#i hope you've all had a great day and in case you haven't heard it today: you're wonderful and i'm glad you're here ♡
austerulous · 2 years
Me: I’m going to get so much done today! Also me: 🐌
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antiquarianfics · 2 months
Dark and Bloody Ground
So you violently murdered a man? So what? You did it in the name of love.
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a/n: This is super loosely inspired by the song "Dark and Bloody Ground" by Ruston Kelly. Great song if you haven't heard it. Anyway, this is super gory and violent, but it's still a little fluffy... Hope you like it.
warning(s): Profanity, gore, extreme violence, sort of a hostage type situation, only kind of proofed.
note: I do not own Bucky Barnes or any other Marvel affiliate characters.
You do not have permission to steal or repost my work; however, feel free to like, comment, and reblog.
Blood. Blood everywhere. It’s on the ground, on the body, on your hands, on your face. The scene looks as if a toddler was given a box of crayons—all shades of red—and a coloring sheet. It’s horrific. Blood splattered, crayon scribbled—however you look at it.
Your breathing is erratic, heavy breaths shake your body as your lungs struggle to take in air. You’ve over exerted yourself, but you can’t find even a smidgen of a fuck to give.
There’s a dull ache in your knees where you’re sat on them; you lean back to distribute some weight onto your heels. Once your knees are slightly alleviated, you become more aware of the constant ringing in your ears, the ringing that has been constant since the moment you pulled your weapon. Then, you notice the soreness in your fingers and glance down to where your hands are clenched in fists, your knuckles busted and bruised. Looking around, you see a bloodied knife a few feet away: your gun is still in its holster.
You look up at the bloodbath in front of you—the dead men in front of you.
Did I even pull my gun?
The ringing in your ears is deafening, and you can’t focus on anything other than the carnage. Or, you can’t until you hear Bucky call for you. Wait. Bucky.
The moment your brain processes Bucky’s voice, it’s as if someone hits the fast forward button until your brain catches up with what is actively happening around you. The ringing squeals until it doesn’t; your head swivels until your eyes lock on their target.
“Y/N,” Bucky repeats. “Doll.” He slides next to you on his knees slowly, grimacing slightly as he moves.
Bucky’s eyes are filled with worry, his every movement cautious. He takes in your current state, but he saw the whole thing. He saw you kill the man who lay dead before you. He watched as the deceased attempted to fight back, how he got a few minor licks in, and how it was for naught. Still, though, Bucky is cautious as he looks at you--as he tries to make sure you're okay.
"Oh, baby," you say, voice low and hoarse. You smile softly and raise a hand to cup Bucky's cheek. "Oh, how I've missed you."
Bucky smiles sadly, his own hand reaching up to cup your cheek. "I've missed you, too."
"Are you okay?" You ask, concern palpable.
"I am now. You've got me, Doll."
You nod. "Yeah, I've got you."
Bucky looks around the facility he'd been held prisoner in for weeks. The drab appearance had changed quickly in your fury; he'd never seen you like that before.
Bucky coughed as the HYDRA operative kicked him in the gut. In most cases, Bucky would have already killed the guy, but he'd been starved and neglected for days, pumped full of a chemical that lessened the effectiveness of the super soldier serum, and his body thus has been struggling to fight off a nasty infection from a three day old stab wound.
"I'll ask again, Winter Soldier. Where is it?" The man in charge, an unassuming man in a pressed gray suit, asks in an even tone.
"I'll tell 'ya again," Bucky spits, "fuck. you."
"Very well. Again." The man waves his hand carelessly in a 'go ahead' motion.
The HYDRA operative kicks Bucky again. That's when the door to the torture chamber opens, and there you stand with a stolen keycard held to the door.
Your eyes land on Bucky on the ground, then they shift to the operative carrying out the torture, and then they settle on the man in the suit. Bucky knows you see red.
Taking a deep breath, you step forward and hit the button to shut the door behind you, stopping an escape. Then, in a flash, you've thrown your knife into the HYDRA operative's head. The operative drops, his body twitching slightly before stilling, and blood slowly begins to pool from his cracked skull.
The moment the knife leaves your hand, you step forward and swing at the man in the suit. The man side steps, lets out a 'Who do you think you are?' before being silenced by your fist to his jaw. You punch the man again and he stumbles backward; he quickly manages to get his footing and takes a swing at you. He lands a punch to your gut and one to your face, but neither deters you. You pivot around him as he lunges forward and then kick him in the back. The man falls to the ground, manages to turn over onto his back, and he is immediately met by another right hook to the face as you jump on him. You straddle the guy as you repeatedly hit him: you feel as the man's jaw cracks, as his cheekbone splinters. You're vaguely aware when each hit feels less solid, when the man beneath you finally stills. You feel weightless, a bit gone, as you slide off of the man onto your knees, sitting back on your heels.
"We gotta get out of here," Bucky says, shaking his head to rid himself of the thoughts of you murdering for him.
You nod and stand up with a light groan, grasping Bucky's hand and pulling him up with you. You let him wrap his arm around your shoulders, helping him walk as you make your escape.
Hours later, you and Bucky have not said much to one another. When you made it back to the jet, you were more worried about patching Bucky up and getting him something to eat than talking. Then, when he tried to say something, you shushed him and told him to get some rest. Now, though, as you're sitting next to his hospital bed in the med bay, and now that you know he's alright, you finally choose to talk about what happened.
"Bucky?" You say quietly, trying not to disturb him if he's asleep. You're hoping, selfishly, that he is.
"Hmm?" He hums, turning his head slightly and opening his tired eyes to look at you.
"I'm sorry. About today. I, uh. I know that was a lot..."
"Sweetheart, it's okay. You saved me. I should be thanking you; you shouldn't be apologizing."
You give him a tense smile.
"It's just. When I saw what they were doing to you... I saw red, Buck. I was so angry at them for hurting you, and I was scared. I just... I didn't think. But they didn't have to do all those awful things to you."
"I know."
"It makes me sick to think about."
"I know."
"You deserve so much better."
"I know."
You raise an eyebrow, disbelievingly.
"You do?"
"Well, I better. My girl violently killed two men because she thinks so."
You giggle. Despite everything, you giggle. Bucky smiles.
"Anyway," Bucky says, a light tone enveloping his words, "you know what they say."
"What's that?"
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned," he teases.
"Especially when she has on her killing shoes," you laugh lightly.
"Mhmm. C'mere, Lizzie Borden." He holds out an arm for you as he scoots over to make room. You climb into the small bed with him, tucking yourself away into his embrace.
"I love you," you whisper.
"I love you, too," he replies, pressing a kiss into your hair.
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sageistri · 5 months
These are some of my opinions on this whole thing after keeping up with it the past couple days
1) Tokkis like mhj just as much as armys like hybe. They love that woman and think new jeans is nothing without her but pretend they don't so they don't get called weirdos. They claim they're not picking sides and hate both parties, but if you look closely you will be able to pick out the few fans who are actually being neutral. Most Tokkis have picked a side and contrary to them tweeting "fuck mhj" they're on her side. Just like some armys are ignoring the posts implicating bang, Tokkis are ignoring the posts that makes her look like a complete weirdo while quoting the posts implicating bang. What they want is for mhj to leave with the girls because they genuinely believe that everything they got and achieved was never thanks to hybe. I honestly believe that some of them would unstan the group if this whole thing ends up with mhj leaving and new jeans staying at hybe.
2) As edgy as some of them like to act, tokkis are scared of armys and a lot of them are armys who just Stan new jeans because BTS haven't done anything for years, so they attack other hybe groups and fandom openly, but choose their words when it comes to BTS or armys And they have such a huge superiority complex, like they genuinely believe new jeans makes the best music in kpop or something. That's like saying pink pantheress makes the best music you've ever heard btw.
3) This whole thing proves just how adept hybe are with mediaplay, and it's pretty obvious that they were responsible for some of the negative media Jimin received during his debut.
4) I believe 100% that min heejin despises bts, and have always felt so even before now. This is just confirmation of something I already knew, so yes I do believe that she's egotistical enough to say "bang copied her to create BTS", as she said she was approached by hybe after she left sm and probably didn't want to have anything to do with hybe and BTS because she's always harbored resentment for them as she used to be in charge of exo, but she had to because she had no other option and saw them as a stepping stone. And she admitted herself that she spoke to a shaman about them.
5) while I do believe that she feels that way about BTS, hybe only released this to make her look bad and to get army's involved. And it's another indication of how skillfull they are at swaying public opinion.
6) I saw new jeans fans saying every fandom is dragging new jeans when that is not the truth. There'll always be a few trolls but everyone's dragging mhj and worrying about new jeans. They want a "us against the world" moment so bad. And some of them can't stop talking about how bad things could go for new jeans if they stayed with hybe because that's what they want to happen. Everyone wants their fave to leave a shitty label, but when you realize that it's not happening you should hope that the label finally does their job instead of saying nothing good's ever going to happen like you want it to be that way just to prove you're right. (Pjms are guilty of this. Instead of wishing that hybe wakes up and does something for him, they'll imply nothing's ever going to go great as long as he's there, almost like they want that to be the case so they can't continue talking about hybe all day long. Sometimes it's ok to wish for the best in certain situations, instead of acting like you're praying for the worst in order to justify your opinions)
7) fearnots are annoying as fuck , it's weird how they tried to prove to mhj disbanded GFriend because they want buddies off their back, when that would mean they will transfer their hatred from lsrfm onto njns, which is probably what some fearnots wanted anyways. But on the other hand tokkis trying to act like they defended le sserafim but now fearnots betrayed them is funny because most Tokkis openly hate and shade le sserafim all the time, because they think they're beneath new jeans while fearnots are usually calm and don't even talk about new jeans at all. Tokkis are made up of edgy stans and most of them were laughing during the whole hate train and they also try to shade their music because of the whole smart controversy. Le sserafim might genre opp but you can never call them boring and in my opinion they make way better music than new jeans, but new jeans has better vocals and an obvious identity.
With this discussion of music, none of these hybe groups make the best music in 4th gen anyways. Amongst the top 4th gen groups, Ive makes the best music hands down (if we forget their last comeback ever happened) and then you have lesser known groups like triple s and Billlie. Fifty fifty were also hit makers, (not even talking about cupid, although it is objectively a really great song)
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your-divine-ribs · 2 months
Ice Cold Part 27
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Words: 2.4k
Lyla gets sent on her assignment to London…
Ice Cold Masterlist Main Masterlist
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The not knowing was the worst thing. I tried to console myself with the fact that if anything had happened to Van the news would spread like wildfire within seconds. This was the most high profile case the agency had seen since the days of my father and Paul hunting down Tommy Chappell.
Any agent who was successful in bringing Van down would be hailed as a hero and the perks that would accompany that achievement would mean that my colleagues would now be relentlessly combing the city for him night and day. Their competitive natures likely turning a criminal investigation into something resembling a gruesome gameshow with them as the bloodthirsty contestants and Van as the ultimate prize. A cat and mouse game... except Van was no mouse. I had to believe in him. It was all I could do.
I leant my head against the train window, looking out as the scenery rushed past in a blur, trying to clear my mind but it was useless. I sighed and dug in my bag for my phone, bringing up Jen's number and placing a call.
She picked up immediately, launching straight into a detailed account of my predicament which further clouded my mood. "Lyla! Are you okay? Paul says you've been sent on some stake-out down in London. What the hell's all that about? I mean it's great news that they didn't suspend or fire you, but baby-sitting some rookie agent whilst we're all here desperately tracking Van? It seems crazy!"
"Yeah well... I think Whitman just wants me out of the way. Every time I come up against Van he just gets away. He probably thinks I've lost my touch."
"Not likely!" She replied. "You're the only one who's managed to get anywhere near him! Whitman's been down here in Paul's office all morning. I swear that man looks ill, his face was so red with rage this morning it wouldn't have surprised me if he'd had a heart attack on the spot."
"Wouldn't that be a shame!" I muttered, much to Jen's delight.
"Yeah, he's a fucking nightmare. Honestly, he's tearing strips off Paul in there. I can hear him shouting now. It's like he's holding him personally responsible that Van's still out there."
Her comment gave me hope. "So how's the search going anyway? Have you got any leads?"
"You haven't heard?" Jen's voice raised up an octave with excitement, causing my heart to skip a beat.
"What?" I breathed, my throat constricted with fear, choked with dread at what I might hear.
"You know that hit you foiled the night Jason got killed? Well that nightclub owner's body was found this morning at his house. His girlfriend went round and found him hanging from the light fitting. She was hysterical, thought he'd topped himself because of what they found."
"Well? Didn't he? And what did they find?" I was impatient to hear more, wondering if Van was involved.
"He was a fucking paedophile. There were all these photos of kids strewn everywhere. Like really sick, the worst kind. And he definitely didn't kill himself. His hands were tied. I tell you what Lyla, if this is Van's doing I'd personally like to shake his hand for this one."
My mind was reeling, trying to piece together why Van would be remotely bothered about carrying out a hit after he'd cut himself loose from the organisation. I'd have thought that he'd be laying low, keeping his head down, concentrating on staying out of sight and remaining alive.
"I don't get it," I wondered out loud. "Why would Van still be killing for them when he's on the run?"
There was a sound like Jen was letting out an exhale through pursed lips and I could picture her shaking her head, brow creased up in bewilderment. "That's just it. No one knows. Simon told you that this hit was supposed to be an execution for botching that cocaine shipment delivery didn't he? Maybe it's not even Van. It sure felt like him though. Do you know what I mean?"
I hummed in agreement. Having worked many crime scenes in my time as an experienced agent I picked up on these things. Little tells and nuances that wouldn't be noticed by the untrained eye. Even killers had their own style. Jen was still talking but I'd tuned out, theorising in my head, playing and re-playing the line Van had used last night.
"That's how revenge feels Lyla. It does feel good... it feels damn fucking good..."
But revenge... retribution... for what? It didn't make any sense. It all seemed so... disconnected.
"...then the police were called to that multi-storey car park right next to where you live last night..."
"What?" My attention was shifted instantly back to Jen as I caught her mid-sentence. "What was that?"
"Oh nothing important... I was just saying how Paul had me monitoring the police emergency call-outs last night. It was pretty quiet, just some car theft right near your apartment. You probably heard them. Honestly, three police vehicles called out just for someone nicking a car... and then they didn't even catch them... bloody useless..."
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I stepped off the train at St Pancras station and let myself be swallowed up by the crowd. With Christmas only weeks away the London streets were busier than ever with people dashing to buy presents for loved ones, smiles on their faces and excited chatter. Seeing other people's lives flowing on whilst my own was in such a state of turmoil seemed almost surreal, the prospect of Christmas and New Year and all the associated pomp and festivities just seemed alien to me.
At least I had my freedom back, for once I wasn't being watched by George or any other agent. I found it quite curious that all of a sudden just because I'd been taken off the case I wasn't deemed to be a target anymore, but of course I didn't argue. The agency weren't to know that with Van always seemingly close by like some dark guardian angel, I was probably the safest agent of them all whilst I was on my home turf. Maybe not in London though.
I was to meet a newly qualified agent from the London team, Alex, at the hotel in Soho that I was staying at so I hopped into a black cab. No one had specifically said it, but it was obvious I was being expected to supervise on the job. Jen had hit the nail on the head when she'd mentioned 'baby-sitting'. I just hoped Alex wasn't going to turn out to be some fresh-faced, naive stickler for the rules. I'd seen so many churned out of the training programme, spouting legislation and excited to get their gun, then they'd go to pieces at their first murder scene. The first few months on the job either made you or broke you, and some just didn't have the guts for it.
I checked into the hotel, making my way to my room, not bothering to unpack my belongings as I delved into my bag for something to wear. I settled on jeans and a shirt. The last thing I wanted to do was wear something slutty and give Alex the wrong impression. I knew damn well that the whole of the London team had heard about mine and Scott's past hook-ups by now, and my experiences with Jason had made me more cautious about how people perceived me. It aggrieved me to even be thinking that way, but it was the unfortunate reality in this fucked up world, especially in the male dominated line of work that I was in.
I surveyed the hotel bar as I entered, and it was empty apart from a couple sat at the far end and a blonde woman perched on a bar stool at the bar. She turned and gave me a smile as I took my place next to her and I caught the bartender's eye, ordering a large, dry white wine.
I could feel the woman's eyes on me as I waited for my drink but I ignored her. I wasn't in the mood for making small-talk with strangers.
"I'll get this," she said as the bartender set my glass down in front of me.
I'd been digging in my bag for my purse but stopped immediately, raising my head, my gaze meeting a pair of large, beguiling green eyes framed by long lashes. Her glossy cherry red lips pulled into a smile with a hint of flirtation. A few months back I would have welcomed the attention, she was certainly gorgeous, but satisfying my sexual desires with a complete stranger was the furthest thing from my mind right then.
I shot her a smile that wasn't quite warm enough to be welcoming. "Actually... I'm meeting someone.... and I don't accept drinks from strangers."
I turned back to the bartender, handing over the cash, hoping the woman would get the message, but to my surprise she swivelled her body around in the stool until she was fully facing me.
"Well... don't be a stranger then," she said, a slight smirk emerging as she held out a perfectly manicured hand towards me.
I didn't have time for this. I took a deep breath, ready to unleash a cutting remark, but before I could do so she spoke again, stunning me.
"I'm Alex, pleased to meet you."
"Oh... I... errr... I thought..." I stumbled over my words.
"You thought I was going to be a man." She finished my sentence for me, snatching the words right out of my mouth.
I couldn't help but smile, nodding slowly. "You know I hate it when people make assumptions, and here I am doing it myself!"
I stretched out my hand to grasp hers, shaking it warmly. Her smile grew, showing pearly white teeth. She really was striking looking.
"It's okay, I get it all the time. I considered going by my birth name, Alexandra, but you know what? I kinda like it when people are surprised. It's like when people ask me what I do for a living now and I tell them, they're shocked. Maybe they think I should be working in a beauty salon or something! I'm sure you must get that too."
I found myself laughing. "Oh yes, the guys are the worst. I think they find it emasculating when they realise I could probably take them down without even raising a sweat! I'm Lyla by the way."
"Oh I know who you are... you're Lyla Keating. Everyone talks about you on the London team. Your reputation precedes you!"
She was smiling amiably as she spoke, but I felt myself bristling nevertheless. All I could think about were my sleazy encounters with Scott, made all the more scandalous now I'd found out that he'd been married at the time. I could imagine what was being said behind my back.
"Don't believe everything you hear," I said, turning away to take a sip of my wine.
"Oh it's all good," Alex said eagerly. "They say you're bad-ass actually!”
I'd just taken a swallow of wine and the laugh that bubbled up inside me burst forth. I practically sprayed a mouthful of wine over the bar. Alex was laughing as I coughed and spluttered, trying to compose myself.
"Bad-ass?" I managed.
"Come on, you're like my hero!" She giggled. "Some of the stories I've heard sound crazy but I know they're true. That time you took down that arms dealer in Berlin single handedly? And those two gun men in Paris? Not to mention fighting off Van fucking McCann... three times! You're a legend!"
Alex leant over and clinked the top of her beer bottle purposefully on my wine glass. I was enjoying this now, realising that I'd not laughed like this for a long time. It felt good.
"Four times..."
"Four times," I repeated. "Van... I've... errr... fought him off four times."
Alex took a deep pull on her beer, shaking her head, grinning. "See what I mean? Bad-ass..."
Then her smile faltered a little. "I was... errr... sorry to hear about your partner getting killed though. That's rough."
The mention of Jason which would have caused clammy palms and a racing heart before now only caused a brief flicker of emotion to pass through me.
You're getting more like Van every day...
"Oh yeah, that was... hard. He wasn't actually my partner but it was still difficult."
Alex nodded earnestly, leaning into me. "I know all too well. I've only been in the job for a few months but I was partnered with Scott quite a bit before he was killed. He was such a good agent. He taught me so much, and he was a great guy... kind of a douche to women sometimes... but still a solid.... you know? He'd always have my back."
My recollections of Scott certainly weren't based on personality, more the physical side. He'd taken my preferences for the rougher side of sex and opened up my eyes to a whole new world of dark pleasures. I found myself tensing as Alex continued.
"He spoke very highly of you too. I mean I know everybody does, but Scott... you really made an impression on him..."
The corners of her painted lips twitched as if something had amused her. Some conversation that her and Scott had shared about our less than professional relationship no doubt. Christ... did everyone know what the two of us had been up to? So much for his promises of discretion. Still, curiosity got the better of me.
"Care to share?" I said, taking another mouthful of wine.
Alex's grin widened with that same seductive quality I'd glimpsed earlier, and she placed a hand on my thigh. "Oh... he said you were a fantastic shag!"
My wine slipped down too quickly, causing me to cough again. This girl was trouble, that was plain to see. Nevertheless I found myself being drawn in, my frustrations getting the better of me.
I quickly composed myself, fixing her with an even gaze, projecting a sensuality that came easily to me.
"What d'ya say to getting out of here?"
"I'll drink to that," Alex purred, tipping her head back and draining her bottle. "I know just the place."
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angelresource · 4 days
charlie's angels (2000) & charlie's angels: full throttle (2003)
i figured we could have a little breakfast. and then, maybe, after...
we're past keeping secrets at this point.
which wire? the red one or the blue one?
isn't it amazing how much information you can learn off the internet?
when do i get to meet this [name]?
who wants a man who's intimidated by a strong woman?
are you okay?
could we get started this millennium?
isn't that poisonous?
i'm new. i'm like a virgin. i mean, it's my first time... here at [place].
why do they always run?
imagine how dangerous this would be in the wrong hands.
you like fast cars?
thanks for the ride.
what's going on?
did you ever have parents? i mean— i know you have parents, but i mean—
that was smooth.
want to play scrabble?
i wanted to see you.
you look great.
i've been thinking a lot about you and me and, well, us.
i hope you like to dance.
we must keep our relationship professional.
i'm having so much fun! this is so exciting!
was that over the top? it felt over the top.
who sent you?
you bitch.
oh my god! you're hit!
i haven't been honest with you.
don't stand next to the window, it's not safe.
i don't think it's gonna work out, you and me.
you had no idea that this was going to happen?
you got it all figured out. any other questions?
they say in death, all life's questions are answered.
you are the cheapest man on the planet.
i had a long talk with a squirrel once. longer than i've talked to most humans.
this feels like the first day of the last of my life. or the last day of the first of my life, or something.
revenge is fun.
thank god you're alive.
i'd like to see more of you, maybe in a continuous block.
watch your back!
you know, under different circumstances... we'd have made a great couple.
can you keep a secret?
is this a bad time?
you seem a little distracted.
what is an angel doing so far from heaven?
i'm no angel.
i'm [name]. i'll be your rescuer today.
i didn't think you'd find me.
let's go to plan b.
the most expensive thing i own are these boots.
i thought we were on a time-out.
was there a lot of blood?
wow. i've heard so many stories about you.
you always fall for the bad guy.
you didn't think it would be the [number] of us forever, did you?
so where do you see this going?
you did the right thing.
hey, i know the safest place in town.
you don't know me anymore.
i'm the only one here who knows you.
here's all your stuff back.
i'll never forgive myself if anything happens to you.
where do we go from here, [name]?
don't you have a case to solve?
i tried to outrun my past, but it caught up with me yesterday.
your past is what makes you who you are.
you know, i never really got that partner thing.
why be an angel when i can play god?
you couldn't make it one day on your own, could you?
very impressive, really. you've got it all figured out.
your destiny is yet to be written.
taking the lives of innocent people is not the answer.
there must be something in you that's still good.
i was never good. i was great.
mind if i cut in?
you want to know who i am? then you look inside your own heart.
i'm nothing like you.
i have something you'll never have.
go to hell.
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calebs-hangout-corner · 8 months
(Long happy/?? rant incoming. Sorry, I just saw your account and had to talk to someone about this)
Ough. I've been thinking about when I read the original The Ghost Next Door book and it honest-to-God changed my mind or something because no book I've read so far is as of high reputation in my mind as that. Maybe it was because I was younger and hadn't read as much, but I have had it in my head for like a month now to Get That Book for myself. My school library has like twenty or so of the books but not that one!! When I saw the Goosebumps collection I was like "NO WAYYYY" but then I got really disappointed when it wasn't there. I need to ask the librarian if they can get it LOL.
Anyway, I remembered it again after going through a nostalgia blog and I searched the tag. Lo and behold, there was your blog! I don't remember any of the other plots very well (from the ones I read; the bookshelf where I originally read it was TINY and barely ever had GB books), nor any of the characters aside from Hannah and Danny, but nevertheless I'm enjoying your Goosebumps art and content a lot. Btw your art style is awesome. :D
I'm now desperate to find somewhere to watch the original 90's show. I've seen it's on Google Play or whatever and Microsoft, but I need to look into that. Help is appreciated, if you know where.
But I guess my question is: what books do you recommend? I like both the standard and the choose your own adventure ones (idk if there are any others). I read/started reading The Haunted Mask, The Werewolf of Fever Swamp, Welcome to Camp Nightmare, The Ghost Next Door (duh), Let's Get Invisible, Monster Blood, The Cuckoo Clock of Doom, The Girl Who Cried Monster (I think. That's the one where the guy eats the bugs or whatever, right?), Escape From Camp Run-for-Your-Life, You Can't Scare Me, Scream of the Evil Genie and/or Be Careful What You Wish For (one of them, lol, maybe both. I think it involved a cola can?).
Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks for reading this long-as-hell ask and also thank you if you respond! Obviously, no pressure. Hope you have a great week and good things come your way!
P.S., you got me to start listening to the Goosebumps the Musical: Phantom of the Auditorium soundtrack and it's so good.
-👻🪐 (I hope emoji anons are okay, just in case there's a follow-up ask or something)
Hello!!! This message is very sweet and I had fun reading it, thank you! I'm sorry it took me a day to respond, I was a little busy!
I hope you're successful in finding the book. My library has the opposite problem: It has no books except Ghost Next Door (germany doesn't really sell them anymore, so they're hard to come by, even in libraries). Also, all the Goosebumps episodes you can find on YouTube somewhere! There's many reuploads of them.
As for books I'd recommend, you've already read a few of the ones I really like! But if you need more my favorites you haven't read from the series' you mentioned liking include:
- Phantom of the Auditorium (but like the book version! Very good, very fun, really emphasises the "the gang shares one braincell" part)
- Werewolf Skin
- Calling All Creeps
- Night of the Living Dummy 1 and 2, I've heard the third is good too but that one actually didn't manage to hold my attention, but maybe it will for you!
- Welcome To Dead House (This one's fun)
- Piano Lessons Can Be Murder (I just think it's neat)
- A Night In Terror Tower (Again, I just think it's neat!!), This one also has a "Give Yourself Goosebumps" sequel book "Return To Terror Tower) I recommend aswell!
- Beware, The Snowman!
As for the Give Yourself Goosebumps books I'm like "Please Don't Feed The Vampire"
Those are the books I'm fond of. It's a bit of a list, I hope you don't mind!
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gurokichi · 12 days
There is no need to apologize, Bon. That wasn't even a late reply! <3 My day was definitely comfy and cozy. My cats were being extra cuddly, too, so doll had 2 great cuddle buddies!
I haven't fully watched any of those suggestions through yet! Doll hasn't even heard of some of those!! I'll definitely be sure to watch DSD and check out the others, Black Butler has been on my 'list to watch' for quite some time, so hopefully, I'll get around to watching it too! Doll truly appreciates all the suggestions^^
Eep! Thank you so much for the compliments! I am both shocked and so happy to learn you've gone through my entire blog <3 I haven't been writing long, probably about a year or two. I only truly saw it as anything I could share a couple months before making my blog! I hope to keep it more of a hobby and a way to express myself, possibly publish some of my writing in the future, but I don't plan to pursue it professionally by any means!
I have many hobbies and Interests,,, recently though I've specifically into,,, Flower pressing, writing, reading, you, my dip pens and fountain pens, my pets, plants, and beading! What are some of your hobbies?
-Your Dolly 🎀
Aaa, okay, if you say so!! I just hate taking so long when I’m online to reply; I don’t wanna leave my doll waiting… I fear that you’ll become bored of me if I take too long (◞‸◟)
Comfy and cozy days are the best!! ALSO, AW, YOU HAVE CATS?? I’m so jealous… cats are adorable. What’re their names?
I’m glad that I was able to give you some suggestions; I was worried that you’d have already watched through most of them… good to hear that isn’t the case! Please let me know your thoughts on my suggestions if you ever watch any of them (><)
You’re welcome, Dolly! You’re very deserving of them. How could I not go through your blog when you’re such an interesting little thing? Ah, I see… well, your writing is wonderful! I can’t wait to see more of it in the future. It’s good to have hobbies that you enjoy. I wish you luck if you ever want to publish some of your writing!
My doll seems very crafty. What do you like reading? Are there any books you’d recommend? I’ll take any recommendations. I’m trying to get back into reading books… it’s kind of overwhelming to have so many options!! You’re also into plants..? Into them as you enjoy gardening, just learning about them, or both? I like gardening. I also like learning about flower meanings, that’s always fun! Do you have a favorite flower, Doll? I’d say mine would have to be bleeding hearts.
I definitely wanna pick up more creative hobbies like you have… not sure which I’d like to do, though. As for my hobbies and interests, I enjoy space, psychology, nature, video games, collecting things that I find cute/interesting, history, writing, and drawing!
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fizzyginfizz · 1 year
Hiii! How are you? So, the other day OUT OF THE BLUE I was i don´t know, having breakfast maybe? and i remebered this part of Quidditch is for Losers which, i know, it's about a child in hospital and it's a horrible situation, but i laughed soo loud:
Her Dad thought about it. “That incident when she was two?”
“With the wheelbarrow, the self-tuning accordion and the chicken?”
“Definitely her.”
“Could have been Percy.”
“Honestly Molly, the chicken was wearing her shoes. She hated those shoes. Dead giveaway.”
“But- “
Ginny had heard enough. “I’m not a squib! Of course I’ve done accidental magic!”
As if to agree, the clock in her Mum’s clutches started whirring. With a pling, plop and two cuckoos, Ginny’s hand spun around and around until it lurched to stop on a brand-new wedge labeled “Not A Squib.”
I love this. I LOOOOVE THIS. I believe that it requires a lot of talent to write funny stuff, and i noticed how you give us these funny moments, and then, when we have our defenses low you punch us with sadness and dispair, and i'm dead. I love it, i said it already i know.
Soooooo... is there anything you can tell us about the nex part? how is it going? How are you feeling about it? :D NO pressure and no obligation to respond, of course. I hope you have a great week!
(oh and i tried translating a part of that chapter to spanish so i could show it to my non-english speaking hp-fans friends and it's sooo hard, it's a good story still, i mean, but it's so much better in english, ugh 🥴🫠)
"Dying is easy - comedy is hard."
-attributed to Edmund Kean, maybe Edmund Gwenn, but probably uttered by the first caveman who bombed a joke.
I can't express just how tickled I am to hear you're still laughing about this stuff over breakfast. Thank you so much! Nothing is ever funny to me the fourth time I read it, so by the time I publish these chapters I have no idea whether the humor works or not. The best comments in the world start with "I laughed at the part…."
I feel like I owe followers of Quidditch is for Losers a big apology because I'm taking so long to update. I don't want to start posting again until I've finished writing the next full arc which takes us to the end of the PoA timeline - about 10-12 chapters. I can tell you Ginny's brothers are still driving her nuts, Harry still triggers a (WTF) blushing response and when Professor McGonagall said Ginny's teachers failed her, she meant it. They will not make that mistake twice. And that's just what's happening on the outside. Ginny is navigating all this with leftover social-emotional-psychological baggage and she can't process her emotions the way she would in canon because she still can't get on a broom without losing her lunch.
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I can't promise when I'll get posting, but I do know what it's like to wait for updates and I can promise I'm working on it. I haven't lost passion for this project and I'm excited to share what I have planned (even though I'm looking at it for the 37th time and wondering 'hmmm, funny?'). I'm working through how Ginny's highs and lows weave together - I'm writing and rewriting (and re-rewriting), tossing stuff out, putting stuff back in, worrying about the depressing-uplifting balance. But it's coming along. Soon. Soon-ish. Soon adjacent?
In case you missed it, I did write a young Bill & Charlie piece for Weasleyfest that is a pre-QifL dive into their early brother-ing: Best Brother
And again, thank you, absolutely truly. Your note brightened my day - it means so much to me to know you've enjoyed QifL so far and are waiting for more. I'll try to write faster.
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strawberrymiya · 2 years
Little update
First of all, happy birthday Seoryoung!!! I hope she's had a great day, I think she went to her birthday cafe 🙏
I should have updated you sooner but I didn't know how to put it, but since I was going to wish Seoryoung a happy birthday I guess I should say it now. I'm sure you've all heard about the court case between GWSN and their company to terminate their contracts and the mistreatment they went through, but if not this article explains everything.
I know I haven't posted anything on here for a while mostly due to being busy/lack of motivation, but with this news it feels weird to write about them like nothing's wrong, you know? I know they're happy and seemingly are making it clear they're still GWSN and aren't disbanding or anything, but stuff like the 8th member series or anything about them doing regular idol stuff doesn't feel right to write about for the moment. I promise I will finish the 8th member series hopefully this year, there's only 2 more fics to go, but at least for the time being I don't think I can write about GWSN being idols while they're, you know, not.
Hopefully this whole situation will get better soon and they're all doing well 😭 happy birthday to Seoryoung again!!!
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karenarella22 · 1 year
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Okey guys and girls, this is the chapter before the grand final, hope you like what you've read so far, this is a long one, it is gona round off the story, but don't worry we have got two more books to go. Ans as I always tell you, this chapter contains graphis content, reat it at your own risk.
-What's wrong?- I say without taking my eyes off the glass. A few minutes ago Elizabeth started writing and she doesn't seem to want to stop anytime soon.
The D.A. who was by my side witnessing the entire interview took me by the arm, away from the place to a secluded place since the entire office was hanging around the interrogation room to find out if we had finally caught the murderer.
-Vinicio Conte's lawyer was at my office today asking about the surveillance recordings of his client, and I gave them to him-he confesses.
-What?! Why did you do that?-
-I couldn't deny it, it's my duty, besides it would look too suspicious if I didn't hand them in- I lean against the wall rethinking the whole situation in my mind, I'm done.
-Great, this is the end of my career- I murmur in shock.
-Congratulations detective- an smiling sergeant approaches shaking my hand- you did an excellent job-
-T..thank you sir- I stammer outlining a grimace full of anguish and despair more than a smile. Becket walks out of the room with the list of names in hand and I grab it from him before he can even say a word.
-Detective congratulations- cadet Becket approaches us with a splendid smile, his pubescent face recently freed from acne seems to have a special shine due to the events we have just witnessed-we will have a celebration at Rick's pub in an hour I think that should come, you are the heart of the case-
-Of course, of course I'll be there- I watch him walk away, I look back at the prosecutor who swears under his breath- I'll find a way to fix this situation- I walk to my office and slam the door. I try not to cry feeling a mixture of dark sensations growing inside me.
I see through the window the officers go by, I wish they were in my place, I feel their accusing gazes on me even when they haven't even heard what happened yet.
I lay down on the sofa to rest for a bit, I don't remember the last time I ate like a decent person, much less when I slept in my own bed for more than 4 hours. The knock on the door can be heard and with what seems like a grunt I make the person behind the door know that they have ruined my 5 minutes of quietness, of those few that I have left.
-Aeryne, you will go to the party that Becket prepared? He already make it clear to everyone that he participated as your assistant throughout the investigation- Dylan laughs taking a seat next to me, I giggle covering my eyes so that the artificial light do not bother me.
-Let him gloat while he can, when they find out what I did he won't want to have me 8 kilometers around- I bite my nails.
-Well that's happens now but because of the smell you have- I laugh out loud throwing a cushion that I had brought here to make more comfortable the nights I stay working.
-Shut up idiot, at least I bathe 4 times a week, you don't even bathe that much- I return the joke. We stay in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the momentary peace that this afternoon-night gives us.
-So...Are you going to the party or not?-
-Yes I think I'll go, I prefer to celebrate now and get depressed when I have to get depressed...Where you able to finish Julia's homework?- I get up from the sofa looking for my bag to get out of here once and for all
-Yes I could, now I have another problem even worse-he walks out.
-Trigonometry? - I joke, turning off the office lights.
-Hopefully, it's a boy in his class with whom she's dating- I open my eyes wide in amazement.
-Wow I didn't expect that, although I'm glad she lives a normal life away from all this shit we deal with every day- I wait as he looks for his things and we get on the elevator to go directly to the garage.
-Yes, I'm glad she's normal, it just bothers me that she's so small and has a boyfriend- I laugh.
-Don't worry, she has to grow up at some point- I get in the car- when you find out the name of the monstrosity, let me know and we'll look for him in the family court databases to see what we are dealing with-
-I'll take your word- we laugh at our craziness as we travel to Rick's pub. A police bar that caters to every officer in the city since 1954.Rick's father opened the bar to spend time with his friends and in a few years it became famous for being open 24 hours a day for police officers who wanted a snack to start the night shift or the first breakfast in the morning.
We parked by the gate, from the row of people at the gate waiting to get in, I'd say Becket managed to get the club out for police use only. I close the door and wait for Dylan to approach, for the first time in many years of work we begin to show our true feelings towards each other in public so he approaches and takes my hand.
We salute little Ricky, the son of Rick Senior, apparently the imagination in this family was taken by the first generations. Little not so little Rick is at the door today, he lets us in without paying admission as the cops here are free to do so, seems like a waste of money but with the amount of beer we drink a night I'd say it's a hell of a lot gain.
We walk down the dance floor hand in hand and approach the bar.
-What do you want to drink?-
-A double whiskey on the rocks please- I scan the place, in the sea of ​​mismatched blue uniforms and the smell of beer in my nostrils makes me feel at home. I believe, without lying, that I have had more birthdays here than anywhere else in this town.
I sigh seeing the happy faces, from time to time one of my colleagues comes over to say hello and congratulate us for having closed this case, every time I hear them I think to myself that it is not closed yet, it is far from being closed, I hope it is a damn coincidence because if it isn't I don't know what I'm going to be capable of. I down the glass of whiskey in one go, feeling the liquid burn my throat. I chat for about 2 hours with my colleagues between drinks and laughter, we dance a little, in the end I'm having fun for a while after so much stress.
I leave the place to get some air, lighting a cigarette as I take a seat on the edge of the sidewalk, crossing my legs on the ground and I let out the smoke that accompanies me. My life flashes before my eyes, my childhood, my mother and father who were always there for me, their arguments even though they thought I was listening, the fake smiles when I enter the room, they always thought I didn't realize dad was sleeping on the couch.
Then the tragic incident, because we can't call it an accident, he knew what he was doing, he knowingly left us.
I inhale the smoke letting my lungs fill with chemicals harmful to my health, smoking is not a habit rooted in my identity but it is something that I hold on to in my darkest moments. The sound of the cell phone takes me out of my thoughts; it is an unknown phone that sends me a search link. I press the blue hyperlink that takes me to a page in the Daily Post, dated tomorrow.
Tonight at 5 a.m. Gibson NewShire County Police released the news that the body of one of its most recognized officers, Aeryne Wolf, was found in the woods on the outskirts of the city by a group of hikers who notified the authorities.
According to the first versions, it is said that the police were suffering a great period of stress in the famous case of the serial killer who terrorizes our townspeople at night. What after a night of alcohol she was seen wandering to the forest where apparently after a quick visit to her home she would have hanged herself next to the waterfall where years before her father had suffered the same outcome with little Aeryne being the one to find her body hanging over Wilmand Falls.
I release the air, held in my lungs releasing the smoke, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up again, I quickly pick up my skeleton from the ground, vigilant to anyone around me, a couple having sex near the alley and a group of friends helping each other not to end up on the ground. The front line not even halfway inside of the bar yet and Rick Jr. already ushering rowdy drunks out the door.
Fear runs through my body making my hands shake uncontrollably, I put out the cigarette on the ground as I walk to the main road in search of a taxi, the same thought that I had when I saw the figure though the window comes back to my mind "listen to the hairs behind your neck, always listen to them Aeryne they will alert you to some danger and get you out of there", instead of ignoring them as I have done since this damn investigation began, listen to them and after boarding a taxi I head home.
I pay the taxi driver worried about my face, the poor man more than once tries to start a conversation with me but I am too absorbed in my thoughts to be able to answer him, I see how he walks away down the street until he turns the corner. I draw the service weapon from my waist which I carried despite being off duty and walk along the path that leads directly to the backyard of the house, I walk slowly as stealthily as I can while looking for any sign of someone outside my home. I open the kitchen door in total silence, I check that all the windows in the room are closed, the knives are in place and nothing seems to be missing from the room.
I continue my way to the living room where nothing is as it was when I left the house this morning, the books scattered on the floor, the lamp that was next to the sofa is now totally destroyed, fireplace and the photos of my parents are totally burned in the fire that a crackles in the fireplace revealing shattered pieces of those memories, I run my hand along the wall until I find the power button, the lights illuminate the room allowing to see in one of the central walls another of those phrases that open the doors to Dante's hell.
"...Oh you who enters here abandon all hope!"
The sound of the landline phone takes me out of my confused head, I take the device without stopping guarding the environment knowing that in any case someone can attack me.
-Wolf here- I murmur with a broken voice.
-Aeryne, where are you? I've been calling you on your cell phone-
-No, I don't know where it is, I must have lost it- I support my back against the wall.
-You must come to the police station immediately; Elizabeth gave the address and the name of the murderers to Becket, but failed to give him the name of the last victim until she was sure that no one was going to be able to save her.... Aeryne the next victim...-he sounds so far away.
-It's me- the incessant sound of a car engine has been heard for minutes at the door- Conte is at my place, it will be quite obvious when you arrive, investigate how it was possible that he managed to get out, or who was the one who helped him do it, there is someone within the police who is playing dirty, I must go, please be careful- I run the corridor to dad's room where is old desk was. I take a small set of keys from the pot by the window of it and go inside the place again, drawing my gun in search of something suspicious that I have to defend myself against.
I leave my badge next to the service weapon on the large desk that occupies almost the entire width of the room, memories flash through my mind, my father working while I played with him at being the police officer who arrested him for eating all the homemade cookies mom baked.
So many stories, so much life lived in that house that will be gone forever after tonight, I can feel it. All a backpack with enough cash for at least a month to live, documents and a false driver's license that I used to enter clubs in my youth, and the revolver that my father always kept locked in the blue cabinet behind his back. I check that it has the pertinent bullets and I keep it in the belt of my pants, I take a piece of paper and the silver gray pen that they gave me as a gift my first day as a detective and I write what I feel is my farewell.
"Thank you for everything, as you know, tragedy plagued my life from an early age, at times when I was not even aware of what was happening, all the paths I took led me to this place where I do not regret having stayed. Everything has to end, and that it ends where it started gives it the finishing touch almost like a romance novel.
Vinicio Conte is the main author of the massacre that occurred in this town in recent days, a group of misfits who could not face the reality of their actions took me to the breaking point where I find myself today, do not think for a second that I intend to commit suicide, everything you hear that does not come out of my mouth is a lie.
Aeryne Wolf, Official Detective New Shire Police Department."
Tears fall down my cheeks, the frame that I proudly hung on the wall in front of the desk that holds my diploma up seems empty of love and emotion, I am not a diploma or a photo of graduates with my classmates, I am much more and I hope you remember me for that.
I leave the room and walk with firm steps through the house and open the door of the porch where Mr. Vinicio Conte is waiting for me leaning on the door of the truck that was previously in the garage of the old shack in the woods.
-Detective, for a moment I thought that you had been cowardly enough to run away-
-Conte, I think that truck does not belong to you- I firmly hold the handles of the backpack that hangs on my back.
-I think it does, please get in the car, let me tell you a story- I walk slowly along the front of the truck until I reach the passenger seat and I get in without taking my backpack off my back, it's uncomfortable, but easy to carry if I have to escape.
In silence he drives up to Little Peak, after finding my father dead hanging on the branches I never went back to that forest and the family weekend cabin was completely abandoned, or so I thought until I was proven otherwise.
He drives in silence until we reach the cabin, I get out of the truck feeling the weight of years of resentment and pain accumulating in my chest, the desire to cry crowds my eyes but not by chance will I give Vinicio the pleasure of seeing me in that state, after all he is a ruthless killer, a mastermind of evil, although it seems cliché and I will not give him the thought that he is breaking me into a thousand pieces inside, although that is really happening.
We walked through the forest for a while before entering the waterfall, it is smaller than I remembered it, the ground is still just as muddy and the scar from my father's suicide is still marked on that branch that still tells it to grow after having it cut to lower it.
-How is everything? Does it look familiar to you?-
-What are we doing here Vinicio?-
-We are here to tell you a story, everyone thinks of the harm caused to the victims but no one thinks of the harm they caused me, how they damaged my story forever- he pulls out a gun from the waistband of the jeans he is wearing and He points at me- I'm going to ask you to please leave your backpack on the ground, you won't need the weapon that you have hidden in your waist, besides, I just want to chat- a violent smile appears on your face, without further doings I do what he tells me to, I leave the backpack and the gun on the porch of the old vacation cabin my parents had and we go in.
Memories hit my mind in a colossally, all the furniture is in its place only corroded by the pass of time and the elements, he makes me take a seat in my mother's chair that is in front of my father's chair where he is already sitting.
-I'll start with the story, but first let me show you something- he leaves the gun in his lap on the sofa, puts his hand in the back pocket of his pants, I place my hands outstretched on the armrests of the chair waiting for something to happen, As I do this he gingerly pulls out a piece of time-worn paper. It passes me what I recognize as the photo paper folded in half, I open it completely observing the printed image carefully, my mother's smile is what stands out the most in the photograph, she is embracing a man whom I do not recognize, the sparkle in his eyes betrays the happiness of the moment. I check the inscription on the back of the paper hoping to find some clue as to the date it was made. Because of how similar my mother is to what I remember her, it seems to be from when I was around 10 years old.
There is nothing else written there except for a small phrase written by hand with the ink already erased by the passing of the years.
"...the first love..."
-I don't recognize this man, why are you showing me this?-
-That man, detective, is my father and the woman in the photo is my mother- I shake my head trying to process the twisted joke he just told.
-Please, Mr. Conte, this is clearly a set-up, my mother was always faithful to my father, besides that she is your mother, it would incur the fact that you are my brother and that is not a good joke- I get up from my place threatening to which he takes the gun and points it at me.
-Sit down sister, we have a lot to discuss- I raise my hands in surrender but I don't go back to my place.
-No matter what you tell me, Vinicio, I'm not your sister, we're too different to be- he pushes me roughly on the seat and I look at him angrily.
-Our parents met for a date for lovers a long time ago, did our mother never tell you the story? One day when she was working, he arrived at the shop and attended him, the two fell in love in an instant...-
-That's not what happened, how did you find out all this?-
-I already told you, our precious mother has been lying to us all her life, preferring your filthy family over us, my father was destroyed after she abandoned him on the same day of his birthday, the same day she gave him this book- take the leather cover book on the table that I had never seen before - my father came to this country looking for peace after the war and ended up dying of grief because of a heartless woman, who only used him to satisfy carnal desires to which her husband was not up to the task-
-Don't talk about my mother, you have no idea what kind of person she was, you don't know her-anger was boiling inside me.
-Did she ever told you why your father made the coward decision to commit suicide?- The words get stuck in my throat, no coherent answer comes to mind as to how he knows so much about my past and this cabin.
-You see? No smart answers now, no little sister, our mother was a whore who created such resentment in my father that he confessed to your father what happened, that I didn't even have the opportunity to be baptized since they wouldn't accepted bastard children in Catholic churches, he told him everything in great detail, how mom lived, like that supposed son who was born dead in the hospital before you were born, never died and who was given to his biological father while he was abandoned by his mother, years passed of agony for my father...-
-All this situation just because your father was spiteful? All the deaths you caused just because the little problems you dragged from childhood with your mommy didn't leave you alone once you grew up?... oh you are incredible - I exhale laughing at this situation - you are so wrapped up in your hatred you only managed to sink more and more Vinicio - I get up from my place ready to leave- I will not continue listening to this torture just because this madman comes up with it-
-STAY WHERE YOU ARE!- he shouts.
- Or else what? Are you going to kill me or are you going to fill my head with lies like you did with my father so that he would commit suicide? Listen to me, little brother, I'm not my mother or my father, you're not going to manipulate me as you please, so if you don't plan to kill me, let me go right now-I demand.
In the carelessness of his walk from one side to the other I throw myself on his back trying to hold the gun. His hands tense and I manage to knock him off the edge of the kitchen door so the Glock falls to the floor away from us. I climb on his back like a horse wrapping my arms around his neck to lock him and leave him unconscious, before he passes out completely he manages to walk with his back to the door and stamp me against it where the latch hits my kidneys, I fall to the ground sore trying to catch my breath, my legs feel heavy and my whole body throbs with pain. I see him run to the kitchen, I take the glass lamp, a gift from my grandmother for my parents' wedding day, a family heirloom according to her; I managed to land the blow on his head leaving him stunned again.
I reach the kitchen counter, I grab a butcher knife to defend myself as I run to the gun, his hands grab my ankle and I fall to the ground face first without even being able to stop my fall with my hands. My chin hits the tile-colored ceramic floor loudly, leaving me very dizzy. I instinctively kick hitting his hands until I can drag myself across the kitchen floor. I'm holding it in my hand when I feel the blade I'd previously used to defend myself dig into my left thigh causing a bloodcurdling scream of pain.
I hear police car sirens in the distance, I think, I just hope it's not a hallucination. I return again to my current situation when the weapon is wielded in the hand of my dearest brother, I crawl until my back hits the pan cabinets, if I take out the dagger I could bleed to death right now and give Conte the satisfaction of killing me, But I don't want to die either. I giggle stupidly at my thoughts, I'm already rambling.
-Let's go back to the beginning little sister, in the place where it all began, the weekend house that your father bought to spend the weekends with the family that later became the love nest of our mother and my father, the place where everything began, it is the place where everything will end- he positions himself on top of me, his body covering mine completely, with the adrenaline pumping through my body I take the knife out of my leg and immediately plunge it into the entrails of my dear little brother I twist him to deal as much damage as possible, before he can stop the entire weapon in his hands, and walk away.
The footsteps of people around the cabin are present, I drag myself to the sofa where I fall pale, my body going into shock, before passing out I manage to see the sergeant and Dylan enter the cabin, wrapped in their bulletproof vests they scan the area before to get close to me.
-Aeryne, what happened to you?- my partner approaches once again to save me as he has done so many times before. I hold onto his shoulders as I stand up feeling the comforting warmth of his body, the boss' footsteps approaching the living room area with Vinicio Conte in his arms.
-I'll take him to the truck, don't move from here I'll call reinforcements on the way- the Sergeant dictates and that's how it's done. We nod at the same time as I return my body to the couch, a grimace of pain forming on my face as I try to calm my heavy breathing.
-Are you feeling well?- He places a tourniquet on my leg with the scarf I left the police station with to protect me from the cold. I instinctively try to move my leg away because of the pain caused by the knot on the wound, but the hands of Dylan holds them in place.
-How did you find out I was here?- I whisper, wiping the perspiration from my forehead.
-The boss traced your cell phone signal to here- 
Now...that doesn't make any sense.
-That doesn't make sense Dylan, you called me at home and I told you that I had lost my cell phone in the speed of my flight- we stayed recalculating the situation for a few seconds until we understood.
Holly shit.
He had been in front of us the whole time and we didn't saw him, the person inside the police station who helped Conte had always been the sergeant. With the thirst for revenge coursing through my body and the adrenaline pumping at a thousand per hour throughout my body, I get up from the place and run to the back door hoping to see some sign of the two of them. I take the gun that is still on the backpack on the porch and start to trace the footprints of the two along the path to the waterfall.
-Aeryne you can't go after them it's dangerous, it's dark and you're still hurt-
-He's my brother and he killed my parents Dylan, he killed them both out of sorrow and hatred, that's why I need to go. I'll go with your support or not- he stops dead in his tracks internalizing the news I just gave him. I continue along the path to the waterfall in silence, after a few seconds the dark-haired man joins my search, we follow the journalist's blood trails all over the place, the damned man zigzags trying to throw us off the scent but the boss here is Conte, he Said it himself, there is only one place where this can end.
Right where all started.
Instead of following the trail of blood directly, I cut the path to the waterfall, my hands sweat, the cold does not help much, especially for walking, not feeling my leg because of the little blood that runs through it, I hit myself with branches and bushes that they only manage to hurt me even more, I stop for a few seconds to take a breath, the cold of the night permeates my bones but it helps to numb the pain a little.
I hold on to Dylan's forearms to keep from putting all my weight on my bruised leg. For a few seconds I imagine myself in his arms on a bed embraced and covered watching a movie and eating popcorn, what a beautiful image, I smile feeling the warmth of the scene fill my heart with courage and strength to move forward. I hug him tight, we stay in silence for a few seconds sharing the sound of our galloping hearts, once recovered we return to the road, after a few more meters we see the clearing where the river becomes a waterfall.
I raise the hilt of the gun in front of my face, Dylan's left hand holds me close to his body to give me support. We reach the banks of the waterfall where Vinicio is sitting next to a rock and the sergeant as his escort points us.
-Come on detective, who is going to believe that a decorated sergeant like him is going to be a traitor, should better think about your strategies- Conte's voice fills the air.
-It's the truth, traitors must carry the full weight of justice on their shoulders, just like murderers, Mr. Conte- I spit the words out of my mouth with disgust.
-Detective please, let's lower our weapons and talk like civilized people-
-You did it on purpose, you got me into this shady game so as not to get me out, you just threw dirt on me- he growled.
-A woman does not belong to a police station unless it is to be booked as a prostitute-
-Like his mother- Vinicio jokes.
-Shut up once and for all!- shot of fury and rage, a well-aimed shot on his shoulder breaking in a piercing scream, he rolls on the ground, the explosion of the shot stains my face with blood.
-Put that down! Right now- Dylan holds the gun trying to get it out of my hands, I push him away when I see the sergeant raise his service weapon pointing at him, I shoot him in the chest killing him instantly. Dylan's voice feels far away, I fall to the ground letting the gun fall out of my hands. The dark-haired man opens his eyes without being able to explain what he saw, my friend and colleague holds his hair walking from one side of the place to the other.
-I wasn't going to let him hurt you- I murmur trying to get closer to my brother
-Aeryne, what did you do? - He repeats, holding me to get away from the dead man.
I abruptly separate myself from his side to drag myself closer to the side of the multiple murderer in front of my eyes, the tears mix with the taste of blood on my lips, they flood my eyes without leaving a clear view of his body, I turn him face up to observe him, a sly smile escapes from his face, he opens his lips revealing the blood that floods his mouth and whispers his last words.
-We end where we started; the original sin- limbo is represented in my mind, those who are condemned to wander eternally since they did not receive the sacrament of baptism before dying.
I clean his face of mud and garbage, with difficulty I drag his body to the shore, his inert body is the maximum evidence that the hatred and bitterness of the parents end up permeating the soul of the children. Clean once again and with a kiss on the forehead I let his body fall off the shore and be dragged by the current, my sobs merge with the sound of the waterfall, we are matter that evolves, I always believed that it was so, let's hope that its evolution is to be happy. Dylan at my side holds my shoulders as I watch the blood stain the water at the end of it.
We end where we started.
0 notes
studioweus · 2 years
hello frankie, thank you for all the recs! I know a few songs from lucie and verivery but not the ones you recommended so I'm excited to check them out 😊 I like seventeen too although I haven't listened to all their music yet, rock with you is so catchy it's one of my fave from them!
as for me, I do like pop/rock sound too but now that I think about it I don't listen to that many kbands. I listen to a bit of everything so I love day6 (I'd recommend tick tock, shoot me, i need somebody, sweet chaos, rescue me and the entire book of us : entropy album lol) and then dreamcatcher (I saw you reblogged some yoohyeon gifs so you already know them but just to say that I saw them live for their europe tour and they were SO GOOD). I also really like btob (different sound but I'd recommend missing you, blue scene (og version and the cinema version), outsider and I'll be your man), nct (my fave unit is nct 127 and I'd recommend favorite, love on the floor, gold dust, simon says, limitless and no longer) and astro (I'd recommend crazy sexy cool, more, role play and bloom)
If you don't know them already, I think you might like kihyun's (from monsta x - another group i listen to a lot) solo work: his title tracks are called voyager and youth, also woodz's latest album (my fave are kiss of fire and chaser) and dpr ian (my faves are so beautiful, ballroom extravaganza, mood) and ring x ring by billlie
I don't really make playlists because I never really know what to make them about, I just either listen to my all liked tracks (very often on shuffle) or to one artist a time. Recently, I started playing spotify playlists a lot more (the ones based on genres or on a few artists) which I really like but I don't think I'd do a great job at making playlists for myself so that's one thing I'll let the machine do for me lol
my question for you today is: since n.flying are well known for their covers and cover medleys do you have a favourite one?
have a good day!
your secret nfia ✨
hello frankie, hope you're doing well! I don't know if you've received my latest message but in case you haven't, I don't remember everything I said but my question was : since n.flying are famous for their covers and their medleys, do you have a favourite one? (if you haven't had time to reply it's perfectly fine, no worries!I just know how tumblr sometimes eats asks away)
your secret nfia ✨
i'm so sorry 😭 thankfully i did receive your last ask! i just didn't seem to get a notification for some reason so i'm so sorry about the delay 🥲 i hope you've had a chance to listen to some of the other song recs! let me know what you think~
i do listen to day6 so i'm familiar with almost all the songs you mentioned! shoot me is one of my fave title tracks by them. haha and funny enough, btob was one of the main reasons why i got more familiar with kpop! i haven't listened to their newer releases yet but now that you mention them, i should. missing you really hits different 😭 i cried listening to that song a lot. nct! i'm honestly only familiar with dream's discography + limitless, so i'm excited to listen to all the other songs you mentioned! i listened to bloom by astro before and it sounds so majestic. almost like an OST. but i've yet to listen to the other two~
i've heard a lot of good things about woodz's latest album but i haven't gotten the chance to check it out yet o: i think i listened to one of his songs in passing (probably a random play after shuffling on yt music) and i loved the highkey rock vibes. kihyun, i'm familiar with (mainly because one of my friends also loves monsta x!) but i've never listened to any of his solo releases o: dpr ian is the only artist here that i don't recognize haha but thank you so much for the recommendations! 🥰 i'm excited to add more songs to my playlist
oh to see dreamcatcher 🥺 it sounds like a fun experience! have you attended other kpop/kband concerts in the past? or was this a first for you o:
that's understandable! sometimes you just gotta let the algorithm make the playlists for you haha
OH it's kinda funny that you ask that, because i've recently stumbled upon n.flying's cover of hakujitsu (i hope that's the right romanization of the word because i don't know how to read the jpn title 😭) and it's so good??? i feel like i've listened to that song every single day for the last two weeks. so i think that's my fave one for sure!
a very close second would've been their cover of 'ang huling el bimbo' when they performed in the philippines. this is a bit of a biased answer cause i listened to eraserheads (the og artist) growing up. i saw a fanvid and was surprised to hear that it was the first time hweseung performed with a guitar onstage! he sounded great (as per usual~) and his pronunciation was so good 🥺
but i also gotta give a shout out to their league of legends medley (i also love the fake tattoos in the mv). how about you!! do you have a favourite one~ (or a top 3 if it's hard to choose)
wow we're halfway through december now! do you have any holiday traditions?
i hope your week is going well! and that you have a great weekend 🥰
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m7nson · 2 years
Hottie hot hot ❥ Joseph Quinn
˙❥˙ your new creative writing professor is sure a hottie
TW - food, cooking, and eating
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An- gender neutral but I made the reader shocked that he's British I apologize-
Not edited
"Hi is this y/n?" You gave a confused face, "yes this is she?" "Hi I'm calling to inform you that you need to retake your creative writing elective again." Your eyes widen. "May I ask why?"
"Everyone who had professor' Carlton has to retake their course, and I'm sure you've heard the scandal about him having sexual intercourse with his students."
You didn't actually think it was true. You would believe it if he was hot; but he was fifty five year old man. He looked like the principal from 'Billy Madison'.
"And because of that, we don't know who had activities with him to pass and who didn't." You signed "well I'm not to happy about this but thank you for calling."
"You can either, retake it and get the credit. Or you can take another course..." You did enjoy this class, and it was quite easy for you. "Yes I'll retake it then," "alrighty, the classes will be just like last year but new professor." You nodded "thank you so much."
"I hope you have a great day, and I apologize for this inconvenience." You nodded "you too, thank you again." You hung up the phone frustrated. Shit, now I have to go through that all over again; you groaned.
"Did you hear about your new creative writing teacher?" Your roommate, Olive said sitting on the other side of your bed closing you laptop. "Other than that It's not professor' Carlton; no."
"Well.." they started as they laying down on their elbow "I heard he's a hottie hot hot." You chuckled "he's that hot eh?" You asked raising your eyebrows.
"I personally haven't seen him.. but I've heard some things." They said smirking, you rolled your eyes. "What have you 'heard'?" She sighed getting up. "Well, first off he's British.." your eyes widen slightly "really?"
They laughed "see! Your so lucky you have a hot creative writing teacher, while I'm stuck with grandma; Mrs. Card." You laughed "just because he's British doesn't automatically make him attractive."
"That's true, but people have been saying he's hot, so I don't think he's a creepy uncle like profess' Carlton." You sighed "of course they hired a hot professor after what happened with that old creep.."
They gave a gross face, "I'll admit that is kinda weird." You nodded, as your attention turned back to your closed laptop. "Don't you have class tomorrow?" You shook your head.
"In two days, don't worry as soon as I see I'm I'll tell you how much of a hottie hot hot he is." You said putting your hands on her shoulder. "Your lucky I wasn't doing anything important."
You said putting your laptop in your nightstand while getting up. "That's why I closed it!" They said walking out as you followed them. "Your cooking tonight right?" They said throwing themselves on the couch.
"Yeah I'll cook, but your cleaning."
Never thought I would have to come back into this room, never thought I would be going down this cracked sidewalk again. Yet here I am, walking into professor' Carlton room; or well, whoever the new 'hottie' is.
You looked at your phone '2:49' sighing deciding on silencing it, of course your ten minutes early. Decided to see if the door was open, you doubted it but good try. Knocking... No answer. Trying the knob, and I was right, it's locked. This isn't your first time being early either remembering last year how you were half an hour early and sat on this dirty concrete.
Things just don't change. You sat down on the step placing your bookbag on your lap. At least it's only ten minutes and not twenty-five. Scrolling on your phone trying to by time, you didn't notice someone walking up onto the steps.
Until you noticed almond slacks in the corner of your eyes. Looking up and, seeing a— woe, holy shit this guy is so fine. Quickly getting up and wiping down your butt, just in case.
"I don't think anyone was gonna be earlier than me.." he started as you didn't realize his accent "Oh, yeah I didn't realize how early I was until I got here.. the door locked so I'm just waiting for the.. new professor..." You started slightly rambling.
"Well glad I got here now instead of later.." he said grabbing his keys from his pockets and unlocking the door. Your eyes widen "Oh! You're the new professor?" Holy shit the rumors were true, he sure was hot.
He smiled opening the door for you, "Professor' Quinn." He said handing out his hand to shake. "Y/n, it's— it's really nice to meet you.. professor' Quinn" oh my his hands are warm and his jawline— Jesus. This is gonna be a long year.
"Met me at Donut Shop at 3:30 IMPORTANT !!!" sent now
You walked into the shop, it's a ghost town. Except for Olive sitting there back facing uou. You took the seat and Olive dropped their phone on the table "what happened!?"
You signed taking a bite out of your donut. "You were right, he is a hottie hot hot." Their eyes widen. "Really?" You nodded "he was actually.. so fine." You said dreamingly.
"Coming from you that's a lot—" you nodded taking another bite "I know!" You shook your head, "I don't know what I'm gonna do." They took a sip of their drink as you did the same.
You heard the bell ring from the door, looking to see who it was. As you spat out your drink, coughing as you two grabbed napkins. "Shit, shit shit— he's here!" You whispered shouted at them.
"Who?" "Hottie hot hot— no don't turn around—" their eyes widen "holy shit you are right—" you looked at him and noticed him coming this way. "He's coming this way— act cool, no smart!"
"Y/n, I feel like you're stalking me eh?" You laughed "I could say the same!" He smiled "I'm actually surprised to see you here! This place is usually always empty." You told him with a slight smile.
"It is usually empty, but their coffee here is fucking amazing." You're eyes widen that he cursed and he seemed to notice that so he smiled "Were not on school property so I think it's ok to swear."
You nodded as you heard the speakers turn on "I'm sorry to break this up but we closed two minutes ago." You three turned to the worker "mate— it's just us three here." They shrugged "I just want to go home." "Alright alright we'll get out of your hair." Olive said getting up, they gave you a look saying 'I'll meet you in the car, you go get him' as they walked out quickly.
"Sorry if I ruined a date or something." He said walking to the door slowly as you got up grabbing you bag, drink, and most importantly your donut. "Oh, god no their my roommate."
He nodded "Are you nervous about the assignment?" He asked trying to keep the conversation going as he opened the door for you. "Oh- thank you! Nope not at all, I already have a concept in mine."
"Wow, I'm impressed." You laughed as he took a sip of his coffee "it's not a difficult, you just asked for a one thousand word essay over anything!" He laughed "I didn't want to make it difficult for the first assignment!"
You laughed taking a bite out of your donut "May I know what the concept is?" He smiled at you, as you chucked "nope, it's a surprise, you professor; get no special treatment." And then it hit you, your talking to your professor like he's a friend...
He laughed "I'll be looking forward to reading it." You smiled nodding "and please call me Joseph or Joe when we're outside of school." You chuckled "ok.. Joseph." You laughed "I'm sure you're a very busy man, so I don't want to be taking any more of your time."
He shook his head "probably just give go home and.. think about what the next assignment is gonna be." You laughed "don't be too hard on us." As he laughed walking too the passenger side "I'll try.. I'll see you in class next week?"
You nodded "Of course, I'll see you professor!" Trying to open the door but Olive started reversing. You gave a smile at Joseph who was watching trying to open it again, as they started reversing again. Making you rush to open the door and succeeded getting in as Olive laughed.
"So how was the professor?" You sighed
"god he's so fine."
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mrs-johansson · 2 years
Strangers in the night - Scarlett Johansson x Fem!Reader
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Part 2:
Later when the food was finished, we all sat down at the table and had early dinner together.
Léa has been talking about her cases for a long time. She and mom had a floating conversation while dad and I were just listening. When it became quiet, I saw dad take a deep breath with a smile on his face. "And how has it been Y/N? Anything new lately?" That's why he is my favorite. I know you're not supposed to pick between your parents, but if you have a way better relationship with one of them it's already decided I think. "I just booked a new role a couple of weeks ago. I don't know if you've heard of Brian Stevenson, but he is a lawyer and the movie is about one of his first successful cases. Michael B. Jordan found me with the part because he is one of the creators of the project. It's not a big part but it's for a very good cause so I took it." "Brian Stevenson? I went to school with him." Dad said and my eyes widened. "Did you actually?" "Yes, we were friends to be exact. He became thriving. And who do you play?" "A local advocate. Kind of the sidekick of Brian." "Are you doing any kind of research?" "Yes, I'm reading the book version now, and the cast is set to meet with Biran before we start shooting so.." As I finished my sentence I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. Quickly slipped the device out and it was an unknown number. "Sorry, I have to check this," I stood up from the table, leaving the house and walking to the patio which was a bit chilly.
"Hello?" I spoke. "Hey, it's Scarlett!... Johansson," the woman said, making me frown and also leave my mouth open. "Oh, hi." How did she get my number? "How can I help you?" I asked awkwardly. "Right, sorry. When we bumped into each other the other day I think my necklace accidentally fell out of my bag and I can't find it anywhere. I was hoping you might have grabbed it and it's with you somewhere," She said. "Let me check," I made my way back inside, earning a questioning look from my family. I held up my pointing finger and quickly grabbed my bag which was upstairs.
"What does it look like?" I asked, putting the phone on speaker so I could look for the necklace. "It's gold and it has a Rose sign on it." I was looking through my bag when suddenly a chain got tangled between my fingers. I carefully lifted it out and there it was. "I've got it," I said. "Oh thank god, thank you." She let out a relieved sigh. I chuckled lightly and put the necklace in my wallet just so I won't lose it. "I'm actually in Boston at the moment but I could ship it back if you'd like." I changed it back from the speaker. "I could wait until you get back, I'm in no rush. It's in safe hands." "It sure is. I'll be back around the 27th, I could give it to you then." "Yeah, that would be great. Thank you again." "It's nothing really." "Oh now that we're speaking, I saw you're on for Carol." "Yeah, I just got the script this morning. I haven't had the chance to look into it, but I like the first scene." I explained. "Are you booking it?" I asked. "Yeah, I think so. It seems like a great one." She said. "That's great." I cleared my throat. "Well, I'll see you soon then." "Yes, thank you again." "It's nothing." "Bye!" Her raspy voice got quiet, she probably lifted the phone away. "Bye," I said before hanging up.
"Who was it?" My mom asked as I sat back at the table. "Scarlett Johansson," I said and everyone got quiet. I looked up to see them all waiting for some kind of explanation. "We bumped into each other the other day and I accidentally grabbed her necklace. That's it," I said, taking a bite of my food. "Oh okay."
*next day*
"I'm leaving," I yelled at the front door. "Okay, bye! Tell Florence we said hi!" Heard my dad's voice from somewhere around the house. "Okay, bye!"
While waiting in front of Flo's hotel, I was scrolling through Instagram when my eyes caught an article.
Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost reportedly ended their relationship just after 6 months of dating. "The two just have different lifestyles," said the source.
I didn't even know they dated. Not that I have time for other people's relationships, I don't even have time for mine.
"Heeeeeey!" Florence brought me out of my thinking by jumping in the car. "What's up, dude?" I smiled, hugging her immediately. "You smell good boo, what's this?" I tapped her shoulder and she flipped her hair, brushing off her shoulder. "I just bought this, like it?" "It's delicious." "So where are we off to?" Flo asked. "The café we always go to."
After getting to the café, we got our usual order. Can't miss my usual oat milk latte with THE best avocado toast. "So, I have something to tell you," I said, and Flo looked up from her phone with an excited expression. "You're seeing someone?" She asked with a smile but I shook my head. "No. I finished the script a couple of days ago and I want you to read it," I said and her face lit up. "You're kidding..." "No! I wanted you to read it first in case you'd be interested if someday I'll bring it to a studio," reached into my bag and got the thick layers of paper. "Omg just let me read it already," Flo rushed her words out and I handed her the script and she quickly flipped to the first page."Don't worry darling..." She read the title out loud. "What's the plot?" "A 1950's housewife, Alice, living with her husband, Jack, in a utopian experimental community begins to worry that his glamorous company may be hiding disturbing secrets. And yeah, it's kind of a psychological thriller." "Just what I like," She locked her eyes on the paper and read a couple of pages then looked up at me. "Can I take this home?" Flo asked. "Yeah yeah, just don't spread it online please." "I would never," She put her hand on her heart and put the stack of papers in her bag.
"So you really doing this, huh?" Florence asked with that witty British accent. Wish I had an accent that cool. "It's been my dream for years," I said with a small smile. "I know and I'm so happy and excited for you. I can't wait for this to become a big thing." "I don't know if it's gonna be big though," I shrugged. "Uhm halo, you're Y/N Cole of course it will be huge," She said with an eyebrow raise. "We'll see." I chuckled.
"And what's up with you? Anything new?" I sipped my coffee which arrived just about 2 minutes ago. "Now that you're asking..." Flo smirked and glanced around us, probably checking who was listening. After she saw there was no one surrounding us she leaned forward. "I'm gonna be part of the MCU," she whispered and my eyes went wide. "You what?" My mouth fell open and she nodded. "Playing who? Are you gonna be a superhero? Dude that's fucking amazing. Flo, you're not kidding are you?" I leaned forward, trying not to scream out of happiness. "I'll be Black Widow's long-lost sister." I leaned back in my seat not even believing what I heard. "This is crazy. So what, you're an Avenger now? Will you be in the new one?" "No, I'll be in the solo movie but, Y/N you can talk about this to anyone. Marvel will haunt me down if anything gets out." "Solo movie?" "Fuck..." Florence sighed and closed her eyes. "Black widow's gonna get a solo movie?" "Yes..." She whispered and I smiled so widely my face started to hurt. "I'm done, why am I talking?" Her hands covered her face. "Sorry, I calmed down. So, you're a superhero," I whispered. "I'm not telling anyone, calm down." I patted her shoulder. "Thanks." "So that means you're gonna be playing with Scarlett," I sipped my coffee. "Yeah, cool right?" She said with a smile and I nodded. "Actually, I've booked a movie with her too." I looked down at my hands. "You did? What is it?" "Well, uhm it's a... uhm... you know drama and... romance kind of thing. It's too set in the '50s." "Romance? You're her best friend or what?" She took a bite of her toast. I raised my eyebrows and cleared my throat before answering. "More like her lover..." I mumbled. Her movements stopped and her gaze was quickly lifted to me with a smirk on her lips. I rolled my eyes and looked away. "Don't give me that look," I sighed. "I don't know what you are talking about," Flo said. "It's not even sure if she'll book it. When I talked to her she said she probably will-" "So you talked to her?" "Why are you making a big deal out of this?" I asked, not really understanding her actions. "I don't know, Scarlett seems like a nice person." Flo gave me a look and I just focused on the edge of the table. "I don't know her." I shrugged. "Get to know her. You guys are gonna be working together, possibly. Use the opportunity, look the least you get out of it is you get a new friend." "Yeah."
"Would you be open to a relationship at the moment? For real, be honest, babe," Florence took a bite of her food and looked at me curiously. "I don't know to be honest. Lately, I've been feeling more responsible I guess. I just want to find someone who I can see a future with. You know, like a lasting relationship, and maybe settle down, have kids. It's been so difficult to keep a relationship alive while working and I just need someone stable," I said. "I understand. I can totally see you as a mom, not gonna lie," She grinned and I just chuckled. "Yeah?" "Mhm, having your baby around at all times and dressing them in cute outfits. Omg them painting, can you imagine? I would be the best auntie," I smiled at her words and nodded. "Well yeah, you'd have to fight for that place with Léa," I said. "Oh my god, how's Léa? Is she dating Chris yet?" Flo asked and I just shook my head with a frown. "No, and it's so bothersome. But, I made progress in my mission, Chris said he will ask her out. So, I need a plan for Christmas." "I just can't believe they are still not together. The time they are wasting is so much." "I KNOOOOW... Honestly, I'm done with those two," I sighed.
*Day before Christmas*
"Y/N you're in charge of the turkey," Mom said as the four of us gathered around the kitchen. "Like always..." I murmured. "You can't deny that you make the best turkey," Léa said. "Why thank you," I nodded.
The thing with turkey is that it takes so much time to make it right. I need a whole mental preparation for that.
*next day, before dinner*
Everyone was already dressed up nicely and the table was set perfectly. The Christmas tree was glowing and the food was almost done. The Evans' were on the way and I was just feeling so happy and ready to get my sister and Chris together.
Around 7 pm, the doorbell rang. "Léa, get the door," I said and she rolled her eyes at me and walked to the front door.
Couple minutes later all I could see was the Evans' floating in the living room. "Hello everyone," I said with a smile. Lisa looked at me instantly and walked up to me with her arms open. "Y/N, honey, it's so good to see you again," She said and wrapped her arms around me. "You too, Lisa. You're glowing, you look very nice," I said and she quickly waved me off. "Oh stop it. Look at you, such a beautiful lady," She looked me up and down. "You always enrich my ego, whenever we meet." I smiled.
"Where's my baby doll?" Heard Scott's voice and a second later his big arms were around me. "Scott!" "Hey, you! How are you?" He asked, taking a tiny step back. "I'm great. How are you? I haven't seen you in so long." "I'm doing good. I missed you, babe. Oh, I saw Lady Bird the other day, it's brilliant. You're just so amazing," Scott said, his hand on my shoulder. "I'm glad you liked it." "Honestly, I see why it has an Oscar buzz," He said walking past me to my mother. "Even if it has, I don't think I would get it." "You say this before every award thing," Chris joined the conversation. "And I haven't got any of them," I tilted my head with a smile then we shared a hug. "But I don't need them anyway. I act because I love it, not for some gold status," I sighed. "And that's why you deserve them," Chris said. "Why don't we get to the table? I can't wait for you all to destroy the turkey in 15 minutes that I made for hours." I said and a couple of them chuckled.
After everyone settled down at the table we shortly started eating. Light Christmas music was playing in the background. The lights were making the house so pretty. But ME, I was just sitting there like a goddamn sociopath. I was so anxious about how they liked the turkey.
"So?" I asked, looking at their faces, but not seeing any reaction. Chris was the first one to look up from his plate. "It's amazing. Somehow you make it even better every single year." He said and I let out a satisfied shaky sigh. "Oh okay, thank god." I started eating too and not gonna lie, I cook fucking fantastic.
Soon we finished eating and we gathered around the tree. I grabbed all the presents that I got for them and Scott stood beside me. "You got it?" He whispered to me and I nodded, handing him the envelope. "Okay, since you're the youngest, you start Y/N." Mom said and I smiled proudly. "Brilliant. Then, mom, this is for you." I handed her the bag, which had First Folio by William Shakespeare. She looked inside the bag and her eyes went wide. "It's a collector's piece so you can't read it, but it'll look nice in your office," I said and she smiled at me. "This is nice, thank you," she said. "Of course." I stroked her back and she stepped away to put the bag on the couch.
I gave all my presents out and last was Léa. "And you, dear big sister. I thought you could use a little holiday. Tuscany could be nice," I gave her the envelope and she wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "Oh, you shouldn't have." She opened the envelope and when she saw only one ticket, Léa looked up at me questioningly. "Okay Scott you turn," I patted his shoulder and he walked up to Chris. "Great minds think alike, I got you a holiday too, buddy," He said and Chris took the ticket. "When do I go?" He asked and checked the date. "January the 2nd," I said. "But mine says the same," Léa spoke. "Oh wow, what a coincidence." I sighed, wrapping an arm around Scott's shoulder, who was acting surprised. "What a shame, you guys have to go together." He said and Chris shook his head with a smile.
"Merry Christmas," I said.
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conchshell · 2 years
I’ve heard mixed reviews about TUA season 3 now that it’s actually out, so I’m a bit on the fence about watching it. Would love to hear your thoughts/review on it after you finish the season :)
So it's taken a while for me to answer this because I've been watching an episode a day, so I don't know if you've started the show or not. But I'll try and give my thoughts about S3 without spoiling anything major plot wise in case you haven't started watching it.
Things I disliked;
The CGI in some of the scenes is rough and very noticeable in places, however this seems to be an issue with the earlier episodes and there is an improvement in the later ones.
The pacing is a little off in places, I felt that the first half of the show was too slow and the second half was too fast - I would have loved to have seen some of the action spread across more episodes.
Some of the loose ends in the previous seasons weren't addressed or answered in this season, and some of the scenes felt like they were just there for the sake of trying to answer past questions without actually giving it much thought (such as Five and his Commission storyline).
Related the previous two points, I felt like the plot was a little weaker than in S1 and 2, I wish that they'd really made the "foundations" of the season more solid. The best way I can describe it is that it felt more like a first draft.
The Sparrows were criminally underused and felt one-dimensional at times, which is a shame because they were interesting characters with equally interesting powers, and I thought they would have more of a presence given the amount of promo content. And maybe this was just me, but I felt like Alphonso's character was merely there to make fat jokes about.
Again, maybe it's just me but it felt like some of the Umbrellas hardly used their powers. I think it's most noticeable with Five whom in the previous seasons would blink everywhere, whereas he hardly did that this season. I don't know if this was due to the constraints of the special effects budget?
The ending was interesting, I've very torn on it because on one hand I like how everything comes together yet leaves it open for another season, but on the other hand it felt slightly like a rushed afterthought
Things I liked;
The footloose scene, enough said 💃
Having said what I did about the CGI, there are some downright beautiful scenes with wonderful cinematography in the later episodes. I feel like they really tried to do some some atmospheric shots and backdrops and it paid off.
I really enjoyed the relationships between some of the characters in this season. Luther and Viktor have some really great heartfelt scenes, and Lila and Diego make a great duo. Five and Klaus have some nice scenes too which was great because I was hoping for some. But of all of them I really liked the progress of Lila and Five's relationship from S2 to 3, you can really see that they're starting to warm up to each other.
I've seen some criticism about the music choices but I actually really liked it. The songs were softer and more subdued than past seasons which were more upbeat, which I felt really worked with the tone of the season.
Luther's character really shines this season, he's given much more screen-time and I'm glad that they decided to do so, because all of his scenes are very enjoyable to watch. I know a lot of people who were unsure of Luther have changed their minds following S3.
Viktor's and Klaus' character arc was also really good, it's great to see them more confident with both themselves and their powers.
Overall, I got the feeling that S3 was aiming to recreate the vibe that S1 had, but didn't quite manage to get there, there were so many great opportunities for certain scenes to progress and then they fell short. But on the other hand, I do think there were some really enjoyable scenes between the siblings, and it's nice for the show to delve more into the characters and the bonds between them. I also felt like it did answer a lot of questions about Reginald and his motives for the academy, so it's worth watching it to get more understanding regarding that.
TLDR: There are some pacing issues and the plot is rather shaky in places, but it's enjoyable to watch merely for the bonding scenes between the siblings. I think the main thing is to go into S3 without any expectations - I think the fandom has come up with some great ideas so S3 in reality felt a little lacklustre. But despite its shortcomings and the odd scene here and there, I really did enjoy watching it and I will probably rewatch it again. 6.5/10
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rw47vr-key · 2 years
Still in love with your lies - part 2/4
◗  A/N: Hi dearies!💕 .As I said,I have no idea what I'm writing, forgive me. This is totally in Narrator's POV compared to the 1st part. I still hope you'll may like this. ❤ Take care and much love! 💝💫 ◗  Warning : angst, violence, swearing ◗ little note: if you haven't checked out yet, see these links before reading 🔗 brief character profile (still, I've included the profile photos below to understand the story) 🔗part1
Character profile:
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2 days later
Location : FBI headquarters, Germany
When MC signed up for the mission, she was instructed to 'arrest, investigate and not supposed to kill the hacker'. But the encrypted email that MC received was unexpected.
From Agent E3(Evelyn) ,
This is to inform team leader M7(mc) that the mission '01040-jake' will be further proceeded by Section 3 team, as initially planned. We appreciate on behalf of our whole FBI committee for the hardwork of you and your team. Henceforth,you need not investigate nor participate regarding Criminal:Jake's case. The next primary mission put forth for your team is continuing the 'Jennifer-3 guilty' case by aiding the police, incognito. The 2nd task is top notch secret, that will be discussed in person.I have passed on the message as per Agent Vampire's command. Delete this at once after reading.
Agent MC was at her limit.She couldn't tolerate all that she had done until now weren't part of the plan. Because the real plan was hidden and will be executed without her involvement.
The first thing she did was yell at her subordinate after she had entered her team's discussion room. "You knew all of it, right? ", she shrieked.
"Woah! Woah! Are you already back to work? MC! You should have taken more rest! ", Agent Frederick exclaimed.
"So, you did know,huh? Great. I appreciate your loyalty towards me. What's next? Kill the hacker? Is it today.or.tomorrow? What makes you all think that he is so dangerous? or.. Have you closed his chapter, already?. Why the extreme silence? Finding reasons to apologize? What the…Answer me you fuxxing snake!", her anger raised fast as a lightning, for each question.
"Why are you blaming me, MC ? I did what the head and R3(Reynold) told.You better calm down.No one is killing anyone.", Frederick said nonchalantly.
"F7(Frederick) ! I heard you, so damn well! ", she scowled. " You said you'll make Jake pay for whatever he did. "
"Agent M7,calm down for a minute,please.Let's sit down and talk. I'll make sure to call our other 2 members too", Agent Natalie aka N7 tried to stop the commotion between them before it gets too late.
"Yeah, I said. But I didn't mean it", Frerdrick shrugged.
MC snatched the bottle of water he was about to drink and flinged it afar. " Really? Good to know. Oh,I also heard you calling me 'my girl'. "
"I meant that, MC.No..wait..Let me..Why..why don't we listen to N7(Natalie) ? . Let's sit and talk, shall we? ", he said trembling.
" I don't have time lurking around like you, Frederick. Put a full stop to your idiocity is all that I request from you." She took his hand and patted it gently. "Just how many times should I say 'NO' to you? Would you like another practical demonstration of it?", she snickered.
"Umm…Agent M7, sorry to interrupt but , since you're here , why don't you train our intern? ", Natalie reported. " That was the mission assigned for you by Agent Reynold, in case if you were discharged from hospital today".
She pulled her hand away from his. "An intern, at this time of the year? ", she inquired. " Ah, so the guy waiting outside is him. Okay N7(Natalie) . I also have to meet Reynold after that."
"Sure,Agent M7.Go ahead", Natalie said handing over the intern's bio to MC.
MC walked out and assisted the newbie with his first task. She then made her way to meet Agent Reynold aka R3,leader of Section 3.
" Whew. She's furious as ever", Frederick sulked.
"You should be thankful that I saved you. Urgh, what you've done is pissing off me too, Frederick.", Natalie let out a huge breath. " And , don't forget to clear up the mess", she pointed at the wet floor and then at an empty paper. "Write a letter of apology, if you wish not to make anything more worse. "
_At Section 3 leader's office_
"Hey! How are you doing? ", Agent Reynold smiled and welcomed on seeing MC.
" You could have atleast told me", she frowned.
There was a brief silence.
"MC, that hacker killed his own mother", he said rubbing the back of his neck. " He is very well capable of turning the tables against us. "
"So,I am not that capable of handling him. Is that what you are all trying to say?",she asked as calm as she could.
"No! Eugene wanted you to handle another crucial case after this deadline!.More importantly, we didn't expect you to get hospitalized. So he immediately gave it to us without confronting you", he said.
He raised from his seat and stood in front of her,mumbling a 'sorry'. He then took a folded paper from his pocket and showed it to her.
It was an encrypted message. She scrutinized it and took a step back. "You got the head's approval for me?"
"Yep! , you can continue Jake's case.I know how much you were looking forward to accomplish this task from day 1.He's in the investigation room 306.Now go ,agent Key", he chuckled.
" This won't suffice.Treat me a dinner too,brother ", she smiled back and hugged him sideways.
" Haha. I will. Goodbye Y/N", he uttered her real name softly and saw her disappearing from his sight as the door closed.
'Fine, let's commence our mission', she thought to herself but she was surprised to see the intern running towards her.
"I finished writing the report, agent M7! ", Oliver panted.
" Well done, Agent O7(Oliver)! . I'm sorry that I left you half way . Wait in my office. I'll be back in an hour. "
He saluted flashing a smile, and ran back with the same speed.
.・゜-: ✧ :-To be continued-: ✧ :-゜・.
Edit: part 3 here
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babytaes · 3 years
The Kickback
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summary: What happens when your long-life crush's secret is discovered? In hopes of not wanting him to find out, what do you do... nothing.
pairing: dk x female reader
genre: fluff, slice of life, crack lol.
warnings: profanity
word count: 3k
a/n: today is my birthday and I wanted to share this one that has been in my drafts for so long. this campus life is stressful but I’m finding time to upload here and there. I hope you enjoy and have a great day/night. Much love from Babytaes! :) Also I really didn’t read this over sooo... if it doesn’t make sense. Take it up with corporation. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“Dear diary, I saw my crush today. I saw him in the living room after my brother invited him over with another friend. It's not as if I'm scared of him. I've spoken with him numerous times. I mean, I'm almost fluent in his language, lol. Seeing him and hearing his boisterous laugh was still entertaining. I'm wondering if he'll be at the kickback this weekend; if so, maybe I'll have the bravery to approach him. Okay, goodbye journal, love y/n.”
Your life consisted of short, insignificant interactions with him; however, when you had a crush, life was exciting and unpredictable. Since you're so near to him on a daily basis, your crush increased exponentially as you couldn't control your intrusive thoughts.
Yes, you did think of him, probably 25/8. It's not like you didn't know him, but you only knew the head version of him. And we all know they could be two different people. So the only thing left to do is keep it secret.
It's impossible for your secret to come out when you're the only one who knows about it. Right? Unfortunately, this isn't a movie, and your secret was revealed, and the perpetrator was none other than your arch-nemesis, Boo Seungkwan.
Okay, not quite that far, but you and him frequently collided because you and him could never agree on anything. He's just Boo, and he has his own behavior category.
He was the second-to-last person you wanted to find out about, after your crush, of course. From this point on, your life was not going as planned.
Your secret would never be revealed to Lee Seokmin, and you would do anything to protect it.
“What are you doing?” You leapt to your feet as you hurriedly closed your diary, terrified of prying eyes.
You rolled your eyes and stuffed your journal into a drawer with random papers, saying, "Shit, why don't you ever knock."
“Well, this is my shared dorm, and you're basically free living here,” he chuckled. You gave him a sidelong glance.
He was right.
“Is that a way you treat your twin? Is it now.”
He strolled away, completely oblivious to your yelling, and into the kitchen.
“Shut up, and get your ass out here we have to go shopping for the kickback. If you’re not out in 10 I’m leaving your ass.”
Great sibling love, what more could you ask for.  As much as you know that this is the way he expresses his love, you still got up and started getting ready for the day despite his warning.
Amidst your constant disagreements with him, you still loved him. The only problem was that you had to keep your love interest hidden from him. You could see it now and the big brother trying to protect and all that annoying shit.
You were old enough to take care of yourself and you didn’t want unruly men to ruin something that you wanted for so long.
“Coming, if you leave me, I'll tell Mom.” And I think we can all agree that I am the favorite twin.” As he slammed the fridge door shut, you could hear his huge scoffs.
You hurriedly grabbed your purse and beanie as you dashed for the door, laughing at his tantrums. He had a habit of leaving you behind.
We will not speak of March 5, 2017.
“Hey, wait up,” you said as you ran to his car and jumped in before him, grabbing the aux before him.
He started the car and sped out of the dorm parking lot on his way to the store, saying, "You're such a pain in the ass."
“Oh, don't act as if you don't love me.”
“Whoever said I did must have lied to you. Mingyu laughed as he accelerated through Seoul's crowded streets.
The jokes, the laughter, and the love were all part of the experience of living with one of the biggest Kpop groups.
You wouldn’t have it any other way!
While listening to your playlist, the song "Come to You" perfectly complemented the mood.
You smiled as you passed many streets and watched the busy lives of many different people. You could say you had an imaginative mind.
We arrived at the store a long way down the road, grabbed one of the carts, and proceeded to a separate aisle of the store.
Buying stuff was always expensive with a party of 13 and more friends on the way. Almost everything had to be doubled, and the meat had to be tripled. When throwing a party, everyone is required to provide a dish.
You didn't seem to mind; after all, you weren't paying, so you just chilled on the cart while you watched Mingyu placed the goods in neatly.
You told Mingyu to grab a specific chip as you walked to the chip aisle, and he furrowed his brow.
“What are those? I've never seen them before.
"Dokyeom likes them," you blurted out without a second thought. As you mentally processed what you had said, you stared at him with wide eyes.
“When they're not there, Dokyeom and Soonyoung get upset.” You shook your head and scooted by him, tossing two bags into the overflowing shopping cart.
“Oh-okay I guess you can get them.”
As you pushed the cart toward the cashier, you mentally slapped yourself in the face. You were certain that you would not crack.
The ride home was silent as the only noise was the continuous taps from Mingyu's fingers on the wheel.
Mingyu called wonwoo on his phone as he drove up to the dorm and asked him to help with the groceries.
As you heard Mingyu pout over the phone, he refused, and not even minutes after, wonwoo is strolling down the driveway on his way to the car.
“You shouldn't even have picked up I know I wouldn't"  Wonwoo pushed your shoulder and chuckled at your humor. “I know”
“Heyyy I'm right here,” Mingyu began to sulk as he observed his sister speaking without him.
You and wonwoo both chuckled as you gathered your belongings and began walking away from Mingyu.
The days went by slowly as you reached the door. It was time to leave the house. You grabbed a jacket and purse. Today, the boys went to Hybe for a quick practice session before heading out for the weekend.
Because you are such a good friend and thoughtful person, you decided to buy them a few drinks as a gift. It wasn't anything special, you didn't want to see anyone, noo.
It took some time to order everything, especially with the large number of 13 items. Since you've known each other for most of your lives, the drinks on the list haven't changed. Ice Americanos and Frappes were the most popular drinks.
As soon as you arrived at the Hybe building, you swiftly grabbed the bag containing the drinks and proceeded to their floor. You finally made it to their practice room after thanking the employees for their assistance.
Slowly pushing the door open, you drew the attention of almost everyone as they turned to face you. As a number of them raced over to you and took the beverages from you, smiles crept across their faces.
As they sipped their drinks, the room was filled with thank yous and hellos.
The voice of an angel said, "Thanks again, y/n." He gave you a short smile before returning to his practice. Oblivious to people around you, words spilled out.
“Fuck, he's so attractive.”
“Whose good looking?” As you slowly turned around, you heard a voice speaking to you from behind you.
It's Boo Seungkwan. He smiled at you as he grabbed a drink from your hand. He cocked his head as he sipped it, and his eyes widened.
“Don’t tell me you said dokyeom is good looking, no fucking way.”
As you coughed to relieve the high tension in the air, you started to mentally sweat.
“That's insane, I said the room was in good condition," you said as you slapped his shoulder and shook your head.
Come on, y/n, that didn't even make sense.
“You know you're not going to fool me, y/n?” Afraid that someone would find out, you dragged him into a back room and locked the door behind him
“Shit..shit..shit. If you tell anyone, I swear I'll -
Laughing, before raising his eyebrows after taking a sip of his americano, he cut you off.
"You're right, this is important information. But you already know that I'll keep my mouth shut about the situation. I don’t even know what we’re talking about right now.”
Seungkwan heard dokyeom announce that practice had resumed as the door opened. Before he left, he smiled at you and waved goodbye.
“Y/n and dokyeom in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. As you were about to leap across the couch to silence him, he jumped up and ran out of the door laughing.
All of a sudden, your mind was filled with confusion and paranoia.
It became increasingly difficult to watch them practice as the session progressed. Your thoughts were not positive, and your attitude was slowly deteriorating.
Imagining the worst-case scenario. You paced in the back room when you heard a knock at the door. As you mentally prepared yourself, it caught you off guard. While walking side by side, Hansol and Seungkwan were whispering.
“Did they know?” You didn’t want anyone to find out so you ran, and didn’t stop running. To avoid society, you hurried out the door after saying a quick goodbye to the boys.
The goodbyes were not even heard as you hurried out of the Hybe parking lot without looking back. In a small group, information spreads quickly. And he was bound to find out.
Flushed and worried, you staggered into the dorm room. You knew your secret was going to get out eventually. In the case where Hansol and Seungkwan knew, Joshua is likely to know.
And since Joshua is close to the older boys, Seungcheol and Jeonghan know. The news would then spread to Hoshi, and then the entire performance team would be in the know.
The only remaining candidates are Mingyu and dk. If Mingyu finds out, it's game over for you at that point.
There was no point of living any more. Having completed a full loop of the house, you had come to your room for the final time. You slowly melted to the ground and fell out.
Dokyeon is more likely to know if Mingyu knows.
"What went wrong?" Unable to control yourself as you rolled around the floor, you erupted into a tantrum.
You sat up and shook your head, "I'll just have to leave the country," you said. "Man, you're so smart. Your plan y/n is fantastic."
You ran to your room, grabbed your suitcase from your closet, and began tossing things into.
No need to pack everything since you were only going to be gone for a year. As soon as your adrenaline slowed down, you began packing.
(A few hours later)
You were relieved when your clothes fit into your luggage when you had finally done packing. You were on your way now, and as long as it wasn't here, everything was good.
“Ah, I figured it out; now let's book it.”
When you approached the door, you unlocked it, and we were greeted with a pleasant surprise.
You walked up to the door and opened it, where you were greeted by Mingyu and his gang. Outside the door, you could see him, hao, dk, and wonwoo. They stared at you as they looked you up and down, perplexed as to why you appeared to be departing.
“Um, what is going on and where are you going?” Mingyu reacted with a rejoinder of his own.
Your throat felt as though it was clogging up, and you began sweating furiously under your armpits. Thank god for hoodies.
“Well, I was simply going to visit a friend's house,” you explained.
You knew he wouldn't believe you; he knew most of your friends, and they didn't live that far away for you to be carrying that much.
“First, that's a lie, and second, I need to speak with you, so your "buddy" will have to wait.” You sighed and closed your eyes.
Your escape had to wait.
Mingyu took your suitcase and slid it near the door, while the other members shuffled awkwardly into the room. While the other lads sat in the living room, Wonwoo went to his room.
“Maybe I could escape now?”
“What did you say y/n?” minghao said as he glanced at you.
You waved your hand in front of them and did a walk of shame to your room as you physically and mentally prepared yourself for whatever Mingyu had to say.
So much for your crush now.
Mingyu sat on the edge of your bed, arms crossed, staring at you.
“Sit down, he patted the bed on your side before lightly coughing.
"Some rumors have been going around, so I wanted to clear the air."
Seeing what he was about to say made your heart race, and you couldn't take it any longer. Does anyone else hear their loud banging, could Mingyu hear it?
You leapt to your feet and shouted at him before apologizing on your knees.
What a sight to see, a grown ass woman on her knees apologizing to her twin brother.
“I apologize; I should have told you first, but I was afraid you'd tell him. That's why I kept it a secret and plus dating a member of seventeen. That's dangerous enough-“.
Mingyu's "WHAT" cut you off.
You came to a halt as he got up, slowly staring up at him.
“Wait, weren't we discussing my crush on Dokyeom or something else?” Worries began to creep in as sweat began to accumulate on your brow.
“What the fuck, you have a crush on do-?” you exclaimed as you jumped to your feet and tackled Mingyu to the ground.
“Don't say it so loudly; he'll hear you.” As Mingyu began to pace around the room, as he pushed you off of him.
You could see his anger as he panicked, and his small rage tantrum was truly uncomfortable because he couldn't communicate his ideas to you because he was afraid of his companions' sensitive ears.
He pointed to the door and said, "Wait, so you do have a crush on him." You sighed, shaking your head.
As he walked away from you, he had another outburst.
Everything is now turning to shit, this was your only chance.
“I have to escape” you said as you dashed out the door and to your suitcase. Mingyu was standing behind you, staring at you in terror.
It wasn't in the plan for you to fall on him, but it was still nice. Focus y/n.
“I’m sorry, dokyeom; it was my fault. I didn't realize you were there. “Are you okay?” As you extended your hand to him, you pushed yourself off of him.
“Yeah, I'm OK, are you okay?” he asked. You've had quite a tumble.”
“Yeah I’m good, I live with a clumsily brother so I’m fine”
You swiftly let go of each other and placed your hands behind your back as you became embarrassed.
“Hey, Seungcheol texted the group chat and said he wants to go out to eat. He said whoever can come.”
The boys instantly got ready as they wanted to eat, food is a great scapegoat. As you saw them exit the dorm, you took a step back and found your way back to your room.
“Is leaving still an option?” you murmured into your pillows, plopping your exhausted body on your bed and overthinking life.
You rolled over and looked at the clock, which reads 9:30 a.m.
You turned over in your bed, unable to yell, and trudged to the bathroom to make yourself presentable.
“What have you gotten yourself into, y/n?” You stripped off your clothing and stepped into the hot water after turning on the shower.
You didn't spend much time in the shower, but today you were engrossed in how your plan had devolved into this ordeal.
Resting your head on the tile as the hot water traced down your back, you contemplated on what the HELL you were going to do.
“Y/n hurry up, we have to prepare.”
Hearing Mingyu's voice drew you back to reality as you turned off the water and got out of the shower, unlocking the door and letting him in.
“Hey, no snarky remark?” he said as he watched you walk to your room with your head down. You ignored him as you closed the door and prepared for the party.
It didn't take long for your calm disposition to be noticed, since you were the outspoken one. Even if you tried to fake it, it didn't work out.
You grinned as you walked through the background of Seungcheol and Jeonghan shared housing, looking at the celebration.
There were groups of people near the pool, at the grill, and even by the chairs, as you could see.
“Hey, bring the food inside; I'll take the meat to cheol,” mingyu said, shaking your head as you picked up the bags and headed to the kitchen, where you recognized some familiar faces.
“Y/nnnnnnnnn, heyyyyy, I’ve missed you.” When you saw her, you put the bags on the counter and hugged her, smiling into her embrace.
“It's great to see you again, yeji; how are you and the rest of the group doing?” Are the others here?” As she led you back outside, she interlaced your hands in hers.
You saw dokyeom and a few other people descend the steps before you left, as he waved and gave you a quick glance.
As you reach for a drink from the cooler, your heart begins to race. Something had to be turned off if you wanted to make it through the night, and this was the only way.
You took a sip and coughed loudly as you followed Yeji to the poolside.
It was going to be a long night for you.
As you and a group of individuals began to dance uncontrollably, the effects of the alcohol in your system began to show as you staggered to the grill.
“HeEeeyyYY, Wheeeere d'ya think yeeeeer goin’?” you slurred, jabbing a finger into seungcheol’s back
The other members laughed as they glanced at you, plainly detecting your intoxication.
“I forgot how drunk you can get, so why don't you take a break,” your overprotective brother says, making you scream within.
He always did this.
Gerroff me!” you said. “I’m ash sober ash ’m gonna git. And nuffink I - wait wait wait - nuffink you can do ‘boutit.” As you ambled back to the kitchen without so much as a hiccup in their direction, they laugh.
As you struggled to reach the door, you fell forward and were grabbed by a hand. As he lifted you from your imminent doom, his hold felt warm. With your eyes enlarged, you focused on the individual and stared at his face.
As you grabbed on to him, your words tumbled out of your mouth, “Ohmygoshimsosorry.” He drew you closer to him by taking your hands in his.
Saying your heart was racing was an understatement, it was literally pounding out of your chest. You were hand in hand with your crush, who you believed was exceptionally attractive and talented, and you wished he knew more about your sentiments or could somehow fill them.
But you know no huge idol like him would go for you. Feeling that made you sober up real fast as you felt your arm being pulled upstairs, you had no idea where you were going but it looked like someone's room.
Dokyeom eased open the door as he sat you on the bed and went to get some water from a little fridge. He handed it to you and sat next to you.
“No problem, also I've been trying to talk to you all night but you appear to be occupied.”
As you took a sip of water, your heart began to beat faster; “waitttt, we donthavetotalk. Let’s dance! As he chuckled at your erratic movements, you began to wander around the room, pulling your hands into yours.
The alcohol was definitely making its way out of your system.
As he spun you around, his body in tune with the music, the bass of the song could still be heard. Even though this felt like a dream you didn’t quite care at the moment. Was it because you'd finally met the boy from your dreams, or was it because he wanted to meet you in person?
Your connection with him got stronger by the second, as did your heartbeat, which began to rise steadily with it. You couldn't keep stalling any longer; you needed to listen to what he was saying.
“I think I'm sober up for now,” you said as you let go of his hand.
Dokyeom chuckled before tossing his head back, “I didn't realize you could move like that” he said as they sat back on the bed, a little closer than before.
“I guess I learnt a few things along the way when you're friends with the best dancers out here.” As you finished your sentence, he peered into your eyes, making no sound as the room fell silent.
“Soo, what did you want to talk about?” you awkwardly state to relieve some tension in the air.
“I don't know how to explain it, but I kind of heard your "secret" as it passed through the practice room, and I simply wanted to be the first one to tell you about it because-
Your heart stopped pounding as your world came crashing down around you. You didn't want to hear it; the rejection; you'd rather live in your fantasy world, where you don't have to worry about anything. It wasn't true if you didn't hear it.
“Wait, if you can't reconcile those feelings, don't say anything; just let me go.” They're probably curious about our whereabouts anyway.” And with that, you stood up and walked towards the door, but you were pulled back by his hand.
He kissed you as swiftly as his hands linked with yours. You were taken aback at first by his passion, but you regained your calm and reminded yourself of what was going on: he was really kissing you, and you were really kissing him, and the rest of the world was inconsequential.
You were chilling on the outside while shouting for joy at the top of your lungs on the inside, as if your inner child had been set free. You had to be sure if this was a dream or if it was happening in real life.
“Why did you do that?” Dokyeom asked as he gripped your arm in his.
“I had to double-check that I wasn't dreaming; this isn't the first time something like this has happened to me.”
“So you're saying I've been in your dreams?” he laughed as he cocked his head to the side and placed his hand in yours.”
You smacked your forehead and shook your head, realizing you couldn't get out of this one, and now he knew you fantasize about him. You didn't mind because the lad of your dreams was right in front of your eyes.
AND HE WAS HOLDING YOUR MF HAND. It was clear that your diary needed to be updated.
Stopping at the door, you placed your palm on his chest and worriedly stared at him.
“Wait, how did you find out?” 
“Well, a tiny birdie was chattering loudly about it, his name rhymes with coo,” he said as he grabbed your hand in his and opened the door and began the walk downstairs.
“Fucking Boo Seungkwan”
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