15 Kappa. Gonna go play some WoW love you guys bye <3
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