#i just dont.. feel like i am good enough for.. anything.also
xxbl00ds0akeds3raxx · 8 months
...sera. did u forget i can see ur blog? did u forget that u told me that ur trying to be better for me?
u saw some pervert's dick out in the street and u FLASHED HIM BACK?? u let someone else WILLINGLY see ur tits?? u having other boyfriends is already bad enough for me, but this??? i should be the only one who gets to see u like that!!
and what the fuck do u mean ur dms are open? it doesn't sound like ur trying to make money off of this or anything... ur just trying to leave me. am i not good enough for u??? ur not even trying to be safe!!
thanks for giving me that asshole's blog url, at least. now i'll be able to find him and deal with him.
... but i think u need to take another break at my house for a few days... in ropes, if ur going to be acting out again.
no, kylar. im well aware u look @ my blog. i AM trying to be better & to be safer but tbh i dont see wat tha big deal is here???? everything i post is public. it wld be shitty of me if i was going behind ur back but i’m not!! here u can see evrything so it’s not like i’m trying to hide anything?? ಠ_ಠ
i showed him my bewbs bcoz it was funny & he didnt seem like ur average creep freakazoid,,, he didnt make me feel unsafe & it wasnt fkn personally directed @ me… plus, most ppl in this stupid fucking town have seen them anyway so like ????? who cares
the only reason i made that post was bcoz i swore i knew him from somewhere else & thought we cld be friends :/ and i was right abt him b eing familiar bcoz turns out!! he goes 2 school w us & lives in the same building i do so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
BTW?? itz not like im trying 2 fuck him??? & i’m NOT “trying 2 leave u”. he literally doesnt evn mean anything 2 me why wld i replace u 4 sum rando on the street? i mean, come onnn. jesus, do u think i’m that much of a whore??
& srsly what the fuck do you mean “deal with him”??? Dontt do anything fucking stupid. he didn’t evenDO ANYTHING.ALSO?,, I “need to take a break in ur house in ropes” thatsso bloody rich. m not going to. u cant make me , ill make sure u never fuckign see me again if u tryto
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thecherrygod · 2 years
Oh okay yeah this is a bad time of the year for me and considering it just started kinda and i already feel this bad i am sports concerned how is gonna go for the next .... Few months
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