#i hope yall have a great day
felsicveins · 3 months
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His heart belongs to another
And no other heart will do
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sentientstump · 9 months
audio from: don't starve together - a new reign #17 from EthosLab 7:25 but please imagine that they're on a hike
Beef: Ok. I'm coming down.
Etho: Th-. There's like a forest down here.
Beef: (in a tiny voice) ...you're a forest.
Pause: Wow, dude!
Etho: Always...
Pause: Incredibly rude!
Etho: Always with that...
Pause: The hostility...
Beef: (wheeze) "Always" with what???
Etho: I am not a forest!!! How many times do i have to tell you-
Beef: Down there! There's a forest down there!
Etho: How many times do I have to tell you I'm not a forest.
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queerxqueen · 2 years
this fandom is so mean sometimes when it comes to even the most basic of fandom shit like. i get it, ST is relatively mainstream, a lot of yall have never been in fandoms before, but the stuff folks call out as "cringe" behavior (or worse) in fandom is quite literally stuff that has always been a part of fandom and always will. people cosplaying, kinning characters, shipping characters who have barely spoken in canon, going to nerdy conventions, overanalyzing every scene w/ ur fave character in it, crying over characters, writing fanfiction and making art of whatever the fuck you want since you're doing it for free and for fun... this is fandom culture. if you dont like it you don't have to engage with it and its so easy to block/not interact with content you don't like.
tldr; stop bullying fans for doing fan things.
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mellozheist · 23 days
there's a new animatic upload soon (in 5-6 hours-ish)
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doodles-in-sand · 3 months
doodle dump 👍 its also my birthda
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+ sona redesign for the 400th time lol (under cut)
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yes i stole shidous throw down fit. what about it. its actaully accurate to what i wear outside usually ill post a pic tmr if i remember to
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smallsafespace · 6 months
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Dont worry if you’re new, i’ll show you what to do!
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jinxybri · 2 months
"hey mom... dead mom..."
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Rae tried not to visit the memorial. He knew that if he went there, he'd start feeling the pain of losing her all over again, and he knew there were things he had to focus on. "I can grieve her once it's all over," He kept thinking. "I promised her I'd help her and I failed her. I can't fail anyone else."
And then he found his sibling standing by it, cursing it's very existence. "How could you do this, Rae?" Icarus had asked. "This isn't okay. She hurt me." They had said. Rae couldn't not hear the animosity in their voice against his mother, the hostility against them. He didn't blame them, but he also deserved a place to memorialize his parent. "She was my mother, Icarus." He had said. But to Icarus, that wasn't enough.
Icarus had attacked him there with a potion. Something that made him cough up sculk and sprout new horns and a tail. Something so vile that it made his body fight for it's life so hard it grew new bits.
He knew they didn't like it, knew when he made it that they wouldn't like it, and yet he deserved a place to keep her memories alive. She deserved it too, even if she had made bad decisions.
So, fearing that the spot would be blown up, like how the memorials of the bodies in the Endstone reset Strongholds had been, he started visiting it more. At first he'd try and see it from his windows, but that hadn't eased his mind. So instead he went closer, and closer. And eventually, one time, he decided to sit there.
And then he talked. "Hey mom..." He started with a simple greeting, "Well.. dead.. mom." It felt crazy, talking to an empty grave, a full ground instead of a hollow one, and yet... it was helping. "I wish you were still here..."
"I wish I could've been more of a son to you."
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jkslipppiercing · 9 months
Still With You | jjk
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• summary: a wife speaking to her husband, which happens to be jungkook, which also happens to be dead.
• warnings: not much to be said, mentions of death ig, established relationship.
• WC: this is a drabble and i have no idea but it's <1k words.
please enjoy! wrote this in literally 5 mins and i know it's random ;-;
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i was stressing and i didnt know what to do.
you were standing off to the side,
not interfering,
not judging,
completely quiet.
i felt self-conscious at your observation,
but i tried to do my best.
my hands started shaking,
my palms started sweating,
and i slid a glance of panic your way,
but still,
you said nothing.
the screwdriver dug into my palm,
and i clutched it in my hand,
a minute away from throwing it across the room.
just when i was about to give up,
you spoke.
"go on.
you're doing good, you dont need my help."
i didnt believe the ever so soft-spoken words,
despite that,
i kept going.
something as simple as assembling a desk shouldn't have been so hard,
but i was fumbling.
the screw wouldn't go in the destined hole,
and it drove me insane.
i was so frustrated,
but even if i kept failing,
knowing that you were there to cheer me on,
sparred my emotions out of control.
you gave me the push i never knew i needed.
you pushed off the wall and walked toward me,
my hands shook again,
my breath shallowed just when your steps halted behind me.
your front flushed against my back.
you placed your hands on my waist,
snuggled your nose into the crook of my neck,
breathed the scent of my hair in,
and mumbled.
you mumbled a sentence i wish i could play on repeat.
"you did it, my love.
you did so well."
butterflies erupted in my stomach,
my skin went up aflame.
i turned my neck just enough for my lips to lightly graze against your cheek.
you shifted your face abruptly,
catching my lips with yours.
i couldnt help but smile into the kiss,
thankful for your light shining brightly upon my darkness.
i wished for that moment to last for eternity,
but what could i have done?
it was inevitable.
now, a couple feet separated us;
you under me,
me above you.
only six feet of distance,
yet it felt like the gaping distance between the sky and the earth.
i loved- love you more than words could ever define, my love.
our daughter does, too.
she knows how amazing of a father you could've been,
if only your departure didn't have to be so soon.
i miss you,
we all do.
asking you to come back would be in vain, but still,
if only i could turn back time,
if only you didn't shield me,
if only the sniper would've hit the actual target,
if only you would've lived,
if only you didn't die for me.
i named her Jeon Seol,
your eyes, nose, and lips,
my smile, hair, and voice.
she looks just like her father,
acts just like her mother,
a girl who would live to be a legend,
just like her dad wanted.
i will forever be yours,
until my very last breath,
still with you.
sincerely, your wife, mrs. jeon.
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@hoseokteardrop @nochuel @kaitieskidmore97 @nays2112 @jksoftii @yu-justme @meadow-in-spring @bunnykoos @looneybleus @fushigurosdarling @alpha-mommy69 @junecat18 @xjiminsthighsx @tanniesdoll @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @whoa-jo @ahgasegotarmy116 @jksusawife @frgetmenotz @baechugff @partyparty-yah @army130613210521 @drugerlime @allisonstone @hopekive @llallaaa @tarahardcore @hopetookmysoul @betysotelo18 @harmonic55 @ecrvea @awesomebabyyoda @peterstarkchrishiddleston @pinkrockstar19 @sweetestseoul @luv--youu
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void-critters · 3 months
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Simblr Trading Cards: Hilda and Lilit
I got a lil silly and decided to make some trading cards for my D&D characters! bc I'm nothing if not predictable
Simblr trading card template by @squea and @buttertrait !!!
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lolpsxd · 1 year
hii guys here is some very little ratcandy sketch dump
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^ if its hard to read dexter says "why is your hair so funny :D" and kevin says "..i dont know i was born like that, how should i-" and dexter says "shut up /pos"
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^ im sorry i fucked up with dexter eyes a little
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^ if its hard to read kevin says "uh, man, we can't even think about buying thi-" and dexter says "WE WILL". i wanted to draw some silly thing here but i haven't made up with anything so here's nothing lol
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^ bros in hawaiian shirts!! i forgot to shade kevins hair part and add hair and scars on dexters arms too im sorry i cant fix it anymore
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hey-imma-fangirl · 4 months
💜Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!❤️
And if you don’t celebrate, I hope you still have a wonderful day!! 🫶
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leafuxxtea · 4 months
i'm starting to feel like im being super obnoxious 😭😭 sorry i just wanted to respond to everyone cuz i rlly appreciate it!! (the one who's been hinting at her birthday for a week now)
But really, thanks everyone 🥹🥹💕💕
Anyways yes I accept cash and credit and ferraris and yes im gonna pretend im celebrating the date i was born and ignore the fact im a year older. Time doesn't exist.
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bookinit02 · 11 months
it is honestly incredible that with as many times as i’ve watched the jonwill pizza freezer talk (which is a LOT of fucking times), it still manages to make me cry every single time, without fail. THATS cinema.
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atsu-i · 6 months
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notsodailycake · 1 year
Happy 1 Year Gregaverse Server!!!
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It's been a wacky year for all of us! All full of silly and crazy adventures and our Gregorys with their wacky animatronic family XD
It has been wonderful having this server, that started over a dumb joke i did after having my Gregory (Kiwii) interact with some mutual friend's Gregorys
And a huge thanks to my sister @saltynsassy31 for everything, who took the initiative to even create this server! She is the best
Gregorys featured:
• Kiwii (Mine)
•Ray ( @saltynsassy31 )
•Bon ( @yayadrawsthingz
•Archer ( @carogdraws )
•79 ( @mason-gaylord )
•Fizzy ( @birdie-ghost )
Sorry for any Gregory that wasn't able to be added in this, it was very last minute, BUT feel free to reblog this with your own Gregory ^^
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raspberryhell · 2 years
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[ID: A drawing of Grizzop from Rusty Quill Gaming wearing a fancy suit with a large coat over his shoulders. Grizzop is a small gray-skinned goblin with long rabbit-like ears and big solid-red eyes. He flashes a wide sharp-toothed smile as he winks. He is standing with a hand on his hip, the other raised in a wave. He is wearing a light blue suit with bright blue cuffs and a yellow tie. There is a large white coat over his shoulders with dark blue fur on the collar and sleeves. The inside of the jacket is lined with a bright blue floral pattern. The background is a light blue gradient with a faint diamond pattern and the tilted outline of a fancy photo frame around him. End ID]
Happy (day late) 5th Anniversary to RQG 66!! aka Happy Birthday Grizzop!!! 💚💙💚
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