#i just caugh up with the anime and thinking of reading the manga
albaharu · 1 month
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thank u dungeon meshi for the dwarves
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eerna · 2 years
Lmao, hi, I know this is random but I was just thinking about Darling in the Franxx and Iron Widow and needed to share something.
So first off, I watched Darling in the Fraxx when I was maybe 14 or 15 and it deeply traumatized. As in, I wanted absolutely nothing with anime, no way, nothing. And I have gotten over that and have watched anime but I am still not touching that.
And then yesterday I was wasting time in Twitter and saw a publishing announced the english translation of the DitF manga and sjahdhahshaja the caption was literally "Horned up and ready to ride" and maybe it's my mind in the gutter but i think I have being traumatized again.
It look around five google searches of Iron Widow fanart, memes, incorrect quotes and reading the author's tweets for my soul to recover and i can't stop laughing. For me, Iron Widow is literally what I was always dream of doing when I see something I don't like and think "i could have done better, writing this and that instead".
(Spoiler warning, seeing PotC trending again and seeing all the people bitter at Elizabeth and Will's ending, I am already writing my own sapphic pirate ideas, definitely with magic and lots of swords)
(Second spoiler warning: I blame Xiran Jay Zhao for now making me curious about writing a polyamory relationship, but it's instead enemies to lovers, friends to lovers and childhood friends to lovers, where, so far, the main focus would eb around this girl who wants to protect her asexual childhood best friend from another heartbreaker when this new guy wants to strike friendship. She won't trust him at all and will always defend her friend while the guy literally only wants friendship and it's much later that he starts catching feelings for the friend. But before that happens, the guy and the best friend form a reluctant Proctection Squad for the girl after he realizes why her friend is always at the defensive and then later two fall in love.
I am well aware this is all crude and needs work, it's a draft, I only came up with the idea when I was thinking how I would had develop Yizhi and Shimin's relationship more [we were robbed!], and i like it. Obviously, I need to flesh out the friend beyong asexual and cool, i don't want flat bread, but so far I am too caugh up in the idea of the guy and best friend bickering non-stop. I have this scene in my head where he goes to the bookstore to buy her a present but isn't sure what she likes, so he calls her friend and after bickering back and forth, the end calls with the guy buying three books and the best friends begrudgingly acknowledging his dedication and liking having discovered his own taste in books)
Was that too much information? I'm sorry, i've just being dying to share this with someone!
I hope you have a wonderful day!
Hello! YES like I legit blame DITF for my inability to watch anime now. I simply lost the ability to enjoy it. And the last one I watched was That. You absolutely aren't the one with your mind in the gutter, that caption was intentional and horribel. So reading Iron Widow was a detox the same way it was for you. Elizabeth's ending makes me rage all these years later, and the way Yizhi and Shimin had no development was a robbery, but using those emotions productively is good!! Good luck with writing, and have a nice day~~
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amelia201 · 3 years
Okay here is what I want to know.
The timeline of the day when Atsushi meets Dazai for the first time to his entrance exam. Cause like... bare with me:
Also, kinda spoilers for the 3rd LN.
In manga and anime, Atsushi fishes Dazai out of the river when he is searching for a man to rob (retelling of "Rashomon", anyone?). That's what, the evening? Let's say it's the evening. (Could be afternoon, or even morning, but it's the night later anyway, so).
Then they go eat with Kunikida. Then they go to a werehouse, Atsushi turns into a furry, I mean, I tiger. Then he tries to eat Dazai, Dazai says he loves only Chuuya ("I have no such tastes in men", u-huh, sure thing hun *caugh caugh that dead apple scene caugh*), then Atsushi wakes up, meets the agency (I think Ranpo or Keiji isn't there in the manga, but whatevs), then Dazai is like "you're gonna be with the ADA now".
So, then, in manga and anime, we cut to Atsushi waking up in the dorms, what I assume is NEXT MORNING, with clothes already waiting for him (which ADA had time to buy!!!). So here is what confuses me:
In the third Light Novel (Secret origins of the ADA), the planning part of Atsushi's entrance exam is shown. Dazai, Kunikida and Tanizaki are at the cafe, Kunikida is annoyed at Dazai cause he's been slaking off again. Dazai actually got brought a bomb (!!!) earlier (again, wheeeen) from a certain lady-friend with a note "keep your eyes on me and only on me". Which he disarms, but he brings the damn bomb with him and is like "Kunikida, check it, bomb for Atsushi?"
Then they come back to the office, and start the planning. Dazai brings everyone in on it, cause he doesn't want to do shit, according to Kunikida. The moment that kills me a little is how, when they aren't really making any progress with what to test Atsushi with, Dazai says "lets keep going at it all night!" Cause yes, to Kunikida it looks like a way to annoy him, but to me it just reads like he doesn't want to be alone at home. With all his empty alchohol bottles. (He just misses Chuuya cause I said so.)
When they're eventually done with planning, FOR WHAT I STILL ASSUME IS TOMORROW (and by the time Atsushi turned into a tiger it was already night), Kunikida, Dazai, and Tanizaki got to a restaurant. Where Dazai is brought a bomb. Again. From the same "lady". (I'm gonna assume it's just Chuuya messing with him at this point, cause like, Asagiri, bestie, what is up) Lol? But the other two clear off. If Dazai moves, he blows up. And then the damn Light Novel does not give me the answer to what happens. Like, at all. Does anybody know? Did I miss something?
So, after that cliffhanger, we get the entrance exam, in anime and manga. Which is... well lets say in the morning/afternoon. By the time Dazai calls Atsushi, he already tried calling the ADA, asking for help with yet another suicide attempt, which they disregard. (Not sure how I feel about that btw.) And then, THEN, they go to the entrance exam for Atsushi.
So, in the span of less than 24 hours, Dazai jumped into a river, caught a weretiger, got employment for said weretiger, planned an exam, disarmed a bomb twice (???), tried to kill himself again, called his collegues, called Atsushi, took Atsushi to the ADA. And also somewhere in there he also talked with Fukuzawa.
So, here is my question, aside from whether or not Dazai sleeps, which he apparently doesn't: HUH? there's gotta be an extra day in there, right? But when Atsushi wakes up, IN BOTH ANIME AND MANGA, he goes "damn last night was wild". Even if we disregard the events of the LN3, there's still a lot that happened!!! Asagiri, bestie, how??
Also, how the hell does Dazai's phone still work after jumping into the river. Does Kunikida just carry spairs for him?
Khm, like I said, I drink.
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