#i hope wednesday is treating u well!!!
inkyclive · 1 year
cLARI IM SCREAMING. you’re feeding into my lil delulu mind that was too perfect pls im sobbing 😭
the mixture of cid and gav feeding into it all. it’s hilarious because i can’t get guard dog gav out of my head. if anyone was going to lead the charge he’s the best fit
but ugh cid just being to wrapped around your finger just as deep in it as you are 🫡🥹😅 my lil heart ❤️
HEHEHE well i agree with you!!! i just see him with a brat type!!! i’m glad u enjoyed my chaotic lil answer eheheh c:
riGHT THO????? right!!!!!!! i can literally hear him muttering under his breath you fucker as he passes by someone who just insulted his n cid’s lil babydoll, tryna hold back his trembling fists and not deck the asshole right in the jaw because cid told him to tone it down </3 gav would absolutely start bar fights for—and over—you <333
one of my favourite concepts!!!!! like just the character knowing you’re a brat and knowing what you (or you two) do isn’t necessarily, technically ‘right’ but being too in love and obsessed with you and addicted to the absolute high you + your resulting behaviour gives them to care enough to stop or correct it <33333 gimme selfish greedy obsessive lovers!!!!!!!!!
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inkykeiji · 9 months
yeah someone having the audacity to call reader but imagine reader having the damn audacity to tell touya-nii "dont answer it!!"
jeeeez anon do u have a death wish!? he’s gonna fuck you all the way into next year if you attempt to insist on such a thing! first of all, he’s growling in your ear, words so caustic his breath burns your skin, you’re in no position to be making demands of him. secondly, who the fuck do you think you are, trying to tell him what to do!? he’s the boss here, never forget that! 
such an order, entirely uncalled for and beyond disrespectful, makes his vision bleed crimson with fury. not only is he pissed off at you for trying to control him, but he’s also extremely upset over the fact that you don’t want him to answer it. it sends his entire mind into overdrive, even as he’s buried balls deep in you—why would you ever not want him to answer and tell whoever’s on the other line to fuck off? who is it? what are you hiding from him? are you embarrassed by him? endless threads of questions tangle into an incomprehensible ball in his mind, his ears ringing with terror and confusion, and oh, he's going to make sure whoever this fucker you don’t want him speaking to knows exactly what you’re doing, and exactly who’s doing it to you.
hips pausing for a moment and pressed flush to your ass, he uses one large palm to keep your face buried in the mattress, hand cupping the crown of your head, fingers splayed out and digging into the sides of your scalp, while his other hand answers the phone. but he doesn’t say anything, merely placing the device right next to your mouth, his motions so swift and smooth your fucked-out mind can barely comprehend what’s happening before he’s ramming into you again, rough and ruthless, quite literally pounding the most vulgar sounds from your chest. they pour from your mouth, thick and sticky with spit, slathered across your phone screen.
and don’t you dare try to snatch your phone up to end the call—he’s got lithe fingers curling around your wrists in an instant, shackling them together in one hand, squeezing them so tight your bones grind and your veins tingle, starved of blood, and pulling your arms taut behind your back, using them as leverage to pull you toward his plunging hips. he’s going to force you to moan and sob and mewl for whoever it is on the other line that you ‘didn’t want him to answer’, and then he’s going to have you return their call, unexpected and unassuming and entirely abruptly sometime in the near future, and force them to listen to you get fucked raw and dumb again. in fact, he might even call them back several times with the same little stunt, just to drive the message home and make sure you truly understand. and then, maybe you’ll think twice about trying to tell him what to do, and they’ll think twice about trying to call you (or answering your returning calls at all).
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johnsbleu · 1 year
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 154
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warnings: nsfw
The plan was to go to Paris for Valentine’s day, but you and John decided that since Ronan was having such bad separation anxiety, it was best to put the trip on hold for a few months until things calmed down a little. You were a little bummed at first, but you’re excited to go now that it’s so warm! The flowers will be in bloom, people will be sitting on the sidewalks in front of cafes, and you won’t be cold all the time.
You’ve already been researching what it’ll be like in Paris during the month of May, and so far it’s just up your alley. The temperatures are nice, just a little below 70 on average, but the sun will be warm while you explore the streets and beautiful gardens, and all the typical touristy locations that you’re dying to see for the first time. You’re not a world traveler like Mr. Wick.
Your flight leaves tomorrow afternoon, so you’ll be in Paris pretty late tomorrow night. You don’t know how well you’re going to do when you have to leave Ronan, but you’re just trying to be strong since she’ll know if you’re upset.
This will be the first time you’re leaving her for more than a night or two, and you’re beyond nervous for it. You’re worried that she’ll revert back to when her separation anxiety was at its highest when you don’t come back to get her. You’re worried that you’ll be sick to your stomach by the end of the second day that you’ll be begging to go home and it’ll piss off John--you know deep down that it won’t, but you still worry. You’re really just trying to stay strong right now. Keyword is trying.
Ronan is currently sitting on a blanket with you under the tree while John plants some flowers in the pots on the patio, but she keeps crawling over to see him. She managed to crawl over to him when neither of you were watching, and she got a handful of dirt that went directly into her mouth. You expected her to cry when she got a taste of it, but she only giggled while you and John frantically grabbed water to wash out her mouth. She’s a hearty baby. A true Wick.
You’re scrolling through your iPad and looking at some cute places to check out when you get to Paris, and you look up when you hear John laughing.
“Well, I see you managed to eat some dirt again.” John laughs, wiping his hands on his jeans before he reaches over for Ronan. He kisses her cheek a few times and groans as he stands up, then he walks over to you, “Look at this bug.”
You smile as you prop your head on your hand and look at John when he sits down, “Eating dirt again?”
Ronan giggles loudly when John tickles her sides, and you get up to kiss her cheek. You smile at John and kiss him, and he leans over again for another kiss before he gets some water to clean the dirt of Ronan’s mouth.
“I would hug you, but I’m dirty.”
“I see that,” you laugh, pointing at the dirty handprints on Ronan’s dress as John grimaces, and you smile as you look at Ronan and talk in your mom-voice, “Well, it’s a good thing momma bought the laundry detergent that gets out stains, huh? Yeah!”
John laughs, “That mom-voice.”
“Ro loves it,” you tease, then you stick your tongue out at John.
Taking a deep breath, John lays down and places his head in your lap, then he smiles when you run your fingers through his hair and scratch his scalp. He slowly closes his eyes and smiles, then he looks down at Ronan when she crawls over to lay on his chest.
“Can you believe that tomorrow we’ll be in Paris?”
You laugh, “Yeah, at almost 1 in the morning.”
“But we’ll still be in Paris.” John laughs, and you smile before leaning down to kiss him. “I figured once we’re there, we might as well just head to the house and crash for the night. Wake up in the morning, shower, go grab some breakfast. I know a good place.”
“Of course you do.” you whisper as you lean down to kiss him again.
John places his hand on the back of your head to keep you from moving away from his lips, and he pulls you down a little more to kiss you with more passion. You press small kisses to his lips and smile, then you sit up and look at Ronan fast asleep next to John.
“Look at her,” you whisper, then you grab your sweatshirt and fold it up before you place it under John’s head. You crawl over to lay down next to him and Ronan, and you wrap your arm over the two of them. “She’s so in love with you.”
“I’m pretty in love with her too.” John smiles, then he rolls onto his side and places his hand on your hip.
You smile as you look down at her and rub your thumb against her plump cheek, “She stole my man, but that’s okay.”
John laughs as he looks at you, “Nah, your man is still obsessed with you. Even more so now seeing you as a mom. You’re such a good mom.”
“Don’t do this,” you laugh as you tear up, “You know I’ll cry.”
“Bug is so lucky to have you, peach.” he whispers, and you bite your cheek as you sniffle, “And I am too. Can’t ever get over how lucky I am to call you my wife. You’re such an amazing and kind woman, and I can’t wait to see how that’ll rub off on our daughter.”
You laugh as you wipe away the tear on your cheek, then you sit up to kiss John, “I love you. She’s very lucky to have you as a dad too. We’re both very lucky to have you in our lives.”
“What a lucky man I am,” John says as he pulls you closer, then he looks down at Ronan asleep between the two of you, “She’s gonna be okay this week.”
Nodding your head, you look up at John, “I’m just gonna miss her.”
“I am too,” John nods, then he smiles, “Before you know it, she’ll be back in our arms.”
“Yeah,” you nod, then you sigh a little, “I wish she could experience Paris with us though.”
John laughs, “We’ll bring a croissant and beret home for her.”
“I can’t wait to hear you speaking French all week.” you smile, and John scoffs as he looks up at the sky. “Teach me how to say...”
“Bonjour,” John says, and he laughs when you give him a blank stare. “That means ‘hello’.”
“I know common words, you dork.” you laugh, then you roll over to your stomach. “I think you can do the talking this week though.”
John chuckles, “You just like when I speak French, huh?”
“And Italian. The way it just rolls off your tongue is very sexy.” you laugh, leaning over to kiss him. “I love you.”
“Je t'aime, mon amour.” John whispers, and you smile as you lean over to kiss him.
Sitting on your mom’s couch, you hold Ronan tight in your arms and kiss her cheek over and over, desperately trying to keep a grip on her even though she’s kicking her legs to be put down. You finally let go of her and watch as she crawls over to play with her bucket of toys, and you feel your throat burn as you start to tear up.
“Yeah, I made sure to put all of that stuff in her bag.” John says, and you look up at him, “You have a key to the house if you need to get anything. I bought a new bag of dog food for Bleu, so you should be set for him all week. Uh, is there anything else I’m forgetting?”
You shake your head as you get up, “No, I think that’s everything.”
“Oh, sweetheart, she’ll be okay.” your mom smiles as she hugs you, “You and Jonathan need some time alone, and it’ll go by so fast.”
“I hope.” you joke, and John smiles softly. You sigh as you look over at Ronan sitting on the floor, then you shrug, “I know it’ll be nice for us to just be together, but I won’t lie, I am going to miss my baby girl.”
John reaches down for Ronan and hugs her tight in his arms, then he leans back and puckers his lips. You smile when Ronan gives John a kiss and a huge hug, then you wipe away the tear on your cheek.
“I love you,” John whispers as Ronan babbles and drools, then he kisses her again before handing her over to you.
“I love you so, so, so much, baby girl.”
You hug Ronan tight and close your eyes, and you open them to see John quickly wiping away a tear. He sniffles a little when you look at him, and he walks over to hug both of you. Seeing you cry obviously upsets him.
You can’t hold it in anymore, so you cry a little harder as you hold Ronan. You lean back and smooth her hair away from her face, then you kiss her cheek several times before you pucker your lips to get a kiss from her. You hug her once more and inhale her sweet little baby smell, then you put her on the ground and walk away to keep yourself from completely falling apart.
“I’ll let you know when we get there.” John says to your mom, then he leans down to kiss the top of Ronan’s head. “We love you. We’ll see you soon.”
“Have fun, you two. Bye! Love you!”
John smiles as he waves at your mom, “Love you, bye.”
“Love you, mom.” you smile, then you look at Ronan, “I love you, bug!”
Ronan waves her hand as she looks at you, then she looks back at her toys and continues to play. To Ronan, this is just a little sleepover at her Grandma’s and she’ll see you tomorrow, so you’re just hoping she’ll be okay when you don’t show up to get her.
“Come on, baby.” John says softly as he takes your hand, then he leads you out the door and to the car. He opens the door for you to get in, then he shuts it and quickly gets in the driver’s side. He places his hand on your thigh and squeezes it to get your attention, “You still want to go, right?”
“Of course I want to go, babe.” you say as you nod, then you let out a small laugh, “I’m just gonna miss our daughter. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to spend some time in fucking Paris with my husband.”
John smiles, leaning over to kiss you, “It’ll be fun.”
“We got a flight to catch, Wick.”
“Right!” John laughs, then he starts the car and smiles at you, “You’re gonna look so good in Paris.”
The flight was long and tiring, and the moment you got into your hotel, which is more like an apartment, for the week, you and John instantly crashed. You didn’t even get up in the night to pee. You slept straight through the night, which is a little usual for you. Mostly because you usually have to get up to feed Ronan or change her.
You look over at John and smile as he peeks his eyes open, then you lean over to kiss him, “I’m gonna go pee and explore this place.”
“It’s just a hotel…” John laughs as he rubs his hands over his face. “We’ve been in hotels before.”
“Yeah, but I need to explore it! There’s an entire top floor that needs to be explored!” you get up from the bed and smile when John looks over at you and raises his eyebrow. His sleepy face is just too cute, so you crawl back into bed and flop down as he lays on top of you and kisses you.
John hums against your lips, then he smiles as he moves his hand up your thigh to the waistband of your underwear, “I think maybe we should--”
“Yeah, you’re not even gonna need to convince me.” you laugh, pulling your nightgown off before you cup his face and kiss him, “I’m having sex in Paris!”
You and John laughed through your entire shower since he insisted on showering with you. The problem was that the shower was definitely not intended for two people to be in at once. John didn’t care. He scrunched in behind you and laughed as the two of you fumbled to move around one another. He did kiss you every time you turned around to rinse your hair out, so that was a bonus!
“Ya know, I guess I’m realizing I take advantage of our shower at home.” you say as you pull your towel off and put on some underwear, “I love showering with you, but I think that’ll be the last time we shower together while we’re here.”
John laughs as he looks up at you, “Nah, I’ll scoot in there with you tomorrow too.”
“I bet.” you laugh, walking over to your suitcase to find what to wear today.
“It’s pretty warm today.” John says, then he looks over at the curtains that are still drawn over the window. “I haven’t opened those yet because I want to see your reaction when I do.”
You look up at him and smile, “It’s right there, isn’t it?”
“We’re not right next to it, but yes…” John gets up and walks over to kiss you, “The Eiffel Tower is pretty close.”
Since it’s a little warmer out, you settle on a denim romper and some comfortable shoes for walking, then you grab your makeup bag and put a little on before you fix your hair. After getting ready for the day, you walk into the bedroom and laugh when John whistles at you.
“You look so beautiful,” John smiles as he pulls you between his legs, “All mine.”
You cup John’s face as you lean down to kiss him, then you run your fingers through his hair, “Handsome.”
“You ready to see the view?” he asks, and you nod your head as you smile.
“View isn’t so bad in here,” you say, and he scoffs as he pats your behind a few times.
John gets up and walks over to the balcony doors, then he opens the doors and reaches for your hand. You smile at him as you walk over, then you gasp when you finally see the Eiffel Tower. The view of the Paris skyline is absolutely perfect, and it almost brings a tear to your eye. The sunrise is absolutely beautiful this morning.
Sure, it might be cliche, or even a little lame, but it’s genuinely stunning and beautiful. You really never thought in a million that you’d be seeing it with your very own eyes.
John wraps his arms around you and hugs you, “What do you think?”
“It’s beautiful,” you smile as you look at it, then you look around at the balcony, “Can we order dinner and eat it out here tonight?”
“Of course!” John smiles as he nods, then he walks over and leans against the railing, “It’s so beautiful here.”
You lean against John’s shoulder, wrapping your arm around his waist, “Have you been here before?”
“Remember when I said after Helen died, I was kind of all over the place?” he asks as he looks at you, and you nod your head, “This was just one stop. One…big stop.”
You bite your cheek as you look out at the gorgeous garden in front of your hotel, and you see several people taking pictures with their families near the colorful flowers. You look over at the Eiffel Tower again and feel John moving so he can wrap his arms around you.
Obviously you know how hard things were for John, and he tells you that he’s fine and he’s living a great life, but you can’t help but get a little emotional when you think about how much John has gone through.
“Stop thinking about it,” he laughs, and you sniffle before he leans down to look at you, “Peach!”
“I’m sorry!” you laugh as you wipe away your tears, then you turn around and look at him, “How can I not get emotional when you tell me these things? You’re my favorite person to ever exist, you’re the kindest and most gentle man I’ve ever met, you deserve every good thing that life has to offer, and I don’t like hearing about how bad things were for you because you don’t deserve that!”
John sighs as he nods, “I know, baby.”
“And it’s just such a contrast--your life then and your life now.”
John nods proudly, “I’m aware. I have a great life now with my two girls. I have a great life now because of my two girls, but mostly because of you. I wouldn’t have this life if it weren’t for you, peach. I owe everything to you.”
You wrap your arms around John’s neck and kiss him deeply as he holds you, then you lean back and look at him. He looks over the top of your head at the Eiffel Tower, then he pushes you back and gets his phone from his pocket.
“Oh, no, it’s started.” you laugh as you stand near the railing, “Dad’s got his camera out.”
John laughs as he holds his phone up to take a picture of you, “Get used to it!”
John is finding your excitement for Paris to be very amusing, and he’s been laughing at you every two minutes when you gasp over something. The two of you grabbed some coffee and pastries at a little cafe down the street from your hotel, then you decided to explore.
“You look good in Paris, Mr. Wick.” you say, looking over at him and checking him out, “Wow-wee! If I was single, I’d ask you out! Hubba, hubba!”
John tilts his head back as he laughs, then he looks at you and squeezes your hand, “I gotta keep an eye on you! You might fall under some Frenchman’s charm, and I can’t allow that!”
“Never!” you laugh as you lean up to kiss him, tasting the sweetness of a pastry on his lips. “I fell very hard for your charm, babe. Still am.”
“Ah, that’s so reassuring.” John says, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, and you let out a laugh. “I would die if I lost you.”
You smile softly as you look up at him, “Well, good thing you’re not losing me. Ronan needs her daddy and I need my husband!”
John leans down to kiss you again, then he happily takes the bit of pastry you’re offering him. He reaches for your hand again as the two of you walk down the street, and you smile when you walk past several people. You let out a small laugh when you realize they probably can take one look at you and realize that you’re a tourist.
“Should we go to the Eiffel Tower and FaceTime our bug?” John asks, and you nod your head.
You can see the Eiffel Tower peaking through trees as you and John get closer, and you practically dragging him down the street so you can see it, which is quite the change since usually you struggle to keep up with John’s long legs. John laughs as you pull his hand a little more, then he wraps his arm around your waist to keep you from getting lost in the thick crowds of people hovering around the Eiffel Tower.
“Look at how big it is!” you say, putting your hand up to block the sun as you lean back, “It’s huge!”
John laughs when you look over at him, “It is.”
“So immature, Jonathan.” you joke, playfully rolling your eyes.
“I didn’t say anything!” he laughs, then he gets his phone out, “Let me take your picture, baby.”
You smile as you stand there and wait for John to get a little further away to take your picture, then you laugh when he gives you the thumbs up to pose. You let John get a couple of shots of you before you wave him over so he can take a picture with you.
“Should we call our baby? It’s…” John looks down at his watch and nods, “It’s about five there. She should be getting ready for bed soon, so we might want to call now.”
“Yeah.” you nod, then you sit down on the bench with John and get your phone out so you can FaceTime your mom. You lean over to kiss his cheek, then you perk up when your mom answers hers. “Hi!”
Your mom waves as she smiles, “Hi! How’s it going? Oh, wow…”
“The Eiffel Tower,” John smiles as he holds up the phone so she can get a better look, “We’re not this close to it at our hotel, but it’s a pretty short walk down to it.”
“Nice walk too when you have coffee and pastries!” you say, then you smile, “Is Ro awake?”
Your mom nods as she sets the phone up, then she walks over and picks up Ronan. She kisses her cheek and sits down at the table to place her in her lap, then she points at the camera while you and John wave like an idiots at her.
“Hi, baby!” John smiles, waving at her, and you wave at her and blow a kiss when Ronan wiggles around in your mom’s arms. “Has she been good?”
“Oh, of course.” your mom laughs, looking down at Ronan, “She’s getting her second solid in a little bit before she gets a bath and gets ready for bed. Tess wants to come take her tomorrow, so she’ll probably come get her around noon. You knew that, right?”
You nod when John looks over at you, “I did! She told me the other day that she wanted to watch her one day while we were gone.”
“Okay, just wanted to make sure.”
“Her anxiety hasn’t been bad, has it?”
Your mom shakes her head as a smile spreads on her face, “She’s been so good, sweetheart. Barely cried at all. She cried a little this afternoon but she was just tired. You know how happy your bug is. She’s doing great.”
John is still smiling and waving at Ronan as you and your mom talk about how she’s been doing, and you smile when you see Ronan scrunch her face up and grunt.
“She’s poopin’.” John laughs, and you nod.
“We’ll let you go so you can change her.” you laugh, then you wave and blow kisses at Ronan, “Bye, sweetheart. We love you!”
John smiles as he waves, “Give her kisses and hugs for us, mom.”
“Oh, I will. She fell asleep on dad’s chest last night, and he’s been smothering her in love, so she’s definitely not lacking on any attention.” your mom laughs, and you smile at her. “I’m sure she misses her mom and dad. You’ll see her soon, baby, don’t cry.”
You nod as you wipe away the tear on your cheek, “I just hope she’s okay.”
“She is! We went to the park earlier with my friends and their grandkids, and we had so much fun!” she says, and you nod your head as John rubs your back. “She’s okay, sweetheart.”
“Text me later or send me pictures!” you say, then you wave, “Bye, mom! Bye, bug! Love you both.”
Your mom smiles as she holds up Ronan, “We love you two! Get someone to take your picture in front of the Eiffel Tower! Bye!”
John takes a deep breath as he hangs up with your mom, then he locks your phone and puts it back into your backpack. He wraps his arm around your waist and kisses the top of your head, then he smiles when you look at him.
“She’s okay.” he whispers as you nod, then you inhale deeply and sit up. He gently wipes away the tears on your cheek, then he kisses you. “Let’s get someone to take our picture.”
You nod as you wipe away the tears, then you look at him, “Does my makeup look okay?”
“You look beautiful.” John says, then he gets up and walks over to an older woman to ask if she’ll take a picture of you and him. She nods her head and takes John’s phone, then he walks over to you and wraps his arm around your waist. “Just snap as many as you want!”
The woman looks at the phone and smiles as she gets pictures of you and John in different poses, then she gestures for you to stand in front of John. He wraps his arms around you and holds you close to his chest as you smile, then he lets go to get the phone.
“Thank you so much.”
“Are you two newlyweds?” she asks as she hands the phone off to John.
John chuckles as he looks over at you, “No, we’ve been together almost three years, married for almost two, but we did just have a baby eight months ago.”
“Wow,” the woman looks over at you and smiles, “You two just seem so in love.”
“Well,” John gestures to you, “It’s easy to be in love with her.”
You smile as you look up at John, then you look at the woman, “He says stuff like that all the time, so it’s also pretty easy to be in love with him too.”
“That’s a very special thing you two have. Don’t ever let it fade.” she smiles, then she shakes your hand and John’s, “Take care.”
John smiles at her as she walks away, then he looks at you and shakes his head, “It’s never gonna fade, is it?”
“Never ever!” you smile, then you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him a few times, “Let’s keep exploring.”
John nods as he leans down to kiss you, then he takes your hand and holds tight to it as the two of you head down the street.
The past three days in Paris have been absolutely amazing! You and John have done so much walking, but it’s been great. You went to the Louvre Museum and got a chance to see the very famous Mona Lisa, which was a little surreal. You did most of the typical touristy stuff, but you loved every minute of it--John too!
One thing you always wanted to do in Paris was get some pastries and just sit in the park to have a picnic, and of course John made that happen. It was a gorgeous warm day, and it was fun to just sit in the park and soak up the sun with John, who actually laid down and fell asleep for about 45 minutes. Some rain clouds moved in a little bit later, so the two of you rushed back to your hotel and spent the night inside. It was a pretty great day though.
Leaning against the railing, you smile as you look out at the Eiffel Tower all lit up as it sparkles and twinkles. You’ve seen it lit up three nights now, but you’re still not used to it. It’s just an incredible breathtaking view that you’ll never get over. You certainly never thought you’d be in Paris, and you’re so grateful that John wants to bring you to visit these places around the world.
You feel John’s arms around your waist as you stand there, then you laugh when he begins to kiss your shoulder. He moves from your shoulder up to your neck, then he sucks on your skin and moves your hair out of the way. You close your eyes and hum as John’s left hand moves down to your thigh and up between your legs, then you laugh when he squeezes your breasts a few times.
Tilting your head back, you kiss John passionately and sloppily as he moans, and you shiver when his hand sneaks between your legs. He moves back to kiss your neck as you close your eyes, hearing him unbuckling his belt. He quickly unzips his pants and pulls himself out, then he lifts up your nightgown and pulls your underwear aside before he slowly slides between your legs.
John lets out a small moan as he slides in, “You’re already so wet for me…”
You tilt your head back and smile, running your tongue over your teeth, “Because you’re just so sexy.”
John smiles as he pushes himself in deeper, causing you to lean over the railing more, then he presses his hand to your mouth when your eyes roll shut. You hold onto tight to the railing as John thrusts his hips, and you moan into his hand when he picks up the speed.
Thankfully the balcony is private and there’s no one around.
Moaning softly against your back, John grips your hips and thrusts harder, causing the breath to get knocked out of you every time. He leans over you and pants against your neck, then he moves his hand into your underwear to rub your clit.
“Oh, fuck,” you laugh, letting out a small moan, “Fuck, you’re gonna make me come already. I’m sorry.”
John laughs, “I’m about to come too.”
Holding tight to your hips, John stands back up and fucks you faster and harder as you moan, then he lightly wraps his hand around your throat and tilts your head back to kiss you. You hold his gaze as he jerks his hips harder, then you moan against his lips.
“Look,” John nods to the Eiffel Towel and whispers in your ear, “You ever think you’d get to look at that while I fucked you?”
“No,” you laugh, then you close your eyes and moan, gripping the railing tighter, “Oh, shit, John!”
John leans over and kisses your neck as you moan, then he grunts and groans as he thrusts his hips fast. He wraps his arms around you tight and holds you in his arms, and you both tense up and let out moans as you come in unison, your bodies shaking from the aftershocks. You lean back over the railing as John kisses your back, then he pulls himself from your legs so you can get cleaned up quickly.
You waddle off to the bathroom to clean yourself up, then you grab a sweater and pull it on as you walk back outside to John, who is sitting on the love seat smiling at you. You laugh as you walk over and sit down with him, then you lay your legs over his lap and lean over to kiss him.
“Thank god for a private balcony.”
John laughs as he pulls you over to him, “How do you like Paris so far?”
“I like it a lot.” you nod, looking over at the Eiffel Tower, “I’m glad we came. It’s nice to just be with you. Just be husband and wife.”
“About that,” John says, and you look over at him as you widen your eyes and your heart sinks to your stomach, “Wait, wait, wait, that was terrible segue.”
Your eyes grow sad as he looks at you, and you gesture for him to keep going so he doesn’t leave you hanging and worrying about what he’s going to say.
“Baby, I love you. Do you really think we flew out here just so I could end things between us? Why would I do that to begin with? You make me so damn happy.” he says, then he looks away and blinks a few times when he gets a little choke up. “Fuck, I won’t lie, that breaks my heart that you think I’d just leave you like that. I’ll admit that was a terrible fucking segue.”
“It was really bad,” you laugh, then you smile when John reaches for your hand. “Plus we just had sex, so yeah, terrible timing as well.”
Taking a deep breath, John looks at you and smiles, “No bad segue this time. I love you so much, peach. I am beyond happy that I met you. Not only because you’ve given me such a beautiful daughter, but because you’ve made my entire life so damn beautiful. I know I tell you all the time how much I love you and how much you mean to me, so I won’t go into that. I just wanted to make sure that you know this trip wasn’t so you and I could get back what we had before Ronan was born--we still have what we had. I am still so crazy about you--so crazy. So if there’s any part of your brain that is saying that I only did this to try and recapture something, that’s absolutely not true. The spark that we have is still very much there.”
“I love you, you know that?” you say, and John smiles as he nods. “I love that you always take the time to remind me of how much you love me. And I feel the same way. I don’t want you to think I only said yes to this trip so we could get back what we had, because I agree--we still have it! I’m officially nuts about you, Jonathan.”
John laughs as he nods his head and leans over to kiss you, “I’m pretty nuts about you myself.”
“It’s so nice here, it really is.” you nod, looking around, “And I’ve had such an amazing time here these past three days. Spending time with you alone, shopping, eating every freaking pastry we’ve come across, it’s all been amazing.”
You nod as you look down as you begin to cry, and he tilts your chin up and pulls you into his arms. He wraps his arms around you tight to hold you as you cry for few moments, then he leans down and kisses your forehead.
“Take your time, baby.” he whispers against your head, then he reaches down and rubs your thigh.
After a few moments, you sit up and wipe away the tears on your face before you look at him, “I miss her.”
“I do too, baby.” John nods, reaching over to smooth your hair away, “I know how hard this is for us to be away from her, and I know it’s even harder when we get to FaceTime and see her. It only makes us miss her more.”
“What if she says more words and we’re not there? What if she starts walking while we’re gone? I started walking at 9 months! She’s close!” you say, and John nods sympathetically before you groan, “Okay, I know that’s not going to happen. I just feel bad. She’s so little, and I don’t want her to think we just abandoned her.”
John chuckles softly, “Sweetheart, she doesn’t think that. She’s being smothered in love by your mom and dad right now. She probably doesn’t even notice that we’ve been gone.”
You nod your head as you look at him, “I know, and I know you’re right. I just miss her. I miss holding her in my arms and kissing her. She’s only been ours for 8 months, and I just feel bad for taking a whole week away from her. It’s like on one hand, I’m so fucking happy to be here with you alone, and I don’t regret this time at all. But on the other hand, I just miss her, and you’re her dad, so you get what I mean.”
“I get it,” John nods, “I feel guilty too about leaving her, but you know what? I’m not going to feel guilty about wanting to spend time with my wife without a baby clinging to her. I get it, baby. I miss her so much, and I wish she was here with us. We’re going to see her soon, and the reunion is going to be so sweet. Think about how cute her little smile is going to be when she sees you again.”
“True,” you nod, then you sigh loudly, “I know I’m just a little more sad about this because I’m tired tonight.”
John rubs your thigh and smiles, “Why don’t we head in for the night? Lay in bed and look out at this view until we fall asleep.”
“Yeah,” you nod as you get up and reach for John’s hand, then you smile at him, “Thank you for this amazing trip. Just because I’m a little sad tonight doesn’t mean I’m not enjoying it. I’m very much enjoying it, and I can’t wait for the rest of the week.”
“Yeah, I think you’re really going to love what I have planned.”
You cock up your eyebrow, “More sex on the balcony in full view of the Eiffel Tower? Because I really loved that.”
John laughs as he nods, “Yeah, I think we can squeeze that in one more time before we leave.”
John has kept an insanely tight lip on what’s happening tonight, but all he’s said was that you should wear the fanciest dress that you brought. You brought a red dress that has sheer sleeves and looks rather sexy and sophisticated, so you’ll be wearing that tonight with some heels.
You’ve just finished curling your hair and doing your makeup, and you’re just waiting for John to get out of the shower now. You pull your robe around you and grab your phone to head out to the balcony, then you slouch when you realize it’s way too late to call home to check on Ronan. You called earlier but your mom didn’t answer and only texted back. She’s obviously doing things with Ronan, so you’re not surprised that she didn’t answer.
You frown as you sit down on the bench and look at your phone, but you slowly start to smile when you see all the pictures that you and John have taken so far this week. The two of you look so happy here in Paris, and it’s sweet to see the way John is looking at you in pictures. There’s no doubt that spark is still very much there between you two.
John clears his throat as he stands in the doorway and puts his cuff links on, and you smile wide as you stand up and look at him. It’s not every day that you get to see John in a suit since it’s not an every day outfit choice for him, but when he does gets dressed up, fuck, does he look good!
“So…fucking…handsome!” you say as you lean up to kiss him, “Let me get dressed.”
Walking into your room, you get your dress from out of the closet and immediately put it on, then you walk over to John so he can zip up the back of it. You reach down to get your heels on, then you stand in front of the mirror and check yourself out, smiling when you see how good you look.
“Are you kidding me?” John asks, and you look over at him, “My wife? You’re my wife? How?”
You hum as you slowly walk over to him, shrugging and putting your hands up, “Hmm, I guess you just got lucky.”
“Oh, I absolutely did.” he smiles, then he leans back to get a look at you. He gestures for you to spin, then he nods his head and claps, “Yeah, it’s official. I have the most beautiful wife here.”
“My biggest fan,” you whisper as you lean up to kiss him. “Thank you.”
John inhales as he gets his suit jacket and puts it on, then he shows off the fancy cuff links that you bought him for Christmas. He fixes his jacket a little and runs his hand over his beard, then he nods his head and smiles when you hold his gaze. Jesus, he’s gorgeous.
“God, I just know my legs are gonna hurt tonight.” you say, and John cocks up his brow, “Yeah, I meant that how it sounds.”
John laughs, “Ready?”
“The sooner we leave, the sooner we can come home…”
John grabs your waist and kisses you, “We can be late…”
“No!” you laugh as John smothers your face in kisses, “We need dinner, then we can come home and have dessert.”
“Mm, yeah,” he croons in your ear, “I like that sound of that.”
Holding tight to John’s hand, you walk with him through the crowds of people on the streets. You still have no idea where he’s taking you, but all you know is that you’re getting very hungry. The sun is just now starting to go down, so most of the city is lit up and looks absolutely beautiful.
You look to your left and see how still the water is as people get on boats to take rides around to look at all the landmarks in Paris, and you smile when you see a few young couples taking pictures. You look up at John and smile when he looks at you, then he points at a boat and tugs your hand a little.
“Oh, we’re going on a ride to look at everything too?”
John nods, “Yeah, but I figured it’d be a little fun to do this alone…”
You put your hand over your heart and smile, “So, no people on the boat with us?”
“Only the best for my girl.” he smiles, then he walks over to the boat and nods at the man waiting for the two of you to board.
“Mr. Wick.” the man nods, then he smiles at you, “Mrs. Wick.”
You smile as you look at him, “Hi.”
John holds your hand and makes sure you don’t trip on the steps as you walk onto the boat, then he smiles when you look at him. He gestures to seating area, then he walks over to pour you a glass of champagne while you sit down on the bench to look out the window.
“God, this place is so beautiful.” you say, then you take the glass from John when he sits down next to you with the menu, “Oh, what are you going to get?”
“Thinking about some steak.” he says, and you nod your head. “What about you? Probably wanting some oysters? Maybe a nice salmon?”
You laugh as you look at him, “Oh, yeah! I mean, if you want me to go into anaphylactic shock and die right in front of you, then sign me up!”
John laughs, shaking his head, “We definitely don’t want that. There’s a lot of fish on this menu, I really should have thought this through a little more. Most of these appetizers are seafood. I’m sorry. Fuck, I’m already ruining this.”
“No, you’re not! It’s great!” you smile as you lean over to look at the menu with him, “That looks good.”
“Okay, chicken canapés…” he nods, then he looks at you and smiles, “And some steaks for our main dish.”
You nod, then you shrug, “Though I wouldn’t hate if they brought us some bread too.”
John laughs as he nods, “Okay, I’m going to go tell them to keep any fish away from our meals. I’ll be back.”
He’s really the sweetest guy. Every restaurant you’ve been to this week, he’s gone into the kitchen to let them know you’re allergic to fish. He does the same thing back home when you go to new restaurants, even after he’s looked at the menu online to make sure they had non-fish options. Just another one of those small things he does that you absolutely adore him for.
“Thank you.” you lean over to kiss him, then you take a sip of your champagne when he gets up and leaves.
You walk outside and sit down in a chair to look at the beautiful view of the city, and you smile for a moment before you frown. You so badly miss your family and wish they could be here. You’re having fun with John, of course you are, but this is the first time you’ve been away from Ronan this long, and it sucks. This is such a once in a lifetime trip that you wish you could share with them.
“Hey,” John sits down next to you and smiles, “Beautiful out here.”
“Yeah, it is.” you nod, then you look over at him, “What’s been your favorite thing so far?”
John takes a deep breath and tilts his head back as he thinks, “Probably going to the Lourve. You were so excited about everything, it was really cute.”
You laugh as you shrug, “I never in a million years thought I’d be in freaking Paris. I had a whole Paris themed room when I was like…12.”
“Thought Italy was where you wanted to go the most.”
“Well, yeah, it was! I just liked Paris too!” you laugh, and John nods his head. “Thank you so much for this trip. It’s been an absolute dream. I’m glad I got to do it with you.”
John smiles as he leans over to kiss you, “The city of love with my love.”
“Corny.” you whisper against his lips, then you kiss him again, savoring the warmth of his lips on yours.
“You look so beautiful tonight.” John says, rubbing his hand over your thigh, then he looks over when he sees the waiter setting your appetizers on the table. He stands up and reaches for your hands, pulling you up for the chair, then he leads you to the table inside. He pulls out your chair for you and smiles when you lean up to kiss him, then he sits down. “This looks good.”
You nod as you lean forward to take a bite of the one John is feeding you, then you put your hand over your mouth and chew, humming obnoxiously, “Oh, my god!”
“Good?” he laughs, and you nod your head and eat the rest of it. John eats one and nods his head as he gives you a thumbs up, then he wipes his mouth and puts up his finger, “I need to grab something, I’ll be back.”
“Hurry back or I’ll eat all of this.” you laugh, and John leans down to kiss you.
You take another sip of your champagne and continue to eat while John is gone, and you wipe your mouth off and look out as you pass the Eiffel Tower, still twinkling in the dark. You smile as you look at it all lit up and sparkling, then you look down at your phone to check to see if you have any messages from your mom.
You told your mom to text you with updates while you were gone and she’s been pretty good about it, but she hasn’t texted you at all today. You assume that she’s probably just busy with Ronan, but you wish that you could talk to her and see how she’s doing.
Sighing a little, you put your phone back into your purse, then you drink the last of your champagne before you take another bite of your food. You furrow your brow a little when you realize John has been gone for longer than expected, and you look over your shoulder to see if he’s coming back. You turn back to your food and wipe your fingers clean on your napkin so you don’t get your dress dirty, then you slouch a little.
“Okay, I’m back.” John says, and you smile when he sits down, “Sorry.”
“I thought you said you needed to grab something.” you say, furrowing your brow when you see John is empty-handed, then you roll your eyes, “No surprises!”
John laughs as he shakes his head, “No surprises. I just had to do something.”
“Okay, well, that doesn’t make it any less suspicious.” you say, and John laughs as he shakes his head. “I know you, Jonathan. I know how you like to surprise me with things.”
“Because you always look so cute when I do.” John smiles, pinching your cheek.
You playfully roll your eyes at John, then you reach forward to grab some more food. You spread some butter onto a piece of bread and smile when John looks at you, then you take a bite of your bread.
“You’re being weird.” you say, and John laughs. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing!” he laughs, shaking his head, “I just…I’m so sorry. I’ll be right back.”
You gasp, “John!”
“I’ll be back!” he laughs, and you sit back in your chair and pout.
You hear the door open behind you, but you keep pouting as you look out the window. You tap your foot on the floor and roll your eyes when you feel John stand next to you, but you’re being so stubborn that you refuse to look at him.
“Look at me,” he says, then he laughs when you shake your head, “I promise you’re gonna want to look over here. You know you want to look.”
You really, really do.
As soon as you look over at John, you freeze and gasp when you see him holding your sweet baby girl in his arms. You reach up for her as she kicks her legs and blows raspberries, and you hold her tight to your chest as you cry.
“Oh my god…” you cry as you lean back to look at her, then you kiss her cheek and hug her, “Hi, baby.”
John kneels down and smiles when you look at him, “It’s a good surprise, huh?”
“Yeah,” you cry as you lean over to hug and kiss him, “The best.”
You move your plate on the table and set Ronan down, and you realize she’s wearing the cute outfit you bought for her yesterday. You look over at John as he smiles, then he nods in the direction of the door. Looking over your shoulder, you smile when you see your family all standing back, and you wave at them as you cry.
“This was always the plan, baby.” John whispers as he pulls up a chair next to you, “The plan was always to bring everyone out here after we had a few days alone. I just wanted you to myself for a few days, I won’t apologize for that.”
“I don’t want you to.” you laugh tearfully, then you smile at Ronan as she chews on her fingers. You look back over at John and hold his gaze, “I love you so much. Thank you.”
John laughs as he tears up, then he shakes his head and wipe away the tear on his cheek, “You’re so cute.”
Ronan looks up at you and smiles before she drools all down her chin, and John quickly wipes it away and leans over to kiss her cheek. Reaching over, you cup John’s face in your hand and press several sweet kisses to his lips, then you look over at everyone and wave them over.
Tess smiles as she leans down to hug you, then she grabs a piece of bread off your plate before she moves so you can hug your mom. She holds you tight in her arms as you cry, then she kisses your cheek and moves. You hug your dad and Jimmy, then you wave at Finn and blow a kiss to him.
“Oh, my god.” you laugh as John wipes the tears off your face, “You’re all here.”
“Duh!” Tess laughs as she sits at the table and hands a piece of bread to Finn, “Who do you think you are going to Paris without me?”
You laugh and move over so John can sit next to you and everyone else can sit down, then you hug Ronan in your arms, pressing kisses to the top of her head.
“Oh,” Tess reaches into her bag and laughs, “She wouldn’t wear the beret, but maybe momma will be more successful.”
Taking the beret from Tess, you put it on Ronan and smile as she squeals and chews on her hands. She reaches up and rips it off just after John gets a picture of the two of you, then she reaches out for her daddy. You lean against his shoulder and smile as he kisses her cheek and hugs her, then you reach forward and pinch her chubby little cheek.
“How is your trip going?”
You smile as you reach over for John’s hand, “It’s been great! Seriously. It’s been so good, and now that you’re all here…”
John laughs when you look at him and widen your eyes, “I took no offense.”
“In all honesty, this trip has been…absolutely amazing. John and I have had so much fun walking around and taking everything in, but last night we started talking about how much we miss Ronan,” you say, and John nods, “I have loved just spending time with John, so I’m definitely not taking any of that time for granted. It’s been really nice.”
“We’ve had fun. Had a lot of good laughs.” John nods as you smile at him, “My plan was always to have some days alone with her, then have everyone fly out to finish out the week. I knew she wouldn’t last a whole week without out Bug, and in all honesty, I was struggling too.”
Ronan squeals loudly as you look down at her, then she stands up on John’s legs and bounces on her knees. You smile when she looks at you and leans over so you’ll take her, then you kiss her cheek and smile at her. She’s clearly very happy to see you and John--she can’t decide who she wants to be held by.
You look over at Tess and smile, “Did you do any sightseeing today?”
“Uh, just a little,” Tess shrugs, then she smiles, “I mean, you can see the Eiffel Tower from every direction in this place, so we didn’t miss that.”
“We got to see the Mona Lisa the other day, it was so cool. We have to go again. Oh, and there’s this really cute cafe down the street from where we’re staying, and it’s so good. We’ll have to go there too. Wait, where are you guys staying?”
John laughs as he pats your thigh, “With us.”
It finally hits you as to why John got such a big apartment for the week, and you gasp, “You’ll love the view from our place--the Eiffel Tower is so beautiful in the distance. Ah! I’m so excited that you’re all here! We’re gonna have so much fun!”
A smile spreads across John’s face as he looks over at you, then he kisses your cheek, “I had to bring the Bug here for tomorrow, for sure.”
“What’s tomorrow?”
John reaches over and pinches Ronan’s cheek, then he looks at you, “Well, we can’t go to Disneyland and not bring her with, now can we?”
Tess smiles as you look at her, “I’m so excited! Finn is gonna get some cute Mickey ears!”
Jimmy laughs as he looks at you, then he widens his eyes and taps Tess’ shoulder, “Holy shit…”
You look out the window as everyone walks out to get a better look at the Eiffel Tower, and you smile when Jimmy wraps his arms around Tess and holds her as they look up at it. Your mom sits down in the chair with your dad next to her, and they share a sweet little kiss.
“Are you happy?” John asks, and you look over at him as you tear up.
“I was happy before,” you whisper, and he nods. “But she’s with us. I’m even happier now. I like when we’re all together.”
John smiles as he leans over to kiss you, “It’s been nice having time for just the two of us, but I will admit, I have been missing this little one.”
You look down at Ronan as she looks around and takes everything in, then you look at John and hold his gaze, “I am the luckiest woman in the world.”
“I’m the luckiest man.”
“Thank you for this.” you smile, leaning over to kiss him, “I’ll never forget those three days we had to ourselves. You’re the perfect man, Jonathan. Won’t lie, a little bummed that we won’t get a repeat of the balcony sex we had last night.”
John laughs as he leans over to whisper in your ear, “No one said we won’t get some special husband and wife time again. Maybe I got something else planned for just us.”
You smirk as you look at him, “Have I mentioned that I’m the luckiest woman in the world yet?”
“You might have mentioned it before.”
“Well, then let me mention it again.” you smile at him, “I am so lucky.”
John presses a kiss to your lips and smiles, holding tight to you and Ronan, “Not as lucky as me.”
@star017 @beingnerdyissupercool @angie-20000 @ruby-octo​ @sakurachan-9​
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cedobols · 2 years
its my birthday!!!! which means i get to dump silly gay art wips from the past year onto everyone’s dash and legally no one is allowed to yell at me!!!! 🌈🌈🌈
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i think my personal faves wld have to be the otp dynamic templates drawn via the iphone photo editing feature .very fun if i do say so myself👍❤️
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inkskinned · 1 year
hey btw if you're in the USA at  2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Oct. 4, they're testing the emergency broadcast system. your phone is probably going to make a really loud noise, even if it's on silent. there's a backup date on the 11th if they need to postpone it.
if you're not in a safe situation and have an extra phone, you should turn that phone completely off beforehand.
additionally, if you're like me, and are easily startled; i recommend treating it like a party. have a countdown or something. be surrounded by your loved ones. take the actions you personally need to take to make yourself safe.
i have already seen mockery towards any person who feels nervous about this. for the record, it completely, completely valid to have "emergency broadcast sounds" be an anxiety trigger. do not let other people make fun of you for that. emergency sounds are legitimately engineered to make us take action; those of us with high levels of anxiety and/or neurodivergence are already pre-disposed to have a Bad Time. sometimes it is best to acknowledge that the situation will be triggering for some, and to prepare for that; rather than just saying "well that's stupid, it's just a test."
"loud scary sound time" isn't like, my favorite thing, but we can at least try to prevent some additional anxiety by preparing for it. maybe get yourself a cake? noise cancelling headphones? the new hozier album? whatever helps. love u, hope you're okay. we are gonna ride it out together.
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ginax0916 · 5 months
hii could u do sturniolo triplets x fem reader where they treat her like one of them and toss shit at her but then they accidentally hurt her and they all panic. (maybe one of them have a secret crush on her up to u?)
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Sturniolo Triplets x fem!bsf
Genre: Fluff
Synopsis: Filming a car goes wrong when a small accident happens.
Warning: Blood mentioned.
*this is gonna be just platonic so they’re just besties*
I love this request by the way, tysm! 🫶🏻
⭑ ⋆ ⭑ ⋆ ⭑
I’ve been friends with the triplets for longer than I can remember. They practically call me their sister now. So it isn’t unusual for me to appear in their videos. I’m usually in the vlogs just because I think they’re funner to film than car videos.
We are all currently sitting on their couch watching random videos on YouTube eating ice pops.
“Guys I’m bored” Chris says.
“Ok then what do you wanna do?” I ask.
“I don’t know but something other than whatever this is” Chris lays back on the couch sighing.
“How about we start filming the car video for Friday?” Nick says.
“But it’s literally Sunday” Matt says looking at Nick.
“Yea but we already have our Wednesday video filmed, and if we film our Friday video today we can have the rest of the week free” Nick explains.
“That’s a good idea” I say.
“Would you be in it y/n?” Matt asks.
“I’ve got nothing better to do so yea” I chuckle.
“Ok then let’s go!” Chris jumps up from the couch with a sudden outburst of energy.
“Look over there it’s all empty” Nick points to an empty part of the Walgreens parking lot where we chose to film.
“Ok that’s good, Chris start getting the camera ready” Matt says, driving to the spot farthest away from people.
Either way it is 12 am so there weren’t much people out anyway.
“Do we even have a topic?” I ask.
“No but we can just start speaking and see where it gets us” Nick replies.
“Do you guys want anything from Walgreens before we start?” Matt questions as he looks at Nick and I from the rearview mirror.
“Yes I want candy and a drink” Nick says.
“Me too” I say looking at Matt.
“Alright I’ll go get it” He answers while unbuckling his seat belt.
“I’ll go with you” I quickly say.
“Yea same you never get me the right candy” Chris rolls his eyes.
“Ok well I guess I have to go too now” Nick sighs.
We all got our candy and drinks except for Nick who couldn’t decide what he wanted to drink. Per usual.
“For the love of god Nick fucking choose” Chris groans.
“But there’s so many options!! I can’t do this” Nick replies grabbing his hair in frustration.
“Nick if you don’t choose something in the next 20 seconds we’re leaving” Matt sternly says.
“Oh my god look” Nick gasps.
“What” I say confused.
“They have glass bottles of coke!” Nick exclaims grabbing one from the fridge.
“Why the fuck would you want a glass bottle of coke? Just get the can” Chris comments.
“No I’m getting this. What if it tastes better in a glass bottle than in a can?” Nick questions.
“Just give me the damn thing so I can pay and go film the video for fucks sake” Matt says annoyed at his brother, as he walks to the check out.
“Mamas mad” I joke causing Chris and Nick to laugh.
“What the fuck is up YouTube! Welcome back to this week’s Friday video that we happen to be filming on a Sunday” Chris screams as soon as the camera starts recording, causing us all to flinch.
“Chris stop being so loud” I say grabbing his arm.
“Well we have to have a memorable intro no?” He answers, turning his body to look at me in the backseat.
“Well yea but don’t yell” I chuckle.
“Guys is it just me or did this car shrink” Nick says moving around swinging the bottle of coke in his hands.
“Nick stop you’re gonna hit me” I say shielding my face in case he does hit me.
“I hope he hits you and you break your nose” Matt says with no emotion on his face.
“Damn alright Matthew very sweet of you” I sarcastically say.
“Did you guys know that every star you see in the night sky is bigger and brighter than our sun” Chris randomly says.
“That’s not fucking true” Matt argues.
“IT IS TRUE SEARCH IT UP” Chris yells.
“Chris how many times do I have to tell you to stop screaming!” I raise my voice at him.
“Well he’s doubting my facts!” He argues back.
“Well Matt did you search it up?” Chris smirks.
“Shut up” Matt smiles.
“I told you soooo” Chris laughs.
“I finished my coke” Nick burps.
“You’re gross” I scrunch my face.
“Yea dude stop fucking burping everywhere you’re turning into Chris” Matt replies going off what I said.
“What did you say to me? I am most definitely not turning into Chris. In fact I’m better” Nick starts to argue still swinging the bottle around as he moves his arms.
“Hey! What did I do!” Chris complains.
“Oh my god” I sigh knowing they’re all about to fight.
“Oh shut up Chris sit down” Matt says in Chris’s face.
“You sit down tough guy get out of my face” Chris argues back.
“Can ya’ll just shut up please” I say rubbing my temples.
“Sorry sorry” Nick says exhaling as he rests his head on the head rest of Matt seat.
“Here I’m done with my Pepsi” Chris throws his empty can at me.
“Do I look like a trash can to you” I say annoyed.
“I’m done with my sprite too” Matt says throwing his empty spite bottle in my face.
“Oh my god why am I being attacked” I laugh.
“Wait this was from yesterday I’m done with it too” Chris adds on, throwing an empty Fanta bottle at my face again while laughing.
“That’s so gross” I laugh at him.
“Oh take this one too” Matt laughs throwing another empty soda bottle in my face which I attempt to shield.
“How dirty is your fucking car” I giggle.
“Here take mine too” Nick says throwing his glass bottle at my face, forgetting it’s glass.
“Ow Nick what the fuck that’s glass!” I raise my voice grabbing my nose as I feel a burning sensation.
“Oh shit I forgot it’s glass oh my god” Nick gasps.
“Nick why the fuck would you do that! You ok y/n?” Chris yells at Nick then turns to me.
“No not really” I quietly say trying to hold back tears.
“Lift your head up y/n” Matt softly says grabbing my chin to lift my face.
Their eyes all widen as they see blood coming out of my nose.
“Oh fuck” Chris says getting out of the car and opening the door to my side.
“Y/n im so sorry oh my god” Nick freaks out.
“Nick apologize later right now to into Walgreens and buy tissues or paper towels and some Advil for the pain. A bottle of water too” Matt says to Nick then rushing to where Chris had pulled me out of the car so I wouldn’t get blood on the seats.
“C’mere sit down and tilt your head up” Chris softly says pulling me to the ground and gently grabbing my head and tilting it back.
“I’m gonna have a panic attack I hate blood” I say as my breathing picks up and tears slowly slide down my face.
“Hey hey shh. It’s ok me and Chris are right here with you and Nick is getting some stuff to help you ok? It’s okay” Matt comforts me and pinches the bridge of my nose to help stop the flow of the blood and rubs on of my shoulder with his other hand.
“Does it hurt?” Chris asks while he rubs my knee.
“Mhm” I mumble closing my eyes.
“Here I got the stuff. Fuck I’m so so sorry please don’t die” Nick freaks out.
“Nick she’s not gonna die don’t say shit like that calm down” Chris replies.
“It’s okay Nick it was an accident I forgive you” I quietly say trying not to move my head much.
“Alright here hold that there” Matt puts some paper towels under my nose to soak the blood which was starting to become less.
“Can you swallow a pill?” Nick questions.
“Mhm” I nod.
“Open” Chris taps the side of my cheek indicating me to open my mouth, and so I do.
“Here’s water” Chris softly says, handing me water to swallow the pill he put in my mouth.
“How’s your nose sweetheart?” Matt asks, moving hair out of my face.
“It’s better and the blood stopped” I answer moving the paper towel away to see that there was no more blooding come out.
“Y/n I’m so sorry please forgive me” Nick engulfs me in a hug.
“It’s ok Nick I promise. I’m not mad it was just an accident” I say forgiving him and hugging him back.
“Alright c’mon let’s just go back home and order food and watch a movie how does that sound?” Chris asks me as he helps me up so we can all get back into the car.
“Mhm sounds good” I mumble.
“I kinda jinxed this whole situation I said I hope he hits you” Matt laughs as he starts the car.
“You really did jinx it Matt” I say.
“Guys the camera was recording the whole time” Chris points out.
“Well then this a hell of a video” Nick laughs.
⭑ ⋆ ⭑ ⋆ ⭑
Tried my best 🤗😛
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strawberrystepmom · 2 months
happy Wednesday to the beautiful people in my phone! Hope today treats all of u very well and know that I love u
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snzhrchy · 2 years
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wednesday addams x gn!reader
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synopsis; being wednesday's close friend and having feelings for her? not a good combo... notes; i barely write for wednesday but i hope u guys enjoy a lil smth i wrote for her <3
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For all her life, Wednesday was taught to be strong, independent and to not show any emotion yet her relationship with you was something that went against all of her personal values - it went against everything she was raised with.
How did such a relationship start with you both? Well, it all started when you both bumped into each other at the school's library; you were researching on folklore monsters in order to investigate the unusual monster that had been attacking students.
Wednesday took an interest in you almost immediately since you were the only one who believed her claims of the attacker not being a bear and you were the only one who actually helped her in her investigations while also providing her valuable information.
Upon your first interaction with her, you both began to meet eachother at the library to discuss the case. Sometimes, she'd send you encrypted messages to meet her at peculiar locations such as Pilgrim World or Crackstone's Crypt.
Whenever Wednesday would learn anything about the investigation, she'd come to you first asking for your inference and opinion.
During this time, you both started to become closer to one another. At times, you'd find yourself rambling to her about your personal life and she would attentively listen to it.
Soon, your platonic feelings for her developed into something more - romantic feelings. Once you realised this, you began to distance yourself from her. Wednesday had told you multiple times that "relationships weren't for her" and that just made you feel even worse.
When you started to ignore Wednesday, she started to get concerned which was odd for her. She kept asking Enid if anything's happened with you and she'd try to contact you with letters but you said nothing to them so eventually, she gave up.
When you heard the news of Wednesday being kidnapped by your teacher, Thornhill, you were terribly worried. You wanted to help her but you knew that you'd just end up getting killed in the process.
Moreover, when Crackstone attacked the school, you wanted to help Wednesday but all of your attempts to help were futile since you had been affected by Bianca's siren song
Ultimately, when Wednesday came out of the school - bloodied and injured due to her previous battle - you were the first to rush up to her and pull her into a bone-crushing hug followed by Enid. Yet, even after all that, Wednesday didn't talk with you for the rest of the night.
The following morning, once you heard that all classes had been cancelled, you quickly fixed yourself up and went to visit Wednesday. When you finally found her, you went towards and sheepishly greeted her to which she didn't respond to yet she just eyed you, carefully.
You both awkwardly stood there for a few minutes until Wednesday asked you about the way you treated her a few days prior to her battle. You sighed and began to explain to her about your feelings towards her and finally confess to her about your long-harboured romantic feelings.
Once you were done, you stayed silent for a mere moment until she took a step closer to you and connected your lips with hers, confirming that she, too, had developed feelings for you.
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xo-valxntine · 2 years
Amethyst Eyes (T. Inumaki)
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part one | part two | part three | bonus
pairing: toge inumaki x gn!reader
synopsis: you’re closing up your clinic one night when a strange man comes stumbling in, wounded and coughing up blood. at first you’re taken by surprise, but then your medical expertise immediately kicks in and you do your best to take care of him
tws: aged up characters, mentions of blood, brief mentions of gangs (let me know if i’m missing something?) wc: 4,667
a/n: inumaki is so cute and deserves all the love every time i look for inumaki fics there’s never enough so i decided to write one lol this will be separated into three parts (i got carried away) here is part one. i hope u enjoy ੈ✩‧₊˚
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It was a late Wednesday evening and you were finishing up the last of your paperwork for the day. It was a typical day as a family practitioner, you had spent the day doing checkups on children, completing physicals, and ensuring that all your patients were in good health. You loved your job as the local doctor in your small town. You knew all of your patients relatively well, considering you had grown up there. You left your small town at the age of 18, moving to the big city in order to pursue your dreams as a doctor. The pace of the city was dramatically different compared to where you had grown up. There was always something happening in the city, whereas in the small town there wasn’t much other than country and small town gossip. You enjoyed the city for a while, experiencing everything it had to offer, but then you decided you needed to slow back down, so when you graduated from medical school you moved back home and opened your clinic. At first it was strange, treating the adults that helped raise you, but you quickly became accustomed to it. They constantly praised you and told you stories from when you were younger.
“I’m so proud of you, Y/N.” Miss Misuzu said. “I remember when you were just a little thing, running around and getting into trouble. Now you’re all grown up and a doctor! That’s really amazing.”
You smiled fondly at the memory. Miss Misuzu was always one of your favorite people to be around when you were younger. You didn’t have the best home life, but Misuzu was always there for you. She had practically raised you. She would always have cookies and other snacks when you’d go over to her house. She’d constantly invite you over for dinner, making sure you were properly fed. Sometimes, she’d even let you help her. You’d spend hours at Misuzu’s just to get away from home. There were even times, she’d let you spend the night when you didn’t want to go home. She’d tell you stories as you went to bed and when you had nightmares she made you tea and comforted you until you fell asleep. Misuzu was your family.
You were letting the memories play through your head, smiling fondly when a loud noise startled you. At first you thought you’d imagined it, after all there was never any commotion in your small town, when you heard a loud thud come from the front of your clinic. You grabbed a scalpel from the tray beside you and started to creep to the front of the clinic.
Could someone be trying to rob me? You thought to yourself.
That didn’t make any sense. Everyone from here knew you had nothing of value at the clinic. Even if they wanted drugs, you didn’t have any here. Unless, it was someone from outside of town? But again, that didn’t make sense, people didn’t come out here. You’re rationalizing your thoughts, trying to get the courage to round the corner. After a moment, you take a deep breath and round the corner.
“Oh my god.” You say as you drop your scalpel. There on the floor of your clinic was a blonde haired man, wearing a strange black uniform, bleeding out. “Oh my god, oh my god.”
You try to regain your composure and quickly rush to his side. You had spent two years in the ER, but you decided it wasn’t for you on account of your tendency to freak out. You quickly flip the man over trying to identify the source of his bleeding. As your eyes are wandering his body, looking for the source, your eyes focus on his right lower abdomen and notice the blood pooling there. You quickly look around the room, trying to remember where your scissors and towels were. You rush over to your drawers and cabinets, flinging them open and then grabbing the scissors and towels. You start snipping his shirt away at the area of the wound and rip the fabric off, so you can get a better look at it. When the fabric is cleared away you look at the wound in shock. You hadn’t seen a wound like that since your hospital days. You eye the man again, just who was this guy? All of a sudden, he sits up abruptly, coughing up copious amounts of blood. You can feel the anxiety and fear begin creeping up in your body, but you do your best to shove it back down. You had a job to do and you weren’t going to let this man die. You reach for the towels and move to place them firmly on his wound, but his hand grabs your wrist stopping you. He just shakes his head.
“You can’t be serious? You’re bleeding out. I need to stop the bleeding.” You say as you try to press the towels to his wound. His grip on your wrist tightens. You look down at him holding your wrist and then back up at him. That’s when you notice them for the first time.
Despite his mouth being somewhat covered in blood, you can still make out the peculiar tattoos surrounding his lips. You look at them, taking them in and then gaze up at his eyes. Your breath hitches in your throat. He had the most mesmerizing amethyst eyes. Even though they were laced with pain, you were absolutely captivated by them.
“Who are you?” You whisper. He goes to open his mouth, but words don’t come out, instead he starts coughing again, more blood spilling out his mouth. That instantly snaps you out of whatever daze you’re in and you’re back into doctor mode.
“Hold that there.” You say pushing the towel on to his lower abdomen. Then, you take another towel and begin wiping away the blood at his mouth.
“Do you think you can move? I have a bed back there. Once you get there I can take a better look at you.” You say eyeing him once more. He nods faintly and then starts moving to get up. You help him carefully and lead him to the bed. Once he’s on the bed, you get everything you need to start checking his vitals. Despite him bleeding so much, his vitals didn’t indicate that there was a large issue at hand. His blood pressure was low, but that made sense considering his blood loss. The wound must not have been as bad as you initially thought. You really did have a tendency to overreact.
“Okay. I’m going to need to clean your wound and check to see if there’s any other significant injuries.” You say firmly. He goes to protest, but winces and settles back down. You take that as the okay to go ahead. You take a few supplies out of your cabinets and drawers, then sit on your examination chair and wheel over to him.
“Can you take off your shirt?” You ask, eyeing him. He gives you a look.
“You can either take it off, or I can cut it off you. I’m going to attend to your wound.”
You feel his violet eyes boring into yours and part of you wants to look away, but you refuse. You’re not sure how long the two of you spend in a staring contest, but he finally sighs and reluctantly pulls off his shirt. Even though he struggles getting it off, wincing, he pulls it off and sets it on his lap. You swallow deeply as you take in his toned torso covered in bruises. He was slender, but that didn’t stop him from being muscular. Pushing the distraction away, your eyes go back to the wound on his lower abdomen. The bleeding had lessened, so it must not have been as deep as you initially thought. Some muscles had been torn through, but there wasn’t any damage to vital organs. Even still, he needed a hospital. You didn’t have the equipment necessary to completely attend to that kind of wound. You clean his wound and patch it up the best you can, then you go on to check his ribs for any broken ribs. By the bruising and puffiness you assumed at least a few of them were broken, but to confirm you rain your fingers across his torso, checking to see if any were actually broken. You watched him wince as you touched to check them. You gave him an apologetic look in return. From what you could feel, two or three of them were most likely broken, but you didn’t have an x-ray machine to confirm. You let out a sigh.
“You really need a hospital. Your wound needs more attention than I can give it and you have a few broken ribs. I don’t even know how you’re breathing comfortably, right now.” You say. “I can drive you to-“ He cuts you off with a shake of his head.
“You can’t be serious. You need a hospital. I can’t take care of you here.” He just shakes his head again in response. You let out an exasperated sigh. “I could lose my license for this, you know?” The man just looks at you with those violet eyes and doesn’t say anything.
“Fine. I’m going to get you a bottle of wat-“ You stop yourself and remember how he was coughing up blood. “I need to check one last thing. Open your mouth.” The man raises an eyebrow at you.
“You were coughing up blood. I need to take a look at your throat.” You say pulling out a small light. “Say ‘ahhh’.”
The man opens his mouth and stick out his tongue and you’re taken aback by the tattoo on his tongue. Who was this guy? You shake off the thought and go back to examining his mouth.
“Can you speak?” You ask as you click your light off.
“Salmon.” It comes out hoarsely and you’re not sure you completely hear him.
“Salmon?” Had he ended up with some kind of concussion too? It was possible, especially with the other wounds he had, so you move to start giving him a concussion examination. He stops you before you’re able to start.
“You could have a concussion. I need to give you a proper examination.” He shakes his head profusely. It was starting to drive you mad.
“Fine. I’m going to get you a bottle of water.” You say as you rise from your chair. “Try not to move too much.” You’re moving out the room before he even has the chance to nod.
You go to grab a bottle of water from the small refrigerator you have when your eyes are drawn to the pools of blood on your floor. They were beginning to dry and you knew you’d have to clean them up sooner rather than later. The thoughts of the evening came rushing back to you. A strange man had stumbled into your clinic bleeding and your first instinct should’ve been to call someone for help, then attend to his wounds, not let him stay in your small clinic, where you were completely alone with him. Who knows what he could’ve done to you? Or what he could still do to you. Honestly, not much considering his state, but still you never really knew. But thinking about it, you felt there was no way he’d do something to you. You couldn’t quite explain it. Despite the fact you didn’t even know him, he just didn’t seem like the type of person that would hurt others. He seemed more like a protector. You had gotten so lost in your thoughts that you forgot about the glass of water. You quickly regain your composure, go to grab a bottle of water and some of the nutrient crackers you kept.
“Hey, I got your-“ You stop when you see him slumped over sleeping. Probably passed out from exhaustion.
You set the bottle and the crackers on the bedside table, so that they’re there for him in case he wakes up. You try to will yourself to leave, but there’s just something captivating about him. The slow rise and fall of his chest as he breathes, the way his lips are slightly parted, how his blonde hair falls gently over his face. Your eyes slowly take in his captivating form, admiring the details of his full eyelashes and the curve of his cheekbones. Then your eyes return to his lips, still slightly stained red with blood. They looked so soft, you wanted to reach out and trace them with your finger. Trace the lines and circles of his tattoos framing his lips. You took the time to take in his slender, but toned figure. Your eyes traced over all the curves of his muscles on his arms, torso, and abdomen. He was beautiful, even with bandages wrapped around him and the bruises littered across him. You watch as he shivers and then stirs a little. Oh right. He was probably cold. How could you forget something as simple as that? You move to the cabinet and pull out a blanket and then set it carefully over him. He subconsciously embraces the newfound warmth and you smile softly.
Once you’re convinced that he’s settled, you move to clean the blood off the floor. You get the necessary supplies and begin scrubbing away. It wasn’t a lot of blood, but you hadn’t seen this much since your days in the hospital. You were so glad the day your residency in the hospital finished. There was this dark, sullen feeling you got when you worked there. It just wasn’t the place for you. You scrubbed away at the floor until all that was left was your reflection sparkling in the freshly cleaned floors. Almost as if the blood was never there in the first place. As your putting everything back away, you let out a tired sigh. You glance at the clock and note that it’s a little past midnight. You were exhausted. It was probably in part due to the amount of stress your body had experienced in such a short time, but where were you going to go? You couldn’t go home and leave him here by himself. What if something happened? You weren’t sure you’d be able to handle the emotional weight of that. So, you decided to curl up on the sofa in the front room and get some sleep.
The next morning you awake, startled by the sound of knocking on the door. You sit up quickly and try to regain an understanding of your surroundings. You blink sluggishly, taking in the familiar light colored walls of your clinic, the pictures, and the various plants. Your eyes wander around the room, recalling the night before. So all of that had really happened. You’re reminded of what woke you when the knocking at the door continues.
“Y/N? Are you in there? It’s Misuzu.” She calls from the door.
“Just a second!” You call back. You quickly stand up and straighten your clothes before making your way to the door.
“Good morning Miss Misuzu. How are you?” You say smiling.
“Good morning, hun. I baked some bread last night and thought I’d bring you some. I stopped by your house, but you weren’t there. Thought you might be here and decided to drop by.” You took note of the basket in her hand and smiled warmly.
“That’s so kind of you Miss M. Did you want to come inside for a little bit?” You ask, moving out the way to let her in. You were secretly wishing she would say no. Any other time, you’d be happy to sit and chat, but on account of your friend in the back you really couldn’t let her in.
“No, no I have some things I need to do. And I’m sure you’ve probably got work to do. Here, I hope you enjoy it.” Misuzu says handing you the basket. “Just bring the basket back sometime later, okay?” You smile warmly and accept the basket.
“Will do. Thank you so much.” You say gratefully. She gives you a small wave and goes on her way. When she’s out of your sight, you close the door quickly making your way to the back of the clinic.
When you round the corner you almost drop the basket from shock. The bed was completely empty, and it wasn’t just that, it was made to perfection as if no one had even been there. And you would’ve believed no one had been there if it wasn’t for the blanket from last night neatly folded at the end of the bed with a note atop it. You pick up the note gently and open it.
Thank you - Toge Inumaki was scrawled across in the paper in a messy script.
You were left dumbfounded. There was now a name for the man you helped last night. Toge Inumaki. You practiced the name a few times, seeing how each syllable ran off your tongue. You run through the details of the night and move to put the basket and note down. Images of Inumaki collapsed on your floor and pools of blood flashed in your head. You were left with so many questions. How had he managed to leave? When did he leave? He wasn’t in any condition to go off somewhere on his own. And how had he gotten the wound in the first place? Also, he said “salmon”. Just what was that about? So much for getting the answers you wanted.
Days passed and you hadn’t seen Inumaki again. It was almost as if that night hadn’t even happened, as if Inumaki and the whole incident had been a figment of your imagination. If it wasn’t for the note, you’d been holding onto it since that morning, you would believe you made the whole thing up. You still couldn’t make sense of it, not just what had happened, but him. Something about Inumaki had a hold on you. You kept envisioning those gorgeous amethyst eyes in your head over and over again. The lines of his tattoos, surrounding his lips, the circular tattoo on his tongue. How his blonde hair fell perfectly around his face. You remembered how peaceful he looked when he was sleeping, the low rise and fall of his chest. You kept playing the night over and over in your head, wanting to remember all the little details. You shake your head and go back to cleaning up the clinic. It was still relatively early afternoon, but you had seen all of your patients for the day and were ready to head home. You’re putting the last of everything away when you hear the door open.
“Just a second.” You call to the door. You’re trying to put the last of your things up when you hear a loud clutter. “What on earth-“
You stop what you’re doing and move swiftly to the front of the clinic. You instantly got flashbacks to that night. There he was, collapsed on your floor just like that night. He was sprawled on the floor, knocked out cold. Unlike the last time, there wasn’t any blood. Well not any you could see right away. You quickly rush to his side and try to flip him over. Once you flip him over you note that there is blood surrounding his mouth. You move to get all of the equipment needed to check his vitals. For the most part, his vitals come out as normal, there were a few things that were high, but nothing to be concerned about.
“Just what were you doing, Inumaki?” You say, gently brushing his hair out of his face. You take in his peaceful state for a moment before taking the dampened towel, and carefully wiping the blood from his lips.
You wanted to move him to the bed, it wasn’t comfortable on those hard tiles, but you weren’t going to be able to move him by yourself. Instead, you go to grab the blanket from before and a pillow. You carefully lift Inumaki’s head and slide the pillow under, before resting it back down. Then, you take the blanket and cover him. There was no telling how long he’d be out. It could be four minutes, it could be four hours.
While Inumaki was out, you used the time to return to your cleaning and closing up the clinic for the day. You still had a few chart updates to do, so you took the time to do that. You hear Inumaki begin to store slightly and watch as he begins to come to, blinking slowly trying to take in his surroundings and then as he sits up suddenly on high alert.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. It’s just me.” You say trying to calm him down. He’s staring at you with wide eyes and then as he takes in your features, you watch as he visibly relaxes.
“You were out for a while. Here, drink this.” You say handing him a bottle of water. Inumaki takes it and gives a nod of thanks before unscrewing the cap and chugging it down. “Hey, slow down. It’s not good to drink that fast.” Inumaki ignores you, finishing the bottle quickly. He lets out an exasperated sigh when he’s done and then smiles at you warmly. You immediately become flustered and want to turn away, but you force yourself to stay facing him. You could finally ask him all the questions that have been clouding your brain.
“Inumaki.” You say capturing his attention.
You pause for a moment, thinking about the right question. The one that would best answer all your questions. You rack your brain for the right question and settle on the one you had asked all those nights ago.
“Who are you?”
You watch as his brows knit together, taking in your question. The two of you sit in silence for a while. You watch Inumaki carefully, watching his every movement. Inumaki opens his mouth to speak, but then quickly shuts it frowning.
“I guess you don’t have to tell me, but I’d appreciate you telling me. You know, on account of me saving your life and all.” You say in attempt to ease the tension. Inumaki shakes his head in response.
“Okay. I understand if you don’t-“ Inumaki shakes his head again, this time more violently. “Wait, so you do want to tell me?” Inumaki nods in agreement, but looks frustrated.
“Okay.” You reply. He was acting strangely. Maybe it was due to the concussion from before.
Inumaki pulls out his phone, taps a few times, and then hands it to you. It’s opened to a new contact page. You look at him confused.
“You want me to put my number in?” You ask tilting your head to the side. Inumaki nods, points to himself, makes a typing gesture with his fingers, then points to you. “You’re going to text me? Why do you want to text me?” You’re still confused at this point. Inumaki slumps down in his spot.
“Okay, okay, I’ll put my number in, but I’m still confused.” You say.
You type your contact info into his phone quickly, and then hand it back to Inumaki. Inumaki takes it and moves his fingers across the screen swiftly. You didn’t know a person could type that fast. All of a sudden you hear your phone ding. You pull it out of your pocket and see a text from an unknown number.
I wish I could explain, but I can’t :( I’m sorry
Your eyes dart across the screen and then to Inumaki. You mind starts to flood with why he couldn’t possibly tell you. You think about the wound he had from the first night, his multiple bruises, the way he was coughing up blood, and the tattoos surrounding his lips and on his tongue. Your eyes widen at your new revelation.
“Oh my god, are you in a gang?” You say, sitting up straight. Inumaki looks at you for a second and then he starts laughing. Laughing. The sound catches you off guard, but then your heart flutters. Suddenly, you want nothing more than to hear that sound over and over again.
“Why are you laughing? How is being in a gang funny?”
Inumaki gets his laughing under control, coughing a little bit, and types something else on his phone. You look down at your phone to see a new message.
No lolol. That’d be interesting though.
You eye him carefully, trying to sense a lie. He smiles at you in return and you feel something in your heart flutter.
“You’re really not in a gang?” Inumaki’s smile widens as he shakes his head. “Okay, then what else is there to be so secretive about?” Your phone buzzes again.
Can’t say.
“Fine. Why are you texting me, though? Did something happen to your throat? Do you want me to take a look at it?” You ask, genuinely concerned. Inumaki shakes his head.
Long story. Maybe I’ll tell you another time :)
“Okay.” You reply. You were curious, Inumaki had ignited something in your brain. You wanted to know more about him. That’s when you realized the two of you were still sitting on the floor. Inumaki must’ve realized too, because he stood up and offered his hand to you.
“Thank you.” You say as he helps you up.
You take in his violet eyes, they were sparkling and you could see the happiness in his eyes. A great contrast from what you had seen before, when they were laced with pain. You glanced down to his lips, looking at the tattoos beside them once more. Inumaki seemed to notice this and zipped his jacket up, covering the lower half of his face.
“I’m sorry.” You say looking away from him. “I didn’t mean to stare.” You really didn’t mean any harm. You were just intrigued by them. By him.
You can feel Inumaki’s eyes on you and you want to hide away from his gaze. You hear his phone buzz and watch him as he checks the notification. Inumaki lets out a sigh catching your attention. He gestures to the door.
“Oh do you have to leave?” You ask. Inumaki nods and then starts walking to the door. “Are you going to stop by again?” Inumaki stops when he reaches the door and turns back to you. Inumaki smiles with his eyes, holds his phone out and shakes it side to side.
“Okay, I’ll text you.” You say smiling back. Inumaki gives a small wave and then slides out the door.
Later that night, you were getting ready for bed when your phone buzzed next to you. You finished brushing your teeth and then picked up the phone to see who it was.
toge inumaki
Guess who \( ̄▽ ̄)/
You giggle and type your reply,
how’d you get this number?
Your phone buzzes barely a few seconds later
toge inumaki
( ̄︿ ̄)
You giggle again and curl up in bed before you type your reply.
hi inumaki :)
Call me toge
hi toge :)
Whatcha doin~
getting ready for bed, you?
I’m watching a movie with some friends
you mean your fellow gang members? i didn’t realize you all watched movies, especially not together
Hahah so funny ~(>_<;~)
I promise I’m not in a gang
i definitely believe that .
yeah, yeah okay
what movie are you watching
No idea.
I’m not really paying attention lolol
That’s so not nice :(
i’m sorry :(
Are you mocking me?
yes :(
And to think I thought you were nice (。•́︿•̀。)
You laugh quietly to yourself and try to think of something to say back. Before you can another text message is coming in.
I gotta go, my friends are started to bug me
Goodnight, Y/N. Sweet dreams. ♡
night toge ♡
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sleepyqinfei · 2 months
good morning americas , good afternoon europe , n good evening asia ! i hope u’re doing well on this fine wednesday ʃƪˊᵕˋ ꒱ྀི১ remember to be kind to yourself , and treat yourself to a litl something nice — after all , u deserve it ! loooovvee uuu ♡
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screampied · 9 months
Loooooving the new theme sweetness 🤩
thank yew sm oreo ur so sweet 😙🫰
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how are u by the way!!? happy wednesday i hope the rest of the week treats u well 🤍!
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suokura · 1 month
aaa whimsy !! ur blog is so pretty >: its nice to meet u <33
omg hello ૮꒰ྀི⊃⸝ ⸝ ⸝⊂꒱ྀིა please this feels like such high compliment coming from you … your theme is so pretty + the comm is absolutely beautiful! so stunning! i literally gasped when my eyes laid upon it 🥺 it’s nice to meet you, as well! i hope wednesday is treating you nicely 🤍
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inkykeiji · 1 year
does touya-nii let reader have safewords? and if she does, would he even allow her to use them?
oooh anon that’s a very interesting question :o
tw: noncon/rape, stepcest, toxic relationship
i’m inclined to say no, because he would not and does not respect her when she tells him ‘no’ or ‘wait’—touya-nii wants what he wants when he wants it, and he believes he is wholly and entirely entitled to her body at all times, as if she is some object (because, in many ways, that’s exactly how he sees her. she belongs to him. he owns her. he is to use her however the fuck he wants to, whenever the fuck he wants to).
in the past we’ve seen him ignore her protests, with these instances literally beginning in part one of my main series (and often using her ‘good girl’ weakness against her, ie be a good girl for me and take it, show me how good you are and take it, etc with the implication that if she doesn’t, if she denies or doesn’t want to, then she is bad, and that’s the last thing she ever wants to be. he plays on that extreme insecurity of needing that external validation, from him especially, of needing to be told she’s good and not bad, to manipulate her and uses it to his advantage to get what he wants/control her)—and we also see it very heavily in beautiful when the damage is done, where he punishes her and natsuo and completely disregards their multiple objections.
with that being said, touya-nii isn’t entirely heartless. i do think there are some VERY rare cases where he would stop if she told him to, but the circumstances would have to be genuinely extraordinary (by his standards). to him, she’d have to have a very good reason to ask him to stop, or be in extreme distress (keeping in mind that touya is quite sick and gets off on her crying) for him to stop. so! to answer your questions: it isn’t impossible, but it’s highly unlikely. he might give her a safeword to be used in absolute emergencies (especially if she asked for one and rly wanted one!), but she’d be punished pretty heftily if she used it in a situation that he doesn’t deem dire and necessary.
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bucketkicked · 4 months
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GOOD  NOW!  i hope this week's wobble wednesday has greeted you with mercy, but if not then here's a little message to help set you right ways up again.
as summer approaches, it's more important than ever to take care of yourself! whether you're basking in the sun or hiding away in the shade, it's imperative that you show yourself the same warmth that the sun does ( okay, maybe not 30+ degrees warmth, be cooler than that please ) and treat your body and mind kindly. at the risk of sounding like those corny posts? drink a lot of water. remember sunscreen. love yourself and put some GODDAMN ice in your drink. you deserve it. you DON'T deserve heatstroke ( or 30+ degree heat, seriously, cool down ).
but enough about summer— you know that i detest chain mail. that's why i'm here to take the time to tell you what i like about your portrayal! for me, mutuals are mutuals for a reason, and it's nice to remind people from time to time what that reason is!
WHAT I LIKE ABOUT YOUR PORTRAYAL IS: your variety! your roster is full of interesting characters and, amazingly, they're all well-developed and distinct from one another. that's an amazing feat to pull off for any writer; it's a great hallmark of skill, of which you have in spades, and it's such a pleasure to watch you create. i'm very keen to do more threads with you in the future, with a wider range of characters, and i know others feel the same!
keep your chin up, friend! you're already halfway through the week and you can make it to the end ( yes that rhymed, no i'm not a poet ).
— killjoy
Casually answers this past Wednesday…
HEY. Did u know… I appreciate u… but seriously, I really needed a kind message like this!!! I’ve been stressing over my activity (or lack thereof) lately and I’m terrified. But this really helped me feel better !!
I’m so glad you enjoy my OCs and I’d LOVE to plot some with ya for my other babies. ❤️😁
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kittyb1tz · 7 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WORM!!!!! i hope today treats u especially well 🫶🫶
!!! tyy! wednesdays are always good days so its lookin good for me! :D
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strawberrystepmom · 3 months
Special delivery Kendall 📦
A dozen roses just for you 🙂‍↕️
for ME?????? omg you shouldn’t have!!!
here’s a bouquet for u in return my sweet 🪻🌹🌺🌷🌻🌼
How’s Wednesday treating you? I hope very well!!!
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