#i just arghh!!!!!
kaestralblades · 1 year
Randomly angry at no reason about the people who say the ending/big villain of orphan black is silly. ITS AN ISLAND OF DR MOREAU INTERTEXT YOU FOOLS
I think it's a beautiful one too and I think it was a bold way to bring all the themes if the show together
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rayveneyed · 3 months
sukuna ryomen is somewhat of an infamous bachelor.
it’s not surprising to see him with a new beau every few months, if not weeks — almost trope-like in their frequency, his image bouncing between playboy and manwhore. he doesn’t take it personally, and he makes sure to let people know: he’s young and sexy and he has two oscars, for fuck’s sake, so he thinks the world can cut him some slack when he wants to mess around. and mess around he does.
between obvious paparazzi shots of panties tucked badly into his back pocket, and instagram posts with fellow actors and models pressed tightly against his chest, most are divided between thinking it’s either damn good pr, or a simple man living a life most would wish for. regardless, nobody is surprised when sukuna arrives alone at the mugler show for paris fashion week, and leaves with someone on his arm.
the only thing that came as a bolt from the blue was that it was you hanging from him.
the photos are undeniable, a story in parts; sukuna finding his seat in the front row, you on one side and kendall jenner on his other. his eyes drifting from the models to your face, as if taking a clandestine peek. you, meeting his underhanded gaze with a smile as sweet as spun sugar — and, gasp, sukuna returning it. the display is so out of character for him it feels almost voyeuristic to see it plastered all over twitter.
you, with your vintage, girl-next-door-esque image, big hair and big eyes and demure, calf-length hems, a voice that evokes the memory of helen forrest or ella fitzgerald. him, with his smudged eyeliner and tattoos and all-black attire, persistently typecasted as the panty-dropping bad-boy or devil-smiled brute. it shouldn’t work. for all intents and purposes, he should be spotted with a new supermodel the next week, leaving you in the dust of his philandering. most expect it, wait for the other boot to drop — expect an album of heartbreak from you, but—
a month passes. and another, and another. and suddenly sukuna ryomen, notorious rake, is photographed backstage at your shows. suddenly there’s an anklet hanging from your ankle, his initials in garnet. it’s early morning paparazzi pictures of you both in sweatpants and hoodies — yours, suspiciously oversized — one of his hands engulfing yours, the other holding a bag of takeout from a local breakfast spot, a lit cigarette in his mouth. hickies on your neck and a shit-eating grin on sukuna’s face. candid snaps taken at intimately sized parties, with his chin hooked over your shoulder and his large hands cupping your stomach. tiktoks of you both on the red carpet in the background of somebody else’s interview, sukuna leaning in close to brush an eyelash from your cheek.
neither of you confirm anything, but then — you don’t need to, do you?
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lesbiandardevil · 5 months
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story in two parts but im posting them again together cause its funnier
my commissions are open btw hii | click here 🍉
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medicalunprofessional · 8 months
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luhman16 · 5 months
Me and who me and who??? me and who???????
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monomonkeykat · 5 months
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stands in the doorway wario… . i phrew up…
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puppyeared · 1 year
Dear Wormwood PART 1
(slight tw for bright color at the end)
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pillsopa · 11 days
​wtv their whole deal is…shoutout to that!!
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iamfuckingsorry · 6 months
i'm sorry but like. i played the game for the first time like a month ago (and it absolutely wrecked me, it was beautiful), and i just can't stop thinking about this and i need to get it out. but like, kim, what the fuck is the deal with kim?
like, he's just such a weird little man with such a weird little collection of character traits, but also he's just so fucking perfect.
like, kim. he spent 15 years being a cop in a department he fucking hated but he just stuck it out. he is so done with teens he basically refuses to speak to them unless he absolutely has to, but he still spent 15 fucking years in that section, refusing to give up. he's proud to be a revacholian and to protect the city now, but did he feel this way when he joined the RCM? or did he join to prove to everyone that even a monkey fucker like him could be revacholian? or did he join because he got kicked out of the orphanage he grew up at and didn't have anywhere else to go? or was there a different reason altogether?
and look at him now. he's presumably one of the best cops in his precint (i'm sure he mentions something about this early on in the game but i honestly can't remember), and one that seems to mostly play fair and genuinely care, which doesn't seem to be that common at all. and he's proud of this and strives to always be professional and calm and collected even if he doesn't always fully manage. he keeps himself in check first and foremost, and seems to try to keep everyone at an arm's length and not engage in personal discussions, even though he will often indulge harry if directly asked.
and so far it all makes sense, right? he's been treated like shit all throughout his life, dealt a fairly shitty hand, an orphan, an immigrant, a homo, possibly visually impaired (has he always needed glasses? was he able to get them as a broke-ass kid with no one to speak on his behalf? or did he grow up never able to see properly, struggling in school because he could never read the board or react in time when people threw shit at him, made fun of by both teachers and classmates?), mocked and ridiculed, and he's had to fight hard to get to where he is now. and he desperately needs to keep it this way, so he works hard and sticks to the rules and keeps his distance from people, and he puts a stop to everyone and everything that people could make fun of (no, harry, you will /not/ call me kimball, you will call me Lt kitsuragi, no, harry, you will /not/ tell anyone about the ice bear fridge, i will /not/ be known as the ice bear cop). but he's also mostly a genuinely nice and compassionate person and he really cares, as long as people are at least trying to do good.
but also…
he basically wears period cosplay to work. like. for real, he clearly wears his fucking pilot jacket so often that having the RCM insignia sewn onto it was the most logical choice. he is so obviously into planes and cars (but he's too blind to be a pilot :), do you think he used to hate himself as a kid not only because he was poor and abandoned by everyone and "an immigrant" but also because not even his own fucking body would let him be what he wanted to be), he has an extremely expensive vehicle that's his, his only, and not even really needed for the stuff he does at work the majority of the time. he clearly had to have a chat with his boss at some point in time and justify this purchase and why the car should be permanently assigned to him and him only, and even if i'm sure he had a bunch of actual reasons you can't convince me that his boss and all of his colleagues weren't all aware that really, he just wanted a fast fucking car and had an excuse to get it. and clearly the higher ups like him enough to indulge him, because surely no one would be actually fooled? why would a crime investigator get it and not, like, the fucking traffic guys chasing drunk drivers and illegal racers every night?
and like, in some ways he fucking owns it, doesn't seem to give a fuck, he's who he is and if people don't like it that's not his problem. but he's also embarassed about listening to that fucking radio station. but he also drives a sports car and wears driving gloves and a pilot jacket, of course he's listen to that fucking radio station. but then he also does newspaper crosswords. like, he seems to put a into maintaining this facade of professionality, but he also really doesn't fucking care when it comes to a lot of the stuff, it's great. except for the extremely random stuff that he does care about and can get extremely flustered about momentarily.
and it feels really out of character in a way. he works so hard on keeping himself in check at all times, representing the RCM in a good light and making sure both him and others get treated with the respect they deserve. he smokes one cigarette a day to keep proving to himself he can keep his vices in check, for fuck's sake. but then it's like he just picked one (1) part of his personality where he just went like, fuck it. Fuck it, I work hard for this shit and I deserve to do what I want sometimes too, and this one fucking thing is innocent enough and safe enough, and I don't give a fuck, I deserve /one fucking thing/ and I'm gonna get it. I'm getting the goddamn jacket and the Kineema and if people have a problem with that, they can go fuck themselves. I /need/ this one thing and I. Am. Getting. It.
(it's clearly a big part of his personality, but do you think there were other massive interests in the past, or maybe there still are others he isn't as open about with? Things he thinks would undermine his career and reputation? Past hobbies he abandoned because if anyone found out, that would be the end of his career at the RCM, even though for anyone else who wasn't a stupid fucking immigrant who can't even see right it would be a funny little detail?)
i'm just like. stay the way you are, my weird little man. you're great.
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lion-buddy · 8 months
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beta supreme design drop boys let’s go
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flyinpucks · 11 months
he looks so fucking good
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shrimpalbuspotter · 2 months
So excited to post my marauders era snape centric fic I'm inlove with it. I have already planned out future scenes and written a list of descriptors I use for each character so I know how to keep them characterised... Are they ooc? A little. But also not really! It's hard to write them in character when it's supposed to be a "What if Severus and the Marauders became friends" fic BUT I've tried to keep their personalities the same up until certain points anyway, so here's to hoping it works and doesn't feel forced or like I'm watering them down. I don't have a clue how the general fandom characterises the lady's but don't expect me to try be true to how they'd do it. I have ideas on how people like Mary, Dorcas and Marlene will act. You better believe they're getting their time to shine.
(FYI... This is an endgame Jeverus fic, so James hardcore crushes on Snape instead of Lily (kinda, James is in denial for a while). But I've noticed alot of Jeverus fics like this have it so Snape is really pretty and that's why he crushes on him... that isn't happening here. At all. Snape isn't going to be written attractive unless it's from the POV of people like James or Lily (not romantically, she just thinks of all of her bestfriends in such a way). But despite this, Jeverus won't be a main focus in the fic and will only really kick off during their 3rd year because that's around when James realises he actually has a CRUSH on Snape and it goes down slash uphill from there.)
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xraiyax · 10 months
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Brain fog also heavily interferes with drawing have some rough sketches and share my pain
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orgonongurlz · 6 months
long goodbye turns one year today!!
drew something to celebrate because this episode changed my LIFE to say the least
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lizzyaka · 23 days
I honestly feel kind of uncomfortable posting about the secret history and it makes me so sad bc its my favorite book and i mainly made this blog to talk about it
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tubbytarchia · 9 months
Embarrassing idea I don't have the capability to visualize the way I imagine it (maybe in the far future lol), but Tango deep in the Decked Out Castle, lights out, mobs frozen in time and him staggering on his feet as he feels the air leave his lungs one last time
"You're still here? It's over."
He fights the need to close his eyelids but as he inevitably does, he finds them weightless afterward, opening them back up with ease, sunny rays greeting him from behind Jimmy's silhouette over him. He says something with a concerned look, holds out his hand and Tango takes it as Jimmy guides them back to the ranch
"Go home."
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