#i hope you're doing well my dear <3
mister-eames · 4 months
darling, you have to give me more flesh on the scenario “what if arthur went to mombasa aka cobols backyard to fetch eames on doms request” would inception still have happened? or would end credits roll immediately? You can’t dangle that scenario infront of me like a carrot infront of a horse and say nothing :(
I love this question!! <3 I could write a whole novel on the possible canon-divergence, aha, sorry this took me a to minute to reply x I imagine it went something like this:
Above the din of the gambling house Eames suddenly notices two things at once.
One, the sharp scents of Davidoff Cool Water and nicotine.
The other is the barrel of a gun pressed in-between his shoulder blades.
Between his restless fingers the chips stop moving before resuming again. Saying nothing, Eames places the chips on the unluckiest number he can think of - if the person behind him is who Eames thinks it is, not a single sliver of luck can be wasted on something as frivolous as a dice game.
"Now, now," says Eames, sitting up straighter until the gun digs into his back. "Is that a firearm or are you just happy to see me? Goodness. You could at least buy me a drink first."
The dice roll on the table. Eames has lost. He wears his best look of disappointment as the dealer collects his chips, fewer than before, but still enough to cash in on. Currency comes in all shapes and forms and, hearing the tap of Arthur's loafers behind him as he's followed to the cash exchange, Eames very much get's the sense he'll need every last iteration of currency to bargain with.
"That's an interesting way of spelling Mombasa," Arthur says somewhere over his shoulder.
After all, Arthur is a man who plays to win.
"So," Eames deshells a pistachio and pops it in his mouth, "to what do I owe the pleasure of your company, dear Arthur?"
On the other side of the table sits Arthur, composed of long lines, angular limbs and dark fabrics, hair slicked back so perfectly it can only be a product of industrial-strength pomade and Arthur's sheer will. A pair of wayfarers are perched upon his nose, an old pair. His face is angled to the view outside beyond the terrace.
The nail of Arthur's right thumb, bitten short, digs into the side of his beer bottle.
"I'm here to offer you a job."
"That so?" Eames pries open another another pistachio, leaning back in his chair. "Tell me, was the gun to my back part of your offer?"
"Had to make sure you wouldn't run."
"What makes you think I still won't?"
"You won't," Arthur says confidently. "Not when you hear what I'm selling."
"And why would I buy anything from you," Eames asks, following Arthur's line of sight to the people milling in the market below, "when I could simply cash in on the price on your head?"
The challenge hangs in the air, suspended, awaiting Arthur's repartee. Instead, Arthur sighs, finally sliding the frames off his face, slipping them into his breast pocket. His expression turns pinched. "You won't," he repeats. He sounds less sure.
"I might."
"You would've done it already."
There it is. Eames shifts in his seat, throwing an arm around the back of it. "How'd you end up pissing off Cobol Engineering, hmm? Let me guess."
"How'd you know about that?"
"How did you know where to find me?"
"Inception," Arthur says suddenly.
"The job," Arthur clarifies, a little uncomfortably. "Our client is asking for inception."
Eames stares at him.
Under the weight of Eames' gaze Arthur seems pressed to project nonchalance, sitting up straighter in his chair, re-adjusting his legs until they mirror Eames' outstretched ones. Eames knows him better. He's already catalogued all of the little things that are different with Arthur since they last crossed paths - some for the better - a nicer suit, longer hair. Some for the worse. Tired lines. A tie tied too tightly, begging to be made crooked. Bitten nails.
The problem with Arthur is that Arthur cares so much that it's written all over him.
"You do recall what happened the last time we attempted inception, yes? How horribly we failed at it."
"And you recall telling me from the get-go to the get-gone that it wasn't possible?"
Arthur shakes his head. "Doesn't matter. You still think it can be done."
"You don't," says Eames, confused. "Which leads us to the inevitable question of why you, Arthur, are here, risking your head to ask me onto what you in your mind consider to be a fruitless endeavour."
"Cobb wants you on the job. You'll get paid."
"Try again."
The exhale that escapes Arthur's nostrils seem to deflate him a little. The too-short nails stop digging into his bottle as the hand retreats to his lap. "If we're to succeed, the client will secure Cobb's return to the states."
"In shackles, I hope."
He shakes his head. "To his kids."
"I'm still failing to see what I get out it."
When it's clear that he won't capitulate, Arthur sighs. "What do you want?"
To never be in the same room as Dominic Cobb ever again. To wind back the clock three years. To live out his retirement in peace.
"Something priceless," he says instead.
"The opportunity to achieve inception isn't priceless enough?"
Going quiet, Arthur appears to think on this. "This is the last job," he says after a moment. "No more. He'll either go home or go to prison."
He says it like it's fifty-fifty; luck; the toss of a coin. Eames considers this, wondering uneasily if he is the element that will give weight to one of the coins sides - which yet, he isn't quite sure. Which Eames wants, he knows even less.
"And you'll be a free man."
"And what are you planning to do with yourself after?"
"That," Arthur raises his chin, meeting his gaze, "I will let you decide."
Lightning crackles up Eames spine.
"...That is priceless, indeed."
"Yeah," Arthur smirks. "So, what do you say?"
Eames writes down an address on a napkin. He slides it over and stands.
"Meet me here in an hour. I know of a chemist that might be useful."
Arthur blinks down at the napkin. "Why? Where are you going?"
Eames tilts his head towards the bar where a middle-aged suit sits, eyes flicking towards their table.
"Giving you a chance to shake your tail."
Arthur looks over to the bar and swears under his breath. "Does this mean you're taking the job?"
"Depends on whether our friend over there shoots first. Go on."
"Wait," Arthur says, placing a hand on Eames' arm. He raises an inviting eyebrow, eyes brightening brilliantly. "I've got a better idea."
Twenty minutes later emerge from a narrow alley with a matching pair of bruised, bloody knuckles, an unconscious body slumped in the shadows of the alley.
Eames grins at Arthur, who is already smiling wide at him.
Something in Eames' chest is in freefall, starting from his throat, right down to his sternum. The same thing that always robs him of any good reason when it comes to Arthur - the one that hits the reset button in his doldrums, like pulling the lever at a poker machine and says come on, try again, hoping that he might make dividends this time. A horrible lack of certainty; a wonderful, frightening unfurling of possibilities and hope.
Arthur's shirt is crumpled to hell; dirt and dust mar the cuffs of his suit jacket, the shine of his loafers. He places his wayfarers back onto his face and Eames thinks hello again. Hello Arthur, the man who is both nineteen and twenty-nine in Eames' mind, who has kept the same sunglasses from five years ago and wears Davidoff Cool Water because it was what he wore when he needed something cheap and accessible and never quite grew out of it, even when he has the means to afford 'better'. A creature of habit - and sentiment.
"Cobb wanted to come to ask you," Arthur says, tone light, shoving his bloody hands in his pockets as they rejoin the greater crowd, sides brushing as they close in to avoid getting separated.
"Thank christ he didn't."
Arthur hums agreeably at the sentiment. "What would you have said, if he had?"
Eames shakes his head, not even needing to think about it. "I'd tell'im to piss off. Probably had sold him out before he touched soil."
"Come on. You would not have."
"Would've. There is not a single thing in Cobb's coin-purse that would sway me to sign up for this," he insists.
Arthur rolls his eyes, squeezing past Eames to get through a narrow opening in the crowd. Eames follows closely, eyes trained on the back of him.
Well... maybe one thing.
He'll take the job. And after that... Eames has some ideas already.
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magnifiico · 10 months
@howthesleeplesswander || are we ready to die? i think we're ready to die 8'D
He had no concept of time down here. Only that enough time had passed for his mind to clear, reality to assert itself, and King Magnifico to find—
Well, a dungeon cell was no more befitting a king than the mirror just as abhorrently containing him. So, what was he? After all he had done for Rosas, the sacrifices he’d made, the protection he’d offered them for years beyond count, they would treat their king like some common criminal? His queen would dare to turn her back on…
His queen. Amaya. Amaya.
Magnifico had run his muddled mind through the events of that day on a near tireless loop: picking at bits and pieces of his memory, recollecting flashes here, a foggy and distorted mess there. And despite all that he had gathered—a puzzle he’d had plenty of time to build—he’d yet to trace back to what had offended her so. What had antagonized her, driven her to stand against him as if he were the villain betraying the very kingdom he had built?
I built this. We built this.
And he’d promised from the beginning he’d do anything and everything it took to protect it. No questions asked. No holds barred. Magnifico used that book because he had to. The people hadn’t given him a choice; if he had let them—
No. No, no no. We said we’d never let that happen again.
But nevertheless, here he was. Dethroned. Defamed. He’d almost convinced himself his queen planned on letting him rot eternally, but when he heard the creak of a door on that fateful day—could’ve been morning, afternoon… or perhaps his darling had decided to pay an evening visit when all had quieted down—Magnifico hadn’t needed to see her to know. Her footsteps were a recognizable rhythm, soft and elegant, down the steps. Somehow, the echo seemed to penetrate his magical prison just as well, and in some way, each beat trembled down to his core.
When she stood outside the bars, however, peered in at that loathsome little mirror on the wall, he was ready to face her. That is, he’d convinced the faint flutter in his chest that he was.
“You’ve placed a magical mirror in which I am already very securely contained—trust me, I’ve had plenty of time to determine that’s the case—within a literal prison cell,” he observed blandly, head cocking while a bitter smile tugged on his lips. “Is that not just a touch excessive, my dear?”
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teddybeartoji · 2 months
MIIICCKKKEEEYYYY HIIIIIIIII MY DEAR!!!!!!!!!!! ok ok ok i hope im not too late but i saw you answering the horrible asks and ….I WANNA PLAY!!!!!! i’m so so curious abt 19, 59, and 69 >:) MWAH MWAH MWAHH
QUINNN!!!!!!!!!!!!! HII HELLO SWEETHEARTT:3333333333
19. would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
I WOULDN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! honestly it doesn't even sound tempting to me.. bc i think that if i were to go back to yk change something, to fix something - another thing would get messed up. like i go and change the narrative and what if it actually goes in a worse path because of that? does that make sense? anyhow long story short i wouldn't go back bc i'd be scared to fuck it up even more!
59. do you like the snow?
I DOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I REALLY REALLY DO!!!!!!!! i used to not like it though but the only reason behind that ugly hatred was the fact that we had to go skiing in school lmao i wasn't a fan of that so it just made me dislike the snow smhhh but now that i am free from that - I CAN FINALLY ENJOY THE SNOOWWW:33333333333 i think everything looks sooo so pretty when it's snowing!!!!!!!!! and i really do love playing in the snow too lmao it randomly snowed here in march and while everybody was pissed abt it i was so excited my cheeks hurt from smiling........
69. do you believe in soulmates?
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH I DOOOOO:((((((((( mickey the lover mickey the sap mickey the "it's meant to be" aaaahhhhhhh i can never stop adding little soulmate mentions to all of my works i simply cannot stop it i love soulmates okay. i think it's such a sweet concept. oh and while i love the idea of it meant to be i don't think soulmates always work out though. i feel like a lot of ppl think that soulmates might be like an mmm easy way,, as in like you don't have to work for it since it's "meant to be" but i don't think that's true at all. not to bring stsg into everything but they really are the best example of it i think. like how could anyone look at them and then say that they weren't soulmates yk??????????
but yeah i really love the idea of soulmates i love the idea of your body just immediately recognizing the other and i love the idea of just Feeling it. like you meet this person and you just kinda know it...
horrible asks
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Im not diagnosed with anything, but I don't need any doctor to tell me I KNOW I have executive dysfunction. I have trouble contacting friends, my community, even my partner. But I find it much easier to talk with my sister. It's like that wall and forgetfulness and unwillingness is all gone. I hope you have some one like that, too. The guilt may be hard, but you got through today, we can do tomorrow. You're not alone. I know there's nothing realistically I can do to help, but I send you well wishes and I'll pray for you. (Sorry if that seems weird, i dont mean to seem rude, I am religious, and many days, it feels like its the only thing i can do.) But I wish you peace of mind. Keep your strength.
it doesn't seem weird! i may not be religious in the least but i Understand the Meaning/Intent, so thank you! means a lot! i wish you luck as well, ik it must suck More being undiagnosed but knowing there's something up
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sorry i've been inactive and missing stuff i have been writing essays and playing stardew valley.
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soonhoonsol · 4 months
17 as a lolita dress
caratblr go look at those dresses they're STUNNINGGGG the colours are beautifullll
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nightofnyx8 · 5 months
10 and 15 for the writer ask game 😊
10. what is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it?
Oof good question, probably Interpose. That whole chapter took me about six months to write, mostly because I was researching about WWI and graduating from college at the same time. It's kinda funny that that fic in particular has the lowest amounts of kudos out of all my works, but I stand by my statement that it's some of the best writing I've ever published, and I'm proud of it.
15. favorite weather for writing
I adore it when it rains. Early weekend morning with a candle, a cup of steaming tea, and the rain pattering against my window? Absolute perfection.
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lunarmochi · 1 year
What would you say is in your mind microwave at the moment? (What are you spinning around and around in your head?)
honestly, i'm mostly thinking about studying for my midterm fjdksk i'm currently reviewing hinduism and buddhism!
but in the fun microwave, i'm thinking abt mr. doppio dropscythe as per usual. particularly the birthday project i'm in charge of. many things to do, much work to finish. i've also been thinking abt hurt/comfort prompts with him c:
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oneshortlove · 9 months
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❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖❤️ I'm just getting prepared <3<3🫂🫂🫂🫂
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daylightisviolent · 2 years
I just really hope that 2023 will be kind for all of us. It's what we deserve, and I hope you won't forget that.
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uriwoos2 · 2 months
I love you! I hope you're doing well
oh my gosh hi! :( thank you for taking the time to send this, I'm doing well and I hope you are too! <33
I'm slowly working on some things rn for bnd and xikers ^^ don't know when I'll finish them since I'm in a bit of a tiny slump now but it's coming for sure !! <33
thank you again for the lovely words, I appreciate it so much :'( sending all the love to you <3 💞💞💞
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thornilee013 · 8 months
Hi happy Wednesday! Oml the St Jude candle story made me giggle. RIP to the St Jude candle, I guess he was a hopeless cause after that :(( I’m so excited for you that you get to move soon! Yay for seeing and talking to your bf more often also!!! I hope that your trip is so amazing and yall are able to be in contact more regularly soon because you deserve that!
I’m so glad that you’re still having fun with WIP Wednesday! I love reading what you write :) Speaking of, could I please get some baby Jean? Have an amazing week!!! 🤍🤍🤍
prev | Baby Jean | WW 10.1.2024
It wasn't until a fish swam by behind his reflection that Jean took a step back, suddenly aware of the absence of his family. He looked over one shoulder and then the other, as if the lack of squabbling had been because his sisters were trying to sneak up on him. The exhibit in front of him wasn't any of the ones they had even talked about visiting. It did have a few manta rays gliding by, but mostly a bunch of smaller fish that he didn't know the name of.
Suddenly, he felt very, very small.
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teddybeartoji · 6 days
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you’re such a light on this app. every interaction I have with u genuinely brings joy to my day I love you you little freak MWUAH
i’m sooo thankful for your beautiful brain and the kindness u showed me when I was but a wee faceless fan of yours 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 to celebrate I get to take 23 bites out of u. or maybe you get to take 23 bites out of me. hmm. choices choices.
have such a wonderful day gorgeous, I hope you get all of your birthday wishes and that 23 is full of so much more love and joy than you’ve ever even dreamed of. you deserve it all and more.
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kaserolly · 1 year
2, 6, 18, 23, 61, 63 💙💙💙💙 you can answer tomorrow if you're tired now, get some rest bestiest (i'm gonna sleep too!!) 💕
HIIII NICO AAAA SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG TO REPLY TO YOU :(((((( hope you slept well and that you feel rested btw 💚💚💚 and TYSM for the ask ilyyyyyy 😽😽😽
2. What movie(s) could you watch over and over and not get tired of?
The Original Trilogy from Star Wars 🥰🥰🥰 they truly have a special place in my heart, literally my faves from the franchise and overall just... Amazing movies :3 honourable mentions include Home Alone 2 and any of the Lego Cinematic Universe movies 🥰
6. Favorite movie from the 90’s?
Home Alone 2, with Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace being a close second 💚 like I said, I'm never getting tired of rewatching it whenever it airs on Pro TV every December, plus it's my fave from the franchise so 😭 I also included SW Episode 1 cuz I have lots of great memories watching it on TV a few weeks before The Force Awakens was released <3 even if the CGI of that movie is uhhh obviously outdated ;-; still a good movie tho
18. Favorite movie heroine?
the original ask had the heroin spelling which made me think of drugs vbgdgf help ;-; UMMM anyways my fave is definitely Princess Leia :3 idc that she wasn't technically the protagonist of the original SW trilogy vjfbgh I LOVE HER SO MUCH WAAAAAAAA 😭 but if you want my fave female protagonist thennnn it's a tie between Rey from the sequel trilogy and Wendy Christensen from Final Destination 3
23. Favorite movie soundtrack?
61. A movie your parents introduced you to?
OOOO there are so many movies that I watched because my parents (mainly dad) introduced me to 😭😭😭 like the reason I started watching franchises like Star Wars and Indiana Jones, as well as war movies and many science fiction stuff, was because of him, and honestly that's one of the things I love about my dad 🥺 mom also introduced me to some movies, mainly Titanic (didn't like it that much ;-;), Love Actually and Romanian classics such as the Liceeni (lit. transl.: The Highschoolers) movies and Veronica, aka one of the movies that defined my childhood 🥰
63. Least favorite genre?
It used to be horror when I was younger, but in the recent years I've started to appreciate this genre a lil more 🥺 nowadays my least fave genre is those Western movies, idk I just never really enjoyed movies that were set in the Wild West 😭 oh and also shockumentaries aka mondo films ;-;
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clemencetaught · 1 year
round and round ( @jeoseungsaja did not ask for one but is getting one for this verse anyways <3 )
“Would you be able to feed Sun for the next few days?” Speaking of which, where did she run off to? He swore she was on the desk a few minutes ago…it’s only Hyuk, after all. She should be used to him by now, Patrick would assume. That and...well there isn't anyone else whom he could trust her with. He averts his eyes- maybe if he says softly enough, he won’t have to admit to Hyuk that the Capitol is calling him back in even though the games this year ended only last week.
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“I should…I should be back by the end of the week, but if there isn’t any more food in the bag, just unlock the window so she can get in at night. You wouldn’t have to change anything about your day for her either.”
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goldenstring6123 · 2 months
hello ! wanted to say i really love your writing style and your stories for the characters ! I wanted to know if you’d write one for Love and deep space Sylus? A scenario where you’re both sleeping but you sneak away quietly to get something from the kitchen or for whatever reason but he stops you with his powers (the handcuffs etc) to bring you back to bed. I’m not sure if i’m making sense but something along those lines! please and thank you!
Sylus: Kitchen Sneaker
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Warning: No warning. Fem!reader, domestic fluff (?)
Author's note: This is a fun domestic-ish prompt to write! I hope you like it my dear pookies <3
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Sylus was fast asleep beside you.
The man was a light sleeper for the sake of his own safety. According to him, even if the building was as secure as it could be, there were some instances where he woke up with a knife to his throat. However, ever since you began sharing the same bed, he had been sleeping like a log, which was good for him and the twins because they no longer had to deal with his hot head so early in the evening.
But it was bad for you. Simply because Sylus likes to hold you in his sleep. Sometimes his hand would be over your chest, groping your breast or squeezing in between your boobs, but most times, he would be holding your wrist, checking your pulse. How was this bad for you? Well, living alone for most of your adult life, you liked to indulge yourself in a midnight snack or two. With him holding you captive to the bed, his iron grip holding on to you, it was like you had a ball and chain around your body.
You've indulged Sylus for over a week now, but the intense midnight craving is overwhelming.
Tonight, it's food over Sylus. The man can wait. Food cannot.
You scooted his hand very, very, very gently away from your body. This man's hand is heavy and large. Sylus didn't move and continued to sleep peacefully, his exposed chest rising and falling calmly. The room was very cold, and you could even hear the blowing of the AC; it was at that moment that you realized how such small sounds seemed to be so loud at night.
With every step you take, you are holding your breath even more. Even against the carpet, the rustling of your feet seemed like it could stir Sylus awake at any second. Thankfully, you managed to traverse across the room like a spy. You even had to carefully close the door shut.
You used the stairs to get down to the kitchen, and while you were walking in the hallway, the chef was just about to leave, his satchel bag on his shoulder.
He and you made eye contact. You gestured to him to 'shush,' and he laughed.
"There's some leftover dessert and pasta in the fridge—feel free to eat it," he whispered, and you grinned, giving him a thumbs up. Greg is the best chef ever. You tiptoed to the kitchen, waving him goodbye. Your eyes landed on that double-door fridge that was whirring loudly.
Finally! You could taste that delicious panna cotta and aglio olio in your mouth. Your hands wrapped around the handle of the fridge, and as you tugged, the bright blue light of the fridge lit up your face.
You took the plate and settled it on the stainless steel counter. The next one was the small glass filled with chocolate and cream. You marveled at its delicate, savory look. You took a spoon from the nearby utensil holder and dug it into the soft texture, eager to get a taste.
Before it could land between your lips—
A cold whirlwind of black, scentless smoke wrapped around the fork. It flung out of your grasp, and before you could let out a peep, you, too, were flung away from the kitchen counter.
The man let out a grunt, his eyes low-lidded and foggy, clearly just woken up from his slumber.
"Pray tell," he gruffed, his voice an octave lower. "What are you doing in the kitchen? You're supposed to be in bed." Sylus let out a sigh while he brought you closer to him. He glanced behind you and saw the unopened plate of pasta and panna cotta.
"Never mind. You don't need to speak."
"I'm hungry! Don't you know you shouldn't get between a woman and her food?" you exclaimed while tugging at the thing around your exposed waist. You thrashed and thrashed, the straps of your nightshirt sliding down your shoulders. "Put me down and go back to bed! I'll be with you in five—no, fifteen minutes!"
His head was aching from all the noise you were making, and combined with the fact that you were out of bed by the time he woke up—to Sylus, it seemed like you were testing his patience. "Did you not eat enough during dinner time? You know you could've asked for second servings."
"I get midnight cravings on occasion, but when I'm sleeping over, you tend to weigh me down in bed," you explained, flailing your legs, which were a few feet off the ground.
"So, you're blaming me now?" Sylus raised an eyebrow.
You shrugged. Of course, you were. It wasn't your fault you couldn't get out of bed, and it wasn't your fault that the chef made great food and desserts. He didn't like the look on your face but, regardless, put you down to the floor, his hand tugging your strap over your shoulders. His red eyes glazed over your bare chest, but he turned away, walking to that lonely plate of pasta.
"We're going back to sleep after you have your fill." Sylus unwrapped the plate and took a fork, twirling it and taking a bite. The oily, mild tinge of spiciness and Parmesan helped push him awake. He won't deny that the chef was good at his job—it was even enough for you to sneak out of his bed.
You mounted yourself onto the kitchen island, the cold marble surface cooling the bottom of your thigh. You took the panna cotta, and finally, the creamy and sweet flavor of chocolate and cream exploded in your mouth. Unconsciously, you nodded in approval of the taste.
Quietly, you ate in each other's company, occasionally making small talk. Sylus left the dish in the sink along with the fork, but when he turned to you, your nose was inside the refrigerator again. "Cake roll slice…" you uttered. The strawberry cake roll looked delicious inside the glass container.
Before you could even reach out to it, the smoke appeared at the very same spot, dragging you away from the fridge. Sylus closed the double-door refrigerator and crossed his arms right in front of you. A clear 'no' was plastered all over his face.
You let out a groan as he dragged you away with the smoky black and red rope around your waist.
When you got back to the bedroom, you expected Sylus to go right back to sleep. But instead, the man pulled a handcuff from underneath his pillow. How and why it was, there was a question you didn't want to ask him. Without another word coming out of his mouth, he chained it to himself and took hold of your wrist.
"No. You're not going to—"
He latched the real handcuff around your wrists and laid down on the bed, dragging you with him.
The lights dimmed and flickered off at his word, and you just lay there, staring up at the canopy.
"I guess this is our bedtime routine now," you sighed.
"Sleep," he reiterated.
You seriously have no idea how you put up with this man.
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Author footnotes: I also like to sneak out to the kitchen and eat but instead of sylus, It's my mom who sees me and then i get the clothes hanger beat up for staying up late at night lol.
Layout by me, using Canva premium | Do not repost |
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