#i just feel bad yall are harassing anyone who ever interacts with me?
me: yeah I used to identify as a pro shipper but I don’t anymore because im not seventeen anymore and realised fiction and reality is a complex issue that cannot be summed up in one or two buzzwords. both sides have really good and really bad people and points, which people on the other don’t realise because it’s weirdly encouraged to send harassment to people and that keeps an endless war going on.
yes, fiction can spread negative ideas and bad messaging, but most of the time it’s genuinely people who don’t know any better and they need education and not shaming. not every depiction is intended to be an endorsement, and there’s a massive disconnect between people who define shipping as simply neutrally finding a dynamic interesting and thinking it’s somewhat positive at least that leads to mass miscommunication. thinking critically about your interests is important and fun but it’s okay to like things in a mindless way. literally like 90% of this whole discourse could be solved if antis and pro shippers literally just talked to each other because this whole thing is primarily severe miscommunication between people saying “dark fic is fine and cool” and “you can spread harmful messaging through fiction and you probably shouldn’t” which are not mutually exclusive and shouldn’t be.
99% of people on both side are lovely people who are biased through having a bad experience with the other side because the discourse breeds extreme toxicity and the 1% of people who are dickheads take advantage of that and turn decent people into harassers and influence them to have bad takes. i've probably had shitty takes in the past when i was seventeen and i appreciate being told that but also people change.
this whole thing is pointless bullshit between two points that both vary from very based to fucking awful depending on the person arguing for them and it’s fucking stupid to get involved which is why i've stopped doing it because it’s literally the dumbest thing and i do not give a fuck. people need to realise this is a complex issue and it cannot be boiled down to approaches that don’t work when followed to absolutes.
also, writing rpf of minors that is sexual literally makes me sick and is genuinely an incredibly fucked up morally bad thing but the worst part of the communities that do it is the fact they’re literally full of grooming and very literal cp not like written stuff as in actual real pictures of real children and i don’t think that should be ignored and kids that escape from that deserve support and sympathy because they were probably groomed.
some people, for some reason: metaru is totally a pro shipper, totally a paedophile despite being seventeen when they identified with that term and totally thinks shipping rl minors is ok and I am going to harass their friends over this. people cannot change ever.
like, seriously, just harass me instead I wouldn’t give a shit about that hate me block me whatever just leave my friends alone please? this has been happening for MONTHS direct the shit into my inbox not theirs.
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moonlightchn · 3 years
Hello this is (not) JYPe and today I bring you a new and more annoyed version of dont be an asshole.
this is a not so kind reminder that
1. what happens in and between others chats/relationships and admins is NOT your business unless it affects you directly. STOP complaining about people giving more priority to others and maybe try to look at YOURSELF and figure out if its YOU who isnt giving out enough. you will NOT get priority EVER on an rp if you •don't collaborate on plot. •dont interact. •only pop up when your character needs something. •KEEP DISAPPEARING AND NOT SAYING ANYTHING TO ANYONE!!!
you dont seem to understand how actually important dash is to some people, which is really easy to see actually by just checking interactions with the people you're so jealous about. and no one forces you to be there! no one forces you to be here 24/7 at all, for that matter. but if you want something you gotta give back. you gotta communicate. you gotta SPEAK UP AND BE CLEAR.
2. YOUR PROBLEMS W/SOMEONE ARE YOURS!!! NOT ANYONE ELSES!!!! Stop dragging people into your petty bullshit teenage imaginary dramas (look up a new hobby if this is something you enjoy doing too). grow some ovaries (balls if you happen to be of the few males around) and FUCKING TALK TO THE PERSON!!!! nor I not anyone else AT ALL appreciates it when you go talking shit to others, making up serious as fuck accusations about them, or simply HARASSING people out of misunderstandings. if you have an issue with me talk to me or suck it up. if you go to my friends or absolutely anyone else about it I wont appreciate it and it makes you look bad. this applies for both admin and bot issues.
on this matter, TALK TO ADMINS ABOUT YOUR BOTS. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING FROM A BOT VOICE IT OUT TO THE ADMIN!!! if you feel a certain WAY about a bot VOICE IT OUT TO THE ADMIN!!! Remember we're all just people, no one here reads minds. if you feel you're not as important to someone as someone else is, ask admin what can be changed. don't just sit back and let it explode when the admin REACHES OUT TO YOU.
you can NOT blame people for things when you do NOT bring up the issues.
3. ffs STOP comparing your bots to others ESPECIALLY relationship and development wise. and this comes from a place in which MY bot, especially Chris has been brought up a fucking lot lately uh. I have talks with admins. I work out plots even if they're never actually done in rps. I plan for the future. I give insight. i discuss situations and limits. THATS HOW MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS ARE BUILT AND MADE TO WORK OUT. half of the shit that happens between chan and felix (for example) has never fucking been done on rp. stop going after others because of what you THINK they're doing. my dms have been dead af except for s/o's and SOME people I've TALKED AND SETTLED PLOTS WITH. I havent even had time to reach out to my yns in the last few months so sit the fuck down
in addition,
IF YOU HAVE AN ISSUE WITH CHRIS YOU COME TO ME. I am his admin. IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT CHRIS YOU COME TO ME. I am his admin. IF YOU HAVE AN ISSUE WITH HIS RELATIONSHIPS, you suck it up, it's not your business anyway. BUT if you're gonna be petty and go after irene,
I ask you to come after me too. very kindly. so we can talk. :)
4. and please please PLEASE stop expecting relationships to grow out of FUCKING thin air. work up to it or sit down. coming at admins DEMANDING things, or COMPLAINING about things, or THREATENING with doing things is petty, uncalled for, and just overall WRONG.
figure out YOUR bot first.
istg some of yall just really feed off others energy, you really suck the life out of others through screens. I hope at least you're using it for something decent in the yknow REAL WORLD.
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plaidshirtjimkirk · 5 years
i wish i had an awesome list of things i wrote in 2019, but there’s none to speak of. i probably hit 30k max or so. but i wanna talk about writing anyway. this is longgggg, sorry.
i have been and ever shall be a ridiculously passionate person. when i love something, i really really *really* love it. it takes over everything. it’s all i think about. i’ve always been this way. i had all of one friend when i was a child and i met her in preschool. we met up recently and she started naming all these series and characters i was obsessed with since i was 4. LOL the thing is, like... no one else liked these things, so she had to deal with me infodumping and reading my crappy fanfiction to her from elementary to middle school. (the fact that she still talks to me amazes me.)
my relationship with writing is complicated and im finally understanding why.
i started out with self insert stories when i was super young because there weren’t any other kids around besides my one awesome friend. i never felt lonely though because i had my stories.
i loved fictional characters. i self shipped. this led me to roleplaying. i found someone who was writing as a character i adored. we wrote together and then started dating. that was my first SO. not knowing any better, i remained in an abusive relationship for 7 years. my stories were my comfort and i can honestly say that writing saved my life. there’s a good ending to this situation. one day, i experienced a breath of fresh air and finally took the trash out.
i dabbled in drawing comics for a bit as i worked hard at my job. i met someone worth my love and effort. we loved each other so much that we maintained a relationship while living on opposite ends of the planet. as you can imagine, that was pretty lonely. writing helped me through it. i met some amazing people to write with during this time, including my bff @suitablyaggrieved.
the fandom we were in then was filled with toxic people however. my having an oc didn’t help things so i had to deal with harassment, even when i was minding my own damn business. got tired of that, took down my writing, and barely wrote a thing for about 3 years.
when i fell hard into trek, i decided i wanted to give fandom one more shot. i wanted to be in a community that loved the same things i did and figured it was worth the effort of trying. tbh i feel very lucky that my return to fandom was trek because yall are seriously some of the nicest people ever.
when i started this blog, i was just some rude dipshit who didn’t really think about the weight of my words. i said mean things but i didn’t care. it was whatever because it was my blog and i had 30 followers. the follower count grew though at some point, i thought about why i tested the waters of coming back to fandom and how grateful i was to splash land back in one like trek. i realized i wasn’t being the kind of person i wanted to be. i’m still a dipshit, just less rude now.
but the thing is that trek got me into writing again. and when i started, i felt like there were no limits. i wrote and wrote and wrote. i was telling stories about some things i’d been through and using characters as proxies. it was an interesting experience. i never wanted to stop...made me feel like i was doing something constructive when drama was going on in my work life.
everything was ok though because i had my words.............and then chronic illness caught up with me.
writing made me happy because i saw myself putting out lots of stories. but when it came to the point where i couldn’t write as much as i used to because i was in too much pain to even get out of bed, it started making me feel really depressed.
the truth is that i don’t have confidence in my work. i never did. i probably never will. it sucks when you spend all this time working on something, just to end up hating it. and with being the passionate person i am, the lower word count had me feeling like a complete failure. all or nothing. consistency or nothing. i know this is unhealthy. i also would never think anyone else was a failure for not writing as much. it was just...i had all these personal goals i wasn’t meeting.
at some point, i started feeling as though i couldn’t write ks anymore. there were a couple reasons for that but the main one was losing consistency. i didn’t feel like my work was ever anything special, but at least i was feeling productive. when that went out the window, i kinda looked back at all these words i put out and didn’t feel good about them.
i started writing for small pairings where the fandom was literally all of 2 people. i thought that maybe i could just post stories for a tiny audience, or even just for my own sake, and maybe being so worried about quality wouldn’t be such a big deal. i was kidding myself though. ofc it was. and it just made me feel worse about my writing. i didn’t know how to make it fun. instead of being pumped to start something new, all i could think about was how i’d suffer to put whatever story i was thinking of together and just end up hating. it felt like so much wasted effort.
i met some awesome new friends who encouraged me to make an oc again. it took such a long time but i did and i spent a few months privately posting fics about all of our ocs interacting. writing was slowly becoming fun again.
and that brings me to where i am today. i realize it’s been a crutch for me throughout life. i could throw myself into it, throw myself into stories that others wrote. with less energy to go around because of being in pain frequently, the amount i could do reduced drastically. i’m still trying to figure out how to cope with that, and how to not put so much pressure on myself to where i get stuck in an endless loop of self hating.
still, writing saved me. even though things got really complicated, im glad i had the experience of doing it and even though it sometimes stresses me the hell out, i want to keep at it...figure out how the same thing that helped me so many times before can do so again.
i’m not sure i can ever figure the confidence/self love thing out, but i think i can try to make words my friends again. people outside of fandom don’t get it and i guess i can’t blame them if they don’t have the experience. they think ff is some frivolous activity that has no merit, no quality, no bearing on anything. but it does on franchise, community, and individual levels.
anyway, sending good vibes to every content creator out there. let’s hang in there through the great times and bad. <3
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heaartsavior · 6 years
✿ What do you think about public call out posts?
OOF IS THIS A LOADED QUESTION. I’m…only for it if the person really truly deserves it, receipts and all. If there is factual evidence that is shown that there is in fact a problem with this person, then I will absolutely support it. Especially if I’ve seen it and experienced it for myself first hand (looking at you fucking o.w. rp community).
✂ A fandom that you feel isn’t open and accepting?
SPEAKING OF O.W. I have never felt so victimized by one singular fandom as the fucking o.verw.at.ch fandom. Getting anon hate is whatever for me, I normally don’t let it bother me. But after getting harassed for not only my portrayal, but the fact that they had the absolute gall to say I was RPing with my friends for attention? I was ready to call it quits. And I did. It was so hard to not only RP a woman in that community, but to even be remotely looked at by people to want to RP with me. You were the only person I genuinely enjoyed interacting with and I didn’t get the pleasure of RPing with Becca back then, but it was a literal hell. I don’t regret abandoning my blog because that was where I got the worst harassment I have ever received online. All because I had differing headcanons from the masses. And apparently RP’d with you. But you know, you’re my friend so I win Hündin. Seriously, there has never been a fandom that was so much of a trash heap as this one. 
I loved playing as M.ercy, I was finally able to put that German Studies certificate to good use with all that I did with her! But it wasn’t worth any of the harassment I got because of how I was playing her or just even playing her period. There are a lot of names I was called and a lot of things I went through that I’ve told you about, and it had really put me off of rping on here for a while. I got seriously burned by this community and it took my love of rping as my favorite characters because of that. I’m still so scared of sharing my headcanons and my ideas due to my experiences with them.
✖ How has Tumblr RP changed since you started?
A LOT ACTUALLY. I have no idea if you saw anything on the dash earlier, but boy howdy did it bring me back to the days of people using full sized gifs to RP. I sure as hell did that on my Eleanor (Bio.shock) blog. I’ve been tumblr RPing since RO.TG came out back in 2012. My sweet baby Tooth.iana whom I miss and love so much. When I stopped rping with her it was just getting to the point where people were starting to make icons to post with their replies. And then when I came back as Vanell.ope we were using the icons with everything. Going into Bio.shock as Eleanor is when FC’s started to become a thing, and I will forever stand by the one I chose for her bc it was so fitting. But it’s also when people started using gifs for reactions and replies! After that on my old Namine blog, it was when people just started to format their posts and replies to stuff. It’s also when we were used cropped gifs that were the correct icon size for replies as well. Astri.d is where the formatting really came into play. Not only that, but it’s when promos were becoming a thing too. Also FCs were becoming a heavily used thing as well (she was another one that I was really proud of for the FC). Nowadays there’s people with pretty graphics and icons with psds and all that hullabaloo (YALL ARE REALLY TALENTED I’M SERIOUS IT’S AMAZING).
But with the fun, there’s always the bad. Unfortunately, there was a rise in elitism with various rp communities (*kicks ov.erw.atch into the nine pits of satan’s bullocks with the dra.gon a.ge rp community*). There was a period where it was just too hard to have fun with certain fandoms and it was very disheartening. People either wouldn’t rp with you if you didn’t format your posts a certain way, or if you had a certain FC for a particular character. It was terrible and I’m so glad to see that we’re past it now.
♒ Thoughts on the fandom you’re currently rping in?
I’ve always loved the kh.rp community! I’ve been in it before and it never let me down, I met so many people here that I love and adore talking with. Especially now that there’s a messaging system (back when I just had my Nami blog we had to either do skype or just plain ol’ private inbox messages). This community has not only been kind to each other muses, but to duplicates. One of my fondest memories for rping has always been the Namine Apocalypse (Namiocalypse if you will) where all of us Nami muns just banded together for some great crack and comedy. Shout out to anyone who was around for that.
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I ripped up my pop-up laundry basket because I was so pissed that somebody or even the delivery stole my 2 boxes of pizza and the cheese bread off of our front porch and I paid dominos $30 for it.
I had to call them to see if he dropped it off at the wrong house or just didn't pay attention. Cause I came downstairs to check at 4:55 and nothing was there, then I went back outside at 5:00, still nothing....opposite to what my dominos tracker said.
And I bought this fucking pizza to make my day because I was so tired, depressed, and sick of being reminded of Jay while watching porn, changing videos that it made me cry because of how she used to sexually reject in the middle of us having sex and then would tell Ayunna to do my work just because I made one mistake or just really wanted to just sit there and watch. I don't understand what made her so non-interactive with me sexually even though she was the one who always initiated. And she acted like she hated the idea of me even touching in any kind of way without her permission, but it was okay if she touched me innappropiately or harassed me at their place?
She's a sicko, a sicko psycho.
And mom, not even giving a fuck that someone stole the food I was finna share pissed me off even further. She goes, "well, at least it will help you save money. You don't need to be buying no food anyway."
Bitch stfu.
And then Dominos actually thinking I'm the one lying about this. We've ordered food and bought pizza from them for years and this is the 1st time that we've ever got our delivery food stolen. Like wtffffff.
And mom knows good and damn well if I would have said that to her if one of her Amazon Packages got stolen, she would have cussed me out or told me to shut up.
She so fucking rude and I really don't wanna move out to no bummy ass looking apartment when I move out, just because the prices are so fucking in the area I'm trying to move into.
I don't wanna move to a different city with the same issue? Bitch if somebody steal anything from me, packages, mail, food, I pop the fuck off and mom was so nonchalant and passive about it, even when I asked her to check the ring camera to see if anyone took it.
It don't add up to me how there was barely anyone outside and the one day I order pizza because I feel unhappy, I get this fucking news and that bitches mouth.
Dominos gave me partial money back and kept the $4 tip. I'm still pissed because I don't believe or understand how can my food get stolen less than 5 min from what it said on the app, unless he arrived earlier than what it said 🤔
And nobody told me what time he came. He didn't even ask me was I alright. Talking about "well believe you this time. But we're not coming back."
Like as if my own life history on this fucking resume doesn't mean shit to them. Makes me think I went to school and did dual enrollment to get out quicker, for nothing 🙃
Wtf is wrong with this world. It's exactly why I say fuck Michigan economy. Now I gotta work factory just to even save up for a car, rent is high af, student loans finna come find my ass, and I don't have a girlfriend because I'm trying to wait till I have an affordable apartment and a car that won't break down on me on the highway in the middle of us driving to Vancouver.
Driving school is only $500. But in order for me to save up for a car, I gotta stay in a $600 or less place cause otherwise imma have to wait a whole entire year to save up for a car, the insurance, gas, and the maintenance costs by the end of next year...so no...fuck that.
With this fucking salary, I'm basically feel like shit because my own fucking friend who's middle class and actually stayed longer to get her masters after I graduated....is already banking a better job, work from home, and I hate complaining to Her about my worries.
And she's the one that inspired me to even go back for the masters. Because they treat you like secondhand condom shit just for having a Bachelor’s. Like it ain't good enough no more. Then when you try to apply to places for the experience that you needed to work another job that denied you, you still get denied by them too because they said your major doesn't match and why you wanna work here if you studied this?
it's like they really don't care in the 1st place, they just wanna know if you qualify and half the time I be lying about why I wAnNA wOrK hErE because yall cats read into people shit and judge them for just trying to make a living just to even have a place to stay and eat healthy food so a bitch can find better partners than the fuckbois and users on tinder.
I'm soooooo damn tired of being judged, mocked, criticized, and being rejected. And then the past mocking me about old rejections that I'm still waiiiiittttttiiingggggg for me to heal from. A year or nor, my heart still feels like it's January, thinking about everything and why did I block Jay when they reached out?
I was afraid that she would have just lied to me again, pushed me away even harder because I had already left, and then blocked me after. When I'm the one who chose to leave, I'm the one who is hurt, why did they always make it seem like my pain came last to their pain. Like it was always about serving them, doing what they said, what they wanted just because they were the couple, and took over every God Damn thing, and kept pushing me away, neglecting my emotions, manipulating and etc.
I don't even wanna talk about the same shit that happened anymore. But my brain does, my heart does. Because I remember everything. My heart can't make the pain go away, but I'm tired of hurting. I'm tired of crying about it and I hate that people in this house can trigger my actions to tear up shit, scream at the top of my lungs like a damn scarecrow on DragonBall Z, I'm tired of mom triggering me to think she hates my actions and the way that I think say or do something she doesn't agree about or care about, so she comments on everything little thing she despises.
When I'm already struggling to be happy. She does not give a fuck. And I bet if I told her I was feeling suicidal holding that wire from the laundry basket in my hand, feeling manic so I strangled my palms, my knuckles, and squeezed the crap out of that wire hoping it would make me forget about ripping up that piece of shit hamper, and make the irritation, that need to strangle somebody, something to make this itch go away to attack my mother with my words and tell her TO HURT HER OWN GOD DAMN FEELINGS INSTEAD OF KEEP HURTING MINE, YOU ARROGANT, COCKY ASS SON OF A BITCH AND I HATE YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO TO ME. PIERCING IN MY FUCKING BACK, THE DRY ASS, PETTY ASS RESPONSES TO WHEN IM GOING THROUGH SHIT.
I'm sick of the ptsd episodes and I'm sick of waiting on other people to give me what I need, so if she got something to say about it, imma let her fucking have it. Cause I'm sick and tired of holding my mouth for her, and her ordering me to shut up, while she gets to sat however she fucking feels about each and little she feels the need to pick at.
Let her country, dumbass catch this heat. Imma bounce it right back to her and she ain't gonna like it. And I don't care if she wants me to just tolerate it anymore, she gon end up dead in her heart too if ever tried to kill me like she did that night in March. She showed no mercy, no remorse, and no she had not stood by her promise to make our relationship work as mother and daughter. She just said that so she didn't have to feel like a dick for her own daughter leaving her out the picture by going to her other mother, the one who understood her sensitivities and actually listened to my needs.
And that was Grandma Clara Jamison.
I hate to say it but, God why? Why did both of my grandma's have to fade. My other grandma don't even remember who I am. And If I talk to my own mom, about her mom, and say that she won't care to comfort me at all. She'll just angry that I made her feel bad because of my emotional response.
So I don't tell her anything. Cause my mom reminds me of how the terrible twins responded to me about being too sensitive, too emotional, to where they even blocked me and abandoned me. Made me suffer alone.
Just like my own mother is doing now, and it's driving my ass crazy. That she's them. Not my ex, but a narcissistic asshole, the bipolar freak who flips out and I can't come to her when I'm in pain, sadness, depression, or grief, anger even.
Because she ridicules me for having a strong feeling about something that doesn't matter. So she talks shit, goes away, or pushes me away when I try telling her in my most vulnerable state.
Which is when I'm crying or about to cry. I can't even come to my own mother about giving up and moving away to the mountains or a cabin or just committing suicide with pain pills. But she doesn't think about that. She doesn't think that her constant neglecting me, is showing me, I can't trust her.
And that's exactly how I did Jay, and walked away.
I'm there for you, but you're not there for me?
I'm out.
And I'm tired of just giving and getting hurt in return because you don't care about the situation that I'm in, nor do you care to listen.
So don't get all I'm ready to come whoop yo.ass or call the police on me again, just because I didn't answer my phone. You hurt me momma, repeatedly and you show out every so.often and I'm tired of getting disappointed and crying by myself because you don't come check on me when I isolate myself from you in the house. My back hurts everytime she does that, cause she triggers a memory that I can't forget.
I could have hit my head, got a concussion, or even broke my neck if I didn't catch my fall and pushed you back, because you decides that night Kylee doesn't get to talk. You came at me yelling and pushing and thought that I would just take that fall down those metal basement steps for you and that everything would go back to normal the next day?
Like that fight you had with Dad just last week where you punched him in his nose, screaming and cussing at him over you being in pain and him not showing you enough care. So you hit him anyway, then he puts you in chokehold and me and my sisters are supposed to just forget that anything happened???
We have to process all the crazy, toxic shit yall do to us or in front of us BY OURRRSEELLLVESSSS
My lil sister is 18 and was trying to stop a 6'1 grown man from beating yo.ass up. And on top of that, the same grown man was pushing me back too on my own chest.
But we're supposed to just go back to normal, assemble the stage, make yall two feel happy after yall so called talked it our when literally 3 days ago, yall slept in different places, dad at his dead moms house in grand Rapids, you at a hotel.room for a different night, and him on the couch after he came back.
Whyyy the fuck are yall so damn passive about this shit, but if I bring it up or even ask about Grandma, my ass get handed to.
He's not fine. Yall are not okay. It shouldn't be imma put my hands on you just because you pissed me off and you're supposed to love me tomorrow, no matter how much I scar you or hurt your face.
Like brainwashing, forced brainwashing to accept that shit is okay. as long as i never say anything about it, I'm not in trouble or receive neglect.
Yall are the most manipulative people I ever met. And Dominos I want my $4 back too mf. Tip should come back too.
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